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Lj¢fEV¡l ¢L ( What is Computer ?): pqS i¡−h hm−a −N−m Lj¢fEV¡l qm −k k¿» Nee¡ Ll−a f¡−l a¡−LC
Lj¢fEV¡l hm¡ qu z a¡q−m fËnÀ S¡N−a f¡−l LÉ¡mL¥−mV¡l ¢L a¡q−m Lj¢fEV¡l ? AhnÉC LÉ¡mL¥−mV¡l qm Lj¢fEV¡l
, −Lhmj¡œ Lj¢fEV¡l Hl j−dÉ ALU ( Arithmetic Logical Unit ) h−m HL¢V k¿»¡wn b¡−L k¡ ¢Le¡
LÉ¡mL¥−mV¡−ll j−dÉ b¡−Le¡ zThe device which can calculate or compute is called computer.
Calcualtor is a computer too.The exception is computer has an ALU which does not
exist in a simple calculator.
Lj¢fEV¡−ll ¢hi¡N (Divisions of computer) :
1) pgV Ju¡l / 1)Software z 2) q¡XÑ Ju¡l / 2) Hardwarez
fËb−j Bjl¡ B−m¡Qe¡ Llh q¡XÑ Ju¡l pÇj−å (First we will discuss about Hardware Section):

q¡XÑ Ju¡l / Hardware : 1) CPU ( Central Processing Unit ) h¡ ¢p.¢f.CE :

fË−aÉL Computer Hl p¡−b e£−Ql R¢hl j−a¡ HL¢V LÉ¡¢h−eV −cJu¡ b¡−L HC LÉ¡¢h−e−Vl j−dÉ b¡−L CPU z H¢V
qm computer Hl brain h¡ j¢Ù¹×L z CPU Bh¡l ¢LR¥ k¿»¡wn ¢e−u N¢Wa , −k…−m¡ e£−Q heÑe¡ Ll¡ qm : The
picture given below is called cabinet , inside the cabinet C.P.U is placed. C.P.U
has also some parts which are being described below.


L) Mother Board : e¡j ö−eC −h¡T¡ k¡u −k Mother j¡−e “j¡” AbÑ¡v H¢V pjÙ¹ computer −L ¢eu¿»e Ll−R
z h¡S¡−l p¡d¡lea : Intel company h¡ Asus Company Hl Mother Board M¤h Se¢fËua¡ ASÑe L−l−R z
Mother Board is the mother of the computer thus controls every features of a computer.

Mother Board
M) Processor : e¡j ö−eC −h¡T¡ k¡u −k Computer Hl processing speed h¡ LÉ¡mL¥−mn−el L¡S â¥a
N¢a−a Ll¡l SeÉ HC k¿»¡wn hÉhq¡l Ll¡ qu z h¡S¡−l Intel Company Hl Processor (Pentium-IV) M¤h
¢hMÉ¡a ¢Rm, haÑj¡−e HC −L¡Çf¡e£l Dual Core Processor M¤hC Se¢fËu q−u E−W−R z A powerful
processor increases the speed of the computer at present P-V processor , Dual Core or
Core to duo processor is very popular .

Processor Core 2 Duo


N)RAM (Random Access Memory ) : H¢V qm Computer Hl Øj«¢a h¡ Memory z HC −j−j¡¢l −a

Bf¢e Bfe¡l L¡S ¢h¢iæ g¡Cm CaÉ¡¢c p¾Qu L−l l¡M−a f¡l−he z h¡S¡−l DDR -I h¡ DDR-II lÉ¡j M¤h fËQ¢ma z
This memory is called volatile memory of the computer where you can process your
work at random basis. Today DDR-II RAM is very much popular in market.

Random Access Memory

O) ROM ( Read Only Memory ) : k¢cJ H¢V qm Computer Hl Memory h¡ p¾Q−ul S¡uN¡, ¢L¿¹¥ HC
S¡uN¡u −Lhmj¡œ Application Sofware R¡s¡ AeÉ ¢LR¥ p¾Qu L−l l¡M¡ k¡ue¡ z It’s also a memory
where you can stored application software.

Read Only Memory

P) Hard Drive : H¢V qm computer Hl j−dÉ pwNËq n¡m¡ z AbÑ¡v k¡l j−dÉ k¡ha£u g¡Cm, L¡S, R¢h , pgV
Ju¡l CaÉ¡¢c pwNËq L−l l¡M¡ k¡u z Hard Drive c¤ dl−el q−a f¡−l, −kje : 1) Internal Hard Drive (
C¾V¡le¡m q¡XÑ XÊ¡Ci ) Hhw 2) External Hard Drive ( H„V¡le¡m q¡XÑ XÊ¡Ci )z There are two type of
hard drive i.e. Internal & External. Hard drive is like as the cabinet or chest in a room.
1) Internal Hard Drive ( C¾V¡le¡m q¡XÑ XÊ¡Ci ) : −k q¡XÑ XÊ¡Ci Lj¢fEV¡−ll j−dÉ b¡−L Hhw k¡ −L¡−e¡J
AhÙÛ¡−aC h¡C−l Be¡ k¡ue¡ a¡−L Internal Hard Drive hm¡ qu z Computer Hl Desk top H Ah¢ÙÛa My
Computer Icon M¤m−m Local Disk C: , D: , E: Hhw F: −L Internal Hard Drive hm¡ qu zhaÑj¡−e
−hn£l i¡N Computer H−a HC q¡XÑ XÊ¡C−il f¢lj¡e qu 40 ¢S¢h X 4 = 160 ¢S¢h h¡ ¢NN¡ h¡CV zInternal
hard drive takes its place into the inside of the cabinet of the computer. The unit of this
hard drive is GIGA byte.

Internal Hard Drive

2)External Hard Drive ( H„V¡le¡m q¡XÑ XÊ¡Ci ): HC XÊ¡Ci …−m¡l p¡q¡−kÉ HL Computer −b−L fË−u¡Se£u
Data h¡ abÉ AeÉ Computer H ¢e−u k¡Ju¡ k¡u z H…−m¡ qm : L) CD Rom h¡ ¢p¢X z M) DVD h¡ ¢X¢i¢X z
N) Floppy Drive h¡ gÓ¢f z O) haÑj¡−e Pen Drive h¡ −fe XÊ¡Ci M¤h Se¢fËua¡ ASÑe L−l−R . External
hard drives are floppy, CD, DVD or Pen Drive by which you can carry your data from
one place to another.

Compact Disk Floppy Disk DVD (Digital Video Disk) Pen Drive

Q) Board & Mouse / ¢L.−h¡XÑ Hhw j¡Ep : L¢ÇfEV¡−l Lj¡ä fË−hn Ll¡−e¡l SeÉ ¢L.−h¡XÑ Hhw j¡E−pl
fË−u¡Se z j¡E−pl c¤¢V ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¡ k¡u, h¡j¢c−L Hhw X¡e¢c−Lz kMe L¢ÇfEV¡−ll L¡R −b−L −L¡−e¡J p¡q¡−kÉl
fË−u¡Se aMe X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll−he z ¢L¿¹¥ kMe −L¡−e¡J Lj¡ä −c−he aMe h¡j ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll−he z Key Board
& Mouse are two important device attached with your computer. With these devices you
can enter any command into your computer. Mouse has got two sides one on it's Left &
other on it's Right. With the help of Right Click you can ask a help from your computer
but with the help of Left Click you can insert any command or performance into your

Key Board & Mouse

Hh¡l Bjl¡ ECe−X¡S Af¡−l¢Vw ¢p−ØVj ¢e−u B−m¡Qe¡ Llh / Now we shall be discussing about the
WINDOS Operating System::
 −Lje L−l −g¡ô¡l h¡e¡−he / How to create Folder :−−g¡ô¡l h¡e¡h¡l B−N c¤¢V hÉ¡f¡−l d¡le¡ N−s
¢e−a q−h , −X„Vf Hhw f−u¾V¡l z L¢ÇfEV¡l M¤m−m j¢eV¡−l −hn ¢LR¥ fË¢aµR¢h −cM¡ k¡u −k…−m¡−L hm¡ qu
BCLez BCLe …−m¡ −k S¡uN¡u −cM−a f¡Ju¡ k¡u a¡−L hm¡ qu −X„Vf z j¡Ep e¡s¡−m p¡−b p¡−b HLV¡
¢al ¢Qq² −X„V−fl Efl es−a b¡−L a¡−L hm¡ qu f−u¾V¡l z Before creating folder you have to
know some basic features of your computer i.e. Desktop & Pointer. After opening
your computer you can watch some images on your monitor's screen. These
images are called ICONS & where these images are being displayed is known as

With Icons

a) −X„V−fl −k −L¡−e¡J gy¡L¡ ÙÛ¡−e f−u¾V¡l V¡ ¢e−u ¢N−u j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ HLV¡ X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e z Place the
Pointer on any blank place of the desktop. Then make a Right click with your mouse.
b) Bfe¡l p¡j−e HLV¡ −je¤ M¤−m k¡−h / a menu will be opened before you.
c) Hh¡l f−u¾V¡l V¡−L New −a ¢e−u k¡e, Bh¡l Bfe¡l p¡j−e Bl HLV¡ −je¤ M¤−m k¡−h z Now place the
pointer on New option. Another menu will be opened before you.
d) Hh¡l f−u¾V¡l V¡−L Folder H ¢e−u k¡ez Now place the pointer on Folder option.
e) Hh¡l Bfe¡l j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ HLV¡ h¡j ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e z Now with the help of your mouse make
a Left Click.
Folder Created by You on the Desktop / Bfe¡l à¡l¡ pªø −g¡ô¡l :
 Rename a Folder / −g¡ô¡−ll e¡jLle :
a) Place the Pointer on the created foder / Bfe¡l à¡l¡ pªø −g¡ô¡−ll Efl Pointer V¡ ¢e−u k¡e z
b) Make a Right Click / j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
c) Go to Rename option & make a Left click / Rename option H k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L
¢LÓL Ll¦e z

d) Type your desired name from Key Board / Bfe¡l fR−¾cl e¡jV¡ Key Board Hl p¡q¡−kÉ V¡Cf
Ll¦e z
e) Press the Enter Key from Key Board / Hlfl Key Board −b−L Enter Key V¡−L Q¡f ¢ce z
 Delete a Folder / −Lje L−l Folder ¢X¢mV Ll−he :
Delete means to remove the folder & store it into Recycle Bin. Whatever you will delete
from your computer all this document, folder or applicatio is generally stored into a
Recycle Bin. You know Dust Bin means a container where any garbage of your house is
stored for cleaning up.Like as the dust bin in your house Recycle Bin of your computer
stores all the removed or deleted files, documents or folders into it. If you want you can
restore all these documents from the Recycle Bin to your computer again. / Delete j¡−e
Bfe¡l L¢ÇfEV¡l −b−L −k −L¡−e¡J Folder, Document Abh¡ Application Recycle Bin H Sj¡ Ll¡ z −k
lLj Bj¡−cl h¡¢s −a X¡ØV ¢he H jum¡ Hhw S¾S¡m Sj¡ qu , ¢WL −plLj L¢ÇfEV¡−ll ¢lp¡C−Lm ¢he H Afp¡¢la
¢h¢iæ g¡Cm, XL¥−j¾Vp CaÉ¡¢c Sj¡ qu za−h Bf¢e CµR¡ Ll−m flhaÑ£ L¡−m Bfe¡l Afp¡¢la XL¥−j¾Vp …−m¡ Bh¡l
¢lp¡C−Lm ¢he −b−L Bfe¡l L¢ÇfEV¡−l ¢g¢l−u Be−a f¡l−he z
a) Place the Pointer on the Folder or Document to be deleted. / Pointer V¡−L −k −g¡ô¡l h¡
XL¥−j¾V ¢V −L ¢X¢mV Ll−he a¡l Efl ¢e−u k¡e z
b) Make a Right Click. / j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ HLV¡ X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
c) Go to Delete Option / ¢X¢mV Afn−e Q−m k¡e z
d) Make a Left Click. / j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
e) Now ,you will find a dialogue box with "Yes" & "No" buttons. Hence make a left
click on "Yes " button to delete the document & " No" to cancel the procedure. / HMe
Bf¢e HLV¡ X¡u¡mN h„ −cM−a f¡−he k¡−a c¤¢V h¡Ve b¡L−h "C−up' Hhw "−e¡ −mM¡ z "C−up' h¡V−el Efl j¡Ep
¢LÓL Ll−m XL¥−j¾V ¢X¢mV q−h ¢L¿¹¥ "−e¡' h¡V−el Efl ¢LÓL Ll−m pjÙ¹ fË−pp V¡ LÉ¡e−pm q−u k¡−hz
If you do the aforesaid work , you will find that your deleted document or folder
has been removed but stored into the Recyle Bin. / Ef−l¡š² L¡S…−m¡ Ll¡l p¡−b p¡−b Bf¢e
−cM−a f¡−he −k Bfe¡l Afp¡¢la g¡Cm , XL¥−j¾V h¡ −g¡ô¡l ¢V Bfe¡l L¢ÇfEV¡−ll ¢lp¡C−Lm ¢h−e ¢N−u Sj¡
q−u−R z
 How to restore a document from Recycle Bin / ¢lp¡C−Lm ¢he −b−L XL¥−j¾V ¢Li¡−h
f¤el¦Ü¡l Ll¡ k¡−h :
a) Place the Pointer on the Recycle Bin Icon. / f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢lp¡C−Lm ¢h−el Efl ¢e−u k¡e z
b) Make a Right Click / j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
c) Go to Open & make a Left Click to open Recycle Bin. / Hh¡l J−fe −je¤−a k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl
X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e , ¢lp¡C−Lm ¢he M¤−m k¡−h z
d) Just Right Click on your document to be restored from Recycle bin. / Hlfl ¢lp¡C−Lm
¢h−el j−dÉ −b−L Bf¢e −k XL¥−j¾V f¤el¦Ü¡l Ll−a Q¡e a¡l Efl k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
e) Now, Go to Restore option & make a Left Click. / Hh¡l ¢l−ØV¡l Afn−e ¢N−u j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L
HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
 Attention(naLÑ naLÑa¡) : If any document is permanently deleted from Recycle Bin then
it never be restored./ k¢c −L¡−e¡ XL¥−j¾V HLh¡l ¢lp¡C−Lm ¢he −b−L ¢X¢mV q−u k¡u a¡q−m −pV¡ Bl
LM−e¡ EÜ¡l Ll¡ k¡u e¡z

 How to Open a Document or Folder. / −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡ XL¥−j¾V h¡ −g¡ô¡l −L M¤m−he :
a) Place the Pointer on the Document or Folder to be opened. / −k XL¥−j¾V h¡ −g¡ô¡l¢V−L
M¤m−he a¡l Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e z
b) Make a Right Click. / j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

c) Go to Open option & Make a Left Click. / Hlfl J−fe −je¤ −a k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L HLV¡
¢LÓL Ll¦e z
 Now we shall be learning how to write a letter or article with the help of
Microsoft Word./Hh¡l Hh¡l Bjl¡ ¢nMh j¡C−œ²¡pgV Ju¡XÑ Hl p¡q¡−kÉ ¢Li¡−h
¢Li¡−h L¢ÇfEV¡−l ¢Q¢Wfœ −mM¡k¡u
 How to open a word document ./ −Lje L−l Ju¡XÑ XL¥−j¾V M¤m−he :
a) Place the pointer on the Start button situated at the left below corner of your
desktop & make a left click./ f−u¾V¡l V¡−L L¢ÇfEV¡−ll h¡j ¢c−L e£−Ql −L¡e¡u Ah¢ÙÛa ØV¡VÑ
h¡V−el Efl ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
b) After that go to Programs menu, you will get another menu./ Hlfl −fË¡NË¡j −je¤ −a
k¡e, p¡−b p¡−b Bl HLV¡ −je¤ M¤−m k¡−hz
c) Then go to Microsoft Office menu ,another menu will be opened./ Hlfl
j¡C−œ²¡pgV A¢gp −je¤ −a k¡e, p¡−b p¡−b Bl HLV¡ −je¤ M¤−m k¡−hz
d) Eventually go to Microsoft Office Word option & make a left click./ ph−n−o
j¡C−œ²¡pgV A¢gp Ju¡XÑ Afn−e k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
After completion of the aforesaid works you will get a blank white page i.e. word
application before you headed by four bars, 1) Title Bar 2) Menu Bar 3) Formatting Bar
& 4) Standard Bar. / Ef−l¡š² L¡S …−m¡ Ll¡l p¡−b p¡−b Bfe¡l p¡j−e HLV¡ p¡c¡ −fS AbÑ¡v Ju¡XÑ
BÉ¢fÔ−Lne M¤−m k¡−h, HC p¡c¡ fªù¡l Efl Q¡l¢V h¡l −cM¡ k¡u −p…−m¡ qm kb¡œ²−j : 1) V¡C−Vm h¡l z 2) −je¤ h¡l z
3) gljÉ¡¢Vw h¡l Hhw 4) ØVÉ¡eX¡XÑ h¡l z

 How to write your letter or profiles. / −Lje L−l Bfe¡l ¢Q¢W fœ ¢mM−he :
a) Place your pointer on the white page then make a left click, you will get a blinking
vertical tiny line . This tiny line is called CURSOR. / f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L p¡c¡ fªù¡l Efl ¢e−u k¡e Hhw
j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e, p¡−b p¡−b Bf¢e SÆm−R ¢ei−R HLV¡ M¤h −R¡V Emð m¡Ce f¡−he z HC
−R¡V Emð m¡C¢V−L L¡lpl hm¡ qu z
b) Now type your desired letters from the key board with the help of your finger ./ Hh¡l ¢L
−h¡XÑ −b−L Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡ V¡Cf Ll−a b¡L¥ez
 Point to be remembered ./ j−e l¡M−a q−h :
1. You can start your writing only from where the cusor is being blinked . / −kM¡−e L¡lpl
SÆm−R ¢ei−R −Lhmj¡œ −pM¡e −b−LC Bf¢e Bfe¡l V¡Cf öl¦ Ll−a f¡l−he z
2. Don't press Enter Key while typing until & unless you are going to create a new
paragraph . / V¡Cf Ll¡l pju H¾V¡l h¡V−e LMe C Q¡f −c−he e¡, kare e¡ fkÑ¿¹É Bf¢e ea¥e −L¡−e¡J fÉ¡l¡NË¡g
pª¢ø Ll−Re z
3. To erase a word use Backspace & Delete Key whenever needed./ −L¡−e¡J në −j¡R¡l S−eÉ
fË−u¡Se j−a¡e kb¡œ²−j hÉ¡L−Øfp Hhw ¢X¢mV h¡Ve hÉhq¡l Ll¦e z
4. To create space between two words press Space Bar from your key board./ c¤−V¡ n−ël
j−dÉ gy¡L¡ S¡uN¡ °a¢l Ll¡l S−eÉ ¢L −h¡−XÑl −Øfp h¡−l Q¡f ¢ce z
5. To write in capital letter press Caps Lock button./ hs q¡−al në −mM¡l S−eÉ ¢L −h¡−XÑl LÉ¡fp
mL h¡V−e Q¡f ¢cez
6. To select a word or words , just place the pointer before that very word or
words. Then press the left button of your mouse and bring it upto the end of that
word or words. After that release the left button of the mouse.You will find that
the word or words have been highlighted. This process is known as "CLICK &
DRAG". / −L¡−e¡J në h¡ në…µR −L ¢p−mƒ Ll−a −N−m, fËb−j f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L −pC në h¡ në…−µRl p¡j−e ¢e−u
k¡e a¡lfl j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL L−l L−l në h¡ në…−µRl −no A¢ë −V−e ¢e−u k¡ez Hlfl B−Ù¹ L−l j¡E−pl
h¡j ¢c−Ll h¡Ve ¢V−L −R−s ¢cez Bf¢e mrÉ Ll−he −k në h¡ në…µR ¢V q¡Cm¡C−VX q−u −N−R z HC fÜ¢a ¢V−L
"¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N' hm¡ quz

 Now we shall be learning about the Fomatting tool bar of M.S.Word & it's
general uses./ HMe Bjl¡ Hj.Hp.Ju¡−XÑl gljÉ¡¢Vw V¥m h¡l pð−å S¡eh Hhw Hl à¡l¡ ¢L ¢L L¡S
pÇf¡ce Ll¡ k¡u −p¢V pð−å Ju¡¢Lhq¡m qh :

Formatting Tool Bar in Micro Soft Word

 How to format a Word or Words in the shape of Bold, Italic & Underlined ./
−Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J në h¡ h¡LÉ−L −h¡ô Hhw CV¡¢mL BL¡−l fËL¡n L−l BeX¡l m¡Ce Ll−he :
a) Just Select that very word or words by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l −pC në
h¡ h¡LÉ−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on Bold, Italic & Underline button respectively & make a left
click one after another./ Hh¡l kb¡œ²−j −h¡ô, CV¡¢mL Hhw BeX¡l m¡Ce h¡V−el Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw
j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HL HL L−l Q¡f ¢ce z

Bold , Italic & Underline Button


 How to change the style of a Heading of a particular word or words./ −Lje L−l
−L¡−e¡J në h¡ h¡−LÉl −q¢Xw ØV¡Cm hcm¡−he :
a) Just Select that very word or words by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l −pC në
h¡ h¡LÉ−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Font Style button &
make a left click ./ Hh¡l g¾V ØV¡Cm h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f
¢ce z

Font Style Button Drop Down Arrow

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

 How to change the Font style of a particular word or words./ −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J
në h¡ h¡−LÉl g¾V ØV¡Cm hcm¡−he :
a) Just Select that very word or words by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l −pC në
h¡ h¡LÉ−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Font button & make a
left click ./ Hh¡l g¾V h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f ¢ce

Font Button Drop Down Arrow

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

 How to increase or decrease the Font size of a particular word or words./

−Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J në h¡ h¡−LÉl g¾V p¡CS hcm¡−he z:
a) Just Select that very word or words by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l −pC në
h¡ h¡LÉ−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Font Size button &
make a left click ./ Hh¡l g¾V p¡CS h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f ¢ce

Font Size Button Drop Down Arrow

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

 How to change the colour of the Font of a particular word or words./ −Lje
L−l −L¡−e¡J në h¡ h¡−LÉl g−¾Vl lw h¡ L¡m¡l hcm¡−he z
a) Just Select that very word or words by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l
−pC në h¡ h¡LÉ−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z

b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Font Color button &
make a left click ./ Hh¡l g¾V L¡m¡l h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f

Font Color Button Drop Down Arrow

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

How to Highlight the Font of a particular word or words./ −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J në
h¡ h¡−LÉl g¾V−L q¡Cm¡CV Ll−he z
a) Just Select that very word or words by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l −pC në
h¡ h¡LÉ−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Text Highlight Color
button & make a left click ./ Hh¡l −V„V q¡Cm¡CV h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl
h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f ¢ce z
Drop Down Arrow
Text Highlight Color Button

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

 How to apply alignment to a line or paragraph at Left, Right, Centre or

Justify./ −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J në, h¡LÉ h¡ në …µR−L p¡c¡f¡a¡l h¡j¢cL,X¡e¢cL,j¢dÉM¡−e Abh¡ c¤¢cL
pj¡e (S¡¢ØVg¡C) Ll¡ k¡u :
a) Just Select that very word or words by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l −pC në
h¡ h¡LÉ−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on Align Text Left button,if you want Left alignment & make a
left click.Place the pointer on Align Text Right Button, if you want Right alignment &
make a left click. Place the pointer on Justify Button, if you want Justify i.e. Left end &
Right end are on same indent or alignment & make a left click. Place the pointer on
Center Button, if you want Center alignment & make left click./ Hh¡l HÉ¡m¡Ce −V„V −mgV h¡V−e
¢LÓL Ll¦e, k¢c Bf¢e në…µR−L h¡j¢c−L ¢e−u −k−a Q¡e z Hh¡l HÉ¡m¡Ce −V„V l¡CV h¡V−e ¢LÓL Ll¦e, k¢c Bf¢e
në…µR−L X¡e¢c−L ¢e−u −k−a Q¡e z Hh¡l −p¾V¡l h¡V−e ¢LÓL Ll¦e, k¢c Bf¢e në…µR−L p¡c¡ fªù¡l j¢dÉM¡−e ¢e−u
−k−a Q¡e z Hh¡l S¡¢ØVg¡C h¡V−e ¢LÓL Ll¦e, k¢c Bf¢e në…−µRl h¡j¢c−Ll Hhw X¡e¢c−Ll j¡¢SÑe pj¡e Ll−a
Q¡e z

Centre Align Align Text Justify

Alignment Text Left Right

 How to apply Bullets before a particular word or words or line./ −Lje L−l
−L¡−e¡J në h¡ h¡−LÉl Abh¡ m¡C−el p¡j−e h¤−mV ¢e−u Bp−he z
a) Just Select that very word or words or line by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l
−pC në h¡ h¡LÉ−L Abh¡ m¡Ce¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Bullets button & make
a left click ./ Hh¡l h¤−mVp h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f ¢ce z

Bullets Button Drop Down Arrow

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

 How to apply Numbering before a particular word or words or lines./ −Lje L−l
−L¡−e¡J në h¡ h¡−LÉl Abh¡ m¡C−el p¡j−e e¡ð¡¢lw ¢e−u Bp−he z
a) Just Select that very word or words or lines by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l
−pC në h¡ h¡LÉ−L Abh¡ m¡Ce¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Numbering button &
make a left click ./ Hh¡l e¡ð¡¢lw h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f ¢ce z

Numbering Button Drop Down Arrow

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

 How to apply various type of Borders./ −Lje L−l ¢h¢iæ hXÑ¡l °al£ Ll−he :
a) Just Select that very word or words or lines by Click & Drag method./ ¢LÓL BÉä XÊ¡N L−l
−pC në h¡ h¡LÉ−L Abh¡ m¡Ce¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
b) Then place the pointer on the Drop Down Arrow button of the Border button & make
a left click ./ Hh¡l hXÑ¡l h¡V−el ¢al ¢Q−q²l Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L Q¡f ¢ce z

Border Button Drop Down Arrow

c) You will get some options before you,choice an option & place the pointer on that
very option & make a left click./ Bfe¡l p¡j−e −hn ¢LR¥ Afne M¤−m k¡−h, Hh¡l Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e −k
−L¡−e¡J Afn−el Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
Previously we have learnt the use of several options of Formatting tool
bar.Now we shall be learning the use of several options of Standard Tool
Bar. / Hare Bjl¡ gljÉ¡¢Vw V¥mh¡−ll ¢h¢iæ h¡V−el hÉhq¡l ¢n−M¢RzHh¡l Bjl¡ ØVÉ¡ä¡XÑ V¥m h¡−ll ¢h¢iæ
h¡V−el hÉhq¡l pð−å S¡e−a b¡Lh z
Standard Tool Bar

 How to Open a New Blank Page ./ −Lje L−l HLV¡ ea¨e p¡c¡ fªù¡ −M¡m¡ k¡−h z:
a) Place your pointer on the New Button of the standard toolbar and then make a
Left Click./ f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ØVÉ¡ä¡XÑ V¥mh¡−ll Efl ¢eE h¡V−el Efl ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−Ll
h¡V−e Q¡f ¢ce z

New Button

 How to use Undo & Redo Button from Standard Tool Bar./ −Lje L−l ØVÉ¡ä¡XÑ V¥m
h¡−ll BeX¥ Hhw ¢lX¥ h¡Ve hÉhq¡l Ll−he z:
a) Suppose you have commited a mistake & you want to remove it then just place the
pointer on the Undo button & make a left click. / dl¦e Bf¢e L¡S Ll−a Ll−a −L¡−e¡J i¥m L−l
−g−m−Re Hhw Bf¢e I i¥mV¡ j¤−R −gm−a Q¡e a¡q−m BeX¥ h¡V−el Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L
HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

Undo Button

b) Suppose you want to restore a performance which is just deleted then place the
pointer on the Redo button & make a left click. / dl¦e Bf¢e L¡S Ll−a Ll−a i¥m L−l −L¡−e¡J
L¡S j¤−R −g−m−Re a¡q−m ¢lX¥ h¡V−el Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

Redo Button

 How do you use the Copy & Paste Button./ −Lje L−l Bf¢e L¢f Hhw −fØV h¡Ve
hÉ¡hq¡l Ll−hez:
a) Suppose you want to copy a single word or words & paste it to another location in
that document. Then first select that very word or words with the use of click & drag
command. / dl¡ k¡L Bf¢e −L¡−e¡J në h¡ në…µR−L Bfe¡l à¡l¡ pªø XL¥−j−¾Vl HL ÙÛ¡e −b−L AeÉ ÙÛ¡−e L¢f
L−l −fØV Ll−a Q¡e z a¡q−m, Bfe¡l fËbj L¡S qm −pC në h¡ në…µR−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¡ z
b) Just make a left click on the Copy Button. Then place the pointer to that very location
where you want to paste the word or words./ Hlfl L¢f h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL
Ll¦ez a¡lfl, −kM¡−e Bfe¡l L¢f Ll¡ në h¡ në…µR−L −fØV Ll−a Q¡e −pM¡−e f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw Bh¡l
j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

Copy Button

c) Now, make a Right click & Go to Paste option, then make a Left click./ HMe, j¡E−pl X¡e
¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw −fØV Afn−e k¡e Hhw Bh¡l j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

Paste Button

 How do you use the Cut & Paste Button./ −Lje L−l Bf¢e L¡V Hhw −fØV h¡Ve hÉ¡hq¡l
a) Suppose you want to cut a single word or words & paste it to another location in that
document. Then first select that very word or words with the use of click & drag

command. / dl¡ k¡L Bf¢e −L¡−e¡J në h¡ në…µR−L Bfe¡l à¡l¡ pªø XL¥−j−¾Vl HL ÙÛ¡e −b−L AeÉ ÙÛ¡−e L¡V
L−l −fØV Ll−a Q¡e z a¡q−m, Bfe¡l fËbj L¡S qm −pC në h¡ në…µR−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¡ z
b)Just make a left click on the Cut Button. Then place the pointer to that very location
where you want to paste the word or words./ Hlfl L¡V h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL
Ll¦ez a¡lfl, −kM¡−e Bfe¡l L¡V Ll¡ në h¡ në…µR−L −fØV Ll−a Q¡e −pM¡−e f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw Bh¡l
j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

Cut Button

c) Now, make a Right click & Go to Paste option, then make a Left click./ HMe, j¡E−pl X¡e
¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw −fØV Afn−e k¡e Hhw Bh¡l j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

Paste Button

 How to correct spelling mistake./−Lje −Lje L−l h¡e¡e i¨m ¢WL Ll−hez:
a) First select the paragraph which you would like to check & correcet by click &
drag method. Always remember that if you commit any spelling mistake then a
red colour under like will be displayed below the word but if you commit any
gramatical mistake then a green colour under line will be displayed below the
word or sentence./fËb−j Bf¢e −k Awn¢V−L −QL Ll−he Hhw ¢WL Ll−he −pC Awn¢V−L ¢LÓL Hhw
XÊ¡N L−l ¢p−mƒ Ll¦ezj−e l¡M−he k¢c Bf¢e h¡e¡e i¨m L−le a¡q−m në¢Vl ¢e−Q m¡m lw Hl c¡N −cM¡
−c−h z Bl k¢c hÉ¡LleNa i¥m L−le a¡q−m h¡LÉ¢Vl ¢e−Q ph¤S lw Hl c¡N −cM¡ k¡−h z

Spelling & Grammar Button

b) Then click on Spelling & Grammar button, you will get a box like window before
you. Where you will get the incorrect red colored word in the Not in Dictionary:
section one by one & correct suggestions for that very word in Suggestions:
box./Hlfl −Øf¢mw J NË¡j¡l h¡V−el Efl HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e, Bfe¡l p¡j−e HLV¡ −R¡V EC−ä¡ M¤−m k¡−h z
−kM¡−e eV Ce ¢XLne¡¢l : −pLn−e m¡m L¡m¡−ll i¨m h¡e¡e …−m¡ HLV¡ HLV¡ L−l −cM¡−h Hhw −pC i¨m
në¢Vl p¢WL h¡e¡eV¡ p¡−Sne : h−„ −cM¡−h z
c) Now, select the correct spelling from the suggestion box with the help of a left
click on your mouse. Then, make a left click on Change Button on the right side
of that very window. As soon as you do the aforesaid work the Spelling &
Grammar window will automatically suggest you the next mistake. Whenever you
do complete correction of the entire document just make a left click on the Close
button to close the Spelling & Grammar window. / Hh¡l, p¡−Sne h„ −b−L p¢WL në¢V−L
j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L ¢LÓL L−l ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e a¡lfl h−„l X¡e ¢c−L Ah¢ÙÛa −Q¾S h¡V−el Efl Bl HL¢V ¢LÓL
Ll¦ez −kC j¡œ Bf¢e Ef−l¡š² L¡S¢V Ll−he −pC j§ý−aÑ −Øf¢mw BÉä NË¡j¡l EC−ä¡ flh¢aÑ i¨m h¡e¡e¢V−L
¢e−cÑn Ll−hzHC i¡−h H−Ll fl HL fË−aÉL¢V h¡e¡e −L ¢WL Ll¦e Hhw ph −n−o −LÓ¡S h¡V−e ¢LÓL L−l
−Øf¢mw BÉä NË¡j¡l EC−ä¡ ¢V−L hå Ll¦ez
 How to maximize,Minimize,Restore & Close a Window./−Lje −Lje L−l HLV¡ EC−ä¡−L
jÉ¡¢„j¡CS,¢j¢ej¡CS,¢l−ØV¡l Hhw −LÓ¡S Ll−hez:
a)If you want to maximize the window (Full Screen) then just make a left click on the
Maximize button, if shown on the right hand top corner of the window. / k¢c Bf¢e

EC−ä¡¢V−L jÉ¡¢„j¡CS Ll−a Q¡e(pÇf¨eÑ −X„Vf S¥−s) a¡q−m EC−ä¡l X¡e ¢c−Ll Ef−ll −L¡e¡u (k¢c −cM¡ k¡u )
jÉ¡¢„j¡CS h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

b) If you want to minimize the window(place on the task bar situated on the below of the
desk top) then just make a left click on the Minimize button show on the right hand top
corner of the window./k¢c Bf¢e EC−ä¡¢V−L ¢j¢ej¡CS Ll−a Q¡e a¡q−m EC−ä¡l X¡e ¢c−Ll Ef−ll −L¡e¡u
Ah¢ÙÛa ¢j¢ej¡CS h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j ¢c−L ¢Ló Ll¦ez

c) If you want to Restore the window(in original size) then just make a left click on the
Restore button show on the right hand top corner of the window./k¢c Bf¢e EC−ä¡¢V−L ¢l−ØV¡l
Ll−a Q¡e a¡q−m EC−ä¡l X¡e ¢c−Ll Ef−ll −L¡e¡u Ah¢ÙÛa ¢l−ØV¡l h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j ¢c−L ¢Ló

d) If you want to Close the window then just make a left click on the Close button show
on the right hand top corner of the window./k¢c Bf¢e EC−ä¡¢V−L −LÓ¡S Ll−a Q¡e a¡q−m EC−ä¡l X¡e
¢c−Ll Ef−ll −L¡e¡u Ah¢ÙÛa −LÓ¡S h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j ¢c−L ¢Ló Ll¦ez

 How to Zoom a document (Change of size)./−Lje −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J XL¥−j¾V−L S¥j Ll−he
AbÑ¡v hs h¡ −R¡−V¡ Ll−hez:
a) Just place the pointer on the arrow of the Zoom button then make a left click./S¥j h¡V−el
Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez
b) Then select any option 100% or 50% or as per your choice & make a left click./Hlfl
Bfe¡l CµR¡ j−a¡e HLV¡ Afne −h−R ¢ee Hhw a¡l Efl j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

Zoom Button

 How to create Table in your word document./ −Lje L−l −V¢hm °al£ Ll−hez:
a) Place the pointer on the drop down arrow of the Table button situated on the Menu bar &
make a left click. /f−u¾V¡l V¡−L −je¤ h¡−ll A¿¹NÑa −V¢hm h¡V−e ¢e−u k¡e Hhw XÊf X¡Ee a£l ¢Q−q²l Efl j¡E−pl
h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez
b) Then go to Insert Table & make a left click./ Hlfl Cep¡VÑ −V¢h−m k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL
c) Select Number of columns: & Number of rows: respectively with the help of the arrows &
mouse click./ Hlfl Bfe¡l fR¾c j−a¡e Lm¡j Hhw −l¡ eðl a£l ¢Q−q²l Efl j¡Ep ¢LÓL L−l ¢WL Ll¦ez
d) Then make a left click on OK button./ Hlfl J.−L h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

 How to write in a Table./−Lje −Lje L−l −V¢h−m ¢mM−hez:

a)Just click on the cell where you want to write & then start writing./ −V¢h−ml −k L−r Bf¢e ¢mM−a
Q¡e −pC L−r f−u¾V¡l ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw ¢mM−a öl¦ Ll¦e z

 How to insert a row or column into an existing table./ −Lje L−l −V¢h−m ea¨e
−L¡−e¡J −l¡ h¡ Lm¡j pª¢ø Ll¡ k¡−h z:
a)Just make a right click on any row or column of the existing table. Then go to Insert,
you will find some options before you e.g. Insert columns to the left etc. Place the
pointer on the option according to your choice then make a left click./ −V¢h−ml −k −L¡−e¡J −l¡
h¡ Lm¡−jl Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hlfl Cep¡−VÑ k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j
¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e , Bfe¡l p¡j−e ¢h¢iæ Afne M¤−m k¡−h Bfe¡l fR¾c j−a¡e Afn−e f−u¾V¡l V¡ ¢e−u k¡e
Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

 How to Delete a row or column./ −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J −l¡ h¡ Lm¡j −L ¢X¢mV Ll−he z:
a)Just make a right click on any row or column of the existing table. Then go to Delete
Cells…, you will find some options before you e.g. Shift Cells Left etc. Place the pointer
on the option according to your choice then make a left click. Then go to OK button &
make a left click./ −V¢h−ml −k −L¡−e¡J −l¡ h¡ Lm¡−jl Efl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L HLV¡
¢LÓL Ll¦e Hlfl ¢X¢m−V k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e , Bfe¡l p¡j−e ¢h¢iæ Afne M¤−m k¡−h
Bfe¡l fR¾c j−a¡e Afn−e f−u¾V¡l V¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z Hlfl J.−L h¡V−e
f−u¾V¡l¢V ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

 How to Merge Cells of a table./ −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J −V¢h−ml −pm…−m¡−L HLp¡−b j¡SÑ Ll−hez:
a)At first select the cells to be merged by click & drag process./fËb−j ¢LÓL Hhw XÊ¡N fÜ¢al
p¡q¡−kÉ −k −pm …−m¡−L HLp¡−b j¡SÑ Ll−he −p…−m¡−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦ez
b) Then make a right click on the selected cells & place your pointer on the Merge
Cells... option, make a Left Click./Hlfl ¢p−mƒ Ll¡ −pm …−m¡l Ef−l f−u¾V¡l ¢e−u ¢N−u j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L
HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw j¡SÑ −pmp.......... Afn−e k¡e, Hlfl j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez
 How to Split Cells of a table./ −Lje L−l L−l −L¡−e¡J −V¢h−ml −pm…−m¡−L HLp¡−b ¢ØfÒV Ll−he z:
a) Just make a right click on the selected cell to be splited & go to Split Cells... option,
make a Left Click./Hlfl ¢p−mƒ Ll¡ −pm ¢Vl Ef−l f−u¾V¡l ¢e−u ¢N−u j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw
¢ØfÒV −pmp.......... Afn−e k¡e, Hlfl j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

b)Then select your desired choice from Number Of Columns: & Number Of Rows: box &
eventually click on OK button./Hlfl Bfe¡l ¢e−Sl fR¾c j−a¡ Afne e¡ð¡l Ag Lm¡jp : Hhw e¡ð¡l
Ag −l¡p: h„ −b−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e Hhw ph−n−o J.−L h¡V−el Efl f−u¾V¡l ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL

 Use of Word Art button./Ju¡XÑ Ju¡XÑ BVÑ h¡V−el hÉhq¡l z:

a) Place the pointer on the Drawing tool button & make a left click./f−u¾V¡l V¡−L XÊ¢uw V¥m
h¡V−el Efl ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

Drawing tool button

b)You will get another toolbar named as drawing toolbar either on the top or on the
bottom as picturised below./Bf¢e Bl HLV¡ V¥mh¡l f¡−he k¡l e¡j XÊ¢uw V¥mh¡l,HC V¥mh¡l qu −X„V−fl
Ef−l b¡L−h Abh¡ e£−Q b¡L−h (e£−Ql R¢hl j−a¡e)z

c) This Drawing toolbar consists of several button by these button you will be able to
perform various artistic works. Out of these button one of them does some artistic font
on the other hand another button helps to apply three dimensional effect or shadow
effet etc.Now use all these button by yourself./HC XÊ¢uw V¥mh¡−l ¢h¢iæ h¡Ve B−R k¡l à¡l¡ Bf¢e
¢h¢iæ °n¢ÒfL L¡S pÇf¡ce Ll−a f¡l−he, HC h¡Ve…−m¡l j−dÉ −L¡−e¡J h¡Ve qu−a¡ p¤¤¾cl g¾V fË−u¡−N p¡q¡kÉ Ll−h
Bh¡l −L¡−e¡J h¡Ve qu−a¡ ¢bË X¡u−jene¡m H−gƒ ¢c−a h¡ pÉ¡−X¡ ¢c−a p¡q¡kÉ Ll−hzHh¡l HL HL L−l ¢e−S ¢e−S
fË−aÉLV¡ h¡V−el hÉhq¡l S¡e¤e Hhw fË−u¡N Ll¦e z

EXCEL / H−„m
Now we shall be learning about some ncessary excel operations / Hh¡l Bjl¡ ¢LR¥ fË−u¡Se£u
H−„m Af¡−lne pð−å S¡eh z

 How to Open an Excel Sheet / −Lje L−l HL¢V H−„m ¢pV −M¡m¡ k¡−hz :
a) Place your pointer on the start button & make a left click / f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L ØV¡VÑ h¡V−el Efl ¢e−u
k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
b) Now go to Programs then go to Microsoft Office & Microsoft Excel respectively. Then
make a left click. / Hh¡l −f¡NË¡jp −je¤−a k¡e, Hlfl kb¡œ²−j j¡C−œ²¡pgV A¢gp Hhw j¡C−œ²¡pgV H−„−m k¡e
Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e z
c) You will be getting a tabular sheet i.e. an Excel application before you.Which has got
several cells for application.Every cell has its own name like A1 or C25 etc.The vertical
cells are known as Columns & the horizontal cells are called Rows.Just see the picture
of the next page./ Bf¢e HLV¡ −V¢hm BL«¢al ¢pV −cM−a f¡−hezHC −V¢hm BL«¢al ¢pV V¡C q−m¡ H−„m
BÉ¢fÔ−Lne H¢Vl j−dÉ A−eL −R¡V −R¡V −pm h¡ Lr −cM¡ k¡uz fË−aÉL¢V −p−ml HL HLV¡ ¢eSü e¡j B−R −kje: H1
Abh¡ ¢p25 CaÉ¡¢czEmð −pm …−m¡−L Lm¡j Hhw ql¡CS¾V¡m −pm …−m¡−L −l¡ hm¡ quzf−ll fªù¡u −cJu¡ R¢h −cM¤e z

This is an Excel Work Book. The box which is bordered with RED
COLOURED is known as Name Box. Whenever you will make a
left click on any cell of the aforesaid work book then that very
cell will be selected and in the Name Box the name of that cell
will be displayed. As in picture the selected cell is named as B10
as shown into the Name Box. H¢V qm HL¢V H−„m Ju¡LÑ h¤L z
R¢h−a HLV¡ h„ m¡m lw ¢c−u ¢Q¢q²a Ll¡ q−u−R H¢V−L hm¡ qu −ej h„z
−k j§ý−aÑ Bf¢e f§hÑ h¢eÑa Ju¡LÑ h¤−Ll −L¡−e¡J −p−m ¢LÓL Ll−he −pC
j§ý−aÑ −ej h−„ −pC −p−ml ¢WL¡e¡ h¡ e¡j g¥−V EW−hz−kje H−r−œ ¢Qœ
Ae¤k¡u£ ¢p−m−ƒX −p−ml e¡j −ej h−„ ¢h10 ¢qp¡−h g¥−V E−W−Rz

 Like as in Microsoft Word ,every Excel Sheet has some toolbars like Menu
Bar, Standard Bar, Title Bar, Fomatting Bar & Formula Bar. The Pictures of
these bars are given below./j¡C−œ²¡pgV j¡C−œ²¡pgV Ju¡−XÑl j−a¡e fË−aÉL H−„m ¢p−Vl Ef−l L−uL¢V h¡l
b¡−L −p…−m¡ kb¡œ²−j V¡C−Vm h¡l, −je¤ h¡l, gljÉ¡¢Vw h¡l
h¡l , ØVÉ¡ä¡XÑ h¡l Hhw glj§m¡ h¡lz HC h¡l …−m¡l
¢Qœ e£−Q −cJu¡ qmz

Title Bar

Menu Bar

Standard Bar

Formatting Bar

Formula Bar

−Lje L−l H−„m −p−m ¢mM−hez:

 How to write in an Excel Cell./−Lje
a)Just make a left click on any cell where you want to write.Then start writing from your
key board./−k −pm V¡u Bf¢e ¢mM−a Q¡e −pC −p−m j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw Bfe¡l ¢L
−h¡−XÑl p¡q¡−kÉ ¢mM−a öl¦ Ll¦ez

b) Now select the cell by make a left click on it./ Hh¡l −pm¢Vl Efl f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw
j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L HL¢V ¢LÓL L−l −pm ¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z(In case of excell the pointer is changed from
an arrow sign to a medical cross sign./ H−„−ml −r−œ f−u¾V¡−ll a£l ¢Qq² hc−m ¢N−u −j¢XLÉ¡m œ²n ¢Q−q²
f¢lea quz).
c) As soon as you select the cell you will find a surrounding border on that cell & on the
right corner below that very border a handle like very small black square will appear.
This very small black square is called FILL HANDLE./−k j§ý−aÑ Bf¢e −pm¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll−he −pC
j§ý−aÑ −pm¢Vl Q¡lf¡−n HL¢V L¡−m¡ lw Hl hXÑ¡l −cM¡ k¡−h Hhw HC L¡−m¡ hXÑ¡−ll X¡e¢c−Ll e£−Ql −L¡−e HLV¡ M¤h
−R¡V L¡−m¡ hNÑ−rœ −cM¡ k¡−hz HC −R¡V L¡−m¡ hNÑ−rœ ¢V−L ¢gm qÉ¡−äm hm¡ quz

Fill Handle
d) Now place the pointer on that FILL HANDLE & you will find a thin medical sign i.e.
CROSS HAIR then Click & Drag downwards,you will find that a duplicate value of the
first cell will be displayed on the every cell untill & unless you are not releasing the
mouse. /Hh¡l ¢gm qÉ¡−ä−ml Efl f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L ¢e−u k¡e a¡q−m Bf¢e HLV¡ M¤h pl¦ −j¢XLÉ¡m ¢Qq² −cM−a f¡−he
k¡−L œ²n-−qu¡l hm¡ quz Hlfl j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw −Q−f d−l e£−Ql ¢c−L XÊÉ¡N Ll−a b¡L¥ez
kare fkÑ¿¹ Bf¢e XÊÉ¡N Ll−a b¡L−he aare fkÑ¿¹ fËbj −p−ml X¥¢fÔ−LV iÉ¡m¤ fË−aÉLV¡ −p−m Bp−a b¡L−hz

 How to get incremental value of a number./ −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J e¡ð¡−ll œ²jhdÑj¡e j¡e
f¡Ju¡ k¡−hz:
a) Write down a number e.g. 1 in any cell of an excel sheet then cliclk & drag the FILL
HANDLE downwards after pressing the Ctrl Key from your key board by other hand./
H−„m ¢p−Vl −k −L¡−e¡J HLV¡ −p−m HLV¡ e¡ð¡l ¢mM¤e dl¡ k¡L 1 Hlfl h¡jq¡a ¢c−u ¢L −h¡−XÑl Ctrl key V¡−L
−Q−f dl¦e Hhw AeÉq¡−a FILL HANDLE V¡−L j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ ¢LÓL L−l −Q−f dl¦e Hhw XÊÉ¡N Ll¦ez
b) You will find that in the first cell value is 1 , second cell value 2,third cell value 3 &
onwards until & unless you are not releasing the mouse./Bf¢e −cM−a f¡−he −k fËbj −pm iÉ¡m¤
qm 1, ¢àa£u −pm iÉ¡m¤ qm 2,a«a£u −pm iÉ¡m¤ qm 3 HCi¡−h fË−aÉL −pm iÉ¡m¤ h¡s−a b¡L−h kare e¡ Bf¢e
j¡Ep V¡−L ¢l¢mS Ll−Rez

 How to extend the width of a cell./−Lje −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J −p−ml fËÙÛ h¡s¡−hez:
Suppose you are writing a big name or words in a cell & you are unable to fit your
content into that particular cell then you have to increase the width of that very cell. The
following procedure will help you to do the aforesaid work./dl¦e Bf¢e −L¡−e¡J −p−m HLV¡ hs
e¡j h¡ në Abh¡ h¡LÉ ¢mM−Re Hhw −pC e¡j ,në h¡ h¡LÉV¡ JC −p−ml f¢l¢d Ae¤k¡u£ dl−Re¡za¡q−m Bfe¡l LaÑhÉ
HLV¡C −p¢V qm JC −p−ml fËÙÛ h¡s¡−e¡z¢L L−l HL¢V −p−ml fËÙÛ h¡s¡−e¡ k¡u a¡ e£−Q heÑe¡ Ll¡ qmz
a)Just place your pointer on the border of two adjacent column then you will get a both
side arrow sign like as the picture below.Now,click & drag the mouse on right or left to
increase or decrease the width of the cell./f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L c¤−V¡ Lm¡−jl hXÑ¡−l ¢e−u k¡e (e£−Ql R¢hl
j−a¡e)z Hlfl ¢LÓL Hhw XÊÉ¡N fÜ¢al p¡q¡−kÉ j¡Ep¢V−L X¡e ¢c−L h¡ h¡j ¢c−L V¡e¤e Hhw −p−ml fËÙ−Û L ¢e−Sl
CµR¡j−a¡e −R¡V hs Ll¦ez

In Excel application, there are several similarities with Word

in case of using Formatting Bar & the methods of formatting
are also matched with Microsoft Word.But there are also
some special buttons which do not belong to the Microsoft
Word.The application of such buttons are being described
below./H−„m BÉ¢fÔ−Ln−e gljÉ¡¢Vw h¡−l fËQl ¥ h¡Ve −cM¡ k¡u
k¡−cl BÉ¢fÔ−Lne Hhw hÉhq¡l HLcj j¡C−œ²¡pgV Ju¡−XÑl
j−a¡ez−k fÜ¢a−a Bf¢e Ju¡−XÑ HC h¡Ve…−m¡−L hÉ¡hq¡l
L−l−Re H−„−mJ HL C fÜ¢a fË−u¡N L−l Bf¢e HC
h¡Ve…−m¡−L hÉ¡hq¡l Ll−a f¡l−hezHR¡s¡ H−„−ml ¢eSü ¢LR¥
−Øfn¡m h¡Ve B−R
B−R k¡−cl hÉ¡hq¡l Ll¡l fÜ¢a e£−Q heÑe¡ Ll¡
 How to use the Currency,Comma,Decrease or Increase Decimal and
−Lje L−l L¡−l¢¾p,Lj¡,¢X¢œ²p −X¢pj¡m,Ce¢œ²p −X¢pj¡m Hhw f¡l−p¾V h¡Ve −L hÉ¡hq¡l
Percent Button./−Lje

a)Just select the cell or cells to be formatted by click & drag method then place your
pointer on the button which is to be used (See the picture above) and just make a left
click./fËb−j −k −pm h¡ −pm…−m¡−L gljÉ¡V Ll−he −pC −pm h¡ −pm …−m¡−L ¢LÓL Hhw XÊ¡N fÜ¢al p¡q¡−kÉ ¢p−mƒ
L−l −gm¤e Hlfl f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L −k h¡Ve ¢V−L hÉ¡hq¡l Ll−he a¡l Efl ¢e−u k¡e (Ef−ll R¢h −cM¤e) Hhw j¡E−pl
h¡j¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez
 How to eliminate decimals from a number./−Lje −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J e¡ð¡l −b−L −X¢pj¡m JW¡−e¡
a) Click on any excel cell and write down a number which contains decimals like as
the picture below./−k −L¡−e¡J H−„m −p−m ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw −X¢pj¡m k¤š² e¡ð¡l ¢mM¤e e£−Ql R¢hl

b) Then select the aforesaid cell and place your pointer on the decrease decimal
button and make a left click again & again to eliminate the decimals./Hlfl Ef−l¡š²
−pm¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e Hhw f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢X¢œ²S −X¢pj¡m h¡V−e ¢e−u k¡e Hhw h¡l h¡l j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L
¢LÓL L−l pwMÉ¡¢V−L −X¢pj¡m j¤š² Ll¦e z

If you want to increase the decimals then click on Increase Decimal

k¢c Bf¢e −X¢pj¡m h¡s¡−a Q¡e a¡q−m Ce¢œ²S −X¢pj¡m h¡V−el Efl ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

 How to Merge & Center two or more cells content./−Lje −Lje L−l c¤¢V h¡ a¡l −hn£ −pm
Hhw a¡l j−dÉ −mM¡ në h¡ h¡LÉ−L HLp¡−b j¡SÑ Hhw −p¾V¡l Ll¡ k¡−hz:
a) First select the cells by click & drag method./fËb−j −pm…−m¡−L ¢LÓL Hhw XÊ¡N fÜ¢a−a ¢p−mƒ
b)Then place the pointer on Merge & Center button and make a left click./Hlfl f−u¾V¡l¢V−L
j¡SÑ Hhw −p¾V¡l h¡V−el Efl ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

Merge & Center Button

 How to change the name of an excel sheet./−Lje −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J H−„m ¢p−Vl e¡j
a)Place the pointer on the sheet button (See the picture below) of an excel workbook
and make a right click.Then go to Rename option & make a left click./H−„m Ju¡LÑ h¤−Ll ¢pV
h¡V−el Efl (e£−Ql ¢Qœ −cM¤e) f−u¾V¡l¢V−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl X¡e ¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦ezHlfl ¢l−ej Afn−e k¡e
Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

b)Now write down sheet name as per your choice with the help of key board and press
the Enter key of the key board. /Hh¡l ¢L −h¡−XÑl p¡q¡−kÉ Bfe¡l fR¾c j−a¡e e¡j ¢mM¤e Hhw H¾V¡l ¢L Hl
Efl Q¡f ¢cez

 How to use Addition Formula./−Lje −Lje L−l −k¡N Ll¡ k¡−hz:

a) Make a left click on a cell where the formula of addition to be writen.Then place the
pointer on the formula bar & write =A1+A2.Eventually press the Enter Key. You will get
the added result into your selected cell i.e. 1+1=2./−k −p−m −k¡N Ll¡l gj§Ñm¡ −mM¡ q−h −pC −p−m
HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e,j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L k¡−a −pmV¡ ¢p−mƒ quzHlfl f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L gjѨm¡ h¡−l ¢e−u k¡e Hhw =A1+A2
¢mM¤e Hhw H¾V¡l ¢L Hl Efl Q¡f ¢cezBf¢e Bfe¡l ¢p−mƒ L−l l¡M¡ −pm Hl j−dÉ −k¡Ngm −cM−a f¡−he,AbÑ¡v
1+1=2z(Please see the picture below to clear the concept./ Ae¤NËq L−l e£−Ql ¢Qœ −cM¤e Hhw ¢hou
¢V i¡−m¡ L−l h¤−T ¢eez).

 How to use Substraction Formula./−Lje −Lje L−l −k¡N Ll¡ k¡−hz:

a) Make a left click on a cell where the formula of substraction to be writen.Then place
the pointer on the formula bar & write =A1-A2.Eventually press the Enter Key. You will
get the substracted result into your selected cell i.e. 1-1=0./−k −p−m ¢h−u¡N Ll¡l gj§Ñm¡ −mM¡ q−h
−pC −p−m HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e,j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L k¡−a −pmV¡ ¢p−mƒ quzHlfl f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L gjѨm¡ h¡−l ¢e−u k¡e Hhw
=A1-A2 ¢mM¤e Hhw H¾V¡l ¢L Hl Efl Q¡f ¢cezBf¢e Bfe¡l ¢p−mƒ L−l l¡M¡ −pm Hl j−dÉ ¢h−u¡Ngm −cM−a
f¡−he,AbÑ¡v 1-1=0z

 How to use Multiplication Formula./−Lje −Lje L−l …e Ll¡ k¡−hz:

a) Make a left click on a cell where the formula of Multiplication to be writen.Then place
the pointer on the formula bar & write =C1*C2.Eventually press the Enter Key. You will
get the multiplicated result into your selected cell i.e. 2*3=6./−k −p−m …e Ll¡l gj§Ñm¡ −mM¡ q−h
−pC −p−m HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e,j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L k¡−a −pmV¡ ¢p−mƒ quzHlfl f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L gjѨm¡ h¡−l ¢e−u k¡e Hhw
=C1*C2 ¢mM¤e Hhw H¾V¡l ¢L Hl Efl Q¡f ¢cezBf¢e Bfe¡l ¢p−mƒ L−l l¡M¡ −pm Hl j−dÉ …egm −cM−a
f¡−he,AbÑ¡v 3*2=6z(Please see the picture below to clear the concept./ Ae¤NËq L−l e£−Ql ¢Qœ −cM¤e
Hhw ¢hou ¢V i¡−m¡ L−l h¤−T ¢eez)

 How to use Division Formula./−Lje −Lje L−l i¡N Ll¡ k¡−hz:

a) Make a left click on a cell where the formula of Division to be writen.Then place the
pointer on the formula bar & write =D1/D2.Eventually press the Enter Key. You will get
the Division result into your selected cell i.e. 6/3=2./−k −p−m i¡N Ll¡l gj§Ñm¡ −mM¡ q−h −pC −p−m
HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e,j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L k¡−a −pmV¡ ¢p−mƒ quzHlfl f−u¾V¡l ¢V−L gjѨm¡ h¡−l ¢e−u k¡e Hhw =D1/D2
¢mM¤e Hhw H¾V¡l ¢L Hl Efl Q¡f ¢cezBf¢e Bfe¡l ¢p−mƒ L−l l¡M¡ −pm Hl j−dÉ i¡Ngm −cM−a f¡−he,AbÑ¡v
6/2=3z(Please see the picture below to clear the concept./ Ae¤NËq L−l e£−Ql ¢Qœ −cM¤e Hhw ¢hou
¢V i¡−m¡ L−l h¤−T ¢eez)

 How to use Auto Sum button./ −Lje L−l A−V¡ p¡j h¡Ve hÉhq¡l Ll−hez:
a) Let us consider that you have created a table in excel sheet like as the following
table & you want to get sum of the following coloumn./dl¡ k¡L Bf¢e H−„m ¢p−V e£−Ql
j−a¡e HLV¡ −V¢hm °a¢l L−l−Re Hhw Bf¢e HC −V¢h−m −cJu¡ Lm¡−jl pwMÉ¡…−m¡l −k¡Ngm −hl Ll−a Q¡ez


b)Then, select the last blank cell of the coloumn & make a left click on Auto Sum button
as picturised above.You will get the result of summetion of the very coloumn on that
blank cell. / I Lm¡−jl −no gy¡L¡ −pm ¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e a¡lfl Ef−ll R¢hl j−a¡e −cM−a A−V¡ p¡j h¡V−el
Efl f−u¾V¡l V¡−L ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e,a¡q−m Bf¢e I gy¡L¡ −pm¢Vl j−dÉ I Lm¡−jl
−k¡Ngm ¢V −f−u k¡−hez

25 25
45 45
40 40
55 55
20 Select this cell
20 Summation

 How to make a graphical representation./ −Lje L−l NË¡¢gL¡m −fË−S−¾Vne Ll−hez:
a) First make a table as given below. / fËb−j ¢e−jÀ fËcš −V¢h−ml j−a¡e HL¢V Q¡VÑ h¡e¡e z

b) Then select the chart by applying drag & drop process./Hlfl Q¡VÑ ¢V−L XÊ¡N Hhw XÊf fÜ¢al
p¡q¡−kÉ ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e z
c) Then click on the chart wizard toolbutton from the given formatting bar, you will get
the following window./Hlfl Q¡VÑ ECS¡XÑ V¥mh¡−ll Efl j¡E−pl f−u¾V¡lV¡ ¢e−u k¡e Hhw h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL
Ll¦e, Bf¢e e£−Ql R¢hl j−a¡e HLV¡ EC−ä¡ −cM−a f¡−hez

Tool Button

d) Now click on the next button then you will find another window as picturised below ./
Hh¡l −e„V h¡V−el Efl ¢LÓL Ll¦e a¡q−m Bf¢e Bh¡l ¢e−Ql R¢hl j−a¡e EC−ä¡ −cM−a f¡−he z

d) Now click on the next button then you will find another window then again click on the
next button and go through this process continuously until & unless the window as
picturised below is visible./ Hh¡l −e„V h¡V−el Efl ¢LÓL Ll¦e a¡q−m Bf¢e Bh¡l Bl HLV¡ EC−ä¡
−cM−a f¡−he HCi¡−h H¢N−u Qm¤e kare e¡ fkÑ¿¹É Bf¢e ¢e−Ql R¢hl j−a¡e EC−ä¡ −cM−a f¡−he z

d) Now eventually click on the Finish button then you will find your Bar Chart on your
excel page as picturised below . By this way you can also create Pie chart, Line chart
etc./ Hh¡l ph −n−o ¢g¢en h¡V−el Efl ¢LÓL Ll¦e a¡q−m Bf¢e H−„−ml f¡a¡u ¢e−Ql R¢hl j−a¡e h¡l Q¡VÑ −cM−a
f¡−he zHCi¡−h Bf¢e f¡C Q¡VÑ , m¡Ce Q¡VÑ pjÙ¹ Q¡VÑ C h¡e¡−a prj q−hez

 How to Filter data of a table according to your choice./ −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J −V¢h−ml
X¡V¡ ¢e−Sl CµR¡ j−a¡e ¢gmV¡l Ll−he z:
a) First create a table like as given below. Then select a column from where you would
like to filter the data.Then click on Data Button. Then go to Filter & Auto Filter
respectively. Then make a left click on the mouse./ mouse./fËfËb−j e£−Ql −V¢h−ml j−a¡e HLV¡ −V¢hm °al£
Ll¦e z a¡lfl Bfe¡l fR¾c j−a¡e HLV¡ Lm¡j ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e, −k Lm¡j −b−L Bf¢e X¡V¡ ¢gÒV¡l Ll−hez Hlfl X¡V¡
h¡V−e j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ HLV¡¡ h¡j¢c−L ¢LÓL Ll¦ezHlfl kb¡œ²−j ¢gÒV¡l Hhw A−V¡ ¢gÒV¡−l ¢LÓL Ll¦e z

b) Now , you will find a drop down arrow on the top of the pre pre-selected
selected column as
picturised below./ Hh¡l Bf¢e Bfe¡l f§hÑ-¢ehÑ¡¢Qa Lm¡−jl Efl HLV¡ XÊf X¡Ee BÉ−l¡ −cM−a f¡−he ( ¢e−Ql
R¢hl j−a¡e )z

c) Now, make aleft click on that very drop down arrow and you will get several filter
option , just do as per your choice. If you don't understand the process then please
watch our educational DVD to get an audio vidual process./ process./Hh¡l j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ I XÊf X¡Ee
BÉ−l¡l Efl HLV¡ −mgV ¢LÓL Ll¦e a¡q−m Bf¢e fËQ¥l ¢gÒV¡l Ll¡l Afne f¡−he Hh¡l Bfe¡l fR¾cj−a¡e ¢gÒV¡l
Ll¦e z k¢c h¤T−a Ap¤¤¢hd¡ qu a¡q−m Bj¡−cl ¢X.¢i.¢X i¡−m¡ L−l −cM¤e f¢l×L¡l q−u k¡−h z

−Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J g¡Cm h¡

 How to save a file or a document into your hard drive./−Lje
XL¥−j¾V−L Bfe¡l q¡XÑ XÊ¡C−i −ni h¡ p¢’a L−l l¡M−hez:

a) Make a left click by the mouse on the File option on the menu bar of word or excel
document then go to Save button a make a left click again, you will find a dialogue box.
Now, write down the name of the file as per your choice in the File Name: then
make a left click on the save button as shown on the below right corner of the aforesaid
dialogue box.By this way your document will be saved in the C: drive of the computer
and as wel as in the My Document Folder. Now, you can move your document from any
desired folder as per your choice by using Copy & Paste or Cut & Paste method./
j¡C−œ²¡pgV Ju¡XÑ h¡ H−„m XL¥−j−¾Vl −je¤ h¡−ll g¡Cm Afn−e HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hlfl −pi h¡V−e ¢LÓL Ll¦e, Bf¢e
HLV¡ X¡umN h„ −cM−a f¡−he Hlfl g¡Cm −ej Hl S¡uN¡u ¢N−u Bfe¡l ¢e−Sl CµR¡j−a¡e e¡j ¢L −h¡XÑ −b−L V¡Cf
Ll¦ez ph−n−o, f§hÑ h¢eÑa X¡umN h−„l X¡e¢c−Ll ¢e−Ql LeÑ¡−l Ah¢ÙÛa −pi h¡V−el Efl ¢LÓL Ll¦ezHC i¡−h Bfe¡l
XL¥−j¾V ¢V ¢p: XÊ¡C−il j−dÉ Hhw HLC p¡−b j¡C XL¥−j¾V −g¡ô¡−ll j−dÉ p¢’a q−u k¡−hz Hlfl Bf¢e Bfe¡l
p¢’a XL¥−j¾V ¢V−L j¡C XL¥−j¾V −g¡ô¡l −b−L L¢f Hhw −fØV Abh¡ L¡V Hhw −fØV fÜ¢al p¡q¡−kÉ Bfe¡l
CµR¡j−a¡e −k−L¡−e¡ XÊ¡Ci h¡ −g¡ô¡−l ¢e−u −k−a f¡l−hez

Save Button

Write down File name as

per your choice here Save Button

 How to Print a document. / −Lje L−l −L¡−e¡J XL¥−j¾V−L ¢f˾V Ll−hez:

a) At first open the word or excel documrnt then make a left click on the Print
Preview button.Adjust the document after using various options like as Page
Setup, Margins etc as per your requirements./fËb−j Ju¡XÑ h¡ H−„m XL¥−j¾V ¢V M¤m¤e a¡lfl
¢f˾V ¢fË¢iE h¡V−e j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ HLV¡ −mgV ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hlfl ¢h¢iæ Afn−el ( −fS −pV¡f, j¡¢SÑe
CaÉ¡¢c ) p¡q¡−kÉ Bfe¡l fË−u¡Sej−a¡ XL¥−j¾V ¢V−L p¡¢S−u ¢ee z

Print Preview Button

b)Then make a left click on the print butto. Your document will start printing./Hlfl ¢f˾V
h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl p¡q¡−kÉ h¡j ¢c−L HL¢V ¢LÓL Ll¦e, ¢LR¥r−el j−dÉC Bfe¡l XL¥−j¾V ¢V ¢f˾V Ll¡ öl¦ L−l

 How to Open a previously created document in Word or Excel application./

−Lje L−l Ju¡XÑ Abh¡ H−„−ml p¡q¡−kÉ B−N −b−L C Bfe¡l q¡XÑ ¢X−„ B−R HlLj XL¥−j¾V J−fe Ll−he
Abh¡ M¤m−hez :
a) At first open a word or excel application then place your pointer on the Open
button & make a left click on the mouse./fËb−j Ju¡XÑ h¡ H−„m BÉ¢fÔ−Lne M¤m¤e Hlfl f−u¾V¡l
¢V−L J−fe h¡V−el Efl ¢e−u k¡e Hhw j¡E−pl h¡j¢c−L HL¢V ¢LÓL Ll¦ez

Open Button

b) You will get a window before you like as the following picture./Bfe¡l p¡j−e e£−Ql R¢hl
EC−ä¡ M¤−m
k¡−h z

Look In Box

Open Button

c) Now you can see every document from my document folder inside this window.If the
required document does not belong to the My document folder then browse the
document with the help of Look in box drop down arrow./HMe Bf¢e j¡C XL¥−j¾V −g¡ô¡−ll j−dÉ
Ah¢ÙÛa pjÙ¹ XL¥−j¾V −cM−a f¡−hez k¢c Bfe¡l fR−¾cl XL¥−j¾V ¢V HC −g¡ô¡−ll j−dÉ e¡ b¡−L a¡q−m m¤L Ce h−„l
XÊf X¡Ee ¢a−ll p¡q¡−kÉ q¡XÑ XÊ¡Ci −b−L Bfe¡l fR¾cj−a¡ XL¥−j¾V ¢V My¥−S −hl Ll¦ez
c) Now, select the document with a left click with the help of your mouse then click on
the Open button of that very window. Your required document will be opened shortly. /
HMe j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L ¢LÓL L−l Bfe¡l fR−¾cl XL¥−j¾V ¢V−L ¢p−mƒ Ll¦e Hhw f§−hÑl EC−ä¡l X¡e¢c−Ll e£−Ql
LeÑ¡−l Ah¢ÙÛa J−fe h¡V−el Efl j¡E−pl h¡j ¢c−L HLV¡ ¢LÓL Ll¦ez¢LR¥r−el j−dÉC Bfe¡l fR−¾cl XL¥−j¾V ¢V
Bfe¡l p¡j−e M¤−m k¡−hz

 How to Shut Down your computer./ −Lje L−l Bfe¡l L¢ÇfEV¡l hå Ll−he z:
a) Place the pointer on the Start Button on the left below corner of your desktop./f−u¾V¡l
¢V−L −X„ V−fl h¡j ¢c−Ll e£−Ql −L¡−e Ah¢ÙÛa ØV¡VÑ h¡V−el Efl ¢e−u k¡e z

b)Now, make a left click on the Start button then go to turn off or shut down option and
make a left click. You will find a dialogue box then again go to the Turn Off or Shut
Down button of that very dialogue box and make a left click. After awhile your computer
will be turned off./ Hh¡l ØV¡VÑ h¡V−el Efl −mgV ¢LÓL Ll¦e Hhw V¡eÑ Ag Abh¡ p¡V X¡Ee Afn−el Efl ¢N−u
HLV¡ −mgV ¢LÓL Ll¦e p¡−b p¡−b Bf¢e HLV¡ X¡u¡mN h„ −cM−a f¡−he Hh¡l I X¡umN h−„l Efl Ah¢ÙÛa p¡V
X¡Ee Abh¡ V¡eÑ Ag h¡V−el Efl Bl HLh¡l −mgV ¢LÓL Ll¦ez ¢LR¥r−el j−dÉ Bfe¡l L¢ÇfEV¡l hå q−u k¡−h z

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