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Cheap and Easy Coffee Liqueur

by depotdevoid on April 19, 2010

Author: depotdevoid


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Depotdevoid is short for The Depot Devoid of Thought, the place where you go when you lose your train of thought and you're waiting for the next thought
train to pick you up. The depot represents a fairly high level of absent mindedness and ease of being distracted, as well as a love of seeing what will pique
my interest next, and where that idea will take me.
I am a ball bearing salesman by day and a mad scientist by night (and on the weekends). I love making and learning about all sorts of things, and while I'll
never be the best at any one thing, I am reasonably competent in many areas.
I hope you enjoy my instructables, please take a moment to subscribe!

License: Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

Intro: Cheap and Easy Coffee Liqueur
Back in the day, before the hangovers started, I really loved White Russians. I had one at a party way back when and fell in love, then saw The Big Lebowski and knew
that coffee liqueur and I were made for each other.
Somewhere in all this I realized that buying that junk at the booze-ahol store is expensive! I'm a cheap, money grubbing tightwad, so I embarked on a quest, a quest for
a cheaper and better way to drink more White Russians.
During a trip to California in 2003 (you can buy hard A in the grocery stores there!), I discovered the most delicious coffee liqueur of them all, Kakatua. More chocolatey
than Khalua and miles better than the bottom shelf stuff, Kakatua Coffee Liqueur became my mental template for the coffee liqueur I wanted to make.
I've not been able to find Kakatua since then so my memory of the taste has faded, but my home brewed liqueur still kicks the pants off of Khalua! It's got both a stronger
coffee and stronger chocolate taste, without being as syrupy, which helps when you're trying to drink a White Russian on a hot day.
Here's a little video I made of the process, just for kicks:

Image Notes
1. White Russian

step 1: Ingredients and equipment

I like to make a ton of this stuff a few times a year, so the quantities are large and kind of vague. You can always scale it down if you don't feel like making multiple
gallons. I find making a bunch all at once lets you play around with recipes too, as you can get an idea of what the final result is going to be with each bottle and adjust
your recipe accordingly.
Here's what you need:
Coffee - cheap stuff, don't waste your money on expensive grounds for this
White sugar - get a big bag
Brown sugar - you'll need two or three bags of the dark kind
Pure grain alcohol - don't buy Everclear, go for the cheap brand (called Clear Springs around here). They both taste like rubbing alcohol smells, so it's not worth
the extra quarter to buy a plaid label
Baking cocoa - whatever's available, one tin should do
Vanilla extract - I like to use a mix of imitation and the real stuff
Cinnamon sticks - optional, and kind of expensive most of the time. There's a restaurant supply store near where I work, you can buy them in bulk there. If you're
going to use them, try and find a place like that ***UPDATE 4/26/10 -- User SinAmos has pointed out that you can sometimes find a package of 5 sticks for a
buck at the dollar store. That's an even better deal than I was getting from the restaurant supply store, so you might check that out!
A big pot - really big
A smaller pot - but not too small
Several empty, clean jugs or pitchers
A funnel
A liquid measuring cup
Many empty and clean alcohol bottles - the recipe is for standard 750ml (fifth gallon) bottles. Remember, reusing is better than recycling
Cheesecloth - also optional, only needed if you're feeling ambitious
A cat - not required, but he won't leave and is extremely interested in what you're doing. Make sure you pay attention to where you're going as he will insist on
sprawling somewhere in your path

Image Notes
1. Not THOSE ingredients!

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1. Radio Cat 3000 is watching . . . and he is learning.

step 2: Make some coffee

Make some coffee, and make it strong! You've just bought a big can of the cheapest, darkest roast coffee you could find, so don't worry about putting the proper amount
in the filter. Just load it up and start percolating!
A lot of recipes I've seen for coffee liqueur say you should make "Coffee Extract" for your coffee flavor. This is achieved by placing coffee grounds in a jar with pure grain
alcohol, putting the jar in a dark place, and shaking it several times over the course of several weeks. When you make the liqueur, you're supposed to put a small
amount of this extract in the bottle and top it off with water. This, my friends, is pure BS and also stupid. You can leapfrog ahead of all that, plus give your booze a much
stronger and more authentic coffee flavor by simply topping it off with coffee instead of water.
For a big batch like this you'll probably need three, maybe four pots, so start this step early. As each pot is done, dump it into a jug or pitcher and set it aside to cool.
When I do this in the winter I'll put them outside in the cold to cool down that much faster.

Image Notes
1. Mmmmm . . . crappy coffee

Image Notes
1. Fill 'er up!
2. Fork

step 3: Make some (special) vanilla syrup

The syrup base is another place that I've learned to depart from many of the other recipes I explored in my quest for coffee liqueur. There are a lot of ideas about slowly
cooking your syrup down to thicken it, and slightly caramelizing it for a darker color, but I think both of these things are wrong.
For one thing, with my recipe you get a dark brown color mostly due to the fact that you're using coffee instead of coffee extract. For another, I think cooking down your
syrup until it thickens is a bad idea. I've never been too concerned about how thick my liqueur is, and the only time I'll really notice is when a liqueur has gotten too thick
and gums up the back of your throat or is way too sweet.
So anyway, here's how it's done. Grab your big pot and a cup, any cup will do as we're not being super precise at this point. Don't worry about making too much either.
You can just bottle up whatever you have left and throw it in the fridge to use for your next batch or for whatever other cooking projects come your way.
Start adding sugar to the pot, one cup of white to one cup of dark brown. Keep track of how much you use, that will be important later. Using brown sugar is a little more
expensive, but it does make your liqueur darker and also gives it some nice molasses flavors. Once you feel like you've got enough (go through at least a bag and a half
of the brown sugar), add water. The ratio is one part white to one part brown to one part water (1:1:1).

Put it on the stove over medium heat and start stirring. Stir frequently while it's cooking. You need to get it hot without boiling it, and this can take a while. Now's a good
time to get started on step four (making chocolate syrup). Get that going and come back here.
Once it looks like most of the sugar has dissolved, pour in some vanilla extract. I use a mix of the cheap stuff and real stuff, but if you're a purist feel free to blow your
money on a big bottle of pure vanilla extract. I find that if you mix them the end result is pretty much the same.
There's not a set amount of extract you'll need, just flavor it and taste until you think it seems good to you. I like mine to be strongly vanilla, so I end up using quite a bit of
The syrup is done when it starts getting really cloudy on top and really hot, but before it boils. If it does boil don't worry, it isn't ruined or anything. Remove it from the
heat and put it somewhere the ants can't find it (stupid sugar ants!). I will usually make up an ice or cold water bath in the sink, place the pot in there and stir until it gets
to a less scalding temperature.

Image Notes
1. Vanilla!

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1. Just starting out

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1. Starting to cloud up

Image Notes
1. Almost done now

step 4: Make some chocolate syrup

In addition to the vanilla syrup you'll need a smaller batch of chocolate syrup for flavor. I suppose you could make up a single batch of chocolate/vanilla syrup, but if you
do it separately it gives you more control over the end result.
Just like the vanilla syrup, you start by adding equal parts white sugar, brown sugar, and water, but this time in a smaller pot. Once done, put it on the stove over medium
heat and stir frequently. It's pretty easy to do this step at the same time you're doing step three.
Once the sugar has dissolved and the syrup is close to boiling, add some baking cocoa to the mix. Much like the vanilla syrup, there's no set amount here, just flavor to
taste. I like it pretty chocolatey so I use around half the tin.
I often let this syrup cook hotter and even boil some in an effort to absorb the cocoa powder. It never completely absorbs, so when the chocolate syrup is done and
you've cooled it down in the freezer or an ice bath, strain it through some cheesecloth. That will get most of the powder out of solution and leave you with some delicious
chocolate syrup.

Image Notes
1. My left hand: totally internet famous.

Image Notes
1. That's a lot of cocoa.

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1. Whoops! Stir quickly to prevent it from over boiling!

Image Notes
1. Straining

step 5: Recipe(s)
Here's where you get to be creative. Like I mentioned in a previous step, the nice thing about doing a big batch like this is you get to experiment from bottle to bottle until
you find a recipe that's just right for you. As you can see from the coffee/syrup stained scrap of paper below, I've gone through many different versions of this recipe and
I'm still trying to perfect it.
Here are my two latest recipes in their current form. Both will give you an alcohol content of around 16%.
Ian's Mexican Mocha Coffee Liqueur

4 oz

Vanilla syrup

9 oz

Chocolate syrup

2.5 oz

Cinnamon sticks

1/2 per bottle


Top off bottle

This coffee liqueur's flavor was based somewhat on the Kakatua that I loved so much, and
also on an insanely delicious milkshake I once had at a coffee shop in Portland. It's a bit too
sweet for some, but it goes well in a White Russian or just over ice with some milk, or even
drizzled over ice cream.

Shianne's Extra Chocolate Coffee Liqueur


4 oz

Vanilla syrup

4 oz

Chocolate syrup

5 oz


4 oz


Top off bottle

Having less sugar and less coffee flavor, this coffee liqueur is more versatile for mixing, and
works very well for a lighter and less sweet White Russian. If you make this recipe you'll want
to make a lot less vanilla syrup and a lot more chocolate, and you won't need nearly as much

If you come up with your own recipe, post it in the comments section or send it to me, and I'll add another step for user submitted recipes!

Image Notes
1. Math

step 6: Mix it up!

I save the fifth gallon (750ml) liquor bottles we use and then refill them with coffee liqueur. If you use a bottle that only had alcohol in it before it should be safe to just
start adding your ingredients, but if you're using a bottle a second time it's probably a good idea to run it through the dishwasher first. Grab your measuring cup and
funnel and start pouring!
Keep a towel on hand as this can get messy sometimes. After each bottle is filled, cap it securely and shake it up. Take a small taste and see how you like it. Keep in
mind that the coffee is cheap coffee and the grain alcohol is really strong, so there will be some strong and somewhat unpleasant flavors when the liqueur is young, but
these will fade after a few weeks. If you feel you need to adjust the ingredients, go ahead, but make sure to write it down.
After a couple of days of sitting you will almost certainly have some sediments forming at the bottom of the bottle. This is just small coffee grounds and cocoa powder,
nothing to worry about.
You can start drinking it right away, but as I mentioned, the flavor will improve dramatically after a couple of weeks. Giving it a month to rest is even better, but by no
means required.
If you have any leftover coffee, put it in the fridge and make yourself an iced coffee tomorrow. If you have any leftover syrup, bottle it up and put it in the fridge. It'll last
for months or even longer.

Image Notes
1. All empty. They look so sad!

Image Notes
1. Pouring syrup

Image Notes
1. One bottle done, 14 to go

step 7: Celebrate!
Have a White Russian! Pour one part vodka, one part coffee liqueur, and two parts half and half over ice and enjoy. Wear a bathrobe. Go bowling. Have an angry ferret
dumped into the bathtub with you. You're the Dude now!
I used to drink these things all the time, but a few years ago I started getting hangovers really bad, especially after drinking White Russians. I suspect my body wasn't
happy about me mixing dairy and alcohol, so I've since switched to beer. I'll still have one every now and then, as they're just too delicious to avoid!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! Please take a minute to post a comment and give me a rating. I love hearing other peoples' thoughts about my
instructables and always make an effort to respond. Also, make sure to check out my other instructables on matters that vary from proton packs to croquet to how to
save yourself from a zombie attack, and if you like them subscribe! I've always got more projects in the works.

Image Notes
1. Look at this guy. All he wanted was his rug back!

Image Notes
1. White Russian

Image Notes
1. Classy, I know.

Image Notes
1. The fruit of your labors. Delicious, alcoholic fruit.

step 8: User Submitted Recipes!

As promised, if anyone would like to post their own recipes for coffee liqueur, I'll put them here. First up is lvlcaphoto, with this little gem. Sounds delicious to me! The
picture below is her custom labelled bottle, complete with drink recipes.

lvlcaphoto says:

Hey all, I made some of my own concoction last year for Christmas presents. I started in October (to let it ferment a few months) and
here's what I did different with my own recipe.
1. Coffee (same as yours, only make them all different, I used a Brazilian in there too.)
2. White Sugar (same as yours but no brown sugar)
3. Karo Syrup (bottle of the white) this is great for thickening the sugar water
3. Cheap White Vodka
4. Christian Bros. Brandy (3 cups)
5. Vanilla Extract (Bourbon kind the best, plus one Vanilla Bean)
6. 2 Melted 97% Dark Chocolate Bars
I made the coffee ultra strong. I ran it through coffee filters 5 times to get all of the sediment out of the coffee as it goes to the bottom of the bottles and
looks mucky if you don't strain it.
Heat up the sugar with the karo syrup with the water similar to your directions and set aside.
I melt the chocolate and add that into the coffee misture, then add in the sugar. Then add in the bourbon vanilla (the best I've found is Pampered Chef

Vanilla or Trader Joe's). Let all that cool then add in the vodka and Bourbon. The Vanilla Bean goes in last and let sit until the next day.
I save all my dark beer bottles and purchase corks from Home Depot to fit the bottles. Make sure you boil the bottles first to get any germs out.
After filling, I shake the bottles every day for about two weeks or more and then personal label them with sticky back paper and my own design artwork for
that added flair. When Christmas times comes around this stuff is great after two months of fermenting...enjoy!

Thanks for sharing lvlcaphoto!


50 comments Add Comment

view all 66 comments

AnTennA13 says:

Apr 29, 2010. 5:10 PM REPLY

I laughed at first but your article has inspired me. Being diabetic I've got to modify the recipe and use Splenda in place of sugar for the syrups. Shouldn't be
a problem and if I get it right I'll post it. Splenda is a remarkable substitute for sugar and if heated properly will carmelize to give some molasses flavoring.
Re: Hangovers. The multiple sugars make it hard on your liver to break it all up and matabolize them. You've got sucrose, maltose, lactose and a few
others in there which are delicious but tend to generate brain pain. When you drink beer you're getting mostly maltose (although American beers often
contain corn, therefore dextrose). Remember, the cheaper the beer, the more corn in the recipe. Drink good beer (read the motto on a Flying Dog) and
drink good liquor and you'll live longer with a happy liver. Salud!

farmsteader says:

May 1, 2010. 7:48 AM REPLY

Please dont use SPLENDA , it has ASPERTAINE , (spelling could be wrong), its POISON! ( proved in many Tests)
TrY switcinging to STEVIA , it has a decent flavor and comes from a safe Plant ,ready available now, you can even grow it. Best WIshes,

ebrady says:

May 1, 2010. 8:40 AM REPLY

That would be scary if it where TRUE... Splenda does not contain aspartame, it is made from Surcralose and Maltodextrin. Sucralose is a modified
version of Sucrose... (Table sugar). One of the reasons it works good in cooking where aspartame does not..
Aspartame is used in EQUAL and many other diet soft drinks. Do your research....

farmsteader says:

May 1, 2010. 3:44 PM REPLY

EBrady, ok here is some research, i was wrong i admit it, i actually believed Splenda did have Aspartame, but it does not , I did find this book and
website warning against Splenda, here is the link,
I am leary of new miracle Sugar substitutes, while Stevia is a Safe natural product , Thanks for the heads up and the Truth but i think we need
time on Splenda that it will be safe in the long run, why take chances, not me. I also use honey or Maple Syrup in my Coffee, Best wishes.
Top 7 Reasons To Avoid Splenda
1. Splenda research documents numbness of the hind legs in male rats and negative effects on the livers, spleens and kidneys of
laboratory animals.
2. Amid an obesity epidemic in countries using artificial sweeteners, there is evidence these chemicals may actually stimulate appetite.
3. Research cites recurring laboratory results of infertility in male rats and gastrointestinal problems in pregnant rats fed Splenda.
4. Consumers are not being told the whole truth about the long-term dangers of using artificial chemical sweeteners.
5. No one has considered the fact that chemical sweeteners may be at the root of many unexplained disease symptoms that puzzle your
6. According to research, giving sugar-free chemicals to your children or using them during pregnancy may be harmful to a child's emotional
and physical maturation and to the normal development of a fetus.
7. Using chemical sugar substitutes may not be wise if you are suffering from a present chronic disease.

DeusXMachina says:

May 22, 2010. 8:46 AM REPLY

Most of the symptoms you see occur at dose levels on the order of 35,000 equivalent packets of Splenda PER DAY for a month. The
increase in appetite due to artificial sweeteners is due to activation of carbohydrate receptors in the gut, leading to a metabolic response to
carbohydrates that aren't actually there, hence you start craving carbs. All things in moderation. I've done a lot of research myself and one of
the people in my chem classes did a presentation of the hype of artificial sweeteners (conclusion: no danger). I would definitely change my
opinion given the evidence, but it really isn't there.
Aspartame is broken down in to aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. Yes, methanol is toxic, but again it's DOSE DEPENDENT. What
do you think is in every single fermented drink? Methanol, ethanol, propanol, ethylene glycol, all toxic compounds. The body does a
magnificent job of metabolizing small quantities of poison that we naturally encounter. Otherwise, we'd be dead.
Saccharin gave rats cancer because it is actually a sodium salt, and sodium gives rats cancer. You can give rats bladder cancer by just
feeding them NaCl solution.

Artificial sweeteners have a much safer effect profile than the hoards of other compounds put into foods in far larger quantities, such as
preservatives and dyes, which are far more biologically active given the same weight dosage.

AnTennA13 says:

May 5, 2010. 10:04 AM REPLY

An anti-Spenda nut, just what I was fishing for.
In short (from GOOD research sites) - Aspertame (Nutra-sweet) No. Sucralose (Spenda) OK.
Sucralose is modified table sugar (sucrose). It is NOT matabolized in the body, it just leaves because it is indigestable (like fiber). Aspertame
DOES break down in the body and leaves some nasty chemicals.
Here we have the classic "religious war" about sweeteners and I don't want to be involved. If I choose to use Spenda, smoke cigars, drink
liquor, drive on fast highways, drive a motorcycle, or participate in ANY OTHER LEGAL activity... that is my legal right and please refrain from
unnecessary criticism which has nothing to do with making a tasty drink on a web sight devoted to LEARNING NEW THINGS. If you want to
give a better, more researched opinion of Splenda I suggest you read the rebuttals at . They have an answer for almost all
of the rumors you have posted.

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:14 PM REPLY

Fantastic, that is the exact reaction I want! Entertainment + Inspiration, the perfect combination!
I didn't know you could make syrup out of splenda. I've played around with using it for baking (I went on a big diet kick a few years ago). I might just
have to try that.
I kind of thought it might be all the sugars that were doing me in. Just for the record, I only drink good beer. I've been spoiled by growing up in Oregon,
where it's literally impossible to find a store that doesn't sell at least a passable selection of microbrews. That, plus the fact that my brother is head
brewer at a local micro, has meant that I haven't drank anything lower quality than Weinhards in years and years. Three cheers for good beer!
I'm curious, as a diabetic can you drink normal beer? I have a friend with a gluten intolerance and she has to drink gluten-free beers, which are hard to
find. I guess my brewer brother made up a special batch of gluten free beer in his homebrew setup, but I never had a chance to taste it. Back to my
original question, can you drink normal beer (while closely monitoring your blood sugar levels) or do you have to drink beer with special ingredients?

AnTennA13 says:

Apr 30, 2010. 6:21 PM REPLY

Beer actually has way too much sugar for a diabetic. Obviously light beer, having less colories has generally less sugar --- but has less flavor as
well. There are a couple of tolerable light beers but I take my chances and make sure I don't overload when I drink the good stuff. Generally - it is
not good for a diabetic to drink beer. But, Dude, a good White Russian blows down those blues like a Savoy Truffle.

lvlcaphoto says:

Apr 29, 2010. 6:20 PM REPLY

Hey all, I made some of my own concoction last year for Christmas presents. I started in October (to let it ferment a few months) and here's what I did
different with my own recipe.
1. Coffee (same as yours, only make them all different, I used a Brazilian in there too.)
2. White Sugar (same as yours but no brown sugar)
3. Karo Syrup (bottle of the white) this is great for thickening the sugar water
3. Cheap White Vodka
4. Christian Bros. Brandy (3 cups)
5. Vanilla Extract (Bourbon kind the best, plus one Vanilla Bean)
6. 2 Melted 97% Dark Chocolate Bars
I made the coffee ultra strong. I ran it through coffee filters 5 times to get all of the sediment out of the coffee as it goes to the bottom of the bottles and looks
mucky if you don't strain it.
Heat up the sugar with the karo syrup with the water similar to your directions and set aside.
I melt the chocolate and add that into the coffee misture, then add in the sugar. Then add in the bourbon vanilla (the best I've found is Pampered Chef
Vanilla or Trader Joe's). Let all that cool then add in the vodka and Bourbon. The Vanilla Bean goes in last and let sit until the next day.
I save all my dark beer bottles and purchase corks from Home Depot to fit the bottles. Make sure you boil the bottles first to get any germs out.
After filling, I shake the bottles every day for about two weeks or more and then personal label them with sticky back paper and my own design artwork for
that added flair. When Christmas times comes around this stuff is great after two months of fermenting...enjoy!

lvlcaphoto says:
Here is my Coffeelua Labeled Bottle. Enjoy! Danielle Watson, Las Vegas, NV

Apr 30, 2010. 10:12 AM REPLY

depotdevoid says:

Apr 30, 2010. 6:33 PM REPLY

Excellent, added the picture, thanks! And I'll send you a patch for participating!

lvlcaphoto says:

May 4, 2010. 8:56 AM REPLY

Thanks so much for the Patch! My first one! Dani

depotdevoid says:

May 4, 2010. 11:38 PM REPLY

No prob Dani!

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:16 PM REPLY

Fantastic, sounds like a great recipe! Like I mentioned, I'll go ahead and put up an extra step with user submitted recipes, and yours gets to be first! If
you've got a picture of your personally labeled bottles I'll put that up to.
Thanks for sharing and commenting!

truenorthd65 says:

May 1, 2010. 1:41 PM REPLY

In Canada we use "Fry's" Cocoa. I don't know if it's available every where, but it's awesome. I've made coffe liquer before and I've soaked vanilla beans in
the final product for several days before straining and bottling. You could try that.

depotdevoid says:

May 1, 2010. 7:06 PM REPLY

Thanks for the ideas truenorth. I've never seen Fry's cocoa, but might have to give it a shot if I ever run across some. I've don the vanilla bean thing too,
but it is kind of expensive. I make my own vanilla by soaking vanilla beans in rum, it lasts a really long time before the beans start to lose their flavor.

SienkRJ says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:57 PM REPLY

This looks like a pretty good idea. I happen to prefer Black Russians, but all the same store-bought coffee liqueur is awful expensive. One question: if you're
really lazy or really in a hurry could you substitute ready-made syrups for the home-made ones in your recipe?

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 10:37 PM REPLY

Thanks Seink. I've not tried it with store bought syrups, as they're a lot more expensive than making your own. I've meant to try it for the chocolate
syrup though. I don't see why it wouldn't work . . .
If you do try it with the store bought stuff, let me know how it works out!

zook74 says:

Apr 29, 2010. 8:50 AM REPLY

I've not yet made my own, but my aunt and uncle do, though there recipe is quite a bit different. Here's a couple of thoughts:
Coffee: I'd strongly recommend experimenting with good coffee. For real. You might be surprised. It doesn't even have to be REALLY good coffee, just not
folgers. Get a whole bean coffee like 8'oClock French Roast and brew up some strong coffee. I think the quality of the initial ingredients will have a drastic
impact on the final product.
Grain Alcohol VS Vodka: I've had a few homemade coffee liqueurs made with vodka and they're quite tasty. Again, don't go for the cheapest stuff, but don't
do it with Crystal Head or Grey Goose, either. Stoli or something in that class.
Vanilla: Consider splitting a vanilla bean and adding it directly to the bottle. I've had coffee liquers this way as well, and you can really taste the difference.
Awesome! Also, when doing good coffee and the straight vanilla bean, you might be able to skip the cocoa all together and just use straight sugar as the
stronger coffee combined with the vanilla bean will impart a nice, chocolatey flavor on its own.
Cheers, dude! I really need to do this one of these days!

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:02 PM REPLY

Thanks zook! I didn't really go into it in the instructable, but I have experimented with the whole gourmet ingredients thing before. I find that you can
taste the difference, but as I mentioned, I'm a cheapskate. I don't think you can taste ENOUGH of a difference to justify the extra expenses. That's why
when I run out of the homebrewed stuff I buy Copa De Oro, not Khalua.
Every now and then I'll brew up a "Limited run" of fancy stuff, as presents to people or just as a special treat, but usually I stick to doing it cheap. When it
comes to spending lots of money on alcohol, I'll usually splurge on good beer, which is easy to do here in Oregon!
Thanks for the comment and suggestions! I like the vanilla bean idea a lot and have been toying with the idea. I don't know if you can tell in the pictures,
but the real vanilla extract I use is just a little bottle with vanilla beans in it. I top it off with rum or vodka every now and then, and sometimes add a new
bean. It's a great way to get cheap, high quality vanilla extract!

zook74 says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:13 PM REPLY

I'm much more of a beer guy myself as well. I spend incomprehensible amounts of money on beer. One of my guilty pleasures is Bell's Hopslam
which runs close to $16 a six pack. Yikes.
All good mate! I'm really looking forward to trying a recipe for this!

joshcube says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:13 AM REPLY

One more thing about thing about vodka vs. grain alchohol. I haven't tried it myself, but supposedly if you run cheap vodka through a Brita pitcher a few
times it makes it as good as top shelf stuff. It doesn't increase the alcohol content of course, but it filters out all the flavors. That's what you're really
shooting for by using grain alcohol, a truly flavorless alcoholic base to build your concoction upon.

FamilyGuy2006 says:

Apr 29, 2010. 2:27 PM REPLY

Mythbusters did a test on this and proved it true to a better but still not incredible quality. They also pointed out that all the money spent on brita filters
would have paid for the good bottle of booze.

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:06 PM REPLY

Isn't Mythbusters the greatest show ever? I have a hard time watching sometimes though, because I get so bitter and jealous over how
FREAKING AWESOME that job must be!

bpfrocket says:

Apr 29, 2010. 1:59 PM REPLY

I'm not familiar with the brand you say that you like better than Kahlua, but Kahlua and most other coffee liquors don't have any chocolate in them. That
might be why you like yours better :D you made it to fit your taste. Kahlua just has a rich, overly sweet, coffee flavor, but no chocolate.
Having said all that - I'm going to try your recipe just as posted and then see where that takes me.
Good job

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:05 PM REPLY

Interesting, I always assumed there was some chocolate in there . . . I've actually had a hard time tasting the coffee in most liqueurs, which is why I add
actual coffee to mine.
Thanks for the info, and I'm glad you liked it!

joshcube says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:04 AM REPLY

I make my own liqueurs but haven't tried coffee yet. Glad to see that you used grain alcohol instead of vodka, because it makes a huge difference. For
people having problems finding it in their state there is a lot of misconception out there. The real Everclear (190 proof) is illegal in 15 states, including
California (but legal in Utah - go figure). Everclear does make a 151 proof version that is legal in California, but still if you ask for it in 10 liquor stores, 8 of
them will tell you it's flat out illegal. Your best bet is either liquor store next to a college, or a large high end liquor retailer. :) My apologies to anyone who
lives in a state where liquor can only be bought in government run stores. You might be able to find 151 proof rum or vodka if you're striking out on the grain
alcohol, but it will effect the flavor of your final product. Incidentally, 190 proof alcohol is illegal to put on a plane because it's so flammable, so forget about
hitting up your out of state relative to bring or FedEx you some. :)

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 9:03 PM REPLY

Thanks for the comment and the info Josh. Until I started hearing from people on this I had no idea grain alcohol was illegal in some states!

wambolicious says:

Apr 24, 2010. 10:47 PM REPLY

Aah... Although I am not 21 yet and really shouldn't be trying to learn this until this August, what do you reccommend I use instead of grain alcohol? It's
illegal in my state, so all we can get is vodka. Should I increase the booze content, or ROADTRIP?

depotdevoid says:

Apr 24, 2010. 10:57 PM REPLY

Roadtrip dude. Roadtrip should be the answer to all questions. For example:
Q: What should we do this weekend?
A: Roadtrip.
Q: What should we do about the economic downturn?
A: Roadtrip.
Q: Doctor, what's the prognosis?
A: Roadtrip . . . and I'm afraid it's terminal.
But seriously, if you're planning on making this, don't use a different liquor, you really need the grain alcohol. You would have to use nearly 5 times as
much standard liquor as grain alcohol, which would seriously cut into your other ingredients. Not that I'm advising you to do any of these things, of
course. You should be studying or going to church or something. Don't do drugs! Stay in school! Don't be a fool! Don't smuggle illegal alcoholic
beverages across state lines, especially if you're not even old enough to be in possession of them!

oakspoor says:

Apr 29, 2010. 8:44 AM REPLY

If you reduce your syrups by about 10-15% in volume by cooking longer for more evaporation it should compensate for the extra water in the vodka.

wambolicious says:

Apr 25, 2010. 12:02 PM REPLY


depotdevoid says:

Apr 25, 2010. 8:19 PM REPLY

Dear wambolicious,
You're my hero.
Your mom

phish814 says:

Apr 25, 2010. 12:10 PM REPLY

you could always freeze the water out of the cheap vodka. It burns like hell on the way down but would probably mix up ok.

depotdevoid says:

Apr 25, 2010. 8:18 PM REPLY

Good point phish, that's certainly a workable way around the grain alcohol problem.

acexkeikai says:

Apr 29, 2010. 8:04 AM REPLY

I find adding the cocoa powder to the sugars and giving it a good stir makes it easier to blend the cocoa before adding the water... also add the water a little
at a time to form a paste then add the rest of the liquid... less lumps to try and fix later.

depotdevoid says:

Apr 29, 2010. 8:11 AM REPLY

Cool idea, I'll try that next time, thanks!

antelucandaisy says:

Apr 27, 2010. 11:41 AM REPLY

I have those same awesome cups!

depotdevoid says:

Apr 27, 2010. 12:14 PM REPLY

You do?! Where did you get them?

They belonged to my girlfriend's grandma and she absolutely loves them, but they're very thin glass and keep breaking. I've been trying to find more to
get her for a present, but I can't seem to find any!

antelucandaisy says:

Apr 27, 2010. 1:22 PM REPLY

I looked on both places and didn't see anything that looked like them. Do yours have any markings? Mine are fairly worn.

depotdevoid says:

Apr 27, 2010. 6:36 PM REPLY

No markings. I've been checking Ebay and and local second hand stores to no avail for a while. Oh well, thanks for looking!

antelucandaisy says:

Apr 27, 2010. 1:08 PM REPLY

I bought two of them at a yard sale somewhere between Austin and Houston a couple of months ago.. Have you checked etsy and ebay?

stabarinde says:

Apr 26, 2010. 5:59 AM REPLY

I commend you for coming up with your own recipes, and even more for sharing your methods with us!
One thing you might like to try is to beg/steal/borrow some cocoa from a country outside of North America*. I've had Hershey's cocoa and I'm not sure why
but it's quite bland when compared with something like, say, Cadbury's Cocoa, or Green & Blacks. I know Hershey's cut corners for their chocolate bars (soy
and UHT milk and stuff), maybe they do similar for the cocoa?
*I'm being glib here - there are probably non-US cocoas available in North America, or even non-Hershey's cocoas made in North America. The point I'm
making is, er, try it without Hershey's. ;-)
Rocking instructable mate. :)

depotdevoid says:

Apr 26, 2010. 7:08 AM REPLY

Thanks stabarinde, I like to share this sort of thing, which is why I love this site so much.
I have tried other non-Hershey's cocoas, such as Ghirardelli and some from a local gourmet confectioner called Euphoria chocolate. Both were
noticeable in the final result and tasted great, but were way more expensive. My goal with this project was to make the best possible coffee liqueur at the
lowest possible price, so I've stopped buying the fancy ingredients.
You know, you're not the first person who's told me that Green & Blacks makes good cocoa . . . I might have to try to track some down one of theses

Thanks for commenting, and I'm glad you liked it!

stabarinde says:

Apr 27, 2010. 12:28 PM REPLY

Ah yes, Ghirardelli! Of course, how could I have forgotten.

I get your point about the cost though - that's a pretty good point from which to start for any coffee liqueur newbie. :)

hominid says:

Apr 26, 2010. 9:06 PM REPLY

This is well done.

Read this with great alacrity until I remembered I was a recovering alcoholic. Drat.

depotdevoid says:

Apr 26, 2010. 11:05 PM REPLY

Um, recovering eh Hominid? Probably a good thing, as I imagine a drunk gorilla man to be a force of nature that couldn't be reasoned with, only run
away from. I just hope you haven't reached the point in your evolution where you're using a fully upright gait!
I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the comment!

SinAmos says:

Apr 26, 2010. 12:31 PM REPLY

5 in a packet.

depotdevoid says:

Apr 26, 2010. 1:15 PM REPLY

Nice, thanks for letting me know. I'll put a note to this effect in the instructable.

Dries von weidtz says:

Looks Great .
All the ingredients are dark brown . Yet the drink in the foto is more of a cofee with milk colour .
Did I miss something somewhere ?

view all 66 comments

Apr 26, 2010. 5:45 AM REPLY

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