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System Analysis & Design with Database Application

CASE STUDY Outline for Proposal/Topic Defense
Preliminary Pages
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter I Introduction
The introductory chapter contains the general orientation about the study. It conveys to the
reader the importance of the project and that it is likely to make a contribution to national
development, if not the improvement of education. (Sanchez, 2000).
Background of the Study
This segment consists of statements on what led the proponents to launch the study. It may have
been generated by some empirical observations, the need to explore the problem and some relevant
Historical Background/Company Profile
It contains brief information about the establishment where the study is being conducted.
Statement of the Problem
It contains the identification of the problems that can be solved by having the proposed study.
Objectives of the Study
It presents the general and specific goals of the study.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
It sets the limitations and/or coverage of the study.
Significance of the Study
It contains a discussion of the relevance of the study; includes also the explanation of who will
benefit from the study and how will they benefit.
Chapter II Review of Literature
This section talks about the features, capabilities, and limitations of existing researches, algorithm, or
software that are relevant and closely related/similar to the proposed topic. The proponents can present their
review of the related literatures either in chronological order or thematic order. Related literature sources are
books, documents, articles, etc. both local and foreign. Do not copy the resource materials. Extract important
information relevant to your research problem. It includes definition of relevant terms significant to the study
for further understanding and interpretation. At the end of this section, a succinct synthesis should be provided.
Brief reiteration of the major finds from the review may also be included in this section.
Chapter III Research Framework
This section discusses the important theories used by the proponents in the course of designing or
developing the research paper. It also presents the detailed concept of the proposed study. The research
framework may contain conceptual and theoretical framework derived by the proponents in conducting the
study. The theoretical framework gives the reason for the researcher to look for a new data for analysing,
interpreting and synthesizing the data. It also justifies the rationale for the investigation. The framework cites
the theory on which the study is premised based on theories of authors in order to establish the relationship
Prepared by Joel N. Gomez

among the variable or variables in the study. The conceptual framework refers to the researchers concept or
ideas about the study. It includes a research paradigm that shows the flow of activities to be done consisting of
inputs, processes, and outputs of the study.
of the



to be


Chapter IV Methodology
In this section, the proponents must list and discuss the specific steps and activities that will be
performed to accomplish the research. The proponents may utilize the following project development cycle:
planning, analysis, design, implementation, and testing. Al the activities involved in the process are also
included in this section such as Gantt chart, PERT chart, ERD, dataflow diagrams, flowcharts and presentation
of metadata.
Research Design
It contains a discussion of the overall scheme to be followed in conducting the research. This
may pertain to a particular model utilized in the development of the project.
Research Instruments
It refers to the type of research instruments used to collect necessary data from the identified
Data Gathering Procedure
It explains the technique in the administration of the preferred research instruments.
Project Development
This section includes all deliverables of activities involved in the project development cycle.
Chapter V Results and Discussion
This section presents the project technical descriptions both hardware and software which may include
of topologies, system specifications and requirements, and installation guidelines.
Chapter VI Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
This section presents the evaluation of the chosen company of the proposed system. It includes the
results of project testing and feedback from the intended users of the system. With the results, conclusions and
recommendations are derived by the proponents.
Literature Cited
User Manual
Program Listing
Sample Screens

Prepared by Joel N. Gomez

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