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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Operations and Expressions

Ellie Mathews
Sixth Grade Math

Common Core Standards:

6.EE.A.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For example, apply the
distributive property to the expression 3 (2 + x) to produce the equivalent expression 6 + 3x;
apply the distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the equivalent
expression 6 (4x + 3y); apply properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the equivalent
expression 3y.
6.EE.A.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions name the same
number regardless of which value is substituted into them). For example, the expressions y +
y + y and 3y are equivalent because they name the same number regardless of which number
y stands for.

Lesson Summary:
The lesson will be teaching the three different properties to the students and explaining how expressions can be
equivalents and how to solve them. The students will be asked to participate in the problems on the board that
are given after each lesson/
Estimated Duration:
The Lesson will be a total of two hours. I will break it up into two class periods of 60 minutes each.

The approach is to do a lesson one day each so the students are not confused. Mixing the properties up will be
a challenge when doing problems delt with the properties. And For the expressions and making those
equivalent will be a challenge when they accidently make in error and they dont understand how they got the
error or what they did wrong. To get them hooked to the lesson they will be involved. They will be asked to do
multiple problems on the board and asked multiple questions.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
The first we will be discussing the definitions of the properties. They will be handed a package of notes of the
properties of operation. The whole first page is definitions. They will be required to write the definitions as I
say them and explain. (10 Minutes)
We will move on the distributive Property. The Teacher will be following along with their notes packet having
each sheet on the smart board. Filling in the notes and answering any questions. After the notes are completed
the teacher will put 10 problems on the board regarding the distributive property and pick 10 random students
to go up to the smart board to complete them. (15 minutes)
Moving onto the Associative property. The teacher will still be following their notes sheet. She will teach the
associative property explaining how it works. Once the notes are done she will pick another 10 random people
to go up on the board and complete the problems regarding the associative property. (15 minutes)
On to the commutative property. The teacher will be doing the exact same thing as the last two properties.
Filling out the notes going along with the students notes packet. After the teacher has taught the commutative
property she will then ask 10 volunteers to come to the board and complete the 10 problems on the smart
board. (15 minutes)
Lastly, the students will ask any questions or confusions they have regarding the lesson for that day.
Homework will also be given out.

Day 2:
Beginning of class the teacher will go over definitions before the start of the lesson and packets will be given
out to the students (10 minutes)
The rest of the class will be teaching how expressions can be equivalents and how to make them equivalent by
adding and subtracting. The packet will be up on blackboard and the teacher will follow along helping them
fill out the packet and teaching them how to solve the expressions. After the notes are done their will be
multiple expressions on the board that the students will need to go up and solve. (45 minutes)
The last part of class will be for questions and confusions. (5 minutes)

The pre assessment will be a 10 question quiz that the teacher will give to them the last 15 minutes of class
the day before they start learning the lesson. And based off the scores will be based on how much they already
know going into the lessons and how much they dont know.
Scoring Guidelines:
The pre assessment will be 10 questions. If they miss 1-2 they understand what will be getting into. 3-4 they
have had it mentioned it to them at least once before but dont full remember. 5 or more. Dont get at all need

extra help.
Depending on what majority of the class receives grade wise will depend on how the lesson plan will fold out.
If a lot of students missed a lot then more than just a day will be spent on that subject.
Will not be graded
The Post assessment will be 30 question online quiz. 15 questions from the operations and 15 from the
expressions. The will be required to use scarp paper and a calculator to work out the problems and turn in their
scrap paper will their work on it to gain points.

Scoring Guidelines:
Each question will be worth one point and the scarp paper will be worth 10. If the student gets the
question correct you get 1 point and the teacher will really be looking at the scrap paper and make sure
their work is correct and complete. The online quiz will generate a score out of 30 that the students can
see right after quiz was taken. Then they will get a final score out of 40 from the teacher which will
account for their grade.

Differentiated Instructional Support

For the accelerated kids, they will be placed into a math class with all accelerated students who will learn the
same material, but will have harder problems to work with. The kids who might need extra help, will bet the
opportunity to meet with the teacher for extra help and will take longer on notes maybe and extra day or two
will more one on one help.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
The students struggling will get additional one on one help and will get extra practice that will show them how
the problem is done step by step.

Purple Math will help the students understand the subject they are learning plus provide extra practice and test
students could use to help better understand what they are learning.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Students for both lessons will be asked to go to Khan Academy and search all three operations pick a video for
each watch and follow long while writing the problems on paper and solving them.
For the expressions lesson students will be asked to do the same, but pick one that deals with addition and
subtraction then choose another one that doesnt matter what it is and follow along and solve on a piece of


Interdisciplinary Connections
What other area would be brought into my lesson would be real world problems. Real world problems show
that the teacher just isnt teaching it because, but that it could help you in the real world and understanding
how to do it when it comes time you might use it outside of class

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Smart board
The packets for students
A copy of the packet for teacher
Packet downloaded onto computer

For students


Key Vocabulary
Distribution Property, Associative Property and commutative property

Additional Notes

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