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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT)

Volume 2 Issue 8, November 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 8190



Yojna Goyal
Department of Computer Science &. Engg.
LPU, Jalandhar(Pb)-India

Manmohan Sharma
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science &. Engg
LPU, Jalandhar (Pb)-India

This Paper provides a review on the steganography,
Image Steganography. Steganography is able to hide the
top secret information into the object, object can be
considered as text, image, audio, and video.
Steganography is used for protection of the
communicating messages transmitted over the network
between two persons. For the image steganography we
can obtain the success by inserting the content into the
cover information. In this paper we analysis the features,
application, image steganography with related work.
Keywords Steganography,
Image Steganography, Encryption


2. Perceptual Transparency: Hiding the information

in the wrapper consequence some replacements in
the wrapper image for example Noise inflection or
deformation. It is most essential that the implanting
of information happens without major loss of
perceptual quality and degradation. If there is little
deformation in the image noticed by the invader
and the steganographic encoding fails although the
invader is not capable to get the information.

Robustness: Robustness signifies to the talent of

implanting the information to wait integral if the
stego-image goes through a few conversions.


Tamper Resistance: Tamper-resistance signifies

to the complexity for an invader to rework on the
significance once it has been implanted in a stegoimage. For maintaining integrity of the image we
requires, more complexity for an invader means a
smaller amount modification in stego image.



Over the past years, we see the rapid increase in the use
of internet for transmitting the information to another
person without unauthorized access. This can be attained
by steganography only. We can embed the covert
information to the cover information. Steganography
found by two different words stego and grafia which
means covered writing.
The similarity between steganography and cryptography
is, together they are used to cover up important
Information. But the difference is that the steganography
does not reveal any suspicious about the hidden secret
message to the customer. Therefore the assailant will not
struggle to decrypt secret information. This Paper
reviews the various methods of steganography such as
image, audio, video, text, to mask the Information.
Cryptography deals message encryption but the
communication is visible.
Various features characterize the strengths and
weaknesses of the methods.
1. Hiding Capacity: Hiding capacity is the amount of
messages that can be invisible virtualized to the
amount of the wrapper message. A well-built hiding
capacity permits the utilization of a smaller wrapper
for the message of permanent amount ensuing in
diminishing of the bandwidth necessary to
broadcast the stego-image.




In todays world steganography is used for a lot of

useful applications:
Smart identity cards where the details of
individuals are embedded in their photographs.
Used for Video-audio synchronization
Used in TV broadcasting
Used in Media Database systems so audio, video
can transform.
Used in defence organisations for information
exchange without knowing of third party



Image Steganography is encoding surreptitious messages

in Images. Surreptitious message can be any plaintext,
image, ciphertext, and any other medium. An image
contains number of pixels. Pixel is representation of
light intensities at various points which are considered as
controllable element of the image. Figure shows the
Steganographic Model. Secret information S is hidden

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT)

Volume 2 Issue 8, November 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

inside the cover image O by steganographic algorithm

which gives a stego image S. This Stego image S is
spreader over the channel and received at the receiver

Cover image

message S

Embed the secret message

into cover image

Obtain Stego
Figure1: Steganographic Model
For extracting the information at the receiver side we
will follow the reverse process for the system foe
embedding the information. Again by using the
steganographic algorithm secret message S is extracted.


and hide its presence. Hackers use Steganalysis

technology which beat Steganography by identifying the
hidden message and extracting. A novel and robust
image steganography technique which insert information
into the another information and cover its presence and
also confirm the trust ability of data transferred to the
receiver. To hide original data in another image
component based approach and technique of Palette
Based Images are used. The bits of transfred information
are present into the expanded palette of image without
knowledge of others.
RigDas, Themrichon Tuithung (2012) describes that
paper has taken two different 8 bit gray level pictures,
cover picture of size M X N and secret image of P X Q.
Huffman Encoding is executed into the hidden image
and implants every bit of Huffman code of hidden image
introduced into the wrapper image by modifying its least
significant bit of every pixels intensities of wrapper
image. Size of bit stream and Huffman table are
implanted into wrapper image, by which Stego image
can be individual information for the receiver. This
technique has large capacity with fine invisibility and
PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) of stego image had
shown better results with wrapper class. Quality is also
improved and suitable safety is maintained as the hidden
image could not taken out without knowing of
knowledge of the decoding policy and Huffman tables.
Size of secret image lies only inside the stego image and
decoder should be known to the Extraction algorithm to
pull out the hidden image.



Smitha Suresh, Dr.KChitra, Deepak.P (2013) describes a

video observation system is popular to ensure security in
major areas. Current video observation system analyzes
the tracking of multiple human in the video. The
difficulty of detecting moving targets in crowded scenes
is one of the most challenges in this system. Occlusion is
defined as an object which hides another object by
multiple human tracking in a one/series of frames.
Occlusion detection and handling is an important and
main objective of the planned work is to detect
occlusion. In this, patches in each object are used to
identify the parts which are going to be occluded. The
system can find the occlusion between humans in a
scene and can recognize the occluded parts of every
object. Goal is to develop a observation system that is
free from occlusion. Occlusion is verified by calculating
the distance between the centres of mass of both objects
and if the difference in a frame is zero, and then object is
Amit Asthana(2012) describes that Steganography and
Steganalysis are two essential section of research from
which trustworthy and secure data is exchanged.
Steganography introduce a message into a cover media





By these papers we conclude that a lot of work is done

by using steganography. We see that mostly LSB of
spatial domain is used frequently. This paper provides an
overview of different steganography methods that satisfy
the most important factors of steganography design.
These are undetect ability, capacity and robustness.

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