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Table of Contents

4.2 Market size.......................................................................................................................6

4.3 Competition and Competitive Edge.................................................................................6
4.4 Estimated Market Share and Sales...................................................................................7
4.5 Marketing Strategy...........................................................................................................7
5.2 Key Management Personnel...........................................................................................10
5.3.Compensation and Ownership........................................................................................10
6. FINANCIAL PLAN.............................................................................................................11
6.1 Start-Up Costs.................................................................................................................11
6.2 Working Capital..............................................................................................................14
6.3 Start-Up Capital and Financing......................................................................................15

We begin in the name of Allah, Most Beneficent and Most Merciful. Praise to Allah
SWT for providing us with great health, strength and emotional supporting this report
business proposal for our group assignment.

First and foremost, we would like to thank our dear lecturer, Mr. Ahmad Tajuddin Bin
Ariffin for the valuable guidance and advice. He inspired us greatly to make this report. His
willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to our report. We also would like to
thank his for showing us some examples that related to the topic of the report.

Besides, we would like to thank the authority of University of Technology MARA for
providing us with a good environment and facilities to complete this report. We would like to
take this opportunity to thank the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of UiTM for offering this
subject, Technology Entrepreneurship. It gave us a chance to participate and learn about
being a successes entrepreneur.
Finally, a honorable mention goes to our families and friends for their supports and
understandings on us in completing this report. Without helps of the particular mentioned
above, well face many difficulties while doing this report.


1.1 Brief description of the business and product concepts

The business that we involve is in technopreneurship, entrepreneurs that are into the core
businesses involving technology-based industries. We make use of technology to come out
with new or innovative products through a process of commercialization. Our businesses are
generally marked with high growth potential and high leverage of knowledge and intellectual
property. Our Technopreneurs will be equipped with both technical and business skills. Our
business will focus more it research and development (RnD) that will come out will new and
fresh product. The concept of our product is Wifi Charger. The concepts that our team want to

bring to the world is charger that did not need to use the wire to charge. Our Wifi Charger
will shorten the time taken for user to charge their gadget. Moreover our product can protect
the gadget from overcharging, can be use freely and so on. So that is brief description about
our business and our product concept.

1.1 The target market and projections

Market that we targeted was in Klang Valley as the first step is commercialized our
product. Why we choose Klang Valley? This is due to capacity of the population
there. GREATER Kuala Lumpur, known as Klang Valley, is currently home to
about 7.2 million people or more than a fifth of Malaysia's total population. One of
the fastest growing metropolitan cities in the region, 10 million people are expected
to call this city home by the end of the decade. After that we will plan in expand and
project our business all over Malaysia and Asian.

1.2 The competitive advantages

In our business the competitive will come from company that produce the normal
charger like Samsung, Nokia, Yoobao and so on. The advantages that our company
have is other competitive did no produce charger with no wire attach on it like us, so
that the competitive is almost zero percent and it give high advantages to our product,
business and market.

1.3 The management team

Key Management Roles


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or President

Muhamad AL-Hakim Bin Mohd Zin

Chief Operating Officer (COO), Vice President of Meor Ahmad Faez bin Mohd Hassan
Operations or General Manager
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Controller

Mohd Nazeem Bin Norsam

Vice President of Marketing or Marketing Manager

Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hussein


2.1 Describe in some detail the product or service to be produced/sold.

The product to be produced or sold is Pietech . A charging device that use wifi concept to
charge more than one phones or tablets

-Wifi frequency is produced by the source from the router, transmitted and received to the
coil that placed exactly on top of battery at the back of the phone.

2.2 Discuss the application of the product and describe the primary end use as well any
significant secondary applications.
The function of Pietech is just charging smartphones and tablets but it is different to any
charger because our product uses Wi-Fi frequency while charging.
2.3 Emphasise any unique features of product and how these will create or add
significant value; also, highlight any differences between what is currently on the
market and what you will offer that will account for your market penetration.
In market nowadays, had exist wireless charger but they must use charging pad. That means,
they only have limited range, which only one phone per pad. So, users cannot charge their
phones freely but fixed only in one place.
The disadvantage for charging pad is they use wires and wires are easily broken and must be
placed to new one .While our product is wireless plus it is multipurpose users and limited to
five phones but it still convenient for users when it compares to charging pads .

2.4 Define the present state of development of the product or service and how much time
and money will be required to fully develop, test, and introduce the product or service.

Provide a summary of the functional specifications and photographs, if available, of the

Research and Development

Product Design

Concept Testing

Build Prototype

Test Marketing

Research and development is a critical step in the new product development. It is need to
understand the attitudes of customers towards the new technology that is going to be
introduced. In our company production, Pietech is the new products that using new
technology. We need customers to understand and accept this new technology that is saved to
used and not harmful to them.
When designing the product, performance, reliability, safety in use, durability and special
features must be taken into consideration. The Pietech is the main characteristics of our
product and to get good performance of it, we done with research and development. This
bottle is safely to used and easy to handle.
Concept testing is the initial test for most new product designed. It involved the process of
using quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate consumer response to a product idea
prior to the introduction of product to the market. After we had done with these methods, we
found that people or respondents strongly acceptance to this product.

A prototype is the first physical depiction model of the new product. After we get some
comments and criticism, our company decides this design to the model of product.

2.5 Describe any patents or other proprietary features of the product or service.
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that
provides a new way of doing some thing or a new technical solution to a problem. According
to Patents Act 1983, a patent is an intellectual property right granted to an inventor giving
him or her the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention for a limited time of period
(20 years). Our company decides to patent the Wi-Fi charger to protect this design. We file a
patent application with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia. The patent
protection gives us the exclusive right to stop others from manufacturing, using and/or selling
owners invention in Malaysia without the owners consent or permission.
2.6 Discuss any opportunities for the expansion of the product line or the development
of related product or service.
In a long term, when we being have many customer from different areas of this country,
which will be the starting point where our product start to make profit out of it. We also were
planning to create a bigger field of market size. We are targeted this country marketing before
world market size.
Areas to be covered are the key components related to the product/service or
technology, the intellectual property involved, specialized knowledge, experience, and skills
involved and regulations that may govern the use of the technology to deliver the
product/service. It should also cover research and development (which outlines your plans for
the future), and future technology trends that you and the market can foresee.
4.1 Customers
Customer classification is an important issue in the real world of marketing, that the more
understanding the business has about its customer behaviour patterns, the greater the chance
that more effective marketing strategies can be developed.
The potential customers are chosen based on their needs and daily lifestyle. In line with our
company product that was meant for home appliances suitable for both indoors and outdoors
utilization, our targeted customers are basically housewives, college students and travellers.

We target that our major purchasers for this product are the people from these range of groups
in Klang Valley area only. To ease the customers, we also provide wholesale purchases and
our manufacturer representatives contact number so that they can be easily reached.
4.2 Market size




Marketing size in

72, 000 units

80, 000 units

100, 000 units

Marketing size in
Ringgit Malaysia

14.4 Millions

16 Millions

20 Millions

4.3 Competition and Competitive Edge


Market Share

Price (RM)




RM105 per unit

x 31 680

31 689


4 320


28 800


7 200


= 3 326400

RM180 per unit

x 4 320
= 7 77600



RM100 per unit

x 28 800
= 28 80000



RM200 per unit

x 7 200
= 1.44 millions

4.4 Estimated Market Share and Sales




Marketing Share




Marketing Share in

7,200 units

8 800 units

111 00 units

Marketing Share in
Ringgit Malaysia

RM200 per unit x


RM200 per unit x 8


RM200 per unit x

= 1.44 Millions

= 1.76 millions

111 00
= 2.22 millions

4.5 Marketing Strategy


Overall marketing strategy.

For overall marketing strategy, our company will use 5 Ps which is product, price,

promotion, place and people. Our company philosophy is,

Today is a new day, tomorrow is the future
As our company expands its offering, it will constant focus on finding new ways to become
more successful. Firstly, expansion of consulting team. We will add new consultant who bring
various skill sets to the company. We will open up additional offices in other cities and states
to provide more "points of local contact" for our clients. Next is to introduce the new product
of our brands. And finally we plan to make evolution of business operation. Means, our
company will evolve to create alliances with Venture Capital firms in order to help the

To simplify billing to the client, our company will work on fixed pricing structure based

on economic growth. Our products price is RM 200.00 which is quite affordable and worth it
to buy based on its multi functions. Compared to the other our competitor such as Samsung

or Yoobao which performed only one function and the prices are having not much different.
Therefore, our pricing strategy expecting customers will prefer to choose our product rather
than our major competitor in the future.

Sales tactics.
Sales or promotional tactics are used to build awareness about your product in the

markets you serve. Our sales are depending on our distributor such as advertising in
newspaper and television. Firstly, creating a brand involves working through the steps of
establishing an organizations identity, including the development of a business name,
signage, logo, and business cards. The second category of promotional tactics is called
creating brand awareness. Brand awareness is how our company educates customer to
recognize and remember our products and above those of their competitors. Next is the
maintaining our brand awareness. This includes networking, monitoring feedback, improving
services, and enhancing existing relationships.

Service and warranty policy.

Our company warrants this product and its parts against defects in materials or

workmanship for 6 month from the original ship date. During this period, our company will
repair or replace defective parts with new or reconditioned parts at our companys option,
without charge to customer. Besides, Our company makes no warranty or representation,
either express or implied, with respect to any other manufacturers product or documentation,
its quality, performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or conformity to
any representation or description. No reseller, agent or employee is authorized to make any
modification, extension or addition to this warranty.


Advertising and promotion.

Advertising is very important aspect in business as it will acknowledge people about

our product as well as rises our sales. Newspaper, magazines and through template are the
way we are deliver our message concerning our product. Besides, Giving promotion in order
to grab buyers attention, our company will advertise sales during festival such as Hari Raya

Aidiladha, Chinese New Year and Christmas. Other than that, we will also approach buyers
by giving discount at year end sale and giving discount coupon for our chosen customer.
f. Distribution.
Our initial focus will be in Klang Valley area. Klang Valley is denoted as one of the
metropolitan areas for small business. Once we have achieved our target, we will expand to
other region. Other than that, we will also give service through online shopping for customer
who interest in our product. Lastly, we will also distribute our product through direct selling
to increase the sales.


The key management roles in the company and individuals that will fill each position.
Key Management Roles


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or President

Muhamad Hakim Bin Mohd Zin

Chief Operating Officer (COO), Vice President of Meor Ahmad Faez bin Mohd Hassan
Operations or General Manager
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Controller

Mohd Nazeem Bin Norsam

Vice President of Marketing or Marketing Manager

Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hussein

Names & Positions





Equity Invested

RM 40 000


RM 210,000

Meor Ahmad Faez bin Mohd Hassan RM 20 000


RM 175,000

Hakim (CEO)


of Amount


Muhammad Nazeem Bin Norsam RM 15 000


RM 175,000


RM 140,000




Hussein RM 15 000


5.2 Key Management Personnel

Names & Position
Muhamad Hakim Bin Mohd Zin

Career Highlights
Former CEO of Sapura Holding

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Meor Ahmad Faez bin Mohd Hassan

Former government officer

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Mohd Nazeem Bin Norsam

Former accountant officer of SIME DARBY

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Muhammad Hafiz Bin Hussein

Join Multi-level marketing for six years

Vice President of Marketing


Management Compensation and Ownership

Names & Positions





Equity Invested

RM 40 000


RM 210,000

Meor Ahmad Faez bin Mohd Hassan RM 20 000


RM 175,000


RM 175,000


RM 140,000

Hakim (CEO)

of Amount

Muhammad Nazeem Bin Norsam RM 15 000



Hussein RM 15 000


5.4. Supporting professional advisors and services

a. The supporting services that will be required are as follows:
1. Secretarial services


2. Lawyer
3. Accounting and Financial Advisor
4. Web Designer
b. The names of professional advisors that were selected for our venture and the services

Name of Professional Advisors

Services Provided


Elgasi Industrial Engineering Sdn. Design and manufacturing


K.L Tan & Associates

Providing services in all areas of property

law. (e.g Patents, Copyright, Licensing


EMM Mangement Services

Crowe Horwath
Entertop Sdn. Bhd.

and etc.)
Accounting and secretarial services
Financial advisory
Web development and design

6.1 Start-Up Costs
The costs incurred in conjunction with one-time activities that the venture undertakes when it
opens a new facility, introduces a new product or service, conducts business in a new territory
or with a new class of customer or beneficiary, initiates a new process in an existing facility
or commences some new operation after considerable research and discussion.



Capital Expenditure: Administrative

Land & building
Business fixtures and equipment
Office renovation
Motor vehicles

25 000
50 000


100 000

Capital Expenditure: Operations

Factory renovation

135 000
50 000

One-time Start-up Expenditure

Installation of fixtures/equipment

9 000

Starting inventory
Office supplies
Legal and professional fees
Advertising for opening

57 600
5 000
3 000
10 000

Other Pre-Operations Expenditure

Deposit (rent, utilities, etc.)
Business Registration & License
Insurance & Road Tax for Motor Vehicle

50 000
25 000
21 000

Other Expenditure
Start-Up Costs

5 000
545 600

6.2 Working Capital

Working capital represents the amount of initial expenditure required to finance the
daily operation until the business gets its first sale. The amount of working capital is therefore
dependent upon the period until the firm can generate enough sales to cover its short-term





Delivery expenses

Transportation (van / lorry)


50 000


9 200

3 000

Salaries and wages
4 executives

90, 000

Office supplies
Office maintenance

38 500
7 500
5 000
21 000
10 000

Salaries & wages
Factory maintenance

30 000
10 000

Other Expenditure

Total Working Capital

Capital 1





+ 5

RM 275,200
RM 411,300

6.3 Start-Up Capital and Financing

Total start-up capital incorporates both start-up cost and working capital needed to start a
project. The most common source of finance for new venture is the entrepreneurs own equity
contribution. The equity contribution can be in the form of cash or assets. The next most
common source of finance is term loan. This is a form of long term financing offered by most
commercial banks. The term loan can be used to finance fixed assets as well as working
capital requirements. The interest rate and the loan period depend on the current interest rate
and the amount of loan required respectively.

RM 956 900

Equity: Share & Venture Capital
Annual Interest Rate
Loan Duration (years)

RM 700 000
RM 256 900
RM 10 276
5 years



Obtaining of sales representatives

Advertising and promotion

Briefing for all distribution channels

Signing of distributors and dealers

Interpretation of worker


Ordering of materials in product quantities


Starting of production or operation



Ordering and Installation of machine



1\6/2018 1/3/2018

Completion of prototypes

1/3/2018 1/1/2018


Completion of design and development


1\6/2017 1/3/2017

Incorporation of the venture

1/3/2017 1/1/2017





1\6/2016 1/3/2016


1/3/2016 1/1/2016

Starting activities (1 January 2016) until (31 December 2018)



Receipt of first orders


Delivery of first sales



As a conclusion, PieTech will be making sales for the first year amounting up to RM
1.44 million and our expected profit per month is RM 120,000. We will try our best to meet
all the forecasted sales. We have a big vision on expanding our business. We are planning to
carry on the business till the third year of our business operation in Klang Valley and wish to
expand our business in Kuala Lumpur and around Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak.
Lastly, we do hope that our business will reach all of the targets that we aim therefore can
increase the jobs opportunity as well as increase Malaysian economics.

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