The Dream Is Over

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Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015


He still remembered the days of his youth, where he could
Most current radical literature is dystopian in nature. Usually, even unrealistic or surreal dystopia. In
the modern day, we need realism. The dierence between modern day versus Chinese Maoist, Indian
Maoist and Soviet Revolutionary literature is clear. Their fictional literate was focused on realism. Especially, social realism. Basically, social realism is based on how could we paint images of the world as it is.
However, done in a way, that is motivational. There are a some revolutionaries working on its revival. We
wish to produce such literature. We have used guerrilla writing techniques, in order to build skills of discipline, communication and neuroplasticity.!



Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

Prefix: Protein your diet

Once upon a time there lived an indigenous peoples tribe, based in a remote area in
a remote country. The people in this tribe mastered the art of cooking, of hunting
and of war. They were self-sufficient, producing their own vegetables and fruit, getting meat from the local bisons and some fish from the nearby river.

The most stupefying sight in this small indigenous tribe was probably that of a girl
who lived there. She was the representation of the common good, as people liked
to mention her. Her face painting was blue, symbolizing the wisdom of the ancestors
of the tribe, and she had feathers in her hair, symbol of skillfulness in hunting, as
well as a blue necklace she had carved herself using stones and the bones of dead

Everyday was a peaceful day for the indigenous tribe. Until that day.

That day, soldiers came by force, and occupied the tribes space, destroying everything from houses to bisons, to small children to adults, and forced the girl with the
blue warpaint to become their own sex slave. The soldiers were simply the destroyers of a life in peace and contempt of the own existence of other, more primitive and
warmongering cultures.

A couple of years passed. By this time the soldiers occupied the entire country and
everyone in the small tribe had gotten used to their presence. Some soldiers would
even take advice from indigenous peoples, for hunting, fishing and other activities.
A young and naive soldier, who had been forced by his government to join the imperialist expedition was sitting outside his tent, eating the usual: a boiled soup. The indigenous girl approached him and said:

-With that small soup a strong man like you will never be truly full of energy.

-Well, what do you suggest I rather eat, stupid women? replied the soldier.

-You should protein your diet. Its what the strong men do. Try it out.

She then left. The soldier, astonished by her words started to consider them. He
thought that if this was what strong men do, then he should try it as well. From that
day the soldier only ate proteins. He ate only meat and fish and eggs at every course,
and left out anything else.

This lasted for over a year. The soldiers muscles started to beef up and quickly he
became known as the strongest man in the country. When asked how he did this he
answered: Protein your diet, thats how I did it. Soon after all the younger soldiers
started following this example.


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

Even children started doing this after following him. Proteins became a medicine for
old people in the country.

But what they didnt know was that although the soldier was certainly stronger on
the outside, in fact he was feeling weaker and weaker on the inside. When he went
hunting he felt that his bones were becoming rusty and his back was very stiff, he
had difficulty folding his fingers on his hand to form a punch. His thoughts were
discontinued and often didnt make sense. He felt like all his thinking patterns had
been destroyed. He spoke like a madman, going on about proteins and how they
would solve the worlds problems.

But the truth was that the soldier had been victim of a voluntary trick by the girl
with the blue warpaint. She went to him one day and said:

-I said protein your diet, and you did so.

-Yeah, thanks for that, replied the soldier.

- but you forgot to eat with balance and you stopped considering other ingredients. You are too naive. Imperialistic soldier that thinks he is welcome and that we
would give him advice you ate only protein and it caused your brain to dry due to
the lack of intelligence and thought you had during this time. Your muscles, although strong, are rusty and burdensome because you dont have enough dietary
fibers. You see, we, the indigenous people, favor balance above all. Balance with the
environment. The art of collectivizing and farming the land. The art of hunting only
when we absolutely need it. The art of communicating with the biosphere in a common, socialistic society. You imperialistic warmonger has used all the resources by
yourself, and with your search for protein you depleted the woods of all living animals, eating them all. You think you were welcome here, taking the girls as sexslaves and killing all the men who fought a revolutionary resistance against your occupation? You are foolish and naive and really gullible. And now, look at what you
did, giving the example to all the country about this. Even children, even kids, and
retired people are taking proteins because of you. But I feel no sadness, for I have
now ruined you and your imperialistic people like you soldiers ruined our indigenous tribe with your military conquests. Your imperialism has ruined us, so we ruin
you from the inside. Everything has a price, and your imperialism caused you to become a burdensome, rusty, impractical and unbalanced nation, apparently strong on
the outside, but this strength is like that of a paper tiger, because you are foolish inside, in your manner of thinking. Look at your declining culture, selling advertisements to kids about how to fill their bodies with protein and become stupid. Protein
is good in reasonable quantities. But if you eat only proteins it has adverse effects.

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

The words have a meaning. Protein your diet. That means add some protein to your
diet to make you stronger. It means strengthen your diet, lightly, day by day. It does
not mean taking everything literally and foolishly and filling up with protein.

The soldier felt like someone had punched him in the stomach. He realized he had
been tricked.

It was at this moment that he began to vomit blood. His body could not support all
the protein he had taken. Three days later the soldier was very sick and in bed. Five
days later he was dead.


Primitive but complex

Its Beijing. Summer Time. At night 12 oclock. There is a bridge. A ghetto slum is
right across the bridge. Behind the ghetto slum, is a tall building. With a solider
standing right outside of it. The soldiers parents live somewhere far out in the city.
Another solider arrives at the gate. Looks to the right and then left and then smiles.
He carries a bag. He is fiddling with an iPhone. The iPhone is pink in color. And has
a pair of headphones is attached to it It has some words on it. It looks cool to him.
But his girl friend will find it exciting. He also has a cable. And a TP-link. Both are
in his bag.

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

He looks up. The 4th floor of the building has lights on it.

I wish I had those, the soldiers sighed and then walked back to his slum which he
called home.

He walked over to his door. Smiled. And knocked.

Come-in, a chirpy voice from the inside replied.

You should lock the door,the soldier said looking at the girl.


You are not some kind of gang member. No one will come looking for me,she

I know. But just want you to be safe, he said sternly.


She had her cuban shirt on. She was doing push ups while reading her biology textbook.

What is that chemistry,he asked

Exactly, Chemistry. My favorite subject, he nodded

According to his friend, she got all A stars. He didnt even know what that means
but wish he did.

You a-stared the shit,he asked.

Yeah,she replied.

No, bees like last time right, he asked.

Nah, I hated that report card. Just take a look at it,she said.

It had all a-stars on it.


He was trying to hide the fact that he couldnt read. But she didnt want to ask. Just
in case.

I got something for you, he smiled.


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

What for, she asked.

Your A pluses,he said.

Its the writing thing. Which those running people have on to help them run. And
they also add this, he commented circling around the earphones.

You got me an iPhone and headphones, she said.

yeah, that stuff, he replied.


The shop-keeper said that this thing can attach on our house and help us connect
with the world, he added.

Got to show this to mum and dad, she replied.


She went out the front door. He followed staring at his bruised knuckles from the
boxing match he just had for a safer career path.

you coming,she asked.

Yeah,he replied.


They walked past a dirt path. Which for some reason always brought good luck to
them whenever they walked on it.

They walked together to the next door slum house.


In that house. There was an old man with a half blind man with a telescope staring at
the bridge. He had a red star stuck on his window which was shining. The regular
glow in the dark ones. It was slightly muddy and kind of old. There was an old
woman lying on the bed. She had her spectacles on. To her left was a book about
Lenin. To her right was a book about seneca. There was a portrait of a little girl with
a blue face-paint and eagle feathers behind her.

From the telescope the wall was blank except for some random tags.

She got up.

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

Why are you staying up so late, Chin You have tried to look for them for 5 years.
Maybe it was just a little kid who dropped his birthday present. There probably
wont be a shining star in Beijing,he said.

The old man took one ball from a Newtons Cradle and held it high. He then let it
go. He breathed in his cigar.

There was a knock on the door.

The old woman opened it cautiously.

Look mummy. Ding got me something, said.

What is it? said.

For my A-stars, said.

Thats good said.

I found it. He said laughing.

Congratulations,Chin laughed.


Pointing at a Palestinian flag with a capital A on. Two people were walking away
leaving behind bottles of spray paint.


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE


November, 28th of 2015

Broken hockey stick

Chin was glad that his son Ding had started being street smart. One day he will become like me, he thought. Once his daughter called Mei had left with his son Ding
he had read the usual book. The usual book was the Collected Works of Lenin : over
45 volumes of highly concentrated thoughts on communism and its theory and practice. Speaking of practice, it had been a long time since Chin had done any. He still
remembered the days of his youth, where he would go to Tiananmen Square every
morning at 5 a.m to listen to Mao Zedongs speeches. He still remembered when he
was a Red Guard and had been asked to do away with the bourgeois hiding in the
country. That were his glory days. He turned to his wife Yin and looked at her. She
was asleep. He still remembered how he met her. In Peking University, at one of the
lectures on how to apply dialectical materialism to any given situation. She was
such an intelligent girl, in fact it was her who had explained everything to him. He
thought that perhaps she was even more revolutionary than him. But women nowadays have become oppressed, he thought. He pictured in his mind the advertisements he had seen today, where women were almost entirely naked and where they
only served as a tool for capitalist bureaucrats to accumulate money.

As he fell asleep, Chins mind drifted back to the day when, as a Red Guard, he had
arrested a bourgeois that was playing hockey for a local team. It was the year 1966.
He had been asked by a local guerrilla post to find a man who had killed 10 communists. When he arrived to the house he knew it was the correct one immediately. The

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

bourgeois had hung up some drawings on his outer window, of two skeletons representing soldiers with guns and smoking cigarettes. Above there was written: Commies are dead folks if they come here. Chin had knocked but there had been no answer. Slowly, he creaked the door open and entered. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a
man swung a hockey stick, aiming to hit Chin in the head. Luckily this was in his
youth so he had been agile, and he caught the hockey stick and broke it with a simple movement of the hand. The capitalists room was disgusting. Full of pornography on the walls and of money bills that were covered with some suspicious white
liquid, Chin didnt want to imagine what had happened there.

He had took the bourgeois to the guerrilla office and they had taken him away. He
had been happy to get rid of this scumbag.

When he woke up he told this to his wife. She understood him straight away.


-Those were the glory days, where capitalists were dealt with and couldnt do anything, she said.

-But look now, he replied, as he was preparing breakfast. Its all become the opposite of communist.

It was at this precise moment that he noticed a Palestinian flag on the graffiti wall
that was right outside the window.

-Look someone drew up a Palestinian flag !, he uttered, in pure disbelief.

-Its a sign that there are still activists out there, Yin said with a smile.

-The revolutionary movement is still alive.

-We must try to find these people who did this, and talk to them.

Palestinian flags were the symbol of resistance against Zionist and capitalist oppression upon the peoples of Palestine.

Meanwhile, Ding was at the building, doing his usual role of soldier. He thought
about what it meant to be here. His father had told him that he was now the watchdog of the capitalists when accepting this job. He had always thought it was cool to
be a guard or soldier, ever since his dad had talked to him about the Red Guard days.
But, inside, he knew it was wrong.

Fuck this miserable job, he thought. He had already had thoughts of quitting but was
about to actually do so now. He called his girlfriend and asked her:

Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

-Honey do you think I should quit this bullshit job?

-Well yes but do you have any backup plans to continue getting money? she replied.

-No, but I will find a way, trust me, he said confidently.

-Well thats great then. You should teach the bourgeois a good lesson by quitting his
crappy job.

He hung up and looked around. In the distance there were some international students passing by. How safe they looked, money-wise. He didnt have a dime in his
pocket, while they were so rich. He saw two guys who had some caps or hats with a
red star on them and thought to himself that there is still some revolutionary activity
even in the most bourgeois places, but that you just have to find it, or create it if its
not there.


Pen and Paper

His flickery vision started again. That always seem to happen when he was too excited.

How do I meet them, Chin asked his wife.

I dont know, Yin replied.

Taser with silencer should work," Ding smiled.

Quickly now, Yin said.

Here goes nothing, Ding sighed.

Ding shot the taser at the revolutionaries.


Meanwhile, Mei was focused on taking selfies of herself training in her athletic gear.
She was having a lot of fun. She thought it would motivate here in the future when
the times got tough. But someone else was also having fun. Someone else was also
being motivated, but in a much different way.

The lights on the 4th floor were still on.



Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

A 18 year old was sitting on an office chair looking at a computer. By now he understood everything that was happening. But he wasnt concerned about that. He was
focused on the pictures.

What do you think about her, he asked his friend showing a picture of her doing a

Fun, his friend replied.

When should I limo her,he asked


I think she finishes a race next week which is at 12 oclock. The subways and
transportation all close at 10. Theyre too poor to afford cars. They will need help.
Some words of kindness, may result in direct fun for us in the very near future,the
friend replied.

Youre so calculated, he smiled.


She was now changing her clothes, her phone was on her bed. She thought she was
alone. But the two people on the fourth floor were still having fun.

Sometimes big thangs, need extra management,the friend laughed.

Ding came in.

your dad is talking to them right now. He is delighted,Ding said.

And so are we,the friend added.

Im so soar,she said.


Life is boxing match. Just try to stay as calm as possible. Dont be focused on
knocking it out of the park. Hook your feet on solid ground like a big oak tree and
focus on scoring points. You have to do whatever you have to do to make it in life.
And I believe you can do it,Ding laughed.


Strawberry Chocolate Pudding


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

Chin was questioning the two revolutionaries. He thought it was incredible that such
students from such a capitalistic background became ready to fight for communism.
He wanted to teach them the writings of Mao Zedong and Karl Marx but the revolutionaries had already read all of them. It was at this moment that Yin brought in the
dessert, a strawberry chocolate pudding.

-Thank you Yin thats very kind of you, said a revolutionary.

-Yes we greatly appreciate the efforts you put into that, said another.

Chin then started to speak. He wanted to show his tactic and what he had learned
from being a red guard.

Young revolutionaries, be ready to listen up to a stoic man who has done this in his
entire youth. Revolution is like strawberry chocolate pudding in a certain way. You
are the strawberry trying to conduct the movement, but there will always be chocolates in your way. It could be counter-revolutionaries, it could be revisionist scum,
could be the bourgeoisie or it could be LSD socialists. The important thing to remember is that the chocolate is bitter. It is the direct opposite of sweet, which is the
strawberry and the real revolutionaries. The sweetness of the strawberry will decrease as you fight the chocolate, however, and you will soon become ahardened
strawberry. The aim is to take the cake and remove all the chocolate, and then otherthrow the cake. If you see what I mean by this simile.

The two revolutionaries looked for a brief moment at each other before turning to
Chin and shaking his hand for the advice.

-So, whats our plan?

-We will take the countryside first, like Mao, Lenin and Castro did. The army is
weaker in these areas. There are mountains we could hide in, where we could attack
some soldiers and take the entire mountain in a couple of months. We will apply the
revolutionary teachings of the Art of War by Sun Tzu as well as the tactics contained
in the Socialist Gun Review and the Quotations of Mao Zedong, explained Chin.

-Sounds great, but can you wait a bit before going? replied a revolutionary.


-Because we have exams in May

-No problem, you will do your alcoholic chemistry exam, laughed Chin. He then
added: we can go in June.


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

On the 4th floor of the dark building only a room remained lit. All the other lightbulbs in the other rooms had been turned off. Inside, two men were sleeping, and by
their side was the sign that they had enjoyed themselves a lot, a picture of a girl
changing from her athletic clothes to her normal clothes, and besides it, some suspicious and substance with high viscosity. This would later teach them a moral lesson
not to have fun all the time, because it caused them to miss the conversation between Chin and the revolutionaries.

In the small house, the revolutionaries were finishing their slice of the strawberry
chocolate pudding. Chin asked:

Should we all go together in the mountains?

-Why not? said Yin.

-Yeah its a good idea, answered Mei.

-Im going to buy some food from the local small businesses and shops, Ding said to
the others.

Ding headed out of the house. He had to cross a big supermarket to get to the independant businesses. He saw that an employee was discreetly taking out large sums
of money from the register and the cash drawer and was putting it in his own pocket.
He made eye contact with Ding and looked worried for a while, but Ding smiled
back and held a thumbs up. He thought it was good that some people were pimping
the big businesses. He himself stole a knife while no one was looking. The knife had
a red star and he thought it might be useful forfutureguerrilla warfare.


Half-eaten Apple

It was 3 clock in the morning. The two revolutionaries were outside out of the
house and were walking back and fro from the bridge.


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

On the 6th floor, the general just woke up. He looked at a screen into his sons room.

I cant understand it, the general screamed.

What cant you understand,his Cuban wife responded.

Why does our son have to act this way?the general scorned.

Which way, the Cuban wife questioned.

Look, he said.

He got out of his bed. And started to make some coffee with his blender. He
wouldnt bulletproof it in the morning. But today he needed it. He couldnt handle
this shit. He needed some fresh air. He walked over to the balcony. She walked over
to the balcony after finishing her coffee. By now his apple was half finished. He
crunched on it real slowly. He had a binoculars in his hand.

We have to do something about this,his wife responded.

I dont understand what has got inside of his brain, the general responded back.


I mean. We got everything for him. A computer. An international school. Play-station. We even decided to make Beijng even more capitalistic, just because he
whined that he wanted more toys, his wife responded.

He was eating an apple.

Kind of regret getting rid of Mao,she told him.


You are right. He was like a running bison stumbling across a raging river of problems. We decided to be the alligators in the pool. In the end of the day, we came to
harm ourselves. Like look, our child is so spoilt,he said.

Look at those 2 other kids in his school. The way they talk and behave is a million
times better than our own kid,she whined.

I have to do something about this,he screamed.


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

He then threw his half eaten apple.

The two revolutionaries looked back.

Is that your dad,one person with the red star cap said looking up.

Nah, maybe you are just hearing voices,the other person with the red star said
looking up.

I think something is wrong with your brain. Probably because of not sleeping. Uh,
either way lets focus on tagging, the person wearing the red star cap responded.

The apple hit the other person wearing the red star cap in the head.

Something hit me, the other person with the red star cap said.

You are telling me, I am crazy, the person wearing red star cap said.


I heard they communist. Like real ones. You think that we should collaborate,the
Cuban lady asked the general.

He took out a coin.

Heads for collaboration. Tails for being miserable,the general said.

He flipped the coin.

He closed his eyes.

It was always tails.

He hated it.

He was waiting 10 years for a tail.

The coin landed as a tail.

The cuban lady quickly flipped it to head.


Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

Can I stop feeling miserable, the general groaned.

Its a good day. Just open your eyes, the Cuban lady responded.

fuckers, he whispered to himself.

He threw his glass into the air.

There were two other military generals who were taking a run. They were surrounding the Palestinian graffiti.

Wonder where is Lin,one of them responded.

The one with Mao. Or the one on snuggling in,the other responded.


Both of them are losers. The other Lin, he doesnt come to walk with us. This 20 m
daily walk is for real men. Come on lets go back to sleep,the other one responded.

They say all successful people wake up at 3 o clock, the other commented with
his hand on his chin.

We have done our job,the other one laughed.


Let me pollute the water just a little bit, one of them responded. One of them said
laughing as they pissed on the water.

Dont worry, that is Tayotas job, he laughed.

He closed his eyes. And started dreaming.

The glass smacked right next to him.

He got scared.

And fell down.

3rd base, the general on the 14th floor laughed.



Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015

This flag should be removed. What do you think? Anyways, I got to go to sleep. I
have ticked the box. Man, are you done yet? Why dont you respond to me? Stop
playing those old tricks, Im good at hide-and-seek.the general behind him responded walking across the river.

Man, man. Stop doing this to me, you know I am scared of the dark, the general

The general on the 14th floor tied his shoes for his 12 kilometer daily run.

The cuban lady put on her shoes as well.

The general put a pistol in his jacket.

Home-run, she laughed.



Azadidome FIction LitERATURE

November, 28th of 2015


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