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Caf Coffee Day is a caf for the youthful and the youthful on a
fundamental level. They are a piece of Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading
Company Limited (ABCTCL) headed by Mr. V.G. Siddhartha which is a
subsidiary for Coffee Day Global Limited also operating four other divisions
like Coffee Day Xpress, Coffee Day Fresh and Ground and Coffee Day Exports
and Coffee Day Hotels & Resorts. Prominently known as CCD, they endeavour
to give the best experience to the customers. The first CCD opened in 1996 on
Brigade Road in Bangalore, Karnataka and keeps on being a standout amongst
the most event spots in the city. . It's been an energizing trip from that point
forward, turning into the biggest composed retail bistro chain in the India. In
addition, it has taken one step ahead expanding its business to Austria, Czech
Republic or Malaysia, where traveller, visitors or the locals of the particular
country may have the essence of a mix from India. There are more than 1423
CCDS spread across 209 urban areas/towns crosswise over India. Cafe Coffee
day widens its options by establishing The Lounge ,The Square and Xpress
outlets ,thus, enhancing the value of experience for their customers. In 2013,
CCD was presented with the prestigious ISO 22000:2005 accreditation by the
globally acclaimed DNV Business Assurance Food Safety System for its Food
Safety administration frameworks in bistro. (cafe coffee day, 2015)
This essay gives an idea of what are the service forms of the company,
how they perform, what exactly and whom they target, explains about the
company on a whole giving a brief idea of business ethics and cultures followed
by CCD; also helping us to understand this coffee-chains operating procedures
highlighting the important factors. Moreover this essay also highpoints the
service morals of such a huge service provider in one piece.
Caf Coffee Day was among the first coffee cafes to start operations in
India in 1996, but the last to go national. Today with so many cafes across the
country, it is probably the largest chain in the country. Their main strategy
being-Mix of inexpensive prices and product, Heed to customer needs and a
strong back-end support system. (Business model for Indian retail sector:The
cafe Coffee Day case:Interview with V.G.Siddhartha, september 2013)
Coffee has always been marginal in India; being the tea-drinking
nation. Although the coffee culture existed in Europe back since 15TH century
,Coffee traditions in India was restricted to positional segments like intellectuals
,traditionalist and five-star visitors till late 90s.This trend started changing
slowly after 2000 not because there were many Coffee-companies but probably

the increasing spending potential and the publicity of global trends. Another
reason was that they needed to return the end frameworks set up. Transporting
new broiled Beans from their own particular inheritances in Chikmagalur to
faraway spots like Mussourie in the north and Jamshedpur in the east they
are the main national player present in both urban communities was a
logistical bad dream .The organization did not pay consideration on this point of
supply chain in the hunger of development .Since they were dealing with coffee
for almost more than a decade they had to invest a particular amount ,reframing
their supply-chain structure (Swaminathan, Smith, & Sadeh, 1998) .The supplychain became centralized, region- wise unlike before which used to be one
central point providing goods to different regions . It was very easy for the
vendors and the cafes eventually saving time, product-quality, easy access,
localization and thus upgrading value of materials covering all the areas .Also,
they implemented online tracking system called point of sales (POS)-one at caf
level and the other at distribution level .The supply chain had the responsibility
to support the outlets opening at the regional level which was about 5 to 6
outlets a month.
There are over 250 customized food and beverage products served at
the outlets. The coffee menus are designed in such a way that the pairing
becomes an excellent choice whether it be coffee, snacks or deserts .To prevent
exhaustion ,they change the menu in cycle of four months and hence to examine
the altering palates and preferences ,a regular guest-feedback and research is
done. Initially, the service format of the cafs was self-service which had the
pattern of guest being called out by names by the it was important to
get rid of this culture because the guest did not like it. Hence, the company
made an important decision of providing table service and not make self-service
compulsory. Also, table-service increases the scope of guest-engagement which
eventually helps the server to improve his/her skills and the chances of guestretention rises up. There are three types of service structure followed at an outlet
level; they are; Self-Service, Semi-Self-Service and Table-Service.
Understanding consumer needs has many steps involved since it has their
experience involved and experiences differ from person to person individually.
CCDs give out guests feedback forms which is collected and sent to the head
office so that customer feedback are read ,investigated and sent with a revert if
any serious complaint (Fram & Axelrod, 1990).
Caf coffee day experiments with various formats (like Cafes, Garden
cafes, Lounge cafes and Xpress cafes) (cafe coffee day, 2015)depending on the
target audience has been fairly successful. For example, Music cafes gives an
option for the customers the choice of playing their choice of music; Book cafes

helps readers and coffee-lovers mix into a taste of both; Highway cafes with
washrooms helping travellers to halt and relax and have a taste of delicious
snacks in a place away from home; Lounge-cafes defines luxury branding with
an addition of thematic music giving the coffee-connoisseurs an exquisite
experience; Garden-cafes gives an rejuvenating coffee feel all around; Cybercafes for enjoying a brew of coffee while surfing; also Sports cafes, Fashion
cafes are the new lined up formats to be launched .CCD has targeted different
genres of areas like high street malls, multiplexes etc. The growing income have
made unique customer experience long lasting and more valuable. Hence, CCD
are planning to include more types of formats to their portfolio like Book-cafes,
Movie Cafes and Sports cafes. (, 2015)
The strategy behind this being, at outlets having less footfalls during afternoon;
organizing launches of Books, having Movie-festivals, inviting the author of the
book or the producer giving the guest or the fans, at the outlet a taste of their
liking; also selling them the signed or autographed newly published book helps
the cafs to attract more of young crowd .They plan to upgrade this new
strategy for around 15% of the stores depending on the location and clientele.
CCD offers a variety in their menu for the guests; ranging from small bites,
toasties, sweet course, sundaes to different type of combo meals including
coffee and deserts or coffee and sandwiches. Since the new items on the menu
are introduced in the menu on a frequent basis, customers get a very different
experience of the food-items at CCD. Say for example, we have an option of
buying rolls or wraps or samosas or deserts with the respective beverages they
are paired with (chilli cheese toastizza + Cappuccino/Iced coffee/tea is one of
the best-selling combos of CCD) (cafe coffee day, 2015).The famous beverages
served at CCDS are also unique because they not only serve coffees and teas
but also a choice of refreshers and smoothies. The wide variation in hot coffees
and cold coffees are again an attraction for the guest. The different coffee blends
are Frappes, Tropical iceberg, Aztec, Ethiopian, Caf mocha etc. where Vegan
shake and frappes being the most selling among the cold ones. While on the
other hand, the menu for the lounges and the square are quite elaborative and
different from the regular cafes. These menus are specially designed keeping the
likes of the working-class and families in mind. They savour flavours of
sandwiches like Crispy veggie delight or Smoked chicken to pizzas; from
Mealtime cravers like pasta, khaowsuey to anytime cravers like chicken wings,
fries or a platter. Their beverages gives an exclusive feeling of the coffee-lounge
distinguishing them from the regular cafes. They introduced the coffee-mock
tails such as coffee-gola, choc-orange, cinapple; refreshers like twisted-berry
tea, tangy curacao; smoothies, cold-coffees, teas, hot-coffees leaving an eternal
imprint. Also, the deserts are so sensational, decadent, mouth-watering and

tongue-tantalizing (melting moments, rich chocolate temptation) that anyone

could hardly deny. The main eye-catcher of CCD, is the menu-pricing; which
when compared to any coffee-chain would vary because it is very affordable.
Are this, but also the pricing within the cafes are different considering the
location and clientele. Apart from the food and beverages served in their outlets
they do induce themselves in promoting and selling various non-consumable
items. Those are termed as coffee-merchandises. A main attraction of all the
outlets being the display of these merchandises; an eye-catcher for all the guests
walking in the caf. These merchandises include a variety of products like
Coffee-powder, Coffee-machines, cups and mugs with the logo of the brand,
chocolates and cookies, modified mugs, cup and saucer set; also apparels and
accessories. All these products become a very unique gifting options for the
guest as a part of hampers at a very affordable price. These products are
available at all outlets on demand. Similarly, products could be purchased
online. One of the ultra-selling points of the cafes are the Caf moments card.
This card is basically the prepaid card of the coffee shop which is applicable in
all the outlets of CCD. The customer or the guest just has to buy this card with a
minimal amount of balance in it which is fairly equal to a sum of 100 rupees or
more. This sum of amount could be used to purchase any product at the outlet.
The process is inexhaustible as the consumer can fill as much as he can and use
wherever. The transactions made by the consumer comes in the form of text
message on his personal number; making it easy for him to keep a track of it.
CCD outlets also deal with business to business services such as bulk-orders,
catering services if required, providing coffee-peddling machines and
advertising room. Apart from the products, the ambience plays a vital role as it
gives a very young-looking look. The dcor, interiors and the fixtures are
designed in a way which is very vibrant same at caf levels, lounges and the
square setting them apart from other coffee-shops. The colour of the shops for
cafs, lounges and square are violet, sea-green and brown respectively. The
walls of the cafes executes branding for pictorial communication with very less
number of words. (W.Reinartz, 2011)
Furthermore, the service encounters at CCD is quite similar to the
standard food and beverage service formats yet has its own typicality. As the
guest enters, they find all dimensional posters on the glass-door. The guest is
received, greeted and seated by the employee on their visit. Then held over by a
menu card; so while deciding they can enjoy the feel and atmosphere of the
caf. The employee take the order passes on to the Brew-master and the kitchen
where they update the orders on the billing machine and then prepare orders.
The orders are to be served according their specific serving timings adhering to
the operation standards. The bill is presented to the guest after taking their

feedback of their experience which could be settled in the form of cash or credit
card. The unique characteristic of the service standards are that they are
different at different outlet levels (Berry & L.L, 1986). For illustration, the
lounges and the square have a proper dine-in format where the orders are taken
at the table, whereas at the caf levels guest can either place their orders, pay
and take their orders to the table or place and pay for the order and it gets served
to their table. In this semi-self-service format they have come up with giving the
guest the table numbers to avoid confusion or delays. The factors that sets the
lounges or square apart from the cafes are not just their formats but also that
these lounges or square have an in built kitchen where the raw-materials are
used to cook the products whereas the cafes have products with a shelf-life
which are heated and given. They follow a very strict policy of storing the
foods, serving them at the right temperature and keeping the expiry of every
single food and beverage product in mind; which is the duty of every employee
of CCD. Employees contribute major role in the service operations. Strict
uniform codes for employees are maintained all across. They are well trained to
be soft-spoken, friendly behaviour and a rigorous training on the products of
CCD is given. They are taught to be agreeable, well-mannered and optimistic
towards the guest. They are also involved in customer engagement activities.
(Grise & Havner,M.A, 1990)Thus ensuring service qualities such as
dependability- quality and quantity provided with a promise to serve the best;
pledge-a dedication from the employees to convey trust and confidence;
tangibility-the physical features of the cafes; Empathy- the caring and personal
attention towards the guest hence justifying their mission, To be the best cafchain in the world by offering a world-class experience at affordable prices and
responsiveness providing prompt service.

(, 2015)
I would like to illustrate an experience of my own visit to one of the
lounges of CCD wherein I will be able to picturize the scenario of service at
CCD. As soon as I entered there was a chorus greeting by the employees which
made me felt noticed and was unique. As soon as one of the hostess settled us to
a table, we were presented the menu by the waiter and he explained us all the
different segments of the menu such as the appetizers, mains etc. along with the
different promotional activities going on in the lounge. By the time we were
deciding on our menu, we were so mesmerized by the environment built by the
ambience, furnitures and the music giving us an easy feeling of life. We
observed the lounge was almost packed with an excellent crowd majorly college
going. The orders of ours was taken and delivered on time. The food was
exceptional compared to a fast-food joint with a pairing of the choice of coffee
recommended by the waiter. We even perceived a high spirit of motivation
amongst the staff while serving the guests. A proper billing pattern was followed
along with a feedback form so as we could give our feedback as well as
suggestions to improve which was impressive. The outcomes of this experience
was quite on a positive side except for the slow Wi-Fi, less space between the
coffee-bar and seating area and other minute aspects whereas on the other side
the cleanliness and hygiene with respect to the lounge, food and beverage or the
staff was commendable (Afuah & Tucci, 2000).

Barista, being the first competitor had the first mover advantage. But CCD
had totally kept a goal of targeting the younger generation by offering a very
low price fitting their pockets, not only them but also the younger middle-class
who gushed into CCD cafes .Hence, leaving their competitors behind and
pioneering the coffee-brand in India. According to the study, the graph below,
shows the age-profile of the guest or the customers visiting the cafes, lounge, or
the square. As u can see, it states that majority of the customers age profile
varies from 15 to 29, followed by the 30 to 40 league. Correspondingly, the
frequency of visits by the widely held age group is more compared to the visits
by the rest
of the age
This group
of college
and young

professionals. This recommends the brand appearance of the cafes. Hence, CCD
becomes significantly a meeting place not only during work or for workpurpose but also a place where the crowd meet their friends most after home or
workstation; a dwelling where they refresh and are able to be themselves rather
than a place to be seen at. The company can make number of plans and execute
them since they have perceived the consumer profile which comprises mainly
the youth. CCD becomes a consumer preference mainly because of they believe
in it and prefer it; user-friendly, ambience and value. (Abbott, 1955)

(Google Image, 2015)

The customer value scheme includes recognising the target client, defining the
benefits to the customer from the intake point of view and based on the same,
scheming the contributions which satisfy consumer needs. The positioning
scheme would be in accordance with who suggest that every retailer needs to be
the best in one of five vibrant situations (hot-est, easy-est, big-est, quick-est or
cheap-est; fine-est added here) while being acceptable in all other conditions. Or
else, in their effort to be the best in all magnitudes (being the whole kit and
caboodle to everyone), stores enter into sales black hole (point of no profit). The
customer value proposition for Caf Coffee Day (retail business) is given in the
table below. (Chiang, 2013)

Value Proposition Chart:

Customer segment
Youth/middle class

middle/upper class

Recreation, decent price,
suitability with coffee and
Quality and variability of
food and coffee with instore involvement, quality
World-wide caf
experience in India

Single serve/travel

Excellence, convenience


Class, convenience



Caf Coffee
Day Express
Caf Coffee
Day Lounge
Caf Coffee
Day Square
Capsule and
Coffee Day
Fresh and



CCD formulates cluster-approach strategy to all the possible regions

across India which eventually builds a tough obstacle for the competitors with
respect to opening an outlet. For instance, at a particular place in Mumbai, CCD

will have 5 to 6 outlets opened and from the very same place to a span of half a
kilometre you will find more 5 cafes. This help the coffee lovers with flexibility
to choose or express their love for coffee at any desired place of that particular
region, thus improving sales for the brand. This strategy also ensures quick and
crisp supply management within the cafes as when a particular caf runs out of
stock, other of the same region could help. In such case, there is always a
benefit which CCD has applied and made it for use to the fullest of having one
manager at two different outlets; especially for low-sales cafes; which
effectively helps not only in operations but also saving the costs incurred in the
P&L of the outlets. All the outlets are company-owned not franchised. They
believe franchising a store would hamper their brand-value .The self-owned
outlets costs more compared to franchised outlets. Besides, they also have
greater hold over quality of the product, service and training. (Zeithmal,
Parsuraman, & Berry, 1985)
The stake-holders play an important role who invest in the coffee-chain,
wanting their business to grow, hence making profits. The internal stake-holders
of CCD are the employees and the shareholders. The total hierarchy responsible
for the operations involved in the business consist of employees as a part of the
stakes where they are paid salary for their work. The given job may also bring
in a position for them (Shostack, 1987). The shareholders are the financiers who
invest a small share in the business where they get a part of the profits made.
The external stake-holders of CCD are Customers, merchants, creditors and the
local civic. Customers or the consumers make a part of the share-holders as
there are changes made in the business keeping their expectations in mind such
as improving quality, changing price or cost-cutting when the business go down.
The suppliers are those stake-holders from where they buy raw-materials and
goods required for the operations on credit allowing the business to make profit
and to repay from those profits and in the other case where the business does
not do well there are chances of the business not paying the suppliers. Creditors
are also suppliers to which the coffee-chain owns the share of business as they
are the ones who give a sum of money as loan for the business of the coffeeshop and want them to do well so as next time they provide a loan amount of
higher range. The local civic plays a key role of a stake-holder as they provide
electricity, water, waste-collection etc. They are important because if the
business fails to pay for their services; they would stop the services from their
side. Also, the wages of the employees are spent on these local communities
such as shops etc. which generates added tax-value. So, if the locals are not
happy there are chances that they might complaint leading to fall in business.
(Thompson, 2015)CCD has planned to go public this year by investing around
11.5 billion and they would be listed after they get approval from SEBI. KKR is

among the top stake holders of CCD who invest their funds. (Cafe coffee Day
files for $181 IPO, 2015)
The customers may expect a lot, right from the start they decide to go
to a coffee shop till the time they leave which is not restricted only to the
pricing and the quality. This includes a combination of various facilities like
valet parking, nice ambience, wide space, seating, air-conditioning, Music, wallpictorials, cleanliness, product value or product quality, Service by the staff etc.
The customer expectations are nothing but their perceptions about the
particularities expected by them from a service-provider. There is a thin line
between a customers expectation and the satisfaction gained by his or her
experience. The majority customers going to CCD expect low-pricing, a
soothing place to chill which they get out of CCD. CCD has made fair-efforts to
lessen the gap between the perceptions of the consumer and the experience
delivered by CCD (Zeithmal, 1988). For example, in a busy coffee-outlet not
every guest expects prompt service, but the staff of CCD leaves no stone
unturned to surprise the guest. This gap is also removed because of excellent
service patterns and standards of employee performance. At CCD, all guest
concerns, queries, requests and orders to ensure that all the customers coming to
CCD are satisfied and if not the feedback always works because its the
feedback by which the management of CCD takes initiative to bring in new
standards and value to customer requirements. The information is also gathered
from the internal people who make the organisation run. Their views,
managerial valuations and observation are considered while executing actions to
satisfy the customers. The information from the competitors, dealers and
officials as a part of organisational surroundings to derive proper conclusion
about customer perceptions about the service and hence ensuring to give them a
satisfactory experience.
There is also a high percentage of pressure on CCD with regards to
performance or providing service because of the growing competition. It is
competing with the leading brands in the world who have stepped into Indian
market such as Starbucks, Costa coffee, Di-Bella, Coffee-bean tea leaves and
barista. Apart from these competitors, they also have small competitions from
the local hookah-parlours, bakeries etc. Adding to these threats, the wrong
choice of selected locations to setup new outlets leads the company to incur
losses. Thus, weakening the brand appearance and detoriating the quality of the
brand. Also, keeping in mind the number of outlets CCD have, it is equally
important for this service providers to maintain a disciplined quality and
standard procedure throughout. (Dotson & Patton, 1992)

The product relationship which CCD has is based totally on their business.
For example, they outsource ice-creams and milk products from a trusted
vendor depending upon the region who supplies all the products to different
cafes or lounges of that particular region. Their tie-ups with media gives the
customers to access easy tickets for stage-performance etc. (rock-shows).And
the personal relationship as we discussed earlier, the young generation guest
form a base of loyal customers, thus ensuring trust and intimacy among both of
them. And there are other set of customers who are never frequent in visiting the
outlets but show brand-loyalty by dropping in at any time.
Unlike other brands or Companies, they dont believe in media advertising
trusting that their stores themselves would speak for the brand. They, instead,
co-brand themselves with other brands who also target audience which CCD
eventually targets at. Basically, it involves improving the face-value of the
brand by promoting it in famous Bollywood films starring top Bollywood actors
in it which showcases CCDS association with those films. CCD also are into
Barter-deals with international brands and International artists selling their
concert tickets. Co-Branding, thus becomes a very low-cost strategy helping
both the brands. CCD as a part of their service tool also uses flyers, tent cards,
danglers, standees, cup branding, vouchers, scratch cards and discount coupons
so that they could indirectly market their products, new-launches or any events
scheduled to their customers dropping in at CCD which also becomes an
attractive aspect of the service provided.
Comparing the competitive strategies, CCD has a very unique attribute that
they have their own coffee-estates from where they easily source their coffeebeans. This ensures a high logic of quality assurance and 100% resource to all
cafes as the same raw-material is used throughout whereas other chains like
barista has a combination of importers. The food items which are outsourced are
from the local vendors while Barista does it from TAJ caterers. The brandstrength of CCD is very strong compared to other competitors because of the
widely spread chain; which also stays on top of the mind of the customers
making their decision fast for choosing a coffee-hangout. CCD outlets also
allows the y-generation to let their hair down, relax and chill, have fun at a
place to feel comfortable rather than just sipping a coffee. (Porter, 1996)
It is very important as a service provider to assess the customer satisfaction
by recording and classifying the customers, defining what their services cliques
them apart from the others, encouraging customers to share their feedback and
suggestions, how well are CCD expending the information technology to

increase customer satisfaction .CCD, also ensures customer satisfaction by

launching customer-orientation by encouraging a process where the customer
are aware of their rights, they know the steps to be taken to use these rights and
the right person to contact when required. They have taken steps to enlist their
external customers work on the issues such as on-time service, complaint
dealing procedures, ability of staff to perform and appointing a panel for
customer relations (Barnes, 2002) so that an easy link for satisfying the
customer according to their likings would be executed. (Fisk, 1961)
I would like to list the recommendations by concentrating on certain keychallenges acknowledged during the study. In order to deal with the growing
competition retention of employees, baristas and brew-masters is important. It is
equally important to advertise themselves especially for the developing areas.
CCD has gone international; hence it should focus more on the intake designs of
coffee in different parts of the world. The choices are not a problem with respect
to the menu but still if they bring in more customization with the sizes served
for beverages the customer would have more options. Consumer needs are very
important. It is necessary to keep their needs in mind according to the changing
culture. CCD should concentrate on the market expansion by concentrating on
the spaces by constant scanning through magnitudes like framework, consumer
and rivalry. They should also involve in tie-ups with different brands who target
the same clientele. The feed-back system should be improvised. (Olivier, et al.,
By this learning, we can conclude that Caf Coffee Day is the fastest growing
coffee-chain in India gone international targeting to be among top three coffee
chains around the globe. They are the giant coffee-chain having maximum
number of outlets across India which builds a strong image of an employer
providing employment to many. CCD has managed to win hearts of the
customers by providing the best caf-experience not only by the kind of servicefocus or their standards but also because of the different products, value,
ambience and culture. It has proved to be the toughest competition to
competitors whether local or international in India. A lot can happen over
coffee (cafe coffee day, 2015), has touched many coffee lovers and the young

End References:
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