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We can notice stark disparities among national legislation systems for

gun possessing. In a few countries, especially in North America, owning a

gun deemed as inalienable right and in fact acquiring one is a pretty easy
procedure while at the most European countries, purchasing a gun is
restricted by inflexible laws. This issue has recently generated great deal
of considerable controversy, with supporters maintaining that owing a gun








uncontrolled selling may lead to illicit use of them.

To begin with, it is undeniable that guns usage should be the last
resort even if someone is threated. For instance police forces are entailed
to use their guns only of the imminent threat could not be confronted with
any other milder way. Furthermore, guns may only be used by experienced










enforcement authorities, in a regular basis.

Furthermore, it is often argued that thoughtless selling of guns &
weapons, even at people who have at first sight legal interest for
possessing them, without checking their background or their social
relations may cause uncontrolled violence phenomena. One striking
example is United States of America, where this practice has led to
uncountable incidents with mental impaired perpetrators who have killed
innocent citizens using guns acquired from a local gun shop just before
their act. In many cases guns were used by unauthorized people or
children who escaped their parents supervision. Hence, limiting legally
purchased guns and enacted restrictions for buying one, is one blatantly
and simple solution for the above.
In contrast, supporters of gun possessing, point out that this is the
best practice to protect yourself against criminals and attackers. This
argument makes sense especially where local authorities, fail to protect
citizen and their properties, such as countryside and isolated areas. It is
generally felt that acquiring a gun, gives the owner an ostensible sense of
security. As mentioned above, also at this situation, usage of guns should
be our last resort. Purchasing a gun for other reasons, such as hunting
may also be another point for legally possessing a gun.
Taking all the above into consideration, the obvious conclusion to be
drawn is that usage of guns should be restricted, alongside with measures

fighting illegal and unauthorized use of them. Having a gun is a right for
every citizen, but the right to life and other liberties are more fundamental
and should be protected by everyone in any cost.

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