Greek Speech

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It is said that every man should always lay in bed with a woman. I am the god of fertility and
wine, later considered a patron of the arts. I created wine and spread the art of viticulture. I am
the son of Zeus and the Theban princess Semele. I was snatched by Zeus from the devouring
flames in which my mother perished. Hera, jealous of Zeus infidelity and the fact that I am still
alive, arranged for the titans to kill me. The Titans ripped me to pieces;

however, Rhea resurrected me. I was entrusted to the charge of Hermes, who conveyed me to
Semele's sister, Ino and her husband King Athamas. They made me look like a little girl so that I
can be save from Heras wrath, but Hera was really mad so she visited King Athamas and Queen
Ino with madness because of the couples insanity they mistook their son Learches for a stag then
killd him. Hermes intervened and temporarily transformed me into a baby goat and presented me
to the mountain nymphs of Heliconian Mount Nysa to be raised. They took good care of me in a
hidden cave, fed me and protected me from danger.

Let me tell you about my awesome story. I wandered the world actively spreading my cult. I was
accompanied by the Maenads, who were wild women, flush with wine, shoulders draped with a
fawn skin, carrying rods tipped with pine cones. While other gods had temples to be worshipped
at, my followers worshipped me in the woods. There, they might go into a state of ecstasy and
madness, ripping apart and eating raw any animal they might come upon. After all of my
legendary adventures, I finally ascended to Mt. Olympus, and yes, Hera finally accepted me.

Like the other gods, I also love women. I seduced the proud virgin Aura by producing a spring of
wine, and then lying with her in her drunken stupor then you guessed it. I NAILED HER so hard
that She bore my twin sons. And of course how can I forget, my wife Ariadne the Princess of
Krete. I discovered Ariadne on the island of Naxos, where she had been abandoned by Theseus, I
ask her to marry me, of course she said yes, who would dare to reject this sexy seductive god. I
placed her marriage crown amongst the stars as the constellation Corona.

I am also one of the very few characters able to bring a dead person back from the underworld.
Even though I had never seen my mother, I am concerned for her. Eventually, I went into the
underworld to find her. I faced down Thanatos and brought her back to Mt. Olympus. Once
again, I am Dionysus, the god of wine, the last god to enter Olympus, the son of Zeus and
Princess Semele.

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