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Bang Instructions:

1) Decide method of play: Free for All or Classic:

a. Free for All exactly what it sounds like. Do not use the identity cards. Instead
play until one player remains standing.
b. Classic Pick out the same number of identity cards as players, and deal them
face down. Only the Sheriff reveals his identity, the rest remain a mystery to
everyone except their respective owners. While you may deviate from the
standard format, the recommended identities are as follows:
i. 4 Players 1 Sheriff, 1 Renegade, 2 Bandits
ii. 5 Players 1 Sheriff, 1 Deputy, 1 Renegade, 2 Bandits
iii. 6 Players 1 Sheriff, 1 Deputy, 1 Renegade, 3 Bandits
iv. 7 Players 1 Sheriff, 2 Deputies, 1 Renegade, 3 Bandits
Goal of Classic The game ends when either the Sheriff dies or when all the
bandits and the renegade are dead. If the Sheriff dies while a bandit or deputy is
still alive, the Bandits win. If the bandits and renegade die, the Sheriff and Deputy
win. The Renegade can only win by being the last man standing, but is required to
kill the Sheriff last, as if he does not, then it is implied that the Bandits winning
condition will/has been met.
Other notes: The Sheriff gets an extra life (and accompanying card) at the
beginning of the game, cannot be thrown in jail, and goes first. It is also
recommended to have a rule that no one can reveal their identities, verbally or
physically. (Arguments can be made, but it is suggested to avoid definite
answers). Last of all, upon dying, one must reveal their identity card.
2) Set-up:
a. If playing Classic deal out the identity cards. If not, ignore this step.
b. Each player blindly draws two character cards, and then chooses which one of the
two they would like to be, flipping the other face down and covering the bullets on
the back of the 2nd card with their chosen character until the number of lives
(bullets) their chosen character has are left revealed (usually 4). (The starting
number of lives can be found by the yellow bullets on the right side of their
character card (with an additional +1 if they are the Sheriff). (The face-up
character cards are revealed to all players).
c. Deal out cards to each player equal to the number of their starting lives.
d. If playing Classic the Sheriff then begins the game. If playing Free For All, the
first character alphabetically begins the game. Both styles continue clockwise.
3) Gameplay:
a. If a Dynamite or jail (Brtn) card is in front of your character, flip the required
cards for them (in the order they were placed in front of you).
b. Draw two cards (unless specified otherwise by a character ability).
c. Play any number of cards from your hand, (with the exception of Bang! cards.
Only one Bang! may be played independently on a turn, unless you have a
Volcanic (Gyorstzel) on the field, or your character is Willy the Kid).
d. End your turn. (At the end of your turn, you may only have as many cards (or
fewer) as you have lives. If you have more cards than lives, discard until you have
an equal amount). (Note: This is the only time you may discard a card, and only

to the appropriate limit. You may not discard any cards simply because you dont
want/need them).
e. Next player clockwise then takes their turn.

Bang Card Descriptions:

4) Cards:
Bang! Choose one character within your range. They lose a life. (Your range is
determined by your gun. You always have a minimal range of 1, and can get up to a range
of 7. These numbers correspond to the number of seats each direction of you. (So you
may aim to the left or right). If a player dies, do not count their place as a factor in your
range. You may only play one Bang a turn unless you are Willy the Kid or have a
Gyorstzel on the field. (Bangs played due to Prbajs do not count towards this
Brtn When using this card, place it in front of another player. At the start of their
turn, they flip the top card of the deck into the discard pile. If it is a heart, they discard the
Brtn and play resumes normally. If it is not a heart, they still discard the Brtn, but
the rest of their turn is skipped.
Cat Balou Discard any one blue card on the table (except Dynamite or Brtn), or
blindly discard a card from another players hand.
Dynamite When playing this card, place it in front of your character. At the beginning
(before the draw phase) of the one who the dynamite is in front of, they must flip the top
card of the deck. If the suit and number in the bottom right are a spade and 2-9, they lose
three lives and the dynamite is discarded. If it is anything else, move the dynamite in
front of the player to your left. This continues until the dynamite explodes, or the person it
is on dies (in which case the dynamite dies with them). (For clarification: one only flips for
the dynamite at the start of their own turn if they dynamite is in front of them).
Gattling All other players must play a Nem tallt or lose one life. (Hord,
Jourdonnaiss, and Slab the Killers effects are applied to a Gattling).
Hord When being targeted by a bang or a gattling flip the top card of the deck
into the discard pile. If it is a heart, the shot misses. (When being shot by Slab the Killer,
a heart takes the place of one Nem tallt card, not two). (You may only have one
Hord at a time).
Indinok All other players must immediately play a bang or lose one life.
Kocsma Everyone gains a life, unless already at their starting (max) life.
Musztng Play this card in front of you. As long as it remains there, your opponents
need one additional range to hit your character with any Bangs or Pniks. (You may
only have one Musztng at a time).
Nem Tallt Play this card at any point to dodge a Bang or a Gattling (does not
dodge Indians or a Prbaj).
Pnik! Blindly draw one card from the hand of a player one space away from you (to
the right or left), or pick a card on the table in front of them (Dynamite and Brtn
excluded), and add it to your own hand. (Range may only be increased by Tvcs or
Rose Doolan).
Prbaj You may play this on any other player. They must then play a Bang or lose a
life. If they do play a Bang then you must play a Bang or lose a life. If you play a
Bang it returns to them and continues until one player cannot, or chooses not to, play a
Bang, upon which they lose a life. (It always remains at one life lost, and does not
increase with the number of Bangs).
Postakocsi Draw 2 cards from the deck.
Sr Gain a life. If you are about to die, you may play this to remain at one life, even if
it is not your turn. (You may have not more than your starting life at any time).

Szatcsbolt Flip cards from the deck face-up equal to the number of players. You then
pick a card and add it to your hand, after which each player to the left takes a turn adding
one of the remaining cards to their hand.
Tvcs All your cards receive one additional range.
Wells Fargo Draw 3 cards from the deck.
Guns Any blue bordered guns. Place one in front of you. It remains there until you
replace it with a different gun, or it gets stolen or destroyed. The range of your Bang
cards becomes the number on the gun (plus any bonus from a Tvcs or Rose Doolan).
(You may only have one gun at a time).

5) Characters: (listed alphabetically)

Bart Cassidy Each time you lose a life, you immediately draw a card from the deck.
Black Jack When drawing always reveal your second card. If it is a heart or a diamond,
draw a third.
Calamity Janet Bangs and Nem Tallts are interchangeable. (One may be used as
the other).
El Gringo (Original) Each time he loses a life due to a card played by another player, he
draws a random card from the hands of that player (one card for each life). If the player
has no more cards, he does not draw.
El Gringo (Recommended) Whenever another player loses a life, draw a card from their
Jesse Jones You may draw your first card each turn from any other players hand rather
than the deck.
Jourdonnais Always has the ability of a Hord (see above. If a Hord is played on him,
you may use the ability twice).
Kit Carlson When drawing at the start of your turn, draw the top three cards, then return
one of those three to the top of the deck.
Lucky Duke When touching the deck outside of your usual draw phase, draw two cards in
place of each one, then choose the desired card, discarding the other. (ie: Hord,
Brtn, Wells Fargo, ect.).
Paul Regret Always has the ability of a Musztang (see above. If a Musztang is played
on him, the ability counts twice).
Pedro Ramirez You may draw your first card from the top of the discard pile rather than
the deck.
Rose Doolan Always has the ability of a Tvcs (see above. If a Tvcs is played on
her, you may use the ability twice).
Sid Ketchum At any time, you may discard 2 cards from your hand to gain one life.
Slab the Killer Any Bang or Gattling cards played by Slab take two Nem Tallts to
dodge. (Prbaj and Indianok cards are not affected).
Suzy Lafayette If you ever run out of cards, immediately draw one.
Vulture Sam Whenever another player dies, add all their cards from their hand and field
to your hand (previously played Brtn and Dynamite excluded).
Willy the Kid You may play multiple Bang cards a turn.

Additional (Optional Rules): Choose at the start of the round if you want to play with any of these (such
as with points).
If the Sheriff eliminates a Deputy, the Sheriff must discard all the cards he has in hand and
in play.

Any player eliminating an Outlaw (even if the eliminating player is himself an Outlaw)
must draw a reward of 3 cards from the deck.
For Point System (if chosen):
If the

Sherif wins:
the Sheriff wins $1500 for every Outlaw;
the Deputies win $1000 for every Outlaw if they survived, and $700 if they died;
the Renegade wins $400 for every player if he died last, leaving the Sheriff alive
If the Outlaws win:
i. the Renegade, if he is still alive at the end of the game, wins $300 for each player in
the game;
ii. the Outlaws, if they are alive, win $1000 for each Outlaw in the game, dead or alive;
otherwise they win $800 for each Outlaw in the game.
If the Renegade wins:
i. the Sheriff wins $100 for each player in the game
ii. the Renegade wins $1500 for each player in the game
Extra Penalty:
i. if a deputy kills a Sheriff, he loses $5000

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