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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Challenges for Simulation in the Automotive

Industry (SimAutoInd)
Questions for Exams

WS 2014/2015

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Visit to BMW Factory in Munich

Max. 30 students (first come first serve according to the registration in the list of attendees)
Friday 30.1.2015, 15:00
We will meet at BMW Welt Munich, Information Counter North, 14:30 at latest

Latest start of tours is 15:30, tour takes max. 2.5 hours
Meet at BMW Welt Information Counter North 30 minutes prior to tour start
Payment happens at information counter, Stefan invites you
Please organize travel yourself
If you want to participate, please make a cross in the list of attendees
If further information is to be distributed and we do not meet in the lecture in time, StudOn will
be used

(Please name a group leader he/she should please send an e-mail to ) (not in WS 2014)
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg


We will have a written exam

Duration 60 minutes
If you have a conflict with this date, please send
an e-mail to

I will upload the list of potential questions

to StudOn

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Evaluation of Lecture

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Evaluation of Lecture

TANs available
Please evaluate the lecture
Deadline: 17.1.2015

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

State of the Art and Challenges for Simulation from an Industrial Point of View (1)
Please give reasons for using simulation
Test of functional behaviour, etc.
Why can physical test alone not do the job?
General motivation (cost, many different load conditions, etc.)
Enables insights which physical test cannot deliver e.g. transparent real time view of interior

components (remember Audi movie)

Product development trends (amount of product lines and variants, etc.)
Simulation in development of Audi A6/A8
List and briefly explain some of the most important simulation disciplines und subdisciplines in automotive
hat development (Funktionsauslegung Aufbau)
In A8 movie, underlined items were shown in A6 movie as well (A6 movie not shown in
Crash (side, front, etc.)
NVH (comfort (vibrations etc.), acoustics)
Durability (misuse - pit hole example)

Fluid dynamics (external aerodynamics CW and CA value, aeroacoustics, air conditioning)

In A6 movie only:
Running gear (Fahrwerk)
dynamic stiffness
Adaptive light
Which other examples of virtual testing (i.e. simulation) do you remember from the automotive industries (see
slide 3 of the introductory slide set for State of the Art and Challenges for Simulation from an Industrial Point of

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

State of the Art and Challenges for Simulation from an Industrial Point of
View (2)

When was BMW founded, what was its initial product?

When did BMW enter the automotive market?
Which car brands make up the BMW Group today?
How many car series make up the BMW automobile range today?
How many cars did BMW sell in 2013 and which revenues did BMW achieve in
Briefly describe the CAE compute capacity of BMW: how many cores? (about
24,000; in lecture it was mentioned that next year it will be about 43,000) In
which locations? What is the preferred platform for CAE? (see BMW slide
handout page 20)
What is CAD, CAE, CAT? comp aided testing
Why is a multidisciplinary way of working important? Explain potential conflicts
for example regarding the front vehicle functional design (Weight, Stiffness,
Crashworthiness, Vibration of Hoods, Aerodynamics, Pedestrian Protection)

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

State of the Art and Challenges for Simulation from an Industrial Point of
View (3)

What is CAE-Bench at BMW?

Explain the overall simulation process integrated into CAE-Bench at BMW

based on a printout of the corresponding slide

List and explain some benefits of CAE-Bench for BMW
System integration explain with your own words why it is important to
integrate CAD, CAE, CAT and TI (Bill of Material) (keywords: integrated
workflows, controlled, efficient communication)
Explain why integrating data and processes across distributed locations and
suppliers is important and which challenges arise from this
See slide with title Development Networks and subtitle More efficiency
of processes in development networks and use your own know-how from
the press and other sources
List and briefly summarize the challenges for simulation in the automotive
industries which were discussed in this lecture
Challenges from industrial point of view, FEM, Parallel FEM, Materials,
Future Trends in Structural Analysis, SDM, IT Challenges
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Introduction to the FEM (1)
Overview (section 1)
Give a brief description of the FEM (section 1.1)
Application Areas of FEM (section 1.2)
List some typical FE analysis types, explain them and give an
example for each
Linear static analysis, linear dynamic analysis (normal
modes and acoustics), nonlinear analysis
Brief description of design optimization as application area of
FEM (example: topology optimization)
Brief description of stochastic analysis as application area of

What does CFD mean?

List and describe three examples of problems addressed with

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Introduction to the FEM (2)
FEM Theory (section 2)
List and briefly describe the 7 basic steps of the FEM (section 2)
We assume a threedimensional linear elastic body which is supported and
constrained and subject to loads. Explain the meaning of the term displacements.
Give the text definition of strain; and an intuitive definition for a tensile rod.
We assume a tensile rod which extends along the y-axis:


u1 u ( P1 ) A u2 u ( P2 )
f1 f ( P1 )

f 2 f ( P2 )

Under which condition are all terms in ( x , y , z , xy , yz , zx ) 0 except y ?
Derive the relationship between y and u y .

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Introduction to the FEM (3)
FEM Theory (section 2)

Define the term stress

Give the unit of stress in both US and SI unit systems
What is an elasticity law?
Give the formula for Hookes law and explain for which which materials it applies.
Give an example for a material where Hookes law applies. Does it always apply for
this material?
Describe the meaning of Youngs modulus. Give its value for steel in the US unit
system. Based on this value, derive its value in the SI unit system, assuming
Definition of stress-strain curve
Plot a stress-strain curve for steel and explain the major regions of this curve.
Explain the meaning of yield point and give the approx. strain value for steel at the
yield point (about 0.2%). Derive the corresponding stress value using Hookes law.
Explain the meaning of the Poisson ratio for linear elastic materials.
Based on the formulas
,explain the meaning of the
values 0 and 0.5 of the Poisson ratio. Give examples of materials with these values
for the Poisson ratio.
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Introduction to the FEM (4)
FEM Theory (section 2)
The potential energy of a threedimensional constrained linear elastic body under
load is given as







f ( Pi )T u ( Pi )

2 V
i 1

Explain the meaning of p, q, f, u
Explain the meaning of each of the four terms which consitute the potential energy
What is the main idea of the principle of minimum potential energy?

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Introduction to the FEM (5)
FEM Theory (section 2)
For the rod along the y-axis, give a linear function for u y , which fulfills u y (0) u1

and u y (l ) u2
Derive an expression for the potential energy of the rod based on u1 , u2 and f1 , f 2
using this linear function, and express it in matrix vector writing
We assume a structure of two rods along the y-axis. Both are made of steel, are 10
cm long, the lower rod has a constant cross sectional area of 3cm 2, the upper rod
2cm2. The lower rod is fixed at the bottom, a load of 4,000N is applied to the upper
rod. For Youngs modulus, you can use a value which is convenient for the
Compute the element stiffness matrices and element load vectors for both rods
Assemble these matrices and vectors into a global stiffness matrix and load vector
Write down the resulting system of linear equations
Eliminate the unknown for the constrained grid point
Solve the system of linear equations, i.e. compute the values for the unknowns
Calculate the values for strains and stresses in both rods.
We have shown in1 the lecture that for the FEM the potential energy can by
expressed as uT K u f T u . Proof for three unknowns that the following is true for

(u1 , u2 , u3 ) : grad ( ) (

) 0 Ku f
u1 u2 u3

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Introduction to the FEM (6)
FEM practice (section 3)
A Nastran input deck template for the rod example is given, but
misses a few entries. Fill in the missing entries.
Describe the typical contents of a Nastran log file, f04 file, f06 file
What is Nastran DMAP?
Pre- and postprocessing (section 4)
Why is a FE preprocessor required? (slide 63)
List and briefly describe the major preprocessing steps for linear static
analysis (slide 63)
For which purpose will an engineer use a FE postprocessor? (slide 64)
List and briefly describe the major postprocessing steps for linear
static analysis (slide 64)

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Introduction to the FEM (7)
Role of linear algebra for FEM (section 5)
What are the typical characteristics of a system of linear
equations arising from a linear statics analysis? (sparse vs.
dense, (un)symmetric, number of right hand sides, etc.)
A small finite element model is given with elements and grid
points, some grid points are fixed. Please show the pattern of
nonzero terms in the corresponding stiffness matrix and load
Describe why matrices become denser with higher dimensional
Shown for 2D and 3D example with 12 grid points each in the
lecture, in the exam also demonstrate this with a 1D example with
12 grid points (just take a tensile rod with 11 elements)

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (1)
Motivation for parallel FEM (section 1)
Describe reasons why parallel FEM is required
Larger models
Roughly describe how resource requirements grow with model size
(e.g. crankshaft link, compare in particular link02 and link04)
Describe reasons for growing model sizes (automatic mesh
generators, usage of meshes across different analysis types, digital
mock-up of FE models)

(Topology) optimization
Assume a single finite element analysis would require 4 hours.
How long would a serial topology optimization and a serial
stochastic analysis need? Explain your assumptions to get to your

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (2)

Introduction to parallel computing (section 2)

Plot a diagram for an SMP architecture. List its advantages and disadvantages, and give

an example of a corresponding parallel computer used in industry today

Plot a diagram for a DMP architecture. List its advantages and disadvantages, and give an
example of a corresponding parallel computer used in industry today
Is the memory the only resource shared/distributed in an SMP/DMP computer? Explain
your answer
What is the main principle behind shared memory parallel programming and distributed
memory parallel programming? (see slide 22)
The following situation is given in an SMP architecture with two processors. Which value(s)
will/could be printed for x? Explain your answers.
integer x
proc. 1

proc. 2



write (*,*) x

Explain the main ideas of shared memory parallel programming (shared memory, threads,
fork-join, etc.)
What is the advantage/disadvantage of using directives specified by the programmer vs.
letting the compiler do an automatic parallelization?

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (3)
Introduction to parallel computing (section 2)
What is OpenMP? What does it deliver to the programmer?
Standard directives, library routines and environment variables
Explain an OpenMP program listing which is shown to you
during the exam, for example a program which creates a
number of threads equal to the number of processors and
prints the ID of each thread. The OpenMP program may
contain some open gaps/errors, fill in the gaps/correct the
Explain the advantages/disadvantages of shared memory
parallel programming

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (4)
Introduction to parallel computing (section 2)
Explain the main principles of distributed parallel programming
Explain the abbreviations SPMD and MPMD and explain the

differences between both models

Explain message passing and data parallel programming
Which advantages could you imagine for data parallel
What is MPI? What does it deliver to the programmer?
Standardized constants and library routines
Explain an MPI program listing which is shown to you during the
exam. The MPI program may contain some open gaps/errors, fill
in the gaps/correct the errors.
What do the routines MPI_BCAST and MPI_ALLREDUCE do?
Explain the advantages/disadvantages of distributed memory
parallel programming
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (5)

Parallel performance metrics

Define and explain speedup and parallel efficiency

For a FEM example, a table with elapsed times for a serial, 4- and 8-processor
parallel runs is given. Compute speedups and efficiencies on 4 and 8 processors
Define linear and superlinear speedup
Is superlinear speedup possible? If yes, give an example
Amdahls law

Define and explain Amdahls law

Lets assume a parallelized FEM code. The serial elapsed execution time for a

certain FE model is T. The code has not been completely parallelized, in any parallel
execution the serial fraction of the run time is 0<<1.

Give an expression for the parallel run time on p processors dependent on , T and
p, assuming linear speedup in the parallel code parts
Based on this answer, write down the expression for Amdahls speedup
Compute the limes for Amdahls speedup for p
Explain the meaning of Amdahls law with your own words

Which main types of performance monitoring tools exist (hardware and software),
what are the pros and cons
Explain what an a posteriori trace tool does and what it is used for, give an
example for such a tool

Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (6)
Parallelization approaches (section 3)
List the five potential parallelization approach categories
which we discussed in the lecture

Shared or distributed memory parallelization

Embarrassingly parallel or not
Module (kernel) oriented or complete parallelization
Data distribution (=partitioning): algebraic or geometric
Explain one of the five approaches in more details
What does embarrassingly parallel mean? Give one
example for an FEM analysis which is embarrassingly
parallel, and one which is not
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (7)

Parallelization approaches (section 3)

In a linear statics FEM analysis, let us assume that n is the

number of different load vectors, and c the number of different

constraint sets. The following two situations are given

a) n>1, c=1
b) n=1, c>1

Write down the linear equation systems to be solved for a) with

n=4, and for b) with c=4
Which of these two situations is embarrassingly parallel?
Explain your answer.
The elapsed time of a serial FEM run is given, with a breakdown
of time spent in the different main modules. Compute the
estimated speedups on 4 and 8 processors for situation a) with
n=8 and b) with c=16.

List 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages for incomplete

parallelization (i.e. module or kernel oriented) when compared

to complete parallelization
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (8)

Parallelization approaches (section 3)

What does the abbreviation GPGPU stand for?

Explain the principle how a GPU can accelerate an FEM program.
An example for speedups using shared memory parallelism, distributed

memory parallelism, and GPU acceleration is given. The parallel computer

on which this example was executed consists of 4 distributed nodes, each
of them contains 4 CPUs and 1 GPU. Mark in the following diagram, which
components of the parallel computer were used in the runs in the speedup

Explain the difference between algebraic and geometric data distribution

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Parallel FEM (9)
Domain decomposition (section 4)
Explain the basic idea of domain decomposition and give a high level overview of how this
works for parallelizing the FEM (section 4.1)
Explain whether/how the 7 fundamental steps of the FEM have to be modified for parallel
FEM based on domain decomposition (section 4.2)
Which 3 requirements should a good grid partitioning algorithm fulfill?
The following FE model is given, and split into two domains.
rod 1 rod 2 rod 3 rod 4 rod 5 rod 6 rod 7 rod 8
grid 1 grid 2 grid 3 grid 4 grid 9 grid 5 grid 6 grid 7 grid 8

domain 1

The element stiffness matrices are

f 8 10,000 N

domain 2

K rod i

E A 1 1

l 1 1

For both domains, l=2.5cm, E=200MPa. For domain 1, A=2cm*cm, for 2 A=1.5cm*cm.
Write down the local assembled stiffness matrices for domain 1 and domain 2
Write down the global assembled stiffness matrix and mark the contributions from
both domains in a different way (e.g. different color, or underline the contributions
from domain 2)
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Role of Materials in Simulation from a manufacturing point of view (1)
How are material properties fed into simulation?
As constitutive relations which connect applied stresses or forces to strains or

Give the text definition of stress

Who introduced the concept of stress into the theory of elasticity?
What is the difference between true stress (=Cauchy stress) and engineering stress
True stress: area A would change, engineering stress uses original area A0
Text definition of strain
An upsetting process transforms the following material block from height h0 to
height h1. Calculate the values of strain and strain rate for the final state.
h0=100 mm

Initial state

h1=70 mm

Final state
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Role of Materials in Simulation from a manufacturing
point of view (2)

What is the advantage of using strain rate versus strain?

List and briefly explain the main stages of the approach to
forming simulation
Inputs: geometry and material parameters; tooling concept;
process parameters; simulation model; outputs: thickness
map, material strain rate, dimension accuracy

Definition of yield point

Explain a stress-strain curve of steel
Show the locations of upper and lower yield stress,

uniform strain and strain at failure

(Give orders of magnitude for uniform strain and
strain at failure in steel) (not in WS2014)
Which part of the curve shows the elastic area, which
area describes the plastic behaviour?
Which law describes the elastic part, which law
Plasticity and hardening (Hill's
describes the plastic part?
Which testing device is used to determine such
Tensile testing machine
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Anisotropy /nastrpi/ is the property of being directionally dependent, as opposed to isotropy, which
implies identical properties in all directions. It can be defined as a difference, when measured along
different axes, in a material's physical or mechanical properties (absorbance, refractive index, conductivity,
tensile strength, etc.) An example of anisotropy is the light coming through a polarizer. Another is wood,
which is easier to split along its grain than against it.

Role of Materials in Simulation from a manufacturing point of

view (3)
Plot an approximate curve for yield stress over temperature
Which manufacturing process exploits this? Forging

What is an anisotropic material?

Is stainless steel isotropic or anisotropic? yes
The following anistropic coefficient is given.

r b
t ln t1

When selecting a material for a car body, which value is desirable for this
coefficient, |r|=1, |r |>1, or |r |<1, and why?

value should be greater than 1. Because the length should change but the thickness
should remain the same.

Why do we need rigid materials for tools

Manufacturing of heat exchanger which manufacturing problems do we
want to avoid using simulation e.g. rupture at the punch radius corner,

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Future Trends in Structural Analysis for Development of Products:

Optimization and Robust Design Design To Cost - Predictive Lifecycle

Assessment (1)
Describe challenges in product development which we discussed:
Explain the meaning of the magic triangle Quality, Time, Cost
According to a McKinsey study, what is the influence on profit of a delay in time to

market of 6 months? What is the influence of a 50% increase in development cost?

Climate changes, CO2 emissions, shortage of resources
Which main measures were identified for CO2 reduction in car development? New
driveline concepts (hybrid, e-car), advanced material concepts. Explain the BMW i3
as an example
List five main steps in the history of optimization from trial and error to complexity
List three typical classes of optimimization and give an example for each of them (sizing,
shape and topology optimization)
Why is multidisciplinary optimization important? (take into account the requirements of
multiple disciplines simultaneously, handle conflicting targets). Give an example for a
conflict in multidisciplinary optimization in car development.
Optimization versus robustness what is the difference? What happens if a behaviour is
not robust (remember flying racing cars)

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Future Trends in Structural Analysis for Development of

Products: Optimization and Robust Design Design To Cost Predictive Lifecycle Assessment (2)
List five sources for variability/uncertainty, and describe each of
them with one sentence
Is it possible to build two 100% identical cars? Why?
How is a stochastic problem formulated what are the
inputs/outputs? What do free stochastic variables and design
variables mean?
How many stochastic variations of input parameters (i.e. number of
simulations) are typically needed to get sufficient results?
What do the point clouds tell us (e.g. they show if there is a
correlation between the parameters on the x- and y-axis, show
outliers, etc)
Why are outliers bad?
What is a decision map?
What do the pie charts for a certain output parameter tell us?
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Future Trends in Structural
Analysis for Development of
Products: Optimization and
Robust Design Design To Cost
- Predictive Lifecycle
Assessment (3)

Explain the major steps which

could be used to find an

improved robust design using
the picture to the right
DOE select parameter sets in
question with

design space, run simulations,

select initial design
Run optimization e.g. with
response surface method
Determine robustness e.g.
with a stochastic analysis
Run SDI (stochastic design
improvement) to obtain a robust
improved result

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Future Trends in Structural Analysis for Development of Products:

Optimization and Robust Design Design To Cost - Predictive Lifecycle

Assessment (4)
What is Design-To-Cost? Take cost into consideration as a design goal/constraint.
In which product development phase is the majority of the cost already defined?
Why is then simulation so important to reduce cost?
Which challenges do we face so that we are looking into (P)LCA? (climate changes, CO2

emissions, shortage of resources)

What are the CO2 emission guidelines for cars from the EU and do they make sense with
respect to a LCA? Why/why not?
List the main stages of the lifecycle of a product
Definition of Lifecycle Assessment
List and briefly describe the four components of an LCA process
List five potential data sources for a lifecycle inventory
Why is simulation important for (Predictive) Lifecycle Assessment?
Explain the SLC project are the results obtained in this project good with respect to a
lifecycle assessment?
Certain sample data are given for a super light car body (materials in car body, CO2
emission per kg for the production of each material, fuel saving, etc.). Compute the CO2
balance for the car body and write down your conclusion whether this balance is positive
or negative and why.
Why is the Human Factor in development and also LCA so important?

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Simulation Data and Process Management (1)
Introduction to SDM
Motivation for Simulation Data and Process Management
List and explain four industry trends in CAE which increase the need for SDM
Increasing amount of product variants, boundary conditions, stochastic
simulation, discipline combination

What does SDM stand for, is data management all that is required?
What is the general status regarding SDM in the industry today
PDM established, SDM not - although needed
Briefly explain PDM
Management of product geometry structure and design data,
configuration management
What is a 200% car

Describe the virtual product development process with a description

where PDM and SDM are used (see slide 9)
List and describe three main groups of SDM users with one sentence
Designers, expert analysts, enterprise users

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Simulation Data and Process Management (2)
Introduction to SDM
Requirements for Simulation Data and Process Management
List seven requirements for SDM which were discussed in the lecture
Management of data
Management of actions/processes
User Interface
Application programming interface
Interactive handling and comparison of data
Integration of multiple disciplines
Access control
Integration of suppliers
Requirements regarding software and IT architecture
Integration with PDM/PLM
Integration with physical test data
Distributed SDM
Configuration capabilities
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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Simulation Data and Process Management (3)
Introduction to SDM
Requirements for Simulation Data and Process Management
You will be given one or more of these topics, describe this
requirement in more detail, for example:
What are the specific requirements for managing data in an SDM

system? Ability to manage all data types typical for simulation, to

manage large volumes of data, to navigate and search quickly in
huge amounts of data; availability of life cycle actions
What is tracability and an Audit Trail Viewer
What are the specific requirements regarding software and IT
architecture? Open architecture, scalability, load balancing and
failsafe, integration into existing IT infrastructures, backup strategy,
disaster tolerance
What is failsafe?
Which parts of an SDM system should be configurable? Data model,
actions/processes, user interface, access control, IT integration

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

Simulation Data and Process Management (4)

Introduction to SDM
Example: SimManager
Describe the SimManager IT architecture as an
example of a typical SDM system
slide 45
List and briefly explain four main groups of SDM
functionalities using SimManager as example: Data
Management, Process Management, Report
Management, Collaboration, also be prepared for
some pinpoint questions, e.g.:
What is a Work Request? slide 44
How is data typically managed in an SDM object
oriented or file oriented? Why?

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Questions for Exams

IT Challenges Regarding Simulation WS 2014/2015

How many car models did Daimler Benz bring to the market from 1960-1990,

and from 2000-2010?

Which influence does this have regarding simulation and why?
How much does one physical car prototype cost approximately?
How many virtual crash tests were approximately executed for the C-class
which came to the market in 2007?
List the main types of computer architectures in the history of supercomputing
and give one example for each computer architecture (main frame, vector
(mini)computers, RISC, RISC clusters, Intel x86 machines and clusters)
What is the code name of the latest INTEL CPU family used for HPC?
How does a current supercomputer look like (x86 CPUs, Infiniband
interconnect, evtl. with GPUs)
You have a cluster of 16 cores and a program which can run in parallel for 90%
of the code. What is the (max.) speedup and what is the efficiency according to
Amdahls law?
Which example for a supercomputer was described in the lecture (SuperMUC),
give an approximate description of the system (location, number of cores,
number of nodes, peak performance, power consumption/cost, etc.)
Which component of the SuperMUC is the biggest issue regarding reliability?
What are the consequences of energy cost? Energy-aware scheduling, run the
system at lower than nominal frequency especially not in turbo-mode, warmwater cooling.

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SimAutoInd | WS 2014/2015 | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Good luck for the exam!

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