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EPF 4601


SEMESTER 1 2015/2016
LECTURER: Prof. Madya Dr. Rosnah Bt Shamsudin










Ananas colossus or more commonly known as pineapple is a tropical fruit with a large
production volume in the world (FAO 2009). It was introduced in Malaysia in the 16 th century
by the Portuguese. This herbaceous perennial plant grows from 1.0m-1.5m tall with 30 or
more through-shaped and pointed leaves which surround a thick stem (Ezrin, T. 2010). There
are five types of pineapple that are planted in Malaysia which are Morris Gajah, Morris,
Sarawak, Yankee, and Gandul. There are also four types of pineapple that produced through
hybrid which are Maspine, N36, MD2, and Josapine. Morris Gajah, Morris, Sarawak,
Yankee, Maspine, N36, MD2 and Josapine are planted for fresh consumption while Gandul
and Maspine are for canning process and juice (MPIB).
Rapid development of the pineapple industry in the 1960s -1970s has enabled
Malaysia listed as the world's largest pineapple producer (Raziah, 2009). Based on Malaysian
Pineapple Industrial Board (MPIB), Johor is the main producer of pineapple as Johor produce
up to 80 MT pineapples per year. It is the highest if compared to other state in Malaysia. Total
productions of pineapple from each state in Malaysia are tabulated in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Total production of pineapple from each state in Malaysia

(Source: MPIB)
Pineapple in Malaysia has a good market as there is less competition with pineapple
which are imported from other countries. This enabling local pineapple industry fully

dominated market domestic pineapple. Overall, the price of pineapple since 1997 until now
are relatively stable as the price is not affected by the price of imported pineapple. Average
price of pineapple based on their type are tabulated in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Average price of pineapple based on their type

(Source: FAMA, 2002)



Pineapple can be grown in two types of soils, peat or mineral soils. However, at
Laman Nanas Maeps, pineapples are grown in mineral soil because mineral soil is available
in this area. Based on the information obtained from the visit, the type of pineapple that been
planting in here are hybrid pineapple which is MD2.

Figure 1: Cultivar MD2

Pineapple crop management begins with the cleaning and loosening of soil at site.
Then, 10-15 cm deep hole is made on the ground using wood drill. Sulur that been selected
are planted and to facilitate the process of planting, rope or wire are used as a marker along
the line spacing.

Figure 2: Selected sulur for planting. From left;

large, medium, small
Pineapples are generally planted in double rows spaced at 2ft (60 cm) between the
rows, 1ft (30 cm) between plants and 3ft (90 cm) between adjacent double rows.

Figure 3: Spacing of 3x2x1 of pineapple planting

Pineapple plants must be controlled from the growths of grass and weed. The weeds
are spray with the Gesapax (liquid herbicide) and this step need to be repeated at week 10.
The fertilizing of pineapples is done by two methods, namely spray method and sowing
method. The Borduex Mixture is sprayed on the whole pineapple plants and compound
fertilizers which are consisting of Aluminium Sulfate are sow to the plants. The estimated rate
of fertilizer per plant is 20gm for peat soil and 14gm for mineral soil. Basically, the fertilizing
of pineapple plants are done in scheduled and there are three times of fertilizing process of
pineapple plants.
Blossoming Flow (Hormone). A pineapple tree in a normal situation experiences
self-bloom on the 12-18 month after it is planted. However, a few environmental factors such
as temperature, the amount of sunlight reflection and day time period are able to trigger the
formation of natural flower. Thus, the blossom hormone Ethepon (Ethrel) was used to stress
the pineapple tree to growth the flower. The mixture of 30ml Ethrel, 180g urea and 18L water
are sprayed or poured on the centre of each pineapple tree. Spray should be made early in the
morning (7-10 am) or late afternoon (5-7 pm). Usually, pineapple tree take to blossom in 35
days after the spraying of hormone. The blossom percentage calculation is conducted when
the pineapple tree stem has produced a red coloured flower. The discrowning or fruitone
process will be done on 85-95 days after the spraying of hormone. This process is essential to
ensure that the crown of pineapple plant is not damaged.
Harvesting. Pineapples usually mature 15-24 months depending on the planting
material used. Pineapple fruit can begin harvested when this fruit starts ripe especially on its
skin colour. The maturity of pineapple fruit can be measured by Maturity Index. The Maturity
Index is a guide which refers to skin colour change which also changes the internal
characteristics of the fruit level of acid and sugar contents. The stalk is cut 6 "with sharp
cleaver and the fruit is transported by baskets to the site collection.

Figure 4: Basket used for transport the harvest pineapple

Seedling. The old pineapple trees were trimmed 10 '' - 12 '' from the ground for the
purpose of promoting seed production. The fertilizer was sprayed to obtain the fertile sucker
which can helps in the growing of pineapple plants. The sucker seed will be picked to be
moved and cultivated in the plant field. However, suckers seeds should be treated with
insecticides or fungicides before sending to farmers.

A) Types of pineapples in Malaysia

B) Sulur of different type of pineapples

C) Maturity index of pineapple

Index 1

Index 2

Index 3

Index 4

Index 5

Index 6

Young or immature.
The entire surface or sharp points on the oval, dark

green with reddish braktea.

The contents are very solid.
Not suitable for picking.

Initial maturity.
Eyes slightly more rounded overall dark green with

some yellowish between the eyes at the base.

Braktea white and dry.
Contents solid. The fruit can be harvested alredy.
Suitable for export.
Whole green eyes with 1-2 points on the base yellow.
Suitable for export.

Fruit began to ripe.

Average 25% of the line points from the base turns

slightly orange fruit.

Contents solid.

Nearly 50% of the eye become orange yellowish fruit

from the base.

Less firm and juicy contents.

Over 75% of eye slightly orange yellowish in color.

Fill a bit soft and a little more juice.
Not suitable for export.

Index 7


Whole orange yellowish eyes.
Fill soft and too much juice.
Not suitable for the market.


Ezrin, T. (2010). Institute for Career Research. Pineapple Distribution Classification

Using RGB and FUZZY.
FAMA (Federal Agicultural and Marketing Authority). Menuju Ke Arah Kualiti
Malaysias Best).
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) 2009.Statistical databases. Retrieved from
Raziah M. L. & Alam A. R. Status and Impact of Pineapple Technology on Mineral
soil. Economic and Technology Management Review, Vol. 5(2010): 11-19

5 (n.d.). Retrieved from Official Portal of Malaysian

Pineapple Industry
Board. Ritrieved from

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