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Computer Network


Submitte by : Ahamd
Class : Afghan Students
6th Semester
Class_RollNo: 73
Department: ICIT Gomal
University DI.Khan

Q1.What is Data packet structure ( TCP,UDP,and

IP) ?
Ans :
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) definition :
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a standard that defines how to establish and
maintain a network conversation via which application programs can exchange data.
TCP works with the Internet Protocol (IP), which defines how computers send packets
of data to each other. Together, TCP and IP are the basic rules defining the Internet.
TCP is defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the Request for
Comment (RFC) standards document number 793.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) definition

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an alternative communications protocol to
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used primarily for establishing low-latency and
loss tolerating connections between applications on the Internet. Both UDP and TCP
run on top of the Internet Protocol (IP) and are sometimes referred to as UDP/IP or
TCP/IP. Both protocols send short packets of data, called datagrams.

IP - Internet Protocol
IP specifies the format of packets, also called datagrams, and the addressing scheme.
Most networks combine IP with a higher levelprotocol called Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP), which establishes a virtual connection between a destination and a
IP by itself is something like the postal system. It allows you to address a package
and drop it in the system, but there's no direct link between you and the recipient.
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TCP/IP, on the other hand, establishes a connection between two hosts so that they
can send messages back and forth for a period of time.

Q2.What is DNS .server, How it work Explain with

proper diagram ?
DNS( Domain Name Server)

A DNS server is part of the internet's infrastructure. It translates your URL requests (such as
"") into numeric IP addresses (such as "") needed to
complete your request and connect you to whatever it is you're trying to reach.

DNS is an acronym for Domain Name Server, and is the system used to translate word-based
addresses of systems (such as WWW.EXAMPLE.COM) to the numerical IP (Internet Protocol)
address of the computer or system that should be located at that address. All computers and
systems on the Internet use addresses that look similar to:
When you use an alphanumeric address such as WWW.EXAMPLE.COM, your
computer needs to understand what numerical IP addresses it needs to contact, and
this is accomplished through DNS servers. The answer is delivered back to the
requesting computer via the DNS listed for the domain name.

How it works?



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Resolving Name server






Root Name server

TLD Name server

ANS server

Browser asks from O.S that where the IP Address is
O.S asks from Resolving Name Server which is built
in computer that do you have information about the
yahoo IP address.
Resolving Name Server will check whether it is
presented in the Memory/Cache or not.
Resolving Name Server asks from the Root Name
Server of the IP of Yahoo, the Root Name Server tells
that I dont know the IP address of yahoo but I know
that where to find it.
Root Name Server tells that go to the TLD (Top Level
Domain) name server which is .com.
TLD tells that I dont know the IP address of yahoo but I
know that where to find it then it tells that go to ANS
Then ANS tells that this is the IP address for the yahoo

Q3. What are

Resolving Name Server?
Resolving name servers are very useful for dialup, cable modem, ADSL, DSL, VPN and
similar users. A resolving name servers is provided by your ISP (internet service
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provider) or your organizations network admin or third party resolving name servers.
Resolving name servers directly finds out information about the root servers, top
level domains and authoritative name servers. It also speed up queries by caching
results locallly as configured by hostmater in their domains TTL field.

What are root name servers?

A root name server is a name server for the root zone of the Domain Name System of
the Internet. It directly answers requests for records in the root zone and answers
other requests by returning a list of the authoritative name servers for the
appropriate top-level domain (TLD). The root name servers are a critical part of the
Internet infrastructure because they are the first step in translating (resolving)
human readable host names into IP addresses that are used in communication
betweenInternet hosts.
A combination of limits in the DNS and certain protocols, namely the practical size of
unfragmented User Datagram Protocol(UDP) packets, resulted in a decision to limit
the number of root servers to thirteen server addresses. The use
of anycastaddressing permits the actual number of root server instances to be much
larger, and is 504 as of 10 October 2014.

What is A Top-level domain (TLD)

is one of the domain at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of
theInternet.The top-level domain names are installed in the root zone of the name
space. For all domains in lower levels, it is the last part of the domain name, that is,
the last label of a fully qualified domain name
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) looks after most toplevel domain. It operates the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and is
responsible for maintaining the DNS root zone. DNS server which keeps all root zone
is called TLD name server.

What Is Authoritative Name Server?

An authoritative Nameserver is a nameserver (DNS Server) that holds the actual DNS
records (A, CNAME, PTR, etc) for a particular domain/ address. A recursive resolver

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would be a DNS server that queries an authoritative nameserver to resolve a domain/

An authoritative name server provides actual answer to your DNS queries such as
mail server IP address or web site IP address (A resource record). It provides original
and definitive answers to DNS queries. It does not provides just cached answers that
were obtained from another name server. Therefore it only returns answers to queries
about domain names that are installed in its configuration system. There are two
types of Authoritative Name Servers:

Master server (primary name server) A master server stores the original

master copies of all zone records. A hostmaster only make changes to master
server zone records. Each slave server gets updates via special automatic
updating mechanism of the DNS protocol. All slave servers maintain an identical
copy of the master records.

Slave server (secondary name server) A slave server is exact replica of

master server. It is used to share DNS server load and to improve DNS zone
availability in case master server fails. It is recommend that you should at least
have 2 slave servers and one master server for each domain name.

What is a .COMdomain name?


was created in 1984 as one of the Internets original top-level domains

(TLDs).COM is unrestricted but was intended for commercial registrants. Similarly,
.com was introduced as one of the first top-level domains (TLDs) when the Domain
Name System was first implemented for use on the Internet in January 1985.
Originally created to represent the commercial intent of a website, .com has since
been at the epicenter of the digital revolution that has reshaped the way people
work, live, play and connect with family and friends.

What is definition?

The .edu domain was implemented in April 1985 as a generic top-level domains

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"edu" is one of the top-level domain names that can be used when choosing a
domain name. It generally describes the entity owning the domain name as a fouryear college or similar educational institution. (Educational institutions below fouryear colleges are encouraged to use the geographic "us" top-level domain name.)
Along with the second-level domain name (for example: "umich" in, the
top-level domain name is required in Web and e-mail addresses.

What is a .org ?
The domain name org is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) of the Domain Name
System (DNS) used in the Internet. The name is truncated from organization. It was
one of the original domains established in 1985, and has been operated by the Public
Interest Registry since 2003. The domain was originally intended for non-profit
entities, but this restriction was not enforced and has been removed. The domain is
commonly used by schools, open-source projects, and communities, as well as by forprofit entities. The number of registered domains in org has increased from fewer
than one million in the 1990s, to ten million as of June, 2012.

The domain org was one of the original top-level domains,

with com, us, edu, gov, mil and net, established in January 1985. It was originally

intended for non-profit organizations or organizations of a non-commercial character

that did not meet the requirements for other gTLDs.

Who are the root name server operators?

There currently are 12 organisations providing root name service at 13
unique IPv4 addresses. They are:
A - VeriSign Global Registry Services
B - University of Southern California - Information Sciences Institute
C - Cogent Communications
D - University of Maryland
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E - NASA Ames Research Center

F - Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
G - U.S. DOD Network Information Center
H - U.S. Army Research Lab
I - Autonomica/NORDUnet
J - VeriSign Global Registry Services
M - WIDE Project

where are those root name servers?

A: Where in what sense? In the geographical sense there are root name servers in more than
130 locations within 53 countries (ISO3166 definition of country) worldwide (September 2007).
Before you ask: the majority of them are outside the United States of America. The list of
ISO3166 country codes with root name server locations in September 2007 is: AE AR AU BD BE
showing the approximate positions of all root name servers at and more such maps exist.
In terms of Internet topology the servers tend to be either in very well connected places so that
they can serve a maximum number of clients; others are in relatively isolated places to provide
reliable service to the local community while reducing non-local DNS traffic.The exact locations of
many servers are often not published for fear of physical attacks.

Q4. Define
IP ?

ClassLess IP,ClassFull IP, Public IP, Private

Ans :
Classless IP Addressing:
Classless addressing uses a variable number of bits for the network and host portions
of the address.
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Classless addressing treats the IP address as a 32 bit stream of ones and zeroes,
where the boundary between network and host portions can fall anywhere between
bit 0 and bit 31.Classless addressing system is also known as CIDR(Classless InterDomain Routing).Classless addressing is a way to allocate and specify the Internet
addresses used in inter-domain routing more flexibly than with the original system of
Internet Protocol (IP) address classes.CIDR (Classless Internet Domain Routing),
defines arbitrarily-sized subnets solely by base address and number of significant bits
in the address. A CIDR address of defines a block of addresses in the
range through, while would define a
network 16 times as large - from through

Classful IP Addressing:
Network is a term that is used to describe the network architecture of the Internet
until around 1993. It divided the address space for Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4)
into five address classes. Each class, coded by the first three bits of the address,
defined a different size or type (unicast or multicast) of the network.
A classful network is a network addressing architecture used in the Internet from
1981 until the introduction of Classless Inter-Domain Routing in 1993. The method
divides theaddress space for Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) into five address
classes. Each class, coded in the first four bits of the address, defines either a
different network size, i.e. number of hosts for unicast addresses (classes A, B, C), or
a multicast network (class D). The fifth class (E) address range is reserved for future
or experimental purposes.

private IP Addressing:
A private IP address is the address space allocated by InterNIC to allow organizations
to create their own private network. There are three IP blocks (1 class A, 1 class B
and 1 class C) reserved for a private use. The computers, tablets and smartphones
sitting behind your home, and the personal computers within an organizations are
usually assigned private IP addresses.

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A private IP address is a non-Internet facing IP address on an internal network.

Private IP addresses are provided by network devices, such as routers, using network
address translation (NAT).
Originally it was thought that IPv4's 32-bit IP addressing system -- yielding
4,294,967,296 theoretical IP addresses -- would be adequate for all purposes.
However, as the Internet grew it became apparent that something had to fill the gap
between IPv4 and a future system (which would turn out to be IPv6) that would take
time to develop and implement. Private IP addressing and NAT fill that gap with the
private IP range.
Private IP addressing uses addresses from the class C range reserved for NAT
( Private addresses can be assigned by the router
using DHCP or be manually set, after which those addresses can communicate with
one another through the router.
Private IP addresses can only be guaranteed unique to an internal network, excepting
conflicts. If a directly connected computer does not have a static IP address assigned,
even assigning a private IP address manually will not enable communication.
Private IP addresses cannot be directly contacted over the Internet as a computer
with a public IP address can. This situation affords an extra layer of security: A
network NAT device communicates with the Internet using its public IP address from
an ISP and checks to see if any incoming data was requested by one of the private IPassigned computers. If so, it is directed to that computer; if not it is typically

public IP address
A public IP address is the address that is assigned to a computing device to allow
direct access over the Internet. A web server, email server and any server device
directly accessible from the Internet are candidate for a public IP address. A public IP
address is globally unique, and can only be assigned to an unique device

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