Anti-Military Dictatorship in Myanmar 0235

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The Fight For Freedom in Burma


Nyo Yun - Well-plotted academic propaganda by Min Zaw Oo


The Fight For Freedom in Burma

Well-plotted academic propaganda by Min Zaw Oo

Nyo Tun 10.10.2015

This extremely inflammatory article written by Min Zaw Oo, the Myanmar senior
official in the current news, reveals what type of person he is. As far as my

knowledge is concerned, he first proudly posted this article on his FB page and later
he removed it.
Let us tell that concerning the international genocidal trial, execution is not limited to
the responsible government members. In Rwanda genocide, three media persons
were prosecuted, two receiving life sentences and one receiving a 35-year
According to the included message in the article "I would continue to write on this
Rohingya issue", it is possible that he has produced similar articles. The grossly

inferior thoughts and actions of racism displayed by the 8888 Ko Ko Gyi and many
other activits might well be started from their buying of this well-plotted academic

I say "well-plotted" because the then saying on the Rohingya issue of senseless
Myanmar government members are systematically in line with the "pretensively
knowledgable" contents of this article.
Circle (1) of the first photo: The Rohingya problem shall not be considered in human
rights perspective per se. This problem is directly related to the national security

issue. If you consider the national security issue, you must set aside your bias of
love and hatred; your consideration must be based on rational reasoning, must be
results-oriented rational reasoning must be results-oriented.

/* It was quite possible that the Sitagu Abbot, nowadays known as Ayatollah
Sitagu (thanks to Ko Myo Myint for this sensible name) have read and taken this
phrase as the role model. Since the earliest times of incidents of Myanmars religious
riots, this abbot incessantly and insistently delivered the message that if we

consider the prime importance of our internal national causes, we do not need to
Nyo Yun - Well-plotted academic propaganda by Min Zaw Oo


The Fight For Freedom in Burma

take account of external norms of international human rights standards.

Involvement of local people in riots (apart from deliberate inciters), the apparent
passiveness of the police and authority, as well as the support of many people in

consonance with my once-described Full-Bright scholar ladys thinking they should

be treated as such can be related to their support of his described justification. */
Circle (2) of the first photo: You must consider this point: there is a potential
upcoming problem that not only their Bangladesh relatives, millions of Rohingyas

across the globe would like to return to Myanmar. Rohingyas in other nations have
many problems with their host nations. For example, the Saudi King Faisal let them
live in his kingdom and now the count of residents in his area is estimated to be the
accumulated total of 250,000.

/* can notice this guy, the writer, arranged the last two sentences in a wrong order.
However, this is only one example of showing his gross weakness in intellectual
coherence. The whole article is full of such windy thoughts, circuitous to the same

points, arranging things haphazardly, full with passionate messages, and lacking of
sound objective arguments. Despite his elaborate tendency to cite facts, a well-

learned reader can feel very strong irrationalism from this empty pompous writing
style of shooting with bombastic facts. */
Circle (1) of the second photo: he was trying to form the impression that Rohingya
Solidarity Organization (RSO) is taking a plot with other foreign terrorist

/*According to my own personal talks with local Rohingya representatives from

communities in 2005, RSO no longer has existed. Many new sources also testified
the same message about this defunct organization. At least, there is no witness that
RSO performs operational attacks inside Myanmar. However, I saw the Myanmar

regime tried to propagandize the conspiracy theories (perhaps, this guys writing is
the first ever official source) and I think they even arrested some people on the

accusation of being related to this organization. Do you have more information? Alex
Bookbinder */


Nyo Yun - Well-plotted academic propaganda by Min Zaw Oo


The Fight For Freedom in Burma

Circle (2) of the second photo: Since the Roghigyas are in extremely desperate
conditions , they are going to be pushed into a way to become terrorists.

Circle (3) of the second photo: The University of Maryland conducted a study of 300
minority groups. When the research team constructed a pre-alarming system, they

identified the Rohingyas as the most potentially explosive group to perform terrorist


Nyo Yun - Well-plotted academic propaganda by Min Zaw Oo

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