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Third Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June 2012

Strength of Materials
Time: 3 hrs.

Max. Marks:100

Important Note : 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages.
2. Any revealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and /or equations written eg, 42+8 = 50, will be treated as malpractice.

Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part.

a. Explain: i) Youngs modulus
ii) Poissons ratio.
(06 Marks)
b. Mention the assumptions made in the theory of simple stress and strain and derive the
equation, dL = PL/AE
(06 Marks)
c. A stepped bar is subjected to forces as shown in Fig.Q1(c). Determine the magnitude of the
force P, taking the allowable stress for the material as 90 MPa. Also find the net deformation
induced in the bar. Take E = 2105 N/mm2.
(08 Marks)


a. Define: i) Bulk modulus

ii) Volumetric strain
(08 Marks)
b. Two vertical rods one of steel and other of copper are rigidly fixed at the top and 60cm
apart. Diameter and lengths of each rod are 25mm and 3m respectively. A cross bar fixed at
the lower end carries a load of 6 kN, such that the cross bar remains horizontal even after
loading. Find the stresses developed in each rod and position of the load on the cross bar.
Take Es = 2105 N/mm2 , Ec = 1105 N/mm2.
(12 Marks)

a. A rectangular block of material is subjected to tensile stresses of 120 N/mm2 and 60N/mm2
on two mutually perpendicular planes together with a shear stress of 70 N/mm2. Find the
principal stresses and their planes and also maximum shearing stress.
(10 Marks)
b. A cylindrical thin shell 900mm diameter and 4m long is having metal thickness 12mm. The
shell is subjected to an internal pressure of 3.5 N/mm2. Determine
i) Change in diameter
ii) Change in length
iii) Change in volume.
Take E = 2105 MPa and = 0.25.
(10 Marks)

a. Explain: i) Bending moment ii) Shear force iii) Point of contraflexure.

(06 Marks)
b. Draw SF and BM diagrams indicating principal values for an overhanging beam loaded as
shown in Fig.Q4(b). Locate the point of contraflexure, if any.
(14 Marks)

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a. State the assumptions made in the theory of pure bending.

(05 Marks)
b. A beam with T-section has a flange 100mm wide and 20mm thick, web 80mm depth and
thickness 15mm as shown in Fig.Q5(b). It is subjected to bending moment of 150 kN.m and
shear force of 50 kN. Sketch the bending and shear stress distribution along the depth of the
(15 Marks)


a. Derive the expression EI. d y2 M , with usual notations.

(08 Marks)
b. A beam of uniform rectangular section 250mm wide and 350mm deep is simply supported at
its ends. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 12 kN/m over the entire span of 6m.
If E = 1104 N/mm2, find i) Slope at the supports ii) Max deflection.
(12 Marks)

a. Derive the expression for Eulers buckling load for a column with both ends hinged.
(10 Marks)

b. Using Rankines formula determine the safe load for a cast iron column 7m long, with both
ends fixed. The circular column has an external diameter of 200mm and internal diameter of
150mm. It is subjected to an axial compressive load. Take factor of safety = 6,
c=560N/mm2 , = 1/1600.
(10 Marks)

a. Prove with usual notations, torsion equation

C q

b. A hollow shaft of external diameter 120mm, transmits 300 kW power @
Determine the maximum internal diameter, if the maximum stress is not
60 N/mm2.

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(10 Marks)

200 rpm.
to exceed
(10 Marks)

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