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Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapter
56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 1112
. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Chap
ter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 672 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
He felt the scratchy fabric of the blanket beneath his hands the lumpy pillow sup
porting his head. A soft, steady beeping nagged at the back of his mind what was
that beeping? His alarm clock was much louder than that
He lifted his eyelids slowly the room was dim, but the barest amount of light stu
ng his eyes. How long had he been asleep? He blinked furiously, squinting. Where
was he nothing seemed familiar
He tried to turn his head, but it felt like there was a weight pressed to his fo
rehead. He tried to open his mouth, but his tongue felt like sandpaper.
He heard a door open footsteps a curtain drawn aside
Mr. Black? a woman s voice.
Long brown hair slim waist perky breasts
Mr. Black Sanji can you hear me? a soft hand gently took his.
He tried to answer, tried to nod, but his body wouldn t cooperate.
Sanji, if you can hear me squeeze my hand. Can you do that?
Squeeze? Squeeze her hand? Her hand
He fought with unconsciousness it was pulling him in trapping him His fingers twitc
hed trying to get the woman to realize he was falling he was falling back into th
at darkness He twitched, tightened, fought fingers squeeze squeeze her hand
Chapter 1
The phone rang. Nami shifted under the covers, burrowing her head into the pillo
w as far as it would go. Maybe if she ignored it, they would go away. What time
was it? Two? Three?
A warm body pressed against her back and a long tan arm reached over her to pluc
k the phone from its cradle. She snuggled into the warmth and listened as her lo
ver mumbled in a sleepy voice.
Hello Yes this is Luffy Portgus
There was silence for a long minute and Nami found herself drifting back to slee
p. Who calls at two in the morning?
She was jarred from her rest when Luffy shot up, throwing the covers off the bed
. Nami opened her eyes and was about to twist around to knock him on the head wh
en he screeched into the phone.
When? For how long!
Nami sat up also and put a hand on Luffy s arm. What the hell happened?
Yes! Luffy grabbed her hand and turned to her with wide eyes. Yes, we ll be right the
re! Thank you!
Oh my god, what? Nami squeaked as Luffy dropped the phone to grab her face and kis
s her gleefully. When he pulled back, he had a maniac smile splashed across his
That was the hospital he whispered. Sanji woke up.
Nami stared at him, taking several seconds to process the information. Sanji? Aw
ake? Wait! AWAKE?!! Her jaw dropped and she gasped.
Oh my god!
The two jumped from the bed and started to run around the room, stripping out of
their sleeping attire, grabbing shirts, trying to find socks. Nami barked order
s to Luffy as he tripped over himself trying to pull on the pants he wore the da
y before.
Call your brother! she frantically searched through the clutter on her desk. Then c
all your work! If they don t give you the day off, let me talk to them! I ll call Zo
ro- god if I can find the number to his damn hotel! Jesus! Of all the times to b
e out of state!
Luffy happily pulled up his pants and got his cell phone off the night stand. He
flew into the living room to slip his flip flops on and grab his straw hat and
keys. Sanji! Sanji was awake! He was awake and now everything could go back to n
ormal! There wouldn t be a cloud of melancholy hanging over him and his friends an
ymore. The sadness that flashed in everyone s eyes now and then would go away! The
y could have dinner parties again, and Luffy could eat until his sides burst! Go
od Lord he had missed Sanji desperately, but he d missed his cooking almost as muc
h! Everything would be better now! Everyone would be happy! And Zoro
Zoro would be happy again
He flipped through his contact list and pressed the send button when he scrolled o
ver Ace s number. He waited for a few rings before a sleepy Vivi answered the phon
Hmmm hello? Luffy? she yawned.
Guess what, Vivi!
X x X x X
Chopper rushed down the hallway heading towards a group of doctors and nurses ta
lking quietly amongst themselves.
Excuse me! he squeaked. I m sorry! Pardon me!
Tony Chopper Charlton may only have been a third year medical student but he was a
lready known throughout the hospital, not to mention the local medical community
, as a genius. A prodigy destined to become one of the Northwest s best surgeons t
en years down the road. He was greatly respected and admired by his peers, so wh
en the mass of people heard him coming, they parted for him and watched with int
erest as the young man tried not to sprint to the elevators.
Chopper pushed his wavy brown hair out of his eyes and grumbled into his phone.
Busy signal, Nami must already know.
Kari, the charge nurse from the Neuro Ward had been so kind as to page Chopper i
n the ER and tell him about Sanji s status. She knew he and the blond were good fr
iends and that Chopper was working tonight. Nurses had watched as tears began to
poor out of the boy s eyes as the nurse told him his friend was awake and reactin
g to the doctor s questions.
When Chopper had turned those big watery eyes on his supervisor, she caved and t
old him to go see Sanji. Yes, the kid was respected by students and doctors alik
e, but the real reason everyone liked him was because he was the most adorable t
hing anyone had ever seen.
The elevator couldn t go fast enough. He should have taken the stairs.
Trying not to run madly thorough the ward, Chopper rushed to the desk and gave t
hem a courtesy I m going to go see him before tripping over a chair and making his w
ay towards room 405.
His hands shook as he pushed open the door and entered the dimly lit room. A nur
se was standing beside Sanji s bed blocking his view. She was writing on a clipboa
rd and checking the monitors. Sanji lay in the bed, his eyes closed. Kari had sa
id he had fallen asleep after the doctor talked to him, but it was a normal slee
p, nothing to be worried about.
How is he? Chopper whispered.
The nurse turned and smiled prettily at him. He s doing very well. He followed the
doctor s penlight and even muttered a few words before he fell asleep.
Chopper wiped his eyes on his sleeves and moved to the other side of the bed. Th
e whole thing was hard to believe. Sanji looked the same as he had for the last
several months: eyes closed pale slack.
Do you want a minute? the nurse asked.
Chopper looked up and frantically wiped at his face. The tears just wouldn t stop!
No, no it s okay, he sniffed. Keep doing what you re doing.
He moved to sit on one of the cushioned chairs but stopped when his phone buzzed
. He fumbled as he pulled it out and answered without looking at the caller ID.
Oh my god! Is it true! Usopp s voice yelled through the receiver.
Chopper couldn t help but smile at his best friend s crazed voice. Yes, they say he w
as awake and spoke and everything.
Holy shit! Usopp bellowed and honking blared in the background. I m on my way now! Tr
affic is killer though, there s some kind of accident on I-5 right after the bridg
e! I might have to get out and rescue a few people before I can get there!
Chopper chuckled and sat down. He leaned his head against the chair back and sig
hed. You do whatever you need to, Usopp. Just get here.
X x X x X
Sanji? Nami s voice said soothingly. Sanji can you hear me?
She brushed his bangs from his forehead, he needed a haircut desperately. That a
nd a good meal. He was so skinny she felt he was going to crumble underneath her
fingers. The feeding tube gave him enough nutrients to stay alive, but just bar
Luffy stood by her side, practically bouncing. Chopper watched with Usopp from t
he end of the bed. Luffy s brother, Ace, along with his fiancé, Vivi, stood across
from them on the other side. The blond had a comforting hand on her soon to be
husband and was rubbing soft circles on his back.
Ace had his arms crossed over his broad chest. His dark, shaggy hair hid his eye
s and he was chewing the inside of his lip in a gallant attempt to hold his emot
ions at bay. Sanji and Ace had been close friends since the blond had moved to S
eattle from France. They had volunteered at Ace and Luffy s dad s dojo together for
six years, teaching martial arts to little kids. Sanji s accident had hit Ace hard
Sanji, Nami tried again. Sanji wake up
The blond stirred and everyone stopped breathing as Sanji slowly opened his eyes
. He blinked a few times before he inhaled sharply and turned his head toward th
e red head.
Sanji! Nami smiled at him, taking his hand gently. Welcome back!
Sanji frowned and worked his lips slowly.
Nami? he rasped. Vivi s quiet gasp could be heard as the six took in the sound of th
at voice they had thought they had forgotten.
I m right here, Sanji. We re all right here, Nami s smile widened.
Usopp held back tears as Chopper s grip on his arm became tremendously painful. He
pried the fingers loose and put the arm around the sobbing boy s shoulders.
Sanji closed his eyes and slowly worked the muscles of his jaw. Everyone stood s
till, waiting for the blonde to relax the tension enough speak again.
Nami Sanji croaked again.
Hmm? she replied.
Sanji opened his eyes and cocked an eyebrow. Why the hell am I in a hospital and why
the fuck can t I move my arms?
The tension in the room was broken as Luffy and Ace burst out laughing. It was s
uch a Sanji thing to say, they had all missed his biting comments and his outrag
eously foul mouth. Seeing him lying there, eyeing Nami lecherously in spite of h
is feeble state, lifted everyone s spirits and solidified in their hearts that San
ji was in fact back.
Nami moved to kiss the top of Sanji s head as the blonde looked around his bed.
You okay, Chopper? Sanji asked as the boy turned his face from Usopp s soaking shirt
Chopper sniffed and nodded. Yeah, I m okay. I m just so so happy S-Sanji he turned his
ndy brown head into Usopp s chest again as pitiful sobs racked his body. Usopp loo
ked out over his head and shared a smile with Sanji.
How do you feel besides weak, Sanji? Ace asked quietly.
Sanji slowly turned his smile to the dark haired man above him. Ace, holy shit yo
ur hair is long.
Ace chuckled and hugged Vivi to his side as Sanji winced and tried to change his
I m really uncomfortable, he muttered, How long have I been laying here? All my joint
s are fucking stiff as hell.
Luffy opened his mouth to answer, but Nami silenced him with a whack to the shin
You ve been in a coma, Sanji, Nami said carefully. You ve been out quite a while.
Sanji s head turned and the smile left his face. How long is a while?
Nami sucked in a deep breath and squeezed his hand again.
Almost a year...
Sanji s eyes widened and he made a pathetic attempt to sit up. What the fuck! he cri
ed, but hissed as pain shot down his spine and he let Nami push him back onto th
e pillow. He relaxed, exhausted by the small about of movement.
Holy shit holy shit Sanji was mumbling. Nami s heart broke and put her other hand on S
anji s.
I m sorry, Sanji she watched the hard lines in his face as the cook rolled what she s t
old him around in his head.
What the hell happened? he asked slowly.
Luffy crossed his arms over his chest. We promised Zoro he d be the one to tell you
. He s on his way from Oregon right now- Shanks got him a flight. He should be her
e in a couple hours.
Nami watched several expressions pass over Sanji s features before the blonde open
ed his eyes and looked questioningly at Luffy.
Shanks? he asked. He sounded as if he was losing his voice. What is Shanks doing in
Oregon? And who the fuck is Zoro?
X x X x X
Zoro wanted to strangle the cabby. The taxi was doing exactly sixty miles per ho
ur in the slow lane of I-5. Hadn t he told him to hurry? Didn t he understand the mo
st important person in the world to him had just woken up from a near year-long
coma, and the only thing prolonging their reunion was his shitty-ass driving?
Keep your hands to yourself, Zoro. It won t do to be arrested for murder the same
day you re reunited with your lover after eleven months and sixteen days.
God, it really had been almost a year. Doctors had told him the longer a person
was in a coma, the less likely they were to make it out. As the months slipped b
y, there was more and more talk of dealing with finances and making tough decisions .
But Zoro had never given up hope. Sanji was a fighter, a fucking martial arts c
hampion, and it was only a hobby! Nothing, no one could keep Sanji down or keep
him from something he wanted. Sanji never gave up; never gave in to anything. It
was one of the things Zoro loved most about the feisty blonde, so he resolved h
imself to do the same and not give in.
Zoro looked out the window and watched the tall buildings of Seattle rumble by.
Just the thought of being able to hold Sanji again to kiss him and be kissed back
to eat with him and talk with him and live live with Sanji again it caused a painf
ully sweet tightness in his chest.
He felt moisture in his eyes and blinked it back furiously. He didn t cry. He woul
dn t cry. He was Zoro Roronoa for Christ s sake! He was Mr. Bad Ass National Sword F
ighting Champion himself! He wouldn t break down and cry for anyone! Not even Sanj
i! Okay maybe he would for Sanji when they were finally alone and back in their h
ouse together in their bed
The next ten minutes seemed like hours as they exited the freeway and headed tow
ards the hospital.
Where do you want to be dropped off? the cabby asked.
There s an entrance on fifth, Zoro muttered distractedly. He was about to just jump
out of the taxi while it was still moving.
When they stopped, Zoro threw a couple twenties at the driver and grabbed his sw
ord case before he jumped out. He hadn t brought anything with him besides his wea
pons. He trusted Shanks, his manager, to bring his other stuff back safely but t
he swords stayed with him.
He pushed through the familiar doors and jammed his thumb into the elevator up but
ton. The receptionist behind the desk smiled and waved at him. He nodded to her
and slung his sword case over his shoulder before he stepped through the sliding
doors. When he reached the Neuron Ward, nurses and doctors, who had become fami
liar with him over the past year, shouted congratulations to him as he passed by
. He waved and jogged down the hall.
He spotted Ace waiting outside Sanji s room and called to him. But when Ace turned
his eyes to Zoro, the swordsman s heart slowed. The tall dark haired man was look
ing at him with a look that turned his blood to ice.
What? Zoro almost shook with anxiety. What s wrong? Is he okay?
He tried to push past his best friend, but Ace grabbed his shoulders roughly.
Wait! Wait! Zoro! Ace said quietly but with such force that Zoro froze.
He s alright, Zoro, the slightly taller man reassured him. He s alright, he s responding
really well.
Zoro was not deterred. But?
Ace gripped Zoro s broad shoulders and looked up at the ceiling. Pain was evident
in his face and Zoro felt he was going to scream is his friend didn t start explai
Zoro Ace said as he lowered his head to look into Zoro s eyes.
He doesn t remember you
First, before you read this, I would like to point out a few things. First: I kn
ow that someone that s been in a coma for a year would be really really disabled.
Their nerves and muscles would be shot to shit, and they would have to be in the
rapy forever. I didn t want that, but I also wanted a fair amount of time to have
passed since Sanji was awake. Please just ignore the slight liberty I m taking wit
h Sanji s recovery. In One Piece, Luffy is made of rubber, and Zoro can cut throug
h steel, so why can t Sanji be pretty much fine after a year in a coma? Second: I m
taking a lot of liberties with some of the characters. For instance I wanted cho
pper in this story, but of course I couldn t have him be a reindeer, so I made him
a cute little medical student. Also, I couldn t have Brook be a skeleton, so I ma
de him a tall skinny black man with a fro. Vivi s hair is blond because it just ma
kes more sense. A girl in her position with her personality wouldn t have bright b
lue hair. Everyone is also a little older than they are in the show/manga. If an
y of these things bother you, I m sorry but it s my story. If you don t like it, don t r
ead it.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 672 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Thank you very much to those of you who reviewed! I really appreciate it! (Hugs)
Chapter 2
Zoro, Ace said quietly. He doesn t remember you
Zoro blinked in confusion. He doesn t remember him? Like amnesia? That shit only h
appens in fucking movies! He felt a little bit dizzy and steadied himself on Ace s
What the fuck are you talking about? Zoro hissed through his teeth.
Ace took his arm and tried to steer him towards a small waiting room. Come with m
e, we ll talk about it. Let s get you something to drink, give you second to calm do
I don t wanna fucking calm down! Zoro shouted, ripping his arm from Ace s grasp. Tell m
e what the fuck is going on, Ace or I m gonna start breaking things!
Ace grabbed him again and pulled him close. Zoro was exceptionally strong, but A
ce was just as formidable. He had spent the last ten years fighting fires for th
e city of Seattle, and if it came to blows, Zoro would come out looking just as
bad as the older man.
Zoro, Ace said patiently in his ear. You have got to calm down. You make a scene an
d they re going to ask you to leave. Then you won t get to see him at all you underst
Zoro stared at a spot over Ace s shoulder and breathed heavily through his nose. W
hat good would it do to throw a fit right now? It wouldn t help Sanji, it wouldn t h
elp anything. And Zoro desperately wanted to see him. Every nerve and fiber in h
is body cried out to see Sanji.
Okay he whispered. Okay I m alright Just please tell me what s happening Ace.
Ace put his arm around the swordsman and moved him until they were facing each o
ther; opposite shoulders against the wall. The taller man leaned his head down a
nd spoke in a soft voice.
It s not just you, he began. He seems to not have any memory of the past two years. H
e thought he was still working at the Baratie, and you know he quit that job a l
ittle after the Christmas Vivi and I started dating.
That was right around the time I met him Zoro was staring at the floor. The reality
of the situation was hitting him and he felt lightheaded.
Yeah, you guys met at the dojo after he quit at the Baratie and started working a
t the Rocksou. He doesn t remember quitting, or meeting you, or Franky and Brook f
or that matter.
That supposed to make me feel better? Zoro s look was deadly.
No, Ace said holding up his hands. I m just trying to explain. He lost the whole year
before the accident.
Zoro s knees suddenly buckled and he lost his footing. Ace caught him before he co
uld fall, and slung a thick arm over his shoulder.
Zoro! Ace lost his composure for a moment as his watched his impenetrable best fri
end falling apart before his eyes. Zoro, you alright?
A voice called from the doorway to the waiting room.
Ace, is he okay?
Ace looked up and saw Franky watching them with worry in his eyes. The dark hair
ed man motioned for Franky to come over in case Zoro went completely out. The bi
g man came immediately and put a hand on Zoro s other arm. He took the sword case
from Ace and slung it over his own back.
Zoro, bud you alright? You re scarin everyone.
Zoro looked up at Franky. The man stood almost a full head taller than he did. H
e was wearing a button up shirt with a loose tie around his neck as opposed to t
he usual bright floral pattern surfer shirt. They must have gotten a hold of him
as he was going to work, or got him after a really late night. Strangely, Zoro
thought of the time he and Sanji had gone shopping for Franky s birthday present.
They had gotten in a fight over whether or not to get him the shirt with the blu
e floral pattern or the green one with the turtles.
A sharp pain pressed around Zoro s heart and he covered his eyes with his hand. I m
not going to cry, I m not going to cry, Zoro DOES NOT cry
Franky Zoro moaned. Sanji doesn t remember me.
He felt Franky s hand on his back. I know dude, his friend said soothingly. I know I m
The two guided Zoro into the waiting room where Robin sat sipping coffee out of
a Styrofoam cup, and Usopp was cradling Choppers head in his lap. The boy s eyes w
ere red rimmed and he was clutching Usopp s hand tightly.
Where s Luffy? Zoro asked as he sat in one of the uncomfortable cushioned chairs.
He s in with Nami and Vivi, talking to Sanji, Robin said quietly. Franky moved to si
t beside her, and she offered him some of her coffee.
You want anything, Zoro? Ace asked.
Zoro shook his head no, and chewed the inside of his cheek. He looked at his fri
ends in turn.
You didn t tell him how he got there, did you? Zoro asked carefully.
Usopp shook his head. We promised you that you d be the one to do it. And Nami s just
in there telling Sanji things about himself, like in the year before it happene
d catching him up.
Zoro s eyes widened. She s not telling him about me is she? We re dealing with Sanji fr
om two years ago! That Sanji thought he was very straight!
Robin spoke up when Usopp blanched.
Everyone is steering clear of that topic, Zoro. No one really wants to be the one
to break that news to him.
Zoro nodded. Good. Nobody is going to except me.
Chopper sniffed from Usopp s lap. Zoro he whimpered. What are you going to do? If Sanj
i can t remember you, how is everything going to work? How will you guys be togeth
Zoro looked at the floor. He felt like someone had unplugged the game of his lif
e before he d reached a save point, and now he had to beat level ten all over agai
n. He would have to go back to dealing with Sanji s relentless flirting with every
girl in sight. The jibes, the insults, the constant one-upping each other. It h
ad been so hard to win Sanji the first time and now he had to do it again
But then again this time Zoro knew everything about Sanji. He knew what he liked a
nd what he disliked. His hopes, his dreams, his passions, his favorite color, hi
s favorite dinner to cook- Zoro knew it all Maybe with his knowledge he would do
a better job this time around. Maybe it wouldn t be quite so hard this time.
Zoro stood, and everyone stopped breathing. A look they all knew far too well sp
read across the swordsman s features. It was the look before Zoro entered a tourna
ment. The look he got just before he made a finishing move; cut down another opp
onent. It was the look that Zoro had when he was certain he was going to win.
Zoro slipped his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and took a deep br
I made Sanji fall in love with me once I m just gonna have to do it again that s all.
X x X x X
I can t believe you two are getting married! Sanji said quietly. The last I remember
of you two, you were still passing little glances at each other over the card ta
ble, and acting like it was coincidence that you guys sat beside each other on mov
ie nights.
Vivi blushed prettily and tucked her long hair behind her ear. He asked me a few
months ago. He took me out on his boat and we watched the sunset it was very roma
Sanji smiled at her. Ace is that kind of guy. I m happy for you, he lay watching Viv
i s smile widen, and didn t miss the loving look Luffy and Nami exchanged. Oh don t tel
l me you guys too he muttered.
No, Nami giggled. Luffy hasn t got around to asking me yet. She elbowed the dark hai
boy in the ribs to emphasize the yet in her statement.
Luffy grunted and made a face as he rubbed his side. Sooorry, but I gotta think o
f something spectacular to do when I ask. I can t let my brother have one over on
me ya know?
Sanji chuckled. It had been an interesting night. He had been listening to thing
s he had done two years ago, re-meeting friends, learning what the others had do
ne while he d been out. They all seemed so happy, so glad that he was there. They
listened with rapt attention to everything he said, hung on every movement and s
ound he produced. Besides the slight ache in all his joints, and the small throb
at the base of his skull, he was feeling wonderful. His friends were here, they
cared about him, they loved him.
So why did he feel like something was missing? Why did he feel like there was a
piece of him that should have been there and wasn t?
Sanji mentally shook his head. He was being stupid. Obviously it was the loss of
his memories making him feel incomplete. There was a whole year he had lived th
at was locked away deep in his brain somewhere! Of course he was going to feel l
ike something was missing!
Hey, Sanji do you- Luffy was cut off when the door opened. Nami and Vivi s heads tur
ned at the sound, and Sanji was surprised to see them both go a little pale. San
ji s view of the door was obscured by the curtain, so he couldn t see who had entere
d and made the girls look so tense.
Luffy stretched his neck to see and smiled at whoever had just come in.
Zoro! Luffy waved. Come say hi to Sanji!
Zoro? They had mentioned this guy before. They said he and Sanji were good frien
ds- best friends almost. It was too bad he couldn t remember him, he was probably
going to make the guy feel bad without meaning to.
Luffy energetically laced his hands behind his head and started to bounce on his
toes. We ve been telling him what he s missed! I tried to explain about the restaura
nt he works at, but I don t really know anything about it except that the food is
good, the boy grinned.
Sanji s eyes turned to his left as the curtain was pushed aside by a tall muscular
man with tanned skin and green hair? His face was hansome, in a rough sort of wa
y, and three gold hoops hugs from his left ear. Sanji immediately recognized why
he had probably been friends with this person. His aura was unbelievably imposi
ng. He filled the room with his confidence and quiet strength. In the first few
seconds of seeing Zoro, Sanji believed that this man, like himself, could comman
d the attention of a room without even trying. But unlike himself, who did it wi
th charm and cunning insight, Zoro did it with in your face, raw power.
He met this fearsome man s eyes and felt a strange connection. It sent little shiv
ers down his back and made him catch his breath. Zoro was looking at him with th
e most intense gaze he had ever encountered, but instead of shrinking or trying
to back down from it like people no doubt usually did, he met it head on. He sta
red right back, matching the heat from those dark eyes and sending it back in fu
Sanji, he heard Nami stand and pull Luffy to her side. He broke his eye contact to
glance her way. He was never one to be rude to a lady.
Yes, Nami? he said sweetly.
We re going to go for a bit, let you catch up with Zoro.
Aw, but Nami! Luffy whined. I wanna-
I m hungry, Luffy, Nami yanked on his arm. It s breakfast time, we should go get someth
ing to eat.
Luffy perked up a little at the mention of food. Yeah! Okay, good idea! You comin
g, Vivi?
The three said there good-bye s and Nami promised Sanji they would be back later.
Sanji frowned at the strange looks the red head gave Zoro before she was pulled
out the door, but quickly forgot them when he was left alone with the stoic man.
He looked up and watched Zoro move to sit beside his bed. His arms rested on th
e sides of the chair and his fingers laced together to rest against his chin. He
reminded Sanji of a large cat: dangerous, yet lazy- sleepy.
They regarded each other for a minute or two. The silence was strange, but not e
nough to be uncomfortable. Sanji took in the other s appearance as Zoro s eyes flick
ered over his face and hair. Finally, the larger man lowered his hands and smile
d softly.
So his voice was gravely, but gentle. How re you feeling, Shit-cook?
Sanji blinked in surprise, then started to chuckle. The chuckle turned into a qu
iet laugh, which turned into a soft cough.
Still smiling, Sanji wiped his lips with his fingers and turned back to Zoro.
We must be good friends if I let you get away with calling me that.
The corners of Zoro s mouth turned up further. Like you could ever stop me.
Oh ho, Sanji snapped back, good naturedly. Just wait until I get outta here, bastar
d, I ll kick your sorry ass into your mouth.
The two grinned at each other and Sanji was amazed at how easy conversation was
with this person he didn t even really know. He suddenly felt bad and his face rel
axed a little.
I m really sorry I don t remember you, Sanji said quietly. Nami said we were - I m sorry
are good friends.
Zoro s gaze dropped to the floor, but not before Sanji caught the pain that flashe
d in his eyes. He sat forward in the chair and rested his elbows on his knees.
Yeah, the quiet man rubbed his eyes before placing a hand under his chin. We re good
friends. And don t apologize it s not your fault.
Sanji didn t like the way Zoro said your fault . He also felt like he had shoved his
foot in his mouth, so he changed the subject. They told me you were flying here?
You live out of state?
No, Zoro raised his head and Sanji was pleased to see the painful look was gone. I
was at a tournament yesterday.
A tournament? Sanji asked, intrigued.
Yeah, Zoro smiled. I m a national kenjutsu champion. I compete all over the country.
Sword fighting, Zoro explained. I do all styles, but my best is kendo. I compete wo
rld class in kendo.
Sanji s eyes widened. Wait, you compete at NASKA? So do-
You do too, I know, Zoro interrupted him. We went together two years ago.
Sanji saw that flash of pain again, but was too excited to stop his questions.
We did? How did it go? How did I do? What did you do?
Zoro chuckled again and placed a hand on Sanji s arm. Calm down, calm down you did o
utstanding. You placed first in the lightweight Savate, and Silat categories. Yo
u bowed out of your general Taekwondo match, because you refused to use your han
ds. The panel worked something out though, and you placed third overall.
Holy shit Sanji was stunned. That was a memory he would pay dearly for to have back
. What did you do?
Second overall.
Sanji blinked at him. Wow...
Zoro snickered.
Sanji looked down at his hands and sighed, trying to let it all sink in.
It s so unbelievable, I ve been competing in NASKA forever, and when I finally place I
can t remember it
Zoro leaned back in his chair. Well, believe it. You ve got the trophy to prove it.
It s sitting on our mantle at home.
Sanji s head snapped back to Zoro. Our mantle ?
Sanji watched the color drain from Zoro s face. His eyes widened and his jaw clenc
hed hard enough to contort his cheeks.
Um he stammered. Yeah they didn t tell you we re roommates?
Oh, shit, good job Sanji way to make the guy feel as awkward as possible
No Sanji murmured. But it s alright I m sure it ll be fine. You seem like a cool guy
got along before just fine, right?
Zoro relaxed a little and nodded. Yeah, you got on me a little about drinking mil
k from the carton, and falling asleep on the couch and drooling on the cushions b
ut that s about it. We worked out that you stayed out of the workout room, and I s
tayed out of the kitchen unless it was an emergency.
Sanji s face crinkled and he made a mock disgusted sound. Drinking from the carton?
You re a barbarian, Zoro!
Zoro jabbed him softly in the ribs. Just imagine how much I ve done it while you ve b
een out?
Sanji rolled his eyes as the door opened. A pretty nurse came in with meds and a
replacement IV bag. She asked politely if Zoro would come back a little later s
o the patient could rest. Sanji felt slightly annoyed with the girl because he w
as really enjoying talking with the swordsman. But he also admitted to himself t
hat he was beginning to feel a little sleepy. Ironic, since he d just spent a year
sleeping, but whatever.
Hey, Zoro Sanji said quietly as Zoro stood to leave.
Yeah, Love-cook?
Sanji smiled at the nick-name and pulled at his blanket. Will you come back soon?
I want to hear more about your sword fighting.
Zoro s eyes flashed and Sanji felt that same intense gaze as he had when the large
r man first entered his room. But the blonde was suddenly too tired to hold it,
and he looked away as his eyelids started to droop. The swordsman leaned down an
d helped pull the blanket up over Sanji s weak arms.
I ll just be down the hall, he whispered. I m not going anywhere, I promise.
Sanji smiled and closed his eyes. The nurse must have added something to his IV
bag cause he was going under fast.
As sleep found him, Sanji told himself he didn t really feel a gentle, calloused h
and brush the hair from his eyes softly caress his cheek...
NASKA: World martial arts tournament. It s being held in the US this year July 4-5
. ESPN will be showing it. You should check it out, it s awesome.
Savate: A form of French martial art (er kickboxing) that only uses the feet as
weapons. It s also the only style of kickboxing in which the fighters wear shoes.
Silat: Another form of fighting that only uses the legs. But unlike Savate, Sila
t allows the use of knees and shins. Another cool thing about Silat is that it s n
ot used just for combat. When it s accompanied with drums, it transforms into a fo
lk dance.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 672 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I would like to thank everyone who reviewed! Every message get makes me feel war
m and fuzzy! I m glad you re liking it so much! MmeRoronoa lol your English is fine!
XD mini-kero I wanted to pair up Chopper and Usopp really bad, but my sister wa
s like NOES! HE BELONGS WITH KAYA!!!! So I didn t.
Chapter 3
As Zoro closed the door to Sanji s room behind him, he was met with several concer
ned faces. Nami and Vivi were sitting in chairs across the hallway, Ace was stil
l posted beside the door, and Robin and Franky were watching him from the window
of the waiting room. Usopp and Chopper were nowhere to be seen.
Zoro s heart was still thudding painfully in his chest. If someone had asked him a
t that moment if his hands were shaking, he would have denied it - Zoro s hands do
not shake! but he knew they were trembling uncontrollably. Hell, his whole body
was trembling uncontrollably.
Hey, Zoro, Ace said beside him. You gonna be alright? You need anything?
Zoro looked at the floor. He didn t trust himself to speak just yet, so he put his
hand up and shook his head gently.
Did you guys get along alright? Nami asked. You didn t fight or anything did you?
Oh ho, Sanji snapped back, good naturedly. Just wait until I get outta here, bastar
d, I ll kick your sorry ass into your mouth.
Zoro s chest started to hurt. Sanji had been just Sanji and no, they hadn t fought, th
ey had gotten along really well. In a way it was almost harder to take than if S
anji had been the asshole he d known from two years ago. The Sanji lying in there
on the bed was the same Sanji that Zoro remembered. The one that he had trained
with, lived with, made love to countless times, fought with, cried with No! Zoro
doesn t cry! He was Zoro s Sanji but not. Everything was the same except all of Zoro
had been erased from his head
I m really sorry I don t remember you, Sanji said quietly. Nami said we were - I m sorry
are good friends.
Zoro had never believed in a god before, but now he wondered because there was no
way nature and chance could be this cruel. There probably was a god, and he hat
ed Zoro.
Zoro? Vivi s gentle voice penetrated his thoughts.
The swordsman frowned and closed his eyes. It was a little too much. He needed a
moment to himself. The eyes on him, the worried expressions, the pity it was get
ting to him. He needed to get out from under their gazes before he went crazy.
Uh he ran a hand through his hair. Give me a minute, I gotta use the bathroom.
He took off down the hall, not waiting for anyone to say anything. He slipped by
a few nurses and yanked open the door with the men sign. Once inside, he checked
for other occupants and, discovering he was alone, locked the door. He moved to
the sinks and rested his hands on the cool Formica. The pattern was blue with a
dusting of white.
Blue ocean blue blue like Sanji s eyes dusted white like flower on the countertop afte
r he made Zoro s favorite pancakes on Sunday mornings
FUCK! Zoro squeezed his eyes shut and let the pain wash over him. When he had ap
proached Sanji s bed earlier and pulled back the curtain, his heart had stopped. T
he world had slowed and the air had run stagnant. Nothing had been real except f
or Sanji and himself. Everything had ceased to exist as Sanji had turned to look
at him, his gaze just as he remembered it: cool, and calculating. Questioning a
nd intuitive. Zoro had worried for a moment that Sanji would see right through h
im; see though the desperate shell covering his grief and longing and be terrifi
ed. Terrified enough to ask Zoro to leave and never come see him again.
Suddenly, the swordsman was hit with a powerful swell of nausea. He straightened
and fought with it for several seconds, but quickly found it was a lost battle.
He ducked into the nearest stall and wretched violently. He hadn t eaten anything
since the previous evening so his heaving produced nothing but terrible cramps
in his abdomen. Goddamnit what the hell is wrong with me? He took a few deep brea
ths, and wiped his brow on his sleeve.
Get a fucking grip, Zoro He needed to be more careful, needed to steel himself be
tter next time. Needed to not lose himself in Sanji s beautiful eyes, or get caugh
t up in the timber of Sanji s voice. Sanji was going to have to be told about the
years he lost. If he was going to go back to his old life, he needed to know eve
rything. Sanji and him had not kept their relationship a secret. Everyone that k
new Sanji knew his lover was a man. Sanji had been proud of it- proud of Zoro, j
ust like Zoro had been proud of Sanji. When Zoro finally told him, he would have
to be strong when he did it. He needed to be the man Sanji had been proud of; n
eeded to be in control, focused.
Not falling apart like he was now, alone in a bathroom. His knuckles were turnin
g white as his hands gripped the toilet seat; tears welled up in his eyes, his b
reath was catching in his throat. He couldn t break down like this and show that h
e was weak in front of Sanji.
A knock on the bathroom door startled Zoro and he stood.
What! he barked, intending to scare whoever it was away.
But the voice on the other side was one that would not be swayed.
Zoro, it s me, Chopper said boldly. Are you okay?
Zoro sighed. Chopper was using the doctor voice . No one resisted that tone, no one
even tried. He moved to the door and put his hand on the latch above the handle
Are you alone, Chopper?
Zoro unlocked the door and opened it a few inches. The shaggy haired boy pushed
it open further and thrust a can of juice and a small pill at him.
I want you to take this, and drink all of this. I know you haven t eaten anything i
n a while and I know I can t stop you from brooding yourself into a stupor, but I
can stop you from getting dehydrated.
Zoro stared at his friend for a few seconds. Then his mouth cracked the smallest
of smiles, and he moved to the side to let the smaller boy into the bathroom. I
f there was anyone in this world besides Sanji that could get Zoro to turn into
a gooey puddle of feelings, it was Chopper. He was just too fucking cute for his
own good.
Chopper slipped into the bathroom and hopped up onto the counter. He sat, swingi
ng his legs like a little kid as he watched Zoro pop the pill and down half the
can of fruit juice. Zoro eyed him out the corner of his eye and almost chuckled
when the little med student crossed his arms and glared at him. Well, what was c
onsidered a glare from Chopper anyway.
All of it, he said.
Zoro rolled his eyes, tipped the can back and swallowed the rest. He tossed the
empty can into the trash and wiped his mouth.
Happy? he mumbled.
Chopper smiled. Yes.
Zoro moved to lean against the counter beside Chopper and folded his arms. He st
ared at a spot on the floor like it held the answer to all his current problems.
After a few minutes, Chopper sighed. It s weird seeing him talk you know? He d been in
that same position for so long
Zoro nodded.
But you know what s weirder than seeing Sanji talk? Chopper s grin was wide.
Zoro looked up and cocked an eyebrow at his friend. Hm? he grunted.
Chopper giggled. Seeing Sanji talking without a cigarette! I don t ever remember se
eing him without one except when we went to see him at work!
Zoro smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. Yeah now that I think about it, it is
kinda weird huh?
Chopper s smile lessened and he put his arms around Zoro s neck. It ll be okay, Zoro He
loves you, he just doesn t remember.
Zoro lifted himself to sit on the counter beside Chopper and put and arm around
the small boy s shoulders. Chopper was so much like a little brother to him that s
ometimes he would forget they weren t related at all. He let himself relax a littl
e and rested his chin in Chopper s hair, sighing softly.
I didn t see Kaya with you guys, Zoro said offhandedly. She working tonight?
No The boy sighed deeply and gently pushed away from his larger friend. He folded h
is arms across his chest. She s still avoiding Usopp
She didn t come to see Sanji just to avoid Usopp? Zoro asked incredulously.
Chopper shook his head. No I don t think anyone told her I felt weird calling her
Zoro patted Chopper s back. You shouldn t feel bad about it, Chopper, it wasn t your fa
But I set them up! Chopper wailed. If I had never introduced them, then Usopp would
n t be miserable right now! Zoro s heart went out to his friend as the boy buried his
face in his hands. All I want is for Usopp to be happy, Zoro
What about you, Chopper, Zoro whispered. Don t you deserve to be happy?
It s never going to happen, Zoro. He loves Kaya, and I ve dealt with that. He ll never
feel that way about me its okay
Suddenly, Chopper s head snapped up and he looked at Zoro in horror.
Oh my God, Zoro! Chopper said shrilly. I m so sorry! I m such a jerk! You have so much
on your mind and here I am complaining about my problems! I didn t mean to-
Zoro chuckled and covered Chopper s mouth with his hand.
It s okay, relax. I don t mind talking about it. It s helping me forget my problems for
a little while.
Chopper looked at the floor and made a tortured face. I m going to get them back to
gether, Zoro. They love each other and they re being stupid. They belong together
Zoro nodded and let the younger boy s head rest on his shoulder. Several minutes p
assed in comfortable silence before Chopper whispered softly.
I wanna ask you a question, Zoro But I don t want to make you feel bad
Zoro rubbed Chopper s shoulder. It s okay, ask.
Chopper s face went a little red and he looked everywhere in the bathroom except a
t Zoro.
What did Sanji do when you told him how you felt about him?
Zoro laughed, a loud guffaw straight from his gut. He leaned back and grabbed hi
s side as a cramp bit into the side of his lungs. Chopper stared at him with his
jaw on the floor.
Zoro hadn t had a chance to tell Sanji directly how he felt about him the first ti
me Well, he d sort of told him, but there hadn t been much talking involved. There ha
d been struggling and growling and backs getting slammed down on workout mats. I
t had started as a fight and had ended in a mass of arms and legs , sweat and cu
m, and panting and whispering insults into the darkness of the gym.
So? Chopper said as Zoro s laughter died down. What did Sanji do when you first told
him you liked him?
Zoro grinned, and ran a hand through his hair.
He kicked me in the head.
X x X x X
For Sanji, the next two days were a jumble of visiting with friends, being moved
all over the hospital for one test of another. He passed his EEG and MRI with f
lying colors and was scheduled for a CAT scan the next morning.(1) The physical
therapists had come to test his strength and reflexes, doing a series of movemen
ts with his joints and had him sit in various positions to check his blood press
ure. His body seemed to be doing extraordinarily well after being immobile for s
uch a long period of time. His limbs had been put in splints after the first mon
th of his coma, so none of his tendons had suffered contractures.(2) His swallow
ing reflex was also functioning properly so the doctor said he could be started
on a liquid diet immediately. Unfortunately, they hadn t removed the pick lines, a
nd Sanji was a little uneasy thinking about there being tubes sticking out of hi
s stomach and bladder.(3) Oh well, they would go eventually.
Now Sanji sat in his bed, watching TV and munching on ice chips. His arms were w
eak, so he rested his cup on his chest and tipped the chips into his mouth. He r
olled them around on his tongue, savoring the feel of cool wetness trickling dow
n his throat. His mouth had been so dry when he woke, and hearing the news that
he could try liquids had sent him into a ridiculous state of delight.
2008 so fucking weird A lot had happened in the last two years. He had been flippi
ng between the local and national news stations for the last few hours, trying t
o catch up. He had even given in and switched to MTV for a while to see what was
happening in pop culture. But finally, after getting tired of all the political
debates and sessions where candidates he d never heard of bashed each other, he c
hanged it to the Food Network and set his cup down. He felt his eyelids getting
heavy and he relaxed, comfortable with drifting to the sounds of cooking.
Sanji hadn t realized he had actually fallen asleep until a soft thud woke him. He
opened his eyes slowly and saw Zoro sitting in one of the chairs across the roo
m, rubbing his shin.
Zoro? he yawned and smiled. What happened?
Zoro stopped rubbing his leg and looked sheepishly at him. I walked into the fuck
ing end table thing.
Sanji chuckled. He hadn t seen Zoro since he d had his blood pressure checks. The sw
ordsman had stood against the wall, watching Sanji s every move intently. The blon
de was surprised that the other s presence hadn t felt strange or obtrusive. In fact
, having Zoro there gave Sanji a strange sort of confidence. Zoro s attendance had
been a silent support and Sanji appreciated it greatly.
So what brings you here? Sanji asked.
Zoro toed a small duffle bag by his feet.
I brought you some things, he said softly.
Sanji s eyes widened. Things? What kind of things?
Zoro stood and brought the bag and set it on Sanji s bed. Clothes and things. Your
doctor said it was alright if you wanted to wear your own stuff. He unzipped the
duffle and rummaged around inside. I tried to bring clothes you ve had for a few ye
ars you know cause, otherwise it would be like it wasn t yours I mean, since you don t
remember buying it
Sanji smiled when he realized Zoro was rambling. Was he nervous?
That s really nice of you, Zoro, he eyed the bag. Lemme see.
Zoro pulled out a pair of dark blue sweatpants with white lettering down the sid
e. Sanji s smile widened when he recognized his college insignia.
Holy shit, Zoro! Those are my favorite sweats!
Zoro smiled back. I know.
Zoro explained he didn t have any boxers from two years ago, and Sanji laughed say
ing that was just fine. The rest of the bag contained several t-shirts that Sanj
i adored, another pair of beloved sweatpants, and a dark blue bathrobe. Sanji s ja
w dropped and he stared longingly at the soft blue material.
Sanji was almost startled when Zoro moved to his side and offered him his hand.
I ll help you sit up so you can put it on, Zoro murmured.
Sanji s eyes widened, but he took the offered hand. Then Zoro surprised him yet ag
ain by the gentleness with which he used to get Sanji to sit up and help him get
his arms through the sleeves of the bathrobe. The swordsman s touch was soft, and
every move he made was precise. When Zoro pulled the robe closed and guided San
ji back against the pillows, the blonde couldn t help but feel the other man s hands
were familiar. He told himself that he knew them because of sparring or maybe t
hey had played cards or something a lot together. Maybe he had taught Zoro how t
o cook?
But no, no matter how he tried to talk himself out of it, Sanji knew it was the
touch of Zoro s hands that felt familiar. The touch of Zoro s hands smoothing the ro
be flicking his blond hair out of his eyes tucking the sheets carefully around him
Sanji might have been unnerved if hadn t found Zoro s being there exceptionally soot
hing. There was something about the green haired man
He smirked as Zoro moved the bag to the chair. So why do you dye your hair green?
Zoro smiled over his shoulder and brought a chair close to Sanji s side. He pulled
off his leather jacket and sat.
I don t dye it.
Sanji snorted, only slightly distracted by the exposed skin of Zoro s arms. His ta
n skin was stretched tight over thick ropes of muscle, and it rippled and flexed
as the swordsman moved. Sanji thought Zoro probably had to beat the ladies away
with a stick. Probably another reason they were friends; mutual interests and a
ll that.
So, what do you swim in chlorinated pools everyday and forget to shower? You drin
k a lot of lime kool-aid or something?
Zoro chuckled. No, I just have some kind of chemical deficiency or overcompensati
on or something. It s genetic, my dad had it too. My aunt tried to explain it to m
e once, but she lost me after you and your dad s hair is green because
Sanji cocked his eyebrow. Lemme see your arm.
Zoro held out his arm and Sanji peered at it closely.
What are you looking at? Zoro asked.
Sanji relaxed and made a face. I was looking to see if your arm hair was green. S
ee if you were bull-shitting me or not... but you don t have any.
Zoro snickered. I swear I m not bull-shitting you.
Sanji shook his head slowly. That s really weird man
Zoro relaxed in his chair and glanced at the television. The two sat in silence
for a few minutes watching a pretty brunette making Italian antipasti. During a
commercial break, Zoro asked absently.
When do they take you down to the physical therapy room?
Sanji sighed. Starting tomorrow, I go twice a day until I can walk unassisted. Af
ter my CAT scan, they re going to have me try and stand against the parallel bars.
Zoro nodded and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Sanji could tell the man was
fighting with something in his head.
Of everyone who had come to see him, Zoro was the only person that wasn t fanatica
l about telling Sanji about the years he lost. The quiet man always just visited
and let Sanji direct the conversation. He talked to him and answered his questi
ons, but he never played the Do you remember this? game.
Hey, Zoro Sanji asked carefully.
Hn Zoro looked his way apprehensively.
I was just wondering Sanji faltered.
When Sanji trailed off and it appeared he wasn t going to continue, Zoro slowly sa
t forward.
You wanna know how you got here? he asked softly.
Sanji huddled inside his robe and nodded his head.
Zoro sighed and moved the chair closer so he could rest his elbows on the bed. H
e spoke slowly and carefully, like he had rehearsed the words over and over agai
n, and now he was quoting back what he had memorized from a monologue script.
The world kendo champion is a guy named Hawk. He s been number one since well foreve
r. He s completely unbeatable. I m number two. I ve been number two since I got my fir
st second place when I was nineteen- so six years. The third place guy is this d
ude named Bones. He has this whole big following and fan club, they call him Mr.
One and all this shit Anyway
Sanji didn t know where Zoro was going with this, but he kept his mouth shut and l
So, this Bones guy wants the title just as much as I do, and decided the easiest
way to get it, was to kill me-
WHAT! Sanji interrupted. Kill you over a kendo title? Are you serious?
Yes, this guy is a little, he made a gesture above his head. Off, I guess would be
the right word. Anyway, so he decided to get rid of me which, now that I think a
bout it, is kind of retarded because he would still have to beat Hawk and that s n
ot gonna happen But whatever, Zoro rubbed his eyes and his voice got a little quie
ter. One night, we were coming home from this thing at Robin s museum. She d been pro
moted and they had all this new Egyptian shit I don t remember and I d had a little
too much to drink, so you said you d drive my car home
Sanji waited patiently, not daring to interrupt again. Zoro had tapered off and
had started to pull at a loose string in the blanket.
Um to Sanji s surprise Zoro s voice shook slightly as he continued. We were rounding a
end coming up to Capitol Hill, and we were hit driver s side by an unlicensed F 1-
50. When I came to, I had my head through the glass, and you were
Sanji saw Zoro s chaw clenching and unclenching hard. This accident had really bee
n rough for Zoro, and he obviously hated talking about it. Sanji moved without t
hinking and placed his hand on the swordsman s arm. Zoro unconsciously reached for
it and rested his cheek against Sanji s skin.
You were wrapped in the side of the car it looked like your lower half was crushed
and your head was bleeding so much I couldn t move I thought you were dead
Sanji s heart broke as he listened to Zoro s grief-stricken words. He hated being th
e cause of his friend s unhappiness. He tightened his fingers on Zoro s arm.
When we finally got to the hospital, I sat through all these bitch nurses cleanin
g my cuts and stitching me up and not telling me a goddamn thing about what was
happening to you. I was so angry I almost killed the cops that came to ask me qu
estions. But finally Chopper came in and told me you were in surgery You had both
your fuck
Zoro sat up straighter, pinching the bridge of his nose. Sanji couldn t tell if he
was holding back screams or tears.
Hey, hey, Zoro, Sanji said. It s okay.
Zoro opened his eyes and glared intensely at Sanji. No, it s not okay- it wasn t okay
. You broke both your legs, Sanji. Both your fucking legs! And all I could think
about was how your martial arts career, your biggest passion besides your cooki
ng, was over because of me Those guys were out to get me, and you just happened to
be in the wrong fucking place at the wrong fucking time.
Sanji s eyes widened. Of course, no wonder Zoro was so broken up about their accid
ent. He thought it was his fault. Zoro had gotten away with a few new scars and
a bump on the head while Sanji had broken both his legs and been knocked into a
coma for a year.
I ve been waiting for so long to tell you I m sorry, Sanji Zoro whispered.
Sanji stared into Zoro s dark eyes. There was so much pain there, so much grief. H
e knew this was a pinnacle moment, especially for Zoro. Whatever he said next wo
uld impact the swordsman more than anything else he d heard or been told in the la
st year.
Zoro looked down and appeared to be readying himself for a blow. Yeah
Sanji sighed. Shut the fuck up.
Zoro s eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he looked back up. Sanji almost laughed
at the swordsman s shocked expression, but kept his cool. It was imperative that
he took this seriously.
Don t talk like it s all your fucking fault dipshit. It s really melodramatic and it ma
kes my skin all itchy.
Zoro seemed to shrink in on himself as Sanji continued.
So a couple guys tried to off you and they got me. Well, fuck them. It looks like
I m alive and so are you, so they fucked that up. I ll walk again soon, and then I ll
go back to kicking your ass which I bet I did and then we ll go to NASKA together
again, and you ll beat this Hawk guy, and we ll laugh at em. Maybe we ll even find the
m and kick their asses together. Then everyth-
Sanji was cut off as Zoro s arms flew around him; catching him in a fierce hug. Sa
nji grimaced as his joints screamed in pain, but he was able to bring one hand a
round Zoro s waist and the other over his broad shoulder gently. He hugged the swo
rdsman back after a few seconds, feeling a little awkward being in such a tight
embrace with someone he barely knew... and a guy to boot.
Stupid shitty swordsman being this torn up about me
Sanji felt Zoro s breath catch.
I missed you, Sanji, the larger man mumbled into his shoulder.
Sanji chuckled and rolled his eyes as he brought his arms tighter around his bes
t friend.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity produced
by the brain. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRI) is used to measure the level
s of different metabolites in body tissues. In other words, reflexes on a nervou
s system level. Most of you should know kind of what a CAT scan is, kinda like a
n X-ray on crack.
Contractures are when muscles, ligaments, and tendons lose mobility due to short
ening. They re like rubber bands, so if you don t use them they lose their stretchin
Pick Lines are when they put the feeding tube directly into the stomach through t
he stomach. Gross. Same for the bladder. (Although I think the term for the one
in the bladder is different )

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 672 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Thank you for the reviews everyone! EspeciallySusumi- Thank you for your awesome
review! I am also a big Ace/Sanji fan, and I feel there s not enough fics for the
Anyway, there is fanart for this now!! XD If you go to http://community(dot)live
journal(dot)com/onepieceyaoi/818668(dot)html#cutid1, you will see the amazing Zo
ro artwork of the lovely sahikochan! Just change the (dot)'s to real periods.
Chapter 4
Physical therapy was not going well.
Sanji had been going upstairs to the PT room twice a day for a week and a half.
He d done well standing his first day. He had held onto the parallel bars and trem
bled for almost thirteen seconds before he had to sit back down. Everyone had pr
aised him and told him he was doing so well but it had all been downhill from the
re. He now could stand for more than a minute without the aid of the bars or som
eone else s support, but his entire body trembled and still hadn t been able to take
a step. Not a single fucking step.
His doctor told him it was normal after being in a coma for so long. Walking wou
ld take time, practice, and patience. The nurses had also been very encouraging
and supportive, telling him he was still doing a good job and the fact that he c
ould stand so long was a good indication of how strong he still was.
But Sanji saw the truth they were hiding behind their kind words. Their eyes loo
ked at him with sadness and pity. He heard whispered comments as he left the PT
room every day and saw the glances the other patients gave him. He was one of th
ose. One of those guys that woke from their comas but never fully recovered. He
would probably never walk again, poor soul. But at least he still had his mind.
He hadn t woken up a slobbering baby that couldn t talk or function in normal societ
y. And the fact that he had woken up at all! He should be thankful for what he h
ad! He could have died!
Fuck them, Sanji thought. If he couldn t use his legs he was as good as dead anywa
y. How could he continue being a chef? How could he run a kitchen if he was conf
ined to a chair? How could he live without the feel of adrenalin pumping though
his veins as he bent and twisted his body into combination attacks? Flying, kick
ing, heels connecting, sweat flowing, heart pounding, the ring of the bell as he
knocked another opponent to the ground, the crowd cheering- fuck!
Sanji leaned back in his chair and covered his face with his hands. He needed a
cigarette. He needed a cigarette so bad his teeth hurt. Zoro had noticed and poi
nted it out the day before when he had come to visit.
They let you smoke here? he had asked as Sanji nibbled on the rice and barbecued p
ork the swordsman had snuck in.
Hmm? Sanji had looked at the other, wondering if Zoro had read his mind. They won t e
ven let me drink coke yet, so no, I don t think so why?
Zoro pointed to Sanji s hands.
You ve been biting your nails. You only bite your nails when you want a cigarette a
nd you re out.
Sanji had looked at his hands and, sure enough, he had chewed the nails down so
far that some had been bleeding. He had shaken his head and sighed at the sight.
The number of mundane things Zoro knew about him had ceased to surprise Sanji a
fter the first week.
Why are you still craving cigarettes after a year? Zoro had asked.
It doesn t seem like a year to me! Sanji snapped. I feel like it was just last week I
was sucking on a Red, standing on the deck of the Baratie watching sea gulls fu
ck on the breakers!
At first, Zoro had just looked at him with his deadpan stare. But after a few mi
nutes the two had started to chuckle, Sanji letting himself go into fits of gigg
Is that really what you did on your breaks? Zoro asked around a grin.
Sanji had rubbed his eyes and sighed. Uh yeah, sometimes
I don t think you ever told me that before
Now Sanji sat in his dimly lit room, staring at the blank screen of the TV. He w
as exhausted from his earlier efforts in the PT room. He had tried so desperatel
y to take that first step, but it hadn t happened yet again. He had stood at the b
ars, staring out at a landscape without form, the kind that was familiar and unf
amiliar as landscapes tended to be in dreams. His head had started to spin as fe
ar and nausea swept him up. He had left, chewing furiously at the skin around hi
s fingernails. The nurse that had pushed him back to his room told him it was fi
ne and that it would probably happen tomorrow.
Sanji hadn t even heard her. He had been slowly spiraling down into a black sea of
He found himself wishing Zoro was there with him. He needed the placation and se
renity that seemed to surround Zoro like a miasma. The man was a bottomless pit
of patience and was a better listener than anyone Sanji had ever known.
Sanji eyed a black sweatshirt draped across the chair next to him. Zoro had left
it the day before, and the blonde reached out to grab it. He placed it in his l
ap and outlined the logo on the front with his fingers. As he traced, Sanji real
ized he didn t know much about Zoro besides his accomplishments as a fighter. When
the two were together, the conversation always seemed to revolve around Sanji.
He didn t know about Zoro s family, were he d gone to school, his favorite foods- anyt
hing. Yet Zoro seemed to know everything there was to know about Sanji.
The blonde made a promise to himself that he would find out these things the nex
t time Zoro came to see him.
Resolved, Sanji looked back down at the sweatshirt in his lap. If Zoro wasn t ther
e in person to calm him and make him more comfortable, then he would have to mak
e do. He slipped the sweatshirt over his head and put his arms through the sleev
es. It was a little big, but it was surprisingly soft. He pulled the hood up and
inhaled the scent of pine wood and what was that steel?
Sanji pulled his legs up under him one at a time. When he had situated himself,
he grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. Some network was playing an anime
where the heroes wore black robes and fought giant monsters with samurai swords.
It looked interesting, so Sanji placed the remote at his feet and curled up to
watch, warm and comfortable in Zoro s sweatshirt.
X x X x X
Zoro quietly closed the door behind him. He knew Sanji would be exhausted from h
is physical therapy session and was probably sleeping. He slowly made his way to
the small table by the window and set down the bag of sushi he had promised the
blonde. He started to take off his jacket and glanced over at Sanji sleeping in
the cushioned chair.
When he took in the sight before him, Zoro s entire body went still. The swordsman s
heart leapt into his throat and that sweet ache he had grown to know so well er
upted in his chest.
Sanji was wearing his sweatshirt.
It was such a stupid little thing, Zoro knew, very high school crush and all tha
t. But the swordsman couldn t help but feel like he d won something seeing his forme
r lover wearing his clothes. In addition to his sweatshirt, Sanji was wearing a
pair of pajama pants Zoro had bought him as a joke for his birthday. They had li
ttle chef s hats and spoons decorating the light blue fabric.
Robin had come a few days ago and had given Sanji a haircut. He d been whining abo
ut how long it was and Zoro had begged the woman to come and fix the problem. No
w, with his hair cut and his cheeks filling back out, his skin a much healthier
pale, and cuddled in Zoro s sweatshirt in the chair, Sanji looked exactly like Zor
o remembered him. Zoro had come home on several occasions to find his lover in t
his same position. Curled up o the couch, bundled in his clothes, having fallen
asleep waiting for Zoro to come home.
The swordsman reached out and turned off the TV. He moved to the chair by the wi
ndow and sat, perfectly content to watch Sanji sleep. He watched the rise and fa
ll of Sanji s shoulders as he breathed. The flutter of his eyelashes as his eyes f
ollowed the phantoms of his dreams. He watched the faint twitch of Sanji s mouth a
nd remembered the feel of those soft lips against his skin.
For the first time since Sanji had awakened, Zoro felt the distinct wrench of ne
ed in his gut. A slight tingling below his navel and a tightening in his pants m
ade the swordsman flush slightly under his tanned skin. The sudden urge to lean
over Sanji and kiss him hit Zoro so hard he felt like he was falling. He wanted
Sanji so much at that moment, he almost wanted to die. He wanted to run his tong
ue over the creamy skin he hadn t felt in a year. He wanted to rake his fingers th
rough Sanji s silky blonde hair. He wanted to pull Sanji s body on top of his and lo
ok into those beautiful blue eyes as he was ridden into a euphoric blackout.
But he would settle for just one kiss. Just a moment to hold Sanji s body against
his own. He could survive another week if he could just once feel that blonde ha
ir waft across his cheek.
Suddenly, Sanji s eyes opened and slowly met his own. Zoro felt a little vulnerabl
e as he stared into those oceanic depths. It probably bothered Sanji to wake up
and find Zoro had been watching him while he was sleeping.
Hey he said uncertainly.
Sanji felt like an idiot. Why had he fallen sleep wearing Zoro s sweatshirt? Now t
he guy probably thought he was a fucking weirdo.
Um hi, he replied, embarrassed.
Sanji sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was probably blushing madly by the feel of
his cheeks. Thank god the room was partially dark, maybe Zoro didn t notice. He ma
de to pull his arms out of the sleeves.
Sorry, he whispered. It was getting kinda cold and this was the only thing I could
Don t worry about it, Zoro said. You used to borrow that one all the time.
Sanji stopped pulling his arm out and glanced at the floor. Kay thanks.
Zoro shrugged and watched with a dry mouth as Sanji s cheeks turned crimson. He gr
ipped the edges of his chair to keep from launching himself at the blonde.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Sanji frowned at Zoro.
How are you here? Don t visiting hours end at like eight or something?
Oh shit how to explain that Zoro clenched his jaw and decided to tell a partial tr
Well, um after you d been out for a few months, the doctor called all of us together
and discussed the possibility of you um
Sanji made a face. What? Possibility of me what, Zoro? It came out a little more l
ike a snap than he first intended.
Zoro glared at Sanji. The possibility of you never waking up, asshole!
Sanji backed down. Sorry, he whispered after a moment.
It s okay, Zoro ran a hand over his mouth. Anyway, they told us that someone had to b
e the one to um pull the plug if like your brain stopped working or something
Sanji s eyes went wide. He hadn t even thought about how people were probably planni
ng on him dying. Eleven months is a long time.
Are aren t he started, are you the one?
Zoro looked at the floor and nodded.
Did you like volunteer or something? Sanji was beginning to get a little freaked ou
t. Zoro had held Sanji s life in his hands and Sanji couldn t even remember him!
Zoro looked back up and shook his head quickly.
No! No! It s actually totally the opposite
Sanji frowned and folded his arms across his chest. He hated talking about this.
He suddenly felt tremendously mortified that he had brought such a dark year up
on his friends. He was a chef, someone who thrived on making people happy. He br
ought the gift of sustenance to others damn good sustenance too! He loved the lo
oks on people s faces when they ate his food! Making people sad or worried went ag
ainst everything he strived for. He was fucking weak and had caused vast amounts
of pain and anguish. It made him sick.
So how the fuck did you get stuck with that job?
Zoro began to fidget and looked everywhere in the room that wasn t Sanji.
Um well, the doctors told us that you had already chosen me as your person. You ha
d signed a form saying that I was the decision maker if something like this were
to happen to you.
Sanji stared at the green haired man like he had grown a second head.
Zoro would have laughed at the expression if the subject hadn t been so serious. H
e watched Sanji s face as the man went through the feelings of surprise, denial, d
isbelief, confusion, and then finally acceptance. He waited patiently sitting in
the chair, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
Finally, Sanji looked at Zoro and forced the words that were screaming in his he
Did did you ever-
No, Zoro said immediately. Never once did I even think about doing it.
Sanji nodded thoughtfully. Okay well I guess I chose well, huh?
Zoro smiled softly and nodded back. Yeah, ya did.
Sanji looked thoughtfully at Zoro for a few seconds, and the larger man buckled
under his gaze. There was no way in hell he was going to be able to sit there wi
th Sanji s eyes on him like that, and not start crying or molesting him or somethi
ng. He stood quickly, wringing his hands.
I know this week s been rough, Sanji. Zoro said, picking up his jacket and searching
through the pockets. So I brought you something to make you feel better.
Sanji sighed. I don t think there s anything you could have that would cheer me up ri
ght now, Zoro.
Oh yeah, I think there is
Sanji started to get frustrated again.
No, there isn t! I can t fucking walk, Zoro! I might not ever fucking walk again! My
life is fucking over as far as that s concerned! So unless you ve come with some kin
d of he trailed off when he saw the small box Zoro pulled from his jacket pocket.
Oh fuck Sanji breathed.
Zoro was holding up a pack of Marlboro Reds in his hand; Sanji favorite cigarett
es. His vision tunneled on the small red and white box. The rest of the world di
sappeared and Sanji s mouth started to water.
He held out his hand. Gimme, he said.
Zoro shook his head.
Sanji came back to reality and looked at Zoro.
Gimme please?
Zoro shook his head again.
Sanji sat as far forward as his arms could support and shouted at the man before
Holy fuck, Zoro! What are you trying to do? Kill me?
Zoro moved to the window and sat on the wide sill. He peeled the plastic off the
small box and pounded the box in his palm, packing the tobacco like he knew San
ji always did. He did it slow, watching the hungry look on Sanji s face.
I m not giving this to you for nothing Zoro started.
Well what the fuck do you want? Sanji asked, his eyes never left the pack.
Zoro set the pack behind him so he could have Sanji s full attention. When the blo
nde looked up at him with a devil s glare, he folded his arms across his chest.
I want you to walk over here and get it.
Sanji s hands clawed at the arm rests and his lips pulled back to show his teeth.
How dare you Are you making fun of me, asshole? Don t you think if I could do that, I
already would have after kicking your ass out the window you insensitive prick
Zoro calmly slipped off and moved the pack of cigarettes to the center of the si
ll. He advanced towards Sanji and knelt beside the chair. The blonde made to pun
ch him, but Zoro easily caught his arm. Sanji was breathing hard through his nos
e and his eyes were murderous. Zoro pulled him close and spoke softly.
Sanji, I ve known a lot of people in my life, and you are by far the biggest asshol
e I ve ever come across. You re annoying as fuck, and a giant pain in the ass. You b
itch and whine like a girl, and the fact that you iron your jeans makes me want
to kill you sometimes. But you re also the best friend I ve ever had you know why? Be
cause you re the only other person on the planet that s as stubborn as I am. No one s
able to put up with my shit like you do. I ve seen you broken and bloody and still
gunning for more after a Savate match that would have killed a normal person. I v
e seen you standing in the street, smoking a cigarette with a broken hand like i
t was nothing after defending Chopper.
Sanji s face had softened as he listened to Zoro speak. The swordsman s hand had mov
ed from his wrist to clasp his own in a tight grip.
You have never given up on anything or anyone ever before so now, I m not giving up
on you. Okay? Zoro stood, keeping his grip on Sanji s hand. It s three and a half step
s to the window. I ll help you, I ll be right here. You can lean on me. But you re fuc
king gonna do it. You re gonna get out of this stupid fucking funk you re in and be
a man. You got me?
Sanji looked up at Zoro, his feelings in turmoil. This man sparked emotions in h
is gut he hadn t felt in years: inspiration, rage, and fear At that moment, he unde
rstood what he liked the most about the swordsman. He reminded him of Zeff, his
father. The shitty old man had died several years ago and left Sanji with a larg
e sum of money for college and cooking school abroad. He missed him tremendously
. He had the same intense energy that Zoro possessed, the same powerful aura tha
t had struck Sanji when he had first seen the green haired man. And let s not forg
et that Zoro pissed him off just as much as his father had.
Sanji clenched his jaw and took strength in Zoro s words.
Okay, he whispered. Okay, let s do it.
Zoro helped Sanji to his feet wordlessly. He had been a little more longwinded t
han he had originally intended, but it had worked. He recognized the look on San
ji s face. It was how he looked when trying a new dish, or a new combination of mo
ves. Zoro felt his spirits lift at that look. It was so much better than the one
he d been wearing the last week, and a thousand times better than the sneer he d be
en giving Zoro minutes before.
Zoro slipped Sanji s arm around his tanned neck and the blonde clutched the swords
man s shoulder in a death grip. His legs were already shaking and sweat was beginn
ing to bead on his forehead. He knew this was going to be painful, but Zoro had
such confidence in him. He couldn t let him down. He felt one of Zoro s hands come a
round his waist and the other grasped Sanji s hand on his shoulder.
You ready? Zoro said in his ear.
Yes, Sanji whispered.
But then the formless landscape rose up before Sanji s eyes. The dizziness and nau
sea hit him like a truck and his knees buckled from under him.
Sanji! Zoro caught him and pulled him straight again. His voice was quiet and pati
ent. Focus. Focus on the window sill. Focus on your cigarettes. You see them?
Sanji looked and tried to see just the red and white pack in front of him. He tr
ied to focus on the soothing baritone of Zoro s voice. The landscape around him st
arted to solidify and return to the tiled floor of his hospital room.
Yeah, Sanji breathed. I can see them Don t let go of me okay?
Never, Zoro whispered. I m right here.
Sanji s eyes honed in on the Red s pack. He tried to bring back the tunnel vision an
d forget everything else around him. Just the pack and Zoro s voice. His free hand
moved to grip the thick fabric of Zoro s shirt. His breathing had sped up, along
with his heart. The steady thump-thump echoed in his ears. Right foot first. His
kicks from the right foot were always better because he was left foot dominate.
His left foot was his grounding foot. Yes. He would start with a step from the
right foot.
He shifted his weight to the left side and almost shrieked as a white hot bolt o
f pain rocketed up his side. He gasped and Zoro s voice was there, reassuring and
encouraging. He found his strength again and slowly dragged his foot forward. He
quickly shifted his weight again and brought the left to meet the right. His ey
es squeezed shut to try and shut out the pain crackling from his toes all the wa
y up to his lower back.
Sanji Sanji! he heard Zoro saying. That was a step!
Tears had started to run down Sanji s face and his breaths were coming in quiet so
Fuck, Zoro he panted. It hurts Christ it hurts!
Zoro pulled him closer and whispered in his ear, not unlike a lover bringing an
innocent virgin to his bed for the first time. Sanji opened his eyes and focused
on his cigarettes again. Zoro s voice chanted in his ear, calming and empowering.
He wouldn t fail his friend. He wouldn t fail this friend that believed in him.
Sanji envisioned a Savate ring. The stands were empty, and darkness surrounded t
he platform. His opponent was across the way from him, dressed in red and white.
He was sneering at Sanji, mocking him, telling him he could never win- he was t
he champion. Zoro stood behind the rope, his arms folded across his chest, his f
ace silently encouraging. Sanji turned back to his foe. He thought through his f
avorite attack moves, and advanced. He sprung from his feet, vaulting from his h
ands, bending and twisting his back to bring his heels down on the head of his e
nemy. Pain flashed though his body and his vision turned red. But he saw his opp
onent go down, he saw the red and white fall to the floor.
Then Zoro was there, holding Sanji s hips and speaking softly as Sanji sobbed unco
ntrollably. He was sitting on the window sill leaning on the glass. Zoro was clo
se, Sanji could see the hairline scars on the man s cheeks as he spoke to him.
Sanji? Sanji are you with me again? Zoro looked up into his eyes.
Sanji felt the tears running down his cheeks and over the hand that covered his
mouth. He nodded slowly and sniffed.
What happened? he choked out.
Zoro smiled and removed his hands. He backed away a few inches and whispered exc
You walked to the fucking window, is what happened.
Sanji s breath hitched and fresh tears fell from his eyes.
Really? he cried.
Zoro nodded and moved to sit beside his friend. He picked up the pack of cigaret
tes and opened the window.
You sort of moved in a trance, he explained as he opened the pack and pulled out a
lighter. But you did it yourself. I just let you lean on me. Then I lifted you o
nto the sill so you wouldn t collapse.
Sanji wiped at his eyes and took the cigarette Zoro handed him. He placed it bet
ween his lips and bent forward as Zoro flicked the lighter. He pulled the smoke
into his lungs and was hit immediately by the exquisite numbness of nicotine and
the violent urge to cough.
He exhaled, choking and coughing as his lungs burned and his eyes watered. Sanji
couldn t help but laugh. Smoking hadn t felt that way since he first started when h
e was thirteen.
You know, Zoro said beside him. I think you coughing on a cigarette is the weirdest
fucking thing I ve ever seen.
Sanji laughed again. How do think it feels for me? He took another drag and blew t
his one out in a much cooler fashion.
They sat together on the sill while Sanji smoked two more. When Sanji had almost
finished his third, he leaned over and rested his head on Zoro s shoulder.
Thank you he said almost inaudibly.
Zoro gently kicked Sanji s leg and grunted.
You re welcome.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 672 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I had some awesome reviews on this last chapter! Thank you so much to everyone!
I just wanted to individually thank some people that really went the extra mile!
mini-kero Lol, thank you! I m glad you re liking it so much! Hope this chapter does
n t make you too sad! Anon Thank you! (hugs) oskalaboska Thank you so much for try
ing my fic even though you don t like amnesia stories! Susumi Awesome reviews as a
lways, I love you! jhei114 Thank you! Thank you! You re too kind! XD Thank you Eve
rybody! Reviews make me happy, and make my write chapters faster! X)
Chapter 5
So, why have you not told him, again? Explain it to me so I can understand.
Zoro looked up from arranging pictures in a cardboard box to glare at his friend
The tall, skinny, black man raised an eyebrow from under his outrageous afro. He
crossed his arms over his black suit jacket and tapped his foot in a mocking fa
shion. I m waiting
Don t be an asshole, Brook, Zoro growled. He lifted the box, and carried it from the
bedroom and headed towards the living room. You know why I haven t told him. He d fr
eak the fuck out and I wouldn t be able to get him to come home.
Brook watched as the swordsman brushed passed him. He followed slowly, doing a l
ittle dance to music only he heard. He perched on the end of the couch and watch
ed Zoro scanning the framed photos on the mantle.
And waiting to tell him, lying about your relationship for almost three weeks is n
ot going to make him freak the fuck out? Brook smirked at the way Zoro blatantly
ignored him.
Zoro pulled a picture from the mantle and placed it in the box. Look around for a
ny pictures of me and Sanji that could be taken the wrong way.
Brook s musical laugh filled the room. You re gonna tell him, right? Why are you so w
orried about pictures? Despite his words, he stood, and scanned the pictures alon
g the top of the bookshelves.
Because! Zoro barked. I m not going to tell him the second I walk in the door! And ho
w fucked up would that be for Sanji to learn he s gay from a picture! I d be murdere
d right on the spot!
I recall Sanji telling me on several occasions he was not gay. He was bi cause he
still liked girls. Brook lifted a picture of Zoro kissing Sanji s cheek at the Puya
llup Fair.(See A/N) He just went all cock mongrel for you.
Zoro rubbed his forehead and willed himself not to punch something.
Fuck you, Brook that s not the point!
The musician chuckled softly. He pulled three more pictures he found with Zoro a
nd Sanji looking like they were more than friends and placed them neatly in the bo
Well, he sighed as he straightened. I ll be glad to have the cook back. Maybe once I
start eating his meals again I won t be all skin and bones. He rubbed his stomach a
nd almost salivated at the thought of the food Sanji could whip up what seemed l
ike moments.
Zoro rested his hands on the cool brick of the mantle and closed his eyes.
He won t be making any big party dinners any time soon he s still really weak.
Brook saw the sadness weighted heavily on his friend s shoulders and moved to put
a comforting hand on Zoro s back.
When do you bring him home? Brook asked softly.
Tomorrow, Zoro murmured.
Brook leaned against the mantle and crossed his arms again. Are you scared?
Oh my god, I m terrified, Zoro breathed. I ve felt like I m gonna puke for the last week
Brook sighed and pulled a silver box from his pocket. He flipped the top open an
d pulled a black, clove cigarette from inside. He placed it between his lips and
, with a flick of his wrist, lit the tip coolly with a match.(See A/N)
So, he said as he exhaled. What s the worst thing that could happen?
Zoro straightened and moved to the box. Well, he could kick my ass and then kick
me out of the apartment and tell me never to speak to him again, which I think i
s the most likely scenario.
Brook cringed and puffed on his clove.
Zoro closed the box and lifted it, moving toward the closet. Or, he could kick my
ass and then call Luffy or somebody to come get him and then he would never come
back Zoro placed the box in the back of the closet and closed the door. He stood
with his hand on the knob and his eyes boring into the dark wood.
I don t know, Brook he said softly. There s a lot of things that could happen
Zoro was usually unreadable. Only when he was fighting or when he was truly happ
y with Sanji, had Brook ever been able to decipher his friend. The look of despa
ir that washed over the swordsman s face at that moment was so foreign, that the m
usician was struck dumb for a few seconds. He shook himself quickly though, and
advanced. He grabbed Zoro s coat from the back of the couch and threw it at the sh
orter man.
Stop moping, and let s go get something to eat. Brook s tone was only half scolding. Th
en let s go see Sanji. I have a little while until the show tonight. That silly lo
ve-cook doesn t remember me either, and I need to make friends with him again so h
e ll feed me.
X x X x X
Everyone was being so nice, Sanji felt slightly coddled. Sanji hated being coddl
ed, but he was so excited to be leaving, that he let it go. He was wearing jeans
for the first time in what felt like forever, and he had scrubbed the stale, st
agnant feeling of hospital off his body. He now stood at the entrance to his onc
e-prison, washed, trimmed, and looking very sexy in his leather jacket. He lit a
cigarette and shoved his hands into his pockets as the small group waited for Z
oro to pull the car around.
So, barbecued pork tomorrow, Sanji? Please? Luffy was practically dancing. You prom
Nami shoved her elbow into his ribs. The boy chuckled and his grin grew wider.
Yes, Luffy, Sanji sighed, smiling softly. He would never admit it out loud, but Lu
ffy s excitement at eating his food made his heart sing. I ll come to Ace s tomorrow an
d make you guys barbecued pork.
Actually, Ace cleared his throat. It s Vivi s place.
Sanji looked up at the other man and grinned. Oh really?
Ace s grin mirrored Luffy s. When you get with an heiress, you definitely end up stay
ing at her place. She s got one of those California king sized waterbeds dude.
Vivi frowned prettily and put a hand on her hip. You told me you liked the TV, Ac
Ace wiggled his eyebrows at Sanji. Oh yes, the TV is nice too. Great for Halo.
Sanji gave him a wide toothed grin around his cigarette. Oh I so cannot wait to r
ape you in Blood Gulch.
Ace laughed. Oh no dude. We re playing Sidewinder and limiting it to sniper rifles,
and Zoro is gonna kick your ass!
Yes! Luffy exclaimed. I m gonna have Zoro on my team and I ll finally be able to beat S
Sanji looked at Luffy and scoffed. I don t believe it. No one can beat me one on on
e Halo.
Zoro did, Ace said evilly.
And you haven t even played Halo Three yet! Luffy cheered.
Okay okay! Stop! Nami had her hands over her ears. Sanji s been out of the hospital f
ive whole minutes and you guys are already turning back into freaks!
Luffy muttered an apology while Vivi giggled into Ace s neck. Sanji watched the tw
o couples and though how strange it was that while he had been out, everyone had
seemed to find love. Well, everyone except Chopper, but it wasn t lack of love th
at was his problem. He felt a tinge of jealousy as he watched Ace s arm slip aroun
d Vivi s waist. No one had said anything about him having a girlfriend. Not that h
e really expected to have one.
Sanji had never before had a problem wooing women, but after a night of flirtati
ous fun and a quick tumble in the sheets or wherever, Sanji found women were fick
le and most of the time stupid. He would slip them the classic I ll call you and he
was out the door. He was charming enough, and cunning enough that he kept them a
t arm s length without breaking too many hearts. He loved women, everything about
them but a relationship with any of them? He couldn t stomach the thought.
Hey, Ace s voice piped up. There s Zoro.
Sanji turned to see a blue Nissan pull into the turnaround. It was beautiful mod
el he didn t recognize. Sleek, obviously race car inspired, two door with what loo
ked like eighteen inch aluminum-alloy wheels and dual exhaust. Sanji was instant
ly in love. How Zoro could afford something like that on a coach s salary was baff
Zoro slipped out of the driver s seat and fixed Sanji with a maniac grin. Sanji co
uldn t tear his eyes from the beautiful piece of machine in front of him.
This is he puffed on the cigarette. Damn Zoro
Zoro came around and grabbed Sanji s bags to throw them in the trunk.
I know, he said smugly. V six, twin intake, some cool timing control system shit, I
don t know. You re more into cars than I am. I just like the inside. It s got a GPS,
Bluetooth, six CD changer, five cup holders
Sanji stood trying not to drool as Zoro opened the passenger side door. The blon
de leaned in to inspect the black leather bucket seats and the plethora of fun g
adgets set in the dash.
Can I smoke in here? Sanji straightened and turned back to Zoro. But to his surpri
se, everyone was staring at him with maniac grins plastered to their faces. Even
Zoro folded his arms over his chest and cock an eyebrow at him.
You can do whatever you want in there, he leaned forward and whispered in a sinful
It s your car.
Sanji s eyes bulged. He looked at the car, and then back at Zoro. Bull-shit, he brea
Ace and Luffy started to laugh behind Zoro. Sanji looked around the tan man to o
gle at the four standing under the entrance roof.
He s pulling my leg, right? Sanji took the cigarette in his fingers before it slippe
d from his lips.
Nami shook her head. No, he s not, Sanji. It s yours. You bought it about two and a h
alf months before your accident.
Sanji blinked and turned to Zoro before he looked back inside the car. Well shit!
he exclaimed. Let s go!
Zoro shut the door behind him and hurried around to the other side to slide into
the driver s seat. Sanji was about to start playing with the GPS when Ace tapped
on the window. Sanji pressed the automatic window button and frowned when he met
Ace s serious expression.
You okay, Ace?
Ace rested his arms on the window and leaned into speak softly to Sanji.
I want you to promise me Sanji, Ace s voice was no nonsense, like when he was speaki
ng to his subordinates at the fire station. That no matter what happens today, yo
u ll still come to dinner at Vivi s place tomorrow.
Ace Zoro growled from Sanji s left.
Ace glanced at him, but turned back to Sanji. Promise, Sanji.
Sanji s frown deepened as his confusion fostered, but he nodded and said he would.
With that Ace s smile returned and he stepped back onto the sidewalk.
Well then, have fun guys! Good luck Zoro!
Zoro grunted a quick Hn and he pulled away.
Sanji let his confusion drain away as he played with the GPS and other toys the
Nissan had.
Zoro, this is so fucking cool.
Zoro s huff had disappeared as he watched Sanji fidget with everything out the cor
ner of his eye.
Yes it is.
Sanji opened the glove box, and found a stale box of cigarettes. He chuckled and
tossed them back in. Reaching behind him, he found a large CD case.
Oooh, Sanji said, straining a little as the CD case was heavy and his arms weren t b
ack to normal yet. Yours or mine?
Kind of a mixture, Zoro said. The front half is mine, the back is yours.
Alright, Sanji said happily. Let s see what kind of music you like.
He opened the CD case and flipped though a couple leafs of classic rock. He foun
d a few Led Zeppelin CDs, The Who, and Pink Floyd, then came to more contemporar
y stuff like Pearl Jam, Green Day and Weezer. He glanced over a few bands he did
n t know like Nonpoint and Avenged Sevenfold, but stopped when he came to a leaf f
illed with CDs covered in Kanji. He looked up at Zoro and pointed.
What are these? Sanji asked.
Zoro glanced at the CDs. Those are Traditional Japanese Koto music. I listen to t
hem while I m meditating or sometimes you ll play them while you re going through comb
inations in the living room.
Ah Sanji continued flipping though the case until he came across CDs he knew were h
is own. Jazz like Ray Brown and Diana Krall, Count Basie and Duke Ellington. Cla
ssical groups like the ChicagoSymphonyOrchestra, and New York Philharmonics. Cla
ssical musicians like Mitsuko Uchida and Yo Yo Ma.
Sanji sighed and happily flipped through the leafs, looking forward to time in t
he kitchen with a little Jazz piano for background.
What s come out recently? Sanji asked.
Amy Winehouse, Zoro said and flipped to the back, pulling out a CD while keeping h
is eyes on the road. She s only been big in the US for a little while, but you ve lik
ed her since back when she was still just a British star. He slid the CD into the
player and let it play.
Sanji leaned back and let the 1960 s soul beat wash over him. The songs Motown fee
l and blunt lyrics coaxed the blonde into another cigarette, and he let himself
drift to the sound of the woman s gin soaked vocals.
This chick hot? Sanji asked sleepily.
Zoro had to chuckle. You think she is, but she s kinda Zoro searched for a word, dirty
for my tastes.
Hmm, dirty huh? Sanji pulled smoke into his lungs. Sounds good to me.
The rest of the ride was spent listening to the music as Sanji watched the boats
sail across Lake Union, and squinted at the reflection of the sun on the waves.
A few minutes after they had exited the freeway, they reached Capitol Hill and
Zoro turned into an enormous apartment complex surrounded by a high wall, and cl
osed off with an electronic gate.
Sanji sat up in his seat. Wow, this is a nice place.
Zoro didn t say anything as he keyed the combination into the pad and the gate sli
d open. Sanji noticed the swordsman s behavior was getting odd. He was stiff, and
he clenched the steering wheel in a grip that looked like it would break it. His
movements were also getting clumsy. When they pulled up in front of their build
ing, Zoro fumbled with the keys and almost tripped getting out of the car.
Sanji followed the taller man into the large foyer. Zoro moved quickly, avoiding
the women at the front desk, and headed straight for the elevators. He pushed t
he button and stood chewing his lip. Sanji noticed the skin on his forehead was
glistening and he moved closer to his friend.
Zoro, he said softly. Are you okay?
Zoro nodded and stepped though the elevator doors. They lived on the fifth floor
, with a corner unit overlooking the city. Zoro managed to get the keys out of h
is pocket and unlock the door before stepping aside to let Sanji in.
Sanji audibly gasped as he entered the spacious apartment. He moved through the
entryway admiring the polished wooden floors and Japanese art hanging from the w
all. The living room was enormous. Black leather couches and simple furnishings
with clean lines were used in a limited palette of natural earth tones, and the
wood columns were sandblasted to give the impression the apartment was slightly
rustic. Sanji moved to the kitchen and felt his hands itching to touch everythin
g. Concrete, granite and linoleum were used for the flooring; chrome and stainle
ss steel were accents on furniture in the dining room and in the kitchen, and th
e cabinets had a beautiful lacquered finish. Sanji walked slowly, running his ha
nds over the flat top stove, and smiled insanely at the fact he had a deep fryer
and a grill mounted in the island. This was his dream kitchen, and it was reall
y his!
Zoro had set the bags down and watched Sanji admire the apartment he had decorat
ed himself. He hadn t taken any part in the decorum except for a few traditional J
apanese fans and bamboo fountains. He wasn t into all that interior design stuff l
ike Sanji was. His tastes included a soft couch to watch TV on, a fridge, and a
microwave. Give him a beer and he was set.
When Sanji s face lit up like the sun as he surveyed the kitchen, Zoro s stomach did
a flip flop and he had to fight the urge to run to the bathroom.
Zoro, Sanji exclaimed as he stepped back into the living room. This is fucking incr
Gets better, the swordsman said and steered Sanji past the dining room.
Sanji turned the corner and almost fell over as Zoro guided him to stand before
the expansive corner windows. The scene before them was the entire city of Seatt
le, bathed in the golden-orange light of the setting sun. Sanji s heart caught in
his throat as he took at all in and moved to sit on the desk before his legs gav
e way.
Oh my god the blonde whispered.
Zoro stood beside him and admired the scene himself. He remembered the first tim
e they had set foot in the place. The landlord had taken them immediately to thi
s spot and Sanji had lost his breath. He had looked pleadingly into Zoro s eyes, a
nd the older man had caved. After a quick look through the kitchen, Sanji had to
ld the landlord they would be taking it.
Later that night, Zoro had spread a blanket right here on the floor and had made
love to Sanji surrounded by the soft glow of city lights. The swordsman felt hi
s control slipping as he let that memory wash over him.
You chose this apartment for the view, he told Sanji.
Sanji blinked, and returned from wherever he had been drifting. Yeah it s pretty ama
Zoro watched as Sanji pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit it. He suddenly r
ealized that he needed to tell Sanji what was going on before he asked to see th
e rest of the apartment.
Sanji, he said, running a hand over his mouth. But he faltered and retreated into
silence again.
Sanji s eyes stayed glued to the sunset. Hm? When the swordsman didn t answer, he look
ed up at the other man and frowned.
Zoro, are you doing okay? You ve been acting kinda funny since well, since we left t
he hospital.
Zoro s heart sped up slightly. His voice failed him, so he motioned with his head
for Sanji to follow him into the living room. The blonde complied sporting that
confused expression, and sat in the middle of the larger couch where Zoro indica
ted. The swordsman sat in the adjacent couch and rested his arms on his knees.
Uh Sanji Zoro started. We have to talk about something important.
Sanji pulled his legs up underneath him and nodded; he had been expecting this.
If he had been out for almost a year and they were living in this kind of place,
there were no doubt some money issues that needed clearing up.
I m listening, Zoro.
Sanji watched as several hard to place emotions passed over Zoro s face. The man s
eemed nervous as all hell. After waiting patiently for a few minutes, Sanji enco
Hey, Zoro. If there s any kind of loose ends, like money problems from me being out
it s okay. We ll figure it out.
Zoro let out a choked laugh, but it held absolutely no mirth.
No he said behind his hand as he tried to stop the anxious chuckles that were tumbl
ing, unbidden, from his knotted stomach. No we don t have any money problems. I too
k care of all that.
Sanji s brow furrowed. He was so beyond confused. Zoro had always seemed so in con
trol, so confident in everything he did. Why was he acting this way? What was so
Well Sanji pressed gently. What is it?
Zoro heard the words in his head. He knew what he needed to say, but somewhere b
etween his mind and his mouth they were getting lost. He couldn t make himself spe
ak. He could feel his hands starting to shake slightly, and sweat was starting t
o drip down his back. He yanked off his jacket and threw it down beside him on t
he couch.
Fuck, he said aloud, and placed his forehead in his hands.
Sanji was starting to get worried. Maybe Zoro needed a few minutes alone, or may
be he just needed a moment away from Sanji. Whatever was troubling him was reall
y, really troubling him.
Hey hey, Zoro, Sanji said, and moved closer. How about you chill for a little while
, I ll give you a few minutes alone.
Zoro s head snapped up. No! Sanji s thigh was almost touching his. He needed to keep h
is distance, for his own safety. If I don t tell you now I m not I need to tell you.
You sure? Sanji asked.
Zoro nodded. And move back. Don t get so close to me
Sanji frowned, and slid back to his original spot. He put out his cigarette on t
he ash tray sitting on the coffee table. This was getting weird, and Zoro was fi
nally making Sanji uncomfortable.
I don t know, Zoro, Sanji said. How about you just show me which room his mine, and I l
l take a nap. I m kinda tired, and you really look like you could use a minute.
Zoro rested his lips on his laced fingers and felt something break inside him. I
t was now, he had to do it now.
Sanji he said softly. There s only one bedroom in this apartment
Sanji sat still, trying to understand what Zoro was trying to tell him. We only h
ave one room? Sanji sat forward. That s kinda weird, Zoro. What, do we have bunk bed
s or something? he tried to grin, but the serious expression and slow shake of Zo
ro s head made him stop.
Wait, what was
Zoro Sanji said slowly, carefully. Why do we only have one bedroom?
Zoro looked at the floor, unable to meet Sanji s eyes.
We only have one bedroom, Sanji because we sleep in the same bed.
Sanji didn t move, he didn t even dare to breathe. What was Zoro saying that they wer
e together? Like lovers? Fuck no! Sanji knew he was straight as an arrow! What t
he hell was going on! If this was some kind of a joke
Zoro, Sanji ground his teeth. This really isn t funny.
Oh, yeah, Zoro looked up with a defeated look in his eyes. I know that already. Thi
s hasn t been even on the same planet as funny for the last few weeks!
So what the hell are you trying to tell me, Zoro?
Zoro raked a hand through his hair. What the fuck does it sound like, Sanji?
Sanji snapped back at him. You re making it sound like we re fucking each other!
That s exactly what I m saying! Zoro barked with much more malice than he intended.
Zoro watched Sanji s eyes widen and felt like tearing his own tongue out. God damn
it! Fucking stupid! Fuck, Zoro! How could that have gone any worse!!?
Zoro backed off and looked back at the floor.
I m sorry, he said quietly.
Sanji just sat. He couldn t have moved off the couch if he wanted to. His arms and
legs had turned to jelly. This could not be happening, this was not happening.
How the hell did he go from suave ladies man, to gay in a year? Okay maybe it wa
s two years, but come on!! There was no way! It had to have been Zoro. What had
this asshole done to him!? No, don t think about assholes. What the fuck had this
jerk done to him!?
It took him a few seconds to realize Zoro was talking to him. He shook his head.
What? he asked hoarsely.
I said, Zoro was looking at the floor by Sanji s feet. I already made plans to stay a
t Ace s tonight so you d have time to think.
I don t need t- the reality of what Zoro just said hit Sanji like a cannon. Wait oh fu
ck! the blonde curled over his stomach as he started to feel nauseous. They know d
on t they? They all fucking know!
Zoro grimaced. At least Sanji wasn t denying it anymore. Yeah, they all know.
Oh shit! Sanji rolled to his side and covered his face. Oh this is fantastic Fan-fuc
king-tastic! How could you guys do this to me! He sat back up and glared menacing
ly at Zoro. I sat in the hospital for three weeks and no one said anything! I can t
believe this! You all fucking lied to me! And you! I can t believe that you you Sanj
i started to blink. He brought a hand to his forehead and swayed slightly, braci
ng himself with his other hand.
Sanji? Zoro panicked, and bolted to kneel in front of the other man. Sanji what s wro
Sanji s eye lids were getting heavy and his head was spinning. He felt blackness c
reeping around the rim of his vision. He knew he was losing consciousness. Don t to
uch me, he mumbled before darkness overtook him and he fell forward into Zoro s arm
Zoro caught Sanji as he passed out. He slipped an arm underneath the blonde s legs
and stood, heading towards their bedroom. Zoro tried not to notice the soft hai
r as it brushed against his cheek, or the feel of the others warm body curled ag
ainst his chest. He hardened his heart and closed himself off as he laid Sanji s l
imp form on the bed. He pulled off Sanji s shoes and didn t look at the other until
he had covered him in the soft blanket.
He told himself he should just leave now. Go to Ace s and drown himself in a bottl
e of whatever the older man had on hand. But he couldn t help sitting down. He cou
ldn t help gazing at the face he knew and loved so much. He couldn t help running hi
s fingers over silken locks, brushing them from closed eyes. He watched Sanji as
he used to watch him, lying so peacefully next to him after a long day. He wait
ed as he used to wait for Sanji to feel his presence and open his eyes. The blon
de would smile sweetly at him and pull him in for a kiss. I missed you he would say
Zoro s heart broke anew and he felt the hot sting of tears as his chest caved in o
n itself. He turned away quickly and left to bedroom, shutting the door softly b
ehind him.
Puyallup Fair: It s an actual fair that happens in the Seattle area every year. It s
way fun. Lots of rides and games and animals. XD
Brook I don t think smokes in the manga/anime. Too bad, he smokes in my fic. He s a
damn jazz musician folks! And I also don t think he s black, but meh. Again- my fic,
my rules. Muahahahaha!

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 672 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Seriously, your guy s reviews for last chapter made me ecstatic! I love all of you
! Thank you so much!
Chapter 6
Ace opened the door to the house he shared with Vivi and came face to face with
a certain green haired swordsman. He took one look at Zoro s bleary eyes, sagging
shoulders, and sallow skin before moving aside and motioning for his friend to c
ome in.
Went that well huh?
Zoro said nothing as he stepped passed the taller man and entered the house, so
Ace took that as a yes and didn t press.
X x X x X
Sanji woke in a ludicrously comfortable bed covered in one of the softest blanke
ts he d ever had the privilege to be under. He sighed lazily and wondered absently
if this bed belonged to a princess, and maybe he would pick her up again just s
o he would get to sleep in this bed a second time. He rolled to his side and nuz
zled the pillow that smelled of um
When that familiar smell of pine and steel assaulted Sanji s senses, his conversat
ion with Zoro came flooding back to him. It hit him like an upsurge, knocking a
preverbal wind from his mind and making the cook curl in on himself. He felt his
face heating up as wave after wave of embarrassment hit him like the tide durin
g a storm. He had been with a man, and everybody knew about it. His carefully co
nstructed, meticulously crafted image was shot to shit. He was no longer the sua
ve, uber cool, fuck with me and I ll kick your ass without breaking a sweat, Sanji
. Gone was the charmer with a hint of mystery. Gone was the man who could talk e
ven the most prudish of women into his bed, while their husbands cried crocodile
tears of joy as they ate his food. Now, he was just Sanji the gay chef... Sanji
the faggot
He kind of wanted to die either that, or move to India. He could whip up some fab
ulous Indian cuisine without straining his brain too much and Indian girls were h
ot Yeah, India sounded great
He sat up slowly, mindful of the dull throbbing at the back of his head. He rest
ed his hands in his lap and absently ran his fingers over the ridiculously soft
With Zoro? He had gone gay for Zoro?
Yeah, the guy was awesome and they seemed to have a lot in common. Yeah he felt
like he could talk to him about pretty much anything, and Zoro seemed to underst
and Sanji better than anyone he d ever known, besides Luffy that is. But that was
more best friend material than anything else. What the fuck had happened that ha
d made him traverse the infinitely large gap from friendship to sleeping with hi
m. It had better be good it had better be fucking good.
The reason not the stop thinking about it.
Sanji shook his head as if to clear it and pulled himself out of the bed. He wan
ted a hot shower and something to eat before he thought about this anymore. He m
oved into the master bath and flicked on the light. The room had a Zen feel to i
t. A Kohler vessel on top of teak wood made up the sink, cool green walls and pe
bble tile floor gave the space an organic feel. The shower was big enough for tw
o people to wash comfortably at once; it was equipped with dual shower heads and
everything. The tub was also a decent size, surrounded by that same pebble tile
as the fl- oh god, there was a TV? A TV mounted on the wall!
Sanji s head spun, but he managed to find the towels and somehow figured out which
combination of dials turned the water in the shower hot. He stood beneath the s
pray until his fingers started to wrinkle and his back was red and raw. After wa
shing his hair and scrubbing his skin, he stepped out and made his way back to t
he bedroom with a large green towel around his waist. He messed with his hair in
front of the mirror for a bit and then went about finding clothes.
The low dresser across from the bed seemed to be the best place to start. Sanji
opened the top left hand drawer, and found nothing but white, black and green bo
xers. He closed the drawer quickly, but couldn t help but chuckle at the thought o
f Zoro wearing green silk boxers.
The top right hand drawer held boxers that were no doubt his. Blues and blacks,
some decorated with hearts or kisses. He pulled out a pair of light blue boxer b
riefs and slipped them on. After a few minutes of inspection, Sanji came to the
conclusion that the left side of the dresser was Zoro s and the right was his. In
the back of his mind he wondered why this whole thing wasn t creeping him out, but
he quickly chalked it up to shock and fatigue.
He found clean jeans, an undershirt, and socks in the drawers before moving to t
he closet to find a shirt. One look gave away that again, the left side was Zoro s
. He would never allow that much green in his wardrobe. He shuffled though a myr
iad of button ups and sweaters before he selected a soft grey pullover. He was a
bout to head out to the kitchen, when the suits at the back caught his eye. He g
asped and pushed the door open further.
Holy shit he breathed.
They were beautiful, elegant, 1950 s style, High Twisted black suits. Two pin stri
pe, two solid black, and one charcoal. All of them were easily over five hundred
Holy Jesus Mother of these cannot me mine
X x X x X
But if he didn t attack you, that s a good thing right?
Ace watched Zoro despairingly as he downed what was left of his Jack Daniel s. The
swordsman placed the empty bottle on the counter, only to pick up the Jagermeis
ter and polish off half of that with a couple swallows.
Zoro shook his head. It means he s still really weak and he s pretending to be better
than he is. You know how he was always doing that shit after really rough match
Ace nodded. It was true, Sanji never liked to show weakness of any kind. He woul
d tear muscles all up and down the side of his legs and even crack bones, but he
would stand the whole rest of the tournament just to show it didn t hurt.
Ace looked out the window and heard the slosh of the bottle. A few minutes passe
d before the older man turned to see Zoro frowning into his lap.
What, Zoro? he asked.
Well he was pissed obviously Zoro started slow, his words starting to slur. But he se
med more pissed we lied to him than anything else
None of us lied to him! We-
Not telling him something that s important is the same as lying, Zoro interrupted. H
e closed his eyes and ran his hand over his face. Zoro could hold his liquor lik
e a champ, but anyone would be feeling something after drinking almost an entire
bottle of Jager.
It s just I thought he would fight me more on the whole he s gay- we were having sex-
thing but he was more interested in the whole me not telling him thing
Zoro trailed off and the look on his face scared Ace more than he wanted to admi
t. The older man put a hand on Zoro s shoulder.
Just give it some time bro, Ace said softly. Didn t Sanji make the first move the fir
st time? Maybe he ll do it again?
Zoro growled. We were around each other all the time then. He got used to me and
liked that he could really cut loose on when we were sparring. He took another lo
ng swallow. Now, we re starting from scratch. He doesn t know me and he s not going to
want to be around me at all
Ace studied the countertop and pondered Zoro s last statement while the other tipp
ed the bottle back again.
Well sparring I bet he d still do that.
Zoro looked at him under heavy lids.
Yeah, he pro ly would, the swordsman slurred. But thisstime I think I really would lo
se my balls.
X x X x X
Sanji leaned against the counter, shoving the last of his omelet into his mouth.
It had been surreal cooking in this kitchen. At every utensil he had pulled out
, every pot or pan he had laid eyes on, a voice in the back of his head would sa
y, Wow, that s the same one I would have gotten Then he would have to remind himsel
f that he had gotten all those things. This was his kitchen. It wasn t some fancy
heiress house where he would drool in envy as he made breakfast, and then cry as
he left at the loss of such fabulous cook wear.
This place probably made for some incredible dinner parties.
After he finished, he washed his dishes and moved into the living room. He had n
oticed the shelf of CDs and DVDs and was curious as to what had been released re
cently. He glanced over rows and rows of Kung Fu and samurai movies, followed by
almost two shelves of action adventure. Sanji grinned as he noticed his horror
collection had increased dramatically. He was a sucker for a good horror flick,
and wasn t afraid to admit it.
On the next shelf Sanji found a collection of titles he had never heard of befor
e. He ran his fingers over the DVDs, reading the strange titles: Latter Days, La
w of Desire, Beautiful Thing. He plucked a movie called Velvet Goldmine off the
shelf and read the back. The blonde s eyes widened and he scrambled to put the mov
ie back where it was. He stepped back and wiped his hands on his jeans like he h
ad touched something dirty. That shelf was all gay movies Holy shit he had an enti
re shelf of gay movies!
Sanji turned around and as he eyed the large couch facing the TV, a thought occu
rred to him.
Had he sat on that couch and watched these movies with Zoro? Had he had he cuddle
d with Zoro? If they had cuddled on the couch did that mean that maybe they had do
ne other things on the couch?
Sanji suddenly felt the urge to get out of the living room. But when he entered
the hallway he realized he was heading for the bedroom. Well, even if they hadn t
done it on the couch, they had definitely done it in the bedroom! What was he th
inking! He turned around and headed for the kitchen. No, he stopped, He knew tha
t if he spent most of his time in the kitchen, he had no doubt been molested onc
e or twice on the counter Okay, kitchen was out. Bathroom? Oh fuck that shower. H
e thought about the dining room, but quickly decided against it. He was a romant
ic at heart, and that view was a lover s dream.
Oh God had he been romantic with Zoro?
Nowhere in the apartment was safe. Sanji s eye began to twitch nervously and he de
cided a walk was probably good for him. He grabbed his jacket off the couch, sli
pped on his shoes, and headed towards the door. He stopped at a small table when
he saw a note written in a quick, scratchy scrawl.
Here s your phone. I updated all the contacts for you. I also left the apartment k
ey. Just please don t go anywhere by yourself.
Sanji picked up the keys and pocketed the phone. He slipped out the door and mad
e his way down to the lobby. There was a young man, probably around the same age
as Sanji, sitting at the desk. He was skinny with dark hair and was wearing a v
ery nice tan suit. When he saw Sanji, his face lit up and he shot to his feet.
Oh my God! Sanji! he cried and ran around the side of the desk to capture the blon
de in a fierce hug.
Sanji was stunned into immobility as the man pulled away and gave him a once ove
r. Though he had the presence of mind to glance down at the man s name tag. Daniel
They told me you had woken up, but it was so hard to believe! Daniel s blue eyes spa
rkled. You look so good! Skinny as ever, but not like you ve been in a coma for a y
ear! I bet Zoro is just thrilled isn t he?
Sanji blinked and tried to stop his head from spinning.
Um, he murmured, yeah, Zoro s pretty thrilled right now
Daniel hugged him again and Sanji thought about how weird it was that he was bei
ng hugged by a full grown man in public.
God, I m so happy for you two! Zoro has been so depressed these last few months. He
pulled away again and stepped back. I don t think I ve ever been able to actually see
heartache before. I can t wait to talk to him again!
Sanji just stood there blinking stupidly.
He was heartache? What?
The dark haired man put a hand on Sanji s shoulder. Oh yeah, you could tell even if
you didn t know you guys. Zoro would forget to eat for days at a time. Kyle and I
would come up all the time and make sure he was ingesting something other than
Sanji still couldn t form a proper thought.
Daniel frowned at Sanji, puzzled. Yeah, Kyle, my partner? He works here too? We l
ive on the second floor together?
Oh, should have known. Sanji shook his head and forced a smile. That s right, I m sor
ry. There s some stuff I don t remember. He tapped lightly on his head.
Daniel smiled and put a comforting hand on Sanji s shoulder. It was all the cook c
ould do to not flinch away from it.
I understand sweetie. You call me if you need anything okay? I gotta get back to
Sanji nodded and mumbled his thanks before he moved towards the door, desperate
to get outside.
The crisp air hit his face and cheeks with a familiar bite. He breathed in the s
alty sea air and closed his eyes. He loved Seattle because anywhere you went you
could smell the sea. It reminded him of when he was younger, living on a ship a
nd helping his father in the kitchen. He descended the steps at the front of the
building and moved down the street.
A stroll through Capitol Hill would bring into view a wide diversity of people,
with couples walking dogs, punks hanging out on street corners, and small groups
sporting tie dye and dreadlocks playing an assortment of djembes and acoustic g
uitars. In the evenings, club-goers from all over Seattle and Bellevue would vis
it the scene for a night out.
Sanji had always loved Seattle night life. The neighborhood featured copious amo
unts of entertainment, with many bars hosting live music and with numerous fring
e theatres. Arts and music were the life blood of this city, as they were for Sa
nji himself. His one passion besides cooking and god, before Zoro women.
Sanji dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out his cigarettes. He lit one exper
tly and sucked the nicotine into his lungs as he passed numerous retail stores,
boutiques, and the occasional art gallery.
It only took him a few minutes to realize he was being followed.
X x X x X
I m home sweetie! Zoro heard Vivi call from the doorway and fought the urge to crush
the bottle between his fingers. When would he hear Sanji saying that to him aga
in? Would he ever?
We re in here Vivi! Ace called by his side.
Vivi turned the corner and her smile faltered when she saw Zoro.
Oh, Zoro her hand came to her mouth. Are you okay?
Zoro shook his head slowly and accepted the hug the pretty girl offered him. He
looked over her shoulder as another beautiful blond stepped into the rec room.
Hi Kaya, Zoro said quietly.
Kaya gave him a small wave but remained silent.
Haven t seen you in a while, Kaya, Ace smiled cheerfully. How ve you been?
Kaya shrugged and looked at the floor.
Alright I guess her voice was like a soft breeze. Things have been hectic at the hos
Are you coming tomorrow? Ace asked. Sanji s gonna cook.
Zoro looked at him with a pained glare. I don t think he s gonna want to-
Oh he s coming, Vivi crossed her arms and stomped her foot. How she managed to do th
at and remain regal was beyond Zoro. He promised us, and Sanji never breaks a pro
I don t know if I can you guys. Kaya said softly behind Vivi.
Vivi turned around and frowned at her friend.
Can t? she asked with her hands on her hips. Or won t?
Kaya looked at the floor as her shoulders sagged.
You re gonna have to face him sooner or later, Kaya, Ace added. You have the same fri
I know, Kaya almost whispered. But last time Usopp and I saw each other, he was so
Zoro sat up straight and twisted the cap back on the bottle. He growled and stoo
d, swaying slightly. As he moved toward the couch, he muttered over his shoulder
At least Usopp fucking remembers who you are.
Kaya gasped and her hands flew to her mouth. Oh I m so sorry, Zoro.
Zoro waved a hand over his shoulder and sat down with a thump. He sighed heavily
and put an arm over his eyes.
It s fine, he mumbled. Make up for it by coming tomorrow.
Kaya looked at the floor and nodded slowly.
X x X x X
Sanji puffed on his cigarette and stood pretending to admire the watches in the
window of a small jewelry shop. He had seen the black Ford turn the corner after
him as he made his way down the street, and then again a few blocks down. He ha
d walked in several circles, trying to move onto one-way streets to shake the ca
r, but it kept showing up behind him. He had tried to get a glimpse of whoever w
as driving, but of course, the windows were tinted.
So now Sanji watched the car park about fifty feet behind him on his side of the
road. He was getting tired of this. He turned down an ally, and slipped behind
a large garbage bin. He leaned against the cold bricks and waited for the car to
pull up. He blew out smoke as he heard the engine turn into the dead end. He li
stened as the car door opened and voices came closer to his hiding spot.
Cigarette hanging from his lips and hands comfortably in the pockets of his jean
s, Sanji moved into the open. He came face to face with four rough looking guys
in similar outfits: jeans and black and white sports jackets.
Sanji snickered. You guys suck at tailing.
The tallest of the four sneered at Sanji and moved forward. He had a wicked scar
above his left eyebrow that pulled the skin and made his left eye seem bigger t
han his right.
So Roronoa s little bitch is awake again, Scarface said in a gravelly voice. Never th
ought I d see the day.
Sanji stood his ground and pulled smoke into his lungs.
You guys look like thugs from a bad porn, you know that right?
The guy from the front passenger seat reached into his pocket and drew a knife.
Sanji glanced at it thinking how ridiculous this situation was. What the hell Zo
ro had done to piss these guys off so much? Where these more of Bones guys? Why w
ere they after him if it was Zoro who they needed to get rid of? God! This was f
ucking insane!
You better keep your distance guys, Sanji said calmly. I m having a really shitty day
X x X x X
Zoro sat on the couch, letting his mind drift in a comfortable haze of alcohol i
nduced buzz. He wasn t, by any stretch of the imagination, drunk, but he had inges
ted enough to relax his muscles and calm his knotted stomach. He sat on the couc
h, absently listening to Ace and the girls talk about med school and some change
s being made to the fire station.
Sanji awake at last. Healthy, walking and hating him Was Sanji going to ask him to
move out? Was Sanji even going to talk to him again?
Rain started to fall outside the window. Hard rain for Seattle, but not unheard
of for February. Zoro watched the rivulets make their way down the glass, creati
ng intricate maps with their progression.
Maybe it was because of the alcohol, or maybe it was just the fact that a certai
n blond was never off his mind, but the rain on the window reminded Zoro of the
sweat that collected on Sanji s shoulder blades. After a particularly hard day at
the restaurant, Sanji would come home and Zoro would strip them both without a w
ord. He would lay Sanji on the bed and would rub his back until the cook was a l
oose pile of watery bones. Their lovemaking would be slow and lazy, and Zoro wou
ld watch the sweat slowly trail down the pale skin of his lover s back, to disappe
ar around a ribcage that poked out maybe a little too much. Sanji would fall asl
eep immediately but Zoro would stay awake long after, trailing his fingers over
every inch of that milky skin.
A clap of thunder startled Zoro from his memories and he gazed out the window at
the black clouds. It was only four or five in the afternoon and it was already
Zoro hoped Sanji had been able to rest for a while, and hopefully if he needed a
nything he would call someone
X x X x X
Sanji was drenched, and extremely pissed.
All he wanted was to take a nice walk to stretch his muscles and get some fresh
air. Now he was stuck fighting a bunch of punks with bad fashion sense. Really,
if this Bones guy wanted him out of the picture he should have sent someone that
at least had an idea of how to fight.
Two of the guys were still standing: Scarface, and the chubbier guy with sunglas
ses. Sanji had dispatched the others with a few swift kicks to the throat and ja
w, and they now lay at his feet unconscious in a few centimeters of water. Unfor
tunately, the year without training had made Sanji s muscles stiff and he wasn t as
flexible as he had once been. His inner thighs protested his movements and he wa
s beginning to feel slightly light headed. He put on a good show though. He stoo
d lazily and crushed his spent cigarette beneath his shoe.
You know, Sanji said as he lit up again. The rain made it hard to get a spark from
the lighter, but Sanji was a pro. I may have been in a coma for a year, but it d
oesn t make me a fucking cripple. He blew out a stream of smoke for emphasis. Come a
t me with all ya got.
Sunglasses did. He hurled himself at Sanji, trying to use his weight as leverage
, but the blonde easily deflected him with a twist to the side. He stuck his foo
t out and the bigger man toppled over and hit his face on the trash bin. His sun
glasses broke and blood trickled down between his eyes.
Kinda dark to be wearing sunglasses, asshole, Sanji muttered.
The chubby idiot came at him again the same way and Sanji felt Scarface closing
in behind his back. Sanji ducked and shot his leg out, tripping Chubby again and
sending him crashing into Scarface. The taller man was quick to react though, a
nd threw the fatter man off him. Poor Chubby smashed his head against the front
of the car and fell to the ground. He lay unmoving in the rushing water as it he
aded for the gutter.
Scarface stood sneering at Sanji as the blonde straightened, hands back in his p
ockets, and cigarette hanging from his lips.
Sanji had just come up with a great burn to fling at this guy, but before he cou
ld say anything his vision swam and he almost lost his footing. He steadied hims
elf as best he could but his heart quickened. He tried to focus on the cold wate
r as his hit his face and made chilling trails down his back.
Fuck, I m too weak to be doing this
Sanji brushed his hair to the side and plucked the cigarette from his mouth. He
was going to have to get a little serious if he wanted to live.
I don t really get it, he said. If you guys work for Bones isn t Zoro the one you shoul
be attacking? Not that I can t handle you of course. I m just curious.
Scarface sneered and ran a hand over his face to brush the rain from his eyes.
We are attacking Roronoa, he rasped. We wanna fuck with him but not hurt him. Mr. O
ne wants Roronoa to compete this year, but lose. Losing to Mr. One on purpose wo
uld be the ultimate disgrace for that asshole.
Sanji frowned through his dizziness. Still not understanding why I m getting jumped
in the rain.
The scarred man looked taken back for a moment. Sanji almost laughed at his conf
used expression.
Isn t it obvious? Scarface growled. What better way to get Roronoa to listen, then to
attack his lover?
Sanji s ground his teeth. There was no point in trying to set this guy right, he w
ouldn t listen anyway. Besides, he needed to finish this up before he passed out.
He could feel his legs shaking and his vision was getting a bit clouded.
Okay, well, Sanji sighed. Let s get this over with. I kinda want to go home and make
That did it. He pissed off Scarface enough to charge him. The big man came at hi
m with a little more skill than Chubby had, but still not enough to best Sanji;
even in his weakened state.
Sanji side stepped and brought his leg up to smash into his opponent s head but he
was deflected by a large hand. Scarface managed to catch his shin in mid flight
. The thug grinned evilly at Sanji, thinking he had won, before the lanky blonde
flipped backwards, bending his back like a rubber band. Sanji s other foot connec
ted with the larger man s chin and sent him flying back against the car.
Scarface s unconscious body soon joined Chubby s in the gutter.
Sanji panted and leaned against the black Ford. His legs were on fire, and his h
ead was pounding painfully. His whole body felt ready to collapse as he fished f
or another cigarette. He knew he wouldn t be able to make it back home, so he resi
gned himself to finish his smoke and call someone to give him a ride. The humili
ation would be intense, but passing out and getting found by the cops would no d
oubt be worse.
He pulled the cell phone from his pocket and, without thinking, hit send on the
first name in his contact list.
Ace Portgus.
X x X x X
Ace pulled his phone out of his pocket when Alive from Disturbed started playing.
He flipped it open and brought it to his ear.
Zoro looked lazily up at his friend, hoping it wasn t his work calling to tell him
he had to come in tonight. He blinked at the strange expression on Ace s face whe
n their eyes met.
Hey, what s up Sanji?
Zoro eyes opened wide, his buzz gone as he listened to the one sided conversatio
Ace frowned and looked out the window. Pick you up? Where are you?
Zoro sat up but stayed tensely on the edge of the couch cushion. Vivi and Kaya w
ere looking at Ace with worry.
Ace stood and his gaze turned back to Zoro. His eyes were wide, and he ran a han
d over his mouth.
What do you mean you don t know? Are you outside in this shit?
Zoro shot to his feet and lunged at Ace. Give me the phone! he whispered, but it f
elt like he was screaming.
Ace knocked his hands away and held up a finger. His look said Don t fucking touch
me or you ll really regret it .
Yeah, Ace said. I know the jewelry shop, it s like Toni s or Tammy s or something.
Ace, please! Zoro wanted to roar, but somehow he kept his voice soft.
Ace s hand covered the receiver and he fixed Zoro with a fiery glare. Shut up! he hi
ssed. He removed his hand, but looked intently at Zoro as he spoke. Yeah yeah the
ally beside Toni s Jewelry Look for a black Ford.
Zoro turned and sprinted out of the rec room. He ripped the front door open and
flew down the steps, uncaring of the rain that pelted his face and neck. He was
soaked within seconds. He heard Ace call out to him from the doorway.
Zoro! You want me to follow in the jeep?
Zoro yelled back over his shoulder. Whatever!
The swordsman ran through the streets, cutting though traffic and running betwee
n buildings. The rain seeped into his eyes and clouded his vision. He almost col
lided with a man with a large red umbrella walking his dog.
Why had Sanji left? Where was he going? Why did he need to be picked up? Shit!!
Zoro s heart felt like it was going to explode. Sanji had called, so it wasn t like
he was lying unconscious somewhere, but it didn t stop the swordsman from frantica
lly trying to get to him. He hadn t felt anything like this since he had pulled Sa
nji s body from his car. He ran blindly ahead, fear tearing at his insides.
He saw Toni s. Brakes squealed and a horn blared as he cut through the street. He
turned down the alley and stopped dead in his tracks as his brain tried to take
in the scene before him.
Sanji stood leaning against the black Ford, his cigarette was hanging from his l
ips and his hands were in his pockets. His hair was plastered to his face and hi
s shoulders sagged like he carried a large weight on his back. He was deathly pa
le and dark circles had started to form underneath his eyes.
Surrounding the cook were several bodies lying in the rising water. Two of them
were bleeding, leaving a murky trail across the alley into the gutter.
What the fuck Zoro stood, breathing heavily, trying to figure out what the hell h
ad happened.
Sanji s gaze lifted from the ground to look at Zoro. The blonde sighed softly and
slowly took the cigarette from his mouth.
I remembered right after I hung up the phone, that you were at Ace s, he blew out a
stream of smoke. Sorry
Sanji s voice shook him from his stupor. Zoro moved to stand in front of Sanji, hi
s hands balled into fists.
What the hell are you doing out here? His voice shook. I told you not to go anywher
e alone!
Don t tell me what to do, Zoro. Sanji replied, but without much bite.
Zoro noticed how Sanji had a white knuckled grip on to the side of the Ford. The
blonde was about to pass out again. Zoro s face softened and he moved closer.
Are you okay? he asked, his voice barely loud enough to hear over the rain.
Sanji closed his eyes. I m fine, his eyes started to droop. I just need help getting h
ome... I don t think I can walk.
Zoro closed the space between them and took the cigarette from Sanji s fingers. Th
e blonde tried to move away but his knees buckled and would have slid to the gro
und if Zoro hadn t caught him. He struggled a bit and tried to push the taller man
Don t touch me Sanji s voice was strained.
Zoro watched Sanji s eyes flutter like he was falling asleep before the blonde s bod
y went limp. Zoro reacted quickly and got an arm under the thinner man s legs. He
lifted Sanji up against his chest, bridal style, and tucked the cook s head under
his chin.
You said you need help getting home, Zoro said. Let me help you.
Sanji let out a defeated moan and relaxed his body. Shortly after, he started sh
aking violently in the swordsman s arms.
Zoro turned and headed for the street just as Ace pulled up in his Jeep. The old
er man jumped out and opened the back door so Zoro could slide inside with Sanji
on his lap.
Sanji tried very hard on the way back to the apartment to not think about how wa
rm Zoro was, or how safe he felt in the swordsman s arms. He pressed his face agai
nst the hot skin of Zoro s neck, and felt the larger man s breath hitch.
When they reached their building, Ace opened the car door and followed Zoro up t
he steps.
You want me to wait for you? he asked.
Zoro shook his head. I can t leave him alone tonight. I m gonna stay here no matter h
ow much he bitches. I ll come over in the morning.
Ace pulled open the door and distracted the woman at the desk while Zoro took Sa
nji across the lobby to the elevators. Sanji was conscious, but said nothing unt
il Zoro had carried him through the apartment, set him down on the side of the b
athtub, and started to strip him of his wet clothes.
Stop, Zoro he whispered, too exhausted to have much venom behind his words.
Shut up cook, Zoro said firmly. I have to get you warm, and you don t have anything I
haven t seen a thousand times anyway.
Sanji opened his mouth to cuss the swordsman out, but his voice lodged in his th
roat when Zoro stripped off his own shirt. He sat gawking at the huge scar runni
ng from Zoro s left shoulder all the way to his right hip. The cut was clean, like
it had been made with a knife or a sword
Holy shit Sanji finally managed to whisper.
Zoro stopped in the middle of pulling off Sanji s shoes and noticed where the blon
de was looking. He stood upright and waited to see what the cook would do.
Sanji, as if in a trance, lifted his hand to run his fingers over the rough tiss
ue. Somehow, his fingers remembered this feeling. Gnarled skin, with smooth inde
nts where the stitches had been made. His fingers ran over the knotted flesh as
memory tugged the back of his mind.
Hawk he said softly. Hawk did this to you
Zoro s breath caught.
You you remember? the swordsman s heart was pounding painfully in his chest. Any loud
er and he was sure the cook would be able to hear it.
Sanji slowly shook his head. Not really but I I know Hawk did this He pulled his hand
away. I was there wasn t I?
Zoro nodded. Yeah, we d just met. I challenged Hawk... I even asked for real swords
This is what I got for being a hothead and an idiot.
Sanji still couldn t look at Zoro. His gaze moved to the floor as another wave of
shivers hit him. Zoro finished removing his shoes and socks before lifting him o
ff the counter and pulling him to the shower. He was thoughtful enough to leave
both their jeans on, and Sanji appreciated it more than he could say. The warm w
ater felt so good against his skin, that for several minutes, he forgot whose bo
dy he was pressed against. He just stood, almost in a trance, as the warmth spre
ad to his limbs. His forehead rested on Zoro s muscular shoulder as he drifted in
and out of consciousness.
Zoro on the other hand, was fighting a tidal wave of emotions. Sanji remembered
Hawk cutting him. Well, not the actual memory, but he had known Hawk had cut him
. The swordsman stood holding his love against his scarred chest, wishing with e
very fiber of his being for Sanji to remember. Remember him.
He pressed his lips against Sanji s temple and let himself be lost in the moment o
f heat and water and the glorious feel of Sanji s skin.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Thank all of you again for your reviews! Especially Susumi and vampire-otaku1! I
love your guys! The next chapter will probably be a little while in coming beca
use I need to finish I Come To You In Pieces . But no worries, when that s done, I ll d
evote my time to this one!
Love you all!
Chapter 7
Sanji sat curled on the couch with his forehead resting in his hand. Zoro had gi
ven him fresh clothes, t-shirt, sweats, socks, boxers, and then wrapped him in t
he comforter from the bed. Sanji had kicked the swordsman out of the bedroom ins
isting he could manage himself, so Zoro had made him some hot chocolate while he
struggled with dressing himself. The blonde sipped from the hot mug and sighed
softly as he closed his eyes.
I taught you to make hot chocolate didn t I? Sanji said softly.
Yeah, Zoro said as he started a fire in the black-bricked fireplace. A cup and a ha
lf of milk brought to a boil, add a third cup of water and turn down the heat. T
wo drops of almond extract and a pinch of cinnamon. But I didn t melt the chocolat
e in that fucking double boiler thing, I hate that. I just added syrup.
Ah, Sanji smiled as he raised the mug to his lips. I thought something was off. He t
ook a small sip and let the warm liquid roll over his tongue. It s alright though;
it s still good Thank you.
Zoro sat carefully on the love seat avoiding Sanji s eyes. You re welcome.
A long silence stretched between the two men as one tried to think of something
to say, while the other prayed the other would keep silent. Sanji watched Zoro c
hew the inside of his lip and watch the fire. The swordsman s eyes reflected the o
range light like black pearls. His almond skin turned that timeless golden tone
as only tan skin did in firelight. Sanji found himself watching the other man s fi
ngers lace together. The sight was fascinating; it was obvious Zoro s strength lay
in his hands. The swordsman s subtle movements sent muscles rippling up his forea
rms and gave the illusion his skin was liquid. That s what it was every time Zoro m
oved he was like liquid.
Well, Sanji thought to himself, at least I still had enough pride to only go gay
for someone really hot
Zoro felt the cook s eyes on him and wanted to scream. His gaze was burning a hole
in his side. He sat for as long as he could before he felt he would break if Sa
nji didn t turn away.
You should go to bed, Zoro said quietly. You re not going to get better if you don t re
I ve been resting for a year. Sanji said into his mug. I want answers to some questio
Zoro sighed and looked at the floor. He knew he should be grateful that Sanji wa
s talking to him at all, but he couldn t help but feel trepidation for what his qu
estions might be. He wouldn t be able to handle it if Sanji started asking questio
ns about his sexuality. Zoro had no answers for any of that. He still had no ide
a why the cook had been in love with him. He couldn t even explain why it had happ
ened in the first place.
What do you want to know? Zoro forced out.
Sanji leaned back against the cushion and pulled the blanket tighter with his fr
ee hand.
How did we meet?
The question was so simple, so innocent that Zoro was momentarily dumfounded. He
wanted to know how they met? He didn t want to know how they started sleeping tog
ether or why or when?
Um, Zoro blinked and sat up straighter. He realized this was Sanji trying to under
stand instead of deny and that was a very good thing. I ve known Ace forever. We ve be
en friends since grade school, so I sort of knew Luffy too.
How come I d never heard of you? Sanji interrupted. If not from Ace, at least from Lu
Zoro shrugged. I don t know. I never really hung around Luffy until recently. I wen
t to high school with Chopper and Usopp but graduated before them. I moved to Ja
pan with my uncle right away so that s why we never crossed paths.
I still don t understand how we didn t run into each other in high school, Sanji said.
Once Luffy started dating Nami, we got introduced to Vivi, who knew Kaya who was
dating Usopp. I knew Usopp and Chopper in high school but somehow I missed you.
I didn t hang out with anyone except Ace, Zoro explained. I didn t like crowds or parti
es or anything and from what you ve told me you were quite a party whore.
Sanji glared and finished off the rest of his lukewarm chocolate.
Let s get back to my question. How did we end up meeting?
Zoro leaned back and crossed his hands over his chest. I came back from Japan two
years ago, right around the time you got the head chef position at Rocksou. Ace
got me a job at his dad s dojo teaching kendo and basic martial arts. We met one
day when I came in late for my class
Sanji watched Zoro s face soften and then, to the cook s surprise, break out in a to
othy grin. He sat there confused as the swordsman actually started to chuckle.
What s so funny? Sanji asked, feeling like the punch line of a bad joke.
Zoro finally raised his eyes from the floor and looked at Sanji. The first time w
e met, I came into the dojo late and in my rush, I ran into you and made you spi
ll coffee all over yourself. You had just come from work and had this nice suit
on and this flashy blue shirt with black lines-
You made me spill coffee on my seventy five dollar Theory shirt! Sanji almost scre
eched. You clumsy-assed fucknut!
In response, Zoro started howling with laughter. Sanji was taken aback, he watch
ed the other man as he leaned forward and held his sides as his mirth overtook h
Sanji was stunned again. Now what s so funny? he asked incredulously.
Zoro leaned back again as his laughing waned but the smile stayed on his face. S
anji tried very hard not to think about how well that look suited the swordsman.
That s exactly what you said to me back then too.
Sanji s eyes widened and he felt his cheeks flush a little. He didn t like to think
he was so predictable. He tried to ignore Zoro s last comment as he slouched in hi
s seat and pulled the blanket around him as he pouted.
So what happened?
What do you think? Zoro chuckled again. What would be the first thing you would do
to someone who made you spill coffee on your expensive shirt?
I d kick his ass, Sanji replied.
Zoro nodded. Yeah, that s what you did.
Sanji looked up in surprise again. I did?
Zoro nodded. I underestimated you. You looked like some pretty boy come to take a
kickboxing class to impress some girl. You were so skinny I never guessed you c
ould break my face with your feet Ace made fun of me for weeks
Sanji couldn t help but smile at that mental image. He had kicked Zoro s ass? That w
as kind of cool He sat up a little straighter and grinned down at his hands.
Don t look so fucking proud of yourself, Zoro muttered, but there was no real bite t
o his words. I got you back real good.
Sanji suddenly felt impatient to regain his strength. For the last few years, he
had managed to outlearn all of his teachers and sensei. The dojo s he had been a
part of never had members he could spar with using his full potential; no one he
could cut loose with. Zoro, on the other hand, was probably a great sparring pa
rtner. The thought of practicing his combinations while dodging a sword excited
him like nothing else had in a long time.
Oh, wait but this was Zoro The same Zoro that, only a few hours ago, had confessed
to him they had been lovers. How were they going to work around this problem? S
anji knew he couldn t just distance himself, they had the same friends. He didn t ha
ve a job, so moving out wasn t really an option unless he was willing to live with
Ace or maybe Chopper. Besides, he really didn t want to leave this apartment! Eve
rything was so perfect! It was everything he had ever wanted! If he refused to b
e with Zoro, would the swordsman make him leave? Move out? It would make sense c
onsidering Zoro had been paying for it for a year.
What are you thinking? Zoro s voice cut into his thoughts.
Sanji looked up and met Zoro s worried eyes. The pleasant smile was gone, replaced
by that same look he d had when he was trying to tell Sanji about their relations
I was Sanji murmured. Thinking about the apartment
Zoro had gone through so many emotions in the last hour that he felt his brain w
as going to break. He had experienced sheer terror when hearing Sanji was out in
the storm, then despair as he held his love in the shower but wasn t able to touc
h him the way he wanted. Now, he had just gone from uncomfortable to deliriously
happy at the memory of Sanji s furious face, and then immediately plunged into th
e realm of brutal confusion.
The apartment? Zoro asked as his head spun.
Sanji looked at him funny and seemed to trip over his words.
Yeah um how long have we lived here?
Zoro felt his stomach knot as he heard the uncertainty in Sanji s voice.
Is that code for how long have we been sleeping together ? He didn t mean to sound so b
itter, but his voice and his emotions were betraying him. You can just ask me you
know. I m not ashamed of it.
He saw Sanji s eye s narrow, the way they always would before he launched into a fit
. All that was missing was the way the blonde would grind his teeth around his c
igarette. Zoro waited with a clenched jaw for the barrage of cussing and tantrum
that Sanji would hurl at him.
But the fight never came. Sanji just ran a hand over his slightly flushed face a
nd looked away.
Can we avoid that topic for a while, Zoro? Sanji murmured. I m trying really hard to
be okay with all of this but I feel like I m losing my mind a little. Just go easy pl
Zoro stared. He wanted to cry, or break something, he wasn t sure which. He was be
ing an asshole and he didn t know how to stop. Sanji was trying to meet him halfwa
y and he wasn t cooperating. What the hell was wrong with him? He had never though
t when the two of them finally sat down and talked that he would be the one resi
sting. Was he that afraid? And if so, what exactly was he afraid of?
I m sorry Zoro said softly, but not sure exactly what he was apologizing for, or to w
Sanji looked at him slowly and nodded.
It s okay I know this is hard on you too
Zoro couldn t look at him anymore. His eyes turned away and glanced around the roo
m trying to find some kind of footing before he toppled off an emotional precipi
ce. He surveyed the bookshelf, and suddenly a thought struck him. He shot to his
feet and crossed the living room to pluck a photo album off the shelf. He turne
d back to a confused Sanji and moved forward tentatively.
Here, he handed the blonde the album. Since you can t remember.
Sanji took the book with a slight frown and set it in his lap. Opening it to the
first page, Zoro was rewarded with a small gasp from Sanji s lips. He knew the fi
st picture was a good one. He had taken it himself. It showed Sanji in his unifo
rm, standing in the ring at NASKA two years before. Blood ran from the side of h
is head and a dark bruise colored the side of his jaw, but it made him look no l
ess than terrifying. The blonde had a look of absolute determination set on his
face, his eyes flashed hungrily as he stood tense and ready for the next attack.
Is this Sanji breathed. Is
That was your final match, Zoro explained. I couldn t get pictures of your others cau
se I had my own. Shanks turned out to be retarded with a camera, so all the pict
ures he took we just threw away.
Sanji stared at the picture and smirked. Well, you seem fairly good I look really
Zoro snorted. I bitched the whole time except when you won. I almost didn t get the
next one.
Sanji turned the page to see himself with his hands in the air in triumph. His o
pponent lay at his feet clutching his jaw. He felt elation just by looking at hi
s expression. Something he had worked so hard for and had finally achieved. A gr
eat sense of self pride welled up inside him and he smiled softly. Unfortunately
it was short lived. He couldn t remember anything about his great victory and it
saddened him to his core. He slowly looked up at Zoro who was watching him with
his arms crossed. Sanji wanted so desperately to know about his match and here w
as someone who could tell him. He felt he could trust Zoro completely, but he wa
s hesitant to open himself up.
But then again, he really did like Zoro, not in a romantic or emotional sense, b
ut he definitely felt a connection with the other man. Sanji knew rekindling a b
ond with Zoro that was strictly friendship would no doubt hurt the swordsman, bu
t wasn t that better than severing all ties?
Sanji moved his hand to the cushion beside him, and silently prayed that he wasn t
making a big mistake.
Come here, he said softly.
Zoro paled and swayed on his feet. Sanji was worried for a second that the sword
sman was going to fall over, but the taller man composed himself long enough to
choke out.
Sanji sat up straighter and crossed his long legs underneath him.
Come sit down and tell me about this match. I can t remember anything and I want to
know what happened.
Slowly, so agonizingly slow, Zoro moved and sat on the couch beside him. The swo
rdsman took the album and placed it between their thighs. Sanji noticed Zoro s han
ds were shaking slightly as he flipped through the pages but pushed it out of hi
s mind. He listened intently as the other replayed the match in surprising detai
l, using the correct terms for Savate combinations and seemed to have a good gra
sp on the point system.
The evening moved along nicely after that. Zoro found comfort in telling Sanji a
bout his matches. The blonde asked many questions and seemed to enjoy listening.
He even wanted to hear about Zoro s fights, which flustered and flattered the swo
rdsman enough to blush and forget how to speak for several seconds. He talked un
til he realized Sanji s questions had ceased, and the blonde s weight had shifted cl
oser to him. He turned and looked at Sanji for the first time since he sat on th
e couch. The other man s hands were curled in the blanket and his body slouched ag
ainst the cushions. His eyes were drooping as he tried to keep himself awake.
Zoro s hand moved instinctively before he could stop himself to gently brush the b
angs from Sanji s eyes. He held his breath as the blonde tensed under his touch. H
e pulled his hand away and felt a pang in his heart. He needed to control himsel
f; he couldn t be doing things like that so carelessly, and he berated himself for
Zoro Sanji whispered.
I m sorry, Zoro quickly said whishing he could disappear.
No, Sanji shifted to turn towards the larger man. It s okay. Zoro looked back at Sanji
who was frowning at the blanket in his hands.
After a few minutes, Zoro murmured. You keep getting that look on your face Please
tell me what you re thinking
Sanji sighed and rubbed his eyes. Get me my cigarettes first.
Zoro stood and retrieved Sanji s pack and lighter from his jacket pocket in the ba
throom. He returned to the living room to find Sanji had shed the blanket and wa
s on his back with his legs pulled up and his head against the arm rest. He took
his cigarettes and placed one between his lips. As the blonde lit up, Zoro move
d to sit on the love seat.
No, Sanji said around an exhale of smoke. Come back over here. If I m gonna have to t
alk about this, I don t want to feel like I m yelling across the apartment.
Zoro stood obediently and moved back to the couch. He sat carefully next to Sanj
i as the thinner man tapped his ashes into his empty mug. Silence permeated the
room again and Zoro s anxiety grew. Was this the part where Sanji started asking t
he questions he couldn t answer ? Or was this the part where he ended everything? Zo
ro s blood ran cold as that thought washed over him. Was Sanji going to tell him i
t would never work between them again and to start packing? If it was, Zoro was
going to beat him to it. He wouldn t be able to listen to those words and not shat
ter, so he would suggest it first.
Sanji opened his mouth to speak, but Zoro cut him off.
I know I make you uncomfortable, Sanji and I m sorry, he said quickly. I m gonna stay h
ere tonight to make sure you re okay, but I m going back to Ace s in the morning. I ll t
ake a couple days to get all my stuff out of here, but I ll try-
Whatever Zoro was planning to say next was cut off by a powerful kick to his sid
e. The swordsman doubled over grunting in pain. He looked up to see Sanji noncha
lantly puffing on his cigarette, looking at him with a bored expression. Zoro tr
ied to say something, but the pain rocketed up his side and started a dull throb
bing in his head. So this was why he wanted Zoro to sit next to him
Sanji sighed. Would you shut the fuck up and let me say what I want to say before
you launch yourself into another melodramatic monologue?
Zoro coughed and sat up straighter. You didn t have to fucking kick me, shit cook, h
e growled.
Sanji ignored him and sat up. The movement brought his body painfully close to Z
oro s, and the swordsman tensed.
Sanji took another long drag from his cigarette before he spoke.
Hn, Zoro taunted. Now who s being melodramatic?
I said shut the fuck up, Sanji growled. I wanted to say, before I was so rudely int
errupted, that I really don t mind being around you. Even knowing what we were bef
ore it doesn t bother me all that much. Well it bothers me yeah but... not as much a
s it probably should
Zoro couldn t help his jaw from dropping in shock.
Sanji noticed and chuckled as he took another drag. The smoke curled around his
face and played between the strands of blonde hair that hung over his eyes.
I feel Sanji hesitated and Zoro s heart almost stopped. The pause made the swordsman
feel like he was going to die. He wanted to grab the blonde s shoulders and shake
I feel like there is a really strong connection between us, Sanji continued slowly
. Even though I don t remember you, I feel like we ve been friends forever. No one ha
s ever No one has ever been able to match me when it comes to martial arts, and n
one of my friends have ever been even remotely interested in my style of fightin
g. With that he looked back up into Zoro s eyes. The intensity there jumpstarted Zo
ro s heart and electrified his nerves. But you like it don t you, Zoro.
Zoro nodded. I love watching you fight. I love it when you watch me and then when
we talk about it afterward no one understands my goals like you do.
I don t want to lose something like that I don t think I ll ever find it again Sanji no
d and crushed his cigarette in his mug. He seemed like he had more to say so Zor
o waited as patiently as he could. Finally, Sanji sighed and turned his gaze tow
ard the fireplace. I was also thinking just now about how you helped me walk You w
ere the only one Everyone else who tried to help I didn t feel like I could do it an
d no one made me feel like I really could. But you
Zoro felt a smile tug at his lips as he saw another quick glimpse of his Sanji.
The blonde let his barrier slip a little and the beautiful, mature man that he l
oved so much shone through underneath.
Sanji grabbed his pack and lit a second cigarette. You knew exactly what to do. Y
ou made me want to do it. You inspired me to do it by saying a bunch of shit tha
t I m sure no one else could have said So that tells me that we were really good fri
ends besides everything else weren t we?
All Zoro could do was nod. He struggled to control his breathing as he dug throu
gh everything Sanji had just told him. So what are you saying, Sanji?
I m saying, Sanji said carefully. That I want to give you a choice. I have some idea
of how serious our relationship was based on this apartment and other things. Bu
t I don t think he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The way I am right now I ju
st don t think I ll ever-
Zoro held up his hand. His heart beating agonizingly in his throat. Please don t sa
y that. I don t ever want to hear that just tell me what this choice is.
Sanji leaned forward. Do you think we could be friends?
Zoro frowned. What?
I m asking if you think you could be just friends with me or would you rather we did
n t see each other at all? Would that be easier for you?
Zoro blinked and looked away. What did he want? If Sanji and he couldn t be togeth
er like they were was it enough just to be with him? Or would that be more than h
is heart could take? Could he stand that?
Zoro? Sanji asked.
Uh give me a sec, I m thinking. Zoro dug the heels of his palms into his eyes as his
brain went ten directions at once. If I say yes to being friends what happens?
There s the room you use for your weights. We can move that stuff out here and that l
l be my room. I lived on a ship long enough to be fine with a small space. We ca
n both still live here, we ll train together, and we can still go to tourna-
Zoro felt Sanji s eyes on him. His hands were shaking, so he folded his arms. This
arrangement would be hard. Being around Sanji and unable to touch him would pro
bably drive him insane, but it was infinitely better than Sanji leaving and neve
r looking back. And the thought of training with Sanji again was enough to brigh
ten the swordsman s mood more than anything else in the past few weeks.
Okay to be friends? Sanji asked softly.
Zoro nodded. He looked sideways at Sanji and actually smiled. Sanji looked at hi
m with wide eyes for a moment before he matched the smile.
I m a year behind on kicking your ass, Zoro said teasingly. I don t think I could give
all that up.
Sanji s face lit up then and Zoro s heart melted. He resolved himself in that moment
that Sanji s smiles were now what he was going to live for.
X x X x X
The next morning found three young men, one firefighter, one engineer, and one m
edical student, climbing out of a jeep outside Zoro and Sanji s apartment. Chopper
had insisted he come check up on Sanji and refused to go alone in case a certai
n couple of martial artists decided to have a fight. If that happened there was
nothing he could do to stop them, so he begged Ace to come with him. Ace had agr
eed because Zoro was coming over to his place anyway.
Ace also happened to have a key in case they were both dead.
Usopp had tagged along because he had nothing else to do and felt that, as sick
as it sounded, seeing a couple besides him and Kaya having trouble might make hi
m feel a little better. Yeah, Sanji couldn t remember their relationship and that
sucked and all, but Usopp was sure after Zoro and Sanji had beat the shit out of
each other a few times, they d be back to screwing each other into walls. The mem
ories might be gone, but the love was definitely still there. Usopp had seen how
Sanji looked at Zoro when he thought the swordsman wasn t looking.
It wasn t like Sanji had cheated on Zoro or anything
The three stepped out of the elevator and made their way down the hall. Chopper
tugged on Ace s jacket lightly as he bombarded the older man with questions for th
e third time that day.
Was Sanji completely out when you drove him home last night? Did he seem flushed
or pale? Did Zoro really have to carry him? Or was he able-
Chopper, chopper, Ace chuckled as they neared the apartment. Calm down buddy, I don t
really know anything. We ll be there in like two seconds, just wait.
I m sorry, Chopper practically bounced. He doesn t have another physical therapy appoin
tment for another two days, so I need to-
A loud crash from Zoro and Sanji s apartment cut Chopper off, and Ace stopped dead
in his tracks. Usopp held his breath and listened to another crash followed by
a loud grunt presumably from Zoro. Shortly after, there was a loud thud and a pa
ined Ah damnit! from Sanji.
Oh shit, Ace breathed.
Chopper panicked and pushed Ace towards the door.
Ace! They re killing each other! Quick open it!
Usopp knew he wasn t being much help by running in a circle behind Ace and yelling
at him to hurry up, but he had to do something, and waiting quietly was just no
t what he did best.
Ace finally found the spare key and opened the door. He burst inside with Choppe
r and Usopp right on his heels.
Zoro! Sanji! Ace called. What the hell is going on!?
Sanji! Chopper cried. You should be resting!
Usopp ran though the kitchen and stopped when he saw the scene in the open space
beyond the dining room. Sanji was sprawled on a large blue workout mat, he was
covered in sweat, but grinning like a mad man. Zoro looked about the same, only
shirtless and crouched over Sanji s prone form. The two looked up when Usopp turne
d into the kitchen.
Hey Usopp, Zoro said panting.
Usopp didn t know what the best course of action would be at this point. Should he
cry because Sanji and Zoro were obviously sparring and that was a really good s
ign? Should he yell for Chopper because Sanji was definitely not ready for this
yet? Or should he just take the easiest route to insanity and laugh. A good laug
h might do him some good. Yes, he should probably just laugh.
Hi guys, Usopp said between chuckles. What the hell are you doing?
Zoro stood and offered a hand to help Sanji up, just as Chopper and Ace barged i
nto the kitchen.
That s a good question! Chopper wailed. What are you doing?
Zoro shrugged. He said he wouldn t feed me unless I fought him.
Ace must have had the same thoughts as Usopp because he also began to laugh as w
ell. Chopper on the other hand, put his hands on his hips and glared daggers.
Sanji the youngest said in his scariest doctor voice.
Sanji put up his hands in surrender. I m sorry, Chopper, he moved forward around the
island and into the kitchen.
Breakfast anyone?
X x X x X
Ace sat on Zoro s bed as he listened to the swordsman recount the happenings of th
e night before. Zoro paced as he talked and ran his hands through his hair at le
ast five hundred times.
It s just Zoro muttered. I m so happy he s not kicking me out or going back to the Bara
or something, so I really shouldn t count my chickens or whatever. But I mean no,
no I m not going to say that. I ve had a great morning. Sparring with him felt so fu
cking good even if he isn t up to par
And smell those pancakes, Ace commented. Keep him around so he can keep feeding me.
I know, I feel like I haven t tasted food in a year.
You probably haven t.
Zoro sat beside him on the bed and rubbed the back of his neck.
Seriously though, Ace do you think I did the right thing?
Ace turned and put a comforting hand on Zoro s shoulder. I m not gonna lie to you man
, I have no idea. Give it some time, maybe he ll come around or you ll start to hurt
a little less. Just hang in there. You still got all of us.
Zoro nodded just as Chopper knocked on the door.
Yeah! Zoro said.
You guys better hurry! Chopper squeaked. The food s ready and Usopp is gonna eat it a
We re coming, Ace said as he stood.
Zoro followed the older man out and dove into the breakfast Sanji had prepared.
He remained quiet as he ate and conversation filled the kitchen around him. He t
hought about his decision, about whether or not he was just making his situation
harder. He was so engrossed in his contemplation that he didn t notice his coffee
until he had almost finished his meal. When he did, Zoro s heart skipped a beat a
nd he smiled behind his mug.
Sanji had known to add two scoops of sugar without asking

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Alright my awesome reviewers! Since you all are amazing, I have taken a break fr
om my epic Bleach fic, which I might add is only TWO CHAPTERS FROM BEING DONE to
write this for you! I love you all so much! Thank you for your reviews and kind
, excited, inspiring words!
Chapter 8
After breakfast, Ace, Chopper, and Usopp left after reminding Sanji about his pr
omise of barbecued pork. Sanji assured them that he and Zoro would be at Vivi s ar
ound three o clock and dinner would be around six thirty.
I need to go shopping, Sanji said as he cleared the dishes. Go take a shower while
I clean up cause I need you to drive me.
Zoro looked up from rolling the workout mats, hiding a smirk.
What am I your chauffeur?
Oui, Sanji said as he turned on the hot water. I can t drive for another week.
Lame excuse, Zoro chucked as he joined Sanji at the sink. Here, let me, I usually d
o the dishes. You go take a shower.
Sanji leaned against the counter and cocked an eyebrow.
You do the dishes? I don t believe it. Next you ll be telling me you do the laundry.
Well, Zoro snorted. If you call a trip to the drycleaners laundry, then yeah, I do.
Sanji couldn t help but grin. You take my clothes to the drycleaners? He straightene
d and clapped Zoro on the back. Okay, I ll keep you around.
Sanji turned to head towards the bathroom, but Zoro s laugh made him stop. He glar
ed over his shoulder with narrowed eyes.
Why do I suddenly get the feeling that I have the not so fun chores?
Cause you do, Zoro was almost giggling. Giggling?
Ah shit, what do I do? Sanji folded his arms.
Zoro sprayed degreaser onto a pan and flashed his teeth.
Take out the garbage, and clean the toilet.
WHAT! Sanji s jaw dropped. How did I get stuck with the shit jobs?
Zoro continued washing the pans, the grin never leaving his face.
You lost a bet.
Sanji rolled his eyes and turned back towards the bathroom. Whatever, we ll just ha
ve to make another bet. Then I ll kick your ass and make you do everything.
Anytime, Sanji, Zoro teased. Just tell me when. Before or after your physical thera
Shut up, bastard! Sanji shrieked before he slammed the bathroom door.
Zoro returned to the dishes feeling better than he had in months.
X x X x X
Uwajimaya, one of the largest Asian grocery retailers in the Pacific Northwest,
sits in the heart of Seattle s China Town, and has become more of a tourist attrac
tion and information hub than a shopping center. Bright orange dragons decorate
the telephone poles and lamp posts on the surrounding streets, and street signs
display destinations in Japanese and Chinese as well as English.
Zoro always loved shopping here with Sanji because it reminded him of his time i
n Japan. Hardly a word was spoken in English, and more often than not, Zoro was
needed to translate if Sanji wanted to ask questions about the quality or cuts o
f meats. It made him feel a little less of a barbarian in Sanji s refined and dist
inguished presence. Yeah, sometimes Sanji had to read him the menus at the fancy
-shmancy restaurants, but Sanji needed Zoro to shop in Seattle s best import cente
r. Ha.
Why shoulder? Zoro asked as they left the meat department. I thought the loin was t
he tender cut or whatever.
No, the plate is, Sanji said as he ran through the list in his head. That s the belly
. It s where you get bacon. I could have gotten thigh, Luffy would have liked that
, but I m a traditionalist.
Why frozen? Now don t we have to wait for it to thaw?
Pork s easier to cut when it s slightly frozen. And it also spoils fast so I didn t wan
t the thawed pieces that were on display.
I thought you cooked the pork whole? Why are you cutting it frozen?
You ever seen Kaya or Vivi eat barbecued pork? No. I m making a stir fry for them.
As they made their way through the aisles, Sanji plucked ginger juice, honey, an
d other ingredients from the shelves. Zoro kept up his string of questions until
the blonde rounded on him in the wine section.
You always this talkative when we re shopping? He placed a hand on his hip in mock a
Zoro leaned on the cart and placed his chin in his hands. Only when we re food shop
ping. Clothes shopping with you is like getting my wisdom teeth pulled again. Yo
u re such a girl.
Sanji bristled. I am not!
Oh please, Zoro smiled and his voice became obscenely high pitched. These shoes are
suede! I can t wear suede with nylon! Zoro, that shirt is off-blue! You can t wear o
ff-blue with black! His smile widened and his voice regained its natural timbre. Dr
ives me nuts.
Sanji crossed his arms haughtily as he moved towards the cash register.
Well, I was right. You can t wear off-blue with black. You re lucky I took the time t
o help you out.
You just didn t want to be seen with me while I was wearing board shorts and combat
Sanji clapped his hands over his ears. Christ, Zoro! You re gonna kill me!
Hey, not my fault! Zoro chuckled. I hung out with Ace most of my life!
God Sanji groaned and ran a hand over his face. Tell me you didn t dress like that whe
n we were out somewhere together.
No, don t worry, Zoro said as he leaned closer to the blonde. The worst I did when I
was out with you was wear different colored socks with flip flops.
Sanji screeched, kicked the swordsman in the side, and proceeded to the checkout
by himself. Zoro leaned against a pillar, holding his side and laughed until hi
s stomach hurt.
X x X x X
Vivi, love, I m fine, Sanji assured the pretty blonde. I m feeling great, I know my way
around the kitchen, don t worry about me. Go entertain people.
Vivi reluctantly let Sanji guide her out of the kitchen. Alright, Sanji. But if y
ou feel even the slightest bit tired, even the slightest, you stop what you re doi
ng and come get me. Okay?
Sanji smiled and bowed slightly as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top fe
w buttons of his shirt. I promise, princess. Go play pool, or go hang on Ace and
make him look good or something.
Vivi giggled and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Flattery will get you nowhere
, Sanji.
Ah, the cook shrugged. Had to try.
She blew him a kiss and glided down the hall to the rec room. Sanji busied himse
lf with making the marinade for the pork and setting the meat in the fridge. He
chopped vegetables and hummed a tune he didn t know the words to while sneaking qu
ick cigarettes by the open window. He heard the doorbell ring several times and
wondered how many people Ace and Vivi were having over. Not that it mattered muc
h, he was making enough food for an army.
When everything was prepped, Sanji made his way out of the kitchen and moved dow
n the hall to see who showed up. In the rec room, Sanji was bombarded by the com
bined sounds of Three Days Grace, and Luffy and Usopp shouting at the widescreen
as they played some first person shooter on the Xbox. Nami and Vivi sat at the
bar, talking amongst themselves and doing an awful lot of eye-rolling. Ace, Chop
per, and Zoro had started up a game of cut throat at the pool table. When Sanji
stepped through the door, Chopper immediately called out for him.
Sanji! the sandy haired youth looked at him with big doe eyes. Help me! They re so fr
eaking good!
Sanji chuckled as Ace handed him a cue stick. Try it pretty boy, Ace grinned. Let s s
ee what sleeping for a year did to your skills.
Apparently, it did nothing. Sanji easily beat Ace through three games and only l
ost to Zoro once by one move. Chopper watched the games with unbridled awe, prai
sing Sanji and Zoro and comforting Ace as he fell behind.
Aw, you guys suck, Ace muttered good naturedly as he put up his cue stick. He caug
ht Sanji s eye from across the table and motioned with his head for the cook to fo
llow him out into the hallway.
Sanji looked at Zoro, who merely shrugged and moved to join the girls at the bar
. Chopper smiled at him and flopped down on the bean bag chairs between Luffy an
d Usopp.
Ace led the way down the hall and pulled open the door to the patio. Both men pu
lled out cigarettes and Ace had a flame ready for Sanji immediately. The moves w
ere practiced and carried out without a word. The two stood in silence for a few
minutes, letting the nicotine settle in their systems and watching the purples
and oranges of the sunset.
You ve graduated from matches, I see, Sanji said as he blew out a long stream a smok
They got expensive, Ace grinned. Besides, Vivi was getting pissed at always finding
empty matchbooks lying around the house.
At least you don t smoke in the house, Sanji offered.
She d castrate me.
Sweet little Vivi? Sanji chuckled. Never.
Ace s grin widened. She s not so sweet.
Vraiment? Sanji s grin matched Ace s and he leaned against the railing. Oh do tell.
Ace chuckled and waved a finger at Sanji. A gentleman never kisses and tells, you
know that.
Ah, Ace! Sanji tilted his head back and placed a fist over his heart. Don t dangle a
steak in front of a starving man and then take it away!
Ace laughed, almost choking on his drag. Or you mean don t dangle sex secrets in fr
ont of a pervert?
I m only half a pervert! Sanji said, but the fight was gone, if it was ever even the
re. The blonde turned and rested his elbows on the wood of the railing and watch
ed the last of the cigarette s cherry burn out.
I m really happy for you guys Sanji said quietly.
Thank you, Ace replied, dropping his butt into the coffee can at their feet. Anoth
er few minutes of comfortable silence passed before Ace spoke again.
I was really glad to see you two getting along today
Sanji s cigarette joined Ace s in the coffee can and the cook s hands ran over his fac
e. His rested his forehead in his palms and let out a pained sigh.
Oh, yeah I just God, I don t know what to think about this whole thing Do you know how
What the fuck happened?
Ace held up his hands. It s not really my place to tell. None of us has any idea wh
at happened anyway. There was this week where you two were at each other s throats
more than usual. It was so bad we really thought you guys were going to kill ea
ch other. Then you both sort of disappeared and when you came back a few days later
What? Sanji straightened to look deadpanned at his friend. Guess what, we re gay? I d
on t believe it, Ace. I mean, the guy s fucking cool, but there s no way I m gonna bend
over and take it up the ass from him.
Ace just about doubled over as fits of laughter erupted from the older man s gut.
Sanji stood, chewing the inside of his lip and fighting the intense urge to kick
his friend s stomach into his throat. When Ace s hysterics finally died down, the o
lder man put an arm around Sanji s shoulders. He wiped at his eyes and clapped San
ji on the chest.
I love you man, Ace said through leftover giggles. I wish the you of a year ago cou
ld hear the you now.
Sanji shoved his hands in his pockets. He clenched his jaw and glared daggers at
the patio deck. Ace noticed his anger and pulled away, suddenly becoming seriou
Look, he began, turning the younger man to face him. You guys are my best friends.
We ve been through so much shit together. I would never just sit by and watch you
guys do something infinitely crazy unless I knew it made you happy.
Sanji looked up at Ace then. Happy? Had he been happy?
Well, it looks like you kinda did, Ace. Great fucking job.
Sanji Ace released the cook s arms and put his hands on his hips. When you guys were t
ogether, Zoro treated you like you were the only person on the planet. He seriou
sly would have destroyed a country, if he thought it would make you happy. He go
t offered this amazing job in Tokyo a while back, some kind of school for martia
l arts prodigies, but he didn t take it cause he wanted to stay here with you. He s
making like, a quarter of the money he would have if he d taken the job.
Sanji pressed his hands further into his pockets. He knew this was the stuff he
needed to hear, but his heart was starting to hurt. There was no way he had fina
lly found someone he could be happy with and it was a man.
He worships the ground you walk on, Sanji. Hell, he worships the ground you walk
beside. Growing up he was antisocial and introverted; didn t really have any close
friends, besides me. Then, after being with you he changed. He started talking
more, actually joined in conversations- gave opinions Nearly broke my brain in th
e beginning. It was so weird Ace turned to look out over the balcony. His face sof
tened as he remembered good times. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his mou
th. I d never realized it before, until I saw you two together, but he was lonely. H
e wanted- needed somebody that shared his passions and goals. Someone he could b
e totally honest with someone he could share everything with
Sanji felt his lungs constrict painfully and a pressure behind his eyes started
to build. He was losing it bit by bit and he hated himself for it. He dug around
in his pocket for his pack and pulled out another cigarette. Ace held out a fla
me and Sanji thankfully accepted it. Pulling the smoke into his lungs, he waited
for his hands to stop trembling before he plucked the stick from his lips.
I m not trying to pressure you, Sanji, Ace continued, turning back to face the blond
e. I m just telling you how it was; giving you facts so you ll understand.
The cook took another drag and murmured softly as he exhaled. How was I?
Hmm? What do you mean?
Sanji looked up and fixed Ace with an importunate stare. His eyes pleaded with t
he older man to give him the answers he longed for so desperately.
How was I? What did I give him? What was I like with him?
Ace stared back, meeting Sanji s intense gaze. The older man slipped his hands int
o the pockets of his sweatshirt.
You loved him, Sanji, Ace said quietly. I think you might have loved him more than
he loved you.
Sanji brought the back of his hand to his mouth. He tightened his lips to keep h
imself from saying something he d regret. Fear, pent up tension, relief, and confu
sion built up around his eyes, brimmed beneath his eyelashes, and spilled over o
nto his cheeks. He didn t know what to think, had no idea how to start feeling. Ac
e put a comforting hand on his shoulder as he leaned back against the railing an
d stared at his shoes.
He had loved Zoro. God, Zoro had loved him. No! Zoro still loved him! How could
he have fallen in love with Zoro!?
He already had known kind of. He had guessed, just never admitted it to himself.
As he stood there, leaning against the porch railing, tears streaming down his f
ace, and his heart beating so fast it hurt, Sanji realized that hearing the word
s out loud made the situation easier to deal with. It brought the problem out in
to the open where Sanji could see it, deal with it face to face. If there was on
e thing that Sanji was afraid of, it was the unknown. The cook hated being in th
e dark, not knowing his opponent, not understanding what it was he was up agains
t. Not understanding your opposition was close to crippling. It made you slower,
weaker, less likely to fend off a strategically placed attack. Not that he thou
ght Zoro was an opponent, no. It was the situation; the god damn situation.
Ace s words rang in his ears and hummed across his skin, burrowed into his brain a
nd raced along with the blood pumping in his veins. Sanji was still reeling from
information overload when the porch door opened and Usopp poked his head outsid
e. Sanji turned back to face the railing and hide his tears.
Um, Ace, Usopp s voice was unsure. I m sorry to interrupt, but Vivi wants you. Franky,
Robin, and Brook just got here. She says you have to play host.
Ace straightened and stretched his arms over his head. Alright, I m coming. He leane
d in close to Sanji s ear and whispered. You gonna be okay?
Sanji nodded. Yeah, I think so.
Ace gave his shoulder one final squeeze before he made his way back inside. Sanj
i heard him ask Usopp if he was coming, but the younger man refused.
I think I ll stay out here for a bit, Usopp mumbled. K Kaya came with Robin so
I understand, Sanji heard Ace say before the door closed.
Sanji listened to the soft footfalls of Usopp s shoes as the younger man moved to
sit beneath the cantilever(1). The scrape of the metal against the wooden deck d
idn t hide the tired sigh that escaped through the young engineer s lips. Sanji wipe
d at his eyes quickly and turned around coolly. He made his way over to the circ
ular table and sat beside Usopp.
He took a deep drag from his cigarette and glanced at his friend. He wasn t surpri
sed to find Usopp looking at him with concern. Beneath his boisterous exterior a
nd sometimes painfully immature personality, was a very kind, very caring indivi
dual. Sanji looked away quickly as his eyes were no doubt still red rimmed and g
listening. He didn t try to hide his current state though, he knew Usopp was too k
een for that. He just settled into a comfortable silence, sucking on his smoke a
nd watching the clouds make their way lazily across the sky.
Overwhelmed? Usopp finally broke the silence after a few minutes.
Sanji had to laugh. He wanted to throw his head back and shriek at the sky until
he finally broke down and started sobbing uncontrollably, but he had more pride
than that. He settled for quietly chuckling behind his cigarette adorned hand.
Well if that isn t the understatement of the fucking century
Usopp sunk a little in his chair. I m sorry
Sanji waved his hand. It s okay, Usopp, I didn t mean anything by it. I m sorry I m just
Usopp tucked the lower half of his face into the neck of his sweatshirt. It was
almost comical how the only things that showed were his eyes and his long nose.
Sanji smiled and bit back a laugh.
After finding out that you lost your memory, Usopp began quietly. I went home and t
ried to think what it would be like to be in your shoes right now. Like, I go to
sleep one night and then wake up with a totally different life.
A totally different person, muttered Sanji around his cigarette.
Usopp frowned. No you weren t a different person at all, Sanji. You were still you,
you were just
Getting fucked by a guy all the time. Oh yeah, that sounds like me, I see what yo
u re saying now. Sanji wasn t being harsh on purpose. He wanted to stop, but the word
s just kept pouring out.
Usopp cocked his head to the side in that very Usopp-like way and surprised Sanj
i with a grin.
How do you know you were getting fucked every day? Who says you weren t the one doi
ng the fucking?
Sanji glared at his friend. Does Zoro look like someone who gets fucked? No, he d
oesn t. I m not a moron, Usopp!
Usopp s grin only widened, much to Sanji s chagrin. The cook felt a heat rise up int
o his cheeks as his temper flared slightly along with his embarrassment.
Please don t tell me you know otherwise. I really don t want to know how much you kno
Usopp put up his hands and leaned back in the chair. Sanji crushed his cigarette
out on the bottom of his shoe before he rested his elbows on the table. He star
ted fighting a little battle with himself as he sat there with Usopp s eyes burnin
g holes into his side. Hearing that he was not the only one getting screwed did
not change anything. Hearing that Zoro sometimes submitted to him and that Sanji
wasn t always the woman did not in any way spark his interest. Hearing that he mi
ght have sometimes had that green haired bastard at his mercy underneath him; th
at powerful, magnificent body writhing, begging-
Oh fuck! Enough!
Usopp Sanji cleared his throat. Tell me what happened with Kaya.
All traces of humor left Usopp s face. His shoulders tensed and the mischievous tw
inkle in his eyes abruptly fled. The man seemed to shrivel, his body pulling int
o his sweatshirt and baggy cargos.
I don t really want to talk about it, he said in a pained voice.
Oh, guess what? Sanji said as he pulled another cigarette out of his pack. I m the ki
ng of not wanting to talk about stuff right now, so your problems are up to bat.
The cook s lighter flickered and smoke curled around his head. Spill.
Usopp sighed and ran a hand over his eyes. Uh okay. It s kind of complicated.
I m listening, Sanji took a drag and leaned back to get more comfortable in his chai
Okay Usopp searched for words in the glass tabletop. Do you remember Pell? Vivi s brot
her? I think you met him at that charity function Vivi and Kaya held a few years
Sanji frowned. I think the Baratie catered that event Sanji searched his memory for
Vivi s brother. Blond hair came to mind, tall white Oh! Sanji exclaimed. Pell! Yeah!
e was there and he had a genuine white Romeo Gigli Suit on! Oh, I would kill for
a suit like that!
Usopp rolled his eyes. That was very gay sounding, Sanji.
I ll kill you, shitty engineer. On with the story.
Anyway, Usopp continued, ignoring Sanji s empty threat. Pell s had this friend, Chaka,
since he was a kid. He s the son of some rich guy that deals in Egyptian artifacts
or something. Robin knows the family too. Whatever, anyway, this Chaka guy s been
friends with Pell and Vivi and Kaya forever. They all went to the same prep sch
ool, spent summer vacation together, all that. When they got into high school, K
aya s parents and Chaka s parents sort of did this arranged marriage thing because t
hey wanted to merge the two family s fortunes or some crazy rich people thing.
Woa, wait, Sanji interrupted. You ve been dating an heiress that was already betrothe
d to some other guy?
Usopp nodded slowly.
Damn Usopp, Sanji grinned. You have some serious balls, or luck or something.
Usopp reddened. No, no, it s not like that. Once Kaya and I got together she told h
er parents the betrothal was off. It was old fashioned anyway Well I thought she c
alled it off.
Sanji sat forward engrossed. What do you mean you thought ?
Usopp looked at his hands that were laced together in his lap. He sighed softly
and slowly deflated again.
She Kaya Chaka obviously wasn t going to just sit back while he lost her to me. I mea
n who would give up Kaya so easily?
Sanji nodded. He for one would fight to the death if he ever had Kaya. She was s
weet and gentle and even more beautiful than his precious Nami. Not that he woul
d ever admit that out loud and not like he d ever looked at Kaya like that while sh
e was with Usopp. Nope.
I started getting suspicious a few months ago when she started going out at weird
times or staying at work longer than usual. This Chaka guy was calling all the
time and leaving these cryptic messages on the answering machine. I told Kaya I
didn t want her to see him anymore, but she said she couldn t just abandon her child
hood friend. I was stupid and thought it was just her being her sweet self but
Sanji didn t like where this was going. He watched Usopp s eyes fill with pain and t
ears as his words slipped from his lips. The rest of his story was told in a col
d, flat tone.
About a month before you woke up, Kaya left her phone at home and I found it. I w
as just shuffling through stuff, I wasn t really trying to pry or anything but ther
e was a message from Chaka saying to meet him at this fancy hotel and what time Us
opp lowered his head and put his face in his hands. She told me she was going to
Nami s God, I was so stupid!
Shit, Usopp, Sanji put a hand on his friend s shaking shoulder. I m so sorry
Usopp whimpered into his hands. He s so tall and good-looking and rich How could I h
ave ever kept her with me when I had to compete with that? I m nobody! I m just an e
ngineer- no, not even an engineer yet. I still have to get through school! I m ugl
y and I m a liar and I ve never-
Usopp! Sanji growled. He put his hand on the back of the younger man s head and rest
ed his forehead against Usopp s. Don t think like that, don t ever think like that. You
think I d be friends with someone who wasn t cool? Or fun? Or interesting? People c
heat for a million different screwed up reasons.
Usopp opened his eyes. Tears made their way slowly down his cheeks as he stared
hard at Sanji s tie.
I must have done something I wasn t enough for her
Usopp, Sanji gripped the younger man s shoulders. You loved Kaya, that s the most impor
tant thing. Love conquers all. Love transcends time and space! Love is precious
and fragile and beautiful and terrible If she couldn t handle that it s her own damn f
Usopp sniffed and smiled a little.
You sound like a song, Sanji.
The cook pulled away and took a final drag from his cigarette. Well I am the what
does Zoro call me? Love Cook?
Actually I call you Shit Cook, Zoro s voice covered Usopp s chuckle. You call yourself
The Love Cook.
Sanji looked up to see the swordsman leaning against the open doorframe. How lon
g had he been standing there? How had he gotten there without him noticing?
Usopp wiped his face and leaned back in his chair. Hey Zoro.
Zoro acknowledged him with a nod and turned to the cook.
Nami says Luffy and Ace need food, so you should come inside and make dinner.
Sanji grinned and stood, stretching his arms above his head. Ah, anything for the
lovely Miss Nami!
Zoro rolled his eyes and turned to Usopp. You coming?
Usopp shook his head.
I ll hang out here for a while.
Zoro nodded and stepped aside to let Sanji passed. The cook turned back around a
nd faced Usopp before Zoro closed the door.
You still need to talk you know where to find me, Usopp.
The curly haired man nodded and smiled softly. Thanks, Sanji.
Sanji made his way back to the kitchen and pulled the apron from the rack by the
freezer. After securing it around his waist, and washing his hands thoroughly i
n the sink, he pulled the meat from the fridge and placed it on the island.
You alright, Sanji? Zoro asked from the doorway.
Sanji didn t miss a beat. He opened his knife roll and pulled out a Deba(2).
I m fine. Why?
Zoro shifted uncomfortably, stepping inside the kitchen and moving closer to the
island. He seemed wary though, watching Sanji s hands as they deftly sliced the p
ork into thin strips.
You look like Zoro s voice trailed off.
Sanji stopped slicing and met Zoro s gaze. Great, the bastard could tell he d been c
rying. Fuck. He should have washed in the bathroom and splashed some cold water
on his face.
Usopp s story upset me, that s all, Sanji said quietly. His eyes said the conversation
was over and all questions pertaining to this subject were not to be asked. The
cook went back to slicing meat and trying to ignore the swordsman.
Zoro got the point, but didn t back away.
I don t believe Kaya did it.
Sanji s hands stopped. He sighed softly and thanked Zoro for saying it out loud. H
e had felt there was something not quite right about the whole situation. Kaya?
Cheat on Usopp? There was no freaking way! They were so perfect, so happy togeth
er! And Kaya had looked so lost and utterly defeated when she had come to see hi
m in the hospital. And Usopp! Poor Usopp!
The cook s blue eyes rose to meet the swordsman s black.
I don t think she did either.
Zoro nodded. Chopper refuses to believe it too. He said Kaya denies doing anythin
g with that other guy, but she refuses to explain the phone calls and secret mee
Sanji sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.
It s so fucked up Everything s so fucked up...
Sanji heard Zoro back up slowly, his voice forlorn. I m sorry I ll leave you alone.
No! No! Sanji looked up and suddenly felt exceedingly cruel. I wasn t I m sorry. Come b
ck, that s not what I meant.
Zoro regarded him carefully, but moved forward and sat on the stool that Sanji i
ndicated. The blonde pulled a bag of peppers out of the fridge and placed them i
n front of the swordsman. Here, he said, handing him a paring knife and a large bo
wl. Core these. I don t want a single seed in there or I ll kick your ass.
Zoro smiled then and picking up the knife, sang under his breath.
Tryyyy it paaaansy
Sanji ignored him and continued slicing.
X x X x X
Dinner went supersizing well. Usopp came inside when the food was ready and ente
rtained everyone with several tall tales about giant goldfish and giants strande
d on jungle islands. Brook provided wonderful background music on Vivi s grand pia
no and proved he could accompany anyone when Chopper and Luffy had one too many
beers and started singing Christmas songs halfway through dessert. Sanji was hap
py to be reacquainted with Robin the museum curator and her husband Franky the a
So you re friends with Vivi s parents, Sanji tried to piece together the bits of infor
mation he had been receiving over the past hour. And you built Ace s boat.
Correct, Franky said. Designed and built it. Also designed Vivi s parent s house. Not m
y best work mind you, I m more into sea fairing structures. But the house turned o
ut pretty super so it s cool.
So how did you meet your delicate flower over there? Sanji motioned to Robin, sitt
ing at the bar chatting with Nami.
I was contracted to design the new wing for her museum a few years back. Nami int
roduced us.
A new song from the drunken duo and a light tap on his shoulder from Zoro, signa
led it was time for Sanji to be leaving. Everyone thanked and hugged the chef un
til he felt his back would break before he slipped out the door, clutching his k
nife roll and yawning deeply.
He didn t even notice they were home until Zoro gently nudged his shoulder.
Hey, cook, Zoro whispered. Get out.
Sanji groaned and drug himself out of the car and through the lobby. Unfortunate
ly, the elevator ride gave him time to think about what Ace had said while he tr
ied desperately not to look at Zoro. Too bad there were mirrors covering the wal
ls so no matter where he looked, there the bastard was.
Lemme get my stuff out of the bedroom, Zoro said as he unlocked the door. I ll just b
e a sec.
Don t worry about it, Sanji said. I m not really all that sleepy. I ll probably stay up
while and watch TV.
Zoro said something from the bedroom, but Sanji didn t understand him. He pulled o
ff his jacket and opened the door to the closet. He grabbed a hanger and as he s
lipped the jacket between a raincoat and black denim, a large cardboard box caug
ht his eye. God knows what suddenly made him so curious, but he couldn t stop hims
elf as he squatted and pulled the box closer. Pulling the flaps open, his eyes w
idened at what he found. Inside the box were pictures, dozens of them. Pictures
of him and Zoro. Sanji pulled one from the top and studied it.
The picture showed Sanji, sitting in a booth at what looked like a nice restaura
nt. He had on a stylish black suit and was grinning like a moron. Beside him sat
Zoro, his arm around the cook s shoulders. The swordsman was also dressed to impr
ess in a white collared shirt and a black blazer. But for once, Sanji was not pa
ying attention to his clothes. All the cook could concentrate on was the fact th
at the Zoro in the picture was kissing him. The green haired bastard s lips were c
rushed against the skin of his cheek, and Sanji was he was God damnit it was obvio
us he really liked it!
That was a fun night
Sanji nearly jumped out of his skin. Zoro s voice startled him so badly the cook f
lew backwards and landed on his ass.
Holy shit, Zoro! Sanji gasped. You scared me to death!
Zoro eyed him from his perch against the wall. You look alive to me.
Sanji scowled and returned to his heels beside the box. What is all this?
Zoro sighed and slid down the wall until he was sitting beside the box. He dug t
hrough its contents and pulled out a picture encased in a simple black frame. He
studied the picture with sad eyes as he spoke.
I hid all of these before you got home. I didn t want you seeing one before you kne
w about us.
Sanji stared at Zoro. His surprise must have showed on his face because when Zor
o looked up he smirked.
I may be a muscle-head, but I m not stupid.
Sanji looked back at the box and moved to a sitting position, crossing his legs
Indian style. Zoro s thoughtfulness touched him and gave him a sense of how much t
he swordsman really cared for him.
That was Sanji said softly. That was really nice of you to do that for me, Zoro.
Zoro shrugged. I thought it would be easier to just tell you than have to explain
something like that. He pointed to the picture Sanji was holding.
Sanji glanced at it again. You said this was a fun night. What happened?
We were celebrating, Zoro said. Time magazine had just named you one of the country s
top chefs. Your restaurant was going crazy. They interviewed you on The Food Ne
twork and everything.
Sanji s jaw dropped. You re fucking kidding!
Zoro shook his head. Article s in there.
Sanji dug through the pictures until he found a framed magazine page. He pulled
it out and saw a picture of himself in cook whites leaning against a large resta
urant prep table covered in vegetables. He looked smug and absolutely dashing. H
is arms were crossed and his head was tilted the way it was when he was flirting
with a pretty girl.
Wow, Sanji grinned. I look good.
The damn hairstylist spent almost an hour on your hair and I don t think it looks a
ny different than normal. Zoro huffed.
Sanji chuckled as he started reading the article. It talked about his time in Fr
ance studying culinary arts at Bonjour Provence at Domaine de Valmouriane, and f
ine wines at Côtes de Bourg in Bordeaux. Sanji was delighted to find he was the
youngest chef that made the list by almost five years. Times called him a prodigy
and praised his ability to use every ounce of food, never wasting anything, turn
ing ordinary leftovers into an ingenious and delectable work of art.
How could all of this have happened in only a year? Sanji asked, his voice breathy
from his amazement.
Zoro shrugged again. You re an incredible chef, Sanji. It s not that farfetched that
you d be discovered so quickly.
Sanji raised his head and regarded the swordsman. Zoro was looking at the floor,
his teeth softly grinding as his eyes stared hard into memories that Sanji didn t
have. He watched the calloused hands grip the black framed picture tightly. He
wanted to ask what the photo was but Zoro seemed too engrossed in his thoughts t
o bother him. Instead, Sanji started shuffling through the pictures in the box.
He pulled out a photo in an orange frame and started to laugh hysterically.
Zoro looked up. What s funny?
Sanji flipped the picture over so Zoro could see what he was looking at. What the
hell are we all doing?
Zoro smiled and scooted closer. This was Halloween. We re pirates. We called oursel
ves the Straw Hat Pirate Crew and Luffy was the captain.
Luffy! Sanji laughed. What the fuck? And we don t look anything like pirates!
Yes we do! Look at Usopp s hat! And you and Robin are even wearing eye patches!
Nobody looks even remotely like a pirate except you, Zoro! With your bandana and
your wait why do you have three swords?
Zoro took the picture from him and placed it back in the box. I ll explain later. B
ut now it s almost eleven and I promised Chopper I d make you go to bed as soon as w
e got home.
Fine, Sanji sighed. You got your stuff out of the bedroom?
Yup, Zoro stood and helped Sanji to his feet. You know, you should stop by the Bara
tie tomorrow, let everyone see you.
Sanji nodded. That s a good idea. Can we go at lunchtime?
Alright then night.
Night, Sanji.
X x X x X
Sanji rolled over again trying to find a comfortable spot on the pillow. Sleep w
as eluding him even though his body screamed for rest. So much had happened that
day, his mind was refusing to relax and shut down. His talk with Ace replayed i
n his head over and over, and when it wasn t Ace s voice he heard in his head, it wa
s Usopp s. On top of all that, his throat was parched. He had been contemplating g
etting up to get a drink for the past hour, but the floor was cold and he was ju
st comfortable enough to not want to leave the bed.
Fuck it, he finally said and threw off the covers.
He stood and padded to the door. Out the corner of his eye he saw a shape move d
own the hall from the bathroom. Sanji s body tensed and he readied himself as he r
eached for the light switch. The overhead light illuminated the stretch of hallw
ay and a very surprised Zoro. The swordsman was standing in front of the closet,
frozen in the middle of retrieving a jacket from the rack. Sanji s eyes adjusted
to the light and he wondered for a moment if he actually had fallen asleep after
Zoro was dressed in black from head to toe. Black jeans, black boots, black long
sleeved shirt and black bandana. The jacket he was pulling out of the closet wa
s leather and also black.
Zoro? Sanji blinked stupidly. Why are you up at one in the morning? And why are you
dressed like a ninja?
Zoro sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked at the ground sheepishly
and pulled his jacket the rest of the way out of the closet.
Would it be too much to ask for you to just go back to bed and pretend you didn t s
ee me? the swordsman muttered.
Sanji crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame.
Uh, let me think Yes. What the fuck are you doing? And what the hell is that? he mo
tioned to a long case at Zoro s feet.
Zoro grumbled under his breath and shrugged into his jacket. Sanji tried very ha
rd to not think about how good Zoro looked in solid black kind of tight solid bla
You ever wonder how we afford this over the top apartment with our jobs?
Only almost the whole time I m in it, Sanji answered.
Zoro picked up the case and pulled the strap over his head. He seemed to be chew
ing something over in his head for a minute before he spoke again.
If I leave now without telling you anything, you re gonna try and follow me, aren t y
Hell yes I am.
Zoro s head dropped to his chest and he sighed in defeat. Okay, get dressed. I ll jus
t take you with me.
Sanji straightened. He had expected Zoro to leave him hanging, threaten to kill
him if he told anyone, confess he was an assassin or a secret agent or something
, but never ever tell him to get dressed and go with him! Sanji s heart started to
pound as adrenaline started replacing the blood in his veins. He turned to turn
on the bedroom light and pulled open his drawers.
Oh, and Sanji, Zoro s voice came from the doorway.
All black, the swordsman said softly.
Sanji turned and gave Zoro a quizzical look. How come?
Zoro grinned then and twirled the car keys on his finger as he left the bedroom.
It s the rules.
1- A cantilever is a free-standing umbrella. I have a picture of one if you go h
ere: http://s226(dot)photobucket(dot)com/albums/dd294/starkblackphotos/?actionvi
ew¤tCanta(dot)jpg (Just change the (dot)s to actual periods. XD
2- A Deba is a traditional Japanese chef s knife used for slicing meats.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I love my readers!! I love you, Love You! LOVE YOU!! Sorry this took so long, bu
t I ve been enjoying my husband who is home from Iraq for a few weeks. I snagged a
couple hours while he was playing World of Warcraft and abandoned my rogue to w
rite this for you guys! XD Hope you enjoy! And thank you to my wonderful beta Li
ralen!! XD
Chapter 9
Sanji flicked the lighter to light the tip of his fourth cigarette as he fluidly
buttoned his top. Pulling the smoke into his lungs, he wondered if the tingling
sensation he was feeling in his limbs was from a slight nicotine buzz, or if he
was experiencing a true adrenaline high. The blonde knew Zoro was taking him so
mewhere that was most likely dangerous and illegal and it electrified his nerves
. He had to give the swordsman points for never being dull.
He glanced at himself in the mirror. He had found black jeans, a black undershir
t, and a long sleeved black collared button up top that all went together fairly
well. He looked pretty good, not as good as Zoro, but definitely sexy in his ow
n right. As he did a quick turn to check out the jeans from the back, he fleetin
gly wondered if Zoro liked these pants on him. They definitely accentuated all t
he right curves and they made his legs look even longer than they already were.
Not that he cared if he looked good for Zoro. It wasn t like it mattered to him of
the shitty swordsman looked at him like that. He didn t actually want that kind o
f attention from another man. No way.
Sanji did another quick glance over his body as his thoughts crossed the demilit
arized zone and treaded farther and farther into enemy territory. He had never t
hought about simple things like Zoro finding him attractive. It was obvious he d
id if the two of them had indeed been together, but the thought had never really
occurred to Sanji before.
Did Zoro think the same kinds of things Sanji had thought about when he had look
ed at girls? Did Zoro like the angle of his hips over the top of his belt? Did h
e like the color of his eyes, or the way his hair fell over his face? The way he
moved or spoke? Did gay guys think those kinds of things? Or was it more primal
and less poetic?
When there was no woman in the equation, how could it be romantic? Without a wom
an there were no soft curves and supple skin to run your hands over; no hair to
run your fingers through. No soft whimpers and feminine sighs that gave you hint
s where they liked to be touched. There was no reason to be gentle or assiduous
with a man, was there? Had Zoro been gentle with him? Doubtful. He didn t seem the
type But then again at the hospital those hands and that kind smile his soft voice
Had he been like a woman with Zoro? Had he whispered and whimpered and groaned a
t his touch? Had his body been caressed and worshiped the same way Sanji had wor
shiped all those beautiful women?
Did Zoro think he was beautiful?
No that was silly- a silly thing to think. What was he thinking anyway? Why did i
t matter what Zoro thought of him? The green haired bastard was so attractive he
could model for Calvin Klein in a heartbeat. Sanji didn t have anything on Zoro;
he paled in comparison to the swordsman s physique. Sanji was so thin and bony you
almost see his ribs through his shirts. He d never been able to tan, even after c
oating himself with entire bottles of tanning oils all he got for his troubles w
as a sunburn. Zoro had all that ropey muscle and dark skin... those deep eyes an
d absolutely killer smile No one should be allowed to be that sexy
Fuck. He just referred to Zoro as sexy
Hey, you ready? Zoro s voice interrupted Sanji s thoughts.
Sanji nodded absently and turned from the mirror. Zoro eyed him strangely, that
same gaze Sanji had caught the swordsman giving him several times in the hospita
l. From the depths of his treacherous mind and before he could stop himself, San
ji blurted out.
Does this look okay?
An awkward moment passed for Sanji as Zoro looked at him stupidly. The swordsman
seemed at a loss for words and just stood blinking.
Why did it matter what Zoro thought? It shouldn t make any difference! He shouldn t
care! But damnit, he did. He did care. Sanji suddenly realized that Zoro s opinion
mattered a lot. He wanted Zoro to tell him he looked good. He wanted Zoro to fi
nd him just as sexy as he found Zoro.
But Zoro just stared with a look that suggested the question was ludicrous. Sanj
i was acting ridiculously like a woman and Zoro obviously didn t know how to respo
Sorry, Sanji turned away. I don t know why I asked. I didn t-
You used to ask me that Zoro interrupted softly. Every time you got dressed for a bi
g dinner party, or we were going somewhere nice, or whatever. You always asked m
e that same thing.
Sanji turned back and slowly shoved his hands self-consciously into his pockets.
He could feel his cheeks heating and tried to hide them underneath his curtain
of blonde bangs.
Zoro leaned against the doorframe and tucked a thumb underneath the strap of the
long case slung over his shoulders. Sanji could hear his smile as he continued.
You always asked, even though you always knew what I was going to say. Drove me
fucking crazy.
Sanji smiled as well but his eyes never left the floor. It seems like that s pretty
much all I did.
What, drive me crazy?
Sanji nodded.
Every day, Zoro chuckled. Sanji heard him push off the doorframe and move to the c
loset. But I m pretty sure I drove you up the wall all the time too.
I can see that, Sanji murmured as he watched Zoro bend to dig through the contents
in a box on the closet floor. He pulled out a pair of black flip flops and hand
ed them to Sanji.
What are those for? Sanji asked confused.
You aren t allowed to wear shoes, Zoro grinned at him. I mean, you can wear shoes, bu
t Yosaku will make you take them off at the door.
Sanji closed his eyes and tried to make sense of Zoro s statement. Zoro do you have
any idea how totally crazy that sounds?! What the fuck do you mean I can t wear sh
oes?! Who the fuck made that rule up?!
You did. Zoro set the flip flops on the floor and moved back to the doorway. Just t
rust me on this. Put em on, and lets go.
Sanji fancied pulling his hair out. After the sudden realization that he might f
ind Zoro attractive, then realizing Zoro didn t really think the same way about hi
m, and then being told wherever there were going he couldn t wear shoes, his patie
nce was wearing thin and his emotions were reaching a dangerous precipice. He de
cided to not argue for once and slipped the flip flops on before following Zoro
down the hall. The swordsman stopped and pulled Sanji s black leather jacket from
the hallway closet and rummaged around on the top shelf.
What are you looking for? Sanji asked.
Not looking, Zoro grunted. Just trying to get this down without bringing down an av
From the depths of the upper shelf, Zoro extracted a blue and black motorcycle h
elmet and handed it to Sanji. The blonde took it and frowned.
Um why do I need this?
Zoro smiled and opened the front door. Cause it s illegal to ride without one.
Sanji s eyes widened. You have a bike?
Yes I do.
What is it?
They entered the elevator and Zoro leaned against the railing with a smug smile.
It s a Yamaha. I wanted a Hayabusa, but it was a little pricy.
Sanji tried not to salivate as they made their way down to the garage.
Near the back of the gated parking area, there were several covered shapes. Zoro
moved to the last one in the row and pulled the multibond fabric from a charcoa
l and silver R6. Sanji s eyes nearly fell from his head when he gazed upon the sle
ek frame.
Why the hell didn t you say anything about this? Sanji s voice was absurdly high pitch
ed. You have an R6 and don t brag about it!?
Zoro unlocked the wheels and placed his case in a custom made lock box on the ba
ck. He looked at Sanji sheepishly before plucking his own black helmet from the
seat. Even thought I think about how you ve forgotten stuff pretty much constantly,
I still forget that you ve forgotten stuff Does that make sense?
Sanji tore his eyes away from the bike and nodded at Zoro. Yeah, a little. Easy t
o forget the not so weighty stuff. As Sanji watched Zoro straddle the bike, a tho
ught suddenly occurred to him. Zoro? he asked.
Zoro looked up. Hm?
You think about me losing my memory all the time?
Zoro looked away quickly and stared hard at the concrete. Of course I do, stupid I
t s almost all I think about
Sanji wasn t sure what to say to that, so he moved closer and threw his leg over t
he machine behind the swordsman. He adjusted himself until he was comfortable, b
ut before he could pull his helmet on, Zoro turned to look at him over his shoul
Sanji he said softly.
Yeah? Sanji looked up and suddenly noticed the almost provocative position they we
re in. He flushed a little and tried not to think about how that particular view
of Zoro was incredibly sexy.
Zoro grinned and slipped his own helmet over his head.
You always look amazing.
Sanji s face practically burst into flames and he slipped the helmet over his head
to hide it.
Thanks, he mumbled.
Zoro chuckled and revved the engine.
As they sped down the streets of downtown Seattle, Sanji felt himself growing mo
re and more uncomfortable. His chest was flush with Zoro s back, and his inner thi
ghs rubbed against Zoro s hips whenever they made a turn or rolled over a bump. He
had wrapped his arms around the swordsman s waist, but it was less for stability
and more to keep his crotch from brushing against Zoro s ass.
Sanji s thoughts battled with each other in his head. Part of him was awkward abou
t being pressed against Zoro so tightly. A little voice from somewhere was screa
ming that this was so wrong and would Zoro please get to their destination quick
ly so he could extricate himself from the other man s body. But another part of hi
m, a very soft, very persuasive voice, was suggesting things like a lover might
whisper into his ear. It said if only Sanji would unclench his fists, he would b
e able to feel the rippling muscles of Zoro s torso as they flexed beneath his shi
rt. If he relaxed his hips and slid forward, he would feel the firmness of Zoro s
perfect ass against his most sensitive parts, and it would feel exquisite. What
would it hurt? Zoro would like it. What was stopping him?
Sanji couldn t understand what was happening to him. Yes, Zoro and he had known ea
ch other for a few years, but to Sanji it was only a few weeks. What was causing
this change? Why did Zoro, a man a man - he had known only a short time, affect
him so deeply? What was it about this swordsman that drew Sanji to him like the
tide against the shore?
Sanji squeezed his eyes shut and slowly, ever so slowly, as Zoro started up afte
r stopping for a stop sign, relaxed his body and rested fully against the larger
man s back. His hips encased Zoro s and his arms moved tighter around the muscular
waist. He felt the very obvious tensing in the swordsman s frame and the slight, a
lmost undetectable break in Zoro s shifting. Sanji paid it no mind, he just wanted
to know what Zoro felt like, or rather, what he would feel like if he dropped h
is guard around the other man. On the bike, in the middle of the night as they f
lew through the streets and the wind made speech impossible, Sanji could test hi
mself without interruption or having to explain himself.
He was stunned by what he discovered. As he relaxed physically onto Zoro s body, h
is heart seemed to slow and take up a strong steady beating. His tension drained
away as the swordsman s warmth enveloped him, invisible hands of comfort and stre
ngth wound their way into Sanji s soul and the cook was lost in the tranquility he
found in letting himself give in. His body fit perfectly against the dips and h
ollows of Zoro s back. He suddenly wanted to burrow into this amazing heat and sle
ep for the rest of his life.
But the moment was broken as Zoro pulled into a parking lot and turned off the b
ike s engine. Sanji held on as Zoro sat up straight and pulled off his helmet.
Sanji Zoro whispered. Sanji, we re here.
I know, the cook mumbled. Just give me a second.
Zoro was silent for a few moments before he let out a nervous chuckle and tugged
on Sanji s sleeve.
I don t remember you ever being afraid of riding.
Stupid asshole. I m not afraid, retard I just I don t know... sorry. Sanji slipped his
nds from around the other and pulled off his helmet. He lifted his leg and rose
to a standing position. Where are we? What is this place?
It s a club, Zoro said as he pulled off his helmet without looking at him. In fact,
the older man seemed as if he was trying desperately to look anywhere but Sanji.
A club? Sanji said confused. Why can t I wear shoes to a club, Zoro?
You ll see in a minute, but first... Zoro stopped and ran a hand through his hair.
That was when Sanji noticed the swordsman s hands were trembling. Zoro?Trembling?
The cook realized if his experiment had affected him that much, there was no tel
ling what Zoro had felt. Sanji began to feel like an asshole and opened his mout
h to apologize again, but Zoro spoke first.
There s a few things we need to talk about before we go inside.
Sanji blinked and slowly nodded his head. Alright, like what?
Zoro sighed and rested his hands on his helmet. You and I are very well known her
e, so pretty much everyone who talks to you is going to know about us.
Sanji groaned inwardly but said nothing and nodded again.
This place is crawling with Bone s thugs and others who don t think very highly of us
. It ll be really dangerous if any of those people find out you ve lost your memory.
They ll try and use it against us. You ve got to understand that image and reputati
on are everything in this place. You can not let anyone know you ve got amnesia, S
anji not anyone. Do you understand?
Sanji set his helmet on the back of the bike and pulled out his pack. The though
t that he might not have to pretend to be into the swordsman bothered him for a
quick moment. But he quickly pushed it to the back of his mind for further conte
mplation at a later time. He wasn t ready to cross that bridge yet, it was too soo
n. He needed more time to roll the possibilities over in his head.
Sanji nodded once again as he lit up and pulled a shaky breath in. Yeah, I unders
Can you do this? Zoro asked. Will you be okay? This means you can t scream at anyone
who says something about us, and I m gonna have to touch you once in a while and y
ou can t act like I m poison
Yeah, Sanji said huskily as he blew out a stream of smoke. I ll be fine. He could pret
end for one night. He might even be able to use this to his benefit. He wanted t
o experiment? Then he could experiment. So when are you gonna explain to me what s
going on?
It s easier to just show you, Zoro said as he lifted himself off the bike. He moved
around to the back and retrieved his case from the lockbox. I could explain it, b
ut I would rather make it easy on myself and just take you down there.
Sanji felt that tingling sensation begin in the tips of his fingers and toes. Hi
s heart started pumping faster as his excitement from earlier returned in full.
The blonde eyed the oddly shaped case and fell into step alongside his friend.
So what s in the case?
Zoro grinned and looked at Sanji out the corner of his eye. My swords.
Yourswords!? Wait, WHAT?
X x X x X
Zoro tried to slow the erratic beating of his heart as he chained their helmets
to the bike and led the way across the parking lot towards the club. He could st
ill feel Sanji s arms around his waist, the wonderful heat that emitted from the c
ook and wrapped around his body; the feel of Sanji s thighs pressed against his ow
n... It had been almost more than Zoro could stand. He had wanted more than anyt
hing to just pull over, turn around and wrap those long legs around him, pull of
f Sanji s helmet and bury his hands in the cook s hair as he feasted on the pale ski
n of his neck. He felt he could fly as Sanji s arms had come around him tighter an
d he had to stop one of his hands from leaving the handlebar and slipping his fi
ngers between the cook s.
He had sat straddling the bike mustering up every ounce of willpower he possesse
d to command the massive hard on he had been sporting to go away. Zoro hadn t been
able to look at Sanji as the blonde had stood there in all his rakish glory, sm
oking his cigarette and looking nothing but absolutely fuckable.
Zoro adjusted his sword case on his back and shook himself. He needed to have a
clear head for tonight especially now that Sanji was here. He had to be at his to
p game for the blonde, he had to show him what he could do
They bypassed the long line of people that stretched around the side of the buil
ding and walked right up to the double doors.
Are there usually this many people just getting here after midnight? Sanji whisper
ed at his side.
This club doesn t come alive until after two o clock, Zoro said.
We can just waltz right in? Sanji asked.
Zoro nodded and waved to a man with a shaved head and heavy lidded eyes standing
in front of the door with a clip board. He was wearing a green jacket and a red
bandana, the black t-shirt he wore underneath the jacket said staff in big white
letters. When the doorman saw Zoro, his face lit up and he waved back.
Hey, Yosaku! Zoro grinned.
Zoro! Yosaku exclaimed. Bro what s up? You ve been gone for like three weeks! Where ve y
u Yosaku s voice trailed off when his eyes rolled over Sanji. The man stared for a f
ew seconds and Zoro almost laughed when he caught a glance at the cook s face. The
blonde was staring deadpan like only Sanji could do, a cigarette hanging loosel
y between his lips.
S Sanji? Yosaku stuttered. Is that really you?
Sanji plucked the cigarette from his lips and blew out a long stream of smoke. Wh
o the fuck else could I be, genius?
God he loved that shit cook.
Yosaku only took a moment to gape before he launched himself at the blonde, wrap
ping him in a tight embrace and lifting the significantly smaller man off his fe
Holy shit bro! the bouncer cried. I can t believe it! People are going to freak the f
uck out when they see you! How long have you been back! How do you feel?
Sanji kept his face straight as he was set back on the ground. He smoothed his j
acket and placed his cigarette back between his lips.
I ve been awake for a couple weeks, been back home a few days.
Oh ho ho! Yosaku elbowed Zoro in the ribs and his grin spread wider. I see! No wond
er you haven t shown your face in a while Zoro, been catching up yeah? Yeah? Be care
ful with our chef, bro; don t wanna break him when you just got him back!
Zoro tried to chuckle at his friends lewd comment and was eternally grateful tha
t Sanji smiled along with him. What happened next though blew the swordsman into
another dimension. Sanji moved in close to Yosaku and with a smirk and murmured
under his breath.
Don t worry about me, man. I m not the one who s got the shower knob imprints in my bac
Yosaku threw back his head and guffawed merrily as Zoro s jaw dropped. The swordsm
an quickly pulled himself back together and slapped a small smile on his face be
fore his friend slung an arm over Sanji s shoulders.
Holy shit, I missed you, Sanji! the doorman produced a cell phone from his pocket
and it the com button. Johnny! The phone was silent for a few seconds before there
was a loud beep and an excited voice and loud music played through the speaker.
Hey man! How goes it?
Yosaku spoke into the speaker. You gotta come outside dude!
Why? What s up?
Just come out here man! Drop whoever you re doing and get your ass outside! He hung
up and shoved the phone back in his pocket. So, you guys here for Enel?
Zoro was still reeling inwardly from Sanji s comment, but the mention of the champ
ion boxer snapped him out of it. He had forgotten Enel was in town this month. T
he swordsman smiled at Yosaku; this was the perfect night to have come to the cl
Yeah, kind of, Zoro said. And I wanted to bring Sanji down to see all you guys. He
bitched about it the whole time he was in the hospital.
Fuck you, I don t bitch, Sanji crushed his cigarette and tossed it into the garbage
a few feet away. I coerce in a high voice.
As Yosaku started to laugh again, Johnny appeared in the doorway and broke out i
nto a wide grin upon seeing Zoro. He pulled the sunglasses he always wore from h
is face and wrapped the swordsman in a crushing hug.
Zoro bro! The dark haired man exclaimed. Man it s good to see you! You ve been gone fo
Yosaku pulled Johnny off of Zoro and turned him around. He s got a great excuse, du
de. Look who he brought with him!
Johnny s eyes fell on Sanji and the tall man froze. Zoro wanted to laugh as tears
instantly sprung up in the big man s eyes, but he held it in. He watched as Sanji
was gathered up in another hug that pulled him off the ground.
Oh my God, Sanji! Johnny cried. We thought you were a goner, and now look at you! Y
ou look great! You look ready to kick some ass! Holy shit I can t believe you re her
You know, Sanji growled. If I m going to be greeted by everyone like this, I m just gon
na go home now.
Zoro gently pulled Johnny off the cook and patted his shoulder. We love you guys,
but if we don t get inside, I m going to be late for the posts.
Oh shit! That s right! Yosaku exclaimed. Sorry bro! Get in there!
Zoro waved to his friends and motioned for Sanji to follow him inside. The cook
fell into step behind him with his hands deep in his pockets. The swordsman turn
ed and brought his lips close to Sanji s ear so he could be heard over the poundin
g bass line.
I can t believe what you said back there.
Sanji smiled and scratched at his stubbled chin. Any man can become a good actor
after wooing women for over ten years.
You haven t been wooing women for over ten years. Zoro playfully pushed the cook s sho
Yeah, Sanji replied. You re right, it s more like twelve. I was a stud in middle school
The two made their way through the flashing lights and the crowded, pulsing danc
e floor to the back of the room. Zoro stopped at a bar and leaned over the count
er to grab a large brown leather book. He flipped it open to the current date an
d added his name to a list. After he was finished, he replaced the book and turn
ed to Sanji.
Okay, Zoro said, this is where it gets dangerous. Beyond this point, no one is real
ly a friend. This business is dog eat dog. Stay with me at all times, don t leave
my side, and act like you own the place. Okay?
Sanji nodded and Zoro felt a tremor shoot up his spine at the sparkle he saw in
the cook s eyes. He knew Sanji was brilliant when it came to this sort of thing, b
ut he couldn t help but worry. He adjusted the bandana so it rode low over his for
ehead and grinned at the cook.
Alright, let s do this.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
First off, I'm so sorry I've taken so long to update! My hubby came home from Ir
aq for a few weeks of R&R, I had surgery, my grandparents got realsick bla bla b
la. Anyway, here is chapter 10 finally!! It's kind of 'talky' but I think it's n
eeded. I wanted there to be a lengthy talk between Zoro and Sanji about Zoro's s
words, and I didn't want to rush the introduction of the new characters.
Also, thank you so much for the reviews!! There were a few that really stuck out
and made me really happy! Thank you guys so much for your continuing support!!
I love you guys! Enjoy!! XD
Chapter 10
Okay, Zoro said, this is where it gets dangerous. Beyond this point, no one is real
ly a friend. This business is dog eat dog. Stay with me at all times, don t leave
my side, and act like you own the place. Okay?
Sanji nodded and Zoro felt a tremor shoot up his spine at the sparkle he saw in
the cook s eyes. He knew Sanji was brilliant when it came to this sort of thing, b
ut he couldn t help but worry. He adjusted the bandana so it rode low over his for
ehead and grinned at the cook.
Alright, let s do this.
X xx X
Sanji followed Zoro down a wide hallway lined with people mingling and sipping o
n drinks. Most of the crowd was dressed in black like himself, but there were a
few people sporting regular clubbing attire -- mostly girls with short skirts an
d uncomfortable high heeled shoes. Towards the back, Sanji noticed the number of
people increased. They gathered outside a large door leading to the basement. S
anji was about to lean in close to Zoro and complain again about his lack of sho
es, when a startled cry erupted from the middle of the crowd, effectively cuttin
g him off.
Holy shit!
Sanji sighed and cursed under his breath as a tall man wearing a black collared
jacket and black baseball cap launched himself over - over? - the heads of some
very surprised people and took off down the hall in their direction at neck-brea
king speed. Sanji wasn t sure what to do except brace himself for impact, but he w
as pleasantly surprised when the man abruptly stopped less than a foot in front
of him. The man grinned madly at Sanji from beneath rounded eyes and a ridiculou
sly long nose that would put Usopp s to shame.
Well lan sakes, if it isn t Sanji! the man chortled as he held out his hand. It s very n
ce to see you again! We ve missed you something terrible! How are you feeling?
The manner of this man s speech threw Sanji off more than the sight of his nose. H
e sounded like an old man, even though he looked only a few years older than him
self. Sanji reached out his hand to shake the other s and exuded as much false con
fidence as he could.
Feeling great, thanks.
Zoro spoke up from his side. Sorry I haven t been around in a while, Kaku, but as y
ou can see, I have a good excuse. How goes it?
Kaku turned to smile warmly at Zoro and offered him his hand as well. Sanji quic
kly realized he liked this long nosed man. Gentlemen with manners who understood
customs and courtesies were few and far between. As soon as he got used to this
Kaku s strange way of talking, he was sure they would get along fine.
Things haven t been the same without you, Kaku sighed. Did you hear we re down over thr
ee hundred points? Lucci and I have been able to hold our own and Kumadori has b
een doing alright, but Blueno is on a business trip and Jyabura dislocated his k
neecap a few weeks ago and hasn t been able to participate. With Enel being here n
ow we were starting to worry.
I m sorry man, Zoro ran a hand through his hair. I had no idea, it hasn t really come
up in conversation. What about Fukurou?
Fukurou s got finals. His ma has him on house arrest, Kaku chuckled softly as Zoro ro
lled his eyes.
Sanji was getting more and more frustrated as the conversation continued. He did
n t know any of these people, and still had no idea what they were doing here or w
hat this club was all about. He stood with his hands in his pockets trying to lo
ok bored as the two other men talked.
How s the wife? Zoro asked.
Kalifa s good, Kaku beamed. She should be getting the posts ready right about now. I ll
tell her you re here, Sanji, she ll be really happy to see you.
Sanji nodded and cracked a lazy smile.
You re in tonight, right? Kaku asked, turning back to Zoro.
Zoro nodded. Yeah, I am. Speaking of, we ll talk to you later. I gotta go get ready
. He motioned for Sanji to follow him towards the large door. Kaku waved as they
started down a long flight of steps and said he d meet up with them later on.
The stairs ended in a large basement stretching the length of the building. Peop
le crowded the area, talking and laughing over the loud pounding of the dance fl
oor music being filtered through mounted speakers along the walls. Sanji s senses
tingled as his feet hit the concrete floor. He felt a high tension hanging in th
e air very similar to the atmosphere at tournaments and martial arts games. He p
aused to breathe in; the smell of sweat and woman s perfume was doing little to hi
de the unmistakable stench of dried blood.
He now understood what this was, it all made sense finally. It was something lik
e an underground fighting club. He d heard of this back when he was working at the
Baratie but could never find out where it all went down. His adrenaline kicked
into high gear as Zoro pushed through the throng of bodies. The two were greeted
by several people as they made their way along the wall towards the back, but Z
oro kept the conversations short. The swordsman seemed to be anxious to get wher
ever he was going and Sanji was eager to get somewhere private so he could talk
to Zoro without anyone overhearing them.
Finally Zoro opened a metal door leading into what looked like a small locker ro
om. Inside were two men dressed entirely in black, one was wrapping his wrists w
ith orange boxing tape and the other was icing his shoulder as he looked over hi
s bruised face in the mirror. The two looked up as Zoro and Sanji entered and bo
th men simultaneously acquired the same shocked faces.
Out, Zoro commanded and the two men all but ran from the room.
Sanji shut the door behind him and leaned against the wall.
You can smoke down here if you want, Zoro said as he set his case on a table again
st the wall.
Sanji wasted no time pulling out his pack and lighting up. He stayed leaning aga
inst the wall as he watched Zoro strip out of his leather jacket and long sleeve
d shirt, leaving him in a black sleeveless top and showing off several wicked sc
ars on his shoulder blades.
So you get it now? Zoro asked.
Sanji took a drag and shoved his free hand in his pocket. It s an underground fight
ing club isn t it? I m guessing the fighters wear all black to distinguish themselve
s from the rest of the regular club hoppers. Zoro nodded at his assessment and he
continued. Are we on some kind of team with the long nose guy?
Yeah, something like that, Zoro explained as he lifted his right arm over his head
in a long stretch. Our captain s a guy named Rob Lucci. He s from Britain and used t
o be part of their Criminal Investigations Division or some Interpol something o
r other. Our name, CP9, sort of came from that. CP for Cipher Pole, and nine caus
e there s nine of us. This club is owned by a guy named Crocodile and he s ultimatel
y our I guess boss. He s some rich-ass, ex-mob guy I ve never really met. But anyway,
anyone is allowed to fight here, but there s only nine of us that go to compete i
n other states. CP9 represents the underground fighting world of Seattle.
What did he mean by we re down three hundred points? Sanji asked.
Zoro pulled his arm across his chest to stretch his shoulder as he continued. Eve
ry match won by a representative of a city earns the city one hundred points. I
said before, anyone can fight here, but only CP9 earns or loses points for Seatt
le. So that means if we were up two hundred points when I left, CP9 s had at least
five losses in the past few weeks. It s not surprising though. Reps from Los Ange
lis are here right now and their captain is this guy Enel. He s an amazing fighter
got a couple world boxing titles. I ll probably get paired up with him tonight and
that would be fucking sweet.
Sanji took in all the new information, but frowned suddenly, remembering what Zo
ro had said back before they had left. So how does this pay for our apartment?
Zoro grinned and started to crack his knuckles. The spectators bet on all our mat
ches. Paulie, our bookie, makes sure we get at least a quarter of our winnings a
fter every fight.
Sanji nodded. Sounds good. What kind of figures are you talking?
Well, my fights usually bring in anywhere from thirty-two to forty-five.
Sanji s jaw dropped. Thousand?
Zoro nodded.
Wait Sanji pushed off the wall and moved closer as the taller man sat on the bench
to retie his boots. So, you re saying you take home anywhere from eight-thousand to
eleven-thousand each fight?
Wow, did you just do that in your head?
Answer the question, Sanji made a face.
Yes, Zoro chuckled.
Sanji stood dumbfounded as Zoro grinned up at him. He couldn t believe it! He coul
d make more money in a week here than he could in several months at the Baratie!
The whole situation seemed so unreal, the cook s head started to spin.
So how much did I make?
Zoro returned to retying his shoes. You d be surprised how many of the top high rol
lers here are female. They throw down loads of cash to watch you kicking ass, it s
very amusing
Zoro you re killing me.
Forty to sixty easy.
Sanji had been shocked before, but now he was so far into the realm of mind-blow
ing he felt he might never return. He stood slack, staring at the wall as his ci
garette burned closer and closer to his lips.
You all right. Sanji? Zoro finished tying his shoe and sat up straight, trying to
bite back his laughter.
Sanji blinked stupidly. Give me a second to regroup I think my brain might be leak
ing out my ears. He slipped his hands in his pockets and brought his gaze down to
stare at the swordsman sitting before him. You know this is this is crazy right?
Zoro shrugged. There s a lot of filthy rich, bored-ass people in Seattle.
So how well off are we, Zoro?
Zoro s smile faded and his eyes left Sanji to regard the floor. He took only a few
seconds to answer, but it was enough time for Sanji to feel those small tendril
s of worry start to coil in his gut.
Well the swordsman said in a quiet voice. We had a bit saved up, but I spent it all o
n your um your hospital bills.
Sanji almost dropped his cigarette before crushing it between his fingers. Fuck,
he was never going to be able to repay Zoro for everything he had done. He saw
the nervous tension in the swordsman s shoulders and, for the millionth time since
he had woken up in his hospital bed, felt like shit for everything he had put h
is friend through. A surge of guilt welled up inside Sanji and he looked at the
floor, using his blonde hair as a cover to hide his shame.
God, Zoro Sanji whispered. I m I m so sorry.
Zoro stood abruptly and caught Sanji s arm in a firm grip. The cook was so startle
d he let out a soft cry and dropped the cigarette butt. The swordsman stared har
d into the blonde s eyes as he spoke around a clenched jaw.
Don t you ever apologize for that, his voice was unsteady and Sanji was in turmoil o
n whether to pull away or move in closer to Zoro s body. The taller man seemed to
sense Sanji s plight and lessened his grip slightly. He rubbed his thumb over the
tender spot on the cook s bicep. Sanji I already told you it wasn t your fault
Sanji was losing himself in the feel of Zoro s caress on his arm. The swordsman s ey
es were so intense he felt they were burning into his skin. He stared back as he
felt himself being taken apart piece by piece, stripped of everything underneat
h Zoro s dark gaze. He felt shivers trailing up his spine as Zoro s eyes lowered to
his mouth. He couldn t stop himself from parting his lips and running his tongue o
ver the soft flesh. He felt an unprecedented exhilaration flare inside of him as
Zoro s breath hitched at the action.
I can t Sanji tried to collect his wits enough to speak. I can t help but apologize, Zo
o. I ve been this horrible burden and I ll never be able to repay you!
Zoro let out a frustrated growl towards the ceiling. Stop saying stupid shit like
that! He lowered his head and pulled Sanji all way in close to his body, grippin
g both the cook s arms and bringing their foreheads together. I don t need to be repa
id for anything! You were never he trailed off and closed his eyes.
You could never be a burden to me, Sanji
Sanji s heart raced as excitement rocketed down his spine and the slightest hint o
f fear started to curl in the pit of his stomach. The swordsman seemed to have b
een pushed through a very important emotional wall. His stoic countenance and ca
lm manner were crumbling around the edges and Sanji swore he saw through to a ve
ry lonely and vulnerable Zoro.
Something tugged at Sanji s heart. He felt the pull he had felt deep in his soul e
ver since he had first laid eyes on the swordsman. Seeing the seemingly infallib
le man losing his inner battle right before Sanji s eyes made the cook want to thr
ow his arms around those broad shoulders and hold Zoro like it was the last thin
g on earth he was ever going to do. He wanted to tell Zoro everything was all ri
ght; that he wasn t going anywhere. Don t be upset, I can t bear seeing you upset not w
hen it s because of me
The feeling scared the shit out of him.
Sanji needed an escape and he needed it now. He couldn t handle all these wayward
emotions churning inside of him at the same time. He felt so overwhelmed that he
almost let himself go and just succumbed to his breakdown. But he knew Zoro wou
ld not appreciate dealing with a hysterical Sanji right before he had to fight,
so he racked his brain for a change of subject.
Zoro Sanji said softly.
Zoro s eyes snapped open, seeming to suddenly realize their position and pulled aw
ay quickly. He crossed his arms over his chest and started to grind his teeth sl
ightly. Sorry he murmured.
It s alright, Sanji said. I was just going to ask you to show me your swords.
It was like throwing a light switch. Tension drained from Zoro s face, his eyes we
nt instantly from miserable and cloudy to bright and indomitable. Gone was the l
onely and defeated man, replaced by a determined warrior. It was the Zoro that S
anji had grown so fond of in the last few weeks. The excited Zoro that talked ab
out NASKA and defeating Hawk to be the best. Sanji s mood reflected the swordsman s
and he felt his own spirits lifting.
Zoro turned to the table and motioned for Sanji to come closer. He unzipped the
black case and unfolded the two halves. Sanji stepped up beside the swordsman an
d leaned in as the treasure inside was revealed to him.
Settled in leather and secured by several dark cords, were two long samurai swor
ds. They were both sheathed in scabbards of black lacquer, one with accents of g
old and reds throughout the hilts and guards, and the other, wrapped in a deep p
urple with decorative red circles down the sheath. They were beautiful and terri
fying, sleek and dangerous.
Wow, Sanji said feeling a little lame. They re amazing, Zoro.
Zoro pointed to the closest weapon, the one with red accents in the hilt. This is
Sandai Kitetsu. It s a simple katana, but it s never failed me. He pointed to the se
cond and a small smile pulled at the corners if his mouth. This is Shuusui. I won
this one at a tournament a few years ago. It s a daito, meaning it s longer and hea
vier. I like it a lot, but mostly because of the hamon.
Hamon? Sanji asked.
Zoro untied the cords fastening Shuusui in the case and pulled the sword from th
e sheath. The hamon is the visual effect on the blade after it s been tempered. See
? Zoro pointed to the blade.
It s pink? Sanji blinked. Why is it pink?
Zoro laughed. It s just how it reflects the light. It s one of a kind, and it s easy to
use even though it s big.
I see, Sanji said, intrigued, but couldn t pass up a chance to tease the swordsman. I
guess if you like pink, it s cool.
You have a pink apron.
Hush, Sanji couldn t hide his smile. What are these red circles on the sheath thing?
Saya, Sanji smiled. Sorry.
It s okay, Zoro smiled at him. They re just decoration, but they add to the overall gar
ishness of the sword, which makes it kind of... I don t know exceptional.
Is this one your main? Like, your weapon of choice? Sanji asked.
Nope, Zoro said. He unzipped the opposite side and pulled back the flap. Sanji s bre
ath caught and a soft sound of awe escaped from between his lips as a third swor
d was revealed.
As brilliant as the two blacks were, they didn t hold a candle to this one. Strapp
ed into the opposite flap, rested a sword sheathed in white. Its handle was acce
nted in gold along with its guard, as was the center and tip of the saya. Sanji s
eyes were captivated and couldn t look away from the magnificent weapon. It was no
thing less than a work of art.
Zoro followed his gaze and ran his fingers down the white sheath. This is Wado Ic
himonji, he said softly. She belonged to someone very special to me.
Sanji tore his eyes away from the sword and looked at Zoro. Someone special? he as
Zoro nodded. I trained with her for many years. She inspired me to always try my
hardest always strive to be the best.
Sanji felt a tiny prickle of jealousy dance over his skin as he watched the look
of fondness spread over Zoro s face, but he quickly tried to ignore it. There was
no way he was going to be jealous in any situation involving Zoro.
Where is she now? the blonde asked.
Zoro sighed and untied the leather cords that held Wado in place.
She died
Oh nice real nice, Sanji. Way the fuck to go. Can you be any more of an asshole?
Sanji winced and turned back to the sword. I m sorry he said, mentally kicking himsel
It s all right, Zoro said evenly. It doesn t hurt me to talk about her anymore, especia
lly with you. It was a long time ago. He took the weapon from the case reverently
and slid the metal from the saya.
It s incredible, Sanji breathed, watching the steel gleam as it reflected the light
from above them. Is that the one you ll be fighting with tonight?
Actually, Zoro grinned at him. I ll be fighting with all three.
Sanji turned and blinked at the swordsman.
Excuse me? Sanji squinted and shook his head. Maybe he shouldn t have come with Zoro
and just slept instead, he was starting to hear things.
I said I m going to use all three tonight, Zoro s smile was widening with every passin
g second. I don t usually, but since you ll be seeing me fight for the first time, an
d Enel s here might as well go all out.
Sanji was sure Zoro was pulling his leg. All three at the same time? he asked. How
the hell can that possibly work?
Zoro plucked the remaining two swords from the case. I ll show you. He gripped the r
ed and black in his right hand and added the purple to his left. As Sanji watche
d with a disbelieving eyebrow cocked, the swordsman placed the hilt of the white
between his teeth so the blade jutted out to the side. If anyone else had done
this, Sanji was sure they would have looked ridiculous, but for some reason, Zor
o did not. He looked very menacing actually.
You re not serious, Sanji snorted, trying to ignore pleasant shivers tickling his lo
wer back.
I m serious, Zoro said clearly.
Sanji s eyeballs nearly fell out of his head.
Wow! Do that again!
It was Zoro s turn to raise an eyebrow. Do what?
That! Sanji laughed. How the hell do you talk clearly with a sword in your mouth! Oh
nice, that couldn t be taken the wrong way at all
Zoro shrugged. I have no idea. It s just always been that way.
Sanji stood shaking his head and reached for his cigarette pack. He placed a sti
ck between his lips, but didn t light up. You are one interesting guy, Zoro.
The swordsman took Wado from his mouth. Thanks, I guess? He placed all three weapo
ns back in the case and unzipped a side pouch. From deep inside the pocket, he p
ulled out a piece of heavy, black fabric and slipped it over his head. Sanji wat
ched in interest as the swordsman settled the strange garment over the top of hi
s pants, covering his lower stomach.
What is that? Sanji asked.
It s called a haramaki, Zoro answered.
What does it do?
Zoro pulled the swords from the case once again and slipped the sheaths between
his clothes and the new piece of cloth. Just gives me a place to put these until
the fight starts. These were originally used by samurai as belly protectors. The
y were made out of silk and filled with chainmail or armor plating. Zoro tapped h
is knuckle on the front of his own haramaki. It s not really necessary, since I don t
really have to worry about someone sneaking up and gutting me, but I like the f
eel of it. It s good for blood circulation and back support.
Ah, Sanji said. He would never admit it out loud, but the strange garment did look
kind of cool. It, combined with the solid black outfit, earrings, and bandanna
that shadowed his eyes, made Zoro look pretty bad ass. Like a ninja or a pirate or s
Sanji Zoro suddenly said quietly.
Hm? Sanji looked up and almost recoiled as he met Zoro s nervous eyes. You okay, Zoro
Uh the swordsman rubbed the back of his neck. Yeah I just are you--
Whatever Zoro was going to say was cut off as the door opened and two large shap
es flew into the room. The cook barely had time to let out a surprised yelp befo
re he was tackled and lifted off the ground by a pair of thick, muscular arms.
Sanjiiiiiiii! a voice cried in his ear. I can t believe it!
Sanji decided, rather than scream or flail, to rap his legs around his assailant
and use his powerful hip muscles to bend backwards. The cook raised his arms an
d pulled the body attached to his own over him with his legs. Sanji s hands found
purchase on the floor and he flipped the other body around, effectively smashing
his attacker s back against the cool concrete. He finished off the move by sittin
g down on a hard stomach, pulling out his lighter, and nonchalantly lighting his
cigarette. The cook glared down at a man with an absurdly long moustache and po
inted goatee as he inhaled.
That was infinitely rude, man, Sanji drawled. Zoro and I were having a moment .
The man s stunned face instantly broke out into a grin and he sat up, wrapping his
arms around Sanji s waist and squeezing until the blonde felt his head was going
to explode.
Jesus! Some people just never learn!
Jyabura! A deep, musical voice cried out. Get off him! He just recently woke up fro
m a coma! Two large, pale hands came down to pry the moustached man off Sanji s che
The cook looked up to see an exceptionally tall man with long white hair and make
But Kumadori! Jyabura whined into Sanji s chest. It s Sanji! I just wanna cuddle! He s b
en gone forever!
Kumadori grinned broadly at Sanji as he pried Jyabura s arms from around the cook s
slim waist. I know that, but we won t get a chance to talk to him if you re going to
suffocate him!
I know, I know, Jyabura sighed. He released Sanji so the cook could stand, before
getting to his feet and dusting off his backside. Not like I could ever really hu
rt him though. Even on recovery from a coma, he can still kick my ass.
Sanji instantly liked this Jyabura.
How do you feel, Sanji? Kumadori stepped forward to shake the cook s hand. We really
missed you. It s too bad Fukurou isn t here tonight. He d be so happy to see you.
Sanji blew out a stream of smoke. It might be a good thing he s not. I don t think I
could handle any more hugs.
The pink-haired man chortled. Sanji took a few seconds to study Kumadori s face, r
ealizing that his makeup was so perfect it almost looked like a tattoo. Sanji tr
ied to remember where he had seen makeup applied like this man s before but after
quickly racking his brain, he couldn t come up with anything.
Hey, Zoro interrupted, coming to stand beside Sanji. Are the posts up yet?
Yeah, Jyabura crossed his arms over his chest. We saw your name before Kaku came an
d told us Sanji was with you.
Sanji could feel the excitement rolling off Zoro in waves as the swordsman leane
d in impatiently.
Well? Zoro growled.
Oh, what do you think, Zoro? Kumadori lifted his hands over his head in a very boi
sterous manner. Kalifa and Paulie would have to be out of their minds not to pair
you with Enel! This fight is going to make the club more money than that time S
anji fought that Arlong guy!
Zoro tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Fuck yes, he whispered before turni
ng to Sanji. Wanna go?
Sanji nodded, the exhilarating feeling of adrenaline returned and the cook grinn
ed around his cigarette.
Yes please.
Zoro turned to Kumadori and Jyabura. We ll catch up with you guys later. We re going
to go watch the first fight, get Sanji back in the swing of things.
The two nodded, smiling, and Jyabura stole another quick hug before Zoro and San
ji slipped out of the locker room.
The atmosphere in the open basement had changed. The air was thicker as more bod
ies had descended the stairs and filled the area. The bar along the wall had ope
ned and a small crowd was yelling for drinks and shouting their orders over one
another s heads. The music hadn t stopped, but the volume had been turned down enoug
h to make the pulsing bass line a pleasant background lull.
Sanji watched in awe as he followed closely behind Zoro. The sea of people seeme
d to part for them as they made their way towards the center of the darkly lit r
oom. Countless pairs of wide eyes jumped from Zoro to Sanji, back and forth with
admiration, surprise, and sometimes fear. The cook suddenly felt very powerful,
like everyone in the room wanted him, like everyone wanted to be him -- him or
Zoro. Sanji started to realized that CP9 was an almost celebrity level status. P
eople came to this club to see them, to watch them fight. They paid ridiculous a
mounts of money, gambled on them beating their opponents and raising the status
of their home city.
Sanji was simultaneously thrilled, apprehensive, and scared out of his mind.
Zoro turned to him, seeming to sense Sanji s anxiousness. Without warning and befo
re the cook could refuse or react, the swordsman s hand caught his and laced his s
word calloused fingers between Sanji s.
The cook almost tripped as his muscles froze, but he regained his footing and fo
llowed Zoro through the crowd without complaint. He needed to keep the appearanc
e that nothing was amiss. Zoro had said there were many people looking for weakn
esses and ways to exploit him by using Sanji. He wouldn t be the reason Zoro was b
rought down or defeated. He wouldn t freak out at the sudden intimate contact with
the swordsman, no matter how much it bothered him that it didn t bother him.
Breathe Sanji just breathe
In the center of the basement, set into the concrete floor, was what looked like
an empty swimming pool. The floor and walls of the pit were covered in white ti
le and two large drains were installed at opposite ends. A thick metal railing s
urrounded the top and people were already pressed up against it, waiting for the
fighters to descend the ladders and tear each other apart.
Oh wow Sanji breathed at Zoro s back.
Intense huh? Zoro replied.
Sanji nodded and let Zoro pull him to the edge. He was momentarily distracted fr
om the fighting pit as Zoro moved to stand directly behind him and slid his arms
around the cook s waist to place his large hands on the railing. Sanji stiffened
as he felt Zoro s warm breath dance across the back of his neck, tickling his skin
and ruffling his hair.
Zoro, what a-
I promise I won t do anything, Zoro whispered in his ear. I won t touch you unless I ha
ve to, or you say I can.
Sanji tried to keep his face passive. To anyone watching, it would look like two
lovers talking quietly together as they waited for the fight.
Breathe Sanji
It s Sanji took a shallow breath. It s okay I m okay
The breath on Sanji s neck halted for a moment before Zoro whispered again. Sanji
tried not to shiver as Zoro would be able to tell and probably take it the wrong
I really appreciate the way you ve handled everything tonight, Sanji. Zoro s voice was
so soft so gentle. I know a lot of this bothers you, and I m sorry but I m so glad you
e here with me right now.
Sanji couldn t help but smile. He relaxed his shoulders and leaned his hips agains
t the railing.
I m glad I m here too
Zoro wasn t touching any part of Sanji s body, but the cook could tell the swordsman
was trembling. It was definitely Zoro who needed the out now and Sanji was read
y for it.
So why is our team made up of such weirdoes? Sanji muttered good-naturedly.
Zoro chuckled behind him. Because all of those weirdoes are amazing fighters. Kak
u is amazing at kenjutsu, sometimes I think his style is better than mine, but h
e rarely uses it. He s also a master in judo. You used to spar with him and get th
ese ugly purple welts on your sides. The scariest thing about Kaku is that he ll s
mile and continue to be polite even while he s beating you to a pulp.
Sanji couldn t help but laugh.
Jyabura is a character. He s a veterinarian and loves animals so he s a little cuddly
and clingy but still a good guy. He s pretty diverse, he knows all kinds of martia
l arts, and he s really fast.
I have to know about the makeup guy though, Sanji shook his head. What was his name
Kumadori, Zoro answered. He s a theater actor. I think that s all I have to say about h
im personality wise.
Sanji chuckled again. That s where I had seen that makeup before! That Japanese mus
ical! He looks like the executioner!
You mean The Mikado? Zoro started to laugh.
Yeah, Sanji turned his head. How d you know?
Zoro groaned. Because he was in it last year, and he made me go to it four times!
Laughing heartily, Sanji started counting on his fingers. So, you, me, Kaku, Kuma
dori and Jyabura what was our captain s name again?
Lucci, Zoro said quietly.
And then there s that Fukurou guy that s not here... and the guy on the business trip S
anji looked at his fingers.
Blueno, Zoro said.
Sanji looked back up and turned his head toward Zoro. I thought you said there we
re nine of us.
There are, Zoro said, his voice low. He didn t meet Sanji s eyes.
Sanji couldn t figure out why the swordsman had suddenly become so rigid. His enti
re body was stiff and the look on his face was one of pure something terror? Shock
Suddenly, Sanji realized what had happened. Without thinking he had leaned back
onto Zoro until his back was flush with the swordsman s chest. Zoro s hand had moved
to rest on his hip somewhere during the conversation. The cook felt the hard pr
ess of the haramaki and the firmness of Zoro s chest against his back.
Oh shit! Sanji s mind raced. How did that happen? My body is acting on its own!
Zoro s gaze lifted to meet Sanji s. His dark eyes were so sad they made the cook wan
t to cry. The hand didn t move from his hip though and Sanji was sure it was still
there because Zoro thought he was going to bolt.
I swear I didn t do it, Zoro said against Sanji s cheek.
I know, Sanji replied slowly. I m sorry.
Zoro s hand spread over the top of Sanji s jeans, his fingers and thumb encasing the
cook s sharp hipbone in a gentle but firm grip.
I m not Zoro whispered.
For what felt like the millionth time in the last two days, Sanji was paralyzed.
He couldn t look away from Zoro s eyes. How did the swordsman manage to convey so m
uch emotion with just a look? How did he render Sanji so completely and utterly
And why the hell did it feel so good?
Sanji s hand left the railing tentatively of its own accord. It moved slowly, only
stopping as the tips of Sanji s fingers brushed against the smooth skin of Zoro s c
heek. His other hand moved to his hip to hover over Zoro s other hand. Zoro stayed
rigid, watching and waiting to see what Sanji was going to do. Sanji s fingers tr
ailed down Zoro s cheek and traced a soft line along the strong jaw. Sanji felt Zo
ro s trembling increase as the larger man lowered his head and closed his eyes.
Slowly, carefully, the cook brought his fingers to Zoro s lips. The swordsman stop
ped breathing as Sanji ran the pad of his middle finger over the soft bottom lip
Whatever spell had been cast in that moment was broken by a loud voice directly
behind Sanji.
Sanji! Why are you here?! Chopper said you needed to rest!
Suddenly feeling like he had been walked in on while relieving himself of a litt
le tension in the shower, Sanji s head whipped around fast enough to pop his spine
. There beside him, squatting on the railing in black shorts and a black t-shirt
with a colorful lollypop between his teeth, was none other than Luffy.
Luffy! Sanji almost screeched. What the fuck are you doing here!?
Zoro released his hip and stepped back a few inches.
Sanji, the swordsman sighed. Meet the ninth member of Seattle s CP9... Luffy Portgus.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Phew! Finally finished this!! Thank you so much for the reviews! I tried to answ
er them all, if I didn t get to you, I am so very sorry. Sometimes my compy s--ts
the bed and my messages and emails don t go through. Just know that I appreciated
your comments! XD I hope you all enjoy the new chapter!
Chapter 11
Sanji, Zoro sighed. Meet the ninth member of Seattle s CP9... Luffy Portgus.
Luffy gave Sanji one of his maniac grins around his lollypop and waved. The boy
seemed to be enjoying the look of stunned defiance on the cook s face. Zoro was en
joying it as well, but not nearly as much. The swordsman s head was still spinning
from the soft brush of Sanji s fingers over his skin.
Zoro s heart still hammered against his ribcage like a caged beast, threatening to
burst if not released. Every place Sanji had touched him tingled. His cheek, hi
s jaw, his chest, his lower- God! The hand that had held the cook s hip hummed as
if charged with electricity. He remembered those hips so well. He remembered the
smooth feel of that pale skin under his palms as powerful muscles flexed over h
im or beneath him. His hands had found a happy resting place on those hips countl
ess times. They were Zoro s favorite part of Sanji s body except maybe his eyes
This has gotta be some kind of joke! Sanji s voice broke through Zoro s memories. Why a
re you really here, Luffy?
Luffy turned to Zoro and his grin widened before he turned back to the blond. Zor
o already told you, Sanji. I m part of CP9.
The shock seemed to be wearing off and Sanji made a face. Oh hell no, Luffy you re
like twelve! You can t be in an illegal fighting club at two o clock in the morning!
Your dad will kill me if he ever finds out! And then he ll bring me back to life
so he can kill me all over again!
Zoro tried not to laugh as Luffy sat blinking at Sanji.
I m not twelve, Sanji. I m twenty-two.
Sanji ran a hand down his face. I didn t mean literally, Luffy! The cook seemed to b
e on the verge of a hysterical fit. He absently started to search for his pack o
f cigarettes as Luffy slipped off the railing to stand beside him. Does Nami know
about this?
Of course she does, Luffy said happily. She comes and watches all the time.
Zoro bit his lip to keep his smirk at bay as he turned to his young friend. Are y
ou in tonight, Luffy?
I was gonna sign in, Luffy answered, but I saw your name and thought it d be cooler t
o just sit back tonight and watch you beat Enel. Maybe if we have time afterward
s, I can fight Lucci.
Fight Lucci? Sanji looked at the dark-haired boy quizzically. Why would you fight s
omeone on your own team?
Zoro answered for him. Luffy challenges Lucci all the time. If he beats him, Luff
y will have the captain s position.
Not if , Luffy folded his arms and puffed out his chest. When . I will be captain.
Sanji shook his head and lit a cigarette.
Captain of an illegal underground fighting division D. is gonna rip out my heart a
nd eat it
Luffy chuckled at Sanji s agonizing. He won t kill you, Sanji. You know my dad, he pr
obably already knows.
Sanji s shoulders slumped in defeat. True
A bell rang, echoing through the large room and the din of loud conversation swi
tched abruptly into a chorus of cheering, clapping and whistling. Zoro turned to
watch a tall man with shaggy brown hair climb down the ladder and enter the pit
. His opponent, a shorter, bulkier man with a shaved head, had forgone the oppos
ite ladder and jumped down from the railing. The swordsman watched the two fight
ers as they circled each other.
Match number one! A voice rang out across the fighting ring. Zoro didn t need to loo
k up to know it was Paulie calling the fights. Harper verses Peterson!
Mmm mell, Luffy said as he sucked on his candy. Hish ll he huick huh?
Zoro moved forward to stand beside Sanji against the railing. The cook s face was
passive, but Zoro could read the heavy tension in Sanji s jaw and the blond s one vi
sible eye sparkled with excitement. The swordsman recognized the look instantly
and knew Sanji s brain was taking each fighter apart piece by piece. He was learni
ng everything he ever needed to know about their capabilities from the way they
moved; the way their feet carried them across the tiled floor.
Sanji took a slow drag from his cigarette. Mmm he said softly. Quick but not that qu
ick. Tall guy s gonna take a few minutes to wear this other guy out and then hit h
im hard at the end.
Zoro spared a short glance at the fighters below but quickly turned back to Sanj
i. He couldn t care less about what was happening around him, all Zoro wanted to d
o was listen to Sanji talk about it. Lean in close and listen as Sanji s velvety b
aritone played in his ears and the smell of spices and smoke filled his lungs. E
xcitement flared in Zoro s gut as soft blonde hair tickled the end of his nose.
How can you tell? Zoro breathed against Sanji s ear.
This was a game Sanji and he had played countless times during the beginning fig
hts. It was their own strange kind of foreplay before one of them went out and d
efeated another opponent. Sanji tensed slightly as Zoro whispered to him but he
didn t become completely rigid or try to pull away. The swordsman took this as a g
ood sign and continued to bait the cook.
What makes you think the tall guy s got it? His lips brushed against the back of San
ji s hair. Baldy s center of balance is better, he s stronger, and he also has all his
weight on opposite ends of his feet.
Sanji turned his head and glared at Zoro out of the corner of his eye. His lips
were inches away, but the swordsman made no moves. The cook blew out a thin stre
am of smoke and for a moment, the rest of the room became a haze to Zoro. All he
could see was the soft gold of Sanji s hair and the crystal blue of his eye.
Typical of a swordsman, Sanji muttered, although his ruse was given away as the co
rner of his mouth turned up slightly. You obviously don t understand anything about
martial arts unless there s large sticks
involved. The blond reached his hand up and grabbed Zoro s chin. He turned the othe
r s face to look at the fighters in the pit.
Just because you re thicker, doesn t mean you re stronger. Also, watch as the bald guy
walks, Sanji instructed. His center of balance is not better. See how it s all hingi
ng in his gut? He has everything evenly distributed on both feet. You would thin
k that s good, but it s not.
Zoro watched as the heavier man lunged forward. His speed was admirable, but San
ji was right, the taller man easily maneuvered out of the way and fluidly sidest
epped around his opponent.
The even distribution makes him slower, Zoro commented.
Correct, Sanji took another drag. Now look at the tall guy. His center is his pelvi
s. Look at the way he bends. It gives him a larger range of motion and flexibili
Zoro watched. He had to admit the taller man was indeed the superior fighter. He
easily dodged attacks and stretched and bent in ways that reminded him of the w
ay Sanji moved at times. Although the cook s movements were twice as fast and his
counters were powerful enough to be offensive maneuvers. Sanji was capable of br
eaking limbs with a block.
The fact that Sanji was going to watch him this closely, scrutinize every move h
e made as he fought Enel, keyed Zoro up unlike anything he had felt in a long ti
me. There was nothing in the world Zoro felt more comfortable with than his swor
d fighting. He knew his form was practically flawless; knew his attacks were flu
id and precise. Zoro knew Sanji got off on watching a good match. He knew it aro
used and excited the blonde the same way it did for himself. In just a few minut
es, Sanji was going to see him at his best, and Zoro s best was fucking incredible
Eh, Zoro grunted as he turned back to Sanji s hair. Tall guy s alright, but I ve seen a
ell of a lot better.
Sanji turned away slightly but not before Zoro saw the grin the cook was trying
to hide. Even though it was a trivial thing, the swordsman s heart soared. That sm
ile made him feel invincible, capable of doing anything, defeating anyone. He ho
ped Sanji would be smiling like that after his match was over.
I have to go, he said quietly. He put a hand on the small of Sanji s back. There ll be
two more fights before me. If anyone talks to you, just do what you ve been doing,
you ll be fine.
Sanji turned to face him. He had lost that smile, but he had replaced it with a
rogue s grin. He placed his cigarette between his lips and shoved his hands deep i
nto his pockets.
Kick some ass, he said simply.
Zoro grinned back as he turned and made his way toward the prep area. His blood
pumped through his veins, hot like fire, and his chest filled with anticipation
and an intense elation. Sanji was here with him, and even if their relationship
wasn t exactly the way Zoro wanted, the cook was still there, and he was still sup
porting him.
Zoro couldn t lose.
X x X x X
Sanji s heart was still pounding, pulsing so loud he could hear it in his ears. Zo
ro s words spoken against his neck and breathed through his hair caused the barest
tremors to cascade down the skin of his back. He sucked on his cigarette harshl
y before realizing the cherry was out and he was just sucking air though
the filter. He tossed the butt on the already cigarette littered floor and crush
ed it underneath his foot out of habit.
He looked up just in time so see the tall man in the pit land a hit on the heavi
er fighter. His fist connected in the center of the shorter man s chest just benea
th his ribcage. The bald man doubled over trying to regain his breath. His hand
came up to signal his defeat, and the bell rang merrily.
Cool, Luffy said crunching on a bit of candy. You were totally right, Sanji.
Sanji nodded slowly, not caring about the fight anymore. His stomach was doing l
ittle rolls and he felt on the verge of nausea. He was at a loss about what to d
o or what to feel. He knew there was some kind of attraction between himself and
Zoro, but he also knew the attraction could be just an intense form of admirati
on. Sanji felt excited when Zoro was close to him, he felt invigorated and almos
t high when the swordsman would touch him, but no matter how hard he tried, the
thought of actually having sex with Zoro was unfeasible. He couldn t really be att
racted to the other man if he couldn t stomach the idea of sex with him. Could he?
It was all so confusing, and Sanji s head was beginning to ache from the stress o
f his worry.
What are you thinking about, Sanji? Luffy asked.
Sanji turned and rested his hip against the railing. He had forgotten Luffy was
even there.
I don t even know how to start, he said quietly.
The bell rang again, and two more fighters entered the pit. The announcer called
the match but Sanji ignored the fight. He just looked at Luffy, wishing he knew
what to say.
Luffy pulled the lollypop from his mouth and moved closer to Sanji s side. Just sta
rt with anything, I don t care. It can even be the middle of a sentence. I ll ask qu
estions until it makes sense.
Sanji chuckled and looked at the floor.
For the first time in my life, Sanji said softly, I m not running after someone, they r
e running after me. I see everything I could ever want in this person. Love, res
pect, loyalty... a kick ass attitude the blond pulled another cigarette from his p
ack and placed it between his teeth. But this perfect person is a man he s a man and
I m not Sanji pinched the bridge of his nose. I don t know what the fuck I m supposed to
Luffy looked at him for a few seconds before he slipped the lollypop back in his
It doesn t make you think any different knowing you ve already been with him for a ye
No Sanji looked at the floor again. I still can t I don t like to think about that.
The bell rang again, signaling the second fight was already over. Sanji looked o
ver his shoulder and saw two very bloody men limping towards the ladders. A knot
of tension pulled tight in Sanji s gut. Zoro would be up soon.
You know, Luffy said as he turned to face the pit. It s funny
What s funny? Sanji asked.
Well, Luffy bit off the rest of the lollypop and shoved the naked stick in his poc
ket. When I first got here and I saw you two, you looked exactly like I remembere
d you guys. It was like you hadn t really forgotten, and everything was back to th
e way things were.
Sanji s heart started to flutter. What do you mean?
He had his arm around you and you were looking at him like you used to. It was so
normal for me I didn t realize how weird it actually was until I had already inte
rrupted. I m sorry about that by the way.
Sanji lit his cigarette for lack of anything better to do.
It s alright, I m glad you did. I don t know what I was doing.
Luffy looked at Sanji out the corner of his eye. Sanji
The blond looked up slowly.
Luffy raised an eyebrow. I think you know exactly what would have happened, even
though you say you can t be with a guy. I don t get why you re so afraid. You re comfort
able with him touching you, and obviously you re comfortable touching him
Sanji took a long drag and rubbed his eyes. His head was starting to spin.
But I m not comfortable touching him like that, Sanji growled. My body keeps doing th
ings on its own. My hands my hands are like magnets sometimes. I can t stop myself.
I want to feel repulsed when he touches me but I don t it s so fucked up
Luffy frowned into the pit, not really watching the fighters. His jaw muscles fl
exed as he ground his teeth. Several minutes passed and Sanji stared at the grou
nd, drifting as he listened to the roars and cheers surrounding him and his frie
nd, but then Luffy s voice brought him back.
That actually makes sense though, the dark-haired boy said.
Sanji looked at him bewildered. How the fuck does that make sense?
The younger man turned around and hoisted himself up on the railing. How he mana
ged to balance himself with all the wiggling he did, Sanji would never know.
It s true you don t remember Zoro, he said evenly. But you only don t remember him in yo
r head.
The cook blew out a long stream of smoke and stared at Luffy deadpan. What?
You don t remember Zoro in your head, but your head isn t the only place you have mem
ories. Your heart has memories too, they re a different kind, but they re still memo
ries. It s just like how you can think with your head and with your heart. It s a di
fferent kind of thinking, but it s still thinking. I think your head has forgotten
Zoro but your heart hasn t. That s why you don t feel wrong when he touches you, beca
use your body remembers your heart remembers.
Sanji stared at his younger friend speechless. It never ceased to amaze the cook
when Luffy had his random spells of incredible insightfulness. They happened ra
rely, but when they did, they hit hard.
I hate to admit it, Sanji muttered. But that makes a crazy kind of sense, Luffy.
Of course it does, Luffy smiled and clapped his feet together. I m the leading author
ity on this. I know in my head I m kind of stupid, but when it comes to my heart,
I m a genius.
Sanji smiled a genuine smile that touched his eyes. He blew out smoke and turned
back to the fight.
You re definitely not stupid, Luffy.
X x X x X
Zoro leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes close
d. He floated softly in a world of blues and greens. He heard no sounds except t
he steady flow of water, and smelled no smells but the crisp clean air of a moun
tain mingling with pine and dirt.
Everyone teased Zoro constantly about falling asleep, conking out in the middle of
restaurants and movies. Zoro didn t bother to tell them he was actually meditatin
g, for that might just earn him more teasing. So he took the repartee with a gru
nt and a crooked smile, letting people think he was lazier than he actually was.
Ace s jabs were the worst, but Zoro let it go because he knew the older Portgus w
as hiding his own problems with a true case of narcolepsy. Ace would be discharg
ed from the fire station if anyone knew of his condition, so almost out of an un
conscious urge to protect his friend, Zoro let himself be the one known for his
problem with nodding off at strange times.
Unfortunately, making people think you were always falling asleep instead of med
itating meant everyone always tried to wake you up.
Zoro! A voice brought him off his peaceful mountain. Hey, Zoro!
The swordsman opened his eyes and turned a fierce glare in the direction of the
intruder. He saw Paulie pushing through the crowd towards him, a strange fear in
his eyes. He muttered apologies and excuse me s as he came closer. Zoro realized h
is death glare wasn t working and became concerned with the bookie s troubled expres
sion. Something was wrong. Paulie looked almost frantic to get to him.
Paulie, Zoro said. What s the matter?
The blond moved beside Zoro and brought his lips close to the swordsman s ear.
I tried to stop him, Zoro. I told him the rules of the club but he wouldn t listen.
He insisted on talking with you before the fight. I didn t know what to do and I
can t find Lucci anywhere.
Zoro frowned. Tried to stop who? What are you talking about?
Paulie started to explain, but he was cut off by a deep voice that carried easil
y over the cheers and hollering that surrounded himself and the swordsman.
He was trying to stop me.
Zoro looked over the bookie s shoulder to see a tall, pale man with dark eyebrows
and a long thin nose. He wore black baggy pants, no shirt, and a black bandana c
overing his blond hair. His wrists and hands were wrapped in white boxers tape,
but his knuckles were bare. Jagged scars decorated the light skin from the tops
of his fingers all the way to his shoulders. This had to be Enel, the undefeated
boxing champion and underground fighting king of California. No one had ever la
nded a hit on this man anywhere except his arms. He was rumored to be one of the
most ruthless fighters alive and had a brain to match his skill.
You must be Zoro Roronoa, Enel said with a faint smile. I ve heard so much about you.
Paulie waved his hands, looking slightly panicked. Enel, sir, it s against the rule
s for fighters of different divisions to meet before the fight! If you would ple
It s okay, Paulie, Zoro put a hand on the blond s shoulder. If Lucci gets mad, I ll take
the blame.
Paulie sighed in defeat and backed away. All right, whatever you say, Zoro. Do yo
u want me to stay?
Zoro shook his head. We ll be fine, thanks.
Paulie disappeared into the crowd and Zoro s attention focused on the tall man in
front of him. Enel stepped closer and loomed several inches above the swordsman s
head. It didn t really bother Zoro, he had faced off against dozens of men that we
re almost twice his size, but the fact that Enel seemed completely at ease in Zo
ro s presence made the swordsman slightly wary.
After several long moments of staring at Zoro, Enel smiled.
You re shorter than expected.
Zoro cocked an eyebrow and tiled his head to the side.
Yeah, well you look like Eminem.
Enel threw back his head and guffawed at the ceiling. Several heads turned their
direction and when people noticed who was speaking to Zoro, the area around the
two fighters suddenly hushed.
Zoro sighed; he hadn t planned on making a spectacle of himself before the fight.
So what s so important that you had to break the club rules and give our bookie a h
Enel crossed his scarred arms over his chest.
Nothing really, his eyelids were heavy as if he was bored. I just wanted to meet th
e legend before I defeated him.
Zoro snickered. No one s defeating me tonight.
Enel nodded appraisingly. We shall see Abruptly, the boxer s eyes flashed and he no l
onger seemed bored. I hear that partner of yours is awake. Congratulations.
Thanks Zoro said suspiciously.
I know it s only been a few weeks, but is he well?
He s doing great, Zoro shifted uncomfortably. He couldn t decide if this guy was fishi
ng for information, or if he was just asking to be polite.
I hear Bones is trying to get a hold of him, Enel continued. Some kind of blackmail
thing going on. He really is that determined to take you out of this year s compe
tition isn t he?
You seem to hear a lot of things, Zoro narrowed his eyes.
The whole thing seems ridiculous to me, Enel rolled his eyes and tilted his head t
o the side. His bored expression had returned. Why doesn t he just train hard and b
eat you like a normal person? This whole steal your lover to publicly humiliate
yourself is so old-school. It s like a bad mafia movie.
Zoro nodded. He was still guarded, but hearing words that had passed his own lip
s coming from this man, settled his worries a little.
You wouldn t happen to know where Bones is, do you? Zoro asked hopefully.
Enel shook his head. I m sorry. If I knew I would certainly tell you. I think it s ap
palling what he s done, and he s giving the martial arts community a bad name by con
tinuing. He s a coward.
A chorus of cheering echoed off the low ceiling as the fight in the pit came to
an end. Zoro glanced that direction before he pushed off the wall and turned to
directly face Enel.
You seem like an okay guy, Zoro said. And I appreciate your concern for my partner.
I have a feeling this will be a good match.
He reached out his hand to Enel and the boxer took it.
I believe it will also.
They shook quickly before Enel flashed Zoro another smile and disappeared throug
h the crowd. Zoro stared after him, trying to decide if that encounter was more
strange or enlightening.
X x X x X
The last two fighters left the ring and Sanji s heart crawled up into his throat.
Why was he so nervous? He never got this nervous! Not even when it was his own f
ight! It wasn t like he needed to be nervous for Zoro, hell no. The guy could prob
ably take care of himself. It just didn t make sense. Well, then again, nothing mu
ch made sense in Sanji s life at the moment
Sanji, Luffy tapped his arm. Hey, Sanji, your fingers.
Sanji looked at the younger man confused and saw his dark-haired friend pointing
to his hand. The blond looked and found his cigarette starting to burn the fles
h of his pointer finger.
Oh shit! He threw the butt on the floor and crushed it out. He carefully blew on t
he reddening skin and made a soft whining noise.
Hey, Sanji, Luffy chuckled. Do you remember that time in high school when that teac
her found you having sex with that girl in the broom closet?
Sanji looked at his friend, confused as hell, but unable to stop himself from la
ughing softly at the memory.
Yeah, why?
Well, cause I remember seeing you sitting in the office waiting to find out if you
were going to be expelled You kinda look like that right now.
Sanji blinked. I look like I m going to be expelled?
Yeah, Luffy said. Well, I mean you look like you re waiting for something bad to happ
Sanji looked away and sputtered. I m not waiting for something bad to happen. I m fin
e, I just I was thinking about the fight and how this Enel guy s supposed to be rea
lly good and-
Don t worry about Zoro, Luffy patted Sanji s shoulder. He s awesome.
The blond shoved his hands in his pockets and mumbled under his breath.
I wasn t worrying about him
The room erupted. Everyone around Sanji and Luffy started cheering or roaring at
the top of their lungs. Sanji heard several excited screams from girls and the
music from the speakers ceased. The cook turned around and gripped the metal rai
ling tightly in his hands. He watched as a very tall, muscular man climbed down
the ladder into the pit. His head was covered and he wore no shirt. His hands we
re wrapped and his arms were heavily scarred.
Oh shit, Sanji thought to himself. Look at those scars. He moves so confidently p
erfect balance, graceful movements This guy is a pro.
Then the noise in the room became deafening. The screams from the girls increase
d ten-fold and Sanji had to cover his ears to drown out the ear-shattering cries
from the spectators. Sanji s eyes moved to the other end of the pit searching for
his green-haired friend. Suddenly the world dropped out from below. Sanji s heart
refused to beat as the cook froze, trying to decide if he was dreaming.
Zoro stood a few feet from the ladder; his eyes were shadowed, giving him an alm
ost demonic look as he calmly faced off with the boxing champion. The swordsman
held all three swords unsheathed. Sanji felt that if he listened hard enough, he
would be able to hear the weapons singing with their own excitement to begin th
e fight. Zoro had kept the haramaki around his waist but had taken off his shirt
, letting his tan, scarred skin glisten with sweat under the room s glaring lights
. Sanji s eyes couldn t look away from the long, gnarled scar across the swordsman s c
hest. It stood as a reminder that Zoro would fight like the Titans of old before
he gave in. The scar in itself was frightening, even without the accompaniment
of the raw power that radiated from Zoro s body.
Sanji s mouth went dry almost instantly. He found it hard to swallow as he watched
Zoro step slowly and gracefully across the tiles. He licked his lips as he watc
hed the swordsman place Wado s hilt between his teeth.
Wow, A voice startled Sanji out of his gaping. If I was gay, I would definitely hit
Sanji turned his head to see Jyabura followed by Kumadori and Kaku. The three pr
essed themselves against the railing, squishing Sanji in between Jyabura s left sh
oulder and Kaku s chest.
Yeah, y r right Jya. Zoro does have that kind of effect on folks. Kaku ruffled Luffy s
hair as he leaned his head over Sanji s shoulder to get a better view. Not that I
ever had any of those kinda thoughts course.
Sanji turned back to the two fighters slowly moving closer to each other. Zoro s
eemed to be waiting for something. Biding his time as Enel bounced on the balls
of his feet. The cook watched the easy way the boxer moved as he cracked his wri
sts and smirked at his sword-wielding opponent.
I Sanji swallowed. I really don t like this guy
You re not worried are you, Sanji? Kumadori put a hand on Sanji s shoulder. Aww, you kn
ow Zoro s style of fighting better than anyone and you re still fretting over him ge
tting hurt! You re so cute! The large man made to pinch Sanji s cheek but Kaku batted
his hand away.
That s just it, Sanji thought. I don t know his style of fighting. I have no idea if
he stands a chance against this guy
Below them, Enel moved; a quick lunge to ascertain Zoro s speed and reaction time.
The boxer s hand aimed for the swordsman s upper arm. Zoro deflected Enel s jab with
a quick swing. The blade moved up and around almost too fast for even Sanji s shar
p eyes. The move was simple, but spoke volumes for the swordsman s skill. He reall
y was good, the evade had been effortless. Enel backed away unharmed, but it had
been close.
Enel was full on grinning now. His pearl white teeth flashed as he side-stepped
back and forth, zigzagging to throw Zoro s eye and balance off. Sanji watched eage
rly as Zoro did nothing but watch and follow the boxer s feet.
Good, Zoro, really good. Sanji chewed on his thumbnail. Watch his feet
Enel moved in again, his speed was uncanny. His right fist pulled back, aiming f
or Zoro s side. Sanji saw the pull in the muscles of the boxer s back and gasped.
Shoulders, Zoro! Shit shoulders! He s bluffing!
Zoro brought a blade up to block the supposed strike and steadied himself for th
e impact. Sanji wanted to scream for Zoro to watch out as Enel started to change
his attack to the other side. For one brief moment, the cook was positive he wa
s going to watch Enel break several of Zoro s ribs.
But then Zoro s body twisted. He angled at the hips and bent backwards to move out
of Enel s reach. Both of the swordsman s hands came up at the same moment, slicing
the inside of the boxer s arms before Zoro pulled himself into a graceful back fli
p. He landed several feet away, not even slightly out of breath and smiling at h
is bleeding adversary.
Holy shit! Sanji cried before he could stop himself.
Kumadori laughed at his back. Yeah, he s gotten better at that since you were here
last. When did you teach him that? On our trip to Texas wasn t it?
Yeah, Luffy butted in. I think it was. They were fighting and Sanji got so mad, he
grabbed two knives off the table and scratched Zoro s arms. Zoro got all silly and
asked if Sanji would teach him how to do it.
Silly? Kaku asked.
You know, Luffy bounced on the railing. That lovey dovey eye he gives Sanji when Sa
nji kicks his ass.
Oh, right.
Sanji tuned them out. He was more interested in watching Zoro and Enel dance aro
und each other. Blood flew from Enel s arms, splattering across Zoro s chest as the
swordsman swung and lunged repeatedly. The two were very evenly matched. For eve
ry punch or kick Enel delivered, Zoro had an impressive block or counter attack
to bring against him. In contrast, Zoro s fluid attacks were parried and countered
easily by Enel s quick movements. It was one of the best fights Sanji had ever se
en and the cook felt a delightful shiver run down his spine. His fingers began t
o tingle with excitement and his legs started to twitch with a
need to move. The cook hoisted himself up on the railing, pulling his legs over
and sitting on the cool metal. His feet rested on the lower bar and his legs bou
nced to compensate for the adrenaline coursing through his system. He raised his
hands over his head and joined the mass of people cheering for the green-haired
For the first time since his father died, Sanji felt truly alive.
X x X x X
Zoro couldn t be happier. He had seen Sanji sitting on the railing cheering for hi
m out the corner of his eye. Did the cook know he used to always sit like that?
Had Luffy told him? Or did he just do it? It was like the old Sanji was back, ev
erything was perfect. The fight, the atmosphere, Sanji-- everything was clicking
into place to make this one of the best nights of Zoro s life.
He ducked out of the way of another deadly punch and brought his swords up. The
time for analyzing his opponent was over. He understood Enel s style enough to bre
ak his defense. It was time to stop playing around. It was time to fight for rea
X x X x X
Sanji hollered over the roar of other spectators. The swordsman had flipped a sw
itch. The cook realized as Zoro started to pick up speed and his attacks became
less defensive and more forward, that up until now, his friend had been messing
around. He felt buzzed as he watched Zoro s true form unfold before his eyes. Zoro s
hands moved so fast, the steel of the swords glinted like the sparkle of the su
n as it reflected off the ocean s waves on a clear day. The swordsman s muscles ripp
led as he bent and twisted in ways Sanji knew so well. The cook felt pride and a
fierce exhilaration knowing he had been the one to teach Zoro how to move his b
ody like that.
Enel kept up with the fanatical speed, but Sanji could tell he was becoming fati
gued. He was also becoming desperate. He was pulling out moves that were expendi
ng too much energy and not landing him any hits. Pretty soon the boxer was going
to drop from exhaustion.
A lucky turn of events left Zoro s right wrist in Enel s grip. The boxer cried out i
n triumph and began to twist Zoro into a fall. The swordsman pushed on Enel with
his free hand, driving the hilt of Shuusui into the meat of his foe s shoulder. I
t looked like the swordsman was about to go down, but a flick of Zoro s head, and
Enel was stumbling backwards. Sandai Kitetsu flew from Zoro s right hand and clatt
ered several feet away. The crowd s cheering died down as the two fighters stood s
till staring at each other.
Sanji leaned forward, not understanding what the sudden hush was about.
X x X x X
Zoro looked apologetically at the form of Kitetsu lying lonely on the floor. It
had been a sacrifice, but well worth it. He took Wado from his mouth and grinned
at Enel.
Enel lifted his hand to feel out the wound that Zoro had inflicted. The flesh of
his neck, jaw and cheek had been graced with a shallow gash. The cut was clean,
but it would leave a scar.
You ll finally have a scar in a place that matters Zoro said. His voice echoed in the
nearly silent room.
Enel gingerly touched the cut and smiled softly. You re right
Moments that seemed like hours passed as Zoro and Enel stared across the fightin
g pit at one another. The tension in the room was so thick it almost had a taste
. Everyone waited to see what these two famous fighters were going do. What was
Enel going to do now that he had finally been marked with a losing strike.
Slowly, Enel lowered his eyes to the floor. He raised his hand and signaled his
X x X x X
Sanji nearly jumped off the railing. The room went wild. Sanji felt claps on his
back and cheers from Luffy behind him. He wanted to run to Zoro and congratulat
e him but he waited for Zoro to shake Enel s hand and retrieve Sandai Kitetsu from
the floor. The cook felt someone tapping his back and he turned to have Zoro s sw
ord sheaths and tank top thrust into his face.
Kaku had them, Luffy explained as he deposited the items in Sanji s arms. Go meet Zor
o at the top of the ladder.
Sanji nodded and pushed through the crowd. He tingled with excitement as Zoro pu
lled himself up out of the pit and met his eyes. The people around them cheered
but Sanji noticed they stayed a good four or five feet clear of the swordsman. Z
oro smiled at the cook and took the tank top to clean Wado s blade. After replacin
g all three weapons back into their respective saya, he slid the swords back und
er his haramaki, and pulled Sanji against him.
The cook tensed as the swordsman s arms slid around his waist, but then Zoro mumbl
ed into his neck.
I know this is hard for you, but this is where I usually kiss you. May I do this
instead? Just this please?
Sanji slowly relaxed and put his arms around Zoro s neck.
Yeah, he whispered back. Here, in this moment it s all right
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Woot! Finally finished with this chapter! Sorry it took so long! I kept adding t
hings and adding things... Mostly dialog, but there are some juicy parts towards
the end! xD Enjoy!
Chapter 12
Sanji tuned out the cheers that surrounded him and Zoro. He didn t care that the s
wordsman was getting blood on his clothes, or that Zoro s sweaty brow was messing
up the side of his hair. He just liked the feel of the larger man against him, s
urrounding him, encasing him in warmth and protection.
The cook closed his eyes and leaned into Zoro s body. He felt the other man s heartb
eat, strong and steady against his chest and he breathed in the sharp smell of Z
oro s battle scent. The screaming and cheering had died down and the sound of peop
le laughing and drinking around them faded away to dull murmurs. Despite being a
mongst hundreds of people, Sanji felt as if he was completely alone with the oth
er man.
Zoro, Sanji murmured into coarse, green hair. You were amazing The whole fight was a
Zoro sighed deeply and nuzzled deeper into this neck. Thank you. A lot of those m
oves were yours.
Sanji couldn t stop himself from grinning. I noticed.
I couldn t help showing off, I m sorry.
Sanji was glad the swordsman couldn t see his face. The cook blushed as he thought
about how all that power, all that amazing fighting skill had been put on displ
ay for him. Zoro had just won his match, flawlessly, beautifully, and he had bee
n thinking of Sanji the whole time. The realization started a small flutter in t
he cook s chest and he trembled ever so slightly.
A shriek of feminine laughter erupted from behind Sanji, and before the cook cou
ld react, a clumsy, drunk body collided with his back. He let out a small oomf as
he crushed Zoro s body between himself and the railing.
Zoro had been floating in post fight euphoria, his heart singing with joy as he
held Sanji against him. This night could not get any better, there was no way. I
t could only go downhill from here. Zoro basked, for the few moments he could, i
n the embrace of this person whom he hadn't been allowed to touch for so long. S
omething inevitably would go wrong
When Sanji s body was shoved against his, Zoro s head snapped up in surprise. He cau
ght his breath as Sanji s hips unintentionally ground against his and the swordsma
n s knees almost buckled when he felt that tell tale press against his thigh.
Sanji had twisted his head to glare at the drunken girl, but when he turned his
head back around to say something, his voice failed him. Zoro s lips were a hair s b
reath away from his own. The swordsman s eyes held such a ferocious intensity they
rendered Sanji completely immobile. The two stared at each other for several se
conds, each standing on their own precipice fighting themselves for what they th
ought they should or should not do.
Sanji Zoro s voice was low and rough, breathless.
It took a moment for Sanji to reply. He wanted to kiss Zoro so badly, but if he
did, he would be throwing himself into something he wasn t ready for.
Y yeah Zoro?
Zoro shuddered at the sound of Sanji s quiet smoker s rasp. He licked his lips and l
eaned forward to whisper into the other s ear. He didn t want to draw Sanji s attentio
n to it if he hadn t noticed, and
obviously he hadn t, but he knew he should say something before the cook discovere
d it himself and tried to kill him.
His lips were tickled by soft blond hair as he whispered. You re hard
Sanji stopped breathing. Zoro was right. He had lost himself so far into the aft
ereffect of the fight and Zoro s scent that he hadn t noticed his cock was fully ere
ct and crushed against Zoro s thigh! He immediately tried to push off the other ma
n, desperate for space. He longed with every part of his soul for a secluded roo
m to crawl into a corner and die. He twisted and pushed with his arms, trying fr
antically to get out of Zoro s iron hold.
Sanji Zoro said calmly, way too calmly for the situation. Sanji hold still.
Mortified and close to tears, Sanji hissed through his teeth. Let me go, Zoro! Le
t me go, let me go! Please! He pushed with everything he had but Zoro s upper body
strength was staggering. He couldn t get away.
Sanji, Zoro said in that same calm tone. Sanji please stop moving. Remember I told
you people are watching us. If you run away from me now, I don t know what s gonna h
appen. When Sanji continued to struggle, Zoro pulled him flush against his body a
nd growled in the blond s ear. Sanji, stop fucking moving! What do you think you re d
oing to me rubbing against me like that?
Sanji froze and squeezed his eyes shut. Humiliation and shame washed over him in
a wave so strong, he felt he might pass out. He rested his forehead against Zor
o s shoulder. I m sorry he murmured.
Zoro lessened his hold but kept his arms wrapped firmly around the cook. It s all r
ight You have nothing to be sorry for.
Sanji shook his head slowly and made fists against Zoro s naked chest. I have no id
ea what to think anymore, Zoro. I have no idea what I m feeling! Your fight watchin
g you fight It made me feel more like myself than anything in what seems like so
long And I don t get it cause it s you, and I don t even really know you all that well!
But Luffy says I might know you, but not in my head and I just I just
Zoro wove his fingers through the cook s golden locks and hushed Sanji s rambling wi
th soft words and a tender caress over his back. The tension in Sanji s shoulders
eased and he slowly lifted his head to push gently away from the swordsman.
Zoro smiled softly and straightened Sanji s collar. Let s get my things and go home.
Sure, Sanji readily agreed and they stepped away from the railing.
Zoro kept a firm grip on Sanji s hand as they moved through the crowd. Congratulat
ions and words of praise assaulted the pair as they wove through the sea of peop
le, but Zoro thanked and dismissed them quickly. He wasted no time in dressing a
nd returning his weapons to their case. He took Sanji s hand again as they left th
e locker room to slip quickly up the stairs and towards the front door.
They were just to the threshold when a deep voice stopped Sanji in his tracks.
Roronoa, aren t you forgetting something?
The voice was like smoke. But not the bitter, tobacco flavored smoke that Sanji
readily killed himself with every day. This smoke was black and thick. It slid o
ver his skin like a soft caress. It filled Sanji s nose and ears, seemed to cloud
his vision and crawl down into his lungs with every breath he took. If it was ta
it could have been poison chocolate. Every instinct Sanji had switched into defe
nsive, screamed at him to throw his guard up.
Zoro tensed as well, Sanji could feel it in his hand. The swordsman turned aroun
d slowly, pulling the cook with him. The man standing before them was tall, dres
sed in a black suit and a white tie. His features were rough, but handsome. He h
ad black hair that fell in tight ringlets to his shoulders. His eyes were dark,
and his mouth was surrounded by a cleanly trimmed goatee.
What s up, Lucci? Zoro asked evenly. What did I forget?
Lucci stepped closer and Sanji fought a hard urge to back away. This man s presenc
e crowded him, close to suffocated him, but Sanji composed himself and got a rei
n on his wayward emotions. He never backed down from anything. He stood by Zoro
with his shoulders back and nonchalantly searched for a cigarette.
Lucci held out a small manila envelope to Zoro. This evening s earnings, he said. A
small smirk tugged at his lips. You almost beat the club record. At this he turned
to Sanji and smiled fully. I m glad to see you back, Sanji. Are you feeling well?
Sanji let out a breath he hadn t even realized he had been holding. This man actua
lly had a nice smile.
Yeah, he said, returning the gesture as he lit his cigarette. Feeling all right. I
just get tired quick.
Well. Lucci straightened his suit jacket and smoothed his tie. Then rest well, and
I will see you two back here on Monday?
Zoro nodded and turned to pull Sanji towards the parking lot, but stopped when a
ball of flailing arms and black hair attacked their captain.
Lucciiiiiiiiii!! The rubbery mass of boy cried. Let s fight! Come on, we have an hour
before closing!
Lucci folded his arms over his chest as Luffy clung to him like a monkey. He rol
led his eyes and waved to Sanji as the blond chuckled and exited the building.
Wow, Sanji muttered as Zoro and he made their way through rows of cars. Luffy s got b
alls man, I would never challenge that guy. He s scary as fuck.
Zoro laughed and said over his shoulder, Well, you know Luffy. I personally think
Lucci refuses the challenge cause he s worried Luffy will actually beat him.
Yeah. Sanji puffed on his smoke. Could be
He let Zoro lead him towards the motorcycle, never pointing out the fact that th
e swordsman was still holding his hand. It didn t matter, because right then, Sanj
i didn t really mind.
X x X x X
Zoro was silent as the two made their way through the lobby and into the elevato
r. Sanji leaned against the rail and slipped his hands into his pockets watching
the swordsman contemplate his boots.
You must be exhausted, Sanji said. You can have the bed tonight if you want.
Zoro turned to him then and smiled softly. I m actually so far from tired it s not ev
en funny. I could run a marathon right now.
Sanji checked his watch. Your fight was like an hour and a half ago! Adrenaline s g
otta be out of your system.
Zoro shrugged as the elevator stopped and the door opened with a soft ding. The
swordsman shifted the case on his shoulder and stepped over the threshold.
Anticipation for a drink I guess.
Sanji followed and stood leaning against the wall as Zoro unlocked the door to t
heir apartment. A drink? At four thirty in the morning?
May be morning, but I m gonna sleep all day. I don t work until five. So it s kind of l
ike nighttime sort of. Zoro carefully set the sword case down and tossed his jacke
t on the back of the couch. He headed towards the bedroom. I ll be up for a while s
o you can have the bed.
Sanji thought about trying to sleep as keyed up as he was at the moment and crin
ged inwardly. He followed Zoro down the hall and pulled out his cigarettes.
Don t worry about it, he muttered as he tossed the pack from hand to hand. I m not read
y to go to bed either.
Zoro looked up from pulling a t-shirt from the dresser. You wanna have a drink wi
th me then? And by a drink I mean a drink cause you can t hold your liquor for shit.
Sanji sputtered as he kicked his flip flops into the closet. I can hold my liquor
just fine, asshole. I just choose not to drown myself if I m with other people. It s
undignified and unprofessional.
Zoro smirked and pushed passed him. Well, you don t have to worry about being profe
ssional around me. I ve seen you toasted plenty of times. He waved a hand over his
shoulder as he made his way down the hall. Change your clothes, I m gonna take a sh
Sanji watched the other man saunter into the kitchen with his clean clothes drap
ed over his shoulder. Hmm bossy much? He thought to himself as he stepped into th
e bedroom to find more comfortable clothes. Not that it was bad, Zoro was kind o
f cute bossy.
Sanji paused as he reached for the dresser drawer. Cute? Had he just Sanji steppe
d forward and rested his hands on the dark wood. He really should stop fighting
himself like this. He found Zoro attractive, that fact was so obvious he probabl
y should be slapped in the face. He had also discovered this evening during the
fight that the swordsman turned him on. Maybe not the physical Zoro, but definit
ely the aura of Zoro. The power and energy that came off him as he fought, the w
ay he calculated his attacks, the confident smile that lit up his face when he k
new he had won
Oh yeah that smile
Sanji sighed and opened the drawers. He pulled out grey sweat pants and a deep b
lue t-shirt. As he dressed he thought about what he was going to do. Should he t
ell Zoro how he was feeling? Tell the swordsman how much he affected him? No not
yet. Sanji was sure he had feelings for Zoro, but that did not mean he was ready
for the physical aspects of a relationship with a man. If he were to tell Zoro
about his thoughts, his inner turmoil, it would get the swordsman s hopes up. It w
ould be too cruel to string him along and then find later that he couldn t handle
the sex. The man had been through enough. It would be like losing Sanji twice; Z
oro would be crushed.
Turning off the light, Sanji made his way slowly down the hall towards the livin
g room. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn t notice what was sitting on t
he coffee table until he had sat down on the couch and leaned back to light up.
Smiling to himself, Sanji eyed the items and lit his cigarette.
Before him sat a large wine decanter, glass, classic duck shape, and fitted into
a stainless steel stand. It was filled with a red wine, and looked absolutely b
eautiful. Next to it sat a bottle, nearly empty, a crystal wine glass, and a sma
ll red box. Sanji opened the lid of the box first, finding an assortment of choc
olates. He grinned as he removed his smoke and moved to inspect the bottle. St.
Michelle, Canoe Ridge Estate Vineyard, 2002. Merlot. Sanji had heard of this win
e, but had never had the money to get it for himself. He leaned over the decante
r excitedly and breathed in the exquisite aroma. It was a mixture of raspberry a
nd blueberry, and Sanji s mouth watered in anticipation.
The cook plucked a chocolate from the box and lifted it to his lips as he leaned
back and propped his feet on the coffee table. Zoro had known to put the wine i
n a decanter. He had known Sanji would want it to breathe, letting the aromas re
lease and therefore adding to the taste. That was impressive even though there w
as no doubt he had taught the swordsman to do it. The chocolates were an extra b
onus and Sanji felt very pampered and spoiled as he relaxed against the soft cus
Zoro wasn t a bad guy at all and if he treated Sanji like this regularly
That good enough for your highness? Zoro s voice teased from behind the couch.
Sanji twisted around to watch the swordsman slide over the back of the couch and
land beside him. He placed two full bottles of Jagermeister on the table and le
aned back with a half full bottle of Southern Comfort.
Sanji eyed the liquor and made a face. You are not going to drink all that.
Zoro grinned and tipped the bottle back. To Sanji amazement, he easily downed ha
lf the contents in three quick swallows. Yes, I am.
Sanji sat up and waved his cigarette at the swordsman. Okay, I m not going to say a
nything about your appalling taste in liquor, but I will say, aren t you mixing? I
sn t this going to like, kill you? Or at least give you the worst hangover in hist
ory tomorrow?
Zoro just shook his head. I never get hangovers. And this is whisky! He held up th
e bottle. You can drink anything with whisky!
Sanji just smiled and shook his head. He reached out to the decanter and poured
a glass of the merlot. He lifted it to his lips and breathed in the aroma again
before closing his eyes and taking a small sip. He rolled the velvety texture ov
er his tongue, savoring the mix of flavors. Raspberry, plum, cherry, and a hint
of vanilla. Not too tannic and very smooth. He sipped again before plucking anot
her chocolate from the box and leaning back onto the cushions.
Zoro watched as Sanji got reacquainted with his favorite wine. The way the blond s
tongue touched the edge of the glass before the liquid slipped into his mouth a
woke a pleasant feeling inside the swordsman. He had asked Sanji to have a drink
with him, but had forgotten how sexy Sanji could be when he let his guard down.
Now Zoro was almost regretting his request because keeping his hands to himself
was going to be quite a trial. As the cook bit into a chocolate, Zoro had to lo
ok away. He downed the rest of the Southern Comfort and traded it for a full bot
tle of Jagermeister.
Jesus Christ! Sanji breathed as he watched Zoro down a swallow of the new bottle. W
here the fuck did you learn to drink like that!?
Zoro laughed. Kuina Same girl I was talking about earlier. She could drink all nig
ht and halfway through the next day. Nothing fazed her.
Sanji stared down into his glass thoughtfully. He swirled the liquid and watched
it cling to the glass for almost a second before slipping to join the collectiv
e at the bottom. He had many questions to ask, but he wasn t going to be able to a
sk them until he got more alcohol in his system. He raised and downed the conten
ts of the glass, immediately refilling it again and taking another long swallow.
When he looked up, Zoro was eyeing him strangely.
Fuck, just do it
You two were really close huh? Sanji said quietly.
Zoro blinked for a moment as if he didn t understand the question. But then he nod
ded and took another long swallow of the Jager.
We trained together at the dojo. She was in a class ahead of me, and she was well,
for a while she was my goal. I wanted to beat her because in my young, simple m
ind she was the best. If I beat her then I was the best.
Sanji turned away and nodded. You never beat her though, did you?
Nope. Sanji heard the swish of the bottle.
Swallowing another half a glass, Sanji pressed on. Where do you think she d be now
if she had lived? If you had beat her? When you had beaten her
He heard Zoro shrug. Probably married to me, and we d have a bunch of terrorist kid
s with green hair.
Sanji frowned and turned back to his friend. The swordsman s cheeks were beginning
to pink, and his eyelids were getting slightly droopy.
But isn t that aren t you
Gay? Zoro finished for him. You don t like that word do you?
Sanji sighed and finished off his glass. He quickly poured more and turned to fa
ce Zoro, folding his legs underneath him.
No, I don t dislike the word, and yes. Aren t you gay? How can you say you d be married
to her when ? Sanji sighed as words failed him and he settled for taking another g
ulp of wine. His head was starting to feel thick and he was worried he was going
to blurt out too much at one time.
Zoro looked carefully at Sanji, trying to decide if this was it. If this was whe
re they were finally going to talk about everything. Was he ready for this? Was
this where Sanji put up the final barriers and cut off every measure of hope Zor
o still held on to?
Letting out a long breath, Zoro looked straight at Sanji. You re the only guy I ve ev
er slept with.
Sanji blinked. Really?
Zoro nodded. It was all girls up to you.
Sanji squeezed his eyes shut and tried to sort out everything running through hi
s mind.
So okay you re saying we were both straight until we met each other?
Yeah, and I pretty much only like you. I mean as far as guys go.
So wait... Sanji paused to finish off his third glass. You re saying that you went ga
y for me, but only me Does does that even qualify as gay? When you only like one g
Zoro laughed as he tipped the bottle back and managed to dribble on his chin. He
wiped it away with his palm and grinned at Sanji. His head was filled with cott
on and his thoughts were disjointed and light. I m pretty sure that sleeping with a
nother dude puts you into the not straight category.
Pouring another glass, Sanji almost giggled. The room was swaying slightly and h
e felt his conversation coming a lot easier. Damn, I really can t hold my liquor f
or shit!
But you like girls still?
Not really but I could still sleep with one if she was hot enough.
So you re bi.
Zoro shrugged. Yeah, sure. Okay, we re bi.
You re bi, Sanji pointed at Zoro wobbly.
Right, I m bi. You re gay.
Sanji started laughing. He couldn t help it, the alcohol was hitting him hard and
the conversation was getting ridiculous. He tried to muster up some pretension o
f clarity so he could continue with his line of questioning.
Zoro finished off the first bottle of Jager and reached for the second. He knew
getting this drunk was a bad idea, but if Sanji wanted to ask the things Zoro kn
ew he wanted to ask, he couldn t answer him sober.
So Sanji started. We met at D s dojo and we tried to kill each other When did we beco
Zoro leaned his head back and sighed deeply. We were never friends.
Huh? Sanji asked stupidly.
We were never friends, Zoro repeated. We hated each other the moment we laid eyes o
n each other in the beginning.
Sanji made a face and in doing so, caused wine to run out the side of his mouth.
Excuse me?
Zoro sighed; this whole thing was so hard to explain. Their relationship had nev
er been simple, and Zoro wasn t big on long speeches or tactful explanation. He sl
ouched further down the couch and let the bottle rest on his chest. He let his g
aze go unfocused as he remembered back two years ago when his life changed forev
We he started slowly. We fought about everything. We were always challenging each ot
her, about the most random, stupid shit. We d call each other names and try to tri
p each other up all the time. Well, not literally, more like well, yeah literally
. You d actually try and trip me for real all the time.
Sanji chuckled into his glass.
We never agreed on anything We didn t want to agree on anything. At first I made a c
onscious effort sometimes to take an opposite side on stuff just to piss you off
I m sure you did it too. We just I don t know. Just fucking hated each other and I don t
even know why really.
Zoro frowned as he tried to explain things he still didn t understand. He shifted
on the couch; a thick buzz hummed through his body, but didn t affect his speech o
r slow his thinking. But then there were our real fights
Real fights? Sanji asked.
Zoro nodded. Yeah, our sparring. It was incredible. I would want to kill you for
real all day, but then I d go to the dojo to blow off some steam and if you were t
here I d get all excited. I knew I could fight you, really train with you, like no
one else since Kuina. We d be at each other s throats every second we were together b
ut then the instant we hit the mats we were on the same wavelength we were thinkin
g and feeling the same thing. It was the closest kind of bond I d had in a really
fucking long time, and it was so weird cause for a while I really couldn t stand yo
Sanji understood exactly what Zoro was saying, but he didn t comment. He sat quiet
ly listening as the swordsman tapped a finger quietly on his bottle. He floated
gently in the wine-induced haze, choking words back, but knowing he wouldn t be ab
le to keep them in much longer. He wanted to know so badly.
Zoro felt the tension that had riddled Sanji s body since their bush together at t
he club finally ease. The cook curled up on the couch, his feet inches from Zoro s
thigh, his breathing soft and shallow. When the question finally passed over Sa
nji s lips, Zoro didn t waver. He had readied himself.
Zoro Sanji murmured as he studied something deep in his wine glass. How d it change? W
hat happened that how did I
Zoro saw the cook s hands starting to shake and he sat up. He took one last long s
wallow from his bottle before placing it on the coffee table. He then took the g
lass from Sanji and set it next to the decanter. Pulling one leg underneath him,
he turned to face the blond directly. He leaned in close and said softly, like
they needed to be quiet or someone would overhear.
You gonna be okay if I tell you?
Sanji covered his eyes with his hands and nodded slowly.
I just want to understand
Zoro folded his arms over his chest to keep himself from reaching out to comfort
the other man. Do you want me to glaze over the details? Or do you want to whole
Just Sanji lowered his hands and looked at Zoro directly. His eyes blazed crystal b
lue, determined. Just tell me everything. I need to hear it. I m tired of running f
rom all this
Zoro nodded slowly and took a deep breath. He ran a hand over his eyes and steel
ed himself for his confession.
I he began softly. I only hated you in the very beginning. As we spent more time tog
ether at the dojo or just hanging out at Ace s I started to notice little things ab
out you that were so like me it was scary. I started to see someone I could relat
e to on a level I couldn t have ever dreamed of or hoped for. I started to want Zoro
clenched his jaw and looked away from Sanji. I started to think about you more a
nd more, away from the dojo, away from movie nights and barbeques I wanted to be
better friends, but we still managed to fight about anything and everything when
we were together and I started to get really frustrated. I didn t understand what
I was feeling and I could never keep my head around you long enough to talk to
you about it.
Sanji lowered his head. Not that I would have listened probably
Zoro nodded slowly. Yeah but anyway, getting back on track. There was this girl na
med Conis. She was beautiful, blond, sweet, her dad was the head of some pharmac
eutical company. She was a lot like Kaya, only a little more shy. She was studyi
ng to be some kind of cloud watcher or something one of those weather people.
Meteorologist? Sanji quirked an eyebrow.
Zoro nodded. Yeah, something like that. Anyway, you were seeing her, and she was
starting to get that look in her eye. That whole I-need-stability-so-ask-me-to-m
arry-you-or-else kind of a thing.
Oh yeah? Sanji made a face.
Yeah. So you backed out, and broke it off. You were nice about it, but never real
ly gave her a real explanation why. Later at some party or some fucking function
thing that Kaya was hosting, Conis was talking to people and Luffy, in all of h
is infinite wisdom, blurted out that it didn t work between her and you because no
one would ever be more important to you than your best friend .
Sanji shook his head. Huh?
That s what I said, and Conis asked what he meant and Luffy was all Zoro of course . I
nearly dropped my glass in my haste to leave. I was really I don t know, embarrasse
d or something and didn t want to be around when that got back to you, so I slippe
d out and went to Ace s.
I must have flipped a fucking lid, Sanji muttered.
Yeah, you did. You figured out where I d gone, and showed up at Ace s about an hour l
ater. You were so scary
I was? Sanji smirked.
Yeah. Zoro ran a hand through his hair. I expected you to come through the door kic
king and screaming trying to kill me but you were so quiet. You just stood there w
ith your hands in your pockets. I ve only been scared like that one other time You
said I d been doing and saying shit behind your back, trying to make people think
you were gay. You painted a very colorful picture for what you wanted to do to me
Sanji lost his smile, thinking of how his mouth could get when he was really pis
I m sorry He whispered.
Zoro shook his head. Don t be. I said some pretty shitty things right back. I m glad
you can t remember em.
Sanji laughed and the room spun. He steadied himself on the back of the couch an
d took a deep breath to calm himself.
So then what?
Well... Zoro scratched his jaw. After that, you avoided me like the plague and I ba
cked off because I didn t want to make you angrier. We stayed away from each other
. We would make sure the other wasn t at a party or at someone s house before going
over. We changed our schedules at the dojo so we never had to see each other. It
was nuts. Zoro s gaze changed suddenly and one of his arms went to the back of the
couch. He took a deep breath and looked down at his hand playing with a string
on his pants. I m sorry I can t tell you anything about what you were going through,
you never really gave me any details because you said you didn t really get it. Bu
t I can tell you what happened to me- what I was feeling...
Sanji leaned in and wrapped his arms around his waist. Okay.
Zoro looked up at him and held his gaze for several long seconds. Finally, he sp
oke. That two, three weeks where we didn t see each other I started to get antsy. I m
issed our sparring matches I missed you. I started going to the dojo at weird tim
es so I might accidently run into you and you d be so mad, that we could fight. But
you were just nowhere. Zoro s eyes dropped again and he watched his hand fidgeting w
ith the string. I started to think about you all the time. When I was teaching cl
ass, when I was training, in the evening just lying around I couldn t concentrate o
r meditate cause I couldn t get you out of my head and I started to get so angry. I
was already so pissed because of the misunderstanding, but then I got even more
pissed cause I couldn t see you, and everything was so fucked up I started to won
der if I was going crazy.
Sanji listened quietly, entranced. Wondering if he had been feeling the same way
, wondering if he had stayed up late at night missing the swordsman thinking abou
t him during work being unable to concentrate
He sure as hell knew what that felt like now.
I ended up staying at the dojo one night after my class and beating the shit out
of a few of the practice dummies. I had seriously reached the end of my whatever
you wanna call it- patience, rope sanity I wanted to kill something but at the sam
e time I just wanted to see you so bad and then you just showed up. Zoro paused for
a moment. He let his thoughts wander, back to the night at the dojo of Sanji sta
nding in the doorway.
Sanji held a cigarette lazily between his lips. One blue eye glared at him betwe
en a curtain of golden hair. His posture was relaxed, bored even, but the swords
man knew better than to let his guard down.
You saw me and just stood in the doorway forever. You told me later you were thin
king if you killed me, how you d get rid of the evidence and if you d ever be able t
o look Chopper in the face again.
Despite the intensity of the moment, Sanji had to laugh. Zoro couldn t help but ch
uckle along with him. The mood lifted slightly and Zoro continued the story with
his head a little higher.
Sanji shrugged out of his jacket. He pulled at his tie, roughly jerking the fabr
ic from around his neck before tossing it aside. He kicked his shoes off and gro
wled deep in his throat.
Get a sword.
What? Zoro asked lamely, his throat dry.
I said you better get a fucking sword, asshole. I m gonna kill you.
You took off your shoes and your jacket and told me to get a sword, we were fight
ing for real. I had been waiting and wanting it for so long I almost tripped ove
r myself to grab Wado from her case.
You fought me with Wado? Sanji asked, amazed.
Zoro nodded. Of course Anyway, we fought for a little while, and your attacks were
so vicious I was pretty sure you really were out for blood. I just tried to def
end myself, while you pulled out moves I d never seen before and haven t again to th
is day.
Sanji s back bowed and his legs spun over his head. His speed was uncanny, and he
seemed to be incapable of tiring. Zoro could only watch in amazement and defend
against the onslaught of attacks. He watched Sanji s eyes as they blazed in the di
m lights of the training room. The cook was furious. He wasn t holding anything ba
Then it got weird.
Sanji s stomach knotted. Weird?
Yeah, you suddenly used your hands.
What!! Sanji s mouth fell open.
That s why I didn t know what to do. In all the time I had known you, I had never onc
e seen you use your hands-- your fists. I never saw it coming. You clipped me so
hard in the jaw I fell backwards, right on my ass.
Sanji unconsciously looked down at his right hand, obviously not seeing any dama
ge, but studying the knuckles before turning his gaze back to Zoro. The swordsma
n had slouched again and had shut his eyes, folding his arms tightly over his ch
est again.
So Sanji pressed gently. What did you do then?
Zoro let out a shaky breath and Sanji wasn t sure if it was a sigh or a laugh.
Zoro held his jaw as the coppery taste of blood filled his mouth. What the fuck
just happened?! He d used his hands!? When the fuck had he started to use his hand
Sanji turned away from him and started to pace. Zoro heard the blond muttering u
nder his breath as he stalked in front of the swordsman like some caged feline.
The cook s gaze was hostile whenever his icy blue eyes locked with his own. It too
k several minutes for Zoro to make out what Sanji was saying under his breath.
Fucking hate you, you son of a bitch Fuck you and your damn face, and your damn sm
Zoro stared up at the other man almost in a daze. What was he talking about? Wha
t the hell was going on?
Suddenly Sanji stopped. He turned to look at Zoro and plucked his spent cigarett
e from his lips. A moment of harsh silence passed and Zoro could hear his own he
art beat. His pulse had risen under the intense stare from the cook and he could
n t understand why.
Moving slowly, deliberately, Sanji stepped closer to Zoro and placed a foot on b
oth sides of the other man s hips. He lowered himself to his knees, effectively st
raddling the stunned swordsman. The cook grabbed Zoro s shirt collar in a death gr
ip and snarled into his face.
Why the fuck are you doing this to me?
I didn t do anything. I just Zoro s eyelids shut tighter. I just sat there stupid while
you stood there almost breathing fire for a long time Then then you sort of just cr
awled on top of me
Sanji s heart stopped. His entire thought process shut down momentarily as he trie
d to understand the implications of what Zoro was telling him.
E-excuse me? He almost choked.
Zoro s heart pounded against his ribcage. The contact of the cook s hips against his
own was like fire. Heat coiled in his belly and tremors shot up and down his sp
ine. His breath quickened and he instinctively reached out and took the cook s hip
s in his hands. Sanji reacted instantly, pulling Zoro s lips against his own, his
tongue pushed past the swordsman s lips, pressing deep inside.
Zoro s heart leapt into his throat as he kissed back. He felt Sanji s erection rub a
gainst his stomach and moaned at the surprising sensation. Thoughts and fears fl
ashed through the swordsman s head as he pulled the blond tightly against him. San
ji released his collar and dragged fingers roughly through his green hair. He us
ed his powerful hips and thighs to push Zoro onto his back. The swordsman heard
cloth ripping and realized too late that his ruined shirt was being pulled from
his body.
When the cook s mouth left his to bite and suck at his neck, Zoro finally found hi
s voice.
Sanji he gasped. Sanji what is this?
God damnit, fucking marimo. Sanji growled. Stop talking to me and take my clothes o
Zoro shook his head, trying to stop the images from flooding his memory. Um You cl
imbed into my lap and kissed me.
Sanji stared at the other man in horror. He had been hoping that maybe he had he
ard Zoro wrong, but now he couldn t deny it.
Are you saying he started, but a wave of dizziness washed over him. He took a momen
t to close his eyes and collect himself before continuing. Are you trying to tell
me that I made the first move? That I initiated this?!
Zoro felt his heart drop into his gut.
Yes that s what I m telling you
Sanji turned his body to rest his feet on the floor. He put his hands on his kne
es and gripped the fabric of his sweatpants so hard his knuckles turned white. E
verything he had been agonizing over the last week was suddenly turned upside-do
wn. His world tilted and he found himself lost. No ground on which to stand on,
no idea what to think or feel at all.
Sanji? Zoro asked quietly. Sanji you said you d be okay if I told you Where are you ri
ht now?
Sanji ran a hand over his eyes and grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the coffe
e table. He lit up with as much grace as he could and folded his hands below his
chin to keep them from shaking.
I just he whispered, never thought that I would be the one that
Zoro fumbled with Sanji s belt and slid his hands into the cook s slacks. The blond
hissed as Zoro s fingers wrapped around his hard flesh. The swordsman took Sanji s m
omentary lapse of coherency as a chance to flip them over. He pressed himself do
wn on the other man, grinding his hips against Sanji s, and biting fiercely into t
he pale skin of his neck.
Sanji cried out below him and started to buck his hips.
Take them off, he commanded. Take them off, Zoro
Zoro obeyed without hesitation and jerked the cook s pants down his hips. He pulle
d off Sanji s boxers and socks along with them, leaving the blond completely nude
beneath him. The swordsman was rendered immobile as he took in the sight. He had
never seen anything so sexy in his entire life.
Zoro shifted on the couch and brought his feet to the floor also. He rested his
elbows on his knees and placed his chin in his hands. He was starting to get har
d as his memories flashed before him clear as day. If Sanji noticed it would be
the end of their conversation. He tried to calm himself, taking slow shallow bre
aths, but the images kept coming.
Did we Sanji ran a hand through his hair. Did we just go at it right there? Or what?
As he stared down at Sanji s gorgeous body, a pair of long pale legs wrapped aroun
d his waist and threw him to the side. Zoro landed hard on his back, but ignored
the pain as Sanji leaned down and kissed his lips.
This is how we re gonna do this, Sanji breathed against his skin. You can top, but I
call the shots. I lead this, you got it?
The swordsman could only nod.
Zoro threaded his fingers together and hid his mouth behind his hands.
Yeah, we did.
When Zoro heard no response, he stole a glance at the cook. Sanji was staring at
the floor deep in thought, a look defeat painted across his features. The sword
sman s chest tightened and he had to look away. He had known this was probably a b
ad idea, but had wanted to talk to Sanji about it so badly. He had wanted to hel
p the cook understand; help him to realize there was nothing wrong with what the
two of them had.
Finally, Sanji leaned back against the cushions and took a long drag. Exhaling s
lowly, he opened his mouth to ask his final question. The heart of all his worri
es, the thing he had feared and loathed and wondered about almost every minute t
he past week.
I was the girl wasn t I? He asked softly.
Zoro turned to look at him. What?
Sanji glared at his cigarette. You heard me.
Zoro stared at the blond, slowly beginning to understand the cook s hesitation. Hi
s fears and doubts were all centered around a concept that was neither important
or even realistic. He was still thinking of the inner workings of a gay relatio
nship like a straight man. His worries were unfounded, based off speculations an
d stories he probably had picked up while living with his father and working wit
h retired military men. The heart of Sanji s problem was something so irrelevant.
Zoro held Sanji s hips and ran comforting circles into the pale skin with his thum
bs. He gazed up at the other s face as it hovered inches from his own. Sanji s eyes
were closed and his jaw was clenched in concentration as he took small shaky bre
You okay? Zoro whispered.
Sanji s arms were trembling as he showed his teeth in a small snarl. Shut up, I m fin
e. I m just trying to adjust.
Zoro didn t miss the pain that was hidden below Sanji s tough and stubborn exterior.
He removed a hand from the cook s hip and place in gently against Sanji s cheek.
It s all right, Sanji, Zoro whispered. You re strong It s all right
Sanji s eyes opened and Zoro was startled to see them shining with unshed tears.
You Sanji murmured. You called me Sanji That s the first time I ve ever heard you use
Zoro could feel himself blushing. Yeah I m gonna call you that from now on Is that ok
Sanji nodded, started to move, and Zoro was lost.
Zoro wanted to laugh, but at the same time he wanted to cry. The problem was so
simple, and yet in its simplicity, it probably meant that Sanji was never going
to be okay with a physical anything with him ever again. Zoro s heart started to b
reak anew, but he made one last attempt to bring Sanji around.
There was no girl or guy in our relationship, Sanji. Zoro started, resting his for
ehead in his hands. Sure I topped most of the time, but that s not what it s about. Hav
en t you ever been with a girl that took the lead? Just because you re a bottom doesn t
mean Zoro sighed. He wasn t explaining this very well. He rubbed his eyes as he sudd
enly felt very exhausted. It didn t matter who was the guy or the girl . There was no s
ch thing. None of that mattered.
He turned to Sanji then and tried to keep all traces of anguish and pleading fro
m his face as he press on.
What did matter was that we cared about each other That s it
Sanji s entire body showed no emotion. His face was blank, his posture indifferent
as he took a final drag from his cigarette. He sat up and placed the bud in the
ashtray. He didn t look at Zoro as brought his knees to his chest and wrapped his
arms around his legs.
That s it He echoed. Simplified we formed a bond in our mutual dislike and it evolved
nto something deeper through our equal passion for martial arts... kind of.
Zoro nodded. You could say that.
Sanji finally looked at him, his eyes holding something Zoro couldn t read.
But it can t be like that again can it?
Zoro had believed there was no feeling in the world, worse than the one he had f
elt when he thought Sanji was dead. Now he knew he d been gravely mistaken. Knowin
g that Sanji -- his Sanji -- was dead and gone forever made the swordsman feel l
ike he was dying inside. A sharp physical pain tore through his chest and he tur
ned away so Sanji couldn t see the look on his face. He clenched his jaw to fight
the tears that threatened to come, and he slowly leaned back against the cushion
Uh He choked out. No I guess not.
Silence stretched for long minutes before Sanji whispered softly.
Thank you, Zoro for explaining it all to me I appreciate it.
Zoro sunk down and rested his head against the arm rest. He curled in on himself
and tried to fight the nausea that cramped his stomach.
You re welcome
Sanji sat in silence for a long time. He thought about everything Zoro had said
and listened to the swordsman s breathing until he was sure the man had fallen asl
eep. His thoughts were clearer now, the heavy buzz had left him, and Zoro s explan
ation had given him things to guide him in making a decision.
He cared about Zoro, he had already come to terms with that. Zoro obviously care
d about him too, judging from the way he talked about their past together, and b
y the sad look in his eyes as he spoke.
No girl in the relationship none of that top and bottom stuff was relevant Zoro didn t
think any less of him his friends didn t think any less of him They were even happy
for him Zoro made him feel alive and safe wanted
Oh just stop. Fucking let it happen you fucking pansy
Sanji turned to look at Zoro curled at the other end of the couch. His face was
troubled, even in sleep. Sanji felt guilty when he studied the hard lines in the
other man s brow, and moved closer to run a hand through the other man s hair.
Tomorrow he would make everything up to Zoro. He would take his first step in re
surrecting what he had shared with the green-haired swordsman. Zoro would help h
im, he was sure of that. As rough and unrefined as Zoro seemed, Sanji knew he wa
s capable of an unmeasured gentleness. There was a caring and compassion wrapped
in that outer exterior that knew no bounds.
How Sanji knew these things, he wasn t sure. But he had a feeling so strong inside
of him, he had no choice but to believe it.
Slowly, the cook stood and stretched out Zoro s legs, getting him in a more comfor
table position. He then moved to stretch out beside the swordsman, his face rest
ing inches from Zoro s and his leg draped over the other man s. He tentatively reach
ed out and placed his scarred hand over Zoro s calloused one, lacing their finger
The lines in Zoro s brow disappeared and Sanji watched his handsome face relax wit
h his touch. Sanji smiled softly and leaned his head in to brush his lips over Z
oro s.
Tomorrow, he thought as rested his head and closed his eyes. Tomorrow he would f
ix what Zoro thought would never be replaced.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
This chapter is a little shorter than the previous few. Mainly because I m going t
o be too tired this weekend to write anything else, and also well because I wante
d to post more of the story. If you think Chopper is OOC in this chapter, I real
ly don t care. I need him this way for the fic, so I d appreciate it if you d keep all
OOC!Chopper comments to yourself. Thanks xD
Hope you guys like! And a big thank you to mysocalledhell for beta! xDDD
Chapter 13
Zoro knew he was dreaming. He was floating no he was rocking? The sun shone warm on
his skin. He heard the sound of water; of waves hitting a dock or maybe the sid
e of a boat That s it! He was on a boat! The rocking was the ship swaying along wit
h the pull of the tide. Gently lulling him, comforting him in a soothing dance o
f the ocean s current.
The sea reminded him of Sanji The salty air and the clear blue of the water It rem
inded him of the taste of Sanji s skin, the blue of Sanji s eyes
Zoro shifted his body and found a weight pressed up against him. He cracked an e
ye open and held his breath at what he found.
Sanji was curled into him, his head resting against Zoro s chest, one long, beauti
ful leg was draped over his thigh. The swordsman lifted his hand to brush a few
strands of golden hair out of Sanji s eyes. The cook stirred, but did not wake. He
just smiled softly in his sleep and tucked himself further into Zoro s chest. Zor
o smiled also as he watched the proud and stubborn cook cuddle him like a small
child. They fit together perfectly, like the Chinese Yin and Yang; two manifeste
d as one.
Zoro closed his eyes and tightened his arms around his most precious person . his
Sanji. He feared to wake, to return to the world where Sanji was no longer his,
where the cook no longer loved him.
He willed himself to slip back into deep sleep. To hide from reality for just a
little while longer to hold his Sanji in his arms and smell the sea and listen to
the waves
Listen to the waves
X x X x X
Sanji woke, startled. He couldn t tell if the noise he had heard was real or if it
had been in his dreams. He lifted his head and his nose brushed the scratchy un
derside of Zoro s jaw. For one horrifying second, he couldn t fathom a reason why he
had been sleeping with his arms and legs tangled with a certain swordsman.
But then the events of the previous night came flooding back to him. Their conve
rsation, Zoro s broken explanation of their relationship, the wine, and his decisi
on. His body relaxed and he lifted himself up on his elbow. He smiled down at th
e man beneath him as Zoro grunted softly and frowned in his sleep. The cook ran
a finger over the wrinkled forehead and Zoro s face lost its tension. The swordsma
n sighed softly and Sanji contemplated kissing him awake.
He was glad in a way he had woken up before Zoro. Finding the cook curled with h
im on the couch might be a little too much to take all at once. Also, Sanji need
ed to take this slow. He had no idea what to say, how exactly to act. How do you
sweet talk a man? Should he be romantic? Or should he just challenge him to a f
ight and take it from there?
He would need to talk to Zoro first, explain his feelings and ask Zoro to help h
im, show him what to do. Well okay, not show him what to do, he already had a goo
d idea what to do. But he needed some kind
of guidance, some kind of something. And he needed to make sure Zoro knew to not
move too fast. It had only been a few days for Christ sake! Sex with a man still
scared the shit out of him, but he was willing to try if it was with Zoro.
He had just decided to rise and take a shower, when the same noise that woke him
, started up again. Sanji turned his head and tried to make out the sound. Was t
here someone hammering somewhere? Construction outside?
Then it hit him and he felt like kicking himself. It was the fucking door! Someo
ne was knocking on the apartment door!
He pulled himself off the couch, careful to not disturb Zoro s sleep, and headed d
own the hallway to the small foyer. He ran his fingers though his hair and did h
is best to straighten his t-shirt and sweats. He unlocked the deadbolt and pulle
d the door open.
Chopper? He blinked when he saw who stood on his doorstep. What are you doing here
so early?
The kid looked horrible, like he hadn t slept all night. His hair was tussled and
dark circles hung beneath his eyes. His shoulders drooped as if he was carrying
the world s hurts and his eyes were sad.
Early? Chopper made a face and checked his watch, It s like eleven o clock.
Oh Sanji scratched his stubbled chin. Uh, yeah. Late night last night. Eleven? That m
eant they had roughly five hours of sleep. Not too bad.
Chopper closed his eyes and clenched his jaw hard. Please, please do not tell me
you guys went to that underground fighting thing last night.
Sanji scratched the back of his head and chuckled uncomfortably. Oh, you know abo
ut that, huh?
Of course I know about it, moron! Chopper squeaked, I m the one that s gotta patch you
guys up afterwards!
I went, but only Zoro fought Sanji leaned against the doorframe and smiled fondly a
t his little friend. Do you want to come in? I was about to make lunch.
Chopper s anger disappeared and he slipped his hands into his pockets. He nodded s
lowly after a minute and stepped in after Sanji moved to the side.
Just do something fast, Chopper added, I came to take you to your physical therapy
Oh shit! Sanji exclaimed. What time is that?
Chopper sighed. It s in an hour and a half. I knew you d forget, so I came early.
Sanji studied Chopper as the little medical student stared at the floor. There w
as something not right, Chopper was usually so cheery and optimistic. It didn t ta
ke a genius to figure out that something was bothering his friend.
Chopper, Sanji moved closer and placed a hand on the younger man s shoulder, Are you
all right?
Sanji was stunned to see tears well up in Chopper s eyes. Instead of flailing arou
nd and telling the cook he was fine and didn t need his help or concern, the kid j
ust stood there crying softly, his eyes burning holes into the floor as tears tr
ailed slowly down his cheeks.
Chopper? Shit, Sanji moved the smaller man so they were facing each other and lowe
red himself to one knee. Hey, hey, hey Chopper, what s wrong? Hey, look at me, buddy
! What s the matter?
Chopper s eyes left the floor and slowly met Sanji s. He sniffed, and Sanji held him
steady as he swayed on his feet.
Usopp Chopper said softly. He came over last night. He uh The younger man sniffed aga
n and wiped his sleeve over his eyes. He was fine for a while, just quiet. But af
ter dinner and we had sat in the living room playing cards for a while he just so
rt of
Sanji s worry increased as Chopper s voice broke and he covered his face with his ha
nds. Sobs overtook the small body and Sanji wrapped his arms around his friend t
o keep him from falling to the floor. Sanji had been in this situation before, j
ust never this bad. Chopper had come to him on many occasions to poor out the co
ntents of his aching heart. The poor kid had been in love with Usopp ever since
they had met in middle school. Chopper, being the selfless person he was, was al
ways happy if Usopp was happy. When Usopp and Kaya had gotten together, Chopper
had been ecstatic.
But, Sanji guessed, now that Usopp and Kaya had split up, Chopper was dying insi
de because the person he loved was in pain and he could do nothing about it.
Sanji maneuvered so that he was sitting on the floor and Chopper was in his lap.
The kid had his arms wrapped so tightly around Sanji s neck, the cook s head was be
ginning to throb.
Chopper, Sanji murmured into the soft, brown hair, Ah, Chopper buddy I m sorry...
Sanji saw movement out the corner of his eye and turned to see Zoro. The swordsm
an was making his way down the hall, rubbing his eyes and looking as concerned a
s a person just awakened from sleep could possibly look.
What happened? Zoro mouthed to Sanji.
Usopp, Sanji mouthed back.
Zoro nodded and made a cup with his hand tipping it back in a motion of drinking
. He mouthed coffee and pointed to the kitchen. Sanji nodded back, understanding.
It was not a secret that Chopper was the world s biggest coffee lover. The kid nee
ded it to make it through many sleepless nights studying or pulling double shift
s at the hospital.
Sanji sat holding Chopper for a few more minutes. The sobs died down a little an
d the younger man fell silent. When the little doctor-to-be sat up, rubbing his
eyes with the sleeve of his jacket once again, he looked up at Sanji and made a
Sorry, he said simply.
Sanji smiled and ruffled his hair. It s okay.
Chopper shook his head. No it s not. I need to learn to handle stuff like this and n
ot have to come crying to you and Zoro all the time.
Chopper, Zoro s voice said behind Sanji, Come into the kitchen and have some coffee.
Tell us what happened.
Chopper nodded again and let Sanji help him to his feet and pull him into the ki
tchen. He sat on one of the stools and leaned his elbows on the bar top. Zoro ha
nded him a tall glass filled with ice and fresh coffee. Chopper mumbled a thank
you and downed the first glass in seconds. Zoro took his glass and
refilled it while Sanji slipped into the living room to grab his pack and lighte
r. When he returned, Zoro was sitting across from their young friend and Chopper
was biting his lip nervously.
So what happened? Zoro asked gently.
Sanji watched Chopper s shoulders sag as he pulled a package of bacon from the fre
ezer. He put it under running water and turned to lean against the sink. Lightin
g a cigarette, Sanji pulled the first smoke of the day into his lungs, closing h
is eyes as his favorite poison entered his veins.
I uh Chopper mumbled. Usopp came over last night and we had dinner. Nothing seemed p
articularly wrong with him in the beginning. He was just quiet, we played a coup
le games of cards and talked about you guys for a while.
Sanji itched to ask what exactly they talked about but he kept silent.
But then in the middle of a game, he started doing that lip thing he does when he s
really upset. So I put down the cards and asked if he wanted to talk about anyt
hing. Tears had gathered again in Chopper s eyes, but he did nothing to stop them a
s they traveled down his cheeks to fall and break apart on the bar top. He said h
e was angry because he had seen Kaya earlier that day with her new lover or whate
ver he is. They were uh His eyes closed and he gripped his cup until his fingertip
s turned white. He saw them at a jewelry store in the mall looking at rings.
What the fuck? Sanji almost coughed on his smoke.
Was he sure it was them? Zoro asked, looking as shocked as Sanji felt.
Chopper nodded and wiped furiously at his eyes. He said he couldn t move for like t
en minutes. He just watched them God he just tore himself apart last night! He was
crying so hard and I didn t know what to do!
Sanji moved around the island and sat beside his shaking friend.
I m so sorry, Chopper.
Chopper responded with a loud sniff and his eyes suddenly going a little clouded
Oh, that s not the worst part, he whispered.
Zoro tilted his head to the side and met Sanji s eyes for half a second.
What s the worst part? The swordsman asked.
Chopper s gaze didn t waver, and his voice only shook slightly.
I told him.
Sanji frowned, not understanding. Told him what? He met Zoro s eyes again, and the s
wordsman looked a little pale.
I told him I loved him. Chopper said. I told him I ve been in love with him since the
seventh grade.
Sanji blinked slowly, not sure what he should say. He was shocked into silence,
and judging by the look Zoro had plastered to his face, he was as well.
You just blurted it out like that? Sanji asked.
Chopper finally looked away from whatever he had been looking at and gave Sanji
his doctor s face . No, Sanji, I m not retarded. He was crying and saying how he was wor
thless and no one would ever love him and should never love him because he didn t
deserve it. I couldn t let him keep saying those things so I told him that I did and
I always have.
Sanji crushed his butt between his fingers and sat trying to think of something
profound to say.
What did he do? Zoro asked quietly.
Chopper looked at him and shrugged. Not really anything. He just looked at me for
a while and then laid his head in my lap and went to sleep. When I woke up this
morning he was gone.
Zoro nodded and leaned back rubbing his neck. He suddenly looked as defeated as
Chopper did.
I m sure he just needed some time to think it through. Sanji said, running a hand ov
er Chopper s back. He ll come back around and you guys will be inseparable again.
Chopper shook his head. I don t think Usopp knew I m gay until last night I m pretty sur
e now that he does know, he s not gonna want to be around me much anymore.
Why not? Sanji made a face, You re still his best friend, you re still Chopper.
Yeah, but now it s all different cause I had to go and open my stupid mouth. Chopper
lowered his head to rest on his folded arms. Now I m the gay friend that loves him
. I m surprised he didn t just get up and leave last night.
Sanji heard Zoro s stool slide out from the island and he looked up to see the swo
rdsman stand and turn away. Zoro s fingers laced behind his neck and Sanji could p
ractically see the pain that weighed down his shoulders. The conversation was no
doubt hurting Zoro, as it held several parallels to his relationship with Sanji
. The cook knew he needed to be extremely careful of how he spoke in the next fe
w minutes.
Turning back to Chopper, Sanji took the younger man s hand in his. Chopper, he said
firmly and the boy lifted his watery eyes to the cook. Usopp might not love you t
he way you love him, but he does love you. Besides Kaya, you re the most important
person to him in the whole world. The fact that you re gay or the fact that you l
ove him another way isn t going to change that. Usopp just needs a little time to
let it settle and he ll be fine.
Chopper looked at him for several long seconds before he said quietly into his s
It s interesting to hear you say that, Sanji
Sanji heard Zoro make a soft noise across the kitchen, but he didn t look away fro
m Chopper.
I have more right to say that than anyone else, Sanji said quietly. Chopper s eyes w
idened as he watched Sanji stand and pull out a second cigarette. The cook still
avoided Zoro s gaze, but he could feel the swordsman s eyes on him. He moved back t
o the sink, shut off the water, and opened the package of bacon.
I m gonna make breakfast, or lunch, or whatever brunch. Sanji said, matter-of-factly. I
t s going to be fucking fantastic and you re gonna enjoy it. Then, Zoro is going to
take me to my physical therapy appointment-
I am? Zoro interrupted.
Yes, you are. Sanji finally turned to glare at the swordsman. You re going to take me
, because Chopper is going to go home and sleep, and we re going to see Usopp righ
t after my appointment.
Chopper s head snapped up. Y-you are?
Yes, Sanji, holding the unlit cigarette between his teeth, washed his hands and st
arted pulling down pans. He opened the cupboard to take down several different s
pices as he continued. We re going to go over there and make sure he s okay before I
start kicking his ass. You don t just leave without saying anything right after yo
ur best friend makes a huge confession like that. It s not fair to you, Chopper.
But, Sanji I-
Don t fucking argue with me, Tanuki.
Sanji watched Chopper make several attempts to say something, but gave up after
being fixed with the cook s glare. He muttered an okay into his hands, took his coff
ee, and went to go watch TV in the living room while Sanji finished cooking.
Sanji pulled spinach from the fridge and ran it under cold water. He felt Zoro m
ove to lean against the sink next to him. The swordsman was quiet as he waited f
or Sanji to finish washing the leaves.
Don t try to get out of it, Zoro, Sanji said when he turned off the water.
I wasn t going to try and get out of it, Zoro said quietly. I was just thinking about
what you said.
Sanji didn t pretend to not know what Zoro was talking about. He scooped up the sp
inach and placed it in a large bowl.
I think I m the leading authority right now when it comes to this particular topic.
Sanji muttered.
Zoro scowled. What, the Feeling Uncomfortable When Your Best Friend Confesses topic
Sanji slammed his hands down on the counter and rounded on Zoro. His face was so
close to Zoro s he could speak barely above a whisper and it didn t matter.
Wow, no, asshole! Nice job of turning that all around! Fucking listen to what I s
ay next time! I m the leading authority on finding out your best friend is gay and
has feelings for you, but it doesn t change how much you care about him! Zoro s jaw
clenched hard and Sanji continued a little calmer before the swordsman could int
errupt, watching Zoro s eyes watch his lips.
We talked about this before, Zoro. I meant it when I said you were the only one w
ho could get me to walk again. You make me feel things I ve never felt before. Oh,
this is getting perilously close to things I m not ready to talk about just yet Thi
s evening after all this with Chopper and Usopp and everyone is over I ll tell him. Y
ou inspire me to be a better fighter. I love watching you fight. I don t care who
or what or where you like to fuck, okay? I don t care! I don t think I could handle
not being your friend, all right? I just-
Sanji s words died as Zoro s hand snaked around the back of his head. The swordsman s
fingers tangled in his hair and before Sanji could react, Zoro had caught him in
a searing kiss. His lips were crushed, his breath stolen, and then his mouth wa
s invaded by a strong and considerably talented tongue. Sanji s eyes closed and he
lost himself in sensation. Zoro tasted like coffee; coffee and a musky somethin
g that was very Zoro. Sanji s heart fluttered in his chest and he tried to kiss ba
ck as the larger man tilted his head back and claimed his mouth for a few short
seconds. The floor fell out beneath Sanji s feet and his head spun. He had just en
ough of his mind left to realize he was, for the first time, being kissed within
an inch of his life.
But then it was over and Zoro was breathing heavily against his skin. Their fore
heads touched and Sanji felt Zoro s other hand meet the nape of his neck. The cook
used every ounce of willpower he had to keep his breathing slow and even.
Oh shit Oh my god Who knew he could kiss like that! Jesus fucking Christ that was
Sanji opened his eyes and brought up his own hand to grab Zoro s. The swordsman wa
s trembling. Sanji could feel it, hear it in the ragged breaths the other took.
He had caused this. He was the one that made Zoro come undone. Sanji felt powerf
ul and terrible, elated and guilty all at the same time.
Zoro clenched his jaw shut and whispered, I m sorry...
Fuck, after tonight you can do that as much as you want It s okay, he whispered back.
It s okay, Zoro
Zoro s eyes opened slowly and hesitantly met Sanji s. Pain radiated from his dark ir
ises like heat. Sanji could almost feel it as he stood bare inches from Zoro s lip
s. He almost, almost leaned forward and kissed the swordsman again.
Zoro opened his mouth to say something again, but Sanji stopped him.
Later, Zoro, he said gently. We ll talk tonight, okay? After we deal with all this sh
it now We have friends that need us.
Zoro closed his eyes again and exhaled softly. Okay He nodded slowly, Okay
Sanji reluctantly removed Zoro s hands and stood the swordsman up straight. He str
aightened the taller man s shirt and flattened his hair.
I need your support today, so don t fall apart on me, all right?
Zoro gave him a funny look.
You need my support to talk to Usopp?
Sanji turned back to the spinach and retrieved his cigarette from where it fell
on the counter.
Nope, I need your support for after that. When we go to Kaya s.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
It s done! The chapter is DONE! I can t believe it! Holy crap! Sorry this took so lo
ng folks. Life and writer s block happens. Hope you enjoy! This was a hard chapter
to write! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all the wonderful reviews! I LURV
E you guys! XDDD
Chapter 14
Zoro ate the spinach quiche and drank his coffee, not because he was hungry, but
because he desperately needed something to do with his hands. If he sat at the
bar or on the living room couch to wait for Chopper and Sanji to finish eating,
he might have started absently scratching holes in his skin or maybe he would pr
ess the palms of his hands so hard into his eye sockets his eyeballs would burst
Zoro was an optimistic person by nature, sometimes intensely so, so this want fo
r self-destruction was uncharacteristic and troublesome. So it had been a couple
of shitty days, but it didn t warrant the kind of damage he was wishing he could
inflict upon himself or someone else. Maybe that was really what he wanted -- som
eone to beat the shit out of. Someone to pummel, slice up strangle.
Fearing he was nearing some kind of mental breakdown, Zoro excused himself and t
ook his dishes to the sink. He ignored the conversation between Sanji and his yo
unger friend and moved through the dining room. He stopped in the middle of the
wide, empty space just before the large corner windows. The area was void of fur
niture, nothing hung on the walls, and workout mats were kept folded up to the s
ide. He and the old Sanji had nicknamed the space The Baby Dojo .
Closing his eyes, Zoro breathed in deeply and began the first routine of Chen. T
he Chinese style was less familiar to him than some of the Japanese meditative s
tances his sensei had taught him, but Lao Jia Yi Lu was designed specifically to
promote concentration. Sanji had taught these moves to him after they had been d
ating for a few months. The series was beautiful, easy to do, and looked really c
ool. Zoro moved through the sequence slowly, the names of the movements flitteri
ng though his head: Begin Taiji , Pounds Mortar , Lazy Tying Coat His heartbeat slowed
d Zoro felt his head clearing as he moved into Six Sealing and Four Closing .
Zoro widened his stance and bent his left leg. Turning his torso he spread his a
rms gracefully with one hand curled toward the floor and the other with the palm
facing outward. This was his favorite pose: Dan Bian, Single Whip , it was the clo
sest to a swordsman s stance.
He knew he was not as proficient in these moves as the cook was, but they did th
eir job in calming and focusing Zoro s thoughts. As he advanced through the next f
ew postures: Pounds Mortar again, White Crane , and Walking Obliquely , Zoro felt less
nd less like he needed to kill someone. Calm enveloped him like a warm coat. It
did nothing for the ache in his heart, but his nerves were returning to normal.
But even if Zoro s body was relaxing, his mind was still running at seventy thousa
nd miles an hour. His thoughts turned to Sanji again; about kissing Sanji. That
had been so fucking stupid, why had he done it? What had possessed him to traver
se those few significant inches and
Zoro sighed softly. He had shown terrible, terrible weakness to the cook since t
he underground fight. Any headway he had gained from that victory had been lost
last night with his fumbling explanation and inability to control himself this m
orning. Sanji had been kind enough to see his despair and refrained from kicking
the shit out of him, but it was obvious that tonight things between them would
be finalized. Zoro could already predict exactly what was going to happen. Sanji
was going to lay the boundary lines. He would tell Zoro he cared about him as a
friend and soften the blow with praises of his swordsmanship and martial arts,
but would solidify in concrete how he could never be with him in a romantic sens
Zoro wasn t sure his heart could handle it. He wasn t entirely sure that he wouldn t j
ust break apart into a thousand tiny pieces on the hardwood floor. Was it possib
le to die of a broken heart? Would his chest get so tight that he d stop breathing
completely? He almost felt like he could now, even with the calming exercises.
He wondered vaguely if Sanji had any idea what kind of power he had over the swo
rdsman. If Sanji knew that his decision was going to destroy Zoro completely. It
was highly unlikely, but even if Sanji knew, it wasn t like it would change anyth
ing. You can t force someone love you
Zoro felt eyes on him and straightened, letting his arms fall to his sides and t
aking a deep breath. When he turned his head, he met Chopper s dark brown gaze. Th
e younger man was standing, leaning against the wall with his hands clasped tigh
tly behind his back. He looked very small at the moment, not to mention his eyes
held the tiniest trace of despair.
Turning to face Chopper directly, Zoro ran a hand though his hair and waited for
his friend to speak. When he did, Chopper s voice was barely above a whisper.
I wish I was strong like you, Zoro
Zoro s heart stung. Strong? Him? He had just left the room for fear of gouging his
eyes out! He shook his head and folded his arms over his chest. Crossing the ro
om to lower himself to the mats against the wall, Zoro sighed deeply and closed
his eyes.
I m not as strong as you think I am, Chopper.
A sniff and a soft rustle of fabric told Zoro that Chopper was slowly making his
way over to him. Without opening his eyes, he held out his arm and welcomed the
smaller body as it curled against his side. Chopper leaned his head against Zor
o s shoulder and let out a breath. The two sat silently for several minutes, lost
in their thoughts.
Zoro Chopper finally broke the silence.
Hm? Zoro grunted.
The younger man sighed and sat up straighter so he could look at Zoro while he s
Do you ever wish you d never met Sanji?
Zoro turned and frowned at his friend. What?
Do you ever wish that you had never met Sanji? Like, would it be worth it to have
just never loved him and therefore never lost him, so you wouldn t be in pain rig
ht now?
Zoro looked at the floor thoughtfully and chewed the inside of his lip. I ve never
really thought about it Never meeting Sanji that is I ve thought about knowing him,
but never letting our relationship be anything more than friendship
Chopper nodded, watching the swordsman s features.
You know that saying, Zoro looked back at Chopper, It s better to have loved and lost,
than never to have loved at all ?
Chopper nodded. Alfred Lord Tennyson said that or maybe it was Samuel Butler I don t
know. But yeah, I know the saying.
Zoro looked away again and frowned harshly at the windows.
I bet that asshole s never lost shit.
Chopper chuckled softly, but Zoro could tell there was no humor in it.
So that s a yes then? Chopper said softly. You wish you d never met him?
Zoro looked back at Chopper once more, somberly. Their eyes met and the older ma
n was surprised to feel the pressure of tears.
No, Chopper, Zoro whispered. I wouldn t give up the memories I have of us for anythin
g. Not even to ease the pain
Chopper sniffed and hesitated only a moment before throwing his arms around Zoro
and hugging him tightly.
I m sorry, Zoro Chopper said in a broken whisper. I m so sorry.
It s okay Zoro squeezed his friend gently and kissed the mass of sandy-brown hair. I ll
be okay and so will you
Chopper pulled away and wiped at his eyes. He chuckled in earnest and Zoro s spiri
ts lifted on hearing the sound.
Look at us, Chopper said, Two guys hopelessly in love with their best friends. Thei
r very straight best friends. It s so pathetic.
Zoro nodded. Yeah, we are, aren t we?
We might as well just date each other. No one else would be able to stand our ang
Zoro snickered and flicked a curl out of Chopper s eye. That s not the worst idea I ve
ever heard.
Chopper looked at the floor and Zoro was surprised to see the younger man s cheeks
I he stammered. I wasn t serious You re way too cool and good-looking for me, Zoro.
Zoro smiled and put his finger underneath Chopper s chin, tilting the other s face u
p to him. Don t sell yourself short, Chopper. I wouldn t be embarrassed to be seen wi
th you.
Chopper turned beet red instantly and flailed his arms, effectively smacking Zor
o on the shoulder.
Asshole! I don t like it when you compliment me! Shut up!
Zoro laughed hard as his friend tried to hide his grin, obviously not hating the
attention one bit. One of Zoro s favorite things to do in high school had been to
say nice things to Chopper because the kid would go crazy. He would flail, smac
k the nearest person, hide underneath the lunch table, all while crying his disl
ike of the kind words, and grinning like a madman.
Too freaking cute for his own good.
Sanji entered the room at that moment, dressed in a pair of clean jeans and a bl
ue long-sleeved shirt, unbuttoned over a white t-shirt. He hadn t done anything to
his hair and it just hung, damp around his face. Zoro s heart clenched as the sex
y blond raised an eyebrow and grinned at him.
What the hell did you say to him?
Zoro shrugged, burying his heartache.
I said he was cute?
X x X x X
The physical therapist stood with her mouth gaping, hands limp at her sides. She
had lost the clip board long ago as it was obvious Sanji Black could do everyth
ing on the checklist, and his coordination and fine motor skills were functionin
g perfectly.
Maybe a little too perfectly
Sanji looked up at her between soft strands of blond hair and grinned. He balanc
ed on one hand, holding the stress ball in the other and kicking his heels toget
her in the air.
I m not sure what else I can do to convince you, miss, Sanji said without a hint of
fatigue in his voice, I could back handspring down the length of your therapy roo
m or maybe you d like to see me fight my friend over there? He pointed to the green-
haired man leaning against the far wall and chuckling into his hand. I am afraid
though, if we did that, we d break something.
Her eyes opened wider and she felt a little faint as the nimble blond lowered hi
s legs, bending his back almost in half, before straightening up and untwisting
the soft workout pants. She caught a glance of the perfectly toned torso before
he pulled the cotton shirt down, and wondered if the info she had read up on thi
s man had been correct. You can t have a body like that when you cook for a living
, can you?
I she tried to find her voice, It still doesn t make any sense. She moved shakily to w
ere she had set his paperwork and flipped through his notes. It says here that yo
u had been in a coma for over eleven months and you ve only been awake for a few we
eks. She looked up from the paperwork and made a face.
Are you really Sanji Black?
Sanji smiled at her and she felt her insides tie into knots. He really was hands
ome, and too charming to be a real person.
I swear that I am Sanji Black, he said, brushing his blond hair out of his eyes. I
would never lie about something like that. Especially to a lady as cute as you a
re. Cause if I saw you again outside this setting, I d want to ask you out for a dr
ink. So I would have to either keep up the lie of being someone I m not, crushing
any chance of a second date, or tell you right off the bat that I lied to you be
fore, and pretty much crush any chance of a first. Her patient spread his hands i
n defeat. So, in conclusion, I really would just be setting myself up for failure
if I lied about my name.
The physical therapist blushed and coughed to cover her giggle. Cute, charming,
outspoken there must be something wrong with him.
Well, she said, her pen flying over the paperwork, There really is no need for you
to keep up the physical therapy. And even thought it makes me sad to see you go,
I will discharge you today. She looked up at him, smiling. I ll cancel the rest of
your appointments and call your doctor.
Sanji beamed and bowed gracefully. Her heart fluttered as he took her hand and k
issed the back of her palm.
Thank you, darling. I appreciate it.
With that, the therapist watched the handsome blond grab his bag, exchange a few
bantering words with the equally gorgeous man waiting for him, and walk out of
her life.
X x X x X
Usopp lived in a plain, two-story colonial house left to him by his late grandmo
ther. It was a pretty green, trimmed in white with a large two-car garage that U
sopp used as his workshop. The property sat in the North Seattle/Shoreline area,
ten or fifteen minutes away from the Puget Sound. As Sanji stepped out of the c
ar, he admired the work that had been done to the yard in his absence. A simple
walkway had been laid with flat, grey, stone steps and outlined by bright purple
Angelonias. There were many other beautiful touches to the landscape, but it wa
s obvious that the stone path was the focal point.
Sanji s heart gave a little pang as he realized, Usopp s clever hands had no doubt b
uilt this path for Kaya.
Zoro must have noticed his quick mood change because the swordsman moved up besi
de him and bumped his elbow.
Hey, he said gruffly, What s wrong?
Sanji shook his head and gestured toward the house. Nothing, let s go.
Sanji took a moment to look at Zoro before he followed the other up the path. Th
e swordsman had showered and put on dark blue jeans and a long sleeved, black pu
llover. The top clung a little to his muscular shoulders, and the jeans hugged h
is hips just enough to show off all the right lines and angles. Sanji fought tha
t familiar feeling of inferiority as he admired how sexy his friend was. When Zo
ro turned to look at him over his shoulder, the cook wanted to hide behind his l
eather jacket collar. He was so goddamn handsome! Even when he looked pissed! It
wasn t fair! Sanji snapped his jaw shut and felt his face reddening. Getting caug
ht staring was embarrassing enough, but getting caught staring with your mouth h
anging open was on a completely different level.
Halfway up the path, the pair stopped when they heard a loud crash from the gara
ge. Rolling his eyes at Zoro, Sanji turned around to head that direction.
Should have known, he muttered with a smile.
Yeah, Zoro followed him, hands deep in his pockets. Where else would he be? Does he
even use the house?
Sanji laughed quietly, but sobered as the two turned the corner and stepped thro
ugh the open workshop door. Oh wow he whispered.
Sitting on supports in the middle of the shop, was a dark blue Chevrolet. Sanji
wasn t sure of the model or the year, but it was definitely post war. It had the l
ook of the cars in those 1950 s mobster movies; something you would see the boss b
eing driven around in as he made plans for the next hit with his number two guy.
It s a 1949 Chevy Deluxe Fastback, Zoro muttered. He s been working on it since your ac
cident. Got it from some old guy selling it as scrap.
Shit, that s lucky. Sanji placed a cigarette between his lips, but didn t light up. Wh
o knew what highly flammable things Usopp could have just laying around?
He moved between the cluttered work tables to stand beside the American classic.
Zoro followed and leaned against the front fender, resting his arm on the roof.
Sanji noticed how the swordsman was chewing the inside of his lip and scowling
deeply, but he figured he was just trying to be as intimidating as possible. He
ignored it for the moment and turned his attention back to task.
Between them, Usopp s legs stuck out from under the car s frame. His coveralls were
stained with something black, and his boots were scuffed and dirty. There was mo
re clanging and a soft Shit! was uttered from beneath the vehicle.
Sanji slipped his hands into his pockets and followed Zoro s example by leaning on
the Chevy and scowling.
Nice day, huh, Usopp? He said loudly.
Something clattered to the concrete floor, and Usopp s legs stilled. There were se
veral moments of silence before the engineer s soft voice spoke up from beneath hi
s project.
That you, Sanji?
Nope, Sanji turned and leaned his back against the car. It s the Dalai fucking Lama.
Usopp scrambled out from underneath and quickly got to his feet. His face and ne
ck were a cacophony of dark smudges and his hands were almost solid black.
H-hey Sanji, Zoro, the engineer stuttered, fidgeting with the rag he held in his h
ands. I, uh I was just doing a little body work, but I actually have a dentist app
ointment I should be getting ready for, so I guess I ll just-
Lies. Zoro growled as his hand came down on Usopp s shoulder. The swordsman turned a
nd pushed him up against the car in one easy movement. Usopp whimpered softly, b
ut said nothing. He just looked back and forth between his two friends and seeme
d to cave in on himself bit by bit.
Sanji didn t like the look in Zoro s eyes and didn t totally agree with the rough trea
tment, but he said nothing about it and turned his attention back to their young
er friend.
So, how are you today, Usopp? Sanji tried to be as imposing as he could without be
ing overly frightening. Usopp scared easier even than Chopper sometimes. Zoro and
I just happened to be passing by, thought we d stop in. Say hello.
Usopp s lower lip trembled and he glanced at Zoro, but the swordsman was doing an
excellent bad cop to Sanji s good cop and Usopp actually whimpered. The engineer t
urned back to Sanji and held up his hands.
Look, he stammered, I know what this is about, okay? I have no idea what to do abou
t it. I m just freaking out a little bit about the whole thing right now.
Zoro s lips pulled back to bare his teeth. He leaned in over Usopp and made their
mere inches in height difference seem like a lot more.
How the fuck do you think Chopper feels right now? Huh? Did that thought even cro
ss your mind?
Okay, maybe his bad cop was a little too good. Sanji stepped forward and put an
arm between his two friends.
Enough, Zoro, Sanji said carefully. Calm down, okay? Scaring the piss out of him is
n t going to help.
Zoro turned his angry eyes on Sanji then and stood straighter. I m just wondering w
hy he left Chopper all alone this morning without the slightest explanation. Why
he didn t bother to make sure his best friend was alright before he ran off and h
id like a little bitch?
Oh, wow, why is Zoro so angry all of a sudden? Sanji frowned, confused. It s not l
ike Usopp hurt Zoro personally well, then again he might have, Zoro and Chopper s
eem pretty close.
Usopp s voice interrupted Sanji s thoughts. What happened to Chopper? Is he okay?
Zoro glared at Sanji and the cook put his hand on the swordsman s chest. He s okay no
w, Usopp. He just had a rough morning. He pushed Zoro back and glanced over his s
houlder at the trembling engineer.
Give us a sec will ya?
He turned back to Zoro and grabbed the neckline of his pullover, dragging him to
the workshop door and out into the driveway.
What the fuck, Zoro! Sanji hissed when they were outside. How is that gonna get us
anywhere? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Zoro growled and moved in so close, their breath mingled and Sanji could clearly
see the pain the swordsman was trying to hide in his dark eyes.
He did a really shitty thing, Sanji! Zoro said quietly. He hurt Chopper because he
was only thinking about his goddamn self, and now he s gonna play it off and lie l
ike it was-
You don t know a goddamn thing about what Usopp might be thinking right now, asshol
e! Sanji ground his teeth around his unlit cigarette and pushed Zoro back a step.
He just lost Kaya, and now he s having to deal with the fact that his best friend
is in love with him! I know you sympathize with Chopper on this, but you have go
t to pull your head out of your ass and look at it from both sides!
Zoro s eyes narrowed and he sneered. Are you saying that because that s what you re doi
ng? Or are you just sympathizing with the straight guy?
Sanji s breath caught and his anger flared. It took an extraordinary amount of wil
lpower to keep from stepping back and kicking the shit out of the other man. Ins
tead, he pulled his lighter from his pocket and lit up, pulling the smoke into h
is lungs and blowing it coolly in Zoro s face.
The swordsman didn t move and Sanji pointed to the street.
Take a walk, Zoro.
Zoro s brow furrowed. Excuse me?
I said, Sanji puffed again, Take a fucking walk, cool off. I ll talk to Usopp.
Zoro stood for a few long moments, trying to turn Sanji to stone with his glare
before he muttered, This is bullshit, and treaded heavily down the driveway.
Sanji took a minute to smoke the rest of his cigarette and then crushed it betwe
en his fingers and tossed it in the nearby trashcan. He slipped his hands into h
is pockets and walked back into the workshop. Usopp stood with his back to him o
ver a pile of gadgets that Sanji couldn t even begin to place their use. The young
er man was tightening something with a small wrench, but stopped when Sanji step
ped up beside him.
Usopp looked up and stared straight ahead at the wall. I thought if I stayed with
him last night, he would know I didn t hate him or anything. Usopp spoke so quietly
, Sanji had to strain to hear him. I just didn t know what to say when he woke up,
so I bolted. I know that was awful, but I thought- at the time- that it was bett
er than me staying and saying something stupid.
Sanji leaned against the table and tilted his head to the side. Why didn t you leav
e him a note? Text him after you left? Something?
Usopp s eyes filled slowly and he shook his head.
I don t know
Sanji put a hand on Usopp s shoulder. You need to fix this, Usopp.
Usopp nodded and wiped at his nose, leaving a black smudge where his hand passed
. Sanji almost laughed and Usopp pulled his rag from his pocket with a small smi
You have your phone on you? Sanji asked.
Usopp nodded again and looked at Sanji with big eyes. You want me to call him? No
Now, Sanji answered.
Usopp sniffed and backed away from the work table. He moved to a shelf by the do
or and plucked his cell from the top rack. Sitting on the floor in front of the
same shelf, he flipped open the phone and cycled through his contacts.
Are you gonna listen? He asked, not looking up.
Sanji moved to sit on a crate next to his friend. If you want me to.
Usopp nodded again. Yes please. He pressed the send button and slowly put the phone t
o his ear. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
The two waited until the ringing stopped and Chopper s voicemail message began to
play. Usopp looked up at Sanji and whispered. He didn t answer! He s pissed! He doesn t
want to talk to me!
Hang up, Sanji said. You know Chopper, if he s there, he ll call right back.
Usopp closed the phone, and sure enough, within a minute Breathe by Red started
playing, and Chopper s name came up on the caller ID. The engineer flipped open th
e phone and brought it to his ear with a trembling hand.
Sanji couldn t hear Chopper s voice on the line, but guessed what he said when Usopp
Yeah it s me. I The curly-haired man closed his eyes and lowered his head to rest on h
is bent knees. When he spoke again, his voice was muffled. Chopper I m sorry I m reall
y, really sorry. I didn t mean to hurt you, I just didn t know what to say. I didn t w
ant to make things worse by saying something that I d regret so I just
Sanji frowned as Usopp trailed off and the younger man lifted his head. The engi
neer had a peculiar look on his face and Sanji couldn t think for the life of him
what Chopper was saying to have put it there.
Then Usopp started to chuckle and Sanji started to worry.
Usopp? He asked carefully. What s going on?
Usopp wiped a few stray tears from his eyes and smiled as he spoke into the phon
No, they re here, but Zoro is outside and Sanji is sitting a few feet away from me.
What the fuck? Sanji thought. He made a face at Usopp and the younger man pulled
his mouth away from the phone.
He asked if I was being held at sword or knifepoint by one of you.
Sanji rolled his eyes and stood, making his way over to the door. Usopp chuckled
again, and returned to speaking into the phone.
Sanji rolled his eyes at you You know, you could have called me if you were that w
orried Silence for a minute. Chopper, you re my best friend. It would take more than
that to make me hate you
Usopp s words were muffled again as he buried his face in the crook of his elbow.
Sanji watched for a few seconds and decided, now that everything was going fine,
he shouldn t be eavesdropping on this very personal conversation. He pulled out h
is pack and stepped outside to light up.
Zoro was leaning against the wall by the door when he exited. Sanji turned to fa
ce him, but the swordsman didn t look up. Several moments passed and the silence h
ung thick in the air before Zoro spoke quietly.
I was out of line. I m sorry.
Sanji flicked his lighter and breathed in. He shrugged and plucked the cigarette
from his lips.
I know you were angry it s all right.
Zoro shook his head slowly. It s not, but it doesn t matter now I guess.
Sanji stood, smoking quietly and wishing the silence wasn t so uncomfortable. He s
truggled to think of something to say, but whenever he opened his mouth to say i
t, the look on Zoro s face as he watched the ground discouraged him.
God, I hope I m more articulate later tonight, Sanji thought to himself.
A tightening started in Sanji s gut as he thought about what he was going to say t
hat evening. He had pushed the impending encounter from his mind as he worried a
bout Usopp, but now nervousness crawled under his skin as he frantically tried t
o decide how he was going to approach the subject. Oh, by the way, Zoro I ve decided
that I m gonna try being gay now , just really wasn t going to cut it. I know I ve put y
ou through hell the last couple weeks, Zoro, but I decided last night to try and
make it work
Sanji sighed. It all sounded so retarded.
Zoro, I want to try and make our relationship work again
Good Lord, no.
I think I m ready to-
Hell no.
Come here, Zoro, I want to try something

Zoro, I think I may be falling in love with you again

Sanji wanted to smash his head into something.
Luckily, Usopp emerged from the garage at that moment and sighed softly. Sanji a
nd Zoro both turned to him and waited quietly for their young friend to speak.
Usopp looked up and slipped his hands into his pockets. I m gonna bring him dinner
tonight at work we ll talk more then.
Is he okay? Sanji asked.
Usopp shook his head. No But I think he glanced at Zoro. He s not, but I m going to ma
things right He is my best friend.
Zoro nodded and pushed off the wall. Good, he said simply as he ruffled Usopp s hair
before making his way down the driveway.
Sanji stood still, looking at Usopp carefully. You okay?
Usopp looked at the ground. I will be.
Sanji backed away and smiled softly. That s all I can ask for, I guess.
Usopp leaned against the door frame and met Sanji s eyes once again. Thanks for com
Sanji nodded and turned away. He descended the driveway, pulled open the passeng
er side door and got in the car. He watched Usopp s reflection in the rearview mir
ror as they sped away. When he disappeared, Sanji turned to Zoro and a thought p
opped into his head.
Hey, Zoro, if I m done with physical therapy, and the doc gave me a good to go why t
he fuck are you still driving my car?
Zoro had to laugh.
X x X x X
Sanji had forgotten how beautiful Kaya s parents house was. Four story luxury home,
built in the traditional European style, tucked back into the hills of Northern
Seattle with a view of the water. The cook stood with a crick building in his n
eck from staring up at the brilliantly designed foyer. It was a compact space ho
rizontally, but had high ceilings that drew the eye upward. The vertical and hor
izontal effects were balanced by painting the spiral staircase a deep brown and
therefore contrasting it with the light caramels in the rest of the room. A bril
liant glass chandelier hung from the ceiling directly overhead, and Sanji began
to feel underdressed.
Kaya hosted a murder mystery party here two years ago, Zoro said quietly. You playe
d the victim and got to die here in the foyer.
Sanji looked down and smirked at the swordsman. That must have been fun. What was
it for?
Charity, what else?
Sanji snickered. Did you get to play a part?
I was the killer.
Sanji laughed and his baritone echoed against the walls merrily. You strangle me?
Shoot me?
Zoro was smiling now, his uncomfortable posture relaxing slightly. I stabbed you,
got cherry syrup everywhere.
Not on anything nice of mine I hope.
Oh, I m sure it was expensive.
Damn you, Sanji whispered with a grin as the sound of doors opening rang through t
he area.
Both men turned to see a tall, dark-skinned man enter through the inner doors. H
is black hair was to his shoulders and his features were rough; handsome. He car
ried himself with confidence and stood almost a foot taller than Zoro. When he e
ntered the foyer, he stopped and crossed his arms over his chest.
You two must be Zoro and Sanji, the man s deep, smooth as silk voice danced across S
anji s skin.
We are, Zoro frowned as Sanji tensioned beside him. Who the hell are you?
The man regarded Zoro and Sanji carefully with his almond eyes, his aura becomin
g more defensive and less friendly by the second.
My name is Chaka, he said simply, but with an unmistakable finality.
I m Kaya s fiancé.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Thank you all so much for the reviews! You're so nice! I'm sorry this was so lon
g in coming, but we had a death in the family. I'm dealing with it okay because
I really didn't know him, but my parents and aunts and uncles are all taking it
pretty hard. I'm just trying to be strong and be there for them as best I can. B
ut anyway, enough about me, on with the fic! x)
Thank you all so much for reading! Enjoy! X)
Chapter 15
I m Kaya s fiancé.
Zoro blinked stupidly, as he couldn t find his voice immediately.
It was true? Kaya really had left Usopp for another guy? This guy? He was damn h
andsome, Zoro could give him that, his dark skin and black, almond shaped eyes m
ade him exotic looking. He also seemed fairly formidable, muscles rippled undern
eath the soft cotton of his shirt and he took a relaxed stance with his feet sli
ghtly spread. But that shouldn t mean anything. This guy wasn t Usopp. Kaya was craz
y over Usopp! What the hell had changed?
Zoro felt Sanji shift his weight as the blond placed an unlit cigarette between
his lips.
That s interesting, Sanji said coolly as he slipped his hands in his pockets, For how
Chaka stood unmoving as he answered, Since we were twelve.
Sanji s eyebrows lifted in disbelief. You were going around proposing to girls at t
welve and meaning it? I thought I was the only kid that did that.
Chaka s brow furrowed and he glared at Sanji. Our parents made the match. We had no
thing to do with it.
Zoro shoved his hands in his pockets as well. Whatever the cook was doing, it pr
obably wouldn t help him any if Zoro butted in. The swordsman stood quietly, his b
ody riddled with tension.
Sanji looked up at Chaka with heat in his eyes. Did you want her at all? Or was i
t entirely up to your family?
Our parents knew it would be a good match, Chaka was getting angrier by the second
. They knew she would make a good wife to someone within my family. She s well know
n and well liked. I also can give her the support she needs to start her hospita
ls and schools. I saw the reason in what my parents were doing and have accepted
it as my duty!
Sanji stepped forward and Zoro felt the rage rolling off the blond in waves.
You do know that s as bad as selling her, right? Sanji growled. Her family is selling
their daughter to you and you re accepting. You re buying her!
Chaka replied with a hard bite and stepped towards Sanji. She s not being bought!
Yes, she is!
What the hell do you know? Chaka growled, his hands balled up into fists at his si
des. His body was shaking visibly. I didn t just accept her like you re suggesting! We v
been friends since we were little! Don t misconstrue things! I am honored to be h
er husband! Kaya is a good woman and I would never think of her as some kind of
possession! She is kind and absolutely selfless! You know nothing of the things
she s given up for the sake of others!
Zoro watched as Sanji stood for several long seconds, just looking at the taller
man. The cook studied the anger and hurt that was so obviously set in Chaka s fea
tures. Zoro wondered what kinds of things were going through Sanji s mind as he st
ood there. The blond s visible eye was calculating; penetrating Chaka s exterior. Zo
ro had seen Sanji do this hundreds of times. What was the brilliant man seeing a
nd milling over in his head? What had Zoro missed in the conversation?
The fight left Sanji s face suddenly. He shifted his weight on his feet, switching
from a defensive stance to a relaxed stance with the space of a half second. Th
e blond closed his eyes and lowered his head, pulling the cigarette from his mou
th and sighing softly.
So you love her then? Sanji whispered.
Chaka lost his defensive attitude just as quickly. He backed off and folded his
arms across his chest. To Zoro s surprise, he looked a little nervous.
Yes, I do. Very much.
Wait, what the hell was Sanji doing?
Does she love you? Sanji asked; his eyes lidded.
Chaka hesitated, but nodded slowly. Yes, I believe she does.
Sanji sighed again and backed off. He looked at Zoro, defeated, and placed the c
igarette behind his ear. Zoro almost hit him. So that was it? This guy says Kaya
and him love each other and it s all good? What about Usopp? What the hell was th
e shit cook thinking?!
Zoro made a move to grab Sanji s arm, but he was stopped by a sweet voice from the
balcony directly above them.
Sanji? Sanji Black?
Zoro and Sanji both looked up to see a beautiful blonde woman somewhere in her l
ate forties. She resembled Kaya in every way, the hair, the pale skin, the manne
risms, just a slightly older version. She leaned over the railing with a soft sm
ile on her pretty face.
Oh my, and Zoro too! Welcome! I haven t seen you two in ages! She straightened and s
tarted down the stairs to meet them.
Sanji s mood and stance switched yet again. He smiled genuinely and moved to meet
Kaya s mother at the bottom of the stairway.
Mrs. Merri! Sanji cooed and took the older woman s hand. It s such a pleasure to see yo
u again! How are you feeling? You look positively stunning as usual! Zoro watched
, not a little jealous of the woman as the cook placed a tender kiss on the back
of Mrs. Merri s hand.
Mrs. Merri laughed sweetly and placed her palm on Sanji s cheek. Just as handsome a
nd charming as I remember you, she said fondly. I heard you were in an accident a
while back, are you well now? You look wonderful!
Zoro turned back to Chaka, not wanting to witness Sanji s charms used on someone o
ther than himself. Again. He glared at the taller man and folded his arms across
his chest.
Chaka met his gaze evenly, but something in his eyes gave Zoro pause. It s wasn t an
uncertainty, nor was it any kind of fear, but it made Zoro s pulse quicken and he
frowned in confusion.
Oh no, no, no, Mrs. Merri! We couldn t stay! Zoro and I have a few errands we have
to run tonight still! Thank you so much for offering though, it s so sweet!
Zoro ignored Sanji s overly distracting voice, and tried to understand what Chaka
was trying to communicate with his eyes.
Zoro cocked his head ever so slightly to the side as if to say, What is it?
Chaka s head nodded once, indicating he should look up again.
Zoro looked, and saw another woman standing on the balcony, also looking to be i
n here late forties, maybe early fifties, arms folded across her chest and a ste
rn expression chiseled into her hard features. It was as obvious as Mrs. Merri w
as Kaya s mother, that this frightening looking woman was Chaka s mother. She had th
e same dark skin, and exotic-shaped eyes. Her and her son had the exact same fro
wn, only Chaka s seemed somewhat less cruel?
Zoro glanced back at Chaka, trying desperately to understand what the man in fro
nt of him was trying to tell him, but then insight hit him like a hammer to the
Was the presence of his mother keeping him from speaking freely? Was he hiding s
But I am so sorry that we just dropped by like this, Sanji was saying. And I m sorry
we missed Kaya, but we re glad we got to meet this new fiancé of hers. You must be
so proud.
Oh, well Kaya said he makes her happy. Mrs. Merri said, That is my only wish: That
my daughter is happy. I will tell Kaya you were here though. Maybe you can stop
by later this week?
That would be wonderful! Would you like me to make lunch?
Oh! That would be fabulous! I ll tell the cooks to let you have full rein of the ki
tchen! They ll be so excited to have such a renowned chef working with them!
Zoro took one last quick look at Chaka, hoping to gain some understanding before
they left, but the taller man just looked defensive again. He felt Sanji take h
is arm and pull him towards the front door, still blabbering away with Kaya s moth
As they stepped over the threshold, Zoro was startled to see Chaka follow them a
nd reach his hand out. Zoro took it on reflex, and as they shook the swordsman f
elt a small slip of paper pass into his palm. He kept his features straight and
nodded to Chaka.
Thank you for coming by, Chaka said, loud enough to be heard from the balcony. It w
as nice to finally meet some of Kaya s friends.
Zoro released his hand and quickly put his own in his pocket. Pleasure. See you a
round, I m sure.
After many animated goodbyes from Sanji to Kaya s mother, and promises to come and
cook and visit, the two were back in Sanji s car, with Sanji behind the wheel.
Oh my God Sanji breathed. That was intense.
Zoro looked at him as the blond grabbed at the cigarette from behind his ear and
lit up.
It was and what the hell were you doing? You backed down! Practically gave the guy
your consent!
Sanji rolled down the window and blew a stream a smoke outside. He slipped the k
ey in the ignition and started the engine.
That guy loves Kaya, he said simply, and if Kaya loves him, who are we to step in a
nd try to break up something that could be really good for her?
Zoro sat forward and snarled at Sanji, What about Usopp!?
Sanji grabbed Zoro s shoulder and pushed him back gently.
If Kaya doesn t love Usopp anymore, what would be the point of trying to get them b
ack together? Sanji took a long drag and looked at Zoro evenly. That wouldn t be fai
r to anyone.
But Zoro didn t know what to say. But Kaya Frustrated, the swordsman slumped back in
seat and stared out the window. He knew Sanji was right, but he couldn t just let
it go that easily. So what the hell do we do?
Well, Sanji s voice was teasing and Zoro could tell he was smiling. You can let me se
e what Chaka slipped into your hand.
Zoro s eyes widened and he turned back to the blond. How the hell-
Just lemme see it.
Zoro pulled the piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it. Inside was an ad
dress and one word:
What the hell? Sanji made a face. When tomorrow? Just whenever?
Zoro shrugged. I don t know. He seemed really uncomfortable but not like he was pisse
d at us or he wanted us gone It was more like
He needed to tell us something, but couldn t, Sanji finished.
Sanji nodded. Hence my distraction And the note proves it. The cook released the em
ergency break and shifted before pulling out of the circular driveway. The man a
t the gate waved as they drove off of the Merri property. That was the hardest I ve
ever had to try to be interested in a girl in my entire life. All I wanted to d
o was watch you and the Pharaoh make scary eyes at each other.
Zoro chuckled at Sanji s nickname, the guy had looked like he belonged in the movi
e Stargate- one of those temple warriors with the jackal headdresses.
He was dead set on making sure I noticed the woman on the balcony. I m pretty sure
she s his mom.
Yeah, I think so too, Sanji said, flicking ash out the window. She was like uber-wi
cked step-mother, witch lady- straight out of The Thirteenth Warrior.
The witch in that was way younger and probably hot if she just took a bath cut the
dreadlocks off.
No, no, I was thinking of the older one they brought the idol to, and she was all
Kill the mother and creepy shit.
Oh yeah Yeah, come to think of it Zoro chuckled again and shook his head.
Sanji made a face. You don t like dreadlocks?
Hell no, Zoro waved a hand, I had a girlfriend with dreads once, they smelled when
you got up close. It was too bad, cause they looked real cool. She d put beads on em
sometimes, and she dyed a couple green.
Sanji laughed and Zoro grinned out the window. Why are we talking about this?
I was curious because you said Amy Winehouse was too dirty for you, and yet you d
ated a chick with dreads. I bet she had tattoos and piercings she couldn t show he
r mom too, huh?
Zoro s grin widened. Maybe.
Sanji leaned back and let his hand rest out the window, the cherry of his cigare
tte burned brighter in the wind. So you re either inconsistent, or you have no idea
what you like.
I know what I like. Zoro relaxed as well and watched the evergreens roll past. I ju
st got tired of the bad girl image grew out of it I guess. Started looking for some
one I could show off to people Someone my parents would have been happy to see me
Zoro felt Sanji looking at him. He knew what the cook wanted to ask, but let him
build up the courage and ask it himself.
What happened to your parents?
Zoro continued to look out the window. I never knew my mom, she died when I was l
ittle. My dad He sighed, slightly weirded out at having this conversation with San
ji again. My dad was around, but not. My uncle raised me. He was the one who taug
ht me kenjutsu. He knew I needed something to occupy my time and energy because
I was the textbook formula for upcoming delinquent: mom dead, dad never around,
so no parental figures to keep me from doing stupid shit.
Zoro was silent for several minutes. He heard the click of Sanji s lighter and ach
ed to reach out and catch the cook s hand as he recounted his past. My dad was in a
n accident when I was in high school and died on the operating table I wasn t even
sad when my uncle told me I just thought it was kind of a relief. I wouldn t have t
o be angry at him for not being around anymore
Sanji let out a slow breath and Zoro turned to look at the cook s thoughtful face.
So much the same the blond whispered.
Zoro turned back to the window and watched as the trees gave way to buildings an
d small shops. So engrossed in his thoughts, he missed the look Sanji gave his h
and. The swordsman had no idea, but at that moment, the cook wanted to hold him
just as much as he wanted to be held.
The two rode in silence for a while, both thinking of past lives and family long
gone. As they were crossing the bridge over the Sound, Sanji glanced towards th
e waterfront.
You have to work tonight, don t you?
Zoro nodded. I was thinking of calling Ace though. He s been combining our classes
the last few weeks, so it wouldn t be any extra skin off his nose if he took my ki
ds again. I really don t want to go to work tonight.
You sure?
Zoro nodded.
Okay, Sanji said, glancing at the waterfront. You wanna get an early dinner then? I
was hoping to stop by the Baratie sometime today before we went home.
A knot formed in Zoro s stomach and he suddenly felt nauseous. He hadn t forgotten w
hat was in store for him that evening, but he had been caught up in the now, bei
ng with Sanji and trying to solve the puzzle together. His chest tightened and h
e closed his eyes. He wasn t even the slightest bit hungry, but he
knew going to the restaurant would prolong the day and in turn, prolong the even
ts which would take place that night.
Yeah, Zoro said softly. That sounds good. They re all probably dying to see you.
Sanji smiled at him and took the next exit.
X x X x X
As Zoro stood in the alley behind the restaurant, full of the steak and scallope
d potatoes Sanji had prepared, he pressed the send button on his cell phone. Ace s c
all waiting played a clip from Cake s Going The Distance, and the swordsman leaned
against the cool bricks of the Baratie s wall. Zoro watched twin sunsets start to
sink behind the mountains, one in the sky, and one upside down on the surface o
f the water. The reds and oranges mingled and slowly turned purple as more and m
ore of the light disappeared. A gentle breeze ruffled his hair and he breathed i
n the salty smell.
Hey, what s up, Zoro? Ace s voice came through the phone suddenly.
Hey, Ace, Zoro said quietly. Would you be willing to take my kids tonight? I promis
e I ll come in next week, I won t do this to you anymore, just just this last time.
Of course, man, Ace chuckled. It s not a problem. What s a few more kids?
Thanks Zoro closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall.
Ace said something muffled and Zoro heard a door shut. Everything was suddenly q
uieter and when Ace spoke again, Zoro found he could hear him a lot more clearly
Okay, the older man said, I m outside now. What else is going on? You sound like hell
Zoro shifted, looking down, and drew invisible patterns on the pavement with the
toe of his shoe.
Um Zoro said, his voice shaky. Can I stay at your place tonight?
What? Ace yelped, Why? What the hell d you do now!?
Zoro squeezed his eyes shut and moved to sit on a nearby crate. He ran his free
hand through his hair and rested his forehead in his palm. His head was pounding
and his eyes were starting to burn. But he wasn t crying he never cried it was just
tension from the day fatigue
I kissed him Zoro choked out.
Ace didn t respond right away so Zoro thought he had lost connection. But then the
man on the other end started to sputter and words finally came.
But, wait, Ace said, That s bad? What the hell are you saying, Zoro? Isn t kissing him
a good thing? I don t understand!
Zoro took a few calming breaths and willed the moisture in his eyes away. No mat
ter how he said this it was going to sound bad.
He was mad at me, Zoro murmured, He was telling me off and I couldn t help it. He was
so close to me and pissed off and talking to me exactly like he used to. I was
watching him and thinking how alive he was and how bright and just Zoro closed his
eyes and finished in a whisper.
Shit, Ace he was so beautiful and I couldn t couldn t stop myself
Ace took a moment to let Zoro s words sink in before he sighed softly. What did he
Zoro took another deep breath to make sure his lungs were still working. The tig
htness was starting to work its way down to his stomach. The swordsman knew that
any moment his insides were all going to snap from the tension.
He was good about it he didn t freak out or try to kill me.
But what did he do?
Zoro slowly leaned back and looked up at the sky. His eyes were dry again, but n
ow he felt even worse than before. Like everything was just sitting in his gut w
aiting to rip him apart from the inside. Maybe it would help if he cried about i
t but then again, it might just make it worse.
He said we ll talk tonight, about everything after we saw Usopp and tried to fix tha
t whole problem.
Chopper looked good today, Ace added. He came over before his shift to drop off som
e stuff. He was almost back to his normal self. So at least there s that.
No, nothing was ever solved by crying
Zoro nodded before he realized Ace couldn t see him. Yeah, at least there s that.
Fuck crying.
Ace was talking to him again, but Zoro missed the first part. He blinked and sat
up straight.
Sorry, Ace, what did you just say? I was spacing.
I said you can stay here tonight, Ace said again. I ll tell Vivi so she ll be expecting
Thanks man, Zoro whispered.
No problem, Zoro. You take care okay? I ll see you later.
Zoro closed his phone and sat looking at the water. The sun was a sliver above t
he mountains now, and the sky was bruised purple and blue. Stars were making the
ir entrance and Zoro felt silly when the urge to wish came over him.
The swordsman suddenly felt small and helpless underneath that sky. A mere spec
in the infinite space of everything. Zoro wasn t lyrical or well spoken on a daily
basis; he had never written poetry or lyrics to a song. But something about that
starry sky made the man wish that he had a better grasp on language. On words.
He wanted the ability to express the feeling he was suddenly faced with; the fee
ling of his past pressing down on him, watching him as he watched the heavens.
Scared of something he couldn t name, and uncomfortable with where his line of thi
nking was going, Zoro stood and moved towards the kitchen door. At the last mome
nt he stopped and stood just before the threshold, breathing slightly uneven and
his skin prickling.
Turning once more to the sky, Zoro whispered so softly that even someone standin
g right beside him would had to have strained to listen.
If just if you re out there please help me get through this tonight
Another soft breeze tickled the back of his neck and Zoro retreated into the res
taurant. He told himself the wind smelled the same as it always had: salty and f
It did not, and never did smell anything like steel and the unmistakably feminin
e scent of a certain swordsman he had once known
X x X x X
Sanji wasn t in the kitchen. Zoro stood puzzled for a few seconds before he slippe
d his head through the double doors leading to the dining room. He didn t see the
blond there either. The swordsman turned to a young girl standing at the prep ta
ble slicing carrots into thin strips.
Where s Sanji? He asked.
The girl looked up and smiled, her pretty face lighting up as she pointed to the
back stairs.
He went to the second floor, she said. He wanted to see his old room.
Zoro nodded and mumbled a quick thank you before he headed for the stairs. The s
econd floor of the Baratie had been Sanji s home for most of his life. The hallway
s were rounded and the doors sported portholes to give the place the feel of a s
hip. Zeff, Sanji s foster father, had been a sailor for many years before losing h
is leg in a rigging accident. Unable to do whatever it was he had been doing on
the sea anymore, Zeff had come home and started this restaurant when Sanji was l
Standing outside Sanji s room, Zoro ran a hand over his face and through his hair.
He knocked twice before pushing the door open and looking inside. The room was
small, made to resemble a cabin on an old-fashioned barque or frigate, with a si
mple cot having drawers built into the bottom, a table with a small stool, and a
large window looking out over the water. Sanji s cabin was decorated with pictures:
Sanji in high school with Nami on his arm, or getting tackled by Luffy, Chopper
and Usopp hugging him from both sides, Sanji looking slightly drunk with Ace s ar
m around his neck. There were hundreds of pictures of friends and acquired famil
y, dances, graduation, college games, and parties.
Zoro wanted a moment to glance around the room, take in all the memories that hu
ng from the walls, that were tacked to the corkboard and propped up by the windo
w, but he was startled by a quiet sniff from the corner of the room. The swordsm
an stepped inside and closed the door behind him. The smell of smoke and spiced
meat assaulted his senses and he leaned in to peek around the closet.
Sanji sat on the floor, one leg straight and the other drawn up to his chest. Hi
s arm rested on his bent knee and his cigarette hung from between his lax finger
s. The blond looked up at him from beneath his long bangs and Zoro was startled
to see the blue eyes rimmed with red.
Sanji? Zoro whispered.
Sanji brought the cigarette to his mouth and left it to hang between his lips. S
traightening both his legs, the cook sighed softly and folded his hands in his l
I m all right, Zoro, he said softly.
Zoro came inside a little farther and leaned on the closet door. Then why are you
I mean, what are you doing, sitting here ?
Sanji slowly looked around the small space and sucked on his cigarette. He pluck
ed it from his lips and crushed it out in an ashtray beside his hip.
It s like Sanji began with a waver in his voice. It s like I died
Zoro s heart clenched so hard he felt light-headed. So many times in the last week
he had thought the exact same thing. His Sanji- the old Sanji- was dead and he
was never coming back to him. He had been so engrossed in his own despair that h
e hadn t taken the time to remember that Sanji had to deal with his new self too.
For the first time since Sanji s awakening, Zoro felt a little ashamed of himself.
My life here ended two years ago, Sanji continued. I can t remember the new one but it
still mine. It s who I am now and I have to deal with it I m just mourning the loss, I
Zoro looked away and turned towards the window. He prayed that this wasn t the beg
inning of Sanji telling him there was nothing between them. He couldn t handle bei
ng tossed aside, however gently, in this place. He needed his bike so he could g
et to Ace s. He couldn t get to Ace s from here, he didn t know the way. He needed his c
ouch, his dojo, something to ground him as Sanji ripped his heart out. He needed
to have his own things surrounding him, not pictures that reminded Sanji of eve
rything Zoro had taken away from him. He needed his corner windows, he needed hi
s bed, he needed he needed
Then, with a sharp pain to his gut, Zoro realized he really didn t need anything.
It didn t matter what he was surrounded with, or where he was. He just didn t want S
anji to leave him.
Oh, Sanji said behind him. I found this. Look.
Zoro turned and saw Sanji holding up a photo. He crossed the small space and too
k the picture from the cook s hand. Turning it over, he almost laughed out loud at
what he saw.
I thought you never went to parties, Sanji chuckled softly.
The picture was old, the end of their sophomore year in high school. Ace and San
ji were seated on a couch holding shot glasses in their hands, saluting the came
ra. Nami was sprawled out across them in nothing more than a pair of boxers and
a bra. Zoro s heart sped up as he realized the third figure sitting on the couch w
as himself. Nami had her head in his lap and he was glaring down at her even as
she grinned evilly up at him.
Holy shit Zoro breathed. This is Ace s graduation party. I d lost a bet with Nami and m
payment was to show up and stay for two hours.
I know, Sanji said. I remember you
Zoro looked up startled. Sanji was staring straight ahead and the swordsman saw
the unmistakable shine of tear tracks as they made their way down his cheek to d
rip from his chin.
You remember me? Zoro s heart pounded against his ribs.
Sanji nodded. Ace told me his friend was coming and he made everyone promise to b
e nice to you cause you were shy. I even made onigri for you because he said you
liked it.
Zoro stared at Sanji, blinking like an idiot because at that moment, he really d
idn t know what else to do.
You did he said finally. I remember I asked who made them and Vivi told me, but you w
ere so popular. I never managed I never thanked you.
Sanji laughed and wiped at his eyes. You liked them though, right?
Zoro smiled and nodded. Yeah, of course I did.
Sanji nodded and made another pass over his eyes with his palm. I can t believe I r
emember you after all this searching and fishing in my head for something I finall
y Sanji made a noise and Zoro wasn t sure if it was a laugh or a sob. I remember you
Zoro wasn t sure he could handle any more of this conversation. His heart was abou
t to break into a thousand pieces and he was clenching his jaw so hard to keep h
imself from crying, his head was spinning out of control. He knew it was time to
stop running from something he couldn t change, even if it was going to mean the
defined end of his relationship with Sanji.
He reached his hand out to his friend and said softly, Let s go home, shit-cook.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I've been slacking on my 'thank you's lately so here are some from last chapter'
s reviews! xD
Shironami- Looking so, so forward to your human!Chopper fanart! Damokonachik- Th
ank you so much! Your review made my day! I send my love TO France! xD WhiteTigr
ess666- Thank you very much, and yes, my family is doing fine. The Wandering Swo
rdsman- Sanji didn t really remember anything new, like something during the missi
ng year, he remembered Zoro from before. The Zoro from high school. Thank you fo
r the review! I m glad you like the story so much! xD Hound Keeper- Aw, thanks. Yo
u re sweet! Suicidal Skies- Thank you! And they are heading somewhere, hehe. Just
read this chapter! xD Te Inu Fighter- Lol, glad you liked the Amy joke xD I-wann
a-go-to-a-place- Feel free to ask away anytime if this chapter doesn t answer any
of your questions. About your timeline question though: Sanji and Zoro met for t
he first time at the end of their sophomore year in high school, (that s when Ace
graduated, he was two years ahead). Then they didn t see each other until almost f
our years later, after Sanji had gone to school in France, and Zoro had been tra
ining in Japan. They hated each other for about a year and then dated for a year
and then Sanji was in a coma for a year. I have Sanji and Zoro about 25 years o
ld roughly. I hope that clears things up a little. xD Ezj- I m so glad you understa
nd the importance of the cliffy! Makes the outcome that much better! I love putt
ing you guys in suspense! xDDDDD Snowcleo- Your favorite? Wow, thank you! XDD Mm
eRoronoa- Lols, you always make me laugh! As for ShaolinQueen, Annalin, Cowgirl1
3, oskalaboska, mini-kero, quivering quill, Kakashilover890, SilverWing147, anim
eXIII, Crazy-Marimo, hehe82, and kamiam714: THANK YOU SO MUCH! xDDD
Oh, and there is some fabulous fanart done for this story by adayume on LJ. You
can find it here:
adayume(dot)livejournal(dot) (Just change the (dot)'s to actual periods and you'
re good! xD)
And now, off to the chapter! xD
Chapter 16
Sanji and Zoro sat in silence for the ride back to their apartment. Sanji didn t k
now how the quiet was affecting the other man, but he was sure as hell feeling t
he tension. His mouth had been a little dry and his stomach had been unsettled s
ince they had left Kaya s house. He was surprised he could still breathe his chest
was so tight. How the hell was he going to do this? He had gone through what he
was going to say to Zoro over and over, but nothing sounded right. He had mille
d it over in his head so many times, anything he could come up with sounded chee
sy and insincere. He had retreated to his room at the Baratie to calm himself an
d think, but when he had found the old picture of him and Zoro at Ace s graduation
party, he hadn t been able to hold onto the reins of his anxiety anymore and he h
ad snapped.
He had remembered meeting Zoro for the first time, glancing at his green hair an
d earrings, taking in his bad boy style of clothing and liking his rough attitud
e. He had seemed so cool and confident that Sanji had doubted Ace s account of him
being shy.
Now, he sat in the passenger s seat because he was too tense to drive. His heart w
as pounding in his ears and he was sure his eyes were still slightly red and puf
fy. He felt a little foolish about the whole thing. Being found whimpering and h
iding in a corner no doubt had brought him down a few notches in Zoro s eyes. The
Sanji that Zoro knew probably would have laughed at him for being so weak. It wa
s really fucking pitiful.
He wanted Zoro to say something, anything to break the silence, but Sanji knew t
he swordsman wouldn t. He was just as calm and cool as ever. Fucker. How was he so
poised though all of this? How did he stay together so well? He was like this i
mpenetrable mountain, immovable and unshakeable. His stoicism was borderline apa
thetic, like he didn t really care all that much about the things that were tearin
g Sanji apart.
Sanji almost dropped the cigarette out the window as a sudden clarity came over
him and a tightening pulled at his heart.
What if Zoro was being indifferent because he really didn t care that much? Was tha
t possible? He had seemed pretty upset about the whole thing in the beginning, b
ut it had been a year. Maybe Zoro was getting over him while Sanji took too long
to sort through his feelings?
Oh fuck Sanji s stomach did a flip-flop, Am I too late?
There had been that kiss in the kitchen that morning, but that could have just b
een Zoro s sexual frustration shining through. If Zoro had stayed faithful, and he
seemed like the kind of guy who was, that would mean he would have been celibat
e for over a year. The guy no doubt was hard up, and seeing Sanji all the time a
nd oh god the fight. The fight and the railing, and the pressing up against each o
ther Shit
Sanji really did drop his cigarette out the window this time. He tucked his hand
s underneath his arms and turned his head so Zoro couldn t see all the emotions he
was feeling playing out on his face. He breathed out slowly as the sharp claws
of embarrassment clawed at his gut. He was so stupid! Here he was taking his swe
et-ass time trying to come to a decision he really had come to days ago, while Z
oro had been waiting quietly, saying nothing, but no doubt aggravated as hell in
side. Sanji had come at this problem thinking he had all the time in the world t
o sort it out because Zoro was in love with him and would wait for as long as it
took. But, oh God what if he had been wrong?
Sanji s face heated as he felt shame wash over him in waves. He had been ridiculou
sly naïve and selfish. It was a wonder Zoro hadn t bashed his head into a wall and
told him to pull it together. Who the hell did Sanji think he was? Had he reall
y lost that much of his intuitiveness? How had he not seen this before? Holy fuc
k this was such a fucking mess!
Sanji turned his head to stare at Zoro s knee. He couldn t look at his friend s face,
afraid of what he would see when he gazed into the swordsman s eyes with unclouded
Zoro Sanji started softly, trying to speak through his mortification, I m really sorry
Zoro made a choking sound and it startled Sanji into silence.
Please Zoro cleared his throat and said very quietly, Not now. We re only a few minute
s away from the apartment.
Sanji blinked up at the other man, confused, and wondering why Zoro was suddenly
so defensive. But he nodded slowly and sunk back into the seat.
All right he whispered.
Zoro parked the car and wasted no time getting through the lobby and into the el
evator. Sanji followed close behind him, but had trouble not dragging his feet.
As he watched the elevator numbers rise, Sanji stole a quick glance at Zoro in t
he mirror. He seemed to be so lost in thought that the cook didn t even try to spe
ak to him. They rode the rest of the way in that thick silence and slipped quiet
ly into the apartment together. Zoro moved directly towards the kitchen, but San
ji stayed in the entryway.
Um, Sanji stammered and rubbed his chin nervously, I m gonna use the bathroom real qu
Zoro stopped and put a hand on the counter, as if he needed something to steady
himself. He turned his head, but Sanji couldn t see his face in the darkness.
Okay he said softly. Take whatever time you need I ll wait for you
Sanji stood frozen. There was that gentle Zoro again, the one that visited him i
n the hospital. The Zoro that took care of him after he got caught outside in th
e rain, the Zoro that teased him when they went shopping and told him over and o
ver that the accident and all this was not his fault. Shit! Shit! SHIT! Sanji di
dn t know what to think and nearly stumbled over himself to escape.
I ll just be a minute, he stammered. I just need need to wash up. I still smell like
ano and uh, onions Zoro nodded again and Sanji fled into the bathroom.
Zoro watched him go, but didn t move until he heard the bathroom door shut. He slo
wly turned to survey the dark kitchen and run his hand over the countertop. He l
et the smooth finish of the blue and grey marble slide beneath his palm. He took
a few steps around the prep island and moved into the dining room. He straighte
ned the chairs around the table and turned to stand at the edge of the baby dojo
. He couldn t see the patterns in the wood with the lights off, but he knew every
one of them by heart. Hours of meditating or sparring with Sanji had taken place
on this floor. Hundreds of card games with Ace and the others, dozens of partie
s were thrown for birthdays or promotions, and countless nights of lovemaking ha
d filled the space in this room. It seemed so strange that a place so often brim
ming with life and love could be so ominous, so empty and cold.
Zoro moved across the floor, his steps silent as he made his way towards the win
dows. To the first place Zoro and made love to Sanji after moving in together, s
tarting their life together. He put his hands in his pockets as he stepped up to
the glass and watched the first droplets of rain hit the window pane with soft
pattering noises.
Zoro knew he was breaking apart. He knew the calm he was feeling inside at that
moment was the calm before the storm. The swordsman knew that any second, his re
solve was going to crack and everything he had been holding in for the past few
weeks was going to come bleeding out.
He just hoped Sanji wasn t going to hate him for being so weak.
In the bathroom, Sanji threw his jacket on the counter and rolled up his sleeves
. He splashed cold water on his face and rested his forearms on the edge of the
sink. He sighed softly and tried to will the nausea boiling in his gut to subsid
e. Whatever he was going to say, he was going to have to say it as soon as he we
nt back out into the dining room. He tried to ground himself by reminding his ra
cing heart that Zoro was probably just waiting for a decision from him so he cou
ld get on with his life. Zoro couldn t be babysitting him forever, so whatever San
ji managed to say would come as some kind of relief for the swordsman.
Sanji shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. You don t want that, his heart to
ld him. You want Zoro to take you in his arms and hold you. You want Zoro to kis
s you until he loses the haunted look in his eyes. You want to see him smile and
hear him tell you that he lov-
Sanji abruptly straightened and stared at himself in the mirror. He watched tiny
droplets of water drip from his hair onto the countertop, others trailing down
his neck and darken the collar of his shirt. His eyes were no longer red, but th
ere were dark pockets hanging directly above his cheekbones. He looked terrible.
Taking a comb from the cabinet, he started to put his hair back where it belonge
d. He pulled the teeth through the soft strands roughly, thinking to himself how
ridiculous he was acting.
You re Sanji Fucking Black, he said aloud. You re not a pussy that cries and hides in t
he bathroom. You don t hide from anyone. You re gonna go out there and tell Zoro how
you feel, and you re gonna look good while you re doing it. If he doesn t want you, fi
ne. You ll move on.
He kicked off his shoes and toed off his socks as he brushed his teeth. He flexe
d and pointed his feet before cracking all of his toes against the floor, the jo
ints making loud popping sounds that echoed in the spacious bathroom. When he fi
nished, he straightened his shirt and put his hands on his hips. His reflection
stared back at him from the mirror, groomed and looking like he was back in cont
rol. The darkness underneath his eyes was still there, but nothing short of make
up was going to fix it, and that was just too disturbing to think about.
He took two deep breaths and opened the bathroom door. He turned off the light a
nd moved into the hallway, his footsteps silent on the wooden floors.
Sanji frowned when he found the lights were all still off. Darkness filled the k
itchen and dining room. The cook peered into the living room, thinking maybe Zor
o had gone straight to the couch, but he didn t see the swordsman anywhere. He ste
pped through the kitchen, running his palm over the marble counter top to keep h
im steady as his eyes adjusted. Finally, moving into the dining room, he saw Zor
o standing before the corner windows, silhouetted by the faint glow from the cit
y. Rain drummed on the glass as Zoro rested against it. His arm was raised, his
head rested on his forearm. His body was relaxed and his breathing was even; the
re was no tension whatsoever in his posture.
Sanji s hands shook and he absently searched for his cigarettes, but then realized
he had left them in the bathroom in his jacket pocket. He cursed silently and f
olded his arms over his chest.
This was it. This was the moment where everything that defined Sanji s life would
be decided. During Sanji s missing year, Zoro had become an intricate part of the
cook s world. Nothing had been left untouched. Everywhere Sanji looked, everything
he felt, smelled, heard- hell, the air that Sanji breathed was saturated in the
swordsman s presence. The threads of their lives had been woven together so elabo
rately, that Sanji knew the solution was either to pick up where the weaving had
left off, or let it all go and start somewhere else. Start anew with something
completely different.
Zoro? Sanji said quietly, moving into the dojo .
Zoro s shoulders seemed to sag even more as the swordsman sighed and turned to res
t his hip against the glass.
Sanji s voice caught and he covered it with a small cough. He noticed he had begun
to wring his hands, so he shoved them into his jeans pockets, unsure when his a
rms had freed themselves from his chest. The cook knew for a fact that he had ne
ver been more scared in his entire life, but he pushed his fear aside to make ro
om for his determination.
Okay just go
Zoro Sanji said, his voice wavering only slightly. I don t He cleared his throat once
re. I don t know how to say this-
Then don t Zoro cut in softly.
Sanji froze once again. He felt as if his blood had turned to ice, his body, his
breathing, his thinking- everything shut down all at the same time. Don t say don t
say what?
What? he asked aloud.
Zoro dropped his arm and slipped his hands into his pockets. The cook noticed th
e swordsman was still fully dressed in his shoes and jacket and started to panic
. What did that mean? He wasn t planning on staying? He didn t care what Sanji had t
o say?
I don t want to do this, Zoro whispered. The larger man had stepped back from the wi
ndow, but still kept his back to the blond.
Sanji felt his composure slipping. What the hell do you mean, Zoro?
The swordsman finally turned his head to glance at the cook, but Sanji couldn t ma
ke out his features in the darkness. I meant exactly what I said: I don t. Want. To
do this.
Sanji s nervousness and fear shifted as anger started to rise in his gut. He clenc
hed his hands into fists inside his pockets and ground his teeth together in the
absence of a cigarette.
What the fuck, Zoro? Sanji growled quietly. I ve been killing myself all day trying t
o think of how to tell you stuff, and now you re going to just blow me off? I have
stuff I have to tell you, and if I don t say it now-
But I don t want to hear it, Zoro turned fully towards Sanji then. His body still si
lhouetted, his face hidden in shadow. His body was completely lax, composed as t
he larger man always was. Sanji knew that if he could have seen the swordsman s fa
ce, it would have been passive- like he didn t have a fucking care in the world.
Sanji bared his teeth and pulled his hands from his pockets. You asshole! He hisse
The cook lunged forward and stepped fluidly into a roundhouse kick. His heel con
nected solidly with Zoro s jaw, and Sanji had an instant to wonder why the swordsm
an hadn t managed to block the attack before Zoro fell to the ground. Then the swo
rdsman reached out and pulled the cook s legs out from under him. Landing hard on
his back, Sanji lashed out with his foot again and caught Zoro dead in the chest
. The larger man grunted and rolled to his side, away from the cook, clutching a
t his middle and breathing hard in between coughs.
Sanji sat up and watched Zoro s back. He worried for a split second that he might
have hurt the swordsman worse than he intended because Zoro curled in on himself
and made no move to continue the fight.
But then the worry dissipated as he remembered Zoro s last words. He felt ashamed
and embarrassed and Zoro s apathy fueled the rage inside Sanji as the cook got to
his knees. He crawled over to the battered swordsman and shoved him hard on to h
is back, moving to sit across Zoro s hips. The cook grabbed the other s jacket colla
r and snarled into Zoro s still shadowed face.
Why didn t you say something earlier, you son of a bitch? The swordsman turned as fa
r away as he could, but Sanji was relentless. In the back of his mind he still w
ondered why Zoro wasn t really fighting back, but his anger drove him forward.
You could have saved us all a lot of trouble if you had just said something!
Zoro s body remained limp and unmoving. He stared away from Sanji into the darknes
s of the dining room. His breathing was so shallow, Sanji could barely feel it b
eneath him.
The cook almost shattered. After all this! After all the tension and the heartac
he and the dancing around the subject and worrying about hurting Zoro, the fucki
ng green-haired bastard was going to ignore him! The swordsman s show of cowardice
sickened Sanji and he finally raised his voice to a shout.
Look at me when I m fucking talking to you, damnit! I can t believe I ever thought I
Sanji s words died in his throat when Zoro turned to face him. The light from the
city outside the window shone brightly in the swordsman s watery eyes. Tears made
their way down his smooth cheeks and dripped softly onto the wooden floors. Zoro s
features were passive, but his eyes held such sadness that Sanji s anger fled. So
mething gripped the cook s heart and he found himself wanting to burst into tears
himself at the sight before him.
Zoro? Sanji whispered. What
Just say it Zoro s voice was barely audible.
Just say what? Sanji asked as he loosened his hold on Zoro s collar.
Zoro closed his eyes and fresh tears slid from beneath his eyelid. He swallowed
thickly and let out a soft breath.
Just say you don t want me so I can go
Sanji blinked, unbelieving. Go? He asked.
The swordsman continued to speak in that broken voice. Yeah I know I said I would
try and be friends. Try and just be happy you were around Zoro paused to hold back
a sob that threatened to escape from his chest. Sanji could feel it building unt
il the larger man let out a couple of harsh breaths to calm himself.
I can t do it, Sanji, he hissed. I can t see you every day and not be with you. I can t
tand being around you and not allowed not able to hold you. I tried, fuck, I trie
d so hard! But I can t do it I can t I can t Zoro s hand came over his eyes and he lost
elf in silent sobs. His shoulders and chest shook with the force of them, but th
ere was no sound in the room but Sanji s quiet breathing and the steady patter of
rain on the glass beside them.
Sanji couldn t believe his ears. He sat staring, dumbfounded at the man crying sof
tly below him. What had he said to make Zoro think he was ending everything? He
hadn t done anything to indicate he was kicking Zoro out He had even kissed him in
the kitchen!
Comprehension and sharp clarity crashed into Sanji violently. Had he been standi
ng, it would have buckled his knees and brought him to the ground. He sank forwa
rd and rested his forehead on Zoro s chest. The room was spinning out of control a
s the cook pieced everything together. Zoro hadn t been acting indifferent Zoro had
been acting defeated. What Sanji had taken for aloofness had actually been surr
Sanji raised his head and brought his thumb to Zoro s cheek. His heart broke along
with the swordsman s as he tenderly wiped the tears from the other man s dark skin.
Sanji whispered softly, his breath dancing across Zoro s neck.
You idiot
Zoro s jaw was shut tightly, but it didn t stop his lower lip from trembling as Sanj
i s fingers caressed his skin. The cook moved to hover over the swordsman s mouth an
d said gently.
Where is the Zoro that never gave up on me?
The swordsman s eyes snapped open and Sanji felt the sharp intake of breath beneat
h him. He took the chance and pressed his mouth against Zoro s. The cook felt the
other man gasp against his lips, but as Sanji s other hand found its way into gree
n hair, Zoro slowly lifted his head off the floor to press back against him. The
blond felt a strong hand gripping his thigh and released his hold on Zoro s jacke
t completely.
Instantly, the cook s back hit the wooden floor. The air was knocked out of his lu
ngs and pain shot up his spine. Zoro was suddenly on top of him, pinning him dow
n by his wrists and his legs straddling one of Sanji s thighs. The larger man brou
ght his face close to Sanji s, his eyes boring into the blond s.
Zoro didn t know what to think. Maybe he was dreaming, that was really the only ex
planation. His heart had been in the palm of his hand! He had been in the proces
s of handing it over to Sanji to rip it apart, when the fucking cook had thrown
him for a loop! He had kissed him! He had fucking kissed him! What the fuck!? Wh
at. The. Fuck!?
Zoro s heart beat so frantically in his chest, it hurt. His ribs were no doubt abo
ut to break. There was no way his body could hold together with all the emotiona
l turmoil he was experiencing right now. There was no way the human mind was cap
able of handling all of this without going completely mad.
The swordsman stared into the beautiful eyes of the man below him, the man that
held his life in his hands. The one person in the whole world that could be Zoro s
salvation or his complete destruction lay beneath him, panting softly, looking
up at him with the reflection of the rain sending watery shadows down his face l
ike tears.
Sanji what Zoro paused to swallow, not liking how weak he sounded.
Sanji if you re doing this out of pity or if this is some sick way to get back at me
for taking your old life away, I swear on my uncle s-
Kiss me, Zoro, Sanji whispered below him. The cook had his head tilted up and slig
htly to the side. His eyes were lidded and his mouth was parted slightly.
Zoro ached for him. He screamed for Sanji from the very core of his being. As he
looked down at his lover, seeing him as he once was: disheveled, unearthly sexy
, pinned beneath him and flushed from an earlier struggle, Zoro finally came apa
rt completely and attacked those soft, willing willing-- lips. He met Sanji s kiss
with a fierceness born only to a starving man.
Sanji s lips parted and Zoro dove inside, groaning at the familiar taste he had be
en craving for longer than he thought he could last. Sanji had always been a fan
tastic kisser, but the need and the desperation that Zoro felt behind every move
ment the cook made, intensified their touch. He could feel his entire body tremb
ling with the force of his desire for the other man. He slowly released Sanji s wr
ists and rested his hands on the ground. The blond s fingers were instantly back i
n his hair, pulling gently at the short strands and tilting Zoro s head to get a b
etter angle on their kiss. When the swordsman felt the cook s free leg curling aro
und his own, Zoro relaxed his body and pressed down onto the other s hips. He grou
nd his thigh against Sanji s erection, earning a soft moan from the cook.
Thrilled at the sound, Zoro rolled his hips again and let one of his hands slide
down Sanji s side. He gripped the blond s hip and used it as leverage to press the
two of them even closer together. This time, Sanji broke the kiss to gasp agains
t the swordsman s lips. The hold he had on Zoro s hair became tighter and the larger
man growled appreciatively in response. Zoro moved to place hard, open-mouth ki
sses on Sanji s jaw and neck, leaving light marks on the cook s pale skin.
Sanji turned his head to give Zoro better access. He fumbled around until he fou
nd Zoro s collar again and slipped his hands beneath the leather. He started to pu
sh the jacket off the other s broad shoulders and almost whimpered when Zoro s mouth
left him. Sanji heard the swordsman s jacket hit the wood floor, but had no idea
where it had been thrown. He didn t really care either, because then Zoro was kiss
ing him again. Dexterous fingers undid the buttons on his shirt with supersizing
speed and gently un-tucked his under shirt. A warm, calloused palm trailed up t
he flesh of his chest, making him shiver and arch up against the touch. The cook
reciprocated and tugged at the bottom of Zoro s pullover. The swordsman did him a
favor, removing it and the under shirt together, exposing his scarred and muscu
lar torso. Sanji found himself wishing that there was more light in the dojo; th
e faint glow from the window wasn t sufficient to see the man above him. So he mad
e do with running his hands over as much of the dark skin as he could, mapping o
ut Zoro s body by touch.
Zoro shuddered hard as Sanji s hands ran over his scar. He bit back a moan as the
cook brushed his fingers over one of his nipples. He had been so long without in
timate touch that he was hyper sensitive to everything Sanji was doing. He could
n t even begin to imagine what it was going to be like when Sanji ran his tongue o
ver these sensitive parts; what it was going to be like when Sanji touched his b
are thighs, his ass, his cock. The thought made him groan softly and he settled
down on his elbow so he could feel the skin of Sanji s toned stomach against his o
The cold and hard press of the wood floor reminded Zoro where they were and he s
at up abruptly. Sanji made a whimpering sound as he looked up at the swordsman w
ith a frown on his face.
What s wrong? The cook panted.
Nothing s wrong, Zoro said, a little shakily.
He stood and reached out his hand to help Sanji up. The blond complied and Zoro
started to pull the other man through the living room towards the hall.
I m just not going to make love to you for the first time in a year on the hard flo
Sanji fought against his knees buckling as he was pulled through the hallway tow
ards the bedroom. Unbidden, a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth at Zoro s w
ords. Make love to you He felt a little childish at his reaction, but he couldn t rem
ember ever having made love before. Sure, he had had some fantastic nights with
beautiful women in his time, but he had come into each of those knowing when mor
ning came, he was gone or she was gone wherever the night had happened to take pla
ce, and that would be that. As much as he had claimed to be a lover of women, th
ere really had been no room for actual love . Sanji felt the first pangs of nervous
ness creep into his stomach and he hoped that he wouldn t disappoint Zoro with his w
ell, technically-- inexperience.
Zoro pulled him through the door and, without letting go of the cook s hand, turne
d to walk backwards into the room. Sanji saw the other watching his face careful
ly in the glow from the window. It was surprisingly brighter in the bedroom than
in the dojo. Light from the moon and the streetlamps shone directly inside, and
Sanji was pleased to find that he could see every bit of Zoro clearly. When the
swordsman stopped, Sanji took the opportunity to look over the other. He let hi
s eyes wander to the impressive scar stretching the length of the other man s ches
t and he reached out his hand to trace the gnarled flesh from tip to tip. He hea
rd Zoro s breath catch and startled as the swordsman caught his hand. Sanji watche
d as Zoro slowly brought his hand to his mouth and kiss his palm, the touch send
ing peasant shivers down the cook s spine.
Sanji met Zoro s eyes and was enchanted by the look the swordsman was giving him.
He had never before felt so precious and he couldn t stop himself from smiling sof
tly. Zoro smiled back and slowly leaned forward in invitation. The cook met the
other man s lips, letting the larger man place his arms around his tanned neck. Zo
ro s hands moved down Sanji s sides to caress his lower back and hips, and the blond
whispered into the kiss.
You like my hips
Zoro pulled away slightly and dusted Sanji s cheeks with feather light kisses. I do
Sanji closed his eyes and pressed himself closer; enjoying the feel of Zoro s scar
red flesh against his chest.
Zoro s grip became firmer and he lowered his face to nuzzle Sanji s neck.
It s where all your power hinges, Zoro murmured, I like being able to hold onto the c
enter of your strength. When I put my hands here, I can read your movements and
anticipate move with you
Sanji sighed as Zoro nibbled on his skin. Note to self: Don t let Zoro get a hold o
f your hips while sparring.
Zoro chuckled and pulled Sanji s hips against his. The cook gasped as the unmistak
able bulge in Zoro s pants rubbed against his own hardness. It was a strange feeli
ng, and Sanji froze, suddenly unsure. The swordsman must have felt the change be
cause he lessened his grip and brought his lips to Sanji s ear.
It s okay, Sanji he soothed in his deep baritone. It s okay
Sanji let out a breath, holding on to Zoro tightly, but refusing to move.
I know, Sanji whispered. It s just weird.
Turn around, Zoro said.
Why? Sanji murmured.
Just trust me. Zoro kissed his temple.
Sanji slowly complied and turned to face the window. He felt Zoro s breath on the
back of his neck and shivered lightly. He stood still as Zoro pulled his shirt f
rom his shoulders and slipped his hands beneath his undershirt.
Raise your arms, Zoro whispered.
Sanji did, and the swordsman pulled the shirt off. The cook waited patiently unt
il he felt Zoro s fingers slide around his waist and dip into the front of his jea
ns. Sanji gasped as his heart started to race. He reached down and stopped the o
ther s hands with his own.
Wait! Wait! Sanji cried, I don t know I mean, I don t Zoro, I-
You re still stressing about me being a guy, Zoro whispered as he kissed Sanji s neck.
Don t I know better than a woman how to touch you. A woman doesn t know what it feels
like, so she has to guess I don t have to guess
Sanji s heart still pounded hard in his chest, but he had to admit that what Zoro
said made sense. The cook lessened his hold slightly as Zoro moved his hands up
his chest. The larger man trailed his fingers over Sanji s muscled abs, flattened
his palms over his pale chest and flicked his nipples lightly with a calloused t
humb. Sanji relaxed more as Zoro kissed his neck and softly bit into the flesh o
f his shoulder. The blond s eyes fell closed and he let himself drift in the sensa
tion of Zoro s touch.
Zoro s hands moved lower once again, but Sanji didn t protest. His button and zipper
were undone before he could think twice about it, and he hissed as the swordsma
n slipped his hands inside his jeans and underneath his boxers. The first soft t
ouches of Zoro s fingers on his cock were like fire. Sanji pushed back against the
swordsman and let out a soft whimper. Zoro pushed his jeans down low on his hip
s and pulled Sanji s member out, immediately stroking the cook to hardness with gr
aceful and precise movements.
Sanji let his head fall back onto Zoro s shoulder. He gripped the other man s moving
wrist, but this time it was more for support than trying to make him stop. He c
losed his eyes and whispered breathlessly into the swordsman s ear.
Oh my God
Zoro bit into Sanji s neck and pressed his hips against the blond s slim frame. His
own arousal dug into the cleft of Sanji s ass and the swordsman felt dizzy when Sa
nji whimpered at the contact. He felt Sanji s lips against his jaw and knew he was
n t going to be able to hold it together for much longer. He released Sanji s erecti
on and immediately silenced the cook s protest with his other hand. He bit Sanji s e
ar and growled low in his throat.
Don t move.
Sanji nodded and Zoro released the panting cook. He slipped his thumbs underneat
h the top of the blond s jeans and pulled the fabric down over the other s thighs. H
e kissed up Sanji s back and guided the blond to step out of his pants. Zoro then
moved back and unbuttoned his own pants. He kicked off his shoes and removed his
clothes, piling his jeans, boxers and socks by the bed. Returning to Sanji s nake
d form, Zoro took a hold of the cook s hips again and breathed along Sanji s exposed
Sanji felt the warmth of Zoro s skin even before the swordsman touched him. The ho
t flesh of Zoro s erection pressed against his ass, and the cook bit his lip to ke
ep from crying out. The need he felt rolling off Zoro s body infected him and he a
rched back against the other man s chest. His hands reached up to find Zoro s hair a
nd pulled hard, eliciting another growl from the larger man. The swordsman turne
d him roughly and then silenced whatever the blond was about to say with a rough
kiss. Sanji didn t have much time to respond before Zoro pushed him back to sit o
n the bed. The swordsman dropped to his knees between Sanji s legs and kissed down
the pale chest.
Woa, wait, Sanji breathed heavily, Zoro, you don t have to-
Zoro ignored him and placed a long lick up the underside of Sanji s cock before ta
king him in his mouth.
Sanji couldn t stop himself this time and he cried out. His fist found its way bac
k into Zoro s hair and the other went to the back of the swordsman s neck. His breat
h started coming in short gasps and he slouched so he could watch Zoro s lips move
over him. He no longer gave a shit that Zoro was a guy, he just wanted to watch
what that talented mouth was doing.
Oh shit
Zoro pumped Sanji with his hand as he gently sucked on the cook s tip, his large a
nd calloused palm causing an incredible sensation on Sanji s sensitive skin. Gradu
ally, the swordsman s mouth worked up and down Sanji s shaft. Sanji grunted and tigh
tened his grip. Zoro moved at the perfect speed, kept the perfect amount of pres
sure with his hand, and knew exactly how hard to suck.
Oh fuck shit, Zoro you know how to suck cock fuck
He felt Zoro smile and Sanji almost screamed as the swordsman deep throated him
and swallowed. He let his head fall back as he felt his orgasm building. Zoro s th
roat clenched around him over and over, and the swordsman s skilled fingers teased
his sack until Sanji couldn t hold it anymore. He tried to warn Zoro off him, but
the green-haired man stayed and sucked him hard as he came. Sanji s head spun as
he spurted thickly into Zoro s mouth, the larger man swallowing easily around him.
Sanji panted heavily as his head fell forward. He met Zoro s eyes as the swordsman
came off him and wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his palm. Sanj
i released the other man s hair and gripped the blanket to steady himself.
Zoro looked up at him with an unreadable expression. You okay?
Sanji closed his eyes. Well, considering I just received the best head of my life
I would say yes.
Zoro s smiled wickedly. Well, next time maybe you ll last a little longer and I can s
how you what I can really do.
Sanji made a face. Shut up, asshole, it s been two years. Cut me some slack.
Actually, it s been one. Zoro grinned.
Zoro chuckled and kissed Sanji softly on the neck. He held on to the blond s hips
and smoothed circles into the soft skin. His own member throbbed relentlessly bu
t he knew Sanji needed a few minutes before Zoro started anything else. The cook
had taken a huge step and Zoro didn t want to press the cook too far too fast.
Sure enough, when Sanji s breathing had slowed and Zoro felt his pulse ease from b
eneath his lips, the cook s body tensed and his hands went to Zoro s elbows.
What Sanji said quietly, What happens now?
Zoro pulled away and sat back on his heels. He took Sanji s hands in his own and k
issed the scarred knuckles.
Nothing that you don t want, he said sincerely, I ll stop now if you want me to. But if
you decide to go on, I promise I ll go slow.
Sanji looked at Zoro evenly and felt the nervousness he hadn t realized was gone,
creep back into his gut. Was he really ready for this? He couldn t stop now, that
would be extremely unfair to Zoro. But oh God this was really happening He kind o
f knew how the whole thing went down, it couldn t be that different from straight
sex, but he was still fuzzy on the logistics. Can they do it like a guy and a gi
rl? Or were there some positions that didn t really work for guys? Where did his l
egs go? Shouldn t he take a shower first? What do they do when-
Sanji Zoro was looking worried now. Sanji, what s wrong?
Sanji shook his head, trying to clear the worries. He squeezed Zoro s hands and le
aned forward to whisper quietly as if someone was listening in on their conversa
I want to be with you, Zoro. I just don t Sanji faltered, growling quietly in frustra
tion. I can t believe I m saying this He paused again and took a breath. I have no ide
hat to do. I feel like a fucking virgin.
That got a much better reaction than Sanji had thought it would. Zoro s breath spe
d up and the cook felt the other man s impossibly hot skin get even hotter. The sw
ordsman s hands moved to Sanji s thighs and held there in a grip that was just shy o
f painful.
Zoro felt light headed, and it was no doubt that it was because all the blood in
his entire body had rushed to fill his cock. Sanji s words had turned him on so h
ard, he thought he might just come right there on the floor. Leave it to the coo
k to have him reduced to babbling and incoherency with one simple phrase. Zoro h
ad always loved Sanji s dirty sex talk, but this uncertain, nervous Sanji might ki
ll him.
Virgin Sanji that just might be the hottest thing Zoro had ever heard of
The swordsman tried to find his voice and murmured softly into Sanji s ear. It s okay
You don t have to do anything. He pulled away from Sanji s neck and ran his tongue li
ghtly over the cook s pulse. Just trust me. I promise I ll make it feel good.
Zoro waited with a pounding heart, trying to control his breathing and relaxing
his grip on Sanji s thighs. He tried to tell himself that if Sanji wanted to stop
now, it would be okay, they could try again tomorrow. It did not mean that the c
ook was going to change his mind and kick him out later. It would be hard, so ve
ry, very hard to walk away from this, but Zoro knew he could do it. Sanji was ok
ay with him, okay with being together, and that was so much more than he had bee
n willing to ask for earlier that day.
Zoro felt hands on his cheeks and a gentle push to back away. The swordsman comp
lied and looked up into Sanji s face. The cook studied him carefully, his brow fur
rowed gently as his eyes took in whatever it was he was looking for. Zoro remain
ed still as stone, waiting.
Who Sanji s voice cracked and he cleared his throat. He was shaking a little and Zoro
slid his hands around the blond s waist to offer him silent support.
Which one of us um Sanji closed his eyes. I mean, who
Zoro moved forward and kissed Sanji s trembling lips softly. He rested his forehea
d against the blond s and spoke as gently as he could.
You can take me if you want if that will make it easier for you.
Sanji hesitated, and then shook his head slowly. I I want to, but I don t know what s g
ood and what s not. I don t know if there s stuff that hurts or whatever. I want it to
be good cause you ve been waiting for a year. Sanji s breath caught and Zoro watched
a single tear slide from the cook s eye.
I I think you deserve it
Zoro kissed Sanji s cheek, stopping the tear with his lips, and shivering at the c
ook s words. He was flattered beyond words and touched at what the cook was trying
to say.
Deserve what? He pressed.
Sanji opened his eyes and fixed him with another intense stare.
Take me, Sanji whispered. Do what you said you were going to do earlier make love to
Zoro s heart stopped. Nothing else the cook could have possibly said would ever ha
ve been better than that. The swordsman fought down the urge to burst into tears
and moved his hand to slowly brush Sanji s hair from his face. His year of waitin
g, his agony at possibly losing his most precious person, his broken heart, and
his worry about his seemingly bleak future seemed far away. Sanji s words had star
ted the mending of his soul and he found a sense of peace welling inside him.
Sanji s worries that he had said something stupid vanished as he watched the tears
fill Zoro s eyes. The swordsman brushed the hair from his eyes tenderly and leane
d in close, his mouth just barely brushing against Sanji s. The cook shivered and
parted his lips just as Zoro whispered to him.
Lie back.
Sanji shuddered then and immediately moved up on the bed. He watched as Zoro sto
od and strode to the bedside table. Every muscle in the swordsman s body stood out
against the moonlight. His thighs rippled and flexed as he bent to retrieve a s
mall bottle from the top drawer. Sanji tried to hold in his gasp when Zoro turne
d towards him, but the cook couldn t help it when the man s front was illuminated co
mpletely. Besides the scar across his chest, Zoro was perfect. Every curve, ever
y angle of his form showed he was a warrior. There was not a place on the swords
man that wasn t toned. Every inch of him showed his training, his determination to
reach his goal.
Sanji s eyes moved lower and he stilled at the sight of Zoro s arousal. He wasn t as b
ig as Sanji, but he was thick and had an almost textbook shape. The cook wanted
to flee for a moment, but then remembered what Zoro had said about going slow. Z
oro would never hurt him on purpose; he just had to trust him.
Zoro stood looking at Sanji for several long seconds. He knew he was probably ma
king the cook uncomfortable by the way the blond was looking at him, but he didn t
care. All he wanted at that moment was to look at the gorgeous man spread out o
n the sheets. Sanji was resting on his elbows, one of the sexiest positions he c
ould manage and the cook probably didn t even realize it. His smooth skin almost g
lowed in the moonlight, his toned torso and long god, impossibly long-- legs stret
ched out in front of him, waiting to be caressed, waiting to be kissed and licke
d. Spread apart and wrapped around his waist
Zoro tossed the lotion he had retrieved from the drawer onto the pillows and mov
ed to crawl onto the bed. He kissed Sanji s knees and gently parted his legs. The
cook was looking at him with wide eyes, but he made no moves to fight what was h
appening. He just watched as Zoro trailed kisses up the inside of his thighs. Th
e swordsman moved in between the blond s legs and rested on his knees. His mouth l
icked up Sanji s chest and his teeth nibbled at the flesh of the cook s neck.
Lay back, Zoro instructed again.
Sanji did as he was told and let his head and shoulders fall back onto the bed.
Zoro kissed his mouth gently and reached for one of the pillows. Lift your hips, h
e said softly. Sanji did and Zoro slipped the pillow underneath him. The swordsm
an then returned to Sanji s mouth, and this time, kissed him for real. He pushed p
assed Sanji s lips and ran his tongue over the cook s. He put his whole body into th
e kiss, resting on his elbow and wrapping his arm around the lithe torso beneath
him. Sanji s arms came around his neck and Zoro let his hips come down on the blo
nd s, crushing his erection against the cook s awakening member.
Sanji made a noise that was half a choke and half a moan. He dug his heels into
the mattress and pushed up against Zoro, loving the friction and the feel of the
other man s skin against his own. The swordsman s body rocked against his and Sanji
let himself be swept away. He groaned into the other s mouth, not liking the soun
ds he was producing, but unable to stop them as Zoro moved against him. He broke
the kiss and tilted his head back, silently asking for Zoro to claim his throat
. The swordsman wasted no time and bit down on the other s skin, sucking gently as
the cook cried out and tightened his arms around the larger man s neck.
Zoro s lips pulled away and ghosted over Sanji s ear. He breathed in the cook s smell
and rolled his hips again. He couldn t get enough of the sounds Sanji was making a
nd wished the blond would stop holding himself back. He wanted to hear Sanji s voi
ce, listen to him ramble and curse as he lost control, just as Zoro was losing c
ontrol of himself.
Sanji, Zoro whispered, Let me have you now Please. I can t hold on any longer
The cook made a strangled noise and nodded against Zoro s neck. The swordsman kiss
ed the blond once more before he rose to his knees and retrieved the bottle of l
otion on the pillows. Sanji watched him as he opened the cap and poured a small
amount into his palm. He tossed the bottle aside and bent one of Sanji s legs so t
hat his ankle met the back of his thigh. Hold your leg here, Zoro said, pushing Sa
nji s knee closer to his chest. Sanji obeyed and pulled his leg back as Zoro strok
ed his cock, coating it with the lotion and filling the small space with the sme
ll of Asian pears.
Z-Zoro Sanji said in a broken whisper.
Zoro looked up and met Sanji s wide eyes. Yes, Sanji?
Sanji fisted the sheets above his head with his free hand and bit his bottom lip
. Does it hurt?
Zoro stilled his movements and leaned over the frightened cook, kissing him soft
ly and using his un-lubed hand to rub soft circles on the flesh of his thigh.
It might for a few seconds, Zoro said. But there s more pressure than anything. Sanji
nodded but he still looked like Zoro was about to brand him with hot coals. The
swordsman kissed him again and murmured softly onto his lips. I would never want
to hurt you, Sanji. If you tell me to stop, I ll stop no matter how far along we ar
Promise? Sanji whimpered.
I promise, Zoro agreed.
Sanji closed his eyes and the tension left his shoulders. He took a couple of de
ep breaths and nodded his head.
Okay, he whispered, Okay
Zoro could barely control his shaking as he teased the head of his cock against
Sanji s opening. He pressed forward, pushing only his head inside in case Sanji di
d decide to stop. He watched as the cook squeezed his eyes closed and clenched h
is jaw, but the blond said nothing.
Relax, Zoro s voice shook, Relax here, Sanji. Zoro rubbed the tightly clenched muscles
of the cook s ass, still watching the blond s face. Sanji gritted his teeth and cus
sed softly, but Zoro felt his muscles relax slightly.
Zoro prayed to any god that might exist that Sanji wouldn t tell him to stop, and
eased himself forward. Sinking slowly inside, he tried to be as careful as possi
ble and not just plunge in and start pounding the cook like he used to. Sanji s ha
nd slipped from his sweaty leg and gripped the swordsman s arm, his fingers dug in
to Zoro s flesh. He still said nothing though, so Zoro continued to press forward
until he was fully seated.
Sanji, Zoro said with some difficulty. Sanji, are you all right?
Tears were leaking from Sanji s closed eyes. At Zoro s words, the cook breathed in s
harply as if he had been holding his breath the whole time.
Shit Sanji said though clenched teeth.
Zoro leaned over him and pulled his fingers through his hair. Sanji, are you okay
? Talk to me, baby, does it hurt?
Sanji lay beneath the swordsman, his heel digging into the mattress and his thig
hs squeezing Zoro s hips like they were his last grip on life. He opened his eyes
slowly and looked up into concerned dark eyes. There was pressure, just like Zor
o had said, but there was no pain, none at all. He had been so worried about the
whole thing that now, as his fears were laid to rest, his relief crashed into h
im, causing a sob to escape his lips.
No he managed between sharp gasps of air, No it doesn t hurt at all.
Zoro didn t look convinced. Sanji, if you re lying to-
Zoro, Sanji growled, Are you gonna show me how this is done or not? Fucking move al
r ah oh God Oh fuck, Zoro
Zoro braced himself on his hands. He thrust in and out, rolling his hips slightl
y to the right. He knew that precise movement caused him to brush places inside
Sanji that drove the cook wild. He watched Sanji s face as pleasure danced across
his features. He made the most tantalizing sounds as Zoro rolled into him and th
e swordsman felt himself losing it faster than he ever had before. It had been t
oo long; too long apart; too long without each other s touch. Zoro s restraint start
ed to disappear and he leaned down to kiss Sanji s lips.
Sanji gasped as everything became Zoro. There was no other smell, no other touch
, no other anything as the swordsman moved inside him. The world had fallen away
and all that remained was Zoro s lips against his, Zoro s cock moving in and out of
him, sending ecstasy instead of blood coursing through his veins. There was no
greater pleasure than this. Sanji was finally alive and living for the first tim
e. No kitchen, no dojo, no fighting ring in the world held as much joy for Sanji
as one caress from Zoro s hands; one kiss from the swordsman s lips.
Then, just when Sanji thought it couldn t get any better, Zoro whispered against h
is mouth. Beautiful words said in a breathless, untamed voice that sent electric
ity straight to Sanji s heart.
Sanji, Zoro gasped, I love you please don t ever forget that again.
Sanji s eyes opened to met Zoro s. Their gazes locked for several long moments as th
ey breathed the same air and reveled in the slide of their sweaty bodies. Sanji
broke first and lifted both his hands to cup the swordsman s jaw. He kissed him ha
rd and the larger man groaned from deep in his throat. Zoro sped up his movement
s and Sanji knew he was nearing his peak. He reached down to take himself in his
hand, but Zoro s was already there. The green-haired man pumped him mercilessly a
s he pounded in and out of him. Sanji lifted his legs to wrap around the other m
an s waist and raised his hands above his head to tangle back in the sheets. He wa
s coming before he knew it, spurting his seed over Zoro s hand and crying out Zoro s
name over and over.
Zoro knew that if this was the last thing he ever did, he would have no regrets.
As Sanji s legs came around him and the cook started to pulse in his hand, he kne
w that his life was complete again and the dead person pretending to be him for
the last year was gone. Sanji s presence surrounded him, filled in the holes lift
vacant for so long. The cook s cries, saying his name again and again, mended his
heart and calmed his spirit. He didn t realize he had been whispering how much he
loved Sanji over and over in the other man s ear until he started to come himself
and his voice left him.
The next thing Zoro knew, he was on his side and Sanji was curled against his ch
est. He must have blacked out. That happened quite often with Sanji, the orgasm
being so intense, his brain momentarily shut down.
Sanji was breathing hard into the crook of his neck, his arms rested against his
scarred chest. Zoro slipped his hand around the slim waist and pulled the other
man as close to him as he could.
Zoro? Sanji s voice startled him.
Zoro cleared his throat, worried at what Sanji might say. Yeah?
Sanji lay still, his breath slowing and starting to tickle Zoro s skin.
Say it again
Zoro held his breath. Say what again?
Don t be stupid.
Zoro s eyes filled with tears yet again and he pressed a kiss into Sanji s hair. It
took a moment before he could speak, but when he did, his voice was steady.
I love you, Sanji
Sanji closed his eyes and sank against Zoro s body. He felt the catch in Zoro s brea
thing and he turned slightly so the larger man could slip his other arm around h
is body. The swordsman held him tightly and Sanji s heart ached when he felt the c
ool trickle of tears on Zoro s chin.
Zoro, I m sorry, Sanji whispered.
Zoro tensed. Sorry for what?
Sanji took a breath and murmured into Zoro s neck. For making you hurt for so long.
Zoro growled, but the sound held no anger. I told you before, this wasn t your faul
Sanji shook his head and slid his hand down Zoro s chest.
No, he said softly, These last couple of weeks were my fault, I didn t listen to my o
wn instincts. I m sorry for that
Zoro let out a breath and kissed his head again. Sanji felt the swordsman pullin
g a quilt over them both before settling back down and running his hand along th
e skin of his arm.
You re here with me now, Zoro whispered, So you don t need to apologize.
Sanji nodded and accepted that as Zoro s forgiveness. He tucked himself away into
the larger man s outline and drifted off to sleep with Zoro s caresses soothing his
mind and heart.
X x X x X
Sanji awoke to the sound of Nine Inch Nails March of the Pigs. He was disoriented
and groggy, but he still figured it was the ring of a cell phone. He crawled ov
er Zoro s passed out form, and rolled off the bed, onto the floor. The ringing con
tinued but was much louder and Sanji realized that the phone must be only a few
feet from him. He spotted Zoro s pants on the floor to his right and fumbled in th
e pockets until he found Zoro s phone.
Hello? He mumbled sleepily, not thinking to check the caller ID.
S-Sanji? Ace s voice was high pitched. Why do you have Zoro s phone?
Sanji rubbed his eyes and leaned against the bed. Because it was on the floor and
I picked it up.
Ace sputtered and Sanji thought he heard Vivi in the background.
Sanji, Ace said seriously, Where is Zoro? He was supposed to call me.
Sanji yawned. He s about a foot and a half behind me sleeping.
Ace was silent for a few seconds before he responded. Sleeping? Why?
Sanji growled into the phone, frustrated with his friend.
Because he wore himself out fucking me! I m pretty tired too, so if you don t have an
actual purpose for this call, I m gonna hang up and go back to sleep, okay!?
Sanji pulled his ear away from the phone as Ace s laughter bellowed through the re
ceiver. He groaned in annoyance and cussed at his friend.
Fuck you, Ace.
Ace tried to speak through his laughter.
I love you guys! I ll talk to you tomorrow okay?
Night, asshole.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I didn't forget this story. x) I just moved though, so Real Life got in the way
for a bit. Hope you enjoy! xD
Chapter 17
Sunlight warmed Sanji s cheeks as he slowly surfaced from sleep. He breathed in de
eply, and took in the large, warm body pressed against him from behind. He kept
his eyes closed and let his fingers slide over the rough skin of Zoro s forearm. T
he larger man s breath puffed against the back of his neck, and the cook s mouth qui
rked as the swordsman let out a soft snore.
Sanji opened his eyes. Zoro was curled against his back; his face buried in Sanj
i s hair. One of his tanned legs was lodged between Sanji s, and Zoro s arm was wrappe
d firmly around his waist. The swordsman had thoroughly trapped him, and the coo
k couldn t help but chuckle. Sanji lifted his head carefully off of Zoro s arm, and
shifted his shoulders. He turned as far as Zoro s hold would allow, and placed a l
ight kiss on his sleeping lover s temple.
Oh wow Sanji thought with a start. Lover Zoro is my lover My lover is a man Holy God
He had expected, come morning, he would feel apprehensive, embarrassed, or maybe
even ashamed. But as Sanji lay there, listening to Zoro s breathing and watching
the swordsman s eyelashes flutter as he dreamed, Sanji felt nothing but content. H
e took a few moments to just look at the other man, take in his skin, his lips,
things that he had no doubt already memorized once but had forgotten. He lifted
the arm that rested against Zoro s chest, and ran the backs of his fingers over th
e swordsman s jaw. The skin was smooth, no stubble at all. Not one hair.
That s strange. Sanji s brow furrowed. Does Zoro have any body hair at all?
Sanji remembered Zoro s arms were smooth and hairless. The swordsman had shown him
at the hospital, and last night he really hadn t had a chance to look at the othe
r s legs. Did he have leg hair? For that matter, did he have hair...
Not going there. Sanji squeezed his eyes shut. He had just spent, what was for h
im, his first night as a gay man, but that didn t mean he was okay with another ma
n s genitalia. It was Zoro, and he was pretty okay with Zoro, but Zoro s genitals? N
o. Give him a day or two maybe a week or two Then maybe he would work up the courag
e to check it out explore and do stuff
Sanji mentally rolled his eyes and turned over slowly. Time to get up. Lying her
e, cuddled with naked Zoro can t be good for one s reasoning or poise.
The cook moved carefully out from under Zoro s arm and untangled his feet. He slip
ped from the bed, and tiptoed to his drawers where he pulled out a pair of black
Judo gi training pants. He held them up and smiled approvingly at the double la
yer knee patches. He slipped them on without boxers and started to reach for a s
hirt, but then stopped as he eyed Zoro s drawers. He checked over his shoulder at
the sleeping swordsman, feeling a little like a teenager, before he opened the d
rawer and pulled out one of Zoro s long sleeved shirts. He left the room silently,
pulling the soft black fabric over his head.
God, I m retarded One freaking night and I m already Sanji buried his face in the slee
ves and inhaled Zoro s scent. Never mind, I don t think I really care
In the bathroom, as Sanji brushed his teeth, he alternated placing his feet on t
he counter and stretching his front and inner thighs. He made a note of which mu
scle groups were sore, and let his mind calculate how these new muscles were goi
ng to improve his attacks. He tried not to dwell in his surprise of finding hims
elf not sore in the places he thought he would be. Shouldn t there be a little thr
obbing or tenderness? Some kind of discomfort after-
Sanji s cell phone rang, pulling the cook from that particular line of thought. He
let out a relieved breath, and dug through the pockets of the jacket he had lef
t in the bathroom the night before. He pulled out the little silver Blackberry p
laying How To Save A Life by The Fray. The caller ID showed Chopper , and Sanji ans
wered with a smile.
Hey kiddo.
He heard Chopper scoff on the other end. Don t call me that. I m only like, two years
younger than you.
Sorry. Sanji chuckled. He grabbed his cigarettes and lighter before he headed to t
he kitchen. So what s up?
Well, I um Chopper s voice trailed off.
Sanji knew that tone, and he sighed softly as he pulled out a kettle and filled
it with water. What s wrong?
Chopper made a small sound and started to mumble into the phone.
I um nothing s wrong I was just calling because Chopper s voice tightened, and Sanji s
led as his friend held his breath and sniffed wetly into is ear.
Sanji started to worry. Chopper, if nothing is wrong, why are you calling me at s
even in the morning and trying not to cry? Did something else happen with Usopp?
Is Kaya okay?
To Sanji s surprise, Chopper started to laugh. It was shaky and punctuated by hars
h sniffing, but it calmed Sanji enough that he could set the kettle on the stove
and take down a package of Earl Grey tea. He waited patiently for Chopper to co
mpose himself, and pulled the milk from the fridge.
No, no, Chopper said. I was calling because I I called Luffy this morning and he was
at Ace s he was- well, he and Ace- were shouting and talking to me at the same tim
e and I couldn t understand much, but he they said Ace said Chopper s voice trailed of
Sanji smiled, knowing exactly what Chopper was trying to ask. He leaned against
the counter and grabbed the sugar container, tracing around the lid with his ind
ex finger.
It s true, Chopper, Sanji said quietly.
Zoro woke up alone, like he had so many times before after dreaming of Sanji. He
stared at the empty space beside him before he rolled onto his back and almost
started sobbing at the thought of last night being just another dream. Or even w
orse, if it hadn t, and Sanji was pissed about the whole thing. But as he listened
, he heard the cook shuffling around in the kitchen, talking happily to someone
on the phone. The swordsman turned back onto his side and fisted the sheets as t
he tears really threatened to run. It was suddenly just like any other morning w
hen Sanji had been with him before. Zoro was rested, warm under his blankets, wi
th the comforting smell of cigarette smoke wafting in from the other room. He sm
elled Sanji all over him, his spicy, musky scent lingered on the pillow and on h
is skin. He closed his eyes and just listened, reveling in the moment, happy bey
ond all rational thought.
Until doubt had kicked in. Last night had been great for him, amazing, mind blow
ing even but what about Sanji? Had he liked it? Had it been good for him? There w
ere moments when Zoro knew he had been rough. Had he been too rough? Had he hurt
Sanji? Was the cook just going through the motions of being fine when he was ac
tually in pain? Sanji did that all the time--put on a strong face and pressed on
through the discomfort. His pride was so important to him. Shit what if Zoro had
gone too fast? Should he have just kissed him? Kept his touches to a minimum an
d let the cook work into the intimate part of their relationship slowly?
Slipping out of bed and pulling on sweats and a sweatshirt, Zoro moved silently
into the hallway. He trailed a hand along the wall beside him, as he moved towar
d the kitchen. Sanji s voice was low, but he was speaking gently, no hint of anger
in his voice. Zoro listened and his heart sped up as the cook started to laugh
Sanji chuckled as Chopper started choking. His friend stuttered a bit before he
managed to get a few words across.
It it is? True, I mean? You and Zoro ?
Sanji got a mug from one of the hanging pegs, and set it next to the stove. It is
. He added milk and sugar before he turned around and lifted himself to sit on th
e counter. Holding the phone against his shoulder, he listened to the quiet sobs
of his friend as he pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit up.
What Chopper breathed, and Sanji was sure he heard a loud voice over an intercom. Wh
at happened? Everyone thought you were going to
I know what it probably looked like, but you guys have no idea how hard it was fo
r me to just Sanji sighed and turned off the heat right as the kettle started to w
histle. I thought he was tired of waiting for me to make a decision and was getti
ng pissed off. He added the tea to the water and filled his mug without waiting f
or it to settle.
What!? Chopper cried.
I know, it sounds stupid, but from how I saw it, I thought he just wanted me to g
et my act together so he could get on with his life.
Oh, Sanji, Chopper whimpered. Zoro would never He loves you so much.
Sanji could feel himself blush, and he rubbed his thumb over the top of the mug.
I know now
Chopper sighed heavily. He thought you were going to tell him to leave
Sanji felt eyes on him, and turned to see Zoro leaning on the wall at the entran
ce to the kitchen. His hands were shoved deep into the pocket of his sweatshirt,
and his eyes were studying something infinitely interesting on the hardwood flo
or at his feet.
I know he did But I hope he understands now that I never planned on doing that
Zoro s eyes lifted slowly until he met Sanji s. Their gazes locked, and Sanji was th
rown by the intensity Zoro was able to conjure up with just a look. The cook als
o noticed Zoro s stance was slightly defeated, like it was last night. Sanji s heart
ached, and he wanted to jump off the counter and pull Zoro into his arms, kiss
him softly until that look went away. He never wanted to see the swordsman like
that ever again, especially if it was because of him.
You never know with Zoro, Chopper said. Sometimes he s so right on and he knows exact
ly what you re thinking, and then other times he just doesn t get it.
Sanji didn t miss the note of sadness in Chopper s voice, but he filed it away for a
later time. He stayed looking at Zoro, as he pulled out a cigarette and lit the
tip. Running to the other man and throwing his arms around him like a woman was
n t something Sanji was ready to do yet, and he wasn t even sure if Zoro would appre
ciate it. Instead, he motioned carefully to the swordsman to come closer and til
ted his head to the side, letting his bangs hang down playfully into his eyes.
How is he? Chopper asked, bringing Sanji back to the conversation.
Sanji kept his eyes on Zoro as he answered, I m not really sure. I haven t had a chan
ce to talk to him yet.
Oh, Chopper said, sounding disappointed. But he was happy last um, last night right?
anji could almost hear Chopper blushing. Did he sleep at all? He said he s been hav
ing trouble sleeping since you woke up.
Chopper sniffed into Sanji s ear as Zoro slowly moved away from the wall and made
his way carefully into the kitchen. Sanji blew out smoke and watched Zoro carefu
lly, as he stepped across the floor towards him and stopped a few inches from hi
s dangling feet.
From what I could tell, he slept good, Sanji replied.
Zoro s eyes were frightened, and Sanji s heart broke anew. What could be so wrong af
ter such a wonderful night? He offered his mug and the swordsman took it with wh
at seemed like reflex.
Another loud intercom voice boomed in the background, and Chopper made a frustra
ted noise. I have to go. If they find me here, I ll probably lose my job so Can I se
e you guys after my shift is over?
Sanji smiled, and Zoro looked at him, puzzled. That ll be fine. We ll be out and abou
t today, so just give one of us a call.
All right, I ll talk to you later.
Bye, Chopper.
Sanji hung up. He took a drag from his cigarette, and sat staring at Zoro as he
blew out another long, slow stream. The swordsman buckled under his gaze, and lo
oked down into the mug. He took a large swallow and handed the cup back to Sanji
Thank you, he whispered.
Sanji took the mug, and took a swallow before setting it down beside him on the
counter. He waited patiently for the other man to say what was on his mind.
Zoro shifted, and folded his arms over his chest. He looked so defeated--not lik
e he had the night before, thank God, but so apprehensive and nervous that Sanji
wanted to grab his shoulders and shake it out of him. The swordsman looked at t
he ground and opened his mouth.
Are... are you okay? he whispered softly.
Sanji melted a little inside. If that was really what was making Zoro so anxious
, the sentiment was so incredibly sweet. The fact that Zoro cared so much for hi
m, made Sanji fall just that much more for the handsome swordsman.
But then he realized that waking up alone after last night had probably upset Zo
ro. Sanji should have stayed in bed with him, and reassured the other man just b
y being there. God knows Zoro had woken up alone enough times. The cook reached
out and tugged on swordsman s sweatpants, silently asking him to move closer. Zoro
looked up cautiously, and stepped in between Sanji s knees. The cook sat a little
higher than him on the counter, so Sanji tilted his chin down, inviting Zoro to
kiss him. Zoro responded tentatively, gently touching his lips to the blond's.
The cook dropped his cigarette butt in the sink with a soft hiss , and lifted his h
ands to trail his thumbs down Zoro s jaw. He moved over the other man s slightly cha
pped but still soft and gentle lips, slipping his tongue into Zoro s mouth, lappin
g up the sweet taste of the tea and sugar. His hands moved around the larger man s
neck, his fingers raking gently through short, rough hair. Sanji was starting t
o really enjoy the different textures of Zoro: his leathery, smooth skin, his co
arse hair, the roughness of his tongue, and the calloused pads of his palms
Zoro felt his tension ease. He let himself be led by the other man, tilting his
head back to let Sanji kiss him how ever he wanted. Zoro s hands moved over Sanji s
thighs, caressing softly, massaging circles into the powerful muscles. He felt S
anji s ankles hook around the back of his legs, and he let out a deep growl of app
roval as the cook pulled him closer. Their kiss became heated, their breath quic
kening as Sanji bit at his tongue and pulled hard on the back of his hair. The s
wordsman pressed in harder, arching as Sanji leaned forward. He grabbed the coun
ter with one hand to steady both their bodies before he accidently pushed Sanji
onto the stove. Zoro dove deep into Sanji s mouth, savoring the sweet tea and smok
y flavor. He had always loved the taste of the cook right after he d had a cigaret
te. It was as if Sanji was spiced; cooked and seasoned to perfection, just the w
ay Zoro liked. He slid his hands up under Sanji s sweater and started to stroke th
e warm skin of the cook s sides.
Sanji was astounded that something could feel this good. It was a kiss! Just a f
ucking kiss! The sun had barely risen and already Zoro had him completely undone
. The cook s entire body was humming with want for the swordsman. His need of the
other man blinding his senses, blocking out everything but how much he wanted Zo
ro inside him again; over him, covering him, surrounding him.
Sanji ended the kiss abruptly, grabbing Zoro s jaw and pushing the other man away
gently. He blinked heavy eyelids before smiling a flirtatious smile down at the
other man.
Morning Sanji whispered.
Zoro met his eyes and smiled softly. Sanji was so beautiful, so alluring and tem
pting without even trying. At times like this, when the cook was aggressive, act
ually trying to seduce him with his ragged breaths and his tantalizing kisses, Z
oro s head spun. The swordsman tried to slow his breathing and calm his racing hea
Morning Zoro answered.
Sanji scooted forward and pushed slowly off the counter. Zoro s legs threatened to
buckle as he felt the unmistakable outline of Sanji s arousal through the soft co
tton of his pants, sliding deliberately down his stomach. Sanji settled on the f
loor, never breaking his eye contact, watching Zoro s reactions with a small smirk
Zoro s hand still gripped the counter edge to keep himself from falling over. He c
ouldn t believe Sanji s forwardness after just one night. He closed his eyes and too
k a deep breath to calm his libido.
You re awful friendly today, he whispered into Sanji s hair.
Sanji eyes because serious, but he smiled and wrapped his arms around Zoro s neck.
I m just so tired of fighting it, he said softly. I m exhausted from trying to convince
myself I didn t feel anything
Zoro nodded slowly, understanding, having gone through the same thing two years
ago. He leaned forward and kissed Sanji s forehead softly, letting his lips linger
in the soft, blond hair for a few extra seconds.
Sanji pulled away and squeezed his arms. I m gonna take a shower.
Zoro nodded and backed away reluctantly. As Sanji turned away, Zoro started towa
rd the dojo and began planning a workout in his head; something hard and vigorou
s to get his control back: a little weight lifting, maybe some intense breathing
exercises to get his blood flowing somewhere other than the fixed area between
his thighs. He needed his head back before the two of them went out to their sup
er secret meeting with Chaka.
The swordsman took a few steps before Sanji s voice called to him from the hallway
Hey, Zoro
The tone in the cook s voice went straight to the swordsman s already uncomfortable
erection, and Zoro shivered as he turned to look at his lover.
Sanji stood looking at him over his shoulder, the sweater was half off and the c
ook made a show of pulling it off his arms and dropping it on the floor.
You aren t gonna join me?
It was unreal. Sanji- his Sanji- stood there in the hallway, smirking over his s
houlder and teasingly hooking his thumbs in the waistband of his pants. He slowl
y tugged the fabric down, revealing inch after inch of creamy, pale skin. Zoro s h
eart leapt into his throat as he watched the cook slip into the bathroom and tos
s the pants out the door. The swordsman walked carefully across the hardwood flo
or, feeling as if he was walking through a dream. A perfect, impossible dream th
at, just yesterday had been unattainable.
Zoro pushed open the door to the bathroom and stepped inside onto the cool tiled
floor. Sanji was already in the shower. The water ran, fogging up the mirror an
d masking any sounds Zoro made as he closed the door and pulled off his shirt.
Sanji stood under the spray. He steadied himself with one hand against the tiled
wall and tried to keep his calm. He wasn t sure what he was doing, but whatever i
t was, it was easy. Flirting and playing games like this with Zoro so natural, h
e didn t even have to think. His body just knew inherently what the swordsman woul
d react to; what would catch his attention. He heard the door to the shower open
, and his heart started pounding on his ribcage. He glanced over his shoulder, r
unning his fingers through his hair in an attempt to hide the fact that his hand
s were trembling.
Zoro stepped into the shower, and only hesitated a moment before reaching out an
d running a hand down Sanji s side. The hot water flowed over the cook s body, flush
ing the skin a light pink. Zoro s other hand came to Sanji s other side and slid sof
tly over the defined muscles of the cook s stomach, his hips, and moved lower to c
aress toned thighs. Sanji s intense blue eyes closed as the swordsman moved closer
and pressed a kiss to the blonds temple.
Sanji turned slowly, his hands running up Zoro s chest to wrap around the larger m
an s neck. He brought his lips to Zoro s, trying to let the swordsman know, without
saying, how much he wanted him. His fingers slid up the tanned skin, tangled in
Zoro s thick hair, and pressed with his palms into the back of the swordsman s head.
Sanji pulled the other closer, rolling his tongue over Zoro s, moaning softly as
the larger man s hands slid to his ass and gripped hard.
Zoro pressed their bodies together, Sanji s arousal rubbed hard against his own se
nsitive flesh. The sounds the cook was making drove Zoro into a frenzy of dizzin
ess and lust. He pulled off of Sanji s mouth and attacked the pale, wet skin of th
e other s throat. He kissed and licked and bit down hard, eliciting a soft cry fro
m Sanji s bruised lips.
Sanji lost himself. He wanted Zoro so bad at that moment, he almost couldn t remem
ber his own name. He gripped the swordsman s jaw and turned Zoro s dark eyes up to m
eet his. He panted heavily against the other s lips, and growled just loud enough
to be heard over the rush of water.
I want your mouth on me
Zoro s cock twitched hard at the command. He let out a shaky breath and obeyed imm
ediately, sinking to his knees, trying not to let it show that his legs had almo
st buckled. He took Sanji in his mouth and sucked him hard, his heart skipping a
few beats as fingers tangled in his hair and Sanji hissed above him.
Oh, fuck Ah shit
Zoro bobbed his head, taking Sanji down as deep as he could. His hands massaged
his sack, stroked his base. The pressure on his hair tightened and he looked up
to see Sanji watching him through hooded eyes, his mouth open, panting hard.
Seeing his lover like that, Zoro couldn t hold his restraint anymore. He released
Sanji and stood, the slighter man growling as his cock slipped from the swordsma
n s mouth. Zoro grabbed Sanji s hips and spun him around. He pushed the other s body a
gainst the wall, and the cook cried out.
Sanji s hands flew to the tiles. He whimpered as he was pushed against the wall an
d closed his eyes. Zoro s body pressed against his, he felt the other man s cock rub
bing against the cleft of his ass. He arched and spread his legs on instinct. Zo
ro s mouth came down on his shoulder, leaving kisses that seemed hotter than the s
teaming water pounding down on his flesh. He let his head fall back and he gaspe
d as he felt the swordsman s dexterous fingers massaging his entrance, teasing, pr
essing into him roughly. The cook twisted his head to snarl at his tormentor.
God damnit, Sanji gritted his teeth. The swordsman lifted his head to meet Sanji s e
yes. Just fucking do it already.
Zoro used his body to slam Sanji fully against the wall. He left open-mouthed ki
sses on the back of the blond's neck, trailing up to his jaw. The cook faced for
ward and rested his forehead on the tiles. One of his hands slid up the wall and
grabbed the base of the shower nozzle. Zoro pulled the cook s hips back and grabb
ed his own aching arousal. He pressed inside Sanji slowly, but didn t wait for the
other man to adjust before he began to move.
Ah! Sanji almost screamed, and then continued to ramble in a breathless voice, Oh f
uck yeah Ah Oh God!
Zoro slammed into Sanji, over and over. His chest slid over the smooth skin of S
anji's back, the cook s wet hair brushed against his nose and eyes. He felt himsel
f slipping over the edge and began grunting harshly against the skin of Sanji s ne
ck. The blond reached behind with his free hand, and grabbed Zoro s hair once agai
n. He pulled hard and Zoro retaliated by biting into Sanji s shoulder. The blond r
oared and started a long string of curses. Zoro knew Sanji was close by the volu
me of his voice and the colorful phrasing he was beginning to use. The swordsman
reached around Sanji s waist and grabbed the cook s erection, pumping furiously as
his hips kept up the fast, hard pace.
Sanji felt his balls tightening and his body became rigid as orgasm ripped throu
gh him. He gripped the shower nozzle base harder and arched up against Zoro s body
, clenching his jaw hard, as his seed hit his chest and the shower wall. Zoro gr
oaned into his neck and pulsed inside of him seconds after. The swordsman slowed
his movements and moaned again, pushing in and out a few more times before he s
tilled and moved his hands to Sanji s waist. He rubbed soft circles into the blond s
muscles as Sanji came down, his breath returning to him.
The hard spray of water had washed away any traces of their actions by the time
Sanji lowered his head. He let go of the nozzle and covered Zoro s hands with his
own. The swordsman pulled out slowly and Sanji hissed as pain shot up his spine.
You okay? Zoro whispered into his ear, still out of breath.
Sanji nodded. Yeah, just it hurt this time. He turned slowly, leaning against Zoro s
chest, kissing the tanned skin of the swordsman s collar.
Zoro wrapped his arms around Sanji, and gently pressed the cook s back against the
wall. He kissed the blond hair, the flushed cheeks, and the swollen lips. I m sorr
y he whispered.
Sanji smiled and ran fingers down Zoro s cheek. It s okay. It hurt but felt good too.
Zoro let out a breath he hadn t known he was holding. He ran a thumb over Sanji s lo
wer lip and kissed the cook again. That s good, he breathed.
That s what I thought having sex with you would be like from the beginning. Sanji le
t his head fall back to rest on the wall. The water ran down his face and he pul
led his hands back to rub his eyes. Last night I didn t expect He looked down, unable
to meet Zoro s eyes.
What? Zoro asked. You didn t expect what?
Sanji sighed and succumbed to the embarrassment. He continued in a softer voice.
I wasn t expecting you to be so um gentle He cleared his throat, and stared hard at th
scar on Zoro s chest.
Zoro s lips brushed against his ear, and Sanji could hear the smile clearly in the
swordsman s voice.
I m not a barbarian, Zoro murmured. I can be gentle Making love s supposed to be slow a
d gentle.
Sanji s heart thumped heavily as a smile of his own pulled at his mouth.
Hmm Sanji slid a hand back up Zoro s chest and wrapped his arm around the muscled nec
k. So, what was this?
Zoro chuckled. Oh, this? This was fucking.
Sanji tilted his head up, and his laughter echoed across the ceiling. He held Zo
ro tighter and kissed the other man s jaw.
Okay, well, I might have to implement a no fucking rule for the next few days. I
don t think my ass can take it.
Zoro smiled a mischievous smile, and nosed Sanji s hair.
Oh, we can still fuck tonight if you really want to
Sanji made a face at him and pushed away. No, I mean it, Zoro. I hurt like a son
of a-
You can fuck me tonight.
The words were whispered softly, but Sanji heard them clear as a bell on a still
, summer day. His mouth hung open as Zoro pulled back and looked into his eyes.
There was so much self assurance, so much calm passion, so much love for him in
those beautiful dark eyes that Sanji couldn t help but tremble.
R really? The cook stuttered.
Zoro nodded and ran his hands down Sanji s sides again, sliding over the muscular
curves of his ass.
If you want, yes.
Sanji almost choked on his tongue as he tried to answer too quickly.
Y-yes, he coughed. Yes, I want.
Zoro smiled then and kissed him soundly. Well then, let s clean up and go find out
what the what d you call him, Pharaoh? Find out what the Pharaoh wants so we can co
me back home and break you in.
X x X x X
After a thorough washing, Sanji left Zoro in the shower, and slipped out to dry
and pull his pants back on. He wanted a cigarette and headed for the kitchen, bu
t stopped dead in his tracks when he came face to face with one afro-sporting mu
sician sitting at the island, drinking tea and reading the morning paper.
When the cook stepped through the entrance, Brook looked up and smiled a toothy
Good morning, Sanji! I suspect you had a fantastic night!
Sanji froze and blinked in confusion. How had he gotten in? What was he doing he
re? What did he mean by a fantastic- oh god
Um, Brook? Sanji asked carefully, as he made his way to the stove to grab his pack
. How long have you been here?
Brook ran one long, boney finger over his chin thoughtfully and looked up at the
Well, let s see from about the time the word fuck started to flow pretty freely. Not t
o mention a few others I believe I ve never heard before. What language was that a
Sanji s face heated, and the cook looked away quickly, trying to hide his embarras
Oh um... sorry, man.
Brook laughed good naturedly, and strummed his hands on the countertop. Oh don t be
! I ve heard far worse from you, and Zoro, now that I think about it.
Sanji whimpered. He slipped a cigarette into his mouth before turning back to th
e tall black man and pulling a stool out for himself.
So what are you doing here? Sanji blew out a stream of smoke. Besides being a perv
and a voyeur of course.
Brook chuckled. Besides a pervert and a voyeur? Hm, nothing.
Sanji smiled. Brook was so easy going, it was hard not to relax when he was arou
I debated not coming because I didn t want to disturb your morning after, but I sme
lled my tea and thought you might be expecting me.
Sanji frowned, confused, but shook his head. Why would I be expecting you?
Brook grinned and lifted his cup to his lips. It s Friday.
Sanji blinked. That doesn t really help me understand.
Brook laughed and stood to head over to the stove. You and I had made a habit of
having tea together on Friday mornings before your accident. The musician poured
himself another cup and added an insane amount of milk. We would go over my song
list and you would talk about the different menus you had planned for the weeken
Sanji s eyebrows rose. Different menus for the weekend? We don t do different menus o
n weekends at the Baratie.
No you don t, Brook agreed. But at the Rocksou, you do.
As Brook returned to his seat, Sanji s brain finally kicked in.
That s the restaurant I worked at huh?
Brook sipped his tea and started to wiggle his fingers in the air, palm up. It t
ook a moment for Sanji to realize that the man was playing air violin. The cook
smiled at the musician s eccentricity, and listened as the tall man began to speak
The Rocksou is a very prestigious restaurant down by the waterfront. You were off
ered a job there after your stint on the Food Network. Actually, you were offere
d a lot of jobs after your victory against Mario Batali.
Sanji sat forward suddenly. Wait, Mario Batali? Like Mario Batali from the Food N
etwork!? Was I on Iron Chef?!
Brook chuckled, You were, and you won.
Sanji raised his hands in the air and made a strange, high pitched keening noise
. No wonder he had risen in fame so fast! He had won a challenge on Iron Chef! I
t all made sense now!
Oh, my God, I won against Mario Batali on Iron Chef, and I can t even remember it!!
He has the highest percentage of wins, and I beat him!!
We have the recording, Zoro s voice sounded from behind him, and Sanji turned to fac
e him. I can find it, I just gotta search the closet.
Oh my fucking God, I m amazing! Sanji exclaimed, only half joking.
Zoro grinned and opened the refrigerator. That you are.
Sanji s celebratory mood waned a little at Zoro s sincere comment. The cook felt his
cheeks flush again and he looked at the floor. He scratched the back of his hea
d, a little embarrassed.
Brook cleared his throat, and Sanji turned just in time to see the musician cove
r a wide grin with his cup.
After a quick sip, Brook said happily, I m sure you ll enjoy it. Your secret ingredie
nt was anchovies.
Sanji made a face. Jesus.
We didn t eat them for months after that, Zoro added. Not that it was a bad thing, re
Brook chuckled again and continued with his story. Anyway, you took the job at th
e Rocksou, because they offered you the head chef position, in combination with
a job that was basically manager. You got to decide when the menu was changed, w
hen special events happened, anything you wanted. You got me my gig there after
Luffy introduced us. I perform with my trio every Friday and Saturday night. Tha
t s why we had tea Friday mornings, to get ready for your two busiest nights.
Which makes me think, Zoro said as he moved to the stove. This Earl Grey tea is pro
bably more than a year old, since it hasn t been used since the accident. Doesn t it
go bad?
Instant tea doesn t go bad for a long time, Sanji said over his shoulder.
Oh yes, Zoro. Brook waved his hands enthusiastically. Thank you for reminding him a
bout the tea, it was still hot when I got here. I don t think Sanji and I discusse
d our meetings while he was in the hospital.
Zoro looked over his shoulder as he pulled cereal from the cupboard.
I didn t say anything, Zoro said smiling, he just knew.
Sanji stared at the counter as Brook stood and started to dance. He had just kno
wn to make the tea. He hadn t even thought about it. But it was funny because he h
adn t really thought about it being Friday. He looked up at Zoro and frowned.
Have I done anything else unconsciously since I got home?
Zoro leaned against the counter and took a bite of cereal. Um, you knew to put su
gar in my coffee, and you called Chopper a tanuki yesterday.
What the hell is a tanuki?
It s a creature in Japanese folklore. It s like a raccoon dog or something. Zoro shrug
Sanji laughed. Why would I call Chopper a tanuki?
Doesn t he look like a raccoon sometimes? Brook asked. Like when he s surprised or impr
essed his eyes get really big? And I think his puppy-like nature goes without sa
Sanji thought about it for a moment before he grinned. Yeah, I guess it does fit.
Speaking of Chopper, Zoro said, as he put his empty bowl in the sink. Are we meetin
g him today?
Sanji stood. Oh yeah, I told him we d be out, so just call us. Maybe he should go w
ith us to meet the Pharaoh.
Brook s ears perked up. The Pharaoh?
Zoro moved into the dojo to grab his coat. That might be a good idea. If he s got s
omething to say about the whole Usopp and Kaya thing, I think Chopper should be
there to hear it.
Wait, what? Brook flailed. Usopp and Kaya thing? You re going to see a Pharaoh about
Ussop and Kaya!?
I ll get dressed, give me a couple minutes, Sanji said and headed towards the bedroo
Wait! Sanji! Brook followed grinning. Can I come?
Sure! Sanji said over his shoulder.
Hooray! The musician cheered. This will be fun! But, Sanji! Feed me first! I m wastin
g away! I ve turned into nothing but bones since you ve been gone!

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I am really appreciative to all the people that reviewed and left encouraging no
tes through my little stint of writer s block. Thank you all so much. I m sorry this
chapter is a little boring, but I m afraid I have to insert a little plot in betw
een the sexing. But don t worry, Seme!Sanji is coming up soon. X) Please enjoy!
Chapter 18
Zoro grabbed a cooler as Sanji threw together several sandwiches, some fruit, ch
ips, and a pitcher of iced tea for Zoro, Brook and himself. When Zoro mentioned
Chopper probably wouldn t remember to eat before he met up with them, Sanji agreed
and added a few extra sandwiches, a candy bar, and a Mountain Dew from the frid
Okay, let s go, the cook said as he pulled on his jacket. I ll drive. I don t want you t
get us lost.
Zoro was busy grabbing the cooler and fumbling for the car keys, so the impact o
f what Sanji said didn t hit him immediately. But when the cook stopped in the doo
rway and turned to look at him with a stunned expression, the swordsman took a m
oment to think about it and his jaw almost hit the floor when he realized what h
is lover had just said.
Did you just Zoro stared at the blond, his heart fluttering in his chest.
Sanji looked back at him with wide eyes. Uh I think
Zoro blinked a few times and then his mouth spread into an easy smile. You rememb
ered I have a bad sense of direction, didn t you?
Sanji frowned and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. Um places you ve been before
aren t so bad, but if it s your first time going somewhere, you ll never find it. He t
urned back to Zoro as a smile pulled at his lips. You go up stairs when we say go
down, and the concept of left to you is completely foreign, even though you re left
-handed Oh my God!
Zoro s smile turned into a full on grin. He set the cooler down and crossed the di
stance between them to take Sanji s hand in his. That s another to add to the list.
Sanji s hand was stiff and he took a quick glance out the corner of his eye at Bro
ok, but he answered Zoro with the smile still on his face. Yeah
Brook sighed happily around his bite of sandwich he d snagged from the cooler. Ah,
I m so happy to see you two making cutesy eyes at each other again. But seriously.
.. Zoro and Sanji both turned to look at their friend. If you need a few minutes,
just tell me so I can go wait in the parking lot. I ve already overheard more than
enough gay porn for the day.
Gah, Sanji jerked his hand from Zoro s and turned to the door. Zoro chuckled at the
blush that spread across the blond's cheeks, but he said nothing. He knew the co
ok was going to be uncomfortable around their friends for a while, it had happen
ed before. But he also knew that eventually, Sanji would get used to it and woul
dn t hesitate in his public displays of affection forever.
Come on, Brook. Zoro retrieved the cooler once again. Let s go.
X x X x X
Chopper called Sanji s phone less than five minutes later. The cook checked the ca
ller ID and handed the Blackberry to Brook so he could drive. The musician accep
ted happily and put the phone to his ear.
Yohohoho! Good morning, my little friend! Brook pressed the button for speaker pho
ne, and leaned his elbow on the cooler. Zoro slid it into the backseat next to h
Oh my God, Brook! What the hell are you doing there?! Chopper s voice filtered throu
gh the speaker.
Sanji slid the key into the ignition and started the engine as he listened to Ch
opper s outburst. Zoro watched the blond's smile widen as he backed out of the par
king space. He loved the relaxed way the cook moved. He was so happy to once aga
in have the beautiful and confident blond beside him, he wanted to stick his hea
d out the window and scream it into the sky.
Ah, well, Brook said nonchalantly. I had my morning tea with Sanji, and then a quic
k trip down memory lane, and now I guess we re going to see a Pharaoh.
A WHAT? Chopper screeched. Zoro and Sanji both stifled their chuckles as Brook con
Yes, they said a Pharaoh. Supposedly there s a Pharaoh in Seattle right now. Well,
unless we are going to Egypt. The musician directed his attention to the front se
at. We re not going to Egypt are we?
No. Zoro held a hand over his mouth as Sanji burst out laughing behind the wheel.
Okay, Brook said back into the phone. We re not going to Egypt, so I can assume the P
haraoh is here. What he may be doing here though is beyond me.
Egypt? Brook, what the hell are you talking about? Are you high?
Zoro bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from losing it. Sanji, on the o
ther hand, was wiping tears from his eyes and trying to breathe through his fits
of giggles.
Brook made a face and scratched at his scalp. I don t believe so, unless Sanji lace
d the tea. Sanji, did you lace the tea?
No, Sanji choked out.
Hm. Brook slouched further in his seat and pulled out his small, silver cigarette
case. How unfortunate. But anyway, we really are on our way to meet someone, woul
d you like to speak to one of the masterminds behind this mysterious excursion?
Yes! Can I talk to Zoro please?
Zoro turned to take the phone from Brook s fingers and clicked the speaker phone o
ff with his thumb before he set the receiver to his ear.
Hey, Zoro said.
Zoro, what the hell is going on?
The smell of spice filled the car and Zoro heard Sanji twist around and ask for
a clove stick.
Sorry, Chopper. Zoro watched out the window as he spoke. You just got off one of yo
ur sixteen s didn t you?
Yeah, Chopper sighed into the phone. But my supervisor said I could go home early,
so it was really only about fourteen and a half.
Jesus, I m glad I m not all smart like you, otherwise I d have to get a real fucking jo
b and work your crazy hours.
Shut up, Chopper mumbled into the phone. Don t think you ll make me happy by saying thi
ngs like that to me, asshole.
Zoro laughed and turned to Sanji as the blond tapped gently on his leg.
Tell Chopper that the place we re going is near Green Lake. We ll meet him at the soc
cer fields so he can eat something.
You hear that, Chopper? Zoro asked.
Yeah, Chopper replied. I can be there in about fifteen minutes. You said you have f
Yeah, Sanji has lunch for you.
Oh my God, Chopper moaned into the phone. I love you guys.
We love you too, Chopper. Zoro smiled and ran a hand through his hair. We ll see you
in a bit.
After a few short protests, Chopper finally submitted to the endearment and hung
up. Zoro reached over and slid the phone back into Sanji s pocket. The blond look
ed at him out the corner of his eye and smirked around his clove stick.
So, for real you guys, Brook said seriously from the backseat. Who are we meeting t
oday? At least tell me that so I m not totally unprepared.
Sanji rested his elbow on the window sill and took a long drag from the clove.
You know the whole story with Kaya and Usopp?
Sort of, Brook answered.
Okay, well, basically we went to Kaya s house yesterday and met the infamous boyfri
No shit? Brook leaned forward and rested his arms on both Sanji and Zoro s seats.
Yeah, Zoro added, and apparently, he s not really even the boyfriend. He introduced h
imself as Kaya s fiancé.
Oh snap! The bony musician screeched in Zoro s ear. You re kidding, right? Kaya is so i
nto this guy that she s up and marrying him?
Sanji took another drag. It looks that way.
Brook leaned back and took a drag himself. After exhaling slowly and staring out
the window for a minute, he cracked his knuckles and sat forward again.
I don t believe it, the musician said softly. Baby girl wouldn t do that.
Sanji nodded. That s exactly what we were thinking.
Brook looked at Zoro, and the swordsman nodded solemnly. The musician took anoth
er moment to reflect on what his friends had just told him before he nodded and
reached into the cooler for the iced tea.
Okay, so what does this have to do with who we re meeting now?
Sanji crushed the butt of the clove between his fingers and slipped it into the
We re going right now to meet the fiancé.
Zoro hid another smile behind his hand as Brook sputtered and choked on the iced
What the hell? The musician shouted. What are you guys thinking? Are you crazy?!?
Yes, Sanji and Zoro said at once.
X x X x X
Sanji sat at the picnic table backwards, his back and arms leaning on the table
piece, his cigarette smoldering between his fingers. He had finished his half-sa
ndwich and nectarine quickly, and now he sat waiting for Chopper, as Zoro and Br
ook stuffed their faces behind him.
The cook had been sitting for the last five minutes, trying to think through exa
ctly how he was going to tell his friend what was going on. No doubt Chopper was
n t going to take the news very well, but Sanji was determined to get through this
without making Chopper cry or scream at him.
Standing, Sanji brushed the back of his jeans and placed his cigarette between h
is lips. He turned to his friends, who were currently in the middle of a game of
thumb wars, and slipped his hands in his pockets.
Hey, morons, Sanji said good-naturedly.
Mm? Zoro and Brook looked up at him.
Sanji smirked, amused that the two of them both responded to morons without compla
int. I m gonna go look for Chopper. He said he d be here in fifteen, and it s been almo
st half an hour.
Okay, Zoro said as he shoved a chip into his mouth. The two went back to their gam
e after that, forgetting Sanji completely.
Sanji chuckled and headed toward the path.
Green Lake s path is made up of two lanes, one for pedestrians, and one for bicycl
es, roller skates, and other wheeled unmotorized vehicles. It surrounds the enti
re lake, stretching a total of 2.8 miles. During the spring and summer, the area
is quite popular and crowded with people seeking exercise and relaxation; and e
ven in the winter, it is rare to see the path without a few lone joggers or dog
walkers. As Sanji walked the path, he thought back to high school, when he would
bring the girls here. They would complain that the gym was too crowded and fill
ed with stinky, sweaty men, and would he please- oh please- take them to Green L
ake so they could walk the path? Sanji was the first of his friends, besides Ace
of course, to get his license, so he was always nominated to drive Nami, Vivi,
and occasionally Kaya around the city.
Oh, and it had been such a chore! Chauffeuring three beautiful women around, car
rying their bags as they shopped, refilling their drinks at the fast food places
they frequented, and waiting outside the dressing rooms as they tried on clothe
s! Oh, Sanji, does this look good? Sanji, does this skirt make me look fat?
Sanji chuckled again and puffed on his cigarette. It was kind of all turned arou
nd now, wasn t it? He was the one that led Zoro around by the nose now, wasn t he? T
he swordsman probably didn t fall all over himself to placate Sanji s every whim, bu
t Sanji would bet that if he asked Zoro, his lover would carry things for him, o
r get up to refill his drinks. That meant that Sanji was kind of the girl, but d
id that really matter? Did he really care all that much?
It was just the thought of cool, handsome, manly Zoro, going out of his way to do
things like that for him it would be really appealing really sweet. Something that
the swordsman could do that made him completely Sanji s. A side of the Zoro Rorono
a that was accessible only to him.
The cook felt his cheeks burning and shook his head. There was plenty of time to
daydream about his relationship with Zoro and marvel at its infinite possibilit
ies, but that time was definitely not now. Now he had to find Chopper; they had
a mission.
Backtracking towards the parking lot, Sanji looked for signs of his sandy-haired
friend. For as smart as the kid was, he had a tendency to get lost just like Zo
ro. Sanji had often wondered if people that used a lot of their brains for thing
s like being a doctor, or in Zoro s case, being a fantastic fighter, just didn t hav
e enough room in their skulls for things like an internal compass. Maybe Zoro an
d Chopper both had difficulty finding places and were easily turned around becau
se simple and unimportant things like direction just fell out of their heads?
Speaking of Zoro and his complete failure at direction If Sanji remembered that l
ittle part of the swordsman, did that mean he was going to remember more? If his
memory was indeed coming back, was it going to come back in little bits like th
at? It would be nice if everything would just come back all at once, like in the
movies when the hero gets his head knocked again and has everything come crashi
ng back in a few quick flashes. But it was more likely, with Sanji s luck, that hi
s old life was going to come back slowly; piece by agonizing piece.
If it came back at all
The cook sighed and puffed on his smoke as he strolled along the path under the
thick tree branches. Not far from the edge of the park, Sanji spotted a small gr
oup of people, and scanned the crowd for sandy, curly hair. The blond hadn t expec
ted to actually find Chopper in the group, so when he spotted the head of hair h
e was looking for, he nearly fell over himself in his abrupt stop.
Surprised, and a little worried, Sanji made his way over to the crowd, but when
he saw what was happening, he relaxed his shoulders and grinned fondly.
Chopper s hands were lightly prodding the leg of a small girl wearing roller blade
s. The kid had a scrape on her knee, and bruising in a few places along her shin
Just wiggle your toes for me, Katty, Chopper s gentle, but firm voice was saying as
Sanji stopped at the edge of the crowd to watch. The cook had snuffed out his ci
garette a ways back, and he pushed the butt into his pocket.
That s good, Chopper was saying. You re ankle is going to be fine, just have your mom p
ut some ice on it, and--is this your daddy? The young doctor pointed to a chubby
man leaning intently over the two.
The little girl, Katty, her face streaked with dirt and tear tracks, nodded slow
ly and her pigtails bobbed.
Okay, Chopper continued as he pulled an ace bandage from his backpack. Your daddy i
s gonna carry you to that building over there, that s a community center, and then
he s gonna put this on you once you ve iced it.
The little girl s father scooped her up, and thanked Chopper profusely. A woman, S
anji assumed she was Katty s mother, took the bandage hesitantly.
Are you sure this is all right? she asked.
Absolutely, Chopper answered. I have a million of them. Now, go find ice. Go take c
are of your daughter. Shoo, shoo.
As the crowd dispersed, Sanji pulled another cigarette from his pack, and watche
d with glowing pride as Chopper tried to stay quiet as people patted him on the
back and told him good job. The poor kid s face was crimson, but he took the compl
iments better than Sanji had ever seen. This must be the professional Chopper th
at he and his friends so rarely got to experience.
Well well, Sanji said teasingly around his smoke. Chopperman strikes again. The cit
y is safe.
Chopper whirled and pointed a finger harshly at Sanji s face.
Shut up, asshole! She fell like, right in front of me and I was positive I heard
something snap! It was probably just the strap on her skate, but I had to be sur
e! Nothing you say will make me feel good about it!
Chopper was so red he was almost purple by the end of his rant, but Sanji was fu
ll on laughing as his friend clamped a hand over his own mouth to keep his smile
Seriously, Sanji, your compliments don t make me happy.
Yeah, okay, Sanji turned and headed back towards the picnic grounds. Come get food.
It took a few seconds for Sanji to realize that Chopper wasn t following. The cook
turned back around and slid his hands back into his pockets. Chopper was standi
ng in the same place he had left him, looking at the ground uncertainly with his
hands absently fingering the bottom of his jacket.
Chopper? Sanji asked as he backtracked. What s up?
I, um Chopper murmured, fumbling with his backpack and pulling the straps over his
Sanji bent slightly to be on eye level with his shorter friend.
Mm? The cook raised his eyebrows.
Chopper didn t say another word. He just stepped forward and pressed himself into
Sanji s chest. His thin arms came around the cook s waist and he gave his friend a g
ood squeeze. Sanji was startled, but things like this weren t so uncommon with Cho
The blond put a hand on Chopper s shoulder. Hey you
Never mind, it doesn t matter, Chopper said into Sanji s shirt, I m just I m happy for
uys I m glad you figured things out.
Sanji smiled and put his arms around his smaller friend. He nosed the soft, brow
n hair and whispered quietly. Me too
After a long moment, Chopper finally let go and wiped at his eyes.
So what s happening? And where s my food?
Sanji laughed and pulled the younger man behind him back the way he had come. Ch
opper smiled and fell into step beside the cook.
Chopper Sanji said carefully.
Hm? Chopper replied.
Sanji rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath. So, Zoro and I aren t jus
t out today for fun we re kinda meeting someone.
Chopper rolled his eyes.
Yeah, I got that much from Brook. What the hell was he talking about anyway? A Ph
araoh? He s totally smoking crack.
Sanji snickered and crushed the cigarette, adding the butt to the collection in
his pocket. He needed to find a trash can soon before he started to smell really
That s our fault- mine and Zoro s. We were messing with him. Anyway I m glad you re here
oday, because I think you need to be here for this conversation.
Chopper s steps slowed and he looked up at Sanji curiously.
What? Why? Sanji what are you talking about?
Sanji sighed and turned to his friend.
We re meeting Chaka right now
Chopper stopped dead, all expression slipping from his face. Sanji had never see
n the younger man look like he did then. He had been expecting some kind of nega
tive reaction, but not one so strange and frightening.
The young doctor shifted his backpack on his shoulders absently and took a slow
What the hell are you talking about, Sanji?
Sanji started nervously searching for his pack. Something about talking to Chopp
er and making the little guy angry was almost like telling your mother something
that was going to get you grounded. The cook tried to light a cigarette and exp
lain to Chopper what was going on without scuffing his feet like a ten year old.
We-- me and Zoro, went to go see Kaya after we left Usopp s house yesterday. We jus
t wanted-- well, I just wanted to hear her side of the story because no one real
ly had tried talking to her since it happened I guess. And I don t even remember i
t, so I figured I could get a more unbiased outlook on the whole thing.
Chopper continued to stare at Sanji with that blanket expression; a depth of emo
tion swarming underneath his calm, just waiting for the right moment to break fr
ee in a storm of tears. Sanji saw his friend s underlying anguish and continued wi
th his story quickly.
Anyway, she wasn t there, or that s what her mom said, but Chaka was. He was all puff
ed up and everything, kinda defensive and stuff, but it was weird.
Weird like how? Chopper asked quietly.
Well he Sanji thought about it for a moment. It s like he acted like he was hiding som
thing. But not something bad, more like he really wanted to tell us something, b
ut he couldn t. And what made it even weirder was that his mom was standing over t
he balcony, looming over us kind of like this this
Like the evil sorceress from Willow? Chopper muttered.
Ah, Sanji brightened, You ve seen her! Yes, exactly like that.
She s not his mom, Chopper explained. She s his stepmom, and she really is an evil bitc
h. She married Chaka s dad for the money, and she s really mean to Kaya and Vivi and
all them. She s got her hands in all their financials and is slowly bringing down
the family. I d be sad about it if I didn t hate the guy so much.
I didn t know you knew him. Sanji made a face.
Chopper shrugged. I don t really. I just met him once. He s always hanging around wit
h Pell, Vivi s older brother. He told me all about it. But that was a long time ag
o, I don t really remember it.
Sanji nodded. Well, the whole thing was kinda fucked up. When we left, Chaka slip
ped a note into Zoro s hand giving us an address where to meet today. So here we a
Chopper looked at the ground, his brow furrowed as he thought through all the ne
w information.
Do you um Chopper shoved his hands into his pockets. Do you think maybe it s not real?
Like maybe there s some kind of I don t know rich people thing or something going on,
and Kaya isn t really in love with Chaka?
Like blackmail? Sanji asked.
Yeah, Chopper shrugged. Something like that.
That s what I m hoping, Sanji answered. I didn t get a bad vibe off this guy at all. He
as actually kind of cool. A lot like Zoro in a lot of ways so I don t know. I might
be just fishing for whatever I want, but I m trying to be positive cause I still d
on t think Kaya would just up and leave Usopp-- let alone cheat on him.
Chopper nodded again, his face becoming a little harder and less agonized. He fi
nally looked up at Sanji and set his jaw in determination.
Okay he said quietly. Okay I ll try to be positive too.
Sanji nodded back and clapped his friend gently on the back.
All right, let s go eat.
Brook was the first to spot them as they left the path and headed to the tables.
The musician waved to Chopper and tossed him a sandwich as he sat down beside Z
oro. Chopper dug into his food without saying anything, and stared straight ahea
d as if deep in thought.
Zoro put his hand on his little friend s head and ruffled his hair.
Sanji tell you?
Chopper nodded as Sanji sat down next to Brook.
Yeah, Chopper said softly. I m good though. He explained the whole thing.
Zoro squeezed his shoulder and leaned both elbows on the table.
Okay, he said, turning to Sanji. Where is this place we re going?
Sanji pulled the small sip of paper from his pocket and reread the address.
Well, Sanji answered, that s what I don t get. The address is sort of...
Sort of what? Brook asked, finishing the iced tea.
It doesn t really exist. Sanji made a face.
Huh? Zoro and Chopper said at once.
This says seven four zero four Greenlake Street, Sanji continued, but there s no Gree
nlake Street or Way or whatever in Seattle. I brought us to the park because it
was the closest I could get, but I m not sure how we re going to find him when we do
n t have an exact address.
Zoro started stuffing things back into the cooler, and Chopper grabbed his can a
long with the garbage, and threw it in a nearby trashcan.
So what do we do? Brook asked.
I really have no idea, Sanji murmured.
Zoro sat on the table and put his feet on the bench. He rolled his shoulders ins
ide his leather jacket and popped his neck.
What the fuck, man, the swordsman scowled. I m ready to smoke one of Sanji s cigarettes
right about now.
Reds? Brook made a face. Disgusting. If you want a smoke, I ll give you a clove.
Cloves are actually worse on your lungs than regular cigarettes, Chopper piped up.
Serious? Sanji asked, surprised.
Yes, Chopper replied, if you re smoking true Indonesian brands, like I believe Brook
does. The level of nicotine and tar in their Kretek mixture is way higher than A
merican manufactured cigarettes.
Sanji bit his lip to keep from grinning like an idiot.
Chopper, is there anything you don t know?
Chopper shrugged. Yeah, sure. But nothing that matters.
The three older men shared a laugh as Chopper hid his grin in the collar of his
jacket. Their mirth was cut off however when Sanji s phone went off. The blond sta
rtled and pulled it out of his pocket.
Who the hell is calling you right now? Zoro asked.
No idea, Sanji answered. ID says unavailable . He shrugged his shoulders at Zoro s con
ed expression and pressed the send button.
You re here earlier than I expected, came a deep voice through the receiver.
Sanji s eyes almost bulged out of his head. Chaka?! He choked. Zoro s expression turne
d to one of shock, and Chopper shot to his feet. What the fuck? How the hell do y
ou have my number?
I ll explain later, Chaka answered. The address for where we are, is seven four oh fo
ur Ashworth.
Sanji s brain tried desperately to keep up with the situation. Hey, wait a sec, how
do you know where we are? And who the fuck is we ?
I can see you from the living room window, Chaka s voice sounded amused.
Sanji did a full three hundred and sixty. He took note of every building and apa
rtment complex in his line of vision before he answered.
If this is some kind of fucked up game, I m not enjoying it, asshole.
Zoro came up beside Sanji and whispered into his free ear.
We gonna have trouble?
Sanji turned to him and shook his head. Who is we ? He said into the phone.
He heard Chaka laugh softly before the other man answered.
Just get over here. We re waiting.
Hey, what the fuck! What makes you think--
The line went dead.
Son of a bitch! Sanji pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at the flashin
g call ended for a few seconds. He felt Zoro s hand on his shoulder, but he was so c
onfused with everything jumbled around in his head, that he didn t respond right a
Sanji, Zoro said carefully. Sanji, what the hell?
Sanji finally looked up at his lover and frowned.
I feel like I m in Die Hard or some shit.
What? Chopper ran a hand through his hair, his expression was confused and frighte
No, seriously, Sanji continued. If he calls back in a minute and tells me there s a f
ucking bomb I have to diffuse somewhere here in the park, I m totally NOT gonna be
Brook actually laughed, but Zoro kept his hand firmly on Sanji s shoulder and star
ed at him with an unreadable look.
What s happening? Zoro asked.
Sanji shrugged. Seven four zero four Ashworth is where they are. They-- whoever t
he fuck they are, are waiting for us. Let s get our shit back in the car and go fuck
em up.
Zoro nodded. Sounds good.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Hokay, so I m sorry for not replying to any of your reviews on the last chapter. I
t was all very daunting, so I thought this might make up for it! xD I worked lon
g hours into the night on this for you guys! Hope you like it! Oh, and sorry it s
getting corny, but I really can t help it. It s so much fun. *grins*
Beta is the awesome Liralen-san. X)
Chapter 19
A high wooden fence surrounded the property of seven four zero four. Sanji and Z
oro stood at the open entry, glaring up at the two-story villa surrounded by nak
ed maples. The place was nicer than those around it, but had undergone extensive
work and remodeling. Chopper and Brook leaned against the fence, out of sight f
rom whomever was watching from inside.
Sanji took his sweet time finishing his cigarette. He glanced at all the windows
, daring Chaka to be there, hoping the asshole would show himself so he could fl
ip the bastard off. The cook hadn t let any man order him around since he worked u
nder his father; and Chaka was heading quickly onto the list of men who had trie
d, but ended up getting his ass kicked.
You guys just stay here, Zoro said to Chopper and Brook. This thing is just way too
fucking weird. I don t want you guys getting involved until we have a better gras
p on what the hell is going on.
But they already know we re here. Chopper looked up at him with wide eyes.
Yeah, well. Zoro smiled and ruffled the younger man s hair. We re gonna need someone to
call Ace if the house opens us up and swallows us or something.
Now that would be a sight. Brook scratched his chin. I wish I d brought a video camer
Sanji crushed his butt between his fingers and tossed it into the dirt; he didn t
care about littering in front of this house. He touched Zoro on the shoulder and
started up the concrete pathway to the front door. The swordsman followed, fall
ing in beside Sanji and folding his arms over his chest as they stood on the doo
rstep. Sanji rang the doorbell and glanced at the small stone falcon sitting abo
ve them on the stone arch.
The cook felt fingers brush against the inside of his palm, and he twisted his w
rist to grip Zoro s hand. Sanji looked down and felt some of the tension that had
been building inside him subside. He met the swordsman s eyes and smiled.
I m okay, Zoro, he said quietly.
I know Zoro leaned forward and whispered in a mock child s voice. I was just holding y
our hand cause I was scared.
Sanji pulled his hand away and smacked Zoro on the shoulder, catching the other
man off-balance.
Shut the fuck up! The cook laughed. Don t make fun of me!
Zoro chuckled and folded his arms across his chest again, but his face became se
rious as they heard footsteps ascending stairs and a deadbolt clicking back.
As the door opened, a pleasantly round girl with dark red hair and a spattering
of freckles across her nose and cheeks appeared.
Hello, she said sweetly, I m Sarah, the housekeeper. Come on inside, they re waiting fo
r you.
As the girl stepped back, Sanji and Zoro exchanged a quick confused glance. They
had not expected a cute girl with a pleasant disposition to invite them so swee
tly into the house. Thrown off guard, but not letting the situation deter them,
they stepped lightly inside.
You can take off your jackets and hang them there if you like. Sarah pointed to a
wooden coat rack. I m late for class, so I m really sorry to just let you in and then
Sanji shook his head, leaving his apprehension aside for a moment to remember hi
s manners.
It s all right, Sarah. Sanji took the housekeeper s coat from her hands and held it up
as she slipped her arms in the sleeves. You ve been very hospitable, I-- we apprec
iate it.
Sarah smiled up at him, and pushed her bangs to the side. You look very good, San
ji. I m glad to see you re better.
Zoro stiffened beside him, but Sanji put a reassuring hand on his arm.
Thank you very much, he replied.
He opened the door for Sarah, and closed it softly after she exited. When he tur
ned back around, Zoro was scowling at him.
What? Sanji asked.
How the hell does she know you? Zoro placed his hands on his hips.
Sanji shrugged. I have no idea.
Zoro s eyes narrowed, but Sanji shook his head and turned toward the wide staircas
e leading down into the lower level foyer.
Do we just head on in? the swordsman muttered.
Sanji slipped his hands in his pockets and was about to move down the stairs, wh
en he heard footsteps approaching. He and Zoro both froze, their hackles rising.
Both men recognized the heavy tread.
Chaka appeared from around a corner and stood in the doorway. He looked differen
t than before, more casual. His designer slacks and polo were gone, replaced wit
h ratty jeans and a Pink Floyd t-shirt. His manner was more relaxed as well. He
held himself without the defensive stance, hands in his pockets and his weight l
eaning to one side. He stood for a moment, just regarding his guests before he s
ighed softly and leaned against the doorframe.
Hi, he said.
Sanji could feel the battle-ready aura waver and slide off Zoro, almost as if it
were a tangible entity. The swordsman was still on the defensive, but he was si
gnificantly less dangerous than he had been a moment ago. It was obvious that Ch
aka had no intention of starting any kind of confrontation. His manner was unobt
rusive, almost apologetic.
The cook said nothing and slowly descended the stairs. Zoro followed his lead an
d stayed a few steps behind him, taking a classic watchman s position; acting as a
A few moments of silence resonated through the foyer as Sanji and Zoro faced off
with the large man. Sanji quickly grew impatient however and started tapping th
e toes of his shoes on the ground.
So Sanji tilted his head to the side. What the fuck?
Chaka raised a heavily muscled arm and tucked a lock of hair behind his head. He
sighed again and folded his arms across his broad chest.
I don t even know where to start
Sanji growled softly and pulled his cigarette pack from his pocket. Thinking tha
t he probably wouldn t be able to light up in the house, he settled with rolling a
n unlit sick over his lips and then sliding it behind his ear.
Start with why we re here and why all the secrecy, the cook said quietly. Then go ahe
ad and move into the whole situation with you and Kaya.
Chaka ran a hand over his mouth. We re here because this is my home. No one bothers
me here, especially members of my family I am trying to avoid.
Zoro made a sound from behind Sanji and took a few steps forward.
An inheritor of multi-millions and you live in a two-story in Greenlake? The sword
sman scoffed. It s kinda hard to believe.
Chaka nodded, acknowledging the strangeness. It s a complicated situation, and not
relevant to our discussion. The secrecy, however, is. The large man pushed off th
e doorframe and took a few steps back. As for Kaya and me well, that s complicated t
Sanji turned to share a look with Zoro. The swordsman met his eye and shrugged h
is shoulders as if to say, I don t fucking know . The blond turned back to Chaka, fru
stration starting to churn inside his stomach and burned in his chest.
So Sanji said. You gonna explain?
Chaka held up a hand and turned to speak to someone down the hall.
Come out, he said softly. I need you.
Sanji felt Zoro s body heat against his arm and turned to see the swordsman close
at his side, glaring intently at Chaka. The cook trailed his fingers over Zoro s f
orearm, silently letting the swordsman know he was there; thanking him for stand
ing beside him.
It s all right, Chaka said, even quieter. We have to get this straightened out.
Chaka reached out, and a slender hand met his palm. From around the corner, step
ped a tall, pale man with long blond hair falling in soft straight layers past h
is chin. He was thin but muscular, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. His fea
tures were perfect, almost feminine, with high cheekbones and small, peach-color
ed lips. The man s eyes were stunning; black as night, and shone like a fresh coat
of paint on a car hood. As those eyes regarded Sanji with a falcon s gaze, memory
slapped the cook in the face.
P-Pell! Sanji exclaimed.
Vivi s brother let out a soft breath and turned to Chaka, asking a silent question
. The larger man nodded and let go of his hand. Pell then turned back to Sanji a
nd took a few steps forward, closing the distance between himself and the cook.
Hi, Sanji, Pell said in his breathy voice.
Sanji was speechless. The last time he had seen Pell, he had still been in high
school. The guy had been wearing Armani and had come to the charity function in
a Bentley. This Pell this Pell was a goth! His shirt was long-sleeved, striped bl
ack and white like an old school prison uniform, and frayed at the neck and wris
ts. Chains hung from the belt loop to the back pocket of his black jeans, a stud
ded collar sat around his neck, and around his eyes was a thin coat of black eye
liner. Eyeliner!
Um Sanji tripped over words before they even got to his mouth. Hey, Pell You look dif
Hot Sanji thought to himself. Just admit to yourself that he looks hot. He s like a
doll, exactly the same size as you, but a doll nonetheless. Look at those eyes
and that hair! How did you miss how attractive he was before!
I m so glad to see you re okay, Pell said, and hesitantly moved forward to slide his a
rms around the cook s neck.
Sanji was caught off guard, but didn t have any reason to dislike or be threatened
by Pell, so he returned the hug awkwardly.
Uh thanks he murmured.
Pell sniffed. I would have come to see you in the hospital, but Kaya said to wait
Sanji frowned and pushed Pell gently away. Why wait? And why would you want to com
e see me? I haven t seen you in years.
Pell smiled sadly and looked at the ground. You were giving me Savat lessons for
a couple months before you got together with Zoro. We hung out once in a while a
fter that.
Sanji felt his cheeks redden with embarrassed. He kicked himself mentally for be
ing so callous.
Oh, shit. I m sorry, Pell. I don t remember about a year before the crash.
Pell nodded. I know, Vivi told me. I m so sorry.
Sanji shrugged, confused as to why making Pell sad made him feel like so much sh
It s okay, the cook continued, I m working on getting it back, little by little.
Pell looked up again, a soft smile starting to tug at his lips. I m glad.
Zoro cleared his throat and Sanji turned to look at his lover. A deep scowl pull
ed the swordsman s features down, and he glared at Pell with angry eyes.
I didn t know you were friends with Pell, Sanji.
Sanji rolled his eyes. Neither did I.
Zoro turned his glare to Sanji and the cook felt his heart beat heavily against
his chest. He didn t like that angry stare directed at him.
But I didn t know anything about it, the swordsman growled. I didn t even know you gave
him lessons. And you hung out with him? When did you go hang out with him? Why
wouldn t you tell me something like that?
Sanji s beating heart started to ache. He didn t know how to respond because he didn t
know the answer. Even though Pell was extremely familiar with him, Sanji had ne
ver cheated on anyone before in his life, and he was positive that he hadn t been
cheating on Zoro. But, unfortunately since he couldn t remember, there was no way
to reassure his lover at all.
The cook reached out and gripped Zoro s arm. I m sure I had a good reason The cook plea
ded with his eyes for the swordsman to believe him.
He did, Chaka said from the doorway. Believe me, Zoro, he had a good reason.
Zoro s attention left Sanji to glare at Pell once more before he turned to Chaka.
It s time for you to fucking explain things. Zoro s voice was hard. He moved out of Sa
nji s grip to follow Chaka into the other room. Sanji watched the swordsman s back,
crying out inside, wishing there was something he could say, something he could
do to prove that he would never go behind Zoro s back unless it was life or death.
Um, Sanji? Pell pulled the cook from his thoughts.
Mm? Sanji replied.
Maybe we should go get Chopper and Brook? They ve been waiting outside for almost h
alf an hour.
Oh, shit. Yeah, just a sec.
X x X x X
The situation, as Sanji retrieved Chopper and Brook from outside and brought his
two friends into the living room, was so intense, the cook wanted to start laug
hing manically. Even if it was only to ease the tension in his cramped shoulders
Chopper came inside and moved straight to the couch to next to Zoro. He didn t say
a single word, just sat and clenched his hands into fists at his sides. Sanji r
egarded his small friend, intrigued at the look in Chopper s eyes. The little doct
or s gaze had never left Chaka from the moment he had entered the room.
Chaka noticed it as well, and after making polite introductions with Brook, sat
down across from Zoro and retrieved a bottle of water from the coffee table.
You must be Chopper, he said casually.
Fuck you, Chopper spat. Don t talk to me.
Zoro turned, looking stunned at their little friend. Sanji froze as well, his br
eath caught in his throat. He had never expected to hear those words or that ton
e come from Chopper. There was so much anger and sadness woven into that short p
hrase, Sanji couldn t believe it. Chopper was always polite, always trying to smil
e, always the mediator. To hear that usually sweet voice twisted by so much hatr
ed made Sanji s heart ache.
Chaka took a drink and set the bottle back down. He rested his hands on his knee
s and threaded his fingers together under his chin.
Vivi said you hated me, but I really had no idea.
You re damn right, Chopper ground his teeth. You have absolutely no idea.
Chaka sighed. I m sorry that things happened this way, that they turned out like th
is. I never meant to--
Chaka sentence was cut off as Chopper shot to his feet. His hands slammed down o
n the coffee table and he hissed as his anger drove him forward.
You never meant to what? Ruin Kaya s relationship? Steal her away from the man that
loves her more than anything in the whole world?! Ostracize her from her friend
s, so that she was afraid to come see Sanji after he woke up? Sanji watched as Ch
opper s voice rose, his face reddening as rage pulsed through him. The cook wanted
to step forward and pull Chopper away, but the situation was so unreal, that hi
s brain didn t process it right away. He felt the maniacal laughter building in hi
s chest ready to break out, his sanity threatening to evaporate in one quick det
Do you have any idea what you ve put us through? Chopper leaned forward, his face in
ches from Chaka s. Do you have any idea what you ve done to Usopp!?
Chaka lowered his hands and met Chopper s vehement stare.
I m sorry, Chopper. I do know how much I ve hurt you and Usopp.
Shut up! Chopper barked. It s too late to apologize!!
Chopper, I m not with Kaya.
Chaka sat forward in more of a defensive stance. Sanji reacted and moved closer.
I swear, Chopper, Chaka growled, I never touched Kaya like that!
I SAID SHUT UP YOU SON OF A BITCH! Chopper raised his first to strike Chaka, but h
is arm only made it halfway. Zoro was there in an instant, his arms around his s
mall friend s waist, and he pulled the doctor back with him onto the couch. Choppe
r flailed and kicked in Zoro s grasp, tears streaming down his face.
Sanji had moved as well. He stood in front of Chaka, nose to nose. Anger and fru
stration slid off Chaka in waves, but Sanji stood coolly, his hands in his pocke
ts, his feet and his body ready. The darker man was several inches taller than t
he cook, but it did not intimidate Sanji in the slightest.
You touch him, Sanji said quietly, and I ll kill you. Do you understand?
Chaka growled in Sanji s face. I m trying to explain to him!
Well, you suck at it, Sanji snapped.
Chaka pressed in close to Sanji and the cook tilted his head, daring the taller
man to try anything.
I m not like that with Kaya, Chaka said, his breathing starting to even out. I swear.
I don t wanna hear it! Chopper cried from Zoro s lap. The swordsman still had his arms
around the smaller man s waist, and he was mumbling into Chopper s ear.
He s Pell s soft voice cried out from behind Chaka. He s telling the truth!
Don t say anything, Pell! Chaka barked over his shoulder.
Pell growled deep and Sanji saw the pale man place his hands on his hips as he s
He s not with Kaya, because he s with me!
The room fell silent. Sanji gawked around Chaka s shoulder at the blond. Chopper s c
ries stopped altogether, and Zoro s murmuring ceased. Pell made a soft noise and s
lapped a hand over his mouth. His eyes were red and shining as he turned his gaz
e back to Chaka.
E-excuse me? Sanji stuttered.
Chaka s eyes closed and he let out a long breath.
What was I supposed to do? Pell glared. Look how messed up this situation is! It st
arted with something so simple, and now so many hearts and lives have been broke
n! Why do we deserve to be happy and no one else? Pell moved around the couch and
grabbed Chaka s arm. What about Kaya? Huh? We both know she loves Usopp to the end
s of the earth, but because of this she s made him think she cheated on him! How i
s that fair?
Chaka turned to Pell and his face softened. Life isn t fair, babe.
Sanji backed away slowly, intrigued, but not wanting the conversation to end. He
was confused, but he was sure he would get some sense from someone. Even if he
had to beat it out of them.
Pell looked up into Chaka s eyes. I already said I d give it up I ll give it up for her
or her to be happy. I can t stand seeing her like this anymore. That s why we called
them here in the first place.
Chaka opened his mouth to say something, but Chopper s voice interrupted him.
Wait the little doctor whispered in a voice that had gone hoarse, tears still makin
g their way down his flushed face. Wait, you said Kaya still loves Usopp?
Pell and Chaka both turned and nodded slowly to the younger man.
Yes, she does, Pell said quietly. More than anything or anyone in the whole world.
And that s why we re in this mess.
Chopper let out a few short sobbing breaths. He fell back into Zoro s hold, and cl
osed his eyes.
Oh God Thank God he whispered.
Zoro held him, and brushed his hair out of his eyes. The younger man went limp i
n his arms, his head lolling to one side.
Woa, is he okay? Sanji asked, moving closer to assist, but not actually sure what
he was going to do.
I think so, Zoro said. I think he just passed out.
Oh my God! Pell exclaimed. Do you want to lay him down in our bed?
Zoro nodded. That might be best. He just got off a shift. He hasn t slept in a coup
le days.
Here, come with me, Chaka said quietly as he moved out into the hallway. I ll show yo
u where it is.
As Zoro stood, holding Chopper like he weighed nothing, Sanji squeezed his arm a
nd backed away, letting the larger man past him to follow Chaka.
Brook, who had sat in a nearby armchair watching the entire demonstration, compl
etely silent and entirely amused, raised a bony finger and chuckled.
I vote that after such happenings, we all have a drink and maybe a smoke.
Sanji and Pell looked at the man sitting before them and nodded in agreement.
That s the best fucking idea you ve had in your life, Brook. Sanji grabbed the cigaret
te from behind his ear, and made for the kitchen.
Hm, I don t know, Brook stood lazily and stretched his long limbs. I think the thing
with those twin blondes and the chicken in Germany was a pretty good decision to
What?! Sanji gawked.
Nothing, let s go.
X x X x X
Zoro laid Chopper down on the wood-framed, four poster king. He propped the pill
ows and smoothed sandy-brown hair from the sweaty forehead. Chaka handed Zoro a
blanket and the swordsman covered his friend gently. Chopper sighed in his sleep
nuzzling against the soft fabric and Zoro s heart melted at the site.
He s a good kid, Chaka stated.
Zoro nodded. I worry that he doesn t take care of himself though, because he s always
worried about us about his friends. We re the only family he s got.
Chaka shook his head.
I wouldn t. Worry about him, I mean. He cares so much for you guys, he doesn t want t
o give you a reason to stress over him. It s his job to worry, not yours. The large
man moved towards the door. He s not fragile, not even a little bit. His ability t
o be open with his feelings and care about others without restraint is something
I could never do-- could never even imagine doing.
Zoro nodded soberly, Chaka s words ringing true in his ears.
I think he gets some of that strength from you, Chaka continued. You and your crazy
blond friend and that Usopp guy.
Zoro stood and put his hands in his jacket pockets. He looked over at the man st
anding in the doorway and smirked.
You aren t such a bad guy, are you?
Chaka shrugged. I try not to be.
Zoro followed the other man out the door.
A little bit of a pain in the ass, but not bad.
Chaka grunted and made his way back to the living room. The two men stood, looki
ng out the sliding glass doors at the two blonds standing beside each other on t
he railing. Brook said something inaudible and Pell laughed, evoking a grin from
I m happy for you two, Chaka said. I m glad you were able to get over some of your obst
Zoro leaned against the back of the couch and crossed his arms. He nodded in rep
ly, not comfortable enough with Chaka yet to be talking about his love life so c
asually. However, what Chaka said sparked a curiosity in the swordsman and he tu
rned to the larger man.
You and Pell seem to know us fairly well, especially Sanji. So, why before, at Ka
ya s house, did you act like you didn t know us?
Chaka let out a breath and rubbed the back of his neck.
It s my family
Zoro waited for a more in depth explanation, but none came. He was about to try
and pry further, but the sliding glass door opened and the three from outside ca
me back in. Sanji moved to his side and brushed his fingers against the skin of
Zoro s hand.
I hate to say it, the blond murmured, but Pell s actually kind of cool.
Zoro felt a sharp pang of jealousy at hearing Sanji words. He was about to suppr
ess it and try to bury it deep inside himself, but then a thought occurred to hi
m He had every right to be jealous! He could be as jealous and possessive as he w
anted! Sanji was his! This revelation made the swordsman s heart flutter and he co
uld feel the corners of his mouth twisting up.
Dude, Zoro, Sanji whispered. You re making a really weird face.
Zoro s grin widened and he lifted his hand to brush Sanji s bangs from his eyes.
I m just he paused and reconsidered.
It s nothing. I m just in a good mood.
Sanji looked at him for a few seconds before he shook his head and turned to lea
n against the back of the couch. Okay. His arm was warm. Every place the two made
contact sent a pleasant tingle through Zoro s body. The swordsman again marveled a
t how Sanji could undo him so thoroughly without even trying.
Chaka sat down at the kitchen table and Pell moved to the fridge, offering beer
and coffee. Brook accepted the coffee, and Zoro and Sanji both partook in the of
fered alcohol. Zoro opened the bottle and downed the half the contents in one sw
So, the swordsman said, we gonna hear the whole story now?
Chaka nodded slowly and glanced at Pell.
You start. The cook sat beside his lover at the table, across from Brook. He sippe
d his coffee and looked expectantly at the larger man.
Chaka sighed and folded his hands together. It was obvious to Zoro that the dark
-skinned man was uncomfortable with what he was about to say. If he really cared
about Kaya like he said he did, he probably blamed himself for whatever was goi
ng on and felt terrible for it. Personally, Zoro didn t feel sorry for him, but he
could understand the guy s feelings.
I don t even know where to start, he said quietly. He rubbed his eyes and ran his ha
nds through his hair. It s about money. It s all because of money.
I knew it. Sanji stepped forward and pulled a chair out from the table. He turned
and tugged on Zoro s sleeve. The swordsman complied and pulled out another, turnin
g it around and straddling the back.
Pell shook his head. It s mostly about the money. Not entirely.
Chaka nodded and continued. My family s business isn t completely legal, let s put it th
at way.
What? Sanji interrupted, enthusiastically. Like the mob!? That s awesome!
Chaka laughed. It s not really that dramatic. My father is only a figure head, a su
pplier of sorts. It s not like he s don Corleone or anything.
Sanji sat forward. Ah, but he knows the guy who is! That s cool by association!
Chaka smiled and relaxed his shoulders. I guess. Anyway, dad married into it. The
relic dealing and authenticating my father seemingly does, didn t used to be a fr
ont; it was a legit thing for a long time. My step-mother s family recognized the
benefit of having a business like that at their disposal, and suckered my dad in
to a marriage for appearances and profit. Dad went for it because well, it was a
lot of money to turn down, and... you just don t turn those kinds of people down.
Now, the relic trading is used to ship things easily through customs. We have bu
yers in five or six countries overseas, and the goods are well, you can imagine.
Sanji, Zoro, and Brook all nodded.
I have no intention of continuing what my father is doing. I don t want to help wit
h this trafficking or smuggling shit. I make money on my own. I have the art dea
lership and I do my own authentication with the archaeological society. I don t ne
ed to be a part of something corrupt like that.
Pell reached out and took Chaka s hand in his. The two shared a glance at each oth
er and Chaka continued.
This organization doesn t really take in outsiders unless they have something big t
o bring to the table, like my dad. So everything is kept within the family, make
s for less likely double-crossers. People that don t continue, or get work outside
of the business are considered traitors.
Heavy, Zoro mumbled.
Chaka nodded.
So Sanji chewed on his lower lip. What does Kaya have to do with all of this?
Well. Chaka sat up and rubbed his eyes again. I was told that I could leave the bus
iness if I could come up with a way to make the organization a significant amoun
t of money. They already had an idea of how I would do it, they just played with
me for a while, seeing if I could figure it out myself.
Zoro cocked his head to the side, the story becoming more and more interesting a
nd disturbing by the second.
So, this marriage with Kaya is their idea of a payday? Brook asked. A way for you t
o make them a significant amount of money and get you out of the business?
Chaka looked at him sadly. Yes.
Sanji made a noise. Fuck I think I know where this is going.
Pell nodded. It s not that hard to figure out.
Chaka leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. I said no right away. I de
cided that I would rather do the business thing than get Kaya involved, but by t
hat time, they wanted her money more than me. She said no at first, of course. S
he had Usopp, and she didn t want all of her inheritance going to drugs and firear
Sounds like Kaya, Zoro stated.
Yeah, Chaka agreed. But then they told her she really didn t have a choice anymore. T
hey tried to scare her-- threatened her and everything but she still said no. She
said she would rather die than be the cause of addicts and unnecessary deaths.
Sanji pounded the table with his fist. Rock on, Kaya! I knew she was amazing! The
cook s face turned thoughtful. But wait. Why does it have to be Kaya? Pell is loaded
. His dad-- he turned to the blond across the table. Isn t your dad like, royalty or
Pell nodded. Brother of a Duke in Cyprus.
Yeah, Sanji turned back to Chaka. You could just marry him!
Chaka shook his head. You have any idea what this organization does to homosexual
Sanji backed down. Oh
Zoro rubbed the back of his neck, still mulling over the original problem.
So why, if Kaya refused even after being threatened, are you two still engaged?
Chaka looked at the floor. Pell sat forward again, and put a hand on the larger
man s shoulder. Chaka looked at him and murmured under his breath.
They re going to kill us
Pell scooted forward and put his forehead against his lover s.
It s gone too far, babe. We need their help.
Chaka sighed and closed his eyes. I know
Pell sat up slowly, his hand staying steady on Chaka s arm. He turned to Sanji and
Zoro with tired eyes. Zoro felt his adrenaline start to pick up at the look on
Pell s face. Suddenly, he felt as if there was a fight he was missing. There was s
omething big going on that he needed to be a part of; something that he had need
ed to take part in for a long time.
When Kaya refused, even after all their threats, the boss changed his tactics.
Sanji frowned. How so?
He said, if she didn t go along with it... Pell looked back at Chaka and sighed in r
He said he was going to kill Usopp.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Soooo many great reviews! Thank you so much!! I didn t get around to replying to a
lot of them and I m sorry for that, but please know that I did read every single
one and I m very grateful for all your kind words and taking the time out to read
my story and comment! xD So here s chapter 20, hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 20
Sanji sat for several seconds before what Chaka had said actually sunk in.
He said he was going to kill Usopp
The cook s skin started to crawl; his anger simmered in his gut and boiled over in
to his chest. He stood and gripped the table until his knuckles were bone white.
Pell s wrong, asshole, Sanji said quietly, the heat in his gaze directed at Chaka. I m
not gonna kill you. I m gonna almost kill you. I m gonna get so close to fucking kil
ling you that you ll wish you were dead. And then I m going to take my foot and shov
e it so far up your--
Sanji, Zoro s voice interrupted him.
The cook turned and glared at the swordsman.
Zoro unfolded his arms and pulled on Sanji s sleeve gently. Calm down. Sit, and lis
ten to the rest of the explanation. Flipping out s not going to do any good.
Calm down? Sanji straightened and shoved his hands in his pockets. You heard what t
hey said, right?
I did, Zoro answered. The swordsman looked up at Sanji through his lashes. His fac
e was unreadable; a mask of calm and patience. How he could be like this, the co
ok had no idea, but his demeanor was admirable.
Sanji let out a long breath of resignation and turned his eyes toward the floor.
He concentrated on lowering his heart rate, slowing his pulse. He breathed deep
ly, trying to calm his anger and put a hand on Zoro s shoulder to steady himself.
Okay, okay, he said, and sat back in his chair.
Zoro s attention turned back to Chaka and Pell.
So, this organization threatens Usopp and Kaya finally buys into the deal. She sa
ys yes to marrying you, you get everything signed over to you, and the money is
Yes, Chaka answered. Everything is about making money to these guys. It s all they th
ink about; all they do.
And kill people. Pell added.
Chaka nodded. Yeah, and kill people.
Why does it have to be arranged through marriage though? Sanji asked, still angry,
but controlled. Why don t they just ask for payments? A certain sum at predetermin
ed times or something.
Kaya has some sort of trust fund, Chaka explained. All her assets are inaccessible
until she is married, or turns thirty. These guys are also big on secrecy; every
thing has to have a legitimate front.
Yes, the marriage is a good cover, Pell added. Kaya giving large amounts of money a
way to anyone for nothing would look really suspicious. Not to mention the insur
ance and all that.
Under the table then? Sanji asked.
Too many eyes on the family s spending, Chaka shook his head. It would never go unnot
Brook chuckled. You seem very into the idea of Kaya just giving them the money, S
Sanji made a face. No, I m just exhausting all aspects.
Chaka nodded. Sanji watched the lines in Zoro s face harden as the swordsman thoug
ht through all the information they had just been given.
How long has this been going on? Brook asked. How long have these guys been harassi
ng you about this? When was the idea of marriage to Kaya brought up?
Chaka leaned back and looked at Pell. The blond man s brow furrowed thoughtfully a
nd he shrugged his shoulders.
I don t know four years ago? Three? Pell shook his head. I don t really remember. I thi
k they started talking about her two years ago? Two and a half?
Sanji s jaw dropped. She s been dealing with this for two and a half years!?
Chaka sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Yes. The company has had their eye
on her family for a long time. Her money is huge, and I mean huge. They wanted h
er long before I had come out in the open about not succeeding my father.
So really, Zoro growled, they might not even really care about you succeeding at al
l. This was all about getting Kaya and her money from the beginning.
Chaka sighed. It s possible
Brook made a rude noise into his coffee mug. So, why didn t you just get married ri
ght off the bat on paper, get the wise guys off your back, and then go back to y
our respective partners? If all they really care about is the money, then why do
es it matter if the marriage is a sham and you spend your time with other people
Chaka turned to him. I asked that in the beginning, but again, it s all face. How w
ould it look if Kaya married and then was seen with another guy? She s really high
profile. Look what they do to celebrities when they re seen with people other tha
n their spouses? She d be shoved under the bus and discredited for everything she
is. Her charities would go under, everything she s worked for would come crashing
down. Chaka shook his head. No way, I would never do that to her. We worked hard t
o give Usopp a reason to end it himself. And you saw the papers, no one knew why
they split, it just said Usopp left. She s in the clear, and he s not affiliated at
Zoro nodded. I have to admit that was a smart move.
Brook nodded also, studying the contents of his cup. Yes I agree So much work to sa
ve his life it just cost him his heart
Chaka looked at the musician. Yes. I knew this would hurt him, and I m terribly sor
ry for that But a broken heart is better than being dead.
Sanji lowered his eyes to the floor, aching as he thought of Usopp s face as the y
oung engineer told what he knew of this story. He remembered the anguish that ha
rdened the lines around his friend s eyes, the despair that pulled his body down l
ike a weight.
I don t know Sanji whispered softly. Is it?
Zoro looked at Sanji, his eyes dark with a mix of pain and anger. The cook shook
himself out of his dreary thoughts and leaned forward to bring his lips in clos
e to the other man s ear.
Two and a half years Sanji said softly. Two years she s been dealing with this without
asking for help from any of us. What the hell?
I don t know, Sanji. Zoro shook his head. It s really fucking with my head. Why the hel
l didn t she come to us? Why didn t she say anything?
Pell cleared his throat and Sanji turned to see the blond place his hands carefu
lly on the table and chew on the inside of his lower lip. The cook sat stunned a
s he realized that Pell was actually nervous. What the hell did he need to say t
hat would shake him up like this?
What is it, Pell?
Um Pell slid his hands over the edge of the table and placed them back into his lap
. The blond s shoulders had tensed up and he leaned his head from side to side, ca
using joints to softly pop. Pell looked at Chaka out the corner of his eye, but
the larger man just stared calmly back at him.
You wanted to be the one to tell him. Chaka said.
I I know Pell sighed and looked back at Sanji. Our friendship started under strange c
ircumstances, Pell explained. We had met a couple times, but the first night we ac
tually talked was at a function that Vivi was holding with Kaya. Pell frowned. Tha
t was a really weird night. You left in the middle of the party just fuming, and
later you showed back up in the parking lot pacing and claiming you were going
to kill Zoro. And it wasn t the normal rival thing, it was like you really were go
ing to kill him.
Oh Sanji looked at Zoro out of the corner of his eye. I think I know which function
you re talking about
Zoro didn t look at him, but he couldn t hide the smirk that pulled at the corners o
f his mouth. Sanji kicked him in the back of the leg and the swordsman chuckled.
Okay, Sanji sighed, So then what?
Pell looked down and sat forward in his chair. Vivi said you weren t talking to any
one so don t try, but I didn t really have much choice since you were leaning on my
car smoking when I tried to leave.
You drive the Bent that night? Sanji asked with a smirk.
Pell rolled his eyes. No, I think I drove the Jag.
Sanji sighed. Ah, must be rough.
Shut up. Pell smiled. Anyway, I have no idea why you didn t tell Zoro about us in the
beginning. There was nothing to hide. You never went behind his back or anythin
g with me--and not that I would, I ve been with Chaka for almost twelve years, so.
.. Brook whistled across the table and Pell blushed scarlet. But, not the point mov
ing on.
Sanji had always thought of Pell as aloof and even cold sometimes; but seeing hi
m now, they way he acted with Chaka, and the easy way he was around people he co
nsidered friends, Sanji could see how he himself had fallen in a fast friendship
with this agreeable man.
There was a night after one of our sparring sessions, Pell continued, when you came
back to my place--here--to pick up a set of shin guards. Yours were kind of rat
ty and I offered to sell you my used ones. Kaya was here, the organization had c
ontacted her again. They had made another offer , and scared her really bad. She wa
s talking with Chaka when we walked in and you with your crazy, off the wall chi
valry Pell rolled his eyes and looked at Zoro. She was slightly hysterical. Sanji t
ook one look at her and there was nothing we could do, short of killing him ours
elves, to keep him from getting the whole story out of her.
Zoro nodded. Yeah, he gets that way.
Sanji shot him a look, but turned back to Pell.
This doesn t make any sense though. I knew everything? Then why the hell didn t I say
anything? I couldn t have kept quiet about this! I would have marched right on ho
me, scooped up Zoro, and then gone to bash in some skulls!
Chaka smiled. You wanted to, but Kaya made you promise not to tell anyone--specif
ically Zoro. She knew that the two of you would go all vigilante and get yoursel
ves killed. She also told you about their threat to kill Usopp, and that she wou
ld never speak to you again if you tried anything.
Sanji ground his teeth and crossed his arms over his chest. Like I would ever lis
ten to something like that--even if it did come from a beautiful woman. There s go
tta be a better reason.
Chaka shrugged his shoulders. There is one. You flipped out when Kaya mentioned s
ome names. You started pacing and shouting and cussing at everything. We thought
you had completely lost it.
Zoro grabbed his beer off the table and took one last swallow to empty the bottl
e. He started to roll the glass around in his palm and glared through his eyelas
hes at Chaka.
Names? Of who?
People in the organization, Chaka answered.
Zoro snorted. Who could she say that Sanji would know?
Chaka looked Zoro square in the eye and said soberly.
Sanji and Zoro both sat in silence for about three seconds before they groaned a
s one and cursed under their breath.
Fucking hell, the swordsman muttered as he set the cold beer bottle against his fo
rehead. Okay, yeah, I probably would have flipped out too.
See? Pell said.
What the fuck Sanji ran fingers through his hair. I mean seriously, what the fuck? Y
ou said something about Crocodile being mafia but I really didn t take you serious
ly, Zoro.
I didn t either, Zoro groaned. They said he was x-mafia anyway. I thought it was just
talk to make him sound like a big shot.
She mentioned a few other names, Pell said, but I don t remember any of them. Suppose
dly there s three or four guys at the top, working as heads of the surrounding are
as, and then there s underbosses for each of them. One of those underbosses is tie
d up in that underground fighting thing you guys do. He turned to Chaka. What was
his name Enear?
Enel, Chaka corrected.
Sanji and Zoro froze at the same moment. Zoro s sharp intake of breath made the co
ok turn to the swordsman. Gripping the bottle tightly in his hand, Zoro stared w
ide-eyed at the floor.
Oh my God, Zoro whispered. Oh my fucking God. He when I talked to him before the mat
ch he was saying something about the accident, and blackmail. The swordsman ran hi
s free hand over his face. Oh fuck, he even mentioned the mafia I thought it was a
Sanji sat back in the chair. Obviously it was a joke. He was mocking us.
Zoro shook his head. Damnit, I really thought he was cool too.
You talked to him? Chaka asked. To this Enel guy? Recently?
Yeah, like a few nights ago. Sanji muttered.
Chaka and Pell sat stunned as Zoro tried to pull himself out of his thoughts.
Brook took a sip of his coffee and carefully set the mug on the table.
So, now, getting back to the point, the situation is even more complicated. Sanji
was involved right along with the rest of you, but talked into silence because
of his connections.
Sanji rubbed the back of his neck with both hands. I still don t understand why I d
idn t tell Zoro. I mean, yeah, this thing involves some pretty scary people, but
You probably would have told Zoro if you had been given the chance, Pell offered.
Sanji looked at him. What does that mean?
Pell sighed. You told us you d hold your tongue for a week. You wouldn t say anything
to Zoro until after I contacted my family overseas and got Kaya and Usopp away
from all this. With them out of the picture, you knew you four would be free to
damage anyone you wanted.
Four? Sanji frowned.
Chaka cleared his throat. We assumed you were going to get your friends, those tw
o crazy brothers.
Oh, that makes sense. The cook frowned and scratched his chin. But what happened? W
hy didn t we go through with the plan?
Pell folded his arms and sighed heavily.
Two days later, you were in a coma.
For the third time that day, Sanji felt dread coil low in his stomach. No wonder
Pell had been a little hesitant about this part of the story.
Oh my God Sanji whispered.
With this bit of information, it was obvious that the accident had something to
do with this fiasco. He had gotten himself hurt because he had stuck his nose in
to his friend s business; not that it was particularly a bad thing, Sanji knew he
would do it again if given the choice.
Chaka rubbed his eyes. We thought it was a fluke for a while, just a horrid coinc
idence, but then we found out there was a guy in the organization that was tryin
g to prove himself to the big shots. He was trying to climb up the ranks and he
used you guys to do it. He offered his services to one of the head guys and said
that he knew a way to get Kaya to cooperate. You were both supposed to die, but
they underestimated you guys.
Sanji shook his head, his thoughts jumbled in his brain, but he breathed deep an
d focused. He absently thought about how funny it was that he had been raging ma
d when he had learned Usopp s life had been threatened, but when it came to himsel
f, he was able to look at the situation with more controlled emotions.
How do you know all these details?
We have an old friend in the organization, Pell explained. He s a lower rank, and he s
crazy, but he s pretty trusted so he can get us information sometimes.
Sanji dug in his pocket and palmed his lighter absently. The action of flicking
the top open and closed worked as a makeshift stress reliever.
So the guy that tried to whack us--the social climber what s his name? The cook asked
Bones. Pell said.
The sound of glass shattering startled Sanji and he whirled around in his seat.
Zoro stood slowly, rage surrounded him as he straightened, and blood ran from hi
s fingertips. The swordsman had crushed the beer bottle with his hand and now a
large gash split the flesh of his palm.
Shit, Zoro! Sanji shot to his feet. What the hell!
You Zoro s eyes flashed and he bared his teeth at Chaka. It was you Because of you, my
life Zoro s stance changed and Sanji knew things were about to get really ugly.
Chaka stood and Pell scooted back hastily. The larger man held up his hands in d
You weren t lied to, Zoro! It was a partial truth! Bones wanted you out of the pict
ure, and he knew he could help himself and the organization at the same time! Th
e story about him out to hurt Sanji is true, it just wasn t the whole story!
You fucking son of a bitch Zoro s voice was quiet, a promise of destruction hidden be
neath a blanket of fierce calm.
What the hell do you think would have happened if you had gone after them by your
self! Chaka exclaimed. You would have been killed, and then Sanji would have woken
up without you and he would have never known you at all! We did it to protect y
You don t know what would have happened! Zoro roared. Maybe you should stop trying to
protect people because you keep fucking things up!!
Sanji s foot connected with Zoro s chest. The cook had heard enough of the swordsman s
ranting. He watched as Zoro caved in on himself, doubled over, and coughed as h
is hands and knees hit the floor. Sanji turned angrily and pointed to Pell.
Get me a towel.
There s a first aid kit in the bathroom. Pell said as he grabbed a clean dish towel
and tossed it to Sanji.
Sanji caught the towel and knelt to grab Zoro s wrist. Fucking idiot! he whispered a
s he pressed the towel to the wound. Get the hell up before you bleed all over th
e fucking place.
Sanji pulled the wheezing swordsman to his feet and met Chaka s eyes. The large ma
n looked pitiful, the pain in his eyes shone through and his shoulders were slum
ped. The cook felt a little sorry for the other man and murmured as he took Zoro s
arm roughly.
He didn t mean that, he s just being emotional. You did what you could.
Chaka looked away and nodded.
Zoro said nothing as Sanji pulled him up and led him into the bathroom. The cook
shoved the swordsman inside and pushed him to sit on the toilet. He rummaged ar
ound the shelves above the sink to find the first aid kit and placed the small,
red, box on the counter. Sanji wasn t a doctor, but he knew all about small cuts a
nd gashes on the hands. Working in a kitchen his whole life, he had his fair sha
re of stitches in his fingers. He pulled out a disinfectant swab, a butterfly ba
ndage, and the gauze roll from its compartment. He moved to Zoro s side and sat on
the edge of the bathtub.
You re such a gorilla, Sanji muttered as he took Zoro s hand and gently pulled the tow
el away. Blood oozed from the cut and the cook sighed. You tell me flipping out s n
ot going to do any good, and then you go and slice your hand open and scare the
living bejesus out of our only source of information! And this is gonna need fuc
king stitches. Great.
We can just wake up Chopper Zoro s voice had softened. He sat with a blank expression
on his face, staring at a spot somewhere around Sanji s knees. I d rather do that th
en go to the hospital. I hate the hospital
Sanji carefully cleaned around the gash and inspected the wound for lingering sh
ards of glass. When he was satisfied, he closed the cut with the butterfly banda
ge and then carefully wrapped the swordsman s hand in the gauze. The cook s mind rac
ed as he worked, but for once, his mouth was quiet.
Zoro s voice was unexpected, but welcomed. As the swordsman spoke, Sanji found the
tension in his shoulders easing. The soft rumble of Zoro s baritone soothed his n
erves and calmed the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
I ve lived for an entire year thinking that what happened to you was my fault... I ve
been tearing myself apart every day--every night, thinking that you almost died
because of my dream, because of my ambition to beat Hawk my arrogance. Every tim
e I picked up my swords, I would think about that moment in the car. That moment
that I saw you covered in blood and your legs Zoro s free hand rubbed circles into
his forehead. That one fucking moment when I was sure you were dead
Sanji s chest tightened, as it had been doing more and more often since he had bee
n with Zoro. He reached up and took the swordsman s hand in his. He kissed the cal
loused fingertips and leaned his forehead against his lover s. He wished that he c
ould take all of Zoro s pain away. If he could use the void in his memories to mak
e room for all the horrible memories and things Zoro had seen and been through,
to take that pain away and take it in himself, he would do it in a heartbeat. He
owed it to the swordsman for standing so faithfully beside him. Sanji realized
at that moment he would gladly do that for this person, this person that loved h
im so deeply and so clearly.
I m not dead, Zoro, Sanji whispered. I m right here. We ll figure this out. We ll go tog
er and see Crocodile or Enel or whoever we have to. We ll fuck some shit up and ge
t Kaya and Usopp back together. We ll get Kaya s life back.
Zoro nuzzled his hand and smiled faintly.
Fuck some shit up That sounds so good right now.
Sanji smiled. It does, doesn t it?
Zoro nodded and his eyes lifted to meet Sanji s. The cook couldn t resist that look
of longing and he leaned forward to press his lips against the swordsman s. His ey
es closed as Zoro pressed back and opened gently for him. Their tongues slid aga
inst each other and Sanji s heart started to beat faster. He felt the larger man s b
andaged hand slide around the back of his neck to tilt his head. Sanji relented
and changed his angle, getting a deeper, more severe kiss.
I love you, Zoro whispered as they parted.
Sanji didn t think he could make words at the moment, and even if he could, would
they be the right ones? His breath caught in his throat as the weight of his fee
lings hit him at once, the impact of his realization startling him, causing him
to pull away slightly.
Zoro I Sanji panted softly, his tongue refusing to cooperate.
Zoro s hands cupped Sanji s face, and he smiled. The pads of his thumbs caressed the
cook s cheeks as he shook his head.
It s okay, he whispered.
Sanji gripped Zoro s wrists and turned his head so he could place a gentle kiss on
his lover s injured palm. The two sat in silence for a few long moments, looking
at each other. Studying each other as feelings of excitement and fear fought for
Finally, Sanji straightened and swallowed, quirking his lips into a playful smil
Go show Chopper your hand. I m sure you ll get a nice ear-full.
Zoro sighed and lowered his hands into his lap. Yeah, I m sure I will too.
Sanji stood and ran a hand over Zoro s hair before he stepped away to put back the
first aid kit.
I ll see what I can get out of those two while you re getting fixed up. Sanji washed h
is hands and sighed sadly as he checked his shirt in the mirror and found it a l
oss. Blood stains were a bitch to get out.
You know, Sanji Zoro said quietly.
Hm? Sanji replied, looking at the swordsman.
Before, when Pell said he knew you I didn t really think that you and he had you know
I just got a thought about what it would feel like if I ever found out that you
had cheated on me
Sanji pushed away from the sink. Zoro, I would never--
No, no, Zoro stood and moved in close to kiss Sanji s cheek. I know that. I m just sayi
ng that I got kind of an idea of what it must have been like for Usopp.
Sanji closed his eyes. He had known their friend was in pain, but he had never h
ad the situation put into perspective for him like that. After everything Zoro a
nd he had been through, after the hurt and the frustration, and then the amazing
discovery and the new feelings and experiences a betrayal like that from Zoro wo
uld kill Sanji. The cook had opened himself to the swordsman more than he had wi
th anyone else before in his entire life. Usopp did not deserve that. Kaya did n
ot deserve that.
Now, Sanji locked eyes with the swordsman and set his teeth in determination.
Let s fix this shit, Zoro.
Zoro squeezed his arm and nodded soberly.
I m with you.
X x X x X
Before Zoro started upstairs, he stopped by the kitchen and seconded Brook s idea
of maybe getting something to eat. It had been a while since lunch, and everyone
was hungry. Sanji made quick work of pillaging the cupboards and fridge, and st
arted stacking ingredients on the counter. Pell offered to help, but Sanji shooe
d him away.
I feel kinda bad, Sanji muttered. You guys took a big step in contacting us and try
ing to explain this whole cluster-fuck, and all we ve done is scream and break thi
ngs. The least I can do is make some food.
Zoro smiled as he watched the cook work. That is so like Sanji Quick to anger, bu
t even quicker to forgive
And I m sorry that we have nothing good to tell you. Chaka sighed as he rested his h
ead in his arms. Vivi and Kaya are always telling us how great you guys are and h
ow we should get to know you, but now, meeting under these circumstances
Meh, we get this under control, and who knows? Sanji peered down the blade of a kn
ife and started slicing tomatoes. Buy me a boat or something. I m sure I ll get over
Zoro chuckled and turned to climb the stairs. He left the small talk and the smo
othing over of egos to Sanji. Things like that were something Zoro had never bee
n very good at. The cook had a knack for charming people easily and quickly, and
the swordsman knew it would be better if he just took his leave now.
His hand had started to throb anyway.
Zoro opened the door to Chaka and Pell s room, but didn t turn on the light. He saw
Chopper s small form huddled under the blanket facing away from him. The younger m
an s breathing was heavy but uneven, giving away the fact that he was not asleep.
The swordsman moved across the room, kicked off his shoes and stretched out on h
is back next to his friend. He rested his head on his arm and whispered quietly
into the dark room.
You okay?
Chopper shifted, his head of messy brown hair poked out from beneath the checker
ed fabric. A quiet sniffle sounded from beneath the blanket and Zoro turned his
Yeah, I guess... Chopper murmured; his voice hoarse.
Zoro sighed and stared up at the ceiling. They aren t mad at you, he said softly, if
that s what you re worried about.
Chopper groaned and shifted under the covers. I m such an asshole. I made a complet
e fool of myself.
No you didn t, Chopper, Zoro said reassuringly. What you did and said was perfectly u
They re probably wondering why Kaya is friends with such a retard
Zoro rolled to his side and propped himself up on his elbow. He looked down into
a half-hidden face, red, watery eyes staring blankly at the wall, and tears sli
ding over lashes to plop onto the pillow. Zoro figured it would be like this; th
at Chopper would be beating himself up over his outburst earlier, but he hadn t ex
pected his young friend to look so lost and hopeless. Whatever was wrong wasn t ne
w; it had been bothering his friend for a while. The sparkle in Chopper s dark bro
wn eyes had disappeared several weeks ago and Zoro was sure it wasn t just from fa
tigue. The playful looks and acts of innocent flirting that Chopper had produced
on a daily basis, and most likely unconsciously, were gone. There was a strange
distance between the swordsman and his little doctor friend, and it had been bu
ilding up for a while now.
Zoro reached up and gently brushed the curly bangs from Chopper s forehead. He rem
embered what Chaka said about Chopper doing whatever he could to keep his friend
s from worrying about him.
Chopper what s up with you? You were weird at the park, and now you re not talking to
Chopper pulled himself out from under the blanket and sighed heavily. He wiped a
t his face and slowly rolled to his back. He avoided Zoro s eyes and studied the c
eiling, much like the swordsman had been doing a moment ago.
This is a stupid thing to be talking about at a time like this.
Zoro frowned. Time like what?
Chopper swallowed thickly. We have all this stuff to deal with, like whatever s hap
pening with Kaya and Usopp, and you and Sanji have your relationship to piece ba
ck together You don t need anything else on your plate.
Zoro shook his head. I d be a pretty shitty friend if I wasn t here at least to liste
n to you though.
Chopper wiped at his dry face, almost as if brushing away tears had become habit
. He sighed heavily again and finally relaxed, defeated into the pillow.
I m a really bad person, Zoro.
Zoro was taken back. Chopper did not take things like good and bad lightly. He was
always very lenient and exceptionally forgiving.
What? the swordsman whispered.
Chopper closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Do you remember the conversation
we had about falling in love with our straight friends?
Zoro nodded. Yes.
It s kind of I don t know, the curse of gay guys. Chopper stopped and picked at the ski
n around his nails as a distraction. He had stopped crying, the young doctor s eye
s had dried and his voice was steady, but there was still heavy sadness in his t
I started seeing an occupational therapist when I started working at the hospital
. My boss said I needed it because I wasn t handling the stress very well. I knew
I didn t need it, because I knew it wasn t the job that was driving me crazy. Chopper
shifted and pulled the blanket up to his chin. But it turned out okay though, cau
se it gave me someone to talk to about everything.
Zoro reached up and gently brushed Chopper s bangs from his forehead, a habit he h
adn t been able to shake since high school.
What was driving you crazy?
Chopper closed his eyes. A lot of things, Sanji s accident hit pretty hard on my ne
rves. He was the one I would talk to about everything, and then he was just gone
. I was worried about you, I was worried about Luffy, my grandmother got sick, e
verything just sort of decided to get crazy all at once.
Zoro nodded in understanding. I know what you mean. Those were a couple really ha
rd months for all of us.
Chopper reached up and caught Zoro s hand. Usopp was also talking more and more to
me about that proposal he had planned for Kaya. You know the one on the beach wi
th all the flowers and the bonfire and everything?
Zoro nodded. Yeah, I remember Sanji talking about that. Usopp s really a closet rom
Yeah, he is, Chopper said sadly. And that was a real stressor right there. It doesn t
matter how much you tell yourself you just want the best for someone Hearing you
r first love talk about proposing to his girlfriend it hurts so much
Zoro squeezed his friend s hand, showing that he acknowledged Chopper s feelings. It
must have been hard for the youngest of their group.
It sucks really bad, Chopper continued, being in a group of friends where everyone
has found someone and you haven t It sucks when after a party, or after a Saturday n
ight at the club, you re the only one who goes home alone I started to kind of obse
ss over your guy s relationships. I would watch all of you together, the way Ace a
nd Vivi tease each other and act like best friends, and the way Usopp and Kaya w
ould hold hands under the table kiss when they thought no one was looking
Zoro shifted to lie on his back, his side pressed against Chopper s. He let his fr
iend lace their fingers together and rest his hand on his small chest. The sword
sman could feel Chopper s heart pounding and wondered why the young doctor was so
And then you and Sanji I would watch you guys and how you looked at each other. I
loved the way Sanji would smile when he said something that annoyed you, or the
way your eyes looked when you were watching him and he didn t notice. I wanted tha
t so bad I wanted someone to look at me like you looked look at Sanji.
Zoro held still, his breath shallow, his heart beating hard as he waited for Cho
pper to come to his point.
The younger man opened his eyes and took a long breath.
When Sanji was in his coma and you were alone like me I would pretend how nice it w
ould be if you d fall in love with me. If I could, just once, get you to look at m
e with those eyes. I crushed on you so hard in high school-- Sanji a little bit
too, but not as bad. But you were straight so my head was like, yeah whatever But a
fter Sanji was gone you were there, and you weren t straight anymore so
Zoro s heart sped up. He hadn t expected this at all. Well, maybe he should have, bu
t he hadn t.
I Zoro whispered. I had no idea, Chopper
Chopper nodded. I know. I hid it really well. I thought about it all the time, bu
t like I would really ever act on it.
Zoro was flattered, so flattered in fact, that he felt a little silly. Silly and
bad, bad for making Chopper go through all this. But how could he have known th
at his little friend had felt this way? Maybe even still felt this way? Of cours
e Zoro had eyes only for Sanji; his mind had been on nothing but his lover the w
hole time the cook had been in his coma. Zoro had seen nothing and no one around
him for months on end. As far as the swordsman was concerned, he would never le
ave Sanji, he would never hold anyone higher in his heart. But he had to admit t
his was Chopper. Chopper who was absolutely sweet and smarter than anyone else Z
oro knew. Sexy as hell, even if he didn t know it, and the kindest soul to ever ha
ve graced Zoro s presence. Having Chopper fall for him, made the swordsman giddy w
ith delight.
A thought occurred to Zoro then, and he remembered what Chopper said that had st
arted this entire conversation.
But, Zoro asked, why do you say you re a bad person? There s nothing wrong with what yo
u ve told me. I m not gonna be mad over something like that.
Chopper shook his head slowly. I know you well enough to know that you wouldn t be
mad over something like that. What I just told you isn t the bad part.
Zoro watched moisture well up in Chopper s eyes and spill out softly onto his chee
ks. The younger man s expression didn t change. He kept staring blankly at the ceili
ng as if in denial that he was really crying.
What s the bad part? Zoro asked carefully.
Chopper sniffed and rubbed frantically at his nose.
When Sanji woke up, and we found out that he couldn t remember you I couldn t help mys
elf from feeling a little happy. I mean, not happy that you were sad or that I me
an, I just started thinking about how great it would be if being there for you, c
onsoling you would make you see me. The younger man let go of Zoro s hand and cover
ed his face. When Luffy and Ace told me about how you guys were back together I wa
s so sad. I was so sad and I hated myself so much for it. And now I m having so mu
ch trouble letting go and I just I m sorry I m so stupid...
With a sob, Chopper rolled to his side away from Zoro and cried into his hands.
The swordsman watched his shoulders shake and forgot how to move. He was even ho
lding his breath and didn t realize it until his lungs started to burn.
Exhaling harshly, Zoro got his breath back and turned on his side. He slid one a
rm around Chopper s waist and pushed the fingers of his opposite hand through his
friend s hair. He ached for Chopper, ached that so much pain had been weighing his
young friend down right under his nose and he had known nothing about it. He he
ld the smaller man tightly and whispered consolingly whatever came into his mind
first. The words were close to babble, but he knew Chopper was only hearing his
tone and feeling his body heat anyway. The comfort didn t need to be comprehensib
le; it just needed to be there. Chopper had done this for him once before and Zo
ro remembered the feel of Chopper s body against him, the smell of his shampoo, bu
t not his words. The words didn t matter.
Chopper s breathing slowed after a few minutes and his body relaxed into the bed o
nce again. His small hands covered Zoro s and he turned into the larger man s embrac
I tried to apologize to Sanji at the park, Chopper whispered. But then I stopped be
cause I knew if I did, he wouldn t know what for and I couldn t tell him. He looked s
o happy.
Zoro closed his eyes and nosed Chopper s hair. It s okay. You don t have to tell him.
Chopper shook his head. Yes I do. I m just not ready yet.
Zoro shifted to prop himself back up on his elbow. You know Sanji will understand
, right? He s always going on about love and fate and forbidden whatever You should
have heard him with Usopp when we were at Vivi s a few days ago. He was talking a
bout how love is beautiful and terrible and the fact that Usopp loved Kaya was t
he only thing that mattered. The swordsman squeezed Chopper s fingers. It ll be okay.
Sanji will be fine.
You guys in here talking about me? Sanji s voice sounded amused. Zoro looked over hi
s shoulder at the cook s slim frame silhouetted in the doorway.
Curled up together on the bed in the dark too, Sanji teased and moved into the bed
room. Should I be worried?
Zoro felt Chopper s body tense against him. He shook his head at Sanji and pleaded
with his eyes for his lover to be serious. Sanji got the hint immediately and q
uickly stepped around to the other side and leaned down to run his hand gently a
long Chopper s leg.
Chopper? he asked soothingly as he sat on the bed. You okay?
Chopper nodded slowly and trembled underneath Zoro s arm.
Sanji scooted closer and Zoro loved him for the concerned and caring look he gav
e their friend.
Chopper, buddy, Sanji whispered, don t worry. What you said was perfectly understanda
Zoro pulled back surprised when Chopper started to giggle. It was tentative at f
irst, just short bursts of air, but then it quickly developed into quiet laughte
r that had the smaller man shoulder s shaking much harder than they had been when h
e was crying.
What the hell is so funny? Sanji grinned, his body relaxing with relief. Do I have
something on my face?
Chopper shook his head and uncurled his hands from the edge of the blanket.
It s just so funny. The doctor smiled a watery smile at the cook and Zoro s heart lift
ed. You both came in here and said the exact same thing to me.
Sanji rolled his eyes. Whatever. Might have been the same thing, but I bet I was
cooler about it.
Zoro scoffed. You were not. I was the king of suave over here.
You wouldn t know suave if it jumped up and bit your cock.
Chopper squeaked and sat up abruptly.
Sanji! He grinned. That was a really gay sounding joke!
The cook made a face and Zoro tried not to laugh.
Shit, Sanji muttered, I don t wanna sound gay. Did I sound gay before?
All the time. Zoro smirked.
Sanji smacked Zoro s leg. Shut up, I didn t ask you.
Chopper surged forward at that moment and caught Sanji in a fierce hug. The cook s
eyes widened comically and his hands flew up as he tried to decide if Chopper w
as attacking or not. He quickly got his bearings though and smiled, threading th
e fingers of both his hands through Chopper s curly hair. He looked up, meeting Zo
ro s eyes and asked silently what was up.
Zoro replied only with a shake of his head and his index finger against his lips
. He would talk to Sanji about it later. Right now, this moment was for Chopper.
The younger man needed to be okay with himself before he could talk to Sanji ab
out his feelings. Sanji could wait for it, and so could Zoro.
The swordsman smiled over the head of the little doctor, and the cook smiled bac
k. Chopper sniffed softly and turned his face into Sanji s neck.
Love you, Sanji.
Sanji rested his cheek on Chopper s head, his eyes never leaving Zoro s.
Love you too kiddo.
Chopper pulled away and smacked the laughing cook on the arm.
Don t call me kiddo, jerk!
Ah! I m sorry! I give up! Sanji held up his arms in mock surrender. Hey, did you fix
Zoro s hand?
Zoro, who had been chuckling, quietly forgotten, stopped abruptly and feigned te
rror. He lost his smile and his eyes became wide like a hunted animal.
Uh we didn t really get around to it. We, um--
What do you mean, your hand!? Chopper interrupted, glaring daggers at the swordsma
n. What did you do, Zoro?
I uh Zoro held up his bandaged palm in defeat.
Chopper jumped up, effectively tangling himself in the blanket, and started shou
ting something about Zoro taking care of himself and getting things looked at ri
ght away. The swordsman shot off the bed and scampered very unmanly-like over to
the door.
No seriously, Zoro! Chopper growled. What did you do to yourself!?
Zoro scratched his head sheepishly.
Um I a bottle glass cut.
WHAT!? Chopper started to untangle himself from the blanket and headed for the doo
r. You freaking crushed another beer bottle in your hand, didn t you!! I told you I d
kill you if you ever did that again!!
Zoro made an eep sound and bolted out of the room, Sanji s laughter following him al
l the way downstairs.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
This went through rewrites four or five times. I owe my beta big for what she ha
d to put up with this time. She is awesome. Thank you Lira-san. X)
Anyway, hope you guys are still liking it and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Tha
nk you for the reviews this last time, thank you thank you! And please, for thos
e of you that asked me questions in reviews last chapter: if you don t have an acc
ount or leave me an email, I can t answer you. Lol.
Chapter 21
Zoro ruffled the ears of Chaka and Pell s black Maltese Terrier and threw the tenn
is ball one more time before he climbed the stairs to the porch. Brook nodded to
him as he stood talking with Pell. He was smoking a long clove stick, and the s
picy smell invaded Zoro s nostrils. Pell was smiling as the two conversed. He tuck
ed a long, blond strand of hair behind his ear and folded his arms delicately ac
ross his chest.
The swordsman studied Pell, intrigued at just how similar he was to Sanji. They
had the same graceful body; the same long, supple neckline. Soft, pale skin and
expressive eyes made them beautiful, but strong jaws and refined noses made them
handsome. It was obvious that Pell did not have Sanji s strength or speed, but hi
s movements were sure and precise; the same as Sanji when he was cooking or clea
ning his knifes.
Pell also did not hold himself with as much confidence as the cook did. Where Sa
nji stood comfortably, making his own space out of wherever he happened to be an
d calmly filling any room he entered with his presence, Pell held back. He seeme
d more the wallflower type, confident enough in himself to stand proud, but not
enough to stand out. Pell was reserved, unobtrusive. His body language said that
he was more of a talker than an enforcer. A body of water filled with depth and
mystery, but calm and clear as glass.
Smiling, Zoro remembered Sanji standing and defending Usopp at the kitchen table
, his ferocity at hearing his friends threatened. The blond was very hot when he
was angry.
No, Sanji was far from a body of calm water. He was a tsunami, a great flood tha
t came in and took over everything in its path, a force strong enough to tear do
wn buildings and uproot forests.
Zoro moved away from Brook and Pell, slipping back into house and making his way
into the kitchen. Sanji was there, stirring a thick, red sauce and looking up w
hen Zoro entered. The swordsman couldn t help but smile and moved around the islan
d to open the fridge.
Sanji made a suspicious face. What?
Nothing, Zoro shrugged and pulled out a beer. Can t I just look at you?
Not with that dopey look on your face. Sanji said as he sprinkled something into t
he pan. What are you thinking about?
Zoro opened the bottle and took a swallow. I was just comparing you to natural di
Oh really? Sanji looked at him and quirked an eyebrow. Do I wanna know?
Zoro put up his hands. Naw, don t ask.
Sanji stared at him deadpan before he shook his head and turned his attention ba
ck to his cooking.
I m just gonna file that under Zoro Dash What-The-Fuck and be done with it.
Zoro snickered and leaned against the counter. He took another swallow and watch
ed Sanji taste the sauce while turning the potatoes.
How s the hand? Sanji asked.
Zoro glanced at his freshly stitched and bandaged palm.
It s fine. Doesn t hurt anymore.
Sanji nodded absently, his attention on the food. Can you take a peek into the li
ving room for me?
Zoro looked over his shoulder and saw Chopper and Chaka sitting on opposite ends
of the couch. Chaka was talking quietly, and Chopper was listening as varying e
xpressions of shock played out on his face.
Chopper finally getting the whole story? Zoro asked.
Yup, Sanji murmured. I m really glad he and Chaka kinda worked things out cause I didn
want to hash through the whole thing a second time today.
Yeah... Zoro smiled as Chopper asked a question. The little doctor s eyes widened fu
rther and further as Chaka answered, and he leaned so far forward in his seat th
at the swordsman was worried he would fall right off the couch.
So. Sanji lowered his voice to a whisper. What were you guys talking about upstairs
before I came in?
Zoro shook his head slowly and raised the bottle to his lips. We can talk about i
t later. It s kind of complicated.
Seems to be a lot of that going around, Sanji grumbled. Seriously, while we eat, re
strict all conversation to the weather or some shit.
Zoro chuckled and leaned in to kiss Sanji on the cheek. The cook surprised him t
hough, and turned his head at the last moment, pressing his lips to Zoro s. The sw
ordsman blinked at Sanji as he pulled away. The blond s blue eyes looked up at him
through his lashes and the cook s cheeks flushed pink.
Shivering, Zoro gave in to an overwhelming urge and set his bottle on the counte
r before pulling Sanji close. He slid his arms around the other man s waist and cl
osed his eyes. He breathed in the spicy Sanji smell as he nosed the skin of his
lover s neck. There was a tap on the stove and then Sanji s fingers threaded their w
ay into his short hair. The cook kissed the top of his head and Zoro leaned back
onto the counter, pulling Sanji with him. He shifted so his legs were on either
side of Sanji s and he melted against the other man.
Sanji s voice rumbled in his chest as he spoke softly into Zoro s hair.
Natural disasters, huh?
Zoro nodded, his voice caught up in the fact that Sanji was holding him so gentl
The blond kissed the top of his head again. You always compare me to mother natur
e s PMS?
Nope, Zoro answered, teasing. This is the first time.
Sanji s fingers massaged circles into the swordsman s scalp. The cook was silent for
a few minutes before he murmured softly.
All this stuff s going on and you re thinking about me?
Zoro s heart started to beat faster at the question. He sighed and his arms tighte
ned around Sanji s waist.
I think about you all the time, he said simply. No matter what s happening around me
you you re always first .
Sanji stilled for a moment, but then his hands left Zoro s hair and his arms came
around his neck. The swordsman felt a soft puff of air on his skin before Sanji
whispered into his ear.
Let s eat quick and go home.
Zoro smiled into Sanji s shirt. Hearing words like that from the cook, even if the
y were purely innocent, made the swordsman s stomach flutter. He nodded once again
and released his hold on the slighter man.
Food s ready if you wanna call people in, Sanji said as he moved away. He opened the
oven door and peeked inside. The smell was heavenly and Zoro s stomach grumbled l
Sure. You want any help with anything?
Sanji shook his head. Nah, everything s done, we just need plates and stuff. But th
ey can get them themselves.
The cook removed the pan from the hot element, and opened the oven to take out t
he sheet of baked chicken. Zoro s mouth watered as Sanji spooned the sauce over th
e sizzling meat, and he turned to call the others.
Zoro Sanji said quietly.
Hm? The swordsman glanced over his shoulder. The blond looked sure and confident a
s he focused on what he was doing, but as he spoke to Zoro, his voice was uneasy
About before in the bathroom Sanji shook his head in frustration, If I disappointed y
ou I m really s-
No, no. Zoro turned back around and moved to stand beside his lover. He put a gent
le hand on the cook s arm and murmured softly. I m not expecting anything more than w
hat you re giving me, Sanji. I m so happy with us right now I wanna sing or something
. I say I love you because I do. I don t say it fishing for you to repeat it back.
Zoro leaned in and whispered firmly into the cook s ear.
Don t you dare say it to me unless you mean it.
Sanji turned to him then and his eyes studied Zoro s lips. I won t. I promise.
The swordsman froze at the blond s look. Who knew that Sanji being fixated on his
mouth would turn him on so fast? Zoro took a few calming breaths, his energy foc
used on calming his libido. His hand moved to Sanji s shoulder and he squeezed. All
right then. Now, I m starving, let s do this.
Well, Sanji pushed at his chest and waved the spoon at him, go get people!
I m going! The swordsman whined.
Zoro leaned in once more and Sanji met his lips. He was never going to get tired
to Sanji s kisses. The swordsman pulled away grinning, and turned to the sliding
glass porch doors.
Hey losers! he called out. Food!
X x X x X
Dinner turned out to be a very entertaining affair. With Chopper smoothing thing
s over with Chaka, everyone else found they could relax and enjoy the meal. Gran
ted there was still tension: it was obvious Zoro still had some trust issues, an
d Sanji admitted to himself he was slightly uncomfortable with how familiar he f
elt with Pell, but the overall atmosphere was pleasant--especially with Brook fo
r entertainment. The musician told outrageous stories of his travels through Eur
ope and about the many groups he had played with. The man was wise in the way of
breaking the ice and keeping it broken. Conversation flowed easily from his dir
ection, and Sanji was silently grateful to his friend for giving him a rest. He
ate his meal in relative silence, enjoying the chance to just listen.
After plates were cleared and the leftovers were placed in the fridge, Pell hand
ed Zoro a slip of paper saying it was their informant s contact info. The swordsma
n thanked the blond as he helped Chopper with his coat. As the four were heading
out the door, the little doctor hesitated, turning to look up at Chaka. Pell st
ood back, as did Sanji and Zoro, waiting to see what Chopper was going to say.
I he started, so quietly his voice was barely over a whisper. I um
Chaka came close and leaned down to better hear Chopper s mumbling. The younger ma
n took the chance and threw his arms around Chaka s neck. The dark-haired man s eyes
widened with surprise and shock, but he recovered quickly and returned Chopper s
hug with a small smile.
Pell met Sanji s eyes and he grinned before waving and turning back into the house
. Sanji waved back, and started for the car.
Twenty minutes later, Sanji glanced in the rearview mirror and chuckled softly.
Chopper s shaggy brown hair covered his sweet face as he slumped against Brook in
the back seat. The young doctor had fallen asleep the moment he climbed into the
Chaka is really nice, he had mumbled softly, as Brook put an arm around his should
ers. He just made a really bad mistake shouldn t have yelled at him
Zoro sat beside Sanji in the passenger seat. He held the small piece of paper Pe
ll had handed him between his pointer and middle fingers.
Baseball game Monday. Bring ten case banano , Zoro read Pell s neat handwriting. I don
et it.
Probably has something to do with drugs. Sanji answered. It doesn t matter. We just g
otta meet him and tell him that we re friends of Chaka and Pell.
I m not entirely sure, but... Brook frowned thoughtfully out the window. I think that
baseball refers to freebase cocaine.
Zoro turned around and cocked an eyebrow at their musician friend.
Brook, do I really want to ask how you know that?
Brook chuckled. College was an interesting time in my life.
Sanji rolled down his window and pulled out his lighter. You seem to be leading a
n interesting life in general, Brook.
True the musician said whimsically.
So, Sanji said, lighting his cigarette, how does this go down?
Zoro slipped the piece of paper in his pocket and rubbed his eyes. This says send
the message to the email at the bottom and supposedly, he ll get back to us in ab
out an hour.
Sounds easy enough, Sanji nodded. What s this guy s name?
It s not on the paper and I didn t ask, Zoro answered.
Sanji shrugged and turned onto Chopper s street.
X x X x X
Sanji stood with Zoro at the entrance to their apartment building, watching Broo
k stroll down the hill to his car. The musician waved over his shoulder as he fi
shed his keys from his pocket.
See ya, Brook, Sanji called.
Zoro sighed at the cook s side and ran a hand over his eyes. What a fucked up day
Yeah Sanji agreed.
The two made their way silently through the lobby to the elevator. Once they had
stepped inside and the door slid closed with a soft ding , Zoro reached out and ca
ught Sanji s hand in his. The cook looked down, still taken aback by the sight of
his fingers laced together with the swordsman s. He was used to small, slim digits
, manicured nails, and jewelry-- not rough, calloused, and slightly larger than
his own.
Still weird? Zoro asked quietly.
Sanji nodded. The swordsman started to pull his hand away, but the cook squeezed
, stopping Zoro. The larger man looked at Sanji, his eyes uncertain.
I said it was strange. Sanji rolled his eyes. I didn t say it was bad.
Zoro s face lit up. His smile chased away every trace of fear and doubt, and he le
aned forward to press his lips softly against Sanji s. The cook smiled and pressed
gently back. The kiss was quick, nothing particularly spectacular or passionate
, but it still left Sanji s heart racing. The elevator dinged and the two stepped
out into the hallway. Zoro s fingers separated from Sanji s hesitantly as they made
their way to their door. Zoro unbolted the deadlock and crossed the threshold, s
hedding his shoes and jacket in the entryway.
I think the blood on my pants seeped all the way through to my skin.
Sanji shut the door behind him and wrinkled his nose. Oh, well that s not gross at
Zoro chuckled. I m gonna take a quick shower.
Sanji shrugged out of his coat, his mind remembering back to that morning and th
e shower he had shared with the swordsman. He felt his cheeks heat and he looked
away, making a project out of hanging his coat on the peg by the door.
I ll be here, he said, and patted himself on the back for how steady his voice sound
Sanji listened for the sound of the bathroom door closing before he turned and s
tarted unbuttoning his shirt. He made his way down the hall to the bedroom. He p
ut the soiled garment on top the dresser and fished out a clean pair of sweat pa
nts and a white t-shirt. He changed quickly and started headed back out to the l
iving room, but stopped in front of the closet. Getting an idea, he opened the d
oor and pulled out the cardboard box filled with pictures. Closing the flaps to
keep any from spilling out, Sanji carried the box to the living room, set it on
the coffee table, and switched on one of the small reading lamps.
There s no good reason why these shouldn t be put back up, Sanji thought to himself,
there s no reason to hide them anymore.
Sanji pulled out the top two frames and smiled at the faces of himself and Zoro.
They had their tongues out in one, and Sanji was sitting in Zoro s lap, biting th
e swordsman s cheek in the other. They looked so happy, so content with each other
. It was no wonder that Sanji had felt an instant connection with the swordsman
the first time he saw him. A bond like the two of them seem to have had could neve
r be broken with something simple like the loss of memory.
Luffy had been right: Sanji s head had forgotten, but his heart had not.
Sanji spent the next few minutes putting the pictures up in the empty spaces on
the mantle over the fireplace and on the tops of other furniture. There were obv
ious spaces meant to house some of the frames on the bookshelves as well. The co
ok found pictures of himself or Zoro at tournaments, cheering over a victory, or
shaking hands with Shanks that seemed to belong in spots of honor amongst the t
Looking at some of the pictures, like the ones of the tournaments, Sanji could n
ot figure out why Zoro had taken them down. There was nothing in them that gave
away that the two of them had anything more than a platonic relationship.
But then again, maybe they held some significance in Zoro s mind, and before, when
Sanji was still in the dark, it hurt the swordsman to look at them.
Nearing the bottom of the box, Sanji stopped and scratched his head. Before when
he had been looking through the pictures with Zoro, the swordsman had pulled ou
t a large black frame and held it to his chest like it had been some kind of tre
asure. Looking through the rest of the frames in the box, Sanji discovered that
it was missing. Why wasn t it in the box? Had Zoro taken it? Why in the world woul
d he hide a picture?
The bathroom door opened, and Sanji perked up as he saw a glimpse of Zoro passin
g down the hall wearing only a large, blue towel around his waist. The cook hear
d the drawers of the dresser open and close, and a few moments later, Zoro s footf
alls returned. The swordsman appeared wearing only a pair of black sweat pants a
nd running his fingers through his damp hair. He slowed as he entered the living
room, and smiled as he surveyed Sanji s work.
Looks much better in here, he said softly.
Sanji nodded, but then frowned into the box.
Hey, Zoro he started.
There was a picture frame in here when we first looked through it a couple nights
ago. It was big and black, you know the one?
Zoro s smile faltered and he placed his hands on his hips.
Yeah, I know which one you re talking about.
Sanji spread his hands. Where d it go?
Zoro looked away, studying the floor for a few seconds before he answered. Sanji
was surprised that the swordsman looked so uncomfortable all of a sudden.
What the hell is in that picture?
I Zoro started. I m not really ready for you to see that one yet
That awful hurt had returned to Zoro s eyes. Sanji could not understand why a pict
ure would evoke such heavy feelings when the two of them were working things out
, but whatever it was, he could tell the memory still haunted Zoro. The cook wan
ted nothing more than to know what that memory was, but he felt like an ass for
bringing that pain back up for the other man and he turned back to the shelf.
It s okay, Zoro, Sanji said reassuringly. I won t press.
It s not Zoro stammered. It s not like I don t want to show you, and it s not anything
just The swordsman rubbed the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable. His cheeks
gradually grew more and more pink as he spoke. It s something that s gotta be timed j
ust right. If I told you right now, it would sound really stupid.
Sanji was charmed by Zoro s embarrassment, and he smiled at the other man. I told y
ou it s okay. Tell me when you re ready.
Zoro stood quiet for a moment, but then he relaxed his shoulders and grabbed the
last two pictures from inside the box. He moved to stand beside Sanji and held
out a frame to the blond.
Here s a good picture of your restaurant, the swordsman said quietly.
Sanji turned, startled at Zoro s words. My restaurant?
Zoro nodded. You re not just head chef It s the first thing you bought after we starte
d doing the underground fights-- well, after you paid off all your school debt o
f course.
Sanji took the frame and examined the picture. He saw himself, dressed in a basi
c cook s coat, his arm around Zoro s shoulders. The two of them stood on a balcony,
and behind them spread a lush dining area with black lacquer tables, table cloth
s, cushion accents in deeps blues, and sparkling white and silver dining sets. T
he carpet was also blue, as were the curtains. Across the room, Sanji saw a gian
t fish tank mounted between two pillars. Large koi swam between colorful bunches
of kelp and a sunken pirate ship.
Oh oh wow Sanji breathed. Oh wow
They left it just like that. Zoro put a hand on Sanji s lower back. After the acciden
t, I had to sell it, but the guy that bought it worked under you and admires you
a lot. He didn t want to change anything in case you came back someday.
What s the place called again?
Rocksou, Zoro answered. You were working on changing the name though; you had gotte
n the license and ordered new menus and stuff.
But then we got in the accident, Sanji murmured.
Zoro nodded. Yeah
Sanji ran his fingers over the glass of the picture frame and sighed happily.
It s been my dream to have my own place since I was little he whispered.
Zoro leaned in and kissed the blond just below his ear.
I ll help you get it back, he whispered. I ll fight a thousand matches if I have to.
Sanji turned and smiled lazily at his lover. He was so happy at the moment, he f
elt a little light-headed.
You re so good to me, Zoro.
Zoro lifted his hand and brushed Sanji s bangs out of his eyes.
I try
The cook turned away, but only for long enough to place the frame on the shelf.
He smiled at the picture and everything that it implied, before he turned around
and grabbed Zoro s hand. He pulled the swordsman close and ran his hands over the
gnarled scar across Zoro s chest. He fingered the smooth dip where the flesh had
come together, spread his palms over the length of the old injury. Sanji wondere
d briefly how Zoro had lived through something like this.
How deep was this? Sanji asked.
Zoro took a long breath. Pretty deep; it didn t go all the way through the ribs, bu
t it did slice them up pretty bad.
Sanji trailed his fingers down over the strange topography of the swordsman s fles
h. It was smooth in some places, but in others, the skin was bunched together an
d hard as rock.
Zoro lowered his head and Sanji felt the other s warm breath across his cheeks.
You know, you held me together while we waited for the paramedics to come.
Sanji looked up, surprised. I did? What about the referees and coaches and stuff?
They re all supposed to know first aid and shit.
Zoro shook his head. This happened in a parking lot after a tournament. Remember
when I told you I was stupid and challenged Hawk to a match? It wasn t official. I
got this retarded idea that I could beat him if I just had one more chance. Zoro s
eyes became thoughtful, and he smiled a soft smile as he remembered. His hand c
ame up and covered one of Sanji s. I don t really remember much except you screaming
at me for being a fucking idiot. Come to think of it, I don t even know why you we
re there
Sanji s gaze lowered back down to the scar. He teased the tip of the rough line, t
he spot where it ended just below Zoro s collar bone. He thought of all the reason
s he might have gone with Zoro to watch him fight his most powerful rival, but o
nly one made any sense to him.
I was probably worried about you the cook said softly.
Zoro snickered. I doubt it, Sanji. You really hated me. You probably jumped at th
e chance to see me lose to Hawk again.
Sanji shook his head, and studied the scar intently to keep himself from looking
up and meeting the other man s eyes.
I don t think so. I bet the reason I went with you was so that I d be there if someth
ing happened.
Zoro s hands came up to cover the cook s. The swordsman squeezed gently and rubbed h
is thumbs over the other s knuckles.
How can you know that? he asked softly.
Sanji shrugged. I have no idea With that, the cook lowered his head to the place hi
s fingers had been teasing a moment before. His lips brushed across the bunched
flesh and the blond s heartbeat quickened as Zoro hissed through his teeth. Sanji
gently ran his hands down the larger man s sides. His attention never leaving the
massive scar, the cook flicked out his tongue and ran a wet trail up the smooth
dip. Zoro gasped and Sanji felt the other man s large hands grip his upper arms. A
drenaline kicked in and the blond s breath quickened as he realized how much these
simple touches were affecting the swordsman. He felt powerful as his hands trai
led back up defined abs to flick pebbled nipples with his thumbs.
Zoro all but writhed under his touch. The swordsman was making soft whimpering n
oises in the back of his throat. The sounds were so unlike the stoic man, they f
ueled Sanji s need for undoing Zoro further. The cook s already half hard arousal ju
mped at every sigh and mewl he pulled from the other man. His mouth trailed up Z
oro s throat, as his hands made their way down the swordsman s body once more. Sanji
gripped the other s narrow hips and pulled Zoro s body closer against his own.
Sanji liked this control. He liked this command. He liked this side of Zoro that
submitted to him; let Sanji violate him with a sinful mouth and tongue. The tho
ught of all Zoro s power, reined in and tethered so Sanji could do as he pleased,
made the cook s lust spike. He pressed his hips into Zoro s and crushed the other ma
n against the wooden shelves. Zoro s hands were suddenly in his hair, his hot brea
th puffing against Sanji s temple.
Oh, God Zoro panted. God, Sanji it s been so long
What are you talking about, Zoro? Sanji kissed the other man s jaw and ran his palms
down the swordsman s thighs. We did it in the shower this morning.
Zoro s hands slid out of Sanji s hair to cup the blond s cheeks. He turned Sanji s face
to him forcing the cook to look him in the eyes. Sanji held his breath as the sw
ordsman whispered so close to his lips, the cook felt he could already taste him
No, Sanji. You re touching me Your hands, your tongue It s different.
Sanji stared into Zoro s eyes. It was not hard to read exactly what the swordsman
was thinking. The man had been without his love for a year, waiting patiently, h
oping. Then when Sanji awoke, Zoro had to, not only wait longer, but he also had
to take Sanji back through everything they had already worked out before. He ha
d been toiling so hard all by himself, leading Sanji through every excruciating
step, reaching out to the cook as hurtles they had already come to once had to b
e cleared again.
Sanji knew it was time for him to carry some of the weight.
Zoro Sanji whispered. He brushed his lips over the others as he spoke. You re incredib
le. I don t deserve you.
Zoro s breath hitched. The swordsman clenched his jaw and blinked back tears befor
e he could respond.
Sanji, I told you not to say--
The cook pressed against him again, harder this time, pinning Zoro s lower body an
d restricting his movements to almost nothing.
Shut up, Sanji growled. It s time you learned how to take a fucking compliment! You w
aited for me for a year, Zoro. A year! You believed I d get better when no one els
e did. You took care of me and got me through one of the hardest decisions I ve ev
er had to face in my life. Sanji s hands went to Zoro s cheeks. He kissed the larger
man s nose, his eyelids, and his forehead as he spoke. You make me feel so fucking
good, Zoro. I can t even begin to tell you how good You had me falling for you afte
r only knowing you for a couple of days so don t say stupid fucking things like I c
an t say I don t deserve you.
Zoro s breaths were ragged. His cheeks were damp with the tears that had begun to
fall as Sanji spoke. The cook caught them with his lips and tongue, savoring the
salty taste. He hummed happily as Zoro s arms came around his shoulders to hold h
im tight.
Sanji the swordsman murmured into his neck.
The cook felt his lover trembling and decided to take this moment of weakness to
do something he hadn t really planned on. With Zoro like this, Sanji felt he coul
d muster enough courage to go to places he would have normally shied away from.
Sanji slid his hands down Zoro s stomach. He teased the elastic waistline of the o
ther man s sweatpants, trailing his fingers along the edge carefully before he sli
pped underneath. Zoro froze with a harsh intake of breath, his arms above his he
ad. Sanji looked up at his face and smirked as he sunk his hands lower. The swor
dsman shuddered and fumbled around the shelf above his head, trying to find some
thing to hold on to.
Coarse hairs met Sanji s fingertips, and he stopped. He took a breath, trying to s
teadying himself; tried to calm himself as he did this thing he never thought he
would do. His hands moved slowly down and he brushed the stretched skin over Zo
ro s arousal. The swordsman let out a moan and his head fell back. Sanji looked up
, watching Zoro s reactions to his exploration, craving more of that sweet abandon
the larger man was revealing.
Oh God, Sanji Zoro groaned.
Sanji slipped one hand in farther and trailed his fingers up Zoro s cock from tip
to base. It was like touching his own only backwards. The shape and size were eno
ugh the same that it actually wasn t as unfamiliar as he thought it would be. He w
rapped his hand around the hot length and gave one experimental stroke. Zoro let
out a harsh cry and arched his back off the book shelf.
Oh wow Sanji thought to himself as he slowly pumped his hand again. Zoro was exqu
isite like this. He was baring everything for Sanji, stripping himself of his ou
ter layers. Coming apart and revealing a Zoro that was sensitive, needy and subm
issive. This newly exposed Zoro chased away all of Sanji s reservations and the bl
ond kissed the swordsman hard on the lips.
Come ere, Sanji s voice was muffled as Zoro s mouth attacked him.
Sanji s hands retreated and Zoro pushed off the shelf. The cook led him back to th
e couch and all but shoved the swordsman into a sitting position on the cushions
Sanji? Zoro panted heavily, his hands gripping the leather at his sides.
Sanji said nothing and stepped in between Zoro s legs. He gently kicked the swords
man s ankles apart and knelt slowly between the other man s knees. He slid his hands
up Zoro s thighs and looked up at his lover through his eyelashes.
Was I any good at this? the blond teased.
Zoro stared down at Sanji, his heart trying to hammer a hole through his ribs. H
e had expected Sanji to maybe crawl into his lap, or possibly to kiss him until
he passed out, but not this definitely not this. The blond s blue eyes looked up at
him under heavy lids and the swordsman felt every muscle in his body tighten in
anticipation for what Sanji was offering. It had been so fucking long! He had be
en craving Sanji s touch for over a year, and now, here he was with his perfect fa
ntasy kneeling before him with promised mischief painted on his face.
Zoro opened his mouth and concentrated on not choking as he tried to sound in co
I don t remember Zoro s voice came through with only a slight tremor. You ll have to r
Sanji chuckled, his breath hitting the skin of Zoro s stomach. The swordsman inhal
ed sharply and held his breath as the cook lowered his head and laid soft kisses
on the flesh below his navel. Sanji s soft lips trailed down his skin, and slende
r calloused fingers hooked the elastic of his sweatpants. As the blond pulled, d
ragging the cotton over his thighs, Zoro lifted his hips in a trance. This was s
o unreal that the swordsman was afraid if he blinked he would wake up from this
impossible dream.
Sanji gently pulled the sweatpants down, catching the tip of Zoro s cock under the
waistband. When it sprang free, the arousal bounced back, hitting the swordsman s
stomach with a soft smack . The cook studied the member closely in the lamplight;
the smoothed skin, the thick tip, the perfect shape and color. He was fascinated
by the sight of it, intrigued and mesmerized, as he had never been able to look
at a cock up close like this. Not that he had ever wanted to, of course.
Sanji Zoro gasped.
Sanji looked up and met the pleading eyes of his lover his prisoner. The swordsman
looked as if he was about to cry, his jaw tight and his nostrils flared as he s
eemed to be trying desperately to calm his breathing. Sanji could only grin and
hold the other s gaze as he lowered his head to gently lick the underside of Zoro s
Zoro whimpered again, and the cook felt the muscles in the swordsman s thighs tens
e. His confidence boosted, Sanji felt a rush of inspiration and pulled back to y
ank the sweats the rest of the way off Zoro s legs. The cook grabbed hold of Zoro s
inner thighs and pushed the swordsman s legs further apart. His lover responded by
sinking lower into the cushions and lifting his arms over his head to hold the
back of the couch. Sanji was momentarily frozen as he realized, in this position
, Zoro was more erotic to him than any pinup or Playboy model he had ever seen.
The need in Zoro s eyes, the desperate look the swordsman gave Sanji as he panted
above him, the fine sheen of sweat that had begun to collect over his tanned and
shaking body all these things went to Sanji s head as he leaned in, his lips a hair s
breadth away from quivering skin.
When you look at me like that, Sanji growled, it makes me want to do nasty things t
o you, Zoro
Zoro s control was already shot; his nerves fried. There was no way he was going t
o be able to hold out if Sanji was going to start talking dirty on top of everyt
hing else. The swordsman arched, flexing the muscles in his stomach, and let his
head fall back, exposing his neck. This was a move he knew from experience that
got Sanji hot. He knew Sanji liked to dominate him. Zoro took pleasure in submi
tting to the blond. He got off on letting go and letting the cook do whatever he
damn well pleased. It freed Zoro on some fundamental level to be able to place
himself in Sanji s hands and know that his lover would take care of him.
A anything, Sanji, Zoro groaned. You can do anything you want to me
Sanji was stunned at Zoro s display. Just when he thought the swordsman couldn t get
any sexier, the man flexed and arched and writhed under his hands. The cook lif
ted his arm and ran his palm over Zoro s defined abdomen. The skin was slick, shin
ing in the glow from the small reading lamp. He moved his touch lower, to the na
rrow hip, down a trembling thigh. Sanji slipped his hand under the heavily muscl
ed flesh and lifted Zoro s knee. The swordsman responded and bent his leg, bringin
g his heel to rest on the cushion. This move exposed every part of the swordsman
to Sanji and the cook found himself gazing down at Zoro s sack and the small, pin
k pucker of his anus. This was the most vulnerable position Zoro could place him
self in, and Sanji s lust was fueled by this act of trust.
The blond slid his hand around Zoro s bent knee and leaned in to catch a bit of sw
eat from the swordsman s inner thigh with his bottom lip. He moved lower and kisse
d the junction where thigh met hip, then still lower to run his tongue over the
bunched skin around Zoro s entrance. This was a place on Zoro s body that was almost
familiar. Sanji had never before touched a cock, and Zoro was the first flat an
d muscled chest he had ever run his hands over. A man s body was foreign territory
for the blond. Instead of soft bouncy parts there was hardness; lines and angle
s where he was used to feeling delicate curves.
But this place, the sensitive skin that twitched and flexed beneath his tongue,
this he knew. Man or woman, this place was the same. He grasped the familiarity
and worked off it. He teased the swordsman mercilessly. He licked and sucked and
pressed in with his tongue, driving the other man to a breaking point. He pushe
d his lover with everything he knew, listening with deep satisfaction as Zoro cr
ied out, the swordsman s breath hissing in and out through his teeth.
Sanji Sanji Zoro moaned, and the cook felt trembling fingers in his hair.
Sanji I m gonna die
Sanji ceased his torture and rose up. He scooted closer to the couch, keeping a
firm hold of Zoro s knee as a support for himself. He slid his other hand up Zoro s
inner thigh and wrapped his hand around the base of Zoro s thick length.
What do you want, Zoro? he whispered.
Panting heavily, every muscle in his body singing with tension, every nerve scre
aming for release, Zoro gazed up at Sanji through a haze of dizzying arousal.
Your mouth your mouth on my cock, now
Ask nice, Sanji said, his voice quiet but firm.
Zoro shuddered at the sound of Sanji s command. He felt the cook s slow strokes arou
nd his base and steeled himself.
Please, Sanji He licked his lips and murmured in a broken whisper, please do it
Sanji stroked Zoro slowly, his heart hammering in his chest so hard if felt as i
f it was crawling up into his throat. Nervousness made it hard to breathe, as he
lowered his head and ran his tongue up the underside of Zoro s erection. For some
reason, this was a bigger deal to the cook than having sex with a man. Zoro had
made love to him already, but this was something entirely different. Sanji knew
he had accepted Zoro, he had accepted their relationship. It was just that this
was that last hurtle that needed to be cleared. This was it. There was no turni
ng back after you willingly put a cock in your mouth.
Fuck it, Sanji thought. I ll think about it later.
Taking a firm hold, Sanji wrapped his lips around the tip of Zoro s cock. He sucke
d gently, moving slowly down, taking bit by bit more into his mouth. He let his
tongue slide along the underside as his hand kept up a steady rhythm.
Zoro clenched his jaw, his breath caught in his throat. He couldn t move, couldn t s
peak. Sanji s lips were around him, the cook s tongue was caressing his cock. Sanji s
calloused, talented, beautiful hands were stroking him. The swordsman was overwh
elmed, too caught up in sensation. Tension and heat built in his lower gut and h
e knew, though he wanted this to last forever, he would not be able to hold on m
uch longer.
Sanji was surprised; this was not as easy as it looked. His jaw hurt, and trying
to keep his teeth from Zoro s sensitive skin was difficult. But he kept it up, le
tting the hot flesh slide in and out of his mouth. He continued to suck, and pum
p with his hand. He was determined for this to be good for the swordsman. He wan
ted to make Zoro feel as good as he had when his green-haired lover had done thi
s for him.
Then Zoro started to make the most fantastic sounds.
Sanji tiled his head up to look at the swordsman. He met the larger man s eyes jus
t as Zoro slid the fingers of both his hands into his hair. The cook almost chok
ed at the site of his lover s impassioned face. Zoro was obviously lost, taken ove
r by lust and impending orgasm. His eyes were intense, gazing down at Sanji with
the same focus the blond had witnessed when Zoro had been fighting. The look re
newed Sanji s vigor and the cook pressed down as far as he could go, taking most o
f the swordsman s twitching length down his throat.
Oh God Zoro moaned, his fingers tightening in Sanji s hair. Sanji Sanji if you don t w
it in your mouth
Sanji palmed Zoro s balls before he moved his hand up to stroke Zoro hard and fast
. His mouth pulled away just sucking on the very tip.
Sanji off get off Ah c-coming
The cook felt Zoro s sharp tug on his hair, and he pulled away quickly. He pumped
Zoro s cock ruthlessly, feeling the tell-tale pulse under his fingers. Come splatt
ered his chin and cheek as Zoro growled harshly above him. Sanji looked up, watc
hing the swordsman s face as he released long and hard. Zoro s body bucked, his eyes
closed, his jaw clenched and his teeth bared. Yet another display that got Sanj
i s drive up, made him hot. He couldn t wait to see if this was the face Zoro would
make when Sanji fucked him.
Shit Zoro murmured as he came down.
Sanji turned his head and wiped his jaw and chin on his shoulder, his t-shirt wa
s toast anyway. He was shaking, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He
had never realized how completely vulnerable one felt after giving head for the
first time. He had been raging drunk and with someone much older his first time
with a woman. He thought back to all the times he had taken a virgin to his bed,
and thanked God that he had been brought up to respect women and treat them wit
h gentleness and kindness, otherwise he would be packing some seriously bad Karm
He wanted to shout for joy but simultaneously wanted to crawl in a hole and cry.
Sanji met Zoro s eyes as the swordsman came back from wherever he had gone. The c
ook felt a gentle hand on his cheek and he nuzzled into the warm palm.
Zoro slowly sat up and kissed Sanji s forehead, his mouth trailing down to lap up
the lingering mess on the blond s skin. Sanji knelt between his legs, still as dea
th, clutching his bent knee and trembling as Zoro cleaned his jaw and neck with
soft kisses and gentle licks. The taste of the salty come mixed with the spicy f
lavor of Sanji s skin always pleased Zoro s palate; yet another way to season the bl
ond to perfection. Sanji, service à la française, just the way the swordsman lik
Thank you Zoro whispered softly.
Sanji turned to meet his lips. They shared a brief kiss before the cook relaxed,
his posture indicating that he also was coming down from the high.
You re welcome, he answered, smiling softly.
Zoro s hands slid around the cook s waist, and he sighed a content and sated sigh.
May I have my pants back?
Sanji chuckled. No.
Zoro pulled back, an eyebrow raised.
No? Why?
Sanji pulled away, grabbing the sweatpants off the floor and standing.
Because I m not done with you. You said I could make love to you tonight, and I int
end to do just that.
Zoro smiled and leaned back on the couch once again.
I think my words were that I d let you fuck me.
Sanji shrugged. Whatever. We ll see how I feel in a few minutes.
Zoro held out his hand. Can I have my pants at least while I m recovering?
Sanji shook his head. You can t have them. But you can try to take them if you want.
With that, the cook whirled and ran out of the living room. Zoro wasted no time,
jumping up from the couch and chasing after him. He d get his pants back, damnit.
He liked it when Sanji took them off.
A/N- Reviews make me post the promised seme!Sanji sex faster! xD

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
All right. Here it is. Thank you so much for all the reviews and comments and ev
erything! xD It really made this chapter run smoothly. It's not the best thing I
've ever written, but I likes it so HA! I hope you all enjoy it too. I just have
one request: Please do not comment on how you like Zoro/Sanji more than Sanji/Z
oro. Just read it for what it is, be open minded. Everyone is entitled to what t
hey like, and I like seme!Sanji just as much as seme!Zoro!!! Ahem, anyway! Love
you guys, enjoy. xD
Chapter 22
Slap! Sanji smacked the spatula across the back of Zoro s thighs. The swordsman ye
lped and dashed for the other side of the kitchen island.
This is so not fucking fair! Zoro shouted, but couldn t stop the grin that pulled at
the corners of his mouth.
Sanji snickered and held the spatula like a fencing sword, arms straight out and
his free hand resting on his hip.
Might not be fair, but it s fun.
Fun for you! Zoro growled. I m the one running around house, butt-fucking naked- my d
ick all swinging in the wind!
Sanji chuckled and stepped to the right, feigning an attack. The swordsman fell
for it and jumped to his right as well. Sanji moved with a speed that was almost
inhuman, switching directions to his left and catching Zoro across the shoulder
with another loud slap!
Gyah! Zoro yelped again.
The cook laughed and hopped up onto the island counter. He kept the spatula poin
ted in Zoro s direction and swung his hips. The swordsman eyed his pants that were
knotted around the blond s skinny waist.
Can I please have my pants back? Zoro pouted. I m at a slight disadvantage here.
On the contrary, Sanji s grin grew wider, I m quite distracted.
Zoro pursed his lips and felt his cheeks heat, but he managed to cross his arms
and stand defiantly in the middle of the kitchen.
Isn t this like one of those things they teach you in those self-help classes?
Huh? Sanji raised an eyebrow.
You know, like if your boss is really a hard ass, or if he s just a pain in your as
s, you re supposed to imagine them naked? It makes them seem less intimidating or
Sanji straightened and placed both hands on his hips.
Where the hell did you hear that, Zoro?
Zoro shrugged. I don t know! In passing! You ve never heard that before?
Sanji shook his head. Um, no.
Fine, whatever.
Sanji chuckled again and sat on the counter, bringing him to Zoro s eye level. He
pointed the spatula at Zoro s nose. Have you actually taken a self help class?
Zoro stepped forward, putting up an intimidating front, even though he knew it w
ouldn t faze the cook. Do I look like someone who needs a self help class?
Sanji stared at Zoro for a moment, silent, his grin slowly widening. The swordsm
an s eye started to twitch as the cook s obvious answer went unsaid.
Dude, not funny.
Sanji snickered through his teeth. Yeah, it is.
Okay, Zoro smirked. What about that dream where you re in the mall, or just walking d
own the street or something, and then you re suddenly naked in front of everyone?
I fucking love that dream.
Zoro chuckled. You would, you perv.
Have you had that dream?
Zoro snorted. No.
Too bad. But you know, Sanji continued, hopping to the floor and taking a mock fig
hting stance once again, This is all irrelevant. You re being naked makes you no le
ss intimidating. In fact I think you re actually scarier when you have no clothes o
Am I supposed to take that as a complement, or what? Zoro grinned.
Sanji shrugged. Sure, why not? Come on, let s fight.
Zoro held out his hand. Gimme my pants.
Sanji waved the spatula in a circle.
Fight me for them.
Can I get a spatula?
Nope, Sanji s teeth flashed.
How bout a spoon?
Let s just lose the weapons, Sanji suggested and set the utensil on the counter. Hand
to hand- er, I guess hand to feet, I should say. He kept his eyes on Zoro, waiti
ng for the swordsman to make a move.
Zoro stood his ground, waiting for an opening to lunge and yank his pants from a
round the cook s waist.
Pull out the mats in the dojo.
Yes! Sanji cheered, vaulting over the island and landing gracefully on the wooden
floors below. He pulled the top matt from the wall, and unfolded it across the r
oom. Zoro followed close behind, and did the same for the next one. Both men kep
t their eyes on each other, not giving in and giving the other a chance to attac
When Sanji headed for the light switch on the wall closest to the kitchen, Zoro
stopped him.
Wait, the swordsman said.
Sanji turned to him. What?
Zoro looked around the room. The dojo was lit only by what reached from the smal
l reading light in the living room, and the soft glow from the city outside the
corner windows. Sanji s face was half in shadow and half illuminated, the muscles
of his naked torso stood out starkly by the light s contouring. He looked dangerou
s; a hunter prowling the night in search of prey.
Keep the lights off, Zoro said.
Sanji tilted his head to the side, frowning in confusion. Why?
Zoro moved closer, stepping up onto the blue workout mats.
It ll make it more of a challenge, the swordsman murmured.
Plus it s really sexy.
He caught Sanji s grin before the blond turned away. The cook started to circle th
e swordsman slowly, moving into the darker part of the room.
That s fine, Sanji said. All the better to molest you with, my dear.
Zoro snorted again and shifted his weight, moving into a defensive stance and fa
cing off to Sanji; mirroring the blond s movements, slowly circling the edge of th
e workout mats. His adrenaline started to pump as Sanji moved into the light of
the window and was momentarily silhouetted.
Hey, Zoro, Sanji said softly, Can I ask you something?
Of course, Zoro answered.
Sanji bent his knees and spread his legs wide. When did you know?
Zoro was about to answer, but the cook moved in, dropping low and trying to swee
p his feet out from underneath him. The swordsman jumped, dodging the swipe and
immediately retaliated with a few fast punches, which Sanji blocked easily.
When did I know what? Zoro asked as they backed off each other.
That you had feelings for me.
Zoro took a breath. The very first time I caught myself thinking about how I miss
ed having you around.
Zoro ducked just in time to dodge a roundhouse kick to his temple. He dropped to
the floor, bracing himself on his hands and striking out with a side kick from
the floor. Sanji jumped back out of the way, straightening.
So, right at the beginning then?
Of the fight, yeah.
Another kick, this one aimed at his side. Zoro blocked it as best he could and f
ollowed with another series of quick punches. This time Sanji used his arms to b
lock, using basic kempo techniques to counter the swordsman s attacks.
What about- Sanji caught Zoro s wrist and twisted, bringing the swordsman closer to
his body, -when you knew- the blond brought his knee up and Zoro blocked it with a
downward swipe, -that you loved me?
Zoro was caught off guard by the question and missed the release and quick blow
to the back of his neck. Sanji quickly finished out the attack with another roun
dhouse, hitting Zoro directly in the side. The swordsman wavered, grunting in pa
in, but managing to stand his ground. He growled a curse and blocked another two
hits with one arm.
Sanji backed off, giving Zoro a moment to breathe. He wiped at his face, pushing
his sweaty, blond bangs from his eyes.
Well? He asked.
Zoro rubbed at his bruised ribs and made a face.
I it s embarrassing
Sanji moved in again, knowing exactly where Zoro was open. He had watched the ot
her man fight three times now, and had learned his weak points. He knew exactly
how to attack because of where the swordsman was slow and unpracticed. He rushed
the larger man s side, but then as Zoro moved to block, the cook dropped his hand
s to the ground, lifting his legs above his head, and spinning. Two kicks landed
before Zoro went down. The move was meant to be a killing blow, but Sanji had a
imed for Zoro s shoulder and not his head or neck. He flipped to his feet, just in
time to see the swordsman roll to his side clutching at his new injury.
Ah wow Zoro grunted, but his face held more humor than pain. Good one. (1)
Sanji shook his head. You need some serious hand to hand combat skill training.
Zoro chuckled and moved to sit up. Well, I m slacking cause my sensei s been in a coma
for a year.
Sanji moved forward and made to stomp on Zoro s leg, but the swordsman rolled away
and the cook s heel hit the mat with a loud smack.
What did you mean by it s embarrassing?
Zoro got to his feet and wiped a bead of sweat from his jaw.
Gimme my pants back and I ll tell you.
Sanji backed away, stepping onto the wooden floor of the kitchen. He pulled the
knot from Zoro s sweatpants and tugged them off his waist. He dropped them into th
e sink and turned on the faucet.
Ah! Sanji! Zoro cringed inwardly at how close to a whine his voice had become. You re
a bastard!
Sanji turned off the water and returned to the mats. He was surprised to find hi
s hands itching to light up a cigarette. Was he nervous? He just wanted to know
how Zoro had known he loved him no particular reason not really
Just tell me, the cook said quietly.
Zoro frowned. I don t understand the twenty questions, Sanji.
Sanji placed his hands on his hips and shrugged his shoulders.
I just need to know, that s all.
Zoro moved when he saw Sanji s guard fall. He came in low and fast, lashing out wi
th his hands. Sanji twisted to the side to counter with another roundhouse, but
Zoro took hold of the cook s inner thigh and lifted. The cook was at a disadvantag
e when it came to throwing weight; he was at least fifty pounds lighter that the
other man. Zoro off balanced him easily and threw him to the ground.
Ah, shit! Sanji wheezed as his back hit the mat. I fucking hate judo!
Zoro laughed and held tight to Sanji s thigh.
You re gonna be sorry you did that, Sanji snarled, the grin finding its way back ont
o his face.
Zoro felt Sanji s other leg come up and he momentarily panicked. The cook locked h
is ankles around the swordsman s waist and Zoro started to struggle as he was caug
ht between the most powerful legs he had ever encountered. Sanji squeezed and Zo
ro saw stars.
Ah! God damnit! He tried to pull his way out, but there was no escape, Sanji had h
im. He felt his chest start to burn as the cook crushed the air out of his lungs
All right! Zoro tapped Sanji s thigh. All right, all right!!
Sanji let him go, but the moment Zoro released his leg, the cook flipped them. H
e pressed Zoro s front down onto the mat and straddled the swordsman s hips. He rest
ed his hands on Zoro s lower back and gave the other man a moment to catch his bre
Oh fuck Zoro coughed. I forgot how much that hurts
Sanji leaned forward to bring his lips close to Zoro s ear. Why won t you tell me?
Zoro opened his eyes and brought his arms in close to his sides. He wiped the sw
eat from his eyebrows and sighed softly.
I told you, it s embarrassing.
Why? Sanji s hands moved from Zoro s shoulders, sliding along the sweaty skin to the o
ther s tanned neck. The cook had not lost his arousal since the two of them had mo
ved from the couch, and now it pressed hot and hard against Zoro s lower back. The
swordsman let out a breath and Sanji felt the larger man shiver underneath him.
He massaged the back of Zoro s neck with his fingers and laid kisses into the cou
rse, green hair.
Zoro, tell me
Zoro s bones had turned to water the moment Sanji had started to touch him so gent
ly. The cook s fingers made him tremble so hard, his whole body shook. He moaned s
oftly and turned his face so he could see the blond out the corner of his eye.
I knew I loved you from the moment you first kissed me in the gym.
Sanji lifted his head, delighted and confused at the same time.
Why is that embarrassing?
Zoro smiled softly. I don t know... One kiss from you is all it took for me? It s all
girly and shit.
Sanji stared down at Zoro s eyes. From what he could see in the dim light, they we
re dark and far away, but they were also soft and happy. He longed to be able to
look back at the memories Zoro was looking back at now; share again the past th
at he had once experienced with the swordsman.
The cook raised himself up, bracing his weight on the hand by Zoro s head. He trai
led the fingers of his other down Zoro s cheek, following with his mouth, kissing
the sweaty skin, running his lips along the shell of the swordsman s ear.
Tell me about it?
Zoro groaned and closed his eyes, tilting his head to give Sanji better access.
He breathed deep, savoring every press of the cook s lips against him.
The kiss? He asked softly.
Sanji brushed the three earrings with his tongue and pulled the earlobe into his
mouth, biting down gently on the soft flesh. Yes tell me how it felt.
Zoro smiled as shivers began to cascade down his back. He remembered lying in th
e dark gym afterwards, sweaty and spent, fingering his swollen upper lip and thi
nking this was simultaneously the strangest and best night of his life.
I couldn t believe it at first, Zoro started quietly, It took a second for me to proc
ess that you weren t trying to kill me Then it was like flood gates. All the tensio
n and the stress and the fucking wondering and agonizing over what the hell was
going on it just flowed out.
Sanji ghosted his fingers down Zoro s spine and the swordsman s back arched.
So what did you do? The cook whispered.
I felt like crying or screaming or something. It felt so good I could have died ri
ght then and been okay with it. Zoro let out a breath as Sanji s palm slid over his
ass, tickling the back of his thigh with a calloused thumb. All I could do was k
iss you back I was totally fucking helpless.
Sanji laughed softly, biting onto Zoro s ear again.
Kinda like you are now?
Zoro snickered into the mats. Yes, exactly.
What were you thinking? Sanji s voice was muffled as he spoke into Zoro s skin.
The swordsman closed his eyes, humming deep in his throat as Sanji s mouth caresse
d him. A lot of stuff But what I remember most was thinking that I never wanted to
kiss anyone else ever again.
Sanji froze. No one had ever said anything like that to him. The swordsman s words
tugged at his heartstrings and pulled the smile wider on his lips. He came away
and met the swordsman s eyes.
You re so romantic, Zoro
Zoro smiled up at him. Only with you
Sanji lean forward and caught Zoro s lips in a tender kiss. The swordsman pulled t
he cook s bottom lip through his teeth as they parted. The Sanji s hands moved down
Zoro s body, his mouth laying open-mouthed kisses on the other man s shoulder blades
. He moved his body lower and placed his knees between Zoro s legs. His erection r
ubbed at the clef of Zoro s ass, and the swordsman pushed up against him.
Oh, god Zoro s eyes closed once again and he braced his hands on the mats, spreading
his fingers and pulling his elbows in tight.
Sanji s cock jumped, straining against the fabric of his sweatpants. He was hard a
nd throbbing and had waited entirely too long to take what was being offered. He
moved his hand down Zoro s thigh, pulling gently to bend the swordsman s knee, spre
ading the other man s legs beneath him. Zoro was like putty, doing whatever he wan
ted without the slightest hint of resistance. Sanji feasted on the tanned skin i
n front of him as his fingers moved up to tease the underside of Zoro s sack. He r
an his thumb up between the swordsman s toned cheeks, pressing gently against the
puckered entrance.
Zoro cried out softly, making fists with his hands. A slew of quiet curses came
streaming out of his mouth as Sanji pressed and played and teased him.
Sanji s hand slid up Zoro s back and he slipped two fingers into his mouth. He ran h
is tongue over the long digits, slicking them as best he could to ease what he w
as about to do. Returning his hand to its previous ministrations, he slid one fi
nger easily into Zoro s body.
Zoro could do nothing as his entire frame trembled violently in response to Sanj
i s treatment.
The cook pressed deep, hooking his finger, massaging the softness of Zoro s inside
as he murmured into the swordsman s ear. His voice dropped and octave, becoming t
hroaty and hoarse as his breathing escalated.
Did I ever tell you that I loved you? Sanji panted. Did I ever say it out loud?
Zoro s head came off the mat, his back arching hard as Sanji fucked him with his l
ong fingers. He growled and propped himself up on his elbows, the back of his he
ad resting against the cook s shoulder. He felt the hot breath of his lover burnin
g the skin of his throat and his need ignited.
Yes he gasped. Yes you did All the time
Sanji withdrew his fingers and straightened, kneeling between Zoro s spread and sh
aking legs. He gripped the swordsman s lean waist and growled in a low voice.
Lift your hips.
Zoro did as he was told, shifting to his hands and knees. He felt the wetness of
Sanji s tongue on his entrance once again and his arms buckled. He lowered his fo
rehead to the mat and arched his back, giving Sanji a nice view of every angle a
nd contour he possessed. He looked at his blond lover over his shoulder and trie
d not to babble, his voice coming out husky and desperate.
Sanji Sanji please Just do it, please
Seeing Zoro in such a provocative position and hearing such needy, desperate ple
ading coming from the powerful man, almost did Sanji in. He could do nothing but
grant Zoro s request. Sliding his sweatpants down over his hips, the cook spit on
ce more into his palm and slicked the head of his arousal. Taking hold of Zoro s a
ss, he pulled the muscled cheeks apart and pushed his cock past the initial tigh
t ring.
Heat surrounded him instantly. The softness and pulsing life of Zoro throbbed ar
ound him as he slid fully inside with one smooth motion. Sanji moaned, his head
falling back. Nothing had ever felt like this before. Nothing had ever felt this
good. It was so tight, so hot, so perfect. Zoro cried out beneath Sanji and pus
hed back against the cook s frame. Sanji looked down as he pulled back, readying h
imself for a soft thrust forward. Zoro had stretched his arms out in front of hi
m, and buried his face in his shoulder.
You okay?
The swordsman s response was nothing but a broken moan. Words had escaped him as S
anji filled him in one delicious movement. Tears leaked from the corners of his
eyes as a wave of emotion hit him hard.
His Sanji was inside him! His Sanji was making love to him! His hips slowly roll
ing, his cock pushing in and out of him! His hands held his sides, his stomach p
ressed against his back! His-
Zoro Sanji s voice was in his ear. Zoro, are you all right?
The cook s arms were around him, his movements had ceased. He was concerned and br
ushing sweat and tears from Zoro s cheeks as the swordsman came back from wherever
he had gone.
Yes Zoro took a few long, deep breaths to calm himself. He opened his eyes and look
ed up to meet an almost frightened blue gaze. I m fine, Sanji. I m okay
Are you sure? Sanji whispered. Do you want me to stop?
No! Zoro rose up on his elbows once again and pressed back onto Sanji s cock. Don t you
dare fucking stop! I ll kill you!
Sanji smiled and kissed Zoro s shoulder. Okay, but please tell me if I m hurting you.
Zoro turned away, resting his forehead against the mats again.
You can t hurt me.
Sanji pulled back before snapping his hips forward. His length pushed deep insid
e Zoro and the swordsman cried out, arching and clawing at the blue nylon of the
mat coverings.
Oh, fuck! Zoro growled. Sanji do that again.
Sanji obliged, pulling back and snapping forward again. He loved Zoro s voice when
he got like this. He gripped the swordsman s hips harder and thrust slowly, power
fully, watching the erotic display of his cock sliding in and out of Zoro s gradua
lly tensing body.
Shit, you re so needy, Sanji panted, his ego boosted, his confidence practically spi
lling from every poor in his body. I had no idea you were such a slut. It s fucking
Zoro twisted to look at him, his eyes were challenging even as they were filled
with desperation, flashing ebony in the dim lighting.
Harder. Zoro pleaded.
Sanji thrust forward, his grip on the swordsman s hips tightening.
I ll break you.
Fucking try it, Zoro gasped. Fuck me like you could never fuck a girl before. I can
take it.
It was all the permission Sanji needed. He bore down on the swordsman, his arms
wrapping around Zoro s torso, his face burrowing into the muscled dip between shou
lder and neck. He let himself go, pounding into the other man like he had always
wanted, always dreamed, like he had never been able to do before lest he hurt h
is partner.
Zoro could handle him. Zoro could take almost anything he could dish out because
he was strong and powerful and he loved Sanji with everything that he had. The
cook surged forward with an abandon he had never before unleashed. The swordsman
held himself up as long as he could, but soon his legs couldn t take it anymore,
and the cook crushed him flat into the mat. The slap of skin on skin was loud, a
nd Zoro s cries were a mess of yes and ah and faster!! They jumbled together, beco
ming one word that harmonized with Sanji s impressive and profane stream of whispe
red cussing.
Finally, Zoro s hand came up and threaded into Sanji s hair. He pulled viciously, ca
using the cook to bite down on the swordsman s neck, drawing blood and eliciting a
harsh snarl from the larger man.
Fuck, Sanji Shit, I can t Ah, I m coming
The cook s arms tighten around Zoro as the swordsman felt his orgasm coil in his g
roin and release onto the mat beneath him. He pulsed again and again as Sanji po
unded into him with such force that it hurt as much as it felt good. Zoro s vision
clouded and he saw black for a split second before he heard Sanji s soft cries in
to his neck. He felt the cook spasm inside him and he tightened his muscles arou
nd the blond s cock. Sanji s head shot up and the cook cursed loudly into his ear.
Zoro smiled and closed his eyes as Sanji collapsed on top of him. He breathed ha
rd and listened to his heart race in his ears as Sanji kissed his shoulders, his
back, his neck He knew the cook wasn t finished; Sanji s libido was sometimes unstop
pable, especially when he was on top, but Zoro didn t mind it at all. Now Sanji wo
uld make love to him again, kiss him and stroke him and talk softly into his ear
as Zoro became more and more lost in euphoria. His high would be extended as Sa
nji blew his mind, his body, and his soul
Sure enough, just shortly after coming down from their first go, Sanji pulled ou
t of Zoro s body and rolled the swordsman onto his back. He licked up the larger m
an s neck, tasting the saltiness that could have been sweat or cum. The evidence o
f their previous actions was splashed across Zoro s stomach, some all the way to t
he swordsman s chest. The cook didn t care though, having at the moment a mind only
for seating himself inside this fantastic body and pushing himself and his lover
to new heights once more.
Zoro s legs came apart and the swordsman accepted him easily. Sanji s cock slid insi
de, Zoro s body fitting him as if they were made for each other. The cook moaned Z
oro s name and slipped one of his hands into the other man s, squeezing tightly as h
e started to move very, very slow.
Zoro, Sanji gasped, sweat collecting on the end of his nose.
Zoro lifted his head and captured the droplet with the tip of his tongue. Yes?
Sanji felt fingers in his hair again, but this time they were gentle. The cook d
ipped his head forward and whispered against Zoro s lips.
If I told you I loved you, would you believe me?
Zoro s eyes opened wide and their gazes locked. The swordsman blinked, trying to h
old back the tears that collected, but they still came spilling out and running
down his cheeks. He felt stupid for crying yet again, but Sanji cupped his face
and wiped the tears away with his thumb. His touch was so gentle, so loving, tha
t Zoro could not form words, laying there staring at his lover in amazement. He
managed a small nod before the cook leaned forward and kissed him solidly on the
Then, I love you, Zoro, Sanji whispered. I ve loved you since you first walked into m
y hospital room.
Zoro whimpered and lifted his hand to cover the one caressing his face.
Sanji kissed him softly and continued. My body never forgot you my heart never for
got you. I felt it from the beginning and I was just too fucking stupid and stub
born to admit it.
Zoro let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes. Sanji he whispered. Everythin
g was finally back the way it should be. Sanji loved him. Sanji loved him! He wr
apped his arms around the cook s neck and pulled the other man close.
Sanji braced himself on his elbows and continued to roll his hips slowly as Zoro s
legs came around him. Their passion was no less intense the second time, but th
eir bodies and hearts were so tired that it didn t last long. Zoro came silently,
spilling out over Sanji s hand, his head tilted back and his body arched against t
he cook s. Sanji whispered softly into Zoro s ear, sweet nothings he had spouted a t
housand times before, but had never meant them until now. He came with a hiss an
d soft grunt into Zoro s throat, his fingers intertwined with the swordsman s.
When Sanji finally rolled from atop Zoro s spent body, he managed to get to his fe
et and pull his pants back up before he grabbed his pack of cigarettes and light
er from the jacket he had draped over a chair. He returned back to the mats and
collapsed beside Zoro s quietly dozing form. He lit up and lay back, pulling the s
moke into his lungs.
Fuck Sanji sighed, That was
Zoro s eyes opened slowly and he smiled at the ceiling.
Yeah he agreed.
The swordsman watched the smoke curl and travel upward as he lay, relishing the
ache in his lower back and thighs. He ran his fingers through the trail of cool
semen on his chest, sighing softly. When he felt Sanji s fingers tickling at his p
alm, he turned to the blond, not realizing he had closed his eyes. The cook was
propped on his elbow, gazing down at Zoro with a sleepy, satisfied look.
You sure you re okay? Sanji asked.
Zoro nodded. I haven t been this good in a long time.
Sanji slipped his fingers through Zoro s and brought the swordsman s hand to his lip
s. He kissed the larger man s palm and wrist, smiling softly, amusement pulling at
the edges of his features.
You know, the cook smirked, for such a badass, you sure are emotional.
Zoro grinned, turning his face away.
I am not. I ve just been bottling shit up for a year.
Zoro was about to try and defend himself further, but he felt Sanji s lips on his
burning cheek. He turned to the cook and met his soft, blue eyes, his embarrassm
ent fading as Sanji kissed his lips. Zoro s heart swelled at the tender touches, a
nd he lifted his arms to wrap around the cook s waist.
You need a shower before bed? Sanji asked.
Zoro kissed Sanji s forehead. Maybe just a rinse, I m too tired for a full on shower.
Sanji agreed and helped the swordsman to his feet. He pulled his sleepy lover al
ong behind him, chuckling at the thoroughly pleased look painted on Zoro s face. H
e slid his sweatpants off in the bathroom, and turned on the hot water.
This is my third shower today, Zoro smiled, amused.
Sanji kissed him again and pulled him under the spray. The swordsman closed his
eyes as Sanji washed him, gently cleaning between Zoro s legs and rubbing soft cir
cles into the sore spots on his lower back with his strong thumbs. After they dr
ied and retrieved clean clothes, Sanji climbed into bed and padded the mattress
beside him. Zoro slid in beside the cook, laying his head on Sanji s outstretched
arm, and resting a hand on the blond s slim hip. Sanji s fingers ran through his hai
r and Zoro felt himself drifting off to sleep.
Hey, Zoro? Sanji said softly.
Hm? Zoro answered.
The cook brought his lips close to the swordsman s ear and whispered with a wide g
You really like being the bottom, don t you?
Zoro bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. He pulled the other man tight ag
ainst his body and buried his face in the other man s neck.
Shut up, he said, muffled. Go to sleep.
Oh, you do! Sanji gasped with feigned shock. You totally do! I really did make you
cum that first time without even touching your dick!
Zoro burrowed further into Sanji s neck and growled softly.
I said shut up.
Sanji laughed and held Zoro close. He kissed the top of the swordsman s head and r
elaxed back on the pillows. He ran his hands over his lover s neck and played with
the back of his hair until he was sure Zoro was once again drifting off to slee
He sighed contently and gazed out the window at the clear, starry night sky.
Love you, Zoro.
Several long moments passed and Sanji thought the swordsman had fallen asleep, b
ut then Zoro lifted his head to kiss the stubbled skin of Sanji s jaw, and whisper
ed almost inaudibly.
Love you
X x X x X
For the second time in less than a week, Sanji was woken up by knocking knocking a
nd shouting. The cook opened his eyes and squinted into the sunlight filtering i
n through the window. He felt Zoro stirring beside him and slowly sat up.
What the hell is that? Sanji murmured, rubbing at his face.
Zoro yawned and stretched beside him. Someone s at the door.
Sanji rolled his eyes and flicked Zoro s shoulder with his middle finger. I know th
at, doofus. Who the hell is here at the blond glanced at the clock, Seven fucking t
hirty in the morning?
It doesn t matter, Zoro draped an arm over his eyes. They re gonna be dead in about ten
Sanji tensed as he heard the deadbolt unlock and the front door open. He was abo
ut to fly out of the bed and sprint down the hall for an attack, but then he hea
rd Ace s voice calling out from the entryway.
Hey you guys! I was polite and knocked for like ten minutes! We re coming in!
We? Zoro mumbled into the pillow as Sanji slid out of the bed.
The cook grabbed a sweatshirt from atop the dresser. I ll see what he wants.
He didn t get far down the hall before he ran smack into Luffy who was coming from
the living room. The younger man looked up at him and smiled, a Popsicle stick
sticking out from between his teeth.
Hey, Sanji! He said happily. Ace is totally mad! I haven t seen him mad in years, it s
really weird!
Sanji froze in the middle of pulling his sweatshirt on. What? Why the hell is he
Luffy shrugged. I don t know, Chopper came over to drop my books off, and then-
SANJI!!! Ace bellowed from the kitchen. GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!
Sanji stood staring stupidly at Luffy for a moment before he moved slowly passed
the chuckling boy and into the kitchen. He finished putting the sweatshirt on a
nd pushed the sleeves up to his elbows.
Ace stood leaning against the counter, a Mountain Dew from the fridge in his han
d, and an angry look painted on his face. Luffy was right, the expression was ve
ry strange on the normally laid back Portgas brother. He wore his hat low on his
brow, and he glared out from under the brim at the slightly disturbed cook.
Hey Ace, Sanji almost stuttered. What s up?
Ace took a long swallow, his eyes were furious, never leaving Sanji s face. He set
the can down and folded his arms over his chest.
What the hell is going on, Sanji? He growled. Chopper is talking about blackmail, a
nd drugs, and the freaking mafia!!
Sanji stepped forward and gripped the edge of the island counter.
Chopper told you!!?
He was crying, I pried.
Oh, Sanji sighed in relief. He hadn t thought Chopper would rat them out like that,
and was happy to have his suspicions confirmed.
So can I get the whole story now? Ace asked, resting his hands behind him, grippin
g the edge of the marble hard enough to turn his knuckles white. Sanji could fee
l his friend s ferocity from across the kitchen, and his skin was beginning to cra
wl under the heated gaze.
Yeah, Zoro said as he entered the kitchen, rolling his shoulders and yawning again
. We were going to tell you later this morning anyway.
Ace s face softened immediately and he turned to Zoro. Oh really?
Zoro nodded and opened the fridge.
Ace sighed, moved to sit at the island, and rested his chin in his hands. Okay I f
eel a little better.
You should tell us the story while you cook something, Sanji. Luffy grinned merril
y. I m starving.
Sanji sighed and moved to the sink, glancing between the three biggest eaters he
knew. While Zoro retrieved the milk carton from the fridge, sat next to Ace, an
d started headfirst into their explanation, Sanji started planning a breakfast t
hat might satisfy them for more than an hour.
Key word might.
(1) Good one is what you re supposed to say in a lot of martial arts classes instead
of ouch . When you get to higher levels, it s more a pride thing than anything else.
You only say good one when your partner really fucked you up. X)

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
This took forever, I know. You guys even remember this fic? My life has been hec
tic, and my muse for this story kinda went out the window for a bit. But now I t
hink I got it back, and I m on the roll once again. I ll try not to have months and
months between chapters from now on, lol. Please enjoy, and if you don t, feel fre
e to toss your rotten tomatoes at me. x) Betad by Liralen. Thank you so much. Yo
u re awesome.
Chapter 23
Ace studied Pell s note and frowned at the crisp, neat writing. He scratched at hi
s neck, hating the fact that his friends had gotten themselves into something so
crazy, but intrigued all the same.
So he scratched at his chin. I think I understand all of it. But what are you guys p
lanning to do when you meet up with this dude? I mean, guys like this--the earne
rs? They re at the bottom of the totem pole. This guy might not even be part of th
e crew. The guys you re gonna want to talk to are going to be the guys that work f
or the area Capo.
Capo? Zoro asked.
Kind of a boss, Ace explained, a minor leader. I doubt this Bones guy is one if he s
trying to climb the ranks. He s probably just part of a crew; a Button or somethin
Button? Zoro made a face.
A high ranking soldier. You call a Button in to do things like an execution.
How the fuck do you know all this shit, Ace? Sanji asked, folding his arms over hi
s chest.
Ace just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. There was a lot that Zoro and Sanji an
d even his brother did not know about him, and he wanted to keep it that way.
I have lots of cop friends.
Sanji sighed and rolled an unlit cigarette between his teeth. Whatever, bro. It s y
our business. I just wanna get my hands on this guy so I can find out who s face I m
gonna break.
Ace ran a hand through his thick hair. Laying the note on the countertop, he lea
ned back and stretched. He was pumped for whatever shit Zoro and Sanji were abou
t to get him into, but he was sore as hell. He didn t have a problem working the e
xtra shifts Zoro left him, but double hours on top of his shifts at the fire hou
se for weeks on end would get to anyone physically after a while, no matter how
in shape they happened to be.
This is going to be a little more complicated than what you guys are used to. The
se are some heavy-hitters you re gonna go up against. You guys can t just bust in an
d mow people down like you usually do.
Sanji grinned around his cigarette and glanced at Zoro. We usually mow people dow
Of course you guys do! Luffy piped up from the opposite side of the kitchen island
. You guys are my friends!
Ace chuckled and pulled out his cell phone. One of my buddies on the force, old f
riend, kind of older but cool as hell, could probably help us out, and if not, h
e would definitely know who the go to guy is.
Is that a good idea? Zoro asked, I mean, bringing in police?
Ace shrugged. This guy isn t really uh, how can I put this? He s unconventional, to say
the least. You ll like him.
Scrolling through the names on his contact list, Ace highlighted the one he was
looking for and pressed send . He put the phone on speaker and listened to it ring
once before a gruff voice answered.
Damnit, Portgus! I thought I told you not to call me in the middle of work!
Aw, I love you too, Smoker. Ace grinned across the island at Luffy, who covered hi
s snicker with his palm. I m so glad we can go for months without seeing each other
, but then we can instantly jump back into conversation like we were never apart
Cut the crap, Ace. What do you need?
Ace fished out his lighter and lit the tip of Sanji s cigarette as the cook leaned
close. He retrieved one for himself and lit it as well as he talked to his old
Got a little bit of a problem here, thought you might be able to help us out.
That kid brother of yours got himself in some shit again? Cause I really don t have
time for-
No, no, Luffy s good. Ace sucked on his Lucky Strike, and blew the smoke out in a st
eady stream. The sight of it and the familiar sound of the old police Captain s vo
ice rumbling in his ear, made him think back to when he was little, standing in
front of a large desk, getting drilled by his father about something or another.
Smoker would always be standing off to the side, puffing on his cigars and read
y to step in if Ace s father were to resort to fists instead of just harsh words.
He s right here, actually. Say hi, Luffy. Ace grinned, and turned the phone towards
his brother.
Luffy leaned forward and mimicked Ace s maniacal smile. What s up, gramps?
Luffy! Smoker s tone had softened, but the volume was still the same. Stay outta trou
Luffy swirled on the barstool and laughed. I ll try!
You ll do!
Ace grinned up at Sanji, who responded with a puff on his smoke and a raised eye
brow. Zoro s grin was so wide, Ace could see his molars. The swordsman rubbed at h
is eyes, and took a long swallow of the Mountain Dew Sanji had fished out of the
fridge for him.
So, Ace, Smoker continued, and the sound of the older man puffing on the cigar was
unmistakable. What did you need from me?
Well, I got a friend that s gotten tangled in some shit. It s been going on for a whi
le now, and she s got a lot of eyes on her. We need some info so we re not going at
this blind.
Smoker was silent for a moment, and Ace listened to another long puff. When the
captain spoke again, his voice was quieter, more serious.
Are we talking she slept with a politician kind of shit, or we talking something
worse kind of shit?
Ace inhaled a long drag and tapped his ashes into his empty coffee mug.
I m talking some Borgata kind of shit.
Fucking hell, Ace.
Sanji was giving him a look, and Ace waved a hand in dismissal. He would teach t
hem the lingo later. No need to worry about it right now.
I know, I know. Sorry man, but she s in it deep, and we can t just ignore it. They ve a
lso started threatening some others in our group, and they hurt my buddy Sanji r
eal bad a while back.
Oh yeah, the cook? I heard about that. That was related?
Smoker was quiet for a minute before he sighed heavily. Ace heard a rustling of
papers in the background. I only know really general things about the organized c
rime on the East coast, so I haven t the fucking foggiest what kinds of shit they re
dealing with today on this side. I m gonna give you a number for a friend of mine
down South. He works the scene in the L.A. and surrounding areas. He ll get you w
hatever you need.
Ace copied the number down on a notepad that Zoro fished out from one of the dra
wers in the living room. Crushing out his cigarette, he clicked off the speaker
phone and lifted the cell to his ear.
Hey, thanks, Ace said, seriousness quieting his voice.
No problem. Call him later this evening. The guy s going through some shit right no
w with his personal life, and you wanna catch him after he s gotten to work.
Oh thanks, Ace chuckled, I m filled with confidence now that you ve sent me the number
of a basket case.
Smoker chuckled as well. No, he s a good guy. Work helps him deal, so he ll be glad t
o help.
All right. Thank you again, Smoker.
Hey, Ace, Smoker s voice lowered again, and the older Portgus brother s heart clenched
at his nostalgia that came with that timber. You gonna be okay? You know you and
your brother can always come to me for anything, right?
Ace smiled, embarrassed to be talking like this in present company.
I know I know we can, gramps. I ll call you later, okay?
You do that.
Ace hung up and folded the piece of paper with the number on it, slipping it int
o the pocket of his jeans. Okay, we call this guy later in the day, after he s gott
en to work. So for now, I guess we could try and meet up with this dude that kno
ws Pell.
Sanji snatched Pell s note from off the island and pulled out his cell phone.
This thing has email, right? he asked as he flipped it open and frantically pushed
buttons with his thumb. Wait, holy shit, I don t even know my email!
Your first name, dot, your last name at hotmail, Zoro told him before he finished
off the Dew.
Okay. The cook punched it in and made a face. What s my password?
Ace watched the corners of Zoro s mouth turn up. The swordsman turned to Sanji and
reached for the phone.
Lemme do it, it s not something innocent ears like Luffy s should be hearing.
Sanji looked up at him and smiled. What? What the hell is it?
Zoro tugged on the blond s sweatshirt, pulling him closer. Sanji gave him the phon
e with a soft chuckle and draped himself over the swordsman s shoulders so he coul
d see what Zoro entered. Ace listened to the keys beep softly before Sanji strai
ghtened and smacked Zoro on the shoulder.
What the fuck!? Sanji laughed as Zoro handed him back his phone. That s nasty!
Zoro grinned up at him and put his hands up.
It s your password, not mine!
Ace leaned an elbow on the island, and rested his chin in his palm. It was so ni
ce to see his friends getting along like they used to. He had worried for Zoro a
nd agonized over Sanji for way too long, and this show of affection between the
two was like a cool drink to a parched mouth.
Of course, the best thing about this whole thing, was that Ace got to make fun o
f them once again.
Awww, he cooed, his Portgus-grin wide, You guys are back to being disgusting.
Shut up. Sanji smirked and turned away, but not fast enough to hide the pink sprea
ding across his cheeks. So I m just going to send the message word for word. I m gues
sing he ll email or text me back with a meeting place? After punching in the inform
ation, Sanji pressed the send button and flipped his phone closed.
Ace nodded as he stood to retrieve another Dew for Zoro and one for himself. Yeah
, he should just hit you back with some kind of cryptic message for where to mee
t up with him. He pulled the tab on the can and took a long swallow.
Thanks, man. Zoro accepted the drink. Hey, what s the baseball thing mean?
Oh. Ace leaned against the sink and slid a hand in the pocket of his shorts. It s jus
t a blanket term for dealing in freebase.
Coke? Zoro s brow rose.
Ace nodded again. Yeah. The banano you re asking for is actually coke-laced cigarette
s. You get them in crates which are like packs of fifty or so rolled in plastic wr
Sanji made a noise. Ace turned to see the blond staring at him with his blue eye
s wide and sparkling.
C coke-laced cigarettes? The cook murmured.
Zoro punched his shoulder, and made a face at Sanji s whiny ouch .
Don t even think about it, the swordsman growled.
Sanji s phone s message alert went off, and the cook jumped. He flipped open the pho
ne and hit some buttons.
Don t have a ten case, only a five. If it s good, Albert Davis at three. Sanji frowned
nd looked up confused. What the hell is Albert Davis?
It s a park, Luffy spoke up, and Ace almost startled at the sound. His brother had b
een quiet for so long, he had almost forgotten he was there.
It s behind the public library, Luffy continued, the Lake City branch.
Ace, Zoro, and Sanji all stood dumbfounded at Luffy s words. It never ceased to am
aze anyone that the younger Portgus brother always managed to say something tota
lly smart in the most unexpected of situations.
How how the hell do you know that, Luffy? Zoro made a face.
No, Sanji interrupted, the real question here is: When the hell did you start going
to the fucking library!?
Luffy blinked at them, obviously confused as to why his friend were surprised.
I don t go to the library, Nami does. He broke into a wide grin. And the park has a s
Zoro and Sanji exchanged looks, and Ace just had to laugh. Leave it to his broth
er to step up to bat in a pinch. The looks on his friends' faces when Luffy pull
ed that stuff were always priceless.
Text the man back, Sanji. Ace chuckled as he stood. Tell him the meet s on.
X x X x X
Sliding out of the driver s side door of his Jeep, Ace stretched his arms over his
head and twisted from side to side. Zoro s jeans fit nicely, even though he was a
n inch or two taller than the swordsman. He had changed out of his own pants bec
ause, well, white board shorts with pink Hawaiian flowers along the sides, just
weren t very bad ass.
Sanji had taken up a chant in the backseat as they had pulled into the park s park
ing lot, and he was still reciting it softly under his breath. I m not interested.
Coke is bad. I don t want to try it. Coke is bad
Ace chuckled and ruffled Luffy s hair, as the younger Portgus hopped out of the ba
ck seat. He didn t like that his brother was tagging along on this particular adve
nture, but he also knew that there was no one better to have by his side if thin
gs went sour.
You good? Ace asked.
Luffy nodded and spoke seriously, Just don t let me hurt anyone.
Right. Ace grinned. Like I could stop you.
They had decided that Ace would do most of the talking, and Sanji would back him
. Zoro and Luffy would stay by the Jeep, but let themselves be seen. Zoro was in
timidating enough that he could make someone uncomfortable even from a distance,
and the fewer bodies at the meet, the less conspicuous they would be.
And Luffy was just better off staying by the car.
Ace clapped Zoro on the back, as he and Sanji headed down the dirt path. They gu
y hadn t given them an exact meeting spot, so the two figured they would walk unti
l they saw something promising.
Sanji slipped his hands in the pockets of his slacks, and chewed on an unlit cig
arette as he walked. Ace watched him silently for a few minutes, just enjoying b
eing with his friend after so long. He was amazed at the transformation in the c
ook in just a few short days. Ace had seen nothing but anxiety and fear in Sanji s
manner since he had left the hospital, but now Now he was like the old Sanji aga
in: cool and confident; lazy in eyes and stance unless you knew how to look.
I m glad you see you guys worked things out, Ace said quietly. You both look happy ag
Sanji smiled and pulled the cigarette from his mouth. He placed it behind his ea
r and kicked playfully at a rock.
I can t believe I held out as long as I did. Everything in me was screaming what I
needed to do, but I just I don t know. It s stupid.
No. Ace said firmly. It s not stupid. I really don t think you ve given yourself credit
or how hard everything was for you. We were all used to the Sanji that was with
Zoro, and didn t really think about how you were actually the Sanji from two years
ago. I mean, I can t even imagine waking up tomorrow and everyone telling me, not
only have I lost two years, but that I was suddenly with a dude. Ace shook his h
ead. I don t think I could have handled it as well as you did. It s really amazing th
at you didn t kill someone.
Sanji chuckled. Oh, I felt like it a couple times. Believe me.
Still, Ace continued, I was thinking about that after the time we talked at Vivi s pl
ace It s really a mind fuck.
Sanji turned to him then and smiled; a wide, genuine smile that showed off his p
early whites.
Thank you.
Ace shrugged and turned his attention back to the pathway. There were only a few
mothers out with small children, and a teenage couple sat on a bench set back i
nto the tree line. They were holding hands and talking in low whispers. The girl
smiled at something the boy said and the two shared a quick kiss. Ace turned aw
ay, giving them their privacy, and scanned the park for anyone out of place.
Dude, Ace. Sanji s tone was cold and detached. Ace knew immediately he had spotted s
Where? Ace murmured softly.
Eleven o clock; bench along the path.
Sure enough, when Ace looked, there was no mistaking the out of place. But just
how out of place came as quite a shock to the older Portgus brother.
They knew it was him because of the briefcase that sat beside him on the bench,
and the antagonistic air that wrapped around the man like a blanket. The mothers
and other passersby gave him a wide birth; some even left the path and walked y
ards away before coming back to the dirt trail. He sat smoking on the bench abou
t thirty feet from where Ace and Sanji had stopped; his brown trench coat was fa
ded and had colorful patches and zippers in odd places. He wore a brown bowler h
at over hair dyed a strange pastel shade. It was slicked back, and secured with
a rubber band. His shoes were normal, expensive, and didn t go with the rest of th
e ensemble. But maybe that was what he was going for. It wasn t like anything he w
as wearing went with anything.
The part that really stuck out was the face paint. Ace had never liked clowns, a
nd this one was no exception. Granted, this one was like cirque du soleil where
they were more hobo than clown, but this one still made Ace uncomfortable. If he
would just get rid of the damn red nose it would probably have been fine.
You gotta be kidding me. Sanji muttered as he pulled out his lighter. It better not
be him or I m gonna break both his legs.
Ace felt like pulling one out himself as he removed his hands from his jean s pock
ets and transferred them to the pockets of his jacket.
Well, one way to find out.
The two made their way over to the bench carefully, and with as little menace as
possible. If this did turn out to be their guy and they messed it up just becau
se they came on too strong, that would just be stupid.
The clown eyed them with a smirk and puffed on his cigarette. Ace could see that
above his fingerless gloves, the guy s nails were painted purple. That made him e
ven more wary. Why the most disturbing thing about the man was his painted finge
rnails really didn t make sense in Ace s head, but whatever. He hated clowns.
Oh well, buck up. Be bad ass for Kaya and Usopp.
Nice day, Ace stated. You got a light?
The clown grinned, showing what looked like ten thousand rows of stark white tee
th. He fished around in the inside of his coat and without a word, pulled out a
long, red fireplace lighter. He held it out to Ace, and the dark-haired man coul
d hear Sanji snickering behind his hand.
Ace couldn t help but smile, and took the offered lighter. I don t know why this is f
unny, but it s really damn funny. He thumbed the switch and a flame flickered to li
fe at the end of the cylinder. He lit his cigarette with the over-the-top flame
and handed the lighter to Sanji. The cook took it and juggled trying to light hi
s own stick and laugh at the same time.
The clown chuckled and sat forward. He dropped his smoke, crushed it out with hi
s expensive shoe, and took off his hat.
You must be Pell s friends, he said in a strange, raspy voice.
Name s Buggy.
X x X x X
Zoro leaned against the side of Ace s Jeep, watching the strange display going on
some fifty yards away. Why Sanji and Ace had stopped and started talking to a clo
wn was beyond him. But he figured both his lover and his friend at least sort of
knew what they were doing, so he would just watch and wait.
Luffy, on the other hand, wasn t so patient.
What are they doing, Zoro? the younger man asked. Why are they talking to a clown?
I wanna go talk to the clown!
Keep quiet, Luffy, Zoro growled softly. I don t know what they re doing. Just wait.
Luffy looked up at Zoro, his grin wide and his eyes sparkling.
What if the clown is the guy? That would be sooooo cool!
Zoro made a face. That s retarded.
X x X x X
Ace s eyebrow rose at Buggy s question. How did you know? I thought this was all secr
et and stuff.
Buggy smiled. The message you sent me was coded in more ways than one. Pell worde
d it so I knew I was meeting friends of his and not someone that was really from
the scene. My bosses could have been right there with me as I texted you, but n
ever know who I was really talking to.
Ace nodded, impressed at Pell s thoroughness. How do you know Pell?
I don t really know the guy all that well. I actually met him through his sister.
For the first time that day, Ace s hackles rose. What? he growled. Ace wasn t the jeal
ous or possessive type, Vivi could be friends with whoever she wanted, but this
was a different circumstance.
Sanji caught him by the collar and gently pushed him back. Easy, easy, Pyro, the c
ook said softly. She knows a lot of people. Give him a chance to explain before y
ou kill him.
Ace took a deep breath and brought his cigarette back to his mouth. Sanji s high s
chool nickname for him rang in his ears as he inhaled and counted to ten silentl
y before he continued.
How do you know Vivi? he asked.
Buggy frowned and leaned back. He lifted his arms to rest on the back of the ben
ch and lifted one leg to rest an ankle on the opposite knee.
I went to school with her. His eyes narrowed. How do you know her?
Ace took another drag and counted to five. She s my fiancé; we re getting married nex
t April.
Buggy s eyes widened comically and he sat forward once again.
Wait, you re Ace!? Ace Portgus? The colorful man laughed, throwing his head back and
clutching his stomach. He stood and offered his hand, which Ace accepted withou
t really thinking.
I ve heard a lot about you. Buggy s voice became quiet suddenly, and Ace caught a hint
of superciliousness in his tone. Finally I get to meet the famous older Portgus
brother. Lucky, lucky me.
Before Ace could say anything, Sanji jumped in.
How ve you heard about Ace? The cook narrowed his eyes. You still see Vivi?
Buggy nodded as he turned to Sanji. He lowered his voice even more and brought a
nother cigarette to his mouth. Before I went undercover, our offices were affilia
ted with her business. I saw her every Tuesday and Friday.
Ace shook his head. So, wait you re a cop then?
Buggy waved his hand in a so so manner before he lit his stick. Sort of; a P.I. act
ually. I worked out of the South Seattle police branch for a bit, and then they
commissioned me to get into the organized crime thing. Get paid a hell of a lot
more doing this than working my own cases.
Sanji pulled out another cigarette and lit the tip with the butt of his first. So
okay, lemme get this all straight in my head. You re an undercover P.I. that s work
ing for the mob, dealing drugs on the streets. I m guessing your cover job is a cl
own or at least, I hope it s a cover job You also went to school with Vivi, and you re
still friends.
Buggy nodded and smiled. Yup, that s about it.
Sanji turned to Ace and blew out a stream of smoke. You know, I thought yesterday
was weird.
X x X x X
Luffy scuffed the ground with his flip flop. Okay, now they re being friendly with
the clown. I feel left out. Can we go over there now, Zoro?
X x X x X
So, isn t this really dangerous? Ace asked, following Buggy as the strange man picked
up his briefcase and started to walk down the path. Meeting us out here in the o
pen and talking about all this?
Buggy shook his head. I ve pretty much got free reign to do my dealings wherever an
d however I like. I bring in a lot of profit, so since my numbers are good at th
e end of the month, they keep clear when I m doing my thing.
So you actually sell drugs? Sanji asked. Like the real stuff?
Of course, Buggy replied. To cops who confiscate it, and to some big shot corporate
guys downtown who get it confiscated from them later. I try to be as clean as I
can; don t sell to kids and such as a rule. But you know, feds can keep better tr
ack of the traffic up here if I just do the job.
Ace shook his head. That sucks.
Buggy shrugged again. I keep in mind that it s all for something. I m working towards
a goal here. They ll get theirs eventually.
Ace watched the ground as they walked. The conversation was severely different t
han what he had been expecting, not to mention the contact was severely different
than what he had been expecting. But at least they were on the right track.
They made their way towards Ace s Jeep, and the dark-haired man chuckled at how Zo
ro must be stewing to know what was happening right now.
So. Buggy s voice interrupted his thoughts. How are you faring, Mr. Cook?
Ace and Sanji stopped at the same moment, the dark-haired man glancing at his fr
iend to make sure the blond took his own advice to wait for an explanation befor
e he killed someone.
Excuse me? Sanji growled around his cigarette. I don t remember introducing myself.
Buggy chuckled and smiled an almost frightening smile over his shoulder.
Oh, I know you, Sanji Black. Everyone in the Northwest scene knows you.
Suddenly, Zoro was there with a strong hand twisted in Buggy s collar. His eyes we
re ablaze with quiet fury, and he growled low in his throat as he backed the clo
wn up into Luffy s waiting hands.
You better start explaining some shit before you know my fist through your skull.
Luffy wrapped an arm around Buggy s neck and secured it with the other of his gang
ly, but exceptionally strong arms. The clown struggled, but Ace knew from experi
ence that once his brother had you in the classic sleeper hold, there was no get
ting out.
You may look awesome, Mr. Clown, Luffy said quietly into Buggy s ear, but you hang ou
t with some people that hurt my friends so I don t like you very much. You have abo
ut fifteen seconds to start helping us out, or Zoro s never gonna have a chance to
hurt you
Buggy s friendly and arrogant manner changed abruptly with Luffy s words. His eyes b
ecame frightened, and his body stilled in the young man s hold.
Don t don t worry, he stammered, I was planning on telling you guys what I know. It s n
much, but at least it s something, right?
Let s get out of here, Ace said, as tossed his butt in the nearest trashcan.
Zoro and Luffy flanked Buggy in the back seat as the five climbed into the Jeep.
Ace pulled out of the parking lot and headed downtown. Sanji sat beside him in
the passenger s seat, leaning against the window and rubbing his temple.
So, the cook said softly, if you know Vivi, and you know Ace and me, that means you
know Kaya, right? You know why we re here?
Buggy nodded, stealing a quick glance at Luffy.
Yeah, I know all about that. That whole thing wasn t supposed to get so out of hand
, but a lot of changes have happened in the last two years. A new Underboss took
control of the East side s turf, and now he s running things like he was Skipper.
Skipper? Luffy asked.
The Boss boss, Buggy answered. You don t do shit unless it s authorized, but this guy d
oes whatever he wants with no concern for tradition, and has no respect for anyo
Ace pulled off the highway and drove down to the pier. He parked the Jeep in one
of the spots at the end of the docks, just inches from the water.
What s this guy s name? Zoro asked as Ace turned off the engine.
They call him Blackbeard. Buggy shrugged. Like the pirate. Never met the guy, never
even seen him, but supposedly he s a hard ass scary motherfucker. That Cugine that s
after you, the rank-climber, Bones? He belongs to Blackbeard. That s why he got a
way with trying to ice you guys without permission.
Buggy leaned forward then and spoke to Sanji, who was still staring out the wind
ow, his arms folded across his chest. Everyone I know is pissed about what happen
ed to you, Sanji. They say it was a bad deed to a man s man and Blackbeard should
get his ass fed to him for okaying that shit. That was some hell he put you thro
ugh, and it wasn t right.
Sanji turned slowly to glare at Buggy with his one visible eye. He ground his te
eth in the absence of a cigarette, and spoke in a soft, but dangerous tone. No on
e in your fucked up little world knows shit about me. So don t talk to me like you
know what kind of hell I went through.
Buggy frowned; confusion lining his face. He looked from Sanji to Zoro, to Luffy
, and then back at Sanji. Do you guys not I mean, do you guys really have no idea
who you know?
Zoro slapped a hand to Buggy s chest, pushing him roughly back against the seat. Ma
ybe you should just tell us, he snarled.
Buggy looked around at the faces of his captors and shook his head.
Man, you guys hang with one of the city s underbosses all the time! Lucci! Him and
his crew! You fight in his underground matches, making money for his faction! Yo
u three, in the first few months of coming to the club, made Lucci, and even som
e of his crew, enough dough to pay off their debts to the Skipper!
Ace turned and met his brother s eyes. Luffy was probably loving this little piece
of information, but the older Portgus brother wasn t so sure about Zoro or Sanji.
His friends were silent, and stared intently at each other across the interior
of the Jeep.
So Sanji s voice was calm, but Ace was sure heard an underlying anger suppressed in h
is tone. If we wanna get at this guy Blackbeard the next thing we should do would
be to go talk to Lucci?
Buggy nodded. Or see Crocodile, he s the area Capo, or even the Consigliere. He wor
ks directly under Lucci and handles all his stuff, so he knows everything. Me? I v
e told you pretty much everything I know. I don t even know the Boss boss s name, so
I think my work here is done.
Sanji nodded and turned around to face the front. I think I need some air.
With that, the blond opened the door and slid out. Before he closed it behind hi
m, he turned back to Ace and looked at his watch. Just come back for me in a coup
le hours. I ll be here.
Sanji- Zoro started, but the cook interrupted.
Yes, come with me, Zoro. He closed the door and started walking down the dock, his
hands shoved deeply into his pockets.
Zoro opened the back door, and clapped Ace gently on the shoulder. Thank you, he s
aid. I ll call you later, okay?
Yeah, Ace replied. When Zoro slammed the door behind him, the dark-haired man roll
ed down his window and called after him. Should I call the guy in L.A.?
Zoro nodded over his shoulder. Yeah, whatever info we can get will be helpful!
Watching the backs of his friends as they made their way down to the water, Ace
sighed and turned back to the characters in his back seat.
Buggy eyed him with a smile and a flash of teeth.
So, the clown said merrily. Who s hungry?
Me! Luffy exclaimed happily.
X x X x X
Zoro followed a few steps behind Sanji as the blond made his way down to the bea
ch. The cook left the built-in path, and jumped over to a cluster of large rocks
covered in seaweed and dirty-blond barnacles. The swordsman watched as Sanji ni
mbly hopped from rock to rock, quickly traversing the dangerous landscape, and l
anding gracefully on a log at the tip of the water.
Zoro was nowhere near as agile on his feet, so he settled for slipping his hands
in the pockets of his leather jacket and walking leisurely down the gravel path
. He stopped a few feet from his lover and watched as the blond pulled out his p
ack and lit up.
The sound of the waves and the faraway toll of a buoy bell filled Zoro s senses as
he waited for Sanji to speak. The cook had brought him here once before, when t
hey had first started out. They hadn t talked much, as they were still learning ab
out each other physically, and the need to touch and be touched surpassed all ot
hers. Zoro smiled at the memory, but was immediately saddened because Sanji woul
dn t remember that innocent and awkward night.
I used to come here as a kid, Sanji finally spoke. He blew out a stream of smoke a
nd slid his free hand in his pocket. I would come to find sand dollars. He turned
his head and looked at Zoro over his shoulder. Did you know the live ones are bla
Zoro smiled and moved to stand beside the other man. No, I didn t.
Sanji nodded, his cigarette hanging from his lips. They re black and they scoot alo
ng the sand. I thought they were really cute. I d bring them home to my dad, and h
e d tell me they were worthless 'cause you can t cook them. Sanji chuckled then and f
licked his cigarette cherry into the water. He crushed the butt between his thum
b and pointer finger and put it in his jeans pocket. He always let me keep them t
hough. I probably have a whole box of them somewhere in storage.
He looked up at Zoro then, and shook his head. I have no idea why I m telling you t
Zoro shrugged. I like listening.
Sanji turned back to the water and sighed. You know, if I were to go back in time
, to when I was on this beach playing with the sand dollars, and tell myself any
thing- anything that happened to me in the last few days I would probably kick my
own ass.
Zoro laughed, it was so true. The Zoro of just a few years ago- hell, the Zoro f
rom a few weeks ago, would find this ridiculous.
The swordsman gently tugged on Sanji s sleeve, pulling the cook s hand from his pock
et. His lover understood, and laced his fingers between Zoro s. They stood for a l
ong moment, looking at each other; rediscovering a connection that was never rea
lly lost, just misplaced.
We ll get through this, Sanji. Zoro promised.
Sanji smiled at him. I know. I can get through anything if it s with you.
Zoro s heart melted, and he felt his knees actually getting weak as he fell hard f
or Sanji for the thousandth time. He squeezed the cook s hand and looked at the gr
ound, giddy with delight.
You don t know how good that feels to hear you say that
Sanji came closer and Zoro looked up to meet the cook s eyes. The blond trailed th
e fingers of his free hand down Zoro s cheek and whispered against the swordsman s l
ips, Yes, I do.
Zoro kissed him then, passionately, enthusiastically, his arms going around the
cook s waist to pull Sanji s slim frame against his own. Sanji s hands were on his che
eks, sliding into his hair. The blond was gentle, but insistent in his own way.
They kissed long and slow, savoring each other; taking their time like they had
not since Sanji s awakening.
Zoro came back down to himself and found he had burrowed into Sanji s neck. The co
ok held him close, his skinny arms wrapped around his neck. The swordsman inhale
d, taking in Sanji s scent and trying to drown himself in it. Zoro decided that wh
en he and his lover cleared up the mess that surrounded them and their friends,
he was going to spend several years in this position, imprinting himself into Sa
nji like a fossil.
Should we call Ace? Zoro asked. Or do you want to stay here a while?
Sanji kissed the top of Zoro s head and whispered into the swordsman s hair, Stay lik
e this for a while Stay with me
Zoro could do nothing but oblige.
X x X x X
Chopper threw his battered day planner in his bag and went to the closet. He nee
ded another two or three shirts to get him through the next long shift at the ho
spital. He was working the clinic tonight and tomorrow morning, and he always ma
naged to get seventeen thousand different mystery substances on his clothes when
working the clinic. It was all those kids.
He retrieved two collared shirts from hangers, one red and one white with brown
stripes. They would both go nicely with his khakis. Chopper wasn t usually so into
his clothes or how well his ensemble fit together, except when it was for work.
At the hospital he wanted to appear professional and put together at all times.
A knock on his front door startled him, and he moved into the hallway.
Who who is it? he called out. Who was visiting him at ten o clock at night?
There was a soft thump against the door. It s me, Chopper, Usopp called out, his voi
ce suspiciously unsteady. You got a sec before you go to work?
Confused, Chopper moved toward the door, but did not open it yet. Something in h
is best friend s voice scared him. Yeah, I m here. Got my hands full though, just a s
There was another almost inaudible thump on the door and Chopper s heart started t
o beat faster.
Sorry to bother you so late, Usopp continued. I was just wondering if I could borro
w your Mr. Ed box set.
Chopper froze. He himself had used that code with Usopp as a kid when he was in
trouble. Before his grandmother had been awarded custody, Chopper was bounced fr
om foster home to foster home, and some of the people he had encountered were no
t so kind.
Sure, Chopper choked out. I gotta put this stuff down in the bedroom real quick, I ll
be right back.
Turning back down the hall, Chopper was torn between escaping, and rushing back
to help his best friend. The window opened to a small balcony with a fold up met
al ladder. He could slip out now, and be down on the street in just a few second
But what about Usopp? What had happened that he was there, at his apartment, usi
ng codes that the two of them had not used in ten years!?
Flailing back and forth, Chopper finally decided that it was best he get out and
go get help. There wasn t much he could do anyway. He was small and not very stro
ng. He needed to go get Luffy or Zoro, Sanji, Franky- anyone!
Turning back to the window, he unlatched the handle and lifted the pane. He push
ed himself up, and got a leg onto the sill before a large figure dressed in blac
k obstructed his vision. The little doctor looked up to see a masked face, and t
wo burning yellow eyes glaring at him through small slits.
Sorry, Shorty, the masked figure said in a loud, harsh voice, can t let you get away.
Boss wants to see you.
Chopper flew back from the window. Without even thinking, he grabbed for the nea
rest solid object and hurled it at his assailant. It turned out to be a large pi
cture frame, and glass shattered as the frame struck the wall, inches from the m
asked man s head.
Shielding his face, Chopper s attacker snarled and started to climb into the apart
You little son of a bitch! he roared. I ll get you, you bitch!
Chopper ran.
The front door burst open as the doctor fled into the living room, and Usopp s scr
eams echoed through the small space.
Chopper avoided tripping over the coffee table and vaulted over the couch. He sp
rinted towards the last window in a row of five, knowing that the last let out t
o another small balcony. He reached the latch and pulled it down, pushing the wi
ndow open, he scrambled to get over the sill, but just as he thought he was home
free, a strong hand grabbed his leg. Chopper twisted around and landed on the f
loor on his back as he was pulled back into the apartment. Not ready to give up
yet, he reached above his head and grabbed one of his medical journals that he k
ept on the bottom two shelves of his desk. He chucked it hard at the head of his
captor and it connected with a loud smack!
Son of a----! the attacker cried and released his leg.
Chopper whipped around to try once again to escape out the window, but he froze
as a shot rang out. His ears tingled and his breathing suddenly became louder. H
is eardrums rang fiercely as he turned around, but it was forgotten in an instan
t, because when he turned back around, there was the masked man from the bedroom
, holding the muzzle of a revolver to Usopp s temple. His best friend sobbed, watc
hing him with terrified eyes, but he held himself still and made no sound.
Now, the attacker from the bedroom said with a chuckle, you can come with us easy,
or make a fuss. I don t really care which way, it s gonna happen no matter what you
do. You just have the option of keeping your friend here alive or not.
Tears ran down Chopper s cheeks, but he stood and let his arms be zip-tied. He wat
ched Usopp s agonized face through it all, and wished with all his heart there was
something he could do.
What what do you want with us? he asked.
The masked man stepped closer and pulled the cotton cap from his head. Chopper s b
reath caught as the frightening face beneath was revealed. It seemed to be held
together by a crude, studded leather fashioning. One strap ran down the man s fore
head, another across his eyebrows, his right cheek, and several more looked like
they were holding his jaw together.
We don t really need anything from you, the metal man said, grinning. It s your friends
, those crazy martial arts types. Boss wants some leverage and you guys fit.
He straightened and motioned over Chopper s head. Get him outside. Throw him in the
As another masked man lifted Chopper and slung him over his broad shoulder.
Chopper wanted to tell Usopp to be quiet, he was all right, don t get yourself hur
t for me, but he wasn t fast enough. The metal-faced man returned and cracked Usop
p over the head with the butt of his revolver. Usopp slumped in his captor s arms
and a small trickle of blood ran from his temple to his chin.
Chopper saw red. His heart started to beat so violently, it seemed it would expl
ode right out his chest. Blood pumped hotly through his veins, setting Chopper s e
very extremity on fire. He felt invincible, like he could do anything, and he wo
ndered in that brief second if this is what Sanji and Zoro always talked about;
that high they experienced before a battle. The adrenaline rush before they open
ed up and pounded someone.
A scream of fury erupted from Chopper s lungs, and he tore himself from the arms o
f his captor. He whirled around and head butted the man in the stomach, making s
ure his center of force was directed at the solar plexus. He drove the big man b
ack, ramming him into the book case and knocking the wind right out of him. Chop
per then turned and charged full throttle at the man that held his best friend.
He ducked low, remembering countless times when he d seen Zoro or Sanji take out a
man s legs. He mimicked the action, grabbing the man s knees and twisting, ripping
the gracilis and the semitendinosus muscles as he flew through to the other side
There was a startled cry, and Usopp s captor went down. Chopper grabbed a small st
one statue of a frog from the coffee table and, in his single-minded fury, raise
d it over his head to strike the man s skull.
He didn t hear the metal-faced man step up behind him.
I knew you two were gonna be a pain in my ass.
Metal-face brought his revolver down, and Chopper went from seeing red, to seein
g nothing.
A/N Chopper is not dead, don t be silly. I would never do that, just so you know.
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Yes, there is another chapter. It's all plot. Plot, plot, plot. But I like it so
I've kind of picked up a rhythm again finally with this fic, so I don't think th
e chapters are going to come as slowly anymore. I've already started on chapter
25. Hopefully I can keep it up. I'm not going to be a review whore and ask for r
eviews or anything, but come on, we all know they help. I likes to know peeps ar
e reading and liking. x)
Thank you, thank you so much for all the reviews! Lately, there have been some r
eaders that have really just made my day with their kind comments, and helpful c
on/crit. Thank you again! xD Enjoy!
Chapter 24
Ace slipped out the front door of the diner with Luffy s happy laughter ringing in
his ears. How his brother could get along with such a weird guy was beyond him.
At that moment, the clown/cop, whatever he was, was balancing a spoon on his no
se and banging the tune to Jingle Bells on their water glasses.
Well, whatever. It wasn t like Luffy couldn t take care of himself. This new friends
hip would probably prove to be profitable in the near future anyway.
The older Portgus brother pulled out his cell phone as he made himself comfortab
le on the outside tables. He punched in the number Smoker had given him, and lea
ned back as Back in Black by AC/DC played in his ear. Tired from his long night,
and with the soothing sounds of a good rock song in his head, Ace started to no
d off.
He awoke abruptly when a deep voice came through the receiver. Organized Crime De
partment, this is Captain Drum.
Blinking fatigue out of his eyes, Ace cleared his throat. Uh yeah, hello, my name
is Ace Portgus. I m the Fire Chief of the North Seattle Fire and Rescue departmen
t. Do you have an officer there, goes by the name Dalton?
Yeah, that s me. The Captain on the other end seemed curt and unfriendly, but Ace pr
essed on. Smoker seemed that way at first pass too, so he would give this Dalton
a chance.
Oh, good. Ace sat up to clear his head a bit. I m calling cause I was referred to you
by Seattle Police Chief Smoker?
Dalton was silent for a moment, but Ace could hear the sound of people chatting
and other telephones ringing in the background. A door closed and the noise ceas
What did you say your name was? Dalton asked. Portgus? Like, Ace and Luffy Portgus?
Yeah, that s me, Ace replied, a smile tugging at his lips. He had long ago gotten us
ed to people he had never heard of knowing his name. I know this is kind of out o
f the blue, but I need some help.
No, no. Dalton s voice had softened, and a much more friendly nature came through as
he spoke. It s okay. I ve heard a lot about you and your brother from Smoker. He tal
ks about you guys like you guys were his own kids. But I m the head of the Organiz
ed Crime division. What could I possibly help you with?
Ace chuckled thinking about how this was going to sound to an outsider; even one
that dealt with these kinds of people on a daily basis. It s, well kind of a long s
tory. I don t want to take up all your time if you re busy.
It s perfectly fine, Dalton said, and Ace could hear the smile in his words. Any frie
nd of Smoker s is a friend of mine. And besides, I was about to go crazy with all
the BS I ve had to deal with today. This will be a nice break.
Ace laughed out loud. I don t know if this will be much of a break, man. Better get
some coffee and settle in, this is a real fucked up story.
X x X x X
Sanji huddled close to Zoro on the bench as the swordsman punched a phone number
into his cell phone. The blond rested his head on his lover s shoulder and sighed
. He felt drained from everything that was happening to them. The constant stres
s of shock and revelation had worn his nerves down to thin fibers. Zoro had been
essential to him the last hour, just by being close and supportive in his silen
ce. Sanji was sure if his green-haired lover had not been there, he would have f
allen apart.
Hey, Kaku, it s me, Zoro said into his phone. Where are you right now?
Zoro s arm came around Sanji s shoulders as the blond listened to their friend s soft
voice through the receiver. Sanji nuzzled into Zoro s warmth and closed his eyes.
Well, if it s not too much trouble, Zoro continued, Sanji and I are down at the pier
and we need a ride to the club Yes, right now. We need to talk to Lucci Yeah, just
down by the docks, you ll see us Thanks, bro.
Sanji felt Zoro shove the phone into his pocket and then shift position to get b
oth arms around his shoulders. The cook slipped one arm inside the swordsman s jac
ket and held onto his lover like his life depended on it.
Sanji Zoro whispered into his hair. You okay?
Sanji let out a breath slowly. Zoro, what if
Zoro nuzzled his hair. What?
What if, um Sanji swallowed and forced his fears past his lips, what if all this is
my fault?
Zoro s arms released the cook s body and his hands gripped Sanji s biceps. The swordsm
an gently pushed back so he could frown questioningly into his lover s face.
I m sorry?
Sanji sighed. Let s just be realistic here: I know me, you obviously know me. Can y
ou see me learning all that shit about Kaya and how someone was threatening Usop
p, and then just promising to lay low for a few days? I mean I ve never laid low in
my entire life! That thing about me promising not to tell anyone--that whole st
ory is so completely bull shit!
Zoro ran his thumbs over the muscles in Sanji s arms, wanting to soothe, but feeli
ng his own instincts starting to fire up. Sanji was making sense; something abou
t the story Pell had told them didn t add up.
So what do you think you did?
I don t know. Sanji shrugged, defeated. I m just He trailed off and let his eyes fall
his lap. He didn t want to voice his thoughts, as if saying them aloud would give
them tangibility.
Zoro raised a hand and ran his thumb over Sanji s lower lip. You re just what?
Sanji leaned forward, nuzzling into Zoro s collar. He didn t want the swordsman to s
ee his weakness written so plainly on his face.
I um The cook s fingers tightened their grip on the leather of Zoro s sleeves. I don t
w. I m just scared. I hate the missing pieces. I hate not knowing what s happening o
r what happened to me--what I did
Zoro kissed the top of Sanji s head. Don t worry, I ve already braced myself for hearin
g that you did something crazy-stupid. It s just what you do.
Sanji pushed away, laughing and punching at Zoro s jaw and chest.
You son of a bitch! I m all trying to be serious, and you re being a dick! What the f
Zoro laughed as he blocked Sanji s playful attacks with wrists and forearms. The c
ook got in a few good hits, but the swordsman managed to come out with his face
still in one piece.
Seriously though, Zoro, Sanji said after their play had ceased. He took the swords
man s hands in his own and gripped them tightly in his lap. I m I m already really attac
ed to you even though it s only been a few weeks--for me. So if we find out I did
something stupid, or I did something that--
It doesn t matter, Sanji, Zoro growled.
Let me finish. Sanji glared and Zoro relented.
If we find out I did something stupid in those two days between talking to Kaya a
nd our accident... and that maybe I m the reason for all this shit that s happened t
o us Just promise you won t
Won t what? Zoro asked, his eyes wide.
Sanji sighed. He was going to sound like a complete pussy, but whatever.
Just promise you won t hate me. I can t The way I am now, I can t lose you. I m not stron
like that. Like you.
The swordsman brought his lips close to Sanji s and pulled his hands free of the c
ook s grip. He slid his touch underneath Sanji s jacket and held the slender man s hip
You are strong, Sanji. I wouldn t love you as much as I do if you weren t. You ve been
through hell, and come out better than I ever could. But, even so, I promise I ll
never hate you. I could never hate you.
Sanji watched the swordsman s dark eyes and tilted his chin to kiss his lover s jaw.
He was about to lift his lips to Zoro s cheeks, when a car horn sounded from the
top of the pier. The two men turned to see Kaku s Lexus rolling through the parkin
g lot towards them. They stood and met their friend as he turned into the turn-a
So, Kaku asked and smiled as Sanji opened the passenger side door, what in blue bla
Zoro slid into the back seat and slammed the door behind him.
It s way too fucking long of a story to tell in the car. Just take us to Lucci and
you ll hear everything.
X x X x X
Ace sat quietly, letting the information settle on Dalton. It was a lot, even fo
r someone who lived and breathed that world. The dark-haired man sipped on the c
oke he had just ordered, and pulled a small pill bottle from his jacket pocket.
He was getting more fatigued by the minute, and if his meds didn t kick in quickly
, he was going to konk out right there in front of the café.
Okay, Dalton growled through the receiver. Ace heard the clicking of a keyboard, a
nd papers rustling. This actually makes a lot of sense.
Ace almost choked. Excuse me?
There was more clicking, and Dalton shouting to someone on his end, Sanchez! Get
me my files on Seattle! His voice returned to the phone and lost its drill sergea
nt s edge. Okay, I got an undercover guy working the scene down here. Let me get a
message to him about all this probably nothing he doesn t already know but I ll brief h
im anyway. He can get himself up to you guys at the latest tomorrow morning. He ll
be much more help to you there than I could ever be to you over the phone.
Ace couldn t think of anything to say besides, Uh thanks
It s no problem. Dalton chuckled. Law s one of my best guys. He s a little strung out do
ng this undercover thing for the last few years, but he s good. I trust him. He s ma
de it big in that world, and he carries some serious clout. Lucci can vouch for
your guys, but another boss coming in from another family is artillery to be env
That s really awesome of you, man, Ace said. I don t know how to th-
No need for thanks, Dalton said gently. You re like family to my best friend.
Ace rubbed at his eyes. He could tell Dalton was a stand up guy, someone that Ac
e and his friends would get along with. He would probably fit right in at barbeq
ues and poker nights, talking politics with Smoker and Chopper, and swooning ove
r the food Sanji would make, right along with everyone else.
You should take a vacation sometime, Dalton. Come up here, have a few beers.
Dalton chuckled again softly. I really can t express how good that sounds right now
. I d love to see Smoker, been too long away from home.
You from here? Ace asked.
Born and raised. But the wife grew up in LA and wanted to be close to family when
the kids were born.
You have kids?
Two, they re a couple hands full.
Ace laughed. Well, whenever you get time off, we ll put you up.
Thank you for that. Dalton sighed. Not sure that ll happen any time soon, I got a lot
of stuff to deal with here. But thank you.
Any time. Ace heard the sadness in the officer s voice, but didn t press. He was going
to get on Smoker to get this guy up to Seattle, but that was a trial for anothe
r time.
So where are we going to meet this guy? You said his name was Law?
Yup. Dalton returned to typing a storm on the keyboard. He ll probably fly in early t
omorrow, and if this is your cell number you calling from, I ll just give him that
. He ll contact you.
Got it. Ace drained the rest of his coke and stood.
Oh, and Ace?
Dalton lowered his voice. Law is a good guy, I meant that. But he never goes anyw
here without his right hand guy. He s made for real--not a cop, so be careful. Law
trusts him, and he s always come through but the getting there
We ll be careful, Ace said, completely understanding. The Portgus brothers had plent
y of shady friends they trusted with their lives. What s the guy s name?
His name s Kidd, Dalton answered. And just be wary. He s one mean son of a bitch.
X x X x X
Zoro had never been to the third floor of the club. He had been invited up to th
e second with Sanji back when they had first joined CP9, but it was only that on
e time for drinks. Only the club owner and a few select members were allowed up
those forbidding stairs into Crocodile s office and living quarters.
The place had an old time Italian feel to it. Imported rugs, crystal ware, and e
xpensive looking art were the least of the lavish décor. A giant wooden desk tha
t was clean of papers and other clutter sat in front of the impressive double wi
ndows. Silhouetted by the light of the mid afternoon sun, dressed in his usual b
lack from head to toe, was none other than their captain, Lucci. Zoro had a mome
nt to wonder where Crocodile was, but then Kaku was moving passed them and throu
gh the next set of doors.
Lucci said nothing as Zoro and Sanji followed Kaku past the office, and into a s
itting room. Tuscan furniture and an over-the-top wall mount fireplace made Zoro
start to wonder exactly where the money Sanji and him were making in their figh
ts was going.
Just have a seat wherever. Kaku was his usual friendly self. But, as Zoro knew, th
at meant nothing. Kaku trampled fighters in the pit every night with the nicest,
most friendly smile on his face you would ever see. He could have been planning
their demise at that very moment, but they would never know.
Sanji sat warily as Kaku moved to the fully stocked bar against the far wall. He
pulled out a bottle of St. Michelle Merlot and two glasses. After setting down
the glasses, he bent to reach into a fridge under the counter. Straightening, he
tossed a bottle of Heineken to Zoro.
Thanks, Zoro said, trying to remember that Kaku--that all of CP9, despite their co
nnections, were actually their friends. There really was no reason to be on his
toes around them like he was now. Kaku had stood beside Zoro through a lot of th
e bad times last year. It would be kind of a shitty thing to do if he didn t belie
ve in him at least a little.
So, Kaku started as he brought the glasses and bottle of Merlot to the couch. He f
illed one glass and offered it to Sanji, who readily took it and downed a long s
wallow. I got an inkling that you two aren t here about nothin fun.
We need to talk to Lucci, Sanji said quietly.
Kaku smiled and poured himself a glass. Well, that can be arranged, but if you re h
ere to talk to him about club matters, it won t do you no good. Lucci don t pay any
attention to the club unless it s one of CP9 raising our ranking.
Zoro moved to the chair across from Sanji, taking his usual place as the blond's
Now Kaku set the bottle on the coffee table and leaned back, rolling the red liquid
around in his glass like Zoro had seen Sanji do a million times. If you two are
here to talk business business then I m your man. No one talks to Lucci without tal
king to me first.
Zoro sat confused, but Sanji seemed to understand immediately. The blond looked
at Kaku through his eyelashes and smiled softly.
You re the underboss.
Kaku raised his glass. Always knew you were a quick one, Sanji. Been wonderin how
to get you made for a long time.
Sanji raised his hands. No, no. We re not looking to get made. We just need some hel
Kaku nodded. I know, your little friends--that princess and her mechanic lover wi
th the nose. We already had this discussion. You forget or somethin ?
Sanji put a hand over his eyes and sighed heavily. Uh, well yeah.
Sanji Zoro growled.
Sanji looked up at him and gestured with his wine glass. What am I supposed to sa
y, Zoro? We need their help, and I can t get it if we keep lying to them.
Lying? Kaku sat forward. Lying about what?
Sanji downed the rest of his wine and set the glass on the table. Uh, okay this is
kind of embarrassing, so work with me.
X x X x X
Chopper awoke to darkness and searing pain. His head felt as if it had been spli
t open, and all its contents stirred roughly with a wooden spoon. He wasn t sure w
hy the image of a wooden spoon was so prominent in his mind s eye, but that s what h
e was sure had mucked up his brains.
He slowly rolled to the side, carefully feeling for any tenderness in his abdome
n and ribs. Internal bleeding would just be icing on a very icky cake. Judging t
hat his insides were okay, he moved his hips and wiggled his toes, making sure n
othing of his lower half was broken.
His leg brushed up against something solid and warm. The little doctor froze whe
n he realized there was someone in the dark beside him, and he was no doubt inju
red. Chopper sat up abruptly, trying to ignore the pounding of his head, and rea
ched out in the darkness. His hands found an arm and a chest, his fingers probed
for the person s neck to locate a pulse.
When slender hands gripped his wrists, Chopper almost screamed. He pulled, tryin
g to free himself, but succeeded in nothing but helping his captor to an upright
Let me go! Chopper yelped. Let me go! Let me go!
Chopper was so hysterical he hadn t noticed his name had been called out several t
imes. When the other person pushed him to the ground and covered his mouth, Chop
per finally heard him and stopped struggling.
Chopper, it s me! It s Usopp! Stop flailing, you re gonna kick my nuts!
The smaller man froze again. Tears welled in his eyes, and he hated himself once
again for breaking down at the drop if a hat. Chopper slipped out of Usopp s gras
p and threw his arms around his best friend s neck.
I m sorry, he sobbed. I didn t know it was you! I m sorry!
It s okay It s okay, Chopper. Usopp hugged him back and let himself fall backward again
st the wall. Chopper came with him into his lap, and the two sat in darkness, no
t moving for what could have been hours.
Where are we? Chopper finally asked into Usopp s t-shirt.
I don t know, Usopp replied, his voice high and frightened. I have no idea.
What are we going to do?
Usopp just shook his head. I don t think we can do anything
Chopper felt Usopp trembling against him, and couldn t help but shake right along
with him. Luffy will save us though, right? Zoro and Sanji and Ace--someone will
come. Right?
I m Usopp swallowed thickly. I m sure they will, Chopper. I m sure they ll come soon.
Chopper held his friend tighter, wishing for the first time in his life that his
friend was a better liar.
X x X x X
Kaku stared at Sanji over his long nose. He had removed his cap, and his red hai
r stuck up in interesting--almost super-saiyan ways. To his credit, Kaku had tak
en their story the best out of everyone they had told so far. He looked as if he
was contemplating a very minor business exchange. No surprise, no anger or fear
, just quietly thinking.
So he finally said, that first night you came back to the club you didn t actually rem
mber me?
Sanji shook his head. I d never seen you before in my life according to me.
And Zoro Kaku pointed to the swordsman and glanced his way out the corner of his eye
. You didn t really know him either?
Uh. Sanji shifted uncomfortably. No, I knew him. Just not the same way as before like
, uh
You didn t remember being with him, Kaku finished, turning back to Sanji with eyes w
ide. You didn t know any of us, and you were pretending to be with Zoro, when you d
idn t even know you were gay yet?
Sanji sighed and ran a hand over his eyes. Yeah, remember the whole this is embarr
assing part?
Kaku stood abruptly, slipping past the coffee table to pace the floor. Zoro held
his beer bottle tight in case the other man decided to attack him or Sanji. Zor
o had not the faintest clue how Kaku was taking all this. The man s face betrayed
nothing but wonder as he moved from one end of the room to another.
Suddenly, Kaku stopped. He turned to Sanji, and Zoro braced himself for launchin
g out of his chair to defend the blond.
Damn Kaku breathed. Damn, Sanji. You re the best darn conman I ever come across!
Sanji s eyes widened. His shoulder s relaxed, and he slumped in his seat.
I I am?
Zoro backed down, nothing in Kaku s manner said he was planning on fighting.
You had every one of us fooled, brother! Kaku continued merrily. They way you talke
d to the other members, watching you all squirrely while Zoro was fightin ! Never
would have guessed that was all acting!
Sanji blushed and rung his hands absently. Uh well, it wasn t all acting.
Kaku laughed and stuck his head out into the office. Lucci! Lucci, you hear this,
man? Sanji got one over on you good!
I heard him. Lucci s deep voice sounded just outside the door. But I m more interested
in the part about how he s forgotten about his situation.
Zoro s skin crawled. His situation? The phrase rolled off Lucci s tongue like a deat
h sentence. What did he mean by that? What situation had Sanji gotten himself in
Why don t you come in, Lucci? Kaku motioned with his hand as he came back across the
room and plopped back down on the couch. Take a breather, sit for a while. Let s r
e-inform our cook friend with everything he s forgot.
Lucci stepped over the threshold and closed the door gently behind him. Zoro s hac
kles rose on instinct. He still did not feel threatened by anyone here, but he k
new it was probably a good idea to be on his guard at all times anyway.
The tall dark-haired man pulled a cigar from his inside pocket and lit up. He ha
nded the lighter to Sanji, who followed suit with a cigarette.
So I assume the situation is still the same as it was last year, when you came to
us before.
Sanji looked at Lucci, horrified at the large man s words. Came to you before? When
did I come to you before?
Not even a day before your accident, Lucci explained. It was late at night. You cam
e in bleeding, but not severely injured. You said that after leaving a friend s ho
use, some men had attacked you--
What!? Zoro s insides ignited.
Please calm yourself, Zoro. Lucci held up a hand. He was going to tell you, but cir
cumstances made it impossible. I told him to wait.
Zoro stood, rage making him see nothing but red. Why does everyone think that kee
ping shit from me is going to help? I am so fucking tired of hearing that fucked
up stuff s going down with my friends, and my family, but nobody s saying shit! Wha
t good am I if I can t protect the people I love because I don t know what s going on!
Lucci stood and came face to face with Zoro. He held the swordsman s gaze with his
midnight black eyes and swallowed the shorter man in his foreboding and intense
ly frightening presence.
Maybe you should sit and listen to the rest of the story. Lucci growled. If you can
get over yourself for one minute, you will see that your family was protected.
At no small cost to mine, I might add.
Zoro swallowed. He wasn t sure if he could take Lucci. Not without a sword and wit
h Kaku standing right there. Even with Sanji s help, the two of them might not mak
e it back out of the office, so he reined in his rage and slowly sank back into
his chair.
Kaku wasted no time. Sanji came to us because he d just learned about your princess
friend s situation first hand. The house where he had been was bugged, not surpri
sing considering the guy is what s her name? Kaya? Lucci nodded at him. Kaya s brother.
They ve been watching her whole family for a long time.
Zoro glanced at Sanji. The blond looked drained. His skin was pale and his eyes
were tired and worn. The cook looked up at him but quickly looked away. Zoro sud
denly felt shame for his outburst a moment ago. They had just talked about how Z
oro would react, no matter what the blond had done, and then he immediately went
and freaked out without even hearing the whole story.
So, what s the Cugine s name, Lucci? Kaku asked. One, or Won or something?
Real name is Bones, Lucci answered.
Oh yeah, Kaku scratched at his head. Guy s a real bastard. But, what can you expect;
he s working for a bastard. Anywho, the house was bugged and the guys sittin out ac
ross the street listening in, jump Sanji, and our favorite blondie feeds em some
concrete. He comes straight here, asking for Croc which is real funny by the way ca
use old man Crocodile got nothin to do with the scene anymore. We like people to
think he does though, keeps the heat off us. Kaku laughed then, his face still se
emingly kind and friendly. It was beginning to creep Zoro out.
Stay with the story, Kaku, Lucci muttered.
Ah, my apologies. Kaku cleared his throat and sat forward. So he comes here, bashes
in the door to the office, three-four guys trying to hold him down, but can t. Sa
nji s on a rampage. I get a call, come up here, and he s all red in the face, tellin
g me if I don t get Crocodile I m gonna feel his foot so far up my ass, it ll be in my
Zoro couldn t stop his smile, there was no way. That story was so classic Sanji th
at the swordsman almost had to bite his lip.
He told me what happened, Kaku continued, I told him we could help, but there was n
o way we could make a move right away.
Why not? Sanji asked.
Lucci continued. We ve known about this little renegade faction for a while. Suppos
edly Blackbeard wants total control of everything, and is planning on taking out
the Head Boss sometime. It s been said he s gonna give Bones this area when he take
s over.
Like, your area? Sanji asked, looking confused for the first time.
Lucci laughed. I think you misunderstand. I am not the area Capo, I am just the C
onsigliere. I work as the Capo s right hand.
Sanji scratched his chin. Oh
So what does that have to do with this? Zoro asked.
Well Kaku lifted his arms to the back of the couch. He reclined and placed his feet
on the coffee table. Since Blackbeard s little group has been under our radar for
a while, we already knew who they were watchin ; who they were followin . You know h
ow Kaya s brother s house was bugged and under surveillance?
Zoro and Sanji both nodded.
Kaku smiled, and this time it was cruel. His house ain t the only one that got bugg
Zoro blinked. What did that mean? He looked at Sanji, confused. The blond stared
back at him, the gears turning in his head.
Wait, wait. Sanji put up a hand. You re not telling us what I think you re telling us,
are you?
Kaku s smile widened. Oh, yeah.
Sanji s manner changed abruptly. His killing intent suddenly burst forth and fille
d the room with electricity. Zoro felt goose bumps break out over his arms and d
own his back.
Then it hit the swordsman as well.
Woah! Wait a minute! What the fuck--
Oh ho, there they go! Kaku laughed. Zoro had just enough presence of mind to glanc
e at Lucci. The dark-haired man was shaking his head and even though there was n
o outward show of emotion, Zoro knew he was laughing at them as well.
You have got to be fucking kidding, Zoro said. This is fucking crazy.
Crazy doesn t begin to describe this cluster-fuck! Sanji snarled.
Kaku s laugh died down and he motioned for them to sit. He leaned forward and refi
lled Sanji s wine glass. When the cook took it and emptied half the contents, the
long-nosed man snickered.
Better slow down, Champ. You don t got the tolerance for tossin them back like that.
Shut up, Sanji growled. I m gonna start breaking all your nice shit if I don t.
You really must sit and listen to the rest. Kaku motioned to the chairs again.
There s more? Cold dread started to eat away at Zoro s insides.
Of course, Lucci said as he sat back and laced his fingers together under his chin
. You think a tap on your apartment would be sufficient to stop Monsieur Cook?
Zoro wanted to leave. He wanted to take Sanji and go far far away where no one c
ould hurt them, or bring up more stories of things his lover could not remember.
He saw this exchange was eating Sanji alive. He knew the blond hated being in t
he dark. He hated the unknown, and this situation was no doubt wearing the cook s
nerves down to almost non-existent fibers.
Despite his anger, the swordsman sat, trying to catch Sanji s eye and let him know
that they would make it through all this. Zoro wasn t going anywhere and they wer
e going to get past all this shit together.
Sanji pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. He sighed heavily
and spoke softly and carefully. So, just get to the point. What were these guys
doing, or what had they started that stopped me from grabbing Zoro and just head
ing out to fuck some shit up?
Well, Lucci said quietly, still sitting back comfortably in the large armchair. You
understand how Blackbeard s men manipulated Kaya to do what they wanted by threat
ening Usopp?
Sanji nodded.
Well, what they did with you was similar. Lucci sat forward. The reason you came he
re, and not straight home that night, was because the men who attacked you threa
tened you like they did with Kaya. They told you if you made a move, if you talk
ed, if you so much as breathed a word of what was happening to anyone, they woul
d kill one of your friends.
Zoro s heart started to pound. Sweat started to trickle down the back of his neck
as he watched Sanji s reaction.
Who who did they say they were going to kill? the cook s voice cracked.
That little doctor friend of yours, Kaku stated.
Zoro swallowed a thick thump in his throat. Ch Chopper?
Lucci turned to him and nodded. They had his place wired like nothing I ve ever see
n before. They had people outside, people holed up in the apartment next door it
was crazy. They knew, of everyone connected to you two, he was the best bet to g
et you to cooperate.
A tug on the back of Zoro s mind distracted him. As he watched Sanji turn and star
t pacing the room slowly, the tug became an itch, and the itch grew to slowly st
art gnawing at his insides. Something felt wrong. Something bad was happening, o
r was going to happen soon, and the swordsman didn t know where or what it was. Th
e feeling ate at him nevertheless, and he found himself slipping his hand in his
pocket for his cell phone.
Hey, Zoro, Sanji said from the window.
Zoro glanced up and studied the back of Sanji s head. Yeah?
Can you, um the cook s stance was anxious, which in turn, caused Zoro to feel even le
ss at ease.
Can you call Chopper, please?
Deciding to put the fact that he and Sanji had the exact same thought at the sam
e time away for contemplating later, Zoro pulled out his cell and scrolled down
the list of contacts.
No problem.
Should be fine now, Kaku said, sipping the rest of Sanji s wine. We went through his
house after your guy s accident. Should be clear.
Should Zoro repeated. But it was a year ago.
He let the phone ring until the call waiting picked up. Then he hung up and trie
d again, this time leaving a message when their friend didn t answer.
Chopper, this is Zoro. Give me a call when you get this, it s important.
When he flipped the phone closed, he looked up to see Sanji staring at him with
frightened eyes.
Zoro he said quietly. You think meeting that guy in the park ?
Lucci unfolded his arms and gripped the arms of the chair. Guy? You met a guy in
the park? What guy?
One of your guys. Sanji turned to him. I don t think you d know him though.
Wrong, Kaku muttered, sing-song. We know all our guys.
He s just one of your dealers, Sanji said. He calls himself Buggy.
Lucci and Kaku exchanged a brief look before Lucci frowned and turned to Zoro.
Your friend, Chopper, he s working right now?
Zoro nodded, and was already dialing the number for the hospital before Lucci co
uld tell him to do it.
The receptionist that answered the phone was friendly and worked fast. Zoro was
on hold for less than a minute before she returned and told him that Dr. Charlto
n had not shown up for his shift that morning. Zoro thanked her, and hung up.
Oh shit. He looked at Sanji, and the cook s eyes were a reflection of his own fear.
Kaku slumped on the couch, propping his feet back up on the coffee table.
You might want to go check out your friend s place.
Uh yeah, Sanji choked out before Zoro stood, and the two of them moved quickly to t
he doors.
We ll be here if you need us, Lucci said over his shoulder.
Thank you, Sanji said as they slipped out.
The drive to Chopper s apartment was the longest Zoro had ever experienced--except
for maybe the drive in the ambulance after the crash as he held a dying Sanji s h
and. But his mind had been a little foggy back then and his sense of time had be
en skewed.
Shit mother fucking shit Sanji cursed as he drove. I don t want to admit it, but it al
makes sense, kind of. If I had Chopper s safety hanging over my head that would be
the one thing that would keep my mouth shut for a bit I could stand down, even f
rom you, for a day or two if it meant keeping Chopper safe.
I can t even think of Zoro s heart pounded and his chest felt excruciatingly tight. Jes
s, Sanji what are we going to do if he s not there?
Call Usopp. Sanji pointed to Zoro s phone.
Zoro did, but again, there was no answer.
Oh my fucking god, Zoro breathed. Sanji oh my god
Shut up. Sanji s hands were shaking as he turned down Chopper s street. Don t say anythi
g until we get there.
They burst through the doors and bypassed the elevator. They scrambled up the st
airs and sprinted down the long hallway to Chopper s door.
Chopper! Sanji pounded on the solid wood, not caring who he disturbed from the oth
er residences. Chopper, if you re there answer me, buddy!
Zoro fished out his keys and frantically searched for the familiar, oval head. H
e felt his lungs were going to collapse as he pushed the key into the lock and s
hoved the door open. Sanji was on his heels as he stormed through the entry.
Chopper! Zoro called out, so horrified that he was close to tears.
Sanji, on the other hand, was a storm of anger. He pushed passed the swordsman a
nd into the living room. He paused at the doorway as Zoro started up the stairs.
Zoro Sanji s voice made him freeze; his heart stopped, his blood ran cold.
Don t tell me, Zoro growled. If he s in there don t tell me.
He s not, Sanji said softly. He s not here, Zoro. They got him. They got Usopp too.
How--? Zoro turned around and moved to stand with his lover in the doorway. The si
ght before him made him burn with anger, and he felt the heated touch of Sanji s h
and on his arm.
The living room was in shambles. Whoever had taken Chopper had left nothing unto
uched. Furniture was in pieces and spread across the room, the window was broken
, books, files and papers were scattered everywhere.
And scrawled across the walls in black marker were the words:
We have them. Back off or they re dead.
Zoro Sanji s voice had taken on an almost dazed quality. Is that is that blood?
Zoro looked at the carpet before Sanji s feet and felt what was left of his batter
ed heart drop into the pit of his gut. He felt nauseous as his eyes took in the
brown stain the size of his hand. There was no telling whose blood it was, but t
he thought that it might be Chopper s made Zoro want to toss everything he had in
his stomach.
Yeah, he rasped. It s blood.
Sanji turned to him then and grabbed at his jacket.
Zoro Zoro they re gonna The cook was speaking into his chest. Fuck fuck I m gonna g
illed--we re gonna get them killed
Zoro looked at Sanji then, and the sight of the blond holding onto him, clinging
desperately to him like he needed Zoro to survive, awakened the swordsman, and
brought him back from that dangerous edge he had been peering over.
He took the cook s cheeks in his hands and forced Sanji to look at him.
Sanji he said firmly.
Sanji s clouded eyes found him then, and cleared when their gazes met. The blond s h
ands found his own and Sanji took a deep breath.
I m here, he said simply.
Zoro nodded. So am I. He kissed Sanji s forehead and slid his hands to the back of t
he cook s neck. He spoke to reassure himself as much as he did for the blond. We re g
onna find them. We re gonna find them, I promise. We ll get them back and--
I know I know Sanji looked close to tears as well. The blond slid his arms around Zo
ro s neck and held the larger man close. Oh my God, Zoro, I hope they re okay.
Zoro put his arms around Sanji, needing to give the comfort as much as give it. T
hey better be okay
Sanji sniffed. I m not gonna be able to handle it if something happens to them. I c
an t not when this is because of us. The cook let out a soft sob and held Zoro despe
rately tight. This is so fucking stupid so stupid God damnit, I can t believe this shi
t shit
Zoro studied the black letters on the wall as Sanji broke down against him. He k
new the cook was beyond strained. He had been pulled in a thousand different way
s in the last few weeks, and now the weight of everything being put on their sho
ulders was more than anyone could take without some kind of collapse. Zoro himse
lf wanted to curl up in a hole with his lover and just sleep away the outside wo
rld for years.
But Zoro also knew that this wasn t permanent. Sanji would bounce back, like he al
ways did, to stand beside him and take back what was theirs. The swordsman would
give him this moment. He would let Sanji be broken and weak, and not just becau
se the cook needed it. He would let Sanji have this now because it also showed j
ust how much Sanji had come to trust him. The Sanji of two weeks ago would have
rather died than lay himself open like this to the swordsman.
Besides, being there and being a rock for Sanji healed Zoro in its own way. Bein
g needed and trusted like this pieced back together parts of Zoro he had forgott
en he had lost. He steadied himself by steadying Sanji, and braced his mind and
heart for what lay ahead.
Sanji s breathing slowed, and he pushed gently away to wipe at his eyes. Zoro noti
ced he did not apologize, and that little gesture meant as much to him as Sanji s
opening up.
I m okay now Sanji said quietly.
Zoro nodded, rubbing circles into Sanji s arms. What now?
Sanji looked up at him then, and saw the readiness in the swordsman s eyes. He stu
died his lover for a long moment, but then the smallest of smiles tugged at the
corners of his mouth.
I love you, Zoro, he whispered.
Zoro, caught off guard, blinked and stammered a reply. I love you too.
Sanji took a step back and straightened his collar. He smoothed out his shirt an
d ran his fingers through his hair.
Now he stated, and Zoro thrilled at the calm assurance that had come back into his
voice, we retaliate.
Zoro cocked an eyebrow. How?
Call Ace.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I know, you're like 'What the hell? It's only been a couple weeks! There's no wa
y Stark's got another chapter up!" but, my friends I do. I have had some inspira
tion recently (cough) Kidd and Law mostly (cough) and this chapter just kind of
fell out of my head like... ear wax or... snot. Anyway, I really hope you like i
t! We're getting down to the last bit! I'm so sad to see it finally ending, but
so happy to almost have it done!! xDD
Memories Chapter 25
So we seriously are just supposed to sit around until these guys get here? Sanji w
as fuming as he scraped violently at the frying pan. They re coming from fucking Ca
lifornia! How much time do they think we have to sit around with our thumbs up o
ur asses!?
Long strips of beef sizzled in oil and spices. The smell made Zoro s mouth water a
s he closed the apartment door behind Ace and Luffy. The swordsman caught the ex
hausted look on Ace s face as the older man smiled and made his way inside. His ta
nned skin was graying, and there were dark circles under his eyes. Zoro decided
to let the older Portgus eat, but then he was going to bed if the swordsman had
to club him over the head.
The brothers made a direct line from the entrance to the stools at the island. I
f Ace and Luffy were one thing, it was predictable. It had been at least an hour
, maybe two since they had eaten last, so of course, they were no doubt starving
These guys can help us, Sanji. Ace s easy smile was gone and replaced with an expres
sionless stare. One s a cop and a boss at the same time.
Zoro glanced at Luffy. He was staring at the wood finish of the island, his hand
s folded neatly in his lap. The swordsman worried for his gangly friend. Nothing
set the younger Portgus brother off like his friends being threatened or hurt.
He had said next to nothing as Ace relayed the news of Chopper and Usopp to him
while Zoro listened over the phone, and it had troubled the swordsman greatly. Q
uiet, serious, Luffy was scary, but silent Luffy was a ticking time bomb of dest
Sanji continued to grumble over the stove as he added snap peas and bean sprouts
to the pan. Water chestnuts and a few other things Zoro couldn t identify followe
d. The cook had opted for making stir fry for dinner, because anything else avai
lable required chopping, and chopping plus angry Sanji were a very hazardous com
It really shouldn t be that long, Ace yawned. Flights from Cali only take about an ho
ur and a half.
Fucking standing around bull-shit Sanji growled under his breath. in fucking trouble
upid, stupid
Zoro took a seat beside Ace and folded his arms over the island top. So this Dalt
on guy works with Smoker--er, worked I guess?
Ace nodded. He went through academy with Smoker and then moved to Cali after he g
ot married. I talked to Smoker again on the way over here and he said Dalton s one
of the best cops he knows. Unfortunately, I guess he s having some serious proble
ms with his wife, so he s totally stressed and totally strung out, but Smoker swea
rs by him.
And you really, really trust this Smoker guy? Sanji said asked over his shoulder.
Ace ran his hands through his hair, and pressed the heels of his palms into his
eyes. Absolutely. I trust him like I trust you guys.
Zoro nodded. Okay then. We ll trust him too.
Ace turned and smiled at Zoro. Thank you.
Sanji tossed his spatula in the sink and turned off the stove. He grabbed his wi
ne glass from the counter and headed past the island. Go ahead and dish yourselve
s up, I ll eat later. He pulled his pack from his pocket and was already lighting u
p as he left the kitchen.
He okay? Ace asked as Zoro pulled out plates.
Zoro shrugged. He ll be fine.
Ace nodded, accepting the plate from Zoro and looking gleeful as the swordsman l
oaded him up with the fantastic smelling stir fry. Should Luffy and I leave for a
little while? Let you guys fight?
Zoro made a face. Fight? Why would we--oh You guys don t have to leave if Sanji and
I are going to fight.
Uh, yeah we do. Ace moved aside and returned to the island so Zoro could dish up L
uffy. Your little sparring/stress relief sessions always lead to nasty sex all ov
er those nice mats I bought you guys.
You didn t buy us those mats, Zoro scoffed, your dad let us have them when the dojo b
ought new ones. The swordsman loaded his own plate and grabbed drinks from the fr
Yeah, Ace said around a large bite, because of me, you got nice mats.
Zoro chuckled and shook his head. He would have given them to us anyway. He sat be
side Luffy and ruffled his friend s hair as the younger Portgus inhaled Sanji s dinn
er. But anyway, it doesn t always lead to sex, I mean you only walked in on us, wha
t twice?
Ace shook his head. Four times.
Four? Zoro asked, his fork halfway to his mouth.
Yeah, four. Not a sight I ever want to see again, but I m sure I will.
Zoro snickered and started to eat. Sorry, man.
Fuck you, you re not sorry at all.
X x X x X
Ace put up no struggle whatsoever after dinner and crashed on Zoro and Sanji s bed
. Zoro pulled sweats out of the drawer as Luffy stripped down to his boxers and
climbed under the covers next to his brother.
Hey, Zoro, Luffy said quietly as the swordsman started to leave.
Zoro turned and looked at the back of Luffy s head, a sliver of light from the ope
n door shone over the tips of the younger man s hair and one skinny shoulder. What s
Luffy was silent for a moment before he whispered in a voice that just barely tr
Let me kill someone
Zoro stood still for a moment, the only sounds were Ace s steady breathing and the
unremitting beating of his own heart. Luffy always asked Zoro first, like it wa
s Zoro s decision to turn him loose.
I d like it to not come to that, Luffy
And if it does?
Zoro sighed and turned to leave. Then we ll all do whatever it takes
He closed the door behind him and strode down the hall. He put his sweats over t
he back of an island stool and moved to the sink. He dished up a plate of stir f
ry for Sanji and set it aside, before cleaning the pot and putting the rest of t
he dishes in the dishwasher. He warmed the cook s dinner in the microwave and wipe
d down the counters. Taking a beer from the fridge, and Sanji s plate and utensils
, the swordsman moved through the baby dojo and spotted his lover where he had b
een sure he would find him.
The single pillar that Sanji sat against supported the overhead beams, but, it m
arked where there had once been an entire outer wall. When Zoro and Sanji had fi
rst moved in, the landlord had explained all the apartments used to have balconi
es on this side of the building. When ownership had changed, it had been decided
to reconstruct the city-side and close in all the balconies. The after affects
had been spectacular, giving the structure a more modern look and all the reside
nts more space as well as the beautiful full-side windows.
Zoro smiled. This had been Sanji s favorite spot before the accident, and it seeme
d as if it would be again. He moved beside the cook and offered the plate of ste
aming veggies and sautéed meat. Sanji looked up at him and returned his smile, t
aking the plate and giving Zoro his wine glass to refill.
Thank you, the blond said as he ate. And I m sorry I was a dick earlier.
Zoro chuckled. It s fine.
Sanji ate and Zoro returned with a full glass and the half-empty wine bottle. Th
e swordsman sat beside the cook, keeping silent company. The two were quickly fa
lling back into a comfortable companionship that had Zoro s heart filling his ches
t with every beat. That he could be just as happy with Sanji silent as he was fi
ghting him, or holding him, was something Zoro had not expected would happen so
When Sanji finished, he took his plate to the kitchen and returned with Zoro s swe
ats on. Thanks for the pants, he chuckled.
You ass. Zoro grinned. He set his empty beer on the floor and reached up to pull t
he blond down to sit between his legs. Sanji leaned back with his back resting a
gainst Zoro s chest. The swordsman handed the cook the wine glass, put his arms ar
ound Sanji s shoulders, and the two of them sat quietly watching the sun sink belo
w the mountains.
So, Zoro, Sanji said suddenly, What kind of guys do you like?
Zoro was so caught off guard, he laughed.
Excuse me?
Sanji chuckled and slipped his fingers through Zoro s. I mean, am I your type? What
other guys do you think are hot?
Zoro shook his head and lowered his lips to kiss Sanji s neck. I have no idea, I ve n
ever thought about it.
Bullshit. Sanji pinched his arm, pulling a girly ouch from the larger man. I know you
e thought about it. What kind of guys do you like?
Zoro couldn t help but smile. This is a stupid question. Why do you ask?
I was sitting here thinking about it. Sanji tried to muffle a snicker with a sip o
f wine.
What!? Zoro laughed again. That s what you were sitting here thinking about with that
dead serious expression?
Sanji nodded, turning his face to look up at Zoro. I wanted to think about someth
ing other than what s going on, and started to wonder if I d find anyone else attrac
tive besides you.
Zoro brushed Sanji s bangs from his eyes. It was a good idea, and Zoro knew it. Th
ey needed something to take their minds off what was going on if they wanted to
get any sleep.
All right, he would play. Did you think of anyone?
Sanji nodded. Hugh Laurie.
Hugh Laurie? Zoro scoffed. House? Are you serious?
Yes. Sanji chuckled.
Zoro shifted their positions so they could look at each other easier. Who else?
Sanji thought for a moment before replying. Jason Statham?
Pfft. Zoro waved his hand in dismissal. He doesn t count. He s like Mark Wahlberg: Stra
ight guys would do them.
Yeah, but I d let Jason Statham do me. Sanji smiled coyly.
Zoro s eyebrows rose, even as his body reacted to Sanji s words. Oh, really?
Sanji nodded.
Huh Zoro looked away. This conversation was turning him on, something the cook had
no doubt planned, but he wasn t going to let Sanji know that just yet. Okay, he said
, turning back to his lover, Who else?
Sanji shook his head. Your turn.
Zoro sighed, but relented. He leaned his head back against the pillar and let hi
s mind race back through the movies, television shows, and music videos he had s
een recently.
What s that guy s name that s in CSI? The tech guy?
Sanji frowned. Nick?
No. Zoro shook his head. He s a tech. You know, the younger looking guy.
Uh Sanji scratched at his stubbled chin. Greg?
Yeah, that guy. I d do him.
Sanji laughed and leaned forward to kiss Zoro on the corner of his jaw. He spoke
softly against the swordsman s skin, his hand running up the larger man s chest.
But that s not the challenge of this game
Zoro shivered. Sanji s breath cascaded down his neck and caused a pleasant stir in
his loins. Oh? What is the challenge?
Sanji smiled and ran a finger over Zoro s lips. Think of someone you d like to do you
Zoro chuckled, his erection pressing firmly into Sanji s thigh. There was no way t
he cook wouldn t notice, but who really cared anyway? It wasn t like he was trying t
o hide that kind of thing anymore.
Um Distracted as Sanji played with the bottom of his shirt and tickled the skin of
his stomach, Zoro racked his brain for someone he liked, but would also sound go
od to Sanji. Maybe that guy from that movie that has the pig-nose girl?
Sanji snickered into Zoro s neck. Pig-nose girl?
Zoro growled through his smile. Oh yeah, you wouldn t remember huh? It was just som
e girly movie we watched with Nami and Vivi this one time. The guy in it was kin
da hot.
Hot enough you d let him do you?
Zoro thought about it. No, probably not.
Sanji shifted, turning his body and placing a leg on each side of Zoro s hips. He
took one long last swallow of wine, draining the glass, and then set it carefull
y on the floor. He turned back to the swordsman and slid slowly down, rubbing hi
mself against Zoro s hardness, causing the swordsman to groan softly and lift his
chin for a kiss. Their lips met as Sanji s hands cupped the other man s jaw. Zoro ta
sted the wine and cigarettes and slipped his tongue passed slightly chapped lips
in search of more. The cook however ended the kiss before it could get too inte
nse. He pulled back and played with the golden hoops hanging from Zoro s ear.
Who else?
Zoro chuckled, his hands going to Sanji s ass. He squeezed the firm muscle there a
nd slid his hands down the cook s thighs.
It s your turn, he murmured.
I didn t know the last one! Sanji whined. That s not fair!
Zoro gripped Sanji s hips and ground up against the cook. Sanji let out a little b
reath and fell forward, his lips coming so close to Zoro s, the swordsman was able
to nip at them.
Ah Sanji s breath was heavy, Okay, okay my turn, um Gerald Butler But he d have to we
s Roman Spartan outfit.
Zoro laughed and tilted his head. He kissed and bit softly at the cook s neck as S
anji s hands slid into his hair. He felt dizzy as his lover moved over him slowly.
Their erections slid against each other under denim and soft cotton. Sanji s powe
rful thighs ground down hard on Zoro, and the swordsman melted. In this position
, he was at the mercy of the cook. Sanji controlled the pace; he controlled the
when and the how, and Zoro was perfectly content with it that way.
Zoro pushed his hands underneath Sanji s shirt, and the cook leaned back to pull i
t over his head. He quickly followed suit with Zoro s t-shirt and wasted no time b
efore he was running his hands over the long scar decorating the swordsman s chest
. Every grind of Sanji s hips was just short of painful, and the grip that Zoro ha
d on the cook s hips could crush if he wanted. But this was the way they liked it.
Their pace was still slow and calculated, but their movements were intense in t
heir strength. Both men appreciated the power of the other; both thrived on the
rush of adrenaline the other could give him.
Sanji reached down and unbuttoned the top of Zoro s jeans. Having done its job, th
e game was forgotten. There was nothing now but a need for release; a need for c
omfort and companionship that outweighed everything else in their lives at that
moment. Zoro needed everything that Sanji could give him, just as he knew Sanji
needed everything from him. He kissed the blond hard as the cook freed his throb
bing length and stroked him with his strong and dexterous hands.
Zoro groaned and slipped his hands into Sanji s--or rather his own--sweatpants. He
palmed the cook s sack and pulled Sanji s long, taut member free. The swordsman the
n slid his hands under Sanji s and took both erections in his large grip. His call
oused fingers rubbed against soft skin as he stroked, eliciting a strained cry f
rom his lover. Sanji s hands went to the pillar, his mouth moving to Zoro s ear to w
hisper commands of faster and tighter. Zoro obeyed, bring them both to climax as
Sanji shuddered over him. His own release caused his back to arch, and his head
fall back against the pillar. Sanji s hands and mouth were everywhere as Zoro pul
sed and splashed across tanned and pale chest alike.
Minutes passed as the two breathed heavily against each other. Sanji continued t
o lay kisses on Zoro s neck and jaw. His hands stayed planted over Zoro s scar, his
thumbs rubbing small circles into the knotted flesh. Zoro breathed deeply, his e
yes closed, trying to slow his heart rate and bring himself back to a coherent s
tate of mind. Sanji always left him spinning; dizzy and floating in a world of p
leasure and satisfaction.
Mmm Sanji murmured. I think I can relax and sleep now.
Zoro nodded. Yeah the couch sounds real good right now.
Sanji sat up and grabbed his shirt from the floor. He wiped at his chest and mad
e a couple passes over Zoro s as well. Is Ace okay? He looked kind of worn out when
he came in, but I didn t really register it until I came over here.
Zoro nodded. He just needed to sleep. He was out before his head it the pillow.
Sanji nodded. Good, last thing we need tomorrow is big bro passing out on us.
Zoro grunted in agreement and buttoned his pants as Sanji stood. The cook gave h
im a hand to his feet, and the two of them moved into the living room.
I need another shirt, Sanji said, heading to the bedroom. I ll grab you some pants to
A few minutes later, Zoro and Sanji lay together on the couch underneath a quilt
Zoro had retrieved from the closet. Zoro had offered to sleep on the smaller of
the couches, but Sanji insisted they squeeze together on the larger. The cushio
ns accommodated, being large enough to fit them both comfortably if they lay on
their sides, and Zoro was tickled to be pressed up against Sanji s back as the sma
ller man fell asleep.
As he felt himself drifting off, Zoro heard Sanji s voice in the darkness.
Hey the cook whispered.
You ever think of someone?
Zoro chuckled into Sanji s hair and pulled his lover tighter against him.
Yeah, the doctor in Master and Commander.
Paul Bettany? Sanji snickered tiredly. Really? Why?
Zoro shrugged and burrowed deeper into Sanji s hair. Because he s tall and skinny, pr
etty kick ass, and blond.
Sanji laughed into the couch pillow and laced his fingers through Zoro s. That s all
it takes for you?
Mm, yeah Zoro murmured, sleep creeping up on him fast. The accent helps too.
Zoro smiled as Sanji laughed again and pulled the covers higher. The last thing
he heard before he nodded off was the soothing lull of Sanji s whispering voice.
Goodnight, Zoro.
X x X x X
Sanji woke to the sound of Ace s phone. When an incoming call was unknown, the def
ault ring would play an electronic version of a Jimmy Hendrix song. His friend h
ad used the same ring since high school, and the cook smiled sleepily at the nos
talgia of waking to that tone. Rolling out from Zoro s arms and from under the war
m blanket, Sanji stood, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
It took a few seconds, but then it all came together in his muddled, sleepy, hea
d. Ace s phone Default ringtone
The guys from California!!
Shit! Sanji vaulted over the back of the couch, and ran into the kitchen. Ace s jack
et lay draped over the back of a dining room chair, and inside the front pocket,
Sanji found the small flip-phone.
Hello? he answered, his heart pounding in his ears.
Hey, a rich tenor purred through the receiver, this Ace Portgus?
Uh, no. Sanji moved quickly back into the living room and shook Zoro awake. He s indis
posed. Who is this?
Who is this? the voice retorted, playfully.
Zoro sat up and ran a hand over his face as he watched Sanji converse in, what w
as to the swordsman, a one-sided conversation.
Sanji could feel his annoyance mounting, but he put a hand on his hip and let hi
s voice out smooth. Hey look, man. The least you could do when you call someone s p
hone is indentify yourself. It s a fucking courtesy.
It probably hadn t been the smartest of moves, but instead of an angry retort, or
the click of being hung up on, Sanji heard laughter. The silky tenor chuckled an
d spoke away from the receiver.
I think I might be talking to Sanji.
Sanji reached into his pockets, knowing his pack would not be there, but going t
hrough the motions anyway. He turned and headed to the bathroom where he had lef
t his pants last night when he had changed into Zoro s. The swordsman got up off t
he couch and started following him around the apartment.
When did you guys get in? the cook asked as he lit up and pulled a drag into his l
About an hour and a half ago. Law answered. We took a shuttle from the airport. Dec
ided to look around on our own a bit before we called.
Huh. Sanji pulled himself up to sit on the kitchen island. Find anything useful?
Sanji listened to Law s throaty laugh as Zoro moved up to stand between his legs.
The swordsman s hands rested gently on his thighs as the larger man leaned in to l
isten to the conversation.
Well, we did stumble across a few things, Law said casually. One being the car with
two of Blackbeard s goons parked outside your guy s apartment.
Sanji froze. It took only a moment for the adrenaline to kick in hardcore, and h
is heart was racing like he had just run a marathon.
You you re here?
Zoro s eyes widened and his grip became hard. Sanji winced and reminded the swords
man of his strength with a quick squeeze on his arm. Zoro released the cook and
asked for answers with his intense, dark eyes.
Yup. If you re on this side of the building, you could probably see us if you looke
d out those big windows.
Sanji pushed off the island and jogged through the baby dojo to the area windows
. Zoro followed him and almost ran into his back when the cook slowed as he came
near the glass. The two stood overlooking the street below, searching for anyon
e that could possibly be the two Mafioso from California.
After a quick search, Sanji shook his head. I don t see you. But then again, I m not
sure what I m looking for.
Law chuckled. What s your number? We ll come up. It ll be easier to talk in person anyw
ay. There were shuffling sounds for a moment as Law repositioned the phone. The m
an spoke away from the receiver, muffling his voice, but not enough so that Sanj
i could not make out what he said. Kidd, cut it out, man. He s like twelve. You re go
nna scare the piss out of him.
Sanji frowned. I m not sure how I feel about letting potentially hazardous persons
into my apartment.
Ha, Law said smugly. Don t you live with a potentially hazardous person?
Sanji thought for only a moment before he answered. You re right. Come on up. We re i
n 525.
As the cook hung up the phone, he turned around to face Zoro. The swordsman stoo
d frowning at Sanji, his strong arms folded over his chest, and his imposing for
m blocking the cook s escape.
What? Sanji asked.
Zoro grunted and shrugged his shoulders. Nothing. I just hope you know what you re
Me too Sanji moved around Zoro, his fingers brushing against the swordsman s as he pa
ssed. He barged into the bedroom, waking the two sleeping lumps on his bed. The
Portgus brothers woke with identical yawns and similar outbursts when Sanji brou
ght them up to speed.
So get your clothes back on and go use some of my mouthwash. You got about two min
They scrambled into clothes and fought over the bathroom as fast as they could.
Luffy cried, pounding halfheartedly on the door that he was going to piss in the
kitchen sink if Zoro didn t get out so he could use the toilet. Ace slapped him u
pside the head before Sanji could get to whaling on him. They made good time, an
d Ace and Luffy managed to look slightly less eccentric wearing jeans and t-shir
ts belonging to Zoro and Sanji. When the knock on the door sounded, the four men
had placed themselves around the living room in various prime attack positions.
Sanji lit up, and motioned for Ace to open the door.
X x X x X
Zoro leaned against the bookshelf, his sword case propped against the couch, clo
se at hand. His heart beat fast and his nerves buzzed with pleasant adrenaline a
s Ace turned down the hall and into the small foyer. The swordsman heard the doo
r open and Ace greet their guests in his friendly and polite tone. When his frie
nd returned with the two in tow, Zoro straightened, not sure what he should expe
ct, but then again, not sure if he should be expecting anything.
The first of the two seemed normal at first glance. He was average height, with
tanned skin and dark facial hair. Earrings flashed in each ear, and he wore a be
anie low on his head and a loud yellow shirt beneath his black leather jacket. H
e regarded Zoro for a moment with a shadowed gaze and smiled almost sardonically
at the swordsman before his attention turned to Sanji. The large case strapped
to his back caught Zoro s attention, but he was quickly distracted by the man s comp
The second of their guests caused Zoro s guard to go up almost instantly. His flam
boyant red hair stood on end, and the only thing keeping the mess from his eyes
were his large aviator sunglasses. His clothes offended Zoro on some fundamental
level. The colors were too flashy, and the over-the-top fur collar on his jacke
t seemed to mock the swordsman. This man sneered openly at Zoro and pulled a lar
ge hand from his pocket to play with the toothpick between his lips.
Fucking fingernail polish Why nail polish on a dude bothered Zoro so much made no
sense whatsoever, but all the same, those dark green tips made the swordsman sh
udder quietly.
The air practically sang with the power of these two. It danced over Zoro s skin a
nd hummed in his ears. They were formidable, worthy opponents, and even better t
hat they were on their side. Despite their strange appearances and even stranger
attitudes, Zoro was already getting accustomed to their presence and glad that
they had been sent to help them.
Ace turned to their new additions, motioning to the more subdued of the two. This
is Law. His friend is Kidd. The firefighter turned again to introduce his friend
s. That s Sanji and Zoro, and over there is my kid brother, Luffy.
Law and Kidd s attention turned immediately to the youngest of them, perched on th
e arm of the reclining chair. A heavy moment passed before Kidd moved and offere
d a hand.
Luffy Portgus he said simply, his voice surprisingly soft and clear.
Luffy gripped the hand and stared up at the older man in awe. Your hair is awesom
Law let out a throaty laugh and clapped Ace on the back. Ah, Luffy, exactly how D
alton described. He turned to Sanji. Can I get something to drink? I m about ready t
o swallow my tongue. I haven t had anything since we left LA.
Whatever Sanji s first impression had been of the two strange men, his face change
d and he brightened at the mention of sustenance.
The cook stood. I m sorry, I forgot my manners. Are you guys hungry? We haven t had b
reakfast yet either.
Law s eyes flashed and his grin widened. Ah, Sanji Black cooking for us?
Kidd didn t spare a moment to think. I m hungry.
Sanji s lips curved into a smile, and he took a drag from his smoke before crushin
g the cherry between his fingers.
I got you. Come sit at the island, Ace will fill you in on everything.
As he turned motioning Law to follow, Luffy bounced to his feet and started to p
ull Kidd into the kitchen.
Woohoo! Sanji food! All right! Come on, Kidd! Prepare to get your socks knocked o
X x X x X
Kidd actually proved to be quite talkative once Luffy got him going, but most co
nversation ceased when Sanji s food started hitting the island top. Eggs with avoc
ado and mushrooms, sausage, crepes with berries and honey drizzle, seasoned hash
browns, fresh fruit, all were inhaled. Zoro had been sure he was never going to
see eaters like the Portgus brothers, but Kidd and Law gave them a run for thei
r money. He wasn t even sure Kidd took a breath between each bite, and Law downed
coffee faster and in larger quantities than Chopper.
Jesus Law said when he finally put down his fork. I don t think I ever want to go home
We ll just take him with us when we go back. Kidd snickered with a mouthful of melon
and sausage.
Ha, Zoro grunted. You can try.
Oh yeah, that s right. Law wiped his mouth delicately with a napkin and folded his h
ands together under his chin. You guys are a couple, aren t you?
Sanji leaned against the sink and took a drag from his freshly lit cigarette.
Yes, we are. If you have a problem with it, you can have a nice long conversation
with my foot.
Law and Kidd exchanged a look and a quick smile before returning to their breakf
Nope, no problem. Law chuckled into his coffee mug.
So your friends, Usopp and what was his name--Chopper? Kidd scraped the last of his
hash browns into his mouth and set down his fork. They ve been missing how long?
We re not exactly sure, Zoro answered. We saw Chopper
The day before yesterday, Sanji injected, when we took him home from Chaka and Pell s
What about Usopp? Law asked.
Zoro shrugged, a heavy feeling started to grow in the pit of his stomach. He set
down his fork, no longer hungry. He glanced at Luffy who had also stopped stuff
ing his face. Ace as well had stopped eating and was staring sadly at the island
I have no idea, Zoro said softly.
Don t look so down, Kidd said as he swallowed the rest of his coffee. You re friends ar
e being held to lure you guys in. There s no point right now in killing them. They
probably just threw them in some easily sealed room and forgot about them for n
Sanji chewed the inside of his lip. How can you know that for sure?
Kidd grinned cruelly up at the blond. It s what I d do.
Sanji turned to Zoro and the two of them shared a long moment of silent contempl
ation before Law continued.
If you guys are what everyone says you are, it should be all right. You ll be able
to get them back.
Ace crossed his arms and leaned his elbows on the island top. What exactly are we
going to have to do?
Law leaned back, folding his hands behind his head. You re gonna have to challenge
Blackbeard. Challenge him and his guys--this faction that s gone of the reservatio
n and decided to do their own thing. They re holding your friends as a warning, ki
nd of like their own personal safety net. If you step up and call them out on it
, it does two things for you. One: it guarantees they won t hurt your friends unti
l you ve settled your score. That would be beyond stupid for Blackbeard. If he wan
ts any clout in the scene and to be taken seriously as a rising Boss, there s cert
ain protocols he can t ignore.
The second, Kidd added, is that they have to accept the challenge or look retarded.
This means you can kick some ass without any boundaries. You could even kill th
is guy, and you d never have to answer for it.
What about the police? Ace asked, horrified.
Law shook his head. They ll never get wind of it. We take care of our problems on o
ur own.
So how do we do about issuing a challenge? Sanji asked, moving to sit on an empty
Kidd laced his fingers together, pushing his arms out in front of him and cracki
ng his knuckles. Your Skipper calls up your adversary s Skipper and they set it up.
If it crosses over sections, then your Skipper informs the Boss and then the Bo
ss calls a meet and greet . This, of course, is if you re made.
What if you re not made? Zoro asked.
Then you re fucked. Kidd stated.
Sanji groaned and laid his head on his arms. Zoro sighed heavily and rubbed at t
he back of his neck.
It s not going to be a problem though, Law said, his unnerving half smile tugging at
the corners of his lips.
Oh yeah? Ace asked. How s that?
Kidd chuckled and glanced at Law as if waiting for the punch line. The two looke
d positively maniacal as they both sat grinning at each other, their teeth stark
white and gleaming like sharks on the prowl.
The tense silence was too much for Luffy, and he bounced on the stool. Hey guys.
What are you thinking? How is it not going to be a problem?
Law cleared his throat and glanced between Sanji and Zoro, his eyes sparkling wi
th mirth and mischief.
I m on strict orders from my Boss, he said cheerfully. Enel sent me to Seattle to tur
n you guys into official made men.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
I think I might be taking some risks with this next chapter, but I don't care. I
like it so... Thank you for all the recent reviews! xD I'm glad people are liki
ng the ridiculous amount of plot that's invaded my love story! Lol. Enjoy!
Chapter 26
I m on strict orders from my Boss, Law said cheerfully. Enel sent me to Seattle to tu
rn you guys into official made men.
Sanji s eyes closed as confusion rendered him stupid. What Law was suggesting was
so unreal, so extremely outrageous, that the thought of it made the cook dizzy.
What? Sanji reached behind him and crushed the butt of his cigarette in the sink. M
ade like, Made made? There s no way that could possibly We don t want The blond scratch
ed at his head, protests piling up so thickly in the back of his throat that not
hing could get out.
We can t be mafia, Zoro said quietly. We have lives and careers and close friends wit
h high profile lifestyles. Besides, we re not into being criminals and supporting
people that do shit like blackmailing and killing people.
Oh! Luffy bounced in his seat, raising his hand over his head like a boy in grade
school. I could! I ll do it!
And Kaku! Sanji exclaimed, ignoring the younger Portgus. He said he s wanted to make
us forever, and he s our friend! We can t say no to him and then turn around and get
made by someone we ve known for an hour!
I don t care! Luffy stood, his hand still flailing in the air. I ll do it!
Law laughed heartily and pulled a pack of Camels from the back pocket of his tor
n jeans. He put a stick between his lips and held out his hand to Sanji.
The cook got caught up in examining the letters D.E.A.T.H. written across the othe
r man s knuckles, and it took him a few moments before he realized what the man wa
s waiting for. Sorry, he murmured, and handed over his lighter. Law lit the cigare
tte and inhaled deeply, immediately handing the stick over to Kidd, who took a l
ong drag himself.
We haven t come up here to actually make you. Law explained. Besides being impossible
, that would be the biggest waste of time ever.
Not to mention suicidal. Kidd added.
Law nodded and took the cigarette from Kidd s fingers. The mafia that you guys know f
rom news and movies and all that, really isn t around anymore. The old-timers are
all gone, and now ninety percent of organized crime is online cyber crimes basical
ly. Hacking into multi-billion dollar corporations and embezzling through large
companies is much more cost effective than the old school way of drug traffickin
g. We still do that, obviously, but you can see the benefits.
Sanji and Zoro both nodded.
Think of it as Mafia upgraded , Law continued. The rules have changed, the players hav
e changed, the methods-- everything except the structure and the rankings and I g
uess the slang. He glanced at Kidd and his partner shrugged, nodding his head. A n
ewly made man has about as much power in a family as a wet towel. Even if I and
Kidd here, and Enel, and God himself were to vouch for you, you d still have nothi
ng. What I meant by making you guys was, Kidd and I are going to bring you up to s
peed and give you a quick crash course so that you guys or at least one of you can c
ome off as someone higher up. Like a Boss.
Woah! Luffy practically jumped on the island top. I wanna be a Boss!
Ignoring Luffy, Sanji blinked at Law. Uh I huh?
Zoro shook his head. I m not following either.
Kidd chuckled, and Sanji s skin crawled at how close that chuckle was to a giggle.
You guys need clout? We can get you clout.
Sanji moved forward and placed his hands on the island to steady himself.
So, okay, you guys are saying that you re going to make it look like Zoro and I are
Bosses or underbosses or something? The cook closed his eyes and shook his head
vigorously. How the fuck is that going to work!? Everyone that s connected here kno
ws we re not made! This will never ever fly!
Do they really know, Sanji? Law asked, his smile returning to that odd mixture of
friendly and cruel. I mean, yeah they know you guys, but how much do they really
know? How long have you been friends? A year? Year and a half? You both could ha
ve moved up here to scope out territory or maybe you knew about this whole Black
beard uprise before they did, and you ve been moving under the radar and right und
er their noses for months and months.
But Bosses don t do that shit! Sanji exclaimed.
Oh, we don t? Law cocked an eyebrow at him, and Sanji closed his mouth. The look the
dark man gave him made him step back and bite his tongue.
Okay, okay, he said softly, you got me there.
So, Ace said carefully, you guys are going to make Sanji and Zoro, so they can what,
all a meet and greet for themselves? Challenge Blackbeard? What?
Law turned to the older Portgus and sucked on the cigarette. More like they can t
eam up with the underbosses here and build a better front. It ll throw them off so
hard finding out that Sanji and Zoro are actually credited they won t even know w
hat to do at first.
Why can t Kaku call the challenge for us? Zoro asked thoughtfully. Or even Lucci? The
y both have a lot of power, why can t they call out Blackbeard?
Kidd shrugged. They could, but since you guys aren t part of a family, you wouldn t b
e able to fight. Your friends know that, and know it would kill you to not be pa
rt of the action, so that s why they haven t done it already.
Also, Law added, with you two not being made, you have no protection-- from legal m
atters I mean. Something goes wrong, someone dies, and you two will find yoursel
ves on the wrong side of a prison wall. Us wise guys love putting the blame on peo
ple that can t defend themselves.
Sanji nodded slowly, everything coming into place in his head. He slipped his ha
nds in his pockets and thought about how he could repay Kaku when this was all o
It makes a twisted kind of sense the cook murmured.
Sanji turned to Ace, who was frowning at the floor deep in thought. The older of
the brothers scratched at his chin, and leaned an elbow on the table.
Okay, so what are we going to have to do? Not that I can do anything. I can t invol
ve myself because of my job, but I ll help in any way I can.
Law turned to Ace and nodded. And I m going to need that help. We have a lot of wor
k to do if we re going to save your friends. The dark-skinned man turned back to Ki
dd. Can you call Enel for me? We gotta set this thing up quick.
Kidd stood immediately and pulled his phone from his pocket. How soon do you want
him to call Silver?
Law sighed, pulling another cigarette from his pack. Tell him to give us a day at
As Kidd stepped out of the kitchen to make the call, Sanji started to clear plat
es from the island. He met Zoro s eyes and held them for a moment. We re gonna be oka
y he whispered softly. Zoro nodded back and reached out his hand to brush his fing
ers over the cook s.
Who s Silver? Ace asked, pulling Sanji from his moment with Zoro.
Law took a drag and tapped his ashes onto his empty plate. The Boss here. He s the
same rank as Enel, and will have the say on when, where, who basically he s the Big
Shot that s going to arrange the meet.
Ah Ace stood slowly and stretched his arms over his head. Okay, now that I know how
much trouble we re getting ourselves into, I can call the wife and tell her I ll be
out for a while.
Maybe she should invite some people over, Sanji suggested. None of us should be alo
ne right now.
Yeah, Ace agreed. She should get Nami and Robin over there. No one ll mess with them
if Nami has anything to say about it.
Ace left the room as well, leaving the four men sitting around the island, the s
moke from Law and Sanji s cigarettes circling the air above their heads. Zoro sigh
ed softly and started stacking the rest of the dirty plates.
So where do we start? the swordsman asked softly.
Law smiled and blew out a long stream of smoke. Well, he said teasingly, turning t
o Luffy, you really want to be a Boss, kiddo?
X x X x X
Kaku climbed the stairs to his office, wondering what could be so important that
Lucci was sending him an URGENT text in the middle of the day. His business partn
er never texted him, and never, ever thought anything was urgent enough to be URG
ENT . If this had something to do with the guys from Portland, they were just goin
g to have to get it through their thick sculls that they were never going to see
those crates of Xbox 360 s ever again. It was their own damn fault for thinking t
hey could play cards.
Lucci was on the office phone when Kakau entered. The dark-haired man acknowledg
ed him with a slight nod of his head and continued the conversation as Kaku sat
in the nearby chair.
No, I understand, Sir. Lucci s voice was strained, as close to distress as Kaku had
ever heard it, and the long-nosed man sat anxiously waiting to hear what had rat
tled his friend so.
Yes, I ll set it up right away. Leave everything to me. I ll even call them myself Yes
, thank you, Sir. Goodbye.
Lucci hung up the phone and turned to his partner. Kaku raised his eyebrows and
crossed one leg over the other.
So what s up?
That was the boss. Lucci frowned and shook his head slowly. You re not going to belie
ve this
X x X x X
Law closed the door to Zoro and Sanji s behind him and walked the hallway with Kid
d. He yawned and stretched the muscles in his arms and shoulders. The day had be
en long but productive, and he was confident in the skills of Dalton s friends. Th
ey were good people, especially Ace. He could see traits left by the old man Smo
ker on both the Portgus boys. Zoro was, well, he was scary. He was definitely th
e man that had taken down Enel. It was no wonder the Boss talked about the green
-haired swordsman like he was a Titan. And then there was Sanji. Sanji was power
ful too, just not scary like Zoro. He was also really smart, an amazing cook, an
d really, really hot. That blond s feisty temper and passionate spirit reminded hi
m of someone else he knew: A fiery redhead with a potentially blazing temper and
a strange sense of fashion.
When the two men entered the elevator, that same redhead leaned against the oppo
site wall and crossed his arms over his chest. Kidd s eyes stayed downward and awa
y from Law, and his jaw clenched tight behind a rough scowl.
Law sighed and slipped his hands in his pockets.
You still not talking to me?
Kidd nodded.
Law waited for the doors to close, and the elevator to begin its decent before h
e tried again. You did a good job of pretending in there. A whole day of working
with me and you didn t throw a single tantrum.
Shut up, Kidd growled, still not looking at him. It was business. I m good at busines
s. That s all you want from me, so I m doing it.
Law leaned his head against the wall and looked up at the elevator lights. That s n
ot all I want from you.
Oh yeah, you re right. Kidd pushed off the wall and pressed savagely at the nearest
floor button. You occasionally want me to be your fuck hole too. Just get a fucki
ng call-boy, Law. I m sick of your shit.
Law let out a breath and stepped forward to push Kidd s hands from the buttons. I d
on t want you to be a fuck hole , Kidd. And what the hell are you doing?
Kidd stepped back and crossed his arms back over his chest. I ll take the stairs. J
ust get out of my face.
The elevator opened, but Law held the close button until the large doors slid shut
against his back. Kidd rolled his eyes, moving to the back of the small space a
nd leaning against the railing. Law pressed the yellow hold elevator button, and c
rossed the lift. He stood directly in front of the other man and put his hands b
ack in his pockets.
I said I don t think of you as a fuck hole .
Kidd finally looked at him, rage burning in his eyes. He spoke quietly, his voic
e a soft scrape of leaves against pavement. Oh, so what, you love me now? Is that
the game you re playing? He shook his head. Why don t you talk to Drake, or even Bepo
. I know Bepo d suck your cock for just a smile from you. You could treat him like
trash in the daytime and he wouldn t give a shit.
I don t treat you like trash, Law snarled, his voice lowering as his anger built.
You lied to me Kidd s voice was horse underneath the whisper. You lie and you fuck aro
und with every little bitch that shakes his ass your way. I saw the way you watc
hed Sanji the whole time we were in that apartment.
Law s hands went to the wall on either side of Kidd s shoulders. That s not true. I loo
k around, but I don t fuck around. You re the only one I--
Shut up! Finally, Kidd lost it enough to shout. I said I don t wanna hear any more of
your bullshit! No matter how much I want it to be true you re never going to--
Law cut off his words as he covered Kidd s lips with his own. Kidd struggled, but
only for a moment, before opening himself and letting Law slide his tongue passe
d his teeth. Law pressed the slightly larger man against the wall, pushing his h
ips against Kidd s and grinding upward slowly. The redhead s hands gripped the front
of Law s t-shirt and made a feeble attempt to push the slighter man away.
Stop he rasped against Law s mouth. Stop don t do this to me
How many times do I have to tell you, Law growled, I don t want anyone el--
Law s chest exploded with pain as Kidd s hands shoved him back. He hit the wall hard
and his back screamed with the force of the impact on his sword case. When he o
pened his eyes, he saw Kidd wiping at his mouth as if Law s lips had been poison.
You never cease to amaze me with how much of an asshole you are. Kidd crossed the
lift and pushed the hold elevator button and spit as he waited for the doors to sl
ide open. Let s just do our job so we can go home and I can get the hell away from
Law rubbed at the back of his neck as he watched Kidd step out and the doors clo
se. He sighed, wondering for the millionth time where Kidd had heard those rumor
s about his infidelity and why his lover had no faith in him.
X x X x X
Sanji closed his phone and threw it on the bed as he crawled across the covers t
o his pillow. He flopped down on his stomach and buried his face in the soft dow
n. He felt Zoro shift beside him and run a strong hand over his back.
Nami nearly shit a brick, Sanji mumbled, but I talked her down. Ace s gonna work on V
ivi. Nami said she ll get everyone to the club tonight. I told her it s dangerous, b
ut you know Nami.
I do, Zoro replied before he chuckled. She s probably going to rip Luffy a new one.
Mmh hmm.
Ace and Luffy go home? the swordsman asked quietly.
Mmm hmm, Sanji repeated, sliding his hands underneath the pillow. I m so tired but I m
Me too.
We should eat since we have to get up in a few hours.
Sanji sighed heavily, but made no move to get up. He heard the turn of a page an
d smiled against soft cotton that smelled like Ace s shampoo. He opened his eyes a
nd watched Zoro as the other man rested against the headboard.
What are you reading?
Zoro turned to him and smiled as well when their eyes met. Yotsuya Kaidan, the swo
rdsman replied, it s a ghost story.
What s it about?
Zoro turned back to the book and folded the page he was on before placing it on
the bedside table. So far, a lot of lust and murder. He turned back to face Sanji
and rested on his elbow. He pushed his fingers gently through the cook s hair and
leaned in to kiss his lover s forehead.
At the touch of those fingers, something stirred at the back of Sanji s mind; a fa
int image of golden sunlight over waves and soft sand. The smell of the sea tick
led the back of the cook s memory, but the images that flashed in Sanji s head were
not familiar to him.
A sharp throbbing started behind Sanji s eyes, and he buried his face again in the
pillow. This was not good. The doctors had said this might happen. Having one s m
emory erased was a complex phenomenon, and the brain worked overtime at all time
s to overcome blocks. They had warned Sanji that out of nowhere, his head would
start to hurt and he would experience dizziness and nausea as his memories tried
to break through.
Is that what s happening? Sanji thought to himself, Am I starting to remember? Wha
t a shitty time for my brain to decide to fix itself!
You all right, Sanji? Zoro asked, worry laced into his deep voice.
Sanji, not wishing to alarm his lover, lifted his head and smiled despite the pa
in. I m fine, just tired from all this shit that s going down.
Zoro, looking not at all convinced, nodded. I hear you.
Gathering himself, Sanji pushed up to a seated position and rubbed at his eyes. W
hat do you feel like eating? I don t think we have much left in the fridge but...
Zoro sat up as well, scratching at his chin. Grilled cheese.
Sanji laughed. Are you serious? You have me at your back and call, and you ask fo
r a grilled cheese sandwich?
Zoro nodded, grinning. Yes, because you make mutant grilled cheese.
Mutant grilled cheese!? Sanji exclaimed.
Zoro nodded. You make me grilled cheese sandwiches, but they ve got ham, and mustar
d, and a whole bunch of other stuff in it. And there s an egg on top.
That s not a grilled cheese, Sanji s scoffed, that s a croque-madame, you dork.
It s a mutant grilled cheese, Zoro stated again, his smile widening.
Sanji shook his head and started to climb off the bed. Okay, okay. Mutant grilled
cheese it is then. But we re out of eggs, so it s just going to be a regular croque
Yes! Zoro cheered and flopped back down on the pillows.
Sanji s delight at Zoro s excitement was short lived. As he entered the kitchen, ano
ther wave of pain filled his skull, and he had to steady himself against the isl
and. Another flash of sand and endless blue sky filled Sanji s head, but when he s
earched for context, he found himself up against a mental wall, and the pain wor
Stop thinking about it, Sanji told himself, If it s gonna come, it s gonna come. Don t
force it.
He distracted himself with pulling ingredients from the fridge and cupboards. He
buttered bread and retrieved a pan from the hanging rack. He opened the mustard
, inhaling the strong scent of the seed, and felt himself relaxing. He closed hi
s eyes and tried not to think of anything. He let his mind wander, let it go whe
re it wanted.
Relaxing, letting his body energy flow freely like he had trained for so long, S
anji opened his eyes and continued to do what he did best. He assembled the sand
wich, spreading the mustard, slicing the cheese, and arranging the meat like it
was a fine piece of art. He thought of nothing as his hands worked. He only let
his body feel the textures and smell the smells of the pieces of his simple crea
By the time he placed the sandwiches in the pan, and the crisp sizzle of oil on
the bread filled the kitchen, Sanji s head was clear, and he could see the beach c
The beach Zoro s smiling face small crabs and colorful stones Zoro s skin, wet and glis
tening from his dive in the salty water the clouds rolling across the sky above a
s they lay together on the sand
Making love making love to Zoro as the fire burnt brightly the swordsman s body roll
ing and flexing beneath him Zoro s hands in his hair his fingers gliding so gently t
hrough his hair
Sanji turned the stove off, and pulled the sandwiches from the burner to a plate
. The kitchen smelled of mustard and seasoned meat and the cook stood still over
the counter as memories flooded into him.
A dog chasing them a wet tongue and an embarrassed couple pulling the retriever f
rom Sanji s lap a large ship on the horizon and thoughts of being at sea with his f
The sunset Zoro, sitting beside him and nervous kissing Zoro kissing Zoro so desper
Sanji? Zoro stepped into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He grabbed a bottle of
water and moved to stand beside the cook by the stove. You okay? You look kind o
f out of it.
Sanji turned to Zoro, his heart racing. Um, he stammered. Sorry, I was thinking abo
ut stuff. Here s your mutant sandwich.
Zoro took the croque-monsieur happily and consumed a third of it before he sat d
own at the island. Sanji joined him and managed to get half of the meal down bef
ore the nausea became too strong. He knew there was more going on right now than
his flashbacks, and they needed to eat in order to have the energy to help thei
r friends.
He waited until Zoro finished, and stood to retrieve another bottle of water. He
took a swallow and handed the bottle to the swordsman. Zoro watched him curious
ly as he lifted the rim to his lips, and Sanji took a breath before speaking qui
I remember a beach.
Zoro froze; the bottle halfway to the island. He stared at Sanji as if worried a
ny movement would erase the words that had just filled the space. He swallowed s
lowly, his eyes unblinking, and his breath still.
What kind of beach? the swordsman choked out.
Um... Sanji laced his fingers together in his lap. Sandy, not like the beaches here
. And it s big and kind of secluded.
Ocean Shores. Zoro lowered the bottle to the island and stared at Sanji. You rememb
er Ocean Shores.
Sanji nodded, his heart thumping painfully against his ribs.
Zoro cleared his throat. Just the beach? Or
There was a dog, Sanji replied. He was licking my face.
Finally, something lit up in Zoro s eyes and he smiled. He moved closer to Sanji a
nd took one of the cook s hands. What else?
Sanji recounted the things he had seen like the crabs and the clouds overhead. H
e left out the more explicit bits, somewhat embarrassed at remembering such inti
mate things, but having no context for them.
We went there for vacation, Zoro said. We stayed in one of the cabins for a couple
nights. It had a little kitchen and a patio We weren t living together yet, so it w
as our first try at sharing space.
It was like a test run? Sanji chuckled.
Uh Zoro frowned and looked down into his lap. Not exactly
Sanji scooted forward and spoke quietly as if they could be overheard. Is somethi
ng wrong with Ocean Shores, Zoro? What s the matter? You re way less excited about t
his than I thought you d be.
Zoro shook his head and took a breath. He wiped at his face and looked back up i
nto Sanji s eyes.
It s not that it was bad, Zoro started, taking both of Sanji s hands, it turned out to
be one of the best weekends of my life
Sanji tilted his head. But?
Zoro let out a breath. It didn t start out as a good thing.
Sanji s eyebrows rose. Really? Why?
Zoro looked away again and sighed softly. We got well, you can imagine the two of
us got a lot of shit the first couple months after we came out.
Sanji closed his eyes and nodded. I ve tried really hard not to think about that.
Zoro leaned forward and nuzzled Sanji s neck. It was really hard at first. We had p
eople calling us, not believing or just calling to hear it from us first hand. Y
ou had x-girlfriends calling and emailing you, leaving these really fucked up me
ssages all the time I kept thinking that it was going to be too much for you, and
you were going to back out. I even questioned if it was worth it a couple times
, knowing how unhappy it was making you.
Sanji sighed heavily and squeezed Zoro s hand. I--
No, wait. Zoro held up a hand. Let me finish. We decided to go on this trip, get aw
ay from everyone and just be us without judgment, and without any of the shit tha
t was happening around us at home.
Zoro took another long breath and closed his eyes. I truly thought that you weren t
going to stay with me. I thought that the pressure of having everyone on our ba
cks well, not everyone. Ace and Luffy and Nami and all them were just fine But I th
ought with the pressure from people around us, you weren t going to stay with me an
d I voiced that on the way on the ride to Ocean Shores.
Sanji lifted a hand to run his fingers down Zoro s cheek. Zoro leaned into the car
ess and continued softly.
You were so mad. I couldn t believe how mad you were. You pulled over and got out o
f the car. I followed you out into this field in the middle of the night and you
screamed at me. You kicked me and knocked me over a fence, and all I could do w
as lay there like a retard.
Sanji sat, shocked at this unfolding of events. I was why? Was I mad at you for Oh
God, was I blaming you?
No. Zoro looked up at him, the hurt in his eyes was so thick it made Sanji s heart b
reak. No, it wasn t like that at all. You were mad at me because I lost faith in yo
u. You told me that love wasn t worth it if it wasn t hard. You screamed at me for n
ot believing in you, and trusting you that what we had was more important than w
hat people said about us.
Sanji sat speechless, watching the pain around Zoro's eyes.
I couldn t move for the longest time because of what you said. I had let you down i
n the worst way and I had no idea what to do.
Sanji slid his hands around the back of Zoro s neck and kissed the other man s foreh
ead. He felt Zoro s heartache and wished he could share in this important memory.
So, what happened? Sanji whispered. Obviously something happened because we re togeth
er now, right?
Zoro nodded and moved his hands to Sanji s hips. I remembered that you said love isn t
worth it if it s not hard .
Sanji nodded, his lips ghosting over Zoro s eyelids. Yeah?
Zoro smiled softly. You d never told me that you loved me before
Sanji pulled back surprised. O oh?
Zoro nodded. I hadn t either. I got up and ran my ass back to the car and asked you
Asked me?
If you really loved me.
Sanji smiled. What did I say?
Zoro smiled back. You told me to take you to the cabin and you d show me.
Did I? Sanji chuckled.
Zoro nodded. Yes, you did. It was the first time The swordsman s hands slid down and
back up Sanji s thighs, his thumbs caressing particularly close to Sanji s awakening
First time? Sanji asked breathlessly.
Zoro moved still closer and brushed his lips across Sanji s. The first time you too
k me
Sanji frowned. Took His eyes widened as realization hit him. Oh Oh, I get it.
Zoro smiled. I didn t think sex with you could get any better He kissed the cook once
, softly. I was wrong.
Sanji chuckled and kissed the swordsman back. Was it by a fire?
Zoro s eyes widened once again, but his surprise only lasted a moment. Yeah, it was
. The cabin was cold, so we slept in the living room. You remember that?
Sanji shook his head. Just flashes.
Nodding slowly, Zoro ran his fingers through Sanji s hair. His eyes became serious
as he continued. I lost faith in you again when I thought you weren t going to rem
ember me I m sorry
Sanji shook his head and took Zoro s cheeks in his palms. He brought the swordsman s
eyes to his again and took a breath.
Zoro, he asked seriously, do you love me?
Zoro blinked, but then a smile broke out across his face once again. His eyes li
t up and he leaned into Sanji s hold.
Take me to bed and I ll show you.
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 38 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 34. Chapter 45. Chapte
r 56. Chapter 67. Chapter 78. Chapter 89. Chapter 910. Chapter 1011. Chapter 111
2. Chapter 1213. Chapter 1314. Chapter 1415. Chapter 1516. Chapter 1617. Chapter
1718. Chapter 1819. Chapter 1920. Chapter 2021. Chapter 2122. Chapter 2223. Cha
pter 2324. Chapter 2425. Chapter 2526. Chapter 2627. Chapter 27
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 669 - Updated: 12-0
3-09 - Published: 01-19-08 - id:4021237
Yup. It's really finished. Chapter 27. You read it right. Yay for having a few e
xtra days off from work. xD
So, we're getting down to the last few chapters. It's exciting. I'm sad to see t
his story wrapping up, but so glad to have the stress close to being gone. (Of c
ourse, knowing me, I'm just going to undertake something else that stresses me o
ut the instant I'm done with this, lol.) Hope you enjoy this chappy, thank you s
o much for reading, and have a great weekend! xD
Chapter 27
Zoro s arms shook under his weight as he slowly kissed down Sanji s spine. With a he
avy sigh, he rolled to the side and collapsed onto his back on the mattress. His
legs stayed tangled with the cook s, and he clumsily brushed sweat out of his eye
s. His breathing started to slow and his heart gradually stopped pounding agains
t his ribs.
Sanji, on his stomach in the tossed sheets, turned his head sluggishly to look a
t the swordsman. His damp hair hung in his blue eyes, his cheeks were flushed, a
nd his breath was still heavy against his bicep. Zoro smiled at the cook s ravishe
d appearance and ran the tops of his fingers over his lover s sweaty skin.
I can t believe you let me do that, Zoro murmured.
Sanji snickered. I can t believe you slammed my head into the headboard.
Zoro s fingers quickly switched from soft caressing and pinched Sanji s skin just ab
ove his ass. The cook retaliated by reaching out and smacking the swordsman s shou
lder. Zoro laughed and rolled to his side. He slid his arms around the slighter
man and kissed Sanji s neck.
Sanji shifted to rest on an elbow, and brushed Zoro s hair back with his free hand
. He looked down at the swordsman with heavy-lidded eyes, and smiled softly.
It is always like this? he asked.
Zoro looked up at him and pulled the blond s body closer. So far, yeah.
Sanji continued to study his face. Zoro felt his heart flutter under that gaze a
nd he nuzzled into the gentle touch of the cook s thumb on his jaw. If only they c
ould stay like this. If only he had found out about all this sooner, he could ha
ve protected Chopper and Usopp; he could have helped Kaya. Now his friends were
in danger and Sanji was going to be in harm s way yet again. He knew the cook was
perfectly capable of taking care of himself, but Zoro could not keep himself fro
m thinking worst case scenario. What would he do if he lost Sanji again?
What are you thinking about? Sanji asked suddenly. Your forehead is doing that extr
a wrinkly thing.
Zoro chuckled. Extra wrinkly thing?
Sanji nodded and brought his fingers to Zoro s brow. Right here. It creases extra h
ard if you re angry or thinking about something that s bothering you.
Zoro sighed and turned into Sanji s embrace. I m just worried about Chopper, he said i
nto the cook s chest. Chopper and Usopp and what s going to happen to Kaya
He felt Sanji s arm come around him and squeeze. The cook s warm breath puffed in hi
s hair before he felt his lover s lips against his head.
I m scared too, Sanji said quietly.
Zoro lay still, listening to Sanji s heartbeat. What do you suppose they re doing? Wh
at do you think they re thinking right now?
Sanji was quiet a beat before he answered in a whisper, They re waiting for us. The
y know we ll do everything we can to get them back.
Zoro s hands tightened around Sanji. Everything? he asked.
He felt Sanji nod. Yes, everything.
Zoro closed his eyes and nodded as well. He burrowed into Sanji s hold and willed
himself to forget, just for a few hours, about what they were about to walk into
X x X x X
Zoro grabbed his coat from the closet and slid his arms into the sleeves. He mad
e his way down the hall. When he reached the kitchen, pulled out a stool to sit
beside Sanji. The cook sat against the island, his elbows resting on Zoro s swords
case. He was clothed in black from head to toe, and slowly smoking an imported
Dunhill cigarette; courtesy of Law.
This may be the best thing ever, Sanji breathed, his eyes glazing as he floated in
his high end tobacco induced buzz.
What s the difference? Zoro muttered, Smoke is smoke.
Oh no, this is not just any smoke. This is luxury smoke, made from all Virginia t
obacco, and can only be found in specialty tobacconist shops. Sanji took another
long drag and smiled. John Lennon smoked these.
So then they taste really good? Zoro made a face.
Sanji shook his head. They don t taste all that different.
Zoro blinked. Then I don t get it.
You re not supposed to get it.
Zoro snorted and fingered the leather tie on the case. What are you drinking? he a
sked, inclining his head towards the mug sitting on the island top.
It s just coffee, Sanji answered. He pushed the cup in front of the swordsman and to
ok another long drag. Zoro drank and watched the cook as he raised his arms over
his head and stretched.
I m gonna wear my shoes this time. Sanji smirked. If that s all right, of course.
Zoro nodded, the corners of his mouth turning up. Sanji s smile was infectious. I t
old you it was your rule. You can break your own rule.
Why did I make that rule? Fighting without shoes isn t really a problem, but fighti
ng without shoes in that club It s all dirty and bloody, and there s probably glass a
ll over the floor Surprised I didn t get fucking HIV or something.
Zoro grinned then, his teeth flashing. You stopped wearing em cause you kept break
ing shit.
Sanji s eyes turned to him then. Eh?
You fucked up the walls of the pit a couple times, so you stopped wearing shoes d
uring fights. It didn t hurt your game any, so it was good for a while. But then y
ou broke the bar upstairs.
I what!? Sanji yelped.
Zoro pursed his lips to hold back a laugh. Yup, he continued when he regained cont
rol, broke the bar. Split it right down the middle. As much as it made CP9 look l
ike a bunch of fucking bad asses, Lucci still stuck us with a thirty thousand do
llar replacement bill.
You re fucking lying! Sanji s eyes were wide, but the look he was giving Zoro was more
amazement than disbelief.
Zoro nodded again, raising the coffee mug to his lips. So, long story short: you
thought it might be lucrative to stop wearing shoes inside the club. No shoes me
ant that you pull your kicks a little. You don t attack quite so hard when your fe
et are uncovered. He swallowed and set the mug back on the island. No more defendi
ng sweet ladies from drunken bastards and going home with repair bills to show f
or it.
Sanji stared. Zoro chuckled. The chuckling became laughter, and pretty soon, bot
h men were giggling like two school girls in the bathroom. Their laughter was so
strident in fact, that when Sanji s cell rang they almost missed it.
What s up? Sanji answered, wiping tears from his eyes. Where are you?
Zoro plucked the mug from the island and stood. He downed the last of the coffee
and set the mug in the sink. He turned to watch his lover as he stood and slipp
ed an arm into his leather jacket.
No, yeah, we ll come down. Just stay where you are. Sanji frowned suddenly, his tone
losing its merriment. Hey, are are you okay?
Zoro frowned as well, and moved back to the island to retrieve his sword case.
No, it s just Nevermind. Sanji shook his head. We ll be down in a minute. The cook clo
the phone and stared at it a moment before sliding his other arm into his jacke
That Law? Zoro asked.
Uh, yeah, Sanji made a face. He s waiting for us downstairs.
Something wrong? Zoro followed Sanji to the door and turned off the lights.
Maybe, Sanji looked at him. I don t know. It was kind of weird, I can t really explain
it. You ll see when we see him I guess.
Zoro was silent as they took the elevator and stepped out into the underground p
arking garage. The place was full, as it was a work night. They made their way p
ast rows of Audis, Lexus, and the assortment of Mercedes models, until they spot
ted Law leaning against Sanji s Nissan. His eyes were hidden beneath his beanie ca
p, and his long case holding God knew what was slung over his shoulder. He was t
rying to light his cigarette and was failing miserably.
Law glanced up, and removed the cigarette from his mouth discretely. Immediately
, it was obvious to the swordsman that something was bothering the man; botherin
g him enough that he was having trouble lighting up and didn t want Sanji or himse
lf to see it.
Your friend Ace called me, Law said softly. He s bringing that cop friend of his.
Smoker. Zoro nodded. He s a good guy.
Law nodded. I know. I met with him a few years back when I graduated the academy.
Zoro had almost forgotten that Law was actually undercover, and he winced inward
ly at his slip. Sanji had obviously forgotten as well, and voiced it aloud. Zoro
watched as conversation flowed easily from his lover s lips, but the swordsman co
uld tell that Sanji had seen Law s distress and was trying to figure him out in hi
s own way.
How long have you been under? Sanji asked as he unlocked the doors.
Six years, Law answered. Sent me straight in when I got assigned to the department.
Never done anything else.
Wow, Sanji replied, obviously impressed. What happens when you re done? Like, when yo
u get what you re after, or get the persons you re after?
Law shook his head as he slid into the back seat, setting his case on the floor
behind his feet. I ll probably quit.
Zoro set his own case on the seat next to Law and flopped into the passenger s sea
t. Law s tone was flat, depressed like he had given up on something important and
just didn t care anymore. It was a dramatic change from the cocky, impressive figu
re that had visited the apartment earlier that day. The dark-skinned man slumped
in the back, his lids heavy and his face slack as he watched out the window.
After they had pulled out of the garage and were cruising down the dark streets
of Capitol Hill, Sanji pulled out two cigarettes and lit them both. He took one
and held it over his shoulder. Law looked at him deadpan for a moment, but took
the offered stick without complaint. Zoro watched as Sanji rolled down the windo
w and took a drag. The cook had his thinking face on, so the swordsman said noth
ing to break the atmosphere the blond had created.
Law sat for a few minutes, smoking and brooding silently, but then sighed and sh
ook his head.
It s true nothing gets past you, huh?
Correct, Sanji replied.
Law scowled and Zoro saw it through the window in the side mirror.
I don t have to tell you anything, Law said quietly.
Sanji shrugged. No, you don t. But I can tell you, and so can Zoro: having somethin
g on your mind that fucks up your focus before a fight is suicide.
I don t even know you guys.
All the better reason to just fucking talk about it. Sanji leaned back in the seat
as he hit a red light. Think of it as being in a confessional, and we re the pries
ts. You can tell us whatever and we can t tell anyone.
Wow. Law actually chuckled from behind. That s not kinky at all.
Zoro chuckled as well. The analogy was a little outlandish, but it worked. Law l
eaned forward and crushed out his butt in the ashtray, a smile pulling at his li
I got told off earlier today, he said, stretching back on the seat. My uh, partner
says I fuck around and I treat him like trash.
Ha! Sanji made a fist in the air. I knew it was love trouble! I m a fucking genio Sanj
stopped mid-sentence and glared ahead at the street. Wait a minute you said him did
n t you?
Zoro snickered, but covered it with a cough.
Isn t anyone straight anymore? Sanji grumbled. What the fuck?
You should talk, Law mumbled, clearly amused.
Sanji stared ahead, watching the road and rolling things around in his head. So di
d you?
Fuck around? Law asked. No. I ve never fucked around. He just thinks I have because s
ome of the guys back home are assholes.
Sanji sighed. Put the thought in someone s head and it s hard to get out.
Law growled. I thought he trusted me more than that.
Zoro listened quietly, but when an important question came up in his head, he vo
iced his thoughts without thinking.
Is he part of the organization?
Yes, Law answered.
Zoro glanced at Sanji. The cook was watching him out the corner of his eye.
Does he know about you? Your undercover work?
Law sat in silence. He did not reply, and when he gave no indication that he was
going to answer, Zoro turned around to face him. Seriousness pulled at the swor
dsman s features, and he lowered his voice.
Remember, we re not gonna tell anyone. Does he know, or not?
Law glared out the window and folded his arms over his chest. He uh He chewed at th
e inside of his cheek. Yeah he knows.
Is he gonna make trouble for you? Sanji asked.
No! Law barked, and his eyes flashed angrily at the cook. He would never do somethi
ng like that. He may be part of all this, but he s not he s not a bad guy.
Are you sure? Sanji baited. Lovers scorned turn powerful enemies.
Hey, you know what? Law sat forward, his hand gripping the back of Sanji s seat. Fuck
you. You don t know anything about him. He d never do that to me. Even if I did scr
ew up or he thinks I did, I would still trust him with my Goddamn life. So shut
your fucking mouth about it before I cut your throat.
Zoro leaned back in his seat, smiling at Sanji. The cook turned to him and his s
mirk said he was very proud of himself.
He loves him, Sanji said slyly.
Yeah, Zoro replied, he does.
Law sat unmoving, watching the two in the front communicate with hardly any word
s. What that hell?
Sanji said over his shoulder. Well, I wanted to know what kind of feelings you ha
d for the guy. If you didn t really care about him, you wouldn t feel bad about the
rumors and the fact that he s pissed at you; but just because you care about him,
doesn t mean you really care about him.
You defended him. Zoro added. You were ready to kill Sanji just because he said som
ething bad about him. You sounded exactly like I would if someone said something
like that about Sanji.
Law turned and glared at Zoro, his dark eyes reading past what he could see. He
sighed, rolling his eyes, and flopped back against the seat. He leaned his head
back and closed his eyes.
You guys sound just like Enel. Fuck. I wanna go home and take a nap.
Zoro heard Sanji snicker as the cook pulled another couple cigarettes out of his
pocket and flicked the lighter.
X x X x X
The club was packed. Sweat started to collect between Sanji s shoulder blades the
moment he stepped through the door. Johnny nodded to him and Zoro as they passed
, and gave Law a long hard stare behind his glasses. Law just smiled at him and
followed behind Zoro.
Music thumped, and people crowded around the front bar. Sanji wove his way throu
gh the throng, skipping the sign-in sheet, and headed towards the back. Jyabura
waited by the door to the basement, arms crossed over his chest and face set in
a dark scowl. When the man spotted Sanji and Zoro, his face lit up. He waved, bu
t Sanji made no move to acknowledge him.
Sanji, Law had instructed earlier that day, you re playing the role of a very importa
nt figure. People your friends will try and talk to you, they ll want to be familiar
with you like always, but you re going to have to ignore them in the beginning. T
here s certain traditions you have to uphold to make yourself believable. Until th
is Seattle boss gives you his support, these guys are enemies.
Law stepped in front of Sanji and whispered the password into the stunned man s ea
r. Sanji pulled on his bored face and glanced around the room. It felt horrible
to be so cold, especially to Jyabura. The guy had seemed to like him so much bef
Jyabura moved aside, and Law led the way down the steps. The music dulled as the
y descended. The speakers had been turned off, and only the thump of the bass an
d the highest pitches of vocals could be heard as they made their way across the
deserted floors. Several people in expensive looking attire sat at the bar, dri
nks in hand, mingling with one another. All heads turned as Sanji s party descende
d the stairs. He heard Zoro growl under his breath and knew the swordsman was ma
king dangerous eye contact with every single one of their onlookers.
Any that would meet that contact anyway.
Sanji paid no attention, but had to clench his jaw down hard to stop an amused s
mile from breaking out across his face when Law waved and called out a condescen
ding greeting. Their audience turned away and tried to look as if their conversa
tions were important and interesting.
Crossing the dance floor and glancing at the fighting pit, Sanji marveled how th
e space was completely different when empty. The excitement Sanji had felt when
he first was here had evaporated, leaving the area cold and ominous. The bloodst
ains were darker and the air was so stale it seemed almost poisonous.
Zoro gently touched Sanji s shoulder and pointed to the back of the room. Over ther
e, he said.
Sanji looked where he indicated and noticed there was a raised seating area behi
nd the bar. Large, cushioned chairs and couches surrounded polished tables, and
the area was carpeted and surrounded by a black metal railing. No one had to exp
lain what the area was for, Sanji had a fairly good idea on his own, but it baff
led the cook as to how he had missed it when he had been here before.
I m going to guess Kaku wants us up there, Zoro said quietly. It s where the bigwigs us
ually sit when they come to see fights.
Sanji took a breath, pulling a cigarette from his pocket. Then let s go.
Zoro will be at your side the whole time. Law had taken a drag from his cigarette
before settling on the couch. He s going to be your shadow your right hand man. Talk
to him as freely as you want, and Zoro don t be afraid to get in someone s face if t
hey get too close to Sanji, or try to talk to him after I ve said to back off.
That won t be a problem. Zoro had glanced at Sanji then and smiled ever so slightly.
The cook settled into one of the large, cushioned chairs. He rested one ankle ov
er the opposite leg, and pulled out a cigarette. He watched the stairs as he lit
up, and reached out a hand to pull at Zoro s pants as the swordsman leaned agains
t the armrest.
Mm? Zoro breathed as he came close.
Sanji stroked the skin of Zoro s neck like a puppy s and tilted his head in invitati
on. The swordsman was happy to oblige by leaning in further and kissing along Sa
nji s jaw. The cook s eyes stared straight ahead, knowing that they were being watch
ed, but finding he actually enjoyed it.
Be affectionate with each other, Kidd had said as he rummaged through the fridge, l
et everyone know that you do what you want no matter who s watching.
Your friend s here. Law said, taking a drag from his own cigarette and nodding his h
ead toward the stairs.
Sure enough, Luffy appeared descending the steps, wearing his usual shorts and s
leeveless top. His straw hat sat low on his brow, and for the second, maybe thir
d time in his life that Sanji knew of, he was dead serious. Nami was on his arm,
wearing a black evening gown and her hair up in pins. She looked fantastic; com
posed and classy next to her unorthodox partner.
Kidd followed close behind, doing the same as Law had before him. He waved to th
e onlookers and flashed a large and sinister smile across the room. Unlike Law,
who had opted for a traditional black suit and tie, (minus the cow-printed beani
e hat, but Sanji let him have that one) Kidd had gone even more flamboyant than
what was probably normal and flourished a lengthy coat of yellow and red with an
extreme fur collar.
Although, in retrospect, he looked like he belonged with Luffy, so it worked its
elf out.
The younger Portgus caught Sanji s eye and nodded to the cook. Sanji raised the ha
nd that held his cigarette and motioned to the chair across from him. Luffy clim
bed the steps and sat, pulling Nami gently into his lap.
Kidd stayed by the stairs, leaning against the railing. He tilted his head and a
sked Sanji in a low voice, Seen your friends yet?
Sanji shook his head. Kaku and Lucci are probably still upstairs, no doubt planni
ng our quick, messy, and untraceable deaths.
Aw... Law made a face. Why do you say that?
Sanji shrugged and took another drag. That s what I d do. I d be pissed that we d been li
ed to for so long
Sanji felt Zoro s strong hand on his shoulder and brushed his fingers over the swo
rdsman s knuckles.
I don t think Kaku ll be that mad, Luffy said.
Sanji turned to his friend and cocked an eyebrow. Oh really? Why do you think?
Luffy shrugged. His eyes were big as he rested his head against Nami s shoulder. I
just don t think he will. He s not like that.
Zoro nodded beside Sanji. Hope you re right, Luffy.
Kidd waved his hand, catching everyone s attention, and motioned to the stairs. Th
e small trickle of people coming down into the basement had thickened significan
tly. More shady-looking men in expensive suits descended the stairs, followed by
women dressed as if going to a cocktail party. Instead of the club s norm of thre
e dollar beers and vodka shots, the patrons held tall glasses of champagne and d
eep, glass goblets of red wine.
And here they come. Law leaned back, lacing his fingers together behind his head. C
rawling out from whatever hole they re living in.
Who are they? Sanji asked behind his palm, disguising his question with a drag on
the cigarette.
Nobodies, Kidd answered with a sneer. They re guys tryin to get made, or they re tryin
look important by acting like they know people. Some are probably business asso
ciates of the various groups in this area. Probably more than half of them only
know the password because they got money.
High rollers on your previous fights, Law added.
Sanji shook his head. How the hell are we gonna go back to normal after all this?
Law chuckled and shook his head. Who cares about normal? Keep living the way you
do, and let your fights bring in an extra for or five figures. What s wrong with t
There s nothing wrong with that, Nami stated with a firmness that had Kidd laughing
loud enough to turn heads if only for a moment.
Sanji just happened to be watching the stairs as a pair of long legs in expensiv
e black slacks descended. The legs were followed by a long, and powerful torso.
If the height and muscular build had not given the figure away, the familiar sta
rk white suspenders and tie against his black ensemble would have. Sanji did not
have to say a word, not even a signal to his friends of who was approaching. Lu
cci commanded silence with just his presence, and every eye in the room was on h
im before he reached the ground floor.
Oh. Law smiled and pulled his hat farther down on his forehead. Now it gets good.
The dark-skinned man met up with his colorful partner at the stairs, and the two
descended and met Lucci together on the floor. Soft murmurs from the onlookers
hummed, but the crowd kept the volume surprisingly low. Sanji and the others wat
ched the three imposing men converse in soft voices, tension high in the air. Th
e cook felt a single bead of sweat roll down between his shoulder blades as his
adrenaline started to pump through his veins.
Kidd and I are posing as your guys advisors, Law had explained. We re like right hands
, but we deal specifically in communication and negotiations. If it really does
go by the books, Lucci can come and talk to you guys directly, but it s more polite
if he goes through us first. We ll get everything straightened out with him, let
him know firsthand that we re requesting his and his Boss backup, that no one meant
any harm to his group, and we apologize for stepping on any toes, but we had no
I m also gonna slip him a couple hundred thousand, Kidd added. That ll smooth things al
A couple hundred thousand!? Sanji had shrieked. What the fuck? Are you guys made of
money or something!?
Law shrugged. Business in LA is good this time of year.
So, um, Luffy? Zoro? Nami asked carefully.
Hm? Zoro turned toward her.
If Kaku decides that he s not going to help us, and he instead tries to kill all of
you Should I shoot him first and then Lucci? Or should I take out Lucci first?
You have a gun!? Sanji whispered loudly.
And when I m getting away, should I call the police? Or should I call Ace? Cause if
you guys are wreaking havoc on everything in this room, I m not sure if calling t
he cops is the best idea ever.
Zoro opened his mouth to say something probably to answer the question seriously,
which both amused and bothered Sanji on a number of levels, but Luffy spoke firs
I m telling you guys, Kaku isn t like that. Don t make plans for anything like that. Ka
ku ll be fine.
Sanji shook his head, looking up to meet Zoro s eyes. The swordsman scratched at h
is chin and shrugged. I m just gonna go with it, he murmured.
The three at the bottom of the stairs broke away, and Lucci opened his cell phon
e. He turned his back to them and spoke quietly into the receiver. He nodded onc
e or twice and slipped his free hand in his pocket. Kidd and Law climbed the ste
ps and plopped down beside each other on the couch next to Sanji. They both look
ed at each other and shook their heads.
What? Sanji asked. What s wrong? What d he say?
No, no, Law waved his hand in dismissal. Nothing s wrong. It was just
It was a creepy fucking conversation, Kidd finished.
Yeah. Law nodded. A really creepy conversation. I felt like he knew everything abou
t me, and he was going to go kill my children after this is over And I don t even h
ave any children.
Luffy grinned. Lucci s always like that. He probably likes you.
Kidd and Law both turned to the younger Portgus a looked at him like he had just
declared he was going to buy sheep and raise them on the moon.
The door to the upstairs swung all the way open, slamming against the concrete w
all and sending a loud boom throughout the whole room. Heads turned, and convers
ation stopped as attention was solely focused on the group that came through the
doorway and started down the stairs.
Sanji recognized Jyabura and Kumadori at the head of the group. They moved side
by side, surveying the room and looking as if they were taking a mental head cou
nt. Directly behind them were two faces Sanji did not know. One was a tall man w
ith dark hair and pouting features. He guessed that maybe this was the Blueno fell
ow they had mentioned before. The youngest of the pack was a short, round boy th
at could not have been passed his late teens. From a distance, Sanji saw there w
as something funny about the kid s mouth, but could not make out any detail.
The four made their way down to the floor, but one figure stood at the top of th
e stairs. He watched, silhouetted by the light from the club on the first floor.
Sanji knew it was Kaku the moment he laid eyes on him. The Boss lean build and t
rademark ball cap were unmistakable. Zoro rose to his feet at Sanji s side, and La
w and Kid sat up to watch what the powerful man was going to do.
This was the moment the turning point in their plan. This could go either very goo
d, or very, very badly. Sanji swallowed hard. He was not worried for himself, an
d he trusted that Zoro and Luffy could take care of themselves. But if Kaku deci
ded to turn his back on them, if he decided to leave them on their own, or worse
: if he decided to go against them, the cook had no idea how they were going to
handle that on top of getting Chopper and Usopp out of this cluster-fuck.
Stay where you are, Law said softly to Sanji.
Shut up. I know. Sanji pulled a fresh cigarette from his pack and tapped it noncha
lantly on the back of his hand. He tilted his head to the side and slipped the s
tick between his lips. He lit the tip slowly and set the lighter carefully on th
e stand beside him.
Taking a slow and savory drag, the blond met Kaku s eyes and nodded to the lanky m
an. He motioned ever so slightly with his hand, calling Kaku over, and patted th
e seat beside him.
Sanjiiii Kidd murmured though his teeth. Not a good idea. Don t just call him over lik
e you own the place. Too much confidence in yourself is really fucking bad.
Sanji shook his head. It s not me that I have the confidence in. He glanced over at
Luffy, winking at his young friend. I just trust in the words of a very wise frie
Luffy grinned at him, and turned in time to watch Kaku descend the stairs and ma
ke his way across the room. His legs were long, and he made the trip in surprisi
ngly few steps. There was no sound as Kaku climbed the stairs two at a time, and
stood at the threshold of the V.I.P. seating area. The long-nosed man made no i
ndication that he was going to speak. No signs to give away if he was angry or e
xcited or anything. He just stood, watching Sanji and Zoro carefully with his ha
nds resting in the pockets of his jet black leather jacket.
Sanji s blood began to run cold under that stare. He felt a portentous energy pres
sing on him where he sat, and had to make a conscious effort to not squirm under
its weight. He began to have second thoughts about his demeanor and attitude, a
nd wished he had listened to Law and done nothing.
But then, Kaku sighed and moved to sit in the chair Sanji had offered. He slumpe
d down in the seat and put a foot up on the polished coffee table.
Well I ll be a horse s ass the long-nosed man grumbled good-naturedly. I can t believe
done got one over on me like that. I must be losin my touch.
Law and Kidd relaxed into the couch cushions. Luffy s grin widened and Nami let ou
t a breath as she put an arm over his shoulders. Sanji relaxed as well, feeling
Zoro s hand come down on his shoulder once again. The cook had been able to feel t
he swordsman s tension almost tangibly. It lessened at Kaku s words, but it still cl
ung to the air and slid across Sanji s skin. The blond reached out blindly and cov
ered the tanned hand that held tightly to a hilt of white and gold. Zoro s grip re
laxed, and the swordsman rested against the side of the chair.
So... Kaku lifted his hands behind his head and rested his head on his laced finge
rs. Guess we solved the problem of you challengin Blackbeard and his band of goons
. No restraints now. Give em hell. I ll back ya.
The noise level of the basement skyrocketed with Luffy s outbursts, the crowd s exci
ted cheers, and greedy onlookers already starting to place bets on the fights to
come. Lucci climbed the stairs to join their group and make introductions as Ka
ku grinned and shook Law and Kidd s hands.
Sanji celebrated quietly with one last deep drag of his cigarette, and a soft, r
estrained kiss from a swordsman practically shaking in his excitement.
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