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Date: 3/11- 5/11

Moore/ P2

Design a Necklace

Pupils prior learning

Patterns and sequencing

Cross curricular skills focus

Communication use a general vocabulary to express thoughts, imaginings, and
Mathematics recognise patterns and relationships
Learning intentions
Students will create a necklace with an identifiable pattern (shapes, colours, etc.)

Thinking skills and personal capabilities focus

Thinking, Problem-Solving, & Decision Makingsequence, order,
classify, and make comparisons
Being Creativemake ideas real by experimenting with different
designs, actions, and outcomes
In respective play groups
Students that are struggling will be given more assistance
Suggested Success Criteria (AfL)
I can create a necklace that follows a clear pattern.


Students will share what they know about patterns. They will discuss how they know what
the next object is in a pattern based on the sequence prior. I will provide an example and
they will have to tell me which shape or colour comes next.
Students will use their necklace-planning page to draw what they want their necklace to
look like. They will answer questions about how many jewels they want in their necklace,
what shapes they will use, and what colours they want in their necklace. They will share this
information with me before they start creating their jewelry.
Students will share with one another what their pattern was in their necklace based on the
colours and shapes.

Assessment/ Monitoring
Design a necklace planning page
Final necklace

Role of the teacher

Key Questions
What is a pattern?
How will you know what jewel comes next in your pattern?
How many jewels will there be?
What shapes will you use?
What colours are best?
Design a Necklace Planning Page

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