@gk2epn (With A Stopover at London) Ch17b

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Roka kita..

a flutter of butterflies and a

swarm of flies
Bhua what are a lot of butterflies calledI look at the
cutey cuddly puddly face of my nephew an answer no
idea..its called a flutter he updated me in his sing song
voicewont it be beautiful to have hundreds of them in
all colours..n suddenly the rainbow came out
Time to hit the park .i am swinging along it is spring an
my fav Gulmohar and acacia trees are in bloom their
vibrant rust and sunshine yellow colours make everything
seem so ok .on surface. I remember cycling furiously
under the canopy of these trees when the roads would get
carpeted with same brilliant hues ( sadly loads of these
trees have been cut) .one tree was a special favourite
shaped like a canopy .i used to call it apple tree
complex..( not sure why.one of those childish whimsor
maybe it was because I was called appley in childhood
due to my red cheeks:)
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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

Ipod stuffed in my ears thank you itunes ( I am anti piracy

n pro itunes) an the mood lifts with vocals streaming
througha couple of rounds with usual bunch of familiar
faces.though sadly no peacocks today.The softness of
grass looks very inviting and shoes off that barefoot-walkthat-is good for eyeshey I am all for familiarity. I eat
the same fav dish at the same fav restaurant on n on again
and it gives me great pleasure.the familiarity of this park
..that binds.when you recognize each an every blade of
grass and connect it with a childhood memory that tugs
@heart..in this case the memory is of a swing an a slide
the swing is not there any longer .but used to be once
upon a time n slide has been updated as well..i even
smuggled my rabbits here a couple of times.they loved to
gobble the green grass..a deep breath.an time for my 5
min meditation
Ipod off n I am focussing on a mini flutter of butterflies that
is well fluttering around.when I hear a sniggerdamn I
am not a sant the last thing I need is a gossip
around.need to work hard at focussing I give it a min an
failing which ipod on..but then something catches ..BC
ki saheli..an I look around hoping to see a modelesque
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

someone around when it comes again n I see a group of

gigglygirls KKK, by the looks of it.staring at me .as
though I have suddenly sprouted wings.or horns .or
both.the look is of awe gossip .not sure positive or
negative just surprise is visible.an suddenly a swarm of
flies blocks my vision
Curiosity up but no further details oh well idiots
Then I open the newspaper an here it is an ad announcing
mine n BC s engagement..seriouslywhat a surprise to
me.especially since it came on the same day as his
obituary column well ads get booked in advance n
someone forgot to cAncel this..but that is the least of my
worries.you see no reason why I should be engaged to
him.i wasnt seeing him.wrong age group ( and
everything else) for an arranged match,,then how..i
dont even remember speaking to him in last 2 years.yes
I have gossiped about him .but so has everyone else in 2
km.make that 5 km radius
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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

Anyways work happened and then gym actuallyn the

sniggering again! Seriously what is wrong with everyone.
Think thinklast week someone had climbed nearby ullus
chaat.screamed I love you.n a bhutiya awaz had said
saut again.u know I LOVE YOU sounds so nice to a
females ears ..that even if it is for someone else every
female in the room will start smilingtry it.too mnb I
say.cut down on it.not real crap.as if that wasn t bad
enough you have bollywood raaja swooning to
simmiraan ..,,who raan as though movie was a
marathonsetting the wrong expectation for real life .i
even went to swiss .but all it had were bus loads of
indians ! N even more indians.Honeymooners and every
sightseeing spot has even more of the sameone question
dudes n spouse..if you have found your significant other
what r u doing hereleave some space for still searching
like usseriousthough only other species was the other
great indian stereotype..software engineers from numero
deux s/w firm..familiar but hardly my type.
Anyways I was so upset by the entire krmps thing that
when that screwed up bhutiya said saut.an that creepy
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@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

male voice said I love madame ..i said yes out of sheer
Now why did I do that.reasons as per
1) To irritate the bhutiya voice (child ego)
2) To kick any asshole who thinks he can stay anonymous
and expect me to respond.it reminded me of pre
mobile blank calls.esp the heavy breather
variety..but most importantly ( child ego)
3) I had this gut feel that somebody needed help n
desperately needed me to say yes..i don t know
why at that pointso a leap of faith here ( intuition)
4) The expected answer from my end was an obvious NO
cause who agrees with nameless faceless voices
that you have never heard before..so in such a
scenario a YES would have upset whatever charades
was happening upaaran hopefully someone would
show their face.( logically inquisitive)
5) An I could have a pleasure of kicking their nasty
spiteful ass.n satisfy my intuition n mind (sheer spite
n convergence of all paradigms)
6) It was a no risk scenariono or yes eitherwise.noone could have done anything ..given the
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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

fact that atleast 5 feet of airdrop separated us

( practical)
7) So the rational irrational n intuitive dimensions sorted
at YES
So with my most romantic voice ever imagining my dream
guy I said ofcourse I do .n in all probability gave that idiot
a heart attack..serves him right
..n after a while I felt pity an him and asked him to drop
by my house.knowing fully well if you cant even show
your face it is extremely unlikely that you will drop by.n
even if you do .how the hell will I recognise you to
.open the the door baby .open the door for you
Man ki awaaz hai to chehra dikhane main kyon sharma
raha hai.nikaah thodi ho raha hai ki haan kiya aur done
deal..........i am romantic perpetuallyonly in
Switzerland! You are not the only one semi joking that
day on chaat.

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read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

7copyrighted material and all rights are reserved...free to
read but not to circulate..
@gk2epn(with a stopover at london) by Anupreet Kaur
Category-fiction ; no resemblance to any person alive or

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