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DIP 027/2015




GC 103B










Being in a group has got its benefits and limitations. In this essay the writer will explain the
good and the bad of such kind. It will help the leader to understand and how to tackle some of
the problems whether individually or by the virtue of being in a group.
According to it describes a group as a fundamental part of social life. A
collection individuals who have regular contacts and frequent interactions, mutual influence,
common feeling of camaraderie, and who work together to achieve a common set of goals is how describes a group. Groups are most important in our lives, if you
look around you; you are surrounded with people whom you interact with on a daily basis like
your family, friends and associates. At times we might say we do not belong to any group while
in actual sense we do. For instance a church is one example of a group. We use groups to
exclude but we also use groups to include and to define ourselves in a way we feel comfortable
and enjoy OHair et al.

According to Gary Hadler when people are working together, it is inevitable that they be
influenced by each other. This can have a significant effect on the progress of a group solving
problems. Groups that work well together can achieve much more than individuals working on
their own. Since there different views from different people who has different experiences, there
is a greater out put in terms of knowledge, variety of ideas and multiple choices to solve that
particular problem. A broader range of skills can be used in sharing and discussing ideas and it
deepens ones understanding. If one is in a group, he/she can develop their interpersonal skills
like speaking, listening and leadership. Being in a group also gives an individual a chance to
explore other ideas which he/she could have not considered working alone. There is also a
shared responsibility in arriving at a decision which in return motivates the individuals to take up
challenges which seemed impossible from individuals point of view.

As part of being in a group it drives a person to face his/her problems head on. Pressure from
other group members can also encourage individuals to change their view and how they see
things. Another advantage of being in a group is that it makes an individual to take some risks
which otherwise could not have been taken if acted individually. If a particular problem has
been solved by a group members become more committed and determined to see that it has been
implemented. Also being in a group one gets multiple ways on how a certain problem can be
dealt with. There is greater improvement in communication among the members and in part, the
individuals develop a relationship with other members and trust is established amongst the
group. You may receive moral support and emotional for your views and objectives, fellowship
and companionship are established.

There is a broad range of ideas, knowledge and skills where a problem can be solved. Some
issues can be easily sorted while in a group than by a single person. In a group you may access
too much information than being alone. Relationships which have been established can be used
to secure business deals, develop a career and personal. Trying to get something done while in a
group brings promises and positive results which each and every member can benefit.
Collaboration with others will help an individual identify their strength and weaknesses and
build up your self awareness

Sometimes being in a group is time consuming because it will require the individuals to come
together at an agreed time which will not likely happen because some people are not time
conscious, they will come at their convenience which will bring disturbances as they walk in
while the meeting is in progress. For people with different views and perspective to reach a
consensus it will take a lot of arguing and opposing to each others view. Some of the views
expressed will not be recorded as it will only be the minutes of the meeting and the short notes
taken during the meeting as one person can not capture what everyone is suggesting hence no
referencing. There is big competition, since every individual would want his/her ideas to be

A group can also bring about disagreements because of the different opinions the members have.
Sometimes being in a group brings about low self esteem especially when other members take on
leading roles and oppose to what a certain member has tabled during that particular gathering.
Most of the times there is power struggle as the ones who have been chosen to lead that
particular grouping would like to have a final say, which some of the members will not take
lightly. There is no privacy and confidentiality, being with different characters some people
within the group will chose to take what has been discussed within the four wall to the outside of
the room. Since everybody contributes his or her views, sometimes the discussions have no
direction and it wanders off aimlessly. Much of the conflict arises from different attitudes
towards the group experience. Some members will be left out to express themselves as for one
to express his or her views permission must be sort from the leaders, and if the leaders keep on
ignoring them they will be disappointed and loose all the interest of participating in a group ever
again. Comparative of status is also a limitation because members with a name in society want
to maintain their status there by imposing ideas to the group without necessarily agreeing on the
outcome. Misunderstanding and misinterpretation of views occurs during group deliberations
which in return brings about castigations and quarrelling

OHair et al, the essential guide to group communication theory. Boston:Bedford/St.Martins
Galanes. G et al, effective group discussion: theory and practice. New York: McGraw - Hill
Wood, J.T. {1997}. Communication in our lives. Belmont, A: Wadsworth

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