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To support, supported = Apoio, ajuda.

Explanation: To help someone and be kind to them when they are having a difficult
Separation: support
Fonetics: sprt
Example: This kind of projects needs more support.
To sponsor, sponsored = Patrocinador.
Explanation: A person or organization that provides funds for a project or activity
carried out by another, in particular.
Separation: sponsor
Fonetics: spnsr
Example: I want to keep the sponsor.
To survive, survived = Sobreviver.
Explanation: Continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship:
Separation: survive
Fonetics: srvv
Example: We simply cannot survive without it.

Peer (noun) = Igual, mesmo grupo.
Explanation: someone who belongs to the same social or professional group as
another person Separation: peer
Fonetics: pir
Example: I've been studying how adolescents process the death of a peer.
Humanity (noun) = Humanidade
Explanation: The human race; human beings collectively:
Separation: humanity
Fonetics: (h)yooomand
Example: Without them, humanity cannot survive.
Integrity (noun) = Integridade.
Explanation: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
Separation: integrity
Fonetics: interd
Example: He is known to be a man of integrity.
Excited (Adj) = Animado.
Explanation: Very happy and enthusiastic.
Separation: excited
Fonetics: iksdd
Example: You. I've never seen you so excited.

Role model (noun) = Modelo

Explanation: A person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.

Separation: role model

Fonetics: rl mdl
Example: Every child needs a role model.
Thankful (Adj) = Agradecido, grato.
Explanation: Expressing gratitude and relief.
Separation: thankful
Fonetics: THaNGkfl
Example: I am thankful for the food I eat.
Dependable (Adj) = Confiaveis , seguro.
Explanation: A dependable person always behaves in a sensible way and does what
they say they will do.
Separation: dependable
Fonetics: dpendb()l
Example: They're dependable, good boys.
Social work (noun) = Trabalho social.
Explanation: Any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to
increase the welfare of children.
Separation: social work
Fonetics: social work
Example: Other social work services with accommodation for adults.
Support (noun) = Apoio, ajuda.
Explanation: Something providing support or assistance to a person or cause or
Separation: support
Fonetics: sprt
Example: This kind of projects needs more support.
Pro bono (adj) = Para o bem do povo
Explanation: Done for the public good without compensation.
Separation: pro bono
Fonetics: pr bn
Example: That's just a pro bono for them.
Empathy (noun) = Empatia.
Explanation: The ability to understand how someone feels because you can imagine
what it is like to be them.
Separation: empathy
Fonetics: empTH
Example: Compassion and empathy are a big part of the job.
Endorsement (noun) = Aprovao.
Explanation: An occasion when someone gives official or public support to a particular
person or thing
Separation: endorsement
Fonetics: indrsmnt
Example: Her career began with my endorsement.

Implication (adv) = Implicao.

Explanation: The conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not
explicitly stated.
Separation: implication
Fonetics: implkSH()n
Example: Naturally that has great implications for Ireland.

Charitable deduction = Dedues com caridade
Explanation: This is a payment a donor makes to a charity partly as a contribution and
partly for goods or services.
Example: We are committed to maintaining the charitable deduction
To be in need = Estar em necessidade
In order to =
So as not to =

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