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McKinsey Report
Edward Seavey
DeVry University

McKinsey Report

The Emergency Operations Center in my city is very small and in the process of
renovation and restructuring. The original center was placed within the Police Department but it
was discovered that the building did not meet building safety standards to mitigate damage in
many types of emergencies. The fire department took over EOC command as they were more
equipped financially and building-wise to handle the operations while the new center is being
built and equipped.
The McKinsey Report detailed the response of emergency personnel during the 9/11
attacks and had some great strategies for improving response and operations for every EOC. One
of the biggest parts that would be great to implement in our system is the developing relations
with our neighbor fire departments and emergency management centers to utilize those resources
and help. Our EOC is very small and would benefit from actively engaging with the county
emergency management team for help with funding, first responders and structure within the
Another point was to increase the use of the Incident Command System in regards to
information and response during an emergency and create teams to manage and organize the
information. Our city is poorly laid out where one part receives help from the city police and fire
department and the other part has to rely on the county sheriff and county fire and rescue.
Implementing a command system where both can communicate effectively would reduce
response times and help organize where the help is needed and who is available to assist.

The biggest problem in our community is the split resources of first responders and the
McKinsey Report has great ideas on how to increase communication and planning so that there
are no people left without help and response can be better organized. The report specifies that
technology and communications should always be evaluated and kept up to date in order to have
the most effective communication.
The McKinsey Report is a great resource for any emergency manager and many of the
points laid out in the report should be implemented in my community. The need for better
technology and a revamping of management systems is needed in order to better organize our
forces. The unfortunate splitting of police and fire rescue could be fixed with the use of a
centralized command system and technology to report information to each party and make use of
the resources that are available.


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