Excellence Conformity: There's More To Excellence Than Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. - Robert Sternberg

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1. What does it mean for the following to be excellent?

a. School
An excellent school takes into account all types of learners. It provides an environment that
welcomes diversity. It means excellence if all disciplines are given importance. The teachers
have enough freedom to adjust their instruction with respect to their learners needs. The
school contemplates on students preparation for life.
b. Teacher
An excellent teacher knows that there is more to learning than grades. He employs creative
and reflective teaching at all times. He places students needs above his own. He aims for
holistic learning for all.
c. Students
A student who is excellent manifests critical and creative thinking. He takes the road less
travelled and keeps the passion burning in his pursuits. In addition, the excellent one
assumes sense of responsibility on his future and that of others.
d. Curriculum
A curriculum can be said to be excellent if it emphasizes that excellence is for all. It pays
respect to all stakeholders capacity and needs. It is full range as it values that all
disciplines are equally important. Furthermore, it is geared towards educating students, not
test preparation.
2. Is it excellence if no one fails but no one does terrifically well either? Why?
Excellence is actually difficult to achieve. But I believe its not excellence even if
everybody gets high grades and if no one does well, too. Grades are mere estimation of
students learning and they change over time. We can define excellence by how ALL students
improve not through traditional testing but through what they make out of learned knowledge
and skills. Excellence encompasses holistic development for all studentsmay they be on the
top or bottom.
3. Describe the four models of excellence that operate in our schools today and
analyze which is being employed in your school/classroom. Cite concrete examples
as evidences.
The Four Models of Excellence in Todays Schools
Conforming to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) mandate, this model downgrades excellence
as it neglects other students needs. It gives less attention to other disciplines such as
physical education, music, and arts. It places a negative impact on advanced students as
their potentials are not channelled and nourished. While it sounds challenging to make
academically-challenged students excel, it shouldnt be overemphasized.
This model is for schools which aim to be the cream of the crop. To achieve this, the school
worships gifted students as they are who theoretically bring excellence and fame. To them,
putting more efforts on students at the bottom is a waste of time. Opportunities for success
are only open to the geniuses. Whats the result? The intellectually rich gets richer, the
intellectually poor gets poorer.
Excellence = Conformity
This sums up the view of excellence according to this model. Students have to make their
feet fit in a single shoe. Teachers should have a similar mentality. Diversity is an

Theres more to excellence than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Robert Sternberg

unwelcomed idea. The environment is viewed in isolation. Students need to be aware and
adaptable of the changing world is not realized.
The last model places a great deal at numbers. Schools are willing to get their hands dirty
cheating in many ways for the purpose of getting the highest average scores among all.
Bottomline here is it dehumanizes all students.
The model employed in my school at the very least is the second model. Indeed, there are
times when opportunities are mostly only reachable to students at the top. There is no
special program for helping academically challenged students. On the other hand, a little
aspect of the third model is also present. Some teachers are not using differentiated
instruction in their classes putting into consideration students diversity.
4. Create a framework that would encompass the concepts proposed by the Sternberg
regarding excellence. Provide explanations.

The student is the center of the teaching and learning process. His learning drives the success
of the curriculum. This being the case, Sternberg proposed a model that details how schools should
view excellence and in turn how they should act upon it. If education is for all, then students needs
will be satisfied and they would together grow. Together with the basic 3Rs are the other 3Rs which
complements one another for students growing capacity to transform himself and others.

5. Propose a framework for excellence that will work on you class/school. Provide a
short explanation.

Theres more to excellence than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Robert Sternberg

This framework supports my teaching in Literature classes. Students significant learning

experiences are solicited and valued for they are the sources of meaningful learning and these are
channels for connecting to the literary works. Through creative and reflective approach to
teaching literature, an avenue for meaningful learning happens. It is a main goal for a literature
teacher to make students gain a deep understanding and appreciation of life and people through
critical thinking, introspection, communication, and creativity.

Theres more to excellence than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Robert Sternberg

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