Modal Analysis of On Chip Optical Waveguides Using BeamPROP

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 303

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2015, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

Modal Analysis of on Chip Optical Waveguides using BeamPROP

Isha Gulati
PEC University of Technology
Chandigarh, India

Dr Neena Gupta (Professor), Jyoti Kedia (Assistant Professor)

PEC University of Technology
Chandigarh, India

The electronic circuits carry information at a clock
rate of the order of GHz The optical waveguides on
integrated circuits (Optoelectronic) can carry the
information using light i.e. using a frequency of the
order of THz. Thus the optical waveguides can be
used to carry information in VLSI circuit e.g.
Microprocessors at the speed of light. The optical
waveguide not only empowers an enormous
bandwidth increase, but causes a decrease in power
consumption, immunity to electromagnetic noise,
reduced immunity to temperature variations, etc.
Optical waveguides materials are first chosen
according to the criteria nc ns<nf ,where nc is the
refractive index of the cover, ns is the refractive
index of the substrate and nf is the refractive index
of the film, which allows energy propagation inside
the waveguide. The Structures for the optical on
chip waveguides created are Channel, Diffused and
Rib using RSofT CAD Interface. All the
waveguides are simulated for modes and the width
at which the waveguides become multimode is also
found using BeamPROP.
Index Terms: integrated optical waveguide, core,
cladding, mode, modecutoff.

We basically consider the evolution of optical
waveguides here. For our electrical signals of the order
of Hz we used cables which were considered lumped
networks since the characteristic length was much less
than the wavelength of the signal ( ~106m). But for
transmitting the same frequency over longer lines or
higher radio frequency signal ( 3kHz to 300GHz) on
smaller lines there was a need of a transmission line
because now the length of the wire approached the
wavelength which showcased wave like properties of
the signal. This was necessary for low power
loss.Further for transmitting even higher microwave
signals( 300MHz to 300 GHz) we needed even shorter
dimensions of transmission lines called waveguides.
A waveguide is a structure that guides waves, such
as electromagnetic waves. The original and most
common meaning is a hollow conductive metal pipe
used to carry particularly microwaves. Now to talk of
the latest transmission line which makes use of even
higher frequency ( ~ THz) in the visible range( i.e.
light) is optical fibre which transmits data over long

distance ( in km). It has the advantage that it transmits

larger data per unit time (larger bandwidth) as
compared to Cu transmission lines. The use of even
higher frequency can also be made for transmission on
the micrometer distance range on Integrated circuits
through the on chip Optical Waveguides. An optical
waveguide is used at optical frequencies is typically
dielectric waveguide in which a dielectric material
with high permittivity, and thus high index of
refraction, is surrounded by a material with lower
permittivity. The structure guides optical waves
by total internal reflection. The other motivations for
using Optical waveguides are that it is difficult ( but
not impossible) to tap or monitor, so data security is
higher. Also it is immune from electromagnetic
interference (EMI), ground loops, induced cross talks,
etc. Optical waveguides is an example/type of
Photonic integrated circuits .Photonics is a science
generation, emission, transmission, modulation, signal
and detection/sensing of light. Optical Waveguides
come under the category of Optoelectronics, an
application of Photonic Integrated Circuits. Optical
waveguide are used as important components in
sensors, couplers, modulators, interconnects, filters,
etc. The subject of our research is to select materials
using the criteria criteria nc ns<nf , where nc is the
refractive index of the cover, ns is the refractive index
of the substrate and nf is the refractive index of the
film, which allows energy propagation inside the
waveguide. The wave propagation may occur in one or
more directions inside the guide. Every direction has
Mathematically the number of directions in which light
can travels within a waveguide is given by the term
called a mode. After selecting materials modal pictures
are shown for all the waveguides and mode cutoff is



The waveguides are analyzed at two incident

wavelengths 0.6 um and 1.54 um. There are 3 channel
waveguides, 2 diffused and 3 rib waveguides created
and analyzed at 1.54um and 7 channels, 2 diffused and
1 rib waveguide created and analyzed at 0.6um.Thus
there are a total of 19 waveguide materials chosen and
analyzed. The waveguide materials chosen for modal

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 304

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2015, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

analysis are given in Table 1 and 2 for 1.54 and 0.6 um

Table 3.1 Waveguides analyzed at an incident
wavelength of 1.54 um.



nc= 1
nc= 1
nc= 1
nc= 1
nc= 1


Film material

ns= 3.5188
ns= 2.21320
ns= 2.21320
ns= 1.4441
ns= 1.4441
ns= 1.7464

nf= 2.2361
nf= 3.5227
nf= 2.8734
nf= 3.4847
nf= 1.5
nf= 3.48341

nf= 2.0857

TABLE 2 Waveguides analyzed at an incident

wavelength of 0.6 um.




nc= 1.45803
ns= 1.45803
ns= 1.49
ns= 1.49
ns= 3.9198
nc= 3.5730
nc= 1
nc= 1

ns=1.45803613 nf= 2.1431
ns= 1.4580361 nf= 2.3347
ns= 1.4580361 nf= 1.4901
nc= 1.49
nf= 2.1431
nc= 1.49
nf= 2.3347
ns= 3.9198
nf= 3.9485
ns= 3.5730
nf= 3.9485
ns= 2.2981
nf= 3.6809
ns= 2.2981
nf= 2.3704

nc= 1

ns= 2.4905

nf= 3.9485


For a given problem with cover refractive index (nc),

substrate refractive index (ns) , film refractive index (
nf) , waveguide height, waveguide width and the
excitation frequency ( o) we get the eigen value
using a set of equations. represents the mode of the
problem. A given problem can result in a single or
multiple values of .Multiple represent multiple

modes. Transverse Electric and Transverse Magnetic

polarizations result in different values of for the
same problem (same nc, ns, nf , h and o). With a given
beta we can find Ey in all regions. These field
distributions are called modes. Some properties of
modes are.
1. Every corresponds to unique field shape
2. Only finite s (modes) are possible for a given
3. Most values of lead to unguided modes .Only few
modes are guided.
4. Some modes are degenerate (same , but different
Electric field distributions).
5. Completeness consists of all modes of a waveguide
guided and radiative. Guided modes are the ones
which are modes through the film, radiative have
infinite energy and are non-guided .Both together form
complete set of modes. Next, using BeamPROP
software we can compute the number of modes for any
specifications of waveguide height, width, wavelength
incident, refractive indices of the cover, substrate and
the film .Using Launch MOST and BeamPROP we
also find mode cutoff i.e the width for which the
waveguide becomes multimode for the given
parameters of core, substrate and the film refractive
indices, wavelength incident ,waveguide height, width
in case of channel and diffused waveguides and the
slab parameters in case of rib waveguide.



For all the waveguide materials chosen mode cutoff is

found i.e the width at which the waveguide becomes
multimode, also the mode cutoff graph and modal
picture showing the Electric field distribution is given
along with each waveguide.
A. Channel Waveguides
At incident wavelength of 1.54 micrometer
1. Silicon Dioxide as a Substrate (clad) and tantalum
pentaoxide as Film (core)
A. Mode Computation
The waveguide is simulated for Gaussian Profile. For z
dimension = 30um, the waveguide becomes
multimode beyond w=h=1.32um.The Step profile
becomes multimode at smaller dimensions but due to
the modal dispersion associated with the step profile,
all the waveguides are designed with Gaussian profile.
Also the mode confinement is stronger ( or we can say
losses are reduced) by making a thicker waveguide. So
for single mode maximum possible dimensions should
be used for lower losses and better confinement. It is
shown in Fig. 1(a).
B. Mode Cutoff
The waveguide becomes multimode at width equal to
0.5um for all the fixed parameters used above as
shown by the first green cross in the Fig.1(b). The

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 305

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2015, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

waveguide is symmetric therefore we can see that the

mode 0 exists for even very small width. Atleast one
mode always exists in symmetric waveguides no
matter how thin is the waveguide.

Fig. 1(a)

3. With Silicon as Substrate and Gallium Arsenide as

A. Mode Computation: For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide is single mode till width=height= 16um as
shown in the Fig. 5 (a).
B. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 11.5um for all the fixed
parameters used above as shown in the Fig. 5 (b) by
the first green cross. The waveguide is symmetric
therefore we can see that the mode 0 exists for even
very small width.

Fig. 1(b)

2. With Silicon Dioxide as Substrate and Niobium

Pentaoxide as Film
A. Mode Computation:
In step
profile, for z dimension= 60 um,
width=height= 1.17 um, the waveguide has 10
modes. It is shown in the Fig. 2.Whereas for
Gaussian profile with same dimensions, the
waveguide is single mode till width=height=
1.17um and has 4 modes for 1.172 um as shown in
the Fig. 3.
C. Mode Cutoff
The width was scanned over a range and it was
observed that the waveguide becomes multimode at
width equal to 0.5um for all the fixed parameters
used above as shown by the first green cross in the
Fig. 4. The waveguide is symmetric therefore we
can see that the mode 0 exists for even very small
width. Atleast one mode always exists in symmetric
waveguides no matter how thin the waveguide is.

Fig 5 (a) Mode 0

Fig. 5(b) Mode cutoff

At incident wavelength of 0.6 micrometer

4. With Silicon Dioxide as a Substrate (clad) and
tantalum pentaoxide as Film (core)
A. Mode Computation: For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide is single mode till width=height= 0.49 um
as shown in the Fig. 7(b).Normal Electric Field
distribution is shown in the Fig. 6.Transverse mode
profile in Fig. 7(b) also represents the Electric Field
B. Mode Cutoff
The width was scanned over a range and it was
observed that the waveguide becomes multimode at
width equal to 0.2125 um for all the fixed parameters
used above. The waveguide is symmetric therefore we
can see that the mode 0 exists for even very small
width of 0.1um, not for infinitely small width because
of the wavelength change. It is shown in Fig. 7(a)

Fig. 2 Mode 1, 2 and 5 of the 10 modes shown for

step profile
Fig. 6 Normal Electric Field Distribution

Fig. 3 Mode 0 and 3 shown for 1.172 um width for

Gaussian profile.
Fig. 7(a) Mode cutoff

Fig. 4 Mode Cutoff

Fig. 7(b) Mode 0.

5. Silicon Dioxide as Substrate and Niobium

Pentaoxide as Film

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Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2015, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

A. Mode Computation:For z dimension = 50um, the

waveguide is single mode till width=height= 0.43 um
as shown in the Fig. 8(b). The modes are 2 for w=h=
0.44um and 6 for w=h= 0.45um.
B. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 0.2125 um for all the
fixed parameters used above as shown in the Fig. 8(a).
The waveguide is symmetric therefore we can see that
the mode 0 exists for even very small width of 0.1um,
not for infinitely small width because of the
wavelength change.

B. Mode Computation: For z dimension = 50um, the

waveguide is single mode till width=height= 0.50 um
as shown in the Fig. 11(b)
C. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 0.5 um for all the fixed
parameters used above as shown in the Fig. 11(a) by
the first green cross.

Fig. 11(a) Mode cutoff

Fig. 8(a) Mode cutoff

Fig.8(b) Mode 0

6. With Silicon Dioxide as Substrate and PMMA as

A. Mode Computation
For z dimension = 50um, the waveguide is single
mode till width=height= 2.7um. The modes are 2 for
w=h= 2.8um which is shown in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b).
C. Mode Cutoff
The width was scanned over a range and it was
observed that the waveguide becomes multimode at
width equal to 6.6 um for all the fixed parameters used
above shown by the first green cross in the Fig.10.

8. With PMMA as Substrate and Niobium Pentaoxide

as Film
A. Mode Computation: For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide is single mode till width=height= 0.44 um.
The waveguide has 6 modes for width=height=
0.45um as shown in Fig. 12.
B. Mode Cutoff
The width was scanned over a range and it was
observed that the waveguide becomes multimode at
width equal to 0.16 um for all the fixed parameters
used above as shown by the first green cross in the
Fig. 13.

Fig. 12 (a) Mode 0

Fig. 9(a) Mode 0

Fig. 11(b) Mode 0

Fig 12(b) Mode 5

Fig. 9(b) Mode 1

Fig. 13 Mode cutoff

Fig. 10 Mode cutoff

With PMMA as Substrate and Tantalum
Pentaoxide as Film

9. With Gallium Arsenide as Substrate and Silicon as

Mode Cutoff
The width was scanned over a range and it was
observed that the waveguide is single mode till 100um
as shown in the Fig. 14 given the very small index
difference and the small wavelength incident.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 307

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2015, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

Fig 14 Single Mode waveguide

10. With Indium Phosphide as Substrate and Silicon as
A. Mode Computation: For w=h= 2um, which is
multimode with 3 modes. For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide is single mode till width=height= 0.48 um
as shown in the Fig. 15(b)
B. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 1.68 um for all the fixed
parameters used above as shown in the Fig. 15(a).

12. With Lithium Niobate as Substrate, Titanium as

Film and Air as Cover
A. Mode Computation: For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide has no mode till 0.35um.The waveguide
has 2 modes for 0.355 um as shown in the Fig. 18 (a)
and Fig. 18(b) and has 5 modes for 0.5um.
B. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 1.14 um for all the fixed
parameters used above as shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 18(a) Mode 1

Fig. 15(a) Mode cutoff

Fig. 15(b) Mode 0

B. Diffused Waveguides
At incident wavelength of 1.54 micrometer
11. With Lithium Niobate as Substrate, Vanadium as
Film and Air as Cover.
B. Mode Computation: For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide has no mode till 0.57um.The waveguide
has 2 modes till 0.58um as shown in the Fig. 16 (a)
and Fig. 16(b) and is multimode for 0.75um.
C. Mode Cutoff
The width was scanned over a range and it was
observed that the waveguide becomes multimode at
width equal to 2.4 um for all the fixed parameters used
above as shown in the Fig. 17 by the first green cross.

Fig. 16 (a) Mode 0

Fig. 18(b) Mode 0

Fig. 19 Mode cutoff

Incident Wavelength of 0.6 micrometer
13. With Lithium Niobate as Substrate, Titanium as
Film and Air as Cover.
A. Mode Computation: For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide has no mode till 1.2 um. The waveguide
has single mode for w=h=1.3um as shown in the Fig.
B. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 0.23 um for all the fixed
parameters used above as shown by the first green
cross in the Fig. 20(a) .The waveguide is anti
symmetric therefore we can see that the mode 0 exists
for small width of 0.95 um , not for infinitely small
width .The mode cutoff is calculated for w=h=1.3um.

Fig. 16(b) Mode 1

Fig. 17 Mode cutoff

Fig. 20(a) Mode Cutoff

Fig. 20(b) Mode 0

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Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2015, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

14. With Lithium Niobate as Substrate, Vanadium as

Film and Air as Cover.
A. Mode Computation::For z dimension = 50um, the
waveguide has no mode till 0.05 um. The waveguide
has single mode for w=h=0.1 um and 4 modes for
w=h=0.5 um as shown in the Fig. 21(a) and 21(b).
B. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 0.23 um for all the fixed
parameters used above as shown in the Fig. 22.

Fig. 21(a) Mode 0

16. SiliconOxyNitride On Silicon Dioxide( SiON on

A. Mode Computation: For slab height= 2um,
Component height= 3um, Component width= 0.9um
and z direction = 10um, the waveguide is single mode.
This is shown in Fig. 24(b).
B. Mode Cutoff : The width is scanned over a range
and it is observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at width equal to 1.6 um for all the fixed
parameters used above as shown in the Fig. 24(a). The
waveguide is anti symmetric, mode 0 exists even for
very small waveguides. For w=6,H=10, h=8 and z
dimension= 100 mode cutoff is computed.

Fig (b) Mode 1

Fig. 24(a) Mode cutoff

Fig. 22 Mode cutoff

C. Rib Waveguide
Incident wavelength of 1.54 micrometer
15. Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Waveguide
A. Mode Computation: The waveguide is single mode
for slab height= 0..2 um, component height = 0.3 um,
component width = 0.05 um, z direction length =
0.5um. The waveguide has 2 modes for slab height=
0.2um, component height= 0.3um, component width=
0.05 um , z direction length= 1um. The waveguide has
3 modes for slab height= 0.2um, component height=
0.3um, component width= 0.1 um , z direction length=
1um. For h=2um, H= 3um, W= 0.5um, Z= 30um we
have 30 modes, the last mode is shown in the Fig.
B. Mode Cutoff
The width was scanned over a range and it was
observed that the waveguide becomes multimode at
width equal to 0.50 um for all the fixed parameters
used above as shown in the Fig. 23(b)

Fig. 23(a) Mode 29

Fig. 24(b) Mode 0

17. Silicon On Aluminium Oxide( Si On AL2O3)

A. Mode Computation: For slab height= 0.2um,
component height= 0.3um, component width=
0.04um, z-direction length= 0.5um ,the waveguide is
single mode. For slab height= 0.2um, component
height= 0.3um, component width= 0.1um, z-direction
length= 1 um ,the waveguide has 2 modes. This is
shown in the figure 25(a) and (b).
B. Mode Cutoff :The width was scanned over a range
and it was observed that the waveguide becomes
multimode at a very small width. For w=0.1, H=0.3,
h=0.2um mode cutoff is computed as shown in the

Fig. 25(a) Mode 0 Fig. 25(b) Mode 1

Fig. 26 Mode cutoff

Fig. 23(b) Mode cutoff

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAERT) 309

Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2015, ISSN No.: 2348 8190

Incident wavelength of 0.6 micrometer

18. Silicon On Insulator (SOI) Waveguide
A. Mode Computation: For slab height= 0.05um,
component height= 0.1um, component width=
0.010um , z-direction length= 0.5um ,the waveguide is
single mode. This is shown in the figure 27(a).For
slab height= 0.05um, component height= 0.1um,
component width= 0.03um , z-direction length= 0.5um
,the waveguide has 2 mode.
B. Mode Cutoff: The width was scanned and it was
observed that the waveguide becomes multimode at a
very small width. For slab height= 0.05um, component
height= 0.1um, component width= 0.03um , zdirection length= 5um , mode cutoff is computed as
shown in the Fig. 27(b).

Fig. 27(a) Mode 0


[3] R. A. Soref, Silicon-based optoelectronics,

Proc. IEEE, vol. 81, no. 12, pp. 16871706, Dec.
[4] S. J. Kovacic and J. J. Ojha, Semiconductor
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Fig. 27(b) Mode cutoff


Out of the three channel waveguides created at 1.54

um, the one with then Substrate made of Silicon
Dioxide, Film of tantalum pentaoxide and Cover of
Silicon Dioxide is better as it becomes multimode at
0.5 um and has higher power monitored over the
waveguide with niobium pentaoxide as film which is
seen from the other research work. Out of the channel
waveguides created at 0.6um the one with substrate
silicon dioxide and film tantalum pentaoxide is best if
space is a consideration, because it also shows
minimum dispersion and maximum power monitored.
For diffused waveguides the ones with incident light
of 0.6um are better in terms of mode confinement and
even power monitored. For rib waveguides the one
with Aluminium oxide substrate and silicon film
performs best and becomes multimode at a small
width. To choose one out of all of them, power
monitored, dispersion, numerical aperture, material
absorption are the other factors which need to be
considered. But if space is the main criteria then the
one with substrate silicon dioxide and film tantalum
pentaoxide at 0.6 um is the best suited.

[I] B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Tech, Fundamental of
Photonics, John Wiley
[2] Louay Eldada. Polymer integrated optics: promise
vs. practicality. DuPont Photonics Publications, 2002.

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