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What is a pyramid?

A pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and

converge to a single point at the top. A pyramid's design, with the
majority of the weight closer to the ground means that less material
higher up on the pyramid will be pushing down from above. This
distribution of weight allowed early civilizations to create stable
monumental structures.
The egyptian pyramids were built more tan 4000. The ancient
Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens.
The three largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza
Why did the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids?

The Egyptians believed that if the pharaoh's body could be

mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever. The tombs
were designed to protect the buried Pharaoh's body and his
Where were they built?

Most of the pyramids can be found on the western side of the Nile
River, just into the dry desert.
The dry desert heat worked to keep the Pharaohs's body and his
belongings from decomposing and rotting away.
who build the pyramids?

the pyramids were not built by slaves, but were Egyptians that lived
in the area.
There was a lot of planning that went into building a pyramid.
Because of the weight, the location had to be on firm rock because
building on sand would cause it to collapse. Rock was cut out from
quarries that were often quite a distance and carried on boats on the
River Nile to the pyramid location. There were millions of pieces of
rock that had to be just the right size to fit in place.
How they built pyramids?

Construction techniques:
Egyptians used simple machines as levers, ropes, wheels axles and inclined planes

Constructing the pyramids involved moving huge quantities of stone.

The quarried blocks were likely transported to the construction site by
wooden sleds, with sand in front of the sled wetted to reduce friction.
Droplets of water created bridges between the grains of sand, which
helped them stick together.

Dr R H G Parry[3] has suggested a method for rolling the stones As the stones forming the
core of the pyramids were roughly cut, especially in the Great Pyramid, the material used to
fill the gaps was another problem. Huge quantities of gypsum and rubble were needed.
here is good information concerning the location of the quarries, some of the tools used to
cut stone in the quarries, transportation of the stone to the monument, leveling the
foundation, and leveling the subsequent tiers of the developing superstructure. Workmen
probably used copper chisels, drills, and saws to cut softer stone, such as most of the
limestone. The harder stones, such as granite, granodiorite, syenite, and basalt, cannot be
cut with copper tools alone; instead they were worked with time-consuming methods like
pounding with dolerite, drilling, and sawing with the aid of an abrasive, such as quartz sand.
Blocks were transported by sledge likely lubricated by wter.

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