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Al- Noor Center of Education

An Ideal Student

Nobody is perfect in his life Everybody has got his own weak and strong
points. Man is a blend of vices and virtues and nobody claims to be infallible.
Super is he who has some great ideas to achieve the goal or ideal. As it is said

They are able because they think that they are able

In the present day world, materialism and sheer racialism have blinded man
to all ethical and spiritual norms, so it is difficult for a new generation to lead a
balanced life i.e to pay equal attention to the needs and demands of growth of our
bodies, soul and minds .To me, this is a primary condition for being an ideal
As it is said that healthy mind requires healthy body but an ideals student
also believes that good and healthy minds create ideal and strong body. A student
keeps this fact in mind. He led a balanced life. He gets up early in the morning,
offers prayers and does some exercise which is necessary for an ideal student. An
ideal student is very courageous as

A man of courage is also full of faith

A student is one who wants to get knowledge. He studies the subject of

nature. He meditates on the universe to discover more and more. Through man
has learnt a lot, but a process of discoveries is not yet over. The Holy Prophet
(S.A.W) said the

Every person should get knowledge form

lap of his mother till death

Therefore, there is no end to knowledge.

The first quality is that a student should be steady in his research. He
should work to know more and more. A person or a student who is not consistent
in his quest cannot be successful.
An ideal student should work regularly. He should not lose heart in
difficulties. He should remain firm in his aims. He can walk longer distances,
cross vast deserts and mount high hills to achieve his objective. He should have
the patience of Job and willpower of Noah.
He should be a man of character. The object of education is to spread
politeness and generosity among people. He should have good manners.

Propriety of manners and obedience for others

are two main characteristics of gentleman
Typed by: Noor Ali Noor

He should polite and clear in his dealings. He is virtuous and generous with
other. He pays full attention for the improvement of his mental abilities.
An ideal student should meek and humble. He should not proud of his
knowledge. He respects his elders, teachers and class fellows. Education teaches
humbleness not pride. As it is said that,

The world is always ready to receive a

talent with open arms

He should not be a book worm. He takes part in extra curricular and

physical activities as well so that he become healthy. He is always ready to help
his class fellows in their studies because he believes in the fact the knowledge
increases when it spreads. So an ideail student become genius in his character.

Genius is the promontory jutting out of infinite

A good student also proves to be a good citizen and true patriot. He never
breaks any law for his personal gain. He loves its culture, traditions and law. He
is always ready to help his country fellowmen.

The world is run by the students

He is spiritually strong and healthy. He fulfills both Haqooq ul Allah

and Haqooq ul Ibad. He is not a narrow minded fanatic. He helps poor fellow
beings. He is very efficient in his studies. He pays full attention to moral values
and leads a balanced and healthy life. He is unique and complete in his

Typed by: Noor Ali Noor

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