Frame of Reference

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Miss Renauds Frame of Reference

It is my belief that education, in its very broadest sense, can and should be used
to create a better world. I believe that education is a right from which every person can
benefit, and where equal opportunities are presented to all children. Educations role is
to show children how to be creative and critical thinkers, so that they can blossom into
confident and empowered people. As a teacher, I will strive to offer my students all of
these possibilities, so that they may meet their full potential.
I recognize that as a teacher, it is my role to ensure that subject matter is wellbalanced within the curriculum, and that my students are confident within all aspects of
the provincial requirements. In order to do so, I will be well-organized, and set
attainable short and long-term goals for the students of my classroom. I will continue to
upgrade my own personal knowledge, through inquiry, reflection and professional
development, to help create well-rounded students. I plan to consciously use integrated
study, in order to reinforce knowledge, and it is my hope to continuously engage my
students in their learning, so that they can have fun while becoming accountable for
their own education. I aim to accomplish this by creating dynamic, diverse and active
learning opportunities, while always being mindful of different learning styles and
backgrounds, where students can discover and relate to the real world.
My classroom will be a space that is comfortable and inclusive to all students,
including those with special needs and different family, ethnic and educational
backgrounds. It will be a place that is well organized and with clear expectations, to
allow for greater flexibility. Students will come to understand that there are
consequences, either positive or negative, for every action or incident. However, our

space will remain positive and encouraging, with an emphasis on praise in order to build
I am aware that as a teacher, I become a model for my students, and therefore
will ensure that my behaviours reflect care, respect, trust, and integrity, in the hopes that
my students, in turn, will demonstrate this type of behaviour towards not only their
classmates, but also towards themselves and all other members of society.
Not only do I look forward to having a vibrant classroom community, but also one
where parents and family members feel excited to participate and become involved. It
is my hope that through effective communication, I will build trusting relationships with
my students and their familiesrelationships that are honest, open and safe. By doing
so, we will be able to create an environment in which we can become partners in the
childs education, allowing he or she to excel.

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