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Performance Measurement

Public Service Performance

Evaluation: A Strategic Perspective
Peter M. Jackson
no matter the level (central/federal, state, or heal), should he accountable and responsible to the
electorate and a host of other stakeholders. Accountability involves, among other things, an
assessment of policy outcomes, along with the means and processes used to deliver Ihe policies.
Were the policies sidtabk for the problems that the electorate unnted to be solved? Were the
policies implemented efficiently and effectively ? Did the electorate, taxpayers, and users of
public services (often these aw distinct groups) obtain vatue-for-mmey ?
Images of Performance
A large number of public service organizations in
the UK have introduced performance-monitoring
systems'. In doing so, attention has tended to focus
upon the appropriateness and suitability oimeasures
and indicators of performance. A great battery of
indicators has been published and much ink has
been used in evaluating their heuristic value. What
images of performance do these indicators reveal?
Performance-monitoring systems have
important hidden dimensions below the water-line
of indicators and measures. These include the
logical foundations and values upon which the
whole system rests. Weakness in these areas, along
with a lack of appreciation of the difFerent values
that lurk in the depths of the performancemonitoring system, results in severe implementation
problems. The design ofa performance-monitoring
system reflects specific images of public
administration (Kass and Catrow, 1990). These
range from the new public sector management,
with its emphasis upon technical developments in
public policy analysis, market oriented metaphors
and an emphasis upon operational efficiency and
effectiveness, to those whose preferred image
focuses upon the importance of community and
public service values.
Implementation problems arise when these
images conflict within the public service organization
or when the organization's stakeholders hold images
that are significantly different from those of the
ruling organizational elite.
performance-monitoring systems can raise
important issues in the management of change
(Jackson and Pedmer, 1993). Performance criteria
are by definition value-laden. They are, therefore,
the currency ofpolitical debate. When considering
the evaluation ofthe performance of public service
* Past issues of Public Money 6f Management have recorded the
introduction of such systems. See aiso: Fimmdat AaountaUUty
and Management, and ]ackson and Palmer (1993).

CIPFA, 1993
Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 IJF and
238 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.

organizations it is necessary to go beyond a

discussion ofthe data used for the construction of
performance indicators and to confront such
questions as:
What are the origins ofthe criteria used to evaluate
public services?
Who sets the criteria?
Whose interests are being served by the evaluation ?

Peter M. Jackson is
Professor of Economics
and Director ofthe
Public Sector
Economics Research
Centre at the University
of Leicester.

Performance evaluation in public service

organizations is fraught with theoretical,
methodological and practical problems which run
deep in any discussion of democracy. Some of
these issues are reviewed in this article.

Performance Evaluation and Strategic

The introduction of performance-evaluation
systems to public service organizations is one ofthe
elements of the new public sector management.
Some regard the monitoring and measurement of
performance as an expression of classical and
scientific management techniques. Others are
hostile to what they see to be the importation of
naive production management techniques from
the private sector. Yet others view the production
of performance measures as a means of exercising
greater control over public service bureaucracies.
While there is some strength in these views, they
are too negative and too narrow and can result in
the ridiculous conclusions that either the
performance ofpublic service organizations should
not be subjected to measurement or that such
performance is always impossible to measure.
Public service organizations are extremely
complex: they serve multiple objectives; have a
diversity of clients; deliver a wide range of policies
and services; and exist within complex and uncertain
socio-political environments. The values which
drive such org;anizations, and against which their
performance mustbejudged, are also more complex


than the simple commercial market-led values of

profitability. Given this environment within which
public service managers must make decisions, it is
not a trivial remark to suggest that the challenges
which face public service managers are often more
daunting than their private sector counterparts
and require a wider range and greater intensity of
It is the sheer complexity of the tasks which
public service organizations face that makes them
candidates for the public domain rather than the
market-place. This simple fact is so often forgotten
by the advocates of privatization. The inclusion of
public service clauses in the contracts awarded to
newly privatized companies highlights some of
the difficulties and the conflicts between competing
objectives that exist for public service managers.
When evaluating the performance of public
service organizations their complexity needs to
be recognized. Too often, it is the trivial and
more easily measured dimensions of performance
which are recorded. The deeper, more highly
valued, but difficult to measure, aspects are
The complexity of organizations and the
difficulties of measuring their performance are
not ignored ifa strategic-management perspective,
such as that advocated by Jackson and Palmer
(1992), is adopted. Indeed, the better managed
private sector organizations have tended to use a
strategic-management approach when designing
their performance measures. Simple input/output
measures or profitability and liquidity measures
are of very limited value. They provide managers
in private sector organizations with little relevant
information. This is now well recognized in the
literature on private sector performance (see
Kaplan, 1990),
Successful private sector organizations now
use performance-monitoring systems which are
closely related to their strategic decision-making
cycle. This approach captures a much richer set
of performances than the simple and naive
approach. It focuses attention on consumer
satisfaction, product or service quality, and the
performance of processes, not just the simple
fmancial measures of profitability and rate of
return on investment. Writers such as Kaplan
(op. cit.) have also recognized that financial
statements provide information which is as good
as the conventions and definitions which underlie
the accounts. The same applies to management
accounts which are used for decision-making.
Their relevance for modern capital-intensive
production processes has been called into question
(Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). Much greater care
and attention is given to the fundamentals of
performance measures in private sector
organizations. This now includes going outside
the simple metric of profitability. Attempts to
incorporate non-commercial values, which reflect
the corporation's environmental (green) and social
(ethical) responsibilities, are to be found in many
private companies.


Control versus Leaming

Performance monitoring need not be used only as
a means oforganizational control, as it undoubtedly
is in the classical and scientific management
paradigm. In the strategic-management
perspective the information generated by the
performance-monitoring system is a means of
organizational learning. It enables any plan, or set
of targets, to be compared against outcomes and
forces the question: 'Why is there a deviation'?
Answers to th^t question facilitate learning a
discovery that while some critical success factors
might be under the direct control of managers
many others are not. Learning can also mean a
realization that the performance targets set by
management may be too ambitious given tbe
organization's current capabilities.
Organizational learning is illustrated in figure
1. This diagram sets out the standard strategicmanagement model which is found in most
textbooks. Where, however, figure 1 differs from
standard models is in the inclusion of a feedback
loop between the information produced by
comparing performance measures and indicators
against targets and the locus of decision-making.
In order to learn, it is necessary to have more than
just a set ofperformance indicators. These indicators
must be compared against some benchmark or
target and there must be a capacity and capability
to analyse any gaps. Furthermore the output of
gap analysis needs to be fed back into the decisionmaking process. Few public service organizations
are in a position to carry out performance-gap
The task of strategic management is the
province of the senior management group. This
group should be involved in tackling the following
Setting the strategic direction (long term) of the
I mplementing and managing the change process
in line with the chosen strategic direction.
Ensuring continuous improvement ofoperational
The distinction between strategic and operationcd
management is shown in figure 1.
This list of activities and responsibilities can be
applied to any organization: public or private sector.
Once the strategy is chosen, appropriate
performance measures and indicators are defined
that will show whether the organization is on the
right tracks. Performance indicators show progress
they are milestones along the road and are a
visible manifestation ofwhat the organization stands
for and represents. Thatassumes, however, thatall
significant dimensions of the organization can be
represented by some measure or indicator. This is
not always the case often the measurable drives
out the immeasurable.
In what areas of an organization should
indicators be revealing progress and achievement?
Our research reveals that most public sector
CIPFA, 1993


organizations focus upon operational performance

and within that area greatest attention is given to
cost indicators (economy) and efficiency*. Few of
the organizations studied employed an explicit
strategic-management fi-amework. They were,
therefore, not in a position to produce measures
and indicators of the organization's performance
in the achievement of the long-term or strategic
objectives. None ofthe organizations reviewed had
indicators that would demonstrate performance in
the area of change management. Indeed, few of
the organizations had a change-management
programme in place. Another important feature
of the organizations in the sample was that while
they professed to have performance measures and
indicators, few of them had set targets for these
indicators. It was, therefore, impossible to know if
progress had been made or indeed if the
organization had any successes. The indicators
illustrated what was done, not what should be
done. Performance gaps could not be identified.
This obviously impedes organizational learning
and creates the suspicion that indicators were simply
being produced as an end in themselves a
successful organization is one that produces many
performance indicators or that indicators were
an instrument of organization control.

Figure 1.
Evaluation of the
internal environment

Evaluation of the
external environment

Reward-information systems
Performance measures

_^ Strategic

Business/service plans





The use of performance indicators by public sector
organizations has been on the public sector
management agenda in the U K for about ten years.
Research at the University of Leicester shows that
despite the encouragement and leadership of
agencies such as the National Audit Office, the
Audit Commission and the Accounts Commission
for Scotland, implementation of performanceevaluation systems has been slow, piecemeal and
often half-hearted. In-depth case studies of those
organizations which have successfiiUy introduced a
performance-evaluation system demonstrate dearly
that a critical success factor is the amount of thought
and effort which is put into managing the change
process. Most organizations underestimate the
time it takes to design a performance-evaluation
system, to negotiate it into place, to trial it, debug it
and develop it. This whole cycle can take between
three and four years.
It is the responsibility ofthe senior management
group to ensure that a system exists that will
produce the strategic, continuous improvement
and change-management performance indicators.
They also need to sanction the resources required
to establish a management information system that
will collect and disseminate such information. Of
course the senior management team do not make
direct decisions on the precise performance
indicators. Successful implementation requires
that those who are responsible for delivering tbe
'Research carried out at the Public Sector Economics Research
Centre, University ofLeicester, into the practice of performance
measurement in puhlic service organizations.

CIPFA, 1993

Compare against performance targets


various elements of performance at the operational

level, throughout the organization, are involved in
designing the system. A sense of ownership of
performance indicators is important for motivation
and the acceptance ofthe indicators.
It is easy to use the results of Leicester's research
to criticise public service organizations for their
limited success in implementing sophisticated
performance-evaluation systems. That would be
an unfortunate and unintended outcome. Public
service organizations when compared to their
private sector counterparts are well in advance of
them in the measurement of performance and the
employment of internal continuous improvement
indicators. A recent study by Harris Research
Centre (1990) shows that the directors of UK
companies have a strong tendency to focus internally
and onfinancialindicators. They pay little attention
(in some cases none) to sucb external factors as the
perceptions of customers; competitors' actions;
and their company's position relative to its
competitors. Strategic planners expressed
dissatisfaction with the quality of the information
they had to formulate strategy. Indeed, few
companies were engaged in strategic planning. If
they did have a strategy they seldom monitored the
outcomes against the plans. Management
information systems were dominated by fmancial
information but even then that information tended
to be confined to those areas which were required
for statutory financial accounting and reporting.


Little relevant management accounting information

was recorded.

The Governance of Public Service

The language and concepts of strategic
managementcan be transported between the public
and the private sectors, but not without some
modification. This is no more so than at the senior
management level ofdecision-making. In a private
company it is the board ofdirectors who are charged
with the strategic areas ofresponsibility. Operating
on behalfofthe owners ofthe company (the ordinary
shareholders) they make decisions about where the
company should be in five, ten, or 15 years' time.
What businesses should they be in? Wbat services
and products sbould they produce? What new
products should be introduced and when? Where
should production be located? These decisions
position the company to serve its customers; to
compete against existing or potential rivals; and to
provide a satisfactory return for shareholders and
other stakeholders including its employees.
What is the equivalent to the board of directors
for public service organizations? What is the senior
management team that is responsible for creating
strategy? Who are its members? These questions
reduce to the single question: 'What is the nature of
the governance system of public service
Attempts at answering this question tend to
reveal a general weakness in the public sector
performance-evaluation literature. There is a
tendency to regard the performance and success of
public services as a managerial responsibility. At
the operational level that is a reasonable assumption
to make but at the strategic level what does it
mean? Who are the members of the senior
management team equivalent to the board of
directors? This is an inherent problem ofthe new
public sector management paradigm it fails to
specify adequately the organization's governance
system, especially the nature of the senior
management group.
Who sets the strategic direction for public
service organizations? Is it the political leaders
(central and local)? Is it the chief executive and
chiefofficers? Or is it a partnership ofboth groups?
These questions are familiar within the context of
the policy-analysis literature who sets public
policy and who is accountable for the outcomes? It
is the age-old separation of powers between the
legislature and tbe executive branch ofgovernment.
For some this will be a statement ofthe glaringly
obvious. But a moment's reflection soon produces
a realization tbat while political leaders are keen to
introduce systems which will ensure operational
performance is measured and evaluated, they do
little to enable the evaluation of the strategic
performance of public services. To do so would be
to evaluate the effectiveness of policies and,
therefore, to put into the public domain politically
sensitive information that would be used to judge,
in the political arena, the efficiency and effectiveness

of the policy-making process.

Where are the boundaries ofthe public sector
management model? To what set of activities does
it apply. The National Audit Office, the Audit
Commission and the Scottish Accounts Commission
draw aboundary round the policy-making process.
They investigate, when conducting value-formoney (VFM) studies, the efficiency and
effectiveness ofimplementing given policies. Their
interest is in evaluating managerial effectiveness
and not policy effectiveness per se. Of course in
practice it is difficult to be mute about matters
relating to policy especially ifpublic sector managers
have been assigned an impossible mission of
implementing the unimplementable such as the
Community Charge,

Value-for-Money (VFM): Unbalanced

The separation of powers between the legislature
and the executive has produced a separation ofthe
dimensions of performance evaluation, VFM
auditing is a misnomer since by its very nature it
cannot make anyjudgement about the values placed
on public policy outcomes. Instead, VFM auditing
focuses attention upon technical efficiency (i,e. Xefficiency). It addresses the important issues of
input/output relationships, along with purchasing
and contractual relationships. These are all directed
at one side ofthe value for money equation, namely,
Nothing is usually said about allocative
efficiency. Significant efforts have been made to
generate performance indicators which reflect the
outputs (final and intermediate) of public services
but such indicators are meaningless and of no
value. Allocative efficiency requires that managers
know something about the output of their services
relative to demand. Is the service being over- or
under-produced? Is the service mix the correct
one? Is the service being targetted on the
appropriate client/user group? To demonstrate,
by using indicators, that service output is rising by
itself is not a useful VFM indicator. If the public
service is producing more and more of a service
which users do not want; which is ofthe wrong mix
or quality; which is targetted on an inappropriate
user group; or which has low value placed on it,
then allocative inefficiency exists.
Many public services are near the efficiency
frontiers of their production functions. There is
probably litde waste or slack in the system on
average so that X-efficiency looks reasonable. Tbis
does not deny scope for improvements in Xefficiency. The issue, however, is the amount of
allocative inefficiency that exists. The suspicion is
that allocative inefficiency is high and is the more
significant source of improvements when it comes
to delivering VFM,
The hole in the middle ofthe VFM doughnut
is the absence of suitable institutions to judge the
effectiveness of public services and policies and,
therefore, to make a judgement about allocative
efficiency. Some have suggested tbat the market
CIPFA, 1993


would be an appropriate institution. This image is

advocated by the proponents of privatization.
Markets are, however, notoriously inefficient in
tbeir capacity to evaluate the externalities that are
usually associated with public services.
Select Committees are another institution.
These committees do make some attempt at
evaluating the policy strategies adopted by central
government departments, but they are often
hindered by insufficient information about the
internal and external environment ofthe services.
What is the Select Committee equivalent for local
government; the various health boards and the
new Next Steps agencies? Indeed, who makes
strategy for these organizations?
Another imbalance arises between static and
dynamic concepts of efficiency. The majority of
performance indicators currently in use focus upon
static efficiency, that is, the short run. Dynamic
efficiency emphasizes the long run, and, therefore,
the effectiveness of investment in new productive
capacity, including organizational infi-astructure
and managerial innovations. The capital
expenditure constraints in the public sector suggest
that dynamic efficiency has been sacrificed.
Improvements in static and dynamic efficiency
require that appropriate incentives are in place
that will infiuence decisions and guide actions
towards efficiency improvements. Whether or not
a suitable balance of incentives exists is taken up

Wish-driven Strategies
What makes one organization more successful than
others? This is another way of asking about its
relative superior performance. Success and high
performance is not the 'product of wish-driven
strategy' (Kay, 1993, p.4). Vision, mission and
values are necessary but certainly not sufficient.
Too many strategic management texts incorrectly
assume tbat provided our organization has a mission
statement then it will out-perform those that do
If mission and vision remain in the minds of
the senior management team and are not
communicated throughout the organization then
they are valueless. The critical success factors (CSF)
are an appraisal of the internal strengths and
weaknesses of the organization; an appreciation
and understandingofitsenvironment; thecapacity
to learn and adopt as the uncertain future unfolds.
Strength in these areas must be worked at and
acquired. This is the function of management.
Success is not achieved by accident. Short run
success gained as a result ofchance will be ephemeral
unless strong management exists to capitalize it.
Success requires a match between internal
capabilities (strengths) and external relationships.
This 'strategic fit' demands an understanding of
tbe organization's relationship with its suppliers;
its clients (customers); the political system within
which it is embedded; the socio/demographic
environment etc. Many 'wish-driven strategies'
simply cannot be delivered because the organization
CIPFA, 1993

does not have the necessary capabilities to do so.

Wisb-driven organizations are guided by what the
senior management team would like them to be
not what they are or what, given their existing set
of CSFs they are capable of being. If public service
organizations are to acbieve their aspirations then
the senior management team needs to create the
necessary capabilities. Dreams and visions are not
substitutes for careful assessments of existing
strengths and weaknesses.
The earlier discussion of public services
governance structures raised the issue of who is
responsible for producing the public service
organization's mission and vision. This was seen to
be primarily the role ofthe political leaders with an
input from professional advisors who may or may
not be civil servants. Public service managers are
responsible for producing business or service plans
whicb will deliver the contents of the mission
statement efficiently and effectively.
Most politically generated public service mission
statements are wish-driven. They are made with
little reference to the organization's capabilities of
delivering them. This presents public service
managers with a real problem a mission
impossible or a remit wbich is bound to result in
under-performance. Politicians when making wishdriven strategies should ensure that the organization
is adequately resourced to produce the capabilities
that will enable it to deliver the elements of the
strategy. The question is how can they be made
accountable to do so?
Unless the responsibilities of politicians for the
performance of public service organizations is
adequately recognized then public service managers
are likely to be held to account for decisions over
which they have no (or litde) input or control.
Auditing bodies sucb as the National Audit Office
or the Audit Commission can, and on occasion do,
comment upon the inadequate capabilities of a
public service to deliver. However, stronger
statements need to be made about wbo is responsible
for these inadequacies.
Frequent changes in wish-driven strategies
provide a source of instability for management
action. In the private sector the mission statement
tends to be a fixed point wbicb is changed
infrequently. The strategy of public service
organizations, however, is tied to the political cycle
and within that to changes in Secretaries of State
each time there is a Cabinet reshuffie, A change in
mission and strategy results in changes in service
plans, Sucb instability is destabilizing at tbe
operational level and can result in poor performance
because personnel are constandy adjusting to new
expectations and routines. This suggests that if
public service organizations are to improve their
performance they need to be more flexible and
more loosely coupled in order that they might ride
out tbe storms of instability. The downside of this
recommendation is thatflexibilitycan bring with it
greater amounts of procedural uncertainty wbicb
can paralyse an organization, resulting in delays in
decision-making, Creater decentralization also


weakens accountability.

So What?
The trend over the past ten years has been to
produce mission statements, strategies and business/
service plans for public service organizations. Data
have been collected which are then reconstituted
into performance measures and indicators. So
what has anything materially changed? Have
services improved; has greater value been
Many of the changes are symbols of good
management practice. Litde of substance or
consequence changes as a result of their
introduction. They are the first step on a long
journey. They are necessary but not sufficient.
Performance indicators simply represent
management information. Like all forms of
information they are an input which comes in a
variety of qualities. Some convey clearer signals
than others. However, like all inputs they need to
be worked on and crafted if they are to be useful.
Our research shows that too often decision-makers
delegate the task of collecting, collating and
publishing statistics for performance measurement
to a specialist group, TTiis is in many cases a form
of sidelining performance measurement. The
information contained in the performance
indicators do not really influence decisions about
resource use and will not help decision-makers to
create value in these cases. Sidelining of
performance measurement has been found in local
authorities; central government departments and
in GP practices.
If resource use decisions are to be influenced
by the information contained in performance
indicators then they need to be related to incentives
tbat will change behaviour. For example, the
information signals contained in the new capital
charges in the NHS have no impact on resource use
because the charges are not related to funding.
They do not influence behaviour in terms of asset
use with the result that their introduction has had
no impact on the efficient use of assets.
At this moment in time it is impossible to know
the value of performance indicators. It is not
possible to know, let alone evaluate, what has
happened as a result of their use. Whether or not
resources are used more efficiendy; whether or not
public services are more effective; and whether or
not more value has been created remain
unanswered questions. The article of faith is that
overall performance is better with the availability of
the information than without.
Important information gaps do, however,
remain. Insufficient resources have been allocated
to analysing the cause and effect relationships
between different means ofpolicy intervention and
outcomes. Until crucial aspects of policy analysis


have been carried out assessment ofthe effectiveness

of public services will remain in the policy 'black
Wben located within a strategic-management
perspective the performance measurementofpublic
services is seen to be necessary but not sufficient for
improved management practice; and a means of
learning rather than a means of control. If tbe
introduction of performance measures/indicators
is to give the expected pay off then it is necessary for
public service organizations to have the capacity to
learn from information signals that indicators
provide, as well as the the organizational capabilities
to act upon that learning. Only then will additional
value be created wbicb justifies the costs of
measuring performance.
A strategic framework also raises important
issues about the appropriate governance structure
for public services and who is responsible for which
areas of strategy. Concentration on X-efficiency,
rather than allocative efficiency, has tended to shift
tbe spodight ofaccountability away fi-om politicians
to public service managers. This has not brought
about an imbalance in the concept of value for
money auditing. The creation of value in public
services is only seen as a transfer of resources fr^om
those who produce services to those who consume
them. Allocative efficiency requires a more careful
assessment ofwbat is currendy being provided and
the values which users place upon it.
Performance evaluation is part ofthe age-old
issue of public service accountability. It is new wine
in old botdes. The new public sector managerialism
and its symbols of good management practice has,
through the use of performance measurement,
introduced new tints to lend new colour to the
spectrum ofaccountability. The dominant ideology
witb its emphasis upon market forces and efficiency
underpins these innovations. While many of the
changes appear to be innocuous the concepts upon
which they rest are contestable,

Harris Research Centre (1990), Information for Strategic
Management: A Study ofLeading Companies. Manchester.
Jackson, P, M, and Palmer, A, (1993), Developing
Performance Monitoring in Public Sector Organizations.
Management Centre, University ofLeicester,
Johnson, H, T. and Kaplan, R, S, (1987), Relevance Lost:
The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting. Harvard
Business School Press, Boston,
Kay, J, A (1993), Foundations ofCorporate Success. Oxford
University Press, Oxford,
Kaplan, R, S, (Ed,), (1990), Measures of Manufacturing
Success. Harvard Business School Press, Boston,
Kass, H, D, and Catrow, B, h. (1990), Images and Identities
in Public Administration. Sage Publications, London,

CIPFA, 1993

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