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Loyola College
Strategic Plan
Loyola College
325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia Vic 3087
Telephone: (03) 9434 4466
Facsimile: (03) 9432 2476
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8am - 5pm (during term)
8.45am - 5pm (student vacation)


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Strategic Plan 2009-2013



Loyola, as a Catholic co-educational College in the Ignatian tradition, seeks the education
of the whole person and strives to ensure that each student achieves his or her unique

This Strategic Plan is to be implemented over the five year period 2009-2013. During this
time, leaders from various areas within the College will become responsible for
implementing different sections of the plan. In 2011 an interim review of this Strategic
Plan will be conducted to monitor progress and implementation. The implementation of
the Strategic Plan will be monitored by the College Consult and the College Board.

We aspire to develop articulate, adaptable, discerning and confident young men and
women of conscience committed to living the values of Jesus Christ in a global community.
As a community we recognise that this is best achieved in a welcoming and collaborative
environment committed to Justice, Mercy and Faith.

In 2013 progress on the implementation of the current Strategic Plan will be evaluated and
a new College Strategic Plan will be developed for the next stage of the Colleges
The College thanks all contributors to this Strategic Plan, those who submitted proposals,
those who evaluated the content and those who produced it in draft and final format.
It is with a strong sense of confidence and excitement for the future of Loyola College that
this Strategic Plan is presented to the College Community. May we all work together under
the inspiration of our College patron St Ignatius to strive for the Magis as we move into
this wonderful new phase of development for our College.
Joseph Favrin, Principal

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Goal 3
Increase student awareness of the importance of appropriate litter
disposal on College grounds
Key supporting strategies:
Install additional bins
Encourage recycling through provision of specific bins for this
Develop a focus group with the LSC and College Committee to
investigate the cleanliness of the College grounds
Goal 4
Further develop the College grounds and facilities to create a
welcoming environment
Key supporting strategies:
Refurbish and redesign the College Reception area
Continue to air condition offices and classrooms where
Provide additional outside seating and undercover areas
Increase the number of security cameras to provide safety and
security of key areas
Improve the landscaping of the grounds in key areas (including
major pathways)
Develop the Old Loyola courtyards for formal gatherings and
special activities


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Improve and expand car parking areas

Continue to upgrade student toilet facilities (with the view of
relocating E Block toilets)
Create a new College Board Room
Improve external night lighting on grounds
Explore the possibility of providing covered areas for movement
between buildings
Goal 5
Improve garden areas using horticultural techniques
Key supporting strategies:
Encourage student interest in horticulture
Construct a hothouse area
Provide appropriate gardening equipment


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Strategic Plan 2009-2013


As a College in the Ignatian tradition, we seek the Magis.
The Magis (literally more) is an important aspect of Ignatian
Spirituality. It means striving for all that makes the Kingdom of God
fully alive in oneself, others and the community.
The goals of this Strategic Plan recognize the dignity and importance
of all members of the College community living and developing in a
way that seeks the Magis.
This document is the second five-year Strategic Plan for Loyola
The purpose of strategic planning for the College is to ensure that
priority and long term planning takes place to provide for the ongoing
future development of the College as a quality Catholic educational
institution in the North East region of Melbourne.
Loyola College has established itself as an important place of
learning since it opened in 1980 and there have been many
developments over the years. It is essential that we continue to plan
for the future to ensure that the College maintains the highly
positive reputation it has developed through the attainment of
ongoing goals which will support the highest quality educational
outcomes for our students.

Key supporting strategies:

The objectives of the College Strategic plan are to:
Implement our College Vision and Mission statement
Inform the College community of our future directions and
Plan for the ongoing improvement and development of
facilities to support the educational process
Ensure that teaching and learning reflect a contemporary,
integrated and relevant curriculum
Develop and strengthen our relationships as a College
community both spiritually and socially
Prepare our students to meet the challenges of life in 21st
Form the basis for the development of a new College Master
This Strategic Plan was developed in consultation with various
College groups including staff, students, parents, College Board,
Canonical Administrators and past students. Responses from all these
groups were taken into account in the final document.
It should be noted that the goals presented in each Focus Area are
not in any order of priority.

Invite and encourage parents/guardians to attend year level

student social functions
Explore the possibility for year level specific social gatherings
for parents/guardians
Goal 2
Continue to explore ways of acknowledging parents/guardians or
friends of the College who make a significant contribution to the life
of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Give acknowledgement to parents who make a significant
contribution to the College
Introduce an annual Parent/ Friend of the College award
Goal 3
Increase collaboration with the parent community

FOCUS AREA - College Grounds and Environment

Loyola College is committed to providing a welcoming, inviting,
comfortable and safe environment for students, staff, parents and
the community. This will be achieved by the continuing
development, maintenance and care of the College grounds,
buildings and facilities.
Goal 1
Upgrade and add to the current sporting facilities
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate provision of an artificial turf soccer/hockey field,
one or more covered netball/basketball courts and a hockey
practice area
Goal 2
Focus on environmental improvements and preserve protected trees
Key supporting strategies:

Key supporting strategies:

Increase awareness and involvement of all parent groups
within the College
Regularly inform the College community of how
parents/guardians are involved in various College committees
Encourage parent groups to promote their group in the
newsletter and on the College website

Install water tanks in catchment areas (near major buildings),

with a view of pumping water to needed parts of the grounds
(sporting fields and planted areas)
Preserve protected trees
Establish a maintain a tree register
Establish a produce garden maintained by students
Establish composting/worm farms to encourage recycling


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Goal 3
Continue to investigate ways of acknowledging staff who make a
significant contribution to the life of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Acknowledge staff who make a significant contribution
Introduce an annual staff award
Goal 4
Promote leadership development of staff

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Investigate possible relocation of staff lounge to improve the

gathering space
Goal 6
Continue to develop ways of enhancing the pastoral care of staff
Key supporting strategies:
Provide ongoing support to the Staff Wellbeing Committee
Clarify awareness of support for staff (e.g. Access Program)

Key supporting strategies:

Offer an in-house Staff Leadership Program for aspiring leaders
and for those in leadership
Encourage leadership opportunities for current and aspiring
Goal 5
Continue to foster a stronger sense of community amongst staff
Key supporting strategies:
Encourage all staff to gather in the main Staff Lounge during
break times as regularly as possible
Provide social opportunities for staff to interact throughout the


FOCUS AREA - Parents

As a Catholic community in the Ignatian tradition, Loyola College
seeks to provide an education that ensures that each student
achieves his or her unique potential. The College recognises that the
support of parents as partners is essential in achieving our College
vision. Loyola College wishes to provide more opportunities for our
parents to feel welcome and to work together in a collaborative
environment so that we can develop young people committed to the
values of Jesus Christ.
Goal 1
Encourage parents/guardians to make social connections with other


attention of the Catholic Education Office and Loyola College


Loyola College is a co-educational Catholic secondary college serving

the needs of students in the north eastern suburbs of Melbourne. In
2009 the College will have an enrolment of approximately 1000
students and 115 staff including teaching, administration, library,
grounds, maintenance and general support staff.

The College is located on a 10.9 hectare (27 acres) site in Watsonia. Of

particular note is the acquisition in 2002 of the former Jesuit Seminary
building (built in 1934) and the Chapel of the Irish Martyrs, a small
country church moved to the school site from Arthurs Creek in 1990.

The College draws the majority of its students from the Catholic feeder
schools of St Damians, Bundoora; Sacred Heart, Diamond Creek; Our
Lady of the Way, Kingsbury; St Francis of Assisi, Mill Park; St Martin of
Tours, Rosanna/Macleod; St Marys, Greensborough and St Thomas the
Apostle, Greensborough North. The College also draws students from
other areas, as it is the only Catholic co-educational option for
families living in proximity to the Hurstbridge train line and the
Bundoora tram line.
The College was established in 1980 on land adjacent to the former
Jesuit seminary known as Loyola. The College is a member of the
Ignatian Network of schools and strongly promotes the Ignatian
charism honouring St Ignatius Loyola as its patron.
A consistent pattern of enrolments has been established over a
number of years with some fluctuation in enrolments noted in the last
three years. With the appointment of a new Principal in 2008, a
change in marketing strategy has resulted in a significant increase in
demand for places at the College. This has confirmed the ongoing
strong community support and interest in the College. This growing
demand, particularly for places at Year 7, has been brought to the

The College has achieved gender balance across year levels. Students
attending the College come from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
There are a small number of students who come from families of nonEnglish speaking backgrounds.
There has been ongoing refurbishment of buildings and development
of grounds over a number of years. This has improved the facilities for
members of the College community so as to enhance the quality of
teaching and learning.
Families who send their children to the College are generally in stable
financial positions. However, there are some families from varied
socio-economic backgrounds. The College has recently made a
stronger commitment to assisting families who may struggle to meet
the financial obligations of a Catholic Education. There is a fair and
equitable process whereby individual fee payment arrangements are
The College is conducted on formal lines with a well-structured and
developed curriculum and co-curricular program, effective welfare and
discipline procedures and a strong emphasis on the nurturing of
Gospel values and the importance of belonging to the College

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Loyola College is situated on one campus at 325 Grimshaw Street,
Watsonia. The campus is set on 10.9 hectare (27 acres) and was the
original site of the Jesuit Retreat House and Novitiate. From 1980 to
2002 the College was situated on the east side of the campus
comprising of five main buildings built between the early 1980s and
late 1990s.
In 2002 Loyola College purchased the former Jesuit Retreat House
and Novitiate, currently referred to as the Old Loyola building. This
is situated on the west side of the campus. The Old Loyola building
has a Heritage listing that gives the College a distinct character. Since
2002 it has undertaken refurbishments to provide larger classrooms
and offices. In 2006 the south wing was completely refurbished to
house the new Hospitality/Food Technology learning centre and
canteen which opened at the start of 2007.

Old Loyola (built 1934)
St. Ignatius Chapel
General and student receptions
Administrative hub of the school
Meeting Rooms
Staff Lounge
General Classrooms
Function Room, Student Restaurant and Hospitality Centre

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Chapel of the Irish Martyrs (built in 1929)

This chapel (donated by the Parish of Sacred Heart Diamond Creek)
was transported from Arthurs Creek in 1990 and is situated on the
South East side of the campus. It is used for Community and class
Masses. It also has a landscaped memorial garden.
Other Properties
International House located on College Grounds
Manresa Cottage located on College Grounds
House at 33 McKellar Street
House at 37 McKellar Street
Castlereagh Land
Library/Resource Centre
The library was built in 2006 (and opened at the start of 2007) with
the complete refurbishment of L Block. It is intended as a place for
research, quiet study and recreational reading. Photocopying and
printing facilities are available. It also houses a well-equipped First
Aid and Audio Visual area. It provides four classroom areas:
Research laboratory with 28 computers
Research classroom space with 20 computers
Multi-media room
General reading/classroom
Woodwork classroom
Textiles classroom
Food Technology (practical and theory rooms)

Goal 4
Promote participation in physical activity so as to improve the health
and wellbeing of our students
Key supporting strategies:
Develop an integrated approach to Physical Education in order
to improve student fitness
Review content of the sport recreation program offered as an
alternative to students not selected for ACS teams
Review sports offerings to include more non contact sports
Consider National Guideline Recommendations for
participation in physical activity
Goal 5
Further develop the House leadership roles for Students in Years 7-11
Key supporting strategies:
Develop more leadership opportunities for students within
Provide more students with leadership experience


The staff at Loyola are a vital link in our community. They provide and
enhance the contemporary teaching and learning environment for our
students. All staff strive to be positive Christian role models for our
students by promoting the values of Jesus Christ through a specific
focus on justice, mercy and faith. Loyola recognises this significance
by providing ongoing opportunities for staff development.
Goal 1
Promote and encourage within staff a deeper understanding of the
Ignatian tradition
Key supporting strategies:
Provide professional learning to staff specific to St Ignatius and
the Ignatian tradition
Support staff in gaining an increased awareness and
understanding of the Ignatian tradition and relevance in
todays society
Provide support for staff in order to integrate the Ignatian
methodology of teaching into classroom practice
Goal 2
Provide a training and mentoring program for Sports Coaches
Key supporting strategies:
Engage qualified coaches as mentors for team coaches
Encourage and give opportunity for coaches to access training
and formal qualifications


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Consider timetable options to support delivery of programs

Expand VCAL program to include Literacy and Numeracy modules
Investigate the possibility of staff being able to access industry
Investigate Teacher exchange with TAFE/VETIS
Integrate a careers program into the academic or pastoral

FOCUS AREA: Students

The Loyola College community strives to develop compassionate,
accepting and empathetic students. We encourage positive, fair and
caring relationships amongst all community members, so that the
young people entrusted to our care grow into responsible citizens
within the wider community. Within the context of the College Vision
and Mission Statement we recognise the importance of the spiritual,
pastoral, intellectual, social, physical and emotional development of
our students. We provide an environment that challenges and shapes
personal development and encourages students to make discerning
decisions about self and others.
Goal 1
Promote greater school spirit amongst the students
Key supporting strategies:
Develop a program that specifically focuses on school spirit
Introduce regular school spirit awards for each House


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Goal 2
Provide opportunities for Year 12 students to develop a more
significant profile within the College

Visual Arts
Art classroom (with 2 Macintosh computers)
Visual Communication classroom (with 12 Macintosh
Media classroom (with 16 Macintosh computers)
Studio Arts classroom (with 14 Macintosh computers)
Dark Room

Key supporting strategies:

Information Technology
6 Computer laboratories

Award an annual House Spirit Shield

Develop a College song/chant for sporting activities
Review College Hymn

Investigate alternative suitable locations for a Year 12 Common

Room so as to provide a more suitable indoor space to gather
during break times
Encourage Year 12 students to be more proactive in promoting
College life and expectations
Explore opportunities for Year 12 students to demonstrate
greater leadership in Mentor groups
Goal 3
Ensure student balance between the academic program and the co
curricular program
Key supporting strategies:
Monitor student involvement in the co curricular program
Provide advice to students on how to balance co curricular
involvement with academic studies

Performing Arts
Drama room with stage
Dance room
Music room (for band playing and rehearsals)
6 Music learning and instrumental tutorial rooms
Music general classroom and music laboratory
5 Science laboratories with resources for Chemistry, Biology
and Physics
2 Preparation areas
Health & Physical Education
The Performing Arts Centre/Sports Hall is used for Health & Physical
Education as well as assemblies and meetings/presentations for large
gatherings. Additional facilities include:
Weights room
General Health/PE classroom

Football Oval
Soccer Field
Long jump area
5 Cricket nets (which doubles up as a general Health/PE area)
2 Basketball/Netball courts
4 Tennis courts (which can double up as netball courts)

LOTE laboratory
LOTE classrooms (with computers)
Resource and orals room
General Purpose Learning Areas
37 Classrooms (12 currently with interactive whiteboards)
Student Services Area
Staff offices
Special Education Services
Careers display and advice area
Counselling services
Prayer Labyrinth
A Prayer Labyrinth, constructed in 2008, is located on the eastern side
of Q Block and provides a welcoming open air space for prayer and

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Science Faculty
Refurbishment of four Science laboratories has begun in B Block.
The two existing upstairs laboratories will be re-located downstairs,
and will make way for new Maths classrooms. Preparation areas and
staff offices will also be refurbished.
St. Ignatius Chapel
The chapel (situated in the Old Loyola building) will undertake major
refurbishment to include:
Sanctuary improvements including the re-establishment of the
original painting Queen of the Society, installation of the altar
from St Ignatius College, Riverview, installation of original
tabernacle, new altar for Eucharistic celebration and new
New Pews and Presidential Chair
Renovations to Stations of the Cross
Holy Water Font
Re-painting of walls and ceilings
Upgrade to heating and lighting
Upgrading of side chapels
Performing Arts Centre/Sport Hall
An extension to this hall will provide:
A permanent stage area for Performing Arts and House
performances (music and drama)

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Large meeting and gathering area for presentations and special

Mezzanine seating/viewing area.

Goal 11 Numeracy
Introduce and implement a whole school numeracy approach and
improve numeracy practices and standards within the College
Key supporting strategies:
Develop and implement a College Numeracy Policy
Provide ongoing support of staff to assist a consistent
application in classrooms
Goal 12
Create appropriate avenues for library staff to have a greater and
deeper involvement in the College curriculum
Key supporting strategies:
Review current staffing of the library
Encourage discussion to take place between Library and
curriculum areas to investigate and identify the type of
additional services that could be provided
Goal 13 Pathways
Develop and implement a Careers Education Program for the students
Key supporting strategies:
Explore options for embedding the career education program
across Years 7-10

Train staff to deliver career education

Establish links with local community resources and agencies to
assist with and support career education provision in the
Increase student awareness and knowledge of workplaces,
industries, further education and training by conducting
incursions and excursions
Build the personal career exploration, planning and
management skills of students by establishing a culture and
mechanism by which students establish, update and maintain
career pathway planning records.
Conduct career orientated events with Year 11 and 12 students
that provide knowledge and develop skills to enable them to
become independent and confident managers of their personal
career development
Goal 14 Pathways
Provide additional curriculum pathways that meet the vocational
needs of students
Key supporting strategies:
Offer a wider range of VCAL/VET programs to students
Investigate an alternative pathway program for year 10
Consider the College joining a Local Learning and Employment
Network (LLEN) cluster


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Investigate the use of upstairs B Block as an effective teaching

and learning space
Investigate the possibility of adding to the current sporting
facilities to include, a hockey field, increased number of
basketball/netball courts, artificial turf soccer field and an
outside covered area for sport.
Investigate a new area for a kiln and art storage
Goal 7
Improve facilities to enhance the administration of Sport in the College
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate options for the relocation of the Sports Office to
provide for two offices, storage area and change rooms

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Provide the classroom infrastructure to accommodate and

facilitate the use of ICT in teaching and learning
Review staff ICT skills and provide ongoing software training
and ICT professional learning for staff
Develop use of a school intranet for curriculum planning and
Introduce ICT learning outcomes at Years 7 and 8 to be shared
across faculties
Further develop ICT learning outcomes in Year 9 and 10
Encourage staff and students to use ICT as a support for their
teaching and learning
Consider the possibility of the students making use of
contemporary portable technology on excursions and/or in
other activities

Goal 8 ICT
Investigate the redevelopment of the College internet network into
an effective system that has sufficient capacity for simultaneous use
by staff and students across the College

Goal 10 Literacy
Introduce and implement a whole school literacy approach and
improve literacy practices and standards within the College

Key supporting strategies:

Key supporting strategies:

Install a wireless system where possible

Goal 9 ICT
Promote and develop the use of ICT in the curriculum
Key supporting strategies:
Encourage all staff to participate in the staff laptop program


Develop and implement a College Literacy Policy

Provide ongoing support of staff to assist a consistent
application in classrooms
Encourage students to engage in reading by creating a
comfortable, appealing reading area in the library in which
students can spend some recreational time reading
novels/magazines/graphic novels.


FOCUS AREA - Whole College
Our College Vision and Mission Statement commits to a welcoming
and collaborative environment committed to Justice and Mercy and
Faith. This focus area aims to improve effective communication
across the College, broaden our students understanding of the
inherited history and important legacy left by those who have walked
in their footsteps previously and establish stronger links with the
wider Church community. This focus area also encourages us to
broaden our students knowledge and experiences of others in the
wider world in which they will play an active part. In this way our
students will be well prepared as global citizens for life in the 21st
Goal 1
To improve administrative systems, processes and practices
Key supporting strategies:

Goal 2
Improve the ICT infrastructure for the whole College
Key supporting strategies:
Upgrade and expand servers, switches and network connections
Provide a secure environment with effective anti-virus, firewall
protection and separate administration/curriculum networks
Provide wireless technology where cabling and network access
is not permanently required
Goal 3
Improve communication and collaboration within Loyola and the
wider community
Key supporting strategies:
Re-develop the Loyola Website with the intention of making it
more informative and interactive
Provide an on-line portal to staff, students, and parents in order
to provide information electronically, and allow interaction in a
responsive and productive manner

Evaluate and implement a Student Administration and

Financial System with the view of having a common integrated
Reduce operational costs through efficiency savings across all
areas, in order to provide affordable fees for families

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Goal 4
Strengthen student links between Parish and the College
Key supporting strategies:
Consider encouraging some students to complete community
service with agencies in their own parish boundaries
Consider the introduction of a Youth Ministry Course which
makes links with Parish activities
Goal 5
Investigate the transport needs of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate the possibility of purchasing school buses to be
used across the College in order to reduce transport costs
Investigate provision of additional buses to and from the
College so that all students can access this mode of transport
Survey students who will potentially use new bus transport
Gain commitment from families to pay for the service
Engage the services of a bus company to provide the service
Goal 6
Recognise the important heritage and history of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate the establishment of a College Heritage Centre to
display the history of the College

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Establish a suitable area for College Archives

Establish school programs that incorporate the use of College
Archives to encourage student interest in the college traditions
and history
Enhance links with the Loyola Ex Students Association
Goal 7
Promote the development of Intercultural Literacy amongst staff and
Key supporting strategies:
Conduct an audit of the extent to which Intercultural literacy
is currently being addressed across the College
Promote the development of Indigenous Perspectives programs
within the College
Develop and showcase activities which recognise and promote
acceptance of the diverse cultural heritage of our students and
their families
Ensure that the curriculum addresses issues related to cultural
diversity in Australia and the global community
Encourage interaction between young people of different
languages, cultures and faith traditions

Encourage teachers to further develop their understanding of

VCAA standards by becoming Year 12 subject examination
Encourage staff to teach at a variety of levels to gain
Promote and encourage professional learning for teaching staff
to identify, recognise, support and teach students with giftedness
Goal 4 Teaching and Learning
Develop a consistent approach to assessment and reporting
Key supporting strategies:
Review present assessment and reporting to ensure a whole
school consistent approach
Review the use of VELS assessment and reporting
Develop a consistent whole school approach to assessment
Design student reports to be more accessible to parents
Review reporting and assessment for students with specific
learning needs
Goal 5 Teaching and Learning
Ensure that the Curriculum is addressing State and National
Curriculum Guidelines in an effective way
Key supporting strategies:
Consider options which will allow staff to develop integrated
programs which maximise student potential
Conduct specific curriculum audits to ensure sequential learning

Provide more opportunities for students to develop independent

Provide more opportunities for students to develop skills
working collaboratively
Goal 6 Learning Spaces
Create more interactive and engaging learning spaces that
incorporate contemporary technology to best prepare our students
for life beyond school
Key supporting strategies:
Build a Performing Arts Centre to include a 500 seat theatre,
with possible classrooms for Dance and Music
Build extensions to the PAC so that it can be used for a wider
range of activities for curriculum, co curriculum, House and
formal College assemblies
Investigate the possibility of creating faculty-specific rooms
and storage areas in all parts of the College relevant to the year
levels in the area
Redevelop teaching rooms in Flynn and Chisholm House areas
to be more suitable and flexible as learning spaces for classes
of 25-27 students
Provide a proper display/foyer area for Flynn House
Phase in the installation of interactive whiteboards and multi
media equipment in each classroom to allow learning spaces to
accommodate a range of teaching and learning styles
Investigate provision of learning/teaching areas for the specific
use of PE/Health


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Goal 1 Teaching and Learning

Continue to develop teaching and learning practices that reflect a
contemporary, integrated and relevant curriculum that promotes
flexibility and depth of learning
Key supporting strategies:
Consider expansion of curriculum offerings
Consider expansion of accelerated or enhancement program
offerings in Years 7-9
Establish a Personal Development program for all students that
is year level specific
Develop a library website/portal, which serves to support
student skills in accessing information and interacting with a
global community.
Review curriculum at Years 7 10
Investigate a contemporary curriculum for Year 9 students
based on current educational trends using research data to
fulfil their needs
Review the subject selection process
Investigate the introduction of interdisciplinary units at Years 7-9
Incorporate teaching and assessment strategies that allow for
differential learning
Goal 2 Teaching and Learning
Continue to establish practices that develop a culture of pursuing
academic excellence


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Key supporting strategies:

Promote and encourage students to apply for the accelerated
studies program
Promote University enhancement studies
Promote the Merit Achievement Awards
Encourage students to develop personal responsibility for their
Review the whole school approach to late submission of work
Introduce a homework club for middle school students (Years 7-9)
Refine the current Academic Review process
Encourage student leaders to promote academic excellence and
endeavour in classroom and public forums
Goal 3 Teaching and Learning
Continue to promote quality learning and teaching
Key supporting strategies:
Strengthen teacher understanding and practice of pedagogy to
enhance student learning through professional learning
Adopt a whole school approach to professional learning,
identifying a yearly focus
Promote a culture of shared informed practice
Promote shared classroom and team teaching approaches
Use external and internal data to assist in developing student
and subject outcomes for the following year

Goal 8
Develop ways of implementing practices of environmental
Key supporting strategies:
Develop ways of reducing the Carbon Footprint of the College
Encourage recycling to include composting, worm farms
Develop ways of harvesting water to maintain grounds and
Investigate improved energy efficiency options
Investigate ways to reduce paper usage
Consider ways of providing a sustainability focus within the

FOCUS AREA Religious Life of the College

Religious Education is at the centre of all programs of the College.
Hence College practices and policies enhance the development of a
Gospel value based community that actively and unambiguously
promotes the Catholic faith through curriculum, liturgy, sacraments,
symbolism and care for the marginalized by engaging with the local
and wider community.
Goal 1:
Develop in our community, a knowledge and love of the Catholic faith
through the Ignatian tradition
Key supporting strategies:
Review induction programs for staff and new students

Establish a sacramental program for students who have not

received the sacraments
Further develop the Ignatian ethos through symbols, story,
liturgy, curriculum and service programs
Provide professional development in Ignatian spirituality
Further develop links with Jesuit and Ignatian organisations
Review VCE Religious Education course offerings
Goal 2
Continue and improve social justice awareness from Year 7
Key supporting strategies:
Ensure a focus at each year level
Engage Year 7 students in charitable works projects
Expose students where practical and appropriate to the reality
of poverty both locally and globally
Investigate the possibility of student participation in volunteer
programs in Australia or overseas
Goal 3
Consider each House fundraising for only one charity each year to
promote raising more funds and developing ongoing relationships
between respective Houses and Charities
Key supporting strategies:
Focus on House charities relevant to their patron saint or House

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Make the main focus of fundraising on St Ignatius day

Encourage students to become involved in ideas about
Provide a Guest speaker at House assembly from each
respective charity
Review current College Charitable Appeals Policy
Goal 4
Offer non catholic families information on Religious Education
offered in the College.
Key supporting strategies:
Offer Religious Education specific information evenings for non
catholic families
Offer opportunities for these families to meet the College
Chaplain and Parish Priests
Provide links with parish based government school apostolate
Provide an information brochure on the Catholic faith
Goal 5
Improve the Prayer life of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Review the Mentor Masses and how students are prepared for
Introduce other forms of prayer to enrich student experience
Increase the involvement of the Canonical Administrators to
assist with the faith development of staff and students


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

FOCUS AREA - Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care program at Loyola College is an essential and
dynamic component of the College experience. Our College Vision
and Mission Statement commits our staff and students to participate
in a community where Justice and Mercy and Faith are paramount.
The Restorative Justice philosophy underpins the Pastoral Care
programs, which ensure all members benefit from their involvement
with the College. We seek to celebrate and affirm the giftedness
within each person and recognise the importance of developing
ongoing links with past, present and future members of the College

Provide professional learning for Mentor teachers in how to

develop and conduct a vertical Mentor program
Goal 2
Promote Restorative Practices amongst the student body
Key supporting strategies:
Provide a training program for student leaders
Establish student focus groups with the Director of Students
and Student Counsellor
Encourage student leaders to act as mediators in low level
Investigate curriculum focus for restorative practices

Goal 1
Develop and strengthen our relationships as a College community
both spiritually and socially

Goal 3
Implement both House and Year Level Pastoral Care programs

Key supporting strategies:

Key supporting strategies:

Provide opportunities for greater cross age interaction in the

form of whole House activities and mentor competitions
Develop a structured Peer Support Program within the House
Increase the use of restorative practices including circle time in
dealing with student issues
Create the possibility of students gathering socially for year
level functions

Consult with stakeholders concerning distinct goals for House

and Year level pastoral care
Form working parties to develop the distinct programs
Provide time release for the parties to plan, workshop, seek
professional development and finally document the programs
Provide training for all staff to be involved in the programs
Continue training in Restorative Practices to ensure a
consistent approach to welfare and discipline

Goal 4
Increase provision of student counselling services
Key supporting strategies:
Provide increased time for student counselling
Improve layout of counselling area in the College

FOCUS AREA - Curriculum

At Loyola, we are committed to providing a broad range of
opportunities that allows our students to develop life long
connections with their learning. We foster the development of the
whole person and encourage our students to achieve their full
potential. Through a contemporary and engaging curriculum, we aim
to prepare our students to be able to make a positive and valuable
contribution to the wider community. We will continue to strive for
academic excellence by encouraging staff to implement informed
teaching practices to enhance their teaching and student learning.
We are determined to continue to create learning spaces that utilise
technology and contemporary practices to enable our students to
prepare well for their future.


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Make the main focus of fundraising on St Ignatius day

Encourage students to become involved in ideas about
Provide a Guest speaker at House assembly from each
respective charity
Review current College Charitable Appeals Policy
Goal 4
Offer non catholic families information on Religious Education
offered in the College.
Key supporting strategies:
Offer Religious Education specific information evenings for non
catholic families
Offer opportunities for these families to meet the College
Chaplain and Parish Priests
Provide links with parish based government school apostolate
Provide an information brochure on the Catholic faith
Goal 5
Improve the Prayer life of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Review the Mentor Masses and how students are prepared for
Introduce other forms of prayer to enrich student experience
Increase the involvement of the Canonical Administrators to
assist with the faith development of staff and students


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

FOCUS AREA - Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care program at Loyola College is an essential and
dynamic component of the College experience. Our College Vision
and Mission Statement commits our staff and students to participate
in a community where Justice and Mercy and Faith are paramount.
The Restorative Justice philosophy underpins the Pastoral Care
programs, which ensure all members benefit from their involvement
with the College. We seek to celebrate and affirm the giftedness
within each person and recognise the importance of developing
ongoing links with past, present and future members of the College

Provide professional learning for Mentor teachers in how to

develop and conduct a vertical Mentor program
Goal 2
Promote Restorative Practices amongst the student body
Key supporting strategies:
Provide a training program for student leaders
Establish student focus groups with the Director of Students
and Student Counsellor
Encourage student leaders to act as mediators in low level
Investigate curriculum focus for restorative practices

Goal 1
Develop and strengthen our relationships as a College community
both spiritually and socially

Goal 3
Implement both House and Year Level Pastoral Care programs

Key supporting strategies:

Key supporting strategies:

Provide opportunities for greater cross age interaction in the

form of whole House activities and mentor competitions
Develop a structured Peer Support Program within the House
Increase the use of restorative practices including circle time in
dealing with student issues
Create the possibility of students gathering socially for year
level functions

Consult with stakeholders concerning distinct goals for House

and Year level pastoral care
Form working parties to develop the distinct programs
Provide time release for the parties to plan, workshop, seek
professional development and finally document the programs
Provide training for all staff to be involved in the programs
Continue training in Restorative Practices to ensure a
consistent approach to welfare and discipline

Goal 4
Increase provision of student counselling services
Key supporting strategies:
Provide increased time for student counselling
Improve layout of counselling area in the College

FOCUS AREA - Curriculum

At Loyola, we are committed to providing a broad range of
opportunities that allows our students to develop life long
connections with their learning. We foster the development of the
whole person and encourage our students to achieve their full
potential. Through a contemporary and engaging curriculum, we aim
to prepare our students to be able to make a positive and valuable
contribution to the wider community. We will continue to strive for
academic excellence by encouraging staff to implement informed
teaching practices to enhance their teaching and student learning.
We are determined to continue to create learning spaces that utilise
technology and contemporary practices to enable our students to
prepare well for their future.


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Goal 1 Teaching and Learning

Continue to develop teaching and learning practices that reflect a
contemporary, integrated and relevant curriculum that promotes
flexibility and depth of learning
Key supporting strategies:
Consider expansion of curriculum offerings
Consider expansion of accelerated or enhancement program
offerings in Years 7-9
Establish a Personal Development program for all students that
is year level specific
Develop a library website/portal, which serves to support
student skills in accessing information and interacting with a
global community.
Review curriculum at Years 7 10
Investigate a contemporary curriculum for Year 9 students
based on current educational trends using research data to
fulfil their needs
Review the subject selection process
Investigate the introduction of interdisciplinary units at Years 7-9
Incorporate teaching and assessment strategies that allow for
differential learning
Goal 2 Teaching and Learning
Continue to establish practices that develop a culture of pursuing
academic excellence


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Key supporting strategies:

Promote and encourage students to apply for the accelerated
studies program
Promote University enhancement studies
Promote the Merit Achievement Awards
Encourage students to develop personal responsibility for their
Review the whole school approach to late submission of work
Introduce a homework club for middle school students (Years 7-9)
Refine the current Academic Review process
Encourage student leaders to promote academic excellence and
endeavour in classroom and public forums
Goal 3 Teaching and Learning
Continue to promote quality learning and teaching
Key supporting strategies:
Strengthen teacher understanding and practice of pedagogy to
enhance student learning through professional learning
Adopt a whole school approach to professional learning,
identifying a yearly focus
Promote a culture of shared informed practice
Promote shared classroom and team teaching approaches
Use external and internal data to assist in developing student
and subject outcomes for the following year

Goal 8
Develop ways of implementing practices of environmental
Key supporting strategies:
Develop ways of reducing the Carbon Footprint of the College
Encourage recycling to include composting, worm farms
Develop ways of harvesting water to maintain grounds and
Investigate improved energy efficiency options
Investigate ways to reduce paper usage
Consider ways of providing a sustainability focus within the

FOCUS AREA Religious Life of the College

Religious Education is at the centre of all programs of the College.
Hence College practices and policies enhance the development of a
Gospel value based community that actively and unambiguously
promotes the Catholic faith through curriculum, liturgy, sacraments,
symbolism and care for the marginalized by engaging with the local
and wider community.
Goal 1:
Develop in our community, a knowledge and love of the Catholic faith
through the Ignatian tradition
Key supporting strategies:
Review induction programs for staff and new students

Establish a sacramental program for students who have not

received the sacraments
Further develop the Ignatian ethos through symbols, story,
liturgy, curriculum and service programs
Provide professional development in Ignatian spirituality
Further develop links with Jesuit and Ignatian organisations
Review VCE Religious Education course offerings
Goal 2
Continue and improve social justice awareness from Year 7
Key supporting strategies:
Ensure a focus at each year level
Engage Year 7 students in charitable works projects
Expose students where practical and appropriate to the reality
of poverty both locally and globally
Investigate the possibility of student participation in volunteer
programs in Australia or overseas
Goal 3
Consider each House fundraising for only one charity each year to
promote raising more funds and developing ongoing relationships
between respective Houses and Charities
Key supporting strategies:
Focus on House charities relevant to their patron saint or House

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Goal 4
Strengthen student links between Parish and the College
Key supporting strategies:
Consider encouraging some students to complete community
service with agencies in their own parish boundaries
Consider the introduction of a Youth Ministry Course which
makes links with Parish activities
Goal 5
Investigate the transport needs of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate the possibility of purchasing school buses to be
used across the College in order to reduce transport costs
Investigate provision of additional buses to and from the
College so that all students can access this mode of transport
Survey students who will potentially use new bus transport
Gain commitment from families to pay for the service
Engage the services of a bus company to provide the service
Goal 6
Recognise the important heritage and history of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate the establishment of a College Heritage Centre to
display the history of the College

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Establish a suitable area for College Archives

Establish school programs that incorporate the use of College
Archives to encourage student interest in the college traditions
and history
Enhance links with the Loyola Ex Students Association
Goal 7
Promote the development of Intercultural Literacy amongst staff and
Key supporting strategies:
Conduct an audit of the extent to which Intercultural literacy
is currently being addressed across the College
Promote the development of Indigenous Perspectives programs
within the College
Develop and showcase activities which recognise and promote
acceptance of the diverse cultural heritage of our students and
their families
Ensure that the curriculum addresses issues related to cultural
diversity in Australia and the global community
Encourage interaction between young people of different
languages, cultures and faith traditions

Encourage teachers to further develop their understanding of

VCAA standards by becoming Year 12 subject examination
Encourage staff to teach at a variety of levels to gain
Promote and encourage professional learning for teaching staff
to identify, recognise, support and teach students with giftedness
Goal 4 Teaching and Learning
Develop a consistent approach to assessment and reporting
Key supporting strategies:
Review present assessment and reporting to ensure a whole
school consistent approach
Review the use of VELS assessment and reporting
Develop a consistent whole school approach to assessment
Design student reports to be more accessible to parents
Review reporting and assessment for students with specific
learning needs
Goal 5 Teaching and Learning
Ensure that the Curriculum is addressing State and National
Curriculum Guidelines in an effective way
Key supporting strategies:
Consider options which will allow staff to develop integrated
programs which maximise student potential
Conduct specific curriculum audits to ensure sequential learning

Provide more opportunities for students to develop independent

Provide more opportunities for students to develop skills
working collaboratively
Goal 6 Learning Spaces
Create more interactive and engaging learning spaces that
incorporate contemporary technology to best prepare our students
for life beyond school
Key supporting strategies:
Build a Performing Arts Centre to include a 500 seat theatre,
with possible classrooms for Dance and Music
Build extensions to the PAC so that it can be used for a wider
range of activities for curriculum, co curriculum, House and
formal College assemblies
Investigate the possibility of creating faculty-specific rooms
and storage areas in all parts of the College relevant to the year
levels in the area
Redevelop teaching rooms in Flynn and Chisholm House areas
to be more suitable and flexible as learning spaces for classes
of 25-27 students
Provide a proper display/foyer area for Flynn House
Phase in the installation of interactive whiteboards and multi
media equipment in each classroom to allow learning spaces to
accommodate a range of teaching and learning styles
Investigate provision of learning/teaching areas for the specific
use of PE/Health


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Investigate the use of upstairs B Block as an effective teaching

and learning space
Investigate the possibility of adding to the current sporting
facilities to include, a hockey field, increased number of
basketball/netball courts, artificial turf soccer field and an
outside covered area for sport.
Investigate a new area for a kiln and art storage
Goal 7
Improve facilities to enhance the administration of Sport in the College
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate options for the relocation of the Sports Office to
provide for two offices, storage area and change rooms

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Provide the classroom infrastructure to accommodate and

facilitate the use of ICT in teaching and learning
Review staff ICT skills and provide ongoing software training
and ICT professional learning for staff
Develop use of a school intranet for curriculum planning and
Introduce ICT learning outcomes at Years 7 and 8 to be shared
across faculties
Further develop ICT learning outcomes in Year 9 and 10
Encourage staff and students to use ICT as a support for their
teaching and learning
Consider the possibility of the students making use of
contemporary portable technology on excursions and/or in
other activities

Goal 8 ICT
Investigate the redevelopment of the College internet network into
an effective system that has sufficient capacity for simultaneous use
by staff and students across the College

Goal 10 Literacy
Introduce and implement a whole school literacy approach and
improve literacy practices and standards within the College

Key supporting strategies:

Key supporting strategies:

Install a wireless system where possible

Goal 9 ICT
Promote and develop the use of ICT in the curriculum
Key supporting strategies:
Encourage all staff to participate in the staff laptop program


Develop and implement a College Literacy Policy

Provide ongoing support of staff to assist a consistent
application in classrooms
Encourage students to engage in reading by creating a
comfortable, appealing reading area in the library in which
students can spend some recreational time reading
novels/magazines/graphic novels.


FOCUS AREA - Whole College
Our College Vision and Mission Statement commits to a welcoming
and collaborative environment committed to Justice and Mercy and
Faith. This focus area aims to improve effective communication
across the College, broaden our students understanding of the
inherited history and important legacy left by those who have walked
in their footsteps previously and establish stronger links with the
wider Church community. This focus area also encourages us to
broaden our students knowledge and experiences of others in the
wider world in which they will play an active part. In this way our
students will be well prepared as global citizens for life in the 21st
Goal 1
To improve administrative systems, processes and practices
Key supporting strategies:

Goal 2
Improve the ICT infrastructure for the whole College
Key supporting strategies:
Upgrade and expand servers, switches and network connections
Provide a secure environment with effective anti-virus, firewall
protection and separate administration/curriculum networks
Provide wireless technology where cabling and network access
is not permanently required
Goal 3
Improve communication and collaboration within Loyola and the
wider community
Key supporting strategies:
Re-develop the Loyola Website with the intention of making it
more informative and interactive
Provide an on-line portal to staff, students, and parents in order
to provide information electronically, and allow interaction in a
responsive and productive manner

Evaluate and implement a Student Administration and

Financial System with the view of having a common integrated
Reduce operational costs through efficiency savings across all
areas, in order to provide affordable fees for families

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Science Faculty
Refurbishment of four Science laboratories has begun in B Block.
The two existing upstairs laboratories will be re-located downstairs,
and will make way for new Maths classrooms. Preparation areas and
staff offices will also be refurbished.
St. Ignatius Chapel
The chapel (situated in the Old Loyola building) will undertake major
refurbishment to include:
Sanctuary improvements including the re-establishment of the
original painting Queen of the Society, installation of the altar
from St Ignatius College, Riverview, installation of original
tabernacle, new altar for Eucharistic celebration and new
New Pews and Presidential Chair
Renovations to Stations of the Cross
Holy Water Font
Re-painting of walls and ceilings
Upgrade to heating and lighting
Upgrading of side chapels
Performing Arts Centre/Sport Hall
An extension to this hall will provide:
A permanent stage area for Performing Arts and House
performances (music and drama)

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Large meeting and gathering area for presentations and special

Mezzanine seating/viewing area.

Goal 11 Numeracy
Introduce and implement a whole school numeracy approach and
improve numeracy practices and standards within the College
Key supporting strategies:
Develop and implement a College Numeracy Policy
Provide ongoing support of staff to assist a consistent
application in classrooms
Goal 12
Create appropriate avenues for library staff to have a greater and
deeper involvement in the College curriculum
Key supporting strategies:
Review current staffing of the library
Encourage discussion to take place between Library and
curriculum areas to investigate and identify the type of
additional services that could be provided
Goal 13 Pathways
Develop and implement a Careers Education Program for the students
Key supporting strategies:
Explore options for embedding the career education program
across Years 7-10

Train staff to deliver career education

Establish links with local community resources and agencies to
assist with and support career education provision in the
Increase student awareness and knowledge of workplaces,
industries, further education and training by conducting
incursions and excursions
Build the personal career exploration, planning and
management skills of students by establishing a culture and
mechanism by which students establish, update and maintain
career pathway planning records.
Conduct career orientated events with Year 11 and 12 students
that provide knowledge and develop skills to enable them to
become independent and confident managers of their personal
career development
Goal 14 Pathways
Provide additional curriculum pathways that meet the vocational
needs of students
Key supporting strategies:
Offer a wider range of VCAL/VET programs to students
Investigate an alternative pathway program for year 10
Consider the College joining a Local Learning and Employment
Network (LLEN) cluster


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Consider timetable options to support delivery of programs

Expand VCAL program to include Literacy and Numeracy modules
Investigate the possibility of staff being able to access industry
Investigate Teacher exchange with TAFE/VETIS
Integrate a careers program into the academic or pastoral

FOCUS AREA: Students

The Loyola College community strives to develop compassionate,
accepting and empathetic students. We encourage positive, fair and
caring relationships amongst all community members, so that the
young people entrusted to our care grow into responsible citizens
within the wider community. Within the context of the College Vision
and Mission Statement we recognise the importance of the spiritual,
pastoral, intellectual, social, physical and emotional development of
our students. We provide an environment that challenges and shapes
personal development and encourages students to make discerning
decisions about self and others.
Goal 1
Promote greater school spirit amongst the students
Key supporting strategies:
Develop a program that specifically focuses on school spirit
Introduce regular school spirit awards for each House


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Goal 2
Provide opportunities for Year 12 students to develop a more
significant profile within the College

Visual Arts
Art classroom (with 2 Macintosh computers)
Visual Communication classroom (with 12 Macintosh
Media classroom (with 16 Macintosh computers)
Studio Arts classroom (with 14 Macintosh computers)
Dark Room

Key supporting strategies:

Information Technology
6 Computer laboratories

Award an annual House Spirit Shield

Develop a College song/chant for sporting activities
Review College Hymn

Investigate alternative suitable locations for a Year 12 Common

Room so as to provide a more suitable indoor space to gather
during break times
Encourage Year 12 students to be more proactive in promoting
College life and expectations
Explore opportunities for Year 12 students to demonstrate
greater leadership in Mentor groups
Goal 3
Ensure student balance between the academic program and the co
curricular program
Key supporting strategies:
Monitor student involvement in the co curricular program
Provide advice to students on how to balance co curricular
involvement with academic studies

Performing Arts
Drama room with stage
Dance room
Music room (for band playing and rehearsals)
6 Music learning and instrumental tutorial rooms
Music general classroom and music laboratory
5 Science laboratories with resources for Chemistry, Biology
and Physics
2 Preparation areas
Health & Physical Education
The Performing Arts Centre/Sports Hall is used for Health & Physical
Education as well as assemblies and meetings/presentations for large
gatherings. Additional facilities include:
Weights room
General Health/PE classroom

Football Oval
Soccer Field
Long jump area
5 Cricket nets (which doubles up as a general Health/PE area)
2 Basketball/Netball courts
4 Tennis courts (which can double up as netball courts)

LOTE laboratory
LOTE classrooms (with computers)
Resource and orals room
General Purpose Learning Areas
37 Classrooms (12 currently with interactive whiteboards)
Student Services Area
Staff offices
Special Education Services
Careers display and advice area
Counselling services
Prayer Labyrinth
A Prayer Labyrinth, constructed in 2008, is located on the eastern side
of Q Block and provides a welcoming open air space for prayer and

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Loyola College is situated on one campus at 325 Grimshaw Street,
Watsonia. The campus is set on 10.9 hectare (27 acres) and was the
original site of the Jesuit Retreat House and Novitiate. From 1980 to
2002 the College was situated on the east side of the campus
comprising of five main buildings built between the early 1980s and
late 1990s.
In 2002 Loyola College purchased the former Jesuit Retreat House
and Novitiate, currently referred to as the Old Loyola building. This
is situated on the west side of the campus. The Old Loyola building
has a Heritage listing that gives the College a distinct character. Since
2002 it has undertaken refurbishments to provide larger classrooms
and offices. In 2006 the south wing was completely refurbished to
house the new Hospitality/Food Technology learning centre and
canteen which opened at the start of 2007.

Old Loyola (built 1934)
St. Ignatius Chapel
General and student receptions
Administrative hub of the school
Meeting Rooms
Staff Lounge
General Classrooms
Function Room, Student Restaurant and Hospitality Centre

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Chapel of the Irish Martyrs (built in 1929)

This chapel (donated by the Parish of Sacred Heart Diamond Creek)
was transported from Arthurs Creek in 1990 and is situated on the
South East side of the campus. It is used for Community and class
Masses. It also has a landscaped memorial garden.
Other Properties
International House located on College Grounds
Manresa Cottage located on College Grounds
House at 33 McKellar Street
House at 37 McKellar Street
Castlereagh Land
Library/Resource Centre
The library was built in 2006 (and opened at the start of 2007) with
the complete refurbishment of L Block. It is intended as a place for
research, quiet study and recreational reading. Photocopying and
printing facilities are available. It also houses a well-equipped First
Aid and Audio Visual area. It provides four classroom areas:
Research laboratory with 28 computers
Research classroom space with 20 computers
Multi-media room
General reading/classroom
Woodwork classroom
Textiles classroom
Food Technology (practical and theory rooms)

Goal 4
Promote participation in physical activity so as to improve the health
and wellbeing of our students
Key supporting strategies:
Develop an integrated approach to Physical Education in order
to improve student fitness
Review content of the sport recreation program offered as an
alternative to students not selected for ACS teams
Review sports offerings to include more non contact sports
Consider National Guideline Recommendations for
participation in physical activity
Goal 5
Further develop the House leadership roles for Students in Years 7-11
Key supporting strategies:
Develop more leadership opportunities for students within
Provide more students with leadership experience


The staff at Loyola are a vital link in our community. They provide and
enhance the contemporary teaching and learning environment for our
students. All staff strive to be positive Christian role models for our
students by promoting the values of Jesus Christ through a specific
focus on justice, mercy and faith. Loyola recognises this significance
by providing ongoing opportunities for staff development.
Goal 1
Promote and encourage within staff a deeper understanding of the
Ignatian tradition
Key supporting strategies:
Provide professional learning to staff specific to St Ignatius and
the Ignatian tradition
Support staff in gaining an increased awareness and
understanding of the Ignatian tradition and relevance in
todays society
Provide support for staff in order to integrate the Ignatian
methodology of teaching into classroom practice
Goal 2
Provide a training and mentoring program for Sports Coaches
Key supporting strategies:
Engage qualified coaches as mentors for team coaches
Encourage and give opportunity for coaches to access training
and formal qualifications


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Goal 3
Continue to investigate ways of acknowledging staff who make a
significant contribution to the life of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Acknowledge staff who make a significant contribution
Introduce an annual staff award
Goal 4
Promote leadership development of staff

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Investigate possible relocation of staff lounge to improve the

gathering space
Goal 6
Continue to develop ways of enhancing the pastoral care of staff
Key supporting strategies:
Provide ongoing support to the Staff Wellbeing Committee
Clarify awareness of support for staff (e.g. Access Program)

Key supporting strategies:

Offer an in-house Staff Leadership Program for aspiring leaders
and for those in leadership
Encourage leadership opportunities for current and aspiring
Goal 5
Continue to foster a stronger sense of community amongst staff
Key supporting strategies:
Encourage all staff to gather in the main Staff Lounge during
break times as regularly as possible
Provide social opportunities for staff to interact throughout the


FOCUS AREA - Parents

As a Catholic community in the Ignatian tradition, Loyola College
seeks to provide an education that ensures that each student
achieves his or her unique potential. The College recognises that the
support of parents as partners is essential in achieving our College
vision. Loyola College wishes to provide more opportunities for our
parents to feel welcome and to work together in a collaborative
environment so that we can develop young people committed to the
values of Jesus Christ.
Goal 1
Encourage parents/guardians to make social connections with other


attention of the Catholic Education Office and Loyola College


Loyola College is a co-educational Catholic secondary college serving

the needs of students in the north eastern suburbs of Melbourne. In
2009 the College will have an enrolment of approximately 1000
students and 115 staff including teaching, administration, library,
grounds, maintenance and general support staff.

The College is located on a 10.9 hectare (27 acres) site in Watsonia. Of

particular note is the acquisition in 2002 of the former Jesuit Seminary
building (built in 1934) and the Chapel of the Irish Martyrs, a small
country church moved to the school site from Arthurs Creek in 1990.

The College draws the majority of its students from the Catholic feeder
schools of St Damians, Bundoora; Sacred Heart, Diamond Creek; Our
Lady of the Way, Kingsbury; St Francis of Assisi, Mill Park; St Martin of
Tours, Rosanna/Macleod; St Marys, Greensborough and St Thomas the
Apostle, Greensborough North. The College also draws students from
other areas, as it is the only Catholic co-educational option for
families living in proximity to the Hurstbridge train line and the
Bundoora tram line.
The College was established in 1980 on land adjacent to the former
Jesuit seminary known as Loyola. The College is a member of the
Ignatian Network of schools and strongly promotes the Ignatian
charism honouring St Ignatius Loyola as its patron.
A consistent pattern of enrolments has been established over a
number of years with some fluctuation in enrolments noted in the last
three years. With the appointment of a new Principal in 2008, a
change in marketing strategy has resulted in a significant increase in
demand for places at the College. This has confirmed the ongoing
strong community support and interest in the College. This growing
demand, particularly for places at Year 7, has been brought to the

The College has achieved gender balance across year levels. Students
attending the College come from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
There are a small number of students who come from families of nonEnglish speaking backgrounds.
There has been ongoing refurbishment of buildings and development
of grounds over a number of years. This has improved the facilities for
members of the College community so as to enhance the quality of
teaching and learning.
Families who send their children to the College are generally in stable
financial positions. However, there are some families from varied
socio-economic backgrounds. The College has recently made a
stronger commitment to assisting families who may struggle to meet
the financial obligations of a Catholic Education. There is a fair and
equitable process whereby individual fee payment arrangements are
The College is conducted on formal lines with a well-structured and
developed curriculum and co-curricular program, effective welfare and
discipline procedures and a strong emphasis on the nurturing of
Gospel values and the importance of belonging to the College

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Strategic Plan 2009-2013


As a College in the Ignatian tradition, we seek the Magis.
The Magis (literally more) is an important aspect of Ignatian
Spirituality. It means striving for all that makes the Kingdom of God
fully alive in oneself, others and the community.
The goals of this Strategic Plan recognize the dignity and importance
of all members of the College community living and developing in a
way that seeks the Magis.
This document is the second five-year Strategic Plan for Loyola
The purpose of strategic planning for the College is to ensure that
priority and long term planning takes place to provide for the ongoing
future development of the College as a quality Catholic educational
institution in the North East region of Melbourne.
Loyola College has established itself as an important place of
learning since it opened in 1980 and there have been many
developments over the years. It is essential that we continue to plan
for the future to ensure that the College maintains the highly
positive reputation it has developed through the attainment of
ongoing goals which will support the highest quality educational
outcomes for our students.

Key supporting strategies:

The objectives of the College Strategic plan are to:
Implement our College Vision and Mission statement
Inform the College community of our future directions and
Plan for the ongoing improvement and development of
facilities to support the educational process
Ensure that teaching and learning reflect a contemporary,
integrated and relevant curriculum
Develop and strengthen our relationships as a College
community both spiritually and socially
Prepare our students to meet the challenges of life in 21st
Form the basis for the development of a new College Master
This Strategic Plan was developed in consultation with various
College groups including staff, students, parents, College Board,
Canonical Administrators and past students. Responses from all these
groups were taken into account in the final document.
It should be noted that the goals presented in each Focus Area are
not in any order of priority.

Invite and encourage parents/guardians to attend year level

student social functions
Explore the possibility for year level specific social gatherings
for parents/guardians
Goal 2
Continue to explore ways of acknowledging parents/guardians or
friends of the College who make a significant contribution to the life
of the College
Key supporting strategies:
Give acknowledgement to parents who make a significant
contribution to the College
Introduce an annual Parent/ Friend of the College award
Goal 3
Increase collaboration with the parent community

FOCUS AREA - College Grounds and Environment

Loyola College is committed to providing a welcoming, inviting,
comfortable and safe environment for students, staff, parents and
the community. This will be achieved by the continuing
development, maintenance and care of the College grounds,
buildings and facilities.
Goal 1
Upgrade and add to the current sporting facilities
Key supporting strategies:
Investigate provision of an artificial turf soccer/hockey field,
one or more covered netball/basketball courts and a hockey
practice area
Goal 2
Focus on environmental improvements and preserve protected trees
Key supporting strategies:

Key supporting strategies:

Increase awareness and involvement of all parent groups
within the College
Regularly inform the College community of how
parents/guardians are involved in various College committees
Encourage parent groups to promote their group in the
newsletter and on the College website

Install water tanks in catchment areas (near major buildings),

with a view of pumping water to needed parts of the grounds
(sporting fields and planted areas)
Preserve protected trees
Establish a maintain a tree register
Establish a produce garden maintained by students
Establish composting/worm farms to encourage recycling


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Goal 3
Increase student awareness of the importance of appropriate litter
disposal on College grounds
Key supporting strategies:
Install additional bins
Encourage recycling through provision of specific bins for this
Develop a focus group with the LSC and College Committee to
investigate the cleanliness of the College grounds
Goal 4
Further develop the College grounds and facilities to create a
welcoming environment
Key supporting strategies:
Refurbish and redesign the College Reception area
Continue to air condition offices and classrooms where
Provide additional outside seating and undercover areas
Increase the number of security cameras to provide safety and
security of key areas
Improve the landscaping of the grounds in key areas (including
major pathways)
Develop the Old Loyola courtyards for formal gatherings and
special activities


Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Improve and expand car parking areas

Continue to upgrade student toilet facilities (with the view of
relocating E Block toilets)
Create a new College Board Room
Improve external night lighting on grounds
Explore the possibility of providing covered areas for movement
between buildings
Goal 5
Improve garden areas using horticultural techniques
Key supporting strategies:
Encourage student interest in horticulture
Construct a hothouse area
Provide appropriate gardening equipment


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Strategic Plan 2009-2013



Loyola, as a Catholic co-educational College in the Ignatian tradition, seeks the education
of the whole person and strives to ensure that each student achieves his or her unique

This Strategic Plan is to be implemented over the five year period 2009-2013. During this
time, leaders from various areas within the College will become responsible for
implementing different sections of the plan. In 2011 an interim review of this Strategic
Plan will be conducted to monitor progress and implementation. The implementation of
the Strategic Plan will be monitored by the College Consult and the College Board.

We aspire to develop articulate, adaptable, discerning and confident young men and
women of conscience committed to living the values of Jesus Christ in a global community.
As a community we recognise that this is best achieved in a welcoming and collaborative
environment committed to Justice, Mercy and Faith.

In 2013 progress on the implementation of the current Strategic Plan will be evaluated and
a new College Strategic Plan will be developed for the next stage of the Colleges
The College thanks all contributors to this Strategic Plan, those who submitted proposals,
those who evaluated the content and those who produced it in draft and final format.
It is with a strong sense of confidence and excitement for the future of Loyola College that
this Strategic Plan is presented to the College Community. May we all work together under
the inspiration of our College patron St Ignatius to strive for the Magis as we move into
this wonderful new phase of development for our College.
Joseph Favrin, Principal

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Loyola College
Strategic Plan
Loyola College
325 Grimshaw Street Watsonia Vic 3087
Telephone: (03) 9434 4466
Facsimile: (03) 9432 2476
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8am - 5pm (during term)
8.45am - 5pm (student vacation)


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