Raúl Bajo Buenestado: Present

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Raúl Bajo Buenestado

C/ Iñigo Arista 5, º - A
31007 Pamplona, Navarra, SPAIN
+ 34 687 263647, raulbajob@gmail.com http://raulbajo.blogspot.com
2005 - present Double Major in Economics and Law, University of Navarra, Spain.
2008 Fall Semester Abroad (Erasmus program), Warsaw School of Economics, Poland.

2010 Spring semester at IESE Business School program, Madrid, a four months
Economics and Finance special program for the top 40 students of the Faculty of
Economics, University of Navarra, Spain.
2008 Fernando Alonso Scholarship, prized with 3000€ for the Researching Woking
Paper “Incentivos a la Velocidad vs Ordenamiento Sancionador: un análisis teórico”,
an Economic analysis of the Spanish Traffic Law.

2007 – 2008 Honorific Scholarship of Excellence, Given to the top 2.5% of students in the
residence hall who achieve the highest GPA (No.1 in February 2008).

2005 – present Alumni Navarrensis Excellence Scholarship, Granted to the top 1% of the students
of the university who maintain academic excellence to the highest degree.

2005 – present Top of my class, 38 distinctions (30 in Economics and 8 in Law).

2009 - present Personal Research Project for the Microeconomics and Theory of Organization
Departament, “Tournaments, moral hazard and social status”; publication planned
by the end of 2010.

2009 - present Research Assistant for the Project “Asociaciones en Industrias Españolas”
(Spanish Trade Associations), directed by prof. Francisco Galera, Microeconomics
Departament, University of Navarra.

2008 (August-Sept) Research Assistant at FOR (Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju) in Warsaw,

development office founded by the former president of the National Bank of Poland.
Work for the project “Low rate employment for over 55 years old people in Poland”.

2008 (July) Volunteer for the 446 Boy Scout troop from Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Look after kids (11-15 years old) at the Ten Mile River - Camp Keowa, NY, USA.

2007 - 2009 Research Assistant in the Microeconomics Division. Research Assistant for
“Economy and Psychology in team formation” Prof. Brice Corgnet, University of
Navarra, Spain.

2007- 2008 Director of the Economics Club Belagua Residence, University of Navarra.
Organized debates and invited several experts of diverse business fields. 22 members.

2005 Private Mathematics Tutor, prepare and impart daily classes to highschool students.
Spanish citizen. Spanish, native speaker. English, proficient (93 TOEFL iBT). French and Polish,
basic speaking. Member of the Britain Academy for 9 years. MS Office (PPT, WORD, XLS).
Extracurricular interests include Judo (Brown belt), Basketball (school team and residence team),
reading Spanish Theatre. Academic Interests: Behavioural Economics, Microeconomic Theory.
“Breve Nota sobre la Globalización”, teaching material for the International Economics
Department, University of Navarra, 2009.

“Introducción a la Balanza de Pagos”, teaching material for the International Economics

Department, University of Navarra, 2009.

“The Spanish Labour Market Reform: a long run analysis for over 45 years old employees”,
Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju, Poland, 2008.

“Incentivos a la Velocidad vs Ordenamiento Sancionador: un análisis teórico”, Fernando

Alonso Scholarship, 2008.

“Cajasur: Identidad de una ciudad” Diario Córdoba, 27th July 2009
“Reformas estructurales” El País, 12th December 2008
“Capitalismo y azar moral” El País Digital, 19th September 2008
“Nociones básicas sobre el IPC” La Vanguardia, 2nd January 2008
“Economía para todos” La Gaceta de los Negocios, 18th October 2007
“Alquileres y economía” La Vanguardia, 20th September 2007

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