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Just 30 Days

The Connector
PD Transformed
The Unstoppable Force
Between the Lines
When He Sleeps
Sanji and Zoro's Computer
Trouble and The Grand Line
Other Side
See Through
Sanji VS Sanji
Reminiscence and Reverie
A Date With Sanji
Just 30 Days
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 16 - Updated: 12-0
7-09 - Published: 10-20-09 - id:5455486
Zoro was making Zoro s rounds for the restock of food on the Going Merry. He d linge
r at some stalls for as much as an hour (specifically ones that sold delicious l
iquors, and others he wouldn t even look at. He stared at Sanji s list, as he got ho
rribly lost at the far side of town.
THEIF! THEIF! A little girl ran past Zoro, almost running into him, she ran on ahe
ad as a grizzled old man staggered up behind him, exhausted and out of breath, Th
at damn brat! He puffed, She stole my store s prized possession! Ah well, it ll keep t
hose bad characters out of my shop. He mumbled to himself as he slowly tottered b
ack towards his shop.
Zoro looked back in the direction of the poorly dressed girl and ran off in that
direction. He found her outside of town breathing heavily underneath a shanty h
and-crafted shack that this girl had obviously built herself.
Hey, kid...
STAY BACK! THIS IS MINE YOU CAN T HAVE IT! She held up a dull knife in defense, it w
as heavy for her, her arms kept shaking. I I need it! Zoro glanced over her shoulder
at an orange, unusual looking fruit.
I just want to know what you stole so I can give the money to the man you took it
from. Ok? What s your name?
That s a pretty masculine name...
What, I m just telling you what I think.
Well, your name s stupider than mine anyway!
You don t even know it.
Shut up!!
What did you take?
...a a devil s fruit, BUT I DID IT TO PROTECT MY BROTHER!
...Care to explain why you stole such a dangerous thing?
If If I ate a devil s fruit, I would be strong enough to help him, he s already eaten a
devil s fruit and is treated like a monster. He s too scared to use it, so if I had
it, I would be able to help him! I don t have any friends or family other than hi
m, so I have nothing to lose!
Tereshi. A mop of red hair appeared in the bushes the bushes
Takeshi!? Zoro looked on as the girl s OLDER brother popped into view.
Tereshi. Don t.
But Takeshi, if I don t, then I won t be able to help you, and you ll always have to re
scue me! I m sick of being helpless!
You know, Zoro cut in, I have a shipmate who is strong, and he didn t have to eat a d
evil s fruit. A pervert like him really shouldn t be that strong. He mused to himself
, Anyway, all you have to do is work hard and build up your skills. He looked at T
akeshi, And if your brother falls in the water he s gonna need someone to save him.
Tereshi laughed, Yeah, cause he s just a big dummy he d go and fall in. Takeshi smiled
and tussled his sister s messy red hair and handed Zoro the fruit, Here, Sorry.
S ok, I ll just go return it. See ya, work hard.
I will! Buh-bi!
Hmm, brother s not much of a talker I guess, well his sister makes up for it. He tho
ught to himself as he tossed the fruit up and down casually in his hand. The gro
ceries he had carried all that way were getting heavier by the moment. It wasn t e
asy holding four boxes of supplies, plus the two heavy bags in one hand
Gotta get back to the ship... He mumbled to himself. He was almost out of the wood
sy surroundings when he realized the fruit hadn t come back down after he had thro
wn it. Wha?
The fruit, which was a little smaller than a baseball and been caught in the bea
k of a rather large, clearly edible bird. Free meat. Zoro muttered, but before he
could get to it, the bird had opened its beak to caw, and dropped the fruit. Rig
ht when Zoro looked up, the fruit flew into his gaping mouth and down his throat
, causing him to choke. Eventually the disgusting tasting fruit went down. Dear g
od what have I done!? What the hell s gonna happen to me?
Zoro ran back to the ship as fast as his legs could carry him, which in actualit
y was really quite fast. He jumped up on board only to find Nami still guarding
the ship.
Nani, Zoro? said an annoyed navigator. Her peace had been breached so she was back
on guard with the idiot swordsman.
I need your *mew*
Zoro? What did you eat?
I think I *mew* a devil s fruit!
NANIIIII!?!?!?! Zoro, are you SURE it was a devil s fruit?!
That s what the girl said but the shopkeeper didn t say what it was... Zoro meowed aga
in. Nami could see little bumps rising on his head in two spots as the ears on t
he sides of his head began to disappear.
Hang on Zoro, I m gonna go check out that store and get the details ok!?
LOOK OUT! Usopp called from the dock as most of the crew flew ungraciously into th
e deck. Zoro darted out of sight and hid in the mikan bushes.
SET SAIL! Luffy cried.
WAIT! Nami attempted to shout over the noise on deck. Zoro was still crouching und
er the bushes
Uwah? Nani? Neh, Nami, where s Zoro?
That s what I ve been trying to tell you he s
MREW! A small green haired kitten with a white belly came leaping off the upper de
ck and onto the lower one. The small cat hissed at Nami. Oh my god! Is that You Z
oro?! She looked more closely and saw three small holes where his earrings had be
en. They were well masked by his fur so no one could see them.
He s still on shore. She figured that he obviously didn t want her to tell ANYONE abou
t his predicament. Male Pride...sigh...gets in the way of everything.
What? That idiot, at least he brought the groceries. I ll go find him... Sanji posit
ioned himself to jump off the ship and go look for Zoro.
NO. Sanji-kun. He s out training. Intensely. He doesn t want anyone to disturb him. H
e ll kill them if they do.
Then what the hell are we supposed to do Nami?! Luffy whined, I don t wanna stay here
He s gonna be out there for a while, we can disembark as long as we return.
Navigator-san, might I talk to you for a moment? Nami and Robin left the main deck
and locked the door to the Galley. Robin grew an eye to watch for listeners.
That fruit that was the big discussion downtown have to do with Zoro s disappearanc
Nami sighed, Yes, he accidentally ate it, now he s gone and turned into...that! She
gestured to what lay beyond the wall. A commotion had started Nami caught some of
the argument but tuned out the rest.
Hey Usopp can I hold the kitty! You ve already tried, now it s my turn!
Oi! stop messing with that cat! What if its rabid, I can t have you two getting rab
Chopper you re so stingy, it hasn t bitten me yet OW MY NOSE!
That s what you get for having such a long nose
Shut up Sanji!
Nami rubbed her head, Anyway Robin, did you hear anything about the fruit?
I did, and what you ll find will surely easy your nerves.
Review this Story/Chapter
» Just 30 Days
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 16 - Updated: 12-0
7-09 - Published: 10-20-09 - id:5455486
Oh thank god Robin, what is it? Nami sighed of relief; she could always count on R
obin to find some of the best solutions to the hardest situations. If Robin hadn t
come, Nami would ve died of stress.
Well, it turns out that it was NOT a devil s fruit.
Huh? But-but Zoro
Consumed a chemically altered fruit that gives the temporary affect of a devil s fr
uit. The consumer will be affected fully for about one month. It starts to wear
off the last couple days; the fruit is almost always animal transformation. And
the consumer is not affected by water because it is not TRULY a devil s fruit. The
one Zoro consumed was merely a prototype. A small harmless animal and not a tru
e fighting beast.
Wow, Robin, you really do thorough research.
Robin smiled.
As the duo opened the door, all hell had...well, already broken loose, Luffy and
Usopp kept trying to catch the cat. They were pissed at it for scratching and b
iting them.
Nami-san, Sanji asked, can we just eat it?
No, of course not. Zoro ran into her legs and stopped short. She picked him up und
er his front legs so he couldn t scratch her. Aww, look at you! An evil glint was sh
ining in her eye, You re so CE~UTE!
Zoro was pissed (and he thought being a cat was bad enough already). CUTE! YOU WI
TCH WOMAN I LL KILL YOU! Of course, all that could be heard of Zoro s protests we hig
h-pitched mews and squawks. Sanji leaned over and picked the kitten up by the sc
ruff and glared at it. The kitten glared back, the tip of his tail twitching ang
God, his personality is just like that damn Marimo. Looks like him too, except cu
Hiss Zoro swatted at Sanji s face and started to struggle again. Put me down, bastard
! I m not a stupid cat and I m NOT CUTE! ARGH! DAMMIT! He hissed at Sanji again.
It was Robin s turn to hold the little terror. Don t be mean Cook-san. She held him in
her arm and started stroking him behind his ears. Zoro calmed down and just con
tinued to glare. There. Now for a name kitten-san.
FLOOFY! Luffy shouted enthusiastically
Floofy? Everyone asked in unison.
Floofy? Zoro mewed in disgust.
They all sweat-dropped, Zoro didn t. He just glared.
God Zoro would kill Luffy if he weren t a cat. Nami thought as she put her fingertip
s to her temples.
Why Floofy Captain-san? Robin asked, her smile unwavering.
Because he s fluffy and it sounds like Luffy! He s gonna be my cat! Luffy yanked him o
ut of Robin s arms and started twirling him around. Zoro made faint mews of protes
t until Sanji took him again.
Until we dock at the next Island, he will be YOUR...and Usopp s.....and Chopper s res
ponsibility. I ll only feed him. That s it. But try not to kill it, ok? Cat meat isn t
my favorite dish. And you can t make much with this puny little thing. He turned t
he cat so it was facing him. Zoro hissed at him a growled the best he could. Oi,
oi. You re gonna be living with us for a while. You might as well calm down. Zoro a
t least stopped struggling and didn t hiss at Sanji. He did still glare and with h
is cat eyes, it wasn t hard.
Rumbling stomachs interrupted their heated stare. Both the cat, and Luffy, were
All right, all right I ll go get started on Dinner. Sanji sauntered off with the kit
ten still firmly grasped by the scruff.
Ah, Sanji-kun,
Yes my Nami-swan? Asked the pining blonde.
You shouldn t hold it by the scruff too long, you ll hurt it. She commented, gracing h
im with a small smiling, remembering that the kitten in his hands was Zoro.
Huh? Oh yeah. Uh, Nami-san, if it scratches up my new jacket will you give me a l
Sure Sanji-kun, I know EXACTLY where to get the money from. Directing a smirk at k
itty Zoro. Oh nice one bitch: I scratch his stupid jacket and you re gonna increase
my debt.....damn witch woman. Zoro sighed in defeat as Sanji repositioned him in
his arms.
If you scratch behind his ears Cook-san it ll help calm him down a little. Robin com
mented, ever smiling.
Sanji looked down doubtfully down at the kitten. The kitten looked back up at hi
m with a face that could only be Zoro s. Sanji blinked and continued to make his w
ay to the kitchen, scratching Zoro s ears.
He put him down on the counter and got his skillets and knives out. He took fres
h ingredients out of the fridge and started to cook. Zoro looked on without much
interest until a small piece of fish came flying his way. Without thinking, he
immediately pounced it and sunk his tiny claws into it. He realized that he was
acting like an actual cat and wanted to get his pride back, but part of him told
him not to let go incase it got away. So he quickly ate it, disregarding his hu
man pride. He was gonna be a cat for a while, he might as well get used to it.
Mmm. He purred. He looked back up at Sanji expectantly awaiting more food.
Oi, this food is going to be for the ladies and the idiots of the ship. You ll get
your own later. Sanji went back to seasoning the fish. All the while stirring veg
etables in a pan: adding a squirt of this and a sprinkle of that.
Zoro rested his head in his paws and sulked, still wanting more of that deliciou
s fish.
Here. Sanji tossed another tasty morsel his way and caught it mid-flight. It wasn t
meat but he ate it anyway. He gave Sanji a disapproving look, after all he trick
ed him. God, snap out of it! What does it matter, baka-cook. Zoro decided to get b
ack at the cook. What can I do to crush the cook...
Sanji-kun is dinner almost ready.
Ah...easy enough.
Ah, Mellorine! Yes my lovely maiden, you meal shall be ready momentarily.
...This is gonna wreck my pride. Damn...what should I...bah, I can blame it on be
ing turned into a cat. Heh, and people call me stupid. Zoro was about to jump dow
n from the counter, but abruptly stopped realizing how high up he was. He mewed
in surprise and he back up away from the edge, right into a hot skillet that had
been placed on the counter to cool. He yelped and ran away from the searing pai
n, right into the sink that was filled to the brim with dishwater. He had bits o
f food stuck to him and it was GROSS! He climbed out looking miserable. He huddl
ed into himself but still attempted to glare at Sanji who was laughing hysterica
lly. He scooped Zoro up in his hands and carried him out the door.
My sweet ladies, I apologize for the inconvenience, but I must rid the disruptive
ball of fur as he disgraces the presence of my lovely maidens.
Thank you Sanji-kun. That s very sweet of you. Nami s compliment sent Sanji wriggling
to the floor. Resuming composure, he took Zoro into the bathroom and filled up t
he sink.
Whoa, whoa whoa...who said anything about a BATH!?! Zoro looked up at Sanji, eyes
wide, Holy SHIT! Sanji s gonna give me a a BATH!!!
Ok neko-marimo. Time for a bath.
NOOOO! That is wrong! That is just plain WRONG! Zoro started struggling again. San
ji just thought that the little tyke was afraid of water, so he drained some if
it and forced the stubborn cat in the water. Zoro struggled to get free, but it
was useless. No matter what he tried to do, he simply wasn t strong enough to figh
t back anymore.
He sat sulking as Sanji began to delicately rub at Zoro s fur.
I know, I know, but you ll all dirty, I have to get you cleaned up. A cute widdew w
ady should be mowe caweful and not get aw dirty. (A cute little lady should be m
ore careful and not get all dirty)
Sanji lifted Zoro out of the water and...Examined him. Zoro protested loudly wit
h a series of shrieks and squawks. Ah, you re a boy. Sorry buddy. Zoro huffed with a
n indignant sniff and proceeded to allow Sanji to bathe him.
Sanji worked his way up Zoro body to his head. Zoro couldn t help, but lean into th
e scrubbing. It felt nice. In the vague memories of his childhood, he could reme
mber his mother stoking his head as he fell asleep. Sanji was scrubbing behind h
is ears, and even though Zoro hated the man, he didn t mind being scratched on the
He snapped out of his daze when the rubbing stopped and a splash of warm water a
ttacked him. He moved out from under the faucet and proceeded to hiss at it viol
Sanji laughed, You re not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you? You keep runnin
g into things, baka neko-marimo. Sanji s laughing face turned into a look of annoya
nce. Baka Marimo, going off and training. He doesn t need it; he s so strong already.
Zoro glared at him and twitched his tail irritably.
Bastard...admitting I m strong behind my back...asshole... Mreeoooooww Zoro let out a
looong mew. Proclaiming that he was quite done with his bath and would like to g
et back to dinner.
Hmm? Ah, sorry. Sanji picked up the hairdryer, set it on max, and turned it on. Zoro
looked like he was going through a wind tunnel. All of his green fur flew strai
ght back, and his ears were flattened against the top of his head with his eyes
shut tight. The dryer moved around his small frame causing him to shift his weig
ht to keep balance. Then a large firm hand started to rub him rigorously.
Mew! Mre-ew! Hiss! Gah! Sanji! Oi, idiot! STOP!
His protests went unnoticed as Sanji continued to dry when he was done, he laugh
ed in such a way that made Zoro suspicious. He lifted Zoro up so he could see in
the mirror,
Look at you Neko-Marimo, you look so funny. He held Zoro up next to his face so he
too could share the humor, or the horror (depending on which position you were
in) of Zoro s new rounded, fuzzy shape.
You look like Chopper in Guard Point Sanji chuckled.
Oh, if I were only human, I would kill you. Zoro thought as he hissed in disgust a
t his reflection.
Well, c mon, let s get you back to the lovely ladies. Sanji dashed back to the galley
as fast as his legs would carry him.
Zoro had almost completely forgotten about his revenge on the cook, and after wh
at he just did to his fur, he certainly wasn t going to forget to go through with
Sanji burst open the door. I have returned oh fallen angels! The little monster i
s now clean. He lifted Zoro by the scruff to show that he had completed the task
for Nami-san and Robin-chan. The covered their mouths as they tried to suppress
giggles, after all, they still knew it was Zoro under all that fur.
Cook-san, I will hold the kitten for you until you have finished with dinner.
Ah, thank you Robin-chwan! He handed Zoro to Robin and fluttered over to finish wi
th dinner.
Ah perfect: stealing his ladies shouldn t be a problem. It ll piss him off too. Zoro c
huckled evilly to himself as he smiled an evil cat grin. He thought for a second
, thinking about what is was that cats did when they waned attention. Ugh... he th
ough, but it ll be worth better be... Zoro looked up at Robin with the bigge
st pair of eyes he could manage. Robin was surprised to say the least, but she a
ssumed it was the cat s instincts taking over so she took it in stride.
She smiled, Look at how cute you are. She said in a slight singsong voice. Zoro ju
mped from her lap onto the table. He noticed a loose string on Nami s sweater.
He found it irritatingly alluring. He wanted nothing more than to attack it, but
immediately pushed the thought out of his head and scolded himself for even thi
nking of doing that, but then he though, Cats like string right? its
He stalked, set back on his hunches, and pounced. But before he could reach it,
Nami had lifted her arm off the table for emphasis in an explanation. He looked
up and there it was, dangling so teasingly. He leapt up and pounced again. He ca
ught it between his teeth and brought it down with him, unraveling a little more
of Nami s sleeve.
Ah, Zo kitty! Bad! She scolded trying to cover her mistake. Zoro did the eyes again, a
nd Nami too was surprised at first, but also took it in stride. She broke off th
e string and dangled it in front of Zoro. As soon as he pounced, she moved it ag
Good training... Was Zoro s excuse for participating in such a fun, yet ridiculous g
Ahh, if only I could be that little terror and have those two gorgeous ladies pin
ing over me! Sanji sighed dramatically for effect. Zoro stopped playing for a sec
and glanced in Sanji s direction. He did another cat smirk before continuing play
ing. Robin caught the smirk. Oh, so that s how it is Swordsman-san. She thought to h
erself as she reached over to rub the happy cat s tummy.
Review this Story/Chapter
Just 30 Days
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 16 - Updated: 12-0
7-09 - Published: 10-20-09 - id:5455486
After dinner was over and Luffy was FINALLY kicked out of the galley, Zoro staye
d behind to get whatever scraps were left over for his dinner.
You lucky bastard... Sanji commented out of nowhere. Zoro pretended not to notice.
You get to have fun with those lovely ladies and have them swoon over you if you
do so much a roll over. Zoro lapped at his plate, celebrating his minor victory.
He licked his whiskers and yawned noisily. Telling Sanji it was time for his na
p. Sanji didn t get the hint and started to walk out of the galley.
Mrew! Idiot, I can t jump down that far. MREW!
Sanji turned around and grabbed him by the scruff. Baka. You could ve jumped. When S
anji stepped out on deck, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper immediately assaulted him.
LEMME SEE IM!! HE S MY CAT! DON T BE A PIG SANJI! Luffy whined, grabbing at the cat th
at scratched him every chance he got.
HEY! He s OUR cat TOO you know Luffy!
All right, all right here OW! Baka Neko-Marimo... He muttered the last part to himse
lf, after Zoro dug in his claws in rebellion of being turned over to the others.
But even through the commotion the others still heard his nickname for the smal
l green ball of fur, even his lovely ladies heard.
Neko-Marimo? The trio in front of him asked.
Luffy laughed, not seeming to take it in the way the others had. HAHA! Sanji you re
funny. His name s Floofy not Neko-Marimo! Dummy! Chopper and Usopp sweat-dropped a
t their captain s...aloofness. Luffy was laughing whole-heartedly until Sanji kick
ed him clear off the Merry.
WHO S A DUMMY!? Sanji bellowed, after placing the kitten gently on the floor.
GEH! LUFFY! Usopp dove into the water to go fetch his captain.
Zoro was been sitting not far from the scene, his tail twitching from irritation
. Chopper walked over to examine the ship s new pet, and after hearing Sanji s name
for the tyke, he wanted to understand Sanji s logic behind the name. He does bare a
slight resemblance to Zoro, but mostly in hair and eye..color.... Chopper traile
d off, realization striking him. After all, Robin was not the ONLY one who knew
about these new chemically altered fruits.
ZO Nami who had walked over to ask about Sanji s name for the kitten was about to scr
eam, when one of Robin s hands promptly took care of Chopper s loud mouth.
Robin turned to Nami, It looks like another one knows about Zoro s little predicame
Sanji lit up a new cigarette and picked Zoro up from the floor, only to have Luf
fy and Usopp (who had miraculously returned to the Merry in record time) continu
e their assault, desperately trying to get Sanji to release the cat to them.
Come ooon Sanji! You SAID that it was gonna be OUR cat, not YOURS, Sanji. Luffy wh
ined, stretching his arms even while Sanji ground his foot into Luffy s face.
Zoro was still not letting go, but if he held on too much longer, he d have to buy
Sanji a new jacket. Zoro pulled the innocent eyes on Sanji. He flattened his ea
rs and made the most pitiful noise imaginable and tried to get Sanji to pity him
and take him away from all the noise and ruckus (Zoro refused to think of it th
at way, but instead thought off it as skillfully tricking the enemy). Luckily, S
anji fell for it.
Ah, Usopp, do you think you could could uhh...make like...a uh, kind o
f bed, for this....thing? Or like...a scratching post? Luffy, you can help him.
Uh, sure Sanji, but does the cat really need it? Usopp was suspicious of Sanji s sud
den request. He crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow.
Sanji pointed to the claws that were still, regrettably, digging into his skin. T
his little terror will probably start scratching at the wood of the ship, and al
so he ll need a place to sleep. Zoro glared up at the cook and made a point of grip
ping on tighter to Sanji s arm, and smirked when he saw Sanji wince out of discomf
ort. He didn t like being referred to as little or....well, a terror he didn t mind so
uch, but because it came form the cook s mouth, he found it irksome.
Alright, Usopp dismissed with a wave of his hand, Just make sure he doesn t scratch t
he ship.
OOOH! What can I do? What should I do, Usopp!? Neh, neh Usopp? Luffy continued his
pestering until they were both out of earshot and Sanji retreated down to the m
en s quarters. Zoro had released his grip and was being held more comfortably in S
anji s arms.
You better be pretty damn thankful you spoiled brat.
Zoro purred in appreciation. Wait, purred? Since when have I started PURRING?
He was set down on the couch, but immediately scampered over to his hammock and
tried to climb in. He crouched down and leapt with his surprisingly powerful bac
k legs and hooked on to the lowest hammock. He swung himself and hooked his back
claws onto a piece of rope a little further down. He managed to attach himself
to it, but not actually get on. He was hanging upside by all four paws mewing mi
serably. Great, now I can t even sleep in my own hammock, oh this cat deal is getti
ng better and better. He said to himself sarcastically. Sanji bent over and pried
Zoro off the hammock, ignoring his angry protests. He lay down on the sofa and
placed Zoro on his chest. Zoro glared down at the cook but otherwise allowed him
self to be placed.
Mew. Sanji started petting him on his head again. Oh, god that feels nice. Zoro lay
down but continued leaning into the touch. The petting was soon accompanied by s
oft low purring that sounded an awful lot like a familiar set of snores. Sanji f
ell asleep petting the little devil.
About an hour later, Zoro woke up from his dreamless sleep and decided to ventur
e upstairs to try and persuade his crewmates to give the ship s new pet some booze
. Momentarily forgetting where he was, Zoro rolled over and fell on the floor wi
th a dull thud. Blinking blearily, he yawned and started to make his way upstairs.
When Zoro finally reached the stairs, his mind had cleared of some of the fog a
nd was now functioning about as well as a slightly rusted machine. Zoro sat back
on his hunches and launched himself into the air, determination glimmered in hi
s big, glossy, cat eyes. Making contact with the wood, Zoro extended his claws.
Seeing as only his first half made it over the edge of the step, the rest of him
dangled helplessly, relying solely on the strength of his front claws to keep h
im from falling back to square one. Zoro bent his knees, extended his back claws
, and searched around for the wood of the step. Once his claws caught he was abl
e to push his furry little bum over the edge of the stair. Zoro beamed at his ac
complishment, but then sunk down in realization: he still had about 10 more step
s to go.
Yosh, I can do this. And thus, Zoro began his exhausting adventure.
30 Minutes Later
Zoro was panting once he got to the last step. He sat at the top, looking down a
t what he had accomplished. I did it. Finally I can go get... Another complication
had made itself known. Zoro had no way of opening the door. Eye twitching like
mad, Zoro cursed his own stupidity at not realizing this BEFORE he had climbed t
he stairs. Zoro sighed in defeat and, with his ears and tail drooping, began the
descent. As he was about to leap from the top step, the door swung open, effect
ively smacking Zoro square in the ass, flinging him down the entire flight of st
Bouncing down the last 3 stairs or so, Zoro finally came to a stop with a skid.
He sat up and turned his head to get a view of the offender so he could rip him
to shreds with his fearsome claws and teeth. Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp had come
downstairs to go to bed. Luffy was already climbing into his hammock, and Usopp
was carrying down a large box with a wooden post sticking out of the top, which
was blocking his view of what was in front of him. Zoro guessed that this was su
pposed to be his new sleeping quarters. Last to come downstairs was Chopper. Cho
pper seemed to be the only one to notice the seething creature that sat at the b
ottom of the stairs.
Chopper looked around, making sure no one would hear their conversation. Neh, umm you need something? I saw you get thrown down the stairs, are you a
ll right?
Ah, I see.
Huh?! Or...right...Chopper can understand other animals. Great, now maybe I can f
inally get some Sake. Zoro expressed this to Chopper.
Oi, Chopper, what are you doing? Talking to that cat... Usopp whispered, as to not
wake Sanji, who had been asleep the entire time.
Huh? Nothing! Eheheh. Chopper nervously sweat-dropped, desperately trying to figur
e out a way out of the situation, Oh! I was uhh...going to finally test the cat f
or any diseases and treat them properly. I ll be joining you shortly. And with that
, Chopper dashed upstairs, leaving Usopp to suspiciously ponder Chopper s strange
Upstairs (A/N: I am just going to have it appear that Zoro is talking, because t
hat s how chopper hears it.)
You know Zoro, I really don t think I should be giving you this...
Just hurry up and pour it! I ve been dying for a drink all day. Zoro sat in front of
a saucer, eagerly awaiting his prolonged bout of alcohol. His big eyes shined a
nd his tail twitched in anticipation as Chopper lowered the bottle and slowly po
ured some of it onto the plate. Zoro leapt up and drank happily, enjoying every
Neh Zoro, do you think, even though it is technically still you, that because of
your decreased size, you won t be able to drink as much? I mean, what if it hurts
your body? I don t think that cats are used to drinking alcohol. It could make you
really sick. Zoro licked his whiskers and smirked up at Chopper.
I ll be fine Chopper, A loud squeaky yawn interrupted Zoro s sentence, Now can you plea
se take me to bed?
The Next Morning
Sanji awoke the next morning feeling incredibly refreshed. He had gone to bed ea
rlier than usual and he realized that the extra sleep really did wonders for his
mood. He sat up with a small smile on his face, looking forward to cooking the
morning meal. He cracked his back and started to walk upstairs. But something wa
s nagging at him from the back of his mind. Sanji turned around and took a look
around the room. All the hammocks were empty and there was no trace of the Neko-
Marimo. Although Sanji did notice the new bed for the cat that he had asked Usop
p to build. He walked over to inspect it more closely.
Hmm...not bad. Better than where we sleep. Sanji straightened himself back up and
turned to go upstairs. Where is everyone...Why did no one wake me up?
Ah...there it is.
Hai, Luffy. I m on my way. Sanji picked up his jacket and trotted upstairs. Two of t
he three men were on the main deck, surrounding something. Seriously afraid that
the poor little beast was being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, Sanj
i trying to make it look like he didn t care hurried over and peeked over their should
ers to see what had captivated their attention.
Oh, Sanji. Do you want to help?
We re going to make an obstacle course for Floofy. Eeh hee! Luffy said through a gri
Sanji blinked, Why?
Eh, mostly cause we re bored. Usopp said with a shrug.
Then, if he s not with you, then where is he?
Hm? Oh, you mean the beast? Eh, he s inside with Robin, Chopper, and Nami.
Thanks Usopp. Sanji hurried into the kitchen. Robin-chwan, Nami-swan! Good morning!
Good Morning Sanji-kun.
Good Morning Cook-san.
Morning Chopper.
Morning Sanji! Chopper, Nami, and Robin all watched in silence as Sanji made his w
ay over to the fridge to get a start on breakfast. Wary of the other s stares, he
put down his supplies and turned around. Confusion written all over his face.
Ah..hahaha. N-Nothing Sanji-kun. What gave you that idea? Nami giggled nervously.
The three of them, including Zoro with the help of Chopper s translations, were di
scussing Zoro s predicament when Sanji had waltzed in. They were all afraid that h
e had heard something. But he hadn t so breakfast went on as scheduled...or rather scheduled as a crazy chaotic group of pirates breakfast could be.
After breakfast ended, Sanji tossed a strip of bacon out onto the deck with Luff
y chasing after it. Am incredibly effective method he had discovered a couple of
days ago. With that, Sanji walked out of the kitchen, his little Neko-Marimo po
ssessively held in his arms. Sanji went downstairs to lie down. Zoro saw his pet
bed and sighed. It would be nice to go lay on that comfy pluch pillow and sleep
for a while. He started to claw his way out of Sanji s arms, but the bastard held
tight. Zoro growled in frustration.
Baka, you can t jump from here, you ll hurt yourself.
Zoro, suddenly not liking the way Sanji underestimated him, jumped out of Sanji s
Zoro landed gracefully on his four feet and smirked up at Sanji in an I told you
so sort of way. Then, Zoro suddenly felt a bolt of energy go coursing through his
little kitty veins, no longer feeling the drowsiness brought on by a full stoma
What is this? And before he knew it, he dashed away from Sanji and all around the
Oi, Neko-Marimo, what s gotten into you? Every time Zoro came close, Sanji would rea
ch out and try to grab the little tyke, but every time, Zoro managed to evade th
e grabbing hands.
Heh, you know, this is kinda fun...I haven t a damn clue as to why the hell I m actin
g like such an idiot...bah, who cares. During Zoro s euphoric state, he managed to
climb up one of the support beams until he found himself stuck and out of Sanji s
He had planned on looking down and smirking at the cook, but instead got incredi
bly nervous about how high up he was. He wasn t sure if he could safely get down o
n his own. He started to meow down to Sanji for help.
Well, it s your own fault for climbing up there. Sanji commented casually as he lit
up a cigarette. He intended to pretend like he didn t care, but the sound Zoro mad
e was just so pathetic and scared, that he couldn t help himself. He climbed from
hammock to hammock, almost falling on several occasions, until he was just below
Zoro. Zoro sensed the safety of Sanji s body growing closer and he wanted to be i
n those arms again and have his head wait...that was a lie. He didn t
REALLY want that...did he?
Sanji reached out and slid his hand under Zoro s tummy, gripping the small body fi
rmly. Gotchya.
Review this Story/Chapter
Just 30 Days
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 16 - Updated: 12-0
7-09 - Published: 10-20-09 - id:5455486
Alright guys, I know its been FREAKING FOREVER since I ve last updated this story.
Very sorry about the delay, won t happen again.
Zoro sighed a little kitten sigh. He was back in Sanji s big, warm hands and the e
xhaustion from earlier had returned to his body. He wasn t sure he d want to do some
thing like that ever again. But maybe once in a while wouldn t hurt, he just would
n t make the same mistake as before and would, instead, just stay on the floor whe
re it was safe.
Baka Neko-Marimo, going and climbing up that support beam. What were you thinking
?" Sanji paused for a second and smirked, "Heh, if you re anything like Zoro then
you wouldn t have been thinking anything at all. Sanji chuckled at his own little j
oke and the distasteful face the cat was making.
Bastard. Hiss.
Sanji lowered his laugh to a light chuckle and looked into the eyes of the kitte
n. You re so much like Zoro. He smiled down affectionately at the small bundle of no
longer annoyed fur. Zoro felt his face heat up. Sanji had never looked at him l
ike that before and it was kinda weird. No, it was really weird, especially sinc
e he was probably thinking about him while making that that weird face. Except cute
r and not as annoying. Zoro resented that statement and expressed this to Sanji w
ith obviously displeased mewls and a not-so-serious attempt to scratch the cook'
s nose. Soon after he felt his lids droop and let out a squeaky yawn. Sanji smil
ed again he seemed to be doing that a lot more often lately and lowered the kitten i
nto his new housing unit and started to stoke his tiny head. Sanji could feel so
ft purrs resonate through the body as he smoothed down the short, but very soft,
There you go Neko-Marimo. Sanji scratched Zoro behind his ears as he fell asleep o
n the incredibly comfortable and warm pillow, dreaming of ripping apart bloodthi
rsty mice and battling demonic balls of yarn.
Sanji returned to the upstairs, enjoying the spray of the fresh sea breeze that
greeted him once he stepped out into the open. He tilted his face towards the wi
nd, feeling very contented and relaxed. But of course, when you re on the Merry, t
hat sort of thing never lasts for long. Usopp and Chopper came bounding around a
corner, acting as if they were running for their lives, the huge smiles and tea
rs of mirth ruining the affect of their terrified screams.
UWAAAAA! Zoro s angry and wants to kill us! Chopper cried, his hooves raised above h
is head.
Sanji took a step back, completely confused. Zoro? How? But
YAAAH! Usopp shrieked, Run for your lives! Sanji scanned the ship, almost desperatel
y, in search of the green hair that he had always loved hating. He heard study c
lunking that could only be the sound of Zoro s boots. He saw one swing out from ar
ound the corner, followed by the dark pants and haramaki, the white shirt, and t
hen the round head of
Luffy!? Luffy shifted his gaze over to where Sanji was standing. Sanji stared back
, looking confused if not slightly aggravated at his captain. Where did he get Zo
ro s clothes?
Are you blind aho dart-brow? I m Zoro. Usopp and Chopper laughed and applauded at Lu
ffy s impersonation of the irate first mate. Sanji was absolutely livid. No one, a
nd I mean NO ONE other than Zoro was allowed to insult him like that. With Zoro,
it was how they communicated. They were best frien-imies; so, such name-calling
was allowed with the possible result of only a minor tussle. For anyone else to
use the Marimo s unoriginal insults was completely unforgivable. Sanji growled out, shadows hiding most of his face, save
for the eye that was shooting daggers.
You wanna fight hentai-cook? Luffy asked, trying his best to glare as Zoro might,
drawing two sticks that were, apparently, supposed to represent Zoro s katana. Uso
pp and Chopper were obviously having an inner battle: should they burst out laug
hing at Luffy s hilarious imitation of Zoro s ornery personality, or fear for their,
and Luffy's as well, lives because of Sanji s flaring temper? Seconds later they
were rolling around the deck, tears gushing from their eyes while they tried to
catch their breath from laughing so hard.
Sanji ground his teeth into the cigarette he was smoking and lifted and lifted h
is leg. It s He snarled swinging his left leg at Luffy s bandana clad head, Ero love-co
k, you bastard!!! Sanji raced from the lower deck to the upper deck, where Luffy
had landed. If you re gonna pretend to be Zoro then at least do it right! And with t
hat, Sanji stomped off, not giving a second thought to what he said. But he did
wonder where Luffy had gotten those clothes. Oi, Luffy! He called, seeming to be c
ompletely calm again as if the past couple minutes had never happened.
Nani, Sanji? Luffy asked through a swollen lip.
Where d you get those?
""Ah~n. Where~ hmm..."
"Luffy!" Sanji started to shake his captain back and forth. He knew he was over
reacting, but he was still angry with his captain's overly carefree attitude and
was not in the mood for it.
The mikan bushes! Luffy finally exclaimed after his brain had been efficiently rat
tled. Sanji loosened his grip on Luffy s shirt and twisted his head around to look
at the bushes planted but 20 feet away.
The mikan bushes? Sanji lost himself in his circulation of unanswered questions an
d thoughts that contradicted each other; he went down into the galley to prepare
lunch, though breakfast had ended not even an hour ago, Sanji knew by now that
there was never enough time to prepare a meal for his captain.
Nami and Robin sat comfortably on their respective deck chairs, going completely
unnoticed throughout the entirety of the exchange. This caught them by surprise
; since Sanji always took time to admire their perfect, bikini clad figures, it
was incredibly unusual that he didn t even bat an eye in their general direction.
Neh, Robin I think there s something up with Sanji-kun. He didn t notice us at all.
That was definitely out of character for him, Navigator-san. Robin commented idly,
not even looking up form her book.
What could be bothering him? He hasn t even brought us our drinks.
So that was it.
But of course. Nami said numbly as she waved it off.
Robin chuckled at Nami s offhanded comment. Perhaps we should do some investigating,
Nami smirked; giving a look that could easily be described as nothing below misc
Several hours later, lunch came about. The entire crew, including their new gree
n pet, was seated comfortably in the small dining area. Zoro dug into the *puree
d entrails Sanji had specially prepared for him, though he claimed that he just
used what was left over from the meal to feed the tiny tyrant. Zoro didn t seem to
mind. It wasn t better than what Sanji normally prepared for the male portion of
the crew, but it definitely wasn t worse. Suddenly, a big hand was pinned down by
a fork, fingers only a hair's breadth away from Zoro s dish.
Luffy, you bastard, you re not taking food from the cat either! Sanji defended, not
releasing his hold until Luffy started to pull his hand away. Zoro looked at Luf
fy with a smug grin on his face, making Luffy fume.
Ah! You greedy neko-bastard! And with that, a heated game of cat and mouse ensued. T
ypically the cat was the one who chased, but in this scenario that was hardly ap
propriate. Everyone scrambled for their plates, keeping guard of their food whil
e Luffy chased the cat around over and under the table. When Nami decided she d ha
d enough, she smacked Luffy over the head and caught the kitten by the scruff, t
ossing him into Sanji s arms.
Take better control of that thing, Sanji-kun! Look at the mess he and Luffy cause
d! And with that, lunch was over.
Nami assigned Sanji to watch duty and sent him up to the crow s nest. Everyone, she
called, We ll be reaching an island within a week! We re at an odd spot with the wind
currents so it should be fairly calm for the next couple days and
Oi! Nami! Luffy called, obviously displeased with her decision, We were supposed to
go back for Zoro! Why are we leaving him!? Luffy was quite angry, and reasonably
so. He felt as if Nami had just taken off and abandoned their nakama on an isla
Don t worry, he ll be back with us in about a month!
I don t mean to be rude Nami-san, Sanji called down from the rigging, kitten in arms
as always, but Zoro has absolutely no sense of direction. How is he going to fin
d his way? We re on the Grand Line no less.
Sanji could feel the kitten vibrate with a low growl. Baka **Question. Zoro though
Nami too, took on a slightly irritated tone, but looked at them with complete se
riousness. Trust me. Sanji and Luffy looked at each other, still unsure, but decid
ed that they should have faith in Nami, even though they still had lingering dou
I still think we should go back, but I trust you Nami. Luffy said before he nodded
his head in dismissal.
When Sanji climbed up into the little bucket of a crow's nest and Luffy left to
go do god knows what, Usopp approached Nami, smiling knowingly, Yeah, it d be kinda
pointless to go back for a guy that s already here.
Huh? Usopp? How
Usopp chuckled, crossing his hands over his chest, and sticking his nose in the
air before undoing his stance to point straight up and smile down at her, clearl
y confident in what he was about to say, That green kitten is Zoro, right?
W-What? How did Nami stopped talking for a second before pulled Usopp by the nose u
ntil she was sure they were out of earshot of Luffy and Sanji, who seemed to be
the only ones who hadn't figured it out, and completed her question.
Oh Nami, Nami, Nami. I could see right through your lie from the very beginning.
I mean seriously: a green kitten shows up a green kitten the afternoon Zoro goes mis
sing. Also, it came springing out of the mikan bushes, where Luffy found his clo
Alright, alright. It s true. Zoro ate some sort of weird fruit and now he s gone and
turned into that.
So he s a become zoan type? I think we have more hammers than humans on this ship n
ow actually, Zoro was never really human to start with... He mused.
No, it wasn t a devil s fruit. They continued on with the discussion until Nami had fi
nished her explanation of what she knew of the situation.
Ahh, I see. Usopp placed a hand on his chin and looked up at the sky thoughtfully.
But there s one thing bothering me.
"Sanji s smart right?
Yeah, I suppose so. Nami crossed her arms and shifted her weight so it was all on
one foot as she stuck out a hip: the pose of impatience and annoyance if there e
ver was one.
Then how is it that he hasn t figured it out yet?
Nami looked at Usopp furrowing her brow before widening her eyes, You re right! San
ji-kun would normally pick up on these things right away. I wonder The pair peaked
around the corner and saw Sanji handing fishing poles to Luffy and Chopper with
Zoro nestled comfortably on his shoulder. Neh, Usopp.
What? The went back into hiding as Sanji turned around to climb back up into posit
I think he knows.
Author s Note
A couple things to clarify: hentai even though we use it to describe porn is another
word for pervert. Also, for those who don t know though most probably do, aho is sy
nonymous with idiot or baka. And I probably spelled it wrong, but Nagahara-kun i
s long nose-kun.
*pureed entrails is a perfectly normal thing to feed cats. I know it sounds gros
s, but Sanji's not gonna feed the cat like...lemon seared salmon or anything fan
cy. no, he's gonna give him left overs. *continues pointless rant*
**In the 6th movie, Zoro calls Sanji Question in reference to his eyebrow
Woot woot! Cliffhanger~ (sorta) this chapter is shorter than you patient watcher
s deserve, but some is better than none right?
Love you~
Review this Story/Chapter
The Connector
Author of 56 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Horror/Drama - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 19 - Updated: 12-11-
09 - Published: 08-21-09 - id:5320027
The Connector
Fandom: One Piece
Rating: T/15+
Genre: Mystery-Horror-Drama
Pairing/Characters: eventual ZoSan (but more to a really close friendship rather
than romance)/possibly all will come up in later chapters (only Zoro in this ch
apter-and he s the main character)
Disclaimer: One Piece is Odachi s
Warning: AU, major horror-supernatural occurrences, eventual shounen ai, possibl
y oOC-ness, graphic horrible/sadistic images
Summary: He can see things most people can t see, and they come to him with variou
s purposes: purely torturing his mind, passing messages, or seeking his help for
their unfinished business. How can he help them and who will help him ease them
Chapter 1: Escaping the Death
It was a stupid serious blunder.
Roronoa Zoro was definitely dead when a gigantic sword of his opponent, Dracule
Mihawk, slashed his chest diagonally from his right shoulder blade to his left a
bdomen, nearing the hip.
Blood, his very own crimson liquid of life, was splashing, running out his veins
or arteries or even both, and pooling on the stage of underground fight he was
having a match right now...or this entire month. Oh, he was so dead. If Zoro did
n t die now, his father would definitely kill him for this stupid macho showdown.
Either way, the young 17 year old boy with green hair and tanned skin and a tone
d oh-so-gorgeous body if he was not bleeding to death right now was having a serious
big trouble, a near-death situational trouble.
Zoro was still conscious as he was lifted and brought to ER. He didn t know who br
ought him, couldn t really see because his sight was blurring. He also couldn t hear
really well, didn t catch what people around him were saying. Well, they obviousl
y looked panicked. He felt cold and the pain in his chest was killing him or num
bing his five senses, Zoro wasn't sure. He couldn t move and he was as sure as hel
l that he was going to die.
Now he felt delirious. He could feel just now that someone had stuck something o
n his right hand or was that an injection? An IV maybe? Anesthetic? Again, the dyi
ng young man wasn't sure. Anyway, everything around him began to be very white o
r bright and he really wanted to close his eyelids; they felt really heavy. He w
as losing his awareness or worse, losing his life.
At the verge of losing consciousness, Zoro heard something. A voice; and it was
hell familiar to him. He didn t remember when he heard that or who owned the voice
, but it was familiar and a moment later, he could only see darkness.
When he opened his eyes, he was in a very dark place.
I can t believe this! How could you be this stupid, young man? A green haired man in
his forty with strong jaw and masculine line of face, wearing a traditional old
green hakama and a white upper kimono, glared deadly at the source of his anger
and his frustration before him.
Dad, it was a small mistake, the younger one with the same hair color and similar
piercing eyes, could only make excuse quietly as he stayed still on the bed of h
ospital, head bent down, staring at the white sheet between his clenched hands,
face pale, full of shame and disgrace.
A vein popped up on the older one s forehead. A small mistake-huh? It was a miracle
that you even woke up! You re dead there on the operation table, Roronoa Zoro! Do
ctor said your heart stopped! And you re waiting for our claim at the cadaver unit
for an hour before you suddenly woke up again and walked around, freaking the h
ell out of the residents and the nurses! And you call it A SMALL MISTAKE!? The ol
der man was enraged at his son s unbelievable moronic answer.
Roronoa Alan was usually a very calm man. Hell he was like the synonym of tranquil
izer. However, this time seriously, he could kill his eldest son right here and
now. Oh, if Zoro hadn t just escaped the death, he would have strangled him the mo
ment Alan saw him. He couldn t believe Zoro would make him worried to this extent.
Underground fight, for god sake! Not only you violated our nation s law, you could
get yourself killed for real! Oh no, you got killed some hours ago, at least you
really stopped breathing and was considered dead! How do you think your mother
were feeling when she heard the news!? Alan continued yelling loudly at his son,
and he would be definitely banished from that hospital if he wasn't in a Super V
IP Room and the owner of that private health facility.
Zoro flinched at the mention of his mother. Well, he might respect his father so
much and felt like crap for disgracing him like this, but his mother was someth
ing else. He would die for her gladly if he had to. His father knew this, and me
ntioning her to make him feel guilty Zoro was in worse trouble than dying now.
Zoro shut his eyes, hearing his father s yelling until the older was satisfied and
exhausted. Alan sat on the chair beside the bed, covering his pale face, pantin
I am sorry Please forgive me, father, Zoro said slowly, sincerely, trying to act to
ugh even though he was feeling like running away or burying himself alive if the
re were holes anywhere near him right now.
Zoro still closed his eyes. He knew how bad this situation was. His father would
disown him and he couldn t even blame him for that. Zoro was in fault after all.
He indeed had betrayed his expectations and hopes the moment Alan knew what he h
ad been doing outside his house all these times. He lied about group-studying ou
tside at night. He lied about cram-school. He even lied about his part time job.
Those all were excuses Zoro made whenever he had those matches. Of course his f
ather would be furious that his son. His eldest son, who would succeed him somed
ay, did something illegal and lied to him about it, and worse, almost got himsel
f killed there.
Zoro realized how idiot he was. He had just wanted to seek fun in fighting. He w
as a kendo athlete and he wasn't satisfied with the official matches. He couldn'
t pull out his full power to fight those amateur-like opponents there after all,
and underground match, he thought, was a right place to satisfy his lust to tes
t out his true ability and power by using real swords.
And his opponent last night The Hawk Eye Dracule Mihawk, had been the sole champion
of Japanese underground fight for ten years in row. He was unbeatable and Zoro w
as sure he could defeat him. In fact, he just overestimated his own power and wo
rse, he was so arrogant of that. Even his father had taught him that arrogance c
ould blind their eyes and heart that they would not be able to see their own fla
ws. Zoro was so shameful now not only because he had forgotten about his father s
teaching but also because of what happened the night before. He was like an ant
fighting an elephant. He was still so far away from Mihawk. He couldn t even land
a single hit.
It was definitely a disgraceful sight. It was so ugly that Zoro thought it might
have been better if he stayed dead rather than having to face the reality.
Alan uncovered his face again. He felt really tired and old suddenly. He set his
gaze at his son again. Zoro was regretting his every action right now. Alan cou
ld see that. He looked so small and so depressed. Alan might have been overreactin
g for mentioning his wife while knowing it was Zoro s weakness. He had never done
that before, but this time was a one-life-time experience for him too. He was so
shocked when the hospital called him that his son died because of an illegal ac
His beloved son died for a moment Alan wanted to die himself at the thought. When
he told his wife, she cried hysterically before she collapsed and lost conscious
ness. He almost had an accident himself because of an emotional crisis as he dro
ve like a mad man to the hospital. He had not lost control in a long time and th
at night was like an apocalypse in his almost 45 years of life.
Alan sighed in a defeated look as he looked at the ceiling, leaning his back on
the chair back. Where had he been wrong in raising his eldest son? Did he have t
oo much faith and expectation for him that stressed him? Or was it just because
he was too easy-going or even too strict? Alan didn t understand and had no idea.
The older man once again looked at Zoro. The young swordsman still closed his ey
es and stayed still even with that deadly wound on his chest. Zoro s physical powe
r was indeed miraculously scary. Or he just pushed himself to look like that. Ei
ther way, he was recovering and Alan didn t help him by shouting, yelling or makin
g the boy feel guilty. He was still seventeen and Alan had ever been young befor
e. He knew that Zoro s thinking pattern still had no boundary. He was strong, fear
less, full of dreams, and he could still even become better and better.
Like Zoro said, it was one of the mistakes that could happen in his journey to r
each adulthood, a seriously dumb deadly mistake, not a small one though.
Alan sighed again and reached his hand at his son s head. It s okay, Zoro, he said slo
wly, now having been calm enough to think and not to lash out like before. He st
roked Zoro s short hair gently. I was wrong too for yelling like that. I am sorry. H
e even apologized after he realized what kind of horrible words he had thrown at
his sons previously.
No, father, you ve done nothing wrong. I deserve a serious punishment for this mist
ake, Zoro shook his head at that; really surprised that his father had reverted t
o his usual self in a short time. His old man s control was a serious wonder to Zo
ro. If Zoro were in his shoes, he would definitely disown his son.
Okay, a punishment, indeed; I have to think one later. Now I am just glad that yo
u re alive, son. I thought my heart stopped as well when I heard you died, Alan sai
d while massaging his temple now. He was really giddy and tired from the emotion
al crisis and the rage. Now he just wanted to sleep.
Zoro felt really guilty when he heard that. His father was really freaked out an
d worried apparently. Well, he should have known, he was Alan s son after all. I am
sorry for worrying you as well, Zoro whispered lowly while peering at his father s
worn-out figure.
Alan smiled at his son and once again ruffled his hair. You should lay down, Zoro
. Your wound is no kidding. How could you stay alive with that? Well, when I saw
you walk around after I identified your corpse, I was freaked out myself, he sai
d jokingly. Miracle does happen sometimes, huh?
Zoro was silent for a moment. Miracle Well, it might be a miracle, but if Kuina w
asn't there, it wouldn t happen.
Zoro still remembered what he experienced when he died? Or let say when he was in th
e border of life and death. He was in a dark tunnel. A long dark tunnel without
light and voice. How could he knew it was a tunnel, he had no idea. He just knew
. And there far in front of him was a white light. It was so small he could only s
ee it as a tiny little dot.
Following his instinct, Zoro tried to go there. He was in a panicked situation b
ecause when he realized, he couldn t even feel anything in that tunnel. He couldn t
even distinct if he was talking or thinking. He was almost engulfed by nothingne
ss and it scared the hell out of him. That dot of light became the only hope he
However, after forever running to the light, at the end of the tunnel he saw his
best friend. Kuina the girl that died nine years ago because of a sickness, she w
as there and shouted at him to go back. She said something like it hadn t been his
time and he should go back. Actually, Zoro didn t want to go back, but then the pro
mise . He remembered about that promise he made with her before she died.
To become the best swordsman in the world
Respecting her wish, in the end Zoro ran back to the darkness, fighting his fear
of became nothing inside that dark tunnel. He remembered running and running un
til he saw the same dot light at the other end and when he opened his eyes again
, he had been in a cadaver box in cadaver unit room.
Zoro was seriously freaked out as he opened the container. Then, when he walked
out the room, a resident and some nurses saw him and it was uproar after that.
Well, anyway, Zoro was still alive and was thankful to his dumb luck and Kuina.
She had saved him from dying after all, even thought it was just her spirit or any
thing like that. Zoro actually didn t believe of something unrealistic or supernat
ural, but he couldn t deny what he could see, could he?
Zoro? Alan called the teen back from his train of thought.
Oh, yeah, Zoro responded in a surprise. Father, you should sleep too. You look real
ly tired, Zoro said.
I will. You rest well, son and recover soon, Alan stood, once again ruffling his s
on s hair gently with a reassuring smile as Zoro laid himself down on his bed.
Okay , Zoro smiled back and was ready to sleep when suddenly he caught a glimpse of
someone else in the corner of the room.
Long dark hair A woman? Zoro stared at the strange figure for a moment.
A pale woman, probably in her thirty judging from her face, she wore a worn-out
long sleeved white-brown garment with a long dark skirt. There were black ring c
ircling her eyes and she looked untidy and very sick. And her skin it looked very we
ird. There was a tint of blue in her pale color. And she also stared at him with
those hollowed black eyes too. It was extremely creepy.
Father, Zoro called his father as Alan was about to turn his back and leave. He se
t his eyes on his son again, raising one of his eyebrows. Who's there at the corn
er of the room? A new maid? he asked out of curiosity and for confirmation. She m
ight be a lost patient or something.
Now Alan raised both his eyebrows at his son in a strange look. He then put his
hand on Zoro s forehead and put the other one on his own.
Father, what are you doing? Zoro asked, sweat dropping.
Odd, you don t have a fever, Alan said wonderingly.
You re being weird, father. I asked about a woman standing at the corner of the roo
m. How come it became I had a fever? the green haired teen asked ridiculously. Hi
s father might have been too tired.
What are you saying, son? There s no one in this room except us, Alan said, looking
at his boy oddly as well.
Eh ? Zoro was surprised at that. But ! He glanced back at the corner of the room, at hi
left side. She was still standing there, not doing anything, just staying still
and staring at him creepily. But she s there, father, Zoro protested a bit while po
inting at the woman.
Son it might be because of the drugs. You re seeing things, Alan smiled again in under
But !
Zoro was about to protest hard now when his father put his hand on his hair agai
n to silence him. I ll be with you, so just sleep for now.
There was a hint of order in Zoro s father s caring voice. His father was tired, he
was tired, and Zoro didn t want to inconvenience him more than this, so Zoro nodde
d slowly, obliging him. He glanced again at the woman though. He was sure she wa
s there. He wasn t seeing things.
Still, what is she doing there? Why is she staring at me like that? Zoro wondered
uneasily, but the biggest question he had right now was Why can t father see her?
Zoro didn t get the answer because suddenly he felt really sleepy. Now it was the
drug taking effect on his system. In his delirious state, he still could see the
strange figure, but now she wasn't at the corner of the room, but right beside
his bed, bending her head, showing him her sickly sad face.
What ?
Zoro could see her opening her mouth, seeming saying something, but he couldn t he
ar her. Slowly but steadily he closed his eyes and went to the darkness of slumb
It was hot.
His body was burning. He couldn t breathe.
Zoro opened his eyes slightly. He could see the red engulfing flame burning ever
ywhere. He wanted to yell and asked for help. He was panicked, desperately gaspi
ng and panting for air, but what came inside his lungs were smokes and dirt.
No it s hot ! I am burning ! I am burning alive ! Help somebody anybody ! Zoro looked at hi
ng burning flesh. He could smell the sickening feeling and he was in pain. He wa
s really scared. Help help HELP ME!
Zoro opened his eyes only to be faced by a face of a burnt woman with dark hair,
with blowing and melting eyeballs, scrapped skull and facial s skin and rotten fl
esh. Zoro widened his eyes and, AAAAARGH! he screamed bloody murder.
Zoro was brought back to reality with a gasp as he woke up from his nightmare. H
e was panting like crazy, eyes widening and pupil dilating at the memory of horr
ible images. His face was really pale and sweats broke out his entire skin.
Zoro couldn t breathe properly. The scent of burnt melting flesh and the smokes we
re still so clear in his senses. He had difficulty in distinguishing dream and r
eality. He could still see part of the nightmare and vaguely he also heard someo
ne call his name.
Zoro, calm down! Breathe, son! Take a deep breath! Alan tried to calm Zoro down by
stroking and soothing his chest, carefully not to touch the wound while he was
also panicked himself at Zoro s state.
The young man had been restless in his sleep and Alan was about to wake him up w
hen suddenly Zoro opened his eyes widely and began to scream in horror. He didn t
know what kind of nightmare his son had, but his voice was so loud and bloodcurd
ling that Alan became panicked as well.
Zoro, please calm down! Calm down! Alan shouted, trying to catch Zoro s attention by
winning out his scream.
Zoro was still panting and gasping for air for moments before tears started pool
ing on his widened eyes. Sometimes later then, his sense of reality began to wak
e up and he could see no longer the trace of his nightmare. He could hear his fa
ther s voice and began to be able to breathe properly as well. His eyes then softe
ned as he took a deep breath and released it slowly three times while closing hi
s eyes to calm himself down.
Son , Alan looked at Zoro s finally calm state with a concern mixed with a relief in h
is expression. Zoro, are you okay? Alan asked again to make sure Zoro was alright.
Zoro opened his eyes slowly and looked at his father. There were still the trace
s of tears on his cheeks, but he was breathing steadily now, not gasping and pan
ting like before. Father , Zoro s voice was hoarse and heavy. He looked sick and his h
ospital garments were wet because of the cold sweats.
Zoro, what happened? Alan stroked his son s damp hair. His forehead skin was as cold
as ice. He should call the doctor to check on him.
Nightmare , Zoro whispered weakly. He was more worn-out than before he was asleep. T
he images were so vivid it was sickening. He was nauseous so much that he wanted
to vomit. He began to have a headache as well, and it was pounding his head lik
e a ton hammer.
Zoro groaned painfully as he crouched further on his damp cold blanket. He was s
hivering now. Then he opened his eyes and was met with a view of that strange wo
man at the corner of the room.
She again why is she still there? Zoro thought really uneasy now. She still stared a
t him with those hollow creepy black eyes.
Father , please make her go away, Zoro said suddenly. He really didn t want to see her
in this state. It was beginning to scare him.
Son , Alan began to get worried even more. His son was saying something strange agai
n. There was no one except them in the room. Who was this woman he was talking a
bout since before he slept?
Please, father, remove her from this room. She is staring at me like like ! Zoro could
n t finish his words. He widened his eyes and froze as suddenly the woman was besi
de his bed. She bent down and lowered her face at his. Her long hair was touching
his cold face.
Zoro couldn't speak. Once again he couldn't breathe. The chill ran down on his s
pine as he could only stare at her sickening solemn look.
Stop ! Stop! What are you doing!? Stay away! Stay away from me! Zoro s mind screamed i
n panicked state even though outside he was freezing and couldn't move.
However then, as Zoro was about to shut his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the wom
an opening her mouth as if she wanted to say something. She looked so sickeningl
y desperate as well that Zoro began to feel pity even though it was really terri
What again ? Does she want to say something? Zoro s panicky began to subdue a bit. Altho
ugh he was still nauseous and the headache was still pounding, he paid much clos
er attention to the woman s mouth, trying to make out her silent words.
Zoro groaned again fighting the pain more to the one in his head rather than the
one on his chest. The painkiller seemed still numbing him, but the headache was
killing him. He tried to concentrate more, ignoring his father s concerned words.
Damn it, what the hell are they doing, those nurses!? I ll go get the doctor myself
! Wait here, son!
Zoro could hear his father yell something, and the older man then left the room
while running in a panicked look.
Now the room was quiet, and even though Zoro was fighting the nausea and the hea
dache, he could concentrate more to the woman in front of him.
What are you trying to say? What do you want from me? Zoro was still not able to t
alk, so he spoke with his mind. He knew it was ridiculous, but he couldn t think p
roperly now with that headache. And this situation was indeed bizarre for him.
Zoro was talking to a woman through his mind, damn it. What was it if it was not
an outrageous bizarre idea?
Anyway, as he was concentrating more, finally he could hear the voice. It was re
ally low, really dry like the rustles of dry leaves and almost inaudible, but he
somehow managed to transcript the voice.
H-help son can t athe
Wha-what? What s son? Whose son? Can t what? Zoro groaned more as the pounding in his
head increased tenfold. He felt like passing out now.
My son dying can t breathe
Your son? Your son is it? Can t breathe and dying? Where is he? Zoro crouched more a
nd now covered his forehead with two hands while moaning painfully. The world ar
ound him seemed spinning and he could see white stars here and there.
3 0 1
Ugh 301, huh? Zoro then slammed his forehead to the iron part of the bed to calm his
aching and pounding head. It bled of course, but he didn t care. Now he could spe
ak and move and he would do anything to stop this painful experience.
Zoro then tried to sit. A wave of nausea washed over him. He hurriedly covered h
is mouth before he could vomit. He pushed himself to stand, out of the bed. His
feet could feel the coldness of the floor, but the numbing sense made him unaffe
cted. Zoro tried to walk even though he was wobbly. Then he was stopped because
of the IV tube hanging beside his bed that restrained his arm. He took out the I
V tube and brought it with him as he walked out the room shakily.
When he was out of the room, Zoro had no idea where the room 301 was. Lead the way , h
e asked no one in particular, but then the woman from before appeared out of now
here in front of him.
Quickly please quick
Zoro could feel that he had to hurry. Whatever was in front of him right now, ev
en though it seemed unreal and ridiculous, Zoro s mind and every instinct told him
to do it. Just do it; and he would free form this pain.
Zoro gasped and panted heavily as he walked. He had almost tripped his own feet
a couple of times, but he could manage to walk while leaning on the wall. He fol
lowed the woman. The sight was very strange. He swore the woman didn t move her fe
et, but she could walk really fast, almost flowing if he could see better.
Down stairs, to the right, turn left twice and there was the room 301. With his
will power Zoro tried not to pass out, he used his strength left in his body and
opened the room. It was a rather spacious room with four occupants and beds. As
he came inside, the woman was in the corner of the room at his left side. There
was a patient there on the bed beside the woman, a boy, and he was convulsing,
really badly.
Shit ! Zoro tried to walk faster to the bed. He saw the other patients just stared
at the convulsing boy and did nothing about it.
God damn it! Why didn t all of you do something!? The kid s dying! Zoro shouted angril
y because the pain in his head was unbearable as well. It was buzzing and with h
is last power, he pounded the calling bell repeatedly to call the nurses and the
doctors until he passed out, now on the floor.
When Zoro woke up the second time, he had been back to his own room. Zoro groane
d out loud the moment he woke up.
Son! Alan reached Zoro s hand and held it strongly.
Fa ther , Zoro blinked several times as he recognized his father s feature. The headache
was still there, but it was not as bad as the previous one and the nauseating f
eeling was gone.
Thank god! Alan shouted in relief. Oh, Zoro, what are you doing, walking around in
that state? his father continued, not understanding his son s action.
Oh yeah, the boy! How is he? Zoro then remembered about the convulsing boy he appr
oached before, and woke to sit up; and of course immediately regretted his actio
n as pain shot him on his chest and head. He cursed lightly at that, about cryin
g if he could.
He s okay, Mr. Roronoa, suddenly a light shooting voice came out behind Alan.
Dr. Rein, Alan turned his back at the owner of the voice, greeted and shook his ha
Who? Zoro had to narrow his eyes to look at the young doctor properly. Well, judgi
ng from his light high tenor voice, Zoro thought he was probably still young.
How are you Mr. Roronoa Junior? the doctor with white long sleeved coat came close
r to the sick boy so he could greet Zoro as well. A name tag stuck on the coat f
ront pocket saying the name: Dr. Rein Heart.
Zoro then could see the doctor s feature properly now. Like he thought, the doctor
was young, a man with long wavy brown almost blond hair. He had amber colored e
yes and wore round small glasses, sticking lowly on his nose, like a scientist.
He looked really friendly and his voice was cooling and shooting. In an instant
Zoro thought the doctor s job suited him so well.
I m feeling like crap, Zoro said while groaning.
Mind your language, young man! Alan scolded Zoro instantly.
Zoro groaned more. He forgot that his father was a bit strict about manner. Zoro
muttered a plain apology and Dr. Rein chuckled at that. I don t mind. It means tha
t he is fine now if he can say something like that, the young doctor said with a
It thanks to your immediate and precise treatment, Dr. Rein. I don t know what woul
d happen to Zoro if you didn t move faster than anyone else as he woke up from his
dead state, Alan said, really grateful at the doctor s service.
That s a doctor s job. More importantly, Mr. Roronoa, you hadn't slept since Roronoa
Junior passed out last night. You should take a rest or you will double my job i
f after this it s your turn to pass out and is bedridden for pushing yourself too
much, Rein said all of the words in a breath.
Alan and Zoro were stunned at that, surprised. However then, Alan chuckled. Okay,
I ll follow the doctor s instruction so as not to inconvenience him further. He laug
hed and shook his head at the humor.
Oh, and you can choose whichever room you want. It s your hospital after all, Rein g
rinned good-naturedly at Alan and the older man laughed harder.
Alright, I ll be in the room next door then, Alan said as he exited the room and the
n closed the door. Now Zoro was alone with Dr. Rein in the room.
How are you feeling now, Mr. Roronoa Junior? Rein started the conversation again.
Zoro felt a bit off with the name. Just call me Zoro, please, he said while sighin
g and closing his eyes.
Alright, Zoro, how are you feeling again? Rein repeated his question now addressin
g Zoro s name properly with an amused look.
Like I said, feeling like crap, Zoro also repeated his answer several minutes ago,
now opening his eyes again and looking at the doctor in his eyes.
Oh, I see. Still feeling dizzy? Like headache maybe or nausea? Rein furthered his
The headache; the nausea is not anymore well, feels better than before though. Befo
re, the headache was killing me. I thought my brain had melted, Zoro complained.
Okay, any pain in other areas? Rein asked again.
Uh the chest still hurts, but not as much. You stitched that wound too? Zoro asked.
Yes. Hope it will come out fine, huh? Rein said while smiling again. Zoro smiled b
ack at him and nodded.
Oh yeah, Doc, suddenly Zoro remembered something, You said before that the boy was
okay? he asked further.
Ah, that boy, Kei . Yep, his life is no longer in danger, Rein said. Still, it was so
close. If you hadn't found him and called us with the bell immediately Zoro, he
would have been dead for sure. Your night-walking was a dumb luck, huh? Rein con
tinued while joking slightly.
What happened to him? Zoro asked then. Curiosity won him over the urge to mutter t
hat he was not taking that walk because he wanted to, but he had to.
It s an allergic attack. The edemas and swellings came out as a result of specific
chemical objects effect, constricting his respiratory tract so the air could not
pass. As a result of the dropping oxygen supply, the shock occurred and convuls
ing happened; and if we didn t inject him with anti-histamine and adrenalin fast e
nough poof, gone was his life, Rein explained.
Ugh sounds really bad , Zoro paled slightly at that. Well, at least he made it. He shru
ged then. What about his mother? She should just call you herself if she was ther
e, but she had to come here and got me to do it for her. Is she a mammoth of tec
hnology or what? He couldn t help feeling a bit annoyed at that.
Rein didn t say anything and he just stared at him oddly, as if he was an alien da
ncing pineapple samba or something. What? Zoro asked, feeling uncomfortable with t
he weird stare.
You said something strange, Zoro. He had no mother, you know; at least not anymor
e, Rein said.
Huh? Zoro frowned at that, confused. But she was here last night. She came to me an
d asked for my help. That s why I was able to come to him in time, Zoro reasoned.
That s impossible. His mother died in a fire a year ago. She died here and I was th
e one who treated her wounds before her life slipped away, Rein said with a puzzl
ed look.
Eh? Zoro was extremely surprised at that. He then remembered about the dream of hi
m burning alive and the horrible face he saw after that. Was that a coincidence?
Zoro then widened his eyes when he glanced at the corner of the room and saw the
woman again, but now she was more in color? There were no black rings surrounding
her eyes and her sight was more alive. Her skin was still pale, but it didn t look
sick anymore and she was smiling at him.
She opened her mouth and said Thank you before her figure disappeared in the glimme
ring light.
Eh !? Now Zoro was seriously freaked out at that. It can t be ! That woman was a spirit!
What s wrong, Zoro? Your face is pale. Are you feeling sick? Rein asked in concern a
s Zoro s face began to turn white, and the sweats prickled out his face.
Eh!? Uh no, it s nothing! Nothing! Zoro panicked a bit as he answered. He didn t know ho
w to cope up with this. He had just seen a ghost tanking him and last night he t
alked to it.
What the hell !?
But surely, miracles do happen around you, huh? First, you came back alive after
you re officially considered dead and then you saved a kid s life just because you d
ecided to take a walk at night? You re seriously a lucky boy, Rein said again, sigh
ing and looking at Zoro in awe and wonder.
That s why I tell you, I was there not because I wanted to, Zoro protested again, no
w while frowning even though he was still a bit freaked out. Anyway, what s with th
e other patients in that room? They saw the kid s dying and they didn t even lift a
finger to help him! What a bunch of cold blooded bastards, Zoro cursed slightly,
trying to change the topic.
Again, Rein stared at Zoro oddly, now he looked a bit concerned at him. Zoro you sa
id something strange again. There s no other patient in that room except the kid, R
ein said again.
What !?
Are you seeing things or something? The drug must take too much effect on you. I
will try to change the brand
Then Rein s voice was slowly fading as Zoro turned and set his gaze at the corner
of his room again. At the spot of that ghost woman was standing before, now thre
e guys with the same hollow eyes and sickening pale skins were standing there, s
taring at him.
You ve gotta be kidding me !
Zoro widened his eyes as they met their gazes and then those three unidentified
things smirked at him creepily.
Now Zoro s face turned from white to blue and he passed out again with a loud thud
on his bed. Rein was surprised and tried to nurse him back to his consciousness
, but Zoro didn t want to wake up anymore. He had had enough with this creepy expe
rience and he sure as hell didn t want to get involved further.
However reality never happened as planned.
Roronoa Zoro, 17 year old boy, died once and escaped from death and back to life
with the help of his friend s spirit. He was thankful that he got a second chance
to live, but it seemed he had to pay a high price for this chance. He had broug
ht back a present from the land of the dead. His sixth sense was awakened and no
w he could see the dead around the living ones
End of Chapter 1
A/N: I should treat this as a prologue, but well just make it a first chapter, the
beginning of a big adventure filled with mystery and horrors XD. How do you thi
nk, the idea of this story? Did I make it creepy enough? It s been long time since
I want to write a horror story. I planned to make this multiple chapters with a
lot of characters appearing and lots of kind of spirits and supernatural events
(I have to research some of it first though), but the plot will circle around Z
oro. There will be a little romance ZoSan too, but it s just a spice for this main
plot. Anyway, I need your opinion on this. Well, I enjoyed making this though.
Hope you like this as much as I do ^__^ Saa, let s meet again in next chapter. Lov
e you all XD
With Love,
Review this Story/Chapter
The Connector
Author of 56 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Horror/Drama - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 19 - Updated: 12-11-
09 - Published: 08-21-09 - id:5320027
A/N: Err I am actually still confused on how to make this story. The plot is read
y of course, but I am not sure about the horror styles, Japanese or Western. It s
hard to decide which one is better. Looking at the setting, probably Japanese is
better, but western horror is also good. What do you think guys? Well, I ll open
the poling to decide the horror style. You can choose and submit the poling in r
eview, and I ll decide based on that. For now, I ll stick to general horror first ^_
^. Saa, enjoy the shiver! XD
Disclaimer: Odachi owns One Piece
Warning: AU, possibly oOC-ness characters, horrible and disturbing images, foul
language, mind-playing, and blood (maybe it s too much )
The Connector
Chapter 2: Amateur s Hell
Zoro stared at Rein Heart with unreadable expression, actually loathing and hati
ng him inwardly.
If you wanted to know why, the young Roronoa was officially regarded crazy by hi
s doctor. Okay, maybe crazy was a bit too much. The medical term was too complic
ated to remember by him; something like schizophrenia or what heck, Zoro didn t care
. It was an old story or soon would become one after he finished with this fucking
He wasn t crazy. Zoro was completely sane and he realized this fully. The world ha
d become crazy. Or let s say his fate had begun to get crazy.
Okay, Zoro, how many people in the room right now? The young doctor smiled at him
friendly after finishing his physical check on Zoro s body. His father and mother
were looking at him worriedly behind Rein while his little brother was focused o
n his game boy without care about the world outside his own on a chair beside Zo
ro s bed.
Four people Zoro s mind said slowly while his eyes were drifting to the other direct
Actually, there were still more people or let s say more occupants in the room. Extr
a four pairs of creepy eyes stared at Zoro silently from the corners of the room
, at the left side and the right side. Zoro didn t recognize those four. He had no
idea why they were here, in his room, and didn t have any plan to get information
for that matter.
His family considering him crazy was more than enough for Zoro to realize that h
e couldn t take this further. Zoro would get out from this place even though he ha
d to chug down his own blood. Using any means he would make them believe that he w
asn t seeing anything weird or anything that they couldn t see.
Zoro also could hear strange sounds like the rustling leaves or like the radio t
ransmitter but it wasn t in the right line. The green haired boy couldn t really com
prehend what those sounds meant. Plus, it made him uncomfortable, as if his ears
were being tickled.
Egh, this is bullshit! Zoro cursed silently as he glanced at those unidentified th
ings in the room. His family and doctor didn t pay any attention to them, so Zoro
concluded that those things weren t the living beings. Actually, Zoro still couldn t
believe that he could see them this clearly. He was almost sure that his doctor
was right when he said he might suffer Schizophrenia because of the death-terro
r, but if he was crazy, he wouldn t be able to think to fake this, right?
Zoro wasn t crazy. Those things were real, and now he was able to see them after e
xperiencing the taste of the life-death border. Thus, because anyone else couldn t
see them, they thought Zoro might have lost his mind. That would be really funn
y if they were kidding. Unfortunately, they weren t.
Fuck it.
Zoro had decided to get out from this confined place, as well as to get away fro
m those creepy beings. He didn t want to stay there long enough to experience the
same thing as he had some days prior. He decided to hate those things. They made
his physical condition worsen for crazy irrational reasons. He would feel dizzy
and nauseous every time they came closer to him. He got nightmare every night s
eeing their dying-experiences. He might as well think he would definitely become
nuts if he stayed in that place longer.
Zoro freaking hated hospital now. He would make sure to never-ever had to come t
here again for whatever reason after this.
Four people, Zoro finally said, answering the testing-like-inquiry after finishing
his inner monologue. If he had waited longer than this, his parents might have
suffocated themselves because they clearly sighed in relief at his answer.
Okay, it seems the medication works just fine for you, Rein said again with happy
tone as he scribed something on the paper in his hand. Congratulation, you can go
home after this, Zoro, he added and patted Zoro on his shoulders.
Thanks to you, Doc, Zoro replied while smiling awkwardly. Ugh he hated being polite
when he didn t want to be. For some weird reasons, he couldn t act properly when the
re were too many people around him, including those creepy beings that couldn t be
called people.
What aren t you just fine? Suddenly Zoro s little brother, Haruto, spoke. His game boy w
as safely draped on the bed. The thirteen year old boy with smooth neck-length d
ark-green almost black hair and a nice-built but slender body stared at his olde
r brother indifferently. Everyone is exaggerating. What was it about the probabil
ity of big brother being crazy and had to stay in asylum? The boy closed his dark
emerald eyes and sighed in boredom at that. He also shook his head in that unde
restimating manner.
This shitty-brat ! If Zoro was in his best condition, he would whack that boy s head f
or being so rude.
That s right. I was just confused for some days. I am perfectly fine right now, Zoro
nodded and ruffled his brother s hair, purposely using unnecessary strength to me
ss with it.
Hey! Haruto protested and smacked his arm hard. Zoro had to wince at that. His bab
y brother was still growing and during his absence, it seemed he had become tall
er and stronger than before. The hit hurt Zoro s arm a bit. Well, Haruto was also
a Roronoa, no wonder he had that strength.
It seems you re stronger now. Let s spar at home after this, Zoro smiled at his brothe
r fondly.
Careful, I bite, Haruto smirked at him challengingly.
Oh my, don t be so high strung, boys, especially you, Zoro. You re still recovering f
rom the fight wounds, right? Zoro s mother, Aira, said while smiling softly. She wa
s a beautiful woman with long wavy black hair which was tied high behind her hea
d in an elegant flower bundle. She had a mature woman s charm with a very slender
feminine body which fitted a Kimono perfectly. Her black obsidian eyes stared at
her sons gently and lovingly.
Mother , Zoro smiled small at his mother s gentle feature. I am sorry for worrying you
these past days. He closed his eyes and bowed a little before her.
Well, I indeed nearly had a heart attack when I heard you died, Zoro, Aira chuckle
d as she remembered the silly-frightening event that she believed would scar her
for life. You re okay now. That s the most important thing, she continued while reach
ing at Zoro s hair and stroked it with her soft caring hand.
Yes. Thank you, mother, Zoro lifted his head and smiled softly at her now.
Mother complex, Haruto scoffed at his silly older brother, earning a sharp elbow o
n his ribs after that. He yelped and spouted more protests to Zoro then, while Z
oro teased him some more. Their parents and Rein chuckled at the brothers antique
And so , Zoro was finally brought home from the hospital at noon. Of course with s
ome medications and some exercises planning before he was officially discharged
as a healthy person again. Zoro didn t really care as long as he could go home. Ho
spital s food was shit and he didn t like taking shots too. Even without a bonusof t
he un-living-beings, hospital was a bad place for his taste. As long as he was h
ome, he was free from the bonus or so he thought.
Zoro never expected that outside the hospital, he would meet even more beings, v
arious kinds of those things. Things that were considered not exist in this worl
Zoro couldn t help dropping his bag on the ground in front of the main front door
of his family s traditional Japanese house. He widened his eyes and hung his jaw o
pen. He didn t believe what he saw. There exactly on each side of the sliding door w
as a body of human. Not ordinary human, by the way. They re bloodied, headless and
were stuck on the wall as if they were the gates themselves.
If those horrible sight didn t freak him out, Zoro didn t know what could.
What. The. HELL!? Zoro s face turned white seeing that and he would have screamed in
horror if his shoulder hadn t been tapped from behind. Zoro jerked violently and
turned his face at the intruder.
What are you doing, spacing out in front of the door? Hurry up and move your ass
inside, big-bro, Haruto said while taking Zoro s bag from the ground and walking ah
ead. He was about to touch the door when Zoro realized.
Haruto! The older brother shouted sternly at the younger one out of instinct to pr
otect his brother from the headless beings at the door sides. Haruto was surpris
ed at the sudden yell, of course, and turned his face at Zoro.
What? The younger boy asked wonderingly.
Eh , uh , Zoro realized he hadn t prepared any explanation for his sudden weird act. Ah
hope the chef will make lots of onigiri (1) for lunch today . Zoro scratched the b
ack of his neck and laughed slightly.
If there was any dumber reason, Zoro would fail The Dumbest Reason Award right n
There was a brief awkward silence between the brothers as Haruto stared at Zoro
incredulously and Zoro was fidgeting. Roronoa Zoro was freaking fidgeting for Go
d s sake! Roronoa Zoro wasn t supposed to fidget for any reason. Haruto decided to l
ook away from his out of character older brother in pale face and opened the sli
ding door. He entered the house while chanting I didn t see that repeatedly.
Suddenly Zoro s head hurt badly the moment the door was opened. He covered his ach
ing forehead as he heard the chiming sound coming from inside the house. Wha !?
When Zoro looked inside the house , even a mere shock wouldn t suffice anymore. A dea
dly-shock might do if there was no vocabulary to describe his feeling right now.
Inside his house there were so many of them, and they didn t stand still like the o
nes in hospital. They freaking flew around like buzzing armies of dragonfly; and
their forms Oh My God
It even could make Zoro mention God s name although he never believed in their exi
Zoro really didn t want to be there instantly. Heck, he wouldn t even think to step
in that nest of un-living-beings for whatever reason. He didn t care even though i
t was his house. It was no longer his the moment he could see the companions liv
ing with them silently until now. He couldn t help stepping back several times unt
il he bumped Alan.
Zoro? Alan looked at his son s condition in concerned look. What s wrong? Are you feeli
ng sick? he asked as he saw Zoro s face and expression. His boy was really pale and
he looked frightened?
Da-father , Zoro s voice sounded strangled. He couldn t tell the older man. He would be
sent back straight to hospital if he ever mentioned anything about it.
Shit ! Zoro cursed silently in his head. He really didn t want to come inside the hous
e. He didn t want to Heck, who would want to if they saw those kinds of things insi
de their house!? Still , it would be extremely strange if he didn t want to enter hi
s own house without reason. He Didn t he have any choice!? Damn it!
Zoro closed his eyes and gulped slightly. Ah I am just a bit dizzy . In the end, he wa
s forced to lie. Zoro wasn t crazy and he didn t want to be considered crazy by anyo
ne. He had to hide this fact as if he were about to die if it was necessary.
Roronoa Zoro was normal, and he would do anything to stay normal, as far as endu
ring living together with those un-living-beings inside that nest.
Zoro closed his eyes, took a deep breath and released it slowly. It s okay, Zoro.
Just act normally, like you didn t see anything. Just act like you usually did whe
n you still couldn t see them at all Zoro chanted repeatedly in his head like a mant
ra. He usually did this when he was tense before his match. It would always succ
eed in calming him down.
Now shouldn t be too different. Zoro was just too tense and freaked out because he
didn t expect that his opponents would be waiting in his own house. If he could a
ct indifferently around them, it should be alright. They shouldn t notice at all tha
t he could see them.
Zoro clenched his fists and made his resolution. He opened his dark eyes and he
was a fighter again. Well, even though his opponent wouldn t be Mihawk or those ot
her fighters, now he had to focus on defeating his biggest enemy: his own fear.
If he could conquer it, Zoro believed, he could be a better swordsman.
Bring it on, ghosts or whatever you are! Zoro then straightened his body and walke
d forward to the house, not looking at the headless figures of the door sides, n
ot caring about those things flying around him like flies when he walked passing
them. He felt cold, dizzy and nauseous again, but he fought over it. He would w
in because he was Roronoa Zoro, the man who would become the best swordsman in t
he world!
Zoro was quite exhausted after he finished his training session. Oh no, not beca
use the training was too hard or anything in that line. In fact, his training po
rtion was reduced to half by his father because he was still recovering. What ma
de him so tired was the fact that the occupants of the dojo weren t only him, his
brother and his father, but also their-or let s say, Zoro s- creepy companions. Thos
e guys didn t hold back when they tried to distract them.
Haruto and Alan didn t see them, so they were perfectly okay. It was Zoro who was
completely distracted. Not because he was afraid or anything, in fact, they trie
d to make him laugh with their stupid faces and their horrible horror sense! Zor
o had to repeatedly look away from them so as not to laugh at them. Alan and Har
uto would think he was completely nuts if he ever did laugh at the thin air; and
those things would definitely notice that Zoro could see them. Then it would be a
hell for him after that. Of course, Zoro obviously didn t want that at all.
That s why; the green haired boy decided to control himself; and controlling yours
elf too much was exhausting to the extreme. Moreover he got hit here and there b
y his father and his brother s shinai (2) because his concentration was distracted
whenever those things flew here and there, sometimes going through his body and
sending a wave of feeling, mostly nausea though. Even for Zoro, it was too much
In the end Alan noticed Zoro s unusual behavior and sent him to rest early. It was
only the first day after he was discharged from the hospital after all. Alan be
lieved Zoro still needed some rest. Zoro then gladly obliged. He was a training
freak if he wasn t distracted too much. Having this troublesome ability did turn Z
oro s life upside-down a bit and he still needed more time to adjust himself to th
is change.
Can I really get used to it? Somehow, Zoro felt unconfident. He doubted he could g
et used to it soon.
Zoro sighed and went back to his room to take a rest.
Well, on second thought, Zoro changed his course to the bathroom. He had to take
a bath after working out so hard before resting after all. The warm water would
relieve his tense muscles. It was his favorite relaxing time. The maids had pre
pared the bath for him and Zoro planned to take the opportunity to get away from
all the troubles. He ignored some beings that tried to distract him again when
he was on his way.
Zoro wasn t sure why, but he couldn t hear their words. Sure, he could hear whispers
and strange sounds, but he couldn t comprehend the meanings. They didn t sound like
words, just like waves of buzzing sound. That s why Zoro didn t get it and he didn t
plan to understand any of it. He shouldn t care too much about them or he would ge
t more nightmares after this.
Zoro made sure that he was alone in the bathroom. It wouldn t even be funny if he
had some ghosts -or whatever they were- stare at him openly when he took a bath.
He would want to yell at them to stop looking. Zoro glanced left and right and
nodded when he saw none of them. He took off his training suits and washed his b
ody outside the bath for awhile before he got into the bath.
The water was still a bit too hot and he cringed a bit at the burning sensation,
but after awhile his skin adjusted to the temperature and he could relax. Zoro
straightened his legs and arms and laid down, all of his body under water except
his face. He breathed evenly and slowly, closing his eyes.
It s just the first day in this demon s lair. At least if I can pass this day normal
ly, I can endure for more tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and the days after
that. Then without even realizing it, I won t care anymore about them Zoro thought whil
e sighing long in relief, relaxing even more. Now, if I just !?
When Zoro opened his eyes, instead of the ceiling, he was met with a pair of blo
ody eyes. Zoro s body tensed at that and his face turned pale at the sight. Howeve
r, he still could control himself and keep him from freaking out. He couldn t beli
eve he didn t notice its presence before no, he hadn t looked at the ceiling. He only
checked as far as his eye-level. He didn t check above that. It was his terrible m
Just ignore it , ignore it , ignore it, damn it! Zoro chanted frantically inside his h
ead, but he couldn t help it! The sight was so so disgusting he couldn t ignore the da
mn thing!
It was a woman or so, he thought, but her appearance was far from human, a living
human, he meant. It was stuck on the ceiling at Zoro s opposite position. Its hair
was long, messy and untamed, like a place on where spider webs would stick. It
was so long it actually reached Zoro s face from the ceiling. Its body was somewha
t transparent and Zoro THANKED GOD for that. He didn t want to see a dead woman s bo
dy after all. Well, the trace of blood and some things that Zoro suspected as her
inner organs Zoro went paler and wanted to vomit at his own thought- were still v
isible though.
And the face that half-skull cheek, its crimson bloodshot eyes unlike the hollow lo
oks he got in the hospital before, this one was filled with emotion, hatred lunati
c, Zoro had to admit he was a bit uneasy. This one indeed looked a bit dangerous.
Damn it all.
Zoro wasn t afraid of anything as long as he could cut it with his katana. This on
e Could he even cut those damned beings? Moreover the thing was actually moving dow
n. Slowly slowly it moved until it was exactly on top of Zoro s naked body. Worse ev
en, it actually reached its rotten hands on his body!
Damn perverted ghost! Actually, Zoro was ticked off very much by its ministration
even though he still tried his best not to freak out of the thing. He tried hard
, damn it! But but !
Creepy , disgusting , creepy , disgusting! Zoro s muscles tensed again as he concentrate t
o ignore the damn thing. However, because Zoro could literally feel the feather
touches on his skin that felt as cold as death, it sent disgusting-horrible-feel
ing and shiver to his body.
It was impossible! It was too hard; too disgusting! Zoro was being molested by a
damn ghost!
Zoro closed his eyes again slowly, gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in co
ncealed anger and frustration. Veins popped out from his entire head surface and
face. Sto- , and of course, the last straw of patience inside him had just snapped.
In the end Zoro exploded, and even though he knew he couldn t touch the thing, he
made an attempt to smack and kick it with all of his might. Then he hastily took
his towel and covered his lower body before he got out from the bathroom. Zoro
didn t really see what kind of reaction he got from the maids and the servants who
saw him with that kind of appearance. He didn t even care about that. What he car
ed about was those things trying to obstruct his way.
Move aside! Don t get in my way! Zoro actually yelled at those things and sent a dea
th glare at them even though they were already dead. Zoro roared like a lion and
didn t care anymore if he would be considered nuts by his family after this. He c
ouldn t stay in this demon s lair. He would definitely become crazy if he had to end
ure this any longer.
Zoro then went to his room and packed some of his clothes and provisions after h
e dressed in his black T-shirt and long dark blue jeans. He had had enough of th
is stupid disgusting un-living-beings business. He would get out from this place
. He could care less about where he would sleep after this because he could slee
p anywhere as long as they weren t around him.
Finishing his packing, Zoro went to his training room and grabbed his Wadou Ichi
monji, his first real katana, a memento from Kuina, his beloved best friend. He
put the white sheathed katana into a sword-case and took it with him together wi
th his duffel bag. He would get out first. He would think to solve the problems
after that later.
Zoro walked hurriedly to the front door while shouldering his bag and his katana
. He was about to reach the front door when Haruto came out. Big brother Zoro, he
called Zoro and Zoro stopped briefly to turn his face at his little brother. See
ing Zoro s temper and his bag and that sword, Haruto changed his expression. What t
he ? The little brother was confused. Zoro looked like about to leave.
I am going away, Zoro said seriously, his voice thick with something that scared t
he younger boy a bit.
Huh? Haruto was confused even more. Wh-what the hell are you saying? Going away? Wh
ere? What happened? he was totally out of it.
I can t stay in this house. There are too many things here! Zoro still didn t want to
call those things ghosts and of course didn t want to tell Haruto explicitly. That
would freak the younger boy out and Zoro didn t like the idea of his brother fear
ing him, not even a bit.
What things ? Haruto widened his eyes at Zoro, more confused.
Tell Dad I will be away for sometimes. Give my regard to Mom.
Zoro didn t say anything more after that and just left the house after shouting at
the thin air. Haruto was dumbfounded for a moment before realization hit him in
the head and he ran after his brother. Wait, big brother! However, when he was fi
nally outside, Zoro was no longer in their house area. Big brother Zoro . Haruto cou
ldn t help feeling worried and was still hell confused.
Anyway, Haruto was in a big trouble now. His father had ordered him to watch out
for his big brother because he was still vulnerable, but the older boy had just
left without any explanation. What the hell should he tell his father and mothe
r about this then!? Damn, Haruto was in a deep shit.
However then, Haruto realized something. Eh , just now did big brother Zoro call fath
er and mother dad and mom ?
Zoro was still pissed off when he stormed outside his house area. The gate keepe
rs even tried to stop him once, but he just glared deadly at them and they shut
up, letting him go.
Zoro was actually a bit ashamed of himself. Even though this afternoon he had ma
de a vow not to lose to those things, he couldn t even protect it. He had been def
eated by his own fear. This wasn t like him. He had never felt this bad before. Wh
at happened to him? Did he turn to be a coward now, after that death experience?
Zoro didn t know how he would face Kuina if she decided to appear in front of him
now. Or she probably wouldn t. She had been in that place after all, at the other
side of the tunnel. It had been a long time since she died nine years ago.
Kuina was the only daughter of a dojo master from whom Zoro learned basic skills
for kendo. She was three years older than Zoro and they had been best friends riv
als although Zoro had never won against her in kendo match. Plus, Zoro might have
had a crush on her and he couldn t do anything about it except challenging her ev
ery time he could and spent his time around her as much as he was allowed to. He
believed he had to be stronger than her if he wanted her and wanted to protect
Zoro wanted to but he had never had a chance to do it because Kuina passed away t
oo early. A sickness What an unfitting way to die. Zoro knew she was like a warri
or. If she died, she wanted to die in a battle. Zoro was the last person she tal
ked to before she died. He saw her last moment of life. She cried only in front
of him while holding his hand tightly. She was so upset because she had to die i
n that condition.
Zoro honestly almost laughed because the way Kuina died pissed her off even more
than the fact that she was about to die. She was that kind of person, a pretty
tomboy girl with short dark hair and eyes. That s why; Zoro made a promise to her.
On her behalf he would become the best swordsman in this world for the sake of hi
s dream and hers. For that promise alone, Zoro would endure any hard training an
d official match. He even entered that underground tournament for this purpose.
Of course, he felt bad for having to deceive his dad, his family, and to break t
he law, but Zoro was desperate. He had to test his power in serious matches if h
e wanted to improve his skill and strength.
Swordsmanship wasn t a sport for children. It was a skill to kill and to end the o
pponent s life. Well, even though Zoro wouldn t kill his opponent, but the intention
of killing was there, had to be there if he wanted to become the best.
Zoro s loss to Mihawk was a good lesson for him. He still could feel the chill tha
t man s eyes gave him during the match. It was so cold, so thirsty of blood. His kil
ling intent almost broke Zoro s spirit even though in the end he could take it ful
ly. Zoro had to admit he was afraid of human being for the first time in his lif
e when he fought the man. When Zoro knew he would definitely lose, his principle
, his pride and his promise to Kuina made him decide on the spot that he would r
ather die than run away from the fear.
Zoro had been so strong in his mentality that night that even Mihawk acknowledge
d his bravery. He gave the boy an honor by using his best weapon to give him a d
eath blow Well, even though the green haired boy could escape the death afterward
Zoro was supposed to be that kind of person, so why ? Why did he feel like such a
loser right now? Why couldn t he stand those creepy things? They couldn t touch him.
They weren t dangerous for his life. Well, they endangered his sanity of course,
but it shouldn t scare him to this extent! What was wrong with him anyway?
Zoro was mad at himself for acting so cowardly, running away like this and he pun
ched a wall at the side of the street for a good stress-relief. He couldn t believ
e he was still such a kid who was afraid of something he didn t know how to handle
Zoro needed some time off to think many things. Meditation might do well for thi
s. The problem now was how he could find a quiet place to do it? By quiet he meant fr
ee from people and the un-living beings, a place where he could concentrate and f
ocus fully to himself.
Zoro thought hard, trying to remember if he had ever known that kind of place. U
sually, a temple would be his first choice, but every temple in the city was clo
se to cemetery. He couldn t imagine how many un-living-beings in the cemetery whic
h was equivalent to their nest.
Remembering about nest, Zoro then suddenly wondered. Why are there so many un-li
ving-beings in our house?
Of course, Zoro s family s house was old, passed down through generations. He believ
ed it was almost 500 year old. Still, Zoro never heard any bad history about the
house. It wasn t an ex-cemetery or something like that, of course so why?
When Zoro was still wondering like that, he didn t notice he was being followed by
a strange figure beyond the darkness.
Zoro was close to a bridge near the biggest and the deepest river in Grand Line
city when he was tired of walking and decided to take a rest at the end of the b
ridge. He stared at the night sky while leaning at the railing of the big bridge
. He sighed and thought how he would look for a place to sleep from this point.
He had a concern about school as well, and a hotel fee Zoro groaned when he reali
zed he wouldn t be able to afford it even for a night.
What should I do now sleeping under the bridge? Zoro rolled his eyes at his own stup
id suggestion. He should have really had a part time job if he had known he woul
d face this kind of situation. But wait, Zoro realized then, suddenly.
On second thought, wasn t Zoro one of the finalists in that underground fight? If
he wasn t wrong, he should have a lot of money, a prize from that place waiting fo
r him to claim it.
How could I forget about it? If I can just show up there again and show my ID-ca
rd, they will give me the prize. I should go there !? Zoro s train of thought was cut
short when he caught a glimpse of a figure several feet away from his spot.
Zoro turned his face slowly at the figure. It was a man or so. Well, at least he l
ooked solid. His feet were on the ground as well. Still Zoro felt something off ab
out that man. He was tall, had black silky hair and wore glasses. He didn t face Z
oro s way, so the teen didn t see his face clearly, but he wore a black long-coat wi
th high collar that covered part of his lower face.
What a suspicious looking person Zoro thought silently.
The man seemed not noticing Zoro s presence there. He didn t do anything and just st
ared at the river from his place of standing. However, when Zoro was about to ig
nore him, the man suddenly moved and climbed the railing.
Suicide !?
Zoro widened his eyes as he realized what that man was up to, and he acted out o
f instinct.
Hey, wait ! That s dangerous! The green haired boy shouted and ran as fast as he could
to the man. He reached at the man, wanting to grab him before he fell from the
bridge. However, when he was about to catch the hem of that man s coat, his hand p
assed through the body like literally.
Zoro was shocked. His physical movement was shut down for a moment as his mind s
creamed Impossible!
His body was petrified and he could only widen his eyes even more as he was losi
ng balance. The grounds bellow his feet were gone and when he realized it, he wa
s the one who was falling from the bridge.
Then when he was falling, Zoro saw the man in the black coat above him. He fucking
smirked widely at him with dilated pupils and cheek-splitting sneer. He sneered
like he had successfully deceived Zoro and set him off in this kind of situation,
near-death situation.
Zoro couldn t even scream. He could only reach his hand at the thin air. At this m
oment, time seemed like moving so slowly. Zoro could hear his own frantic heartb
eats. His heart beat so fast and hard he thought it would definitely burst out h
is ribcages.
As Zoro s mind screamed at his own idiocy, thought that he would definitely die th
is time and his vision slowly turned into the darkness, a hand suddenly caught h
is wrist.
What the hell do you think you re doing!?
A loud yelling voice brought Zoro back to reality and he was yanked up. His hand
felt like almost torn off his shoulder as it happened and he yelped painfully. E
kh!? Zoro couldn t really comprehend what had just happened.
Do you want to die!? Use your other hand and grab at mine, idiot!
The voice came from above Zoro s head, so he slowly looked up and was met with a f
igure of a man with silver hair with light greenish tint on it. His face was ser
ious, hard and looked angry, but Zoro could see the worry in the man s sharp dark-
green eyes.
Hey, are you listening to me, brat!? Grab at my other hand or I will let go of yo
ur hand, NOW! The man shouted and Zoro cringed at that. Zoro still didn t understan
d because he was still shocked, but he knew one thing: he would die if he didn t h
ear this guy s words.
Without any delay, Zoro reached his other hand at the man s free hand. Focus on me,
boy. Don t look down. The man said to Zoro, now with a better tone than before. Zo
ro obliged and kept looking at the man s serious concentrating face. Then slowly b
ut definitely, he was lifted and short time later, he had been back on the insid
e of the railing.
Zoro collapsed on his knees on the bridge ground. He felt all his strength drain
ed away and he still could hear his own crazy heartbeats. He was sweaty, cold an
d panting heavily. He was just about to Zoro shivered and paled severely at the t
hought of dying again.
Dying was a horrible experience even for Zoro. He didn t think he could stand expe
riencing that again so soon.
Damn brat. What the hell are you thinking? Were you trying to commit suicide just
now? The man then stood before Zoro and glared down at him with a scornful look.
He looked really pissed off right now.
Zoro was still panting as he looked up at the man again. He opened his mouth, bu
t his voice was stuck in his throat. Zoro could only groan and cover his forehea
d. Suddenly he felt really dizzy and nauseous again. He glanced beside the man,
rather behind, and saw the un-living-being that tried to harm him earlier. It sh
owed so much hatred and anger that its ministration was failed by the man in fro
nt of Zoro. It glared deadly at the man, and Zoro paled again seeing it.
The eyes they were worse than Mihawk s hawk eyes. The eyes from the dead Suddenly Zo
ro felt he had understood the reason for his unexplained fear towards them. He h
ad a second thought about those things. They were more dangerous than what he ha
d expected. They could actually do harm to the living. This one was the proof. I
t had nearly killed Zoro and it was on purpose.
It seemed Zoro was thinking too long that the stranger in front of him got impat
ient. He knelt beside Zoro and set his face in front of the green haired boy s nos
e. Hey, did you hear what I said? He asked seriously. If you indeed want to commit
suicide, I don t care, but do it somewhere else. This area is my responsibility an
d I don t want you to ruin my reputation by dying in my working place, he added wit
h scrutinizing eyes.
Huh? Zoro then perked up at seeing the man s face so close to his. Oh, Zoro moved back
ward and gave his full attention to the man now. Ah, no, I am , I was , it was a mist
ake, Zoro actually stuttered and he cursed inwardly because he did something stup
Roronoa Zoro didn t stutter, damn it, but he couldn t really help it. He was still n
ot capable of making a right conversation right now. His mental state was still
unstable because he was almost getting killed by a freaking un-living-being that
looked like human so much he couldn t even distinguish it from them.
Well, Zoro had felt that the thing was odd, but earlier he thought it was becaus
e of its appearance. Zoro didn t expect that it was one of those things. He looked
too much like a human. Zoro didn t know that that kind of thing existed among the
m. Before, he could tell which one was human and which one wasn t because these th
ings appearance looked dead.
Still , that thing that damned thing just now looked almost alive. It got more much
color than the ones in Zoro s house and hospital. It couldn t be distinguished from
human, except it might not be seen by other people and couldn t be touched.
What was a mistake? The silver haired man asked Zoro with demanding tone. He was c
ompletely dark here and he needed an explanation.
I meant I don t want to commit suicide, Zoro answered slowly, not looking at the man b
ut at his hand that he used to reach the thing earlier. I thought it was human , Zor
o continued lowly while closing his eyes and covering his face. He was confused.
He was Zoro didn t understand.
The thing tried to kill him. Why? What did he do to it? Why did it hate him?
Why when my hand passed through its figure , why did I feel so sad and miserable? Zoro
once again looked at the thing. It still glared loathingly at him and at the ma
n in front of him. Why even though it is full of hatred and anger why does it feel
so much in pain in my heart?
Zoro was so tired and his head felt really heavy suddenly. Then his eyes began t
o blur and he was about to collapse when the man in front of him caught his body
before it hit the ground.
Oi, are you okay? The man asked a bit worriedly, but his voice sounded so far from
Zoro groaned and tried to focus, but his eyelids felt really heavy as well sudde
nly. He closed his eyes and was slowly losing his consciousness as the darkness
crept on his sight. He still could hear the man s voice calling him, not his name,
just occasional boy, but it wasn t long before Zoro was completely engulfed by thed
arkness. In the end, Zoro passed out again.
The man, who later would be known as Comodore Smoker, supported the unconscious
body in his arm and sighed tiredly at the boy. Damn it, he cursed slightly and cha
nged their position. He put the boy s right arm on his own neck, held it with his
own right hand and put his own left hand on the boy s waist.
With this boy s body shape, it was impossible to lift the boy bridal style. Not be
cause Smoker couldn t lift him or he was too heavy, but it would look really stupi
d and laughable, so Smoker stuck with the plan to support him while walking him
to his patrol car. Smoker hadn t known who this boy was yet, but he planned to know
Looking at the situation with this boy s duffel bag he seemed like running away fro
m his house. Smoker then moved his gaze at the long dark-green case beside the b
ag. He stared at it carefully before he realized. Huh? Is that a swords-case? Smok
er thought weirdly.
The silver haired man in a police uniform looked at the boy s feature once again.
Green hair, nice body shape and sword Somehow Smoker felt familiar with the chara
cteristic, but was it really him?
Smoker shook his head. Treating this boy came first. Who knew what that thing ha
d done to the kid?
Smoker stood while holding Zoro carefully. Then he gazed at the thing standing n
ear them. Get lost. He growled while glaring at the thing and it widened its eyes
in a shock as a wave of energy struck it. Then its form was slowly fading away,
leaving only the thin night air in the end.
Hump. Damn ghost.
End of Chapter 2
1)Onigiri: rice ball, filled with salmon, salt, or fishes egg and warped with nor
i (a kind of black sea-weed species in Japan; it s regulated and dried in paper sh
eet-like shape)
2)Shinai: sometimes called boken; it is a wooden-sword for kendo practice
A/N: Heya, friends. This is the second chapter for this story. It took me longer
to make this because ff net had been messing with me. Huh? I am not mad. It was
just I have to delay the update which was supposed to be yesterday and sent mes
sage to the admin because I couldn't upload the new chapter. Luckily, I am a cre
ative person, so I can use my previous sheet in doc manager and copy paste the n
ew chapter to the old document, so I can update now even though the help haven't
come yet.
Okay, enough with the rambling. Now about this story. How is it? Hmm do I make thi
s chapter good enough? How about the story development and the creepiness? Is it
creepy enough for you? I personally favor the bathroom s scene. It is really cree
py until I can t go to the bathroom that night XD. For your information, I finishe
d this chapter at 2 a.m. Crazy, right? I hope you enjoy reading this as much as
I have fun making it. Well, comments? I need your ideas of which was better, Jap
anese horror style or Western horror style.
With love,
Review this Story/Chapter
The Connector
Author of 56 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Horror/Drama - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 19 - Updated: 12-11-
09 - Published: 08-21-09 - id:5320027
A/N: Update, update, update! XD At last for everyone who has voted, thank you very
much. The result of the voting is four points for Japanese horror style and two
points for Western horror style. So, this story will also follow the result. Ma
in plot for this story will be filled with Japanese horror, but I will still mai
ntain general occult in some chapters. There will also be some Japanese phrases
and kinds of Japanese demons appear in this story, but I will try to translate i
t as much as I can find the literal English translation for them.
Then~ let s go to the story! This is chapter 3, please enjoy! XP
Disclaimer: As always, One Piece is Oda s.
Warning: AU, possibility of oOC-ness, horrible and disturbing images, foul langu
age and a bit of blood
The Connector
Chapter 3: Grudge (Part 1)
Had Zoro ever mentioned that his hobby was sleeping? Well, he was indeed fond of
sleeping. Precisely, he loved the dream world created by it. It was a world whe
re everything worked the way he wanted. He was the king of that world and nothin
g could defy him there.
That s why; he hated it most when anyone, anything, disturbed his nap.
Zoro heard some voices of women giggling and there were also mewling sounds as w
What the hell ? Zoro frowned deeply at that with eyes still firmly closed. He shifte
d and attempted to ignore the voices. It was probably the servants and some cats
However, when he felt that something hard hit his forehead, he couldn t ignore tha
The hell !? Zoro sat up and was about to snap.
However, when the green haired teen opened his eyes, as a substitute of his comf
ortable room, he found an unbelievable world around him.
Instead of yelling, Zoro felt like gaping right now.
Where the hell is this? Zoro widened his eyes and set his confused look, looking aro
und him with a bead of sweat on his cheek. He was immediately certain that he wa
sn t in his own room. The view of his surrounding was definitely unfamiliar and wa
s that iron walls?
Who the hell would build a wall using iron? Zoro thought ridiculously. No, that s no
t the problem right now. Why am I in a place like this? Where the heck is this p
Zoro then shook his head and forced himself to calm down. He needed to analyze h
is situation first.
Zoro looked at himself. He was still fully clothed. The bed on which he was righ
t now was a twin-sized bed with white blanket and was seated in the middle of th
e room. On his surrounding, against the wall, except in front of the iron door,
were bookshelves filled with a lot of books. There was a desk beside the bed and
his duffel bag was silently placed on top of it along with his sword-case.
Wadou!? Zoro hurriedly reached for his sword-case and opened it. His sword, Wadou
Ichimonji, was still there, safe and untouched. Zoro sighed slightly. She s fine some
how he was relieved seeing his white-sheathed sword unharmed.
But where the hell is this place anyway? Zoro tried to remember how he ended up ther
e, and when he was about to remember the incident the night before, the iron doo
r was opened so suddenly that it almost freaked him out.
Someone, a man, came in and lifted his face at seeing Zoro already up looking at
his way.
Oh, you re up finally? A silver haired man with a green tank top and grey long pants
greeted Zoro, a lit cigar dangling between his lips and teeth.
Oh. And finally Zoro remembered upon seeing the police s face.
Take it easy. You ve been quite drained up yesterday. The older man said while walki
ng to his direction; and then he put down some stuffs on the table. He glanced a
t the sword-case on Zoro s lap and chose to ignore it a moment later. He sat down
and took some papers out of the map in the stuffs before beginning to read them.
Zoro didn t know how to greet him. It wasn t like the teen was shy or anything, but
the man had an aura that seemed making him hard to approach. Uh, um . Zoro began wit
h a hesitant utterance to attract the other man s attention.
The silver haired man turned his face at Zoro. What? he asked.
About yesterday thank you. Zoro didn t forget his manner. He was saved by the man yest
erday and hadn t thanked him yet. Before he asked anything else, he should show hi
s gratitude first.
You re welcome. The man nodded at him slightly and went back reading.
Um , Zoro began again.
What now? The man turned his face again at the green haired boy with an annoyed lo
Don t you want to ask anything? Zoro asked finally.
There are a lot of things I want to ask, but they can wait. Rest a bit more. It s s
till 3 a.m. The man responded slowly turning his attention back to his paper. Anyw
ay, I have to read this first. Just stay there and sleep. He added before Zoro co
uld say anything.
Zoro hated being ordered around, but this man was his savior, so he would shut u
p for now and do as he said well, at least for a short period of time.
Zoro put his sword-case down leaning on the bedside. Then he laid back down. He
stared silently at the silver haired guy who was absorbed by the reading materia
l on his hand. He looked serious and gruffly, but he didn t look like a bad person
. He saved Zoro s life after all.
After several minutes staring, Zoro began to get sleepy. He was about to fall as
leep when he heard the rings of a cell-phone. He was startled and leaped his eye
lids open.
The silver haired man took out a cell-phone from his pocket and answered. Hello. H
e greeted. No, not really, he paused for awhile. This is still a freaking blind mor
ning, Tashigi. I don t feel like going. He stopped again to listen to the person he
called Tashigi on the other line. He s caught? The man raised his eyebrows in surpr
ise. Then you can handle it for tonight. I ll come over tomorrow, he said and then p
aused again before his facial expression changed slightly annoyed. I am hanging u
p, and he did.
The man tossed his cell-phone at the pile of papers on the table and yawned. Spoi
led subordinate, he muttered and set his eyes at Zoro who was still staring at hi
m. You re not sleeping. He said, wondering.
Um I just can t fall asleep again, Zoro said. Well, it wasn t entirely true, but it wasn
a lie as well. He was curious about the man in front of him.
Then might as well wake up and talk. The man said with a strangled smile. It seeme
d he wasn t used to smiling.
Uh I guess, Zoro then woke up and sat on the bed again. Err this place is ? Zoro looke
round again.
My house. This is my room. The man answered.
And you are ? Now the green haired boy looked at the man.
Comodore Smoker, the man said again.
Mr. Comodore, then Zoro called.
Smoker is fine. Smoker said again.
Oh, okay, Smoker, I am . Zoro stopped as Smoker raised his hand.
Let me guess. Roronoa, right? Smoker smirked at him.
How did you ? Zoro looked confused.
Who else has green hair in this nation aside people from Roronoa family? Smoker la
ughed slightly. Zoro looked a bit surprised and bewildered at that. Then, how do
people call you? Just Roronoa? he asked further.
Uuh usually they call me by my given name, Zoro. Zoro answered unsurely.
Zoro then Roronoa Zoro, huh? Not bad, Smoker said while smiling a bit naturally now
. His gaze seemed distant, as if he were remembering something while taking a lo
ng drag of his cigar.
Um You know my family then? Zoro asked out of curiosity, as well as to try taking S
moker s attention back at him.
Your family is famous. Your dad, especially, Smoker said again while blowing the s
moke slowly.
Ah, I see , Zoro was silent for awhile before he decided to ask uneasily. Are you by
chance a friend of my father? His father had a lot of connections after all and Z
oro didn t want to go home yet, not before he could conquer his fear of those thin
Kind of. Let s say we re acquaintances, Smoker answered lightly.
I see . Zoro looked at another way, musing on how to ensure this man not to send him
back home despite his situation. Smoker was silent and kept watching him with o
bserving gaze. Zoro then ended his thought and decided to ask for a favor from S
moker. Um are you going to contact my dad? Zoro asked, dropping his honorable way to
call his father.
What? Don t you want me to contact him? Smoker asked, slightly interested with the b
oy s personality now.
Uh not really, Zoro said hesitantly.
Running away from home because of rebellious age? Smoker partly tried to tease the
boy s as well.
It s not like that! Zoro responded back heatedly.
Seeing the boy s determined look, Smoker decided it was enough for teasing and ans
wered his question earlier. Well, depends then, Smoker said while slowly releasing
the smoke again.
On what? Zoro looked obviously nervous at that.
The reason of your behavior last night, the older man answered. Were you trying to
kill yourself, Zoro? he repeated his question he threw at Zoro the night before,
after he saved the boy s life.
No was Zoro immediate sure answer. However, the young Roronoa didn t continue his ex
Smoker kept his eyes at Zoro, but the young man didn t look faltered under his sha
rp gaze. He stared back at him surely. Then what was it? Don t tell me you were try
ing to jump off because you wanted to swim in the river in the middle of the nig
ht. He said again, setting his cigar on his hand.
No was Zoro s response again. He then put the back of his hand in front of his mouth
, thinking. He debated if he should tell the police Zoro knew from the uniform Smo
ker was wearing yesterday about the incident yesterday honestly or make up some mo
re reasonable stories. The actual story sounded too crazy after all and Zoro did
n t want to be called a nutcase by a stranger well, by Smoker in this case. Technic
ally, he was still a stranger. Zoro hadn t known anything about him aside his name
and his job.
Zoro then decided he could try the man after evaluating his serious feature. This
might sound crazy, Zoro said suddenly.
Try me. The man dared him with an indifferent look.
I saw some one on that bridge. Zoro gave up mentioning a thing instead of someone for
fety reason. He was about to jump off to the river. Zoro said slowly.
Smoker was silent for approximately five seconds without leaving Zoro s eyes, tryi
ng to seek lies there, but he didn t find any, so he sighed with a small grunt. So,
you d seen him too. He said, completely surprising Zoro.
Wha ? Too ? Are you ? Zoro was gaping at Smoker, shocked and confused.
Was it this guy? Smoker didn t explain anything seeing Zoro s bewildered expression, b
ut he thrust a paper in front of Zoro s face. It was a photograph and the face of
a black haired man in it was freaking familiar to him.
It s him! Zoro took the photograph and examined the feature of the man closely. He w
as wearing round glasses just like last night and the slimy black hair featuring
his sadistic smile sickened him a bit as Zoro remembered the event.
I thought so. Smoker put his cigar on an astray as he took back the photograph fro
m Zoro s hand. The other victims also said the same thing when we interrogated them
, he said again.
Huh? The other victims? Zoro looked at Smoker with a puzzled look.
There were others who just like you, trying to jump from that bridge, Smoker infor
What? Zoro was really surprised at that.
That s the reason I am keeping a watch on the bridge. Smoker stared at the man s face
in the photograph for a moment before he set his gaze at Zoro again. The victims
kept saying they saw this man there, trying to jump from the bridge. They tried
to stop him. This entire month, there have been five people excluding you.
Five!? Zoro widened his eyes at that. But, how , I mean why didn t police do something a
d catch the guy then? He caused all the incidents! Zoro protested at Smoker.
Catching him? Smoker raised one of his eyebrows at Zoro. I thought you d already trie
d that yesterday. Did you catch him? he asked knowingly.
Zoro turned pale as he remembered how he fell in the first place. He tried to ca
tch the man, indeed. Still, when he gripped at him, his hand went through the ma
n s body. Ugh . He gritted his teeth at the memory.
This guy died on that bridge, Smoker said, startling Zoro. Murdered by someone that
we believed to be his partner, he continued.
Murdered ? Zoro looked curious at that.
So it was once a human
This man was a serial killer that roamed in this area some years ago. He escaped
from prison two months ago with the help of someone we didn t know, and had alread
y killed two people in his attempt to run away. The police tried their best to c
atch him; and last month, we succeeded on cornering him, along with the one that
helped him, on that bridge. Smoker began to explain further. This man , Smoker tappe
d the guy s face in the picture with his forefinger, -he held the other guy back be
cause he was injured on his leg. He was stabbed and thrown at the river so the o
ther could escape. He continued.
That s horrible . Zoro felt sick immediately.
No need to pity him. He deserved that, Smoker said coldly.
I don t pity him. Zoro denied. That thing almost killed me yesterday. He pointed that
out clearly.
That thing? It amused Smoker how Zoro referred the guy.
I refuse to call it a ghost. Zoro said and then hurriedly clasped his mouth shut u
pon realizing what he just said. Forget that I said anything. He added immediately
while looking at anywhere but Smoker, with a blushing face.
Smoker thought for a second seeing Zoro s feature and was about to say something w
hen he suddenly stopped. He felt something up and stood.
Zoro looked at him wonderingly. What? he asked.
It s a guest, Smoker said while walking to the door. Stay here and keep quiet, Rorono
a Zoro. Then he opened the door and left before closing the iron door again, leav
ing Zoro alone in the room, looking completely puzzled.
Smoker went out of the room and saw a figure beside his dinner table. A woman wi
th a long brown hair stood quietly there. Her color was so pale and he could pin
point some traces of blood on her clothes and her head.
You again . Smoker muttered slowly with a troubled look. I already told you I can t hea
r what you re saying. I can t help you with anything. He said sternly.
The woman raised one of her hands and pointed at Smoker s room direction silently.
You , how did you know he s here? Smoker gave her a suspicious look before looking at
his room as well.
He s attracting this thing huh despite the protection of the room? What a troublesom
e kid....
Smoker sighed and set his gaze back at the woman. I don t know from where you know
about him, but he s under my care now. Get lost, Smoker said with such intensity th
at threatened the woman. She slowly disappeared from Smoker s sight with a hurtful
Smoker looked at his room again after making sure she wasn t around anymore. It see
ms he gives out a smell. They will crowd him around if he doesn t switch off the b
utton. Smoker muttered lowly again while thinking. He definitely needs a help. He a
dded while walking back to the room. He would talk to Zoro personally regarding
this matter.
Zoro couldn t help widening his eyes seeing what he saw.
Smoker was talking to an un-living-being. That must have been a joke. Still he cle
arly saw that through a small glass-window beside the iron door. He thought this
place was completely sealed before, but upon searching its ventilation he found
a little window that allowed him to peer outside that door.
Zoro saw a dining room there and a woman standing in front of Smoker. What caugh
t Zoro most of the woman s feature was her pale almost transparent body. He immedi
ately knew it wasn t human, but what shocked Zoro even more after that was the fac
t that Smoker talked to it.
Zoro didn t actually hear what he was saying, but looking at him opening and closi
ng his mouth while facing that thing with a serious look was enough proof that h
e saw. Smoker could see them too, couldn t he?
Several minutes later, Smoker was back in the room. Zoro was back on the bed, fa
ce looking clearly disturbed as he looked at Smoker s wondering one.
What? Smoker asked.
Zoro was silent for a moment before he dared himself ask. Smoker you see those thin
gs too? Zoro s face was desperate.
Smoker sighed at that. So it s about that he thought slowly. He sat down on the chair
and took a new cigar. He lit the thing and took a long drag from it before he a
nswered Zoro.
Yes, I see them. Smoker nodded slightly while blowing the smoke again.
Then I am not crazy. Those things are real. Zoro clenched his fists and looked at hi
s knee seriously.
I see The reason you re running away is this? Smoker guessed again. Zoro hadn t answere
d as he added the question. They don t believe in your eyes?
I don t blame them. My family can t see. Heck, I as well if I hadn t died once, I wouldn t
have been able to see. Zoro said while closing his eyes.
Died once? Smoker looked curious at that.
I died once. Zoro nodded and lifted his shirt to show his wound. Got slashed by a s
word and died, but I came back. Zoro let the shirt fall again to cover his wound
after Smoker saw it.
Near-death experience, huh? So you got the ability recently, Smoker nodded. Though I
have to wonder why you got the wound. You aren t doing something crazy and law-bre
aking, are you? The man narrowed his eyes at Zoro.
Shit. Forgot he s a police Zoro immediately looked at another way, escaping the scrut
inizing gaze.
W-well , that s a mistake of me, but I didn t do anything bad, Zoro said slowly. I just
d a way to test my ability, he continued again. -and that s not the problem here. I
have to do something to this new ability so I won t get freaked out by those damn
things! Zoro set his sure annoyed gaze back at Smoker.
That s not the entire problem, Smoker said in response. The fact that you can see the
m but unable to distinguish them from humans is more concerning.
I can distinguish them from human. Zoro said.
Then what about yesterday accident? Smoker asked.
That s because that thing resembled human too much . Zoro said unsurely.
That s right. There are many things like him outside. Are you sure you can distingu
ish them if they have the appearance of human again? They can deceive people and
do harm to the livings, especially an inexperienced guy like you. You have a tr
oublesome ability and they want you. If you can t protect yourself, don t bother try
ing to do something. Smoker said.
But I have to do something! I have to conquer the fear so I can go home! Zoro rais
ed his voice. I don t know why there are so many things inside my house. The number
s are abnormal and I don t know if they re dangerous or not. I have to do something
so their existence will not bother me or if they mean something bad, I can stop
them. Zoro set his eyes at Smoker in blazing gaze. He was determined to fight tho
se things, not to run away from them. He only had to know how to fight them, tha
t s all.
Smoker was silent for a moment, evaluating the boy s spirit before he nodded. Alrig
ht. He said slowly. Zoro s expression changed slightly in surprise. I know someone w
ho can help you with that. However, I ll warn you this. You ll have to get through a
hell to reach the goal. Do you still want to go? he asked in a serious expressio
If I can obtain the skill to control this new ability and to use it for good, I ll
do it. Zoro said with a determined gaze. Hell training wasn t rare for him, so he c
ould manage.
You ll get nuts if you fail, Smoker smirked.
I am on the verge of snapping my own sanity here. Might as well get crazy for it,
Zoro smirked back at him.
Smoker was a bit surprised when he saw Zoro s stubborn expression. He chuckled at
him. Well, well like father like son, huh? he mumbled something that made Zoro wonde
Still, Zoro didn t have a chance to ask about that because Smoker had already turn
ed his back and taken some paper from the table.
Smoker turned his face at Zoro again. I d like to help, but I have to finish a case
first. Are you going to help me with it? He asked Zoro with a smirk on his face.
Is that okay? I mean that s a police work and I am still a student, Zoro asked in a su
rprised look.
It s okay. Anyway, this has something to do with that thing which tried to kill you
yesterday, so I thought you might want to know why he did that. Smoker offered.
Well I want to know, indeed . Zoro thought slightly interested.
Then do you want to talk to that thing? Smoker asked.
Eh ?
Some hours later in the morning
Um ., Zoro couldn t help mumbling hesitantly at the sight in front of him.
Well, I might misunderstand something but isn t that a police station? Zoro thought a
bit warily.
What? Smoker turned his face at Zoro when he heard the mumble.
Smoker why are we here again? Zoro asked while glancing at Smoker in confusion.
I told you we d talk to the thing, Smoker said as he took out a key from his pocket.
Err in a police station? Zoro asked again, doubting that.
What, you don t believe me? Smoker smirked at the green haired boy challengingly.
Well I have a bunch of reasons why I shouldn t believe you like you actually consider
me crazy or like you ll send me back home after contacting my father without me kn
owing it. Then you bring me to a police station because my father has been waiti
ng here or something like that. Zoro listed the possibilities with an indifferent
expression even thought he was hell worried on the inside that those possibilit
ies might be true.
Smoker laughed slightly at that. Why would I do that? he asked, pretty amused as h
e opened the door and walked inside the station.
You re a police. At least there are procedures you ve to follow, right? I mean you re fac
ing a running away child and all. Zoro asked, following the man inside.
Some people with police uniform inside the station stood from their chairs as th
ey saw Smoker enter. They quickly paid him a regard and greeted him.
Well yeah, but it doesn t mean I will set you up. Smoker said before he returned the
greetings and let them back with their work.
Zoro looked at those people warily before he asked again. Then why did you bring
me here?
I figure it would be troublesome to explain when we re home with nothing to look at
, so I think explaining here while we can see the full file would be much easier
to understand. Smoker walked ahead to a certain wooden door at the deepest part
of the station and used the key he had brought out earlier to open the lock.
Oh. Zoro nodded and followed the silver haired man as he entered the dark room.
Smoker turned on the light and Zoro was greeted by a room full of papers and map
s. The full file is in here. We should find as much information as we can about h
im before we actually meet and talk to the thing in person. Smoker said.
That s confusing. Just refer the thing with him rather than the thing. It used to b
e a man, right? Zoro frowned at that because he began to get confused with the pr
You re the one who referred it the thing in the first place. Smoker pointed that out
while raising one of his eyebrows after closing the door again.
Zoro groaned realizing that Smoker was right. Smoker laughed at him.
Well, if I am not wrong , Smoker fished out some papers behind much more piles of pa
per and maps. This is the full file. You can read it first and ask if there s somet
hing you don t understand. Smoker handed the papers to Zoro.
Zoro looked at the paper. There was a small photograph of that man at the upper
right part of the paper and his identity at the first paragraph.
Kuro Kurahadol, 34 year old, man
As Zoro read further information of the man he frowned at the news he got. What t
he hell ?
What? Smoker asked.
He killed his own family? Zoro couldn t believe his eyes.
That s right. Before he was officially regarded as a serial killer, he killed his w
ife and children and kept them inside their house until his neighbors noticed th
e smell of rotten corpses. Smoker informed further as Zoro confirmed it with the
notes. He looked a bit pale at that.
Why did he do that ? Zoro didn t understand while reading further, hoping to find an a
We don t know the reason. He kept silent about it when he was under our custody. Do
you have any idea what the reason might be? Smoker asked for Zoro s opinion.
Zoro was silent as he read further for the guy s profile. He didn t look like an insa
ne person though . Zoro mumbled slowly.
Oh, he wasn t insane, not even a bit. He was a very clever intelligent killer who h
ad always escaped our clutch on his run using any means. We knew he was the culp
rit, but we couldn t touch him until three years ago where one of his victims esca
ped from him and reported him to the police. Smoker said.
His last victim is still alive then? Zoro asked.
This is his last victim before Kuro was caught. Smoker handed Zoro another paper,
a photograph actually. Zoro received the picture and handed the other back to Sm
oker. Then he looked at the person in the picture, a man with curly long brown h
air wearing heart-shaped glasses. His name is Jango.
Jango? Zoro raised his face at Smoker from the stupid-looking picture.
He is a dancer in Kuroneko Bar, Smoker informed again.
Then what does this have any to do with our plan to talk to Kuro? Zoro asked, not r
eally catching where their conversation would lead him.
I have a hunch that this man knows why Kuro is still in this world after his deat
h. Smoker said to the point.
Why is that? Zoro asked, still not really understanding it.
Well when we talk to him, we ll know. Smoker said while looking at Kuro s face on the pa
per seriously.
This is the bar. Smoker said, informing Zoro while knocking at a pair of folding d
oor that would lead them to the stairs to the underground room. Above them was a
big wooden sign with a black cat as a symbol. The letters under the picture sai
d Kuroneko Bar.
Zoro stared at Smoker with a weird expression for a moment. You realize I am stil
l a minor, don t you? he asked.
No problem. It s still day time and you re with me. We re only here for investigation p
urpose. Smoker said while opening the folding door. Then he entered the place whi
le Zoro could only sighed, following him.
I still don t understand why we re here instead of on the bridge, Zoro said slowly.
Keep your face hidden kid. We don t know what kind of people we ll find here. Smoker s
aid, smirking while pulling down Zoro s hat-which Smoker insisted him to wear for
safety reason-, annoying Zoro a little.
Zoro wasn t a kid, damned it; and Smoker didn t even answer his question.
They re in front of the entrance of the bar now and Smoker opened it just like tha
t without warning. A bar keeper was sweeping the floor as both men entered.
Sorry, we re still closed. The man with a white suit and black pants said without tu
rning his face at Zoro and Smoker.
We re looking for someone. Smoker said slowly and paused until the bartender looked
at his way.
My, Colonel Smoker; it s been awhile since the last time I saw you. The bartender s fa
ce lightened up a little as he saw who came to his store.
Colonel? Smoker is a colonel? Zoro was a bit surprised at that. Well, he thought h
e was still a sergeant; he looked a bit young for a colonel after all.
How are you doing, Master? Smoker greeted him politely.
I am fine as usual. Everything is for business. He said with a wide smile.
It seems he s not the bartender, but the bar owner Are they friends? They look clos
e Zoro wondered a bit as he saw Smoker chit-chat with the bar owner.
Oh, it seems you re not with Tashigi today. Are you changing partner? The bar owner
asked after he saw Zoro behind Smoker.
No, he s just a kid I am currently taking care of, Smoker said slightly. Zoro, introd
uce yourself, he said while looking at Zoro expectantly.
That annoyed Zoro the hell out. Hey, I am not your subordinate, so DON T order me a
round! he finally snapped.
My, my, a hot-blooded young man, huh? the Master laughed slightly seeing Zoro s atti
That s not an order. It s a request. Smoker said while raising one of his eyebrows.
Then show it as a request! Zoro said again a bit fuming.
Okay, please introduce yourself. The police smirked at him teasingly.
Bastard! Zoro glared at the older man obviously irritated, while the other was sni
Zoro then looked at another way, huffing angrily. Roronoa Zoro, nice to meet you,
he said slowly.
Roronoa? Master seemed a bit surprised hearing his name. Ah, that boy who got slash
ed by Hawk Eye, he said, remembered. Zoro jolted and Smoker looked at Master in a
surprised look.
Hawk Eye? Smoker widened his eyes at that.
Shit! and Zoro paled.
Yeah, in final round of underground hmp!? Before Master could say further, Zoro had
covered his mouth with both hands in a panicked look. Master could only set his
confused look.
Smoker narrowed his eyes at Zoro. What was that, Roronoa? he asked menacingly.
Ugh I ll explain it later! So why don t we ask about Jango first!? Zoro proposed the ide
a while sweating visibly.
Smoker was silent while gazing at Zoro in a scrutinizing glare before he sighed,
giving in. Fine, then. You can release Master. He s almost suffocated. Smoker said
while pointing at Master whose face was almost blue because the lack of oxygen.
Waaah, sorry! Zoro immediately released the older man and apologized repeatedly.
Okay I won t say anything about that again . Master laughed while wheezing, trying to b
eathe normally again. Zoro laughed guiltily at that and Smoker only sighed at th
e sight in front of him.
Then what can I do to help you? The master asked after he served a cup of hot coffe
e for Smoker and a cup of hot green tea for Zoro on the table counter. Both gues
ts sat on the chairs in front of it.
We re looking for this man. Smoker put the picture on the table to allow Master to s
ee it.
Ah, isn t this Jango? It s been awhile since I saw him. Master took the picture and lo
oked at the man in it with a nostalgic look.
It s been awhile? Zoro asked in confusion. Isn t he working here?
Yes. He was our great dancer. Master nodded and put down the picture again to look
at Zoro and Smoker. He quit last month though. He added.
Last month? Smoker frowned at that.
Yeah, some kind of family business, he said. Is there a problem? I hope he didn t d
o anything stupid worth your searching, Colonel. Master said in a concerned tone.
No, we only want to ask a few things regarding the incident on the bridge last mon
th. Smoker said, emphasizing on the time. Zoro gulped a bit at that. It seemed it
was deeper than he thought.
The bridge ah, about that serial killer s death huh? Master remembered the news. The ne
ws said he was killed, is that true? he asked.
That s true. Smoker answered seriously.
Does it somehow involve Jango? Master asked again.
Well he was his last victim. We wanted to know if he knew something after Kuro esc
aped from jail at first, Smoker said as took the picture and looked at the face in
it. -but now I decide that he indeed know something, since he quit work the mome
nt Kuro died. Smoker kept the picture back behind his white-silver jacket and too
k his cup to sip the coffee.
It can be a coincidence. Zoro said slowly.
It s worth checking out, Smoker said indifferently.
Several minutes later
Thank you for the treat, Master. Smoker said while shaking hand with Master.
You re welcome. I hope you ll come more often with Miss Hina though. Master said while
smiling daydreamingly.
How come you re amazed by that iron woman ? Smoker mumbled with a pale sickened look.
What are you saying? She s a goddess. Master said with literal heart-shaped pupils i
n his eyes.
Whatever, Smoker flailed his hand and turned his back at him. Zoro nodded at Maste
r and followed Smoker out.
So where are we going now? Zoro asked.
We ll go to Jango s house. Smoker took out a piece of paper with letters on it. I ve alr
ady got the address from Master. We ll find him and ask many things about our dear
Kuro. He continued with a confident smirk.
Zoro looked at Smoker secretly as they walked on the street. He wanted to ask so
mething, but wasn t sure how to do it. Smoker seemed noticing the stare and looked
at Zoro. What? he asked.
Uh there s something I want to ask. Zoro said slowly.
Go ahead and ask. Smoker paid his attention back to the road.
Why are you bringing me around? Zoro asked then. You can do this yourself, right I m
ean with your sense of curiosity and all .
Smoker was silent for a moment before he said, You ll know when this is over. Smoker
didn t look at Zoro and answered in such mysterious way it ticked Zoro off a bit.
Still, when Zoro saw no sign of further answer from Smoker at all, he only sigh
ed slightly disappointed.
When they arrived at a certain apartment complex, both guys stopped walking. Smo
ker peered at the address and at the sign of the apartment. The sign gave out bi
g red letters read Sainjutsu.
Hypnotism? Zoro felt ridiculous at the name. What kind of an idiot would name an a
partment complex with such suspicious name like that?
It s here. Smoker said, nodding surely after checking the address. Let s go. Then he en
ered the place, followed by Zoro again.
This place looks abandoned, Zoro commented as he looked at his surroundings. The b
uilding was okay, but the paints were peeled out, and there were a lot of spider
webs. The floors were dirty with pieces of dusts, soils and parts of the broken
wall. Does anyone really live here? He doubted that and he was quite bothered by an
unpleasant smell as well. Someone must have forgotten to throw out the garbage.
Zoro covered his nose and his mouth. The smell got stronger as they walked deepe
r to the building. Smoker glanced at the green haired teen, but he didn t say anyt
hing at Zoro.
There should be one or two people living here. Smoker said slowly after that.
As they came to a certain door with number 56, they stopped. It s the room. Smoker s
aid and Zoro nodded, still covering his nose and his mouth.
For some reason, the smell was the worst there. Zoro had a difficult time to bre
athe. He was amazed that Smoker wasn t affected by that horrible smell. It smelled
just like rats rotten body.
When Smoker was about to knock at the door, suddenly Zoro felt someone blew a br
eath on his neck. His hair stood immediately at the creepy feeling, and when he
turned his face he was greeted by a sight a woman, whose face was slashed open, r
evealing her raw facial flesh and some of her skull. Part of the flesh was rotte
n while the thick dark blood was still dripping.
Zoro hadn t even had a chance to freak out as the woman reached her hand at him an
d touched his chest.
In an instant Zoro saw a blinding light and when he opened his eyes again, he wa
s in another place.
What the hell ?!
Zoro was utterly surprised, confused and obviously freaked out when he tried to
move, he couldn t. Humph ! And when he tried to scream, his voice wouldn t come out. No,
his voice was restrained. Something was on his mouth. Something was obviously w
rong here. Zoro really didn t understand with this situation.
What the hell happened!? Zoro thought, bewildered. He had been standing in front o
f the door with Smoker just a moment before, how come he ended up in a different
place just in an instant after
Zoro paled when he remembered the horrible face of that woman. Was it because of
her? Zoro suspected that, but he had to do something with this situation first. S
uspecting wouldn t do anything at all.
Looking around, Zoro realized he was in a dark room with red dizzying light abov
e his eyes. It seemed he was laying on his back right then. He saw some interior
s like a round coffee table and a chair, a big cupboard and a TV-set. He also sa
w a bed he was on the bed, it seemed. In front of him, near the corner of the room
was someone actually two people talking in bussing voices. He couldn t really see
their faces and hear them since it was dark and their position were quite far fr
om his spot.
One of the people started raising his voice. He could tell it was a man from his
heavy voice. Then the man began to walk nearing him. Zoro tried to move, but hi
s hands were restraint above his head by something he couldn t see. He also couldn t
move his legs. He squirmed there in a panicky as he saw a glint of pointed thin
g on the man s hand.
This is a fucking joke right ? Zoro thought, feeling a very-very big danger before him
Stop it. She s got nothing to do with it. Zoro could hear the other man speak lowly.
Oh, she has since she s the reason why you left me, right? The man with pointed claw-
like knifes spoke evilly as he neared Zoro and now was on top of him, staring at
him like a predator.
It s him! Zoro widened his eyes as he saw Kuro s face there. He started to sweat heavi
ly as he saw Kuro raise his right hand with those claw-like knifes attached to i
No no way! He ll kill me! Zoro was fully panicked now, trying so hard to release hims
elf, trying to scream out even though the sound was muffled by the thing in his
I ve got no grudge toward you, but you re in the way. Kuro said as he widened his evil
smirk, eyes widened in dilated pupils, showing the intent to kill and something
else Zoro couldn t comprehend.
No please don t ! Someone HELP!
Sayonara, bitch. Kuro then slashed Zoro s face and neck in a precise strike.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Zoro shouted hysterically and widened his eyes as if he had se
en the death in front of his eyes.
Zoro! Smoker shouted and jerked Zoro s shoulder hard to bring him back to reality.
Zoro gasped and panted heavily, sweats and tears wetting his face while his trem
bling hands clutched Smoker s arms under his jacket painfully. His feet felt reall
y weak, he would have collapsed without Smoker s support.
Oi, are you alright? Smoker asked in a worried look while letting Zoro sit on the
floor and lean against the dirty peeled wall.
Zoro was still unable to respond to Smoker s words well. He was still frantically
trying to distinguish the illusion and the reality. Ki-killed ! Zoro whimpered a bit
, eyes still widened as he could still feel the sensation of his facial flesh an
d neck being ripped apart by the claw-like knifes.
Zoro? Hey, wake up! Smoker shook Zoro s shoulder harder to free the younger from the
I was killed ! Zoro released his hands from smoker and hugged his own body, trembling.
He looked around and saw the woman still standing beside him, her almost transp
arent hand plunged deeply in his chest.
Help him . The woman, still with her horrible sickening appearance, whispered with h
er dry heavy buzzing voice, a chill wind blew at Zoro s ear.
Suddenly Zoro s stomach churned, his throat and lungs felt crushed painfully and h
e felt nauseous. Uph ! Zoro covered his mouth and closed his eyes with painful expre
ssion despite unable to breathe properly, trying hard not throw up.
Smoker looked at Zoro worriedly before he set his gaze at the woman. You re torturi
ng him. Let him go. Smoker said while glaring angrily. The woman merely glanced a
t him and didn t bulge. Let go of him, or I ll remove your presence by force, Smoker t
hreatened her now and once again intensified his glare to shock her.
She released her hand from Zoro and was slowly disappearing again. Help him ! Her de
sperate plea was heard by Zoro who was in the verge of puking and suffocating. W
hen her presence was gone completely, finally Zoro could take air again to his l
ungs. He coughed and gasped for the last three times before he could breathe aga
in normally. He looked really pale and weak.
Zoro, oi, can you hear me? Smoker knelt beside the younger boy and Zoro blearily l
ooked back at Smoker.
I was killed , Zoro said with hoarse voice.
Yeah, she was killed, Smoker said while trying to help the boy. Can you stand?
She was that woman that came to your house last night, Zoro didn t ask, but he just ma
e sure.
Yes, Smoker said slowly, pulling Zoro s arm and helping the boy stand.
Zoro was still wobbling and needing Smoker support for some more times before he
could finally stand again on his own feet. What was that ? I saw I meant why did I e
xperience her death? Zoro asked, finally calming down now.
That s called connection by empathy, Smoker said. She tried to talk to you by giving y
u her memory and experiences, by letting you know what she felt when she was dyi
ng. He explained more.
Why me ? Zoro gritted his teeth as he remembered the horrible things he experienced
in the hospital. It was the same thing, though they were just dreams, not like t
his one. He was fully awake right now, right then when she performed the connect
ion. It made the ordeal worse. He really experienced the fear, the cold pointed
knifes that slashes him, the taste of blood and iron as he was dying. It was hor
rible, too horrible.
Zoro had ever died once, but this fear was different from that time. It was as i
f he were that woman.
Because you re the only one who can understand her, Smoker said slowly.
Just because I can see her? You can also see her, right? Why didn t see talk to you
instead? Zoro asked again, not understanding it.
I can t understand her. Smoker said, earning a confused look from Zoro. I can see her
, yes, but it s just that. Her voice doesn t reach me. I can t hear her. He continued w
hile looking afar. His expression looked somehow regretful.
You can t hear ? Zoro was still confused. Does that have any to do with anything?
The one who can perform a connection is the one with the ability to hear and feel th
I can t do those things, so I can only see them. They can t pass their message to m
e. Moreover my body doesn t allow them to come near. Smoker explained further.
Zoro still hadn t understood. Okay, Smoker could see, but he couldn t hear? Why? And
what s with the body that didn t allow those things to come closer? Zoro s head began
to spin.
I still don t get it . Zoro said while clutching his head. Aside the nausea, now he go
t a headache as well.
It s okay. You ll understand after I send you to the person who will help you to cont
rol that ability. Smoker tapped Zoro s back slightly and suddenly Zoro felt a lot b
etter. He didn t feel nauseous again and somehow the air began to feel refreshing.
T-that s weird , Zoro mumbled in confusion.
It seems our Jango is not home. Smoker said as he pushed the door open. The room w
as dark and the furniture was in shambles. Then when Smoker went inside the room
and turned on the light, Zoro widened his eyes seeing it.
This room ! Zoro felt a sudden familiarity at the sight. He looked around and pin-po
inted some things inside. He walked and stood at a certain position, and then he
saw that view again, the view he had seen when he was in connection with the woman
What s wrong? Smoker asked.
That woman , Zoro looked at Smoker in a pale face. She was killed here, in this room.
He informed Smoker.
What? Smoker was really surprised hearing that.
I saw this room when I was in connection or whatever . I saw that TV-set, and that cu
p board too before it fell over like that and there were two people men, talking at
the spot you re standing on right now. Zoro said, trying to remember as much as he
could from the connection while also trying to forget the fear and the horror of
being killed.
That s awesome that ability Smoker was silently amazed at that. But Smoker only looked a
Zoro pitifully when the boy shook his head, trying to shake off the horrible im
One of the men was Kuro, Zoro said. He was the one who killed her. Zoro shivered whe
n he remembered the man s eyes glaring at him with such ?
Eh ? Zoro was slightly confused. He was sure he saw killing intent and hatred there,
but he also saw something else in his eyes. Something , what?
What about the other one? Smoker asked slowly. Can you remember? Still, Smoker also
didn t want to push the boy too much.
Unh I was so focused on Kuro when he killed me so the other man , Zoro tried his best
to remember in that haze of terror, the face of the man other than Kuro.
Long curly brown hair ? Heart-shaped !? Zoro widened his eyes. It s Jango ! Zoro widened
yes in disbelief.
It s Jango!? Smoker was shocked now. Wait, so you said Jango was here when that woman
was killed by Kuro?
Smoker didn t believe this. If that was really the case then the one who helped Kur
o escape from prison and hide him all those time was
Kuro s own last victim !?
What does this mean? Zoro looked at Smoker in a confused look.
I don t understand . Smoker thought hard, trying to connect the puzzles, but he felt t
hat there were still some parts missing. Let s find Jango first. I am sure he s hidin
g somewhere near. Smoker said while walking out the room.
Zoro followed closely behind him. When he was outside the room, once again he sa
w that woman and she looked at Zoro with sad eyes even though part of them had b
een shattered and destroyed. Zoro gulped at seeing her and then remembered her w
Help him .
End of Chapter 3
A/N: The mystery thickens~! Wohooo, can Zoro and Smoker find the missing puzzles
? Why does it turn out to be mystery rather than horror? Well, I said this is a
horror-drama-mystery, so I guess this is okay Smoker is a bit mysterious too. Umm
, the answers of those questions hopefully will be revealed in next chapter! Sta
y tuned, folks! Oh, and don t forget the feed backs! I love a lot of long reviews!
With Love,
Review this Story/Chapter

Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 1
2-14-09 - Published: 11-29-09 - id:5544700
Sanji leaned against the railing of the Thousand Sunny, staring at the calm sea
as he exhaled another breath of smoke. The sea is practically still! Its been li
ke this for weeks already, I'm surprised we are even able to move at the slow pa
ce we are now. When are we finally going to get some wind? Sanji thought to hims
elf, ignoring Luffy's whining about being bored. After being out at sea for week
s without wind Sanji almost joined his captain in trying to convince Franky to u
se the Coup de Burst to get them closer to the next island.
Sanji was pulled from his thought when hi heard a loud bang above him. He looked
up to see Zoro leaving the Crows nest that bang must have been him putting down
his weights. That shitty swordsman, what does he think hes doing sulking up the
re. He barely eats! After the incident with Kuma, I know he wants to get stronge
r but hes going about it the wrong way! Hes going to kill himself! Before he cou
ld continue his silent rant, Zoro yelled some news that made everyone jump for j
oy. Oi! he called down from his room theres an island up ahead.
FINALLY! Luffy yelled, jumping up and down. What does it look like?!?! he asked the
swordsman excitedly, wondering if this could mark the beginning of another adven
Theres a large city right next to the harbor. Zoro yelled down to his excited capt
Luffy I need to talk to you for a minute. Mani said to her captain with an innocen
t smile on her face. Luffy only sweat dropped and tried to shrink into his speci
al seat. Nami's innocent smile means I'm in trouble. Luffy thought with dread. B
efore he could run Nami had grabbed the back of his shirt and was dragging him i
nto the lounge. Listen up Luffy, we need to set some rules for when you go on la
nd. Nami said with a smirk to the scowling Luffy as she closed the door behind he
r, muffling the rest of their talk . A few minutes later, a loud thunk was head fro
m beyond the door. Nami came out followed by Luffy who had a rather large bump o
n his head. Alright everyone come here! I need to assign jobs to do when we land!
the navigator yelled waiting for all of her nakama to gather on the deck.
We don't know whither there is a marine base on this island so we must be careful
. Franky, you will guard the ship. Usopp, you and Chopper will stay together and
go and buy what ever supplies you want. Also, pick up whatever Franky needs. she
said to the three who were to her left.
YOSH! they yelled in response, happy that they finally arrived at an island.
Luffy. You will stay with Brook AND NOT CAUSE A SCENE understand? she asked, glari
ng at her captain. Brook, make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Zoro you will g
o with Sanji to get any food supplies we might be lacking.
W-WHAT?!?! Zoro and Sanji both yelled in dismay. Why do I have to get stuck with th
is shitty swordsman? I want to accompany you girls! Sanji asked, glaring at the s
Same here Love-cook. I'm tired as it is! I don't want to have to put up with you!
Zoro said returning the glare, just managing to unsheathe Sandai Kitetsu before
a fury so kicks came at him. Not allowing a singe one to actually hit him, be be
gan to attach the cook by trying to slice his leg.
The battle went on for about a minute before Nami got annoyed and walked over to
the fight. She punched the two idiots in the head, causing them to fall to the
floor. YOU WILL DO AS I SAY! she screamed at them.
HAI NAMI-SWAN! Sanji said with hearts in his eyes. Zoro merely sat silently, clutc
hing his head in pain.
Nami merely sighed. As I was saying earlier, While all of you are doing what ever
it is you are going to be doing, Robin and I will be shopping! So none of you h
ad better do anything stupid and cause our fun to end! She said in a threatening
voice, sending a glare to ever crew member. Everyone nodded quickly, knowing bet
ter than to argue.
When they finally get to the island, they choose to dock around an outcrop, not
wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves. Lets go! Luffy yells as h
e punches his fists into the air, running ahead of everyone as they made their w
ay to the town. As they walked, the crew notices that the town is bigger than th
ey thought. Many of the buildings reach high into the sky, while others are shor
t but very long, some even taking up a whole street by themselves. SUGOI! This pl
ace looks so cool!! Luffy said with a huge grin on his face.
When they entered the city, everyone split up into the groups they were assigned
to and went to explore the city. Zoro and Sanji, after unsuccessfully asking on
ce again to be paired with someone else, reluctantly set out to find the nearest
food store and finish with their shopping so they could get the hell away from
each other.
Oi shitty swordsman, where the hell are you going? Sanji said when Zoro turned dow
n a side street.
Where the hell do you think I'm going? To find the food store. Zoro said as though
it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Your going the wrong way idiot. Sanji said amused at Zoro's confused expression. th
e stores right over there, he said pointing over his shoulder, how the hell did yo
u go the wrong way when it was right in front of you?
Shut up! Zoro snapped at the cook as he walked past him, this time headed in the r
ight direction. lets just go and get this over with. I don't see why I had so com
e with you to get food. he stopped suddenly before smirking over his shoulder at
Sanji, Unless your to weak to carry them.
Sanji's eyes darkened. what was that marimo?
You heard me love-cook. I said that the only reason I'm here is because your to w
eak to do anything by yourself. Zoro said calmly, hands on his swords. Sanji, now
completely pissed off, raced his leg into his fighting stance and prepared to l
eap forward. Zoro tensed,waiting for the kick.
Then, Sanji put his foot down and sighed. Looking up at the confused swordsman h
e simply said If we fight Nami-Swan will get mad at me. He calmly walked past Zoro
and entered the food store. And if we fight, you'll only open up those wounds h
e thought to himself. Zoro sheathed his katanas and followed the cook.
After buying everything they would need for another two months at sea (they alwa
ys stock up because they never know how long it will take to get to the next isl
and), the duo headed back to the Sunny.
Man that was a pain. Zoro said with a yawn after he had helped put away all their
groceries. I'm going to take a nap. He climbed up to the crows nest then disappea
red inside. Sanji on the other hand was already planning what he was going to ma
ke for dinner, and Franky was in his room planning out new inventions while wait
ing for Usopp and Chopper to return with his supplies.
Meanwhile somewhere in town, Luffy and Brook were having a wonderful time. This p
lace is so cool! Luffy said for the hundredth time, looking at all the things tha
t were on display in the windows.
Yohohoho! This is the first time I've been to an island in over fifty years! I'm
so happy I could cry! ...Except I don't have eyes to cry with! SKULL JOKE! Brook
laughed as he happily followed Luffy.
Brook look at all these cool things! I wish I could get some! Luffy said as he dra
gged his nakama from store to store. Luffy stopped suddenly when he heard a scre
am coming from around the corner. Luffy-San what was that? Brook asked worried th
at something bad was happening.
Lets go check it out Luffy said as he quickly ran around the corner, Brook followi
ng close behind.
As they approached their destination, they realized that they were in the town s
quare. In front of them was a group of angry pirates, cornering a scared group o
f girls against a fountain. All around them the townspeople were watching, worri
ed about what was going to happen.
You dare to reject us? We, the Blood Pirates who are feared throughout the Grand
Line? The second you said no you sealed you fate! the man laughed. We're feeling g
enerous at the moment, so we'll give you two options; come and have some fun wit
h us, or loose your lives right here and now. One of the pirates, most likely the
captain, said with an evil grin, his sword pointed at the through of one of the
girls. So what will it be? the man asked as his nakama began to laugh even louder
P-Please don't hurt us, W-We didn't mean to insult you. J-Just let us go! The girl
with the sword at her throat managed to sob through her tears. The man only sni
Mm,Thats not very nice. Luffy said, completely oblivious to the threat the pirate
was making. You shouldn't ask someone to hang out with you while showing them you
r sword. Everyone in the crowd sweat dropped at the comment.
The pirate slowly raised his headed, turning it to glare at Luffy. Who the hell a
re you? he asked, obviously annoyed at the fact that someone had dared to interru
pt him.
Me? His finger pointing to himself, I'm Luffy! he said with a grin.
I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE! WHY ARE YOU INTERUPTING ME?!? he man yelled, now complet
ely pissed off.
If you didn't care then you shouldn't have asked. Luffy mumbled, pouting because h
e got yelled at.
L-Luffy-San, I don't think we should anger these guys, they look strong and we do
n't want to start a fight. Brook said, trying to convince his captain to drop the
matter and walk away.
What do you mean Brook? It doesn't matter how strong they look, I'll kick their a
sses. Luffy said while giving the skeleton an reassuring smile.
Thats not what I meant Luf- Brook was interrupted as the pirate, who had heard the
ir whole conversation, turned to them and yelled.
E?!?!? The captain yelled, pointing his sword at the duo, giving them each a deat
h glare.
Yea. Luffy said simply, nodding his head to answer the question.
KILL THEM! James yelled as his nakama charged forward. All around them the townspe
ople screamed, scared that the boy with the straw hat was about to die.
Luffy smirked. You asked for it!Gomu Gomu no MUCHI! Luffy yelled as his foot shot
across the square, knocking out all of the oncoming pirates.
The captain fell backwards to the ground, dropping his sword N-No way! W-Who are
you? He said in a scared voice.
I told you. I'm Luffy He said with a smile.
Suddenly the building next to them began to shake and pieces of its walls began
to come off. Wow! Whats happening to that building? Luffy asked, fascinated with t
he crumbling building.
Luffy-San, You did kicked the supports of that building while you were
attacking. Brook said, already accustomed to his captains idiocy. He slowly bega
n to back up, nervous that the building was going to fall on them.
The building began to shake back and forth as though deciding where to fall. The
townspeople began to run away in fear from the building, warning whoever they s
aw. I thought we had promised Nami-San we wouldn't get into trouble. Brook said wh
ile looking at his captain, unsure of what to do next.
The boy paled. RUN! If she doesn't know we caused it then we can't get in trouble
! Luffy yelled quickly as he dashed away from the square.
A second later the sound of the building falling to pieces was heard throughout
the town.
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 2 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 1
2-14-09 - Published: 11-29-09 - id:5544700
Hey guys sorry for the wait. My computer crashed and/or froze more times than i
can count. Any way here is chapter 2!
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. It is property of Eiichiro Oda.
I told them to stay out of trouble and what do they do?!? They blow up a friggin'
building!! Nami screamed as she stormed through the crowd of civilians trying to
get away from the collapsed building.
Navigator-San it might not have been them. Robin said with a slight smile on her f
ace, trying to calm the enraged red head. She found that her crew always did the
most amusing and unexpected things.
Nami gave the older woman a sarcastic look. Who the hell else could cause a build
ing to collapse without any cannons?? She said, pointing out that at no time sinc
e they had been in town had there been a sign of an attack.
Robin sighed, not wanting to argue. Thus the two girls proceeded to run through
the crowd toward the Sunny, both lost in their own thoughts.
After the explosion, Luffy and Brook had made a mad dash to the Sunny, hoping to
get there before Nami so they could escape punishment by hiding somewhere in th
e ship.
Once they finally arrived and hopped on deck, slowly and as quietly as they coul
d, they tried to make it to the door that lead to the deck below. Unfortunately
for them, Chopper and Usopp had already returned from their shopping. As soon as
they got on deck, Chopper came running out of the lounge to make sure they were
RED ONE OF YOU HAD BEEN HURT! Chopper yelled franticly as he began to examine his
Chopper-San Brook said calmly we are fine, we didn't get hit by the building
THATS BECAUSE YOU CAUSED IT! a furious voice was heard from the side of the ship.
All heads turned to look as a pissed off Nami and a clam Robin, as the two climb
ed over the side of the railing. Nami-Swan is so adorable when she s angry! Sanji co
oed from the door of the kitchen as Nami began to stomp her way across the deck
to where her captain was sitting.
Luffy, what exactly did I tell you this morning when we arrived at this island? Na
mi asked, trying to keep her voice calm.
Luffy kept fidgeting in his seat, unable look Nami in the eye I don't remember he
said, barely loud enough for his Nakama to hear.
YOU DO REMEMBER! Nami screeched as she punched Luffy, causing his head to hit the
floor in a not-so-pleasant fashion. WHY THE HELL DO YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!?!?!?!
After ruthlessly beating her captain, she moved on to scream and beat Brook for
his 'inability to look after a single boy. After finally venting all of her ange
r, Nami signed contently. Well I don't think it would be a good idea to stay here
. They're bound to see our ship, and think we are the cause of the commotion.
Chopped had decided to point out that they WERE the cause of the commotion, only
to receive his own bump from the red-head. Nami continued, I think we should hea
d to the next island; I asked in town and it seems it only takes two hours for t
he log pose to set. We've been here for more than two hours, so we re all set. Eve
ryone, Prepare for departure! Sanji, you and Zoro unfurl the sails, Franky you t
ake the helm, and everyone else, do what you normally do; any questions?
Everyone set out to do their designated jobs; Nami may have taken out most of he
r anger on Luffy and Brook, but everyone knew that it didn't take much for her t
o go crazy again when she was in that kind of mood.
Oi, Marimo-head where the hell are you? Sanji called, suddenly realizing that Zoro
was nowhere to be seen.
Sanji-Kun, what s wrong? Nami asked, looking up to the crows nest where the cook was
The shitty swordsman isn't up here. Sanji answered.
Huh? Then where is he? Nami asked. Hey everyone, do you see Zoro? Everyone stopped w
hat they were doing to give Nami a questioning glance. He isn't up in the crows ne
st she explained.
Robin put down the book she was reading, and brought her hands to her to her che
st. Veinte Fleur! After a moment of searching, Robin dropped her arms to her side S
wordsman-San is not on the ship. she informed her Nakama.
What?! they all said in unison. What does he think he's doing at a time like this? N
ami yelled, angry for the second time that day.
Oh yea! Swordsman-Bro said he wanted to go for a walk a little while before the e
xplosion. I didn't think anything of it. He should be back by now though. Franky
said pondering why Zoro was so late.
AND YOU DIDN T THINK TO TELL US SOONER?!? Nami yelled at the cyborg. Ugh! He probably
got lost! she said as she smacked her forehead with her palm.
That Shitty Marimo what the hell is wrong with him, Sanji said through clenched te
As most of the crew stood still, (mentally cursing Zoro for his own stupidity) a
marine ship rounded the bend of the Harbor, and began a bombardment on the Sunn
y. G-Guys! What do we do?!?! Usopp yelled as the cannon balls began to come increa
singly close to the ship.
We can't leave yet! Luffy yelled from his seat atop the Lion's Mane. Zoro isn't bac
k yet!
That s right we can fight! I'm feeling Extra SUPER this week! Franky exclaimed as he
struck a pose. As the crew made up their minds to fight, three more marine ship
s appeared, following the first.
Is there a marine base on this island?!?! Nami asked as she saw the ships
Actually I did see a base on the far side of town. Robin said with a look of sligh
t concern on her face.
WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US? Everyone, but Luffy and Sanji yelled.
Robin-Chwan is so adorable when she forgets things! Sanji sang as he did his noodl
e dance.
ZORO! WHERE ARE YOU!? Luffy yelled at the shore, oblivious to the conversation goi
ng on behind him. One of us should go get him, he said.
We don't have time! Nami said, as the marine ships were almost upon them. We ll have
to come back for him!
No! I'm not leaving a Nakama behind! Luffy said stubbornly with his arms crossed.
But Luffy! We have to g- Usopp started to say before Sanji cut him off. You guys go
on ahead. I'll find him and bring him back here. Meet us when the sun sets the c
ook said, before jumping over the railing into the sea below.
The mugiwara crew just stood in silence with their mouths agape. Did Sanji just
volunteer to go get Zoro?!? They all thought in unison. This was unheard of! But
before they could yell at him for being reckless, and jumping into the water, t
heir attention was brought back to the marine ship that was practically next to
them at this point. Everyone! We're setting sail! Nami yelled, bringing the crew b
ack to reality.
HAI! Everyone yelled back.
Sanji walked onto the beach as the sunny began to sail away. He reached into his
pocket and pulled out a cigarette. A little soggy but it should light. He thoug
ht as he struck a match against his shoe. Now, to find that Shitty Swordsman . He
inhaled deeply then began his trek through the forest.
Where the hell is he? Sanji thought, pushing yet another branch out of his face.
He had been looking for about an hour now but the swordsman was nowhere in sigh
t. The forest wasn't making his search easy. When he had arrived on the beach he
noticed that the forest looked dense, but that had been an understatement. He c
ouldn't walk a foot without a branch, with huge leaves, hitting him in the face
or a root, trying to trip him. Damn Marimo! He has it easy; he can cut through a
ll these stupid trees! When I find him I'm going to kill him for making me go th
rough this hell! The cook thought, forgetting that he chose to look for the swor
dsman of his own consent.
Zoro on the other hand was having just as hard a time navigating the forest as S
anji was. Not because of the trees, but because he was lost. Dammit Franky! Why
the hell did you move the ship? The swordsman thought angrily as he hacked away
at the branches around him. Why he thought it was Franky's fault that he had end
ed up in the forest when he was trying to go into town no one will know.
Zoro spotted a clearing up ahead and decided to take a rest. The clearing was re
latively large with a pond in the middle. Not a bad place to take a nap, Zoro said
aloud with a yawn. He walked to a large tree that was shielding the sun. Getting
comfortable in the shade, Zoro closed his eyes, and easily fell asleep.
Zoro was suddenly awoken when he felt a stabbing pain in his side. Jumping to hi
s feet with his katana half drawn he looked around him. His surroundings had got
ten darker; looking up he noticed that the sun was beginning to set. Oi, Shitty M
arimo. What. The. Hell. Where. You. Doing. Sleeping? An incredibly pissed off voi
ce asked from behind him. Zoro sheathed his katana and turned around. HE almost
died of laughter. Standing before him, was a blond man covered in mud and scrape
AHAHA! What the hell happened to you Ero-Cook? Zoro managed to gasp between his la
ughter. He just managed to side step when a kick came, flying full force to wher
e he had just been standing. The cook was pissed and he meant business.
What happened to me? WHAT HAPPENED TO ME? Sanji roared. I was looking for you that s
what happened!
Looking for me? Why? Zoro asked after he caught his breath.
Why? Because you decided to go off and do god knows what, while Marines attacked
us! The cook yelled, unable to control his rage. Then I had the decency to bring yo
u back but instead get lost, tripped, and mauled by I don't know how many animal
The Marines attacked? Zoro asked his muscles tense. Why didn't you say that sooner?
I'm the one asking questions; why the hell did you leave, you shitty Marimo! Sanji
screamed, becoming increasingly frustrated, when he realized he had dropped his
cigarettes somewhere in the Forest.
What was that Ero-Cook? the swordsman growled, drawing his katana.
You heard me Marimo, Sanji said with a grimace, as he raised his leg into his figh
ting stance.
Time seemed to slow down. Zoro tensed, fully prepared to block the kick that he
knew was coming. Sanji leaned forward, getting ready to jump forward and launch
a fury of kicks. But what happened next caught Zoro by surprise; for the second
time that day Sanji just sighed and lowered his leg.
Let s go Marimo; everyone s waiting for us at the shore. Sanji said as he turned around
and motioned for the swordsman to follow. Zoro just stood shocked, still in his
fighting stance.
Overcoming his surprise, Zoro jogged up to the cook, and grabbed him by the shou
lder before he left the clearing. Oi Ero-Cook you alright?
Sanji looked back over his shoulder. I m fine Marimo, now let s go back to the Sunny,
he tried to walk forward but Zoro hadn't loosened his grip. Let go.
No. Not until you tell the truth, Zoro said, knowing that the cook was lying.
And what makes you think I'm lying about nothing being wrong? Sanji asked through
clenched teeth. He s really annoying me now! If we don't start walking I won't be
able to hold back. Sanji thought, not wanting to fight the swordsman.\
You didn't fight, Zoro said simply, You ve been acting strange lately, always backing
out of our fights.
So? I've been tired. Sanji said, hiding behind a mask of indifference.
For weeks? You never backed out a fight before. Ever since the fight at Thriller
Bark you've been, acting differently, not fighting. Whats wro- Zoro stopped talki
ng. He narrowed his eyes, realizing the truth behind the cook s actions. He tighte
ned his grip on Sanji's shoulder, causing the man to wince. Cook what the hell do
you think you re doing? The Swordsman growled a look of hatred in his eyes.
Sanji raised his hand and pried Zoro's hands of his shoulder. Without saying a w
ord, he started walking into the forest. He was forced to stop when a blade hove
red inches from his throat. He looked up into the enraged eyes of his Nakama.
He looked away, unable to meet Zoro's eyes for more than a few seconds. That qui
ck glance told him all he needed to know. Zoro was mad. No, he was furious.
You were looking down on me weren't you? the swordsman asked with a menacing air a
round him. You think this wound make me weak
No. That s not what I- Sanji began to say
THEN WHAT? Zoro's voice echoed throughout the forest.
I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU! Sanji yelled, not looking at the swordsman.
Zoro stood there, shocked and unsure about what to do next. He had thought that
the cook had pitied him or that he wasn't worth his time, because the wound had
weakened him. He never would have guessed that the man had been worried about hi
m. Hell he didn't even think the blond was capable of worrying over someone who
didn't have boobs.
Slowly, he lowered his katana. The two stood in an awkward silence that seemed t
o go on forever. Eventually, Sanji cleared his throat when he noticed how dark i
t had become. we- we should get going, he said quietly. Zoro nodded swiftly and fe
ll into step behind the cook as they silently made their way through the forest.
Review this Story/Chapter
Infinite Loyalty
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 6 - Updated: 12-13-
09 - Published: 09-28-09 - id:5408974
Boredom can drive people to the brink of insanity. Or at least, it drove SOME cr
ewmembers into insanity. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were lying around the deck ba
king in the sun, and complaining about having nothing to do.
I m boooored. they all cried in unison for the umpteenth time that after noon. They
had just gotten a fun new device at the last stop, and due to carelessness, it h
ad fallen overboard.
I m Huuuungryyy! Sanji! Oyatsu!
You just ate lunch an hour ago Luffy so shut up! Nami had put on her headphones an
d was listening to her mp3 player while she read on her lounge chair in the back
of the ship. Robin was in the Galley making herself some iced tea to enjoy with
a good book on this warm, summer day. Zoro kept her company while he scanned th
e wine rack in search of something good to drink as well. Zoro grabbed a bottle,
popped it open and immediately began to drink. He walked out side and took up h
is post by the mast.
Oi, Usopp. Luffy gurgled.
I wanna play a game.
Me too.
Me three. Chopper agreed.
Zoro getting annoyed by their complaining quickly finished off his booze and tos
sed them the bottle. Relying on his reflexes, Luffy caught it mid-flight. There,
if you re so bored play with that. I m gonna go take a nap... He muttered that last s
entence to himself under his breath.
Luffy pouted, What are we supposed to do with a bottle?
Usopp did his Captain Usopp Pose and proclaimed: WE SHALL PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!
Luffy and Chopper looked on in fascination and then burst out into excited cheer
ROBIN! The three of them called. They all poked out a head to see what was going o
WE RE ALL GONNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE! No one else looked excited about it, but Robin s
miled politely. Luffy pouted again, Captains orders.
They all side and grudgingly made their way down to the main deck and sat down i
n a big circle.
Oi, Marimo, you re playing too.
Captains orders. Sanji reminded.
Zoro breathed heavily, Mmmmpf. Fine.
I get to go first cause it was my idea! Usopp proclaimed. He spun and it and as it
slowed it pointed towards Nami s chair, but not at Nami herself.
Nami! Truth or Dare?
That s not fair! It landed on my chair not me!
But you get to give out the next truth/dare whatever..
Fine. Dare.
I dare you to give away over 10000 yen to the person of your choice. AND they do
n t have to pay you back. Usopp was nervous about such a bold dare, but he wanted t
o go through with it. All eyes turned to Nami. Her face was stone cold.
C Can I spin the barrel?
Neh, Usopp...what s that mean?
It means that we have to chose another dare for her to do so she doesn t have to do
the first one.
BOO! Luffy pouted, No spin the barrel! That s no fuu-uuun... He complained.
Luffy! Nami scolded. But Luffy looked at her indifferently.
Captain s orders. He said with a HUGE grin. Nami slowly, agitatedly, got up and went
into the confines of her room. She emerged slowly and cautiously with a stack o
f bills in hand. She handed the bills to the small doctor.
Here.. She said shakily, I think we ll all benefit the most if the doctor has the ext
ra money for medical purchases. She said all this through a clenched jaw and a fo
rced grin on her reddening face.
T Thank you Nami! Chopper smiled and tucked them into his hat for later
Nami was like a zombie as she sulked back to her deck chair. She sat down and ju
st stared off into space.
Dude, Usopp, look what you did, maybe we shouldn t do that again...
No shit you dumbass! My lovely Nami-san had to go through such painful torture be
cause of THIS. Sanji pointed an accusing finger at Usopp and Usopp wriggled away
as Zoro held on with ease to the belt of Sanji s pants to prevent him from getting
to Usopp.
Neh, Nami, it s your turn now. She instantly snapped out of her stupor.
Yes, yes I suppose it is... She laughed wickedly and scanned the circle of helples
s victims. This is gonna be good...
Nami kept her composure calm as the 'inner her' so to speak, plotted maliciously
. She spun the bottle and waited for it to slow. Her smile grew as it slowly rol
led towards Zoro. Millions of thoughts ran through her head, but she knew which
one exactly to dish out.
"Zoro." She called sweetly.
He cracked an eye to glare at her. He sat up and removed his hands from behind h
is head. "What."
"Truth? or Dare?" It was more than obvious which one she wanted him to pick.
"Truth." He said. Not wanting to get up and do anything he decided to just pick
truth so he could answer a stupid question, and get on with his nap. But then SO
MEONE had to ruin his plan.
The simple comment from Sanji was all Zoro needed to get revved up.
"You wanna die cook?"
"Like you could kill me, you wuss. You can't even take a dare."
"Bastard! I could take a dare if I wanted to!"
"So then Zoro, would you like to switch your choice to dare?" Nami asked in her
sickly sweet voice. Zoro cringed at her tone, but agreed to take the dare.
"Chopper," She called, "Remember those experiments we were running?"
"Hai, Nami. But...are you sure that we should use it? I mean it hasn't been test
ed and--"
"Chopper!" Nami's sweet voice faded, "Go. Get. The. Syringe."
"Syringe?" Zoro was getting nervous. He didn't want a shot! Well, he wasn't afra
id of needles....really he wasn't!...ok, well....maybe a little bit, but he woul
dn't let it get to him. Actually, he was more afraid of what was inside the syri
nge then the needle itself.
Got it, Nami!
Ok, Zoro. You dare, is to be Chopper s lab rat for his new...experiment.
Zoro stared at the liquid inside the bottle. It looked like used bathwater. Sinc
e he had no choice after taking the dare, he willingly stuck out his arm and clo
sed his eyes waiting for the needle.
This ll only take a second Zoro. the reindeer said as a consolation. He figured the
swordsman was scared, seeing as how his arm was shaking and sweat could barely b
e seen on his furrowed brow.
Once it was done, Copper stuck a cute polka-dotted bandage over the spot where h
e had pierced Zoro s arm.
Well, that should do it. Chopper brushed his hooves together at his accomplishment
The entire crew sat staring at Zoro, waiting for something to happen, but nothin
g did.
Nyaaaaaaaaah, this is booo-riing I want something to happen!......Sanji! Oyatsu!
Sanji looked at the sun to determine the time.
Alright, its overdue anyway. Zoro, come.
Uwah? Why?
Cause if anything funny happens to you I wanna see it, and I can t see it from the
Come, or no food...for anyone. He glanced at Nami and Robin who seemed rather indi
fferent to his threat. Except for my beautiful, fallen angels. He bowed as he back
ed into the kitchen with Zoro, who was getting pummeled into the kitchen by Luff
y s fists after the threat of no midday snack.
alright, alright, Jesus Christ Luffy, I m going! Zoro sulked after Sanji and slammed
the door, declaring how upset he was with the whole ordeal.
Well...this ll be interesting. Usopp commented.
Just you wait till the serum kicks in.
But...nothing happened.
No, nothing happened...yet...
Zoro, chop these up and put them in the pan. Don t let them sit or they ll burn.
Yeah, yeah. Zoro started chopping at wicked speed, as fast as Sanji when he was in
a hurry. Sanji had to admit that he was pretty impressed. And he thought it was
kinda cute the way his butt shook a little every time he chopped. Or at least,
that is what the author wished he was thinking, instead, he was planning desert
for his women.
Oi, Zoro, Sanji tapped Zoro on the shoulder. Zoro jumped a little and accidentally
burned himself on the stove.
Zoro dropped the pan and ran into a corner and cowered on all fours, growling in
the stove s general direction. How dare that monster of pain attack me! I ll show hi
m!...from WAY over here! To say Sanji was surprised would be an understatement.
Zoro continued to growl until Sanji cam close. He then started to whimper. He cr
awled over to Sanji and nuzzled his hand with a surprisingly cold nose.
Review this Story/Chapter
Infinite Loyalty
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 6 - Updated: 12-13-
09 - Published: 09-28-09 - id:5408974
Zoro? Sanji was about 5 feet away from a timid, submissive Zoro; which was scarier
that a wild pissed Zoro quite frankly.
He whimpered.
Baka, what s the matter with you.
Nothing, why.....How did I end up over here?
Nani? Baka-Marimo, don t you remember?
No, I don t. Zoro stood up and brushed off his pants.
I always knew you were stupid, but I never thought you were senile...
SHUT UP! Baka, ero-cook. Zoro stood up and walked back over to the counter. He saw
the food on the floor and got on his hands and knees to pick everything up. San
ji stayed put and lit up a cigarette. He turned around and his eyes just happene
d to glance down at Zoro s ass, where his pants were starting to rip.
Oi, Zoro... Sanji decided it was better to not tell Zoro about the growing bulge i
n the back of his pants. Instead, he got closer. He stood a few feet away and wa
tched the bulge grow even more. Zoro put his hand on the bulge and freaked.
WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! And as if on queue, the pants ripped, and a green tail eme
A loud scream was heard somewhere on the other side of the planet, millions of h
eads turned to locate the source, but nothing was found.
What the hell is that?
It s a fucking tail you dumb ass Marimo!
It s most likely Chopper s serum Swordsman-san. Robin had come into the galley after t
he shout heard around the world.
Zoro continued to panic as Sanji puffed on his cigarette. In the midst of all hi
s panic, Zoro failed to notice two more bumps on his head.
Swordsman-san, your head. Zoro now had two pointy ears atop his head. Zoro fell to
the floor. He was lying on his stomach with his legs curled to the side. He had
his arms tucked under him with his chin on his hands. His ears fell and he star
ted to whine.
Sanji and Robin exchanged looks before Robin bent down to comfort the poor guy.
She was rubbing his head between his ears. Zoro lifted his head and licked Robin s
hand with a very long tongue.
Nami s snickering could be heard from the doorway. I think I like Zoro better as a
dog. Zoro snapped his head around and started to growl at the witch woman. Zoro f
ound her to be contemptible.
Damn Marimo! Show some respect for a Lady! Sanji instinctively swung out a foot, a
nd being so used to Zoro blocking it, swung full force. But instead of blocking
it, Zoro took the hit full on and was thrown several yards away, knocking over t
he table and some chairs.
Swordsman-san! Are you all right?
Zoro! SANJI! How could you! He has little recollection of being human right now!
That s like attacking a defenseless animal!
Sanji couldn t believe his ears, Nami...standing up for Zoro? That simply wasn t don
Zoro wasn t moving. There was blood on some of the chairs where they had broken. S
oft whimpers could be head from the wreckage.
Sanji walked slowly over to where Zoro lay. He was licking his arm, the only sou
rce of blood that Sanji could see, Oh good, nothing more than a scratch.
Zoro? Zoro stopped licking his arm and growled at Sanji. Zoro...
Zoro, I m uhh...sorry, about kicking you. Sanji took a step forward and Zoro got up
on all fours, but continued to glare and growl at his foe. Sanji stepped back, t
he face Zoro made was animalistic and fierce. He was gonna fight and he was gonn
a mean it. Sanji knew better than to tussle with Zoro when Zoro wasn t pulling his
Swordsman-san. Robin inched closer to the pissed half human half....well, the bree
d has yet to be determined. She placed a hand atop the green mop and stated to r
ub at it soothingly. Zoro sat, but continued to growl at Sanji. This man had att
acked him, therefore, he was an enemy.
He seems to like Robin. Nami commented as Robin continued to pet his head.
Come here Cook-san. She held out a hand to Sanji. He was about to lunge at the opp
ortunity to hold the delicate ivory hand, but stopped short as Zoro s growls incre
ased in volume. Robin hushed Zoro as Sanji got closer so he could make amends. O
nce Sanji was about 2 feet away, Zoro stopped growling all together. Instead, he
started whimpering. He flattened his ears and put his tail between his legs. He
wasn t angry with Sanji, he was afraid.
I m not gonna hurt you baka. Zoro backed up into the wall and tried to flatten himse
lf against it, distancing himself from the monster as much as he could, but Sanj
i still progressed. He got near Zoro and Zoro went down. He was on the floor, wh
impering like mad. He had the face of a defeated mutt with nowhere to run.
Sanji placed his hand upon Zoro s head and started to stroke it, but Zoro was stil
l a bit afraid. Chopper was called in for bandages and disinfectant.
My calculations were moderately incorrect. Chopper commented as he packed up his s
What do you mean Doctor-san?
I mean that the transformation was supposed to be instantaneous, not gradual like
it is now, although his mind has already ceased to be human.
NANI!? Luffy barged in, even though he had no clue as to what was going on. Oyatsu!
Where is it? I m STARVING!
Oi, Luffy, chill will you, you ll scare Zoro. Usopp warned. He had woken up from his
fainting spell and was trying to act completely nonchalant.
Wha? What s the matter with Zoro?
At Luffy s voice, Zoro stood up and crawled over to Luffy and rubbed up against hi
s legs.
Geh! Zoro? What s up with you?
He s got the mind of a dog, it s no wonder he ran to greet his master. Sanji commented
, blowing the last puff of smoke out of his lungs into the air above him. He dis
posed of his cigarette and lit up another one.
Zoro was barking now, which got the whole crew to stare. It wasn t the sound of a
man trying to bark, it was an actual dog s bark. Zoro was also sprouting massive a
mounts of green fur on his hands and arms. His tongue lolled as Luffy petted his
head. Luffy liked the new Zoro, he was a lot more fun. Zoro smiled and started
to thump his tail as Luffy started to scratch his chin.
That s really weird. Sanji commented while starting over on the midday snack.
Ah, you re just jealous. Usopp joked. But the strange thing was, Sanji was a little
bit jealous. But the jealousy was put aside when Zoro started to chew on Luffy s a
Looks like he thinks you re a chew toy, Luffy. Usopp and chopper chuckled to themsel
ves, even though it wasn t that funny. Zoro s hands were beginning to mutate. The bo
nes made a disgusting grinding noise as they rearranged. The crew cringed as his
knees and elbows started to bend backwards. Now Zoro stood on four green legs.
He wagged his tail and pricked up his ears when he smelled the delicious food Sa
nji was cooking. Zoro put his paws up on the counter to get a better view of the
action, but looked up at Sanji and instantly backed away like a kicked pup.
Why s Zoro afraid of Sanji. Luffy asked.
Cause Sanji kicked him really hard. Usopp replied simply.
Sanji! Luffy punched Sanji in the side of the head, Don t hurt your Nakama! Zoro was c
rouched behind Luffy; when he saw that his foe had fallen, he started barking in
Shut UP! Sanji complained about the noisy green half human mutt while he got back
to work. Eventually, the excitement ended and the crew, sans Zoro and Sanji, lef
t the galley.
Review this Story/Chapter
Infinite Loyalty
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 6 - Updated: 12-13-
09 - Published: 09-28-09 - id:5408974
Zoro was lying next to the warm oven while Sanji lit up another smoke. The rest
of the crew had received their food, so Sanji sat and relaxed in the quiet of hi
s sanctuary.
Zoro s mind was back to normal for the moment. Sanji had given him a bowl filled w
ith booze as an apology and all had been forgiven. Zoro actually didn t mind the d
og business so much. He found it a lot easier to get comfortable on the floor in
his new form, plus he got the benefit of the warmest spots on the ship.
So... Sanji started, How is it...being a dog.
Zoro yawned and stretched. His tongue lolled, signaling that Zoro s human mind had
vacated the empty hollow he called a head. Or at least, that was how Sanji put
Sanji got down on the ground next to Zoro and started to pet him. It wasn t a surp
rise that Robin did it so much; his hair was silky soft and practically irresist
ible to any normal human being. Zoro jumped on Sanji, knocking him over. Zoro wa
s now standing over Sanji, with his front paws on Sanji s chest. He licked all ove
r Sanji s face, making Sanji blush.
O-Oi, Zoro! Cut it out! Sanji pushed Zoro off and stood up. Zoro s ears went back in
a loving way. Sanji had evidently been forgiven for the whole incident, or it h
ad been forgotten all together, which wouldn t have been surprising.
Then, Sanji heard Luffy call from the deck, ruining the moment, SANJI! DINNER!
After Dinner
Thank you Sanji, it was delicious, The girls said in unison. The boys noisily vaca
ted the kitchen to play with a now, fully transformed Zoro. He was a green Pit-b
ull with a very loving personality, which was a complete 180 from Zoro s usual non
chalant behavior. His clothes had been shed, and (Sanji blushed at the thought)
was running around in the bare.
Chopper walked up beside him and commented more to himself than anything, Well, i
t seems I need to make a few alterations to the serum. Sanji, will you be my nex
t test subject?
Sanji looked down at the tiny doctor and released the smoke form his lungs, Fuck,
no. And he inhaled another deadly waft of smoke.
Hmm, I m sure you ll change your mind. And with that Chopper trotted off to do researc
h on his gene altering solution.
Like hell I ll change my mind. It was then that the younger men, chased by Zoro, cam
e barreling towards Sanji. Sanji was thrown into the fray and pounced by an exci
ted Zoro. He was panting and jumping about and barking, trying to get Sanji to p
lay with him.
Eventually, Sanji caved and started playing with the ship s new pet. It was better
than being bored, and besides...he needed the exercise.
He ran and Zoro chased enthusiastically, and then the tables would turn and Sanj
i would chase after Zoro. They played a version of hide and seek where the goal
of the game was to try to get Zoro as flustered as possible. Then, they d all rush
him and hug him and shower him with affection, even Sanji took part in the pity
ing part of the game. Zoro would return their love with slobbery licks and happy
Sanji continued to play the game of chase even after the other men had gone off
to bed. Eventually, Zoro got tired and wouldn t chase after Sanji anymore. Sanji h
ad to admit, dog Zoro was a lot more fun. He sat down next to Zoro and leaned up
against the mast. Zoro crawled closer and put his head on Sanji s legs. Sanji was
surprised at the display of affection, but petted his head between the ears and
rubbed his back. In no time, the pair had fallen into a light sleep, that is, u
ntil an unseen enemy drew near.
Zoro s ears perked and he lifted his head up. Sanji stirred at the loss of the war
Nnn...Zrro? Wha s wrong? Sanji slurred. Zoro stood up and arched his back. His fir s
tarted to stand up and a low growl was emitting from his throat. He was facing w
hat looked like nothing in particular, but Sanji knew this was not the case. Ani
mals had a sixth sense of sorts, and Sanji was smarter than to ignore it.
CHOPPER! He bellowed. Chopper came scampering out of the men s quarters half asleep.
Whas a matter Snji?
There s something up with Zoro. Zoro started to bark.
Chopper nodded at different intervals until he flipped out completely, AN ENEMY S
What!? Sanji ran down to the men s quarters. OI! EVERYONE! WAKE-UP! ENEMY!
What!? Luffy was the first one to wake up and clamor upstairs. The rest were quick
to follow, but then Luffy ran back downstairs, SANJI YOU LIAR! I don t see anythin
THEY RE UNDERWATER YOU MORON! Sanji was about to elaborate on the situation, but he
could already hear wood snapping. Hurry!
Enemy pirates jumped out of the water and landed on the deck of the Merry. It wa
sn t until he heard barking that he remembered that Zoro was still on deck, alone
and defenseless. Sanji ran upstairs to find Zoro cornered and looking scared for
his life, but he was still trying to defend himself. One guy had severe bite ma
rks on his left leg and another on his corresponding arm. The pirates all rushed
him at once, but were deflected by a strange surge of power. A bright flash of
light blinded Sanji so he didn t see the transformation, but Zoro had turned into
a half man half beast thing. He had his inhuman muscles and big hand, but they h
ad claws instead of nails. And his face was still that of a dog, as were his hin
d legs.
Zoro! Sanji called, but Zoro didn t hear him. Chopper s serum was having unexpected re
sults. It appeared that when Zoro was feeling severely threatened, his body morp
hed into a form that was neither man nor beats, but a vicious fighting machine.
In the blink of an eye, Zoro defeated the 20 some pirates that were occupying th
e ship, and then dove into the sea. Within a minute, a tattered submarine went f
lying through the air. Zoro had just defeated an entire underwater vessel carryi
ng approximately 400 men.
The rest of the crew had finally gotten ready for a fight, but found themselves
just standing on the deck observing the miracle. Zoro broke the surface of the w
ater and promptly passed out.
ZORO! Sanji dove in after the hero and brought him back to the surface. The two we
re pulled up on deck thanks to Robins many helping hands. Then Zoro started to s
hrink back to a normal size, but something was off. He was human again!
Chopper, why has this happened? Robin asked, genuinely curious.
I m not sure. Perhaps it s Zoro s consciousness that supports his transformation.
Sanji was still supporting Zoro by putting one of Zoro arms around his own should
er and a hand on Zoro s hip.
Sanji, could you take Zoro downstairs, he needs to rest.
I don t think that s such a good idea chopper, we still need to fix the downstairs be
fore it bursts open and we sink. Usopp said with alarming calmness.
AHHHH!!!! The tiny doctor screamed and ran downstairs. Usopp, regaining his normal
panicky attitude ran after the doctor with Luffy in tow. You could hear hammeri
ng and shouting over the crash of the waves. As the afternoon wore on, Sanji had
n t been allowed to leave Zoro s side. He was assigned to be the caretaker of the un
conscious swordsman. From time to time, Sanji would check for a pulse and then g
o back to reading a book Robin had brought him.
Suddenly, Zoro sneezed. Scaring Sanji out of his calm state of mind.
Oi, Zoro, don t scare me like that! Then, soft snores started emitting from the swor
dsman. Sanji stared to relax, and reached to rub Zoro s head. He petted the swords
man until he heard sniggering behind him. It was only then that he realized what
he had been doing and blushed profusely. He stammered, trying to think of en ex
cuse, but Usopp wasn t being convinced.
Oi, Chopper! He called out to the doctor so he could share the hilarity of the sit
uation. Sanji didn t think it was very funny. He was worried about the swordsman (
not that he d ever admit it) and he needed some way to help comfort the swordsman
as well as himself.
Review this Story/Chapter
Infinite Loyalty
PD Transformed
Author of 4 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 6 - Updated: 12-13-
09 - Published: 09-28-09 - id:5408974
1000 hits. Thanks guys!
Wahh! Short short SHOOORT! I m sorry, you guys deserve more than this, but I was s
eriously struggling with this chapter so I just had to get it out of the way.
After Usopp had left, Sanji went right back to stroking Zoro s head. He decided th
at he didn t care what that dumb sniper said. In fact, he d be damned if he let the
ugly bastard affect him. After that last thought, Sanji gripped Zoro s hair a litt
le to tightly, awakening the first mate. Zoro groaned and his lids fluttered ope
Zoro? Sanji asked cautiously, straightening his back a little and tightening his h
old on the green fuzz that was Zoro s hair.
Ita! Zoro exclaimed softly, making Sanji release his hold, but his hand remained i
n place. Sanji? Zoro lifted his hand to his face and rubbed his eyes. Nngh feel like
a building fell on me again.
Sanji sweat-dropped, Ah
Zoro sat up, the blanket that was covering his naked form sliding down to his la
p. He rubbed his eye as he groggily asked, Why s your hand on my head, baka-cook. Sa
nji withdrew it, pretending like his face wasn t on fire from embarrassment. Zoro
didn t seem to care though, so Sanji decided that he wouldn t either. That was until
Zoro noticed something.
UWAH! Why the hell am I naked, aho Love-Cook!? Zoro scrambled to wrap the blanket
around his waist, his face turning a lovely shade of crimson.
Well Sanji really and I mean really wanted to tease Zoro about the blush, but he figure
d that other things were more important at the moment.
When Sanji didn t come back at him with a biting insult Zoro s mild anger turned int
o confusion. What happened?
You uhh Sanji wasn t quite sure how well the you-were-turned-into-a-dog-lost-your-human
derwater-pirates-before-passing-out-in-my-arms approach would work, but he d have
to give it a shot, sans the last six words if course.
Well, you were
Zoro! You re awake! Luffy came bounding up the stairs and was now squatting next to
Zoro with a hand on his hat. You were AWE~SOME!
Ahh, Zoro! You re human again. Usopp, along with Chopper, came up the stairs shortly
after Luffy had.
What are you talking about? Tche, last thing I remember was playing that stupid t
ruth-or-dare game. Zoro ran a hand through his hair, subconsciously pulling the b
lanket further up his torso, like he was trying to hide form the awkward situati
Hmm it seems like your losing consciousness also caused my serum to cease to be aff
ective Chopper sighed with an air of disappointment.
Ehh? Zoro was looking at them all as if they had gone off their rocker.
Baka-Marimo. You re too young for senility.
Shut up! Aho love-cook Sanji lifted his leg to deliver a firm kick to Zoro s head, bu
t Zoro backed up and whimpered pitifully against the wall. The blanket magically
staying in place, for the most part. It covered the embarrassing bits.
Huh? Sanji lowered his foot, What s the matter with you? I though you were back to no
My potion seems to still be in his system. Chopper sighed again, this time in reli
ef, So it wasn t completely useless. It seems to activate whenever Zoro feels threa
That reminds me. Chopper, why did you create this drug. Sanji had gone over to Zoro
and was patting his head again as Zoro s whimpers decreased. His hand was eventual
ly shoved off but not before the entire crew had turned their heads towards the
now very shy reindeer, so no one but Sanji got to see Zoro blush for the second
time that day.
Well, uh I created it to help improve fighting abilities by invoking inner animal i
nstincts. It was also supposed to improve the user s physical performance. Kind of
like a steroid, but
Seems like it reacted in the literal sense. How unusual, not to mention highly im
probable. Robin commented.
Chopper nodded his head in agreement. The man I bought the ingredients from had s
aid his products worked miracles, but I thought he just meant miracles that were
purely medicinal. I didn t realize that the products descriptions had been literal
and not metaphorical. Whoops. Eh heh heh Chopper laughed nervously, shrinking awa
y from a fuming Zoro.
I m sure, Robin continued, taking the attention off the terrified doctor, if it ever
were to be perfected, it could go for a pretty penny. Wouldn t you agree, Navigato
r-san? Nami put a thoughtful hand to her chin and closed her eyes, reopening them
to reveal glowing belli signs. The entire crew discouraged her unvoiced idea.
But it s still in its experimental stage. Chopper added disdainfully, now hiding beh
ind Robin. I would test it on Zoro again Zoro s Oi! seemed to go unnoticed, but he a
y has it in his system, I would have to give him some sort of reversal drug befo
re I could do that Unless someone else would be willing to test it for me! Chopper
looked around the crew, hope shimmering in his big adorable eyes.
Robin patted him on the head after he began to tear when no one offered to be hi
s test subject. Why don t you get to work on your experiments Doctor-san, and we ll s
ee when you re done? Chopper accepted this and skipped off to his laboratory to get r
ight back to work. The rest of the crew dispersed throughout the ship while Sanj
i stayed with Zoro, trying to get him back into his regular frame of mind.
Oi, shitty Marimo. Zoro s ears started to grow back and his eyes seemed to gloss ove
Aho shitty swordsman! Snap out of it! Zoro s tail grew out from under the blanket an
d fur was starting to sprout on his arms and by his tail.
Sanji grabbed his shoulders, it was time to try a different tactic Zoro, he gritte
d his teeth, p-please. I-I m s soorrrr I m sorr..ry. Sanji felt like he was going to puk
-Please stop. Zoro s transformation halted. Huh, odd. Sanji thought. Oi, Zoro, you in
Zoro smiled and nuzzled the crook of Sanji s neck. Sanji could hear his tail thump
ing on the wood of the ship.
I guess not. Sanji heaved a sigh and scratched behind Zoro s ears. Oi, Usopp!
Usopp came up the steps to see Sanji gently pushing against a very persistent, s
till very naked, Zoro, who seemed to just want attention. Usopp tried, and faile
d, to stifle a laugh. Wha-what do you w-waahaha, Usopp took several breaths before
trying to talk again. When he looked back at Sanji, who s face was being licked m
ercilessly by Zoro s long tongue, he could contain himself no longer and was rolli
ng around the deck.
Usopp. I didn t call you here Sanji looked up at Usopp, intent to kill written all ov
er his face, to laugh at me.
Yiiiii! Usopp was up and standing as fast as he could, the upper half of his body
stiff as a board, I m sure you can take a stab at what his knees were doing, it wa
s nothing new. W-W-What is it? The look Sanji had given him had been cold enough t
o cool Nami s temper. Not the best analogy if you have never been on the receiving
end of her wrath, which he had, plenty of times.
I want you to tailor his pants for his tail, so he doesn t have to walk around comp
letely indecent. Usopp looked down at Zoro quickly altering his gaze skyward soon a
fter to see that he d managed to wriggle out from under the blanket and was now comp
letely exposed. Thankfully Sanji s leg offered a bit of censorship.
Nami, who had decided to take a little lounge time on the lower deck, could hear
Sanji obviously trying to convince Zoro of something. The pleading tone in his
voice intrigued her and she found herself cautiously making her way upstairs, on
ly to get almost flattened by a pale, sick looking Usopp who d had his nose pointe
d skyward, not looking where he d been going.
Usopp spun around and grabbed Nami by the shoulders, finally looking down. If you
value your bento*, then don t go upstairs.
Huh? Usopp! Usopp continued to scuttle down the stairs to go find Chopper of Luffy
to take his mind off of what he d just seen. Nami, now completely confused but st
ill very curious, decided that for once she was going to let this go. After all,
she had better things to do.
Not long after, Usopp tossed a pair of pants around the corner, ones with a hole
in the seat.
Thanks Usopp! Sanji called. Zoro had calmed down considerably and was now dozing w
ith his head on Sanji s lap, to the cook s mild distaste, and had his lower half cov
ered with a blanket again. Sanji had been stroking Zoro s head and occasionally ga
ve him a gently scratch behind the ears.
Oi, Marimo. Got some pants for you. Zoro groggily lifted his head from the cook s la
p and let a loud yawn roll out of his mouth. You back to normal? Sanji questioned
when he saw the uncomfortable, if not slightly confused, expression on Zoro s face
Mm. He grunted, taking the pants from Sanji s fist and slipping them on under the bl
anket before walking off to go do god knows what.
Sanji sat up and rolled a new cigarette and stuck it in his mouth, but he didn t l
ight it. This makes no sense. He said, staring up at then endless blue sky.
Author s Note
I was sitting at my gate at the air port while I was writing this, and I look up
to see this dad with his son that s like under a year old and he s flying him aroun
d and tossing him like 2-3 feet in the air and stuff and I seriously afraid he w
as gonna drop the kid. There was also this guy next to him giving him this price
less look and you could tell he was thinking wtf are you doing with your kid!? poi
ntless little story there that I wanted to share with y all. I wish I had it on ca
mera ^^;
Well, we have mimifoxlove to thank for getting this up. If it weren t for her I pr
obably would ve ditched this story all together ages ago. Thanks for reading this!
*if you value your bento: basically another way of saying if you don t wanna loose
your lunch
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 3 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 5 - Updated: 12-1
3-09 - Published: 12-07-09 - id:5564067
Woopie! First chapter of Zoro! Still not own One Piece, still not making money w
ith this! Not Beta readed.
Well, now this is the first chapter of Zoro It´s not very easy to write about him,
not as easy as about Sanji I mean You wouldn´t guess but he hasn´t as many TICKS
as the cook, you know? Hope I still managed to make this an interesting and per
sonal moment between them Next chapter will be His Hobby Please, enjoy!
Warnings: Yaoi, language
Pairing: ZoSan
Based upon Ch. 1+2+3
Please review and be gentle! Reviews are welcome! Thx!
His sword
´Oh no!´ Sanji thought and jumped over the cliff to catch the white blade. Then
he suddenly felt himself falling. He just catched a rock with his left hand. A s
harp blade of pain ran through his whole body but he held himself at the rocks o
f the cliff.
That was two weeks ago
´Shitty swordsman Why do you care all of a sudden? Only because I catched your st
upid stick? Thanks for caring but NO THANKS!´ Sanji thought and looked onto his
bandaged hands. The shitty Marimo told him one week ago that his hands were prec
ious. Even more precious than his sword also it seemed to be irreplaceable Sanji
looked down at the Marimo sitting in front of the Galley and cleaning his white
sword. Sanji stood up on the Galley and stared at him since about five or more m
´Replaceable, huh?´ he thought angrily. ´If it isn´t THAT precious to you, then
why do you keep staring at it like a mother at her beloved child? You are cleani
ng and pampering it more than I my own hands What is it, shit- head?´ he thought
by himself, almost Wait a minute was he JEALOUS?? About that SWORD? His eyes widene
d he shook his head and shrugged back-
Just to kick the glass of water staying on the railing in front of him down righ
t onto the Marimos head
WHA!!! What the-? SHIT- COOK!!! the green- haired man yelled as he looked up. He w
as completely soaked with water
Oops! was the most intelligent thing Sanji was able to answer.
He hadn´t done this by purpose but he knew the swordsman wouldn´t believe him al
so if he told him. So he straightened his shoulders and watched the pissed off s
wordsman walking up the stairs right in front of him. He stopped just a few cent
imeters away from his face and stared him in his visible eye. Sanji shrugged. On
e more centimeter and he would be able to see his left eye. Sanjis heart was bea
ting so fast as if it tried to jump out of his chest but he kept playing the coo
l guy as always. He lend himself some centimeters back and said:
You should brush your teeth, Marimo! You stink!
Suddenly the Marimo realized how close he was and took one step back.
What was that? Why did you do that? he asked angrily, glaring at the blond man as
if he would like to eat him up right now.
Just watered the meadow. Sanji answered calmly.
The jaw of the man in front of him suddenly hit the floor
Wha- Are- Are you crazy? he asked in disbelief, his deep voice a little higher tha
n normally. He almost squeaked the last word.
Nope. I don´t think so.
The Marimo still stared at him in total disbelief. Then, suddenly he looked at t
he cooks hands, shrugged and turned around.
I owe you one, so I think this time I will let it go . He said and walked back down
the stairs, catched his swords and walked under deck.
Now it was Sanji who stood there in disbelief. The Marimo hadn´t tried to beat t
he hell out of him? Again he asked himself what was up with this sword that was
so precious to him
Two days later they were having a biiig party because they were able to beat up
some people of the world government and rescued a whole village.
Chopper soon slept away and at about 3 o´clock in the morning everyone but Sanji
and the shitty swordsman went to bed. The Marimo took the last drag out of the
bottle of sake and placed it with a loud ´TUCK´ onto the table just to open the
next one. He looked at the almost drunken cook who had started to clean up.
The Marimo stared at him out of the corner of his eyes.
What is it now, Marimo? Sanji asked, lightly unsteady ´caused by the Booze he had
Why did you do that? he asked.
What do you mean, shit- head? Sanji answered, knowing exactly what was coming up n
Why did you ´water the meadow´? he asked calmly.
The blond man didn´t answer. He looked away and started again cleaning up the ta
ble and its surroundings. His hands were aching .
Hey! Don´t you plan answering me?
Well You also wouldn´t believe me if I would tell you. Sanji answered.
Just try to!
! Sanji looked back at him and sighed. Well- it was an accident
An ´accident´! Yeah, sure! Like everything else in the last years! What do you th
But it WAS an accident! I couldn´t catch the glass of water with my hands properl
y and then it fell down on you he would better like to bite his tongue off rather
than telling him that he shrugged because he was jealous about his sword
Why didn´t you tell me earlier? the swordsman asked.
What do you think? Because I knew you wouldn´t believe me! You even don´t believe
me right now!
I believe you the Marimo answered after a moment. It´s Ok I think you didn´t do it o
n purpose.
The blond cook opened his mouth in surprise. He stopped cleaning and sat down by
the Marimos side. The shitty swordsman gave him a glass of Booze. Short before
he was able to grab it the green haired man pulled back.
I think that´s no good idea! It could fall he said and smirked just to place the gl
ass in front of the cook.
The cook narrowed his eyebrows.
Haha, funny! he said sarcastically.
They both fell silent for a while.
Can- can I ask you something? Sanji finally said.
At least you could try to. the man beside him answered.
Your sword
Wadou What is it? Why is it precious for you? he asked almost shyly. He knew the Ma
rimo didn´t like to talk about. It seemed at least to hurt too much.
The Marimo didn´t answer for about five or more minutes. Just as Sanji thought h
e wouldn´t get an answer the swordsman started talking:
It- it was hers he said lowly, speaking to the bottle in his hands.
. Kuinas he said sadly.
Who was she? You talked about her a few times to Luffy I know but I never catched
what it was.
The swordsman chuckled darkly.
She was my rival, my friend, my ideal and-I think- my first real love She died at
my eleventh birthday She wanted to become the greatest swordswoman in the world b
ut she thought she could never be able to become strong enough because she was a
What happened? Sanji asked lowly.
She... she fell off the stairs and broke her neck It was an accident just one day
after I promised her to become the greatest
And the sword?
I asked her father if I could get it. It is a memory and a promise to her father
and to Kuina also to fulfill my destiny he looked down at the sword hanging by his
side with a sad and almost lovingly expression in his face.
But- but then Why do you care about my hands? Isn´t this sword more important to y
ou? Sanji asked in surprise.
the shitty swordsman just looked him in the eye, smiled- SMILED!!- and stood up.
Good night, crap- cook! he said and went under deck.
The ´crap- cook´ just sat there in total confusion.
´What was that?´ he thought and looked after him. ´I- he he never EVER did smile
on me ´So- what WAS that all of a sudden?´
He shook his head and went back cleaning. Well, if his hands were just that impo
rtant to him he could have helped cleaning His hands were still aching.
After about five minutes Zoro went back again just to see how Sanji tried to car
ry a tablet with dishes. The blond man picked it up, winced and placed it back o
n the table. After that he looked angrily on his injured hands.
You really shouldn´t try to clean it all by yourself. Zoro said behind his back. T
he man in front of him jumped out of surprise and turn around fast just to grab
the shirt over his chest.
Marimo! Really if you ever do that again I´ll die because of an heart attack.
Don´t promise what you cannot hold later! the Marimo said smirking.
Haha! Funny! As you can see I have to clean it all by myself because nobody is le
ft for help!
I am left
! Sanji looked at the Marimo, eyes widened, as he picked up the tablet and turned a
round to walk over to the kitchen. Sanji was able to handle that kind of nicenes
s, sometimes the green moss- head was able to be kind to him
But the next sentence he really couldn´t handle.
The swordsman stopped at the entrance of the Galley as he heard how Sanji tried
again to help cleaning.
Oi, shit- cook! he yelled over to him. Sit down on your skinny ass and let it be! I
´m going to do the cleaning!
Suddenly Sanji dropped his cigarette
´Is he ill or something?´ he thought. ´What the-?´
But Sanji obeyed and sat down on a chair.
After the swordsman finished the cleaning he sat down next to Sanji to watch the
already rising sun. They sat there in complete, irritating silence. The Marimo
never had been that calm when he was near him It was kinda nice to share the time
in silence
Suddenly the shitty swordsman started to talk.
Thank you he said simply.
? Huh?
My sword I never thanked you for saving it. I just yelled on you
It´s Ok
No, it´s not
What do you mean ? Sanji asked lowly, irritated, looking at the man beside him.
After a while the Marimo said calmly:
I wasn´t angry about your hands, you know I mean- not on the first hand
So- what was it? ´I knew he didn´t care at all ´ Sanji thought.
I was angry because- as I saw you- jumping after the sword Disappear in the gulch
of the cliff That was kinda´ horrible!
Marimo, what-
I´m not finished yet! he said harshly.
Sanji looked at the face of the moss- head and gasped, silently. As far as he co
uld imagine in the sun of dawn the swordsman was flushed, his face completely re
d up to his ears!
Sanjis heart missed one beat just to race faster as ever before when he was in t
he near of the man sitting beside him. ´But why?´ he asked himself.
As I saw you Everything came back to my mind I mean with Kuina How I lost her- that
empty feeling I couldn´t stand it if I ever lose a friend or a Nakama of mine aga
in Even if it´s just you he spit the last word so Sanji surely could get the peak.
Again they said there in complete silence as Sanji suddenly said:
You are definitely and COMPLETELY DRUNK, aren´t ya, asshole?
Oh yes, I am!!! the shit- head chuckled.
Would you- would you tell me more about her? Sanji asked shyly. He didn´t know how
the salad- head would react and for some kind of reason he didn´t wanted to bre
ak the first peaceful moment between them since they were Nakama.
But he didn´t yell He looked at the cook with a weird expression in his face and
after a deep breath and a loud sigh he started talking
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 3 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 5 - Updated: 12-1
3-09 - Published: 12-07-09 - id:5564067
Yay! Second chapter of Zoro! Still not own One Piece, still not making money wit
h this! Not Beta readed.
It is still not very easy to write about him Dunno why but I hope you enjoy this s
tory Next chapter will be His smile
Warnings: Yaoi, language
Pairing: ZoSan
Based upon Ch. 1 and Sanji
Please review and be gentle! Reviews are welcome! Thx!
His Hobby
´Why the hell did I do it?´ Sanji thought and looked onto the tiny cup upon the
table in front of him. He blushed lightly and thought about the expression in hi
s face. That weird and almost angry look as he had asked darkly who? . As if he woul
d be able to change the past
Sanji had showed him his eye He still didn´t know why he actually did but he had
showed him He took the tiny cup from the table and opened it. The smell of herbs
and salve came into his nose. He took something of the salve on his fingers and
massaged his aching eye.
Well, yeah he showed him out of a weird impulse but he actually hadn´t been able
to tell him the truth and why he was hiding his eye from the whole world. His s
hame and his pain always came back when he looked into a mirror and saw his eye
and also the weird questions of other people were hurting too much to show it to
the world.
The cook sighed and closed the tin just to put it back into his pocket
It was late at night as the cook woke up by a movement in another hammock. He cr
acked one eye open and looked around. Then he saw the door of the men s bunk opene
d by a scheme. First he thought it was Ussop who were on night watch to change w
ith Sanji who was supposed to be next. But the scheme went out of the room. He s
hrugged his shoulders and went back to sleep.
It felt as if it was just about 5 minutes ago that he had turned back to sleep a
s Ussop woke him up.
Hey, Sanji! Wake up, its y- youuuaaah~ turn! he yawned.
The blond man again cracked one eye open and sat up to show Ussop that he was al
ready awake. As he walked out of the men s bunk he realized that one of the hammoc
ks were empty.
Marimo- again.
This was the third time in about one week the shitty swordsman had left his hamm
ock. What was the Marimo doing? He left his hammock in the middle of the night a
nd returned about two hours later. Not that the cook would be curious what he wa
s doing the whole night long Not in particular
So it was decided. Sanji searched the whole ship for the rotten bastard.
He wasn´t in his trainings room for late- night- training
He wasn´t in the Galley to steal some Booze
He also wasn´t on deck to sleep under the stars
So- where was he?
He searched the whole ship for to find him- even though the girls room
He knocked on the door. No response so he cracked- as silent as possible- the do
or open. He sticked his head into the room just to cause a WAAAAAAHHH!!!!! SANJI!
!!! Get the hell OUT. OF. HERE!!!!! from his red- haired goddess. At the same mom
ent he had a book ~Navigation today~ on his forehead and fell backwards to hit t
he wall behind him and slid down on it.
Oh, my beloved Nami- swan~ he whimpered. I am so sorry to interrupt you and Robin
in your wonderful dreams!
So- what are you actually doing you pervert? Nami yelled, now standing in front of
I- I just was searching for-
Panties or something, weren´t you? she yelled again.
No- no, I-
If it is swordsman- san you are searching for Robin said and chuckled, standing be
hind Namis back. Well, he is not here.
How do you- ? he blushed deeply. Robin had catched him in the right place. Why was
he actually searching for that idiot?
You should search for him in the bibliotheca. She chuckled again. Just don´t destro
y it when you´ve found him.
Nami looked to Robin. Then back to Sanji. Again to Robin
Ah, whatever! she said, shrugged her shoulders and yawned.
You owe me one! Mmh About 5.000 Berries will be enough, I think! she chuckled darkl
y and looked at him.
But- Nami- swan~! Why? he whined.
For interrupting our sleep and for seeing me in my night- shirt.
His eyes grew wider. He didn´t even recognize that Nami stood in front of him wi
th a very- VERY- I mean VERY(!!!) short shirt. From his place on the ground he w
as actually able to see her PANTIES! (he squeaked lowly and with a very high voice)
She turned around sweepingly so he had a good look onto her ! (She was actually we
aring a Tanga You shouldn´t try to sleep in it it is NOT COMFORTABLE XP)
His head shot back in a Nosebleed- attack He would pay her the 5.000 Berries with
pleasure! Robin chuckled by the bleeding cook- san on the floor and also went b
ack to sleep.
The door of the bibliotheca was closed but a small light was to be seen under it
. He opened the door and slipped silently into the room. The Marimo was sitting
on the desk in the middle of the room
Reading a book? He sneaked over his shoulder. The shit- head didn´t respond, con
centration completely on the book.
Sanji suddenly snapped it out of his hands.
The Marimo jumped and the chair fell down to the floor noisily.
What the- shit- cook!!! he hissed with a deep, dangerous voice. Who is going to kil
l who by heart- attack?! Oi, give it back!
What is this, Marimo? Didn´t even know Marimos were able to read! the cook chuckle
I said GIVE. THAT. BACK! the green- haired man growled.
What is it let´s see - NO!! Sanji started laughing.
Oi! What´s so funny? It´s an adventure! the Marimo yelled and snatched the book ou
t of Sanjis shaking hands. His cheeks flushed pink.
An adventure, yeah, of course it is! ~Loving hearts deep in the forest of pink pl
easure~ It´s a porno, Marimo- nothing else!
It. Is. No. PORNO, you shitty pervert! the swordsman yelled angrily.
It´s an adventure with kind of romantic scenes in it he stuttered and blushed deep re
. it´s interesting kind of
Sanji looked at him with a puzzled expression- and started again laughing.
The Marimo snorted angrily and stomped out of the room.
After that night he didn´t talk to him for about 3 days and Sanji hated it!
Sanji was pissed, Sanji was bored and he REALLY hated to be ignored, even it was
just the shitty swordsman!
At the third day Sanji had enough of it. After breakfast he walked down to the b
ibliotheca and grabbed the book the swordsman was reading in out of the shelve a
nd started reading by himself. As much as he could say it was a good book. Somet
imes he borrowed some books from Robin and this also could have been one of it h
adn´t there been this stupid title.
It was about a man and a woman trapped in a dark forest. First they didn´t like
each other but after Wolves and black knights and other problems on their way th
ey fell in love with each other. It actually WAS an adventure- book but the stor
y of the two people falling for each other and how they were falling- all the re
asons and the deep friendship was standing in front of the whole story . And also
the sudden death of the woman at the end of it Sanji looked at the last page and
the last sentence
~She was gone And he followed ~
Horrified gasping he closed the book noisily and stared at it for some moments.
Then he stood up with the book still in his hands and walked up on deck. There h
e just turned to the left side and walked to the railing.
The grass-head was taking a nap, leaning against the mast as he heard Sanji walk
ing up on deck into the bright sunlight. He cracked one eye open just to see the
man with the book in his hands walking fast to the railing. Now he was complete
ly awake. He jerked and jumped up.
Hey- hey, shit- cook! What are you- but it was too late.
Sanji ignoring him completely raised his arm with the book in his hand and threw
it with all his might out on to the open sea. As wide as he was able to throw i
Suddenly rough hands grabbed him from behind, turning him around, shaking him no
t very gently.
Why did you do that!?! the green- plant- boy yelled right into his face. Do you plan
to get me insane or something?
Sanji freed himself from the tight grip, slapping his hands away.
I´ll get you another one! he yelled back.
I don´t WANT another one!
Looks like you´ve got no other choice!
You shitty IDIOT! the swordsman growled and unsheathed his swords.
And again- about one second later they were a cloud of legs and swords and ´OUCH
´ and ´dart brow´ and ´moss head´ - you know the whole thing XP
After Chopper had yelled and plastered and yelled and bandaged and yelled and sa
lved and AGAIN had yelled, the shitty Marimo ignored Sanji- again- completely.
One week later
They arrived at a little Island. The village on it had a good sorted book- store
and Sanji was able to buy the book he had thrown overboard to replace it for Ro
bin- chwan.
He walked throw the book- store as he suddenly jerked back and hided himself beh
ind a huge bookshelf. The swordsman was standing in front of another shelf with
adventure and romantic books. He looked at one of them, holding it in his hands.
After that he placed it back to the shelf, counted his money, looked at it agai
n and snorted just to walk out of the store.
Sanjis heart was beating fast- but why? And why did he hide himself?
He walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed the book the swordsman had been inte
rested in.
It was a book about a Samurai who fell in love with a woman who secretly had lea
rned to fight with the two Katana- style. It was a book about honor, truth, frie
ndship and love
´What else That´s so him!´ Sanji thought and actually didn´t even notice his own
smile about his thoughts.
Sanji turned over to the last page:
Both of them became knights at the King´s castle, married and lived happily ever
The cook sat in the crow´s nest on his night watch turn.
He watched out into the dark, cold night. No cloud and no ship was to be seen. H
e smoked his third cigarette since he started watching (about 20 minutes ago) an
d looked up in the bright sky full of stars and a moon shining down to the calm
Suddenly he heard a noise behind his back and turned around. It was the shitty s
wordsman- with a book in his right hand. The cook turned around to face the calm
sea again, blushing lightly.
The swordsman sat down aside him and kept silent. After a while he opened the bo
ok and started reading. About one hour later he closed it noisily, staring up to
the cooks´ face.
Ten or more minutes (it felt like it for Sanji) passed by in more silence. Final
ly the moss- head began to speak:
I found this book on the desk in the bibliotheca. Do you know anything about it?
Sanji looked at him out of the corner of his right eye and answered slowly:
Nope, nothing.
Hm That´s funny Robin told me today you were at the book- store, too- just like I w
as And it must have been around the same time like me I´ve also found a new book o
f the one you thrown away in one of the book- shelves down in the bibliotheca
Sanji shrugged. He must have been searching for it The cook had placed the book a
s high and as far away as he could
! Do- do you plan to read it until the end? I mean the replaced one ? he asked lowly.
The green- haired man looked at him in surprise.
Why did you actually throw it away? If you had planned to piss me off you-
You shouldn´t read it any further Sanji interrupted.
! Why not?
You just shouldn´t and now stop fucking asking me! the cook repeated.
Silence again.
She dies in the end- doesn´t she?
Now it was the cooks turn to look surprised down to the Marimo who looked at his
hands, almost sadly.
I can stand it- I am not as weak as you think and it is just a book, not the real
That´s not it! the cook interrupted harshly.
But then- what was it?
Sanji again looked up into the stars.
Explain or I´ll kick the hell out of you for driving me crazy! the green haired ma
n grumbled dangerously. Sanji could tell out of the sound of his voice that he h
ad reached his limit of patience.
He sighed.
It is the last sentence
What? What was it?
It is ~she was gone and he followed ~
The swordsman looked at him in disbelief and blinked. Then suddenly started laug
What´s so funny, asshole?? Sanji yelled.
THIS was the reason you made this whole throw and yell- thing?? he placed his left
hand on his aching stomach and whipped away a tear running down his cheek.
Sanji went bright red.
Hey- cut that out! YOU are the one telling me about your dead first love! And it
is YOU who still isn´t over it! he almost screamed the words into the Marimos fac
Yeah- but- hihi- I- I would never suicide myself because of a book, baka! he reall
y tried to calm himself down
I didn´t thought you would I- I just thought it would hurt you kind- off Sanji stutte
red his voice turning more and more lowly.
The salad- head looked at him puzzled but now already calm. Now he was the one w
ho had to ask:
Why do you care? serious again- as good as possible
You were the one who told me we are Nakama!
Sanji and the swordsman looked at each other. One minute later the cook recogniz
ed that they stared at each other for about a while, blushed and turned away, ba
ck to the stars.
Why do you even read such books I never expected you to have a sense for romance.
And in the middle of the night
Now the swordsman blushed.
It´s not a romantic story. It´s a book about an adventure (Sanji: Yeah, whatever ). I
t it is a hobby kind of
Hobby?! I thought Booze and training your ass off and sleep the whole day (Swords
man: Asshole ) would be your hobbies
Sometimes- sometimes that´s not enough Sometimes I´m bored Just training and sleepi
ng- who can live like that? And out on the ocean without a change or something f
or about days or weeks or even month
! And why in the middle of the night?
YOU should know the best! YOU were the one laughing at me reading a romantic stor
his eyes widened and he blushed again deeply up to his ears and smashed his righ
t hand up on his mouth. What did he just say? He waited for the crap- cook start
ing to laugh again- but he kept silent.
The cook looked at him with a weird expression in his face.
I´m sure no one would laugh. He finally said. And if- why do you care? I was the bi
ggest hurdle for you to get over- wasn´t I?
Since the swordsman looked at him he was almost able to see him thinking the who
le situation over.
Don´t hurt yourself, Marimo he said teasingly and chuckled.
YOU- the swordsman started. But then he looked at the book in his hands and let i
t go.
Aah- forget it! It´s too late today! I´ll kick your ass right into the ocean tomo
rrow morning. he said, stood up and walked to the door. There he stopped, turned
around and said:
Thanks! just to walk out of the room.
The cook turned around again- lightning a cigarette and watching the stars
The next few days you could see the Marimo sitting in the sunshine after his tra
ining with a book in his hands. Franky tried to tease him and Luffy Well- he was
Luffy and so the Marimo didn´t even notice the stupid questions
After that book another one followed and another and another He didn´t read as much
as Robin did but sometimes when they were out at sea for a long while another b
ook followed
But he never touched the replaced book again
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The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
03-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
I was listening to the song Amarte Duele by Natalia Lafourcade while writing thi
Amarte Duele
The way the cook went on about it you would think love was the easiest thing in
the world. Sanji would offer love to everyone and anyone if they were pretty eno
ugh. So could he really be blamed when he thought love would be simple.
It wasn t, love hurt.
Loving Sanji was hard and painful and not just because of the never-ending parad
e of abuse both verbal and physical. Loving Sanji was hard because no matter how
much he loved him he had to share him. He would always share the cook with all
those pretty faces and curvy bodies. He would always share the cook with his pas
sion for All Blue and cooking.
It hurt to love Sanji but Zoro couldn t help but love him anyways.
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The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
Hora de Compartir - Natalia Lafourcade
Hora de compartir
His favourite hour of the day was without a doubt that last hour before sunrise.
It was the hour when Zoro would be just beginning to wake up, ready to start hi
s gruelling training that could at times continue throughout the entire day. The
re was a hypnotic calm over the ship, over the entire ocean at that time. The wo
rld full of grays and fog that led to the mystique of the hour making it all tha
t much more special.
This was the hour that was his and Zoro s alone. No one else was up, even the pers
on on night watch was generally asleep at that point. It was theirs to share and
treasure. This was the hour when the two stubborn men shared everything with th
e other.
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The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
HuHuHu - Natalia Lafourcade
He would have loved to have been able to pamper the cook like he deserved. If he
could he would shower him with fine wine, silk ties and so much more. The fact
of the matter was he couldn t afford any of that plus Sanji deserved so much more.
Sanji deserved the stars in the sky, he deserved the moon, life itself.
So since he couldn t shower him with these gifts he showered him what he had to of
fer. He showered him with kisses, with love, with dedication. In each reverent k
iss he placed against that pale skin he was giving Sanji the world.
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The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
Let's Get Out - Natalia Lafourcade
Let s Get Out
The stress of the day became too much, it was always the same things on the ship
. There was always turmoil and bustle and people to serve and sometimes he just
wanted to get out. He served the girls a light snack accompanied by a cool glass
of sweet tea he couldn t just ignore them and then left to find the swordsman. He
found him against the mast, his eyes closed and his katana across his lap. One
sharp kick had the other man lifting an eyebrow and letting out a grunt. It was
all that he had needed.
Let s get out.
The swordsman didn t say anything just collected himself from the floor and follow
ed the cook below deck. A few minutes later they were in Franky s shark submarine
just enjoying each other company.
Review this Story/Chapter
The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
Look Outside - Natalia Lafourcade
Look Outside
Sanji was stressed. He was craving nicotine, his hands were shaking, they were r
unning out of food and money to buy more. Luffy was barging in demanding meat ev
ery five minutes, Franky and Usopp s newest weapon was unbearably loud and even Na
mi s false love was wearing on him. He was trying to cut up some vegetables for th
e stew vegetables was almost all they had left when he slipped, something he nev
er did and nicked his finger.
Shit! God damn this shitty day!
A wet towel was pressed to the cut where a droplet of crimson blood had formed.
He looked over to see the swordsman standing there, calm as always. Sanji hadn t e
ven heard him come in. He kept the pressure for a minute, neither man saying a w
ord. When he removed the towel the nick had stopped bleeding and Zoro tossed the
towel aside. He turned and took a step away before stopping, turning around and
holding out his hand.
Sanji took the hand and let Zoro lead him out on deck to the patch of grass that
was almost too soft to be real. They laid there in silence and slowly Sanji s day
got better.
Review this Story/Chapter
The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
Ser Humano - Natalia Lafourcade
Ser Humano
Some days he wanted to shout at the swordsman, some days he did. It was in the w
ay he fought no matter what, the way he trained himself to exhaustion. It irrita
ted Sanji the way he refused to be polite, refused to do things any way other th
an how he wanted. He was a machine to his training, dedicated to his goal and no
thing else at times. It was these times when lifting a ridiculously large weight
Sanji would say he was compensating for something if he didn t know better he ign
ored the cook. It was those times when Sanji could be standing before him comple
tely naked and hard for him and the swordsman didn t pause in his training that Sa
nji wanted to shout at him to be human.
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The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
Sometimes he wished he didn t care. It would make things easier that was for sure.
If it were strictly about the sex. He even tried to convince himself that relea
se was his sole goal and feelings were simply imagined in the event. Then the sw
ordsman would get hurt. And it didn t matter whether it was a couple of stitches o
r a couple of days in a coma either way he found his heart beating wildly and hi
s hands shaking. No amount of nicotine would calm his nerves and he would be edg
y until the oaf proved he was once again back to normal. The swordsman would chi
de him for getting so worried and once again Sanji would wish he didn t care.
Review this Story/Chapter
The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
It wasn t like it was something he hadn t seen before. In fact he had seen it almost
every day in his life that was just his predicament. What shocked him was the q
uantity. It was everywhere, seeming to cover every surface within a hundred mile
radius. There seemed to be so much littered across the terrain that the figure
shouldn t still be standing. There seemed to be more on the broken ground than the
broken body could have ever held. It was more than he could take and from that
moment on he hated the colour red.
Review this Story/Chapter
The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
If the rain must fall
Life never went as planned.
It could be a beautiful day when the storm clouds rolled in out of nowhere catch
ing you in their downpour. The storm didn t care what you had planned for that day
or whether you were on your way somewhere important. None of that mattered and
you got soaked none the less.
Yet when he was with him none of that seemed to matter. If the rain were to fall
all he needed was the other man at his side. His own personal sun to chase the
dark clouds away.
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The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
Don t Wait
The lights will flash and fade away
The days will pass you by
Don't wait
To lay your armor down
He stirred the sauce, watching as the caramel swirled golden against the richnes
s of the chocolate, slowly fading away completely consumed. He felt for the cara
mel, it was such a beautiful colour and yet was so easily consumed by the power
of the chocolate.
How was it possible for the caramel to resist succumbing to the seduction and st
rength of the chocolate. It was prominent, demanding the attention and taking it
without hesitation. Sucking the caramel into its depths, hidden from sight.
It s beautiful isn t it.
He turned around at the sound of the voice, as rich as the sauce he had been sta
ring at. She smiled her secret smile and he couldn t keep from grinning like a foo
l even if his heart wasn t in it.
How the caramel gives itself completely to the chocolate, changing it slightly, s
weetening it. Such silent strength.
He continued to stare at her even as she chuckled and walked back out of the kit
chen. He returned his gaze to the sauce, noticing this time how the sauce had li
ghtened with the addition of the caramel, knowing that the flavour would be that
much sweeter for it.
He contemplated the sauce with a new understanding, this time envying the carame
l it s courage.
Review this Story/Chapter
The Unstoppable Force
Author of 26 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 12-
18-09 - Published: 09-06-09 - id:5356652
New Year s Eve
There was screaming everywhere, lights were flashing around him and he couldn t se
e through the throng of people. He wanted nothing more than to pull out his kata
na put he didn t have enough room to do so. Instead he had to settle for shoulderi
ng his way through the crowd, searching for the cook. Unfortunately everyone see
med to be blond here which made finding him harder. Then he noticed a thin tendr
il of smoke rising in the air, his gut told him that the smoke was coming from t
he cigarette Sanji no doubt had in his mouth. Sure enough he followed the smoke
to the cook.
He was standing in the corner of the room a cocktail in one hand the other holdi
ng the ever-present cigarette. He had a silly party hat on his head and yet stil
l managed to look charming. When he saw Zoro he smiled and opened his arms to in
vite Zoro closer. The swordsman moved right up to the other man, smelling his af
tershave and the cigarette.
Sanji drained the last of his drink not his first of the night for sure judging
by the glaze to his eye and placed the empty glass on the table behind him.
Sanji moved an arm to drape over Zoro s shoulder.
Zoro wrapped his arms around Sanji s thin waist.
Sanji took the final drag of his cigarette, putting it out.
Sanji sidled closer to Zoro so that their hips were flush together.
Zoro s tongue darted out to moisten his lips.
Their lips met in a sinfully sweet kiss, no rush just taking their time. They sa
voured the moment, bringing in the new year in the manner they wished to spend i
t. Together.
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Author of 3 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 14 - Updated: 12-
05-09 - Published: 11-30-09 - Complete - id:5547744
Warnings: Yaoi, language
Pairing: ZoSan
Please review and be gentle! Critizes are welcome! Thx!
Hi! My first english Fanfic! Not Beta readed. Critics are welcome! Hope you enjo
y it! I do not own One Piece! It´s just a Hobby! If you find some mistakes, plea
se review I´ll correct them as fast as possible! Thx!
His Hands
He had risked his hands For HIM! Or better to say for his sword. He had risked th
e most precious things in his life. His hands, which he needed to fulfill his dr
For the most precious thing in HIS life : ´Wadou´.
One single question had been left: Why?
Zoro looked at the bandages which were bond around the cooks´ hands. Better to s
ay he stared at them.
Hey, Marimo! You should better keep cutting the vegetables if you don´t want your
big salad- head in one of the bowls for supper. The blonde said, not even liftin
g his head up, since he was reading in a cookbook.
The ´Marimo´ actually was preparing the supper. He did this voluntarily even if
he was not happy about it.
The shit- cook had rescued it. His white sword which he got so many years ago to
fulfill the promise to Kuina, his dead girlfriend.
At a sunny island, they ran into an enemy. Zoro fought with all his might but th
e enemy was strong. He was able to slap Wadou out of Zoros hand. It flew through
the air almost right down the cliff they were fighting at. The cook didn´t hesi
tate and jumped after the sword. He grabbed it at the blade and fell off the cli
ff. He was able to cling himself at the sharp stones of the cliff.
Now, he had deep cuts through his right palm and lost two fingernails of the lef
t hand and also had deep scratches in it.
One week later, Zoro helped him in the kitchen. He did this almost every day bec
ause he felt guilty for what did happen. And he still didn´t figure out, why the
hell the bastard did catch it with HIS HANDS! The cook hated him, he knew this.
And he also did not like the stupid love- cook. He did not hate him but he didn
´t like him either
The Marimo seemed not to hear the words that were spoken, so Sanji finally looke
d up and said
WHAT? angrily.
Your hands Why? Zoro mumbled.
Because I catched your stupid toy and almost fell off a cliff. You are too young
to get senile, aren´t you? the cook asked.
With these words the cook turned back reading.
Zoro kept staring.
One minute
Two minutes
Five minutes
If you´ve got more to say you shitty swordsman do it right now or I´ll screw you
and kick your ass right into the ocean! the cook growled with a deep, dangerous v
What ´WHY´? the blonde yelled.
Zoro kept staring Two more minutes went by. They looked at each other in silence
not even blinking.
SIGH! Be- because the cook finally murmured and looked down at the table.
Because I know, even if you didn´t tell me anything about it I know, this sword is
special to you isn´t it?
Zoro looked as if something had hit him right in his face.
W- Why do you know? he asked confused.
Your look
You´re looking at this sword almost I don´t know I just know it is special and pre
cious and you need it to fulfill your dreams so- stop fucking asking me such wei
rd questions!
But you hate me, don´t ya? Zoro asked in confusion. So why did you risk your hands
to help me?
We´re Nakama, even if I don´t like you, aren´t we?
The Marimo nodded.
So- STOP fucking asking or get out of my kitchen!
Again silence fell over the both figures sitting in the Galley. After some minut
es Zoro murmured:
NEVER do this again, shit- cook!
What? What did you say? Are you crazy or something? the cook yelled angrily.
I can´t believe to say this, but it is like it is and it has to be said: Your han
ds are SPECIAL, too!
Sound of a cigarettes which fell out of the blondes mouth right onto the floor.
Marimo, I
You can replace a sword, even if THIS ONE seems irreplaceable. But your hands You
need them to fulfill YOUR dreams and your hands REALLY are irreplaceable, so nev
er EVER do such things again!
With this words Zoro turned back cutting the vegetables.
The cook grunted and shaked his head.
Since when did this stupid Marimo get so sentimental, all of a sudden?
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 3 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 14 - Updated: 12-
05-09 - Published: 11-30-09 - Complete - id:5547744
Ok! Second chapter! Still not own One Piece, still not making money with this! N
ot Beta Readed, like first chapter. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Yaoi, language
Pairing: ZoSan
Bases upon "His Hands"
Please review and be gentle! Critizes are welcome! Thx!
His eye
Zoro sat in the Galley at the table and watched the blonde haired man in front o
f him. He nipped at the bottle of Booze which he held in between his right hand.
The blonde was standing in front of the sink and were washing the dishes from t
he last fight- err evening meal
Oi, shitty Marimo! Don´t just sit there and get drunk! Help me or get the hell ou
t of MY fucking kitchen! the blonde said lowly, anger swung within his voice. He
hated to be in the same room with this stupid Marimo and hated it twice more to
be watched by him!
The ´shitty Marimo´ just stood up and went to the sink, to the side of the cook.
It hurts, doesn´t it? he asked the cook out of nowhere.
Huh? What do you mean? You to be near me always is a pain in the ass, you know, s
hitty bastard? Sanji said.
Zoro didn´t react, just starred the cook in his visible eye.
Phew the cook sighed. Okay, shithead. What is it?
Your eye. It hurts, doesn´t it?
Wha- the blonde shrugged. W- What do you
We´re in the near of a very cold and wet island. Every time we´re near a cold, sn
owy or rainy island, you stop fighting and picking on me. Every time you hide in
your kitchen from sunrise till dawn And sometimes I saw you, putting your hand o
n it and making a face, just like you were in pain.
The cook looked at him as if he were insane, shrugged again and went back to his
That´s none of your business-
Does Chopper know? You should-
screamed right into the swordsman s face.
Zoro stomped out of the kitchen.
A few days later they still were in very cold waters. The cook was even getting
worse and nearly never left his kitchen.
Zoro sighed and knocked on Choppers door.
Come on in the little reindeer squeaked from the other side of the door.
Oh, hi, Zoro! What´s wrong with you? Are you ok? Got a cold or something? the ´eme
rgency food supply´ asked, now all in his doctor s role.
Um well, no- you know, it is Zoro stumbled. What was he actually doing here? He didn
´t even like the cook! And now, he asked this?
You- you know.. It is Hah It is the cook! He finally said. I- I think he is ill or so
So he showed you? the little reindeer asked.
His eye! Did he show it to you? Even I may not come near his eye, even in such a
bad and all rainy weather.
No- he- he didn´t show me. So there WAS something wrong with the cook. What do YOU
think? What could it be? Zoro asked.
I think- out of his reactions just near cold and rainy islands- it could be scar
Scar pain? Zoro asked in disbelief.
Yup! Does your scar never hurt? the doctor asked, pointing one hoof upon Zoros che
No- well rarely, not very often Zoro mumbled.
Well, I think HIS scar does ache VERY often But he just don´t want any help Don´t k
now why, but it is, like it is I mean- I never actually saw his eye, he never sho
wed me either, but- I think he must have a scar or something, just upon his reac
´Stupid cook!!´Zoro thought. ´When you´re in pain you should just ask for help!
Proud, shitty little bastard!´ Zoro thought angrily. Why couldn´t this little br
at ask for help, if he needed it? Asking for help was no loose of manliness, tha
t´s for sure
Maybe You could help? the reindeer asked and grabbed a little tin from his desk. Ple
ase, make him use this.
What is it? Zoro looked at the little tin in his rough fingers.
It is a salve, which will stop the pain. He has to put it on his closed eye and m
assage gently for about five minutes. Then it should be better.
Zoro left the doctors room with the tin in his pocket.
In the Galley sat a very pissed off cook at the table and covered his left eye w
ith one hand. His eyes were closed, and he didn´t even notice the footsteps on t
he floor.
TUCK (Something were putted on the table).
The cook shrugged and looked up, his hand fell on the table.
What is it, shitty Marimo? He asked angrily, just as if he was caught in the midd
le of a crime or something.
Use this. The Marimo growled. Massage your closed eye for about five minutes with t
his salve and it should be better. With this words and a completely surprised coo
k, sitting in the Galley he left the room. He took a look through one window of
the Galley. The cook formed some words, even if he couldn´t hear, he knew they w
ere something like ´Shitty bastard! Stupid Marimo!´
Then, slowly, he took the little tin in front of him, looked at it for some minu
tes. Finally he opened it and massaged his eye with the white salve. Then he wen
t back to work. Not noticing a smirking ´Shitty Marimo´ in front of the Galley w
indow. This evening Zoros favorite dish was served
After this, things were like always. The cook was again picking at Zoro and taki
ng up fights with him.
Some days later
Again it was Zoros turn to help the cook with the dishes. It was the first time
they were all alone after Zoro gave Sanji the salve.
Without saying a word the washing up was done and Zoro almost went out with a bo
ttle of Booze in his hands. A murmured Thank you in his back stopped him and he tu
rned around.
Even if you do not deserve it for talking to Chopper against my will! the cook sai
d. But Thank you, it is better now he looked on the floor.
Can I see?
Your eye. Can I see?
That´s- that´s to fucking personal! the cook shrugged.
Okay Whatever! Do as you please
W- Wait! The cook stood there, a little shivering, Zoro thought.
Hah Okay, I´ll show you- but just one time. And just because you helped me and you
also know it as well! But one word in front of the ladies and I´ll kick your as
s! Understood? the blonde grumbled.
Zoro went in front of the cook, who was still looking at the Galley floor. Sanji
lifted his hand and looked up to Zoro.
Zoro shrugged. There WAS a scar It was a deep cut right through the left eye, dow
n to his cheek. His left eye was almost or completely blind. It was from a light
er blue than his right, ocean blue eye. Looking serious now, with a hard to sugg
est expression on his face he said just one word:
Who? his voice deeper than before. Was he almost angry?
It was an accident back at the Barratie, you know A storm, a big wave a huge knife
in the hand of another cook I fell into it. The doctor rescued my eye, but I can
only see shadows and outlines on very sunny days. ´Why am I telling you this, al
l of a sudden?´ Sanji asked himself.
And now it hurts every time it is cold and rainy? Zoro asked.
My whole eye and the scar. But like I said that´s none of your business, shithead
Zoro snorted and turned to went out of the kitchen.
It´s a secret, ´kay? Sanji mumbled.
Okay! Zoro answered and left the Galley. Out, in the cold salty air he chuckled.
´Stupid cook!´ he thought ´With this scar he looks even better mysterious!´
But this was HIS little secret
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 3 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 14 - Updated: 12-
05-09 - Published: 11-30-09 - Complete - id:5547744
Well, third chapter! Still not own One Piece, still not making money with this!
Not Beta readed. Hope you like it! A little more feelings from Zoro this time!
Warnings: Yaoi, language
Pairing: ZoSan
Based upon Ch. 1+2
Please review and be gentle! Reviews are welcome! Thx!
His legs
Zoro couldn´t believe it He did it again That stupid crap- cook, snake- cook. Blon
die, question, dart brow
That. Stupid. Moron!
Two days ago at the Sunny
Oh, well- here they go! Nami sighed and turned around to get off the deck into her
room. They were fighting again. Zoro and Sanji. ´Just like always´ she thought
and shook her head. Two wrong words about Marimo and Snake- cook had gotten enou
gh to pump up Adrenaline and Testosterone for them to become a foggy cloud of sw
ords and legs and OUCH and three or four new ´Pet Names´ and new vocabulary upon h
er black ´Never- wanna- say- it- and- never- wanna- hear- it- again´-list.
At this moment they stood still. Looking- staring- at each other in hate and ang
er, ready to attack.
Say that again, Marimo the cook growled in a deep, hoarse voice, his cigarette in
the left corner of his mouth.
You stink like an ashtray. No wonder you can´t get any dates Who would like to kis
s such a ´thing´?
Zoro murmured and smirked about the cooks´ face which was red in anger.
You of all people have to say this! Who would like to kiss a guy with the brain o
f an algae and synthetic turf as hair? I- the blonde growled as suddenly
!!!! FFFFFOOOOODDDD!!!! Luffy shot out of nothing and jumped right onto his back.
The cook lost his footing, stumbled past Zoro, who jumped out of the way and fel
l of the stairs in which near they had fought.
WAAAAHH!!! CRASH!! Was everything to hear. Zoros face went completely pale as he s
aw what had happened. He lost Kuina by such an accident and was totally horrifie
d every time he saw anybody of the whole human race fell off the stairs.
With two big steps he was at the stair head and looked down at the chaos. Luffy
was OK, Zoro knew he would but the crap- cook ?
This moment the ´crap- cook´ groaned and struggled to get out of Luffys rubber-
arms which were entwined around him.
Luffy, you stupid little brat! Get off of me right now! The cook yelled.
But Sanji! It´s Suppertime! I am starving! Luffy whined.
The faster you´re up the faster Supper is finished! the cook growled.
Almost in light- speed Luffy was up on his feet to help the cook to get up. Sudd
enly a deep voice from behind the blondes back asked in an almost frightened (??
???) voice:
Are you Ok, shit- cook?
No, I am NOT Ok!! the cook yelled. But how could I be with a Marimo and a crazy Cap
tain on board?
Just the moment as Zoro was getting to answer the snake- cook turned around and
walked off into the Galley.
Also if the cook had tried to hide it, Zoro still saw his light hobble.
After Supper Zoro stayed at the kitchen until everyone else went to bed. The coo
k stood at the sink to clean the last dishes.
What is it, Marimo? If you want some Booze forget it! There´s just one bottle lef
t until the next Island and I don´t want to waste it to you.
´I should ask Chopper if he could check up my sanity for caring about this shitt
y cook´ the Marimo thought but he had to ask. It could become dangerous if anyon
e of the crew was injured and wouldn´t say.
Are you sure you´re Ok? he asked.
? I told you a short while ago what I am! And now get out of here! I don´t want t
o see your stinky corpse until breakfast! he didn´t even turn around as he said t
hat. Zoro smirked and thought about to pick again because of his ´stinky´ toxic-
sticks. But he was already too tired to pick up a fight. So he stood up and loo
ked one last time at the cooks right leg.
With a low Hm! and a shrug of his shoulders he went to bed.
Today the shit- cook wanted to stock up the food at the Sunny and Zoro had been
chosen to help. Both were not very happy about that. Especially not Zoro who sti
ll was angry because of their last fight two days ago. Since then they hadn´t fo
ught The shit- cook evaded him every time he tried to pick up a fight. Very untyp
ical. And now Zoro finally knew why
The way to the little village was very long. About 3 Km or more. The time they w
ere walking side by side the cook didn´t say one word. Very VERY untypical His ho
bbling also was getting worse and he made a face as if he was in pain but Zoro d
idn´t ask him again if everything was all right. If he WANTED to be in pain- fin
e! His business!
At the village they ran into some Marine soldiers and had to fight for their lif
e. The cook kicked one of the enemies with a flip- over- kick, tried to land on
his right foot, twisted his ankle and twitched in pain to finally land upon his
ass. Zoro had to chase away the left soldiers all alone. They didn´t even get an
ything to stock up their storage.
And now this! Zoro was still murmuring some really bad words no one wants to kno
He had to carry the cook back to the ship On his back. Just because he was too pr
ide to say that he already was injured two days ago. Now he couldn´t even walk.
Oi, Marimo! the cook yelled and struggled on his back. Stop talking such fucking sh
The blonde took a deep drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke around Zoros hea
! Stop that or I´ll screw you!
All right, all right! the cook smirked and threw his cig away After one last deep d
rag and a grey smoke- cloud around the swordsman´s head
Idiot! Zoro murmured.
An uncomfortable silence fell over both men. Finally the Marimo couldn´t hold ba
ck anymore.
Why didn´t you went to Chopper two days ago? he growled lowly.
Why should I? the blonde asked. Everything was all right. I wasn´t injured or somet
Zoro didn´t even answer to the lie. He saw him limping lightly for about two day
You´re such a Moron! Only because not to lose your face or whatever! This is all
your fault- OUCH! HEY!! the cook hit his head from behind.
My fault? the cook yelled. Why that? I didn´t ask for a fight with those guys
But you were the one who didn´t tell anyone that you were injured and now I have
to carry your stupid ass back to OUCH! THAT HURTS! one more on his head from behi
It was supposed to hurt! I WASN´T injured I tell you and now stop - one more hit fuc
king complaining abooou- WAH! OUCH! Are you crazy?? the cook yelled as the Marimo
suddenly pulled away his arms under his bottom which coursed him to land upon i
t the second time today.
Zoro turned around his face red in anger.
WHO is crazy, shit- cook?? You wouldn´t have twisted your ankle today if you were
n´t injured before the fight started. You are too safe upon your feet to miss th
e landing. And I also saw your humbling the past two days! So- Why are you lying
? Didn´t I tell you some weeks ago that some things are irreplaceable? Zoro yelle
What do you mean? the cook asked lowly.
You know what I mean! Your hands! I told you your hands are precious to fulfill y
our dreams so why do you treat your legs so bad? Aren´t they irreplaceable, too?
he asked a little calmer than before.
They are not precious to me, no. And why should they? I don´t need them to fulfil
l my dream, I-
And what if you lose one of your legs, huh? Zoro asked furious again. Or if you los
e both or even if you can´t walk straight anymore? Do you want to try to catch e
very fish on this planet with useless legs? And what´s with your friends? Do you
want to protect your beautiful ´Nami- swan´ with useless legs? They are your we
apon and also a part of your dream, so- why don´t you treat them better??
Zoro had to catch some breath. He couldn´t imagine he ever had spoken so much to
the cook or anyone else on this planet. Panting and still red of anger he stood
in front of the blond man who couldn´t manage to look up from the ground into h
is eyes. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence Zoro sighed and took one s
tep forward to lift up the cook. A low mumbling stopped him.
Why do you care? It´s none of your business. The cook mumbled.
You made it my business! So- why the hell didn´t you say anything?
the cook still looked onto the ground. Finally he said Because I don´t want to be a
You are a burden right now! Zorro yelled.
The green haired man sighed and lifted the cook upon his back again.
As the minutes passed by they still didn´t say one word. About twenty minutes la
ter the blonde asked lowly:
Why do you care, Marimo?
What? the Marimo asked.
Why do you care about me and my legs and my hands and my eye?
first he didn´t answer.
The cook almost wanted to ask again as he said:
We´re Nakama, aren´t we? And so I have to care!
But you hate me! the cook asked in surprise.
´Baka! I don´t hate you at all I don´t know what I feel Friendship? Or is it more? A
fter we have survived all those enemies and we started to get closer the last fe
w months I REALLY don´t know ´ he thought, but he just shook his head lightly and d
idn´t say anything. Finally he answered:
We´re Nakama and we are like a big, loud, crazy and annoying family and so I also
have to take care for the stupid, crazy, loud, annoying, foul- mouthed cook! I
don´t want you to get hurt and I don´t want you to be in pain! Expect I am the r
eason of course! he smirked and blushed. He hoped the cook couldn´t see. At the s
ame time the cook was happy, the shitty swordsman couldn´t see him blushing.
Silence fell over them again.
Zeff and the other cooks never cared So I don´t know how it is if anyone does I thi
nk I am good for doing such things again . The cook murmured and nuzzled himself in
to the Marimos warm neck. With a really low:
Thank you so that the Marimo almost couldn´t hear he was fast asleep (Try to sleep
if your foot is injured and hurts all the night XP).
The rest of the way Zoro was red upon to his ears because of the heavy, warm bod
y, the constant heartbeat up on his back and the hot, slow breath in his neck.
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 3 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 14 - Updated: 12-
05-09 - Published: 11-30-09 - Complete - id:5547744
Yay, fourth chapter! Still not own One Piece, still not making money with this!
Not Beta readed. Hope you like it like the last chapters! Net chapter (the last
one of ´Sanji´ but not of the serie I am planning about the two guys will become
darker than the chapters before. Hope you will still enjoy them
Warnings: Yaoi, language
Pairing: ZoSan
Based upon Ch. 1+2+3
Please review and be gentle! Reviews are welcome! Thx!
His cigarettes
Another almost peaceful day on the Sunny went by They had only fought one time to
´Huh, funny ´ Zoro thought. ´What is it now that startles him so much he don´t eve
n want to pick a real fight upon me?´
Zoro yawned out loudly and stood up from his spot on the mast where he had decid
ed to sleep almost the whole day. He was hungry and it was time for Supper so he
moved and went to the kitchen as he suddenly saw a cigarette stub lying on Fran
kys oh so beloved lawn The cook gotten weird the last two weeks since he carried
him back to the ship (he lost his way only one time when Sanji was asleep and fo
und back to the right way by himself We should be proud on him ;D ) and started t
o increase his cigarette consume on a rate Zoro would say two and a half package
s a day
He was almost lightning the new with the old one .
Zoro looked at the cig stub and blushed when the warmth of the cook on his back
came again to his mind. ´Stop thinking about it! He´s your friend Your best frien
d and nothing else!´ suddenly he shrugged about what he was thinking. But it was
true. The crap- cook became his best friend beside Luffy in the last few months
. They had shared so many memories and secrets. One drunken night the blonde tol
d him about Zeff and his starvation on that creepy little island and that it wer
e not only his dream to find ´All Blue´ but to find it for and to share it with
the man who had rescued him so many years ago.
He actually showed him his eye HIS EYE for gods´ sake! No one else on this ship e
ver had seen or would see. Yet not the girls
Zoro had told him about his earrings and about Kuina- what he felt for her and a
bout his Bandana and Haramaki, too
´Huh Sanji ´ he thought. ´For all people on the Grand Line to become my closest fri
end it finally became the crap- cook That´s kinda´ weird, isn´t it?´ he asked him
He bend down to the rest of the toxic- stick and threw it overboard into the blu
e ocean.
Back on his way to the Galley he thought about why of all things a COOK who want
ed to become the best cook ever was smoking! Zoro knew that smoking was bad for
the sense of taste the cook always was so proud about.
In the Galley Dinner was already served. He sat down at his place and wrinkled h
is nose by the smell of the cold smoke in the air. The cook suddenly placed his
food in front of him a cigarette in the right corner of his mouth. He went back
to the sink and dropped it into. After that he lighted a new cigarette on the st
Zoro coughed because of all the smoke in the air but didn´t say a single word as
he started to eat. Actually he told him often enough to treat his whole body be
tter If he didn´t wanted to listen- fine then Also he HAD told him two or three ti
mes to stop smoking but he didn´t even care and only picked up a fight to tell h
im (just like always ) That´s none of YOUR business!
Nami looked up from her plate and faced the blond man standing in front of the s
ink and chewing on his cig. He actually didn´t eat one single bite of his own fo
Sanji don´t you want to eat anything? It´s really delicious And why are you smokin
g right now? she asked and looked at him, almost worried.
The costs for your smoking did increase the last few weeks That´s really an expens
ive hobby, you know
Just like I said ALMOST
´Damn witch´ Zoro thought just to wonder a few moments after this what he sudden
ly thought
Oi, my beloved Nami- SWAAAN~! the cook yelled and started to dance (more limping t
han dancing, his right ankle wasn´t already healed) around the table to grab her
hand with hearts in his visible eye. Of COURSE I will eat something right after
my beloved goddess and her beautiful Angel- like friend Robin are satisfied! It
is so wonderful and I thank you SO much that you are worried about me! You reall
y shouldn´t hide your wings my Angel!!!
´What shall I do? Puke or kick his stupid ass to next century?´ Zoro thought, di
sgusted. If he only could see that the damn witch was just worried about the cos
ts and not about his health Then, suddenly a picture came up to his mind. The blo
nd cook, lying in a bed. Grey, sick skin which is almost transparent. Nothing bu
t bones with dark rings underneath his visible eye. Him, coughing and blood spre
ading out of his mouth
Zoro shook his head and looked down at his food. He wasn´t even hungry anymore He
stood up and wanted to leave the Galley.
Hey, shit- head! What´s with your food? the blonde asked behind his back in anger.
Not hungry. Zoro answered and went out of the room. He knew the shit- cook hated i
t when anybody left food on their plates but after this picture in his head he j
ust couldn´t eat anymore
A few days later it was getting even worse The cook had almost burned down the wh
ole ship as he was fast asleep at the kitchen table with a cig in his hand. Usso
p found him as he went into the room to get a glass of water. The cig had just l
ighten up a towel beside the cooks head.
So the whole Mugiwara- crew had a secret meeting in a Pub on the next Island.
It´s getting even worse! Chopper squeaked. He is coughing the whole day!
Yeah and the whole Galley stinks like an ashtray Ussop threw in.
But what to do? Nami asked. We told him a few times and more to stop smoking! He do
esn´t even listen to Robin and me!
He should eat more Luffy yelled
Yeah, Luffy- Whatever Nami said.
No, Luffy is right. Chopper answered. He doesn´t eat properly the last few weeks. H
e is thinner than ever before.
´Who did ever hear of a starved cook with a kitchen full of food?´ Zoro asked hi
mself and chuckled darkly.
The whole crew fell silent. After a few minutes Nami had an idea.
We will catch him by his pride! she yelled.
How? Robin asked.
Sanji is so pride about his beautiful face and body, isn´t he?
´Only you think so´ Zoro thought and kept silent. He knew from his experience wi
th the cook that his body even if it looked like to the whole world wasn´t neces
sary for him at all. But first he kept silent.
And? Franky asked.
We just have to tell him that smoking isn´t good for his skin and that he already
got some crinkles in his face! she said happily.
That won´t work! Zoro answered calmly but was totally ignored by the whole crew wh
o were already planning what they had to do next. He sighed and let them try. Ma
ybe it would work
It didn´t work, just as he thought. The whole crew told him a few times that he
looked sick and older than one or two months ago and that they could see some cr
inkles up on his face. But the crap- cook didn´t listen. He just smiled and said
that everything is ok and that he just needed a sunbath. AND that crinkles are
nothing bad for a guy. He only would look smarter and sexier with them.
´Again: Puke or kick?´ Zoro thought as he watched the cook flying around the gir
He yawned and fell back to sleep. In a nightmare with an old, sick and after a w
hile death blond cook in a coffin, a cancer stick still between his thin lips
He gasped and jumped up out of his nightmare. This couldn´t go on like this!
They had again a secret meeting on another Island. This time they would listen t
o him that was sure!
Hey he said calmly with his dark voice to his Nakamas who were discussing noisily
about the situation.
Hey!! again a little louder Listen to me! HEY!!!! he yelled through the whole restau
rant. Now he REALLY had the attention
From the whole restaurant
That meant: his Nakama, 30 other guests, 3 waitresses and two cooks looking out
of the kitchen
And they all stared at him
He blushed up onto his ears but kept on talking:
I´ve got a plan. He said calmly. Slowly the restaurant around him went back to lif
We will not kill him and get another cook! Nami said and wanted to say something e
lse but Zoro interrupted harshly.
That´s an alternative but NOT what I meant. He said a vein popping up on his foreh
So- what´s your plan about, swordsman- san? Robin asked.
Zoro looked at her and said:
It´s simple We just have to catch him by the most precious thing in his life.
What is it? Ussop asked. Woman?
Clothes? Franky threw in.
His hair? Nami asked.
MEAT! Luffy said.
Some weird looks from the side to Luffy
No- that´s not it. It is really simple. We just have to catch him by his most pre
cious thing His dream ´All Blue´. There´s just one problem... he said.
What is it? Chopper asked.
Zoro lifted his right hand up and pointed with his forefinger at his Captain.
´This will be hard!´ he thought and looked at Luffy who was sitting at the table
in the kitchen. Luffy winced as he saw all the delicious food that the shit- co
ok had made for Supper. But he had promised to help and to fulfill his role in t
he plan.
As every single Nakama sat on the table they started to eat. After two or three
bites everybody in the Galley started to pick in their food. And even Luffy didn
´t eat in light- speed as usual and didn´t try to steal food from his Nakamas.
The crap- cook looked confused at his Nakama.
H- Hey Are you all right? he asked his friends. Is something wrong with the food?
W- What? Oh No, no, Sanji- kun! Nami answered and winked with her hand. Delicious as
always she grinned forcefully.
The blonde looked more confused but didn´t answer. After Supper the crew went to
bed and let half of the food on their plates. Also Luffy only consumed half of
the food he usually used to eat.
He winced and looked at Nami as they went to bed. She looked with a warm smile a
t him and gave him a good- night- kiss before she went to the women quarter. He
looked surprised after her, eyes widened and placed a hand up on his cheek were
she kissed him. Then he blushed, smiled and went to bed. Eventually a little sta
rvation wasn´t as bad as he thought.
The whole kitchen scene repeated about two more days. And the cook kept on smoki
ng. It only increased now he was smoking about three packages a day (Don´t try th
at, only Smoker and my mother will survive such a thing XP ).
At the third day after breakfast (Zoro didn´t eat one bite) the crap- cook stood
in front of him, a cig in his mouth as usual.
Oi, shitty Marimo! he yelled.
Ok, what is it?? Why didn´t you eat anything? And why does the whole crew, even L
uffy- L U F F Y, for god s sake!!- not eat the same portions as usual?
Zoro cracked one eye open and looked at the cook. He was sleeping against the ma
st in the morning sun.
Leave me alone, shit- cook! he mumbled and went back to sleep.
Oi, I´m talking to you, shit- head! the blonde yelled and kicked Zoro right into h
is face.
ARE YOU CRAZY OR SOMETHING? Zoro yelled and jumped up to unsheath his swords.
JUST TELL ME!! the cook yelled back.
Zoro stared at him. Finally he sheathed his swords and crossed his arms in front o
f his chest.
You really want to know? he asked.
Yes, I want! the cook yelled back again.
You won´t like the answer! Zoro answered.
I don´t care!
! Zoro took a deep breath. He really didn´t like his own plan because he had to hit
the cook in his sensitive point but it had to be!
Your food well-
YEEAHH? the cook sneered.
It It is tasteless And even if it´s not it tastes like like
LIKE? the cook sneered again, eyebrows furrowed.
Like smoke It just tastes like the toxic- sticks you are smoking the whole day!
TAKE. THAT. BACK! the cook said lowly his whole body stiffened to attack the man i
n front of him.
But he is right, Sanji- kun! Nami walked from behind over to them. Your food isn´t
tasty anymore she said sadly, looking down to her feet, playing her role in perfec
Luffy yelled some meters beside them:
Nami rolled her eyes.
It really IS tasteless and it- sometimes- tastes like ashes, you know
The cook s eyes widened. His cig fell out of his mouth down to the floor. As Zoro
looked him in his eye he almost wanted to wince at the sight of sadness and pain
in them. He knew food was important for the blonde but that it was THAT importa
nt he didn´t figure out.
The shoulders of the blond man dropped. He looked about ten years older as he lo
oked down at the floor and turned around to hobble back to the Galley.
Sanji- kun- Nami started but Zoro dropped a hand on her shoulder and shook his hea
d. It had to be done. Even if it would hurt the cook more than anything else.
After some minutes he walked after the shit- cook into the Galley. The cook stoo
d in front of the sink and washed the plates from the breakfast, a cig again in
his mouth
Oi, crap- cook! What did I tell you? Zoro asked harshly.
The cook didn´t turn around.
What do you want, Marimo? his voice was full of sadness.
When you do not treat yourself better you will never be able to fulfill your drea
m! I told you a few times in the last months If you lose your sense of taste how
will you be able to cook every fish on this planet? Or if you die? How will you
fulfill your dream? How will you be able to find All Blue? he asked harshly.
You are the RIGHT person to say such things! he turned around and positively spit
the words to the ground.
You and your ´treat yourself better to fulfill your dreams´! Said the man who alm
ost died by Kuma for sacrifice himself for his friends!
The cook panted heavily.
That´s not the point right now and you know that. We already talked about it he sai
d, looking darkly at his friend.
The man in front of him again dropped his shoulders.
I know he said, looking to the ground. I- I will try to smoke less
! Yeah, promised you stupid Marimo and now get the hell out of my kitchen! the blon
de yelled and turned back to the sink.
Zoro smiled and went out to end his nap in the morning sun.
After that day the blonde cook really did smoke less. He didn´t smoke since prep
aring meals and since them. At the first time he served the meals with trembling
hands and was nervous and sensitive but after one or two weeks he got used to i
t. He also did not smoke in the Galley anymore except one or two times he was re
ading a cook- book.
His cig- consume- level dropped at about ¾ package a day since he was the most t
ime of the day in his kitchen. Zoro looked through the window of the Galley at t
he nervous cook and smiled.
´The last of the toxic- sticks he will give up soon, too´ he thought and smirked
He would take care about that
Review this Story/Chapter
Author of 3 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - Romance/General - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 14 - Updated: 12-
05-09 - Published: 11-30-09 - Complete - id:5547744
Oh, my! Last chapter! Still not own One Piece, still not making money with this!
Not Beta readed. Hope you like it!
Warnings: Yaoi, language, Rape (remembering of rape)
Pairing: ZoSan
Based upon Ch. 1+2+3+4
Please review and be gentle! Reviews are welcome! Thx!
Well, now this is actually the last Chapter of SANJI . But next there will be the f
ollowing story Zoro based upon this one. It will take place in between the chapter
s of this story (not easy, heavy sweating) Hope you enjoy this story even if it i
s a little darker and I hope you will like the next Stories of Zoro as well After t
hat I will place ZORO AND SANJI so they will get their happily ever after??? So- k
eep on reading, please?
His Body and Soul
Zoro, come! Cook- San, he is Robin ran towards Zoro and stopped right before him, j
ust to grab him on his shoulders.
Cook- San is having trouble and I don´t know why but he just told me to run away
and not to look behind! He didn´t even move as they came along and stopped us!
Zoro grabbed the black- haired woman on her shoulders.
Calm down! What happened? he asked with a hard to suggest look in his eyes.
Two hours earlier
Bye, Nami- swaaan~! the blonde yelled and looked over his shoulders to look back a
t the Sunny where the red- haired girl shook her head and walked back onto the s
The cook and Robin were chosen to buy some extra- stocking because this time the
y would be long at sea till they got to the next Island. This Island was a warm
summer island but it didn´t look like you would like to stay for a long time It w
as a very poor Island with a huge Town. In the Town there were Pirates and Thiev
es and other dark- looking people walking around through the dirty and ratty str
The blonde man wasn´t very happy to get here the food- supply for the next month
. There were less good stuff to choose and also a limited choice of ingredients.
After they got everything they had to buy it already went dark .They walked thro
ugh a street where no one but an old dog was to be seen. Suddenly a dark frame w
alked out of another street behind them and also a person covered in darkness se
t his footsteps in front of Robin and the cook.
They suddenly stopped. The cook shrugged and looked behind him.
Good evening, sirs. What can we do for you? the blonde asked with a calm, dark voi
ce. His whole body stiffened so he could just jump and kick their asses if they
would ask for. And they looked like they would
Good evening my dear Blondie! a dark, dangerous voice answered. What are two such b
eautiful Ladies doing so late at night in such a grotty place like this? His voic
e was full of sarcasm. Now actually there were six of them around Robin and him.
As the cook heard the voice he shrugged. His hands started shaking and his whole
body began to tremble. Robin looked up into the face of cook- san and also shru
gged. The blonde man went completely white. The bags he carried fell off his han
ds and suddenly he looked down on the street and stood completely still. The man
in the shadows moved now. As he went into the light of the street lamp you saw
that he was about 50 years old. He was taller than the cook and really needed a
shower and a coiffeur. He went right in front of the cook and took his chin with
his right hand. He forced the cooks face to look up into his own. The cook almo
st looked like he was in pain but still didn´t move. He just clenched his hands
into fists so hard that his knuckles went white.
Cook- San, what- Robin started but was cut by the harsh voice of the cook.
Robin Run ! He said simply.
The man in front of him looked him in the eyes. A dark chuckle spread out of his
So- you all of a sudden, hehe Missed me my little girly- cook? with these words he
grabbed the blondes ass with the other hand. The cooks hands were trembling and h
e winced but still didn´t move
Robin crossed her arms to attack them but the cook held her back.
They´re too strong for you. Go get the others.
I said RUN!!! the cook yelled angrily glancing in her eyes. Robin shrugged and ran
away just right past the grabbing arms of the other guys.
How long ago? Zoro asked a light of fear swung within his voice.
´What is it now, crap- cook?´ he thought angrily. He knew the cook could beat th
e hell out of the devil in person so why didn´t he do anything?
About 3 minutes I guess. She answered in a hurry.
Show me where. Zoro answered.
Robin turned around and ran back to the street where it just happened, Zoro righ
t behind her.
In the street both of them couldn´t believe what just was happening. The cook wa
s on his knees, the ugly old man right in front of him. His cock hard in the coo
ks face. And he did respond like it was a normal thing to get raped by an old ug
ly corpse and not to fight back. A single tear ran down his right cheek, his eye
s were closed. The other guys stood aside and laughed and discussed who to be ne
xt. Then they got aware of Zoro and Robin. One of the other unwashed Neanderthal
s walked right in front of Zoro and looked him straight into the eyes.
My my! he said. Another beautiful, green- haired Lady to play with! he said darkly.
The cook behind him shrugged and spit the THING of the other man out. He looked
totally horrified to Zoro and Robin. He hadn´t guessed Robin to find anybody of
their crew that fast but Zoro told them some hours ago that he wanted go drink s
ome beer in a Pub nearby the ship. He surely got lost again They weren´t even NEA
R the port
He looked down in disgust of himself, totally ashamed that both of them saw him
like this.
The man in front of Zoro stepped closer to him, entering his personal space. He
lifted a hand to touch his face as suddenly the blondes dark voice from behind mu
Don´t you DARE to touch him!
The man in front of Zoro looked over his shoulder and chuckled.
Yeah, of course pretty Lady. he said and looked again at Zoro.
Turn around, Robin. Zoro said calmly.
W- What? Robin said irritated.
Just turn around. You don´t want to see what happens next he said in a dark voice.
His eyes were fixed at the blond man sitting on the street. No one else but him
saw the dark red and black Aura around his thin body.
Robin glanced one last time at swordsman- San, completely irritated and turned a
As the screams and the cracks and the wet- crack- tones started she was absolute
ly happy not to know what did happen behind her back. Just once she saw a red fl
uid flying past her side.
Zoro couldn´t believe what he just saw. He knew the cook wasn´t a weakling but t
hat The blonde had build up an Aura of hatred and death and blood- lust just to e
xplode as that poor stupid guy touched Zoros face. They didn´t stand a chance ag
ainst him and even Zoro was a little shocked and scared of the cook right now.
Soon the whole street fell silent. Suddenly Robin heard a ´THUD´ and a slam like
a body falling on the knees and then hitting the ground with the whole body. Sh
e wanted to turn her head but Zoro said she really shouldn´t and walked past her
. One minute later he stood in front of her with cook- san unconscious on his ba
Let s go back to the ship and set sail. he said calmly. As Robin saw the sleeping fa
ce of the cook she gasped.
It was completely covered in blood. But for some reason she knew it wasn´t HIS b
Back at the ship Robin yelled at Chopper. But as the little reindeer tried to lo
ok after the cook Zoro just said that everything was alright and that it wasn´t
his blood. After that he passed by and went under deck. The cook was already awa
ke but didn´t move any muscle. Zoro took him in the bathroom, took off his cloth
es and placed him under the warm shower. Then he went into the men s bunk to get s
ome fresh clothes ignoring all the questions of the other crewmembers. On his wa
y back he also told Robin not to lose one single word what just did happen. She
Back in the bathroom the cook still stood under the shower. He didn´t even move
one muscle in his whole body and looked down to his feet. Zoro helped him out, d
ried him and also had to allure him. It was like the blonde was in a trance. Lik
e his soul went out of his body and had forgotten to come back. And for some rea
son it scared Zoro to death
After the shower he laid the cook down in his hammock to let him sleep. That was
three days ago.
Oi, shit- Cook! Get up on your lazy ass the crew is starving! Zoro yelled and pull
ed on the blanket lying up on the unmoving body.
A low mumble and a hand pulling back the blanket to cover him again just fueled
Zoros anger.
Oi! I said get the hell UP now, shit- cook!! he yelled again and kicked the body u
nder the blanket from behind. The cook didn´t even react.
Nami and Robin and Chopper and Ussop and Franky and Luffy and also Brook had tri
ed to get him up but it didn´t work. Finally they choose Zoro to try his luck. T
he first day he said the cook would get up when he wanted to, he also said it th
e second day But now at the evening of the third day he also was a little worried
about him. He didn´t want to eat and barely drank the water they brought him.
Zoro sighed again and sat down by his side. After about ten minutes he just said
Tell me.
Nothing else but the body under the blanket shrugged and pulled himself even clo
ser into a ball just like to hug himself.
Ten minutes past by
30 Minutes
One hour
About two hours went by but Zoro still sat there by the side of the cook and sta
red at him. Finally a low voice under the blanket asked:
How long do you plan to sit there and burn holes into me, shit- head?
Zoro smirked.
Tell me he repeated once more.
After almost five minutes the cook answered with a low voice.
I knew these men
From where?
From- from the Barratie They had been guests as I was a kid About one year after Ze
ff rescued me But I never forgot them the cook said calmly.
What happened? Tell me
I- I don´t want to Why should I? It´s too personal and- and
Then stop crying and get into your kitchen, girl! Zoro said darkly.
The cook suddenly sat up and gripped Zoro by his collar.
Don´t you DARE ever name me THAT again!! his eyes were wide, a fire of hatred burn
ing deep in them.
´What the- ?´ Zoro thought and gasped. He never had seen the blond man like this
before. What was it? ´What happened??´
Tell me he calmly said.
The cooked calmed down looking in Zoros eyes, a single tear silently running dow
n his left cheek.
It- it was night All the cooks but Zeff and me and another one whose name I can´t
even remember he chuckled sadly and looked down on his hands. where not at the Barr
atie. They had to buy new food to stock up. At that night they- the men came bac
k to steal from the Barratie what they could get Zoro if you EVER tell ANYONE on
this planet what I´m going to tell you right now then I promise- I KILL you!!! G
ot it?? the blonde at his collar looked him straight in the eyes.
Got it he really scared Zoro to death right now
The cook released his collar and laid himself down at his side to face the ships
wall. He couldn´t face the Marimo right now
After some moments he went on:
They killed the first cook in his sleep and almost Zeff, too. Then they took all t
he money we had onboard And with me I- I am a beauty, am I not? he chuckled to hims
elf but only sounded disgusted.
Well, they had their fun with me and left me on the kitchen floor, almost dead, t
oo After that- as I was able to walk again- I showered for about three or more ho
urs but since that day I felt kinda dirty, you know The day- as I heard that ugly
voice and saw that ugly face again I remembered everything and I suddenly- I sud
denly couldn´t move anymore I couldn´t do ANYTHING I was too weak. He snuggled mor
e into himself. He now just looked like a ball
Zoro sat there, eyes widened, completely shocked His heart was aching in a way he
felt the last time as Kuina died
Now he finally imagined WHY the cook treated his body so bad, WHY he was smoking
and holding back when his body was aching and WHY he made all of this ´I´m a co
ol guy and a Ladies man and no one can fucking beat me up´- thing Why he did not
like his own body
After a while he said:
You are not weak You made them pay back for what they´ve done. They will never hur
t anybody anymore.
But that was just because because he sighed, his voice broken. Because Robin and you
stood there and as he touched you I couldn´t hold back anymore
Zoros blushed. What was the cook trying to say? But before Zoro had the chance t
o ask the cook continued:
I lied to you
The cook rolled over to face the green- haired man. The bangs before his left ey
e fell aside and now he looked him in the eyes with both of them, sadly- almost
in pain.
Zoro shrugged and understood They did it It wasn´t an accident They did it A red han
d of hatred catched his mind but he calmed himself down and looked at the cook j
ust to lay a hand on the scarred eye.
It´s not necessary
The cook widened his eyes and then suddenly did something Zoro had never expecte
d to happen. The cook grabbed him and pulled him into a deep embrace, nuzzling i
nto his neck. Zoro again sat there in shock but soon hugged the cook back. He he
ard the light sobs from the cook and felt the light trembling of the body in his
arms but kept silent as if he didn´t notice.
After a while the cook pulled back, looking into Zoros face. He didn´t break the
embrace but stared into his deep green eyes.
At that night they shared their first kiss...
Afterwards as the cook already had fallen asleep Zoro thought about it and touch
ed his lips lightly, still sitting beside him, heart beating fast, blushing deep
First he lend his face down to the cooks his lips only a few centimeters away fro
m the others. Then the cook closed the space between their lips for a gentle, sh
ort kiss. He pulled back and looked confused at the cook by what he just had don
e. The cook looked back with his sad deep ocean- blue eye. Then, suddenly the co
ok kissed him again. One more butterfly kiss on his lips. But after that he didn
´t pull back. It was Sanji who licked his lips, begging for entrance Zoro kissed
him again and opened his mouth to a deep, sweet, sorrowful kiss The blond had one
arm around his shoulders and ran his fingers of the hand from the other arm thr
ough his short hair. Zoro hugged him around his chest and pulled him even closer
. Hot tongues were fighting for dominance but soon they just played with one ano
ther, no one the dominate part After Sanji pulled back, both heavy panting he loo
ked again in Zoros eyes, a small smile playing around his mouth. After that Sanj
i gave him one last butterfly kiss on his lips, breaking the embrace, saying:
Good night and snuggled himself back onto his hammock under the blanket.
The next morning the whole crew was woken up by the wonderful smell of fresh Cof
fee, Toast and as much Pancakes as they could eat. Not everything was back to no
rmal; a cloud of sadness still was around the cook But after some days as he fina
lly realized that everything was over he decided to life on He had a dream to ful
fill and he didn´t want to stop!
About the kiss not a single word was spoken between them Only the first time they
met and looked at one another they blushed deeply and looked aside A little Morni
ng on both of their lips.
Two seconds later they discussed about the ´ugly´ Haramaki lying upon the kitche
n table Three seconds later they again were a cloud of swords and legs and ´Ouch´
and ´damn Marimo´ and ´Question´ and so and so on *chuckle*
And also the crew didn´t ask him or Zoro or Robin what did happen. If Sanji want
ed to talk he would do it by himself
Review this Story/Chapter

Between the Lines

Kairyn Deliae
Author of 5 Stories
Rated: T - English - Friendship/Family - Sanji & Zeff - Reviews: 2 - Published:
12-09-09 - Complete - id:5569990
A/N: Just a one-shot that came into my brain. Idea here is that Sanji goes back
to the Baratie when he hears that Zeff may be dying and what they are ACTUALLY s
aying to each other.
A single blue eye glanced around the familiar dining room through yellow tinted
sunglasses. It was just like he remembered it and yet not. Though it was still hec
tic it was a bit more somber and subdued than when he was last there. He smiled
a bit around his cigarette. It had also been half destroyed last time he was the
re, but that wasn t his fault.
S sanji? A familiar voice sounded bewildered. Sanji! It is you!
The blonde pirate chef smirked a bit. Pati, you still here? Suddenly, the thinner
man was wrapped in a bone-crushing hug. Gah! PATI! The muscular chef didn t seem to
hear the protest or the popping bones so Sanji flung his leg around and kicked t
he big lug in the side.
Pati instantly dropped Sanji and fell to the ground. Ow .I forgot what that felt li
ke He whimpered with his arms wrapped around his middle and eyes streaming with te
Sanji rolled his only visible blue eye. Where s the crap geezer?
Pati s face instantly grew sober again and pointed up the staff stairway with his
thumb. His room. Sanji nodded a bit and took a particularly long inhale from his c
igarette before starting towards the stairs. Sanji. The blonde paused and tilted h
is head a bit to show he was listening. It s good you came.
Tch, yeah yeah. Sanji muttered before flicking his cigarette butt into the firepla
ce and heading up the stairs. Zeff s bedroom was the last on the left in a long li
ne of small yet adequate rooms that the chefs stayed in. The same room that Luff
y had crashed through the ceiling of. Sanji smiled a bit at that. His idiot capt
ain always had to make a clumsy entrance
Sanji didn t bother to knock; instead he just opened the door and said. What the he
ll, crap geezer? Can t even run your own restaurant now?
Which roughly translated to: Hi, Zeff, long time no see.
Sanji Zeff s eyes grew a bit big before they quickly narrowed again in mock anger. Wha
t are you crawling back here for, stupid kid?
Why are you here?
Sanji scoffed. I heard you were finally gonna kick the bucket. Bout time, old man.
I thought you d never die.
I came as soon as I heard.
Zeff glared a bit. I aint dead yet. Aren t you supposed to be gallivanting around b
eing a no-good pirate or something?
Don t worry about me. I m fine. How are you, Sanji?
Tch, don t change the subject. Sanji growled as he lit another cigarette and sat dow
n on a nearby chair. Besides, I m a way better pirate than you ever were.
I m fine, if you must know.
Zeff huffed a bit before taking a drink of something on his bedside table. I saw
that stupid bounty of yours. Such a disgrace. You ve ruined our reputation you stu
pid brat.
We ve got your poster hanging in the kitchen.
Sanji s eye narrowed dangerously. Oh please! This place has gone down hill since I
left! I bet you can t even make a decent broth anymore!
Yeah? Doesn t that hurt business?
Our restaurant s doing five times better than when you were here! No more fights or
idiot flirting!
Nah, it s helped.
Why you no good geezer! Admit you can t do shit now that I m gone! Sanji said jumping
to his feet from where he had settled.
I ve kinda missed this place.
Ha! Zeff laughed. I ve sure cut down on headache medicine since you got lost, stupid
We ve missed you too, Sanji.
Sanji growled lowly and whipped around. Tch, yeah, you re fine, you crap geezer. He
muttered. Haven t changed a bit.
I m glad I got here in time
You haven t changed either, stupid kid.
Me too.
Stop calling me a kid!! Sanji roared angrily.
I m not a kid anymore, Zeff.
Bah, that s what you are. Zeff replied folding his arms over his chest.
You ll always be a kid to me, Sanji.
Sanji scoffed. Stupid geezer. He muttered before taking a drag.
Get outta here, Sanji. Before I kick your ass outta here myself. Zeff ordered poin
ting to his door.
I don t want you to waste your time watching me die.
I ll leave when I m damn good and ready! Sanji snapped.
And I want to stay.
Zeff glared a bit. Stupid brat. Can t you ever do what you re told?
I do what I want, crap geezer. You re not the boss of me. Sanji replied before reset
tling in his chair.
Because I do.
Stupid kid, I never should have bothered saving you. Zeff muttered angrily.
Thank you, Sanji
Sanji cast the elderly man a long glare. I already paid you back for that, geezer
There s no reason to thank me, Zeff.
Yeah, and nearly destroyed my restaurant. Zeff muttered.
I m proud of you, Sanji.
Sanji looked off to the side with a slight scoff. I didn t destroy shit. It was all
those other idiots. The two of them lapsed into a companionable silence. Slowly,
Sanji started to smile as Zeff broke into a loud laughter.
Review this Story/Chapter
Velkyn Karma
Author of 10 Stories
Rated: K+ - English - General - Nami & Sanji - Reviews: 3 - Published: 12-03-09
- Complete - id:5554513
A fanfiction by Velkyn Karma
Summary: Nami is shocked to find that no matter how well she thinks she knows he
r shipmates, they continue to surprise her. A little observation of her crewmate
s serious ideals goes a long way in discovering who they are.
Note: Takes place at the very least after the Alabasta arc, but timing doesn t rea
lly matter that much I suppose. I have no idea where it came from, other than so
me thoughts on Sanji and a lot of boredom.
Disclaimer: I do not own, or pretend to own, One Piece or any of its subsequent
characters, plots or other ideas. That right belongs solely to Eiichiro Oda. The
only thing that belongs to me here is the concept for the story.

Nami is shocked to find that no matter how well she thinks she knows her shipmat
es, they continue to surprise her. Even more unusual is that Sanji continues to
surprise her. Sanji is Sanji, after all; excitable and affectionate, he has alwa
ys followed her around like a lovesick puppy and probably will continue to for a
ll of time.
Nami doesn t know why she is surprised when he breaks away from this at the port t
hey stopped at to replenish supplies, but somehow it does all the same. Sanji is
heading to restock his kitchen, and Nami, to keep an eye on their expenses, fol
lows--or perhaps it is the other way around. He fawns over her, and she ignores
it, or uses it to her advantage.
Along the way, she manages to pick up that he is looking forward to another sort
of purchase with his personal funds. The island is well known for its tailoring
, making world-class clothing that is highly regarded everywhere in the world, a
nd Sanji has been waiting to have a new suit tailored perfectly to his slim fram
e. It s all about making an impression, and Nami doesn t know if it s to impress her o
r Robin or someone else entirely. But she does know that Sanji takes impeccable
care of his clothing, just like a high-class gourmet chef should, so she can tel
l he s looking forward to the purchase.
But they don t reach the clothing district; they barely even reach the market plac
e to purchase the ship s food. Sanji is bumped aside by a little boy, and the same
boy makes straight for her, or more specifically her bag. She grips it angrily,
knowing a theft move when she sees one, and is determined to keep a hold of the
purse with their beri and the lunchbox Sanji has made for today.
But the kid isn t put off by the iron grip she has on her bag. He merely tugs at i
t, more and more incessantly. When she doesn t give it up, he starts to cry, and p
lead, and tug even harder. Please! he says. Please, you don t understand. I need it m
ore than you. My sister is sick, and my father had to stop work to take care of
her. He doesn t have a job now and we don t have money, and we have to eat, and I ha
ve to get it for them!
Nami is disgusted, and wonders how the boy thinks she ll fall for such a lame tric
k so easily. She has used that same excuse herself on multiple occasions to worm
her way into the hearts of the kind and the gullible, and steal their valuables
from under their noses. There is no way she ll fall for that trick, even if the k
id does look a little skinny. Probably helps with the disguise.
But Sanji is regarding the child very seriously, and frowns as the boy talks, an
d chews his cigarette thoughtfully. Then he kneels down, so he s eye level with th
e boy, and silently holds out his small pouch of personal cash.
Nami is shocked, and tries to interject, telling Sanji that he s being an idiot an
d he should stand right now. But while Sanji normally obeys every command she gi
ves, her words fall on deaf ears now.
Instead, he looks the child in the eye, insistently holds out the pouch, and say
s, There s enough in here to buy food for about two weeks. Do you know how to cook?
N-no, the boy says shakily. He looks hesitant, but is eyeing the pouch of beri wit
h an almost nervous fervor.
Alright, Sanji says, and his voice surprisingly patient. What you should do is use
this to buy some beef and root vegetables. That s things like carrots, onions, and
potatoes. From what I ve seen here, they re the cheapest. Clean them and cut them u
p into little pieces. Then boil some water in a pot and put your food in. If you
have salt, you should add a sprinkle of it--not too much, just a pinch, don t ove
rdo it. You should let it cook for at least two hours before you try eating it s
o that the meat is okay, but after that it should be fine, and the stew will las
t for a while. You can make that food stretch into a month if you re careful. It k
eeps its nutrients in the water, so it ll be very healthy for you and your family.
Can you do that?
I...I think so, the boy says, hesitantly.
Repeat it for me, Sanji says, his voice still surprisingly patient, in a tone that
Nami doesn t think she s ever really heard from him before.
The boy does, and only then does Sanji release the pouch containing the entirety
of his personal money, hard earned from previous adventures. The boy snatches i
t before it hits the ground, regards Sanji with wide-eyed awe and respect, and t
hen whispers a quiet thank you before disappearing into the crowd.
Nami is shocked, and yells at their idiotic chef for falling for such a ploy. Sh
e curses his naivety and asks him how he plans to buy the suit he wanted when he
is so easily conned out of his money. Sanji accepts the lecture without argumen
t, as he always does, but when she is finished he does not disappear into the cr
owd to track the boy down and wrestle back his cash, nor does he apologize to he
r for his stupidity.
You really believe it, don t you? Nami finally says, shaking her head in exasperatio
There s a desperation, he says in response. You can always see it in the eyes; someti
mes it s visible even before it shows on the rest of the body. It s a desperate will
ingness to do anything, fight anything, and kill anyone in order to survive. Hun
ger does that to you.
His explanation is oddly calm, and there is a distant look in his one visible ey
e, one that makes her think perhaps this is a little more personal than simply c
ooking for half-starved pirates on the Baratie. She hesitates, not entirely sure
what to make of this new Sanji, and says, You think you saw that?
I know I saw that, he says, and strides off towards the closest stall to examine i
ts produce for the ship s stores.
Nami is puzzled by this, and begins to wonder if it really was truth, and not a
ploy. She knows that Sanji would never let anyone go hungry, not if he could do
even the tiniest thing about it, because he considers it a chef s duty to combat h
unger. Even with all his bickering and fighting on the Going Merry with the othe
r crew members, he never hesitates to provide meals and snacks that are both del
icious and healthy; and she supposes this would apply to everyone else as well.
This is Sanji as well, a more serious side that doesn t often reveal itself, but i
t is just as much a core part of his being.
Later on, while he is bringing the newly purchased foodstuffs back to the Going
Merry to organize in his kitchen before they leave, Nami excuses herself and dis
appears into the town, searching carefully for exactly the right store. She retu
rns uncharacteristically late, nearly a half hour after the log pose has reset a
nd the crew is ready to leave.
As she scurries towards her cabin to claim her maps and instruments so they can
begin, she hesitates only momentarily to shove a carefully bundled package into
a fawning Sanji s hands. He is so enthusiastic about the gift it takes a well-aime
d smack to bring him back to his senses enough to actually open it. Inside is a
full navy-blue suit, in a shade Nami thinks will bring out his complexion nicely
although she certainly doesn t tell him that, with a matching silk tie folded car
efully on top. It is well tailored--Nami had to guess, but is certain the size i
s right--made of a very durable material to help it withstand Sanji s regular entr
y into combat, and matches his beloved dress shoes and weapons both.
Sanji is ecstatic, and thanks her profusely, attempting to throw himself at her
in what may possibly be a wild hug, or maybe a little more than that--with Sanji
, it is sometimes hard to tell, as Sanji blurs the line between gentleman and le
ch with with surprising skill. Nami deflects the move neatly, and as she hurries
toward her cabin she throws over her shoulder, Don t be that enthusiastic. I didn t
shop at the best place on the island, and it isn t the most expensive material eit
her, so it s not that great.
Sanji probably knows this. He also probably knows that even without shopping in
the most expensive locations the gift still cost a pretty penny, and he certainl
y knows how tight-fisted she is with her beri. So Sanji knows the real worth of
the gift, and is probably more excited that she allowed him to see a different s
ide of her than anything else.
But that s okay to Nami, because a little surprise is worth it, and Sanji deserves
it after displaying such a personal part of himself today. So she accepts the t
hanks, listens to Sanji s singsong mellorine absently, and wonders what other surp
rises her shipmates will have in store for her in the future.

I actually looked up how to choose suits for the entire two sentences describing
the gift at the end. Clearly this means I have no life.
I don t think Nami actually knows Sanji s backstory, which partly inspired this piec
e. She left the Baratie before Sanji s story was explained, and while he would pro
bably tell her the entire thing if she asked, I doubt she would casually. So I m n
ot entirely sure if she knows his starvation story, but for the purpose of this
fic, she doesn t.
If you review, kindly leave something of substance--constructive criticism is ve
ry helpful!

Review this Story/Chapter

When He Sleeps
Author of 68 Stories
Rated: K+ - English - General/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 3 - Published: 1
1-12-09 - id:5505988
Zoro's birthday! And because I can't finish the fanart in time, I decided to chu
ck and finish this thing I wrote while the house was being painted and I had no
computers for long hours. Durr. This was also partially written because I am try
ing to get in to Zoro's head so I can play him better and not feel bad when I ap
p him later. And because I've been playing crazy amounts of ZoSan for a while no
w. Hurr, hurr~
The usual: I do not own One Piece. This is a complete work of fiction. Any missp
ellings or wrong grammar is unintentional. I am my own beta. I could have missed
some stuff.
And now ...
Zoro can sleep through anything.
When the younger members of the crew are chasing each other around the deck, he
pays them no attention. Their sniper and doctor - Usopp and Chopper - would scre
am and laugh, their captain yelling something about sea kings and pirate kings o
r trying to play sniper against their own ace-sniper, to see who would be able t
o hit that distant rock far away from their course.
Said rock would explode, an unwanted pillar unwanted structure stemming form the
ocean bed gone. the sound of the canon or some invention Franky the shipwright
created, to test and see what may need some adjusting echoing. It is such a rack
et, laughter and cheers following quickly just as the distant sound of rocks sha
ttering and water splashing dulls to a soft hush of waves rippling.
Zoro sleeps through this.
Nami, their navigator, would chastise them then, their acts interrupting her map
drafting. She would chase the 'kids' down, her voice always loud and sharp, a p
itch that makes Zoro push a finger in to his ear to ward off the resonating hum
that stays in the wake of her lecturing. And fist pounding.
Most of the time, Zoro sleeps through this.
And this all happens at a particular time of day after a little after lunch.
It would be the cook's turn to start his tirade, endless and exaggerating procla
mations of his love and adoration, a tray full of something sweet with a name Zo
ro cannot begin to pronounce let alone bother remembering. The kids wold be extr
a noisy with the cook's presence and why wouldn't they? Sanji's hands are magica
l when it comes to the culinary delights.
(You know how good his hands are. You've tasted the fruits of his effort. You kn
ow - and without a shred of doubt - that there is no one in the Grandline so far
who can turn food to a delicacy and an experience. You enjoy those meals in you
r silence. You enjoy the supple taste of rice and tofu and salted fish and onigi
ri. You feel comfort when you eat this, even it is a simple dish and nothing too
fancy. He turns your favorite meal in to a delicacy. And in your silence, you h
eartily tuck in. Your silence and empty plate speaks louder than the insult or t
he scoffing words you direct towards him most of the time. You think he understa
nds; that is enough for you.)
The songs follow, cheery melodies with equally cheery singing that bony-white fi
ngers compose with finely sculpted violin. Everyone will be singing with Brooke
at this point, but Zoro stays away, lying in peace against the Sunny-Go's railin
g. The cook's shoes is audible as he approaches him, the last glass of parfait o
n the tray. Sanji scowls, clicking his tongue around the cigarette, while he loo
ks down at the presumably sleeping form. Of course, the disapproving noise conti
nues even as he the clink of glass against wood reaches Zoro's ears. Like the ex
hale of tobacco that tickles his nose.
"How can one sleep so much?" Sanji mutters and walks away.
Zoro partially sleeps through this. His senses is almost always on alert. It com
es with the skill of holding a sword.
But the parfait - lime, more sour than sweet - glass is empty when Sanji returns
some hours later to collect his glass.
Zoro sleeps through this.
He sleeps as much as as he trains. Because he dreams when he sleeps. It is in hi
s dreams that Zoro is reminded of the vow he made all those years ago, words tha
t are carved in to his heart and sword. He relives that day, when he sat in the
empty dojo and practice had been cancelled that afternoon, when his sensei spoke
of the pain in his heart in seeing him, just a small boy, training harder and h
Sensei, that sword, give it to me. I will take her share of training and become
even stronger! I will become so strong that my name will reach the heavens! I'll
become the strongest swordsman in the world! We promised! I ... I ...
It is only in his dreams that he thinks of his past because he spends every waki
ng hour training, pushing himself to the limit to achieve his goal. Because it i
sn't just a promise he carries by his side.
Ah, that's fine. Kuina's soul and dreams ... I leave them to you.
It is a small boy who carries Wadou Ichimonji with a man's hands. A small boy wh
o wept an entire night many years ago with choking grief because just when he th
ought he had a goal to prove something to himself, to leave behind that boy who
approached the dojo doors as a doujouyaburi in tatters and arrogance to earn a n
ame, everything fell by fate's blade. It is a small boy who lost his world till
he knelt there, the world around him blurred by salty waters, and forged a new o
ne for himself.
(You hold your ambition and promise in one hand. You hold your crew and everythi
ng that defines all of you as the Strawhat Pirates in the other. This is when yo
u are awake and walking and cutting down enemies to clear the way further for th
e future Pirate King. Because your ambition lies in his hands as well. It has be
come like that in the long months you've all sailed together under one flag and
under one name.)
So Zoro sleeps, because one cannot have a future if one forgets the past.
When he sleeps and he remembers everything with crystal clarity, it makes him st
"Oi, shitty-swordsman. Dinner time."
There is a heel digging in to Zoro's side, and a single eye cracks open to regar
d the cook with a question and an irritated swat at expensive shoes. But Zoro li
stens anyway, following Sanji in to the dining room where arms are already flyin
g and Zoro's plate now sits empty. Not even a speck of sauce or a grain of rice.
This is not strange to him but that just means Zoro needs to reach for their ca
ptain's plate - who is still busy chewing other people's food - and take a porti
on for himself.
He does not get far because there's a plate of tofu, rice and salted fish before
him and the cook is cocking an eyebrow, daring him to complain about the plate'
s contents.
"Ah, the caterpillar is crawling again." Zoro says of course. Because no look li
ke that from the cook goes unanswered. Of course, he picks at the most unnatural
thing about the handsome face: his eyebrow.
"What's that, shitty-swordsman?" He growls, cigarette twitching.
"Caterpillar." It sounds incomprehensible around the mouthful of food he is chew
ing but Zoro says no more when the cook's insult dies. Robin desires for some co
ffee and of course, there he goes swaying with his proclamations of servicing pr
etty ladies.
Zoro is silent when he he eats, he is silent when he gets up to take his usual p
erch at the crow's nest for first watch later. A nap after a good meal is the wa
y to go after all. And it is quiet up there, the noises on the deck dulling to a
distant hums when the wind is strong and cool. He closes his eyes briefly again
and just before he falls in to his dreams, there is a hand against his scalp an
d a cup of tea pressing against his palm.
"You suicidal? It's freezing here." Sanji mutters, tossing the blanket over his
lap, the hand in his hair cuffing him upside the head.
"Chopper can fix a cold."
"Your answer to everything."
Slender fingers starts their carding through short cropped hair once more and wh
atever intention to sleep disappearing because this is rare, this is something d
ifferent that is not related to either ambition or vow he holds in each hand. Th
is is something else and something he cannot hold just yet. The only link he has
and dedicates to this annoying and shitty arrogant cook is the same bond he giv
es to everyone on the Sunny-Go.
But even when the carding stops and soft golden locks spill against Zoro's shoul
ders and soft breathing accompany the silence, Zoro does not sleep. He sits ther
e, with his empty cup, keeping watching. It isn't because he cannot sleep, becau
se Zoro can sleep through anything, anytime, anywhere.
It is because he makes the choice not to.
Zoro does not and will not sleep through this.
It is because only in this silence, when they are alone, can this man with his s
lender fingers and talented hands and arrogant handsome face be something more t
han just a crew-mate.
It is only in this silence can Zoro have something that is not ambition or vows,
truly for himself.
No words. Really. Going to sleep nao. =3=

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 14 Stories
Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 3 - Published: 11-
12-09 - Complete - id:5506712
A/n: This is before Robin came unto their ship, so roughly in between Drum Islan
d and Arabasta.
What? Zoro asks the little doctor of their ship, during their check-ups (captain-o
rdered) with Chopper.
Can you read? It's important for my files, Chopper explains, looking at his clipbo
ard, alarmingly adorable in the little reindeer's hooves.
Um... Zoro says.
Wait, here, read this paragraph from this book, Chopper says, passing him a book,
pointing to the paragraph in question. Zoro stares at the book, trying to quickl
y give meaning to the jumbled symbols, seemingly in no particular order on the p
age. Zoro?
Um... Zoro says again. I can't...
You can't read? Chopper asks, surprised. It was generally common for most of the w
orld to know how to read. Zoro shakes his head. This is a problem, it wouldn't do
for the greatest swordsman in the world to be illiterate, can it? He shrugs.
I was doing fine without reading, Zoro says carelessly.
Do you know how to spell your name? Chopper asks. Zoro thinks about it, staring in
to space in the little medical room.
Z-O-R-O, he recites. I don't know my family name, just take the spelling on the bou
nty poster.
Did you sound that out? Chopper asks, excited. Zoro shrugs.
It just seems like the letters to say, he says. Chopper wilts. I know those ones.
Well, in every other physical aspect you've excelled, I'll just have to find you
a tutor to teach you how to read, so, you can go, Chopper says, turning back to h
is clipboard, scribbling some notes.
Wait, I have to be taught? Zoro asks.
Yes, of course, it's something one must know to function in basic life, Chopper sa
ys. Nami, or Sanji, maybe...Usopp and Luffy seem to irresponsible to know how to
properly teach, and I've been working on a medicine and can't...
Why? Zoro complains. I don't care. I've been doing fine without reading or writing!
Nope! I'll get Luffy to use his Captain powers to make you learn! Chopper says. You
must learn to read!
Zoro sighs. He knew he wouldn't win in this conversation. Fine, just don't expect
me to be good at it, alright? Chopper nods.
That's all I can ask, he says.
Anything else we need to discuss? Nami asks in their weekly Monday meetings. Chopp
er raises his hoof. Yes, Chopper?
Zoro needs a tutor, Chopper says. Zoro sighs. This garbage again... he thinks.
Tutor? For what? Nami asks.
He can't read, Chopper says. Nami raises her eyebrows.
Not that I expected much more, but...I suppose I could teach him... Nami says.
I'll do it, Sanji says, putting his feet on the table. I'll teach the marimo.
Are you sure? Nami asks. I mean, it's certainly not your responsibility, but I'm no
t going to argue.
Hey! Don't I get a say in who my teacher is?! Zoro says. They ignore him.
No, it's no problem. I'll teach him in between meals and such, but I would be mos
t gracious if you would give me some writing supplies...? Sanji says.
Of course, of course, it'll go on Zoro's tab, Nami says with a smirk.
Not your choice. I'll go get those supplies, you can start now! Nami smiles. Meetin
g adjourned! They clear out, leaving a calm Sanji and a seething Zoro at the tabl
Don't expect me to be a good student, dart-brow, Zoro says sullenly. Nami returns
with the supplies, putting two pens, a well of ink and two notebooks on the tabl
e before quietly leaving.
Alright, write your name, Sanji says. Zoro looks at him blankly. He sighs. Do you k
now the alphabet? Zoro cocks an eyebrow. Alright, he says, grabbing a pen, dipping
it in the well of ink, hastily scrawling Sanji on the blue notebook, Marimo on t
he green. He passes the green one to him, and they both open them. Hold the pen l
ike this, and dip it in the ink... Zoro does so, though clumsily.
I can write my name, Zoro says. He carefully leans over his notebook and starts to
write Z-O-R-O in block letters. Sanji looks at it.
Not bad, Sanji says, lighting up. Now, you'll need to know this, he says carefully,
writing the alphabet in his notebook. He finishes and turns it towards Zoro. Copy
this exactly on the first page. He does so. Now...
Can you try writing your name now? Sanji asks, getting the notebooks out again aft
er breakfast. Zoro was a quick learner, and he was picking up on all the basics,
spelling, writing, even reading simple sentences with little difficulty. Luffy
even dropped in on their lesson once, although he lacked the attention and focus
of Zoro.
Zoro obediently opens his notebook to a fresh page, writing Roronoa Zoro onto the
top of the page. After the first couple lessons, Sanji realized that he was both
a natural leftie (although he was ambidextrous) and that Zoro's normal handwrit
ing was pretty girly once he got a hang of writing words. Sanji nods in approval
, looking at his work on the page. Zoro thinks, closing the notebook to the fron
t cover. He frowns, trying to decipher the word on the front of his notebook.
HEY! Zoro shouts in understanding, quickly crossing out the word Marimo on the front
cover, writing Zoro with great care underneath Sanji's words.
You figured it out, Sanji says, lighting up. I'm actually pretty proud, marimo. Zoro
growls but Sanji laughs. Let's try reading more. Sanji opens his own notebook. You
, I don't know...write something, too. We'll read each others works. Sanji starts
writing out how to make bread, while Zoro hunches over his paper, writing words
with the greatest of care. Sanji finished, but Zoro continued to write, scratch
ing things out and writing, more words than Sanji thought he actually knew.
Sanji waits a minute or so, but when Zoro shows no sign of stopping, he writes h
ow souffle rises, and why fruit is classified as fruit, and why marimos are clas
sified as marimos. Finally Zoro looks up, and Sanji finishes the last part of hi
s words before handing his notebook to Zoro. He was eager to take Zoro's he had
become quite curious about what took so long for Zoro to finish.
You read mine first. Just pick a paragraph... Zoro looks at him, confused.
See the indents? You read from there, and stop when another indent starts, Sanji s
ays. Zoro nods, reading the first one, though stumbling over words only chefs wo
uld know, like yeast and leaven. Zoro finishes with a smile, and Sanji picks up
Zoro's notebook. He watches Zoro watch him open it, and Sanji starts to quietly
There's something inside of me, but I'm not sure what.
There's something inside and I can't leave this rut
of pretty boys and sexy girls but none of them are you
so I can't help but feel that these feelings are true.
You don't know the why and I don't know the how
but somehow these feelings have come here and now.
I want to hold you and take you and feel you and love you
but I know that these feelings are meant for only choice few.
And now as I sit and I write in my rut
I can't help but figure out the how and what.
It was you that had cared and you that had yelled.
Even as I, the arrogant, was broken and was felled.
It was you that had loved me and that feeling will stay
even if you hate me, and wish to leave for far aways
of lands where I can't roam and places I won't see
You have to know, you must know, together we must be.
So here as I write this, here as I sit
there's nothing to do, only tear my heart out bit by bit.
But you'll put it back together, together we'll always be.
But you know, yeah, you know, that I love you Sanji.
Sanji stops reading. He wasn't sure how he kept reading through the poem, but he
managed, and kept staring at the words, curling and flowing even though it was
simple block script.
Sanji? Zoro whispers. That was the wrong page.
What?! Sanji exclaims, taking him out of his revelry. They wrong page?! Zoro nods. H
e flips his notebook to the next page, where it outlines all the reasons why it
was unlikely that his eyebrow curled naturally like that, and what kind of horri
ble facial scars he must be hiding underneath his bangs. Sanji gets a tic as he
silently reads the page.
So... Zoro trails off, horrified to feel a blush coming to his face.
Did you write both of these? Sanji asks. Zoro definitely feels the blush, and nods
. So which one is true?
Can't both be true? Zoro asks. Teasing and loving you? Yup, he decided. Definitely n
ever living this one down.
Sanji looks at him for a second, then makes the snap decision that he must have
gone mad. Yup, that must be what have happened.
This all must be some kind of crazy dream, he says. Yes, that must be it. Because y
ou can't love me, it's the other way around... He looks away, almost chewing on h
is cigarette. I'm the one who loves you.
Zoro looks at him, surprised that he thinks it's a dream, even more surprised wh
en Sanji admits that he's in love with him, too.
Oi, ero-cook, if this won't convince you it's reality, then nothing will, Zoro say
s, getting up to straddle Sanji in his seat, both effectively trapping him and m
aking a comfortable seat for Zoro. He leans down as Sanji leans up to kiss him,
and they sit like that for a full five minutes, kissing each other.
Not a dream? Sanji asks. Zoro shakes his head.
Not a dream.

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji and Zoro's Computer
Author of 4 Stories 1. Sanji the TechnoWizard2. No Safety In Numbers3. Cooks an
d Apples4. Print Screen
Rated: T - English - Humor/General - Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 11-16-09 - P
ublished: 07-08-09 - id:5202086
Author s Note:
How do you break writer s block? By writing! Or something. I need to get my finger
s moving so that I can get back to my other fics. So for now, Sanji gets to be t
oyed with. Modern AU setting, college campus type deal.
I justify this fic based off of movie 7 (Giant Mecha Soldier of Karakuri Castle
/ Karakuri-jo no Meka Kyohei). Good job Sanji, way to work those machines.
Rated high thanks to swearing and the brief browsing of a porn site (no, I don t d
escribe it, but I figured I d mention it).

You could always tell when Sanji got back to the dorm hall. The ever-lingering s
mell of cigarette smoke (that they never really tried to hide from the R.A.s) al
ways intensified as he boldly strolled to the door with a cig dangling from his
lips, nearly burned down from the walk across campus. It was defiant and bold an
d made some girls think Sanji had a bit of a bad boy edge that he was keeping hi
dden from the ladies (considering he was all smiles and fawning and flattery if
they got within a fifteen foot radius of him). He, of course, was happy to let t
he ladies of the college give him that bit of mystery. He certainly would never
just admit that it really just came down to severe nicotine addiction and a bad
temper. The poor R.A., for his part, consistently failed to get Sanji to bow to
the dorm rules, and when he d even mentioned taking it up with the administrators
had been given a not so subtle hint that that would be a bad idea.
The point was, however, that Zoro could always tell when his roommate was back b
efore the man would ever even get to the door of their room. That was handy, in
some ways, for the little early roommate alert had given him warning on a couple
of occasions where Zoro did not, for one reason or another, want the blond walk
ing in on him. There was no privacy in their dorm room. It was just a room with
two beds, two desks, two closets, and no bathroom. You had to go down the hall t
o shower or to take care of business. So knowing when your roommate was nearing t
he room early had its advantages for a young adult male in his prime, and that s a
ll there was to say on the matter.
Today Zoro was just about on his way out. He had a class to attend, and he was p
ulling on a random clean-enough shirt as the blond finally sauntered in. They exch
anged sounds that passed as a hello between them, even if they consisted of only o
ne syllable. Sanji strolled over to his side of the room, depositing his messeng
er bag onto his desk while Zoro fumbled about for some shoes. Having greeted eac
h other, the two didn t have a whole lot to say. It wasn t that they hated each othe
r. They d known each other in high school, and hadn t been terribly upset to find ou
t they d been assigned as roommates at the same college. But, they also weren t real
ly in the habit of welcoming each other home and gushing about their days. Howev
er, before Zoro could head out the door, backpack carelessly slung over his shou
lder, the blond caught him with a quick shout.
Oy, let me use your computer.
Zoro paused and turned, face neutral as he looked at his roomie. He didn t ask som
ething like why . He wasn t that inquisitive. It wasn t as though Sanji would be doing
anything terribly exciting with the PC anyway. He frowned just a little though,
brow twitching at the thought of the wannabe cook touching it.
You didn t fix your laptop yet?
If at all possible, they usually avoided talking about the laptop incident. It d p
roven to be safer for both them and their furniture if the matter was never even
hinted at. Even now, both young men were trying to block it out of their minds,
shove the memory away lest their tempers try to urge them into an instant repla
y. They d both been drunk. Sanji had said something to get on Zoro s nerves. Zoro ha
d retorted back in such a biting manner it seemed to defy his dumb muscle head ste
reotype. Goaded on by the insult that was better than most Sanji tossed out, the
blond had gotten in his face. Then Zoro had moved as if to remind the blond tha
t hey, I m bigger than you . The blond had glared as if to say that just makes more of
you to kick . Testosterone and good old alpha male syndrome kicked in pretty easi
ly, the pair grappling at first considering how close they were standing. But th
e minute space had been created between them, some rather illegal swords had bee
n pulled from concealment and feet had started flying.
They d both replaced their furniture already. Sanji had apparently yet to replace
the laptop he d sent a foot through. In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea to l
eave it about on the floor. Lesson learned, don t leave your stuff cluttering up t
he ground, especially when you were prone to violent physical (and often bloody)
combat with your roommate.
So when the blond just shook his head no, Zoro sighed and shrugged, turning back
to the door. Just don t try to download any porn, dartboard. My free antivirus ran
out, so it s outta date or something. His voice was a drawl, only mildly antagonis
tic because he did indeed need to get to class. Besides, out of date just meant
new viruses could slip past the PC wasn t exactly defenseless and Sanji wasn t really
a dumb blond when it came to stuff like that, was he?
You re the one with the bookmarks, Sanji muttered at him, snorting out smoke through
his nostrils as he watched the other head out of the room. He didn t head to the
computer right away, kicking off his shoes and changing out of the clothes he wo
re to impress the ladies and into something comfortable and slummy and saturated
with the smell of his cigarettes. He moved to crack the window open slightly, p
ausing for a moment to watch the commotion in the quad. His room was a good dist
ance away, but it looked like it was Luffy at the heart of the matter, the campu
s clown s laughter ringing in Sanji s head even if he couldn t technically hear it fro
m here. If Luffy was out there, then Usopp probably was too. He watched in mild
amusement for a while, leaning against the sill on crossed arms, his cigarette m
ostly ignored and perched on his lips. From what he could see something had been
stolen from Franky and there was a bit of a game of keep away going on. Whatever
it the object was, it was small and brightly colored and apparently precious to
the man. In all likelihood Sanji was pretty glad he wasn t out there playing catch.
He didn t have much desire to play with another man s Speedo.
He stubbed out his cig and moved to sit down at Zoro s desk, nudging the desktop P
C he kept on the floor to life with his toe. Absently he pushed at the mild clut
ter Zoro had on his desk, clearing off enough space to drop his own battered Eco
nomics textbook down. The prospect of working on his Econ essay was not, of cour
se, thrilling and exciting. He thought it was annoying that even though he was a
iming to get into the culinary arts, he still needed to take business related co
urses. But, he understood that it d be useful if he did end up owning his own rest
aurant some day, and so Economics had to be suffered through and passed. The onl
y saving grace about that class was that the wonderfully lovely Nami was in it.
She was one of the top students in the class, and it always made him swoon when
she d agree to tutor him even if they both knew he didn t need it and she made him pa
y her quite a bit for the sessions.
Okay let s see He found the icon for the word document with no real problem, consideri
ng Zoro s virtual desktop was about as barren as could be. It even still had the d
efault background image on it. Sanji double clicked to start up the word program
, but his mind just was not on the Econ prompt right now. He felt probably like
Luffy always did in a class, restless and with his mind on just about anything e
lse possible. It wasn t like Sanji habitually had problems focusing. When he was c
ooking he could have made even the most disciplined monks jealous. When it came
to other scholastic topics, he could usually at least settle down enough to get
things done with solid quality. Passion or no, he wasn t really the sort to neglec
t what he needed to do.
Today though he wasn t sure. Maybe it was the clean cloudless sky maybe it was the a
ntics of Luffy out on the quad maybe it was just sitting at another person s desk bu
t Sanji was struggling to even remember the prompt of the essay. He turned his o
ne visible eye to his desk, where he could see a pack of smokes sitting open on
top. He licked his lips and his fingers itched to hold one. But he d just smoked t
wo in a row after his class, and while he knew at this point in his habits he wa
s doomed anyway, he should really try to go at least an hour or so without one.
Of course, that indulgent corner of his mind insisted he d concentrate better with
the nicotine calming him down. It seemed to make a lot of sense to him. He grou
nd his teeth for a moment, waiting for some sort of conscience to fight back. It
seemed his entire mind was in agreement that dead taste buds and future lung ca
ncer weren t so bad. He got up, grabbed a cig and lit up, then was back staring at
the blank word document.
He noticed, after about fifteen minutes, that he hadn t begun to type yet.
Shitty Marimo s desk must be infecting me with his lethargy. Sanji kicked the desk w
ith his heel in annoyance, the computer shaking from the indirect impact as well
, as if somehow his roommate s belongings were the sole reason for his lack of pro
ductivity. With as much as the bastard seemed to nap all day, the blond was occa
sionally surprised the other finished his assignments on time. He rarely ever sa
w Zoro working on them. He knew that, despite what he d say about the green haired
one out loud, Zoro wasn t stupid. He was no genius and certainly not as smart as
Sanji but you d think the guy would have to crack a book sometime. Eager for the di
straction, Sanji started to click through Zoro s documents folder, seeking out som
e sort of proof that the moss head actually did his homework. He found a few doc
uments saved there, and he quickly opened one up and started to read. He was sor
ely disappointed when the essay was incredibly average and mundane and without a
ny obvious stupidity he could mock. It cut the diversion short, and Sanji sighed
and scratched his hands through his hair in frustration.
The hell is my problem tonight? With a disgruntled huff, the blond pushed out with
his feet so that his legs could be stretched straight out even with his body sl
iding down further on the chair. He slid down until the top of the chair back pr
opped his head up just at the base of his skull. His arms relaxed and fell to ha
ng uselessly at his sides, fingers dusting the floor lightly as he stared vacant
ly at the ceiling and smoked. He had his cigs, he wasn t feeling hungry or sick, a
nd the essay wasn t even something he would struggle with if he could just find the
motivation to get on it. That fifteen minutes from before couldn t even begin to
compare with the half hour that he spent glaring up at the ceiling. It wasn t unti
l ash from his cigarette fell onto his chest that Sanji stirred. He tapped out t
he cig and got up. He stretched up tall with his arms, bending and twisting down
this way and that to try and get his blood moving. It was time to focus, it was
time to get his work done.
Plopping back into the chair with determination, the blond dragged his textbook
closer, flipping the pages and at last getting to the chapters he d need to draw f
rom to properly address the prompt. It seemed like at last his focus had returne
d to him, and his eyes skimmed the pages as his hand moved to take some quick no
tes in a small notepad he had. His mind began to organize, a thesis statement wo
rked its way into his mind, and Sanji turned and looked back at the blank word d
He typed exactly one sentence, stared at it, and then erased it all.
Shit! In utter frustration Sanji shut the word document program, feeling that mayb
e tonight he just wasn t going to get this essay done. Let s see maybe Zoro will let m
e use his computer in the morning before I gotta get to class I ll bribe him with b
ooze or something. Or I guess I can hit up the computer lab but if there are any
hot girls there It was quite the conundrum that could easily be solved if he simpl
y focused.
Slumping forward in defeat, Sanji propped his head on one hand as he clicked ope
n the PC s internet browser with the other. He was defeated and bored, and at the
very least he hoped to ease his boredom. He opened up Zoro s bookmarks, not of the
mind to have to move his head off his hand to do something like type. So he loo
ked at the web pages his green haired roomie had tagged. There weren t a ton of sw
ord or kendo sites tagged, which both sort of surprised Sanji but made sense. Zo
ro didn t need to go on the internet to learn about something he already knew, and
Sanji knew how annoying it could be to see self proclaimed internet gurus spout
off incorrect information that swiftly got copied to site after site to inaccur
ate site. No, Zoro had some sites that were probably helpful for school, a few s
ites that provided maps and directions (Sanji snickered and deleted those, it wa
sn t as if they were helping the lost man anyway), but the only gold were the adul
t sites that Sanji had mentioned before.
Hey, they were men, and hey, it was Zoro s private computer. It wasn t like Zoro cou
ldn t find women, Sanji had given up the room a couple nights when Zoro d called him
to tell him he was having a good date. But sometimes ya just had that itch.
Sanji didn t really have that itch himself at the moment, but he was bored, and he
clicked on one site at random. No, it s not because I m bored, it s because he told me
not to. Like he calls the shots. Sanji let his eyes trail over the video thumbna
ils, seeing curvaceous figures and all those little wonderful bits of a lady you
only saw after you d properly wooed her. He enjoyed the sight from the thumbnails
for a bit, not inclined to sit around actually watching porn on Zoro s computer.
He was going to navigate away when he paused and frowned. Is that Now that was a sh
ocker he didn t expect to see someone he recognized, least of all someone who he th
ought was attending this very college. Sanji licked his lips, debating. Did he r
eally want to watch the video and confirm it was her? Torn between perversion an
d chivalry, his head finally won out with the simple fact that if he found out,
he d probably never be able to act normally around her again. If she noticed that
she d be hurt, and Sanji simply could not stomach the thought of hurting any of th
e goddesses he cared for so very much. Even if that goddess did internet porn.
Resolved not to look, Sanji intended to move the mouse so he could click the web
page closed. What he actually did was twitch his finger and click on one of the
ads lining and blinking around the site. Quickly he tried to close it, not want
ing to see whatever the heck would be sold off this site. While he did manage to
close the pop-up, he didn t even get to blink his eye before another assaulted th
e screen. And then another and another. It was a tidal wave of pop-ups, and Sanji
quickly lost the close the window race. The task bar filled up swiftly, and movin
g the mouse soon produced no results as the processor was overloaded by this app
lication onslaught. Sanji clicked the mouse over and over, swearing with amazing
variety and conviction at the machine in front of him. Every so often he would
stop his mouse clicking and shaking to pound on the keyboard. What did Usopp tell
me what was it hit umm shift and alt and no esc? Fuck!
In the face of a frozen computer, Sanji tried to do what any panicked user would
do. He decided to force the computer off. However, rather than holding the powe
r button down until a force shut off occurred, Sanji fell to his knees, scramble
d to the wall plug, and yanked it out. There was a small pop and the computer s fa
ns whirred down and went still. Sanji held his breath, blinking and frozen, wond
ering if that pop had been a bad thing. Grabbing the computer tower he poked at
the vents with his finger and sort of shook it (gently of course, or he thought
it was), listening as it rattled softly. Was that good? He plugged the computer
back in after a moment, waiting to see if it d just sort of turn on. It didn t, so h
e climbed back onto the chair and pondered. Should he check and see if it was ok
? He d better. He pressed the button and waited as the computer started back up. E
verything seemed normal, though Sanji should have probably noted that the PC sou
nded rather quiet.
Until he did anything, everything looked fine. The desktop sat there with only a
couple of new shortcuts installed onto it to tell of what he d done. Feeling prou
d of himself for his quick thinking with computers (maybe he wasn t so bad with th
is high tech stuff after all), he deftly sent the icons to the recycle bin and e
mptied it out. There, Zoro would be none the wiser! Sanji, after that scare and
excitement, actually felt less restless now, and turned to his Economics book ag
ain. Maybe he d get that essay done tonight after all! He opened the word document
and actually started to honestly work on it this time, and his mind forgot the
computer troubles as he puzzled over his essay. Did he notice the slight burning
smell that was in the room? Nope. You d think as a cook he d be very sensitive to i
t, but he didn t often cook plastic, and the smell was foreign to him. It wasn t unt
il Sanji decided to turn to the internet to get some supplementary information f
or his topic did disaster pop up for round two.
The minute he opened the browser, the pop-up tsunami all but knocked him out of
his chair. What oh shit no no Knowing that clicking the mouse was a failed strategy,
Sanji was about to dive under the desk again to go for the cord. Then he realize
d he hadn t saved his essay. Not even once. His jaw dropped as he stared at the sc
reen covered in pop-ups, his precious essay completely swarmed over and gone. He
let out a sigh and was about to pull out the power cord when he stared at the P
C. Weren t there fans going last time am I smelling the PC? No fans running, processo
r overloaded by the pop-ups, it didn t take too much longer for the inevitable to
Congratulations Sanji, you burned out the processor.
Of course, Mr. Prince here didn t know what he d done. But what he did know was that
when he repeated his unplug replug steps this time, hitting the power button di
d nothing more than make a dull electric sound as absolutely nothing happened on
screen. He turned the computer on and off probably twenty times, his emotions r
anging from pleading eventually building up to what he was now. Pissed.
This is why I hate this shit! You don t deal with computers in the kitchen! Of cours
e, he was probably just mad that he d destroyed the computer (which was probably r
eady to go anyway, considering how little he d really done to it). It wasn t like he
was a walking disaster when it came to machines, but once again it was proved t
o him he shouldn t do too much with them. In one last spiteful fit of rage at the
machine, Sanji kicked it. Great idea now it had a giant dent in it, and Sanji s bar
e foot was throbbing. Did he think to leave well enough alone? Did he think that
if he just didn t ruin the hard drive, Zoro might not lose anything on the PC he
needed? No, because Sanji really didn t think through how a computer really worked
all that often. The computer was already broken and dented once and Sanji needed
to get out his anger. He put on his shoes. He made sure that if the computer wa
sn t dead before, it certainly was now.
When Zoro got back to the room after his classes, he was surprised to find Sanji
still in the room. He wasn t sure, but he thought the curlbrow had some late nigh
t cooking class. But the blond was just standing, facing away from the door and
looking out the window, smoking away. Zoro s instincts made him tense. Something w
as wrong. He turned his head quickly, eyes darting to the mangled and crushed re
mains of what had been his PC. His mouth fell open and a silent shout escaped hi
s lips as he dropped his backpack onto the floor. Sanji finally turned his head
so that he could just look at Zoro, face that fake sort of calm that the blond w
ore when he was really hoping for a good fight. Your computer s busted, the blond dr
awled out, his voice just daring Zoro to rise to the bait.
The vein in Zoro s temples throbbed and seemed to pop against the skin of his face
, and three swords were drawn and ready before you could say go.
They d need to buy furniture yet again and add another computer to the shopping lis

Ha, yeah, so there ya go. I ve burned out a processor before, much to my shame. No
w Sanji has as well.
Hope you enjoyed, and that my little take on Sanji was fun for you all. I sort o
f like this set up I wonder if anyone would want to see more and if so what the hec
k sort of pairing would be desired. Reviews are always welcome!

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji and Zoro's Computer
Author of 4 Stories 1. Sanji the TechnoWizard2. No Safety In Numbers3. Cooks a
nd Apples4. Print Screen
Rated: T - English - Humor/General - Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 11-16-09 - P
ublished: 07-08-09 - id:5202086
Author s Note:
Yep, this shall be multi chaptered. Not a lot of chapters but there are more.
Thank you so much for the reviews! It s a great confidence booster.
In regards to my talk about pairings, no need to toss suggestions at me now. Thi
s fic doesn t really need pairings, so if you want any make them up in your head a
s you read along I suppose. Now, please enjoy Sanji s further descent into compute
r hell

The rattling, buzzing and vibrating squawks of the alarm clock pierced through t
he dual snores that battled within the dorm room, declaring itself the most anno
ying sound in the room and winning the title of thing that must be made to shut u
p NOW . Sanji s hand slammed down onto the remnants of the nightstand beside him, a
loud smack ringing out into the air as the alarm continued on. As if propelled b
y a life of its own, his hand continued to shift and thump and thud across the w
ood of the stand, desperately seeking out the tiny electronic that always used t
o be right here. Eventually the hand was forced to give up in its search, sendin
g a message of defeat off to the brain. Sanji snorted and cracked open his eyes,
a haze of disorientation radiating off of him as he wondered why in the world h
e was awake right now. Fragmented dreams of curvaceous goddesses leaked out of h
is head as the sound of the alarm filled it, immediately filling the blond with
an irritated anger that was really not the way he liked to wake up.
Where the hell is it?
His body moved to sit up swiftly, legs flipping over the side of his bed and fee
t coming down with force onto the floor. Or they really should have. Instead the
sound of the alarm was twisted and mangled into pure silence as one foot went s
traight down through the plastic contraption of annoyance. The string of curses
that erupted from Sanji s mouth like so much cigarette smoke could have made even
his old man Zeff blush. Hopping like a wounded chicken on one foot, Sanji pulled
his foot up towards his face, staring at the blood and lodged chunks of plastic
that protruded forth from his skin. He all but radiated murder as he started to
pull the bits of plastic out of his foot, tossing the pieces about the room at
random, no doubt to later come back to poke him in the foot some other day.
As he raged at the bastard and traitorous alarm clock, finding a way to get to h
is cigs and light up while doing so, his head finally returned to the question o
f what the fuck am I doing awake when my class isn t for another 3 hours He blinked,
puffing out some smoke and coming to some sort of sanity again. Oh yeah I needed t
o wake up early to hit the campus PC lab since I didn t get that essay done last ni
ght. Whether it was the remembering of his purpose for the day or the nicotine, S
anji started to calm down, sparing a glance down at his foot again. It wasn t too
bad though maybe he d have to wear sandals today and spare his foot the constraints
of a sock and shoes. He typically disliked sandals, of course, considering they
did nothing to really protect the foot when kicking.
He started to move about the room, the dull sound of Zoro s snores so common that
he didn t pay his roommate any mind at all. He needed to dress for the day, taking
care and precision to look as stylish as possible without, of course, looking s
o stylish that his sexuality could come into question. He wanted to attract the
ladies not become their gay friend . Granted in the movies that somehow meant that la
dies would be more than happy to sit around in their bras and such around him whi
ch would be bliss but he wouldn t get to do anything and therefore was a little sli
ce of hell in its own right. When he was ready and satisfied with his clothing c
hoices, he grabbed up his Econ book again and his messenger bag, stuffing the bo
ok in and turning for the door. He stopped dead and scowled.
Oy shithead, what the hell are you doing? There, sleeping propped against the door
was Zoro. The other was fully dressed for the day, backpack carelessly propped
up next to him. He had the look of someone who d just fallen asleep in what they d b
een wearing the day before, but Sanji remembered what people wore (stupidly enou
gh), and the marimo must have changed clothes at some point after their fight. T
he other man s arms were crossed over his chest, and he seemed every bit the slack
ing sentinel. Sanji sent a quick glance over towards Zoro s bed. Yeah after last ni
ght s fight it should really be replaced, but it was still sleepable. It wasn t as t
hough the marimo was all that picky about where he slept, why the hell did he pi
ck the door for his new napping spot? Zoro s eyes opened slowly, gaze leveling ont
o Sanji immediately. Obviously, there was still quite a bit of animosity left ov
er from last night.
An asshole broke my computer last night. His voice was a low drawl, equal parts bo
red and annoyed with Sanji. The blond scowled and puffed smoke out of his nose.
So? He retorted back at the green haired one, ever the king of witty remarks. Zoro
rose to his feet, looking unconcerned as he hefted his backpack up onto his sho
ulder. He set his jaw and stared at Sanji.
So my paper is gone I gotta type up a new one. Sanji stared at Zoro with a look tha
t clearly said and I should care why? Zoro stared back, expectant yet refusing to p
ut to words what exactly he was getting at. The two glared at each other some mo
re, which was pretty normal, but the wheels in Sanji s head were slowly turning. Z
oro s brow twitched, as if he could see the blond was getting close to figuring it
out. There was another tense moment, before a grin spread right across Sanji s fa
ce, like some sort of devilish imp on a really great acid trip. He can t get to the
lab on his own. Zoro tensed, as if he wanted to grab for his swords. Sanji tappe
d a foot on the floor, as if testing out just how well his feet could take an im
pact in sandals today. The blond s seemingly lazy fighting stance reflected off of
Zoro s poised and aggressive one, both men reading the situation. Don t even think i
t Zoro grumbled out.
Sanji took one more long, slow drag of his cigarette. Honestly? After breaking Z
oro s computer he certainly owed the self-proclaimed swordsman an escort to the co
mputer lab. But hell he didn t have to make it easy on him now did he?
It was like the start of a horse race, the gates snapping open and the mighty be
asts surging out onto the track in a flurry of hoof beats and flying dirt. Sanji
didn t charge Zoro, but rather spun on his heel, flinging open their window and k
icking out the screen before he pitched his body out. Did it matter that they we
re on the second floor? Not at all. Sanji hit the ground with a deft roll, doing
what he could to absorb most of the initial fall onto his non-mangled foot. He
didn t cast a glance over his shoulder until he was already running, seeing that Z
oro had followed him right on out the window, the snarl of a hunting wolf vibrat
ing off of him. Still, Sanji knew even with a hurt foot he was faster than the o
ther, and his longer legs should surely help him outpace the other. He sprinted
towards the quad, ignoring the stares of the few other students out and about an
d up this early.
He was making great time when suddenly the sound of laughter started to hit his
ears, gaining in volume so quickly that Sanji almost thought someone had thrown
a radio with a laugh track playing at him. It was no radio that collided with hi
m and sent him to the ground, however, but the tangled arms and legs of Luffy. T
he campus clown obviously had no idea what was going on or why Sanji was running
, but if it looked like a game of tag then it seemed he was determined to be inv
olved. Sanji swore and started trying to push and kick Luffy off, twitching when
he heard Zoro s voice shouting from far too near.
Luffy! Hold him down! Luffy nodded at the command, that weird laugh of his escapin
g through his teeth as Sanji struggled. He swore the dark haired kid s limbs felt
like rubber sometimes, but Sanji was not to be beat. He fixed his gaze on Luffy
Meat and lots of it if you let me go now and trip Zoro up.
Woo! Luffy was up and off of him and racing to tackle Zoro in a heartbeat, and San
ji dashed off to the sounds of Zoro s angry protests and threats. Sure, Luffy wasn t
honestly going to buy him much time, but the bastard had tried to use Luffy aga
inst him first, so it was only fair right? Right. In the end, however, Sanji and
Zoro ended up at the door to the computer lab only minutes apart, both panting
and sending non-verbal insults at each other between gasps for air. Zoro seemed
to recover faster, and vaguely something in the back of Sanji s mind pointed out t
hat perhaps if he didn t smoke so much he wouldn t be struggling for air. He ignored
that part of his head, and stalked into the computer lab, sliding his school id
through the card reader to gain access. The lab was surprisingly full, and Sanj
i hesitated as he scanned about for an open station. Much to his chagrin, this m
eant that Zoro was able to amble heavily over to the only open spot and plop dow
n, casting a victory smirk over his shoulder at the blond. To make matters worse
, Sanji could swear Zoro mouthed don t break anything at him. Sanji seethed and prom
ised much vengeance to be served later.
His eye darted about, from the clock on the wall to the rows of filled computers
, anxiety over this being a wasted trip making him want to pull for a cig right
now. That no smoking sign could go to hell. Luck seemed to be on his side, however
, as a student rose, pulling up his stuff and vacating a station. Sweet! Sanji hur
ried over, not wanting his seat to get sniped from him. He checked the clock aga
in, noting he only had about an hour and a half to type up his paper. It wasn t go
ing to be anything stunning, but hopefully he could churn out something passable
. It d be better than not turning anything in at all at any rate. He quickly pulle
d out his Econ book and his essay notes from last night and tried to get his fin
gers moving. It was working, too. It might have been the rapidly approaching dea
dline, it might have been that he wasn t sitting at Zoro s computer, but his focus s
eemed spot on this morning. A clear and concise thesis turned into a passable in
tro paragraph, and one paragraph was quickly growing to two, then three, and so
on. It was helpful to have his notes, and citing his sources from the textbook w
asn t being as troubling as it could have been.
All in all if that IM window hadn t popped up, Sanji would have certainly been well
on his way to a passing paper.
The blinking on the taskbar caught his eye immediately, and Sanji snorted. Just c
losing the IM window doesn t close the program even I know that. You didn t want to ac
cidentally leave the wrong sort of chat up on a public computer, or give someone
else access to your IMs for mass spamming. However, as Sanji had things he real
ly needed to get done, namely his essay, he was about to let this slide and let
the guy who d been sitting here before off easy. That was, of course, until he saw
the name on the IM window. IslandBabe777Hot ? Yes, shamefully, the name was enough
to make Sanji pause, not closing the program down yet. He tapped his finger on t
he mouse lightly, not enough for it to actually register as a click, but enough
to make a small thoughtful sound. Well, it couldn t hurt to see what she has to say
it s his fault for leaving it up Yes yes, he knew that on the Internet this could ea
sily just be some dude but hey this wasn t his IM account so whatever right?
R U still there lover?
This got a rise of Sanji s eyebrows, and he looked over his shoulder as if the guy
was on his way back to the PC. But the student seemed to have left for good, an
d Sanji turned back around. To type or not to type? He didn t really care about sc
rewing some guy over, but was it right to deceive a lady like this? He chewed on
the inside of his cheek, and was forced to do the honorable thing. Sorta.
No, he left. This isn t him, he just left his IMs open.
There. Now she could easily back down and exit the conversation. Sanji could the
n get back to his essay and everything would head on back to normalcy (or well,
his version of it anyway). There was no response for quite some time, and Sanji
was about to go ahead and close down the IMs when that telltale flash stopped hi
O Came the typed response, followed a beat later by another. r u a guy?
Sanji scratched at his chin, a sinking feeling in his gut telling him to just cl
ose the program now, while another feeling slightly lower urged him to hurry up
and reply.
Yeah. Well, he was officially side tracked now. The response wasn t delayed this tim
r u cute? There was a little winking emote at the end, and Sanji like the love-idi
ot he was couldn t help but smirk a little for no good reason. He flexed his finge
rs, then typed up his reply.
Cuter than the guy who was sitting here before. He hit enter before he could think
up something appropriately charming and witty to add to the end of that stateme
nt, and was a bit surprised at how fast the next response came.
do u have a pic? He stared at the heart emote at the end of that statement, and fe
lt slightly silly at how happy that made him. Still, when did Sanji ever keep hi
s head when talking to a girl? Never mind that this one wasn t actually confirmed
as such.
Sadly I don t this isn t my computer after all. Trying to think up some way to tempt th
e Internet gods into luring her into sending one of her own pictures, Sanji was
nearly floored when the offer came.
do u want to c me? Again with the winking face, and again Sanji s nethers wanted him
to answer with an emphatic YES I DO want to see. It was a gamble, but the chanc
e to get lucky was always worth following right?
Sure. He sent back, attempting to seem casual. The way he pounced to click the lin
k that popped up, of course, completely betrayed him. Sadly, he was met with a s
creen that seemed to thwart his budding romance. Whatever site this girl was lin
king to, the school s firewalls weren t going to let him get to it. He cursed under
his breath, annoyed beyond words. Not that he wanted to be caught ogling girls i
n the PC lab but still. I can t see it, sadly. Campus firewall blocks it.
o damn Came the reply, then a moment later. hang on, I kno sumthing that will get i
t through .
Danger alarms really should have gone off in Sanji s head. They should have. They
didn t. Another link popped up, followed by some text.
just click that and hit ok. I don t kno y the school blocks that site its ok I promi
se . A promise from a (potentially) lovely lady? That was good enough for the blon
d! He clicked the link and, yes, hit ok when prompted. Something seemed to start r
unning, and Sanji watched, not really knowing what the command window was doing
popping up and such. But whatever was going on was quick, and windows kept openi
ng and closing and dimly Sanji was starting to be glad that it wasn t him logged o
nto this computer, but whoever else had sat down before him. He licked his lips;
hope springing up as a window opened and picture started to load. But it wasn t a
woman that popped up on his screen at all but rather something rather nauseating
with words that should not be strung together anywhere. The image was on screen
for only a moment before it froze Sanji s computer, and he nearly picked up the k
eyboard to smack himself upside the head with it. He was stopped only when he he
ard an outburst from another student in the lab.
What the hell?
The outbursts were popping up through the room, and when the person at the compu
ter next to him made his own exclamation of surprise, Sanji leaned over to see.
There, up on the screen, was the exact same image as Sanji had on his. The fuck? H
e muttered, standing up swiftly to see that one by one all the computers in the
lab were slowly falling prey to this attack. He wasn t the only one on his feet, w
hich helped of course, as he was suddenly very much aware that this was his faul
t. It wasn t that he was afraid of the other students in the lab, who were all rap
idly becoming enraged and upset with the situation. It was mostly that, well he d
idn t need the school finding out it was him who d let something into the network. S
o he tried to act as confused and outraged as everyone else in the room, only fa
ltering in his act when he suddenly got dragged into the gaze of one very angry,
very irate, and very murderous looking marimo. Sanji tensed, and that was all t
he proof that Zoro needed to know that for the second time, Sanji s idiocy with co
mputers (and women) were screwing him over.
Don t say anything don t say anything. How would Sanji live this down if Zoro ratted hi
m out? But his roommate just seemed to sigh in frustration, before grabbing his
things and stalking out of the lab without a word. Sanji watched him tensely, te
mped to race after him yet he knew he didn t really need to. For everything he coul
d ever accuse Zoro of there was some weird code of manly honor that the muscle he
ad followed. Others might rat Sanji out, but Zoro never would. No Zoro would just
settle things up later, in his own way. In a way he thought was fair. The schoo
l lab tech made it in, and delivered the bad news that everyone was probably goi
ng to lose whatever they d just been working on. Sanji groaned and slouched his wa
y out of the lab, lighting up a cig and slowly making the death march towards hi
s Econ class. All told, not getting the essay done was the least of his defeats
in the past two days but all the same at least getting that done would have made
things a bit easier to swallow.
Smoke trailed along behind him as he walked, his eyes promising death to any mal
e who tried to approach him, and even his swooning seemed to be a little bit les
s enthusiastic. He was nearly at the Econ class when he saw her his lovely Intern
et porn goddess (unconfirmed). She saw him and waved, and with a smile that seem
ed just a little bit guilty he waved then swiftly swiveled in direction. He felt
like a cad doing it but he just couldn t face her with that thought that she of all
people was doing that sort of thing. Just as he d feared, now he was feeling awkwa
rd around her, and the worst part was he hadn t even watched the video. He felt ch
eated in a way, yet tried to hide it under chivalry and the notion that he d done
the right thing by not looking. Never mind the fact that he d been on the site at
all of course. All told, it started to become clear to him.
I ve got to swear off Internet women.

How do you top breaking one computer? Break many of course! Somehow I feel Sanji
should have been smart enough to avoid this yet at the same time I feel no remor
se for forcing this situation upon him. I blame one of those airline commercials
that played a while ago essentially similar idea of ruining a network, though it
was email and not IMs.
More chapters to come, yes, there s a tiny story running through this all. Until l
ater! Reviews are always welcome.

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji and Zoro's Computer
Author of 4 Stories 1. Sanji the TechnoWizard2. No Safety In Numbers3. Cooks a
nd Apples4. Print Screen
Rated: T - English - Humor/General - Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 11-16-09 - P
ublished: 07-08-09 - id:5202086
Author s Note:
Wow so normally I reply to all the reviews I get personally and I totally failed a
t that this time. Sorry! Reviews are ALWAYS always loved. Never forget that! Ha.
Oh, and as was asked, yes, some of the rest of the crew will be seen a little m
ore. More Zoro and Nami this chapter and Usopp in the next. Luffy always has the
chance of showing up I just never seem to know
Forward and onward Sanji!
Disclaimer: I have nothing against Macs! I use them occasionally; I have no issu
es with them.

It was as if there was a mini cloud of doom resting right on Sanji s shoulders, ra
ining down mocking droplets onto his head that rested lamely on the desk. He was
hunched over, contemplating his Econ grades and wondering just how badly not tu
rning this essay in was going to screw him over. Why had he even bothered to dra
g his sorry behind to class anyway? That computer lab incident seemed like a pre
tty good sign to him that nothing even remotely good could happen today. Fate wa
s against him, and if he d ditched class then he could have at least suffered thro
ugh the situation with a smoke, rather than in class without one. Stupid shitty a
sshole professor he d just get me on attendance drop my grade further. Sanji would ha
ve loved to kick the professor and his obsessively rigid policies through the wa
Gloom still hanging over him, he didn t even notice when his lovely Nami walked in
to class. He didn t want to look up. If he looked up he d just see Essay due TODAY scr
awled up on the whiteboard, and he figured it d be a bad thing if it happened to p
iss him off so much he kicked through it. Shitty unreliable computers why can t we j
ust hand write our stuff. Long live pens and paper right? Right? The clock was tic
king towards the start of class, and Sanji idly hoped the professor wouldn t show
up. The jerk was always walking in right as the bell rang though. It was annoyin
g. Continuing to grumble away in his head, and occasionally hitting upon thought
s that somehow made this all his roommate s fault, Sanji flinched when a hand slap
ped down onto his desk right in front of his face. He shot up to yell at whateve
r asshole had done this, but immediately turned into a heart filled ooze when he
realized whom it was.
Nami? He almost jumped up out of his chair in an attempt to do do something for her.
She d needed to hit his desk to get his attention! How could he be so stupid as t
o allow her to harm that delicately lovely little hand of hers? He reached for i
t, so that he could kiss away the pain and make it all better, when suddenly a s
tapled set of papers was forced into his grip instead. He blinked, his mind fail
ing to make any sense of the situation. He heard the gorgeous Nami sigh and open
ed his mouth to speak. Apparently, she thought better of letting him do so.
You dropped this outside of the classroom, Sanji Oh how Sanji loved it when Nami sp
oke like that. No one but the redhead could purr out a threat as well as she cou
ld! He was about to start praising her on it, or perhaps something equally idiot
ic was about to tumble out of his mouth, but it was cut off when Nami suddenly l
eaned very very close to him. His world went white and his body ceased to be an
object he was capable of controlling. Her breath came right by his ear, and it w
as amazing he didn t immediately collapse into a fit of love struck boneless convu
lsions. Fifty dollars after class, she whispered oh so lovingly into his ear, and
Sanji s heart melted into eternal happiness at the consideration his goddess had g
iven him. There in his hands was a perfectly good essay, his name on the cover s
heet just like he normally did it.
- - - - -
Peeling an orange in the quad after class, Sanji watched in absolute and utter a
doration as Nami s wonderfully graceful and dexterous fingers counted money out of
his wallet. They were the fingers of a princess a queen! They slipped through th
e paper money as if they were dancing along. It made him swoon. Yeah, you be the
guy who told Sanji men didn t swoon, just see what happened to you. Ever so caref
ully making sure to get all the white of the peel off of the wedge of orange, he
reached out with devotion in an attempt to feed it to the lovely redheaded godd
ess sitting right before him. The teeth that nearly caught the orange and his han
d were certainly not Nami s however. There was the sound of teeth clacking shut ove
r nothing, followed by an indignant whine.
Hey Sanji! I was gonna eat that!
No kidding you asshole this isn t for you! Sanji held the orange wedge, as well as th
e rest of the orange, protectively to his chest. In front of him as if by magic,
the boy with the silly straw hat was dusting off his knees. Luffy eyed the oran
ge as if he would lunge headfirst for it anyway, and very well may have if it ha
dn t been fruit. Sanji glared daggers at the other, who only stared back blankly.
Sanji cast a glance to his Nami when Luffy didn t seem about to try and eat his ar
m off trying to get to the oranges.
I m so sorry that this brute came between you and your snack, he crooned, and Nami w
aved her hand dismissively. It wasn t as if she would ever let Sanji hand feed her
, she d had no intention of that in the least. Instead she pulled out a couple of
bills from Sanji s wallet, and handed them over to Luffy.
Luffy? Here. Go to the cafeteria and buy yourself some lunch.
Woo! Thanks Nami! The campus clown grabbed up the money and was off in an instant,
whooping and hollering before getting side tracked and dashing somewhere else f
or some new mischief. Some small part of Sanji s head registered that Nami had jus
t given Luffy some of his money to buy lunch with but of course it must have been
on accident! Or she had known he d give Luffy money anyway or maybe he d done somethin
g that she d taken as a gesture to give Luffy money. Or she wants to be alone with
me that much! The wellspring of deluded hope flowed forth eternally, and Sanji ne
arly collapsed to the ground at the quick thinking and consideration of his godd
That s Nami always so smart knowing just what to do
Nami seemed like her patience for Sanji s romantic idiocy was wearing thin, and sh
e passed his wallet back to him. So Sanji what happened it s not like you to not have
an essay
The haze of hormones and hearts seemed to lift away for now, and Sanji sighed. My
laptop s still broken and Zoro s PC broke last night He didn t go into the details, of
ourse, considering details of both incidents would only shame him in front of th
is goddess. Nami gave a shake of her head.
And then you went and ruined the campus PC lab
Sanji went white as a ghost, ready to die on the spot. Even his precious Nami ha
d found out that he d been behind the computer incident of this morning? Did the e
ntire school already know? Sanji wanted to dig a hole into the ground and never
emerge. Nami (who d only been joking in what she d said and was now trying very hard
not to laugh at the truth of it all) waved her hands in a placating manner in f
ront of Sanji. He looked so embarrassed and mortified even she could have a heart
sometimes. She had just made fifty bucks off of him and all; she might as well
give him a little after service as well.
You should probably go get a new laptop soon Sanji I m sure we ll have more papers to
write soon and the midterms of course
You re right of course you re so wonderful when you re being so sensible
Nami fought back a twitch in her eye, and continued. You know I could go with you,
if you like. Help you pick out a new laptop? Yes, she could sense pretty well th
at Sanji couldn t possibly be very computer literate. But that wasn t entirely the p
oint. This wasn t just a charity mission. If she went shopping with Sanji, well, t
here was always the possibility of getting something for herself now wasn t there?
Sanji had already jumped to take a knee before her, grabbing up her hand and pr
essing it to his chest in a dramatically stupid gesture.
You would go with me Nami? My heart bursts with joy at your
I m goin too.
The sound of that voice crushed absolutely all joy out of Sanji, who turned and
bristled at Zoro like a cat whose tail had just been stomped on.
No one invited you! He snarled, though Zoro merely pressed a finger to his ear, tr
ying to block out some of the annoying noise coming out of the cook. Now Zoro wa
s not the sort who would blackmail Sanji into giving him a ride to the store to
pick up a new computer. However, Sanji was the sort of person who, when faced wi
th that silent deadpan gaze of Zoro s would start inventing points of contention b
etween them. So the blonde s mind only too easily took this as a threat, and he br
istled inwardly. But fine you should thank me and the dazzling Nami for allowing y
ou to come with us! He swiveled to Nami again, apology written all over his face.
I m so sorry that this brute shall be coming with us
Nami eyed Zoro, and the green haired student eyed her right back. It s no problem a
t all Sanji, she said with a grin. Still, something in her voice seemed to clearl
y say so long as he doesn t get in my way . Zoro seemed to pick up on it and gave a s
mall grunt of I ll do what I want ; Sanji was deaf to it of course.
- - - - -
The three took Sanji s car to their local everything electronic you could possibly
want store, which was maybe four or five miles away from campus by the highway. T
he trio might have exited the car together, and entered the store together, but
they very swiftly broke apart and ambled away from each other. Nami promised she d
be right there to help Sanji pick out a laptop, but wanted to go browse for a f
ew things first. Zoro, ever the shop-a-holic of course made a beeline for the de
sktop computers, grabbing the first box he came to, only giving it enough of a g
lance over to know that it was indeed a computer. He was ready to go within two
minutes. Sanji on the other hand wandered a bit aimlessly through the rows of la
ptops on display. He sort of wanted to pick one out before Nami got there, just
so he could prove to her that he was perfectly capable with electronics. But all
of the laptops, save for size and price, seemed the same to him.
Reaching up to sort of test out some of the display models that were on, Sanji n
oticed that one of the screens was dark. Was it not on? He swished his finger ag
ainst the touchpad, tapped a few keys, and noticed it didn t respond. He looked fo
r a power button or something, but didn t see one on the front. Without really thi
nking he moved to spin the laptop around, look for a switch on the back. There w
as a very plastic sounding snap as he did so, and the laptop slid forward off th
e slanted display shelf at him. Sanji fumbled and shoved it back up, narrowly st
opping it from falling to the floor. His eyes shot about in guilt, looking to se
e if anyone had witnessed that. He saw that shitty marimo staring at him. There
was a rather smug smile on his face and Sanji bristled until he heard a small cra
ck. His eyes shot back to the laptop that now had a slightly cracked screen. San
ji gulped and loosened his grip, propped the laptop up as well as he could, and
started to move away from the scene of the crime.
Zoro strolled over, PC box under one arm. Hurry up and grab one so we can go, he d
rawled out. For once, Sanji sorta grudgingly had to agree that just grabbing one
and leaving sounded really good. He cast a glance at the laptops, deciding he d p
ick the first one he saw that was cheap and had a full sized keyboard. He didn t w
ant to be here shopping with this idiot. His hand was reaching for a box when hi
s arm was touched by an angel.
Sanji? What are you doing over here? Come with me and look at the Macs! I think i
t d suit you much better! Dragging the now boneless blond along by the arm, Nami gu
ided him towards the Apple section of the store, a very harassed looking Zoro fo
llowing the trail of hearts left behind. Was it too much for Zoro to ask for any
thing involving the wanna be cook to go smoothly? He yawned and cast a glance to
wards a random wall of the store, longing for a nap. But knowing the bastard he d
just get left behind. Nami was already showing off some of the new MacBooks to t
he blond, and Sanji had that painful look of someone trying to pretend they knew
what was being talked about. He laughed and agreed with Nami here and there, of
course, but when Zoro noticed just what it was Nami was trying to urge into the
cook s hands that scowl on his face went a bit deeper.
MacBook Air? You don t need that, Zoro said flatly, butting into the conversation. N
o, Zoro was no computer guru, but that laptop seemed to be very new and loaded w
ith power the technology addled cook surely didn t need. It looked thin and flimsy
too nothing thin and flimsy lasted long in their dorm room. Besides it was expens
ive. On the whole, Zoro saw it as a waste of money.
Sanji bristled, of course, at being told what he did and didn t need by Zoro. It d
idn t matter that he was internally sweating bullets trying to figure out how he c
ould budget this purchase that Nami so very much seemed like she wanted him to g
et. Buying this Mac would hurt his wallet quite a bit. If only his Nami would th
ink better of the notion and slide on over to get something a little more reason
able? The redhead eyed Zoro, however, as if he were challenging her for control
of the blonde s wallet. Hey, if she could get him to buy this, then she could get
him to buy her anything, right? She placed her hands on her hips.
Just because Zoro can t understand quality, doesn t mean we don t, isn t that right Sanji
That s right Nami! Sanji crooned out on cue. Zoro rolled his eyes, though he didn t ta
ke his gaze off of Nami for too long. Now in truth, Zoro didn t really care if the
blond ran out of cash or whatever. He also didn t think he should have to clean u
p for his idiotic ways. However, what he was getting from Nami here was a clear
challenge and Zoro backed down from no challenge. He crossed his arms and tried a
different tactic time to insult the pride.
Hmph, maybe you should get it I hear Macs are good for people who can t figure out c
omputers. Ya know, idiot proof and all that. The cook twitched, and so did Nami.
Zoro shrugged. Good call after all Nami.
Nami needed to do something quickly before the blond (accurately) assumed that N
ami thought he was too terrible with computers to handle another PC. That s just PC
elitism, Nami snapped out, petting Sanji s arm. Anyone who knows anything doesn t buy
into that! Besides, Sanji s so sophisticated and when he starts his own restaurant
he ll want a Mac for design for his menus and such right Sanji? She fluttered her ey
es and smiled at him, and Zoro wondered how someone could stroke an ego that muc
h and not feel dirty. The blond was eating out of her hand, though, and the triu
mphant look she cast Zoro showed she knew it. Did Zoro really need to stoop to t
his next tactic? Even he thought it was a low blow. But he couldn t just back down
Sophisticated right. Hey Sanji, you know who I saw carrying one of those flimsy th
ings about? He saw Nami tighten her grip on Sanji s arm, but she couldn t stop the wo
rds Zoro was about to say. Your pal Bentham I bet you can get matching sets Sanji s ja
w dropped open at the mention of Bentham, or as he preferred to be called Bon Kur
ei . Zoro knew for certain that Sanji would not want any sort of association with
that particular individual. The blonde s mouth started moving, and Zoro could see
the protest finally forming on Sanji s lips. But that s when the witch pulled out th
e dirtiest card she had. Turning to ever so accidentally brush her front side ag
ainst Sanji s arm, her words dripped with the honey of deception.
I think men who buy Macs are sexy. Sanji didn t even miss a beat, throwing his arms
up into the air.
I m getting the MacBook! It suits me perfectly!
Nami grinned wide at Zoro, who scowled back in defeat. Idiot, he muttered, and San
ji all but seemed to spit fire at him.
Oy asshole, you can walk home!
Fine, Zoro snapped, and headed off for the registers to pay on his own. Sanji pick
ed up the box for his shiny new notebook, and Nami smiled at him coyly. Time to
get a present for herself, right?
Hey Sanji mind if we go look at the iPod Touch? I think they re just so cute but I ha
ven t been able to afford getting one yet
Of course my love! Sanji cooed out, while in his pocket his wallet began to silent
ly weep.

End notes:
Yes yes yes I stole from the Groggy ring situation there I admit to it. That part
made me laugh so much that Zoro would even attempt such psychology with Sanji.
Anyhow two more chapters of this I think. Until later!

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji and Zoro's Computer
Author of 4 Stories 1. Sanji the TechnoWizard2. No Safety In Numbers3. Cooks a
nd Apples4. Print Screen
Rated: T - English - Humor/General - Sanji - Reviews: 12 - Updated: 11-16-09 - P
ublished: 07-08-09 - id:5202086
Author s Note:
Continuing? Yes. Proceeding with this story after completely forgetting where I
was even going with this in the first place? Of course!
So yes, I can t honestly say how many more chapters of this there will be any more
or if there will be more. I suppose, open ended as this feels, I ll simply keep r
unning with it until I run out of techno-disasters for Sanji to run into (or unt
il a plot completely runs away with this setting and turns this story into somet
hing else entirely). For anyone who really likes this story and wants me to keep
running on it do let me know. My inspiration is running dry (for this story at a
ny rate).
Thanks for the reviews! They stopped me from forgetting about this. I always lov
e comments. They keep my mind plotting.

The smell of cigarette smoke lingered about the dorm, the telltale sign that San
ji was at home. After two straight days of failing to get used to his new Mac, t
he cook had reached his limit. There was just no way he d be returning his purchas
e and exchanging it for the safely familiar PC laptops he was used to. It simply
wasn t an option. The lovely radiant and wonderful Nami had assisted him in this
selection, and if it was gone so soon then it might seem as if he were saying sh
e had no taste. Or something inanely stupid like that, Sanji s mind was doing a wo
nderful job getting insulted for her. Never mind that in reality, it was highly
unlikely the redhead would care at all, should she actually notice. Still, if he d
struggled with computers before, now it was only worse as old habits and knowle
dge constantly trickled out, making him confused over the smallest of difference
s. Hitting Apple C instead of Control C to copy something, for instance, honestly sh
ouldn t have thrown him for such a loop but his tight fuse with these mechanical my
steries sent him into fits all too often of late.
Thus, after a couple of days of thinking his new notebook would make a very wond
erful Frisbee or maybe even a funky serving platter, Sanji had taken action. He d
sought out Usopp, the one buddy he knew who was a computer genius (granted it di
dn t take much to be a computer genius in Sanji s eyes), and asked him what in the w
orld he could do. Perhaps the handiest thing about going to Usopp for a problem
was that despite your having to put up with a certain amount of bragging and sha
melessly glorifying story telling, he didn t tend to charge you for it. Well, he m
ight act like he was going to charge you, but if you gave him a stern (aka viole
nt) look he stopped kidding around and told you he could never take your money.
Such a kidder that guy!
Usopp had let him know that short of exchanging the notebook or simply learning
to use it and getting used to the negligible differences, there was the option o
f installing a program so he could run Windows on it. There were a few different
ones out there sold commercially or as Usopp had so shrewdly guessed Sanji might
prefer, there were versions that could be installed that were shockingly free o
f charge but shouldn t be bragged about having. Sanji stared at him blankly, stati
ng he d never brag about any computer program anyway. Usopp tried a few other subt
le and tactful ways of hinting that Sanji was getting cracked software, but the
cook s annoyance just continued to grow, and for safety s sake, Usopp laid it out as
bluntly as possible. Pirated software, don t go taking it in to commercial stores
for repairs and whatnot.
Oh, why would I do that when I have you? Sanji had muttered, as if it was only nat
ural that Usopp should come to his aid for all his computer related misfortunes.
Usopp was silenced for a moment by what must have seemed to him like an ignoran
t deadpan.
Haha yeah what was I thinking There was something a bit cheeky in Usopp s tone, but an
aggravated yet questioning glance from Sanji simply had the long nosed student s
wiftly turning back to monitor the progress of the install. Sanji let out a snor
t of smoke, shrugging it off and trying to return to his calm smoking routine by
the window. When the sound of dried noodles hitting the ground reached his ears
for possibly the thirteenth time so far that night, his temper exploded.
LUFFY KNOCK IT OFF! A foot lashed out viciously, connecting with the straw hat wea
ring student and sending him rolling towards the door. Luffy simply laughed away
despite the head trauma, perhaps hinting that there simply was nothing worth hi
tting in his head after all. Sanji stormed away from the window, trying to snatc
h up the Styrofoam cups of instant noodles that were lying about, all with their
paper lids torn back. Damn it, I need these to last me for the rest of the month
! Instant noodles: rations of starving college students everywhere. With as much
as Sanji d been spending on dorm furniture and electronics (and an essay) of late h
e was quite frankly tapped. He could get a few meals out of the leftovers from h
is cooking classes, but he didn t have those everyday and thus desperate times call
ed for desperate measures. To think that he Sanji would be eating instant cup soup
. It certainly didn't jive with the image he projected to the ladies. In all hon
esty the blond knew the value of food, no matter the quality, and that eating wa
s something you should never be too stubbornly picky about having the opportunit
y to do. To the ladies and the rest of the world, however, he preferred to appea
r the gourmet.
What made it worse however was the fact that Luffy was in here, systematically o
pening package after package and picking out all the bits of dehydrated meat and
popping them into his mouth. Sanji was seeing red and snorting smoke like a bul
l. Was it just a coincidence that Luffy happened to wear red tops so often? Righ
ting himself, Luffy crossed his legs in front of him as he made himself comforta
ble on the floor once more, back propped against the dorm door. His face melted
from laughter into a pout as he stared up at the blond hoarding away all the noo
dles. But Sanji, you owe me meat! I tackled Zoro for you you owe me!
The blond fumed, cursing that Luffy would remember such a thing. He thought he h
eard a snicker out of Usopp, but when he jerked his head around to check he saw
only the back of the computer wizard s head, although he did notice that the other s
knees were shaking in his seat. Sanji leveled his eye back at Luffy. I remember,
but wait until I have money again, alright? Then I ll actually cook you some meat
something much better than these brown bits of whatever they are. Sanji didn t honest
ly believe anything inside the instant soup cups could be considered actual food
The blond and the raven-haired youth stared each other down, Sanji feeling like
he was on the losing end of the battle much to his chagrin. Luffy knit his brows
, mouth twisting further down into a serious frown. Should a mouth be able to tu
rn down quite like that? Behind him, Sanji thought he heard Usopp shake just a l
ittle bit more. Sanji swallowed, feeling strangely overwhelmed by Luffy (which o
f course he d never admit). This tense atmosphere had developed, just over some me
The door slammed open, sending Luffy scrambling away just in time to avoid being
knocked all the way across the room. The tense atmosphere didn t shatter though.
It only became worse as a thick and murderous aura washed into the room and bath
ed all of the inhabitants along with the strange smell of dirt and car exhaust.
Sanji was also somewhat certain he could smell fish though not any in particular
he could name (and it certainly wasn t fresh). Usopp, who d become a living waterfal
l of sweat, seemed to go white and freeze. Luffy, safely on the abandoned window
sill, stared blankly for a moment before breaking into a wide grin. Sanji took i
n a slow long drag of his cig and leveled his gaze at the one who d entered.
How the fuck did you get covered in sand where the hell have you been the past two
days you shitty marimo? His voice was a low and taunting drawl; of course there
was no concern in there. Just because he hadn t seen Zoro since they d split up at t
he electronics store didn t mean there d been any reason to worry. Just because Zoro
looked like a hobo carrying his new PC in a box under his arm it didn t mean the g
uy d had a rough time the past couple of days. Roommates could go missing for a co
uple of days. That was normal enough, right? Still, Zoro didn t move right away, j
ust standing there, box under one arm, other hand still on the door he d slammed o
pen. His eyes were fixed on Sanji, daring the bastard to say just one thing more
to piss him off. Sanji feigned indifference, looking away. Zoro lumbered the re
st of the way into the room.
Sanji almost piped up, almost quipped that the idiot had forgotten to shut the d
oor, but that violent aura his roommate had answered well enough for him. You clo
se the fucking thing , the aura seemed to say. Sanji wondered if you could kick an
aura s ass as he moved and shut it on his own, watching as the marimo slowly and
plainly removed his computer from the box and started to set it up. No one said
anything until Zoro s new computer was on and ready, the green haired wonder openi
ng up an internet browser and a word document.
So Zoro, where were ya? Of course it d be Luffy who asked. Sanji turned to glare at
him, not wanting to have to listen to one of the normally taciturn Zoro s backward
s insults. Seeing Luffy had broken into yet another one of his noodle cups, howe
ver, the blond became too preoccupied to stop his roomie from answering.
"Out," Zoro muttered bluntly, and Sanji's lip quirked up while trying to drag aw
ay his emergency 'food' rations from Luffy's clutches. His lips parted, somethin
g just about to roll off of Sanji s tongue, when murderous eyes were cast back at
him. Zoro was not, to say the very least, in a good mood. You didn t survive in th
e same dorm room as the Marimo without being able to tell the subtle difference
between his I m going to kick the shit out of you if you say what you re thinking gaze
and his I m going to kill you if you say what you re thinking gaze. It was a subtle d
ifference, but Sanji knew it. He could see it.
He also didn t seem to have much of a survival instinct, apparently. Or he had a t
erribly inflated ego when it came to his own fighting ability. Whatever the case
, Sanji opened his mouth and Zoro was off his chair in seconds flat. In all fair
ness, Sanji probably could have simply opened his mouth to yawn and get that rea
ction from Zoro, the green haired man furious at the blond for ditching him like
that. In all fairness to Zoro again though, even if Sanji had only opened his m
outh to yawn, there probably would have been a silent snide remark lurking in th
ere anyway.
The two bodies collided, and there was an excited whoop and holler from Luffy. O
ut of Usopp you heard a very worried oy oy oy I m in here! . The sounds of chaos bega
n to break out in the room, two bodies scuffling about for space and leverage, o
ne hopping about and generally getting in the way, and one skittering about and
pleading for his life. When the swords came flashing out, cutting through a newl
y purchased floor lamp like it d been made of paper, the only sensible one in the
room could feel his life was clearly in peril. He reached for anything, anything
at all.
S-s-s-s-s-s-sanji! Y-your notebook! Careful or you ll break it! Usopp held the flims
y looking thing high over his head, the program still installing on it anyhow. H
e held it up like some sort of prized treasure in a video game, trying to get th
e cook to notice it. He did think he maybe saw Sanji s eyes dart his way. This was
a bad thing for Sanji, who nearly got the rare opportunity to look at the inside
of his own stomach, incision courtesy of Dr. Roronoa. The blond fell back just
in time to save his skin (and his life, but hell if Sanji would concede that to
Zoro), hitting into his dresser drawers and cursing loudly from the impact. A pl
eased feral grin was plastered on Zoro s face, and the green haired man wasn t plann
ing on relenting. Oh he knew, he knew just how much he could cut up his roommate
without getting into trouble. No way would he stop until then, the blond needed
to learn who was boss in this room again.
Oy shithead, if you break the Mac that the lovely Nami picked out for me you re dea
d! The blond bellowed, his focus narrowing in on Zoro properly again. If the wann
abe swordsman thought he d be beating Sanji in here, he was certainly crazy. The b
lond dodged as three swords swept at him, singing with the want for blood. There
wasn t much room in their dorm, and though Sanji flipped back onto his hands, the
re was no true space to launch into a spinning kick. Instead he had to settle fo
r a more direct and linear downward kick, the force enough to put quite the nice
little dent in the floor. It missed Zoro, though, and the blond was quick to re
gain his footing. Swords flashed out again and met with shoe, the force of the t
wo blows colliding seeming to send out a wave of pressure through the room.
Luffy cheered, and Usopp yelped in distress as he stumbled back against the wall
. Sanji didn t take his eyes off Zoro, the fight growing far too intense to slip l
ike that, but his voice carried his glare at Usopp all the same. Don t you fucking
DARE break that laptop! Be careful with it!
I m trying but if you two would just-
If it breaks you re next!
Usopp let out a squeak, and then decided on the only sensible thing to do. If gu
arding the laptop now equated to guarding his own life, then Usopp sure as hell
wasn t staying in this room. No way no how! But getting out and past the two clash
ing in the center would be a problem. He needed help. L-luffy! Lunch for a week i
f you get me out of the room!
Much later, Usopp would take the time to reflect on the importance of clearly st
ating a request to Luffy, would contemplate the value of words and phrases like s
afely and carefully and don t throw me out the window . For now, as the long-nose sat u
from where his body had made an indent into the dirt and grass beneath Sanji an
d Zoro s dorm room, he could really only think about how he was thanking his lucky
stars that he d managed to hold onto the laptop and keep the stupid thing safe. U
sopp s body sang out at him in pain, the lyrics along the lines of a broken rib an
d severed vertebrae. The song was obviously overdramatic, but what in Usopp s life
wasn t? The college student did manage to get up, and as he checked on the status
of the install, he let out a long sigh of relief. It was a success. It was done
. He could almost escape this nightmare.
Above him he could hear furniture breaking and the sound of three bodies locked
in combat. Here and there he heard curses, taunts, insults, and irate complaints
about someone being involved in the fight for no good reason. Usopp sighed, won
dering just how in the world he d come to have such a circle of friends. It was a
mystery to him, that was for sure.
Safely down here, out of the fight and free from the oppressive glare of the fut
ure cook, Usopp reflected on how it was surely unfair to have to do a favor for
Sanji in war conditions all for free. Yeah sure, this was illegal software he was
giving Sanji, and installing it wasn t rocket science, but it was the time and th
e expectations and the notebook protection fee that Usopp thought he should be ge
tting compensated here. He glanced up at the window. He glanced down at the now
Windows operating notebook.
Sanji could take a joke, right? If only Usopp s I-will-not-play-pranks-that-will-le
ad-to-my-death Disease had been acting up. If only.
Later that night, when Zoro had gone to sleep on the still functional remains of
his bed, and Luffy had left with the rest of Sanji s food for the month, the cook
found his notebook waiting for him outside the dorm, safely outside the door. I
t was safe and whole and Usopp had left a note on it. It wasn t a long note, simpl
y stating that the install was complete as well as outlining a few other things
the blond should keep in mind. Sanji had smiled, feeling that at least something
had gone right that night. As he nursed a rather nasty cut on his hip, he puffe
d out vengeful balls of smoke in the marimo s direction. In his sleep, Zoro looked
entirely too pleased with himself, and the air of victory that he held to pisse
d Sanji off to no end. Not that the blond was acknowledging anything here. They d
tied so far as he was concerned. A draw. Fuck, no, the swordsman had lost and th
at was that. Yeah.
Curling up in a sleeping bag, possibly the smartest purchase the blond had ever
made, Sanji decided he d get to work on his school papers in the morning. He was d
amn tired.
- - -
- - -
Ok everything looks good that Usopp sure knows what he s doin with these things that s
or sure Sanji s voice was low, a mutter made around his cig as he relaxed out in the
quad. His room was rather uncomfortable at the moment, what with the broken fur
niture and moody roommate, and thus Sanji had decided to come out here to get so
me work done. He could smoke freely outside here as well, which was always nice.
No one could stop him from smoking at the dorm, yes, but it was nice not to hav
e any mental bitching tossed his way.
The computer had booted up precisely as expected, and Sanji stared at the screen
once it was done loading. Familiar icons greeted him, and hey, Usopp had even s
et up a background picture that Sanji didn t immediately hate. He swished his fing
er along the touchpad, watching the mouse icon move and follow his motions. The
blond grinned and nodded his head. Maybe he d cook something nice for Usopp later
as a thank you. Unlike some people Sanji could name, he wasn t an ungrateful basta
rd. Tapping his finger over the icon for Word, Sanji waited for the notebook to
load up the program. Absolutely nothing happened. Sanji frowned and tried to dou
ble tap again. The icon didn t even highlight. Scowling, the blond used the button
s under the touchpad, tried to click the word processing icon again. Yet again t
he notebook seemed to ignore him.
The fuck? Shit, did Usopp mess up?
Grinding the cig in his teeth just slightly, Sanji tried using the start menu, f
iguring he could open the word processor that way and bug Usopp about why the ic
ons weren t working later. The start menu seemed to be against him as well. Fucking
piece of shit! Sanji roared, getting quite a few panicked stares from those arou
nd him. Suddenly, the quad was a lot less occupied than it d been only moments bef
ore. Smoke billowed from Sanji s nose and mouth dangerously, his eyes staring murd
er and death and oaths to eat the notebooks electronic children in a stew. He wa
nted to throw the stupid thing on the ground and stomp on it. Instead he took in
deep long drags, filling his lungs with filth and nicotine in an attempt to cal
m his temper. Keep it cool you don t want to break the notebook Nami picked out, rig
ht? Right? Think of how sad the goddess would be if she found out. This seemed to
sober him up enough to cause the chef in training to fish into his pocket for t
he note Usopp had left with the notebook that night. Aside from a pack of cigs,
his lighter, and his sadly emaciated wallet, there was nothing else. The note wa
s, most likely, in another pair of pants.
Fuck. Sanji took the last drag of his cig and ground it out under his heel, chewin
g on his lip and furrowing that curly brow of his as he attempted to remember wh
at the hell to do here. How could you access a program, or the start menu of Win
dows, if the icons on the screen weren t working, and the Start menu on the bottom
left was ignoring your mouse as well? Wasn t there a button you could hit a button a
nd what was the Windows key! That s it! Sanji wanted to shake his own hand for rememb
ering it! Overjoyed at this mental victory over his technological curse, Sanji s v
ision shot down to stare at the keyboard. He looked for the key with the Windows
logo on it. He stared and stared and stared. Where was it? No matter how hard he l
ooked, however, he just couldn t ever seem to find the Windows key on his shiny ne
w Mac Notebook. Imagine that.
Sanji s vision went a sort of funny shade of orange, and when the haze cleared he
felt deathly calm. He took in a deep breath. He stared up at the blue of the sky
. He listened to the song of a bird, somewhere off in the distance. He stretched
out his arms and took in another long slow lungful of good clean air. The world
had never ever seemed so very sharp and clear and focused before. His lips curl
ed into a smile. He collected the smoking pieces of his notebook. Yes, it was ti
me to go and say thank you properly.
- - -
- - -
Had he not been (rightfully) fearing for his life, Usopp would have been laughin
g his ass off. As it was, Luffy was doing enough laughing for the both of them.
Rather, Luffy was laughing enough for all three of them. As the blond held Usopp
by the collar of his shirt up against the wall, there was a decided lack of mir
th to the man. Words of absolute utter incredulous anger spilled from Sanji s tong
ue, venomous and rage filled enough to make the foulest demon blush. While Usopp
was really rather used to hearing such out of the blond, it was another thing e
ntirely to hear them directed at him over something he d done. Hey, Usopp was a yo
ung adult male in college. It was only natural that he play a prank or two, make
a bad decision or two. Right?
I m r-r-r-really sorry Sanji! It was a joke a joke! Honest! I left you that n-n-n-no
don t kill me! The long-nosed one flinched and shuddered when Sanji s foot had begun
to move from the ground. The note! The note! I left it so you d have the work arou
nd! So that you d be ok until you brought the notebook to me! It was just a joke a
It wasn t fucking funny! How was I supposed to-
Hahahaha Luffy s voice seemed to drown out Sanji s outrage, the campus clown nearly una
ble to breath. Wiping at his eye, the black haired kid looked Sanji dead in the
eye. Usopp did that to my computer. Hid all my icons and toolbar and junk. Took m
e a minute to figure out what he d done haha Luffy lapsed back into laughter. Usopp n
ervously tried to join in and Sanji Sanji went absolutely still. Luffy Luffy had fi
gured it out? Luffy had been smart enough not to flip out and think his computer
was broken? Luffy Luffy had puzzled out a trick that Sanji had not
His fingers went slack, his hand releasing Usopp who wasted no time in scramblin
g away and to safety. Sanji s gaze went glassy, his body swaying slightly before h
is shoulders hunched down in utter defeat. Honestly Luffy? His arms sagged down, hi
s head bowed. A cloud of doom seemed to grow over him, and without a word the bl
ond started his way out of Usopp s dorm room and back towards his own moss infeste
d one. Usopp heaved a sigh of relief while Luffy poked his head out of the room.
Hey Sanji, when are you gonna cook for me?
The blond stopped for just a moment before he kept on walking.
He fucking hated college.
He fucking hated computers.

End Notes:
Yes I affirm that even Luffy could use a computer better than Sanji. At least in t
his story he can. Anyhow Zoro I think you might want to hide your computer

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 24 Stories
Rated: K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Sanji & Zeff - Reviews: 6 - Publishe
d: 11-24-09 - Complete - id:5532838
Ho ho! Foolishly, I have attempted to claim Sanji and Zeff for the fanfic50 LJ c
ommunity. This is prompt number one, "Temptation." As the summary indicates, it'
s kind of a filling-out of one of my Fifty Sentences.
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece! Also, underage drinking is bad! Don't do it!

Sanji pulled the broom down from its hook in the closet and dragged it behind hi
m as he walked into the dining room of the Baratie. It was only a few minutes, s
ay half-an-hour, until the restaurant closed for the night, and most of the cust
omers had returned to their own ships. Technically, Sanji wasn t supposed to sweep
until everyone was done eating, but he figured he could get away with it if he
started at the farthest, emptiest corner. Besides, if he finished early, he migh
t get to cook with Zeff before bedtime.
As he made his slow circuit around the floor, he did his best to get all of the
hard-to-reach crumbs and all of the stubborn spots. It wasn t hard work, but it wa
sn t exactly interesting, either. His mind drifted off to daydreams of all the won
derful food he would be able to cook one day. Omelets came to mind. Maybe the sh
itty geezer would let him make omelets that night.
He grinned. Maybe he could make them by himself! He knew where all the ingredien
ts were. He could just sneak in past Zeff and get everything ready. By the time
the old geezer realized what he was doing, he d already have awesome omelets. That
would show him! Then he d have to let Sanji cook. No more sweeping!
It was a good dream, but he knew that it couldn t come true. Zeff had eyes like a
hawk when it came to the goings-on in the Baratie. Sanji sighed and quickly look
ed around. If the chef thought he was slacking, then he d have to wait to cook unt
il the next day.
As he peered around, he didn t see the shitty geezer, but he did see a half-empty
bottle left on one of the tables. Which meant it was still half-full. Sanji frow
ned. That was so wasteful. If you weren t going to drink the whole bottle, then yo
u should just get a glass. He jogged up to the table and climbed onto the seat.
He picked up the bottle. He should bring it back to the galley, he thought. Mayb
e Zeff could do something with the leftovers.
Then the words on the shiny gold label caught his eye. Sail Island Chocolate Rum ,
it said, and Sanji raised an eyebrow. Rum was something all the cooks liked. The
y were always drinking it after shift, even when Zeff told them not to. Sometime
s even Zeff joined in!
But he never let Sanji have any.
But Zeff wasn t here, was he?
Sanji took the bottle off the table and studied it a moment longer. He pulled ou
t the stopper, sniffing at the rich aroma of chocolate and something else: someth
ing unfamiliar. It smelled good. He took a sip.
It was getting close to nine o clock. Zeff had just finished cleaning his stove, a
nd had hung up his hat on its shelf. On the counter was a plate of roast chicken
, his dinner, and Sanji s if he could find the boy. He d seen his little protégé tak
e the broom out earlier, but he hadn t come back yet. Wasn t the little bugger hungr
y, yet?
He looked up as the galley door swung open, but it was only Lisle, one of his co
oks. The man looked slightly worried, though, which was unusual.
What? asked Zeff, a feeling of foreboding settling over him.
Uh. You might want to come out here. For a minute. He glanced out into the dining
room and almost cringed, the expression alien on such a swarthy man. Yeah.
Zeff narrowed his eyes and stumped out of the galley.
What the hell?
Sanji was standing on one of the tables. He had somehow managed to lose most of
his clothes, though he had tied his shirt around his neck like a cape. He was sw
Get down from there, eggplant, snapped Zeff, marching over to the table. What s gotte
n into you?
I dunno, but I like it! hiccupped Sanji, wobbling. He grinned and waved a brown bo
ttle at Zeff. It got better, he solemnly said.
Zeff took the bottle from the boy s lax grip and scanned the label. Rum. Sanji nodded
enthusiastically and tilted some more. Zeff tossed the bottle to Lisle, who fumb
led the unexpected catch, and lifted Sanji off the table, throwing him over his
shoulder. He growled. Soon as I find out how you got a hold of this, someone s goin
g to die.
Kay. Sanji squirmed in Zeff s grip until he could wrap his arms around the chef s neck.
He sighed, his warm breath tickling Zeff s neck. I love you.
The chef snorted. That s downright unnatural, that is, he rumbled, though he took a
moment to pat Sanji s head. Lisle.
Aye, sir?
You get rid of that bottle. I m going to try and sober him up.
Aye sir. The cook hurried back to the galley.
Zeff shifted Sanji into a more comfortable position and then carried him out to
the deck. It was a clear night, with many stars shining in the sky. The moon glo
wed like a pearl on the horizon.
S cold, murmured Sanji, trying to tuck himself closer against Zeff.
Sorry, pup. It s about to get worse.
Another freezing wave crashed over him and it felt like he was drowning again. A
strong current held him in a grip like iron and forced his face underwater agai
n and again. Finally he collected his wits and started to struggle, weakly, agai
nst the pull. He couldn t breathe.
And then suddenly, he could. He gasped, chest heaving, flailing around and fling
ing water everywhere.
Welcome back, eggplant, said a gruff voice.
Sanji blinked, confused. He was disoriented. Was that Zeff? Why was he upside-do
wn? Sanji frowned.
The small cook realized that, yes, he was cold. Very cold. And wet. And his head
hurt, and he was probably going to throw up. He whimpered.
It s all right, said Zeff in as soothing a tone as he could manage. He turned Sanji
right-side up and wrapped him in a blanket. Sanji deduced after a while that he
had been dunked in the rain barrel, Zeff holding onto his ankles. Do you feel sic
That s what a hangover feels like. It ll go away by tomorrow.
Nn. Sanji felt Zeff scoop him up again and leaned his head on the great chef s shoul
der, closing his eyes. There was a blast of warmth as they went back inside the
Baratie, and then a fuzzy weight covered his head. He started.
It s just a towel, said Zeff, and one hand came up to rub at Sanji s wet hair. Thanks,
Sanji tuned him out, concentrating on the pounding in his temples. He wanted to
take a bath and go to sleep. He couldn t remember what had happened. Did he have t
he fever? He gripped Zeff s sleeve. He hoped not. He wanted to see All Blue.
Do you need anything else? asked Lisle, and Sanji determined that Zeff had stopped
walking. He opened his eyes to see that they were in the galley, on Zeff s stool
by the big stove. It was much warmer here, and quiet. He sighed.
Ginger ale, commanded Zeff. And a bucket.
Sanji groaned.
Hush, said Zeff. He turned Sanji so the boy was sitting in his lap, and pulled the
towel away from his damp hair. Instead, he made a hood out of the blanket and w
rapped it more securely around his young charge. You ll feel better in a minute.
Lisle had returned with a cup and the wooden bucket used for mopping. It would d
o. Zeff accepted them with a grunt. He put the bucket in Sanji s lap and held out
the cup for the boy to take.
Here. Drink it slowly. He pushed the cup into Sanji s hands and made sure he took a
small sip. Does your stomach hurt? he asked, already knowing the answer.
Yeah. I figured. He started to rub the boy s back. It ll all be over in a second.
As predicted, Sanji threw up. Luckily, he didn t miss the bucket.
There you go. Zeff brushed the hair out of Sanji s face as he puked again, comfortin
g hand on the boy s shoulder. Done?
Sanji didn t reply, just sniffed unhappily.
I think so. He put the bucket off to the side and let Sanji lean back against his
chest. Unexpectedly, he chuckled.
Decided to try the rum, eh? Didn t I tell you you couldn t have any?
Sh-shitty ol geezer.
Heh. That s better. He ruffled Sanji s hair. Now. What did you learn?
Rum is evil.
Zeff laughed again. Well, we ll see how long that lasts. Time for bed, pup. But Zeff
didn t get up, just let Sanji snuggle closer. In the morning, if you feel better,
we ll make omelets.

Hope you liked it! Review! :D

Review this Story/Chapter

Trouble and The Grand Line
Hey, sorry i deleted the other one. But before i added chapter 5 i wanted to add
a few things, including a new character in ch 4.
The sea was calm and smooth, the sky clear and bright blue, the occasional bird
squawked loudly above. Out in the middle of the ocean floated a medium-sized shi
p, the underbelly of it was a dark Sandy brown. The figurehead on the front of t
he ship looked like a grinning Coyote head. The Coal-Black sails were tied up, a
s the ship was in no rush to reach its destination, the Grand Line. The flag at
the very top of the mass, just above the Crow's-nest was also Coal-Black and flu
ttered freely in the soft breeze. The drawing on the flag was different and reco
gnisable though.
It had the usual Pale white Crossbones for a Pirate flag, but instead of a human
skull, there was a grinning Coyote Skull sitting on tip of the bones, two fangs
sitting over the bottom jaw. The crews name: The Wiley Pirates.
This Pirate crew was different from others, there Captain was not a man, but a w
oman. By the name of Tycan 'Wiley' Fallon, one of the most wanted Women in the w
orld. She has a bounty of 75 Million Berries, she is also a Devil-Fruit user. Th
e Dog-Dog fruit, Coyote-style. Which allows her to turn into a human-sized coyot
e with light crimson fur at will, and a half-coyote half-human form.
Captain!, One of the Wiley Pirate's called for the Captain as he ran down the deck
towards the Captain's sleeping quarters/Office. He was maybe a little shorter t
han 6 feet tall with dark purple hair spiked up into a short Mohawk, He wore a s
imple white sleeveless shirt and loose navy trousers that passed his knee's and
stopped above his ankles. He stopped at the door and knocked three times on the
dark wood.
Come in. Came a calm voice from the other side, it had a sober and in control soun
d to it.
Taking a deep breath, the Pirate pushed open the door and stood at the entrance.
At the very back of the room, sitting in a chair in the dark sat the Wiley Pira
te's Captain. She was wearing a Captain's jacket that was to big for her and hun
g from her shoulders, the colour of it was mostly a dark Ruby red while the shou
lders were dark Sandy yellow with the Wiley Pirate Symbol on either side. The en
ds of the sleeves and collar of the jacket were also dark Sandy yellow, along wi
th the edge at the bottom. The Captain herself was eighteen or nineteen years of
age and only a little shorter than 5ft 7inches in height with dark Crimson Red
hair that just barely reached her shoulders, underneath the cloak she wore a pla
in Black Tank-Top with the word 'Wiley' written in dark yellow over her stomach
area. Along with a pair of non-movement constricting dark blue jeans, on her fee
t were plain black boots that went just passed her ankles, they were laced tight
ly with dark red laces. Around her waist was a dark yellow and black haramaki sa
sh, along with them were two swords that rested on her left hip. They also had n
ames: The Regin Serpent, which could cut through stone and the Nari Ero, which c
ould cut through metal and was her most cherished sword of the two. The Regin Se
rpent s handle was pure black with an ivory-white swirl going down it, the swords
sheath had the same design except the colouring was the opposite way. The blade
itself was made of a concoction of Titanium and Bronze, a strong metal when forg
ed together and shaped into a sword, it also gave the sword a very fine coppery
tint to the metal. The Nari Ero's handle was a dark electric Yellow with a crims
on red spiral circling the handle, the sheath of this sword was pure black with
electric yellow diagonal claw-like slash marks down the side along with the word
'Wiley' carved into it in dark yellow at the bottom with a single dark red stre
ak running down the top of the holder. The Blade was made with a compound of Ste
el and Silver forged together and reinforced with a small percentage of zinc, th
e centre of the blade was made of a strip of light weight but strong copper.
What is it, Sonny? She asked the man as she looked up from what she was doing and
stared at him with two piercing ghostly-blue eyes, she stood up and her chair sc
reeched against the wooden floorboards as it was pushed backwards. She stepped i
n front of her desk and leaned against it, now in front of the man, Sonny.
We re approaching the Grand line, Captain Wiley, Sonny replied, stepping backwards w
hen the Captain walked towards him. She shut her door and walked down the corrid
or and out onto the deck. Sonny kept up with her though. We re running low on Food
and water, and we need a few tools to repair the ship with. What should we do?.
We'll stop off at Rogue Town, we'll get everything that we need there, Wiley infor
med him as she walked into the Cabin that served as a Kitchen/meeting area. The
Cook, Nick, was standing at the far end of the cabin cooking over a stove. Nick
had scruffy ivory-white hair, although he had a side fringe brushed to the left.
Good afternoon, Captain. He greeted merrily, he was wearing a lime green button-up
shirt with the first few buttons left undone and the sleeves rolled up to his e
lbows. His trousers were black and well worn while he wore a pair of dark brown
dress shoes. He had something in common with the Captain, he was also a Devil-Fr
uit user. The Pouch-Pouch fruit, Kangaroo-style. Which allowed him to turn into
a human-sized Kangaroo with ivory-white fur, along with a half-kangaroo half-hum
an form.
If you write a list of the things you need Nick, I ll go in to town and get them. Wi
ley offered as she walked back out and towards the front of the ship. She heard
him yell a 'Thanks' as the door closed. You could see Rogue Town now, you could
also see a ship docked at the shore. The jolly Rodger was of a grinning skull we
aring a yellow Straw Hat, and the classic Crossbones of course.
It's the Straw Hat Pirates, Captain. Wiley's first-mate, Roxy informed her as she
walked up beside Wiley. She was nearly the same height as Wiley, but with long d
irty blond hair with baby blue streaks through it kept back in a low ponytail, h
er eyes were a soft coffee-brown colour. She wore a plain cherry red long sleeve
d shirt, over that was a seaweed green body warmer, baggy white shorts that just
past her knees and a pair of scruffy white boots with black laces. Like her Cap
tain, Roxy had also eaten a cursed fruit. The tweet-tweet fruit, Hawk-style. Whi
ch allowed her to turn into a human-sized hawk with light yellow feathers, her u
nder-wing feathers were a light baby blue colour. Along with a half-hawk half-hu
man form as well.
I know, Wiley replied, as she so happened to know two people that were on the crew
. This should be interesting.
Who s going along with you?, Roxy asked, biting her thumb nail. You can t bring everyon
e, we need some people to guard the ship.
Stop that, Wiley ordered, grinning as she pulled Roxy s hand away from her mouth. I d
on t know why you even do that.
Habit? Roxy tried, before laughing nervously and darting away. Most likely to chec
k they were going in the right direction.
Wiley looked out at sea again before turning round and walking back towards the
Kitchen, she only opened the door wide enough to stick her head in.
I d like that list as soon as possible, Nick. She told him, which he smiled widely a
nd nodded in reply. And could you do me a favour? Shane is catching up to us and
I don t want Roxy to know, so be on the look out. Who knows what else he might ste
al this time.
Aye aye, Captain, He replied, washing his hands. We won t let him set foot on this sh
ip, he might try and attack you or Jasper again.
Wiley walked over the deck and towards her room, she easily opened the door and
stepped in, closing the door securely behind her.
To the far left corner stood her bed. Well, it wasn t so much a bed as a hammock.
A simple white pillow and a light-weight dark blue blanket hung over the edges,
there was also a medium-sized chest of drawers on the opposite wall, a dark-oak
coloured wooden desk sat in front of it opposite the door along with a dark blue
coloured chair tucked underneath it.
Shrugging out of the cloak, Wiley hung it over the back of the chair as she made
her way over to the drawers. She opened the first one, which held dark coloured
tank-tops. She lifted off the top one, which was a light charcoal grey colour.
Before she took off the black one she was wearing, she took off her swords and s
et them up against the wall and slipped off her sash and lay it on the hammock.
Then she took off the black tank-top and threw it onto the hammock as well, befo
re putting on the charcoal tank-top and returned her sash and swords to their ri
ghtful place around her waist.
Closing the top drawer, she opened the second one and lifted out a dark midnight
-blue button-up shirt that was a size to big for her with a white tribal-like wo
lf design at the back between the shoulder blade area. Wiley slipped it over her
shoulders and rolled the sleeves up to her elbows, she walked over to her desk
and opened the very bottom drawer. Inside it there were five small brownish whit
e cloth bags, she lifted out three and closed the drawer. Looking around her roo
m one last time to make sure she hadn t forgotten anything, she left her room and
travelled across the deck.
Sonny! Wiley called as she stopped in the middle of the decking, two bags in her l
eft hand and the last one in her right.
Captain? Sonny s voice came as he came up from the storage room, he was most likely
running over the remaining supplies they had.
Catch, She replied as she chucked the bag in her right hand at him, which he caugh
t easily. For Tools and other materials we need to fix the ship.
The two remaining bags were for food supplies and water barrels.
When Wiley walked into the Kitchen, Nick stood leaning over the table writing on
a piece of paper. He looked up when he heard the kitchen door open, he grinned
when he seen his Captain standing there waiting.
Give me a second. He said as he quickly scribbled down a few more things before st
retching over and offering the list to Wiley, which she took and skimmed over.
Are you sure that s everything? You haven t forgotten anything? She asked him, she was
just making sure though.
I am one hundred per cent sure that s everything we need. He replied confidently, re
sting both his hands on his hips.
Alright then, I ll be back in a few hours. Wiley said nodding her head as she walked
out of the kitchen.
Review this Story/Chapter
Trouble and The Grand Line
Fallon the Coyote Pirate
Author of 2 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - General - Zoro & Sanji - Published: 12-11-09 - id:5574339
Last Time On TTGL
I am one hundred per cent sure that s everything we need. He replied confidently, re
sting both his hands on his hips.
Alright then, I ll be back in a few hours. Wiley said nodding her head as she walked
out of the kitchen.
Wiley is away into town to get food and water, with the help of a list that Nick
, the cook wrote up for her.
Can I come? a boy asked energetically, jumping right in front of her, stopping her
in her tracks. He was smiling widely and physically shaking with excitement. Ple
ase?, please, please, please?!
Calm down, Jasper, Wiley chuckled, grinning her trademark grin at him. That was an
other reason that she was a little famous, although not nearly as famous as the
Pirate King himself. I was about to ask you to come, I need your help with suppli
es anyway.
Jasper was quite young, Only nearly ten to be specific. He had short turquoise h
air that was spiked out to the sides, he had greenish brown eyes with flecks of
yellow in them. He was wearing a plain sky blue t-shirt with an ocean blue colla
r that had the Wiley Pirate s Jolly Roger on the front, dark pipeline green knee-l
ength shorts and a pair of normal boots. He s like Nick and Roxy, a Devil-Fruit us
er. He ate the Hoof-Hoof fruit, Deer style. Which allows him to turn into a huma
n-sized deer with a rack of antlers that should grow larger the older her gets a
nd turquoise coloured fur. When he is a Deer, his shoulder s only reached Wiley s hi
Jasper was also an orphan, Wiley had found him when he was seven years old, floa
ting out at sea in a tiny little row boat by himself. She couldn t just leave him
there, so she took him aboard and looked after him. He s the only one of a small h
andful of people that get away with calling her by her first name.
Should I go change my shirt, Fallon? He asked, glancing down at his shirt. At leas
t he knew when to ask an important question, unlike some of the pirates on her c
Yes, and be quick about it to. She called after him as he ran off to his room, whi
ch he shared with two other crew-mates.
After a few minutes, Fallon had the attention of her crew.
We re stopping off here until midday, then we ll set sail towards the Grand Line, She
informed them all. But until then, your all free to look about. But, if you have
the Wiley Pirate sign on any of your clothes, then I suggest you go and change.
We don t want another repeat of the last place we went to, and I want everyone bac
k at least a few hours before he set sail.
How s this? Jasper asked as he appeared beside Fallon while everyone got ready to dr
op anchor. He was now wearing a dark bluish green shirt with both the sleeves ri
pped off at the elbow.
That s better, Fallon complemented as they floated towards the harbour, the anchor w
as dropped and it looked like someone had just opened the front gates to a zoo.
Most of her crew were human even though they acted like animals sometimes, but b
esides herself, Jasper, Nick and Roxy. There were only three other Devil-Fruit u
sers on her crew, and all of which had eaten an animal-type fruit. A Coal-Black
furred Lion wearing a barely see-able plain black tank-top and white shorts that
stood against its fur out ran passed Fallon and jumped over the side of the boa
t, landing on the pier. Two other animals ran past her as well, A bubblegum blue
Ring-Tailed Lemur wearing a bright yellow t-shirt and dark grey shorts jumped o
ver the edge and landed on the Lion s back. And lastly, a large Neon-orange Komodo
Dragon wearing a green and brown one-piece jump suit crawled past her and climb
ed over the edge while flicking it s long fleshy-pink tongue out excitedly.
Hey!, Fallon shouted at the three animals disappointedly. Turn back right now!, do
you want to get caught by Chaser?!
The three animals looks ashamed and turned away from Fallon, as they started to
walk down the pier they began changing into people.
Can we go now? Jasper asked her as he smiled widely again. See you later Nick, bye
We ll be back before you know it, Fallon told him as she jumped over the side easily
and landed on the stone pier in a kneeling position. Come on.
I m coming. Jasper whined as he carefully climbed over the edge and slid down the ro
pe ladder.
Fallon smiled and turned away to begin walking after her crazy crew, Jasper foll
owing right beside her.
Should I change now? Or wait until we re in town? Jasper asked, scratching the back
of his neck.
Change now, She replied. If you change in town, people will freak out and we ll have
to leave before we get any of the supplies we need.
Ok. He agreed and fur that was the same colour as his hair began to sprout up all
over his skin, his back arched and he dropped down on all fours. His neck grew l
onger and a small rack of antlers grew out of the top of his head, his legs and
arms grew longer as well while hooves replaced his hands and feet. Besides the c
olour of his fur and the clothes he was wearing, he would be able to pass off as
a normal deer.
We should get food first, then we ll get a few barrels of water. Fallon explained as
they walked off the pier and into town, there were shops selling everything on
either side of them. From clothes to weapons, to food stores and barrel shops.
Jasper nodded his head and yawned tiredly, his ears were pointing in all directi
ons, picking up little sounds.
Excuse me, Miss? A voice came from her left, turning her head she seen it was from
a short, greedy looking greying-haired man with dark pink skin and orangey blue
over-alls standing in front of a fur shop. He was also wearing a well-worn whit
e apron as well, although there were a few large patches and streaks of red over
What? Fallon asked, not really interested as she stood facing him.
How much for the that strange looking buck you have? he asked, rubbing his hands t
ogether and grinning. His pelt looks like it could be worth a fortune.
Jasper backed up behind Fallon and out of the man s sight, not liking how he was b
eing looked at by owner of the shop.
He s not for sale. Fallon stated bluntly as she petted Jasper softly on the head bet
ween his antlers and started walking again, with the frightened turquoise furred
deer right beside her, his hooves clicking on the stone ground softly.
Hey. Wait! he called after them, running up and stopping right in front of Fallon,
blocking her path.
I was being serious, She told the man, pushing passed him and making sure that Jas
per was beside her. The deer s not for sale, go bother someone else.
Fallon stopped at the door of a weapons shop and glanced inside, there were all
sorts of swords and knifes hanging on the wall and on display in glass cases. Sh
e grabbed the collar of Jasper s shirt to stop him, he looked back at her in confu
sion before he saw what shop his Captain was so interested in.
Jasper, Fallon finally said, looking down at the deer. I m just gonna leave one of my
swords in here to get polished, okay? Then I promise, we ll go straight to that s
hop down there and get the food we need. Okay?
Jasper nodded his head slowly and his ears fell, he was afraid in case the man f
rom the fur shop was going to come after them and get him.
You just stay right here, don t move from this spot, I ll be right back. Fallon promis
ed him as she walked through the open door.
There were only three people in the shop, one of them being the shop owner. The
other two were a man and a woman. The man was tall with short mint-green hair, a
round her age and wearing a short sleeved white shirt with three buttons at the
collar left unbuttoned and very dark green trousers with matching boots. Around
his waist was a green sash, along with a sliver & white sword around his waist a
s well.
The Woman had dark navy blue hair that was cut above her shoulders and thin red
rimmed glasses slipping down her nose slowly .
Fallon didn t pay much attention to her though as she recognised the man as the in
famous Ex-Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zolo.
Walking up to the counter, right passed the two, Fallon took the Regin Serpent f
rom around her waist and set it gently onto the counter.
I d like this cleaned? Fallon asked the man, he had black hair that was beginning to
thin at the back, an odd red nose and was shaking a little. Either he was excit
ed about having customers, or he was nervous of what the people in his shop migh
t think of his weapons.
Of course, When will you be back to pick it up? he asked as he began to lift up th
e sword carefully, noticing the detail in the handle and on the sheath.
I ll be back in a few hours, I d like it ready by the time I get b- but she was cut of
f by the woman with the red glasses rushing up beside her and snatching the swor
d out of the man s hands.
Where did you get this?! She asked, turning round to face Fallon with a large disb
elieving smile across her face, it was then that Fallon noticed that the woman h
ad a small pocket-sized book in her hand. This is one of the master swords, The R
egin Serpent. I d never believe that I would actually be holding such a sword.
Oh really?, Fallon asked as she snatched the sword out of her hands and handing it
back to the shop owner, leaving her with a slightly confused look on her face. W
ell, I d appreciate it if you didn t handle my swords without my permission.
Swords? she asked curiously as she caught sight of the other one around Fallon s wai
st. May I see your other sword?
No, Fallon replied bluntly as she turned back to the shop keeper. I ll be back later
and I ll pay you then.
That s fine, have a good day. Bye He replied, waving goodbye.
Review this Story/Chapter
Trouble and The Grand Line
Fallon the Coyote Pirate
Author of 2 Stories ________________________________________
Rated: T - English - General - Zoro & Sanji - Published: 12-11-09 - id:5574339
Last Time On TTGL
Where did you get this?! She asked, turning round to face Fallon with a large disb
elieving smile across her face, it was then that Fallon noticed that the woman h
ad a small pocket-sized book in her hand. This is one of the master swords, The R
egin Serpent. I d never believe that I would actually be holding such a sword.
Oh really?, Fallon asked as she snatched the sword out of her hands and handing it
back to the shop owner, leaving her with a slightly confused look on her face. W
ell, I d appreciate it if you didn t handle my swords without my permission.
Swords? she asked curiously as she caught sight of the other one around Fallon s wai
st. May I see your other sword?
No, Fallon replied bluntly as she turned back to the shop keeper. I ll be back later
and I ll pay you then.
That s fine, have a good day. Bye He replied, waving goodbye.
Fallon leaves her sword, the Regin Serpent into a local weapons shop in Rogue To
w to get cleaned. But she runs into a Marine officer and an ex-Pirate Hunter tur
ned Pirate.
Have we met somewhere before? The girl with the glasses asked Fallon. I think I ve se
en you before, but I don t know where.
Nope, I ve never seen you before in my life. Fallon confessed, lying through the ski
n of her teeth.
A scratching sound came from the door and everyone looked to see the turquoise-f
urred head of a deer come into view, his ears were down and he didn t look happy.
I m coming now, Jasper, Fallon promised as she walked past the two. It was good to se
e you again. She called back, meaning Zolo. He probably didn t have a clue that the
girl he was talking to was a part of the Marines.
When she walked outside, she looked down at Jasper. Who didn t look very happy and
a little frightened.
Let s go get the food then. Fallon replied as they walked further into town, they st
opped at a couple of shops and got most of the things on the list. Fallon stoppe
d a few times to stare at the same Wanted poster, although the paper was worn ou
t a little, the picture was as clear as day. Her wanted poster had a picture of
her from the last time she was at Rogue Town, although the only change was that
her bounty was higher. The first time she stopped at one of the posters, she rip
ped it off the wall and scrunched it into a ball.
If my wanted poster it up around town again, then I ll have to be more careful tha
n I thought, Fallon thought. Or else we ll have the Marines after us again.
By the time they had everything they needed, poor Jasper had a mountain of suppl
ies stacked on his back on his back.
We have everything that s on the list, let s head back now. Fallon told the tired look
ing deer, who nodded eagerly in reply.
Fallon lead the way back through town, at the very end, they could just barely s
ee the ship. The also seen the man from the beginning that wanted to buy Jasper,
who began smiling and started walking out of him shop towards them.
Don t even think about it. She warned as they walked right passed him and down the p
ier towards the ship.
Ahoy there Captain! Sonny shouted as he landed in front of them, he took some of t
he things off of Jaspers back and threw them up onto the ship, where a number of
people caught the supplies. Sonny took the remainder of the things off of Jaspe
rs back and climbed aboard, then Jasper returned to his normal self. He yawned t
iredly and rubbed his eyes.
On you get, you ve done more than your fair share. Fallon told Jasper, who was almos
t asleep on his feet.
Ok. he agreed quickly as he climbed up onto the boat.
Is that everyone? Fallon called up to Roxy, after she appeared over the edge of th
e ship.
I m not sure, she replied as she began to climb down to Fallon. We should go check, j
ust in case.
I ll go check, Fallon told her first-mate as she pointed back up towards the ship. Yo
u stay here and make sure no one else leaves, I need to get my sword anyway. I f
orgot to pick it up on the way back.
Be careful then. Roxy warned as she climbed back up.
Fallon turned round and walked down the pier again, this time the man at the fur
shop didn t bother going to her as she no longer had Jasper with her. Soon, she c
ame to the weapon shop that had her sword housed in it. Walking through the door
, the shop owner quickly lifted out her now spotless sword and handed it to her.
I had to use my finest polish on your sword, so that ll be 2,000 berries. He told he
That s a rip off. Fallon complained, but nevertheless took out the money owed and se
t it on the counter, She took the sword out of hi hands and slipped it back besi
de her other sword.
Don t be a stranger now. He waved good-bye while he counted the money in his hands a
s she walked out of the shop.
The streets were less crowded now, which would hopefully make it easier to find
any of her crew that had gone astray.
Suddenly, Fallon s ears picked up screams of surprise and shock coming from somewh
ere close. She ran down the street and into the middle of Town square, to her le
ft were a group of people wearing black hooded cloaks, to her right was the exec
ution stand where Gold Roger s life came to an end. But on the wood block was a bo
y with messy black hair and a large smile, he also had a scar under his left eye
. Luffy, it was Monkey.. Along with his crew as well, underneath him on the grou
Hey Luffy! Fallon shouted up to him, cupping her hands around her mouth to make he
r voice louder.
Luffy looked everywhere until his eyes fell on Fallon, he seemed to grin wider a
s he recognised who had called him name.
Fallon! Hey Fallon!. Luffy shouted down, happy to see his old friend.
Although she heard him - it had been hard not to - she was frowning in disbelief
at the current position he was in. His head was stuck between the two thick woo
den blocks that made up the Execution stand, and Luffy s head was stuck right betw
een them.
What are you doing up there?! Fallon shouted back up.
I m going to kill him. Another voice answered, it was actually a somewhat annoyingly
weird laugh-like voice. One that sounded familiar to Fallon, but she just could
n t remember who the voice belonged to.
It was only then did Fallon notice the strange looking clown-type Pirate standin
g beside Luffy with a long sword in his hand, he had a big red nose and brightly
coloured clothes. His trousers were baggy and a light baby blue colour, along w
ith an X painted across his face made from two white bones. But Fallon recognise
d the Clown Pirate, as no other than Buggy the Clown himself.
Well if it isn t Wiley herself in the fur. Buggy laughed psychotically, pausing in h
is plan to kill the rubber pirate at his feet.
Gasps and shocked whispers erupted through the crowd around them, not believing
that the young girl that stood in the middle of the street in front of them was
the notorious pirate Captain Wiley of the Wiley Pirates. It was a name to fear a
nd remember, or that s what they say.
If you are here, then that must mean your crew is here as well. Cabaji, Buggy s firs
t-mate concluded. He seemed to be fond of the colour blue, as well as white as h
is clothes consisted of those two colours.
Fallon felt a lump form in her throat, making it a little harder to breath as sh
e seen the devilish smirk on Buggy s face. Although Fallon was more dangerous and
better-known than the annoying pirate clown, her crew was a different matter alt
ogether. What with Buggy s Chop-Chop fruit powers.
Along with that cowardly little kid as well, Buggy continued. What was his name aga
in? Casper?
Jasper, and don t you lay a finger on him or my crew! Fallon ordered as she shifted
her standing position slightly into a fighting stance.
That gives me an idea!, Buggy laughed triumphantly, a strong feeling of dread bega
n building in the pit of Fallon s stomach . Zayn!! he called loudly.
The crowd was silent, as well as the pirates and Fallon. It was so quiet in fact
that you could clearly here usually unheard sound of the waves crashing against
the pier at the harbour, then washing back out to sea again.
Through the silence, an odd noise caught Fallon s attention. It sounded almost lik
e, cracking wood? Yes, the sound that had caught her interest sounded like wood
being broken. It also seemed to be getting louder as well.
Suddenly, a large brown shape landed with hollow bang in a kneeling position in
front of Fallon. People screamed all around her, but she didn t so much as flinch.
The shape looks like a large chunk of wood, two wooden legs and two wooden arms
. The body of the wood was wide and looked thick, it was like a human covered in
the bark of a tree.
The wooden shape moved and stood up straight, towering over Fallon by a few inch
es. Instead of eyes, it had two empty black sockets that looked more like deep d
Wiley, I d Like you to meet Zayn, Buggy introduced him, a wide grin plastered across
his face shaped with his round red lips. Zayn, meet Wiley of the Wiley Pirates.
Zayn, or what ever the wooden thing was began to look like he was melting. The w
ood sank away, as if being absorbed by something. Leaving behind a guy only an i
nch or two taller than Fallon with plain light brown hair and murky- mud brown e
yes, he was dressed simply in a long sleeved white shirt with a brown body-warme
r over it and brown shorts that just nearly reached his knees, along with worn o
ut brown shoes as well on his feet. He also seemed to like the colour brown, a l
Why should I care who he is? Fallon questioned, or whether demanded Buggy told her
as his grin grew.
Because he is the guy that s going to destroy your crew! Buggy replied.
Zayn began to grin as he morphed into his wooden tree-like form, his skin disapp
eared and replaced by splinters of wood. Empty, black dents in the wood for eyes
Review this Story/Chapter
Other Side

Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Usopp & Sanji - Reviews: 4 - Published: 12-
20-09 - Complete - id:5594025
. . . I have no excuse.
Other Side
Waking up was a bother a chore. Especially when you were tired, satisfied, but tir
ed all the same.
The sweet scent of tobacco filled the room, making him want to fully wake and go
back to bed at the same time.
He briefly noted the pain in his everything. His arms ached and his legs felt like
noodles. And his ass Mmmm. He chuckled at the lingering pain and memories of the
night before. If only that night could have last forever but as sure as he had 100
% aim, not all wishes came true.
Slowly, he peeled himself out of bed only to be yanked backwards painfully by hi
s hair. Lips. Chapped and blood. He tasted blood in the rough morning kiss. Just a
s it started, it ended, leaving him on his back, his head in his lovers lap. He l
ooked up at the man he loved most in the world. In any world.
He watched him lift a cigarette to his mouth and then blow smoke in his face. An
d he inhaled, because he was addicted to it. Him.
After staring for a while he sat up, resuming his earlier task: His mask. Openin
g the table drawer near the bed, he took out his face and put it on.
He briefly noticed the blood in the sheets and the blood under his nails and pro
mptly did not care who it belonged to.
It s almost noon Said his blonde lover, stifling the dying cigarette on the bed. Tha
t voice so much deeper than him, more dangerous and gravelly.
Not that Sanji wasn t dangerous he just wasn t him. Sanji s voice doesn t project the same
images in his head his head? Or their heads? Whose head?
Deciding that thinking was not what should be done so soon after waking, he stre
tched his arm brushing one of the rays on his face .
Sun With that said he opened the curtains, which were letting in sunlight anyway. H
e looked out the window at the town below, his long nose touching the cold glass
and he smiled. He turned around to face his lover.
Aghk! He hated when he did that sneaking behind him just to get a rise out of him. Ten
derly, the blond lifted the face and tossed it on the table that was furnished.
Hey-! He was pulled into another kiss, this one gentler and slow, distracting him
from the fact that he was being pushed against the giant window. He ached from h
ead to toe and was sure he had a twisted ankle but who cared? Least. Not. Now.
His lover pulled away leaving him in desperate want, his legs shaking. Prince don t And
he took his lips again, pushing his already scarred back against the cold hard
window. The bite marks that tattooed his tanned neck and chest were revisited wi
th shocking pleasure and familiarity as he slipped his hands in dirty blond hair
. Soon he was lifted and slammed painfully against the window just shy of it sha
ttering, the sexual assault on his lips and neck never stopping.
He knew he knew what Prince wanted. To break this glass and fuck him. Fuck him on
the shards, in the blood, with no regard to their bodies. And he wanted it. Oh,
did he ever.
Sogeki Snapping out of the dark fantasy, he shifted in Prince s arms, looking at him
. Yes? he answered curtly, annoyed by the disruption.
Mr. Prince. His beautiful blonde lover his shared lover. His glasses were perched
on his head and when he leaned in for another bout of kissing it dropped over hi
s already closing eyes. And Sogeking was caught again, tasting blood, smoke, lov
e and anger.
He knew this had to stop, before Mr. Prince got violent. Before the glass broke.
His hands, the scars that would stay forever and ever Bed ! He managed to gasp out,
his toes curling at the delicious motion Prince performed on his nipple with his
But Mr. Prince had a better idea and Sogeking found himself on the floor, Mr. Pr
ince s hand working his tired and worn out body to life.
Mr. Prince was mad. Insane mad, not angry mad. Only he would strive to have sex
after a long day of fighting and near death followed by an even longer night of
brutal love making. And Sogeking was a little madder than he was, because he fou
nd no problem with it; He silently reveled in it. But they had to be careful. Us
opp and Sanji didn t like their rough love. Their painful declarations of devotion
Sogeking used his own skillful hands and directed their foreplay in a different
direction. He was impatient, passionate and horny as fuck. Mr. Prince was a damn
incurable cocktease and he will not stand for it. NOT NOW.
Oh. Fuck. That s it Sogeking was sure his tongue was out the side of his mouth like a
satisfied dog. They were joined. Joined in the most intimate way possible for tw
o men. The hot afternoon sun witnessed their love through the window, just like
the perverted moon which excited their hot skin more than the sun ever could.
Sogeki, I love you. Again and again they moved on the hardwood floor, only with le
ss carnage and damage than last night.
They were only human.

For the second time that day he awoke in pain. And his back was stinging. He was
lying in bed, the mask lying in his view and something cold, soft, and wet was
gently rubbing his back leaving a stinging pain in its wake.
Sogeki hissed; his left leg twitched violently. Warm smoke touched his back befo
re the kiss did. Don t thrash like that, you ll spill the alcohol bottle And the gentl
e, painful wipe down continued, with kisses following them, failing to stave the
pain but Sogeking appreciated it.
Once his back was all patched up he rolled over and winced arching his back in a
gony. I should have thought that through. Mr. Prince only kissed him and got off t
he bed, returning with more cotton balls and bandages. Sogeking sat up and then
fitted his mask/face on his head sideways. Sitting Indian style, with his back t
owards his lover, Mr. Prince lit another cigarette while his injuries, more sex-
related than battle, were touched up.
Usually Mr. Prince s injuries weren t as severe as Sogeking s. Thanks to Usopp abusing
their one body.
These eyes have not seen Nami for two days. He is growing restless. The sniper lea
ned forward and draped himself on his lover s back, kissing his neck. Then we d bette
r go then. And as soon as that was said they got up and searched for their worn a
nd torn clothing.
While shoving his feet into his boots Sogeking muttered, Usopp needs to grow some.
Mr. Prince didn t stop buttoning his shirt. He has you
I m not his savior
You are
And that was that. Don t resent Usopp. I care nothing for Sanji.
The younger of the two scoffed. That s because he doesn t call on you. Depend on you.
Bleed you dry You have a clean switch.
Madness. Mr. Prince had madness inside him and it was directed at the man he lov
ed most. They loved most.
Sogeking looked up from his completed task with his boots and was yanked by his
arm to the mirror. His face was pressed painfully against the reflection and the
n he was kissed. Look at your face. And for a second Sogeking saw Usopp. The fear,
the doubt the hope and in a blink it was gone. His own eyes stared back at him. H
e slipped his face on and touched the sun rays. What am I?
It was an often asked question. Which procured different answers from both of th
em every time, or sometimes no answer at all, just sex.
Mr. Prince lifted the mask/face as well as his own glasses and kissed him.
I need you. He said.
I know.

Just to clear some things up. Sanji and Usopp have split personalities. Mr. Prin
ce and Sogeking. Sogeking is more obvious and used. If you ve watched Sukisyo and Yug
ioh then this story SHOULD be easy to understand Who knows. I m rusty.
This almost turned into a hardcore porn fic like 8 times. /)_(\ Uhm. Well. This is
my take on their split personalities. I imagine Mr. Prince being dark, brooding
, quiet, mad and violent, thats his TRUE self, he acts like "Cool Sanji" infront
of the crew. While Sogeking is not as dark, or violent or quiet and has a deep
resentment for the dominant personality, Usopp. Think of this relationship like
a Rei/Sei type of thing, only more malicious and Sogeking/Sei isn t a crying wimp.
Don t know what Rei/Sei is? Read the manga MARS it will change your life. Mr. Princ
e calls Sogeking Sogeki and in turn he is Prince I hope that didn t confuse anyone I go
a bit confused while I was typing until I revealed the names.
Hm...Sanji can slip into Mr. Prince extremely easily and is unannounced/hardly n
oticed while as Usopp takez a bit of time and is loud about it. Sanji and Usopp ar
e slightly aware but are unsure. Fwoosh! I really enjoyed writing this. I love t
heir dark personalities. Don t know if I ll make more. It s been so long Inform me of mi
stakes/questions/concerns. I only reviewed it twice, so as not to lose my nerve
in posting this. I copped out on the ending. I didn't want to drag it on and on,
or have it end in the dominant personalities coming forth.
Ps. Might be changing my pen name. Just a heads up. Might.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 1 Story 1. The perfect Present2. The Perfect Problem
Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 4 - Updated: 12-20-
09 - Published: 12-13-09 - id:5577363
It was Christmas time on the Going Merry. The crew had just docked at the next i
sland on the Grand Line, wanting to get all the supplies necessary for the holid
ay. Luffy had ran off to God knows where. Chopper, and Robin went together, and
Nami and Usopp went together, each group going to get gifts for one and other. Z
oro and Sanji had each gone by themselves. Sanji not only need to buy gifts, but
he also had to purchase Christmas dinner. Getting gifts was simple for him, his
nakama were so simple to shop for.
Luffy- A piece of meat.
Chopper- Medical books.
Robin- History books.
Usopp- some paints.
Nami-Parchment and ink.
Now his only problem was Zoro, the only thing the guy liked to do was sleep and
train. He had tried weights, but no matter how many stores he tried, he couldn t f
ind any! He decided to think of the shitty marimo s gift while he shopped for dinn

He d found everything he needed except for Zoro s gift. Right when he was about to s
ettle on getting him nothing, something in the corner store he was passing by ca
ught his eye. It was a dark green bandana, much like the one he had already exce
pt it had metallic green dragon edged in around the sides.
Now don t get Sanji wrong, he wasn t the one for sweet gifts, but when it came to th
e swordsman, then he had developed a sweet spot for him. Yes, womanizer Sanji wa
s gay, but he would never admit to it, just like he would never admit he showed
slight interest in the marimo head.
He quickly purchased to bandana and placed it into one of the many bags he had a
ccumulated along the way, and hurried back to the ship.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 1 Story 1. The perfect Present2. The Perfect Problem
Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji & Zoro - Reviews: 4 - Updated: 12-20-
09 - Published: 12-13-09 - id:5577363
(Chapter 2)
Sanji had gotten back to the ship to find that Zoro was already back, and asleep
on the deck. Shitty marimo.' He looked at the time; he had only been gone for an
hour and a half. Damn could of swore it was longer then that, oh well I better g
et started on dinner. The others wouldn t be back anytime soon so that left him and
Zoro alone on the ship for a good couple of hours. He walked back to the galley
and set the ingredients out on the counter, there was a note sitting there, he
picked it up and read it.
All of us probably be gone a long time, we wont have time to decorate, and lord
knows Zoro won t, so could you set everything up in the galley for us. Everything
you ll need is in the crates in the corner.
Simple enough he thought. Making dinner started was the easy part, it didn t take lo
ng at all, even with wrapping it all, and putting it away for later. Going out a
nd finding a tree was hard, all the places he d tried were out. He had ended up ha
ving to go out, locate a tree suitable enough for the ship, chop it down and dra
g it all the way back to the ship. He had sett it up, and put his gifts beneath
the tree. As he stepped back to admire his work, he noticed he forgot the lights
. As he was putting them around the tree, he failed to notice what he was doing;
he started thinking how good a nap would be after he finished his last task, on
ly 2 problems with that.
One) He had tangled him self up in Christmas lights. hell if I know how-
Two) Zoro had walked in right at that moment.

Review this Story/Chapter

See Through
See Through
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Humor
Pairing: ZoSan
Topic: Transparent
Word-count: 295
Warning: hints of shounen ai, a bit of stupidity
Disclaimer: Odachi owns One Piece. Inspired by a doujin "Fox Weather" by 139, on
ly the perspective is reserved XD

A/N: I hope I am not late to post this entry ^^;


See Through
Sometimes, he was so hard to understand.
Just like right now What the fuck is he doing!?
Sanji was freaked out when the swordsman suddenly lean over him closely.
Zoro stopped though, and backed off slightly as he saw Sanji s shocked expression.
My bad, he said, rubbing his neck, and then left.
He just freaking leaves me hanging like this!? Sanji couldn t believe it. That assho
le marimo !
If it was possible and allowed, Sanji would strangle Zoro to death right now. He
couldn t just leave like that without explanation!
Then Zoro decided to act like a fucking kid and avoid him. That pissed the blond
cook even more. Moreover, with that flat passive look of his how the fuck would
he know if he didn t tell him anything!?
That s it! Sanji exploded, surprising Usopp who was working on the deck. Usopp! How t
he hell do you see through someone s thought?
Huh? Usopp looked dumbfounded. If you talk about an esper
I am talking about reading people s intention, Sanji cut with pissed look.
Just see the eyes then. People say eyes convey more feelings than words, Usopp sug
Later that day, Sanji kicked the sleeping swordsman off the hammock and dragged
him out on the deck.
What? Zoro asked, deadpanned.
Sanji looked at Zoro s eyes closely, and suddenly felt really embarrassed for some
reasons. He began to blush. He still couldn t read it right, but
Sanji then closed his eyes, face still flushing a bit. Okay, he said, ready.
Zoro raised his eyebrows, but then grinned realizing the silent approval. He lea
ned over once again, planting a kiss on Sanji s lips.
Well, Usopp was watching them silently from the crow-nest, sweat dropping. I didn t k
now if it s about him , then he looked away, giving them privacy.
The End


A/N: Okay people s minds aren t transparent things so you can t just see it. I don t know
if this entry can go with this topic. But, since I thought that way well, your co
mments and opinion can give me more thoughts ^__^

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 2
Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 21 - Updated: 12-23
-09 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
Hello readers, Happy easter! (give chocolate eggs to everyone) New SanZo fic her
e. I think this one will be pretty short.
I know I should've uploaded my other ongoing stories, but this semester's quite
giving me headache with loads of assignments. This fic's a sort of escape from m
y weekly assignments coz new ideas kept popping in my mind so instead doing thos
e damned home works in this holiday I ended up writing this piece. I'm sorry for
those of you who had been reading my other fics and who's waiting for updates b
ut I won't continue those two until this semester's break. Okay, now on with the
story. Enjoy!
Pairing: Sanji/SunnyxZoro
Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or any of its wonderful characters. I wish I w
ere Oda but then One Piece wouldn't even exist so I'm glad I'm not him.

Chapter 1
Every pair of eyes was set on the centre of the lawn deck when Zoro and Sanji we
nt back from the forest where the straw hats had docked their ship yesterday. No
ne of them was able to express their shock through spoken words, or even through
a simple sound. The two men could only stand there, stared back and waited for
the volley of questions and shock explosions that was bound to happen soon enoug
Wha Wh-who is HE?! Why does he look like Sanji? Usopp was the first to recover, poi
nting accusingly at the fake Sanji, or at least the man he assumed as the copyin
g impostor who stood beside the real Sanji, because they were perfectly identica
l in appearance. Chopper ran a few circles in a panic attempt for a hiding spot
before he finally buried his face behind the main mast.
SO COOOL!! We have two Sanjis!! Luffy exclaimed, face grinning widely in awe.
Chill out, will you?! This is all marimo s fault! One of the blondes said.
All eyes immediately shifted to the swordsman who only scowled back at the cook.
My fault?! You re the one who started it!
But thanks to you we now have him! The blonde who spoke earlier retorted, emphasiz
ing on the last word to show his extreme annoyance towards the other blonde.
You deaf or something? I told you I had no other choice. You should be grateful I
didn t leave you there.
Oh yeah? All of this won t happen if your muscle brain worked a bit harder. The cook
Know what? You re right. I should ve picked him and left you behind so no one need to
hear you whining!
What was that marimo?!
You whine!
Enough! Nami stepped in and rewarded them with a big bump on their heads. The trou
ble Luffy had caused them was enough to give her a throbbing headache and she wo
uldn t tolerate the two idiots from causing additional pain to her head. They were
supposed to be exploring the west part of nearby jungle to gather some emergenc
y stock their ship lacked after Luffy had committed another irresponsible act of
devouring all of their meat stock before they reach the next island.
Nami-swan is so cute when she s angry! Sanji beamed despite his swollen head.
What happened in the forest? Nami demanded, totally ignoring the cook.
Please forgive the intrusion, but may I have the chance to explain to you of what
had happened? The other Sanji finally spoke and when Nami nodded her agreement,
he continued. He fell to the Nabia s sacred lake and she rewarded your green haired
friend for his honesty.
What? Could you be more specific? Who s Nabia?
She s the goddess of rivers and lakes and the lake here is one of her domain. Have
you heard the story about the woodcutter who dropped his axe in a lake? Nabia ap
peared in front of him with a golden axe and his iron axe and asked him which on
e was his. When the woodcutter told her the truth she rewarded him with both axe
s. That s the original method, but then people are starting to know it and use it
to their own advantages so she altered the tradition by showing the mirrored ver
sion of whatever fell to her lake instead of showing the better one. So that s wha
t happened when your friend fell to her lake and here I am. The other Sanji smiled
So you re the mirrored version of Sanji? The navigator took a moment to study the two
Sanjis and soon realized that the other Sanji has the visible right eye instead
of the left one. Ah, I see! She said, between the Oohs and Ahhs of the other crew
members as they noticed the difference too.
A magic lake huh, I ve heard the story before but I didn t know that also goes for a
person. Usopp voiced his curiosity.
What s the point? By merely showing the mirrored version, you can t test someone s hone
sty because they don t have any motive to lie. Zoro scratch his head.
There s no point in it. She just continuing the tradition and do her job as a godde
ss I assume. Robin joined the conversation.
Whoaa! A magic lake! Let s- Luffy didn t get to finish his line for the red headed navi
gator quickly turned to him with murderous aura. Don t even think about it, Luffy.
You ve caused enough trouble already!
What will you do now? Chopper finally decided to involve himself in the conversati
Hey, why don t you join our crew? Luffy asked excitedly. His stomach growled in anti
cipation from the thought of having two chefs on his ship that meant he could ea
t twice his usual meal everyday.
Of course, I d be happy to accept your generous offer. Besides, Nabia gave me to hi
m. The new Sanji glanced bashfully to the swordsman and Zoro s face turned surprisi
ngly a bit red at the unsuspected remark.
What the hell?! What do you mean by that? You re still me, so I won t let you give aw
ay yourself to be someone s slave, especially his! The cook roared in rage. The tho
ught of seeing himself obeying Zoro s every whim made him shuddered in anger and d
Heh, I think we re going to be good friends. Zoro commented and easily dodged Sanji s
aimed kick for his head as he had expected it. Sanji stopped in his track when h
e heard his Nami-swan asked him to prepare their lunch. He went to his kitchen b
ut when he got there his other self had already there to cook the meal for his c
rew. He felt his stomach churned at the sight of the other blonde as he cut, sti
rred, and served the meal with the same expertise and grace such as him. Actuall
y Sanji wasn t sure whether he had the same talent as him because the man almost m
ade him gapped in awe and he secretly wondered if he also looked like him when h
e worked in his kitchen. Of course he is! After all they re the same person so the
re s no reason to be threatened or jealous. Oh, no! He s certainly not jealous of hi
s cooking skill! He s the best chef the straw hats could ever wish for! But he sti
ll got the most unpleasant feeling that he s not going to get along very well with
this guy.
After a few days, the straw hats decided to call the other Sanji with the nickna
me Sunny to avoid confusion while communicating with the two. As you could ve guesse
d, the name came from Luffy who first started calling him that way, when Usopp a
sked him why d he called him that the monkey boy simply said it was the first thin
g came through his head and he liked it so that s pretty much the way Sunny got hi
s nickname. The crew started comparing Sanji with Sunny, which always spoiled Sa
nji s mood till the end of the day. They came to realize that the opposite effect
wasn t just for their appearance, but also in their personality. Sunny was the exa
ct opposite version of Sanji s character. He was shy, didn t smoke or swear, sensiti
ve, sloppy and unsure, but the most obvious thing was he showed his great attrac
tion towards boys rather than girls which disturbed Sanji the most. So if Sanji
often seen swooning and dance his way serving and praising his Nami-swan, Sunny
chose to spent his time and energy on Zoro, much to Sanji s dismay.
Nami-swan, Robin-chan, I made a special strawberry cheese cake for you! Sanji sang
while serving the girls who sat near the shade of Nami s mikan grove. Nami and Ro
bin thanked him and he danced with heart-shaped eyes. But then he spotted Sunny
climbing up to the crow s nest with a tray of wonderfully crafted midday snack for
the idiot swordsman. They can hear Sunny called Zoro the same loving way as San
ji did the girls, only he did it in a more feminine way.
Looks like swordsman-san got a new fan. Robin and Nami giggled while Sanji scowled
in annoyance.
Oh, great! My other half is a pansy and as if it's not embarrassing enough, he s ga
y too! Sanji grumbled inwardly.
Why should he choose Zoro of all people? And even though the swordsman looked un
comfortable whenever Sunny was around, he treated his damn copycat a lot nicer w
hich made Sanji wanted to kick the hell out of the bastard swordsman more.

Yaay, Zoro is Sunny's Nami-swan! Would you be so kind to leave a review? I love
reviews ^_^

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 2
Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 21 - Updated: 12-23
-09 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
OMG...I guess this is one of the longest update in fanfic...
I know sorry is not enough but I'll try to make it up to you guys by trying to u
pdate more frequently next time. I won't make any promises but I'll try my best.
(Writer's block GO AWAY!!!)
For now, at least I could promise you the next chapter would be updated around n
ext week since I already finished half way and I have figured out what I would w
rite for the remaining half.
Thanks a lot for reading, leaving reviews and for adding this fic to fav/alert l
Um, I guess that's all I want to say.... Please enjoy
Oh, one more thing: I'd like to thank XxYourXxDisasterXx for Sunny's "Zoro-Kwaaa
ann". I got the great idea from her and I think it fits with Sunny so I used it
in the fic. Hope u don't mind, XxYourXxDisasterXx! :)

Chapter 2
Zoro-kwaaaaannn!! Sunny's voice called lovingly.
The swordsman rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was the fortieth time this aftern
oon and he was starting to get annoyed by the constant call. He didn't really mi
nd if it was only twice or three times, especially when he saw Sanji's pissed ex
pression looking at the tray full of treats Sunny brought lovingly to him only.
No, he could still quite enjoy it after Sunny came and swooned over him for the
twenty sixth time in less than two hours today because of the cook's reaction ne
ver failed to amaze him. But now it's starting to get on his nerves, seriously.
How Nami and Robin could stand with all Sanji's swooning was a complete mystery
to him. Perhaps that's what made Nami so cranky and violent all the time. The sw
ordsman tried to ignore the rushing footsteps coming towards him and start count
ing on his push ups out loud to maintain his concentration.
Zoro-kwan, your God-like presence outshines the sun itself! Sunny beamed at the fr
owning swordsman. This kind of compliment would catch the swordsman off guard wh
en Sunny said it for the first few times since no one ever complimented his appe
arance (they usually thought he was scary and he was quite content with that) so
he didn't know how to react properly when the blonde fawned over him admiring h
is physic or confessing his undying love to him. It irritated him to no end (he
refused to admit that it was because it made him nervous and became self-conscio
us) until at one point he didn't really care any more and decided that it was be
tter to ignore the love-struck blonde completely.
Do you want something? Zoro asked absent-mindedly.
No, I just came to enjoy the view. Do you mind, Zoro-kwan? he asked while taking a
comfortable spot to lean against the railing.
No, The green head said. Would you stop calling me with that stupid suffix?
Of course, I'm sorry Zoro-kw-ah I mean Zoro-kun. He said happily.
Zoro-kwa-kunn, you're so hot when you're sweating... the cook sang a few moments l
ater with both eyes turned into heart shapes.
...... the swordsman only frowned at that.
Zoro-kwun is so attractive even though he frowned a lot. the blonde's rambling con
tinued a moment later.
...... Zoro ignored him again and tried to increase his pace instead to distract h
imself from the blonde's intense stare.
Zoro-kun, I was wondering... the blonde started a few seconds later.
What? The green head finally snapped.
Would you like to be my boyfriend?
What?! Hell no! His face heated up (he refused to admit that it was a blush), but
because he couldn't explain why he reacted that way, which made him confused and
frustrated, he told himself that it was from anger.
Zoro-kwaaannn... Sunny whined. Although it's a bit annoying, the image of Sanji wh
ined at him in such a way surprisingly made his stomach felt a bit funny.
Look Sunny, I really need some concentration here. Could you just leave me alone?
Anything for you, Zoro-kwaaaannn!! He exclaimed obediently, then taking his leave.
This docile version of Sanji was surprisingly a bigger nuisance than he had thou
ght. Even more annoying than the real one at some rate. The weather wasn't helpi
ng either with its unbelievable heat, made him more upset than he really was whe
n he remembered he's supposed to take his afternoon nap under a shade instead of
draining himself dry doing push ups under the sun in the middle of the day. And
why did he train instead of having his usual afternoon nap again? That's right,
he was going to take a nap but then he was interrupted by the new cook of the S
unny so he thought it was better to train on the deck rather than being woken up
for every five minutes.
The green head stopped his exercise as soon as Sunny disappeared from sight and
he moved to a spot where a shade was created on the corner of the ship's wooden
wall. He didn't bother to put on his shirt while leaning his head and back again
st the wall. The wind had became slightly cooler and the vague sound of chirping
sea birds and constant waves slowly lulled him into a nice sleep. Lately, every
thing around Zoro had changed since Sunny joined the crew. He could barely enjoy
some time alone on the ship because Sunny constantly came to him with treats or
ridiculous praises especially on day time. He also rarely fight with Sanji for
Sunny always interfere and it ended up being the fight between the two cooks alm
ost all the time. Yes, the tension between the two had been building up and the
clash was clearly unavoidable. The crew had expected it would happen sooner or l
ater. It was obvious that Sanji and Sunny hated each other since everyone saw wh
at happened a week ago.
Zoro-kwan! I made you something sp- Sunny's voice was heard from the direction of
the galley.
Oi egghead, don't waste my precious ingredients on the idiot marimo! I bought it
only for the ladies! Sanji shouted from somewhere nearby. Usopp, Chopper, Luffy a
nd Robin who were playing card on the lawn deck turned their heads towards the t
wo blondes.
Don't call Zoro-kwan that, curly bastard! The other cook finally snapped. He had b
een restraining himself every time Sanji called Zoro with names or when the teen
scolded him for wasting food on the boys, especially the swordsman. Quite surpr
isingly to everyone, Sunny could be as foul-mouthed as Sanji if he wanted to. Ev
en Sanji was slightly taken aback by the dirty-mouthed Sunny since he was usuall
y more soft-spoken.
What did you call me? You're curlier than me, curlyque! Sanji bellowed.
Yours are weirder, weirdo! Sunny spat.
Shut up you curly brow!
No, you shut up, idiot brow!
Skirt chaser!
I'll teach you some manner, bastard!
bring it on, jerk!
Although the swordsman didn't really like being defended from an argument like a
child, he kept silent while wondering what was going to happen. It was kind of
weird and funny to watch the two Sanjis yelled and throwing insults at each othe
r. It was like watching the cook standing before a mirror while insulting his re
flection like a complete idiot. It was amazing how the insults worked effectivel
y at getting into each of their nerves. Zoro was pretty sure even he couldn't ma
ke Sanji's face turned that red in anger in such a short period of time and he s
wore he could almost see smoke coming out of the cook's ears.
Then they started attacking each other with kicks and punches (while Sanji never
used his hands to attack, Sunny didn't hesitate to use it in a fight even thoug
h he mainly used his legs). Neither of them showed any intention to loose and th
e fight got pretty bad. The crew members who were watching on the deck became aw
are of how serious the fight really was then Franky and Luffy separated the two
blonds before they killed each other for real. Every one went about their usual
businesses the rest of the day, even though each on them was keeping an eye on t
he two cooks and made sure they weren't alone in the same place. Zoro didn't thi
nk it was necessary. He argued that they only fought over stupid thing and would
instantly forgot about it but the girls, especially Nami, thought differently.
So under the navigator's threat, Zoro had to make sure he kept Sunny preoccupied
by pretending to take interest in Sunny's cooking and asked him questions about
it even though the swordsman couldn't recall any of the food's name the other c
ook had mentioned proudly while Nami and Robin kept Sanji busy with small talks
or praises on whatever treat he presented them.
End of flashback
Land-hooooooooooo!!! Luffy's shout from the crow's nest was heard through out the
Huh? Another island already? Zoro muttered while rubbing sleep from his eyes.
What island are we heading, Nami? Usopp enquired from his sitting spot on the lawn
It was once called Faraway Kingdom but now it is known as Faraway ruins. said the
orange head girl after taking one last glance at a map in her hands. She and Rob
in were just came out from the girl's cabin after hearing Luffy's report.
Woohooooooo Takeaway, we're coming! Luffy cheered.
It's Faraway, idiot! Nami shouted but the captain was too excited to pay attention
Faraway ruins? What happened there? Chopper asked from his spot next to Usopp.
The once prosperous country was attacked and plundered by pirates then left to ro
te. Robin told him. I heard a mysterious plaque stroke the island many years ago,
forcing the rest of the survivors to flee.
So is it now abandoned?
That's what me and Nami-san think.
Chopper, Usopp, get the rest of us to gather here. We're docking about an hour fr
om now. Nami told the two.
Right. They said in unison.
Alright guys, this island we're stopping is quite different from any other places
we've visited before. It may not be as dangerous since it's most likely had bee
n abandoned. I'm sure there's nothing you monsters couldn't handle but I have to
point out that it's not a play ground and anyone who causes trouble will suffer
great consequence. For example, they wouldn't be allowed to eat for a week. Nami
pointed out and grinned victoriously when she saw Luffy stopped abruptly from h
is current activity of picking his nose and gulped, a sign that the boy had hear
d her threat.
We are only here to gather as much resources as we can while waiting for the log
pose to set for the next island but since neither me or Robin know how long it w
ill take, we need to get any information we could find. I'm dividing our crew in
to three groups to guard the ship, while the other to gather resources and infor
mations from the island. Franky and Usopp would guard the ship. Me, Luffy, Sunny
and Robin are group A. Sanji, Chopper, Zoro, you're group B. A loud groan and a
grumble was heard from the latter group once she finished.
Anyone complains or tries to get others into swapping team will be grounded. She a
dded quickly, effectively stopping Sanji who just opened his mouth to object and
Zoro who was about to intimidate Usopp to agree swapping team with him.
Nami-swan is so smart! Sanji beamed with heart-shaped eyes.
Each group has been divided based on its effectiveness, so all you have to do is
work together. She said again, ignoring the cook completely.
Effective my ass. The swordsman muttered under his breath but apparently could sti
ll be heard by Sanji who quickly snapped.
Bastard marimo, how dare you talk dirty to Nami-sw-
Take that back, damn womaniser! Sunny glared at the cook.
Nami groaned and raised her voice in order to be heard among the bickering boys.
Believe it or not, Zoro, Sanji-kun is the best person to avoid you from getting
lost, which is the last thing we need, and I don't put Sanji-kun in the same gro
up with me and Robin because he would be too busy distracting us. And Chopper is
there to prevent any unnecessary fights should you two make any attempts.
D-do I distract you, Nami-swaaann?? Sanji sang happily, clearly not getting the na
vigator's notion of him being a nuisance.
I don't lost! The green head crossed his arms and grumbled.
Nami, can I be in Zoro-kun's team. I don't trust the prick over there. Sunny asked
I'm not the one who appeared from suspicious damn lake, pansy ass! I don't trust
you with Robin-chan either! Sanji barked angrily without knowing why exactly he f
elt more irritated than he should have seeing his other self acting protective o
ver the God damned three swords freak. He decided that it was mainly because he
hated Sunny. He probably hated that damn faker more than the marimo. That's righ
t, he hated marimo didn't he? Then why would he be mad seeing the new chef fawni
ng over the guy he hated all day long? Was it just because he hated seeing himse
lf being the swordsman's servant and obeying his every whim? No, he knew Zoro di
dn't enjoy being the object of Sunny's desires. Probably the green head hated th
e special treatments as much as Sanji did. He just pretended he enjoyed it whene
ver he noticed Sanji was around solely to annoy him. That fucker... Somehow thou
gh, this knowledge lifted Sanji's mood a little bit. At least he knew Zoro didn'
t like Sunny as much as he had originally thought. But this rose other questions
that was quite disturbing; Why would he concern about Zoro's opinion towards th
e new cook? Was he concerned that Zoro might like Sunny better than him? Was he
I think both you and Zoro wouldn't be able to concentrate on the tasks fully unde
r one team, Sunny. Nami reasoned. Don't worry, I believe we could all lean on each
Hey guys, we're almost arrive at the shore. Usopp informed his friends.
Yosh! Adventure! Adventure! Adventure! Luffy chanted, barely able to contain his e
I could handle a big adventure today. I'm feeling super! Franky stoke a pose.
Right, remember to stay in your team. Oh, and one more thing, there are rumours o
f strange things occurred on the island although me and Robin doubted it. Just s
tay alert and be back before dark. Said Nami.
S-Strange things? What kind of strange t-things? Usopp stopped dead on his track b
ut Nami just glared at the cowardly sharpshooter.
I knew you would be scared Usopp, so I put you on the ship guarding duty. The oran
ge haired girl said.
D-don't be stupid, why would the great Captain Usopp scared of some strange islan
d?! Usopp put his hands on his hips and puffed his chest to look brave but unfort
unately his knees couldn't stop shaking.

to be continued...
Not much happening in this chapter... but this part is necessary to keep the plo
t flowing. Next time will have more SanZo/SunZo so stay tuned.
Review please?

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories 1. Chapter 12. Chapter 23. Chapter 3
Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 27 - Updated: 12-30
-09 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
Hi sweeties! This is chapter 3 as promised. I skipped a day, but oh well it's cl
ose enough. The plot changed a lot from my first plan but then again it often ha
ppens to me so there's nothing special about it.
Thanks a ton for the readers and reviewers! I love y'all!
Anyway, please enjoy! A small early gift for your new year! :D


Chapter 3
Shitty brainless swordsman... The cook cursed while he struggled to make his way t
hrough the vast area of muddy soil without soaking more of his pair of expensive
shoes in the wet substance of dirt and only God knows what else.
What was that, crap cook?! Zoro jerked his head back at the blonde.
I said, you're a brainless piece of a swordsman who is good at nothing but causin
g us trouble. He answered.
Screw you, stupid dart brow! Who told you to follow me anyway? The green head snap
We're supposed to stick together, asshole! If it's not for Nami-swan I would have
leave you and your idiocy!
Say that again and you're dead, skirt slave! The swordsman growled.
What did you call me?! The cook's blood started to boil in anger and strangely eno
ugh, excitement. It's been a while since his argument with the swordsman hadn't
being interrupted by the other blonde and this rare opportunity reminded him tha
t he was kind of missed the old days when he could bicker and fight Zoro wheneve
r he felt like it.
Uhm guys, please don't fight each other. Chopper piped in from his spot between th
e cook and the swordsman. We don't have much time until sun sets.
The two straw hats glared at each other for a moment longer before finally agree
ing with the reindeer. Both of them muttered curses under their breaths then rel
uctantly turning away to continue on their tracks. Fifteen minutes later, they r
eached the end of the muddy area to the more solid ground where the trees grew s
lightly denser.
Hey look, there's a lake over there! Chopper announced while pointing his little h
ooves at the direction slightly to their right, not too far away from them.
Finally. We could probably find some fruits or animals nearby. Said the blonde.
They all increased their paces and soon got to the edge of the lake that was sur
rounded by the same trees that bore pretty white flowers.
Whoaa, awesome!!! The little reindeer's round eyes gleamed with total amusement. S
anji and Zoro smirked. It really was a beautiful sigh to behold. The flawless wa
ter surface reflected the trees that grew on its edges and the clear blue sky ab
ove. The white flower petals dotted the clean water surface and the warm breeze
blew through the trees, bringing the pleasant fragrant of the flowers to the thr
ee appreciative audiences currently standing nearby. Unfortunately, they didn't
have that much time before dusk to enjoy the view longer so they decided to move
on and begin scouring the area for any foods.
Chopper, you and marimo could begin searching around the left side area of the la
ke. I'll go to the right side area, okay? Sanji said. We should meet up again at t
his spot around three hours from now. Make sure that idiot over there not strayi
ng alone and got himself lost.
Shut the fuck up, bastard! Said the swordsman heatedly, making the blonde snickere
d inwardly. Sometimes he deliberately said or did something more than necessary
just to irritate the grumpy swordsman. It was just too tempting.
Sure, Sanji! You can count on me! Chopper said seriously.
Just shut up, Chopper! Sanji could still hear the green head barked at Chopper who
told him to not wander more than three metres radius from him while their littl
e group went toward separate ways. The cook snickered softly at that. Zoro sound
ed cute sometimes................. Wait, What?!!
Not long after they started, Zoro and Chopper had found some overgrown wild berr
ies vegetation not far from the lake. They gathered as many fruits as they could
then decided to explore the area a little more before going back to the meeting
point. Chopper had been thinking to try finding some plants for his medicines a
s well but later cancelled it since he didn't think they have enough time. The t
wo crew mates then stumbled upon an abandoned cottage which roof had partially c
ollapsed and the door had rotten. The insides of the small building wasn't in be
tter condition than the outside. Clattered kitchenwares and broken furnitures in
side were covered with dirt. Some Bushes and weeds had grown from under the rott
en floorboards. They searched for any useful journal or notes but the only writt
en thing they found was a slightly tattered pocket-sized cooking book. Most of t
he pages were still intact and readable. It had some collection of weird looking
recipes that was alien to Zoro but he thought the cook might be interested so h
e took it with him. After that, they headed back to meet Sanji at the edge of th
e lake.
Zoro! Chopper! A happy voice that couldn't be mistakenly belonged to a certain cap
tain called from above them.
Luffy? What are you doing here? The little doctor tilted his head up towards a tre
e nearby where Luffy was perching on a rather unstable branch.
Looking for adventure! Came the answer. The boy looked back at his two crew member
s as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Luffy, you idiot! How many time have I told you to wait up?! Nami's angry yell was
heard not a minute after.
Chopper and Zoro? Why are you here? Nami appeared from under a thick bush, looking
like she was just being chased by a herd of elephant. Let me guess, your group w
ent way off course because of Zoro. She sighed tiredly.
What the hell are you talking about, witch? We're in the right direction. The swor
dsman started.
No Zoro, you're supposed to explore east, not west. But why should I waste my tim
e explaining this to an idiot who think up is north? Chopper, why did you and Sa
nji let this happened? She already turned to Chopper before Zoro could snap back.
The reindeer fidgeted and muttered an apology while struggling to put the compl
icated situation he and Sanji were experiencing into words to the hot-tempered g
Stop bullying him, witch. If you want someone to blame go bitchin' on the damn co
ok. Said Zoro.
Shut up, Zoro! We're wasting precious time because of you. I'm adding two thousan
ds belis to your debt.
Sanji have been exploring a bit too far from his original intention but since he
hadn't been able to find anything, he supposed it was okay. He decided to go fu
rther on his track, determined to find something for his Nami-swan when he came
back to the ship. The area wasn't grown with as much trees as before and it had
turned much quieter since no birds seemed to fly around there and the wind didn'
t have a lot of leaves to blow through. Suddenly he sensed something was off and
decided to stop and listen more carefully. There were ruffling sounds of dry le
aves and the cracking sound of dead branch behind him and instantly he knew he w
as being followed. The blonde smirked. He supposed he was quite lucky. He didn't
have to find any animals to hunt, they found him. From the sound of it, the ani
mal probably was a medium sized predator so it would be very easy for him to kil
l. The sounds got closer and the blonde turned sharply and prepared himself to f
ace anything that was going to come out from behind a bush where the sounds were
coming from. Something was coming out of the thick bush and the cook prepared t
o dodge an attack when blurs of a very familiar blonde appeared before him.
It's you?! Why the hell are you following me?!! Sanji barked at the other blonde w
ho was still busy dusting some leaves off of his green shirt with flower pattern
on it.
What are you talking about? I'm here first! He said.
You're the worst liar I've ever known! Just admit it. You followed me! Accused San
No, I'm not! Just so you know, you're the last person I'd want to follow. Where a
re Zoro and Chopper?
They're not here. We split up to save some time to gather anything useful we coul
d find. They're exploring the left area from the lake and hopefully your dearest
marimo wouldn't get in Chopper's way or get lost again.
Don't call Zoro-kun that, stupid cook!
or what, pansy shirt? Sanji taunted.
or you'll be very sorry later.
Baka cook, are you threatening me?!
No, I'm giving you an advice.
You think I'm crazy? Why would I take any advice from you of all people? Sanji scof
fed mockingly.
Because I'm right. Sunny said, And by the way, yes, I think you're crazy and stupid
Ok, that's it! We'll see if your kick is as fierce as your filthy mouth, lake boy
! Sanji snarled and got into a fighting stance which was mirrored by the other bl
Gentlemen, I thought I heard your voices nearby. Robin's calm voice interrupted th
e two blondes.
Robin said Sunny.
Robin-chwaaann!! Sanji instantly beamed at the approaching Archaeologist who smile
d slightly at him.
I didn't expect to meet you here, Sanji-kun but I suppose it's not surprising as
well. She said knowingly. But then again you don't have to be a genius to guess h
ow or to be exact, who had caused the other group to be lost and ended up on the
completely opposite direction.
Robin-chan, you're so smart! As you know, our team has the disadvantage of having
a complete moron who's always lost. Sanji said with hearts in his eyes. The raven
haired archaeologist aware that the other cook would snap at Sanji's insult on
their green haired swordsman so she interrupted again before Sunny could say any
thing to Sanji.
Looks like it's getting dark soon. Let's find the others and head back to the shi
Wonderful idea, Robin-chan! I told Chopper to meet up at the clearing at the sout
h side of the lake. I'll lead you there. With that, the three of them started wal
king toward the destined place.
Nami-swaaaaann!! Sanji called lovingly when their little group approached the clea
ring and saw the orange haired girl walked back and forth while occasionally wro
te something on the paper she had in her hand. Usopp and Franky were standing ne
arby with big backpacks on their backs.
Hey, why are they here? Sunny voiced his curiosity.
Great, everyone's here! Said the navigator to the arriving straw hats. We have a ne
w plan, guys. Since we didn't meet our goals today, I think it's better to camp
here until we find all the things we need . This island is bigger than I had pre
dicted and I doubt we could gather all of it before sunset tomorrow so I think i
t's best to not waste more time going out and coming back to The Sunny by settin
g our temporary base here.
What about our ship? asked Sunny.
Franky and Usopp had moved it to a small cove nearby before I asked them to come
here with camping tools. The Sunny will be safe there until we finish. Luckily,
I brought mini den den mushi with me so we don't need to go back to tell them. Na
mi grinned and paused briefly before continuing, ignoring Sanji who was babbling
about how lucky he was to be in the company of a beautiful and intelligent lady
like her. I told Luffy, Chopper, and Zoro to get some dry woods half an hour ago
, they'll be back soon.
Great planning there, girlie. Let's start setting up our camp. Franky said.
Do we have enough to cook? Sanji asked, a tad worried about his crew well being. T
his part of the island didn't seem to have plenty to eat.
I bring some food supply we have left from the kitchen. Luffy caught a wild boar
a while ago and Chopper and Zoro got a lot of berries. I think we should have en
ough until tomorrow morning. Usopp patted his big bloating backpack where he stuf
fed as many food from the galley as he can in it.
The day was getting dark soon. The straw hats had all gathered on the clearing a
nd were currently busy with their own tasks helping to set up the camp.
Luffy!!! What did I tell you about not making a crazy bonfire?! Do you want all t
he marines to come here?!! Nami punched and shrieked at the rubber boy who had bu
ilt a massive bonfire instead of a camp fire like she had asked him to make.
But Nami, you said there's nobody live here. Luffy whined while rubbing his sore h
ead and pouted at the navigator who suddenly grew fangs on her mouth.
Sis, think about what captain bro said. It would be super when we lit it. Franky t
ried to persuade the navigator.
You helped him built it didn't you?!! Nami grinned darkly that enough to make a bi
g man like Franky gulped and back away a little.
How am I supposed to cook on that? Sunny enquired.
Oi, I'm cooking tonight! Sanji, who heard the other cook, quickly bellowed from hi
s spot where he and Robin had finished setting up a tent for the girls.
Meanwhile, Usopp and Chopper were trying their luck to catch something from the
lake with their fishing poles. Zoro was lounging nearby since Usopp insisted tha
t they would need him if they catch something huge from the lake, like a nessy o
r something. The swordsman rolled his eyes and said it was impossible and that t
hey shouldn't go fishing if they were scared, but he didn't leave his spot eithe
r. He supposed he could use the opportunity to take a brief nap before dinner.
Usopp, I think I catch something! Chopper squealed excitedly and began to reel but
the fish seemed to be stubborn and resisted the pull.
Reel it in while it's not struggling, Chopper! Usopp told him.
I'm trying, but it doesn't move! The reindeer said.
Zoro, help! Chopper caught something big! Usopp told the sleeping swordsman.
Huh? The green head cracked his eyes opened and looked at the two panicked straw h
ats. He stood up and put down the three swords on his waist carefully then pull
off his haramaki and his shirt as well.
What are you doing?! Quick, the string's gonna snap! The sharpshooter screeched at
Calm down, I'm coming! The swordsman got into the lake and swam to where the 'stub
born fish' were. It was quite deep down there so Zoro could dive in and found ou
t that the 'fish' was actually a sunken log of tree. Those silly kids, he told t
hem there was no fish in this lake but they didn't listen.
He swam up to the surface to told them, Oi, it's a tree log. I'm going to unhook
the fishing hook, don't pull it, okay?
As soon as he saw Chopper nodded, he dove back in to do his job. He began to swi
m back up once he finished but suddenly he felt someone pulled his waist from be
hind. The green head jerked his head and his eyes widened to find a very familia
r dark green eyes looking back at him.
Why don't you take a rest for a while? I'll help you in the meantime. The man's sm
irk was filled with similar confidence and slight arrogance such as his. And the
n all the green head could see was blankness.
to be continued....

Hope the plot isn't too boring... There are not much happening between Sanji, Zo
ro, or Sunny yet. But I need to write this first to set up the plot on the new i
Review please? :3

Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories
Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 84 - Updated: 0
2-26-10 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
Hi, my lovelies this is chapter 4!
Sorry for the long wait ^_^'' Um, the reason was I got another I-can't-find-an i
dea-for continuing the plot-disease. (runs away)
Anyway please enjoy the update, hopefully this'll satiate you all a bit.
Chapter 4
"Zoro!" The swordsman could vaguely heard someone called out again while his sen
ses slowly coming back to his cold body. Someone gave him CPR and pounded at his
chest diligently. "Can you hear me?"
Another air being blown into his lungs made him coughed water violently through
his mouth and nose. After the coughs subsided he opened his eyes to find all the
other straw hats' face looking down at him in concern.
"Thank God, Zoro! We almost lost you!" He could see Chopper's brown eyes grown b
ig and watery. Luffy grinned widely and chirped his first mate's name, resisting
the urge to glomp him in his delight since Chopper had asked everyone to clear
out of his way. Nami and Usopp sighed in relieve. Franky said something about an
emotional memory when he was almost drowned as a child then saved by his late f
oster father, Tom and insisted that he wasn't crying although no one was really
paying attention at his sniffling figure except Robin. She was patting soothingl
y at the cyborg's arm, her face showed slight amusement at his antics. Sunny was
busy asking whether Zoro was alright and offered him any favour he could think
of while Sanji, who was kneeling on his side, scowled down at the green head.
"Idiot moss for brain!" The cook spat.
"The hell, cook?!" Zoro, who had propped himself into a sitting position, spat b
ack and glared at the blonde.
"You fell fucking asleep in the lake! You think you're some kind of a lake plant
or something? Not that I ever expected your brain bigger than that of a plant-i
f they even have any-, but I thought even you could tell that was dangerous!" Sa
nji's little outburst made the green head stopped a beat and missed his change t
o throw back any sarcastic insult. Even Sunny didn't shout back at the cook imme
diately. The cook wasn't supposed to be this angry wasn't he? Who the hell he th
ink he was scolding the swordsman like that while the one who was almost drown t
o death was Zoro!
"Y-You...!! I didn't sleep, you moron! I swam back up and headed to the shore an
d- " He stopped abruptly, looking uncertain and at a lost as to how he ended up
drowning instead. He gazed at the curious faces around him while trying hard to
dig into his memory and realised that he was as clueless as the rest of his crew
mates. He couldn't remember anything that could have prevented him from swimmin
g up to the surface.
"I know! You got lost in there didn't you?" Luffy offered helpfully. A vein popp
ed on the swordsman's head and he would have pounced at the rubber boy if Choppe
r wasn't kneeling between them while asking Zoro questions whether he felt pain
or numbness anywhere and so on.
"It's lucky Sanji jumped in almost immediately when we noticed you didn't resurf
ace in time." Usopp said. The sharpshooter was too scared to jump in thinking th
at Zoro was being attacked by a lake monster (even now his knees were still shak
ing slightly) and Chopper was panicking, running around screaming for doctor bef
ore remembering it was himself and then, realising Zoro would need to be brought
back to the surface first before any doctor could treat him, the reindeer screa
med for someone's help because he would've drown if he himself went after the sw
ordsman (he forgot that lake's water was different from sea water).
Suddenly Zoro realised why Sanji was soaking wet from head to toe and cold water
was still dripping down his blonde bangs and his chin (Sunny was all wet too an
d Zoro could guess that he insisted to be the one to get him out of the water bu
t it seemed like Sanji jumped in first). And judging from the crappy cook's posi
tion that was closest to Zoro's head, it was most likely that he was the one who
gave him mouth-to-mouth. Faint blush quickly crept up his cheeks without him kn
owing why in the world would he react that way towards the blonde and in his emb
arrassment, he quickly picked himself up and walked off in somewhat sluggish mov
ements, all the while trying hard to avoid Sanji's eyes. Chopper yelled at him t
hat he hadn't finished checking him up thoroughly while following the swordsman.
The cook seemed to notice it and blushed involuntarily at the man's awkwardness.
He could still feel the ache on his chest from the fear of the swordsman wasn't
breathing any more and the weird sensations in his gut when their lips touched
for the first time. The fact that his brain made huge effort to memorise every d
etail of that wet parted lips against his own and the sturdy jawline against his
palms wasn't helping his situation at all. Was he, in some very odd way, had gr
own feelings towards him? As if the fact that it was for another male wasn't dis
turbing enough, it was for the goddamned green haired swordsman he loathed the m
ost! Well, sure Zoro had good look and alluring voice but that didn't mean.....
wait, there's no way in hell he thought Zoro was attractive! He was every inch a
complete opposite of beauty that Sanji had in mind. No feminine curves, no smoo
th petite legs, no soft pink lips, no sweet smells, no boobs. All about him was
screaming rough and masculinity that Sanji thought he would never be attracted t
o, that was, until he saw Zoro.
Fine! What if he really had a little crush on the three swords freak? Probably t
he fucker had some weird aura about him that attracted straight men (Sanji was b
orn a hundred and ten percent straight, damnit!) so it's not because the cook wa
s gay or anything, in other words, it's entirely the marimo head's fault! But th
e point was, he's not going to do anything about it so it all didn't really matt
er. Right?
The night fell upon the woods and the straw hats were dancing wildly or sitting
around the big fire after they had their dinner. Nami and Luffy had finally came
to an agreement about the size of the camp fire and the result was a small bonf
ire that was slightly smaller than the one they had in Skypiea's jungle. Robin h
ad teased the navigator about her having a soft spot for their carefree captain
but Nami had denied it by saying that she had only did it so he would stop whini
ng and literally clinging to her ankle like it was a life line until she let him
have a bonfire.
As expected, Luffy and Franky were singing and dancing like the two idiots they
were around the fire while Usopp told another of his tell tales to the easily am
used Chopper on one side of the camp, opposite of girls' side. Sanji was fawning
over the girls as usual while offering them their second desserts and Sunny was
busy with trying to amuse Zoro who sat not so far away. Or rather, trying to ke
ep himself amused by being around the green head with whatever excuses he could
think of.
The girls had insisted politely that they were too full to have any drinks or de
sserts and so Sanji was left with nothing to do. The plates and the cooking pots
were washed already and the left overs were put aside. He sat and joined the ch
atting girls for a while. They talked about shoes and whether they should buy hi
gher or lower heels on the next island and Sanji was chirping and cooing here an
d there about their incredible beauties and how his love won't change no matter
what kind of shoes they were wearing. The cook got a little distracted when the
girls started talking about their experiences wearing particular type of shoes,
about how Nami thought peep-toe shoes felt better than other kind of shoes altho
ugh she still preferred open shoes with straps and Robin explained some boots we
ren't as comfy as it looked, and the bored cooked stared absent mindedly to the
flickering fire that wasn't as big and glorious as before but could still warm t
he straw hats until a couple of hours more against chilly night wind.
Luffy and Chopper had already dozed off by the fire with blankets carelessly pul
led up covering their mid sections. Franky sat quietly on one spot under a nearb
y tree, idly strumming notes on his guitar that looked ridiculously small on his
lap. Usopp rolled out his sleeping mattress and got his feet under his blanket,
ready to sleep. The girls began to yawn softly between their conversation that
had died down into a slow, lazy talk. Sanji's eyes shifted to the remaining stra
w hats on the spot nearest to the lake. His eyes narrowed in annoyance at the ot
her blonde's attitude around the cabbage head. He hadn't stopped his fawning ove
r the marimo since dinner. What a shameless jack ass. But then it was probably d
ue to Zoro's reactions toward the blond. He seemed not as reluctant as before...
. in fact, he was actually the one who flirted the love-struck cook and made him
looked like a complete idiot!
Sanji blinked several times and shook his head slightly before staring back at t
he two straw hats. It couldn't be real, could it? How come the green head grew f
ond of the annoying blond in less than a day? (Not that he intentionally paid gr
eat attention toward Zoro's interactions with Sunny, really. And no, he never tr
ied to calculate how much Sunny annoyed Zoro judging from the crease or the twit
ch of his brows.) And more importantly, was Zoro gay?! This was all seemed wrong
but the scene of the two men flirting before his eyes couldn't be more real.
"Oh, God. Is it just me, or Zoro is kissing Sunny right now?" Nami gaped disbeli
"No, Nami-san I see them too." Answered Robin.
"I'm not really surprised that Zoro prefers boys, but oh. my. God-did he just do i
t with his tongue?" The orange haired girl's face grew redder by the second and
received a soft giggle from the raven haired Archaeologist. Sanji was glowing re
d too and he was thankful that the girls' attention wasn't at him. He felt his c
heeks burned up and blamed the heat from the fire but he couldn't take his eyes
off the hot wet tongue that shamelessly licked its way down that jawline and blo
nde goatee.
His goatee.
Sanji gulped hard. It was like seeing himself being licked by Zoro and screw it
if he knew why it made his blood travel south by the mental image. The girls' am
used giggles broke him from his stupor and realised that the two men had stopped
from their previous activity, realising that they had audiences.
"Please don't mind us, boys. We're just leaving." Robin said, her lips curled up
into a somewhat apologetic smile.
"Er, y-yes. Do go on." Nami stammered. Her hand waved dismissively. Robin helped
her got up and leave for their tent. Sanji could still hear voices from the gir
ls' tent after they got in. Nami couldn't stop her giggling while Robin's calm v
oice said something to her. Apparently he was not the only one enjoying the 'sho
w'. Quickly realising that his prolonged stay would be most awkward, Sanji got o
n his feet and went to bed, turning his back on the two remaining straw hats. Th
e embarrassed cook tried to hide his awkwardness with a scowl and kept his eyes
away from them. But then he noticed that he scowled because he was angry. Why wo
uld he feel ashamed? He shouldn't be when he's not the one committing audacious
act and he shouldn't be upset if Zoro decided to kiss Sunny or any other guy for
that matter, should he? The blonde grunted inwardly and blocked his inner thoug
hts since it only confused and irritated him more. He shut his eyes and brain (i
f he could, he certainly would!) and fell into a dreamless sleep, only to wake u
p the next morning into a bigger surprise.
To be continued...
Review please? :3
Review this Story/Chapter
Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories
Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 84 - Updated: 0
2-26-10 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
Hiya, folks! I truly appreciate your support and your reviews had been my strong
est motivation in writing this. I'm so glad to have you guys as my readers, You
all rocks!!
So, here it is, chapter 5 finished and I hope you all enjoy it. It's also slight
ly longer than the previous chapters, if you notice. :)
Chapter 5
Sanji was woken by a gruff voice calling him back to the conscious world.
"Crap cook! Oi, wake up!" said the familiar voice.
The cook grunted in irritation, blinked his eyes several times and cursed some m
ore realising he had been sleeping on one side of his body all night long and no
w his right shoulder felt stiff and numb.
"What is it, you shitty marimo? It's not even dawn yet!" The cook grumbled while
rubbing sleep from his eyes. The silhouette of Zoro squatting before him came i
nto focus, making him frown, but the chilly air was refreshing and the scent of
humid grass and dew filled his nostrils, lifting his mood a little bit. The earl
y sunlight wasn't going to shine down on the landscape until at least an hour mo
re. It was really odd that the notoriously lazy swordsman had actually woken up
before him but he wasn't quite interested in bringing the subject up for the mom
ent so he just levered himself into a sitting position and glared at the green h
ead impatiently, waiting him to explain what caused the interruption. The stupid
marimo had better got a very good reason for this!
"Did anyone tell you something yesterday?" asked the green head. Now that the bl
ond had adjusted to the dim surroundings, he could see the swordsman's confused
face looking back at him.
"the hell are you talking about?" The cook sat straighter, gave his stiff should
er a slow massage with his free hand and lowered his gaze abruptly. The event la
st night instantly replayed in his head and made him nervous to be around the gr
een head. He probably could still salvage some of his dignity if Zoro wasn't so
close but the sudden proximity caused weird reactions to the cook. The heat radi
ating from the swordsman made his hair stood on end and the distinct scent of mu
sk and steel from the man made him a bit light headed.
"Where has everyone gone to?" Zoro asked, either not noticing the cook's odd beh
aviour or chose to ignore it.
"Huh? What do you mean?" The blond stopped and blinked, then looked around the c
amp where he thought he had last seen his nakamas before he went to bed. He whip
ped his head from side to side like a confused animal who had just been left by
its herd. The rest of the straw hats were nowhere to be seen, leaving only unrul
y blankets and empty bed mattresses.
"What--? Where's-?" He started, his mouth opened and closed like a fish.
"Don't look at me, I have no idea." The swordsman shrugged a little then continu
ed, seeing that the cook had stood rapidly and rushed to the girls' tent. "Robin
and Nami aren't there. Don't think they're being attacked. I didn't hear anythi
ng last night and there's no signs of struggle, they all just... disappear." The
last word was spoken in a puzzled tone, as if the swordsman was asking himself
a question.
The girls weren't in their tent, just like Zoro said. Sanji stood at the tent en
trance for a moment, unsure of what to do. Then he turned to scan the camp while
trying to find an answer to their predicament.
"It seems like they didn't plan to go out for long so I decided to wait for awhi
le. But it's almost morning and none hasn't came back." Zoro had stood up and no
dded his head to the spot where Usopp's and Chopper's bags were put near a tree
root. They never left without their bags even for a brief supplies restocking on
a port town, Sanji and Zoro knew it.
"No, I don't think that's what happened. They would surely tell us. Nami would t
ell us before." The cook shook his head disapprovingly.
"Believe me, she doesn't tell me her plan almost the entire time up until she ne
eds me to slash some heads." Zoro scoffed.
"That's because you are too busy sleeping on the deck when everyone else is list
ening, moss head! You think this is normal?!"
"If something happened, one of us would've heard it, crap cook! There's no way-"
"Well, maybe you would have if you weren't too busy trying to get into his pants
The shouting contest stopped abruptly and replaced by a complete silence. The te
nsion between the two men hung in the air as they glared angrily at each other.
Then suddenly the green head made a low weird noise. It was very low and almost
inaudible at first before it turned into a long, mocking, exaggerated chuckle.
"What on earth are you talking about, shitty bastard?" The first mate looked at
him like the cook was a complete loony in a strap jacket who claimed that he was
his son.
For a split second, Sanji regretted bringing up the subject, but it's too late t
o back away now. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pretend like yo
u didn't see that we saw you and Sunny last night."
The green head was silent for a moment as if he wasn't sure he heard it right an
d gave the cook a weird look. "You're nuts, cook." he said. "You're outta your m
Sanji faltered a bit, seeing that the swordsman was genuinely bewildered at his
accusation. Was the cook had somehow been wrong about what he thought he'd seen?
Was they not really kissing? But the girls saw it too so it couldn't be wrong.
And he was sure as hell he saw them, he even could tell every details of how tha
t expert tongue moved slowly along the blond's jaw before their lips met again i
n a heated kiss. He could still feel his cheeks burning. He knew what he saw.
However, this was really not the right time to dwell on irrelevant matters. Thei
r crew members were still missing without a trace and they needed to know their
whereabouts as soon as possible. They needed a plan.
"Look, marimo, I don't give a shit about you or that pansy cook." The blond star
ted. "The ladies are my main priority here."
"Figured. Same goes to you and your crappy hallucinations, bastard." Zoro turned
on his heels and waved dismissively, not bothering to look at the blonde and wa
lked towards the forest. "I'll be back when you got some of your sanity back."
"Big word from an ape--Hey, wait a sec! Where do you think you're going?!"
"What do you think it looks like?" The green head stopped briefly and gave him a
n annoyed side way glance.
"You'll lost and we'll never get out of this fucking island, marimo! We need a b
etter plan!" However annoying, Sanji's reasoning seemed to take an effect on the
swordsman. He stopped again and turned reluctantly, silently challenging his cr
ew mate to tell whatever his so called plan he claimed better.
"It doesn't do much good to go search for them in the dark. We'll start after it
's brighter." Sanji sighed and took a seat near the dying camp fire. He stared a
t the dying ember for a moment before adding more dry woods into it to warm hims
elf a bit.
Although seemed reluctant, Zoro knew that the cook had a point. The light and th
e warmth from the fire looked quite inviting in the cold weather so he came and
sat by the fire, across from the cook who was poking the burning woods slightly
with a stick to help it burned better.
"I take it you checked our camping area. Why didn't you wake me earlier?" The bl
onde started. The yellow light was dancing on his tired face.
"I told you, cook, I thought they intended to go back soon. So I waited."
"For how long?"
"... a couple hours or so, I guess."
"A couple hours! What went into your head?! Clearly something had happened to th
em and you decided to wait?!" The cook suddenly snapped and glared at the man, d
emanding a answer, but the swordsman had his mouth shut tightly.
Then it dawned on him. Something wasn't right. "Wait, you didn't tell me everyth
ing, did you?"
"...It's not important."
"Everything concerning the crew's safety is important! Tell me what happened or
I swear I'll-"
"or what, curly bastard? I'd like to see you try!" Zoro cut him short, his expre
ssion hardened.
"You asked for it, moss head!" The blonde threw his cigarette and lunged forward
with a kick.
Then there they were again, trying to beat the crap out of each other in blurs o
f black and silver, whipping legs, and the clacking of solid metals. At one poin
t, the green head was at a disadvantage of stumbling upon an unsteady ground and
unable to block a powerful kick sent his way. He crashed a few metres away onto
a tree and let out a pained grunt. The cook was taken by surprise. The kick he
just gave him was usually not a problem for Zoro to block with his swords. He to
ok a hesitant step forward and noticed the green haired man had hurt his right s
houlder or even his other body parts which impaired his defence and failed to bl
ock an attack. The man couldn't hide his slight winching or sharp breaths every
time he had to move certain parts of his body in order to dodge or attack. The b
lond had suspicions that the shoulder was not the only wounded part.
"Oi, are you okay?" Asked the cook.
"I'm fine." The swordsman insisted, he stopped and leaned down to retrieve his s
words from the ground and sheathed them carefully.
"You hurt your shoulder. When did that happen?"
"It's when we fought off the marines. I was distracted and got hit."
"Lies. It was over two weeks ago. You're hiding something."
"I'm not hiding anything, curly brow! Mind your own businesses."The stubborn mar
imo turned his back on the cook and got ready to leave but Sanji was faster. He
tackled the green head and sent him stumbling forward. The swordsman cursed when
he was forced to break the fall with both arms, sending a jolting pain to his r
ight shoulder. The blonde took the opportunity to turn him around and lifted his
shirt to reveal his crew mate's torso full of bruises that were inflicted by bl
unt weapon, some of them looked quite severe but the skin was just starting to c
hange into dark purple colour.
"Holy shit! What the hell was this?"
"Get off!" Zoro barked and pushed the cook away. He stumbled further from the co
ok while pulling his shirt back down, nearly ripping the fabric in the process,
and then looked away. The cook stayed quiet for some time before he spoke again.
"Sit by the fire. I'll get Chopper's ointment and bandage the wounds." He was qu
ite surprised seeing the swordsman did just that after a few moments of hesitati
on. He supposed Zoro wasn't as angry as he had thought he would. The blonde took
a small jar half filled with pale greenish substance and a few rolls of white b
andages from Chopper's backpack then took a seat in front of the swordsman.
"Your shirt. Take it off." He told the green head who quickly obliged. It wasn't
seldom that the straw hats had to treat each other's wounds after a battle when
Chopper was preoccupied with other crew member with more severe or life threate
ning injuries. And when Sanji and Zoro had to, they usually did it efficiently a
nd quietly, since talking would be more than likely ended on unnecessary fight.
It wouldn't be a problem for the cook and it never caused any reactions besides
a scowl and a few minor curses while fixing Zoro but after the 'incident' last n
ight, sitting before the swordsman made him constantly shifted his sitting posit
ion since he kept thinking that they were sitting too close but then when he sco
oted away he found that he was too far and had to shift forward again. His heart
beat faster if Zoro leaned in a bit too close and his nervous fingers would pre
ssed too hard on Zoro's wound and he would complain and made the cook's frown de
eper. The thought that his fingertips were touching the swordsman only distracte
d him further but finally, after a good number of curses he finished and quickly
wrapped the wounds with the bandages.
"There, it's done. Since I treated you, I think I have the right to know how you
got them in the first place." The cook scooted and lounged beside the green hea
d. He had put a cigarette on his lips and lit it in a lazy, elegant movements of
his hand.
"I'm not obliged to tell you a damn thing, cook!"
"I didn't have to help you with your wounds either, but I just did."
"What, now I owe you an explanation? I didn't remember asking any of your favour
so it didn't count."
"That's not the point."
"So what? What is the point?"
"We are nakama. We trust and help each other even when you don't want to be help
ed." That was what Luffy would say to the crew and without realising it, they we
re all becoming just like their young captain who they loved and adored more tha
n anything.
The cook's words struck Zoro like lightning and he felt a sudden pang of guilt o
n his chest. As much as he hated to admit it, he had the strong urge to just spi
ll everything that had been haunting him since yesterday. Things, though, always
easier said than done.
The cook let the silence sunk in until the swordsman was ready to talk. He just
focused on the nicotine that travelled in and out of his lungs with each breath
he took and enjoyed the warmth given by the fire near his feet. He noted from th
e corner of his eyes that the green head was having a hard time battling with hi
s inner thoughts. He was slouching, but his shoulders tensed and his jaw clenche
d tightly. He ran his hand through his short cropped hair a few times in nervous
"I I didn't-I can't remember how or when I got these bruises. I couldn't even I coul
dn't recall how I ended up waking in the middle of the woods instead of here. I
just--I kept walking in the dark until I saw the fire light from our camp." The
swordsman started. He fixed his eyes intensely on the flickering fire as if it w
ould suddenly died or disappear if he dared to glance away.
"I don't know what's happening to me."
to be continued...
review please? :)
Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories
Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 84 - Updated: 0
2-26-10 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
Here's the new chapter. Hope you all enjoy! :)
Thanks for those who reviewed, you made me so happy!
Chapter 6
"The first thought that came to my head was that we're attacked and somehow I en
ded up unconscious in the woods during the battle. That explained the wounds. I
pushed aside the fact that I couldn't remember anything about a battle. I needed
to make sure everyone was alright. I have to find out what had happened. But it
was very dark and it took me hours to finally found my way back. The camp was e
mpty but showed no signs of a fight had occurred here. Things were still where w
e had left them and you were even sleeping. Then another thought told me that pr
obably you guys noticed my odd absence and went searching for me in the woods. N
ami must've told you to stay in case I go back here before them." The swordsman
"Then I realised that you would instantly bombard me with questions. Things I su
rely couldn't answer. I couldn't just say the truth and I was too confused since
the only thing that may have explained my wounds was proven wrong, I was left w
ith nothing. So I sat down and tried to clear my mind. I tried to remember, ...b
ut found that I couldn't. Everything is a confusing mass of blacks and greys tha
t I couldn't make a sense out of. I thought--I heard ...sounds, but couldn't mak
e out what they were or decide whether it was real or just my imaginations." He
paused for a moment. His scowl deepened and he ground his teeth angrily as if th
e flickering yellow fire had told him something to say and he hated it. But he c
ontinued anyway.
"I don't even know whether I could still trust my sanity or not.... Everything i
sn't making any fucking sense any more."
Sanji let the swordsman talked and only nodded occasionally between pauses to le
t him knew he was listening and encouraged the green head to go on with the stor
y. Majority of the time, he was staring at the starless pitch black sky and the
silhouette of trees or the fire and the lazy patterns that the white smoke from
his cigarette created as it wafted above his head and later disappeared in the c
old air, anything besides the green haired man sitting next to him. He only watc
hed his frame from the corner of his eyes, not wanting to put unwanted pressures
to the man while he spoke. He didn't need to look at him in the eyes to know wh
at the swordsman was feeling at the moment. He too would be scared to death, hav
ing to wake up lost in the dark and beaten up without knowing how or when that h
ad happened to him or what fate had befallen his crew. Without any clues to know
the truth or the proof that he was still sane.
Zoro turned to Sanji's relaxed form beside him and searched for his eyes, but th
e cook didn't look back. "I knew something's wrong when you said you didn't know
they're gone. But there were still some possibilities. Probably Nami made them
to leave in a hurry to get something from the Sunny and didn't have time to tell
you so she left her den den mushi here to inform you from the ship. Or she simp
ly didn't think telling you was necessary since they were going to be back soon.
There are nothing we know yet that tells us for sure it's an attack, but-"
"We couldn't ignore the fact that they just left without a word," The blonde fin
ished for him. "...or the wounds." Sanji glanced at Zoro's bandaged torso before
shifted his gaze to meet the swordsman's eyes. The green head quickly averted h
is eyes and looked away as if the cook's gaze burned him like hot coal.
"We still have some time before dawn. I'll take a watch and see if I can find an
ything useful around here." Said the blond. He got up and stomped the remains of
his cigarette that he threw to the ground and crouched at where Usopp left his
big backpack, looking for a flash light of some sort. Usopp always had handy too
ls with him that the crew could benefit from, although more than half the time S
anji wasn't sure what the stuff was called (or whether they even had names) or w
hether they were made to fulfil any function at all. Finally he found a small sh
ell-like tool that Usopp had once showed him as a 'torch' (the cook thought Usop
p called it light dial and he bartered some rubber bands for it from a man in Sk
ypiea). He fumbled with the thing for a moment, searching for some kind of switc
h while hoping that it was still usable. He grinned slightly when the light dial
was working as it let out a bright yellow light from its opening.
The green head didn't reply but took the hint. That was Sanji's way of telling h
im to rest without making it looked like he cared. That was what Zoro would do t
oo if he was in the blond's shoes. That was their way of taking care each other.
The swordsman bent over to take off his heavy boots, grimacing slightly at the
blunt pain on his shoulder every time he moved it. He shifted slightly to get a
comfortable position, folded his shirt to be used as a pillow, threw a blanket o
ver him and laid on his back. He dozed off seconds later.
"What a cave man..." The blond cook looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes
seeing the swordsman slept easily without the need of a decent mattress a norma
l person would need before they could go to sleep on a solid ground. But at leas
t he put a blanket on this time, even though it was clear he didn't spare enough
time to pull it over the entire lower half of his body. Part of his leg was sti
ll open to the cold air.
The blonde wondered if the swordsman's inhuman physical endurance would prevent
him from catching cold when he slept shirtless on wet grass in such cold weather
. Sure the heat from the fire helped, but still...
Nah, the marimo'll be alright. He told himself.
Nonetheless, he still felt the urge to move him on a more appropriate bedding an
d a better blanket. He didn't look comfortable after all. The cook just stood an
d stared at his green haired nakama for a few moments, debating whether he shoul
d move him or not. It would be very awkward if Zoro woke up while he brought him
to an empty mattress.
The marimo would think I'm weird. Thought the cook. And then he would put his gu
ard on toward me and eventually notices there's something different.
His pulse picked up a few paces thinking the possibilities. He didn't dare to im
agine how Zoro would react if he knew. But the swordsman didn't seem to mind kis
sing Sunny last night, so it shouldn't be that bad if he found out that Sanji ha
d some kind of ...feeling toward him, right? Wait, he shouldn't even think about
it! Of course he wouldn't let that happen! He couldn't let the marimo know! The
idea of carrying the marimo on his arms was pretty tempting of course, but the
risk was too great. And so he settled to wake the swordsman instead.
"Oi, marimo" The cook nudged his sides, careful not to touch the wounds. "move.
You're on my way."
The green head cracked his eyes open and frown. He levered his body up slightly
with one arm and growled. "The hell, crap cook? You've got a lot of space to mov
e around!"
"You're still intruding my space. I need a room to cook." The blond pointed out.
Okay, maybe it wasn't that good of an excuse since there was nothing preventing
him from using any other sides of the fire besides the one occupied by the first
mate. Not to mention the fact that he used cooking as the main reason. Who used
the whole sides of a fire to cook anyway? And the green head wasn't that close
to the fire to prevent him from cooking in the same side if he really didn't hav
e any other choices. He knew the swordsman was thinking the same thing as he gla
nced at the rather wide space around them and sent a glare at the cook.
"Fuck off, curly brow! There's plenty of room over there!" He said gruffly, cert
ain that the cook was doing it deliberately to annoy him, and turned on his left
sides, giving his back to the cook. He was in no mood to deal with the blonde's
provocation. But the cook apparently thought otherwise.
"I said move, moss head." Sanji said flatly but having no reaction from the othe
r man, he extended his feet and kicked his back slightly. This move did provoke
the green head a bit.
"the hell is your problem, kuso cook?!" He barked angrily.
"I wasted time and energy fixing you and you just go ruining it on wet grass. Wh
y can't you sleep on a mattress like a normal patient, huh, marimo?" The cook sn
arled. He decided it won't do if he used the 'cooking space' as an excuse to get
his point across that thick skull.
The swordsman was tired, cold and was on the verge of killing something. But if
the cook was in the mood to get killed, he'll get it! A thin dark grin slowly gr
ew on the green head's face. "Because I can." He said mockingly. A slight taunt
was all it took to get the hot tempered blond plunged head first into a fight. B
ut unfortunately for him, the cook didn't take the bait.
"Yeah, whatever. Go drown yourself if you like, I'm totally fine with that." The
blonde nonchalantly said. "I just concern that you would only slow me down tomo
"Why, you--!"
"And I'm not saving your ass next time." The cook added as he turned on his heel
s and began walking away.
"I don't need saving from anyone, bastard! Especially from you!" The swordsman b
ellowed at the leaving blonde.
The cook only waved dismissively as he trotted toward the area of the girls' ten
t with, leaving the irritated swordsman to pout alone. The green head cursed und
er his breath and glanced at Usopp's empty mattress a few feet away. It looked w
arm, dry and comfy but he was too stubborn and ended up making several attempts
to fall back to sleep on the same patch of grass without a success. Now that som
eone had pointed out a comparison, the grass surface he'd occupied suddenly seem
ed too wet and uneven. It's spiky edges seemed very intended on poking his nape
and his ears, making him suspected they had conspired against him.
"Crappy dartboard brow..." He swore grudgingly as he finally picked himself up a
nd got to the mattress.
Sanji stood inside the camp that was lit by the light dial, and looked around se
arching for the mini den den mushi Nami had brought along with her. He studied N
ami's backpack beside her bed mattress, and after a long mental debate, he crouc
hed over it while muttering an apology to his orange goddess. A gentleman like h
im shouldn't look inside a lady's private belongings, but he was sure Nami would
understand since it was an emergency. He soon found what he was looking for ins
ide one of the side pockets. So Nami did leave it here, but it didn't look like
she left it there to be found later by him. It didn't look like she was planning
to leave at all. He tried to contact the den den mushi on the Sunny several tim
es, but there was no reply. Nobody's there. With a sigh, the blond glanced aroun
d the tent some more but found nothing that could help him with the crew's where
abouts. He turned to leave and stopped on his track when he heard splashing nois
e from outside. It couldn't possibly be the idiot moss head, could it? Even he w
asn't stupid enough to take a swim in the cold weather, right? Wait, actually he
The blond rushed outside and neared the lake. He searched for any sign of the gr
een head, thankful that the dawn had been nearing the day and helped his vision
a little bit. A voice inside him had him thinking that this probably had somethi
ng to do with the things he said to the marimo before he left him but it was qui
ckly waved off. He called out the green haired man and cursed when the man didn'
t appear to the surface then called him out again.
Oh for fuck's sake.... The cook paced anxiously on the lake's shore, seriously b
eginning to worry that whatever had happened to the swordsman, it had made him l
ost his mind too.
He decided he had waited long enough and jumped in. The water was dark and cold
and he tried to concentrate on swimming, ignoring his fear that he couldn't see
anything in there or had no idea of where he was going and that he might be too
late when he managed to find him.
He had lost the track of time when he felt something against his side and quickl
y grabbed the limp body and then pulled it to the shore. The swordsman was cold
and wasn't breathing. It was such an odd experience having a dejavu in less than
a day. The cook instantly administered CPR on the green head, refusing the thou
ght that it was probably too late. The total silence of his surroundings was in
contrast with the drumming thumps of his heart beat and harsh breaths. All seeme
d to happen too fast and sudden that he wasn't ready to accept other possibiliti
Zoro wasn't breathing. It can't be happening. He pounded his diaphragm and gave
a mouthful of air to the lungs.
The blond felt his body went numb. The healthy tanned skin had turned pale bluis
h. The man wasn't breathing. He pounded harder and forced another mouthful of ai
r through the mouth that had lost its warmth.
"Goddamnit. Breath, you bastard!!"
Their lips connected again and his heart almost jumped out of his chest when he
felt a cold tongue in his mouth and a hand holding his nape in place. His mind w
ent blank for a few second before he broke away. He's been tricked! The fear and
despair in his chest had instantly turned into pure wrath.
"You've been craving for it since last night, haven't you?" A playful grin splay
ed on the green haired swordsman's face.
The cook opened his mouth, ready to explode and gave the man a piece of his mind
for playing a cruel joke on his nakama and made him worried like hell. Sanji wa
sn't sure where to begin and showed the green head how terrible he had made him
felt and it made him looked like a stunned fish. Another factor was that he had
never thought Zoro was capable of such bad joke. The man could be a jerk in a lo
t of aspects (You could count on Sanji on that), but this was simply not one of
them. If anything, the cook would be more likely to be caught doing it before th
e swordsman did.
"What? I thought you missed me." Zoro sat up and commented on the odd look the c
ook gave him.
Wait ... now the green head remembered about last night all of a sudden? Something
very odd was going on here.
To be continued...
Anyone think this made sense? The storyline is a little bit complicated but I ho
pe this chapter didn't add more confusions. More will be revealed in the next up
date, of course. Thanks for staying tuned! :)
Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories
Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 84 - Updated: 0
2-26-10 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
Hi! Thanks for all the reviews and please enjoy the new chapter!
(I'm not in the mood of longer author note, my tooth is killing me! T_T)
Chapter 7
The green haired swordsman just shrugged and then stood up to leave the wide eye
d blonde who was still staring at him in shock. He went toward the fire and sat
on a rock nearby, looking down at the ruined bandages on his body with an annoye
d expression before peeling them off one by one. He grimaced and cursed under hi
s breath when he had to bend to take off his dripping black pants, leaving only
his dark boxers on. The man seemed to consider taking it off too, but he glanced
thoughtfully at the cook's direction and decided to keep it there.
"It's almost morning, cook. Don't you have to cook something for breakfast?" The
green head looked over at the silent cook who was still hanging around by the l
ake's shore like he still couldn't quite accept the fact that the swordsman was
breathing and was talking to him now. Finally the blonde man raised from his kne
es and took a step forward, his confused, shocked expression had turned into a h
ard glare.
"You fucking son of a bitch!! You think it's funny?! What in the hell is wrong w
ith you?"
"Relax, blondie. Why are you so damn serious?" The swordsman said while idly pok
ing the firewood with a stick. He didn't even bother to look up at the blonde.
"Why so serious?! What about you're almost convinced me that you're death just n
It managed to gain some attention from the green head. He paused and looked at t
he raging cook from head to toe as if he just noticed the cook's present for the
first time. "You like me or something?"
"Wh-What?!" Sanji was taken aback by the comment and turned bright red despite h
"just kidding.... hey, are you blushing?"
"Shut up, baka moss head!! Don't change the damn subject!" The comment only made
the cook burned redder which Sanji tried to hide with a deep scowl.
"Fine. I'll stop talking." The swordsman retorted and shrugged, resuming his act
ivity of poking and slightly upsetting the fire camp. The cook blinked at the re
action. The submissive gesture was probably only to irritate him further, and it
worked. The thought of giving the arrogant swordsman some hard kicks to the hea
d was very tempting, if only a tiny voice inside his head stopped saying that Zo
ro wouldn't normally say or did all that. He knew the man for too long for not n
oticing the difference in character. For one, the green head had never took a ma
tter of life or death so lightly, let alone pulling a joke about it for one of h
is crew mate to worry or faked innocence after committing the act. It was more t
han once the crew caught Zoro with injuries more serious than he had admitted. A
t first, the cook thought it was because it stung his stupid macho pride, which
was true in a way, but later he found out the marimo didn't want the crew to wor
ry more.
Sanj's wrath had died down into mild annoyance as some of his anger had evaporat
ed somewhere along the way while he pondered about the green head's odd behaviou
rs. Confusion and concern had him lost interest in arguing with the swordsman. H
e wondered if it had connections with the mysterious wounds Zoro had obtained. H
e made a mental note to look through his wounds further later, there might be a
suspicious injury he hadn't notice before.
The cook looked up and saw the sun had risen higher and shone through the trees.
The thin fog began to disappear and the dew droplets on the grass were twinklin
g against the sunlight. They would need to eat something before starting their s
earch throughout the woods. They had ran out of any edible supplies beside some
meat and berries Sanji had managed to hide from Luffy after dinner. So he took t
he leftovers and divided it in two clean plates then shove one of them to Zoro's
"We'll go after breakfast." said the blonde.
The swordsman took it with a slight nod and watched the cook took a seat across
from him. They ate their breakfast in silence.
"She left it here and I tried to call the Sunny several times but no one answere
d." Sanji took out the mini den den mushi from his jacket pocket and showed it t
o the swordsman. "It doesn't look like she meant to leave it at all. It was stil
l inside her backpack when I found it."
"We can start searching the areas close by, they couldn't be that far from here.
" Said the green head.
"Let's do something with that first." The blonde nodded toward the wounds on Zor
o. "It wouldn't help keeping it untreated."
He took the balm and bandages, didn't bother to wait for a respond, and kneeled
before the green head. By concentrating only on the wounds, he worked faster and
more efficiently but Zoro seemed to determine in ruining the cook's defence by
staring directly at the blonde and made him lost concentration.
"What!" Sanji snapped and glared at the marimo.
"Nothing... What, I'm not allowed to look? You can look at me as much as you lik
e." The green head waved his hand in front of his bare torso and made Sanji's ey
es unconsciously swept through his bronzed sculpted chest down to his boxer's wa
ist band, that was rather too low in Sanji's opinion since he could see the hipb
ones and a glimpse of dark green hair where it began to grow down, before the co
ok realised what he was doing and quickly averted his gaze. Much to the cook's d
ismay, the swordsman wasn't quite finished yet embarrassing him.
"Do you like it?" He smirked widely that tempted Sanji to put his sole through t
hat smug face. If only he wasn't injured the cook would do it without a second t
hought. Besides, he didn't want to spend more time patching the marimo's head.
"You stupid or something? I'm not gay, especially towards you, moss head." The c
ook glowered at Zoro.
"So it wouldn't affect you at all if I do this?" The green haired swordsman grab
bed his shoulders and leaned in to run his warm tongue along the cook's jawline
that sent shivers down his spine. The swordsman's touch was gone as suddenly as
it came and Sanji regretted its leave for a split second before he snapped out o
f his trance and backed away.
"What the fuck, baka marimo?!" He swiped his sleeve harshly against the molested
area. The cook was sure his face was redder than the most ripe tomato and the t
hought made him blushed even more. Poor cook. He thought he couldn't be more emb
arrassed in his entire life but unfortunately he was wrong. Seeing that the mari
mo was staring at him, he followed the gaze in reflex to find something was stra
ining hard against his pants that suddenly grew too tight on the front.
Oh shit.
"Well damn," Zoro chuckled in slight amusement.
"Shut the fuck up, moss brain!!!" If there was a hole nearby, Sanji would've pre
ferred to jump in and buried himself alive rather than having to endure such hum
The two straw hats searched with only a brief rest the whole afternoon around th
e areas surrounding the lake. They walked in silence, or rather, the cook was th
e one determined to keep it that way and ignored anything the green head was say
ing to him. Somehow the blonde managed to finish bandaging Zoro without killing
him after the little incident and barked at him to dress properly. Then they ins
tantly started the search in the woods which unfortunately, gave them no result.
They stopped to pick berries from the vegetation where Zoro and Chopper had fou
nd the day before and had a light lunch before continuing the search toward wher
e the Thousand Sunny was anchored. Sanji had tried to contact the ship again wit
h the mini den den mushi in vain and suggested that they might find some clues o
n the Sunny. The problem was they didn't know the exact location of their ship s
ince Usopp and Franky moved it after they went off. The cook remembered Nami tol
d him it was moved to a small cove near their first anchored position so it shou
ldn't be so hard to find.
Starting from Sunny's first location before it was moved, they turned to the wes
t while keeping the seashore in sight as guideline. The cove should be not so fa
r away, either to the east or west. It turned out that the cove was east from th
eir first starting point and by the time they spotted their happy jolly roger, t
he sun had begun setting out in the horizon. It was almost dark when they climbe
d aboard the ship and light the lanterns. As expected, the ship was empty. Sanji
gave the marimo another lantern and they began to look throughout the Sunny for
anything out of ordinary but both men found none and went back to the galley em
pty handed.
The cook peeked inside the pantry and saw a sack of potatoes on the corner. Usop
p must have thought it's too heavy to be carried in his backpack earlier. He ope
ned the fridge and found a few carrots and onion that already a little dry. At l
east he could make them simple potato soup for dinner. He took out some seasonin
g ingredients and several basic cooking utensils that he always carried around i
n his backpack together with his other personal belongings when they were campin
g outside the Sunny. A good cook would never journey without carrying his essent
ial cooking gears.
The swordsman put his backpack on the floor and sat on one end of the table, wat
ching the blonde walked about the kitchen counter, chopping or stirring the boil
ing pan. Sanji grumbled something about lazy plant head bastard that couldn't ma
ke himself useful in the kitchen but other than that, he let Zoro be. He wasn't
in the mood to start arguing over something small when he was too preoccupied wi
th the thought of the other crew members. Besides, there weren't much to do in t
The marimo only got up from his chair once to get a glass of water from the tub.
The blonde thought it was unusual since the first thing Zoro would touch was us
ually a bottle of booze and there were still two bottles left on the cupboard. T
he marimo would not drink anything else unless Sanji got on his way or the ship
was out of alcohol. Perhaps he wasn't felt like starting an argument with the bl
onde, but it was just unlike Zoro not to try his luck when there's booze in sigh
t. A lot of time he did try it and more than once Sanji let him slip away with h
is precious alcohol. The cook also noticed the swordsman's lack of hot tempered
attitude and curses he tended to do a lot more when injured. He decided to find
out just what's up with the marimo later after dinner. That was, until he saw Zo
ro threw his most precious treasures, his three swords, on the floor while mutte
ring something about them kept getting on his way. The swordsman would definitel
y kill anyone dared mistreating his swords and seeing he carelessly threw the sw
ords himself as if they were no more than a piece of junk peaked Sanji's suspici
"Oi, marimo. Do you remember seeing or hearing anything last night?"
"Heard what?"
"Anything at all."
"Nope, nothing. We went to sleep not long after you did."
"We? You mean, you and Sunny?" Sanji's question was replied with a nod. Bingo. S
o he did remember kissing Sunny. At first he denied it, making the blonde looked
like a nuts and then the next time he easily admit it? Just what the hell was t
hat? Sanji decided to try another question, all the while feigning innocence as
if he forgot he had asked him before.
"What about your injuries? How did you get it?"
"This? That damn twin of yours attacked me."
"What? You mean Sunny?"
"Yeah. Haven't I told you? We were fighting over... stuffs."
"Wait a minute, why did you say you didn't remember anything before?"
"Oh, I did? I must've forgotten then..." The green head cocked an eyebrow and sh
rugged his shoulders.
"Don't lie, bastard. I know you're not him!" Sanji banged his hand loudly on the
kitchen counter and he could instantly see the change of expression on the othe
r man's face.
"Who the hell are you?! Where's my crew?" The cook glared down the mysterious gr
een haired man, his voice thick with venom.
To be continued...
Small part of the mystery began to unfold... Stay tuned for more and please revi
ew. :)
Review this Story/Chapter

Sanji VS Sanji
Author of 5 Stories
Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 84 - Updated: 0
2-26-10 - Published: 04-10-09 - id:4982383
Yes! Since you guys were very generous and supportive with this fic, I managed t
o finish the new chapter for your entertainment. Thanks a lot for reviewing, guy
s and please enjoy the little update!
Chapter 8
"Who else could I be, stupid cook? I'm Zoro." The swordsman chuckled, one corner
of his mouth curved into a half grin.
"No, you're not. He would never do that to them!" The cook nodded his head towar
ds the katanas on the floor. "What did you do to him?!"
"I don't know what you're talking about, cook. I'm him."
"We'll see about that." Sanji walked closer and picked all three swords from the
"Name them." He demanded.
"What?" The green head scoffed at the odd request.
"If you were Zoro, you would know it without even looking. What do you call this
one?" Sanji held out the katana with the shining black sheath in his grip.
"No idea? What about this one?" He held out another katana and unsheathed it fro
m its white sheath then swung it slightly in front of the silent swordsman.
"Still no idea huh? Well, I'll give you a hint; if you don't tell me where my fr
iends are right now, I'm gonna chop your head off." Sanji gripped Wadou tightly
and put the tip of the sharp blade on the green haired man's throat.
"I don't think you want to do that." The man said calmly, he didn't wince even t
he slightest from the pressure on his throat.
"Really? What made you so sure, bastard?" The blonde narrowed his eyes dangerous
ly and added more pressure to the tip of the sword, emphasising that he wasn't j
ust throwing an empty threat.
"Because that would kill him instead of me." The thin wicked smirk faltered the
blonde a bit and he hurriedly pulled back the swords when he saw a thin trail of
blood made its way down Zoro's throat. As the cook had suspected, it was Zoro's
body he was controlling.
"Damn it! What are you?!"
"Me? I don't think you would believe me if I tell you."
"Try me, bastard."
"Alright, I'm Velturus, god of the waters in this island." He said in a rather b
ored tone.
Sanji blinked. "What?"
"See, I told you." He lifted his hand in defeat as if he had gone through simila
r situations for many times and had grown tired of it.
"Even if it's true, why would I need to believe it?"
"Well, you don't need to. It doesn't matter. What matters is your friends who ar
e still out there somewhere."
"What did you do to them?!"
"Relax, blondie. They're fine and you would be able to see them again soon if yo
u do what I ask you to do."
"...What would that be?"
"It's simple, really. Confess your love to your green haired friend here and ear
n his love in return. Once you succeed, I will free your other friends immediate
ly. See? Simple and easy."
"Just what kind of request is that?! It doesn't make any sense!"
"Makes a lot of sense to me. You don't have other choices, you know. They are un
der my spell and only me can undone it."
"You've gone so far and do all this just to ask me that? How do I know it's not
your other trick?"
"I can promise you this is no trick, my blonde friend. You see, we are on the sp
ring matchmaking contest and I'm very determined to defeat that cunning sister o
f mine. I could tell she cheated more than twice to maintain her title every yea
"...m-matchmaking contest?"
"I know what you're thinking. But hey, mortals are not the only race who need re
creational sport once in a while, don't you agree?"
"You're crazy! You kidnapped my crew just for this bullshit? I don't even know w
hy I'm listening to this nonsense."
"Well, I don't expect you to understand either. I'll just remind you that your f
riends depend on you. Now, are you in?"
"It's crazy! Why me? Why him? We're both males!"
"and they accuse Gods as a bunch of ancient and conservative deities..." The gre
en head rolled his eyes. "It doesn't have to be male and female, dummy. Besides,
you do have a thing for him don't you?" He winked at the blonde and made his fa
ce burned up.
"Okay, one more thing; you can't tell him about our deal. See you soon, blondie!
"Wha-hey, wait! I haven't even said I'd do it!" Sanji tried to protest but knew
that it was too late seeing the swordsman's upper body had already slumped forwa
rd and fell on the table before him with a loud thud. Zoro wasn't going to be ve
ry happy when he woke up.
"...Fuck." The blonde ran his hand through his banks and pulled it roughly in fr
ustration. How in the world could he ever get Zoro to like him? That sounded eve
n more impossible than defeating a god and taught him some lessons for messing w
ith the cook.
The swordsman woke up with a painful grunt. He couldn't remember falling asleep
against a cold, hard surface or knocking his head hard against it, yet his head
throbbed and his neck felt like it's going to break. He grumbled and lifted his
head to find that he was sleeping inside a very familiar wooden room with a very
familiar kitchen. It was the Thousand Sunny's galley. Of how he ended up waking
in a place more than 10 kilo meters away from where he had last slept, he had n
o idea. He began to look around the galley as the feeling of cold dull fear bega
n to crawl back into surface. Had he been blacking out again? He exhaled a somew
hat relieved breath when he saw a pan was still boiling hot on the stove as well
as several used cooking utensils that told him the cook was there recently. At
least someone was with him and probably could tell him what had happened.
The green head massaged his nape gingerly, realising he was tired and thirsty li
ke he had been walking a very long distance. Eyeing a bottle of alcohol with no
prissy cook around, he quickly got up and drank half of it in one go. It helped
dulling the headache and the fear a bit. He'd been in this shitty situation with
out any booze to ease his mind until the crappy cook confronted him. Though he c
ouldn't deny telling the dart brow might have lifted some of the burden. Okay, m
aybe the fact that it was the cook helped a lot, and maybe he wouldn't feel as r
elieved if he talked to someone else, say Chopper or Robin. With Sanji he felt h
e didn't necessarily need to hide some things in order not to make him worried a
bout things more. Probably it had a lot to do with the cook's strength and his h
ead strong confidences that ensured Zoro he could count on him when things got t
hough and the burden of having to be the strongest was not his alone.
The swordsman had gulped down the remaining alcohol in his grip when he noticed
it was dark outside from the portholes. Either the sun hadn't risen yet or it ha
d set a few hours ago while he was 'sleeping', he tended to go with the latter t
hough, since the journey from the lake to the Sunny took at least four hours. Th
e angry noises from the pan stole his attention for a moment. He'd better turn t
he fire off if he didn't want to deal with cranky-cook mode of Sanji over a burn
ed food. Then he walked out of the galley, to find the cook.
Outside, under the light of pale moon, stood the blonde cook, smoking like a chi
mney. He was leaning against the ship's railing on the lawn deck, his back to th
e swordsman. He seemed unaware until the green head stood beside him.
"Oh, you're up." the blonde glanced and mumbled absent mindedly.
Zoro grunted a 'hn' then cleared his throat and spoke again. "Have we... found a
nything yet? About them, I mean."
"Uh, no, not really." came the cook's reply. They stood still, letting the silen
ce sink in between them as both boys were struggling to decide what to say next.
The swordsman eyed the blonde from the corner of his eyes and noticed that some
thing was stressing the man judging from his tense shoulders and the way he kept
moving the cigarette between his lips in repeated anxious manner. It could be t
ranslated into fidgeting on Chopper or kept touching his nose and sweating on Us
opp when they're nervous. Had something bad happened?
"Why are we here, cook?" Zoro tried to sound casual, but he couldn't hide his an
noyance having to ask such question in his tone.
The cook turned his head and looked at the green head for a moment, as if he was
just being asked to eat his pants before turning away again and took a long dra
g from his cigarette. The green head looked at him expectantly, waiting for an a
nswer. It was really frustrating having to depend on someone to fill in the blan
k of things you've missed out. It was like loosing one part of your body that ma
de you lost certain abilities normal people could easily do. You could no longer
depend on yourself. And of all people, Zoro had to depend on the cook!
The blonde blew out a long trail of smoke from his mouth before speaking. "We're
searching for clues and I thought we could find something here."
The cook seemed like he wasn't going to say more about today, so the swordsman k
ept his intention to find out whether he had been having a black out for later a
nd only nodded. In truth, he didn't really want to know either, at least for now
"So... what's bothering you?" The swordsman hesitated for awhile before he asked
the blonde again. It wasn't because he grew fond of the cook or anything, it wa
s just plain curiosity.
"Huh? Uh... I-um, it's nothing. I'm just... thinking." The blonde cook looked st
artled by the question although Zoro wasn't sure why he should, his blue eye did
n't really look at him. The green head nodded a little and frowned. Sanji wasn't
going to speak up. Probably it's none of his business and Zoro had no right to
feel annoyed if he wasn't going to tell him anything. Maybe their relationship w
as no more than crew mates sailing on the same boat to the cook or whatever whic
h might be true since they didn't share that kind of bond friends usually did. A
ll they did was argue when they weren't too busy trying to chop each other's hea
d. Zoro wasn't even sure it even fell into the category of a relationship so wha
t was he so upset about?
"... okay, I'm going to bed." Seeing that it was pointless to try to get the coo
k to spill, Zoro decided to call it a day. He was sleepy, tired, and desperately
needed a shower. The cook didn't seem to hear it and continued staring intently
at the black water below.
Yawning, Zoro made his way to the galley to get his backpack, got a clean shirt,
a pair of boxers and pants from it before leaving his swords and the bag in the
boy's cabin then headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. He took off his dir
ty clothes and bandages and stepped in the shower and thankful that Franky had i
nstalled a heater on the Sunny's great shower system. The warmth and the pressur
e of the water was just perfect for a tired body. On his way back to the cabin,
he could still spotted a trail of smoke coming from the cook who hadn't moved fr
om his spot. He supposed the cook was really worried about their crew mates and
his 'condition' made the situation even worse. The swordsman's brows furrowed de
eply at the thought. He himself got a lot to worry about. His friends' disappear
ance without a single trace wasn't making much sense and there were voices insid
e his head that kept haunting him with ideas that his condition had something to
do with them, or that he might be the one who caused the whole incident. But it
wouldn't help the situation to keep this frame of thought in mind, Zoro knew. T
he only thing he and Sanji could do was to keep a positive and rational mind in
order to concentrate fully on the task, be depressed or to think of irrelevant m
atters was the last thing either of them needed.
Zoro walked in the boy's cabin which was lit by a single lantern hanged in the c
orner and made his way to his hammock. His boots felt heavy and his shoulders hu
ng low no matter how much he told himself to not over thinking stuffs.
"Just shut up, damn it!" Finally he growled to himself. He threw his ass on the
hammock then took off his boots and dropped them none to gently on the wooden fl
oorboards that creaked in protest. Then he got on his back and tried to get to s
"Lousy day, huh?" A voice was heard from Usopp's hammock above him.
"Hn," He grunted absent mindedly before his brain registered what was going on.
The next second he tried to get up in such a rush that he stumbled out face firs
t of the hammock with a loud thud and a curse. He put the pain aside and rolled
to grab one of his katanas, unsheathed it and poised it towards the intruder all
in one fluid movements that would unmistakably make the three younger straw hat
s' eyes gleamed with mouths gaping in total awe.
"Impressive reflex, although the first part must've been unintentional... Was it
?" The strange person clapped heartily before he asked the question and cocked h
is head in genuine curiosity. He was sitting cross legged on the hammock and his
hand touched his chin as if he was thinking over the hardest riddle to solve. T
he boy was probably about a year younger than Zoro or Sanji although his skinny
frame made him looked even younger and he wore a strange cyan short robe that wa
s cut just above his knees. There was an ornamental garland on his head but the
most striking feature was his shoulder length hair since the colour kept morphin
g from silver white to deep dark blue and sometimes sparkling against the lanter
n light every time he moved his head. It also created the illusion of slow, rhyt
hmical movement as of ocean waves.
"You have some guts to sneak into a pirate ship, brat. Who are you?" Zoro pointe
d Sandai Kitetsu threateningly towards the boy. He had no idea how someone like
him (which was quite hard to miss even in the dark) managed to go inside their c
abin without any of Zoro or the cook noticing.
"Actually, Zoro, we've met before although we haven't been properly introduced."
The boy said. "I'm Velturus."
"I don't give a damn, brat. What do you want?" It really wasn't surprising some
stranger would know each member of the straw hats, their wanted posters were eve
rywhere to see. What surprised Zoro was how the boy strolled in the Sunny and sp
oke like he owned the entire ship in front of the green head. Just who did he th
ink he was?
"Well, my grumpy green haired friend, I had came here to offer you a proposal."
to be continued...
I twisted the plot a little to make things a little bit more complicated. Anyone
could guess what the proposal would be?
Thanks and please drop a review :)
Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie

Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulean
6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
AN: Okay, so this is the beginning of a collection of drabbles/one shots/challen
ges for One Piece pairings. They will probably end up being mostly Zoro/Sanji, b
ut there will be others as well. I hope to encourage all of you that visit to su
bmit any requests that you might have for any one shots or drabbles that you wan
t to read. I don t know how long I m going to make this, but I think I m going to shoo
t for somewhere around 30. How does that sound?
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: R/MA
Warning: adult content, yaoi, language
Timeline: anytime after Sanji joins the crew


Life was never something that the 19-year-old cook had ever seen fit to award an
y credit. It was just something that you were born into, survived through, enjoy
ed as best you could, and, in the end, once your earthly body could take no more
, you died and went to heaven knows where. Life had never been easy for him, but
he had never taken to moping and sulking about the past. Only stupid idiots did
that, and Sanji was NOT a stupid idiot.
Life had always been a paradox, an enigma that could throw you a surprise birthd
ay party one minute and then kill your best friend the next. Sanji had never all
owed himself to think too much on this ridiculous term of life, finding that it
only succeeding in royally pissing him off, inducing a chronic need to find some
thing on the ship that was breathing and make it stop.
But as he was currently laying spread wide beneath the seasoned swordsman, no mo
re than a year his senior, there was something to be said for this concept of 'l
ife'. Sure it was an infuriating paradox that would occasionally and metaphorica
lly vomit on his freshly baked cream puffs that he had so carefully prepared for
the beauties on board. But there were also times like this that made all of tho
se miserably pissed-off times worth the heartburn and migraines that fueled his
raging nicotine dependency.
The same life that had marooned him on an island with a cantankerous old pirate
captain was the same life that had brought him to this very moment in time...and
he sure as hell wasn't going to complain about that.
Even then as his baby-soft golden hair was a tangled mess, his body coated in a
pink flush from the sheer arousal of the encounter...and as contradictory greedy
and vulnerable hands dug into the creamy flesh of the back of his knees, openin
g him wider for an even deeper penetration - he wondered why the hell he was was
ting energy dwelling on a subject that, frankly, he never had and probably never
would give half a shit about.
Sanji could tell that Zoro wasn't as calm as he was pretending to be. His finger
s were trembling as they grasped at the soft skin on the underside of the cook's
knees, as was the rest of his tight, muscular body. The swordsman had his foreh
ead pressed against the slighter body's damp shoulder as he tried to calm his er
ratic breath. The oceanic-eyed cook ground his hips down onto the tan ones of th
e brash brute, wanting to push the stubborn swordsman over the edge. To see and
feel Zoro fall apart was something that Sanji took great appreciation in experie
Zoro was currently having trouble holding on to the limited control he still hel
d, and he could feel his impending orgasm as Sanji rocked against him, his throb
bing length buried deep within the velvety heat. The feel of his lover's silky s
mooth, creamy skin flush against his own caramel flesh, for the first time in a
long time, was driving him beyond his sanity and already shaky control. He press
ed his face even deeper into the pale shoulder beneath him attempting once more
to cool the growing heat within him that was threatening to burst forth.
Sanji moaned appreciatively, nipping harshly at the salty skin of the swordsman'
s neck, just below his left ear, his fingers clutching at the hard deltoid muscl
es that were pulled tightly atop the tan shoulders above him. His body trembled
harshly as he nearly sobbed his need into Zoro's shoulder, nipping at the scarre
d skin. Wantonly, he continued to rock against the swordsman's thrusts, tangling
the lithe fingers of his right hand in the short, mint-green spikes of the mari
mo's hair as he dragged the man's mouth to his own, wrapping his tongue around t
he others. Zoro, taken by surprise at the sudden kiss, released Sanji's left kne
e, raising his hand to cup the porcelain cheek as he groaned into the lip-lock,
nearly losing the rhythm of his thrusts.
As the kiss broke for oxygen, Zoro looked down at the writhing and gasping blond
e, thumbing circles on his soft cheekbone, entranced as he watched his lover mov
e beneath him, the cook's now dark blue eyes heavily lidded with sensation, his
face flush with exertion. He looked so fucking beautiful...but he would never te
ll Sanji that. No, he would never risk having these moments ripped away from him
even for a single time because of the moody blonde's overwhelming pride. For th
e moment, the moans and pants of pleasure and exertion were all that he could ev
en manage to make out; the painful digging of Sanji's heel into the dip of his l
ower back was the only thing keeping him even slightly grounded and aware at tha
t time. Those loud gasps for air and the feeling of that long leg tightly around
his right hip gave him a sense of achievement that no one could take away from
him. There wasn't a single detail of this moment that wasn't imprinted in the sw
ordsman's mind: the creamy skin beneath his fingers, the friction of his broad c
hest against the lean one beneath him, the tickling shiver as the golden hair sw
ept across his ear, or the firm grip on his tense shoulders as he sharply thrust
into the lithe body below.
He couldn't stop the gruff moan from falling past his lips as he felt that famil
iar coil of white-hot heat in the pit of his stomach and the familiar jerking of
the alabaster hips against his own as his partner obviously had a similar exper
ience. His pace quickened, sharpening as they both sought that precious release,
reaching for it with their writhing bodies as if it was something tangible to g
rasp. Lifting the cooks leg higher on his hip, shoving the other's right knee ba
ck towards the heaving chest below, he nipped at the ivory jaw line beside his h
ead, licking at the glistening skin as he thrust deeply. He slid his right hand
from the heated cheek, taking a firm hold of his partner's leaking member, feeli
ng the shaking body buckle slightly beneath him. This was it...not hell, high wa
ter, or marines could have stopped them now as the throbbing sensation of pure e
cstasy washed over them, nearly simultaneously. Zoro spilled his seed deeply wit
hin the tense body beneath him as the cook bit harshly into his shoulder, his ow
n hot essence coating their stomachs and chests in the sticky fluid.
There were a few moments of empty silence before Sanji returned to himself, stil
l wrapped around the swordsman's body, and as they laid, sated for the time bein
g in the afterglow of their unfortunately uncommon interlude, Sanji dared someon
e to question them. He hoped to whatever god there was that no one was ever thic
kheaded enough to ask what the two were. They were nakama...who just happened to
fuck each other senseless every few stops at port. That was it. He saved Zoro's
neck; Zoro saved his. They fought and they bitched, but somehow, they still got
along. It wasn't perfect, but it worked, and that was what was important in the

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: K
Warning: Language
Timeline: Movie 5 scene, though changed a bit for story purposes


As he lay there on the dusty earth, the firm weight of the carrot-haired navigat
or s petite hand on his shoulder, he couldn t even feel the pain but an unsettling n
umbness that penetrated to the very depths of his soul. Though the crimson rivul
ets slithered down his chest and back from the deep gash in his shoulder, he cou
ld do nothing but unblinkingly stare at the moss-haired man in front of him, tho
se deadly katana glinting almost painfully in the harsh sunlight.
He couldn t hear the screams of the women and his crew around him, rushing to his
side as he clutched at the new wound in his shoulder. He couldn t concentrate on a
nything but the man before him, slick with sweat and glaring menacingly in an un
spoken warning at him, daring him to question his motives and that was okay becaus
e he couldn t even begin to find his voice.
All Sanji could do was stare unable to hold back the shocked and betrayed expressi
on that took up residence on his usually benign features. As Nami screamed in hi
s ear, panicking at the amount of blood pouring from his wound, it didn t even reg
ister to the cook, as he was too preoccupied staring into that emotionless face,
searching it for any sign that might explain his highly uncharacteristic attack
upon his own nakama only to find nothing but hard, cold green eyes and a tensely
set jaw.
Stay out of my way, was the only thing he heard, the deep voice reaching his ears
as a growl from around the white katana clutched harshly between his bite.
Those words hurt more than the bleeding gash that was finally beginning to sting
Sanji unconsciously furrowed his brows; his eyes pricking with unshed tears tears
that would never fall in the presence of any of the people around him. Biting hi
s lower lip harshly, hiding behind the façade of pain and discomfort, he blinked
at the hulking man in front of him, his head bowing slightly as if to say, Fine.
Have it your way
Pulling himself into a kneeling position, Nami squawking in his ear to stay down
, he still didn t hear her, pushing himself off of the ground and dusting the dirt
and mud from his slacks and jacket before raising his eyes to stare intensely i
nto the resolute eyes of his raging crewmate, bearing into those emerald orbs wi
th an emotion he never thought he would feel for the swordsman: contempt.
Sure they had fought like hell in the past, drawn blood even but they had never st
ruck to kill. That was unthinkable, because they were, ultimately, still nakama.
Sanji didn t know what had possessed the swordsman, what force had infected his m
ind with some alien bloodlust, but if there was one thing that he knew about the
marimo, it was that he never did anything without a very legitimate reason.
So, instead of lashing out at him, calling him nasty names, or demanding that hi
s crew take care of it, the cook took a cigarette from his breast pocket, placin
g it between his chapped lips, and lighting it with his new lighter. Taking an e
xceptionally long drag on it, he watched the swordsman disappear into the forest
, followed by those hideous co-conspirators. And all he did was stand there for
a moment, exhale the delicious smoke, allowing the nicotine to thoroughly coat h
is lungs, slithering through his veins, calming his frazzled nerves, and turn sw
iftly over his shoulder, making his way to Chopper for a quick patch-up.
This time, he heard the yells of disbelief from the attractive navigator, the fi
rm grip of her small hand at the crook of his elbow, Sanji! What the hell are you
doing?! Aren t you going to go after him?
Sanji didn t even blink, but came to a dead halt, turning his sweat-slicked face t
o meet her with a soft expression. Removing the nicotine stick from his lips, fl
icking the ashes to the ground below, he exhaled once more, the throb in his sho
ulder now unmistakable, No, Nami I m not.
Her eyes widened considerably, her grip tightening on his arm as she gaped, What?
! Why not?
He allowed his eyes to slide closed at her protest, taking another drag on his c
igarette as he bowed his head slightly, I have dinner to prepare.
And that was all he gave her before pulling from her now limp grasp and making h
is way back to the village, with heavy shoulders and an even heavier heart. All
other senses faded into the background, the sounds, smells, images nothing else wa
s apparent to the cook as he sat before the reindeer, the burn of alcohol agains
t the gaping wound barely a twinge against the pain he felt in his very soul. Cl
osing his eyes to the lack of sensation, he took a final drag of his cigarette,
savoring the tingle it left on the tips of his nerves.
Zoro, you asshole you better know what the fuck you are doing.

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie

Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: PG
Timeline: Post Thriller Bark


As his heavy lids peeled open, an only slightly lighter darkness penetrating his
vision, the swordsman groaned slightly in discomfort at his swiftly protesting
muscles, stiff from immobility. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, he scanned the
room slowly before resting his green eyes on the familiar figure at the foot of
his bed. The lanky 19-year-old sat silently, his shoulders hunched, golden hair
fanning over the arch of his brow, concealing his unique eyebrow and hauntingly
sapphire-colored eyes.
Attempting to rise to a sitting position, Zoro was assaulted with a harsh burn t
hroughout his body that ripped a soft moan from his lips; the eyes of the now al
ert blonde snapping forcefully in his direction. He now remembered that he had t
aken a near fatal blow during their last battle, peering down to see his body wr
apped in countless bandages stained with that all too familiar crimson streak. B
efore Zoro could blink, his crewmate was on his feet and at his side, a pale and
uncharacteristically trembling hand pressing him firmly back to the mattress, a
look of deep concern apparent on his stern and unsettlingly troubled features.
The swordsman s eyes widened slightly when he noticed the moisture beginning to bu
ild in those oceanic orbs that now stared down at him with a mixture of raging e
motions, and Zoro couldn t help but reach a weak, tan hand up to graze his fingert
ips just under the cooks right eye, feeling the heat of unshed tears and the ten
sion of restraint that was quickly slipping beneath his deceptively gentle touch
Sanji was never one to become emotional; in fact, Zoro couldn t honestly say that
he had ever seen the blonde cry before in all the time of knowing him. So, to kn
ow that those tears, hiding behind those puffy lids beneath his now shaking fing
ers, were most likely his fault it was nearly heartbreaking.
Without really thinking about what to do next, he caught one of the skinny alaba
ster wrists in his free hand, dragging the shocked man down to the mattress besi
de him, carefully wrapping his good arm around the slender waist and pulling the
cook tightly to his broken body. Zoro was surprised when Sanji didn t resist, con
cern flooding him as the younger man actually burrowed cautiously into the crook
of his neck, his body trembling against him, as if desperate for contact. Sighi
ng deeply, the swordsman reached his bandaged arm across his own chest, seeking
out the slighter form s lithe hand, grasping it tightly and lacing his larger fing
ers together with the long, thin ones of his partner. He could feel a hand absen
tly threading careful fingers through his moss-colored hair, a calm settling ove
r the silence of the bedroom.
He knew that when he recovered, this night would never be spoken of again, for h
e understood that Sanji had his pride and Zoro had absolutely no qualms with tha
t. But, for now, in the darkness and the quiet of the ship s medical quarters, awa
y from prying eyes and accusatory tongues, the both of them were allowed to be w
hatever they felt like being; be that hard, angry, I m-gonna-fuck-you-up-if-you-lo
ok-at-me-wrong men or lovers that just needed to know that everything was going
to be okay in the end.
As they lay there in silence, nothing but the slosh of the waves and the creaks
of the ship around them, things made sense, even though they didn t have to. Twist
ing his sore neck slightly, Zoro gently nuzzled his nose across the cook s forehea
d; brushing the soft yellow hair away, he pressed chaste and comforting lips aga
inst the smooth flesh below, his breath hot on the cool skin. He felt the tense
body against him shudder slightly, grip tightening on their joined hands. As the
trembling ceased, a heavy sigh slipping from the blonde s lips, fanning across th
e swordsman s neck, Zoro allowed a tiny smile to tug at the corners of his mouth.
This was the definition of what it meant to have something beyond your dreams to
live for and, though his body was battered and broken, Zoro could honestly say
that he couldn t be happier

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
AN: This piece is one that leads into the piece before it, Stronghold, and goes
through the piece from Sanji s PoV.
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: PG
Timeline: right before Stronghold.


Sometimes scratch that all the time talking to the swordsman was like talking to a
goldfish a really ugly, fat, stupid goldfish with a Hercules complex! Any sort of
attempt at civilized conversation usually led to the use of a few choice words
at an ear-splitting volume ultimately resulting in some form of violent repercus
sions. But the cook couldn t say that he wasn t completely used to it by now, acceptin
g it even.
As he took a long, deep drag on his nicotine stick, allowing the smoke to permea
te to the core of his nerves, he couldn t help but reflect on the fact that his pa
inful, and sometimes bloody, spats with the bushido were an integral part of his
daily routine. But lately, he was loath to admit, that disagreements-that-led-t
o-arguments-that-turned-into-fights-that-became-murderous-intent had been absent
from the ship for the last week and Sanji wasn t handling it very well.
His final count of cigarettes-per-day had jumped from the normal seven to a star
tling fifteen over twice his regular average! This was unacceptable. Sure he kne
w that it was best that Zoro didn t leave the medic bunk after receiving near fata
l wounds from their incidents in that heinously damned place called Thriller Bar
k but Sanji couldn t seem to shake the awful feeling that he was far more worried
about the moron than he should be.
Or was this only natural to feel this much concern for someone you happen to hav
e a strong attraction to. It was true that he and Zoro had been, well, fucking f
or a few months; but that didn t mean that they were in love or anything like that
. No absolutely not. Falling in love with one of your crewmates spelled destructio
n for one or both of you, should anything happen to the other person while trave
rsing these unforgivable seas.
Of course, Zoro and he had never spoken of their feelings for each other, becaus
e their intentions were enough to make this thing work for now. Also, Zoro had never
been much of a talker anyway. Sanji believed the phrase had been, Words are for
pussies, women, and priests. I am none of those.
That was his Zoro, eloquent as ever with the manner of his speech.
It was true that they had laid claim on one another, but that was only natural was
n t it? Sanji and Zoro had signed this unspoken agreement to not fuck anyone else
while they still fucked each other, and that was normal wasn t it? That didn t mean th
at there was some clandestine love affair occurring the kind that was written ab
out in those heaving bosoms, sappy, Oh-my-fucking-god-I m-going-to-vomit-sugar-after
-allowing-my-mind-to-absorb-this-feminine-bullshit romance novels. No, they were
both just horny young adults that happened to come to an understanding with eac
h other and their hormones; one finally coming to terms with an awakening sexual
ity, and the other scared to death that, for the first time, he wasn't the one i
n control.
But that still didn t explain why Sanji s feet unconsciously led him to that heavy w
ooden door that sheltered the broken body of the swordsman, as he lay, still unc
onscious, from his severe wounds. It definitely didn t account for the painful swe
ll of involuntary fear that twisted and knotted tightly in his torso, threatenin
g to steal his breath. No, this was not normal
So why was he here? Why was he standing with his left palm flat against the Adam s
wood door to the infirmary? Why was his breath so shallow, his eyes wide with a
nticipation, and his heart thundering in his chest as if there was some imminent
danger nearby? Why couldn t he just turn around and return to the galley where he
could immerse himself in his natural art and forget about all of this worrisome
bullshit, letting them swordsman recover in peace? What was the force that was
driving him to press against that heavy door, sliding it from it s resting place a
gainst the frame, pushing his lithe body through the narrow opening, letting not
a single ray of light in? What had possessed him to kick his shoes off and pad
in black-socked feet over to the mat on the floor where the wounded marimo lay u
nconscious, chest rising and falling with every labored breath?
He may never know what unseen force drove him to kneel silently at the foot of t
hat occupied mat; what pushed him to cross his legs beneath him and hunch his sh
oulders forward as he stared tensely at the sleeping man before him, taking in t
he bruises and scratches that still littered those chiseled features, the brow c
reased in a subconscious frown even in rest.
And, for the twenty-year-old cook, he didn t really need to know. All he needed to
know was that that man was going to wake up soon, and that when he did, everyth
ing was going to go back to the way it had been before. The fighting, arguing, i
nsulting, annoying-as-fuck lifestyle from before all of this shit spun chaotical
ly out of control.
Resting a cold and trembling hand on the warm ankle in front of him, covered by
a mere thin sheet, Sanji hung his head, and for the first time in a very long ti
me he prayed.
Review this Story/Chapter
Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Title: Cerulean
Rating: PG-13/ light R
Warning: Language, Mild Sexual Content
Timeline: continuation of Incision & OP Movie 5
Current Song Stuck in Head: Ano Basho He Harebare


Sailing away from that island, now free from the curse of that diabolical sword,
had never been an easier thing to do. For as the Merry drifted at a leisurely p
ace from those dark waters into the great unknown, the ship was completely silen
t, as if fearful of disturbing some coveted peace that had been narrowly attaine
d by retreating from the land.
The evening was calm, dim shadows dancing across the edges and walls of the smal
l ship, the slosh of the sea washing against the sides of the vessel almost like
a calming song. A cool breeze found its way across the tan cheeks of the immobi
le figure leaning over the railing, elbows resting against the polished wood, he
ad dipped slightly as the air brushed sharply against the warm flesh. The breeze
from the sea was pleasantly caressing his arms, ruffling the tattered sleeves o
f his shirt and jingling his three earrings teasingly against the side of his ne
ck. There was nothing on deck but himself and the bright moon and stars, peering
down at him dimly, enveloping him in an ethereal glow.
The crew had retired to bed several hours earlier, but this night was not one of
rest for the anxious swordsman whose mind was running rampant with reverie and
regret. Regret that pooling feeling bubbling in his stomach, tightening so thickly
that it made him literally ache inside, palms rubbing at his glazed jade eyes,
willing futilely to ward off those painful whispers in the back of his mind that
made him feel extremely guilty and irrevocably disgusting.
Disgusting for what kind of man could knowingly turn on no could knowingly injure
his own lover and not be disgusting?
He couldn t, and didn t even try to, hold back the sigh that slipped past his lips,
disappearing into the breeze, leaving no evidence behind of its presence. He did
n t care right now if a sigh meant that he was weak because that s exactly what he had
been weak.
He was so weak that he had chosen some empty promise that he had made to an old
friend many years prior a friend that he owed nothing to and that probably wasn t ev
en in his right mind at the time Zoro took him up on his offer. He was so weak t
hat he had forsaken his own crew, of which he was the first mate, for said empty
promise and so weak that he hadn t even batted an eye when he struck his lover down
and watched him bleed all because the shit-cook had been trying to figure out j
ust what the hell was going on and that happened to be hindering him in his prog
ress to find those fucking orbs.
It was the truth Zoro felt like ten different kinds of heaping, steaming shit for
what he had allowed himself to do to that island, his crew, and the man that he
loved above all others. That man had trusted him, for God s sake trusted him so mu
ch that he had let him go, knowing full well that he might never return and that
if he did it could be to take the blonde s very life. If that wasn t devotion, then
Zoro didn t know what the hell devotion was
He kept replaying the scene over in his mind, reliving that moment and wondering
just what the hell he had been thinking. The answer was: nothing. He had not be
en thinking just acting; acting on some expired promise that had been twisted into
a vague shadow of what it was originally intended to be. He couldn t help but shi
ver at the image of his blonde lover standing before him, shoulder bleeding prof
usely under his stained palm, eyes wide with shock and confusion, that betrayed
expression as he turned to leave. God, he felt like such a dick
He had only spoken with the love-cook once since the incident, and the man had a
cted as if the situation had never happened but Zoro knew better. He could see the
subtle differences in the blonde: the way he favored his left shoulder more now
; the way his eyes always seemed slightly glazed when in his presence; and the s
teadily increasing number of the martial artist s cigarette intake. He wasn t gettin
g anything past Zoro.
Not knowing what else to do, Zoro turned over his shoulder and headed for the ga
lley to snag one of those cheap bottles of whiskey they had picked up on the isl
and, thankful that something good had come of that god-forsaken trip.
He pushed the heavy wooden door open, stepping inside and allowing it to close b
ehind him, darkness flooding his vision. Reaching to flip the light switch on, h
e was suddenly stopped cold at the sound of a soft and gravelly voice; Luffy, get
the fuck out or you aren t getting breakfast tomorrow
Ah, Sanji but what the hell is he still doing up? Hadn t he gone to bed with the oth
ers, hours ago? Apparently not But what concerned the swordsman the most was that
the cook hadn t immediately recognized him upon entry, assuming him to be the bott
omless pit of their captain sneaking around for a midnight snack.
Walking as silently as he could towards the direction of the voice, shrouded in
shadow and thick blackness, he noticed the faint glow of the embers at the end o
f the blonde s trademark cigarette, the scent of the smoke reaching his senses lik
e the earlier breeze against his cheeks. Following that scent and that glow, he
came to stand directly in front of the dark figure slumped against the wall besi
de the sink, boneless on the floor, long lethal legs spread straight out in fron
t of him.
He saw the blonde cook blink as he felt eyes watching him, and Zoro heard him ex
hale a particularly long drag of nicotine-laced smoke. Zoro s own eyes blinked, ra
pidly adjusting to the darkness, his vision clearing enough to make out the vagu
e features of the man before him. Without thinking he crouched in front of the s
ilent cook, watching as he crushed his spent cigarette into a previously placed
ashtray by his side, and heard the sound of a head thump against the kitchen wal
l, apparently realizing the identity of its newest guest.
Silence set in for several long minutes, the tension thickening, before Sanji sw
ept a foot out and tapped at Zoro s ankle, fiddling with the tails of his own un-t
ucked periwinkle dress shirt, sleeves rolled up past the elbows, tie abandoned l
ong ago, Did you need something?
Zoro s brow furrowed at the nearly dismissive words from his aloof lover, pushing
himself into a sitting position beside him against the wall, his heart pounding
in his chest. He heard the blonde sigh in resignation beside him, his knuckles d
rumming along the floorboards beneath them in a cadent rhythm.
Not being able to stand the silence any longer, Zoro turned his body to face the
man beside him, resting his left hand on the black trouser-clad thigh, corded m
uscles twitching beneath his touch in surprise. Then the words did come, laced w
ith a mixture of sadness and resignation, What is it?
Instead of giving a reply, the swordsman grasped the cook by his narrow shoulder
s, careful not to jar him, spinning him around, feeling the cerulean eyes widen
and lock onto his own. Then one of Zoro s hands slowly threaded through his sandy-
colored hair, feeling it slide between his digits like silk or satin, tumbling b
ack against the porcelain cheek below, shrouding that left eye in mystery once m
ore. Tilting the alabaster chin, Zoro leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on
the soft skin of the blonde s forehead, lips barely brushing against the cool fle
The swordsman could feel the shudder that ran through the cook s body, resting his
forehead against the slighter man s, gazing into that one cerulean eye that was h
alf-hidden beneath a tired lid. Then, with bated breath and a shuddering sigh, Z
oro whispered gently across the cook s breathy lips, You know I love you, right?
He heard the hitch in Sanji s breath at the blunt words, never spoken before betwe
en the two. There had never been any need to speak them, for words were just tha
t words. Words were so empty compared to the meaning that actions could convey s
o much more accurately. So to hear those words uttered from the mouth of a Nihil
istic, antisocial, masochistic swordsman shook the blonde to the very core, emot
ions welling in the young cook that he had forgotten he could feel.
Sanji did his best to nod, succeeding in brushing their lips ever-so-slightly ag
ainst each other, evoking a soft sigh from the swordsman before the man whispere
d once more against those soft petals, Because you can t know just how terrible I f
eel for what I did back there
As if to punctuate his words physically, Zoro lifted a callused hand to the stil
l healing wound on the cook s left shoulder, running his fingertips over the soft
fabric of his thin shirt where he knew the bandages were hidden beneath, You have
no idea how sorry I am
He could feel the cook shiver under his touch, lips brushing once more against h
is own, Oi, Marimo shut the hell up and kiss me already. It s been a week
Zoro eagerly obliged, leaning in to mesh their lips gently together, but he coul
dn t help but smirk knowingly against the other s mouth at the harsh approval, knowi
ng that he wouldn t have his Sanji any other way.
Their lips slid effortlessly against each other, velvety and smooth as their ton
gues slid against one another, dueling half-heartedly for control before Sanji s q
uickly relinquished to the larger man s advances. Zoro
God, the sound of his name breathed by those soft lips he felt himself shudder, a
surge of arousal running through his body, a hand now running through his green
hair, caressing his scalp gently.
Breathing harshly against those smooth, cool lips, Zoro muttered softly, "I'm so
rry...for scaring you, Sanji."
A groan was his answer, teeth lightly nipping at his own hot petals, "Shut up, d
umbass-marimo. Why would I be scared about what happened to you...?"
But Zoro knew, and smirked lightly at the truth behind the lies. Even though the
cook's words spoke of apathy, his body said otherwise. It was apparent in the r
igidity of his shoulders, the trembling of his slight frame, and the breathy ras
p behind his words against the swordsman s lips as he held back stutters of anxiet
So, to Zoro, it came as no surprise that after a few moments of heavy silence, t
he blonde burrowed his head into the soft shoulder and whispered breathlessly ag
ainst the swordsman's neck, It was far too close this time.
His voice was hoarse, pinched at the edges by the echoes of the lingering pain o
f that fateful day. Zoro could feel the cook s blunt nails digging desperately int
o his forearms, his hot breath spilling across his throat, tickling the tiny hai
rs on the back of his neck. Raising his left hand, Zoro rubbed his thumb gently
across the blonde s cheek, catching his breath at the presence of a suspicious wet
ness against his fingertips. Lifting his other hand to cup Sanji s opposite cheek,
he thumbed over the tear tracks, smearing them against the pale porcelain skin,
trying to erase their presence.
He could feel the silent tremors of the cook s body, pressed tightly against him n
ow, Sanji s long arms wrapping tightly against the backs of his muscular shoulders
, as if grasping for a lifeline to keep him from drowning in his own tears. Zoro
was at a loss for words, for he knew in his heart that these tears were of reli
ef relief from the pain of weeklong anxiety stemmed from the swordsman s heinous act
ions. There was nothing that he could say to ebb the flow of those salty streams
that now trickled down the alabaster skin under his palms nothing he could say th
at would make this lingering pain disappear.
So he wouldn t say anything, because once more words paled before actions.
Tonight was not a night for words, for there would be many days in the future to
worry about linguistics but tonight this was a night for forgiveness forgiveness an
d acceptance. This was a night that held the promise of a new beginning the deat
h of an old way of living. From now on Sanji came first even if that wasn t what the
cook wanted.
So, leaning in once more, Zoro breathed softly over those baby-soft lips, mutter
ing one last phrase, I will never hurt you again, before smashing his lips firmly
against those precious ones below.
He could feel the slighter man gasp against his lips, taking the opportunity to
snake his tongue past those straight teeth and slide mercilessly against it s twin
, causing the other to shudder in his arms. Zoro s right hand slid gently down the
long porcelain neck, his fingertips sliding below the collar on their way down
to begin unbuttoning his thin shirt. The flesh was warm to the touch, velvety so
ft and aching for attention as the swordsman s fingers delicately danced across th
e now exposed chest and stomach. The tight muscles jumped and tensed under the t
entative ministrations, those callused fingers scraping carefully over pale skin
, goose bumps following closely behind the traveling digits.
As the swordsman pushed the periwinkle shirt from the trembling blonde s shoulders
, his kisses trailed across the sharp jaw and down that pale neck, hesitating as
they brushed against the edge of the white gauze bandages that concealed the mo
st shameful wound Zoro had ever inflicted.
Sensing the man s indecision, Sanji grasped one larger, more hardened hand in his
own, raising it to his lips and kissing it softly before placing it lightly agai
nst the still tender injury. Zoro s brow furrowed in both confusion and sadness as
he thumbed gently over the affected area. His thoughts were broken as the grave
lly voice reached his ears once more, Chopper says it will probably leave a nasty
Zoro s heart dropped a mile, regret and guilt flooding his body once more, his gri
p tightening on the cheek in his left hand. He took a deep breath, ready to sigh
and apologize again, but Sanji s words stopped him in the act, But I think scars a
dd character. I ve kind of always wanted one
Zoro s eyes snapped to the one gazing at him, that shy smile on those sinful lips
sending a shiver down his spine, the words affecting him more than usual. But be
fore he could speak in reply, desperate and hungry lips were on his once more, p
ressing roughly against his own. Zoro gasped in surprise and Sanji pushed his to
ngue into his mouth, exploring it at once, following the dips and contours of th
at hot cavern.
As those lips slid savagely against his own, filling him with lust and love for
their owner, Zoro couldn t help but notice something that he had failed to compreh
end from the very beginning. Sanji loved him, and with love came trust, faith, a
nd forgiveness, things that were strange to someone of the swordsman s lifestyle.
In his mind, love had always been marked by candle-lit dinners, roses on anniver
saries, solid silver bands on the left ring fingers, and the whole rainbows and b
utterflies mentality that came with any romantic relationship.
But the beauty of his bond with the blonde cook was that it wasn t practical. It w
asn t practical and it wasn t normal. Their relationship forsook all of those trite
and cliché symbols of romance and puppy-love . Their bond was one of trust and comm
itment to one another that stood strong even in the face of death: a promise, th
ough unspoken, that represented everything that they stood for. It encompassed t
heir dreams and goals for the future, acceptance of one another s pasts, as well a
s their unfailing loyalty to their crew and captain.
With a touching realization, Zoro could now understand that, even though he had
broken this promise for a time, Sanji wasn t going to let him be rid of it complet
ely, pulling him back in and doing what he could to help the swordsman bury his
guilt and restore that commitment that unwritten contract between their very souls
That was when Zoro realized that he was holding in his arms something that was g
reater than himself and it was true. Sanji was more of a man, more of a nakama, an
d more of a true lover than Zoro had and would ever hope to be. And for once Zoro
wasn t loathing to admit this concession of defeat to the blonde cook whose lips w
ere flushed and panting against his own; a long, thin finger trailing softly now
against the outline of his own jagged scar

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Title: Vulnerable
Rating: PG
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Topic: Camera (drabble for LJ s most recent onepieceyaoi100 challenge)

As the thin stream of sunlight through the billowing grey gossamer curtains danc
ed over the alabaster skin, unspoiled and smooth as milk, the swordsman realized
that it was moments like this that he wished he had taken Nami up on her offer
to buy himself a camera...even if it did mean that he'd have to share the spoils
Because in that moment, he wished he could freeze time and save it forever, lock
ing it away in a treasure chest buried deep within his heart.
Raking his hungry eyes over the vulnerable form beside him, he ran a callused ha
nd softly along the taut abdomen below, his digits mapping out the contours of e
very dip and curve along their journey of that sinfully silky skin. He watched a
s the lethal muscles rippled and relaxed beneath his touch, responding in ways t
hat caused his blood to heat up.
Wrapping a powerful arm around the lean waist of the sleeping cook, Zoro sighed
pleasantly to himself, knowing that even though he didn't have a camera or any w
ay to physically duplicate this moment, he would always have the ability to reli
ve it as often as time and opportunity would allow, because this man was his.
And that was perfectly acceptable in his book.

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Pairing: Zoro/Ace
Rating: R/MA
Warning: Language, Sexual Content
Timeline: Post-Ace's rescue from Impel Down


With bated breath and trembling hands, tired jade eyes roved over the hundreds o
f new cuts, scrapes, and bruises marring that tan, freckled flesh beneath their
gaze; those corded, lean muscles shaking with anticipation and exhaustion below
his torturously tender touch.
Callused fingers dragged mercilessly across the tight planes of the contoured st
omach, trailing searing lines down the curve of a narrow hip, bruised but beauti
ful, before finally sweeping along a hypersensitive inner-thigh, evoking a sharp
gasp from the recipient of this hedonistic game of show and tell.
Heavy midnight orbs locked with their jade counterparts as a slick digit slipped
effortlessly inside of the panting flame master, nails digging into the swordsm
an's shoulders, back arching at the aching sensation of being penetrated so gent
ly, pulling a deep, breathy moan from the raven-haired man.
As another powerful finger joined the first, stretching and pulling at the tight
ring of muscles, hot lips found the baby-soft flesh of a wantonly stretched nec
k, dulled teeth nipping softly at an already scratched and mottled throat, mindf
ul of the still aching wounds, though never too cautious in their exploration.
Leaning firmly against the lithe, though toned body below him, the swordsman rai
ned soft, wet kisses against that sharp jaw, pulling light groans of need from t
he commander. A large, but careful hand lifted to Ace's cheek, catching a stray
tear from the freckled temple, expression never faltering as he removed his meth
odical fingers and aligned himself for the next step, a shiver coursing through
him in delicious anticipation.
Heated breath gusting across panting lips, soft petals brushing feather soft aga
inst one another, Zoro's hand moved down to the 'Fire Fist's' thigh, applying an
encouraging pressure, beckoning him to open himself further. As their tongues f
inally melted together, hot velvet sliding against fiery silk, a narrow hip was
grabbed and sharply angled, a strangled gasp falling from those moaning lips, tu
mbling into the waiting mouth of the swordsman as something much larger replaced
those fingers in one fluid motion.
"Damn, I've missed you..." were the feverish words breathed heatedly against tho
se hungry lips above, evoking a groan from the addressed swordsman.
This was not only an: 'Oh-it's-been-so-long-since-I've-seen-you' concession, but
also an 'Oh-God-you-feel-like-heaven-inside-of-me-It's-been-too-long' confessio
n, moving the swordsman to thrust deeply into the hot, narrow space, pulling a s
harp moan from the man below.
Any self-control that Zoro may have had left at this point evaporated when the r
aven-haired commander moaned against his lips, whispering softly, "Oh God..."
Hands slipped down the tan, flawless back of the swordsman, blunt nails dragging
against moist flesh leaving candy-pink stripes in their wake. As the bushido sl
owly began to roll his hips once more, savoring the delicious feeling of that he
at around him, he watched the pirate commander below him, shadows dancing across
the slicked skin from the small amount of moonlight entering through the tiny w
indow above the mat where the two lay entangled.
Lifting the elder man's leg higher, Zoro noticed the muscles beginning to shake
with exertion and need, those onyx orbs falling behind trembling, exhausted lids
. With soft gasps for air, a lower lip disappeared between a row of straight tee
th as the son of the former Pirate King held back a strangled cry as his sweet s
pot was slammed into mercilessly.
He had barely reined the noises in before the green-haired man wrapped his arms
around his broad shoulders and pulled him harshly down onto him, burying himself
none-too-gently to the hilt within that velvety heat. An angry thumb soon found
its way to the quivering chin, pulling the bruised lip from the harsh bite, "Uh
uh, I want to hear you."
Those words sent a shudder of want down the flame master's spine, a groan escapi
ng his lips in reply, begging wordlessly for more. His hair was a matted, tangle
d mess, his body curling in on itself as Zoro pressed against that glorious spot
within him once more, dragging strangled sobs from his now heaving chest, sweat
drops rolling down the monstrous tattoo on his well-inked back.
Blunt nails dug into his namesake branded on his arm, tiny drops of blood slidin
g against the rough palms of the swordsman, staining his flesh a deep crimson, s
oon to fade to rusted brown. Zoro buried his face in that musky, ebony hair, inh
aling that deeply rich scent of sweat and ash that clearly suited his lover.
It's fast and hard from there, neither having time to catch their breath as they
arch against each other, lips crashing against one another's fiercely. As the p
leasure was building deep within the swordsman, he pulled away from the kiss wit
h a moan, head bowing in concentration. They were fast losing their rhythm, slam
ming into one another with reckless abandon, groans and gasps of sensation filli
ng the space around them.
All it took was one last nip from Zoro at the base of his jaw and Ace came hard,
spilling his seed between the two of them, a string of curses escaping his lips
at the sheer intensity of his orgasm. Not more than a few thrusts later, Zoro r
eleased as well, whispering the onyx-eyed commander's name against the shell of
his ear, causing a shudder to course through the fire-wielder's body, the edges
of his release still sensitive as ever.
As the afterglow sank in, wrapping itself warmly around the entangled lovers, Zo
ro reached a hand up to brush the stray hairs from the sweat slicked forehead of
the man below him. Watching the dark-haired man swallow dryly, eyes hooded with
exhaustion, he leaned down and brushed his lips over a sweat stained cheek, nuz
zling his nose into the matted hair just past the temple. "Sleep now, Fire Fist.
Rolling off of the barely conscious man, the swordsman tugged a wool blanket ove
r their now clammy bodies, pulling the naturally warm body tightly against him.
Tucking the midnight-eyed pirate's head into the crook of his shoulder, he sighe
d a peaceful breath, allowing his body to relax and fall into a lucid state, mur
muring gently against the now lightly sleeping man's cheek, "Welcome home..."

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: PG
Warning: yaoi, language, violence, Major Spoilers for episodes 377-378
Timeline: During episodes 377-379 (end of Thriller Bark arc)
Song Stuck in Head: Bink s Sake Straw Hat version


Blunt but stabbing pain tore through his ribs; spots of black and white dotting
his vision as that now burning agony coursed through his abdomen, encompassing h
is entire body in a miserable, jarring spasm.
The air left his lungs with a violent grunt of surprise at the inhuman strength
behind the unforeseen attack.
His body spun to the left, a trembling hand slamming down onto the coarse, stain
ed cloth covering a corded shoulder, muscles tense beneath his grasp, as he foug
ht to stay upright. Fingertips curled into the material, short nails digging int
o the tan flesh beneath, baby blue eyes flashing in disbelief at the shadowed fa
ce before him.
He could see out of the corner of his eye as the blunt end of that ominously red
and black katana, retreated from his ruined left side, his body beginning to cu
rl in on itself as the pain spread quickly through his limbs, ricocheting off of
every bone, muscle, and organ in his body.
Fighting just to catch a full breath of oxygen, he could feel the blood running
down his face, the sweat-slicked golden hair flat against his forehead, the fles
h giving way beneath his gripping fingers, crimson staining the white fabric ben
eath his grasp. "W...Why you...!" he managed to moan out, his vision swimming be
fore him as he tried to focus on the statuesque man towering before him, unmovin
His strength was quickly escaping him, his knees giving way beneath his body, as
his hand began to slide from that now wounded shoulder, trailing down past his
short sleeve.
His fingertips dragged limply across the tightly toned bicep, digits dipping unc
onsciously into the curves where the tissues connected, ghosting across the dark
sage colored bandana wrapped snugly around those shaking muscles.
Hovering shakily over that pointed elbow, heat pouring against his palm, he coul
d feel his knees hit the rocky ground below, tiny sharp stones cutting into the
flesh through his shredded black trousers.
As he felt his heart pounding against his sternum, black beginning to cover the
majority of his vision, he wrapped his long, slender fingers tightly around that
elbow, his thumb pressing harshly into the tender flesh at the juncture between
that forearm and bicep for the last bit of stability he could manage.
He didn't have time to wonder if any of them were going to make it out of this a
live, or if the swordsman before him would still be there if they did pull throu
gh this, because darkness was pulling at his mind.
Staring up one last time, he met those haunting jade eyes that were calling out
a million things at once: anger at his rash decision to jump in front of the swo
rdsman, disbelief at the fact that he was still semi-conscious, apology for his
unprecedented attack on his own nakama...
But the last thing Sanji could make out before he fell backward and hit the jagg
ed ground unconscious, was the presence of an underlying hint of fear in those s
creaming orbs. That was something he had never seen in Zoro..and he hoped he wou
ld never have to see again.

Blinking his bleary eyes into a hazy consciousness, pain surged through his body
once again, pulling a strangled moan from his raw throat.
He could hear laughter and murmurs around him, all coalescing together in his hu
mming ears; a stray hair from his fringe tickled his nose, sunlight blazing down
onto his severely wounded form.
Groaning softly, he blinked away the final remnants of that darkness from his vi
sion, eyes panning around, taking in the sight of his crew-mates in various stat
es of health.
Seeing his captain bouncing about, a laughing ball of energy, as if nothing from
the last few days had ever happened...was somehow terribly unsettling. Somethin
g isn't right.
Suddenly the memory of his last few moments of consciousness flooded back to him
, his stiff body somehow shooting into a sitting position, face franticly search
ing for the green-haired idiot that had knocked him into oblivion not too long a
His eyes froze, widening considerably as they took in the figures of three well-
kept katanas lying in a pile not but a few feet from him. His stomach dropped to
the floor, panic flooding through his chest. Zoro never went anywhere without t
hose precious weapons. It was almost as if they were parts of him, extensions of
his already deadly body. I swear to God... if he's dead I'll kill him.
Pulling himself to his feet as quickly as his aching body would allow, the blond
e hurriedly made his way to the swords, hovering over them as if to make sure th
ey were truly there, not some mirage from dehydration or hallucination from his
probable concussion.
He quickly jerked his head left and then the right, searching the crowds and the
landscape for the man in question when suddenly he gasped, feeling a tug at his
chi, almost imperceptible, but there nonetheless. He had never been so thankful
for all the time Zoro had spent teaching him how to get in tune with his inner
chi, his very life force...and consequently, assisting him in reading other peop
le's energies as well. He never thought he would have to use it like this...So t
he bastard is alive...good.
Pointing his eyes in the direction of the woods, he grunted softly before taking
off at a blind sprint in the general area of the energy pull, his lungs burning
from the exertion on his already broken body.
Coming to the end of the stone rubble, he pulled his body forward, sliding hapha
zardly down the slope that brought him to the lush grass below, dust and rubble
filling the air behind him.
Stopping once more, catching what little breath he could, the landscape swimming
around his vision, he fought to clear his mind once again, feeling for that pul
l. As he locked onto it, he darted quickly to his right, sprinting across the li
ngering rubble. "There's no way he could still be in one piece!"
Dashing with reckless abandon across the field, body protesting and begging for
rest, he pushed himself further, "Where is that guy?!"
Abruptly his body froze, skidding to a halt as his head turned to the left, the
pull on his chi nearly overwhelming his senses. As his eyes locked onto their ta
rget, they widened in disbelief, sapphire irises narrowing down to tiny strips o
f color against the onyx pupils.
"There he is..." he whispered nearly imperceptibly, taking in the vision of the
man standing amongst more grey rocks, arms crossed tightly over broad chest.
The white shirt the blonde had dug his nails into earlier was now in shreds acro
ss his shoulders, baring his smooth back to the cook, blood pouring from hundred
s of cuts and bruises along the mottled flesh.
Feeling anger bubbling in his gut, he slid down another slope, making his way to
the immobile figure, "What the hell do you think you're playing at?! Hey!"
Shoving his hands into his pockets, attempting to make himself look less injured
and more intimidating, he spat, breathlessly, "Where'd that Warlord go?"
But, as soon as he made it close enough to the swordsman to take in the full ext
ent of his injuries, he froze, eyes widening immensely, mouth falling open as a
soft gasp escaped him, "Holy shit..."
The mint colored hair was stained and matted with crimson blood, coagulating and
slipping down his forehead and cheeks, like bleeding tears against his closed l
ids, sliding down his muscular neck and shoulders, dragging against every dip an
d curve in his body as it pooled into the basin his crossed arms created against
his chest.
Zoro was still as a statue, but his muscles were trembling beneath the blood, sw
eat, and shredded material. Fear running through the blonde cook, he stuttered i
n a panicked tone, "What's with all this blood?!"
Getting no reply, he began to tremble himself, arms flailing slightly as he trie
d to grasp the marimo's attention, "Hey, are you still alive?! Where is that guy
Still receiving no response, he moved closer, his voice rising a few volume leve
ls as he reached hand out to touch that stiff shoulder before him, smearing his
fingertips in the still hot blood, "What happened here?!"
Then time stopped, everything slowed to a crawl and all noises and vision around
him faded, disappearing into the cosmos as he looked down at the area around th
Everything: the stones, the grass, the trees, the dirt...all within a twenty foo
t radius...were coated in a fine spray of blood.
His heart nearly stopped in his chest as he managed to subconsciously whisper ou
t, "Why so much blood...w-what happened?"
He heard a faint grunt from the bushido, those eyes slowly peeling open to half
lidded. Jade orbs stared off into the distance, as if seeing through everything
else, a swollen vein of exertion popping out of the left temple as the man tried
to stay upright with every fiber of his strength left.
"Nothing..." came the gravelly and husky voice of the swordsman who began to swa
y slightly in front of him, causing him to tighten his grip on the trembling sho
ulder, "happened!"
Those strangled words twisted around the cook's heart, ripping through his mind
with a ravaging sting. "Z-Zoro..."
Suddenly, the swaying stopped and the hulking man before him began to fall forwa
rd, but Sanji was faster than that, jumping front of him and catching him by the
shoulders, lowering his body gently to the stones below, placing his head heavi
ly in his own lap, "Zoro!"
The man's breathing was heavy, labored and pinched, as he struggled to remain co
nscious, even if it was just for a few more moments, "S-Sanji..."
The cook's eyes widened at the breathy and pleading quality in the swordsman's v
oice, reaching a hand down to smear some of the blood off of his face, wiping it
up with the coat-sleeve that was still intact.
The man in his arms began to cough violently, his body wracked with pain and tre
mors as his lungs tried to expel all the blood from themselves. He wheezed heavi
ly against the black fabric of the blonde's trousers, coughing up more blood and
staining them crimson.
Sanji's heart clenched in his chest, "Zoro, what the hell happened here? And don
't you dare say nothing again. I'll knock you the rest of the way unconscious...
The man leaned into the lithe fingers that were wiping the blood from his cheeks
, as if searching for some amount of comfort, some escape from the agony his bod
y was in. "Zoro, please..."
At those words, the man beneath him stilled, ragged breath now shallow in his ch
est, eyes sliding shut as he tried to calm his heartbeat, dulling the pain sligh
tly, enough to speak properly, "It doesn't matter..."
Then he dissolved into another coughing fit, body racking violently with the tre
mors, as Sanji ran a soothing hand through the matted green hair, "Why aren't yo
u dead..."
Zoro smirked softly through his pain, eyes sliding shut, "What, disappointed?"
Sanji didn't notice the hand that slid up his chest until it was too late, bruis
ed fingers knotting in black polyester and yanking his face down into a clumsy,
but scorching kiss.
No more words were spoken as the green-haired swordsman fell unconscious...but t
hen again, Sanji didn't really need to hear anymore. As the blonde hoisted the l
imp man over is back, struggling for a moment before standing and making his way
back to the courtyard, he smirked softly, his lips still tingling from the surp
risingly affectionate assault, knowing that eventually he would figure it all ou

He took a long drag on his cigarette, nicotine coating every crevice of his lung
s as he sat on that wooden crate beside the marimo's mattress in the mansion, wa
tching as the little reindeer worked on his wounds. He watched those small hoove
s glide effortlessly over the bruised flesh, dancing over bandages and stitches
wit practiced ease.
He could make out the beginnings of a conversation as Luffy and Franky filed in,
followed by a few others, carrying huge loads of food for the remaining survivo
rs over their shoulders. "This is the first time Zoro's been this badly injured.
..he was really close to dying."
Sanji could feel the flinch on his brow before he could control it, a deep sadne
ss filling his heart at the memory of Zoro's state in the woods...the sacrifice
he had made for him and the rest of the crew. "I just know it...something must h
ave happened to him...while we were unconscious..."
As the voice of the ship's doctor faded out, the blonde took another long drag o
n his nicotine stick, letting his hand fall to the knee that was propped up on t
he adjacent crate, his new black pants and turquoise hoodie freshly laundered an
d fitted to him nicely. He could feel the hollowed out eyes of that skeleton man
on him, bearing into him as if he knew something about the cook that he probabl
y shouldn't.
Raising his hand up to his forehead, he adjusted the white bandaged wrap there,
untucking his hair from the folds of it, allowing it to fall flat against his he
ad in golden layers. The voice of Robin filled the space around him as she and U
sopp made there way to the bedside, "Indeed. It is hard to believe that that man
would just leave like that."
The long-nosed sharpshooter beside her answered back quickly, "It's also weird t
hat Luffy is so energetic all of a sudden, isn't it?"
Sanji could feel his chest tighten again, sucking harder on his cigarette as he
stared blankly at the floor, trying to conceal any emotions that may be playing
behind his eyes, knowing nothing about what the hell had happened and not feelin
g right about it at all... No one should have to endure what he did in silence..
.even if he is a big dumb brute that takes up space most of the time...
He drifted off in his thoughts, fingering the medical patch on the side of his f
ace, until an unfamiliar voice broke through the air, "What happened, huh? Actua
lly, I saw it all!"
His head snapped to the side, frowning deeply and locking his startling blue eye
s onto the speaker as the boasting continued, another man jumping forward, "I sa
w it all, too!"
"Yeah, we'll tell you!" the other answered back.
Sanji wasn't going to sit around and deal with any more of this shit right now a
nd, standing from his spot on the crates, dusting his pants off slightly, he sta
lked casually over to the two clowns, tucking his arms under their shoulders and
began dragging them backwards out of the hole in the side of the building, "Hey
..." he grunted as he pushed them out.
He could hear Luffy speak his name in question, Robin's 'hmm' of contemplation,
and Ussop's puzzled 'huh', but he kept on walking.
Upon exiting the building, he shoved to two men into the sun as they began to pr
otest, "Wait, why? You were pretty cool too, you know! 'Take my life instead of
the swordsman's', you know?"
He grunted in frustration, raising a hand to massage the bridge of his nose, tak
ing a seat on one of the larger stones and steeling himself for what was to come
, "Shut up! Hurry up and tell me."
Leaning his elbows over his knees, he hung his head slightly, "What happened aft
erwards...after I fainted, I mean?"
That's when the confessions began, the men recounting the previous days events i
n graphic detail, "Well, that Warlord had another crazy power, you see! He just
put his paw on Straw Hat Luffy, and repelled all of the damage that had been inf
licted on him!"
Sanji's eyes widened slightly, not liking the sound of where this was going, "Da
mage...?" he inquired softly.
"Yeah, like a huge ball of agony! And then..."
"He told the swordsman that if he wished to take his place, then he was going to
have to take in all of this ball of pain!" the other man interrupted.
Sanji blinked for a moment as the other continued, "But he said that if someone
who was as close to death as Zoro was tried to do this that it would be impossib
le for him to survive. He would surely die!"
Sanji's eyes popped open wide, letting the words sink in, the smaller of the two
brutes continuing the tale, "He gave him just a little tiny ball of it, like a
taste of what was to come. He could barely handle it, writhing on the ground in
agony as if he was dying! Just touching that tiny bit of it, that swordsman scre
amed in pain!"
Sanji grasped onto his cigarette, his jaw set firmly and eyes bearing into a tre
e in the distance as he continued to listen, anger settling into his veins.
"Sorry, but I seriously thought that swordsman was gonna die. So, we actually cr
"We cried a lot!" the other chimed in.
Sanji let out a lungful of smoke, gritting his teeth together before sighing in
understanding, "I see...Then that's why Luffy is in perfect shape, while Zoro en
ded up like that...How reckless..."
His memory was flooded with the images of Zoro standing in that little alcove, d
renched in his own blood and stone-still in the sunlight, body obviously in agon
y. He remembered his words, the muttering that nothing had happened and it wasn'
t important...didn't matter. That jackass...
Letting out another deep stream of nicotine-laced smoke, he hung his head even l
ower, sighing deeply. Suddenly he was interrupted by the excited chatter of the
larger idiot, "All right!! We've gotta tell the rest of the crew this beautiful
tale - "
Sanji stiffened and yelled stiffly, "Wait! Don't you go running your mouths off
with that stuff!"
The two idiots turned back around, looks of disbelief on their faces, but Sanji
continued, "He didn't risk his life so that we'd praise him about it."
Sighed softly, shoulders dropping lower, he snuffed out his cigarette against th
e stone, "And do you think Luffy would feel...? If he knew that al
l the pain he took on himself had gone and hurt his friend?!"
The two men blathered and stuttered for a few moments, struggling clumsily to fi
nd something to say, failing miserably. Frustrated as hell, Sanji yelled back, "
You still just want to tell the stupid story?!?"
The two men deflated before him, "W-We can't say anything about it, then?"
Sanji stood from his siting position, lighting another cigarette and sticking it
between his chapped lips, "As long as everyone is safe, that's all that matters
Shoving his hands in his pockets, he began to walk off, back towards to mansion,
"Well, I'm gonna go eat."

The night air was slightly chilled dancing off of the blankets wrapped around hi
s legs, spreading the stream of smoke from his cigarette around the room. The co
ld stone pillar behind him was hard and unforgiving, but that was okay, because
he wasn't here get comfortable and sleep of the effects of the celebratory party
No...he was here for a little one-on-one time with the unconscious swordsman, ev
en though he knew he wouldn't be talking back...or probably even hearing a word
the cook spoke.
Feeling that cool breeze flick through his hair once more, he slid a hand softly
along the mattress beside him, letting his fingers lightly brush against the so
ft flesh of a broken wrist, careful not to injure it further.
Taking a deep breath, he sighed softly, "You know, that was absolutely crazy wha
t you did back there. You had better be thankful that I made sure those two deli
nquents didn't go spreading your 'Epic Tale of the Sacrificial Bushido' to every
one in the crew. Can you imagine how upset Luffy would be if he found out you di
d that after all that he went through to insure that we all got out safely? The
guy would be heartbroken..."
He paused to take another drag on his cigarette, leaning his body into the pilla
r, "But...I am glad you didn't die."
He could feel the hand he was holding the swordsman's with begin to tremble, moi
sture building behind his eyes as he grew more frustrated, "Why, Zoro, why could
n't you let me do it...? Why do you always have to go and hurt yourself...why ca
n't you let someone else take the pain for once? We're all strong too!!"
But then gasped slightly, realization sinking in as his own words reached his ea
rs, his heart constricting in his chest. He could feel a lone tear track its way
down his right cheek, disappearing into the patch beneath it. He felt so stupid
"Right...I get it. I'm not strong enough...and you knew that."
Tightening his grip slightly on the bandaged wrist below, he thumbed softly over
the callused palm, feeling the burns and scrapes littering the flesh there. "I'
m...sorry...for getting in your way."
He was about to remove his hand, when suddenly the limp fingers tightened around
his own tense ones, stilling his movements and stopping his heart. He gasped so
ftly, more tears springing from his eyes and sliding down his cheeks as he heard
a soft moan from the man beside him, "You' the...way."
The broad chested man breathed heavily, filling his lungs and stilling any possi
ble coughing that may have followed with long, hard swallows. "T-Thirsty..."
Pulling out of his stupor and coming to his senses, Sanji fumbled over to the la
rge faucet across the room, filling a cup with the clear fluid and stumbling bac
k over to the mattress, lacking his usual calm finesse in the simple task.
Reaching the incapacitated man, he slowly slid his left hand beneath the green-h
aired head, lifting it up enough to give him room to swallow comfortably. Raisin
g the cup to the swordsman's cracked lips, he tipped it just enough to allow a s
mall amount of the liquid to pour into waiting mouth below.
As the swordsman slowly imbibed the liquid, Sanji watched in awe at his consciou
s state, wondering if he was still in pain, his thoughts drifting back to the co
nfessions of the two men earlier, and the torture he had endured for all of thei
r sakes.
As the moss-head finished the drink, Sanji placed it on the small table that hel
d Chopper's medicine's, allowing the bushido's head to rest back on the pillow b
elow. Not able to resist speaking, the blonde muttered softly, covering the mari
mo with a thin blue blanket, "You're an idiot, you know that...?"
When Zoro didn't say anything, the blonde flopped down onto the foot of mattress
, crossing an ankle over his knee and resting his wrists along the bridge his le
g created. It was then that Zoro chose to look him in the eye, jade clashing wit
h baby blue as the tension grew around them.
His breath hitched when a frown made its way across the swordsman's brow, and ro
ugh and callused hand sliding up to brush fingertips over slick cheeks, damp wit
h forgotten tears that continued to fall. Sanji's reflex was to pull back and tu
rn his face away, but Zoro, even in his sluggish and stiff state, was faster tha
n him, switching his hand to the other cheek and pulling his face back to look a
t him again.
Those jade eyes widened for a moment, taking in the tears now running freely dow
n Sanji's face, fingers sliding back to bury themselves in the cook's soft hair,
tugging him closer, so close that he could hear the blonde's pulse beating hars
hly in his ears.
The grip softened slightly, and he gently cradled Sanji's cheek in his large pal
m, guiding his lips to meet his own: chaste and unhurried, lazy and filled with
everything that he didn't know how to say at that moment in time.
Tongues slid against one another, but this was not a battle for anything. It was
a message from one man to the other, silent but full, and sealed with the promi
se of something better to come.
Ignoring the pain coursing through his body, Zoro settled his other hand on Sanj
i's right wrist, pulling the man slowly and carefully to kneel beside him, pulli
ng his face deeper into the kiss and ravishing his mouth with soft and leisurely
licks and nips.
"You have to stop doing this...getting hurt...almost dying...scaring me," Sanji
whispered against those bruised lips below him, breaking the kiss to pull back a
nd stare at the wounded man beneath him.
They stared at each other, neither willing to break the other's gaze...until Zor
o rolled his eyes softly, smirking with the right corner of his lips, sliding hi
s limp fingertips over the patch on the cook's cheek and the bandage wrapped aro
und his head, "I'll stop getting hurt the day you stop pissing me off..."
It was Sanji's turn to roll his eyes in exasperation and humor, laughter dancing
behind his drying sapphire eyes, "...which is probably never going to happen."
Zoro smirked slightly, closing his eyes as exhaustion retook him, pulling the ti
red cook down beside him and throwing the blanket over them both, "Well, I'm gla
d we can agree on something..."

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Title: Defrost
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: PG
Warning: yaoi, language
Word Count: 300
Topic: Christmas/spirit of giving
Bitter chill seeped past the cracks of the galley door, piercing through the hea
t given off by the small stove and slithering icily against the pale flesh of th
e blonde s feet, the black trouser socks no match for that frigid wisp of air.
Lifting the shivering limb, he proceeded to rub the chill away, sliding his foot
harshly and briskly against the thick fabric of his nylon pant leg, never waver
ing even slightly in his appointed task of preparing cinnamon cookies for his cr
Stepping back a few feet, he pulled open the door to the stainless steel oven wi
th a thick red mitt, sighing softly as the dry heat wafted over his cool cheeks
and nose, blanketing him in comfortable warmth as he placed the prepared cookie
sheet atop the shelf.
As he lifted his hands to reach for the leftover ingredients, he was suddenly ac
costed by a great gust of painfully cold wind, the galley door bursting open, ca
using his hands to fly to his arms instead, rubbing viciously against the onslau
ght of the unwelcome temperature.
Shit he muttered softly, turning his head to glare at whoever was responsible for t
he intrusion.
But before he could utter another word in protest, the weight of heavy fabric wa
s placed atop his shoulders, warmth instantly flooding his being.
Strong, tan arms encircled his torso, pressing his back to a firm chest as heat
passed from the green-haired first-mate to the now sighing chef.
His eyes widened for a moment before sliding closed at the sensation of searing
lips at the back of his neck, teasingly tickling the base of his golden hairline
Merry Christmas, shit-cook were the only gruff words uttered by the larger man as h
e wrapped the shoddily knitted, baby blue blanket around the thin frame before h

Review this Story/Chapter

Reminiscence and Reverie
Author of 5 Stories 1. Paradox2. Incision3. Stronghold4. Benediction5. Cerulea
n6. Vulnerable7. Breathless8. Oblivion9. Defrost10. Existentialism
Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Zoro & Sanji - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 12-26
-09 - Published: 10-25-09 - id:5467782
Title: Existentialism
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Rating: R
Warning: sexual content, language, adult content
Topic: Nightmare


Blackness a piercing darkness that smothered his sight and plunged him into a wo
rld of night and bleak uncertainty. Clawing at the edge of his senses, his breat
h was failing him, threatening to leave him entirely in this abyss of fear and a
Voice a hushed but eerie whisper in his ear, cackling laughs of ill-intent setti
ng worry deep within his tortured mind. Something foul was drawing near, and he
was powerless to oppose it, merely a prisoner in his own unconsciousness.
Pain a searing, aching, burning tear that ripped through his subconscious, pulli
ng silent screams of frustration and pleas for absolution from his phantom lips.
A new agony wrought from dark memories of a life he could have saved a friend h
e was forced to witness rot away and fade before his ice-blue eyes, wide with fl
ooded reverie and anguish.
But then that too was fading away
An unanticipated relief washed over in the manifestation of blessed consciousnes
s when strong, familiar, arms came to encircle his shoulders, pulling him tightl
y against an equally strong, equally familiar body.
Shh breathe, shit-cook. It s over now. I m still here.
Those words that voice so rich and deep and so goddamn welcome, embraced him, his
eyes quickly moistening with the force of his relief and realization of his posi
tion, encased in the warmth and comfort of the one man that could cause these ha
unting dreams to both form and abate.
Deceptively soft lips found their way to his sweaty temple, and a rough and call
used hand stroked across his slick forehead, pushing his now damp bangs away fro
m his eyes, allowing him to blearily open them to take in the figure beside him.
That scorching mouth made it s way gently and lazily down his flushed cheek, slidi
ng breathlessly across to capture his own panting lips in a slow, heavy kiss as
if trying to pry any remnants of the nightmare from his exhausted and shaken bod
The rough hand s partner found it s rhythm stroking lazy, soothing patterns along th
e blonde s bare back, tracing the subtle muscles and sharp ribs beneath the pale,
alabaster flesh, heated from both sleep and touch.
A soft whimper betrayed him, slipping past his gasping lips, disappearing into t
hat demanding and overwhelming mouth against his own. It only seemed to fuel the
other on, a hand plunging into his hairline at the back of his neck, massaging
relaxing trails through his damp scalp.
Any lingering worry or anxiety faded away as the hand at his back slipped swiftl
y between their bodies, disappearing below the waistband of his black sweatpants
to curl skilled digits around his half-hard member, wringing a sharp moan of su
rprise from his lips.
His overly sensitive flesh hung heavier as it filled with growing desire, expand
ing quickly beneath that callused grip stroking him softly yet firmly into full
Pulling a soft whine from his willing lips, the swordsman attacked that wanton m
outh with a renewed fervor, using his free hand to shove the offending black fab
ric further down those slender, ivory legs.
The cook gasped softly as cold air rushed against his heated flesh, sending a sh
iver of pleasure down his spine. The sensations were almost too much for his alr
eady weakened defenses, unable to hold back any soft whimpers or moans of pleasu
It wasn t long before he came hot, hard, and shamelessly against the swordsman s fin
gers, coating them and his own clenched abdominal muscles. Those sinfully carefu
l lips muffled and swallowed any cry that managed to slip past his throat at the
moment of mind-blowing release.
As he began to retreat down from his peak, spasms and aftershocks rocking his tr
embling body, he could feel the hot breath gliding against his earlobe.
Feel better?
He was too exhausted to even nod in affirmation, but that didn t stop him from set
tling for snuggling his body tightly against his silent guardian and thanking wh
atever deity that might have been in their presence that night for his faithful
While this stubborn man might have been the reason for his recurring nightmares,
he was also the only one who never failed at showing him just how real he still
was that, while nightmares warped for the worse every night, only one thing coul
d remain constant: an unconditional commitment between the two figures locked to
gether that not even those false realities could attempt to overcome.

Review this Story/Chapter

Author of 59 Stories
Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Zoro & Sanji - Published: 12-26-09 - Comple
te - id:5613729
Rating: T (for ideas)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Pairing: ZoSan
Topic: Religion
Word-count: 240
Warning: superstitious ideas, hints of boy x boy
Disclaimer: Odachi owns One Piece
A/N: Well, it s a challenging topic, indeed. I guess I have to try hard to make it
. So... here s for this week s entry. Enjoy~


When you re lost, look at the sky then you ll find a way.
Sanji opened his eyes and he could see thousands of tiny stars above. He chuckle
d at the sparkling light.
What s funny? The swordsman above him raised an eyebrow.
Nah, just thinking... they ll always be there, leading the way.
The stars. Sanji sighed and moaned slightly at the friction.
Zoro was silent for a moment before saying You awfully believe in them.
Well, in theory, they don t move, so they can be an eternal clue to point direction
, Sanji shrugged.
No, I mean... the wishing stuffs. Just like those kids, Zoro held Sanji s hand and kis
sed him.
Hmm... don t you believe? Sanji kissed back.
I believe in myself, Zoro bit his neck and Sanji moaned again.
I see... but it doesn t mean that it s not true. Sanji gasped and put his hands on Zor
o s cheeks. Maybe if you wish hard enough... and work hard for it, then it will com
e true.
Zoro smiled at the blond cook and closed his eyes. It s roman, huh? he chuckled slig
It doesn t have to be a religion. As long as you believe in it... as long as you h
ave faith... then it s real for you. No matter how bizarre it sounds or how crazy
it looks.
Just like our bond, huh? Zoro looked at Sanji deeply and saw it.
Yeah, Sanji said.
Because these conviction and dreams... are our belief.
The End


A/N: I hope this is okay and you enjoy reading it ^__^.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji

Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alvi
da7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleha
13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special: Z
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
I really have no explanation for this. I was just bored, and I'm certainly going
to try to hook up Sanji with all of the girls in One Piece, but we'll see how f
ar I get. Feel free to make suggestions of who you want next.
On another note, I really suck at writing Sanji in flirt mode. Why I decided to
take on such a project with that in mind is beyond me. Oh well, practice makes p
By the way, I don't own One Piece. Just in case you were wondering to yourself,
"I wonder if this was written by Oda..."

You going out again?
Sanji glanced away from the mirror where he had been fixing his hair for the pas
t 2 hours to look at his roommate. The green-haired man was casually leaning aga
inst the doorway drinking a beer while waiting for an answer.
Of course. In an attempt to find a steady girlfriend, Sanji had gone out with a di
fferent girl almost every night for the past month or so. Clearly it wasn t going
so well, but Sanji was very hopeful about tonight just like every other night.
Where did you find this one? Not in a back alley again I hope. Zoro finished off h
is beer and crushed the can in his hand.
No, I met her outside a Café this afternoon. Her name s Jewelry Bonney, cause I know
that s going to be you re next question. They ve been through this routine almost ever
y time.
Hm? Jewels? I know her. Also part of the routine. It seemed as if Zoro knew every
girl in town. Why he refused to actually introduce any of them to Sanji himself
still remained a mystery to the chef. We re in that Supernova club thing together.
She and Luffy seem to get along swimmingly. Considering
There it was. Zoro Roronoa s reason why this girl, like all of the others, will ev
entually drive Sanji insane, thus condemning him to bachelor life forever. Maybe
Sanji should focus his efforts on a new roommate first. Of course, maybe he jus
t continues to dig his own grave, because he still consistently asked, Considerin
g what?
Well, I m sure it s no big deal for you, being a chef and all, but Jewels and Luffy h
ave similar appetites. Honestly, I m always surprised when the place still has any
food left after she and Luffy have had their fill. Damn him. If there s one thing
that Zoro can do to turn him away from a girl, it s compare her to Luffy. You d proba
bly better off just cooking something for her here rather than taking her out.
You just don t want to make your own dinner. Besides, it s rude to have the first dat
e at home. Especially if you re stupid roommate is going to be home all night.
Che. It s your money I guess. Assuming you re paying for dinner
Of course I am.
Meh. Like I said, it s your money. He shrugged and made his way to the TV area. Sanj
i finished his primping and grabbed his jacket before leaving the room. I m off.
Don t do anything I wouldn t do. Somehow Sanji s shoe that was by the front door a few s
econds before managed to hit Zoro s head.

Sanji looked at his watch again. Jewelry was almost a half hour late. They had a
greed to meet in front of the restaurant at 8, but his watch informed him that i
t was about 8:27. Where was she?
About 5 minutes later Jewelry came running up the sidewalk. She was wearing a re
d and black striped mini-skirt with matching leggings, black boots, and a white
blouse. Sanji thought she looked absolutely stunning (just like every girl he sa
w) and was glad that he decided to wear the red pinstripe shirt with the black v
est instead of the green one.
Sorry I m late. I got held up by this cop.
Did you drive here? Sanji asked, looking around for a car or a vehicle of some kin
No, there was this jerk that got in my way. I may have punched him in the face to
get my point across and a cop saw us. Apparently that counted as assault or som
ething. I got off though cause the cop thought I was younger than I actually am.
The real crime would have been locking up someone as cute as you for something li
ke that in the first place. You look lovely tonight, by the way.
You re not so bad on the eyes yourself. This where we re eating?
Yes. This restaurant is owned by an acquaintance of mine, so I was able to get a
reservation. They entered the restaurant and were promptly seated and served thei
r drinks
You re a cook right? Ya think the food here is going to be any good? Aren t cooks pre
tty picky about things like that?
My dear, I wouldn t consider taking someone as divine as you somewhere I wouldn t con
sider eating at. The waiter showed up and they ordered their meal. Sanji was a bi
t unnerved about the amount of food Jewelry ordered, but Zoro had said she had a
n appetite and besides, he s cooked for Luffy and Ace on several occasions. The am
ount of food some people were able to eat was nothing new to him.
Things were going pretty smoothly if he did say so himself. They probably would
have continued smoothly if the food had somehow never arrived. Then again, maybe
it would have made things worse; Sanji was never one to think about what could
have been anyway.
Jewelry managed to eat her larger-than-normal meal in under 5 minutes. This in i
tself was no big shock to Sanji. It was more of the way she devoured it. After a
ll, even Luffy knew not to put his feet on the table. After she finished her fir
st course however, she continued banging on the table asking for more and more f
ood until Sanji s acquaintance had to come over and remove them from the restauran
t. Sanji was going to have to pay him back somehow, and Sanji hated having to pa
y people back if it couldn t involve food.
Being a gentleman, Sanji waked Jewelry home. The entire trip consisted of her co
mplaining about how restaurants these days never had enough food or were never w
illing to share. They were paying customers after all; there was no reason for h
er to be kicked out again. Sanji simply nodded and agreed with whatever came out o
f her mouth.
When they got to her building s door Jewelry said, Well, that wasn t as bad as I thou
ght it would be. Maybe next time you can cook for me instead.
Sanji cringed, inwardly of course. Maybe. I never really have any food on hand th
Yeah, Zoro always says something like that.
Sanji groaned, inwardly. Zoro says we never have enough food?
Yeah, we re in the Supernova club thing together and he s mentioned how you have trou
ble feeding both him and Luffy on your salary.
Sanji didn t know what was worse, the fact that he was once again ending a date wi
th the topic of Zoro or the fact that Zoro complained about not having enough fo
od in the apartment when he ate more of it than Luffy.
Well, it was nice meeting you. You re a lot nicer than Zoro says. Sanji had the sudd
en urge to kick something, preferable a green-haired something with a sword feti
sh. Thanks for dinner. And with that, she went inside and left Sanji on the front
Sanji sighed. Ce la vie. He walked down the lonely streets back to his apartment.

Upon returning, Sanji found Zoro, Luffy, and Brooke sitting around the coffee ta
ble in the TV area playing cards. They looked up as Sanji came through the door.
That bad huh? Zoro asked, picking up on his defeated stance and food-stained everyt
It was fine until the food showed up. Sanji countered, sitting down with the other
s at the unoccupied side of the square table.
Yeah, it s usually like that with Bonney, Luffy felt the need to add, before slammin
g his cards down on the table and shouting King me!
Yohoho, Luffy, we re playing go fish. By the way, do you have any threes? Brooke ask
As a matter of fact I have three. How did you know?
Zoro rolled his eyes. You want in? he asked Sanji.
Sure, why not? He picked up seven cards from the deck in the middle of the table a
nd proceeded to just play cards with his friends.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Thank you all so much for the kind words, both the ones that you wrote and the o
nes you were all thinking when you read it but decided not to comment. As for al
l of the unkind words that you were thinking, you can keep those.
Next up is Kalifa as requested by Dandy Wondrous. Well, not really requested as
much as 'looking forward to it.' Whatever, same thing in my book. Nojiko's next
btw. I'm going in order. :)
In my opinion, if Sanji wasn't a pirate and Kalifa wasn't a secret government as
sassin, then they would have gotten along quite well. But alas, fate (or Oda) wo
uld not have it so.
And I don't own One Piece. And I never will.

You re taking her where? Zoro was sitting on Sanji s bed playing with a slinky while S
anji was searching for a shirt to wear in his closet. At this moment, however, t
he slinky had ceased all movement as Zoro was looking at his roommate with pure
shock written all over his face.
Che La Orbit. Sanji answered nonchalantly while looking an orange pinstripe shirt
before placing it back in the closet.
That high-class-snotty-French place where you need to call ahead at least 6 month
s to even be considered for a reservation? Sanji nodded. How in the hell did you g
et a reservation, unless you ve been planning this for a year?
I know a guy. Sanji simply said, checking out a green shirt before putting that ba
ck too.
You always seem to know a guy don t you? Zoro commented before returning his attenti
on to the slinky at hand. How did you even manage to get someone like Kalifa to g
o out with you anyway?
Franky introduced us. See, normal friends actually introduce you to the hot girls
they know.
How does Franky even know her anyway? And that still doesn t explain why she would
consider going out with you. Zoro said while contemplating the ever growing slink
y-knot that had somehow appeared.
She s Iceburg s secretary. Apparently he and Franky are friends or something. We kind
a hit it off. Is it that hard to imagine someone actually not hating me? Sanji to
ssed one of Zoro s shirts that had somehow ended up in his closet at its owner s hea
Yeah, it kinda is. Zoro replied bluntly, putting the shirt in his lap before conti
nuing to fix the tangled slinky.
Just because you re a manner deprived buffoon with no class doesn t mean the rest of
the human population feels the same way. Sanji finally settled on the blue pinstr
ipe shirt with a black tie and matching jacket; you just can t bet the classics af
ter all.
Humph. Zoro expressively replied while he dealt with a slinky that was at this poi
nt more gigantic slinky mess than actual slinky. Sanji walked over, took the sli
nky from his hands, and in a few swift movements had it restored to its previous
condition before tossing it back to Zoro. Well, I m off.
Hmr. Zoro remarked, still staring at the slinky. He will never know how he does th
at; must be some secret slinky-fixing-maneuver that only annoying, blonde, swirl
y-browed chefs can pull off or something.

Kalifa was waiting for him outside the restaurant when Sanji got there. She was
looking dazzling in a small, black, form-fitting dress with matching fishnet sto
ckings, classy heels, and a shawl. Her blonde hair was down, but tucked eloquent
ly behind one ear while perfectly framing her simply yet lovely, in Sanji s opinio
n, glasses.
Sorry my dear, where you waiting long? he asked.
No, I only got here a few minutes ago. Of course that didn t stop the valet from se
xually harassing me.
Should I kick his ass?
No I ve already dealt with him. Sanji noticed a foot twitching from behind the podiu
m by the door, but decided not to question further. Shall we enter than? he asked,
offering his arm.
Yes, of course. She gracefully accepted and let him lead her inside.
They were promptly seating and their drinks arrived speedily enough. Kalifa was,
like Zoro although he would never admit it, impressed that Sanji was able to ge
t a reservation here. Sanji accepted her praises modestly while dishing out seve
ral of his own. Things were going great and Sanji was wondering how things could
possible go wrong this time when it all went to hell.
Sanji had thought that he recognized one of his least favorite customers when he
first entered the restaurant (for some odd reason he always insisted that Sanji
make his meal whenever he stopped by the restaurant and he always took every op
portunity to complain about it no matter how delicious his companions said it wa
s and Sanji always ended up kicking his ass) but he decided to let it slide. How
could he possible interfere anyway? It s not like Sanji was cooking for him tonig
ht, so he had nothing to complain about. Yet halfway through there meal, Jyabura
still managed to find a way to saunter over and piss Sanji off, using the excus
e that he knew Kalifa.
And apparently they were friends or something, but Sanji was sure that the only
reason he was talking to her was just to get on his nerves. This was confirmed w
hen he said, So what are you doing in a place like this with a guy like that anyw
In retrospect, Sanji probably could have let the comment slide. Of course, if th
ings could have been done in retrospect than Sanji would never ever have gone th
rough that emo stage in high school; worst decision of his life, although respon
ding to that comment is a very close second. Well, I guess she just wanted some a
ctual company tonight instead of the ravings of some lunatic wolf-man. Jyabura re
minded him of a wolf for some reason and Sanji would always take the opportunity
to point it out.
What was that?! Jyabura was reeling for a fight, but his square-nosed cohort held
him back. Jyabura, do not fight him now. We still have customers to talk to and i
t would be best if you were somewhat coherent for that. Hello Kalifa, it s great t
o see you.
It s nice to see you to Kaku.
He started it though!
It does not really matter who started it; we are all adults here.
Sanji probably should have stopped there, he had won after all. Yeah wolf-boy, wh
y don t you listen to Mommy and go off and play somewhere else?
The rest was a bit of a blur. Jyabura launched himself out of Kaku s grip at Sanji
who immediately countered it with a sharp kick to the head. The two of them con
tinued to fight throughout the restaurant until somehow Sanji s foot caught on fir
e. Not really thinking about it he launched another kick at Jyabura who thought
it would be a good idea to counter it with a bottle of wine. Next thing Sanji kn
ew, Jyabura was on fire, he was bleeding, Kalifa was in Kaku s arms, and everyone
was outside of the restaurant. He didn t even get a chance to apologize for ruinin
g dinner to Kalifa before he was pulled into an ambulance, but she didn t really s
eem to mind as she had already left with Kaku.

So let me get this straight: You re foot caught on fire?
But you didn t suffer any burns whatsoever?
Zoro started laughing. Sanji had been mortified when Chopper, who was on call th
at night and had ended up treating Sanji, had taken the liberty of calling Zoro
down to the hospital to take him home. After going through the story of just how
he had ended up at the hospital, he now had to listen to his roommate laughing
at him the whole ride home.
How is that even possible? Zoro managed to get out between chuckles.
I don t know. I guess my heart was just burning hotter or something.
That doesn t make any sense. He chuckled to himself again. And did she really just ru
n off with his friend right afterwards?
Seems like it.
Zoro laughed some more. Is your friend from the restaurant going to press charges
, cause form the sounds of things, you almost burnt the place down.
No he s pretty chill about things like that.
You re friends are weird.
You know, technically you re my friend.
Yeah, and you know how weird I am. Sanji smiled at that. Come on, I know you re down
now, but eventually you re just going to look back on all of this and laugh.
You re doing enough of that for the both of us.
True. But come on, I got a text from Ace earlier. He, Franky, and Usopp are out c
lubbing and asked if someone with actually taste wanted to join them.
Then why did he text you?
Seriously though, it will be easier to laugh this off when you re plastered.
I guess, I mean my night can t get any worse right?

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
So I got struck simultaneously by a bout of inspiration and a bout of insomnia a
nd the result is as follows. Nojiko, which Dandy Wondrous was also looking forwa
rd to. Next up is Perona.
Review Responses!:
ShaolinQueen: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like Zoro and Sanji's dialog
ue. It's just so fun to write and it pratically writes itself!
Dandy Wondrous: I'm glad I could help cheer you up! For some reason I just had t
his picture of Zoro sitting on a bed playing with a slinky and that's what poppe
d out. And yeah, I love how Oda answered that question, all the SBS questions re
Anzuillison183: Yeah, that's my bad; I suck at summaries. I'm glad you gave it a
shot though, and that the actual writing exceeds your expectations from the sum
Splatter Fall: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like Bonney too; she's like my third f
avorite supernova not counting Luffy and Zoro. (That offically puts her behind L
aw and Drake, incase anyone was wondering.) Perona's coming up next, and I have
a few ideas that will hopefully met expectations.
Oh, and I'm still not awesome enough to own One Piece yet.

Zoro poked his head into the apartment. Sanji had been in the middle of a cookin
g frenzy and rather than disturb him and risk getting numerous amounts of cookin
g utensils shoved up places he d rather not have them he opted to hit the gym inst
ead. When he discovered that Sanji s back was turned while he was putting the fini
shing touches on something that just came out of the oven, Zoro took the opportu
nity to slip into the bathroom and take a shower.
When he came out 10 minutes later wearing nothing but sweatpants his eccentric r
oommate was putting everything into a large picnic basket on the counter. Going s
omewhere cook? he questioned, running a hand through his still-wet hair.
Sanji glanced up, removing his pink apron to reveal an orange-striped collared s
hirt accompanying his usually black slacks and shoes combo. Yes, as a matter of f
act. The lovely Nojiko and I are going on a picnic this afternoon.
Nojiko? Nami s sister? Zoro asked looking thoughtful. Damn, I haven t seen her since th
at one time in Vegas
My God, is there any girl you haven t slept with?!
I never said we did anything
Well did you? Zoro glanced awkwardly at the ground. Yeah that s what I thought. Zoro w
ould have made the best comeback in the history of comebacks at this point, but
Sanji was holding a knife and his swords were in the other room, so he settled f
or saying, Does Nami know about this? She s seems too close to her sister to actual
ly let her go out with someone like you. He realized this was the wrong thing to
say when the knife found itself in the wall mere inches from his head.
She s the one who arranged it. Sanji said, moving to the other side of the counter t
o retrieve his knife. She said that Nojiko was feeling a bit down so she suggeste
d that I take her somewhere.
And the best place you could think of was a dirty field full of ants?
It s springtime! It s only natural to have a picnic in the springtime! Sanji stated wh
ile waving his knife around. Zoro ducked just in time to spare himself from bein
g decapitated. Sanji kept those knives a bit too sharp for Zoro s comfort.
A sakura viewing would be better, true, Sanji conceded, but we are not in Japan, so
it wouldn t quite mean the same, you know?
No I don t, actually. I don t really pay attention to girly things like that, conside
ring I m a guy and all that. He ducked again to avoid having his head separated fro
m his shoulders by a kick. It amazed Zoro how many times he could come close to
losing his head in one conversation with his roommate.
Che, whatever you unromantic bastard. A little clichéd romance is a good thing ev
ery now and then. Sanji remarked before returning behind the counter to prepare t
he picnic basket.
Maybe so, but you seem to freak n emit clichéd romance like it s a spore.
Hm, whatever. Sanji replied without looking up from his task. By the way, I m borrowi
ng your car, so you better not have left any trash or sword-crap or whatever els
e you leave in there in it.
Considering the fact it s mine I think you should either not complain or buy your o
wn damn car. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. She s coming here!?
Yeah, did I forget to mention that? Sorry. Sanji replied without a shred of remors
e on his face. She s just meeting me here; we ll be gone right away. Luffy, Usopp, an
d Chopper are coming over today right? I left you guys about fifteen sandwiches
in the fridge. He said while picking up the basket and heading towards the door.
Will that be enough? Zoro wondered aloud while putting on the shirt that was conve
niently placed on the chair in the TV area.
Usopp and Chopper will only have one each. That leaves two for you and ten for Lu
ffy. It should at least hold him long enough for you guys to order pizza or some
thing. He remarked before answering the door with, Ah, Nojiko! You re looking as lov
ely as ever! She was wearing jeans and a sea foam green vest with matching sandal
s that complemented her hair and tattoos. Shall we go?
Yeah let s go. She said before shouting, It s good to see you again Zoro!
Hm. You too. Said man lazily replied.
We should get going now or else we won t get a good seat Sanji all but mumbled before
closing the door behind him.
We re going on a picnic, how can we get a bad seat? Nojiko commented. Zoro just laug

Sure enough, when they got there all the good seats were still available. As a m
atter of fact, all of the seats were still available, as they were the only ones
out picnicking on this particular stretch of grass today. Sanji didn t know why;
the field was almost as gorgeous as his companion for this equally gorgeous afte
rnoon. The grass under his feet (they had both removed their shoes) was soft and
squishy, the trees were swaying hypnotically in the gentle breeze. The small ri
ver that ran through the field was not only aesthetically pleasing, but also pro
vided wonderful background noise. All in all, Sanji thought this was a perfect d
ay for a perfect picnic.
He and Nojiko set up their blanket under a sturdy looking tree on the far side o
f the meadow. They ate the fantastic meal Sanji had prepared (which earned him n
umerous brownie points and compliments from Nojiko, all of which he returned wit
h just as much fervor) and proceeded to wander toward the center of the meadow a
nd do some cloud gazing. It was going pretty well if Sanji did say so himself.
That cloud looks kinda like a spider. Nojiko innocently remarked. Sanji shuddered
noticeably at the thought. I never took you for an archnephobic Sanji. She teased.
It s not that I m particularly afraid of them per say the cook remarked, It s just that
ey kinda freak me out a bit.
Really? Nojiko laughed, You don t seem to freaked out by the one on your neck.
Sanji froze. He didn t dare move his hand to his neck to check to see if she was j
ust joking or if there actually was a spider on his neck. He wasn t going to lie:
bugs freaked him out. Spiders did to. They were just so damn creepy with all tho
se legs and all that movement. Plus they were the bane of chefs everywhere. It d
oesn t matter how good the meal you poured your heart and soul into is; if there w
as a bug in it, the customer automatically hated it.
Nojiko laughed a light, airy laugh at his shock before reaching over and brushin
g it off herself. That s when he realized something had crawled up his shirt. Seve
ral somethings now that he thought about it. Several creepy crawly somethings th
at seemed to be doing the salsa on his back. Needless to say, he shot up into a
sitting position immediately. Something wrong? Nojiko asked.
Yeah, I think there s something in my shirt Sanji started, before he realized that he
accidently lay down near an ant mound. Now all of the creepiness in his shirt m
ade sense.
He most certainly did not scream like a girl. If Sanji has to defend that singul
ar fact until the day he dies he most certainly will. His yell of surprise was j
ust a tad bit higher in pitch than he would have liked. And he most certainly di
d not completely lose it. He was just a little less calm and level headed than h
e would have liked.
For her part, Nojiko reacted quite well. She was able to assess what had happene
d quickly enough and was able to strip Sanji of his shirt and drag him off to th
e nearby river and push him in before he hurt himself. Only when all of the ants
were gone and Sanji had completely calmed down did she proceed to start laughin
Sanji, once he collected his sense, flushed a very interesting shade of pink. Sor
ry, Nojiko. I didn t mean to ruin the mood
It s fine, it s fine. She insisted through her laughing fit. Sanji got out of the rive
r and wandered back over to their picnicking area with Nojiko following. Togethe
r they cleaned up their mess and found Sanji s shirt, with only a few more outburs
ts from Nojiko, and left the meadow behind.

Sanji dropped Nojiko off at the small house she shared with Nami and Vivi. Nojik
o thanked him and insisted that she had a great time before getting out of the c
ar, laughing on her way to the door.
Afterwards Sanji, still a bit wet from his time with the river, returned back to
his apartment where Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were watching season three
of House with 12 empty pizza boxes scattered on the floor beside them, a half em
pty popcorn bowl on Zoro s lap. As he came in, Zoro looked up at him, took in his
appearance and remarked, That bad huh?
She had a good time at least. And I don t really want to talk about it.
Yeah she would.
Oh Sanji! You re just in time for the differential! Luffy shouted. Although I don t kno
w why, it s so obviously Lupus.
Luffy, none of the symptoms even remotely resemble Lupus. Chopper rebuffed in all
of his doctor knowledge. It s got to be ragged-red fiber. It s the only thing that ma
kes sense.
I don t know, Chopper. That heavy metal poisoning sounds pretty good to me. Usopp su
Geeze Usopp you should know never to go against the diagnosis of a medical genius
while watching a show about medicine. Sanji said while settling himself on the c
ouch between Zoro and said genius.
Sh-shut up! You re praise doesn t make me happy, idiot! Chopper shouted, clearly thril
led with the praise his blonde friend bestowed upon him.
Hey, if you damage the couch you re buying a new one. Zoro remarked.
Yeah, yeah, whatever. He said, grabbing the popcorn from Zoro and settling down to
Dr. House prove Dr. Chopper s assumption correct.

Just incase you were wondering, the episode they were watching was episode seven
of season 3, "Son of a Coma Guy," and Chopper was indeed correct.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
So, as I was writing this, I realized that I've never mentioned Sanji's cigarett
e. Ever. Even in my other stories. It's always been there, I've just never bothe
red to mention it. That changes here! I also threw in some Frobin though, becaus
e I like trowing in random Frobin. Don't worry though, Sanji will still get his
date with Robin. I totally have a plan _ _
Anyway, here's Perona as requested by Splatter Fall. Next up is Hina.

anzuillison183: Yeah, I love Sanji and Zoro's scences too. They're so fun to wri
te! And there was that one time it was lupus...awesome episode.
13.: Yes, House and One Piece are so awesome that putting them together like tha
t just creates a vortex of awesome the likes of which the world has never known!
I'm glad you're enjoying it!
ShaolinQueen: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! I'm glad you liked the
ending. It is a good thing Nojiko had fun, that was the whole point anyway, so
at least Sanji's not a complet failure ;p
Splatter Fall: I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!Yeah, it's pretty unlucky for
Sanji, but he's a chef so he's used to fire. :D Zoro is such a manwhore. I pers
onally blame the fandom pairing him with everything that moves. Him and Nami. Un
like Sanji who they only pair with every other thing that moves.
Krentenbol: Thank you very much! It's not really that he's a ladykiller per say,
he just gets around. A lot. It's got to be the swords or something. And I plan
to get to every girl in the One Piece universe eventually, so you can look forwa
rd to that!
dandy wondrous: Yes, it's a good thing Sanji's friends always got his back. ;)

I can t believe you re doing this. Zoro sat at the counter all but glaring at his blon
de roommate as Sanji put the last materials into the picnic basket. It wasn t near
ly as grand as Nojiko s was, after all Sanji didn t quite know what a night picnic a
ctually entailed, but it was still as extravagant and over the top as most of th
e dishes the young chef makes for everyone of the female persuasion.
I can t believe you get paid to get sliced up within an inch of your life, but I m st
ill living with you. Sanji retorted.
And yet what you ve agreed to do tonight completely overshadows anything that I ve ev
er done ever. Zoro snapped back. People who are right in the head don t let Perona j
ust show up in the middle of the night and kidnap them!
Says the man who spent a whole night in a haunted castle with her
Hey, I couldn t move. At all. If I could have I would have been out of there the se
cond I woke up. You re just letting her waltz on in here and take you god knows wh
I thought you were an atheist
That is so not the point. Zoro sighed exasperatedly. Look, all I m saying is Perona s t
astes are a little gothic
I know that. I did go to high school with her. Sanji smoothed out the red shirt he
was sporting for this occasion before pulling out one of his beloved cigarettes
and lighting it.
I knew you were kind of unstable in high school but Sanji threw the spent match at
Zoro, who caught it effortlessly. But seriously, why did you agree to this? Is it
the money? Cause I know she s loaded but
No! I d never go out with someone just because of money! Sanji slammed his hand on t
he table. I ve told you, she came into the Baratie today. We started talking and de
cided that we needed to catch up.
Yeah, cause normal people decide that the best way of catching up with old friends
is take them on, what did you call? A secret night picnic?
That s just what makes it romantic! It s spontaneous and unexpected!
Oh, I m sure it will be. Zoro remarked, rolling his eyes, nothing screams romance afte
all like a night picnic with the Goth Princess.
Hmr, don t call her that. Sanji muttered. He checked to make sure he had everything
he wanted in the basket before sauntering over to the other side of the counter
and taking a seat next to Zoro. Besides, she s not all bad, and the whole neo-Goth
thing is kinda cute.
More eye rolling. You would think that. Zoro stretched and yawned. Anyway, if you re
actually going to go through with this, what the hell am I supposed to do for di
You, my dear marimo, are a grown man. I m sure you can manage on your own. At that m
oment there was a sharp knock on the door. Sanji got up and answered it.
Mistress Perona is waiting in the care, Master Sanji. An adorable looking but un-c
ute sounding man said upon the door s opening.
Okay, I ll be right down. Sanji replied before the man promptly left. Sanji walked b
ack over to the counter to grab the picnic basket, dropping his spent cigarette
in the ashtray placed there for such a purpose. I m off now.
Any last words? Zoro received a kick in the head.

Sanji was seated in the back seat of the limo facing Perona, the picnic basket i
n the seat next to him. She was wearing a red mini-skirt with black and white le
ggings, a white shirt with a skull on it with a red shawl, and her pink hair was
tied back into pigtails. Her trademark umbrella was sitting on the seat next to
her. The man from before was up front driving after being told to shut up becau
se his talking made him not cute anymore.
So, do I get to know where we re going yet? Sanji asked.
Horohorohoro, Perona laughed, no, not yet. That would ruin the surprise.
Of course it would, how silly of me. Sanji remarked. I haven t seen you in ages thoug
h, Perona. It seems like you re holding up well.
Yeah, Daddy s been teaching me the ins and outs of the family business. It s been prett
y tiring actually. I m glad I was able to get a break to spend some time with you.
And I as well; you re company is like a shining ray of delight on a cold dreary nig
ht. Sanji said. But you don t seem like the kind of person I d put at the head of a ma
fia family, you re far too sweet. If Sanji remembered correctly, and he s pretty sure
he does, it was one of the biggest things to hit his high school, Perona s father
, Moria was the head of a very prominent mafia family known simply as Thriller B
Horohorohoro, of course I m not going to head that family business Sanji dear. Peron
a stated. Not that Daddy s ever actually needs it, but Absalom is helping out with
that side of the family business. I m being trained for the legitimate side. Absalo
m, who Sanji was positive he remembered, was Perona s older brother. Other than be
ing a major tool and pervert, he and Sanji always seemed to be beating the crap
out of each other. Well, actually it was more like Absalom would do something to
purposefully piss Sanji off and Sanji would proceed to beat the ever-loving cra
p out of him.
Oh that s good, I wouldn t want someone as lovely as you to be corrupted by such a th
Mistress Perona, we re here.
Kumacy! What have a told you about talking!? It s super un-cute! Perona shrieked.
I m sorry-I mean Perona glared. He shut up.
Good. Let s go then, Sanji. They both got out of the limo. Sanji looked around and s
aw that they were at
A cemetery? We re going to have a night picnic at a cemetery?
Not just any cemetery. She smirked. A pet cemetery.
How does that make it any less creepy? We re still going to be surrounded by corpse
Horohorohoro, silly Sanji. These corpses are cute. With that she proceeded to drag
him to the middle of the cemetery. Sanji sighed and went along with it; this st
ill wasn t the creepiest thing he s seen her do after all. She eventually brought th
em to an open area with a creepy-looking tree by a mausoleum. Sanji wondered who
in their right mind would spend that much money to bury their pet, but decided
that it wasn t worth thinking about.
They settled down and started eating the delicious masterpiece that Sanji had pr
epared and started talking. Perona was a bit too delighted for Sanji s tastes to h
ear that Usopp and Kaya had called it quits while Sanji was more than thrilled t
o hear that Absalom still had yet to nab a girl. It was going pretty well despit
e the unusual scenery, which was, of course, when things took a turn for the wor
Sanji had lit up another cigarette when Perona thought she saw something moving
on the side of the mausoleum with the dull, flickering match light and, for some
reason, assumed it was a cockroach. It was then that Sanji remembered her katsa
ridaphobia. She started screaming at the top of her lungs while Sanji hurried to
comfort her. He did actually succeed in calming her down after he brought her o
ver to the mausoleum to prove that nothing was there, however her screams brough
t over the grave keepers (why a freak n pet cemetery needs grave keepers Sanji wil
l never know), who took the liberty to call the cops, who also showed up. Appare
ntly breaking into a cemetery, even one for pets, is an arrest-able offense. Who
Perona complained the whole ride to the police station. When they got there she
demanded that she be allowed to call her father, which she was, of course, grant
ed. Sanji had held off from using his phone call to call someone after Perona in
sisted that her father would get him out too. While Moria was indeed able to sto
p them from officially pressing charges, he decided to send Absalom down to the
station to pick them up. While he was more than happy to vouch for Perona, he fe
lt that this was the perfect time to exact revenge on Sanji.
Nope. Sorry. I was only told to come here and pick up Perona. You must have heard
my father wrong on the phone when you thought he mentioned this punk. So Sanji w
as denied release and had to pay a $500 bail. Granted he didn t help his case very
much by shouting, You bastard! Just wait until I get out of here, I m so gonna kic
k your ass into next week! until they left the station.
Sanji sighed. Can I have my phone call now?

Zoro decided to invite Franky, Robin, and Ace over, because if you were going to
starve waiting for your roommate to get home and cook something, you might as w
ell do it in a group. Robin, however, had the brilliant suggestion of going out
to eat, which the others agreed on. They decided it would be cheaper if they jus
t used Sanji s discount at the Baratie despite the fact that it wasn t nearly as goo
d as when it was his shift. This is where Zoro was when his phone rang. Hello?
Hey Zoro. Zoro freaked when he heard Sanji s voice on the other end; he wasn t suppose
just randomly use Sanji s discount when he was off duty because it came out of hi
s next paycheck, but calmed when he heard the next part, I m in jail. Can you bring
$500 and come pick me up?
Oh. Um. Sure. Which one? Sanji told him. Oh, and Zoro. Let s just say we re even since
you re using my Baratie discount right now.
What? How d you figure it out? Did Robin tell you?
No, I just told you I m in freak n jail and you haven t made a stupid comment or even t
ried to ask me what happened.
We weren t going to use $500
Is Ace with you?
I m coming, I m coming. Zoro hung up and looked in his wallet only to realize he didn t
have any money.
What s up with the curly-cook? Franky asked.
He landed himself in jail. Do any of you happen to have $500 on you?
How were you planning on pay for dinner without any money? Ace asked full of suspi
cion. I don t see why we have to pay you anything if you were going to skip out on
the bill.
Cause you would never pull an eat-and-run
Mr. Cook is helping to pay for dinner. Just think of it as paying him back. Robin
Well when you put it that way Sanji s lucky Robin has reasoning abilities. Just so yo
u know Zoro.
Yeah, my girl s so smart. Franky kissed her on the check and the faintest of blushes
may have appeared on Robin s face.
Yeah, whatever. Just give me the money.
Should we meet back at you re place when we re done?
Yeah, I guess. Zoro gathered up the money and promptly left the restaurant.

I never took you as one for necrophilia, or bestiality for that matter. I m a prett
y open-minded guy but bestiality necrophilia is where I draw the line.
Shut up.
Seriously, I think I m going to have to ask you to move out.
I said shut up. Zoro laughed. He was going to have fun with this for a while. Sanj
i sighed. I hope those guys didn t go to overboard using my discount, he said in an
attempt to change the subject.
It ll be fine; Robin will keep them in line. He managed between giggles. Besides, the
y re coming back to our place afterward so they won t eat too much more.
They better not. Zoro pulled into the parking lot and the two of them made their w
ay up to their apartment. Sure enough, Ace was sitting at the counter while Fran
ky and Robin were cuddling on the couch. They all saw Sanji and started laughing
When did you call them?
You took a long time to come out.
Hey Sanji, I know we aren t dead animals or anything like that, but you wouldn t mind
if we hand out here tonight would you? Ace got a kick in the face as Sanji made
his way over to the kitchen area to cook for his so-called-friends.

For those of you who couldn't guess by the context, katsaridaphobia is the fear
of learn something new everyday.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
I had some trouble with this one between work, writer's block, and One Piece fin
ally being scanlated. Anyway, here's Hina as requested by ShaolinQueen.
Splatter Fall: Thanks! I'm glad your enjoying it and I hope this one doesn't dis
anzuillision183: Yeah, I got lucky and inspired during a time when I'm not that
busy. Finals are coming up soon, so updates will become less frequent unfortunat
ely. And yeah, I know. That's why it's there; Frobin is awesom. ;p
Teee hehehe: Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for your constructiv
e criticism. I actually didn't notice I was shattering the fourth wall that much
, so I'll keep it in mind.
ShaolinQueen: Thank you! I hope this is to your liking.
sentimentalreality: Thanks! I'm glad your liking it and I hope you enjoy this on
e too.
dandy wondrous: He got out though, so it's all good. Thank you for reminding me
about Conis; I'm sure I would have gotten to her eventually, but now I can start
I don't own One Piece, and since I forgot this last chapter I'll say it again. I
don't own One Piece.

Why does it seem like no matter where you are you always manage meet a girl?
Sanji just laughed. He was currently making Zoro s dinner, since the man absolutel
y refused to make his own now that he had moved in with a cook, before he left f
or his next outing. Said man was sitting on the couch clutching his DS playing T
etris. I guess it s just my charisma and good humor that makes women fall for me le
ft and right.
More like you re so pathetic that they pity you. Zoro mumbled. Still, I gotta admit,
it does take a certain something to be able to pick up a girl while you in jail.
A certain amount of awesome, Sanji stated while finishing stirring some sauce. It w
as clearly fate that I was able to meet the lovely Miss Hina despite my unfortun
ate circumstances.
Zoro laughed and mumbled something that sounded vaguely like pet cemetery before s
aying, I wouldn t get your hopes up so much. Considering your track record and all
It s a movie date! What could possible go wrong?
You never know
I am prepared for absolutely everything this time! Just then the sauce somehow exp
loded all over Sanji. Zoro tried his very best to not roll on the floor and laug
h his ass off, but failed miserably.
What the hell? Sanji checked the spices that were still out by what was left of th
e sauce only to discover that someone had replaced his paprika with something he
couldn t quite give a name to. Hey Marimo, what happened to my paprika?
Wuzzat? Sanji held up the bottle. Oh that stuff. Usopp took it for something and en
ded up using all of it so I just replaced it with some other amber-looking powde
r that was lying around.
Sanji s face might have turned red; it was hard to tell with the sauce covering hi
s face like that. Either way he proceeded to storm over to where Zoro was and st
art kicking him within inches of his life while saying, You. Don t. Replace. My. Sp
ices. With. Random. Crap. From. Usopp s. Lab.
Zoro stood up and started to defend himself. Right, right, okay, won t do it again.
But it should still be fine!
Fine!? I don t even know what the hell that powder is! It could be toxic! The sauce
is inedible now! Sanji screeched while puncturing each sentence with a kick to Z
oro s various regions.
Then just make some more. A sharp kick to the head caught Zoro off guard and he fe
ll to the floor.
Like I m making anything else for you! Go find your own dinner! With that Sanji stor
med off to the bathroom to clean up.
Tch. Zoro went back to the couch and picked up his DS and was going to settle back
down and play, but instead shut it and headed over to the kitchen area. How har
d could this be anyway?
That s where Sanji found him after he immerged from his room 30 minutes later wear
ing a turquoise shirt with his black slacks. He stared at Zoro s back warily as he
slowly made his way back to the counter where he left his jacket. When he got t
here he asked What are you doing?
Zoro turned around. What does it look like I m doing? Since you keep complaining I m
making dinner. Sanji went around to the other side of the counter and sampled wha
tever Zoro had in the same pot that Sanji had used before for the sauce. It look
ed like some threw up in it after downing several bowls of stew and numerous can
s of cat food and tasted not far off. He immediately picked up the pot and dumpe
d it into the sink. Hey! What are you doing?! Zoro exclaimed.
Stupid. You don t use an unwashed pot for a new dish. And what the hell was in that
Just some stuff from the fridge. It was fine!
Sanji glared at him before looking at the clock and sighing. The movie s starting i
n an hour. I ve gotta go pick Hina up. If you still insist to play around in my ki
tchen at least call someone over to make sure you don t blow it up.
With that he left. Zoro muttered something about not needing a babysitter in his
own apartment before taking out his cell. Hey Luffy. Wanna come over for a bit?

Sanji arrived at Hina s apartment complex in a timely manner. He buzzed up for her
and she came down quickly, looking adorable in a cute magenta shirt with jeans
and violet shoes. You look adorable, Miss Hina. He wasted no time telling her. Shal
l we be off? he said while offering her his arm.
Yes. Hina s ready. She said taking his arm.
The walk there (the theater was only a few blocks away) was quite pleasant. Sanj
i told Hina about his restaurant and all of the interesting customers he got whi
le Hina told him about some equally interesting arrests that she made. Spring wa
s in the air, flowers were blooming, and all in all the whole atmosphere was rat
her enjoyable.
They got to the theater and bought their tickets, two sodas, and a large bucket
of popcorn for them to share. Sanji thought he saw a certain pink-haired custome
r of his that he hated with a man wearing the strangest glasses he had ever seen
, but it was probably just his imagination; had to be. They ended up getting to
their seats just before the movie started. It was some stupid zombie move that H
ina picked out, but Sanji didn t really care; scary movies were good date movies a
After about 20 minutes of painfully inadequate storytelling, Sanji had taken to
just staring at Hina rather than watching the movie. Hina seemed to be enjoying
it though, laughing at all the obvious special effects and predictable path the
story was taking. Sanji was taking pleasure in her laugh so much that he didn t no
tice at first that someone was throwing something at him. He did eventually thou
gh, and turned around to find that customer that he hated with his friend sittin
g right behind him.
This guy (Sanji thought his name was Fullbody, but he never actually bothered to
remember it, so he couldn t say for sure) really pissed Sanji off. Sanji first en
countered him when he came into the Baratie with his date, complained about some
bug in his soup, and proceeded to make a mess of his and his date s meal. Sanji l
ost it at that point and kicked his ass. If he wasn t such a valuable asset to the
restaurant s survival he would have been fired on the spot, but he didn t care; thi
s jerk was annoying. He s popped up a few more times in Sanji s life, but he hasn t bo
thered to notice. Why he was here annoying him now though
Sanji decided to take the high road and ignore the two of them after shooting th
em a glare. He turned back to the movie, but after only a few minutes they start
ed throwing more popcorn at him. Patience running thin, he tried his hardest to
concentrate on the movie. If it had actually been a good one, this strategy migh
t have worked, but as it was, Sanji was too distracted by the idiots behind him.
Deciding to deal with this, he shot them a look, excused himself and excited th
e theater. The other two followed.
What the hell is your problem? Sanji said when they were out of the darkness of th
e theater, I m not even serving soup today!
That s got nothing to do this! We just don t appreciate how you re all over Captain Hin
a like that! Fullbody stated while his partner agreed. You should back off!
Back off? What is this, high school?! I can date whoever I damn well please and y
ou re not getting in my way. Sanji stepped forward ominously.
The two of them backed off, but still glared him down. Sanji raised his leg, rea
dy to divvy out some serious damage to these to losers interfering with his date
with Hina when all of a sudden
What are you two doing here? This makes me angry. Hina angry.
All three of them looked at the theater door that Hina had just appeared from. S
he was standing with her hands on her hips, looking absolutely adorable but stil
l slightly threatening to the three men present.
But Captain we heard you were going out with this pervert and- Fullbody began before S
anji interrupted with a shout of Pervert! I ll show you pervert! and lunged forward
before Hina told him to stop, which he did.
Hina is an adult and can take care of herself. Hina stated. Hina was actually havin
g an enjoyable time. Hina won t be able to forgive this. Fullbody and friend backed
up into the wall under her glare. Sanji, she turned towards him, unfortunately att
empting to assault any officer, no matter how stupid they are, it a crime, and H
ina must punish crime. Hina punishment.
Sanji gawked at her for a moment. However, seeing as they were asking for it, Hin
a can forgive you. Hina forgiveness.
Of course someone as lovely as you would find it in your heart to forgive me. Sanj
i cooed. The idiot duet glared.
Hina will have to cut this date short though. Hina needs to make sure her subordi
nates stop stalking her when she s off duty.
Of course. Sanji said, not letting the disappointment in his face reach his voice.
Maybe we can continue this some other time?
Hina is very busy with work. Hina busy. She said. Hina doesn t get a lot of time off.
Oh, yeah, right. He remembered it took a lot of schedule shifting for her to come
out with him today, but it still didn t help his feeling of rejection.
Hina did enjoy herself though. She gave him a kiss on the check (Sanji blushed a l
ittle) before walking over to her subordinates, turning around to face Sanji and
saying, you might want to leave for this. Hina doesn t want any witnesses.
Right, yeah, I ll just go then.

Sanji got back to his apartment to the smell of something half-burning. He remem
bered that Zoro was trying to cook something before he left and cautiously stepp
ed inside. Luffy, Usopp, Brook, and Zoro were gathered around the stove staring
at something. Sanji cleared his throat and four heads shot up to stare at him.
What s going on ? Sanji asked hesitantly.
You said to invite someone over to stop me from blowing up the kitchen. And aren t
you home early? The movie s not supposed to be over for another half hour or so.
Yeah well, some of her subordinates were stalking her and tried to beat me up.
So same old same old?"
Yeah pretty much. So, why are you all here again?
We re making pasta! Luffy said. Sanji looked at them questioningly.
Zoro called Luffy and said that you didn t want him in the kitchen alone and asked
Luffy to come and help him look. Usopp explained. I, in all of my superior reasoni
ng skills, realized the foolishness of having Luffy and Zoro trying to cook some
thing and decided to accompany him to spare your kitchen.
I ran into them on the way here and decided to join them since I haven t eaten yet.
Brook said. I hope I m not being a bother
Of course not, I was just wondering why it takes four people to make pasta
It s harder than it looks. Usopp said. Of course, Luffy didn t help much by trying to e
at everything at various points in the process.
It just looked so good Zoro hit him on the head with the wooden spoon he was holdin
Have you eaten yet Sanji? Brook questioned. Despite our setbacks, there s plenty here
Are you sure it s edible? Sanji smirked as he sat down on the other side of the coun
ter. Zoro plopped some on a plate and put it in front of Sanji before dividing t
he rest for the others.
Sanji stared at it; it looked enough like normal spaghetti, but with both Usopp
and Luffy working on the concoction he couldn t be sure what was in it. What s in it?
Just try it you pansy cook. Everyone was looking at him expectantly, so he took a
forkful and put it in his mouth.
It wasn t that bad. It didn t hold a candle to his of course, the pasta was a bit un
dercooked and the sauce was weak, but tasted like spaghetti and there weren t trac
es of anything that could be lethal in it, so overall it was passable. Besides i
t was nice having his friends cook for him for once. It s edible I suppose.
Luffy grinned his maniac grin, Brook let out a hearty Yohoho, Usopp looked relieve
d that he wasn t sailing through the nearest wall with a foot up his ass, and Zoro
just smirked. That s high praise coming from you.
Humph. Sanji continued eating. The others joined him.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Yeah, so here's Alvida as requested by Krentenbol, which actually also turned in
to a two-in-one thing, which actually works out quite well for me, even if it is
a lot shorter than the others. Oh well, Miss Valentine is next I believe.
dandy wondrous: Yeah, I decided to give him a break and have something kind of g
o right. Fullbody got his ass-kicking though, even if Sanji wasn't the one to de
liver it.
debzzz: Thanks I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! Did not know that about the
phobias though; I just assumed it was Latin. Oh well, now I know some greek. :)
ReadR: Thanks I'm glad you like it! And I added your suggestions to my list.

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Sanji opened the door and came rushing into the apartment, waking up Zoro who wa
s sleeping on the couch. Morning already?
It s three in the afternoon you lazy ass. Sanji replied rushing here and there looki
ng for something.
Well what got your panties in a bunch? Zoro remarked before yawning widely.
Have you seen my sunglasses? Sanji asked tearing through some drawers in the kitch
en area.
Um no? Are they in your room? Sanji ran off to check there. Zoro followed. Why do you
need them anyway?
I met this really hot girl who s waiting just outside and we were going to go for a
walk in the park but I needed my sunglasses and since it was on the way she agr
eed to stop for a bit and let me run up and grab them but it s completely useless
if I can t find them! Sanji explained in one breath.
Huh, really? Zoro decided to help the search by tossing a pile of papers on a near
by nightstand on the floor. Anyone I know?
I wouldn t be surprised. Sanji muttered. Her name s Alvida.
Zoro faltered. Alvida? As in Iron Mace Alvida?
Yeah that sounds right. She almost got me with her bottle of mace when I first tr
ied to talk to her.
Yeah, well, she s one crazy chick.
Sanji rolled his eyes. You say that about everyone.
This time I mean it. She was stalking Luffy throughout his senior year in college
. Ace had to force him to get a restraining order.
Everyone s a little crazy in college. Sanji got on the floor and checked under the b
She used to be fat. She s gotten loads of plastic surgery.
Sanji got up and shrugged, heading over to the closet. Now her outer beauty is a
more accurate reflection of her inner beauty.
A guy like you would think up something like that. He said opening some drawers an
d digging through them.
Only because it s true. He turned around and walked over to where Zoro was standing
to grab his sunglasses out of his roommate s back pocket. Putting them on, he left
the room shouting over his shoulder, Clean up the mess you made before I get bac
Zoro looked around the chef s room. Clothes and papers were spewed across the floo
r among other things. He headed out of the room to where Sanji had started his s
earch, where more junk was spewed randomly across the floor, furniture, counter,
and even the walls for some reason. Zoro s eye twitched.

Sanji skidded to a halt in front of Alvida. She was wearing pink and white strip
ed pants with matching sandals, a purple shirt, and a classy white cowboy hat. T
he whole ensemble made her look, in Sanji s opinion, simply gorgeous.
Sorry I took so long my dear, a stupid plant held me up.
It s quite alright. I was just getting to know your neighbors a little. She said, wi
nking at the group of men from Sanji s building that had gathered around in his ab
Who is the most beautiful woman you ve every laid eyes on? Alvida felt the need to a
Clearly it s you! they all shouted in complete unison. Sanji wondered briefly if it
was planned.
Hey assholes get lost! You re ruining Alvida s beauty with your filthy eyes! he shoute
d while stepping forward threateningly. Everyone scattered. Shall we be off then?
I suppose. She sauntered off in the direction of the park while Sanji eagerly foll
owed behind her.
They made it to the park in complete silence. Well, almost complete silence; San
ji gawking and drooling wasn t exactly silent. When they got there all of the on l
ookers turned to stare at this voluptuous woman who had decided to grace their p
resence until Sanji shot them a venomous glare and they all turned back to whate
ver was preoccupying their time before. Alvida just laughed.
Come on, let s go. She hurried off while Sanji enthusiastically followed. So, you wor
k at that restaurant? she asked.
Indeed. I hold the position of Sous chef, although technically I am the co-owner,
Really? Alvida asked excitedly. So you must be loaded right? That seemed like a pre
tty high-class place.
No, it s unfortunate really, but I only have certain controlling interests within t
he restaurant. I won t actually get any money other than my salary from it until I
become the sole owner, but-
Oh, she said, no longer interested, it would have been fun if you were cute and ric
Sanji s mind only picked up that she had called him cute. It s an honor that someone
as gorgeous as you thinks so much of me! But tell, me, what is it that you do?
Does it really matter? she asked flashing him a smile.
Of course not! He crooned.
Just then a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes darted out in front of th
em. Sanji stopped, but Alvida crashed into her, sending the little girl tumbling
to the ground. Needless to say she started crying, the girl that is. Alvida got
her bearings and scoffed, Humph. Stupid girl, getting in my way. Someone make he
r stop crying! All the men in the vicinity lunged forward to help but ended up in
a tumbled mess on the ground.
Sanji crouched down next to the little girl and saw that she had scraped her kne
e. He put his hand on her shoulder and gently said, Hey sweetie, what s your name?
She sniffled. R-rika.
Rika huh? That s a pretty name. My name s Sanji. Rika smiled a little, but was still t
earing. Where are your parents, Miss Rika? She shakily pointed somewhere on the ot
her side of the park. Do you want me to take you to them? She nodded. First we shou
ld do something about your knee don t you think? Can you stand? She nodded, did so,
and then grabbed his hand. He stood too and turned to face Alvida. Sorry, but I
should make sure she gets back to her parents I ll be back soon though.
Do what you want. Alvida turned and walked off, followed by at least six different
guys. Sanji sighed and turned to face Rika. I guess that means you re my date now.
Rika laughed a little. C mon, let s get you cleaned up.
Sanji took Rika to the first aid station where the cleaned and bandaged the woun
d on her knee. On her way back to wherever her parents where, Sanji spotted an i
ce cream stand. He asked if Rika wanted some, which of course she did, so Sanji
bought her a strawberry cone while he himself had a cookies and cream one. They
sat on a park bench finishing them up when Sanji spotted Alvida talking it up wi
th some random clown. Sanji sighed.
Mr. Sanji, Rika shyly said, I m sorry I ruined your date with the mean lady.
Sanji smiled at her. It s not your fault Rika. I probably would have ruined it anyw
ay. Sanji laughed. Besides, I m having a much better time hanging out with you. Rika
C mon, he said, putting the last of his cone in his mouth. Let s get you back to your p
arents before they think I kidnapped you.
Rika laughed at that. They won t think that Mr. Sanji.
They did.
Rika s mom ran over and grabbed Rika from Sanji s grasp as soon as they were in sigh
t. Rika s dad came over and started shouting some very obscene things in Sanji s fac
e. Sanji tried to explain what had happened, but before he could, Rika s dad threw
a punch. Sanji was able to dodge at and was about to launch an attack of his ow
n when Rika shouted Daddy stop! Don t hurt Mr. Sanji! She then proceeded to explain
what had happened in hysterics. After her explanation and the awkward silence th
at followed, Rika s parents apologized and thanked him. He accepted their thanks r
oughly, left the park, and headed home.

Sanji returned home to find Nami, Robin, and Chopper cleaning his apartment whil
e Zoro was asleep on the couch. He said hi to the girls and Chopper before walki
ng over to where Zoro was lying and kicked him in the gut. Zoro yawned. Morning a
It s five in the afternoon! And when I said I wanted the place clean when I got bac
k, I meant you do it, not for your responsibilities onto the lovely Nami Swan an
d Robin Nico!
I m helping too added Chopper.
It doesn t matter as long as it gets clean does it?
It s fine, Mr. Cook. Robin said. We don t mind cleaning.
Although it would be nice if someone helped instead of sleeping Nami added, glaring
at Zoro.
Sheesh, you told me to stay out of your way and not mess anything up.
I meant go clean something else, not plop on the couch and fall asleep!
Sanji Chopper said, pulling on his pant leg, I m hungry.
Yeah me too. Zoro said. Nami hit him on the head.
You haven t done anything!
Ow that hurt!
I m feeling slightly puckish as well. Robin added.
Sanji glanced at the clock. I m not really in a cooking mood right now, do you all
mind if we go out to eat instead?
Nope! Said Chopper.
That sounds nice. Added Robin.
You better be paying though. Insisted Nami.
Of course, my precious Nami Swan!
Stupid cook. Sanji kicked Zoro s head. Ow! What did I do?
They all grabbed their stuff and went out to enjoy the night.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
So, I've been five types of stressed this week, so sorry for the lateness...late
rness. This is Miss Valentine as requested by Krentenbol. Next up is suppose to
be Miss Monday, but I think it will be cooler to post that on a Monday, so I'll
probably skip ahead to Miss Goldenweek this weekend because it's Goldenweek and
I think it's better that way too.
debuzz: Yeah, he does seem to have more fun with his friends. Friendship romance
I guess, at least in this fic. I'm looking forward to Boa too. :)
dandy wonderous: Thanks. And I just realized that Luffy landed on an island fill
ed with women. I guess I'll have to make a restriction of only girls with an act
ual personality can date Sanji. :p
Krentenbol: Thank you, and I hope this can live up to your expectations. No, I'm
not scared, I'm actually thriving off of your enthusiasm; it's feeding my soul.
ohlordies: Thank you very much!
Shaolin Queen: Thank you. I decided to cut the man some slack. And I always thou
ght Sanji would make an awesome Dad, if the way he interacts with the filler kid
s is any indication.
sentimentalreality: Thanks! And that means I'm doing my job as a writer to make
you pity Sanji. :)
And I don't own One Piece.

Zoro and Luffy were sitting on the couch watching a random cartoon in which Hump
ty Dumpty was being chased by two random children for a reason that was never ad
equately explained. Luffy was laughing like a maniac at the silly antics while Z
oro was dozing away, not quite sleeping due to the loud curses coming from his r
oommate s room. Sanji was supposed to be getting ready for his date this afternoon
, but was spending more effort cleaning out his closet.
Hey, Zoro. Luffy asked over Sanji s curses.
Why is Humpty Dumpty an egg?
What? Zoro was confused.
Why is Humpty Dumpty always an egg?
It s in the rhyme isn t it?
Oh. A few seconds later, Wait, where?
Zoro sighed. Look, Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall right?
And then he had a great fall. A few more loud curses from came from Sanji s room.
And then no one could put him back together again. Cause when an egg breaks, you
can t put it back together again.
I guess. He turned back to the TV. But wait-if I pushed you off a wall and you had
a great fall, I don t think Chopper would be able to put you back together again.
Zoro thought about it for a bit. Sanji cursed some more. Huh. Never thought about
that. I guess it d be pretty traumatizing for kids to have to imagine a human ble
eding all over the place though. So I guess the egg is just a way to make the rh
yme more humane.
Why didn t you just say that in the first place?
Zoro was about to respond but was interrupted by Sanji s loudest shout yet of GOD D
AMNIT! and the blonde bursting into the room holding what looked like a miniature
alligator by its tail with a bleeding hand.
Zoro and Luffy looked up. So that s where Fluffy went. commented Luffy.
Fluffy?! FLUFFY!? You re Fluffy almost bit my freak n HAND off! What the hell is it d
oing in my closet anyway?!
I dunno. I brought him over to feed him. He must have crawled into your closet wh
en I dropped him at the door.
Sanji blinked then glared before walking over to the window and tossing the alli
gator out.
We re on the 4th floor you know. Zoro said.
Luffy ran over to the window and looked down. He s okay. He landed in the bushes. O
h look, he s making some new friends! Sanji looked out the window two. The miniatur
e alligator was baring its teeth at some passing pedestrians, who were cowering
behind some trashcans. One had managed to pull out a taser and held it shakily t
owards the alligator. He kicked Luffy upside the head.
Go stop him or I m never cooking for you again! Luffy paled for a bit then ran out t
he door.
Zoro, who had made his way over to the kitchen to get the first aid kit, motione
d for Sanji to sit at the counter, which he did, while Zoro started bandaging hi
s hand. Why are you so stressed?
I don t know, maybe the fact that there was a fricken alligator in my closet had so
mething to do with it!
Dude, chill. He s brought worse things into our apartment.
Sanji sighed. I guess. Zoro tied off the bandage and made his way to the fridge. S
anji put his head in his hands. Zoro took out the materials for a sandwich and p
lopped them in front of the chef, who looked at him. After a few moments of sile
nce where they just stared at each other, Sanji sighed again and started to make
some sandwiches.
I don t know why you re so stressed about your little date with Miss Valentine today.
Zoro commented as he leaned against the sink.
I am not nervous.
Sure, that s why you ve been throwing a hissy hit all morning.
There was an alligator in my closet!
I hear that thing happens all the time in Florida.
We do not live in Florida! Where did Luffy even get an alligator anyway?
Zoro shrugged. Y know, if you re afraid of heights, it s not too late to back out.
I am not afraid of heights, I m not backing out, and I am most certainly not nervou
Then what s with the attitude?
People keep putting weird stuff in my closet!
You find one alligator in your closet-
Not just alligators! Sanji reached into his pocket and pulled out a cloth bag, whi
ch he opened up to reveal numerous glass eyes of varying shapes and sizes.
Huh, I ve been looking for those. Sanji glared at his green-haired roommate.
What do you need glass eyes for?
Zoro shrugged. I thought I left them at Franky s though.
Sanji closed the bag and tossed it at him. There was loads of other stuff like th
at too.
Did you ever consider the fact that your closet opens up to another dimension? Zor
o asked with the most serious look on his face.
Sanji glared at him. Stop putting weird stuff in my closet! He pushed a finished s
andwich in his direction, which the other man accepted. Sanji looked at his watc
h before exclaiming, Shit, I gotta go, grabbing Zoro s keys, and running out the doo

When he arrived at the amusement park where he and the lovely Miss Valentine agr
eed to meet, called Lucky Joe s Amusement and Recreational Park, she was already w
aiting for him, wearing a striking yellow dress, earrings that reminded Sanji of
lemons, and a matching hat and umbrella. Sanji was glad he decided on the yello
w shirt and matching tie today; he liked matching his dates.
My lovely, lovely Valentine, how are you doing on this fine afternoon? He asked wh
ile dancing over to her.
Kyahahaha. She laughed at his antics. Very well. And how about yourself?
Most excellent now that I am in your wonderful presence! he replied, purchasing th
ere tickets.
She noticed his hand. What happened to your hand?
Oh this? My friends pet got a bit too friendly. Think nothing of it.
Kyahaha. She laughed.
They entered the park and grabbed a map by the entrance. After looking at it for
a bit, they decided to head over to the Forest-themed sector of the park and ri
de the teacups first, those being Miss Valentine s favorite ride. They waited in l
ine, talking about their interests and other such nonsense, and before they knew
it they were on the ride, spinning uncontrollably fast. When they got off, they
were both insanely dizzy but laughing their heads off and took a breather to gr
ab an overpriced hot dog and sit down on a bench before heading off to ride the
Tunnel of Love, Sanji s favorite ride. It was nice and peaceful (although Sanji di
dn t get to steal a kiss like he planned) and the pair felt up for a roller coaste
We could try this one. Sanji said, pointing at the wooden coaster in the section o
f the park with a Spanish theme to it. It s still pretty new though, so there will
probably be a long line.
I want to ride that one. She said, pointing at the roller coaster in the Jungle se
Sanji blinked. That s the tallest, fastest coaster in the world.
Yeah, I like the weightless feeling coasters give before making you feel really h
eavy. She looked up him and laughed before saying, what are you scared?
No, I would just hate if something went wrong and you ended up hurt.
Kyahahaha. They have safety regulations for a reason Sanji. We ll be fine.
The line s probably going to be huge at this time of day though. It s only a 12 secon
d ride.
It s worth the wait. C mon let s go!
Well, if you insist my dear. He grabbed her hand and they ran off in the direction
of the coaster. When they got there they waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
Sanji didn t really care because he was in the lovely Miss Valentine s presence, but
she was getting a little antsy.
Why is it taking so long? Did it break down again?
Maybe. He said not really paying attention. Miss Valentine smelled citrusy and he
was a bit distracted.
All of a sudden there was an explosion in the distance. An announcement came on
the PA saying, Attention all Lucky Joe customers. We have reports of a bomber in
the park. Please don t panic and make your way to the nearest exit. Thank you and
enjoy the rest of your day! Needless to say, everyone started panicking.
Oh, he said he wasn t going to do this today Miss Valentine said before running off i
n the direction of the explosion. Refusing to even attempt to leave until he kne
w she would be safe, Sanji followed.
The explosion lead them to the movie themed section of the park where they saw v
arious SWAT team members surrounding a building with a tall man with crazy black
hair wearing sun glasses and a red coat was waving bombs around everywhere.
Miss Valentine stopped and gasped at the scene. Sanji stopped beside her. She tu
rned, not noticing that he followed her and screamed, What are you doing?! Get ou
t of here! This turned everyone s attention towards the pair of them.
I can t leave knowing a lady such as yourself would be left in mortal danger! he dec
Sis? What are you doing here! the bomber shouted.
That s what I should be asking you! You said you wouldn t do this today!
It has to be done! Society needs to learn a lesson, and this is the only way!
You two with him? A SWAT member asked.
He s my brother! Miss Valentine screamed at him What do you think you guys are doing
to him anyway!?
The next thing Sanji knew he and Miss Valentine were in handcuffs and being esco
rted off the premises. The only thing Sanji could think though was crap, now Zor
o s going to have to bail me out again.

Zoro was feeding crumbs to Fluffy while watching TV with Luffy when he heard Kis
s the Girl playing in the background. He was confused for all of five seconds be
fore he realized that it was his cell phone.
Tash, what s up?
Zoro, his friend answered, you re going to need to come down to the station.
I thought you said you cleared that up!
I did. This is something else.
Oh. He relaxed a bit. What s up then?
Sanji s being held on suspicion concerning the bombing that happened at Lucky Joe s A
musement and Recreational Park today.
He s not a bomber. Why can t you get him out?
I m trying, but he s not being very cooperative.
What? But you ve got boobs and stuff!
Tashigi sighed very audibly through the phone. I m not the one directly speaking to
him. Captain Smoker is.
That prick? I d be uncooperative too.
He s not a prick! He s just doing his job.
He s being a prick now. He knows Sanji wouldn t try to blow up an amusement park.
He personally knows Sanji isn t responsible for anything, but like I said, he s just
doing his job.
It was Zoro s turn to sigh. What do I have to do to get that idiot off then?
Just come down and give a character statement. It should be enough; it s pretty obv
ious that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Then why is he being held there?
It s just a formality thing. We re just-
Doing your jobs. I get it. I ll be right there. He hung up the phone. Luffy, c mon. San
ji landed himself in jail.
How are we getting there? He took you re car. Zoro then remembered this fact.
I guess we re walking then.

Two hours of completely pointless questioning later and he was still staring at
Smoker s face. From the looks of things Sanji wasn t getting out of there anytime so
on either.
Look, you know me. I m not nearly disturbed enough to try to blow anything up. Can
I go yet?
We ve been over this, it doesn t matter what I think. We have to take precautions and
you re smug ass attitude isn t helping you any! Smoker snapped.
Since when did you become such a stickler for the rules? Or are you now the highe
r-ups little doggie since you re up for promotion? Smoker slammed the table and sto
od up, running his hands through his hair.
Why are you making this so damn difficult? Is it the girl?
She s an innocent too! You shouldn t be locking us up like this!
Her and her brother were members of the terrorist group Baroque Works. Innocent i
s the last thing she is!
I refuse to help you incriminate her. Smoker punched the wall.
Are you willing to go down with her? Moria may have gotten you re previous charges
officially dropped from the record, but that just made the higher-ups more deter
mined to get you locked up. Are you really willing to go down for your stupid ch
ivalry? Sanji remained silent. Smoker was so to throttling him, but a knock on th
e door interrupted.
What? Smoker barked. Tashigi entered.
Captain Smoker. They said you can let him go.
What? How? Why?
Zoro explained everything.
What? Both Sanji and Smoker exclaimed, What does Zoro know about any of this?
Um Tashigi looked taken aback at their unison, nothing really. He just explained how
Sanji was kind of an idiot when it came to girls, no offense Sanji
How could anything that comes out of your mouth offend me? He said, proving the po
Anyway, Hina backed him up on that, so they decided to let him go.
Just like that? Smoker asked.
Just like that.
Smoker sighed. Well Blackleg, looks like you re off the hook for now. Just don t expe
ct it to be as easy for you next time.
That s what she said.
Smoker punched him in the face.

Sanji emerged sporting a black eye and muttering something about being hostile t
owards suspects. Luffy was able to flag him down with a shout of HEY! SANJI! so he
walked over to him and Zoro.
How many times am I going to have to save your ass from prison?
About as many times as I ve had to get you re drunken ass out of county. Zoro shut up.
Sanji, I m hungry! Can we get something to eat now?
Sure. They walked outside where Fluffy was tied up to a bike rack, chewing on a bi
ke s tire. You brought the alligator.
Yeah, apparently someone has a problem with alligators in their closet. Zoro said.
Sanji kicked him.
Where s your car anyway? Sanji asked. I know the confiscated it when they brought me
in but
Relax, Tash got it back. C mon let s go feed Luffy before he eats Fluffy.
The three friends and the alligator got into the car and drove off.

Side note: If Lucky Joe's Amusement and Recreational Park reminded you of Six Fl
ags Great Adventure in anyway, well, that's because I've been there a lot and kn
ow the layout and stuff really well. Although they don't have a tunnel of love.
Review this Story/Chapter
A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
So, here's Miss Goldenweek as requested by me as something I wanted. Weird. I'll
try to get Miss Monday up tomorrow, but we'll see how it goes.
I couldn't find a good place to end this, so it kinda goes on, and the ending is
awkward. I'm very sorry for that.

ShaolinQueen: Thank you! Yes, Tashigi's coming up soon. I've had the idea for a
while, so I'm very excited about it. I've got some plans for that date. *smirks
Splatter Fall: Yeah, I don't like FL all that much; too hot for me. Lovely state
other wise. Thank you. It's nice to know Fluffy has a fan, he has a cameo in th
is chapter too. And sure you can hold him, but watch out; he bites. XD
dandy wondrous: Yeah plot twists are fun, and that was indeed Mr. 5, you got you
r numbers right. Mr. 3 makes a cameo in this chapter too, if you can catch it. Y
es, I confess: When Zoro isn't paired with Sanji, I prefer him paired with Tashi
gi. Sanji goes with Nami if he's not with Zoro, incase you were wondering.
debuzz: Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. The alligator seems to b
e everyones friend, and yeah, I totally planned the naming pun (had no idea unti
l later). GAH! I'm sorry! Sometimes I zone out and use the wrong your/their/to,
but Word is supposed to pick those up for me! I'll go back and fix them later if
I have time.
ohlordies: Thank you, I gladly accept all of the sparkles and hearts the world c
an give me. :D
Now, if you excuse me, I need to go watch Law, Kidd, and Luffy kick some ass.
Oh, and I don't own One Piece.

Sanji was sleeping quite deeply on the couch after a very long evening at work w
hen there was a knock on the door. He turned a bit in his sleep, but Zoro, who w
as up making coffee, went to open the door, only to reveal their eccentric, tran
svestite neighbor.
Zoro darling! How are you on this fine morning? Bon Clay said as he twirled into t
he apartment uninvited. A young girl wearing red shorts, a blue shirt with cloud
s on it, and a pink hat on top of brown twin braids carrying a backpack followed
him silently in.
Fine, Bon. Just fine. But could you keep it down a bit. Zoro closed the door quiet
ly and gestured toward the couch where Sanji, upon Bon Clay s entrance, he had tur
ned over to face the back of the couch and thrown an arm across his face.
Oh, another long night shift huh? Bon Clay looked down at him sympathetically. He n
eeds all of the sleep he can get. San dear! We ll just let you sleep then!
Go die Sanji muttered, now awake but refusing to get up.
Zoro shook his head and poured Bon Clay and Sanji a cup of coffee. The girl had
already seated herself at one of the stools at the counter and was helping herse
lf to a cracker on the table, staring at Zoro. Zoro, never one to back down from
a challenge no matter who instigated it, stared right back at her.
Bon Clay forced Sanji off of the couch upon realizing his awakened state, bringi
ng him over to the counter and plopped him on the stool next to the girl before
helping himself to the coffee Zoro offered. Zoro also placed a cup in front of h
is less then chipper roommate, who just glared at the intrusion of his sleep as
if he could fry the man s brain simply by staring hard enough.
Why are you here? Sanji asked through gritted teeth. He was not much of a morning
What excuse does one need to want to come and visit his friends? Bon Clay answered
Zoro, who was still staring at the girl, felt the need to ask, Who s she?
Sanji turned to face her instantly, not noticing her before in his sleep-deprive
d-and-forced-awakening state.
She s my niece, April Goldenweek. Bon Clay said. She s visiting me for the weekend. Act
ually, she s part of the reason I m visiting on this lovely morning. Sanji turned bac
k to face him with a death glare. It completely slipped my mind! I have an appoin
tment today that will eat up most of my time, so I can t watch her today
Don t shirk your responsibilities off- Sanji began.
Sure we ll look after her! Zoro said, as if nothing else would make his day better.
Oh, I knew I could count on you two! You re the best friends a transvestite can hav
e! He hugged Zoro then twirled over to hug Sanji too, only to receive a kick in t
he ribs and be sent flying across the living room. He immediately got up and str
aitened himself out and twirled back over to the kitchen as if nothing had happe
ned. Well I ll be off. April, be good, I ll be back to pick you up tonight. She nodded
. Adieu, San dear, Zoro darling! and with that he twirled out of the apartment.
Why did you- Sanji started, but Zoro cut him off.
Don t be so cranky in front of the kid. April just stared at them both uninterested,
chewing on another cracker.
Sanji caught himself, calmed down and sipped his coffee. Zoro, my most lovely and
bestest friend, why on earth would you sign us up for babysitting this lovely y
oung lady when you hate children in all shapes and sizes?
I don t hate kids, if I did I wouldn t teach them anything and I most certainly would
n t hang out with Luffy. He said. Besides, I can t babysit anyone.
S cuse me?
I have to work today. So as much as I would love to spend all day catering to Apr
il here s every whim, I can t. he smirked. Sanji pointed his death glare at him.
Relax, I don t have to leave until ten, so you can get some slee- Sanji immediately
passed out on the counter. April looked on as if it was the most common thing in
the world to do. Zoro chuckled before picking him up and tossing him back onto
the couch. So, April, he said, turning to the girl, what do you want for breakfast?
Uh, don t do eggs.
Don t do bacon either. April just stared at him. How about toast and cereal?

Sanji woke up to find April sitting on the coffee table staring at him. He freak
ed for a moment before he remembered who she was and why she was in his apartmen
t. The smell of burnt toast in the air indicated that Zoro had attempted to make
breakfast. He glanced at his watch, which read 10:30, indicating that it was ju
st him and Miss Goldenweek. He glanced up at her.
I m bored. She said. Sanji blinked.
Um what do you want to do then? She shrugged. His stomach grumbled. Well, I m hungry, s
o why don t I make us some lunch? She nodded. He got up and headed over to the kitc
hen. She followed and sat in the same stool she was sitting in that morning, tak
ing out a sketchbook and some pencils. What do you want to eat? Sanji asked.
What kind?
Grilled cheese. Sanji sighed at the lack of challenge but took out the ingredients
and started preparing anyway. April started drawing. When the sandwiches were d
one, Sanji put them on a plate and added some extravagantly fried potatoes as a
side dish. April looked up from her drawing, grabbed her plate and started eatin
g. Sanji took his plate sat down across from her.
What were you drawing? he asked. She ripped out the sketch and handed it to him. H
e picked it up and looked at it; it was a very well done sketch of him cooking t
hem lunch.
You can keep it if you want to. She said, still eating.
Thank you very much, Miss Goldenweek. He said putting the sketch aside. Do you like
to draw?
I guess. Painting s better though.
You like art then? She nodded. Then why don t we go to an art museum after lunch?
I m going to need to get dressed first though. He was still wearing the red shirt an
d black tie he wore to work the previous night. He finished lunch and went into
his room to change into a pink shirt with a blue tie and new black slacks. April
was turned facing his bedroom door, drawing again. What are you drawing now? She
turned her pad around to reveal a very detailed sketch of Luffy laughing while h
olding Fluffy. You met Luffy?
She nodded. The other day. Dad doesn t like Luffy that much though. Doesn t like you
Sanji blinked. Have I met your father?
She nodded. Galdino.
Sanji remembered him now. Pompous idiot who insisted that Sanji didn t know what a
good cup of tea was. Sanji had to kick his ass in order to get him to shut up.
Apparently he had met Luffy before and after causing some trouble Luffy had kick
ed his ass then too. Sanji blushed.
S okay. I don t judge. April said noticing his blush.
Yeah well we better get going.

They arrived at the museum. Sanji paid for his entry fee, but April got in for f
ree being underage. They wandered around the museum for a bit, and April found i
t to be moderately interesting. They found themselves in a Greek sculpture room
when Sanji spotted a familiar backside.
ROBIN!!! Sanji shouted. Robin turned around, smiled and walked over. Robin my love,
what brings you here on this fine day?
Robin chuckled. I m the museum curator. It s my job to be here.
I thought that was only at the history museum.
Usually, but since the art museum curator called in sick today and both museums a
re owned by the same person, I m filling in here today.
But then who s watching the history museum? Sanji felt someone tugging on his shirt
sleeve and looked down. April, what s up?
I wanna paint. Sanji looked at Robin.
I m sorry dear, put I can t allow you to paint the sculptures.
Not the sculptures, the people.
Oh, well then that s fine. Just don t get any of the art in your portrait. Copyright
laws and all that. Okay?
April nodded, walked over to a bench and pulled out her painting supplies. Sanji
and Robin watched her for a moment before Robin said, She s cute. Is she your new
What? Miss Robin, I may be slightly on the perverted side, but I m not a-
Robin laughed. Relax Mr. Cook, I was just teasing. I know who she is. I ve worked w
ith Galdino in the past.
Oh. So how s Franky doing?
They fell into a comfortable conversation, completely oblivious to what April wa
s painting and the pandemonium it was starting to cause.
Robin looked up from there discussion and noticed bickering couples, people roll
ing on the floor laughing, people sitting in corners crying, and small group gat
hered in the center of the room having what appeared to be a picnic. Robin hid h
er face in her hands. Sanji glanced around the room too. What
Didn t Bentham warn you about this? Sanji shook her head. It completely slipped my mi
nd; April has mastered a type of hypnosis technique using colors. Since she s stil
l so young I doubt she has complete control over it but Sanji looked at a particul
arly heated fight between a couple a few feet to his left.
April caused this?
They both got up and made their way over to where April was seated, calmly paint
ing. What are you painting April?
Sanji looked at the painting. Sure enough, she was painting the people around th
em, color coded by where they were standing in the room. The bickering couple th
at Sanji noticed was painted in black, the people in the corners were blue, the
people spread out laughing were yellow, and the small group of people in the mid
dle was green. Sanji also noticed that she had started to paint him and Robin wh
ere they were talking before. Robin was colored yellow-green while Sanji was bei
ng painted with a rainbow of colors. While looking at the painting, Sanji sudden
ly felt an urge to become a pirate and go look for an ocean that he had heard st
ories about when he was a kid, but pushed it aside.
Robin, will the effect wear off after a while?
Yes, these behaviors should go away as soon as whatever is influencing them is re
moved from sight. Sanji sighed.
C mon April, it s time to go. Pack up your stuff.
But, I m having fun. She said, still entranced with her painting.
I know. C mon, you can finish it at home.
Kay. She stopped painting and packed up her things.
Sorry for all of the trouble, Miss Robin.
It s okay Mr. Cook. No permanent harm done. April tugged on Sanji s sleeve again.
Ready? She nodded. They left.
Zoro came back from work at around five to find Usopp rolling on the floor laugh
ing while Sanji cooked dinner and April sat at the counter, staring at him while
eating another cracker. Zoro raised an eyebrow questioningly so April showed hi
m her painting of Usopp, done in yellow. Zoro just nodded and sat done besides h
Hello honey. How was work? Sanji asked.
Wonderful darling, you know how much I love kids. He sighed. It d be nice if my wife
could put food on the table as soon as I walked through the door, I mean since y
ou re home all day and all. Sanji kicked him upside the head. April stared for a bi
t before starting another painting, using blue, green, and a whole lot of yellow
Usopp got over his laughing fit and seated himself across from Zoro. The two beg
an discussing this and that while April painted and Sanji cooked. When dinner wa
s done, Sanji put the food on five plates and handed them out.
Thanks. Zoro said before he realized exactly what came out of his mouth. Sanji and
Usopp just stared at him.
Zoro are you feeling okay? You never thank Sanji for feeding you. Usopp asked, con
No I don t know what came over me he glanced down at what April was painting. It was a
picture of him sitting at the counter while Sanji cooked done in all yellow-gree
n. Yellow-green is for friendship huh? Zoro asked. April nodded before putting eve
rything away and starting on her dinner.
If you knew about her hypnotizing ability, you could have warned me y know. Sanji sa
id, sitting down.
Zoro shrugged. It was more fun watching you figure it out for yourself.
You weren t home all day, you didn t see anything.
Was still amusing imagining it. Sanji tossed his napkin at Zoro s head.
After dinner they five of them gathered in the living room area and decided to p
lay Pictionary. After the first round where the Usopp/April team completely dest
royed the Sanji/Zoro team, it was agreed (rather forcefully) that the people wit
h artistic talent shouldn t be paired together, so they changed the teams to Usopp
/Zoro and April/Sanji. They continued with these teams until a sharp knock inter
rupted their game. Sanji got up to answer the door and immediately regretted it
when Bon Clay hug-tackled him.
San dear! I missed you, how are you?!
Get off can t breathe
Stop joooooking around! Oh, you really can t breathe. Bon Clay let go of Sanji after
he realized his face was blue, but still stayed straddled over him. Zoro darling
! And little Uso s here too! How are you doing?
I m not that little Usopp muttered.
We re good Bon, how was your meeting?
Uhg, it was horrible. That Zero dear is such an unreasonable man, don t you know.
You don t say. Sanji commented, still trapped under Bon Clay. Um, Bon, could you like
, get off?
Why would I want to do that? Sanji kicked him in the gut, sending up where the cei
ling broke his rising. Sanji rolled away before Bon Clay could fall back down on
top of him again. Oh poo, San dear, you re no fun. Sanji grumbled something unintel
Bon Clay sighed and stood up. Well, we best be off then. C mon April darling, say g
ood-bye to your new friends and let us be off!
Bye Usopp. Bye Zoro. She stood, grabbed her backpack, and walked over to where San
ji was still sitting on the ground. Bye Sanji. She gave him a hug and kissed his c
heek before walking over to Bon Clay was.
Adieu mon amis! With that he twirled out of the still open door while April follow
ed him. The door then shut as if it had its own will.
Aw, look at that Sanji. You finally found yourself a girlfriend. Zoro said smiling
Sanji blushed. Shut up!
Usopp snickered. Y know, perversion is just one step towards- Sanji kicked his head.
I said shut up! I m not a pedophile! Or a pervert!
Sheesh, you lie worse than me. Usopp said, still grinning. Sanji kicked him again.
Knock it off, you can t change who you are. The next kick was directed at Zoro. He m
anaged to dodge it though.
Zoro and Usopp had a few more laughs at Sanji s expense while cleaning up the mess
from the game. Usopp conveniently had to leave before they started cleaning the
kitchen, claiming he had work in the morning. The two of them let him go though
, considering it was probably the truth but he just chose to reveal it now, a ve
ry clever form of lying in their opinion.
While cleaning up, Zoro came across the sketch of Sanji that April had drawn tha
t morning. Sanji snatched it back before he could start teasing him again.
Relax; she made one of me two. He said, pulling out a sketch of him sitting at the
counter. He compared the two. Yours is better though. I think little April has a
Sanji blushed. Well, between me and you, I d rather crush on me too. Zoro punched hi
m in the arm.

For those of you who don't understand a word of French, Adieu means 'goodbye' an
d mon ami means 'my friend.'

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
What? What? It's still Monday. I have like, 30 minutes until Monday ends. I'm on
, I had some writing block issues so it's a bit shorter and it didn't come out
so good. I'm very sorry.

This is Miss Monday as requested by Krentenbol. Next up is, Tashigi right? Sweet
. :)
dandy wondrous: Thanks. I like her too. She's probably my favorite Baroque Works
member. Well, except Bon Clay...she's definitely my favorite to write though.
ShaolinQueen: Thanks. Hm, I don't know. Maybe. We'll see how it all turns out. A
nd as for this date...well I tried. _
debuzz: Thank you. Yeah, I like her hypnotizing paint powery thing. I hope this
chapter isn't such a big disapointment though.
And, as always, I don't own One Piece. I'm not that awesome.

I hate you.
Sanji was sitting at the counter wearing blue sweats and a plain white t-shirt,
glaring at his roommate who was packing up his work out bag.
You complain when I don t introduce you to anyone, and when I finally do you compla
in about that too. Sanji intensified his glare.
Set up? Dragging me to your gym to meet the female body-building champion of what
ever doesn t count as a set up!
You were complaining about not being able to actually fight anyone new either. Wi
n-win. Don t see why you re complaining. Sanji planted his foot on his head.
Problem 1: I don t fight girls.
Its fine, she barely looks like a girl. Sanji pushed his head forward forcefully.
Problem 2: She barely looks like a girl.
Yeah, so you can fight her. Like I said, win-win. Get your foot off of my head.
It doesn t matter what she looks like! She s still a girl and I don t kick girls.
You don t have to kick her; you just have to spar with her a little. Sanji kicked hi
s head.
That s not how my chivalry works dumbass! I can t just go back on my ideals just beca
use you say it s alright!
Well, wouldn t standing her up also go against your messed up chivalry? Did you eve
r think about that? Sanji looked taken aback and turned his gaze to the floor. Zo
ro turned to face him. What if she wants to fight you? Just for fun and all that.
Did that ever cross your dumb blonde mind?
I m not a dumb blonde. Sanji muttered.
Then stop acting like one. If you stop and think about it, this actually fits you
r chivalry to a tee.
I don t want to hurt her
Zoro laughed. Trust me, she s tougher than me in that sense; there s no way a pansy l
ike you could lay a scratch on her. Sanji s glare returned as he pointed it at Zoro
Is that a challenge?
Maybe it is. What are you going to do about it? Zoro smirked.
Nothing; I don t hurt girls. He spun the stool so it was facing the other way.
Urg! Why do you have to be so frustrating? Zoro kept staring at Sanji, who was twi
ddling his foot while doing his very best to ignore his roommate. Zoro sighed. We
ll, you re going, whether by your own will or not. And with that, he grabbed Sanji s
ankle and proceeded to drag him to the door.
Ack! Dumbass! I m attached to that! Let go! He did, but put his foot on his chest to
prevent him from getting up.
If you can t stand her up, that means you have to go right? Sanji looked away. And if
she wants to actually spar with you, then you can t disappoint her, right? Sanji m
uttered something incoherent. Therefore, you can leave this little situation with
your honor intact if you just look at it the right way.
Sanji sighed. You re going to make me do this no matter what, aren t you?
Sanji sighed, and then quickly twisted over to the right to bring up his left le
g and knock Zoro off of him. For the record, I could have done that at any time.
Yeah Zoro said, completely winded.
Well come on, let s go. I wouldn t want to stand up my date now would I?

They arrived at the gym in a timely manner; however one quick look around told t
hem that Miss Monday hadn t shown up yet.
Well, I guess she s not here today, let s go. Sanji did a 180 and made a bolt for the
door. Zoro grabbed the back of his shirt.
Whoa, where do you think you re going? She ll be here eventually, don t worry your pret
ty little self about it. Sanjij slapped his and away and glared at him.
Have I mentioned that I hate you?
Not this hour I don t think.
Well, I hate you. They made their way to the locker room to drop off their stuff b
efore heading out to where the mats for sparring were set up. Zoro was delighted
to see that Miss Monday had showed up at this time; Sanji was slightly less thr
Oh, Zoro! There you are. And this must be Sanji. It s nice to meet you. Miss Monday
It s nice to meet you to. You re like a lovely flower amidst this desolate plain of d
eath and testosterone. Sanji replied, flirt mode in full swing. Zoro smacked his
Uh, thanks. She replied. Zoro, Bones has been looking for you
Yeah, I know. Where is he? Miss Monday pointed vaguely towards the other side of t
he gym. Zoro gave a quick wave and wandered off in search of his opponent.
Sanji took the opportunity to give Miss Monday a one over. She had short pink ha
ir, which complemented her dark skin quite nicely, tied into two pigtails. She w
as wearing a red t-shirt with red and white checkered pants, both of which showe
d of an imposing array of muscles that even Zoro would be envious of. All in all
a fairly impressive women, and if she needed a sparring partner, well then Sanj
i, being the gentlemen that he was, was more than happy to comply. Right? Yeah,
he could do this maybe.
So, are you ready? Miss Monday asked him after they had set up on the mat.
My dear, I am ready whenever you are. They started circling each other.
Zoro says that I should go easy on you otherwise you ll break like a twig. She said
while she launched a grab attempt towards Sanji s midsection. He quickly back flip
ped to dodge and landed gracefully a safe distance away. He smirked.
I m not that easily broken, my dear. He lunged and launched a kick slightly to the l
eft of her head, which she easily dodged and attempted a follow up by ramming in
to his side. He quickly found his footing and did a back bend to dodge.
Hmph. Well aren t you Mr. Agile.
All of the power in the world will never do you any good if you can t hit your oppo
nent. He dodged a punched aimed at his face by launching himself into a handstand
. At least that s what I think.
They continued in this manner for some time, however as time went on it became b
latantly obvious that Sanji wasn t going to launch a real attack.
Ya gonna dodge all day Twinkle Toes? She had taken to calling him that after the f
irst twenty minutes. Sanji found it endearing.
Whatever works, my dear. Sanji had also quickly discovered that his stamina could
very easily outlast hers. This was very lucky for him, since he had no real inte
ntion of attacking in the first place. Sure enough, her moves had slowed down si
gnificantly. However, Sanji knew it was very, very hard to win a fight without l
anding a single hit, and while Miss Monday had gotten a few fierce shots at his
ribs, he had yet to land a blow. He planned to keep it that way too.
Dodge left, dodge right, jump, duck, jump. Despite the definite decrease in her
speed, Sanji was still having trouble finding an opportune moment to present its
elf. He needed to find a way to end this, now.
As if some kind of horrible answer to his prayers, the earth underneath them sta
rted shaking. Miss Monday and Sanji looked up, down, all around for a source of
the rumbling. The last thing Sanji remembered was looking around to see what the
hell Zoro was up to before he was knocked unconscious.

Hey, Love-cook. Wake up. Sanji felt someone shaking his shoulder.
Mermhasphulfulfle. Not the most eloquent thing for him to say, but he felt it got
his point across.
Stop it. Wake up. More shaking. Can t they just let him sleep?
Sanji! Wake up! Someone call a doctor, quick! A different voice this time.
Chopper, isn t that why you re here?
Oh yeah. Sanji was utterly confused and decided that this would be a good time to
open his eyes.
Wut appened?
SANJI! Chopper jumped on him and hug tackled him. I m so glad you re not dead.
Dead? What s going on? Sanji questioned while returning the hug.
Water mane burst in the basement or something along those lines. The entire place
collapsed. Zoro was seated next to him wearing an emotion on his face that defin
itely wasn t relief. You were knocked out by some falling ceiling tiles and Miss Mo
nday had to carry you out.
Is she okay? Did she make it out?
No, she carried you out but was left in the building. Zoro rolled his eyes.
Zoro, be nice. He has a concussion. Chopper reprimanded in his best doctor voice. Z
oro backed off.
Ug, my head. Sanji complained putting said body part in his hands.
Gah! Are you alright? Chopper jumped up and grabbed a small pen light from somewhe
re and flashed it in Sanji s eyes. Well, you re pupils aren t dilated. How are you feel
ing? Sick, tired, dizzy?
Little of both.
There were three options said Zoro.
Maybe we should take him to the hospital after all
No, I m fine. I just need rest, I think.
Maybe you should trust the doctor s opinion on this, considering your complete lack
of medical knowledge. Zoro got a kick in the head.
I think I know my own limits.
You two are always like this. Chopper started off on his tangent. You think you re so
me kind of super powered beings out of some manga series, but you re just regular
humans with regular human weaknesses. You both push yourselves two much!
Hey, I m perfectly alright.
You have a giant gash on your arm.
And yet, I m perfectly alright. Chopper glared.
Well, Chopper, you re not a medical genius for nothing, ( S-stupid, you re praise means
nothing to me! ) Do you think I should go to the hospital?
Chopper held up three fingers in front of his face. How many fingers do you see?
If you d stop moving them I d be able to count
Yes, it is my professional opinion that you go to the hospital. Zoro should go wi
th you and get some real stitches.
Whatever you did is- Chopper gave him his best doctor glare fine, hospital it is.
Do we have to ride in the ambulance? Sanji asked, rubbing his temples with the hee
ls of his hand, those things always give me a headache.
No, Zoro should be good to drive.
Zoro helped him up and the three of them got into the car. Sanji fell asleep thr
ee times on the drive there, only to be awoken by a panicking Chopper. When they
got to the hospital, Chopper lead them into an examine room where he gave Sanji
some pills and let him fall asleep as he started putting stitches into Zoro s arm

Love-cook, we re home. Sanji felt something gently nudging his arm.
No, that s too much soup he muttered.
Maybe I should just slap him awake
Zoro! He has a concussion! Sanji opened his eyes.
Oh, are you awake now princess?
Shut up They all got out of the car. With careful prodding from Zoro and Chopper, S
anji managed to make it up to their apartment and collapse on the couch.
Y know, one of these days I d like to go on a date where I didn t wind up in the hospit
Or jail. Added Zoro. Chopper had seated himself at the kitchen counter and Zoro wa
s pulling leftovers out of the fridge.
Yeah. Why can t I have normal dates?
Cause you re a freak and destined to be alone for the rest of your life. Sanji chuck
ed a shoe at his head. Somehow it hit him. Chopper just laughed.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
HA! It's finally done! I had to do a rewrite because for some reason the first o
ne ended up with Zoro and Sanji making out on the beach...yeah, I fixed it and t
his version's better.
This is Tashigi as requested by Krentenbol. Next up is...Vivi? Maybe? I'll have
to check.

ReadR: Yeah, that's happened to me too, of course I'm also to lazy to type out m
y penname, so I just leave it anyonomous. Yes. Yes it is. I'm sure I can think o
f worse though...poor Sanji. :D
ShaolinQueen: Thanks! That he does, even if he'll never admit it. ;p I'm glad yo
u found it so funny. I hope this one is, well, good too.
dandy wonderous: Yes! Power to the blondes! Wait, I'm not blonde...poo. Anyway,
thank you very much! I hope this satisfies your tastes.
debuzz: Yeah, Zoro's comebacks are quite awesome, if I do say so myself...consid
ering I wrote them...anyway, thank you very much!
kingston: Thank you! Here's the next chapter, and always happy to add Zosan...ev
en if it's just random friendship.
Splatter Fall: Oh no! But you're back now and you also get this brand-new chapte
r. It actaully wasn't all that difficult; I had the idea for what Sanji would do
with her since, like, Bonney. This one too actually. Little girls go on random
'dates' with daddy all the time, or at least they used to. People might scream '
child abuse!' now maybe. Anyway...yeah, emo Sanji is no fun. I should do somethi
ng about that...maybe ;p. Thank you very much! And may I just add, that is an ad
orable icon.
Anyway, I don't own One Piece, so, yeah, no money for me.

Oh, so you re going out tonight? Zoro asked.
Sanji froze and stopped what he was currently doing, which happened to be button
ing up his blood-red shirt. Y-yeah. He finally answered, then continued buttoning
his shirt and started tying his tie.
Where you going? Zoro leaned against the doorframe to his room.
Sanji faltered again. N-nowhere in particular
Zoro raised an eyebrow. What s up with you?
Sanji turned to face him. Nothing s wrong with me! God, what s with the interrogation
anyway?! Why do you need to know everything single thing about my life?! It s not
like you re my mom! Leave me alone! Zoro blinked.
Ya done? Did you get it all out?
I think so.
Good, now will you tell me why you re acting like a teenage girl?
I am not. Sanji pouted. His roommate just raised a questioning eyebrow, while he s
macked his forehead. Okay, maybe I am. But the point stands: it s none of your busi
What s her name?
Th-that s really none of your business!
So I know her?
Not all that surprising; you know everyone, you know.
Why won t you just tell me?
Why do you care?
I only care because you seem to care so much. Just tell me. Sanji turned around st
ubbornly to finish tying his tie. I mean, it s not like you ll be going out with Tash
or anything like that. Sanji froze again.

Don t tell me
Sanji turned around, staring at a very interesting spot on the floor.
You and Tash
Sanji decided that there was a more interesting spot on the ceiling.
worst friend ever.
Sanji finally looked the green-haired man in the eyes. Excuse me?
There s definitely some man law stating that you can t bang your best friend s girl.
I am not going to bang her; I m simply taking her out. Besides, you guys are off righ
t now, so it s not like she s yours.
It s an on-again/off-again thing, implying that it will be on-again in the future i
f it is currently off now. Zoro pushed himself off of the doorframe. Besides, ther
e s also a man law stating that you can t ask out your best friend s ex. That s just not
Sanji noticed a truly fascinating spot on the wall to the right of him.
Zoro smacked his forehead. don t tell me she asked you? Yes, that spot on the wall was
mighty interesting. Zoro growled.
Oh come on. You know I can t say no when-
I know, I know! Just maybe you could show a little consideration for my feelings hu
I tried to show consideration for your feelings!
By what, not telling me?!
Sanji shrugged at that. Ignorance is bliss. Zoro growled again. Sanji held his han
ds up defensively in front of him. Aren t you overlooking the positives here?
What positives? Crossing Tash off of your little perverted list is not very benef
icial in my book!
No, it s like I could put in a good word for you. Like a wingman or something. Help y
ou guys get back on a little faster.
Not in that shirt!
Sanji looked down at the tight-fitting red shirt that did nothing but show off t
he chef s amazing upper body and perfectly accented his everything really. What s wrong
with this shirt?
You re too damn hot! I d consider doing you in that shirt!
Well, thank you for the disturbing mental image, but it s my favorite shirt. I m not
going to change just because-
I refuse to consent to this date unless you change your shirt. Sanji just stared a
t him.
You re kidding right? You re not my mom. No, better yet, you re not her jealous father.
Doesn t matter. There s a man law somewhere-
No, enough of your man laws. You re just being a jealous brat. Who d of thought that
the great Zoro Roronoa would fall to such a pathetic emotion? He pushed passed Zo
ro and made his way to the front door. Zoro stood fuming for a moment before gat
hering his senses and exiting the room right behind his treacherous roommate.
You can t take my car.
Wasn t planning on it.
Where are you going then?
Yeah, like I d tell you in this state. You d probably end up stalking us. Don t wait up
. He said, and left the apartment winking.
Zoro just stared at the door for a bit before pulling out his cell phone. Hey, Us
opp. How fast can you get over here ?

Sanji waltzed up to Tashigi s place, humming a little tune. He knocked on the door
, and heard a crash on the other side before Tashigi came opened the door and im
mediately tripped into Sanji s arms.
Well, now, don t you think you re rushing things a bit, Miss Tashigi?
S-sorry Sanji. She straightened herself out and pulled her glasses out of her pock
et. When she put them on and got a good look at Sanji, she added, That s a nice shi
rt, but I thought you said to dress casual She looked down at her pink polka-dotte
d shirt and blue jeans.
He looked over his outfit; along with the infamous red shirt, he was also wearin
g his standard black slacks and black shoes. This is casual for me, actually. He s
hook his head. Anyway, should we get going?
Yeah, thanks for doing this by the way. I need a break from all of the Zoro s at wo
Excuse me?
Huh? I just said I needed a break from all of the guys at work. What s so hard to u
You said Zoro s .
You said, I need a break from all the Zoro s at work.
Why would I say that? That makes no Zoro.
You just never mind. He offered her his hand. Shall we be off, my lady?
She took the offered hand and let Sanji lead her towards the beach.

Gah! He s taking her to the beach! In a red shirt!
That doesn t necessarily mean anything.
Zoro, I m hungry. You said there d be food. And Fluffy s getting restless...
Zoro, Usopp, Luffy, and Fluffy were currently sitting in Zoro s car a good half-bl
ock away from Tashigi s house. Zoro in the driver s seat with Usopp as his passenger
with binoculars. Luffy and Fluffy were taking up the backseats.
Red shirt? Romantic walk on the beach under the moonlight? Red shirt!? That ero-c
ook has some kind of ulterior motive.
You re just being paranoid. Can t you give him the benefit of the doubt?
Never. Ow! Luffy! Can t you control that thing? Fluffy had nipped Zoro s neck and a br
uise was starting to form.
But Zoooroooo, we re hungry
Eat the alligator if you re so damn hungry!
Zoro! Luffy gasped, The alligator is our friend! I d rather have him as my friend tha
n eat him in my stew!
They re moving out of sight. Usopp butted in. Should we follow them Captain Stalker-Z
Yeah and don t call me that!

It was lucky Tashigi only lived a block away from the boardwalk, otherwise Sanji
would have had to think of something else, but this way everything was practica
lly set in motion for him. Well, everything except his companions ranting.
And I love Captain Smoker to death and all that-not in that way mind you-but I ju
st wish that sometimes he would treat me as an equal instead of just another wom
en on the force, you know?
Yes, I know exactly what you re talking about.
I know! It s crazy! She looked around. Oh, when did we get to the boardwalk?
Just now, my dear. May I suggest however that, since you asked me out so you coul
d get away from work, that maybe if you didn t talk about it so much you might be
able to relax better?
Oh! I m sorry Sanji! You must have been bored out of your mind listening to me go o
On the contrary, I find every word that has fallen from your luscious lips to be
of the upmost interest. I am merely worried about your current state of relaxati
on. He smiled at her and helped her up to the boardwalk, gesturing at all of the
different food stands that littered the area. Take your pick, my dear. It s all on
me; whatever you want.
Sanji, I couldn t possibly-
No, I insist. Tashigi shyly pointed at some cotton candy which Sanji immediately g
ot her.

He s buying her cotton candy now! How can you possibly say he s not trying to get int
o her pants?
Um, it s just a snack. Besides, Sanji s not like that; you re distorting his character.
Yohoho! What seems to be going on here? Zoro and Usopp jumped a mile.
Oh, Brooke! Fancy meeting you here. Luffy greeted. Listen, Zoro said he d buy us food
, but he hasn t yet? Help a friend out, please?
Of course, I don t mind buying you and Fluffy a small snack. But only a small snack
; you completely wiped me out last time.
Perfect, Zoro said, you take Luffy and the alligator and go get some food.
You re not coming with us?
Uh, Usopp and I have some-
We re stalking Sanji and Tashigi. Usopp said bluntly. Zoro punched his head.
Hm? Well it does seem that Sanji is here with the lovely police Sergeant. But you
and her
Yeah, well, apparently since it s not on now, any perverted chef can just sweep her
off her feet or something. Brooke put a comforting hand on Zoro s shoulder.
Cheer up Zoro. It only gets worse from here.
Thanks Brooke. That didn t help at all. He shrugged him off. Just take Luffy and feed
his alligator.
Yeah, Brooke. I want meat! Fluffy opened his mouth as if in agreement.
Yohoho, well then, let us be off. Toodles!
Zoro grumbled and grabbed the binoculars from Usopp.

Tashigi and Sanji had wandered onto the beach where they found a bonfire going o
n and decided to check it out. Alcohol was being served, but Sanji, knowing that
for some reason he can t hold his liquor very well, declined. Tashigi decided to
have some, but not enough to get her completely wasted, just a bit tipsy. Of cou
rse, being a bit tipsy when she s completely sober, Tashigi was not the most grace
ful person when tipsy.
Oof. Sorry Sanji, the ground just sort of tipped that way again. She remarked after
Sanji caught her for the fiftieth time that night.
Think nothing of it, but perhaps you would consider sitting down? Tashigi let him
lead her over to a section of the beach that was far away enough from the crowd
so that they wouldn t be too disturbed yet still close enough to the bonfire to fe
el its warmth.
Thanks Sanji. Zoro would never-
HEY SANJI! Luffy ran over and tackled Sanji to the ground. Brooke was right behind
him, carrying Fluffy.
Luffy? Brooke? What are you doing here?
Zoro promised us food, but he never delivered. We ran into Brooke who agreed to f
eed us. Then these guys came up to us with ribs and stuff and said they got it h
ere so we decided to come here too. Hey Tashigi.
Hello Luffy. It s nice to see you again. You too Brooke.
It s nice to see you too. I was wondering though, what color panties are you- Sanji
kicked him upside the head.
I could have taken him Tashigi muttered. Wait, Zoro? What s Zoro doing here?
Eh? Z-zoro s not here. Who said anything about that? Luffy said, looking shifty.
That shitty marimo bastard. He followed me didn t he?
N-no. Technically that was Usopp not that either of them are here right now, that i
Sanji pulled out his phone and dialed a number. Some distance away he heard Sexy
Back playing.

Look! He s leading her away from everyone else! Clearly he s-
Trying to molest or rape or kill her. Or maybe he s just going to make sure she doe
sn t kill herself? She does seem a bit tipsy.
Che. If he really knew what he was doing, he wouldn t have let her get that drunk.
She s not really drunk, just a bit tipsy.
She s tripping all over the place! She s toasted.
If you add in the fact that she trips all over the place when she s perfectly fine,
this is the expected result when you combine that with alcohol.
He shouldn t have let her have any alcohol in the first place!
She s a big girl Zoro; she can make her own decisions. Besides, you would have let
her drink herself silly if you were with her right now.
I don t have some crazy ulterior motives!
No, she was completely aware that you wanted to get into her pants wasn t she? Zoro
punched him in the head. Stop doing that!
Stop saying stupid things! Wait, is that Luffy? What s he doing here?! Brooke was s
upposed to be watching him!
Lemme see. Usopp took the binoculars. Brooke s there too. The meat from the BBQ proba
bly attracted him like the moths to this giant flame here. Ouch.
Brooke just got kicked in the head. How Sanji managed to pull that off when Brook
e is like 8 7 and he s only 5 8 and from the ground with Luffy on top of him is a myster
y to me.
Yeah, more about the stupid cook s physics defying flexibility later. What s going on
? He snatched the binoculars back. Funny, love-cook seems pissed. Luffy probably t
ried to interrupt his make-out session. He heard Sexy Back playing from somewhere
close by.
Zoro, isn t that your phone?
Your phone s ringing.
No, I don t have a Sexy Back ringtone.
Well, it s coming from your pants, so
Zoro put down the binoculars and pulled out his phone. Sure enough, it was the o
ne ringing. The caller ID said Mr. Prince. Zoro answered.
Don t change my contacts jackass.
Don t just randomly leave your phone places. Sanji said from the other end. And on th
at note, don t randomly stalk people.
It s not random, and it s not stalking.
Well, whatever you re choosing to call it, it s creepy and you re paranoid.
I am not paranoid, I m merely taking precautions.
Against what? It s not like I m a rapist or something.

You though I was going to rape her weren t you?

Why else would you wear that shirt?
If she consents, it s not rape.
You re influencing her. It s like if you got her drunk but worse.
No it s not. She s free to make her own choices. And this is completely irrelevant cau
se that s not my intention anyway.
Then why are you doing this? You know how I feel about her!
No not really. You mind telling me?
Don t be an ass you know you do.
Um, Zoro Usopp poked his shoulder.
Not now Usopp.
No, Sanji said, I m a bit confused on the matter.
What s there to be confused about? You know I m crazy about her or else I would waste
my time!
So, you like her?
What are you deaf? Yes, I like her! Madly in like with her! So in like with her s
ome people could confuse it for love!

I m on speaker phone, aren t I?

When Sanji put Zoro on speaker, Tashigi wanted to protest, she wasn t in the mood
for talking to him right now, but Sanji shushed her with a finger to his lips. W
hen Zoro had burst out into what can only be described as a confession, Tashigi
started some hardcore blushing. She didn t know whether to run up to the swordsman
and smack him until he bled or kiss him until he passed out. Sanji, apparently
reading her mind, pointed her in the right direction.
Sanji watched her storm over to where Zoro and Usopp where, tripping on the way
there but Zoro caught her, only to be pushed off again. Usopp had enough sense t
o hightail it over to where Brooke, Luffy, and Sanji were.
So, how s your big plan working out, Mr. Prince?
Excellent, if I do say so myself, Sogeking.
I want a codename too! Luffy said. I was an essential part of the plan!
Yohoho! So you had this all planned out Sanji?
Of course. He s been moping around for weeks. Started getting on my nerves really.
So when Tashigi asked me out, I decided it was the perfect time to do something
about it.
Well, it looks like she s beating the crap out of him right now. Observed Usopp. Plan
Wait for it Sure enough, a few seconds later, she started kissing him. Plan success.
High fives were had by all.
But, it s a tad strange, Sanji, Brooke added, for you to just let her go. She probabl
y would have given you a chance, you know.
Sanji lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. He exhaled and watched the smoke circl
e upward. Mr. Prince wants to give all of the world s ladies what they want, even i
f they don t know exactly what they want themselves.
Mr. Prince: Defender of truth, justice, and the hearts of young maidens everywher
e. Usopp stated. I kind of like it. You could write a manga about it or something.
No one would buy it.
Yeah, that s a boring topic. Chimed in Luffy. People really want to read about pirate
s and their many ocean adventures. I d buy that manga.
I would too, actually. Sanji added.
Yohoho! As would I.
Me too, now that you mention it.

You could have at least told me what you were planning.
Of course not. That would have ruined the entire plan!
After walking Tashigi home, Usopp, Luffy, and Fluffy decided to bum a ride off o
f Brooke, leaving Sanji to explain the genius of his plan to Zoro by himself on
the car ride home. They were back in their apartment now.
You could at least say, Thank you Mr. Prince, I will never doubt your judgment on
such matters of the heart ever again, for clearly I am a lowly marimo being not
worthy of even breathing the same air as you, let alone partaking in your infini
te knowledge.
No need to inflate your ego, it wasn t that brilliant of a plan.
Just because you can t plan past what you re going to eat for breakfast the next day
doesn t mean you should scoff at the brilliance of others.
Psh. Whatever. I still don t see why you had to wear that shirt though.
Sanji looked down at the shirt he was still wearing. I don t get what you have agai
nst this shirt. It s a nice shirt.
Too nice is all I m saying you almost screwed up your own plan by wearing that shirt.
It s just a shirt damnit. If your ego is so low that you think you d lose to a shirt-
My ego is not low!
Sheesh, why are you going on about your ego? Methinks you re over-compensating perh
Sanji had about a half second warning before Zoro attacked.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Sorry this is a bit...later than usually. I didn't really like what was going on
so in my boredom I wrote the first scene just to write morning!Sanji again and
it ended up going in a completely different direction then it was supposed to. S
o yeah, if it gets a bit weird...I'm sorry.
For those of you who were asking for the 'original' ending to Tashigi's chapter,
I posted it in The Sun, the Sea, and the Stawhats incase you haven't seen it ye
And this is Vivi as requested by Krentenbol. Next up is...Kuleha? Really? That's
going to be fun, poor Sanji. XD
Warning: Mentions of ViviXKohza
sentimentalreality: Thank you! I liked that chapter very much too, but I think M
iss Goldenweek is still my favorite for some reason.
ShaolinQueen: You're not alone in that sentiment. Thank you very much, I wasn't
sure if I had gotten what Mr. Prince was doing across very well, but if you got
it then I guess I did it right. :P
kingston: Aw, well, you can also take solice in the fact that Sanji is still the
one living with Zoro at least. ;p
ohlordies: Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it so thourougly.
dandy wondrous: Thank you! Yeah me too, I have a thing for Sanji in a red shirt.
..there's some fanart somewhere ;p.
Splatter Fall: *blinks* Agreed. Me too, I wonder if it's the same thing? ;p I kn
ow, shame on you Zoro! If he leaves it just laying around then it's just asking
for abuse. Yes, but it still worked it's way in ;p. Agreed...again...on both poi
debuzz: That's what any writer asks for at any rate, and I totally get it. I'm p
robably the only person in the fandom who has a problem with Luffy/Nami. Sorry,
I should have given you a heads up.
Lurker: Well, I have a list, it's in my profile if you want to check it out. I'v
e added Miss Doublefinger though, so don't worry. Thank you very much!
ReadR: Yeah, he's super clever like that...when he wants to be. Done and done, i
n a way. Totally added, and don't worry, I know what you're saying. ;p
anzuillison183: You should review every make me happy. Anyway,
I'm glad you enjoyed it and was able to achieve whatever expectations you had,
and thank you!
Krentenbol: Gah! Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying this so much. :D
And I don't own One Piece. Wouldn't know what to do with it if I did.

Sanji dragged himself out of bed and shuffled to the kitchen area.
Coffee. He demanded, and found one being shoved under his nose by a green-haired m
an. He sat down at the counter and took a few sips. When he had woken up out of
his daze and gazed around, he noticed Vivi seated next to him.
Ah! V-vivi! I m sorry I didn t see you there good morning. he was still hearing the boxe
rs and tank-top that he had slept in.
It s okay, Sanji. Good morning. She smiled sweetly at him and took a sip for the mug
in her hand.
Shall I make you breakfast? Or do you prefer burnt toast?
I don t always burn the toast. Zoro remarked. Sanji ignored him, took out all of the
supplies that he needed, and started making French toast.
So what brings someone as lovely as you over here so early in the morning? Sanji i
Vivi twiddled her thumbs on her mug. Well, Sanji, I actually have a favor to ask
Of me?
If you don t mind.
For someone as beautiful as you? I wouldn t dream of it. He turned to face her. What s
Well, my father s company is hosting an event tonight. It s one of those events where
it would be better if I showed up with an escort, if you get what I m saying. Sanji
And Kohza is Vivi sighed.
His father s sick and he can t go. I asked Zoro, but- she was cut off by both men laug
Ah, sorry Vivi, but fancy gatherings aren t really Zoro s thing. Sanji apologized.
I know, but still, I thought I should try. So anyway, Sanji
My dearest Vivi, I would be honored to accompany you to such an event. He bowed be
fore turning his attention back to the stove.
Really? I don t mean to burden you, I mean, I know you re busy with the restaurant
Nonsense today happens to be my day off.
Well, I don t mean to bother you on your day off
S not going to work now, Vivi. Zoro interjected. Once the idiot gets all worked up li
ke this there s no stopping him. A foot hit the back of the head and his forehead b
anged against the counter. Ow.
Rest assured, my sweet Vivi, you re not burdening me in the slightest. He placed a p
late of French toast in front of her gently before plopping another in front of
his roommate and sitting down with a third of his own. While they ate, Vivi told
him the place, time, appropriate dress, and what he should expect later that ni
Well, how does this look? Sanji asked, doing a small spin. Zoro, who was sitting o
n the couch watching TV, turned to face his roommate, who was sporting a standar
d black-and-white tux. Sanji, however, managed to make it look, well, good. Real
ly good.
You look like crap. He replied. Sanji grinned.
I still don t know why you didn t want to go, you usually don t pass up the chance for
free food. He said as he grabbed Zoro s keys and his jacket.
You know how I feel about ties. Besides that there are all of those people starin
g at you, judging you. Plus, I m pretty sure Kohza s part of some terrorist organiza
tion and he d send some assassin-ninjas after me if he caught me out with Vivi. San
ji kicked his head.
You re one to talk about judging people.
Maybe not terrorist per say, but he hangs around some pretty weird guys just be car
Whatever. Sanji turned and made his way to the door. Don t wait up mom! he called, shu
tting the door before the can that Zoro chucked hit him.
Sanji was waiting outside the Rain Dinners for Vivi. She showed up a few minutes
later, wearing an elegant pale-blue dress that made her look even more beautifu
l than Sanji thought possible. Her hair was done up in some kind of fancy bun, r
evealing dangling earrings that matched the dress that looked like they were mad
e of diamond. She also had on a matching necklace and bracelet. Sanji gaped at h
er for a few seconds before composing himself, bowing slightly and grabbing her
hand before planting a kiss on it.
Mademoiselle, you are looking too lovely for words tonight. She blushed.
You re not looking to bad yourself. Shall we go?
Of course. He offered his arm, which she took, and they walked inside the establis
Inside was like a menagerie of people, the different colors of the many exotic o
utfits creating a unique atmosphere in itself. There was a huge space in the mid
dle of the room set aside for dancing, and while a few people were, the majority
was concentrated into small groups throughout the room, talking about matters t
hat weren t of any interest to Sanji, he was sure.
Vivi gently tugged at his arm so he followed her through the crowds of people un
til she found her family s two guards.
Chaka, Pell, she addressed them when she got closer, Can you tell Father that I m her
e? They nodded before returning to survey the crowd of people before them. Vivi t
hen guided Sanji across the room again, before they were interrupted by a man in
a green suit wearing a crown.
Vivi, baby, long time no see. The man said.
Yes, it s good to see you again too, Mr. Nine. Vivi smiled and nodded. How have you b
Spectacular. He faced Sanji and gave him a peculiar look. This that Kohza I ve been h
earing so much about? he asked.
No, unfortunately Kohza couldn t make it tonight. Mr. Nine looked relieved for about
half a second before he caught himself and composed his face. This is my friend,
Sanji Blackleg. Sanji, this is Manfred Nine, heir to the Nine Sporting Goods Co
mpany. Sanji shook his hand.
You make the bat things? Sanji asked. Mr. Nine sighed.
Yes, we make bats. We do a bit more than that actually, but it s not all that impor
tant right now. He turned to face Vivi and started up a conversation about things
that really didn t concern Sanji all that much.
As Sanji watched them talking, he noticed Mr. Nine getting closer and closer to
Vivi, who he also noticed was getting more and more uncomfortable with the situa
tion. Sanji thought that something needed to be done, and decided that that some
thing should be kicking this Mr. Nine through the nearest wall, so he did so.
As soon as Mr. Nine hit the wall, the band playing struck a particularly loud no
te, so the whole incident went mostly unnoticed by the large crowd and only attr
acted the attention of those nearby, who frankly didn t care one way or the other
that someone just got sent through a wall.
Sanji! What was that for? Vivi stared at him, shocked.
He was pissing me off. Doesn t look like anyone noticed though. Mr. Nine got up, sho
ok his head and glared at Sanji, who glared back with double the ferocity. He go
t the message and went to go bother someone else. Besides, you wanted an excuse f
or him to go away, even if you would never admit it. He said, turning back to Viv
He was making me a bit uneasy, but that s no reason to kick him through a wall, whe
ther anyone cared or not.
I m sorry, Vivi. Vivi sighed.
It s okay, I guess. Just go get me some food while I talk to some more people, okay?
Yes, my darling Vivi! He performed a spin and rushed over to the food table.
Even Sanji, who was very hard to please with this kind of thing, was impressed w
ith the spread that they had. Every type of food Sanji would have made for this
thing was there, including several that Sanji didn t think to include, but was hap
pily surprised to find. He grabbed two plates and set out trying to find the bes
t combinations for his lovely princess.
Yohoho! That was quite a little act you pulled over there. Sanji looked up and saw
his afro-wielding friend standing next to him. You were lucky there was some kin
d of distraction, or you would have gotten in a lot of trouble Sanji grinned at hi
Thanks for that, by the way. Brooke just shrugged. What are you doing here anyway?
You don t usually work these kinds of things.
Free food, good pay, I d have to be an idiot to pass it up.
Well, either way, I m glad you re here. Vivi is a gem, but with all of these other ri
ch people about
Brooke nodded. Yeah, I understand. It s hard to put on airs when you just don t want
to embarrass yourself, but since Vivi invited you, well, if you screwed up here,
you d give her a social stigma as well.
I never thought of it that way.
Yohoho! Ever since Vivi decided to move in with Nami and Miss Nojiko, the upper c
lass world has just been waiting for her to screw up. Brooke shook his head and s
ighed. After getting together with Kohza, they ve been watching them both very clos
ely, waiting for them to trip up. I m not surprised he got out of this.
His father s sick.
A bit convenient no? Brooke looked at his watch, well, breaks over. I ve gotta get ba
ck on stage, but don t worry Sanji, I m sure you won t mess this up for her.
Thanks Brooke.
The musician danced off with one last Yohoho! so Sanji made his way back to Vivi a
nd presented her with her food.
Thanks Sanji. She said, taking the dish from his extended hand. Everyone, Vivi said,
addressing the group of people around her, this is Sanji Blackleg. He was kind e
nough to fill in for Kohza for tonight.
So, Mr. Blackleg, one of the older gentlemen said in a tone that was anything but
gentle, Vivi tells us that you re a chef.
Yes, that s right. I m the co-owner and Sous chef at the Baratie.
Baratie? one of the older (but still beautiful) ladies inquired. I ve eaten there a f
ew times. It s very good.
I am very honored that someone as lovely and refined as yourself would say such e
ndearing things about our restaurant.
The evening continued in that manner without Sanji making too much trouble, and
aside from that one incident with the wife of a business tycoon ( I swear, I didn t
know she was married! ) everything was going rather well.
Then the ninja-assassins showed up.
The lights were only out for about a second or two; only long enough for everyon
e to realize that they were out, but nowhere near long enough for anyone to care
, but when Sanji turned to ask Vivi what was wrong, she wasn t there.
Vivi! Out of the corner of his eye he saw something dark exiting the room and chas
ed after it without thinking.
The door he exited from led him to a long corridor. Near the end of it he saw a
door shut, so naturally he ran to it and opened it to find two men and Jyabura d
ressed in black, Vivi tied up and thrown over Jyabura s shoulder.
What the hell are you doing here?! Sanji and Jyabura asked at the same time.
Jyabura, do you know him? The tall one wearing a top hat asked.
Yeah, he s just some shitty chef.
Chappapa, he s the one who kicked Jyabura s ass before when Kaku said it was a traini
ng accident. The fat one with stitches around his mouth said. Jyabura hit him on
the head.
You idiot! You weren t supposed to tell him that!
Well, cook, what are you doing here now?
Let Vivi go. Sanji responded.
He smirked and covered his eyes with his hat. Unfortunately for you, I can t do tha
t. You see, I have my orders he looked up only to notice that Sanji had already de
alt with the other two and had escaped with Vivi.
God damnit, you can t find good help these days. He ran out into the hall and looked
around for them and saw Sanji and Vivi slip back into the main room.
Vivi, what was that all about? Sanji asked once they were safely in the room.
They re CP9, government ninja-assassins. Kohza s been ruffling some feathers lately a
nd they were just trying to get an upper hand on him. I m sorry you ve gotten involv
S okay, I probably would ve beaten up the wolf anyway. He maneuvered them through the
crowd until he found Chaka and Pell and told them what was going on. They unders
tood completely and got Vivi away from the party without actually disturbing it.
Sanji wandered to the stage where Brooke was just going on his second break.
Yohoho! That was awesome. Sanji, you seem a bit flustered, did something Brooke sto
pped talking to grab Sanji s wrist and pull him out of the way before he was hit w
ith what could only be described as a finger gun, the bullet currently embedded
in the wall. The man in the top hat pulled his finger back and disappeared into
the crowd of people, Brooke and Sanji being the only ones to notice him in the f
irst place.
Sanji, do you mind telling me why CP9 is trying to kill you?
They were after Vivi, I stopped them. Why do you know who they are?
Another story for another time I m afraid. Brooke grabbed his cane and top hat. Let s s
ee if we can take this outside so no one gets hurt. He headed for the nearest doo
r and Sanji hurried to keep up, noticing the man following them.
Once outside Brooke and Sanji turned to face the mysterious man. Brooke, the man s
aid, I didn t expect to see you again so soon.
Neither did I expect to ever see you again, Lucci. Brooke responded. Why attack San
ji? He has nothing to do with Vivi or Kohza or whatever you re supposed to be afte
The man called Lucci sighed. He became a loose end. I hate loose ends.
Sanji lit a cigarette. You think I m that easy to kill? Shitty bastard.
Not kill per say. Just keep from talking. It s not very good for me to go around ki
lling civilians.
Again. Brooke added and drew his shikomizue and pointed it at Lucci. How many civil
ians are you allowed to kill this time?
Just the ones that the government doesn t find out about. He crouched into his fight
ing stance.
Really? Sanji raised an eyebrow and withdrew his cell phone from his pocket. Did yo
u get all that marimo?
Yeah. Zoro responded through the phone. You get yourself into the weirdest situatio
Lucci stared wide-eyed at the phone. When did you how much
Yeah, he s been listening the whole time. Sanji grinned. I called him after I got Viv
i to Chaka and Pell. I m actually surprised you didn t realize it sooner.
Lucci rubbed his temples. Clearly I need more training. I suppose there s no use as
king you who and where he is?
No. Brooke said. It doesn t matter anyway and you know it. He can just get someone el
se on the line and then the chain will never end. But I m sure the government offi
cials would be so glad to hear your stance on civilian killing
You recorded everything? Sanji and Brooke nodded. Zoro remained silent. Unless you re
Are you really willing to risk that? Sanji asked.
Lucci sighed. What do you want?
Well, for starters, not dying would be a good thing; leaving Vivi alone would be
What would you have me tell the government? Don t think they d just let me slide with
The truth then; everything was going fine until a civilian interfered to save his
friend. Brooke said.
I guess there s no choice. Lucci turned to leave. Don t think this is over though, chef.
anji blinked and he was gone.
Well, this tops my list of weirdest nights ever.
I dunno...there was that one night when we went to Atlantic City with Bon Zoro said
Well this is definitely a close second then.
Zoro, Brooke said, sheathing his sword, you didn t set up the recording equipment, di
d you?
What equipment? It s not like we ve got that kind of stuff just laying around here yo
u know!
Sanji sighed. Good thing he bought the bluff. You really are an idiot you know?
Hey, I m not the one who gets involved in secret government plots.
Well, after all of this excitement, I don t really want to back in there. Brooke sai
d. What are you two up to for the rest of the night?
Nothing I guess.
I just finished off everything in the fridge, so I m free.
Idiot! That had to last us until the end of the week!
You can just get some more from work.
We can t survive off of restaurant leftovers for the rest of the week!
Yohoho! What a dilemma! Well, I think Ace said he was free tonight too, so why do
n t I just get my check and we ll go meet up somewhere, hm? Sanji had taken the phone
off of speaker and was too busy yelling at it to pay attention to Brooke. He ju
st sighed and went on ahead.

Madamoiselle- French meaning 'Miss'
Shikomizue- A cane sword, like Brooke's.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
WOOOOOO!! I'm feeling a bit silly. Sorry. Anyway, this is Kuleha as requested by
Krentenbol. Next up is Cindry.

I...don't have much to say about this. Other than it kind of made me a fan of Ku
leha x Zeff. Just a little.
dandy wondrous: Thank you! Yeah, those Ninja-assassins like to sneak up on you.
And no, you don't want to know. Or do you? o_O
ShaolinQueen: Thank you! A perfect combination between smart!sanji and morning!s
anji...I wonder if I could pull that off...maybe next time. No, not quite...but
I hope you enjoy it anyway.
ohlordies: Thank you very much! It does doesn't it? Like it shouldn't but it doe
s. ;p And I hope I don't disappoint!
Splatter Fall: Yeah, he really should take the hint. ;p He should have his own b
uissness cards.
Krentenbol: So true, on every level. Yes! Mr. Nine is probably my favorite male
not-Mr. 2-baroque works agent! Shame he got so little screen time...I wonder wha
tever happened to him...
debuzz: Plot! Where?! Maybe, probably. Cindry's next right? So yeah. Thank you!
kingston: Well, between you, me, and everyone else reading this, Lucci was origi
nally suppose to be Naruto. O_O Sanji and Zoro were supposed to get into this wh
ole thing about ninja-assassins vs assasin-ninjas but yeah. It got wierd so Naru
to became Lucci, and Lucci became out of charactor. That alternate ending might
be it, unless I get convinced and inspired enough to write a SUPER SECRET SPECIA
L date later. Maybe as a Zoro-birthday special?
HorusTheAvenger: Thank you very much! I'm glad you are enjoying it so much!
ReadR: Well, let's just say they met up with Ivankov and Inazuma and there may o
r may not have been extreme cross-dressing/ I'm interested i
n what happened. I might write something about it later.
And I don't own One Piece, but Sanji's on the new cover story! *fangirl squeal*
Did Zoro ever have a cover story? I don't think so!

Hey dumbass! Watch what you re doing! Sanji shouted.
What re ya talkn bout? Carne answered, I m just cook n over here!
No, what you re doing is trying to poison all of our customers away! Do you want th
is place to go out of business, or are you really just that stupid?!
Carne was about to retort when Zeff kicked them both in the head. Eggplant! Your
shift ended thirty minutes ago! What are you still doing back here?!
Trying to keep this place in business!
My cook n ain t that bad stupid brat! Two more kicks to the head.
Shaddap! Eggplant, get out of here! I refuse to pay you for overtime!
Che, whatever shit-geezer. He sauntered out of the kitchen and fished through his
pockets for his caner stick.
Sanji! Sanji looked up to see Chopper waving eagerly at him, sitting at a table wi
th an elder women dressed in striking purple pants with a matching jacket, a whi
te t-shirt with a pink flower on it, sporting a belly ring, who could only possi
ble be the young doctor s mentor/adopted mother, Dr. Kuleha.
Sanji put his unlit cigarette back in his pocket and walked over to them. Chopper
. And Dr. Kuleha I presume? What brings you here?
Doctorine is in town for a convention of some kind, so I m treating her to lunch. Ch
opper replied. Are you off right now? Do you wanna join us?
Of course. Sanji sat down in between them.
That was quite some argument in the kitchen before Kuleha said. Sanji blushed a lit
So you overheard that they usually aren t that loud
Yes they are. Chopper stated bluntly. Sanji, are you giving the other cooks a hard
time again?
I wouldn t have to if they had even the slightest idea of what they were doing.
They re not going to get any better with you kicking them through walls you know. Sa
nji shrugged.
So you re Zeff s protégé, am I right? asked Kuleha.
Tch. If you want to put it that way I suppose. Sanji answered. The strange doctor ca
st a scrutinizing glance over his person.
He and I go back a bit you know.
Sanji felt fidgety for some reason. Yes, I ve heard
Suddenly Chopper s beeper went off. Gah! It s an emergency! I m sorry Doctorine, I need
to go. But, you can play with Sanji until I m done.
Of course, I wouldn t except you to abandon your patients just for me. Besides, thi
s kid looks fun. She winked at Sanji.
Yeah, wait what?
You don t mind do you Sanji? You wouldn t abandon a defenseless lady in an unknown to
wn all by herself would you?
Kuleha is many things, but defenseless ain t one of them. Zeff said, appearing out o
f nowhere. How ve you been?
Been doing good, keeping busy. How s the leg?
Bah, old news. So you gonna kidnap my Sous Chef now?
Well, my little Tanuki is leaving, and this town is unknown territory. Who knows
what some people might do to obtain the secret of my youth?
Zeff chuckled. If that s the case, I could lend you my Lil Eggplant for a while. We
won t really need him until the dinner rush anyway.
Ah, there you go then. You can play with Sanji while I m gone. Chopper hopped out of
his chair. Bye Doctorine, Zeff. Thanks again Sanji! And with that, he left.
Well, I don t want to spend all day sitting around this dump. We should head out. Sh
e stood up and grabbed Sanji s wrist and pulled him into a standing position.
Whoa, wait what?
You can just put this all on Sanji can t you? She asked Zeff.
Of course. Everyone does it. Zeff chuckled.
Doesn t mean they should though Sanji muttered.
Oh, but you wouldn t make a young lady such as myself pay for it would you? Kuleha g
rinned and winked at him.
I-uh-I-oh, forget it. Zeff chuckled again.
You have fun you two! Zeff shouted as Kuleha pulled Sanji out of the restaurant an
d onto the streets.

So, where to first, my lady? Sanji asked while putting on his sunglasses.
I need to do some shopping. I heard this town has some lovely boutiques, and you
look like you re up to carrying a bag or two.
Did you just kidnap me to be a pack-mule?
Heeheehee, don t look so down on yourself. She patted his cheek. Now c mon! We re burnin
daylight here! She dragged him down the street and into the nearest clothing sto
Chopper s gonna owe me big time Sanji muttered as Kuleha started going through the cl
othing racks.
What s your size? She shouted over to him. Your color is obviously blue, but what siz
e are you?
Wait are you shopping for me?
Heehee, maybe. She pulled out a blue skirt.
You know I m a guy right?
Yes, I am a doctor. Chopper told you to keep me entertained though, right? She smi
rked and went to go look at blouses. Sanji ground his teeth together.
Owes me soo much
After picking out a whole bunch of outfits, Sanji was pushed into a dressing roo
Is the cross-dressing actually necessary?
Of course! I m being entertained, aren t I? He could hear her smirking.
Yeah Sanji, we want to see you in a skirt! He knew that voice
N-Nami Swan?! What are you doing here?
Well, Robin, Vivi, and I were having a girls day out and we just happened to wande
r in and Doctorine here just happened to find us...
Robin and Vivi are here too? Sanji groaned.
Now Mr. Cook, you wouldn t want to disappoint us would you?
If if you re feeling uncomfortable about it Sanji you don t have to
What are you talking about Vivi, of course he does. Right, Sanji? He could hear Na
mi smirking too but at least hers was cute, he assumed.
You can do this Sanji it s for the girls he gritted his teeth and got changed.
When he appeared from the dressing room ten minutes later, wearing a light blue
blouse with a matching skirt and heels, the girls were outside waiting expectant
You re right! The blue really does bring out his eyes Nami said.
Sanji you look so adorable! Vivi said, blushing. Robin and Kuleha shared a laugh. Na
mi brought out her phone and took a few pictures.
Nami is that necessary ? Sanji asked dejectedly.
Of course, we wouldn t want everyone else to miss out on this now would we? Share t
he memories Sanji!
Wait you re sending them to people? His face went horrorstruck.
Just a few people Kaya couldn t come today Zoro s an obvious choice Bon Clay might get a t
rill out of it Sanji froze as she hit the send button.
You didn t just to Zoro and Bon Nami Swaaan! Why do you do this to me? He put his arm in
nt of his eyes and turned his head away.
Aw emitted from all the girls, and a few customers who stopped by to see what was g
oing on. Nami snapped her camera phone again.
You remind me of a few of my famous friends Zoro s text ringtone. Sanji groaned, he d
idn t really want to deal with this right now, but answered anyway.
U knw weve ben frnds since Hskool n u cn tel me nething rigt? Cuz u knw i dnt judge Lu
f dnt care ether...jus want u 2 knw we suport u no mater wat
Sanji had to use the majority of his self restraint to not break his phone while
he texted back:
He slammed his phone shut and turned back into the dressing room. I m going to chan
Good idea, you can try on the red one now. Kuleha chuckled. Sanji twitched

Heeheehee, well that was surely entertaining. Kuleha remarked while guzzling down
something from a bottle that Sanji didn t know where she got it from.
Sanji sighed. He was back in his black suit with his blue-pinstripe shirt. At lea
st one of us was entertained
She stopped outside a medical store. Come on. She grabbed his wrist and dragged hi
m inside.
Am I going to have to be a guinea pig, because I do still have some pride.
I m a doctor first. I would never jeopardize you health seriously in anyway. She sta
rted looking around. Chopper s been overworking himself again. When he does that he
forgets to take care of his body and who knows what he tries to put in it to tr
y and keep up. Doctors always forget to look after themselves.
Sanji looked at her curiously. I handle most of his meals. He s getting enough nutr
ients if that s what you re worried about.
I m not worried. And you can t control everything he puts into his body, can you? She g
rabbed a bunch of things that Sanji didn t quite know the name to and made her way
to the checkout counter. You ll be paying, right?
Sanji sighed and handed her his credit card.

Well, this was quite a day, eh kid?
Yeah, I guess. What are you going to do with that? He nodded at the bag.
This? It s a surprise for Chopper. Don t go squealing now She got a gleam in her eye th
at made Sanji not even consider crossing her. They had ended up on the boardwalk
overlooking the ocean. Sanji stopped and leaned against the railing. Don t you hav
e to head back to work soon? Sanji took a puff from his cigarette.
Not for a few more hours. Sanji stared up at the sky. Kuleha jumped and sat on the
railing next to him with more agility then should be allowed for her age.
Should I even bother asking?
Hm? Sanji looked at her curiously.
You ve been distance for the past hour or so. I don t need to be a doctor to know som
ething s up.
I guess. Sanji took another puff from his cigarette.
SANJI!! Said man looked up just in time to see Luffy come flying at him and knocki
ng him over the edge of the railing. Zoro winced.
How high up is this? he asked. Kuleha looked down.
I d say about twenty feet, give or take.
Those medical bills are going to be expensive

Sanji woke up to find himself face down without a shirt on the couch in his apar
tment. He tried to sit up, but the immense pain that shot through his back had o
ther plans.
Ow. He collapsed back onto the couch.
Ya happy? Sanji turned his head to find Kuleha and Zoro standing over him.
Wut happened? He asked.
You broke your back. Zoro answered simply. Sanji just blinked.
I had to do an emergency procedure to re-align the bones in your spin. Your roomm
ate here mentioned how your insurance might not cover random idiots pushing you
off of boardwalks, so I brought you back here and healed you myself. She took a d
rink from her bottle. Now it s off the insurance, but you owe me.
Chopper ll pay. He owes me. He turned over and tried to sleep.
Heeheehee, I ll bet. She turned to Zoro and handed him some pills. Just make sure he
takes these twice a day with food. He ll be back to his annoying self in old time.
Oh joy.
Well I best be off. Chopper s been calling me for the past half hour. Probably worr
ied his little head off. She downed the rest of the bottle before throwing it int
o the trash and leaving without another backwards glance.
She seems interesting Zoro commented. Sanji made a non-committal grunt. He moved Sa
nji s legs and sat down. Look, Sanji, about those pictures
Sanji growled. She and Nami and Robin made me! I demand that you delete them and
never speak of it again!
Aw, but Bon s going to be so upset. Zoro smirked. He s been trying to get into your pan
ts almost since we moved in
Don t care. Burn them.
They re digital. Besides, you do look kind of cute. Sanji wrapped his legs around th
e other man s waist and squeezed. He thought he heard a few ribs crack. Okay, they re
gone from my phone anyway.
Sanji turned his head and looked at him. What
Luffy thought you looked cute too. Never knew he had a cross-dressing kink. And o
f course, Bon s got his copies and I m sure Nami made plenty of back-ups by now
For your sake I hope you re kidding. Zoro laughed.
Of course I am. We re not that creepy. He slapped Sanji on the back. Sanji hissed wi
th pain. Sorry. Sanji shot him a murderous glare. I m just going to go to bed now you go
na sleep here I guess so, you can t move! he made a nervous laugh as he got up. Sanji
turned his head and continued glaring. Goodnight! Zoro rushed into his room and s
lammed the door. Sanji grumbled and turned his head over to get some sleep.

For those of you who are wondering, the ringtone is from I Have Friends in Holy
Spaces by Panic! At the Disco. As for why...well, it was what was playing when I
was writing that. ;p Oh, I don't own that either.

Review this Story/Chapter

Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
*Offers up plate of apology cookies as a sacrifice* I'm sorry I've been slacking
! I had finals and the end of school and Job Hunt 09 and yeah, I've been busy. I
'm sorry.

But now I bring you a brand-spanking new chapter starring Cindry as requested by
Krentenbol! I used my 'creative liberties' and combined the Stage Actoress Vict
oria Cindry with the Plate-hating Cindry-chan to create the Maid/servant/stagegi
rl that works for Moria and Hogback. This chapter also had to go through a rewri
te because the focus shifted completely away from Sanji and Cindry and it turned
into some kind of...gang war or something. Probably would have turned out somet
hing like 'West Side Story' if I let it go on. Bonus points to anyone who can gu
ess the play (it's not that hard, and it's not 'west side story,' btw). Anyway,
next up is Lola, I think.
dandy wonderous: Yeah, I feel bad for him too. He's just so fun to abuse...ask O
da. ;p Yes, thank you, I'm not the only one who sees it! Thank you very much, an
d I will most certainly try!
ShaolinQueen: Yes, that seems to be the general consensous around these parts. Y
eah, they are pretty sweet when they're together in my fan-mind, but only when t
hey're with each other. That was one of my favorite parts too, so I'm glad you e
njoyed it :D. Yeah stupid Marimo...thank you very much! I hope I don't disappoin
debuzz: Maybe. Probably not, Sanji's going to need to be straight throughout thi
s thing, but I did promise a Zoro birthday special last time didn't I? Hm. Ah, t
hank you! I was worried that I didn't get her quite right. Sweet a convert! And
I hope I didn't disappoint!
ohlordies: Thank you! I'm sure the skirt was long enough...or they ignored it...
or whatever. You and me both...
Henna89: Yeah, well, he gets the big bucks. You're welcome! And thank you very m
uch! The awkward pairings is one of the reasons I love doing this so much. Yes,
when Kuleha tells you to do something, you better freaking do it! :)
ReadR: And now you have! Let it seep in to your subconcious! *Looks at date of c
omment and wonders if the spoilers for chapter 544 were out at that time or if y
ou're just a really good guesser.* Thank you and I hope you enjoy this one then!
Oni Giri Slash: Thanks, I try. He's my favorite, so if I can't get him half righ
t then I'm happy. The 'mellorine' would have gotten in the way, so yeah, I remov
ed it. Glad it works though. Thank you very much!
As always, I don't own One Piece...or do I? (I don't).
Zoro was sitting on the bed, staring at his roommate with that look that said wha
t the hell did you just say? Sanji opted to ignore said look and continue getting
ready, forcing Zoro to vocalize said look, What the hell did you just say?
Sanji sighed. It s not that big of a deal
Oh then I must have heard something different then what you actually said. See, I
heard that you had to get seven stitches in your head today because some crazy
girl broke into the kitchen and smashed a stack of dishes on your head, and inst
ead of pressing charges like any reasonable person would, you instead asked her
out. But I m glad to know that s not how it went down.
Well when you put it that way Zoro smacked his forehead.
How desperate are you man? You can at least have some dignity and not ask out ran
dom strangers who assault you.
It s not like I m running around asking out random strangers. Sanji finished tying his
tie and went searching through the closet for a matching vest for his red pinst
ripe shirt. I ve met Cindry before you have to actually.
I think I d remember if I d met any plate-hating crazies in the past seven lifetimes.
Sanji rolled his eyes and selected a black vest. She works for Moria. More specif
ically she works for Hogback, you know, Perona s uncle.
The crazy one? Tried to dissect you and Chopper when we went to Perona s that one t
That s the one. Cindry was there too, remember.
Yeah she smashed a stack of plates on my head. He rubbed his head in remembrance. Don t
know why I didn t make the connection sooner.
She didn t mean to hurt me anyway; I just got in the way. He checked out his reflect
ion in the mirror.
Yeah, because most people know to watch out for the random smashing of plates in
their own kitchen.
Anyway, Sanji went on ignoring the last comment, she wanted to apologize by taking
me out to see the show. She had an extra ticket and who am I to complain about b
eing in the presence of a beautiful lady for a night. He spotted a fedora on the
dresser and put it on.
She never made it up to me
Because it was in her house, you don t like the theater, and you deserved it anyway
. He put a cigarette in his mouth and turned his head to see how it looked.
I just walked through the door and she slammed plates on my head!
She must have thought you were a moss-ball that the wind blew into the house.
And her reaction was to smash plates on it and shout Plates are the devil!?
Yup. Sanji turned to face his roommate. What do you think?
Hideous. And what s up with the fedora?
You can never go wrong with a fedora. He turned and left the room. Zoro followed.
Y know, Zoro started, Tash says that the Moria family has been under heavy investigat
ion recently.
It s a mob family; they re always under heavy investigation.
More so than usually if she bothered to mention it. Zoro shrugged. It s just, you re al
ways in the wrong place at the wrong time and I really don t feel like bailing you
out of jail tonight.
I m not always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Need I remind you of Duval and the Alabasta baths incident?
Sanji was speechless for a few seconds. Two instances doesn t make always.
Zoro sighed. Fine. But my point still stands; she may just be a maid/servant/show
girl or whatever, but she s still a way inside and people might want to take advan
tage of that to bring the Moria family down.
I ll keep an eye out then mom. Sanji grabbed Zoro s keys and left with a Don t eat all o
my food!

Sanji managed to find a parking spot a block away from the theater. He walked up
to the entrance to see Cindry talking to a fat man with black hair wearing sung
lasses despite the fact that it was nighttime, purple gloves, pants, and a fishn
et jacket, who he remembered to be Perona s uncle, Dr. Hogback. Hogback locked eye
s with Sanji for the briefest of seconds before nodded at him and walking away.
Cindry turned around then, looking good in her little black dress and pink fur s
carf. She smiled at him and walked over.
Good you re here.
He took her hand and placed a kiss on it. Of course. Why would I miss out on the
chance to be in the company of a lady as lovely as yourself? She giggled. He nodd
ed at the space over her shoulder that Hogback occupied a few moments ago. Is eve
rything alright?
She nodded. Yeah, just some stuff. Nothing really all that important. Shall we go
in? I ve been waiting to see this show for a while. I m so glad Master Moria agreed
to get me tickets for it
Sanji noticed the deflection of the topic, but decided that it really wasn t any o
f his business and went along with it.
Their seats were in the middle of the third row by the orchestra. Cindry was thr
illed and Sanji was thrilled that she was so thrilled. As they sat down, Cindry
explained how it was her dream to one day go into theater and become a world-ren
owned actress.
You should! The acting world would benefit greatly from beautiful talent such as
Cindry blushed. N-no. It s just a silly childhood dream. Surely you ve even given up
on those by now.
Well, my childhood dream was to be a pirate chef and sail the world while still b
eing able to cook, Sanji said truthfully, but, since I don t really want to move to
Somalia right now, working at a seafood restaurant is really the next best thing
. He tugged his fedora over his eyes. Cindry flicked it back up and smiled.
More people need resolve like yours then, Sanji Blackleg. Sanji gave her a puzzled
look, but just then the house lights went out, the curtains opened, and the pla
y began.

It wasn t that Sanji didn t like the play; he found it entertaining to a degree. Who
wouldn t love a tale of four lovers, love-potion mix-ups, donkey-men, and one lit
tle trickster who you could easily give a straw hat and call Luffy? His eyes certa
inly weren t wandering because he was bored at any rate. He was just a bit tired,
and distracted is all. Really.
When his eyes did wander, they happened to wander up to the box seats where all
of the rich-people were sitting with their opera glasses trained unblinkingly at
the stage. All except one. There was one odd pair out that seemed to be looking
directly at Sanji and Cindry; so naturally, Sanji glared right back at them. He
vaguely recalled Zoro s warning from before he left and slid an arm protectively
around Cindry, who seemed not to notice and laughed at the silly antics of the c
haracters on stage with the rest of the audience. The opera glasses seemed to ge
t the message and turned towards the stage. Sanji smirked with his small victory

Intermission came so Sanji and Cindry stepped outside to stretch their legs whil
e Sanji had a cigarette.
You don t mind do you?
Cindry shook her head. I ve inhaled worse working with Dr. Hogback.
Why do you then?
She blinked. Pardon?
Why do you work for him? Why don t you become an actress? You love the theater and
you d be really good at it.
Cindry bit her lip and turned away. It s complicated. I can t leave him. He saved my li
fe after all, him and Master Moria. I owe them so much but, I guess I can t expect y
ou to understand
Sanji shook his head. No, I understand more than you think. He exhaled and watched
the smoke drift upwards. Cindry noticed the distant look in his eye and wanted
to inquire further, but knew that it was far too personal to even consider. Inst
ead she looked down the street and spotted some people she knew.
I ll be right back, okay? Sanji blinked and nodded as she walked away.
We meet again, Mr. Chef. Sanji spun around only to be face-to-face with no one oth
er than Rob Lucci.
Sanji glared at him. What are you doing here? Aren t you supposed to be stopping te
rrorists or kidnapping maidens or whatever it is that you supposedly do?
Lucci just smirked. I wouldn t expect a mere cook to understand the sacrifices need
ed for Absolute Justice.
That s first-class chef to you, and I get by with my own justice just fine. Less de
ad civilians that way, you know.
Lucci s eyes darkened, but the smirk remained intact. That is neither here nor ther
e right now, Mr. Chef. Shall we get to the business at hand?
What do you want?
As you may or may not know, there has been an increase in mob activity recently.
Everything seems to point at the Moria family, however nothing can be proven, th
e tricky bastard.
What does that have to do with me?
You are aware of your date s current employer am I right? Sanji slowly nodded. We get
er with something, she squeals about what Moria s been up to, we get him and his c
rime organization.
Cindry hasn t done anything wrong. And I refuse to help you frame her for anything.
Oh really? Lucci reached out and lifted Sanji s bangs, revealing the stitches he got
earlier that day. Sanji swatted his hand away.
Don t touch me pervert.
He just smirked. Where did you get those stitches, Mr. Chef, cooking accident per
Yeah. Someone tripped while carrying some plates. No real harm done.
Really? Are you sure the plate-hating Victoria Cindry didn t smash a pile of dishes
on your head?
I said, Cindry hasn t done anything wrong. I m not going to accuse an innocent lady o
f anything like that.
Are you sure? I wonder, Mr. Chef. What is Zoro Roronoa doing tonight? Sanji just s
tared wide-eyed at him.
Suddenly the crowd started moving back towards the theater. Cindry came up and t
ook his arm and Sanji looked down at her. Come on, the intermission is over. Let s
hurry back. She said.
Sanji looked up to find Rob Lucci mysteriously vanished. Something wrong? Cindry a
No, nothing s wrong. He threw his spent cigarette on the ground, put his arm around
Cindry and walked back into the theater.

If Sanji was distracted for the first half of the play, then he didn t quite know
how to describe his current state during the second half. He texted Zoro when he
got back to the theater just to make sure everything was okay, but hadn t receive
d a response yet. His phone was on silent, so this led to him checking it ever f
ive seconds just to make sure Zoro hadn t texted him back yet. Sanji wasn t worried
though. The idiot probably forgot to charge it or left it at Luffy and Usopp s aga
in or something stupid like that. Doesn t necessarily mean he got kidnapped by gov
ernment assassin-ninjas or anything like that.
Sanji was a bit restless throughout the rest of the play. Cindry noticed, but co
ncluded that the middle of the theater during a performance wasn t the best place
to talk about these things and opted to wait until afterwards.
The play ended, people clapped, actors bowed, curtains fell, the whole ending sh
ebang. Sanji stood up to leave only to have Cindry tugging on his arm. Please wai
t. She said. Sanji, never one to disappoint a lady, obliged.
They waited in silence until everyone else left the theater. I m sorry. Cindry start
ed, looking at her hands which where twiddling in her lap.
Sanji blinked. For what? You haven t done anything. Cindry shook her head.
CP9 is here. I don t know where, but they want to use me to get to Master Moria. Yo
u ve been dragged into this because of me, and I don t know what they said or did to
you during intermission, but whatever it is, I m sorry.
Sanji turned her head so she was facing him. It s not your fault, Cindry.
Her eyes started watering. But it is.
An evil laugh filled the theater. That s right, it is. They turned around to see Rob
Lucci seated three rows back with a pigeon on his shoulder.
What s with the pigeon? Sanji felt the need to ask.
Lucci shrugged. Hattori likes Shakespeare.
L-Lucci! Cindry remarked. They put you on this case?
The man in question smirked and nodded. You should feel honored that the governme
nt called me in to deal with the likes of you.
Cindry paled. Sanji glared and said, I told you, she didn t do anything wrong. Ther
e s no need for the government to-
I think I m better qualified to decide what the government needs to do than you are
, Mr. Chef. Lucci stood up and Sanji followed suit. In fact, I wouldn t be surprised
if HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The stoic man suddenly started bursting out if fits of laug
hter. If HAHAHA you just HAHAHA
Cindry stood up and hid behind Sanji who just looked on in complete confusion.
Colors Trap: Yellow, color of laughter. Sanji looked up behind where Rob Lucci was
standing to see April Goldenweek with her brush out and dipped in yellow paint
and a man wearing khakis, glasses, and a blue and white striped shirt with a pin
k bowtie who had his hair tied up in what resembled the number three. It took hi
m a moment to remember that this was Galdino, April s father.
You aren t looking so good there, Galdino said to Lucci. Why don t you take a breather
outside for a moment.
HAHA don t you HAHAHA interfere
While Galdino distracted Lucci with meaningless conversation, April had wandered
over to Sanji and Cindry and grabbed Sanji s hand. This way. She said as she pulled
Sanji towards one of the exits by the stage. Sanji grabbed Cindry s hand and drag
ged her along too.
April!? How what Sanji managed to stammer out once they were safely outside of the th
eater. He looked down at the little girl who was looking at her feet and kicking
the dirt. Thank you very much. He finally said. April looked up and smiled.
I better get going. Cindry said. She hugged Sanji. I m sorry about everything, but, tha
nk you very much for tonight. She leaned up and kissed his cheek before pulling a
way, leaving a blushing and speechless chef and a glaring artist. And thank you a
nd your father for all of your help. She said, turning to face April. April just
nodded. Cindry smiled before turning and leaving.
Sanji shook his head before kneeling down to April s eye level. So, why are you- He
got cut off by a very generic ringtone. April plunged her hand into her bag and
pulled out a cell phone.
Yes? She asked the other end. Yes, he s still inside. A pause. She just left, but she
hould be fine. Another pause. He s right here. A third pause before she offered the p
hone to Sanji with an It s for you.
Sanji placed the phone by his ear, Hello?
Hello, Mr. Cook, I m glad that you re okay.
Sanji blinked. R-robin?! What s going on? Why s April here?
Robin laughed on the other end. Zoro may have mentioned to me that you were takin
g out Victoria Cindry tonight. I know of the governments desperation to catch an
yone affiliated with the Moria family and your habit of being caught in the midd
le of these things, so I sent you some help.
But how
A few years ago I used to run a not-all-that-legal group called Baroque Works.
Yes, I know, but
Galdino and Ms. Goldenweek here were members of that organization. I called in a fa
vor, or so to speak, just to make sure CP9 didn t do anything to you.
Sanji smiled. Thank you very much for your concern, Robin.
Any time, Mr. Cook.
Sanji looked at the wall nearby and blushed a little. Um Zoro
Don t worry, he s fine. I sent another Agent to look after him for tonight too.
I bet he s happy about having a baby-sitter.
Robin laughed. Well, the Agent I sent over is pretty persistent.
Just then Galdino came running out of the door behind Sanji, slammed it shut, an
d moved a nearby box in front of it.
The door opens to the inside you know Sanji said.
Galdino shook it off. Whatever. You re not CP9 s next meal right now, so there s no poi
nt in us staying any longer. Come on April.
It was nice seeing you again Mr. Sanji. April said as Sanji handed back her phone.
It was nice seeing you again too, April. She smiled a little before running off af
ter her father.

Sanji opened the door to his apartment a crack and peaked inside. It was complet
ely dark. Robin had said that an Agent was keeping Zoro safe, but something stil
l made Sanji feel a bit uneasy. He went inside, turned on the light, and flopped
on the couch anyway.
Not ten seconds later the door burst open as Zoro stomped in carrying a sleeping
Luffy on his back.
Well, what crawled up your- Sanji started before a call of SAAAAN DEAR!! reached his
ears and gave him his answer.
San dear! Bon Clay twirled into the apartment right behind Zoro. We missed you toni
Sanji smiled. Sorry Bon, I had a previous engagement, but from the looks of thing
s I missed out on quite a night. Zoro glared daggers at him.
Oh, you should have come! Luffy and Zoro darling here had a wonderful time didn t y
ou? Bon Clay apparently took the daggers in Zoro s eyes as an affirmative to the st
atement. See?
Sounds like you all had a blast. You should take Zoro out more often. Zoro deposit
ed Luffy on the couch next to Sanji before taking the fedora, putting it on his
own head and hitting his roommate on the head hard.
It was truly a magnificent evening! The only thing that could have made it better
was if you had accompanied us. I trust your night went well?
Sanji paused for a moment. Yeah, it went well.
Maybe you should go now, Bon. Zoro said, the restraint in his voice pretty obvious
. Didn t you leave the oven on or something?
No silly I don t use my oven. He caught a whiff of the deadly aura Zoro was emitting
. B-but I might have left the iron on or something. Adieu!
Tell Robin I said Thanks, Bon. Sanji shouted after him as he twirled out of the apar
Of course, San dear! And wit that he was gone. Zoro flopped on the chair next to t
he couch.
Rough night? Sanji asked.
He just randomly came in and kidnapped us and took us to a gay bar. Sanji laughed.
He did what now?
He took us to a gay bar. I kept getting hit on by muscular men wearing dresses. L
uffy found it amusing.
Well, there s nothing wrong with a little cross-dressing, you know.
Yeah you would say that. Zoro rolled his eyes. So how was your night?
It was- he paused for a bit, better than yours.
Hm, well, it s not that hard to achieve that; my night was crap. He stood up and tos
sed the fedora back to Sanji. I m going to try and wash this night off of me.
Good luck. Zoro went off to the bathroom as Sanji put the fedora back on his head.
Luffy let off a particularly loud snore which caused him to smile warmly at him

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Now, I would have had this up last night, but FF was being all screwy and not al
lowing it. Blame them.
As for why I'm doing Camie instead of Lola, well, there was a Seafood Festival y
esterday. I couldn't go because it's supposed to be in AUGUST but because it's J
UNE I opted to not go down the shore this weekend. TT_TT So I decided to let San
ji go instead and Camie is a much better compainion for something like this than
Lola. For those of you who where waiting patently for Lola, the good news about
this is I might have her up either later today or sometime tomorrow because of
the change. :D
So, this is Camie, as requested by ReadR. Next up is Lola (this time for sure).
dandy wonderous: No, you really can't go wrong with a fedora :D. Whoa. My sister
also played Peaseblossom. Small world. Yes she's back! And Sanji could use a br
eak...I torture him so. Zoro always gets off easy though...
Oni Giri Slash: Yes, props to the alligator. Thank you and you're welcome. :) Le
gasp! Moi aussi! Well, I know enough French to know what you where saying, and
I'm still kind of learning Japanese, so yeah. Thank you :) and he is, he really
ShaolinQueen: They are. If only he actually met her in Little Garden...I wonder
how that would have gone down? Me too. Haha, yeah, I'm glad you liked it :). Tha
nk you very much! And yeah, it was :)
Phalanx: Thank you! I'm glad you appreciate them. :)
ohlordies: Yes he does. He knows things..._ _
debuzz: Couldn't agree more! Yeah, she really is. I know right? They're the best
. Thank you very much!
ChainofDreams: Thank you! Yes, at least Sanji didn't end up at a gay bar...yet.
*checks* He alreday took Miss Goldenweek out in chapter 8. I think it was cute.
:) Hope I don't disappoint. And congrats on finishing!
Henna89: Well, he did turn into Zoro in ID, but that was mostly for Luffy's sake
...I mean, they're all friends! Yeah, she's on the list, so she's coming up...ev
entually. His civialry goes quite far...although I admit, I might be pushing it
a bit ;p. Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it!
kingston: Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much :D It took me
half a second to realize what you meant there...
I don't own One Piece. It would be crap if I did.

Chopper leaned up against the glass looking in the tank with fascination written
all over his face. What s that one? he asked, pointing at a weird looking fish.
That, Usopp answered, is the legendary Spotted Puck-puck. Its blood is used by only
the greatest Tibetan Ninjas as an extremely deadly poison for coating their thr
owing needles. Of course, I ve survived this attack and end up creating the only k
nown antidote for said poison. After defeating the Tibetan Ninjas and giving the
antidote to the numerous civilians who were terrorized by them, I was declared
a national hero. They still celebrate my birthday as a national holiday to this
Wow really Usopp? That s amazing!
It s an Mbu puffer-fish, Sanji said, otherwise known as a giant puffer or, more speci
fically, a giant fresh-water puffer. It s a carnivorous freshwater puffer-fish ori
ginating from the middle and lower sections of the Congo River in Africa, as wel
l as the east coast of Lake Tanganyika near the Malagarasi River mouth. Since it s
a puffer fish, it can be used in any puffer-fish recipes, but leaves an interes
ting aftertaste due to its diet of mollusks and crustaceans.
Yeah, I knew that. Usopp said.
Sounds delicious, Luffy commented. I want some Zoro stood indifferent.
They d been playing this game ever since they arrived at the aquarium: Chopper wou
ld pick a random fish, Usopp would tell a lie, Sanji would tell the truth, and L
uffy would get hungry, and Zoro would be indifferent to the whole thing. As for
why they were at the aquarium in the first place, well

Zooooooroooooo! Luffy screamed as the skidded to a stop in front of the green-hair
ed man on the couch watching TV.
Luffy? How d you get in here?
Door was open. But Zoro! Look! Luffy shoved a picture of a colorful fish in his fa
Um it s a fish.
Yeah! Let s go to the aquarium!
Because I wanna gooooooooo!
Chopper and Usopp had entered at this point. Chopper had climbed up the back of
the couch and positioned himself on Zoro s head while Usopp stood next to Luffy. Pl
ease Zoro; we want to go to the aquarium! Chopper said. Usopp and Luffy nodded pl
eadingly in unison.
Why do you need me to take you?
You have a car! Luffy exclaimed.
So do-
Robin s at work, Usopp interrupted, Franky and Brooke still aren t back from wherever t
hey were last night, Nojiko and Nami borrowed Vivi s for a girl s day out, and Ace s i
s in the shop again. He counted them off on his fingers.
Get the cook to drive you. He likes fish. The trio rushed into Sanji s room. A half
second later, Zoro remembered that Sanji was still sleeping when the three of th
em ended up crashing into the counter in the kitchen after being kicked out of S
anji s room. Sanji emerged after them still wearing his work clothes from the nigh
t before.
What do you want? Sanji asked menacingly.
Saaanjii, Luffy pleaded, you need to take us to the aquarium.
You woke me up to for that?! He raised his foot and Chopper and Usopp cowered and
tried to back away. Luffy smiled and nodded.
Yeah. So can you drive us? Zoro said you would.
He did, did he? Sanji turned to face his roommate who sunk further into the couch.
Sanji smirked. Okay, I ll take you all to the aquarium.
The trio was all wide-eyes and smiles. Really? they asked.
Yeah, really. Just let me get changed first and then all five of us can go. Sanji
walked back in his room. Zoro quickly counted in his head. Luffy + Chopper + Uso
pp + Sanji = four, so where is he getting oh crap.
Sanji came back out wearing a light blue shirt with his black slacks. Hey dartbro
w, where did you get the notion that I wanted to go to the aquarium?
Oh, but it ll be fun. And they want you to come too, right Luffy?
Yeah! Luffy said excitedly. C mon Zoro, it ll be fun! You have to come!
I don t want to go. I have stuff to do.
Really? Sanji smirked. I recall you saying that you had nothing to do today but sit
around and drink beer.
That s boring. You re coming with us. Luffy grabbed Zoro s arm and started dragging him
to the door. Zoro locked eyes with Sanji.
I hate you. Sanji just smirked.

So here they were, at the aquarium. Staring at fish. Soo much better than sittin
g home drinking beer in Zoro s opinion. He was so getting the cook back for this som
Luffy had grown bored with the tank they were currently staring at and decided i
t would be a good idea to bolt to the other side of the room. Chopper joined him
on this escapade until both of them crashed into a green-haired girl wearing a
pink and yellow t-shirt with a star on it and a long pink skirt with matching he
els. Sanji rushed forward while Usopp and Zoro believed it to be in their best i
nterests to just hang back for a bit and watch how things played out.
Assholes! Sanji shouted as he kicked Luffy and Chopper away. You need to watch were
you re going! You almost hurt this beautiful young lady here! I m very sorry for th
eir behavior, Miss. He turned to offer her a hand, demeanor completely different
then what it was only a few moments before.
I-it s okay. She took his offered hand and he pulled her up into a standing position
. Thank you very much. I m Camie. She smiled and Sanji could feel himself melting in
Sanji. He replied. Those two are Chopper and Luffy. At this point, the two mentioned
had recovered and stood up.
H-hello. Sorry about crashing into you said Chopper.
Yo. Luffy waved.
Nice to meet you two. Camie grinned.
Wow, your hair is green like Zoro s! Are you two related? Sanji kicked him upside th
e head.
How dare you even consider someone as beautiful and precious as Camie being relat
ed to something as uncouth and uncaring as that Marimo head! Camie laughed.
Zoro? Who s that?
Zoro and Usopp are over there. They re our friends too. Luffy waved at them. Usopp s
hyly waved back and Zoro raised his eyebrow.
So, what are you doing at the aquarium Camie? Chopper asked. Did you come to see th
e fish too?
Kinda. I work here part-time. I just love fish! It s so cool how they swim around i
n the tanks.
Me too! Sanji exclaimed. We have so much in common.
Sanji you cook fish. Luffy expertly put in. Sanji froze and Chopper buried his fac
e into his hands. Camie just laughed.
It s alright. I also work part-time at a takoyaki stand.
What s that? Can I eat it?
Takoyaki is a popular Japanese dumpling made out of fried octopus, batter, diced
tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion, generally topped with okonomiya
ki sauce, green laver, mayonnaise, and fish shavings. Sanji replied.
Wow. You know a lot about it. Camie smiled. Are you some kind of takoyaki expert?
Sanji s a world-class chef. Chopper spoke up. He can cook anything, but he specialize
s in seafood.
EH?! Really?! That s so cool! Camie said excitedly. Sanji smiled.
Hey Luffy, look at that over there! Chopper said suddenly.
What? Where? Luffy looked around.
There! We should go check it out. See you later Sanji! Nice meeting you Camie.
Nice meeting you too! The two of them ran back over to Usopp and Zoro, leaving Cam
ie and Sanji alone.
Chooooooopeeeeeeer! Why d we come back over here?
Sorry Luffy, but Sanji got that look in his eye so I figured it d be best if we lef
t them alone.
That stupid lovey-dovey look? Zoro asked. Chopper nodded. He always gets that look
whenever boobs are in his line of sight. Doesn t mean you have to leave him alone.
Yeah, but, he seemed generally interested in her this time.
Really? Zoro glanced over at them and saw Sanji grinning like an idiot while Camie
was laughing at some stupid joke he probably told.
Um, Zoro, Usopp poked his shoulder to get the older man s attention. You ve got that loo
in your eyes.
You re going to have to be more specific; I have several looks.
That I-have-an-evil-plan-and-some-who s-most-likely-Sanji-is-going-to-suffer look.
Really? What a coincidence, because I just thought of an evil plan to make Sanji
Ug, Zoro, is this in revenge for dragging you to the aquarium?
Don t do something you re going to regret later. Remember in high school, you two spe
nt the better part of three years going back and forth with the whole vengeance th
ing. Remember how that turned out?
Yeah, I won. Usopp sighed as Zoro walked over to where his roommate was talking up
the purple-eyed girl.
EH!? Really?! That s so cool! He heard Camie say. Hey, I was going to go to the Seafo
od Festival to see my friend. He s got his takoyaki stand set up there. You wanna
What perfect timing. Zoro bounded forward and slung his arm around Sanji s shoulde
r. A Seafood Festival, huh? That sounds interesting. He grinned and turned his hea
d to face Sanji, whose face displayed an interesting mixture of shock, confusion
, and annoyance all at once.
Camie this is my roommate Zoro. Zoro this is Camie.
Oh, nice to meet you. She smiled at him.
And it s very nice to meet you too. You know who would love a good Seafood Festival
? Luffy. Why don t we all go? The more the merrier right?
Yeah! Camie said. We can all go! I m sure Hachi wouldn t mind. It ll be fun!
Awesome! Hey guys, He shouted toward the others, we re going to the Seafood Festival.
You want in?
Will there be food? Luffy shouted back.
Um yeah.
Then we are so in! Let s go guys!
Uh I have a paper due tomorrow that completely slipped my mind. Usopp said. I guess I l
l have to sit this one out. Sorry Luffy.
Yeah, I have an early shift at the hospital tomorrow, so I better get back too. Ch
opper said.
Really? Zoro raised an eyebrow at them. Well, since I drove you all here, how on ea
rth are you getting home?
We ll just take the bus, really, its fine. Luffy, do you want to come with us? Usopp
Where home? Naw, I d rather go to food.
Y know, there s food at home
Luffy seriously thought about it for a few seconds. Still rather go to the Seafoo
d thing.
Usopp sighed. Okay, I guess. See ya later than. With that, he and Chopper left.
Luffy ran over to where Zoro, Sanji, and Camie where. So, where s the food?

Sanji was not happy.
He was surrounded by seafood in the company of the adorable Camie, but this shou
ld be making him happy, rather than not happy.
No, the reason the cook wasn t happy was because a certain brain-dead roommate of
his had the nerve to invite himself along this pleasant outing and had the gall
to drag their equally brain-dead friend along for the ride. That was making Sanj
i not happy.
Really, it wasn t all that bad. He was in his domain, surrounded by delicious fish
, accompanied by a beautiful lady
He just wished his so-called best friend would drag Luffy off somewhere else for
a few hours.
Sanji was determined, however, to thwart whatever scheme Zoro had concocted and
enjoy the situation no matter what.
So Camie, did you know Sanji s petrified of bugs? In all shapes and sizes? Screams
like a little girl whenever he sees one!
No. Matter. What.
Sanji grabbed Luffy s shoulder as he came back over after his fiftieth time back f
rom the spicy crab-cake sandwich stand. Hey Luffy, do you think you can get Zoro
to go somewhere else for a bit?
The black-haired man swallowed his mouthful of crab-cake before replying, I dunno
Sanji. He s pretty determined to ruin your date with Camie.
Sanji blinked. You noticed?
Yeah, but I didn t wanna say anything because I m getting food out of the deal.
You ll still get the food if you take him to the other side of the fairgrounds
He s not going to want to come though. He s having too much fun making you miserable.
Sanji sighed. Why is he doing this?! You don t think he s jealous?
He s got Tashigi. He doesn t need Camie.
Maybe he s worried about losing me to some random girl?
Um, no. He s not gay.
I know that! He sighed again. If I knew why he was being such an ass then I could c
ounter it better, but right now I m like an ocean that s bumped on the shore!
Well, if it helps any, he mentioned something about trying to get back at you for
dragging him to the aquarium this morning.
You know, Luffy, that just might be exactly the reason why he s doing this! Sanji ki
cked him in the shin.
Ow! What was that for?
For not mentioning it earlier. Sanji looked up at the sky and saw a darkening sky
hovering over the ocean. He walked forward and slung an arm around Camie s shoulde
I was thinking about taking a ride on the Ferris Wheel now. You want to join me,
Yes! I love the Ferris Wheel!
You coming too Zoro?
I m not afraid of heights, shit-cook.
You too, Luffy? The man in question shook his head.
No, I still haven t hit the Cajun Catfish stand yet. Or the Fried Oreo stand. I ll ca
tch you later.
Alright then. Try not to eat yourself into a food coma again.

Zoro Roronoa was not happy. Nor was he afraid of heights. Or lightening.
He may have felt a tad uneasy being up so high in the middle of a thunderstorm t
Oh, gee, what bad timing. They can t restart the ride until the storm passes. It sh
ould only be a few more minutes though. Sanji smirked at Zoro, his arm around Cam
ie. The young girl had abandoned her window seat when the ride stopped in favor
of burying her face in Sanji s shoulder in an attempt to block out the thunder. Zo
ro was sitting on the other side, arms crossed, definitely not scared.
You scared Zoro?
No! Another crash of thunder sounded loud enough to shake the ride. Zoro shivered
while Camie made a noise and snuggled closer to Sanji, who tightened his grip on
Camie, eyes never leaving Zoro.
The ride was shaking! Zoro snapped. Even you were probably freaked a little!
I spent most of my childhood at sea. Thunderstorms like this and shaking rides ar
e like nothing. He turned towards Camie, his voice significantly gentler. Are you
alright, Camie? She managed a nod. I m sorry; I should have seen this storm coming
Yeah, I bet you did! Zoro snapped back, patience for his blonde roommate completel
y gone. You probably set the whole thing up so that we got caught on the ride dur
ing the storm! All so you could comfort Camie and get back at me for following y
ou around!
Sanji s glare intensified. I wouldn t dare consider discomforting someone as lovely a
s Camie simply to get back at you!
So what? You just didn t take her reaction into your messed up equation? Sanji looke
d away. That s it isn t it? You completely disregarded her feelings in order to get b
ack at me! Isn t that even worse than what I said? Zoro s smug grin at this realizati
on was quickly wiped away by the next rumble of thunder through the sky.
Yeah, well, maybe if you weren t dishing out embarrassing details that I trust you
as my friend to not just tell people! Another crash of thunder.
Maybe if you didn t drag me on my day off to some place I didn t want to go! BOOM!
You were having fun! Or you would have if you got that stick out of your ass! And
maybe if you didn t send the Obnoxious Trio to wake me up this morning after work
ing until 5 AM last night! CRASH BOOM!
Yeah well maybe you shouldn t have been sleeping Zoro at back and crossed his arms in de
t. Another crash of thunder sent another shiver through his body.
Sanji sighed. This is the part where you apologize so we can stop playing cheap c
ards to get back at each other for stupid things.
I m sorry I had those idiots wake you up this morning. Zoro muttered.
I m sorry I dragged you to the aquarium on your day off despite the fact you were h
aving a good time.
I m sorry I tried to ruin your outing with Camie.
And I m sorry I tricked you on the Ferris Wheel in the middle of a thunderstorm. An
d I m very sorry you got caught up in the middle of this, Camie. Zoro s right; I m a j
erk for not taking you into account here.
N-no, it s fine. Camie muttered into his shoulder. I would have ridden it anyway. It s b
tter that you re here. More thunder had Camie snuggling closer and Zoro shivering.
Do you want to cuddle to Zoro? It might help. Sanji teased.
Shut up!
A few minutes later the storm passed and the ride was moving again. Zoro, Sanji,
and Camie were ushered off of the wheel.
CAAAAMIEEEEE!! an extremely annoying voice shouted. The voice apparently belonged
to a short man with red hair and a weird cap who was standing next to a large ma
n with pointed grey hair who looked kind of like an octopus.
Camie smiled. Pappagu, Hachi! She rushed forward and was quickly lost in the octo-
man s embrace.
Camie, the octo-man who turned out to be Hachi said, we were so worried about you.
You hadn t showed up at the takoyaki stand yet, so we assumed you were on the Ferri
s Wheel, and in this storm the short man called Pappagu covered his eyes with his
arm to hid his manly tears.
It s okay; I was with some friends I met at the aquarium today. She turned and gestu
red over to where Zoro and Sanji were standing awkwardly. Hachi, Pappagu, met San
ji and Zoro. Sanji, Zoro, Hachi and Pappagu. Pappagu is my senior at the designe
r company where I work, and Hachi is our friend who owns the takoyaki stand wher
e I also work part-time.
You work as a designer? Zoro asked. So, why do you work at the aquarium?
I like the fish. Plus I m still in school, so I kind of need the money.
What about the takoyaki stand? Hachi here your boyfriend or something?
Camie blushed at least three shades of red. Wh-what?! No no no! We we re just friends
that s all!
Sanji smiled understandingly and lit his cigarette. I m just glad to have been of s
ervice to a lovely gem such as yourself. I leave you with your friends, my dear.
What, you re leaving already? You haven t tasted the takoyaki yet!
I m sure anything that you have helped create would taste exceptional, but I m afraid
me and my comrade here really must be off. Luffy has probably eaten half the Fe
stival by now, and we really must find him. He took her hand and kissed the back
of it, eyes never leaving Hachi s. Till we meet again, darling. He turned to leave.
Zoro gave a wave and followed.
You know, Zoro said when they were far enough away so the three of them couldn t hea
r them, if he never makes a move
It wouldn t matter. She clearly wants him, even if neither of them realizes it yet.
I was just giving him some initiative, so to speak.
You do know that you basically just lost to a guy that looks like a fish right?
Sanji ground on his cigarette. I am aware of that! Are you trying to completely o
bliterate my self-esteem?
Well, you d be a lot easier to live with, Sanji kicked his lower back, which Zoro ig
nored, but you d be a lot less fun to mess with.
Damn right! Zoro snickered. There was a crash somewhere in the distance and a shou
t of, BUT IT SAYS ALL YOU CAN EAT!! which caused the two men to sigh. They both si
multaneously altered their course to the crash-site in order to pick up their Lu

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead. Nor have I forgotten this. I did, how
ever, bag myself a summer job that is eating my soul as we speak. So I've been b
usy. Sorry.
I have decided to celebrate my birthday like a hobbit and give you patient peopl
es the gift of the Lola date, as requested by Krentnebol! Happy birthday to me!
Next up is Shakky.

ohlordies: Aw, thank you! I try, I try.
debuzz: No, they don't. But it's a good thing. He really should, he'll eat us al
l into oblivion! Apocalypse is upon us!
Shaolin Queen: Thank you for the kind words! Oh dear, you're tempting my inner Z
osan fangirl again. Sorry for the wait!
dandy wonderous: It is, it really is. :P Several someones, to be more specific.
Thank you! And wins all around!
CLuMsyBUtNOtAThESaMETImE: Thank you very much! It is, though, it really is. :)
PiratesLife4Me02: Thank you very much!
kingston: Thank you! And you're welcome!
Lord Alania: Thank you! Sanji's chivalry always amazes me too. I've got some pla
ns for Robin, though I'm a natural Sanji x Nami fan at heart, so I might just le
ave that until the end.
Friends-Only-yaoi: Thank you so much! Really? But Frobin is so awesome! I should
put Ace in here more, but he's so hard to write! They are, they really are. Mag
ic? A voice in my head that tells me what to write? Pick a theory that makes me
sound less crazy. :P A lot of people seem to think that. I don't know why, but p
eople seem to hate Zotash too. Makes no sense. Of course not. I love him to deat
h, but the man is made of fail. Quite the opposite actually. I just do these thi
ngs because I love him. _U No, it doesn't. :P Meh, maybe I'll do a short later o
r something. He is, isn't he? Sorry for the wait. I am now! ;)
As always, I am not awesome enough to actually own any of these characters. Exce
pt that waitress.
And now on with the show!

Zoro yawned and sat down at the counter while Sanji made breakfast.
Morning! the chef said placing a taylor ham, egg, and cheese sandwich on a bagel a
nd a cup of coffee in front of his roommate.
Morning. Zoro responded. You re awfully chipper this morning.
I had to wake up early so I could start making that, he gestured towards the oven
where some kind of soufflé was already baking, so I m wide awake now.
Is that what s stinking up the place? Zoro took bite out of his sandwich. What s it for
The lovely Miss Nami has requested a chocolate soufflé from me! And how could I p
ossibly say no to such a wonderful women?
Did you even bother to ask why she wanted you to wake up at an ungodly hour to ma
ke her some damn dessert?
I m sure she has a good reason
Zoro sighed and took a sip of his coffee, only to spit it a moment later when a
shout of ZORO RORONOA!! rang throughout the building.
Shit! He dived across the counter and ducked on the other side. I m not here.
Wait, what- was all Sanji was able get out before the door was shoved open and a f
at women with her pink hair done in two braided pigtails wearing what appeared t
o be a ratty red jacket over jeans and a yellow t-shirt came running into the ap
I thought I locked that door Sanji mused aloud. Zoro smacked his forehead.
ZORO! Oh, you re not Zoro. The women said as she caught sight of Sanji.
Uh, no I m not.
You re cute though. Wanna marry me?
Sorry. I m afraid of commitment. He shrugged.
All the good ones are. She sighed. Oh well. Have you seen Zoro? He lives around her
e somewhere
Sanji glanced down at the green-haired man who looked up pleadingly at him, sile
ntly begging him not to give away his location. The blonde raised an eyebrow as
if to ask What s in it for me?
His roommate thought about it for a moment before giving him the widest puppy-do
g eyes he could muster as if to respond My eternal gratitude.
The chef gave a look that clearly stated The puppy-dog look doesn t suite you at al
l, to which the swordsman glared to say What if I promised not to kill you?
This only caused the blonde to sport a cocky grin saying Like you could take me to
which the green-haired man snarled before shaking his head in defeat.
He then gestured towards the sink full of dirty dishes and the garbage as if to
say What if I did the dishes and took out the garbage?
The blonde thought about it for a moment and subtly pointed towards the bathroom
as if to add And clean the bathroom?
His roommate shot him a disgusted look before nodding in agreement. Sanji smirke
d and held up two fingers to indicate the amount of time, to which Zoro responde
d by holding up seven as if to ask For two weeks, right?
The cook shook his head, saying, No stupid. Two months.
His green-haired roommate shot him a look that said You re so very lucky I m in a tig
ht spot right now or else there would be no way you d get away with something like
that, to which the blonde nodded and turned to face the intruder.
Zoro? Never heard of him. Are you sure you have the right address?
I think so. Brooke said the building was around here somewhere, and the transvest
ite I met on the way up said he lived in this apartment.
Brooke Bon you are so dead! Zoro thought.
Well I ve never heard him. Are you positive it was this building and this apartment
I guess not. She sighed again. He was supposed to take me out to lunch too. Oh well
. You can take me instead.
Yeah, you re cute, so you can take me instead. I ll meet you outside of your building
at noon okay? And with that she left.
Finally! I thought she d never leave. Zoro said as he made to climb back over the co
unter. Sanji helped to speed this up by kicking him over instead.
What the hell was that all about?!
Her name is Lola. Zoro responded after he resituated himself at the counter. She s be
en showing up at the dojo lately and asking every male there to marry her. Every
one s said no already, so she s just been practicing her swordsmanship. She s not that
bad, he took a sip of coffee, of course, I m better, so she s been kinda stalking me
lately. Brooke s been finding it hilarious, but I didn t think he d ever actually give
her my address. he shrugged. I guess it doesn t really matter cause she s into you no
I don t want her to be into me! I can t blame her, I mean I am a sexy piece of man me
at and a much better catch than you are, but I would still like to have some say
in these things!
Well, you re the one who s always complaining about-
This doesn t count as a set-up! Sanji slammed his head on the counter and groaned. A
t that moment the oven timer went off, so the down-trodden chef went over to it,
took out the soufflé and placed it on top of the stove.
What will Nami say if she finds out about this?
Um, laugh? Or charge you some kind of misery fee. It s not like the two of you are
together or anything.
Yet. He turned back to face his roommate and lit a cigarette. I think I m slowly wear
ing her down.
I think you re delusional.
Sanji ignored him and exhaled smoke towards the ceiling. I m going to have to let M
iss Lola down gently though. Any suggestions?
Run. Run far, far away. Sanji crossed over to the other side of the counter and ki
cked him in the head.
That s no way to treat a lady!
Then it s your problem. Don t come home complaining to me. He continued to eat his bre
akfast. Sanji sighed and joined him.

Sanji peeked through the glass doors the lead to outside of his building praying
to whatever gods did or did not exist that Lola found someone else to bug. The
gods, however, must have decided to spite the young blonde, as Lola was standing
right outside the door waiting for him. Sanji sighed, straightened his grey-str
iped tie, pushed open the doors and headed out.
Lola immediately attached herself to him as soon as he appeared on the sidewalk.
It s Sanji right? Brooke told me about you.
You know Brooke huh?
Yeah through a cousin s brother s friend s roommate s distant relative or something. She
roceeded to drag her captive down the street. I have the whole afternoon planned
out already though, so no worries there!
Oh joy. Sanji really did try to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. Listen, Lola rig
ht? I don t know what you think this is, but
Here we are! Lola jerked Sanji to a stop outside of a café that Sanji had stopped
in a few times before when he was out with Nami or Robin or Vivi or any combinat
ion of the three.
We re having lunch here? Sanji asked.
Yeah. My Mama knows the owner a bit.
Yup. Mama knows people Sanji had a strange feeling there was more to that statement
but shrugged it off.
Lola directed Sanji to a seat at one of the outdoor tables. He sat down without
complaint and perused the menu that was sitting there. Lola sat across from him
and picked up another menu. After a few seconds however, she promptly placed it
back on the table and proceeded to stare right at Sanji. He blushed at the sudde
n and direct attention to his person and held the menu in front of his face in a
n attempt to hide.
How does it do that? She asked suddenly.
Sanji looked up and blinked at her. How does what do what?
Your eyebrow. I don t know if you know this, but it s really curly.
Yeah I m aware of it. It s genetic. It just does that.
That s really weird.
Yeah, well-
But it s cute. I like it.
Sanji self-consciously traced the outline of his eyebrow swirl. Uh thanks. He prompt
ly picked up his menu again. There was only so long he could feign deciding on s
omething to order though (he already knew this place served a pretty good Sierra
Turkey sandwich that went well with tea) and eventually he had to put the menu
down and address the situation at hand.
Listen, Lola, I don t know what you expect to come from this, but-
Namizou?! Is that you over there? Lola ignored Sanji in favor of shouting to anoth
er table behind him. The blonde cook turned around to see who she was talking ab
out and found no one other than his lovely Nami and her equally lovely sister.
Lola? Is that really you? Nami exchanged a few brief words with Nojiko before gett
ing up and coming on over to their table. Sanji grabbed for the menu to hide beh
ind again. Lola! It s been too long!
Much too long! Why don t you and your sister join us for lunch? There s plenty of roo
m here.
Of course! Is that alright with you Sanji? Sanji lowered the menu from his face so
he could look at her.
Why would it bother me to have two more divine angels join us?
Nami grinned. Perfect. She waved over to Nojiko and pulled up two more chairs from
unoccupied tables nearby before both of them sat down.
Hey Sanji, Nojiko greeted as she sat down, long time no see.
It has been far too long my darling Nojiko Swan. How is everythin- Sanji was cut o
ff by a sudden kick to his leg. He glanced across the table to see Lola talking
to Nami as if nothing had happened.
It s been good. I ve actually started seeing this guy Vivi introduced me to.
Really? Well I hope he s treating you well. I d have to beat him to a bloody pulp oth
erwise. Nojiko laughed at that.
Don t encourage him, Nami added, He ll actually do it.
Nami, my love, I was just joking kind of. The cute waitress chose to make her appear
ance as a second kick connected with Sanji s leg under the table. She took their o
rders and came back not five minutes later with their drinks. Sanji took a sip o
f his tea as she was walking away, taking careful note of her delicate curves wh
ich were in all the right places. This earned him a third kick to the shin.
So, Lola, what brings you and Sanji out here? Nami asked innocently. Lola wasted n
o time in retelling the tale of everything that had occurred that morning.
With all of that going on, I wonder if Mr. Sanji here managed to finish your souf
flé, Nami. Said women gasped.
That s right! Sanji I need that! Please tell me you finished!
Have I ever disappointed you my dear? It s done, don t worry. You can go pick it up a
t any time.
Nami sighed. Please don t tell me you left it with that roommate of yours
Sanji waved that fact away as the waitress returned with their food. You know he
doesn t like chocolate.
No but some of his straw hatted friends will eat anything in sight.
Well, it s a good thing my roommate isn t Luffy then, isn t it, Nami Swan? You can go o
ver and pick it up whenever you want. Of course, sooner would always be better. H
e took a bite of food.
I suppose so. She started eating too.
Hey, Lola interrupted, I didn t see any roommate when I was at your place before.
That is simply because he is a lazy, incompetent shithead who was fast asleep at
the time. No need to worry much about him my dear. The meal was finished with usu
al talk of this and that. When the cute waitress took their plates away and hand
ed Sanji the bill, Nami and Nojiko decided to take their leave.
Thanks for lunch Sanji. Nojiko said while grabbing her bags.
Yeah, you re a real prince sometimes. Nami winked at him while his heart all but mel
ted. It was lovely seeing you again Lola. I hope you and Sanji have fun with the
rest of your day.
Of course Namizou. I hope you manage to get your soufflé.
It ll be fine I m sure. Sanji Blackleg never disappoints a lady, after all. With one f
inal wink at Sanji, the sisters departed.
So, now what? Lola asked.

Sanji wasn t sure if it was his own messed up chivalry, Nami s parting words, or a c
ombination of the two, but he ended up spending the rest of the day with Lola.
He now found himself at the pier watching the sun set with her.
Sanji, she started, thanks for coming out with me today.
It was nothing, really.
I know I forced this upon you and everything, but still, thanks. She sighed. The tr
uth is, however, my heart already belongs to another.
Sanji inwardly sighed a sigh of relief. Outwardly he said, That Zoro guy huh?
She shook her head. No, not him.
Who is it then? Maybe I can help you.
Well, his name is-
Sanji Blackleg! Said man turned to face none other than
Absalom Moria.
Eh? Do you know him? Lola turned to face her love.
LOLA?! What are you doing out here with the trash?
Absalom! You came here to find me! You must really love me after all.
Hell no! An ugly pig like you deserves an incompetent ass like- Absalom never actu
ally finished that sentence, as a foot connected with his jaw just then, complet
ely shattering it.
Under no circumstances is that an acceptable way to address a lady, you perverted
ero-beast. Sanji took this opportunity to toss his almost-out cigarette on his f
allen opponent.
He s mafia you know, you re probably going to get into some trouble.
Sanji shrugged. How bad could it be?

Zoro s head ached. He forgot Nami could hit that hard. It wasn t his fault really; U
sopp and Luffy are the ones who had eaten her soufflé. The stupid cook could jus
t whip up another one when he got back. Where was he anyway?
As if powered by his thoughts, Loser by Beck started to play from his cell phone
Where are you? Zoro shouted through the background noise of Nami yelling at Usopp
and Luffy and their subsequent screams. Nami needs another soufflé I have no idea w
hy though.
Probably because you let Luffy or someone eat the first one. Anyway, Chopper won t
let me go unless you come and pick me up.
Wait, why are you at the hospital? The background noise shut up.
I m fine really, it s just-
You are not fine! Zoro heard Chopper shout. Most of your ribs are cracked and I m pre
tty sure your foot is broken!
It s nothing, really, I m fine. There was some struggling and shouts of Give me the pho
ne from Chopper and Leggo, I m fine from Sanji.
Zoro, Chopper had apparently won the fight for the phone. Can you please come and p
ick Sanji up?
What happened?
Apparently some mob guys tried to beat him up. There are about fifty of them here
too, but most of them were taken to a private hospital.
Yeah, Absalom apparently started it. No one s pressing charges though, so, just com
e get him.
Yeah, I ll be right there. He hung up the phone and made his way to the door.
M going to get him so he can make your damn soufflé. Just hang tight for a bit.
Zoro, Luffy said. Zoro stopped and turned to face him. He ll be fine.
Zoro smiled at his friend. Yeah, I know.

If you think this is bad you should see the other guys.
I did see the other guys. Nice job, by the way.
They were driving back in Zoro s car, Sanji s booted foot resting on the dashboard,
one arm wrapped around his bandaged ribs, face swollen almost unrecognizably. Hi
s arms and hands, however, managed to come out completely unharmed.
What happened to Lola?
She helped fight off the first wave, but when the other guys showed up, I told he
r to get out of there.
They pulled up to their building and walked up to their apartment, Sanji refusin
g any help at walking or standing on the way. When they got through the door, Sa
nji immediately got all of the air squeezed out of his lungs.
SAANJII! You re alive! Usopp shouted. Luffy just squeezed him tighter.
Of course I m alive! It s going to take more than a hundred and thirty guys to take m
e down.
Well, I wasn t worried. I once took down five-thousand armed mobsters with nothing
but my pinky finger, you know.
Nami was worried too. Luffy pulled back enough to say.
I-I just wanted my soufflé done! I do need it by tomorrow. Don t get me wrong, I m gl
ad you re okay, but it wasn t like I was worried or anything-
You seem to be babbling a lot. Zoro commented. Nami punched him in the head.
Never fear, my love! I will defiantly have it ready tomorrow. I can cook it now i
f you want.
Sleep first. Love slaving later. Zoro grabbed his roommate by his waist and dragge
d him to his room.
OW! Bastard! Watch the ribs!

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
I'm sorry after such a long wait I can only give you this. Shakky just doesn't w
ant to be written in character. This makes her both awesome yet frustrating at t
he same time.
I actually meant to get this up before I left for band camp, so fail on my part.
So here's Shakky as requested by Krentenbol. Hancock's next I believe. That shou
ld be fun. (Is not a big Boa fan.)

aznillusion183: They do don't they? Sanji must be rubbing off on him XP. Thank y
ou very much and I'm glad you enjoyed!
dandy wonderous: It does. Sometimes its like they live in each other's heads. Or
something. He is, he really is. 3 We spite because we care damnit! Yeah serious
ly, who does that? :P They do don't they? For some odd reason I associate Sanji
getting hurt with piers...weird. Of course! They're everywhere if you want them
to be ;). Thank you!
Krentenbol: Thank you very much! Yeah, she's like that, and he's like that, so i
t works. Yup, it's true: I ship SaNa when I can. There I said it. Of course!
PersonOfDeath02: Thank you! Yes, I do love me some ZoSan, in whatever form I can
get it.
Amethyst Turtule: Thank you very much! She scares me too. Added to my list! :)
ReadR: But now you just have more to read! Thank you! Yes he's a dear isn't he?
I guess we'll see next chapter. ;p He's just awesome like that. Sorry I've kept
you waiting.
Kiwigirl89: Thank you very much! I'm glad you've been liking it. Yeah, he's prob
ably the best original character I've ever made. XP There's list in my profile a
ctually, so you can check there. I keep moving her down though...
debuzz: Thank you! :) Those two are so alike they just have to hate each other.
I hope I didn't disappoint. He is isn't he? 3
Abra Cadaverous: Thank you! Really? Well at least someone does. XP
OnePieceIsGod: Thanks I'm glad you like it so far!
And WE'VE REACHED 100 REVIEWS!! Yey us! Drinks all around!

And I don't own One Piece.

Cheers! Luffy shouted, tossing his mug in the air. Nami swiftly punched him in the
We can t start yet! We re still waiting on your brother and Brooke!
Luffy rubbed his head. Aw but I m hungry now. This earned him a kick in the back from
And you ll still be hungry in five minutes when they get here! he shouted.
This morning when Luffy had burst into Sanji and Zoro s apartment proclaiming that
today was a good day to have a BBQ party, Sanji had expected mass confusion, ch
aos, and a few explosions. Fortunately Robin was smart enough to have already ha
d such an event planned out so far as to even have a small picnic area reserved
for them, so there were fewer explosions. Apparently Ace was working late tonigh
t and Brooke already had plans with a friend, so it was a bit more complicated f
or them to work the last minute rendezvous into their schedule.
What s taking them so long? I m huuuuuuuuuuuuungry.
Maybe next time you should PLAN THESE THINGS IN ADVANCE THEN! Nami shouted.
3 ~Nami Swan s shouting voice is lovely too~ 3!!
Can you stop being an idiot for five seconds and help me guard the food love-cook
! Zoro shouted.
After you shit-head. Needless to say, a fight broke out.
Luffy stop! We need to wait for Ace and Brooke! Usopp said as he held his roommate
back from attacking the piles of food on the table.
Yohoho! Were you all waiting for us long?
Brooke! You re here! Let s eat! This time it was Franky s fist that dealt the blow.
We still have to wait for Ace!
Mr. Musician, who is your intriguing friend? Robin asked.
Oh, yes, this is my old friend, Shakky. Of course, I m much older than her! Yohoho!
Shakky stepped forward and took a drag from her cigarette. It s very nice to meet y
ou all.
Ah, nice to meet you too, Brooke s friend. Let s eat. Luffy said hastily before attemp
ting to attack the meat again.
Hey, don t you own that bar down the road? Zoro asked.
Of course the only way you d be able to remember such a lovely face is if you were
drowning yourself with booze. Zoro chose this moment to chuck the nearest object
(which happened to be Chopper) at his roommate. Luckily for the small doctor, Sa
nji was able to catch him and put him down unscathed.
Sorry Chopper Zoro apologized.
Yes, I do own, operate, and tend my own bar. I also recognize you, Mr. Roronoa. I
kicked you out last week because you couldn t pay your tab. This earned Zoro a swi
ft kick to the head.
Why wouldn t you pay her back?!
You wouldn t give me the money!
You have your own damn money!
Yeah, but I d rather use yours. A fight broke out. The party s guests felt it was best
just to let them sort it out on their own.
So, Shakky, you own your own business? That very interesting. Nami said. Shakky la
Not really. Just a bunch of drunks and freeloaders. I know you re trying to start y
our own business, but bar tending s not really for you. Too many unpaid debts.
Well, I was just wait, how did you know I wanted to start my own business? Nami aske
d curiously.
She must be some kind of psychic! Usopp exclaimed.
Really? Can you see into the future too? Chopper asked. Both of them got a fist to
the head.
What was that for?
Nami s mean
Shakky chuckled. You can learn anything if you know the right people. Weatheria s v
ery disappointed that you re considering leaving.
It s not that I don t like them, it s just that they have no idea what they re doing. Nam
So, what, you just like to know random stuff about people? What are you, some kin
d of stalker? Franky asked.
Yohoho! It s not like that at all. Well, maybe a little. Shakky just pays close att
ention is all.
You can t deny the fact that knowledge is power right? After all, you re engaged to t
he head of the History Museum.
What?! Franky you re getting married?! Luffy shouted. Does Robin know?
She s the one I m marrying, you idiot!
Oh, that s good then.
Franky The large man turned downwards to face the teary eyed doctor. Why wouldn t you
tell us? Are we not invited? Did we make you mad?
No, of course not! We were actually going to tell you today.
Then how did Brooke s friend find out first? Usopp asked.
Franky sighed. I have no idea. Maybe she really is psychic. After all the only ot
her person who knew that Robin and I were engaged was Brooke, and- he stopped, tu
rned to face the musician friend, and lowered his sunglasses as if to give him a
five-second head start.
Yohoho! It just slipped out I swear! Brooke shouted over his shoulder as Franky ch
ased him around the clearing.
I ll kill your boney little ass! Zoro and Sanji took this as a cue to rejoin the res
t of the group.
So what, Zoro asked, do you have dirt on all of us or something?
She chuckled. You know what they say, Mr. Roronoa, knowledge is power.

Ace managed to get a hold of Luffy and tell him that he was going to arrive late
r than expected due to an emergency at work. Chopper, Usopp, and Brooke (once th
ey managed to save him from Franky) were assigned to stopping-Luffy-from-eating-t
he-food-until-Ace-gets-here duty. Meanwhile Nami and Robin were off in their own
little world discussing wedding plans, Franky and Zoro were in the middle of an
intense arm wrestling competition, and Sanji was getting to know Shakky a little
As it turned out, she already knew a lot about him from reviews of the Baratie t
hat she had read in the paper, and was sincerely interested in his help for devi
sing a proper menu for her bar.
Actually, they were hitting off rather well. Shakky seemed generally interested
in Sanji and who was Sanji to not jump at an opportunity like this?
You know, my dear, if you d like, we could pick up this conversation in a more priv
ate setting.
She took a drag of her cigarette. You mean leave the party? Or perhaps you re imply
ing something afterwards, Mr. Blackleg?
Whatever would suite your tastes best, Mademoiselle.
She thought about it for a bit. I don t see why not. But you are kind of cute for a
kid. I m afraid my husband might get a bit jealous.
Sanji choked on his drink. He coughed a bit before stuttering out, H-husband?
Yes. We re not into big flashy things like rings and such, but still, Silvers is ra
ther sweet.
You re married to Slivers Rayleigh? Master business tycoon and partner to the late
Roger Gol?
She chuckled at that. So the younger generations still talk about him, hm? Yes, t
hat s the one, though he s very much retired from that line of work now.
It was at this point that Ace chose to make his appearance, accompanied by a sli
m, blonde man with a head shaped like a pineapple.
Sorry I m late guys! You don t mind that I brought a friend do you? Luffy, you rememb
er Marco?
Yeah, Pineapple head.
Marco. The man with the pineapple head corrected.
But more importantly, Luffy continued ignoring Marco, now that you re here we can eat
Acey kid, it s been a while. Shakky stood; leaving Sanji still stunned where they we
re sitting, and walked over to greet Ace. His manner changed instantly from rela
xing to grim.
Shakuyaku. I didn t know you were going to be here.
Mm. Luffy swallowed before replying, She s Brooke s old friend. He brought her here. Do
you know her or something?
You could say that.
I used to work with Acey s father, so I ve known him since he was a baby. You ve grown
quite a bit since then.
That doesn t really matter though right? Sanji had finally gotten out of his stupor
and rushed to Shakky s side to defend her. Everyone present knew about Ace s relatio
nship with his father and why it was a bad idea to bring it up. I mean, that was
way in the past. That has nothing to do with our BBQ party. Ace shot Sanji a glar
e that had him shaking in his leather shoes, but he firmly stood his ground none
Sanji s right, Ace. Marco chimed in. That s all in the past. If she s a friend of Brooke
than there s no reason for us all to relax.
Pineapple head s got a point. Sanji quickly added when he noticed how Ace had starte
d to calm down.
Marco. Said man corrected.
Whatever this beautiful gem has done to you in the past shouldn t matter. We can al
l enjoy the BBQ before Luffy eats it all.
Ace sighed. You re right. Shakuyaku, I m sorry for my behavior. Would you please stay
and eat with us?
I appreciate the offer coming from you Acey, but unfortunately I must be making m
y leave anyway.
You re leaving already then, Shakky? Brooke asked.
Yes. I m sorry I couldn t stay longer Brooke. It s been wonderful seeing you again.
It s always a pleasure seeing you! It would also be a pleasure if I could take a gl
ance at your panties too this earned Brooke a swift kick to the head.
Don t ask classy ladies like Shakky that, shithead! In fact, just don t ask that! Sanj
i shouted.
It s alright, Mr. Blackleg. I wouldn t still be friends with him if I didn t find it am
using. She turned to face Sanji and stroked his cheek. And I hope you will be able
to stop by my establishment sometime so we can continue our discussion.
Of course! Sanji replied without a second thought.
With a wink and a few parting words to the rest of the guests, Shakky left the p
icnic area.
Y know, Sanji, Zoro said suddenly after she had departed, I know you have no dignity
when it comes to flirting with women, but a married one? That s probably a new low
for you.
No one asked you Marimo!
That coupled with how he was willing to through Mr. Ace to the dogs to defend her
actually would make it a new low for him. Robin added.
R-robin? You re taking his side?
Yeah man, have you ever heard of the phrase bros before hoes? Ace said jokingly slin
ging his arm around the blonde chef s shoulders. Everyone in the background snicke
Sanji kicked him upside the head. No one asked you either Pyro!
Well, if you re going to be that way, I ll just go with Marco to a better BBQ then!
Please like you could find one better than mine!
Marco can cook a mean steak.
I d like to see that shitty Pineapple head try!
Marco. It s not that hard to remember
STAY OUT OF THIS! Both of them shouted.
Well, if you really feel that way then go.
Maybe I will.
Everyone watched with held breaths while Ace and Sanji turned around to face opp
osite directions.
You know I didn t mean it. Everyone knows you re cooking is the best. Ace said after a
I really would prefer it if you guys stayed. Sanji replied.
My god you two are worse than high-schoolers! Zoro shouted to them. You re like middl
Correct me if I m wrong, Mr. Prince, but it seems to me as if he just went there.
No, Mr. Spade, it would seem to me that he did indeed just go there.
Zoro took a few steps back. Marco put his hand on his shoulder.
Now might be a good time to run. He whispered in his ear.
Yeah thanks, Pineapple head. Zoro bolted in the opposite direction. Ace and Sanji
chased him down while everyone else decided their time was better spent prying s
ome food away from Luffy.
Marco. For the love of god, it s Marco. No one paid him any attention.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji

Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Really, I should have been studying for my test tomorrow instead, but because I
love you all so much (I like to procrastinate) you get this instead. If I fail,
I will hunt you all down and do nothing because I am lazy. XP
This is the Hancock chapter, as requested by Krentenbol many moons ago. Next up
is Robin...or is it? _
PersonOfDeath02: Thank you!! Soon enough...maybe. I know!! Isn't he awesome?
dandy wonderous: And that is why we love him! Aren't they just adorable though?
3 He deserves it...for something he has no control over. _ He is! I'm glad it di
dn't turn out to be something lame like blue fire. Marco = awesome!
Abra Cadaverous: Yeah, it's pretty tiring being the night. XP She is, just so ha
rd to keep in character. Of course not, he is a gentalman. An awesome one at tha
t! I do...not so much here I don't think (Hancock fan's might have me arse!) but
rest assured, I am disliking her the whole time...
Erase: Indeed. Thank you very much!!
debuzz: Maybe...but it's always nice to hear. :D Yeah, I roll like that. (They j
ust don't know what they're missing...poor souls). Cool, I like writing like tha
t. Thank you! Yeah, I love that show. Apparently I have a thing for cute blondes
wearing suits. O_O
ReadR:'s Marco, btw. They would be the best spy duo the Once Piece wo
rld will never see!! They remembered him eventually. It's hard to forget awesome
after all. XP Thank you!
Amethyst Turtle: Yeah she is! SHHH!! I was hoping they wouldn't find out!! _ _ O
h, he'll get his date with Robin, even if I have to kill Franky to make it happe
n! (I won't end up killing Franky...but rest assured, I do have a plan).
kingston: Yes exactly. Wait, what?! Don't worry, he (never) is. :P
Amywilleat-you: Oh it's all in good fun! He doesn't mind I don't think. _ Thank
you! I did promise a Zoro chapter a while back didn't I? That's coming up soon,
I believe. And here it is!!
lochrann: Thanks, I'm glad I can entertain. Explaination time: My version of Wor
d has a grammer/usage/spelling checker, so when I used to be extra catious aroun
d things like your/you're, there/their/they're and than/then I've become more la
x and let the GUS checker deal with it. I really shouldn't but, meh. I'm usually
up with these at like, midnight cause that's the only time I can write and yeah
, I'm lazy. I'm going to go with Tenacious D's "Tribute" because I like that son
g. :P Clearly not. XD That was either me having a complete brain fart and forget
ting what word I wanted to use or me being tired and picking the wrong word from
the spell check. Sorry. Thank you for finding it, though. No it's cool. I like
it when people review every chapter as they read through it all. Cool, that mean
s I'm doing my job! :D It's okay, everyone's a little bit nerdy.
I don't own One Piece of anything, especially One Piece.
Zoro tensed when he heard the door opening. He turned slowly swallowing his mout
hful as his roommate sauntered into the room.
I know what this looks like, he said pleadingly, but I am definitely not eating tha
t fancy roast you had marinating in the fridge for about a week because I most c
ertainly did not have Luffy and Usopp over and they absolutely did not eat every
thing else in the apartment.
He knew it was futile effort. It always played out the same: After the initial d
enial came the screaming and the (not all that) false accusations and the kickin
g which lead to the pain and the fighting back that turned into broken furniture
which became more screaming and kicking and fighting back and eventually ended
with having to drag the grumpy chef away in a headlock to try and find dinner.
Zoro braced himself for the initial kick which never came. Instead he was appalled
to have a hand gently pat his head.
It s quite alright my dear Marimo. Food is meant to be eaten after all. We can alwa
ys go out to eat tonight.
The green haired man was stunned. What have you been smoking and where can I get
Sanji just laughed. I can t just be in a good mood without having to resort to drug
s now? He hummed a bit while taking out his cell phone. If we re going out to eat an
yway, we could invite Ace and Brooke then, hm? The more the merrier after all! Zo
ro touched the back of his hand to his friend s forehead, face full of concern.
The chef blinked. Shithead, what are you doing?
That s a bit more like him. He removed his hand. Well, if you re not sick or on drugs,
then I gotta assume that you re really just an alien who s killed my best friend and
is now wearing his skin and living his life as an attempt to gather information
on humans to aid in the upcoming invasion of Earth.
Or I could be Bon Clay. The blonde replied, smirking at his roommate s antics. The ma
n is crazy good at impersonating people.
I think I d prefer the alien thing. It s less creepy. Sanji chuckled at that before go
ing back to his phone. Seriously though, why re you in such a good mood?
Can t I just enjoy the wonders of life for once without arousing suspicion?
No. Zoro thought about it for a bit. It s a girl of some kind isn t it?
My mood doesn t always revolving around the fairer sex!
Sure it does. By the way your denying it she must be pretty hot too.
If you must know, the illustrious Boa Hancock gave us the honor of stopping by to
day, and gave me the extra honor of accompanying her on an outing tomorrow.
I knew it was some chick. Zoro leaned against the counter and Sanji counted down i
n his head. Three two one Wait, Boa Hancock?! The Boa Hancock? The famous actress who
for some reason has been pining after Luffy?
The very same!
She s the one who hangs around with Mihawk, right?
Can I-
Why not?!
Why would you want to come? It s not like Mihawk s coming with us.
Zoro glanced down at the tiles.
you thought Mihawk was coming with us.
He might just pop out of the blue
C mon! What if you end up seeing him on the street? He s bound to come over and say Hi
or something to Hancock
Mihawk isn t the kind of guy who just says Hi
Then she ll call him over. Same thing.
Sanji put his face in his hands. You can t come with us.
Now you re just being selfish.
He shot the swordsman a glare. Tell you what, if Mihawk does show up out of the b
lue, then I ll give you a call.
So are you saying I should stalk you again, cause I think I can fix the strategy
from last time
No! Just, whatever. Do what you want. He stormed over to the other side of the cou
nter and started flipping through his contacts.
You know, Zoro started, She s probably just using you to get to Luffy
Yeah, probably. If we re inviting people, do you think Nami and Chopper would want
to come with us?
Zoro shrugged. You re not upset by that?
Of course not! She obviously chose me to accompany her due to my drop dead gorgeo
us looks and winning personality rather than using you or Usopp. And if things g
o well tomorrow, then maybe I can make her forget about Luffy and fall in love w
ith me instead!
Are you sure you re not on drugs?
That I know of. He was about to hit send before turning to Zoro and asking, Where d
o you want to eat?
Pizza s good.
Pizza it is then.
Zoro smirked. Maybe Luffy-obsessed idols should ask Sanji out more often.

Sanji arrived at the small garden that Hancock chose as their meeting place. Spo
tting her he quickly twirled on over and took her hand.
Bonjour, ma chérie. I see you re looking as riveting as ever! He brought the hand up
to his lips to kiss it, but it was yanked out of his grasp and instead used to
slap him across the face.
Keep your filthy hands off of me you disgusting peon! Hancock shouted. Sanji blink
ed, stunned, as she took a step back and said, Ah, no. That s not right. I meant ho
w do you do Master Chef?
The blonde jumped right back. Better than ever! Shall we be off, ma dame?
She nodded and put a clearly forced smile on her face. Sanji offered his arm to
the diva, but she ignored it and took off at a quick pace. He brushed it off and
trotted on after her.
May I inquire as to where we are heading on this beautiful day? The cook asked.
Boa raised an eyebrow. Do you wish to know that badly, insignificant whelp?
Sanji shrugged. I am a fan of surprises. I can wait until your glorious mind thin
ks it wise to reveal such trivialities to me.
We might get alone well after all, commoner.

Is this where we re going?
Yes, is there a problem peasant?
Not at all, ma dame, but I would never have thought of you as much of a meat love
Sanji now found himself staring at the fair grounds for the 25th Annual Meat Fes
tival Extravaganza!! and was a bit confused about that. As a chef, he of course
had known about it months in advance and was actually considering maybe bringing
a straw-hat wielding friend of his tomorrow if said friend behaved himself, but
to attend such an event with Bea freaking Hancock
You are mistaken I am a huge fan of meat! I can never get enough, I love it so much!
Okay then He offered his arm once more. Shall we then? Hancock brushed passed him and
entered the fairgrounds. Sanji followed on her heels.
They wandered through the fairgrounds together, Sanji taking in all of the diffe
rent smells and cuts all the while thinking of ways he could add them to his own
recipes and improve upon them. Hancock was forever impatient with this, as ever
y time he would stop at a stand to ask for more information, she would drag him
off in a different direction.
Ma dame, it s great you want to see the fair so much, but do you think we can stop
and actually see some of the fair?
Mind your own business insolent cur! Ah, I meant, let s go over here now please. She
batted her eyelashes at him. I would really like to go over there now, Master Ch
Sanji s internal systems shut down for about two seconds due to what could later o
nly be described by doctors as Mellorine Overload. ~3 Of course, ma dame!! Whatev
er you want!! ~3 After about an hour of this Sanji heard a familiar voice convers
ing with a not so familiar voice.
WOAH!! MARGARET!! Did you see the size of that meat?!?!?!
Yes, it was rather large wasn t it?
Think they ll let me eat it?
Um it looks like it s only for display, Luffy
I m gonna go eat it!!
Reflexively, Sanji struck his foot out so it hit Luffy s torso just as he was runn
ing by chasing a giant piece of display meat.
What the hell guy!? Oh, Sanji! The raven-haired man picked himself up off the grou
nd. I didn t see you there. Did you see some guy randomly kick me for no reason?
No, must have missed him. What are you doing here Luffy? I said I would bring you
Yeah, but only if I behaved, so Margaret here thought it would be a good idea if
we went today so I could get used to it so I won t get kicked out tomorrow.
You could spend a week at a meat festival and not get used to it
M-miss Hancock! Margaret exclaimed. What are brings you here?
Boa suddenly snatched Sanji s arm before replying, Why, Master Chef here invited me
, so I decide I could honor this festival with my presence. Plus I love meat
Wah! Sanji!! Luffy screamed. You said you would take me!!!
I m still taking you tomorrow! I wouldn t have even come here today if the lovely Mis
s Hancock hadn t asked me.
Oh, okay then. So, he continued, not noticing the contradiction between the two ac
counts, since you guys are here too, we should see the rest of it together!
Yes! Will you join us, Miss Hancock? Mr. Sanji? Margaret asked shyly.
Sanji was about to agree, but Hancock first said, Master Chef and I prefer if our
own personal alone time was not interrupted since we were just getting to know
each other and everything. You understand, right Luffy?
Oh, yeah, I get it. It s a mystery date. Luffy shrugged. I still get to hang out with
Sanji tomorrow though, right?
Yeah, don t worry. I won t forget.
Good. He grinned. See ya later, Hanmock!
Hancock shyly waved as he grabbed Margaret s hand and dragged her away. The young
lady barely had enough time to shout, Goodbye, Miss Hancock, I ll see you later! bef
ore they were both out of sight.
Boa sighed. Let s go, mere serf.
Would it be alright, Sanji asked when they found themselves back at the fair s entra
nce, if I went out on a limb here and assume that I was just part of some crazy s
cheme to attempt to get Luffy jealous after you overheard him and Miss Margaret
making plans to come to this thing?
She blushed. N-no. It was certainly not like that at all!
I m dead on. Sanji thought.
What would you know about it anyway, insolent fool? If you were not the most bear
able of Luffy s friends you would not have even had the pleasure of accompanying m
e on this excursion! At that moment a limousine pulled up to where they were stan
ding. I must bid you farewell at this time, Master Chef.
Adieu, ma dame. Sanji took her hand and, to his surprise, this time she let him ki
ss it. Immediately afterwards, however, she wiped her hand off with a handkerchi
ef and tossed it aside. Insolence she muttered as she climbed into the limo and had
it drive out of sight.
Well, that sounds like a fail to me if I ve ever heard of when, eh Chopperman?
It really does, Mr. Marimohead. Sanji turned to see Zoro lower a newspaper to reve
al him and Chopper sitting on a bench a few feet away.
Mr. Bushido! I thought we went over this.
The kid tells it like it is. Sanji said as he walked over and ruffled Chopper s hair
. And I wouldn t consider that a fail.
Really? Felt like one from here.
Clearly, she knew only I with my thoughtless charisma and handsomeness could ever
hope to sway a heart as naïve as Luffy s to jealous.
Or because you re just stupid enough to just go along with whatever she was plannin
g. Sanji s eyebrow twitched at that.
Sounds right to me. Chopper agreed.
What are you two even doing here anyway?
You said I could do whatever, so I decided to see if Mihawk would show. He grinned
, Told ya I ve gotten better.
He didn t, and I knew you were there the whole time. Zoro grumbled something incompr
Zoro said you d get me a snowcone when you were done. Chopper answered.
He did, did he? Well then let s go. I know a good place down the street. He offered
his hand out to his smaller friend, who eagerly grabbed it as they started walki
ng away from the fairgrounds. Zoro got up and meandered on after them.
But, how about instead, we let Zoro pay for the snowcones? Since he dragged you o
ut here and all
Yeah! I d like that even better! Chopper turned and gave his best puppy-dog eyes to
his green friend. Please
Cook, you re lucky Chopper s too damn cute for his own good
More like I m lucky you re an idiot. He got a punch to the head for that. Sanji felt i
t was worth it.

French for people who don't know French:
Bonjour, ma chérie- Hello my dear. (Thanks to Amywilleat-you for correcting that
Ma dame- my lady.

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji

Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Happy Halloween guys and dolls! As a super special awesome Halloween present, yo
u get the Kuina chapter! Don't you feel special? Robin will be next. Actually...
I promised a Zoro special on his birthday, didn't I? That's coming up soon, so t
hat might be next. Robin will defiantly be after that, so feel free to build up
your expectations to unreachable levels only to be crushed by my inability to ac
heive them!
Slight ZoroxTashigi warning too, but it's not that much I don't think.

Enjoy it and have a wonderful razor-and-cyanide free candy fest everyone!

Abra Cadaverous: It's cool since I reply to the reviews here. If I didn't you'd
be denied the joys of my wonderful answers. XP She's hard, I'm convinced Oda has
trouble with her too..._ Of course! :P I know...stupid bitch. I mean wonderful.
..bitch. He has such a single tract mind. :P She's pretty awesome. I wish she'd
stuck around a bit longer. And yet he's still too adorable for mere words to des
cribe. Crazy. Thank you!
lochrann: There is a leprachan that I keep as an unpaid servent under my bed. He
comes up with ideas in exchange for food and water. Don't tell the Irish Govern
ment. _ Thank you and you're welcome!
ReadR: Yes, I pity anyone who has to spend time with Hancock (sorry Hancock fans
!!). A Sanji harem of hot amazons? He might die of blood loss! I'll toss the ide
a around, could be interesting. ;)
Nemrut: Thank you! Probably because I don't care for her very much...sorry I'll
try harder next time. Of course not, this is One Piece (kinda) afterall!
dandy wonderous: Now that you mention it, I suppose...still dislike her though.
Thanks! I love it when Hancock fails too. Of course, Margaret's awesome! They're
pretty cool like that (get it...because of the snowcone...*dodges rotten fruit*
). No man or woman within twenty miles is safe...;P
Lord Alania: Me neither, but I'm probably thinking about something different. I
guess it's just one of those things that people just accept over time (but now t
hat you mention it, that would have been neat...). Maybe. I'm tossing the idea a
Amethyst Turtle: Word. Don't let my Hancock-anti-like get you down. O_O Well, he
re it is...that wasn't too long, right?
Amywilleat-you: Thank you very much! Don't worry, I've still got a few things pl
anned for our friend Sanji. ;) Thanks for that! My experience with the french la
nguages consists of technically three years of high-school, so yeah. Thanks for
your help.
One Piece is owned by not me. Don't want it, don't need it. Well I do...but I do
n't need to own it.

Sanji awoke panting and sweating from a nightmare that he really couldn t remember
. He looked around the room, paranoid that whatever was in his dream had somehow
materialized itself into the waking world when he spotted a young girl sitting
on the end of his bed, wearing a white t-shirt, red shorts, sneakers, a black ca
pe, and vampire teeth.
Boo. She said upon noticing his wakefulness.
He blinked for a moment before realization hit him. Kuina, what are you doing her
Zoro sleeps like a log, and you do this twitchy thing when you re asleep that s kind
of amusing to watch
I mean here. Y know among the living.
The ghost-child bopped the chef on the head. It s Halloween stupid.
That s right, Sanji remembered now. Back in high school when he had first met Zoro
, the green-haired man had explained how his dead girlfriend had won some kind o
f deal with the devil or something and was allowed to haunt Zoro on her birthday
, deathday, and All Hollow s Eve.
Not girlfriend, Zoro had insisted, definitely not girlfriend.
Is it really that time again? he mused.
Well, it s been Halloween for like, four hours now. Kuina replied, looking at the cl
ock on the nightstand.
Sanji followed her gaze and saw that it was indeed 3AM. Deciding that it probabl
y wasn t worth trying to go back to sleep with her staring at him so he got out of
bed, found a shirt, and made his way to the kitchen, Kuina following.
So, what s for breakfast? she asked, seating herself at the counter.
It s three in the morning
Wanna fight for it? She smirked.
For what, the meal? Besides, I don t kick girls and you re a ghost.
So that just means you can kick me and I won t get hurt. Problem solved.
No, that means that you ll just be intangible and I couldn t kick you even if I wante
d to.
So you admit defeat? Then get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!
Sanji sighed but followed the ghost girl s command and opened the refrigerator to
find nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I think someone had Luffy over and forgot to tell me to restock the fridge
Go easy on Zoro you know how weak he is.
The blonde sighed, So true, and walked over to the doorway to grab his jacket. Kui
na jumped down from her seat and followed.
Going out? she asked.
Well, it s hard to make a four star breakfast without any food in the apartment
I ll come too.
You don t have to, you know. You could wait for me here.
And do what? Zoro s not going to be up until like noon and I m not much of a finger t
Alright, come along if you want to. Just don t complain to me if you get bored.

So now Sanji found himself walking down the street with his ghostly companion. N
o one was really up at three in the morning, and those who were weren t likely to
raise too many suspicions over seeing a ghost walking down the street, but Kuina
still felt the need to close the collar of her cape and wear one of Sanji s long-
sleeved shirts to hide the cuts from the accident that took her life.
No one s going to think you re weak, Sanji had commented, in fact they probably won t ev
n notice. Kuina had smacked him upside the head and told him to shut up and mind
his own business.
So, Kuina started as they passed by the fourth drunk of the night, what s new with yo
Nothing much really.
You gotta give me something to work with here! Nothing really happens in the afte
rlife it s so boring.
Well, he searched his mind for some scrap of information that the ghost girl might
find interesting, we got new tablecloths for the Baratie.
Really? I care so much. She held her hands up in an x shape. Try again.
Um there s a Halloween party at Ace s later
That s more like it. Who s going?
Just the usually gang.
Anyone in this usually gang I don t know about? I haven t been around very much, you
You ve known Luffy and Usopp since forever, he started rattling off, my lovely Nami S
wan is going, as well as the equally lovely Robin, and her boyfriend, actually f
iancé now, Franky-
And you choose to tell me about tablecloths first? the ghost muttered.
Anyway, the blonde continued, Chopper said he s coming, but he also has to work the l
ate shift, so he s not going to be there until around midnight. Brooke s going to be
late too; he s playing a gig somewhere. Zoro and I are obviously going
What like together?
No! He s bringing Tashigi along!
His girlfriend.
Franky and Robin get engaged, Zoro finally gets a girlfriend, and you choose tabl
ecloths as a discussion point? Seriously, you ve got to have something wrong with
Hey, they re very nice tablecloths. And it s been going on and off with those two for
a while, so it just slipped my mind.
Any other relationship developments I should know about? Luffy isn t married to tha
t stalker chick is he?
No, but his illegitimate son did pop out of the woodwork last month Sanji grinned.
Kuina smacked his arm.
Pineapple-head might be there too. He s a friend of Ace s, he added after seeing the y
oung ghost s confused look. So, think you want to come?
Will Ace allow a twelve-year old at his party?
I don t see why not, half of the attendees don t drink anyway. Plus this way you ll act
ually get to meet everyone.
Then I guess I ll make an appearance she stopped suddenly as Sanji kept walking, caus
ing him to have to pause and turn around.
What s wrong? He asked. She was looking in the window of a costume shop that declare
d in bright neon letters that it was OPEN ALL HALLOWEEN! for tonight only. Kuina
grinned a devilish grin before grabbing his arm and tugging him inside.

They emerged thirty minutes later, Sanji decked out in full cowboy attire.
Why am I dressed as a cowboy again? He asked the grinning girl in front of him.
Because you didn t want to wear the dress and you said you still needed a costume any
But cowboy he fiddled with his hat.
You look fine. I don t see what the big deal is.
They continued walking, either with Sanji updating her on random tidbits and goi
ng ons or with their just general bickering (the girl was creepily similar to a
certain green-haired roommate ) until they reached the first 24-hour convenience s
tore that the pair came across.
Sanji made to walk inside, but stopped when he realized Kuina wasn t following him
Aren t you coming in? He asked. She glanced at her arms that were covered by the ext
ra-large shirtsleeves. You ll be fine. No one s going to notice anything.
The small ghost shot him a quick glare. I know that! she huffed before passing him
and sauntering into the store. What s taking you so long, slow-poke?
The blonde chuckled and followed her in.
Ignoring the half-asleep cashier hiding behind a pop-culture magazine, Sanji and
Kuina headed straight to the bakery section to pick up a loaf of bread. As the
pair made their way to get eggs and stuff, Kuina spotted something in one of the
freezers in the back and rushed on over.
Can we get this too? She asked, opening the freezer and grabbing Phish Food from i
ts depths.
I guess, The chef replied, I may have accidently taken Zoro s card by mistake, so
The ghost girl grinned. In that case, you wanna pick something too?
Not particularly, but it s only fair we bring something back for the Marimo. He open
ed the next freezer and grabbed a fudgecicle to add to their purchases.
Sanji? What are you doing here? The man in question turned to find Officer Tashigi
standing behind him.
Ah, Tashigi! You re looking lovely on this wonderful morning!
Hardly, I just got off work. She took a sip of the coffee in her hand before notic
ing Kuina. Oh, and who s this young lady?
Ah, she s Zoro s cousin Sanji stammered out. That was the story they came up with for th
s kind of situation right?
I just flew in from Japan, so my internal clock hasn t set in yet. Kuina came up wit
h quickly. You can call me Nina.
Ah, Zoro never mentioned that his cousin was coming in from Japan today
Because he s a forgetful idiot. Sanji supplied. I even had to go pick up poor Nina fr
om the airport at this ridiculous hour because he s still sleeping. He sighed, Miss
Tashigi, I don t know what you see in that brain-dead roommate of mine
She chuckled, I wouldn t expect you too. But you both look like you re ready for Hall
oween already.
She made us stop by the costume store on the way here! Sanji shouted accusingly.
Halloween is a big deal for me and you know that! She shouted back. Honestly, men
You remind me of myself when I was your age. Tashigi said. In fact, you look a litt
le like me too. She shrugged. I ll see you both at Ace s party later, right?
Of course Miss Tashigi, I wouldn t miss it for the world!
I look forward to it. She waved and left them to their own devices.
She seems nice. Kuina said after a while, and her intentions seem good enough. Okay
, I approve.
He doesn t need his dead girlfriend s approval for these things Sanji muttered.
One: it s not like that. Two: I can t really trust your opinion can I?
You try to scare them away because you think he s just toying with them or some messe
d up logic you have and then give him hell when he decides it s not working out fo
r some reason.
Well I m right aren t I? the blonde muttered under his breath. C mon let s pay for these
d get us some breakfast.

It was about four by the time they got back to the apartment to find not only wa
s Zoro awake, he was also alert.
Zoro! Kuina shouted as she ran over to embrace him. The large man faltered for a b
it, caught off guard, but managed to return the embrace.
What are you doing up? Sanji asked as he put their purchases down on the counter.
Bon Clay stopped by to drop off some milk Zoro responded, gesturing to the milk on
the counter.
And you couldn t bother to put it in the refrigerator
He also dropped this off the green haired main held out a piece of paper. Kuina tri
ed to get a peak at what it was, but before she could Sanji strode over and prom
ptly shoved it in his mouth. The rooms other occupants both blinked simultaneous
Was that necessary? Zoro asked as his roommate shrugged and swallowed the paper.
What was that? Kuina asked innocently.
Nothing. Sanji strode back over to the kitchen area as if what just took place nev
er happened. So who wants breakfast?

And as such the day passed. Sanji and Kuina managed to get Zoro to dress up as a
cactus, which coincidentally managed to match Tashigi s flower costume so well it
was almost like it was planned, Kuina finally got to meet the rest of Zoro s frie
nds, came to the conclusion that they were all insane, and heartily approved of
them all, and Nami looked absolutely adorable in her cat costume, so Sanji consi
dered it a good day all around.
11:55 found Zoro, Kuina, Luffy, and Sanji sitting out back on Ace s patio, listeni
ng to the rest of the party going on inside.
This was a good Halloween, Kuina said suddenly. It s nice when you let me come out wi
th you.
You re usually the one that doesn t want me going out you used to just spend all day fi
ghting me.
You mean beating you. Luffy corrected.
I could take you now you just don t challenge me anymore.
It ll be embarrassing for a manly man of your age to keep losing to his childhood r
ival who hasn t aged at all. Kuina said. I wouldn t want to do that to your ego.
The other three had a laugh at Zoro s expense. Anyway, thanks for taking care of me
today guys.
Of course! Luffy exclaimed. But next time you come back, don t let Sanji hog all your
time. We haven t had an eating contest in like forever.
I guess I m always up for crushing a new opponent. He grinned at her in a way that s
he couldn t help but grin right back too.
Well, it s almost time for me to go I hope you ll be able to explain my sudden disappea
You re twelve and it s almost midnight, Zoro scoffed, it won t be that hard to figure ou
what happened.
We ll leave shortly afterwards to keep up appearances. Sanji said.
Good. She turned abruptly and wrapped her arms around her childhood friend. Withou
t missing a beat Zoro squeezed her right back.
Till next time, kay?
Till then.
Oh, Sanji, she said, turning to the blonde in question.
Thanks for putting up with me today.
My dear, having a lady like yourself accompany me-
Save it for someone who actual cares, Romeo. The small ghost sneered.
It was nice hanging out with you pipsqueak. Sanji amended.
That s better. Kuina leaned in and kissed the chef lightly on the cheek. Till next ti
me and with that she was gone.
What s with you and little girls? Luffy asked around a bit of some meat product.
Don t make me sound like a pedo!
Well, now that you mention it Zoro smirked. Sanji kicked the back of his head from
his sitting position.
Don t you get started on it too!
Sanji, are we leaving now? I m huuuuuungry and Ace banned me from the kitchen and din
ing room and snack table and emergency provisions
Yeah, let s go. They both stood and waited for their friend to do the same. You comin
g Zoro?
Nah, I m going stay here for a bit. You guys go on ahead. He replied, staring at the
Suite yourself. The two men walked away, the raven-haired one chattering away in t
he chef s ear the whole time.
Zoro sat out there for about ten minutes until Tashigi came and sat down beside
Where did Luffy and Sanji go? she asked. Weren t they with you?
Hm? Yeah, but Nina feel asleep, so they volunteered to take her home. The swordsma
n replied, eyes still focused on the celestial orb.
You okay? You seem a bit off.
Just reminiscing I suppose. He turned to face his girlfriend. Hey Tash, have I ever
told you about my friend Kuina

Review this Story/Chapter

A Date With Sanji
Author of 15 Stories 1. Jewelry Bonney2. Kalifa3. Nojiko4. Perona5. Hina6. Alv
ida7. Miss Valentine8. Miss Goldenweek9. Miss Monday10. Tashigi11. Vivi12. Kuleh
a13. Cindry14. Camie15. Lola16. Shakky17. Hancock18. Special: Kuina19. Special:
Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Sanji - Reviews: 152 - Updated: 11-11-09 -
Published: 04-20-09 - id:5009409
Happy November 11! For Poland and Angola, it's Independence Day! For Maldives, i
t's Republic Day! For most of the world it's Armistice/Veterans/Remembrance Day!
And for Japan it's Pocky Day, China has Singles Day today, and in Belgium it's
Women's Day. But every One Piece fan out there knows that they're really celebra
ting Zoro's the end of WWI, but mostly Zoro's birthday.
My gift to Zoro is a date with Sanji, because who doesn't want that?
I had two options to fit this in the timeline: 1) Make it a proloug of sorts, 2)
Make it a 'What if...' after the alternate Tashigi ending. I went with option 1,
so please don't kill me. This also got a bit out of control lenghtwise. It's 15
pages on word! Why can't I type that much when it counts!? I also kidnapped the
Italies from APH to celebrate 91st Anniversery of the end of WWI. Because I'm l
ike that. I don't own them.
Abra Cadaverous: *hands tissue.* Thank you! Mr. Phoneix man shows up whenever he
can ;). Maybe? I dunno, if it is, it's just my subconcious being awesome. Yes,
but we only hate on him because we love him! Amusing image, isn't it? 3
dandy wonderous: Good, that was it's purpose! *hands tissue* Sure would make for
an interesting chapter. ;) Clearly they just know how awesome he is even at a y
oung age. She's cool like that. They actually prefer her to him. XD For you then
, I won't kill her off. :P
lochrann: Oh that's good. Now if only he'd give me his Lucky Charms...XD Thank y
ou! Honestly, I put it in there on a whim. I might want to use it later though,
but feel free to fill it in with
your mind until that time comes.
Nemrut: Thank you very much! That really does mean a lot to me. *likes making pe
ople happy*
Amethyst Turtle: Thank you! I shall add her to my ever growing list!
ReadR: Thank you! Me too, she's cool like that. ;P
debuzz: Thank you very much! I try. I might possible have seen that too, but I'v
e got a cowboy thing going right now. I'm glad you can appriciate the awesome th
at is cowboy!Sanji. It happens, thank you for putting up with it. Your blessings
mean a lot. Here's your special!
Lectori Salutem: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Coldstone288: Thank you very much! I usually say who's next in the author notes.
If not, then there's a list in my profile that I rarely steer away from (these
specials being exceptions). It seems that you have stumbled across my plans for
my SUPER SECRET SIDE PROJECT!! So yes, yes I have.
Amywilleat_you: She's epically cool like that. That could work out well, but he
might scar the children for life! O_O And here you are dear, gift wrapped just f
or you!
In The Depths of NOTHINGNESS: Thank you very much! No, you must have missed it s
omewhere. :P Just for you.
I do not own One Piece, Axis Powers Hetalia, or any of it's characters or look a

That s cheating! Zoro protested from his spot on the couch.
How is that cheating?! Sanji exclaimed, standing in front of the TV.
The pin launched itself across the alley and the ball barely touched it! Real wor
ld physics say that s impossible! It s madness!
Madness? This is Wii Bowling, stupid Marimo. The blonde rolled his eyes at his roo
mmate. Real world physics don t apply!
If Nintendo had any idea what they were doing, they would. The green-haired man mu
You re just upset by my super-amazing-come-from-behind-victory.
You only won by a point!
Considering I was down by a hundred in the sixth frame though... really a very po
or showing from you.
If I had gotten that last pin in the tenth frame
It was the five pin too. You know the one that s dead center. The cook grinned as he p
lopped down next to his friend. Face it: You suck at this game.
I ve already told you, the physics in the game are completely off! Besides, this is
coming from the guy who was behind by a hundred points
That was to set up my epic come-from-behind victory. Which was awesome.
Face it Curly-brow, you lucked out.
That was all skill and you know it!
Please you don t have enough skills to get out of a paper bag. He stretched and got
up off the couch. Sanji just stared blankly after him.
What is that even supposed to mean? he questioned.
If you don t know, I ain t telling. Zoro made his way to the doorway and grabbed a jac
ket. I ve got some time before work. Wanna grab lunch?
Sure. The blonde followed his roommate s actions. But you re paying.
Zoro muttered something unintelligible but didn t dispute it as they made their wa
y into the hall. Just as Sanji was locking the door, Bon Clay burst out of his a
partment wearing his tights and spinning
Hey Bon, Zoro greeted. Got a show tonight?
Oui oui! Inazuma should be outside waiting for me to take me to rehearsal as we s
peak! His spinning halted. You boys have any special plans for tonight?
Sanji shrugged. Not really. Just going out for some lunch right now, though Zoro s
actually paying this time, so that s pretty special.
Really? He looked at both of them, sheer delight painted all over his face. I knew
this would happen someday! Your first date!
Date?! Both men shouted at the same time.
No no no no, Bon, you ve got it wrong. It s definitely not a date. The blonde correcte
d. For starters, he s disgusting and I like girls.
If I was gay, I d want a real man, not Miss Prissy OMG-Can t-Leave-Room-Until-Hair-Is
-Perfect over here.
Well, I d go around looking like something died on my head like you do, but I have
this thing called self-respect.
But Bon interrupted what was quickly turning into an all out brawl, Zoro, dear, you
never pay for anything ever if you can avoid it. Therefore it must be a date!
Why do I have to be the girl? Sanji muttered.
Do you want me to explain the hair thing again? He turned to his neighbor. But seri
ously Bon, it s just lunch between friends. No date. You can come too if you want.
I can t. I have rehearsal. Plus I wouldn t want to impose on your not date.
Don t get any ideas! The moody chef shouted as he stormed down the stairs. Zoro said
a quick good-bye before running after him.

The nerve of him! Where does he go off with ideas like me actually considering da
ting you?! Sanji ranted as they walked.
Maybe the fact that you haven t had a steady girlfriend in about three years? How a
bout that you don t leave the apartment anymore except for work or when you re with
me, Luffy, or Usopp? He s just worried about your well being.
Work wears me out! You try pulling twenty hour shifts five days a week and tell m
e how much time you have for the ladies! And even so, why would I date you?
So would you have preferred if Bon thought you were dating Luffy?
He s got a pretty slim waist and cute eyes
Are you more upset at the fact that he thought you were dating me rather than the
fact that he thought you were gay?
Zoro rolled his eyes. I m out of your league anyway.
Agreed. I usually don t look down the social ladder for a mate. The blonde smirked.
You wish. He playfully punched his friend in the shoulder. Where do you wanna eat?
He shrugged. Wherever.
You re so helpful honey. He glanced around the street and pointed at the first place
that looked like it served food. How about there?
Are you crazy? Do you know what they put in their meat sauce!?
No. Sanji gave him a look. You don t have to order the meat sauce! The look continued.
Fine, we won t eat there!
Thank you, darling.
Where do you want to eat, then?
I told you, it doesn t matter.
Zoro was quite close to strangling the blonde right there, and probably would ha
ve if he had an alibi and a place to stash the body ready. How about over there?
Sanji stopped. Do you really want to eat there?
I don t care where we eat, I just want food. Why, what do they put in there meat sa
Their meat sauce is fine, exceptional actually.
Then what s the problem?
It s just well, this place has a reputation of being romantic
Is this about what Bon said?
It s the restaurant s reputation shithead! It would be that way no matter who said wh
Well, I m hungry, we re not madly in love, and you like their meat sauce. I don t see a
problem here.
I guess but Zoro had already pushed his way inside by the time Sanji finished sputter
ing out his sentence. Sighing in defeat, the chef followed his roommate through
the doors.

Was that Zoro and Sanji? Luffy asked.
Did they just walk into Veneziano s? Robin inquired.
Dude what? Franky intelligently remarked.
Finally! Don t you see what s going on? Nami said.
Must be lunchtime. I m getting hungry too. Luffy remarked and shifted the bags he wa
s carrying as he sprinted across the street to the restaurant. Nami grabbed his
shoulder and pulled him back.
No! Well, technically yes, but don t you see? Clearly this means that they re finally
getting together!
You sure about that girlie? I know Sanji s spending a lot of his free time with Zor
o, but that doesn t necessarily make them gay.
Not gay; bi. I ve known them for years now and I can sense all of the UST in the ai
r around them! We need to follow them and make sure they don t screw this up. She h
ad a certain golden glint in her eye. There both idiots, so they re bound to. If we
help them then we would deserve a tip, wouldn t we?
Does this mean we re getting lunch? If so then I m on board. Luffy said.
Yeah, we would have to eat lunch there to check up on him The orange-haired girl tu
rned her puppy-dog eyes to Franky. You can pay for lunch right?
I m already paying for half of this ridiculous shopping spree! He said waving the ba
gs he was carrying around. Why should I have to pay for you guys to stalk Zoro an
d Sanji?
It s not stalking, it s helping! Veneziano s is known for being a romantic place, so if
Robin or I were to walk in without a date, then it would make us laughing stock
Are you saying I have to come too? Forget it! Stalking friends is not super. Plus
I d have to wear pants!
We just bought you a pair please? Nami tried for the puppy-dog eyes again.
That doesn t work on me girlie!
I ll pay for lunch. Robin interjected. This could be an interesting venture. Would yo
u like to accompany me, Franky?
The carpenter blushed. Yeah well if you want me too, I guess Robin giggled. Nami mutter
ed something incoherent under her breath about pants. Luffy shouted LUNCHTIME! and
sprinted across the street.

Ciao! Welcome to Veneziano s! Zoro and Sanji entered the restaurant and were greeted
by the Italian host. He had light brown eyes, dark brown hair with an annoying
curl sticking out on the left, and was wearing a black dress shirt with matching
slacks and a blue tie. My name is Feliciano, and I ll be your server. Table for tw
We re not together. Sanji felt the need to point out. The host just blinked, confuse
Someone s secure in his sexuality. Zoro muttered. Yeah, there are only two of us.
Magnifico! Follow me please! He took off through the restaurant like a bundle of p
ure energy as Zoro and Sanji hurried to keep up.
Ve~ He exclaimed when they finally caught up with him. They sat down and he handed
them the menus. Here you go! and with that he headed off to good knows where, lea
ving the two men alone.
So what s good? Zoro asked without even touching the menu.
Sanji already had his open and was pondering the choices. The pasta here is suppo
sed to be excellent, but I assume you want something with a little more meat, yo
u carnivore? The green-haired man grunted in agreement. Lovely. I m ordering you Vea
l Parmesan.
You mean dead baby cow?
If you want that image floating through your head when you eat it
Can you order me something that wasn t bred for the sole purpose of killing?
Since when did you care about animal rights?
I don t.
Then why are you fighting me on this?
He shrugged. It s fun seeing you react.
You re getting the veal. I ll be referring to it as dead baby cow while you re eating i
t. You will eat all of it.
Zoro grumbled. Some people just couldn t take a joke.

Luffy, Nami, Robin, and Franky stood by the host s stand. The restaurant had the f
eel of Italy, including a fountain, a mural, various forms of Italian plant life
, and several paintings that Robin noticed were actually from the Italian Renais
Makes ya wonder where they get all this stuff Franky wondered aloud. Nami snorted.
Don t bring your mob theories into this! Franky put his hands up in defense.
I m just saying is all
Ciao. Welcome to Veneziano s. An unenthusiastic voice said. The group turned to the
host s stand to find that an Italian man with light brown eyes, dark brown hair wi
th a ridiculous curl on the right side of his head wearing a black shirt with ma
tching slacks and a red tie had appeared behind it. Can I help you?
Table for four, please. Robin asked.
Of course, my good lady. I m Lovino, by the way, and I ll be your server. He grabbed f
our menus from behind the stand. You two ladies and those jerks can follow me. He
sauntered into the seating area with his guests following behind him.
He seems familiar. Somehow. Luffy commented.
No kidding Franky muttered.
Lovino lead them to a table that coincidentally gave them a perfect vantage poin
t for observing Zoro and Sanji. Their server pulled out Nami s and Robin s chairs fo
r them and handed them their menus. He chucked Franky s and Luffy s after they seate
d themselves.
I ll be back soon to take your orders. With that he left.
I want food. Luffy exclaimed as soon as he left.
We have a more important mission than your stomach. Nami hushed him.
What do you think looks good, Robin? Franky asked the raven-haired women seated ac
ross from him.
Hm, well, they all look delicious. I ve heard this place has quite a way with pasta
Zoro and Sanji are in the middle of their first date and all you two can do is ta
lk about the menu!
Have you seen this thing though? I think it s lined with real gold here. I m telling
If you so much as think the word mafia while we re in here Franky, so help me god

Have you decided yet? Feliciano asked as he appeared at their table. If you haven t I
can come back later.
No, we ve got it. Sanji said. He ll have the veal parmesan and whatever you have on tap
. The Italian scribbled the order down.
That comes with a salad. What kind of dressing do you want?
I don t want any salad.
What?! Their server put on a face which made Zoro feel like he just kicked the man s
puppy. But it s so good! It complements the veal perfectly!
That s what I ve been telling him. Sanji sighed. He wants Italian dressing.
I don t want any damn salad! No offense. He quickly said to Feliciano.
I ll eat your salad shithead. My god, it s free food! Why are you turning it down?
Ah, that s good then. He scribbled that down. And for you, ve?
I ll have Fettuccini Alfredo and a white wine, please. The blonde said, handing back
the menus. The brunette scribbled down his order and grabbed them.
Fantastico. I ll be back soon with your drinks. He went back to the kitchen.
Did you have to get me a salad?
It comes with the meal. I ll be eating it anyway, so you can just be content with y
our dead baby cow.
If you keep calling it that then I m not going to eat it.
You ll eat it and you ll like it. Learn not to disrespect food shithead.
Me? You re the one calling it dead baby cow!
Only because you started it!
You re such a man-child sometimes!
Takes one to know one!
A few seconds of silence passed before both men start cracking up.

Look! They re laughing! Nami squealed.
So? Franky said. Doesn t mean anything.
It means they aren t trying to kill each other, which means it s a date.
You re not trying to kill me right now. Doesn t mean we re dating.
You and I are not Zoro and Sanji. Their relationship dynamic is completely differ
ent from ours!
Franky was about to respond, but at that moment Lovino chose to reappear. Can I t
ake your orders?
I ll have the Lobster Ravioli and water, please. Robin said.
Same here, but make mine a coke. Lovino glared at his beverage choice but wrote it
down anyway.
I ll have the linguini with pesto and water, please. Nami asked sweetly. The Italian
nodded and wrote it down in a frenzy.
What s pasta fa-ga-i-o-li-a? Luffy asked.
Idiot! It s Fa-zool*! Pasta Fagioli! It s not that hard to pronounce correctly!
Fagioli looks nothing like Fa-zool. Franky defended. Honest mistake, chill dude.
Yeah whatever, Luffy said, Is it meat?
You ungrateful little piece of-
Relax, will ya? Unless you re gonna call-OOMPH! Franky shut up after Nami shove her
heel into his ankle.
Lovino was about to respond anyway, but another voice chose that time to called
out, Fratello!
Feliciano! The waiter turned around to face his brother.
You re not supposed to interact with the customers after what happened last time.
He was asking for it.
You ran away screaming and he wasn t even trying to hit you.
Lovino blushed slightly. Th-that doesn t mean anything! I m your older brother, don t o
rder me around!
Fratello, who s going to make the sauce? Please go back to the kitchen. Feliciano ga
ve him his best puppy-eye look. Remember what Grandpa said?
Lovino muttered what sounded like several curses in Italian before trudging to t
he kitchen.
I wonder if Sanji and Zoro are having this much fun Franky said sarcastically.
Sorry about that. My name is Feliciano, and I ll be your new server. What would you
like to order?
Two lobster raviolis, Robin recited, a linguini with pesto, two waters, a coke, and
did you want the fagioli, Luffy?
I d rather know what it is.
Bean soup! With pasta. The waiter answered. Ah, it s so good especially for this time o
f year. It s one of my favorites.
If it s not meat I don t want it.
What would you like then?
Luffy, be reasonable, Nami said. This is an Italian restaurant, not a butcher!
May I recommend the spaghetti with meat sauce? The Italian piped in. He may not see
m like it, but Lovino s really got a way with sauces.
Is there meat?
Considering the name contains the phrase, meat sauce, I think you re good on that fro
nt, bro. Franky commented.
K ay. I ll go with that then. And a fruit juice.
Excellent choice! I ll be right out with your food. Oh, he looked at them shyly, I do
n t mean to pry, but when you mentioned Sanji before, you didn t happen to mean Sanj
i Blackleg, did you?
Yeah dude. The blue haired man point at the chef in questions table. He s right over
Do you know Mr. Cook, Mr. Waiter?
Me? N-not really. I ve been to Baratie a few times and I know he s the sous chef ther
e and it s really good, so I was just wondering.
Well, we re on a secret mission, so don t compromise it! Nami snapped at the Italian m
an. Don t let him know we re here, got it?
Aye aye Ma am! he stood at attention and saluted with his left hand before bouncing
back to the kitchen.
Cute kid. Nami remarked. Now where were we ?

You re being ridiculous! Sanji said, slamming his fist on the table to accentuate hi
s point. There is no way Batman is capable of beating Spiderman!
You re the one being ridiculous. Zoro responded. Batman has all the cool gadgets and
stuff; he could totally take down that stupid spider.
Please, you don t think Peter comes prepared too? The blonde leaned back in his chai
r and shook his head all knowingly. Face it: Spiderman is everything Batman is ex
cept he has superpowers.
Here are your drinks and salad! Feliciano showed up then and placed a white wine a
nd salad in front of Sanji and a beer in front of Zoro. Sorry I took so long. The
re was an incident.
That s fine. The swordsman said as he guzzled down half his drink in one gulp.
Barbarian the chef muttered under his breath.
Um The server hovered around them nervously, a-are you really Sanji Blackleg?
The one and only. He gave a slight bow. His friend rolled his eyes and took a smal
ler sip of beer.
Ve really? I ve been to Baratie loads of times! You re cooking is really good!
Sanji smiled smugly while Zoro asked, How did you know it was him? You stalking u
s or something?
Eh? Ah, no no no! Feliciano shook his head and waved his arms franticly. I don t do t
hat anymore! You re friends told me! They re right over there! He pointed at the appr
opriate table.
What? Sanji made to turn around but Zoro stopped him with, Don t. It s them alright.
Them? Them who?
Oh no! The Italian exclaimed. I wasn t supposed to tell you that! The orange-haired l
ady told me not to! She s cute and all, but she s so scary
Nami Swan is here?
Don t turn around! I can see them in my peripheral. She s here with Luffy, Robin, and
Franky. They re probably following us or at least Nami is. He shrugged. Luffy s most li
kely just here for the food, and Robin and Franky are acting like they re on an ac
tual date.
I knew this was a bad idea. I m going to correct their misinterpretations right now
Hold it, shit-cook. Why would you do that?
Why wouldn t I? I don t want my precious Nami to think I m actually with you.
Uh I m going to go get your food now Feliciano said as he quietly slipped away.
Well, she shouldn t be following people anyway
What would happen if Nami finds out she was wrong? I have to tell her before her
poor little heart is crushed!
Why do you want to crush her little heart? Just, play along with their expectatio
ns for a bit
Why would I want to do that!?
Would you rather just prove your precious Nami Swan wrong?

Didn t think so.

Only for lunch. We correct these horrible misinterpretations later.
Agreed. I can t have people think I m lowering my standards, can I? He got a kick in t
he shin for that.

Wh-wh-what?! Nami shouted quietly. Look look look! They re holding hands! And gazing
into each other s eyes lovingly! How can you tell me I m wrong now, Franky?
Well I mean just because it looks like they re in love doesn t necessarily mean anything.
They might just be putting on a show for us.
How can they if they don t know we re here?
I dunno that waiter seemed like the kind of guy to crack under pressure. I bet that s
I told you not to mention a certain illegal group of people here! Now, back to im
portant matters.
You mean stalking our friends? Franky snorted. Still say it s fake. They were arguing
It s foreplay! Tell him Robin!
Here are your drinks! Feliciano came back and placed the appropriate drinks in fro
nt of the appropriate people. I ll have your food for you in a bit. I know nothing!
He disappeared as fast as he had shown up. Franky gave Nami a meaningful look.
Don t mention the mafia!

Feliciano had brought the men their food and left in record time. Apparently som
eone almost burnt the kitchen down making sauce or something.
How s your dead baby cow? Sanji asked.
Delicious. You should make it more often.
You ll have to go out and slaughter me a dead baby cow first.
Duly noted. Give me some of your pasta.
No way. You should have ordered it yourself.
We re still pretending to be in love or something, so we could do that thing from t
hat movie with the spaghetti.
This isn t spaghetti, this is fettuccini. And are you talking about Lady and the Tr
amp? You know, the one that ends in a kiss?
Yeah, that s it.
I m not kissing you!
It doesn t have to be a real kiss, just a stage one. For show.
No. Stay away from my pasta.
Zoro, however, didn t listen, and lunged straight for the blonde s bowl. Sanji tried
shielding it with a defensive maneuver that somehow resulted in their lips acci
dentally touching. In shock, they held that pose for a moment before bolting apa
rt as if struck by lightning.
That was your fault. Zoro accused.
Me? You re the one who wanted to pasta kiss!
It would have been a stage kiss if you hadn t gotten all defensive over your food.
Let s just agree to never ever speak of this again ever, shall we?
Sounds good to me. They both went back to their respective meals.

Did they just kiss? Nami shouted after swallowing a mouthful of linguini.
I think you re just seeing what you wanna see, girlie. Franky said after downing his
fifth glass of cola.
Mr. Luffy seems to have gone missing Robin noticed. His plate of spaghetti was alre
ady finished and his glass of fruit juice was empty. Nami looked down at her pla
te and noticed that he had also taken the rest of her linguini as well.
I m sure he couldn t have gotten too far
What the hell are you doing in the kitchen, you asshole?! They heard Lovino shout.
Oh dear

Zoro, Sanji, and Feliciano, who had come to deliver the check, blinked when they
heard the shouting.
Luffy s gone from the table Zoro noticed.
Do you want help getting him out of there? Sanji asked the shaking Italian.
N-no, we should be able to manage just fine. Do you want dessert or coffee? It s on
the house.
No, we should be heading out. The green haired man handed the brunette waiter exac
t change and stood up.
Next time you stop by, let me know. The blonde said as he too stood up. I ll make you
something. On the house.
Ve, that makes me happy! Thank you so much! He waved to them as the left, then sho
uted as an afterthought, And have a good night! Try not to hurt Mr. Sanji with yo
ur activities!
We re not-
Just let it go. I doubt he cares either way.
Why does he assume I m the girl?
I told you, it s the hair. If you re good on the way back, we can get ice cream.
Sanji muttered something that sounded suspiciously like I don t want ice cream, but
didn t say anything else.

After Luffy had finally stopped holding the kitchen hostage, as Lovino put it, R
obin was able to pay for their meal and everything that the black-haired man had c
onsumed on his kitchen run.
Thank you very much. Feliciano said as he handed Robin back her credit card.
Don t ever come back, jerks! Lovino shouted at them.
Fratello, don t be mean. The younger brother whined. The elder just hmphed and went ba
ck salvage what was left of the kitchen.
Don t listen to him, please come again!
The four of them were almost out of the door before Franky turned around and ask
ed, You don t have any connections with the mafia, do you?
Robin giggled, Luffy looked confused, and Nami was about ready to murder him.
Eh? Me? No no no, I don t mess with the mob! Feliciano answered.
See? Why did you have to bring it up? Nami shrieked.
Lovino. He s the one with the mob connections. You d want to talk to him about that.
Seriously? Super! Can I see him real quick?
NO! Nami grabbed his ear and dragged him out of the restaurant.
Have a good night! Feliciano shouted after them.

Zoro, aren t you going to be late for work? Sanji said looking at his watch.
Is it that time already? Shit. He took off running down the street. See ya later!
The blonde waved after him. As soon as he was out of sight, he heard somebody sh
out Sanji! Naturally, he turned around and found
Nami Swan! Robin Nico! And you losers. What brings you here?
Sanji, what happened to Zoro? Nami asked.
Oh, he left.
He left you? Sanji, I m so sorry. She pulled him into a tight hug. The chef had half
a mind to just let his angel think what she wanted and keep hugging him, but th
e other half one over in the end.
Um he ll be back tonight. He just left for work. And we re not dating.
What?! But we saw you in Veneziano s
We just went to lunch and that was the first place we saw He explained sheepishly. H
e well, I, didn t want you to think your conclusions were wrong when we saw you, so-
You saw us?! That waiter told you didn t he?
I told you, that dude s the guy who cracks under pressure. Franky said, his arm arou
nd Robin.
Wait, you thought Sanji and Zoro were dating? Luffy asked Nami skeptically.
Of course, why else do you think I wanted to follow them in there?
For the food of course. I ve known them since high school and if they finally got t
ogether, I d be the first to know!
Not you too Luffy Sanji muttered. Robin gave her trade mark giggle.
Maybe if you got out more, Mr. Cook, you know, played the field a bit; people mig
ht stop jumping to these random conclusions.
Yeah, dude. Franky nodded in agreement. We all care about you is all, and we just w
ant you to be happy. So meet some girls! Hell, meet some guys if that s how you sw
ing! Just get out there man!
It s not that bad, right? He looked at his Nami for conformation.
Well, yeah, it kind of is. I know you work a lot, but really, you should get out
more. Plus Zeff just hired a bunch of new chefs and you got a pay raise, so your
hours should be cut to a reasonable length. You could use that time to meet som
eone, you know?
If Nami says so, than it must be true. Fine, I ll try to get out more, for you.
Thanks Sanji.
Hey Sanji, can we stop for ice cream on the way back? Luffy asked.
Who said you were coming with me?
Nami told us to leave the bags in the car, and I don t want to carry them again, so
I ll just go with you instead.
Luffy you ungrateful bastard! Nami exclaimed, punching him in the head, who do you
think just bought you lunch!
Robin. But Franky can carry her stuff, so it s all good.
Unbelievable! She stormed off in the opposite direction.
Oh dear. See you later Mr. Cook, Mr. Luffy.
See ya dudes on the flip side. They both hurried up after the fuming red head.
So, Sanji, about that ice cream?
Yeah, yeah, you ll get your ice cream filthy parasite.
Thanks Sanji!
Yeah, whatever.

*I kid you not, fagioli is actually pronounced Fa-zool. At least that's how my f
amily pronounces it. For future reference, gnocchi is pronounced no-ki.
Italian for people who don't know Italian:
Ciao- Hello
Magnifico - Magnificent
Fantastico - Fantastic
Fratello - Brother
At least that's what the internet tells me...

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