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Kharla Diaz

November 25, 2015


Persuasive Techniques in Thomas Paines The Crisis



Tyranny, like hell is not easily

conquered; yet we have this
consolation with us, that the
harder the conflict, the more
glorious the triumph.

In this line, Thomas Paine is trying to

use an appeal to emotion. He wants his
audience to be affected by the use of
words. Thomas is trying to explain that
the king of Britain is harsh like hell and
that fighting the evil would not be easy
but in the end the evil will be defeated.

but if a thief break into my

house, burn and destroy my
property , and kill or threaten to
kill me or those that are in it, and
to bind me in all cases
whatsoever, to his absolute will,
am I to suffer it?


Britain, with an army to enforce

her tyranny, has declared, that
she has a right (not only tax) but
to bind us in all cases
whatsoever, and if being bound
in that manner is not slavery.
Then there is not such a thing as
slavery upon earth.


In this line, Thomas Paine is bringing

a common situation in which it could
happen to any of us and is trying to
questioning how you would react if you
were in a similar situation. That is why
Thomas is comparing the thief to the
King of Britain, in which he states that
the colonist reveal against the king of
Britain because they have rights and
they shouldnt have to feel agony.

Thomas Paine is persuading the

audience by using slavery has a
common situation that occurred at that
time. That is why Thomas explains that
the Britain controlled the colonies for
their advantage and benefit. Also, the

colonist had to obey what the Britain

tells them because they had more
power but, this doesnt stop the colonist
to fight for the rights. In this line,
Thomas wants the people to now that
the Britains are using the colonist has
their own personal slave, but the
Britains keep denying it. So, how does
Britain define slavery?

Not a place upon earth might be

so happy as America. Her
situation is remote from all the
wrangling world, and he has
nothing to do but trade with
them. A
man may easily distinguish in
himself between temper and
principle, and I am as confident,
as I am that God governs the
world, that America will never be
happy until she gets clear of
foreign dominion.


Heaven knows how to set a

proper price upon its goods; and
it would be strange indeed, if so
celestial an article as Freedom
should not be highly rated.


In this line, Thomas is persuading the

audience by reason. His trying to tell
people that America will not have
enemies until is no longer associated
with Britains. America will be secluded
from the problems that will occur in the
other part of the world. In other words,
Thomas is trying to say that there isnt
any place on earth that will make you
happy has America because she is
isolate from everybody. But, America will
only be happy until she overcomes the
foreign control that Britain has against

In this line, Thomas Paine is trying to

convince the colonist that only God can
place value on things since he made
them. Its unusual that something that
God created would not have the value
that is required. In other words, Thomas
is saying that Freedom is very important
and is one of the greatest achievements
that a person could have. That is why he
is encouraging the colonist to fight until
the end to receive what God has gave a
lot of value: freedom.

Mutual fear is the principal link

in the chain of mutual love, and
woe be to that state that breaks
the compact.

In this line, Thomas Paine is using ethics
to convince the colonists that Britain
holds no fear of them serious. If they
want to see a relationship with England
that holds mutual love, it must be
established using fear, something that
the Britains absence. The purpose of
Thomas Paine is trying to make the
colonist see that this is not only a war
its much bigger than that.

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