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Headmasters Newsletter 54

27th November 2015

Two Committees

Bronte Art

Thursday was a day when two of our termly committees

met. The Health and Safety Committee looks at a
variety of matters affecting safety, security and general
well-being, at both school and nursery. This week, the
committee looked at car park security, protective
fencing and lighting, staff update training in first aid and
other areas, and, more prosaically but no less
importantly, cleanliness of toilets. The latter had been
raised at the School Council, and was mentioned too at
the additional Parents Council meeting, which as it
happened also took place on Thursday. So, a little bit of
action needed here!

The magnificently bold floral images above are a taster

of some of the childrens art work, now on display in the
central area of the school.

At the Parents Council meeting, an important and very

useful range of topics was discussed, and I am grateful
both to the Council members and to the parents who
raised the points. Quite a bit has happened to follow up
the matters which had been raised at the last Council
meeting (8th October) and Thursday was a good
opportunity to feed this back to the Council. All will be
covered in the minutes, and these will be published in
the next fortnight or so.

The Parents Council also talked through aspects of the

planned development of Bronte music which was
covered in my recent letter. These plans, as outlined in
the letter, offer great potential for musical development
for the children, and it was useful in the committee to
flesh them out a bit. I will write again next term.

Dinner Party
All Year 6 members not to mention Mrs Gordon, Mrs
Baldacci, their respective husbands and others - have
been working incredibly hard preparing for the dinner.
The Hall is going to look terrific, and a great evening is in

Looking Ahead

Week 12
Fri 27th November Year 6 parents: dinner party (6.30
for 7.00pm), School Hall

Week 13
Wed 2nd December Infants Christmas Nativity (2.00pm,
School Hall) (first of two performances)
Year 3 and 4 musical: Home for Christmas (7.00pm,
School Hall) (first of two performances)
All parents welcome at both events tickets available at
Thurs 3rd December Infants Christmas Nativity (2.00pm,
School Hall) (second performance)
Year 3 and 4 musical: Home for Christmas (7.00pm,
School Hall) (second performance)
All parents welcome at both events tickets available at
Advisory Board visit (lunch and afternoon/evening
attendance at the productions)

Week 14
Mon 7th December Staff meeting (12.30pm)
School Christingle Service All families encouraged to
come 7.00pm, St Georges Church, Gravesend
(parking in public car parks adjacent to the church)
Thurs 10th December
(6.00 - 7.30pm, School Hall)
Fri 11th December



Christmas Fun Day

Juniors Disco (6.30 8.00pm, School Hall)


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