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Womb Care

CARE means: Calling all Responsive Eternals!

Womb Care is a comprehensive energy system that brings you the CARE
of all responsive eternal beings whose specialty it is to attend to the healing
and wholeness of your bodys reproductive system. Womb Care includes
the energies of Cramp Pain Release for your monthly ease and comfort.
Womb Care channeled and manual written by:
Mariah Windsong Couture ~November 6th, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved

Attention Resellers: From November 11th, through November 21st, 2010

Mariah Windsong and Rosemary Noel have exclusive rights to sell and pass
the Womb Care.
Womb Care energy system has a fixed resale price of $17.99 USD each or
the equivalent in your currency. Always provide this manual with any
Womb Care empowerment, fully intact, with no changes.
Rosemary Noel and Mariah Windsong are the only persons permitted to sell
Womb Care on EBay. All other persons are forbidden.
Charging less than this amount without permission from the founder
constitutes a breech of the terms, conditions and copyright of the system.
Simply charge the fixed fee or the equivalent in your currently or completely
gift this attunement. Trading of this system for any others is strictly
forbidden. By accepting this attunement, you agree that Womb Care may
NEVER be traded for another system. You agree that if you pass an
empowerment of Womb Care is will either be sold by accepting monies
in currency or youll gift it if you feel so guided. Uncertified self attunement
may be used for personal self healing, but does not certify as a Master or
teacher and does not provide lineage certificate or confirmation.
No text or any portion of this manual Womb Care may be used on u-tube,
in movies, on social networking sites or personal websites. No text or
portion of this manual may be copied, posted on the internet, linked or
plagiarized, unless quoted briefly (50 words or less) as part of fair use in a
review, listing or other commentary. Please contact the author at for permission to translate this manual. If you
translate you agree to send author a copy and manual must remain exactly as
original form without any changes.
Women or men can receive an attunement to Womb Care.
If you are a man, you may want to be attuned so that you can activate these
energies for a woman in your life who wants more healing on all levels.
An attunement is a dose of energy frequencies that match the energy of this
energy system in general, and each function or attunement specifically.
Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will
recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal
Sacred Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system.

Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often

called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal
Light. It is released to you when you call it in, like a prayer to receive it.
Womb Care attends to all of the organs and body parts that comprise
your reproductive system, in the area of your body below your belly button.

In this picture, you can see the vaginal pathway that connects to your uterus.
Looking at it from this perspective, the vagina looks almost like a neck!
The fallopian tubes reach up to catch any eggs your ovaries release to them.

Womb Care also assists to bring your wombs energy into wholeness.
There are women who have had miscarriages, or simply feel the emptiness
of having never carried a baby in their womb. Others have had their uterus
and or ovaries removed by surgery. It is vitally important to bring the
ethereal energy of your womb into wholeness by reclaiming the spiritual
energy of your womb and any other body parts that were removed.
This is one of the main problems that women who have undergone
hysterectomy experience in their physical and emotional recovery, and many
of them really dont know why. Each organ has its own spiritual energy,
intelligence and consciousness. When a physical organ is removed, often
that energy does not know if it still belongs with the person or not. It can
become disembodied and if this has happened, you will feel a deeper sense
of loss than you thought you would, after a surgery that removes an organ.
When you activate the energy of Womb Care, if there are any spiritual
energies of your various reproductive organs and body parts that have
vacated you at any time, for any reason, these are offered healing.
They are then guided to return fully unto you, in exactly the correct places
within your body and energy fields.
Womb Care brings you a stronger concentration of that inner womanly
life power that naturally resides within our lower abdomen area. There are
many women who have disempowered for one reason or another. Many of
these women suffer from various menstrual or sexual problems. When your
natural womanly life power either returns to you or is simply reinforced, you
shine and are confident and sure of your decisions in all areas of your life.
Womb Care provides healing and health enhancement to all of the organs
that comprise your reproductive system. When you have a strong
concentration of your own womanly life power within your personal power
center of your pelvic region, your body naturally balances and heals itself.
When you add to that the assistance of the Responsive Eternal Beings of
Light, Love and Life whose specialty is your reproductive and sexual health;
there is no limit to the beneficial results you can experience! Each persons
experience of Womb Care will be different. The CARE Beings provide
assistance to you, energetically, all that is allowed by your higher self and
soul. This is important, because sometimes, certain body discomforts or
illnesses do provide a learning opportunity that is not easy to see from here,
within this body. There are some things that are not to be changed yet.

The good news is that there are many body woes, illnesses or diseases that
do respond wonderfully well to energy support from the spiritual realms of
Eternal Love, Light and Life! Some people feel subtle energies, and if you
are one of those people, you will likely feel warmth or gentle pulsating
movements of energy within your pelvic region after you activate Womb
Care. Other people wont feel anything immediately, but will notice that
their menstrual cycles will even out, or the pain of ovulation is less intense.
Whatever your concerns are for your reproductive and sexual body area,
Womb Care will help because it opens a direct stream of energy from the
energies that made you and support you, to your body. This way the organs
of your reproductive system can receive speedier healing than they would
without this additional care.
If your body works fine physically, and you are not concerned about any
physical ailment in the reproductive region of your body, yet you experience
difficulty with intimacy, Womb Care can help. There are times when, after
interacting with a person, emotionally or physically, that our body can feel
rejected or scared. Our body can imprint upon itself the memory of the
feeling that was not good. Then, at another time, when your mind and heart
feel ready for physical intimacy, your body may not be. It can be
embarrassing to feel your body recoil at the touch of a mate or lover.
If youve ever had a time when your body did not want to be sexually active,
and your mind and heart did, Womb Care may be very beneficial for you.
You can receive healing at the energetic level, where your body remembers
bad things that happened. Even if your body thought that you were in
danger, and nothing bad actually happened, your body could think that it is
protecting itself, by recoiling at a touch. Physical intimacy can once again be
pleasurable and fulfilling. You can speak to the Womb Care team. The
beings of Eternal Love, Light and Life who administer the proper energies
for you are indeed, very responsive. You are invited to speak to them as you
would a therapist, or simply pray to them. They will listen and help.
As with any healing, it can occur in stages, slowly, or very fast. It is best to
activate your Womb Care energy system often, for best results. Most
peoples bodies are very receptive to the gentle loving and spiritually
inviting energy that is Womb Care, even if they are not Reiki trained.

Please spend a few minutes to invite the attunement your teacher sent you
for your Womb Care, to release fully unto you. Your attunement will easily
arrive to you because Eternal Source is not limited by space or time.
It will flow into your body and energy field, into all of who you are.
You may or may not feel any sensations, it doesnt matter if you feel these
subtle energies. They are effective no matter whether you perceive them or
not. Some people feel a warmth or tingling sensation, other notice pulses.
To activate your Womb Care energy stream, simply say, out loud or in
your mind: Womb Care, Activate!
Usually it is necessary to keep your mind lightly resting upon the fact that
you want this energy to continue flowing, for it to remain active.
By moving your thought to another topic, the energy may receive that as a
message to cease its flow. Spend a few minutes within this energy flow.
Now that you have paused to receive your attunement, you have the right to
call upon and activate another energy function contained within Womb Care.
It is called: Cramp Pain Release and Im sure that any woman who is still
menstruating and has cramps during her period will appreciate this function.
Cramp Pain Release was channeled by a close friend. I assure you that she is
a superb energy worker whose work is of the purest quality. Ive found that
Cramp Pain Release works best when used in a buddy system! Sometimes,
(at least this is true for me) it can be difficult to activate energies when you
are in physical pain. Cramp Pain Release has provided extremely effective
cramp pain relief when another woman activates it for me.
I highly suggest that in addition to you activating Cramp Pain Release
energies for yourself whenever you need to, that you attune another
woman to this energy system, and use a buddy system.
If you are both still of child bearing age and menstruating, please activate
these energies as need for one another. If you are no longer menstruating,
simply know that your friend who still knows the physical pain of cramps
greatly appreciates it when you activate these energies on their behalf.
Cramp Pain Release is designed to work on a timed release basis, and is
effective on a 12 hour time release schedule. After 12 hours, it would need
to be reactivated for yourself or your friend.

Cramp Pain Release has taken me from being curled up on my side in pain
with menstrual cramps, to happily working or doing household activities.
Cramp Pain Release works effectively within just a few moments after you
or your buddy activates it. Cramp Pain Releases name is the command code
that will put you into alignment with the energy stream it is.

Activating it with your intention, a strong feeling of wanting the energies of

cramp pain release is all that is required to begin the energy flowing to you.

Simply say, out loud or in your mind: Cramp Pain Release, Activate!
Cramp Pain Release, Timed Release for now through the next 12 hrs!
Cramp Pain Release for (name of person)
Cramp Pain Release for (name of person) activate for the next 12 hrs!
If you are activating Cramp Pain Release for yourself, activate it as often as
you need to. Usually, each time you activate it with intention, will provide
effective relief or about 3 hours, unless you consciously activate the timed
release for (number of hours) up to 12 hours of energy flow.
You can also increase the level of pain relief by imagining a dial. Think of
an oven dial that you would turn up. After saying: Cramp Pain Release,
Activate!, then simply think of turning up the dial with the intention of
making the cramp pain releasing energies more and more effective for you!
If you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, you can confidently send
Womb Care attunement in the manner of your choosing.
Always include the energy function of Cramp Pain Release within any
Womb Care attunement.
Advise your student on the best way to receive the attunement you have sent
out. Womb Care manual must be included fully intact with no changes
when its attunement is provided.
Womb Care and Cramp Pain Release attunement may be passed on
if you are not a Reiki or Seichim Master by wanting to oh so very much.
Intention is powerful and will cause Eternal Sacred Source to respond!
Please ask your energy team, your helping healing guardians in the Light of
Eternal Sacred Source, to bring you a Sphere of Light.
It doesnt matter if you can see it or not. It doesnt matter if you can perceive
it or not. It is there because we are in service to Source and asked for help.
Trust that the Sphere of Light is there and ready to hold a dose of the energy
frequency of Womb Care and the Cramp Pain Release energies.

Activate and pray, asking for all of your helping healing ones in the Light of
Eternal Sacred Source to send the Womb Care attunement for
(name of student) into the Sphere of Eternal Light.
Ask that it be sealed and carried to (name of student).
Ask that it be securely protected by that persons guardians in the Light of
Eternal Sacred Source until the person calls in their Womb Care
attunement. Intend that their attunement release perfectly to them at that
time. And so it is complete!
Now notify your student that their attunement is ready to be called in and
tell them to relax and spend a few minutes receiving their Womb Care.
Womb Care is an original energy system channeled by Rev. Mariah
Windsong Couture, RGMT and is unlike any by any other person previously
or any system that may arrive in the future.
November 11th, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved


For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Couture states that this Womb Care

attunement/empowerments is/are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of
natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or
initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to
replace any professional medical or legal advice. Mariah Windsong Couture is not engaged in rendering
medical service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah Windsong Couture has made every effort to provide
accurate information and takes no responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are
issued toward the validity of information. By receiving the empowerment/attunement in this manual
you are agreeing to indemnify Mariah Couture from and against any and all claims of libel, defamation,
and violation of rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or loss or damage
allegedly caused. Mariah Windsong Couture is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising
this empowerment. You further agree to indemnify Mariah Windsong Couture from all liabilities and
expenses including lawyers fees arising from such claims based on this manual. This manual may
contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Mariah Windsong Couture does not warrant the accuracy
or completeness of the materials or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information
displayed or linked in this manual. By purchasing this manual or receiving this empowerment or

attunement, you acknowledge that any reliance on such opinions, statements, energy or energy streams
or information shall be at your sole risk. Mariah Windsong Couture reserves the right, by her discretion
to correct any error or omission or change this manual as she sees fit, by revising the manual. It is your
duty to check and see if updates and revisions to the manual have been made.
November 11th, 2010
All photos I own a lifetime royalty free license to use commercially.

Other Original Divine Energy Systems

Founded by Mariah Windsong
always available first at Cosmic Goddess Empowerments
Please browse and purchase my systems at:
4th Eye Activation
Ajna Lense
Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector
Astral Body Radiance
Augustus Empowerment
Bio Life
Bio Life Sphere and Bio Life Elixir
Bio Life Kundalini
Calla Lily Deva
Care Series containing to date:
Bone Care
Chiropractic Care
Craniosacral Care
Foot Care
Flow Care
Hand Care
Joint Care
Lung Care
Liver Care
Mental Care
Nadi Care
Orchid Empowerment
Sephiroth Care
Cedar Smudge
Skin Care
Soul Care Levels 1-5
Wing Care
Connective Tissue Service
Earth Soul Anointing
Epison Aurigae Empowerment (a star)
Epsilon Ident Chamber

Eternal Trikaya
Force Factor Five Fear Flush
Flicker Empowerment
Flow Care of the Lymphatic Care Systems
Fractal Reiki Levels 1-3
Kundalini Omega Minus Function Activations Levels 1-5
Lattice Bridge (for long distance energy work safely)
Lavandula Officinalis Attunement
LaVa Reiki
Life Light
Light Concentration Rays
Liquid Love
Llama Empowerment
Love Gratitude Octave
Mountain Laurel Deva Empowerment
Nickel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite
Orchid Empowerment
Purchase Attraction Rays
Pure Perpetual Potency (raising your energy by numbers)
Radium Body Protector
Rainwater Tea Essence
Sandals Empowerment
Random Increasing Numerical Generator Shield Overlay
Snow Spirits Empowerment
Sovereignty Empowerment
Sphagnum Moss Gifts
Spirulina Spectrum Ray
Strength Movers of the Light Card Deck System
Synergy Within Empowerment
Tornado Tension Tamer
Virus Inhibitor Field
Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3
Yungang Grottoes Empowerment
ZeOr Continuum Empowerment


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