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Thank You

Dear Pro- Life High School Student, Parent, or Adviser,

Thank you so much for requesting a High School Activism Kit from Students for Life of America
(SFLA). We are so excited to be able to get free resources into your hands to help you in your
mission to abolish abortion in your school and community. Together, we can see an end to this
injustice in our nation.
This Activism Kit includes educational material, organizational and leadership advice, activism
instructions, and available resources through SFLA. By reading though the material in this Kit, we
hope to better equip you to get out and begin actively abolishing abortion in your school and in
your community! Lets get started!

For Life,
The team at Students for Life of America
P.S. - For more information about our Students for Life High School program, visit highschool. or email Missy Martinez at
Table of Contents:
Step 1 Learn about Abortion

A. Abortion Facts and Statistics

B. Fetal Development

C. Adoption

D. Basic Apologetics: Defend Your Pro-Life Views in 5 Minutes or Less

E. Watch your Rhetoric
Step 2 Organize a Group

A. High School Guidebook

B. Training Videos

C. Sample Meeting Agendas

E. DBW: Dont Be Weird

F. Letter from our Lawyers

G. Rapid Response
Step 3 Get Active!

A. Events

B. Advanced Strategy Handbook

C. Fundraising 101

D. Free Resources from SFLA


Before you hit the ground running with pro-life activism, it is crucial
that you educate yourself on abortion.This section will help you articulate your pro-life views and give you the information that you need
to back them up.You wont know everything right off the bat, but this
will get you going in the right direction. Even after you feel like you
know everything, always be looking for opportunities to learn more!
*Dont forget to check out: for a whole lot more education on
various life issues!

Abortion Facts and Statistics

How many abortions are occurring in the United States?
America averages about 1.1 million abortions per year, which is approximately 3,300 a day
(about 2 babies each minute).
Who is having abortions?
About 52% of U.S. abortions are obtained by women under the age of 25.
Teenagers obtain 18% of abortions in America.Young women aged 20-24 obtain 33%.
College-aged women (ages 18-24) obtain 44% of abortions in the United States.
Why are women having abortions?
93% of all abortions occur for a social reason (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).
6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems involving either the mother or
the child.
Contrary to popular opinion, only 1% of abortions occur for reasons of rape or incest.
When do abortions occur?
52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week
of pregnancy --- By this time, the child is able to
bend fingers around an object placed in the palm,
and sucks her thumb. She also has fingerprints and
25% are committed between the 9th
and 10th week --- The childs body is
sensitive to touch, and he or she can squint,
swallow, and frown.
12% happen between the 11th and
12th week --- At this point, the child can kick,
turn his or her feet, curl and fan toes, make a
fist, move thumbs, bend wrists, and open his
or her mouth.
4% occur between the 16th and 20th week --- By this time, the child can grasp with his or her
hands, and turn somersaults.

Abortion Facts and Statistics

How many abortions are women having?
30% of all women will have at least one abortion by the time they are 45 years old.
50% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.
How are abortions committed?
Dilation & Curettage (D&C) - Used through the 12th week. After dilation of the cervix, a
curette is inserted into the uterus. The babys body is cut into pieces and extracted, often by
suction. The uterine wall is then scraped to remove the placenta and confirm that the uterus
is empty.
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) - Performed up to 18 weeks. Forceps are inserted into the
uterus, grabbing and twisting the babys body to dismember it. If the babys head is too large,
it must be crushed in order to remove it.
Intracardiac Injection - Performed in late-term abortions. The chemical digoxin is injected into
the babys heart, causing immediate death. The dead babys body is then re-absorbed by the
mother or delivered. This method is often used as pregnancy reduction when a mother
carrying multiples wants fewer children.
Prostaglandin - Performed during the 2nd half of pregnancy. A hormone-like compound is
injected into the muscle of the uterus causing intense contractions and pushing out the baby.
The violent contractions often crush the baby to death, though many babies have been born
alive using this procedure, then left to die.
RU-486 - Used through the 9th week of pregnancy, RU-486 is a synthetic steroid that blocks
the hormone progesterone. Women then take a second drug, prostaglandin to induce
contractions and expel the dead baby.
Saline Injection - Usually performed during months 4 through 7. A 20% salt solution (the
normal salt solution is .9%) is injected through the mothers abdomen into the babys
amniotic fluid. The baby ingests the solution and dies of salt poisoning, dehydration, and
hemorrhaging of the brain. The babys skin is burned off. A dead or dying baby is delivered. A
baby born alive is usually left unattended to die, though some have survived.
Suction Abortion - After dilation of the cervix, a suction curette (a tube with a serrated tip)
is inserted into the uterus. The strong suction (29 times the power of a household vacuum
cleaner) tears the babys body apart and sucks it through the hose into a container. This is the
most common method of abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal Development
First Trimester:
18-22 Days (3 weeks): Heart begins to beat.
28 Days (4 weeks): Arms and legs are budding.
*Most women dont realize theyre pregnant until the baby is approximately 4 weeks (28 days).
42 Days (6 weeks): Skeleton is formed; brain coordinates movement of muscles and organs.
Brainwaves are detectable by 6 weeks and 2 days.
8 1/2 weeks: Eyelids and palms of hands are sensitive to touch.
9 weeks: Child will bend fingers around an object placed in the palm; thumb sucking occurs.
10 weeks: Body is sensitive to touch; child squints, swallows, puckers up brow, and frowns.
Unique fingerprints appear and fingerprints begin growing.
12 weeks: Child can kick, turn feet, curl and fan toes, make a fist, move thumbs, bend wrists, turn
head, open mouth, and press lips tightly together.
*Most abortions are performed before and during this time.
Second Trimester:
4 months: Movement in the womb can be felt by the mother.
5 months: Sleeping habits appear; a slammed door will provoke activity; child responds to
sounds in frequencies too high or low for adults to hear. The child can also feel pain.
6 months: Lungs produce surfactant, which is necessary for breathing. Babies born at this age
have survived.

Third Trimester:
7 months: Eyelids open and close, eyes look around; mothers voice is heard and recognized.
9 months: Child triggers labor and birth occurs. By this point, the brain has nearly all the
neurons it will ever have.
**Women can have abortions up to and through the 9th month of pregnancy in some states.
Sources and videos can be found at and
*www.guttmacherorg **

There may be times when a mother facing an unplanned pregnancy may feel completely
unequipped to parent her child. She may feel her only option is to kill her pre-born child. Pro-life
individuals touch lives by helping women place their baby or child for adoption. It is important
to show women on your school that adoption can be the answer to all of her fears.
When talking with parents who have fostered or adopted, no matter what circumstances were that
brought that child into their lives, be it genetics or adoption, they love that child dearly.
Some parents who have adopted have suffered under the scrutiny of strangers. Looks of confusion
when the skin of their child is a bit darker than their own, a blondie found among a family of red
heads, or a nose that doesnt quite look like Mom or Dads. Questions like, I know she isnt your
child, but is she, you know, yours? Of course she is! No matter how a child came into their family,
their union should be handled with compassion and love. Families that bring-up an adopted
child should be celebrated, not scrutinized.
Adoptees are some of the strongest people in the world. They not only have to push through the
emotional struggle of not knowing their birth parents, but they sometimes look so different from
their family that they must overcome the idea that complete strangers know that they came into
their family through adoption.
Most women who place their child for adoption faced an unplanned pregnancy and
may have considered aborting their pre-born children. Pro-lifers should rejoice with a
person who has been adoptedthat persons very life may have been saved because of adoption!
Today, 51% of abortions are performed on high school and college aged women, which means
that women in school across the country are facing unplanned pregnancies and need to hear the
message of adoption. Here are some ways you can take action in your school:
Invite a member of the adoption triad to speak (birthmother, parent, adoptee)
Promote/raise money for adoption ministries and advocacy groups
Watch and promote pro-adoption movies such as: Bella, Juno, Penny Serenade, Meet the
Robinsons, and August Rush
Promote adoption songs such as: Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood; Everything to Me by
Mark Shultz; and When Love Takes You In by Steven Curtis Chapman
Organize an adoption flyer campaign! (Sample flyers on the SFLA website!)
Contact SFLA about hosting Catelynn & Tyler, the birthparents on MTVs 16 & Pregnant
Chalk facts about adoptions on your school sidewalks
Volunteer with your local Pregnancy Help Center
*Go to for flyers and sources.
** If someone you know is considering adoption, check out

Defend Your Pro-Life

Views in 5 Minutes or Less
Suppose that you have just five minutes to graciously defend your pro-life beliefs with friends or
classmates. Can you do it with rational arguments? What should you say? And how can you simplify
the abortion issue for those who think its hopelessly complex?
Heres how to succeed in three easy steps:
FIRST: Clarify the issue. Pro-life advocates contend that elective abortion unjustly takes the life
of a defenseless human being. This simplifies the abortion controversy by focusing public attention
on just one question: Is the unborn a member of the human family? If so, killing him or her to benefit
others is a serious moral wrong. It treats the distinct human being, with his or her own inherent
moral worth, as nothing more than a disposable instrument. Conversely, if the unborn are not human,
killing them for any reason requires no more justification than having a tooth pulled.
In other words, arguments based on choice or privacy miss the point entirely. Would anyone that
you know support a mother killing her toddler in the name of choice and who decides? Clearly, if
the unborn are human, like toddlers, we shouldnt kill them in the name of choice any more than we
would a toddler. Again, this debate is about just one question: What is the unborn? At this point, some
may object that your comparisons are not fairthat killing a fetus is morally different than killing a
toddler. Ah, but thats the issue, isnt it? Are the unborn, like toddlers, members of the human family?
That is the one issue that matters. (See the Toddler Tactics article for more on this.)
Remind your critics that you are vigorously pro-choice when it comes to women choosing a
number of moral goods.You support a womans right to choose her own doctor, to choose her own
husband, to choose her own job, and to choose her own religion, to name a few. These are among
the many choices that you fully support for women. But some choices are wrong, like killing innocent
human beings simply because they are in the way and cannot defend themselves.1 No, we shouldnt
be allowed to choose that.
SECOND: Defend your pro-life position with science and philosophy. Scientifically, we know
that from the earliest stages of development, the unborn are distinct, living, and whole human beings.
Leading embryology books confirm this.2 For example, Keith L. Moore & T.V.N. Persaud write, A
zygote is the beginning of a new human being. Human development begins at fertilization, the process
during which a male gamete or sperm ... unites with a female gamete or oocyte ... to form a single cell
called a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marks the beginning of each of us as a unique
Prior to his abortion advocacy, former Planned Parenthood President Dr. Alan Guttmacher was
perplexed that anyone, much less a medical doctor, would question this. This all seems so simple and
evident that it is difficult to picture a time when it wasnt part of the common knowledge, he wrote
in his book Life in the Making.4

Defend Your Pro-Life

Views in 5 Minutes or Less
Philosophically, we can say that embryos are less developed than newborns (or, for that matter,
toddlers) but this difference is not morally significant in the way abortion advocates need it to be.
Consider the claim that the immediate capacity for self-awareness bestows value on human beings.
Notice that this is not an argument, but an arbitrary assertion. Why is some development needed?
And why is this particular degree of development (i.e., higher brain function) decisive rather than
another? These are questions that abortion advocates do not adequately address.
As Stephen Schwarz points out, there is no morally significant difference between the embryo
that you once were and the adult that you are today. Differences of size, level of develop ment,
environment, and degree of dependency are not relevant such that we can say that you had no rights
as an embryo but you do have rights today. Think of the acronym SLED as a helpful reminder of these
non-essential differences:5
Size: True, embryos are smaller than newborns and adults, but why is that relevant? Do we really
want to say that large people are more human than small ones? Men are generally larger than
women, but that doesnt mean that they deserve more rights. Size doesnt equal value.
Level of development: True, embryos and fetuses are less developed than the adults theyll one
day become. But again, why is this relevant? Four year-old girls are less developed than 14 year-old
ones. Should older children have more rights than their younger siblings? Some people say that selfawareness makes one human. But if that is true, newborns do not qualify as valuable human beings.
Six-week old infants lack the immediate capacity for performing human mental functions, as do the
reversibly comatose, the sleeping, and those with Alzheimers Disease.
Environment: Where you are has no bearing on who you are. Does your value change when you
cross the street or roll over in bed? If not, how can a journey of eight inches down the birth-canal
suddenly change the essential nature of the unborn from non-human to human? If the unborn are
not already human, merely changing their location cant make them valuable.
Degree of Dependency: If viability makes us human, then all those who depend on insulin or kidney
medication are not valuable and we may kill them. Conjoined twins who share blood type and bodily
systems also have no right to life.
In short, its far more reasonable to argue that although humans differ immensely with respect to
talents, accomplishments, and degrees of development, they are nonetheless equal because they
share a common human nature

Defend Your Pro-Life

Views in 5 Minutes or Less
THIRD: Challenge your listeners to be intellectually honest. Ask the tough questions. When critics
say that birth makes the unborn human, ask, How does a mere change of location from inside
the womb to outside the womb change the essential nature of the unborn? If they say that brain
development or self-awareness makes us human, ask if they would agree with Joseph Fletcher that
those with an IQ below 20 or perhaps 40 should be declared non-persons? If not, why not? True,
some people will ignore the scientific and philosophic case you present for the pro-life view and
argue for abortion based on self-interest. That is the lazy way out. Remind your critics that if we
care about truth, we will courageously follow the facts wherever they lead, no matter what the cost
to our own self-interest.
1. Gregory Koukl, Precious Unborn Human Persons (Lomita: STR Press, 1999) p. 11.
2. See also, T.W. Sadler, Langmans Embryology, 5th ed. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1993) p. 3;
Ronand ORahilly & Pabiola Muller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 2nd ed. (New York: WileyLiss, 1996) pp. 8, 29.
3. Keith L. Moore and T.V.N. Persaud, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology
(Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1998) p.2.

Watch Your Rhetoric

The Battle for Worlds IS the Battle for Hearts and Minds.
These words are IN

Abortion facility
Commits abortions
Placed with an adoptive family
PRC or Pregnancy Resource Center
Abortion advocates
Abortion lobby
Abortion industry
These words are OUT
Abortion clinic
Abortion doctor or abortion provider
Performs abortions
Given up for adoption
CPC or Crisis Pregnancy Center
Abortion rights

Now that youve read up a little on abortion, what should you do?
Start a pro-life student group at your school! You are a key part of winning the
pro-life fight in our nation. More than half of the women obtaining abortions
in America are college and high school aged women.You are on the front lines
of this battle, and you are fighting to protect these young women. By starting
a student group, you can begin to change the culture of your school. A student
group will outlast your years in high school and continue to educate other
students on abortion and save lives, even after you graduate!

High School Guidebook

Before you continue reading through my materials, pause and head to the Students
for Life of America High School Guidebook that came included in your kit.
This guidebook is a step-to-step guide to how to begin and sustain a pro-life group at
your school. It covers everything from your frist meeting to events, budgets, and more!
Also included in the guidebook is a sample constitution and mission statement.

Training Videos
Sick of all of this reading?
Check out these short Students for Life of America training videos on online. For more helpful
videos, visit
Educational Videos
Planned Parenthoods Business Cycle
Inspiration:The Tide is Turning Video
Inspiration: Megan and Jessica Video
Training Videos
Plan Your Year Video and Guide
Recruiting New Members
Running Effective Meetings

Sample Meeting Agendas

To run an effective meeting, its important to plan ahead. Here are some sample meeting
agendas you can use to be organized and on task for your group meetings:
Students for Life Sample Introductory Meeting
Introduction of group leaders
Sign-up sheet
Why your school needs a student pro-life group
Introduction of temporary mission statement
What kinds of activities our group can do
Develop a Cemetery of the Innocents Display
Hold a Diaper Drive
Organize a Candlelight Vigil
Participate in Sidewalk Counseling
Host Speakers/Debates
Attend Protests - National March for Life, every January in Washington, D.C.
Attend Conference - Students for Life of America National Conference, every January in
Washington, D.C; Regional Leadership Summits hosted by SFLA
Our First Event
Poll Table
Make signs and practice dialogue
Election of Officers
Details of next meeting
Meet members after the meeting while enjoying refreshments

Sample Meeting Agendas

Students for Life Sample Officers Meeting
Discuss why this group is important for your school
Write a Constitution/Mission Statement to present to the group at next
Use samples from SFLA
Establish Committees that are needed
and any others you think your group needs
Outline the roles of the officers and committee heads
Determine what events the group should focus on for the first few
Determine what the first fundraiser should be
Car wash?
Bake sale?
Donations from local Pro-life groups?
Write letters to potential supporters?
When should officers meet again?
Weekly before general meetings?

DBW: Dont Be Weird

When we say DBW, what do we really mean? We mean: Dont. Be. Weird. In your mannerisms, dress,
and interactions, try to compose yourself in a way that will attract other people. Now, we arent
asking you to change who you are and act fake, but we are asking you to look at how you may viewed
by a stranger. Would you want to associate with you? Here are a few check points for you. The SFLA
team has actually encountered all of these situations:
Respect personal space
Dont get to close to peoples faces when talking.
Dont touch people (i.e. grabbing an arm, rubbing back, etc.) Many people dont feel comfortable
with it.
Give a firm handshake, not so hard to hurt them, but find a middle ground.
Control our fidgeting. Dont distract there with your random movements.
Volume control
Dont talk so LOUD.You are not a megaphone, especially when talking to people about a personal
story or life experience.
Dont talk so quiet that people cant hear you. We want students to be bold for life, but no shouting
and no whispering.
Tone: Speak with confidence and enthusiasm. Try not to be monotone; voice fluctuation is a good
Dress appropriately for the occasion
Men: If it is a tabling event, jeans, sneakers, and a clean t-shirt are good. For a more formal event, a
button-down shirt, tie, and slacks.
Women: Dont wear shirts too tight. Cover the three B (Boobs, butts, and belly) Be aware that
your shorts/skirts are of appropriately lengths.
Keep up personal hygiene
Brush your teeth everyday
Smell nice, wear deodorant
Brush your hair
Wear appropriate amounts of make-up ladies
Remember: Not everyone is religious
Not everyone is comfortable with discussing religion/faith right off the bat.
Dont lead the conversation with your faith. Lead the conversation with the humanity of the preborn.
Dont get into denominational arguments with your club or other students. This will drive students
away from you.
Have an open mind about having inter-religious groups within your pro-life group
Other students are looking for reasons to dismiss you as crazy. Dont give them that opportunity! We
have the truth on our side, and we cant let the conversation be distracted from that.

A Letter from our Lawyers

If your group is having a hard time getting officially recognized by your school,
getting funding, or hosting events, please make sure you take the letter enclosed
in this packet to your administration as soon as possible. This letter explains your
And always, e-mail our team at and let us know
what is happening. We will have some creative solutions for you and can put in

Examples of Discrimination
If you are facing any of the above situations, or you suspect you are being discriminated against,
contact Students for Life of American immediately at We
have legal counsel readily available for students to ensure your first amendment rights at your
public school.
Discrimination can include:
Denying approval of your club on any grounds, including but not limited to:
Its too offensive
Its religious
It will disrupt the learning environment
Forcing your group to be a committee in a religious or conservative club instead of its own independent club.
Making your club undergo more approval requirements than other clubs.
Prohibiting your club to participate in the same activities as other clubs, including
Literature Distribution
Hosting speakers
Silent Day
Restricting you from accessing student activities
funds that are available to other student groups

Rapid Response
If you are experiencing discrimination, please follow the directions below:
Keep logs of every conversation you have had with your school officials concerning your club.
Include the date, who was present, and the outcome of the meeting.
Keep any emails sent to you from your administration concerning your club
Photocopy all documents you turn into your administration.
Use a personal email address, not one provided by the school
Always attend meetings with your administration in pairs
You can take a fellow member or your advisor, but always have at least two people representing
your club in every meeting.
If you do not have someone to attend the meetings with you, reschedule.
Ask for the denial in writing
Whether it is for starting your club, hosting an event, or flyering, have the administration give you
their denial in writing. This can be a letter or an email.You can send them a letter or email asking
for permission once again and place a time constraint on the reply. For example:
Dear Mr. Smith,
I have recently inquired about starting a Students for Life club at Jones High School. After some research, I
believe it is well within my first amendment rights to start and facilitate a pro-life club at our public school.
Please, reply in writing to grant or deny our clubs ability to function as an official student group at Jones
High School by August 1st at 3pm. If no reply is given by this date, it will be considered a denial.Thank you
for your time.
John Doe.
Remember, if you are experiencing discrimination from your public school officials,
contact Students for Life of America immediately at


You did it!
You now have a successful high school pro-life group! Its time to get
active in your community by hosting an event! Its important that you
reach beyond the four walls of your meeting room and engage with the
people around you. Organizing an event can be intimidating, but Students for Life of America will be with you every step of the way!

As a new group, it is important to start engaging your school immediately. Don't wait! The purpose
of your club is to educate your peers and ultimately abolish abortion.You need to visible on at your
school from the get-go a start dialogues about abortion. Here are a few event ideas (listed in the
order we recommend for new groups to have them) that are simple and easy that will help your group
gain momentum:
Flyering campaign - post flyers around your school on a specific theme. For example, basic
abortion statistics, fetal development, or Planned Parenthood's' abortion business.Visit highschool. for pre-made, downloadable flyers you can use! Be sure to add your groups
contact information at the bottom!
Host an Apologetics Training - Ask your Regional Coordinator or a local pro-life leader to come
and teach your group dialoguing skills. It is crucial that your members are comfortable talking to other
students about abortion and they feel prepared to answer the hard questions.
When Does Life Begin?Display - Use a bulletin board, hang a large sheet of paper in a high
traffic area of your hallway, or set up a display during lunch. Draw a line representing fetal development
and fill in descriptions of the baby's growth in the appropriate places. Have a member standing with
the display between classes and during the lunch period. Ask students to put a post-it note by the
stage where they think life begins. Based on their answer, your members can start a dialogue about
the humanity of the pre-born.You can also request SFLAs new Fetal Development Topic Cards to
distribute during this display!
Prayer Vigil/Memorial Service at Local Abortion Facility - Pick a date and time that is
convenient for majority of your members. Drive to the nearest abortion facility and spend a set about
of time in prayer or silent reflection. Use inclusive language so that all members, regardless of religious
affiliations, can participate.
Cupcakes and Trivia - Let's face it, everyone loves cupcakes! Set up a table during the lunch period
and provide free cupcakes to everyone who can answers a question about abortion correctly. Be sure
to have a sign-up sheet and information about your club at the table as well.
Chalking - Ask your school for permission or find public sidewalks and write life-affirming messages
on them! This is a fun and creative way to get students active! Be sure to write contact information
for your local pregnancy center or post-abortive recovery counseling centers.
Volunteer at Your Local Pregnancy Resource Center - Call your local Pregnancy Resource
Center and ask if you can bring a group of students by for a volunteer day. This can include yard work,
office duties, or babysitting!
For more advanced groups, host events like a Cemetery of the Innocents, movie night,
baby shower, diaper drive, and a day of silence! Be sure to attend your local SFLA
Regional Leadership Summit and National Students for Life Conference!

Advanced Strategy Handbook

Once your group has got into the swing of things and wants to further extend their
reach, read through Students for Life of Americas Advanced Strategy
Handbook for more ideas and helpful tips!

Fundraising 101
Does the idea of fundraising frighten you?
If you answered Yes, thats ok and trust us --- you are not alone. The important thing to remember
is that fundraising isnt nearly as daunting as it seems and truly is a key part of your work to abolish
abortion. You arent begging people for money.You are giving them the opportunity to
work alongside you in the greatest human rights struggle our world has ever known.
There is no sure-fire blueprint to fundraising that says, If you do A, B, and C, then you will raise
$XXX. As mentioned in the SFLA Advanced Strategy Handbook, there are plenty of ways you
can engage in fundraising. Regardless of the type of fundraising you choose to do, the most important
thing you can do is understand and appreciate your donor.
Understanding Donors and Building a Relationship
One thing that makes should make fundraising easier for you is the fact that you arent raising money
for yourself but for an important mission --- to abolish abortion in our lifetime. And, unless your
donor or prospective donor is a family member, the cause is more than likely what is going to get
you that donation.
The good news is that people who care about ending abortion are usually pretty passionate, so its
not too difficult to convince them/sell them on why your group needs money. However, your success
or failure all comes down to how well you make the ask. And how well you make the ask
ultimately comes from how well you know and understand the particular donor you are asking. For
example, asking your school for funding is going to be a lot different than speaking at a church and
asking members to donate.
Everyone you meet is a potential donor. Have a short 1 minute sales pitch that you can
give to anyone who is interested in your group and mission. In this sales pitch, you should be able
to clearly state why your group is needed at your school (majority of abortions are committed on
women your age, the abortion industry targets this generation, etc), what you are trying to do (be
sure to note one success you have had - a peer who converted to pro-life, baby saved, etc), what you
have planned for the upcoming year, and how supporters can help.You need to show that you are
organized/have a plan and can be trusted with money. In addition, you should also have a business
card or something else that you can give to people with basic information about your group and
how to contact you.
When you do find new potential donors or receive a gift from a new donor, put them
into some kind of list. Excel (or a similar spreadsheet program) works the best so you can keep
track of donor contact information, notes about how they became involved with your group, and
donation history.You should note every interaction you have with a donor or donor prospect.

Fundraising 101
One Simple Way to Fundraise: A Calling Campaign
Every member of your group should start by collecting the names, phone numbers,
e-mail addresses and mailing addresses of family and friends. A good place to start is with
your parents Christmas card list. Enter all that information into a spreadsheet and then add two
more columns. In the first additional column, write what you think that person could give to your
group. Double that projection for the second column.
Take time each day over a 3-4 week period to call a few people on your list to ask for a
donation. Write a simple script that you can follow. The purpose of these calls is to ask for money,
so be careful to not get sidetracked too much.
Start by explaining what your group does, why you are important in your school, and
your up-coming event that you need help funding. Then ask for them to donate in the amount
of your doubled projection for that person. Then stop talking! Dont say anything until the person
you just asked responds. If they say Yes, great. Get their information (how would they like to give
- via mail or credit card right away) and move on to your next call. If he or she is unable to make
that donation, ask if they would be able to contribute your original projection. If they say Yes, great.
Get their information and move on. If he or she is unable to do that, thank them for their time and
say you will call again later. Maybe the next time you do a fundraising campaign, they will be able to
Be prepared to take someones credit card information, so they can donate online right away.
SFLA can set up a free online donation page for your group, just email us at
Or have a follow-up package ready to send to the persons home with a thank you letter
and self-addressed, stamped return envelope -reminding them of your call and their pledge to give
$XXX.You want to make things as easy as possible for people to donate.
Record the results of each phone call in your spreadsheet. For example, if someone tells you he
cant donate because his dog is sick (or whatever reason), write that down. Next time you call, ask
him how his dog is. This will help build that personal relationship with the donor. It may also be
helpful for each group member to send their pledge totals every night to your group
treasurer or fundraiser leader, so he or she can keep track of the campaign totals and
continue to motivate the group - showing what you all are accomplishing together.
Be sure to follow up in the same fundraising cycle with people who dont answer or cant give you
an answer the first time you call, but dont call people again who have told you flat-out that they are
unable to donate.
Repeat this process with your whole group 3 or 4 times each year. This may be intimidating
at first, but it truly is the most effective way for your group to fundraise. The more you practice, the
better and more comfortable you will become.

Fundraising 101
Following-Up and Staying in Touch
Following up with donors, those who have pledged to donate, and potential donors is
crucial in building your relationship and increasing your chances of future donations.
If you meet someone at an event and get their information, send them an e-mail this next day just
to say it was nice to meet them. If a person pledges to donate during your calling campaign, make
sure to get the follow-up packet in the mail in the next day. When someone donates to your
group, make sure that you thank them within a few days of receiving the donation. The size of the
gift and your relationship with that donor should dictate whether your follow up is a phone call,
handwritten note, or e-mail thank you.
Add all donors to an e-mail list and send them regular updates, so they can see the
impact your group is making with their investment.
Students for Life of America can help you fundraise by providing sample fundraising letters, calling
campaign scripts, setting up an online donation page for your group, and general advice. Please
dont hesitate to contact us at anytime by e-mailing

Free Resources for You!

At Students for Life of America, we know that you are busy students, and we want to make it as easy
as possible for you to become active pro-life leaders and groups in your schools. Besides this Activism
Kit, we provide all of the following resources to you for FREE!
You can request a FREE in-person or Skype training from one of the Students for Life team members
at Below are some of the
topics you can request!

Apologetics: Dialoguing with Abortion Advocates

Developing Your Leaders
Pro-Life Activism
How to Talk about Abstinence
Embracing the Controversy of Abortion
Fundraising for Your Group
Recruiting and Retaining Members
Planning Your Year
Planned Parenthoods Abortion Business

Topic Cards
(Samples of each card can be found in this Activism Kit.)
We have cards for all the tough topics, and the best part is that you can request any number of them
to hand out at your events, counter demonstrations, use for tabling, etc. Simply e-mail SFLA at to order as many as you need!

What about the Life and Health of the Mother?

What about Rape and Incest?
What does Planned Parenthood Have Planned for You?
Can You Really Have Safe-Sex?
Does Overpopulation Justify Abortion
Has Legal Abortion Really Helped Women?

Order an Event-in-a-Box!
Each month during the school year, SFLA releases a new box for the month, along with resources (flyers, event and speaker suggestions, talking points, and other marketing materials) that your group can
download and use at your school. The monthly boxes are announced in an easy-to-access blogpost
at and all of the school years boxes are posted at

Free Resources for You!

Download, Customize, and Print Flyers for your Events!
SFLA offers many flyers that your group can customize and print out to fit your needs.Visit and click on the flyers for an enlarged image. Please
print these out and use them at your school! (If there are any flyers that you would like us to
create, send us your suggestions to
Get one-on-one support from the SFLA Team!
Students for Life of America has a dedicated team of professionals to help students in any region.
Our team is available for you. We are here to help you by offering one-on-one support for your
group. Check out our Team Page to find an SFLA team member nearest you and e-mail them:
Attend SFLAs Regional Leadership Summits and National and West Coast
A Regional Leadership Summit is a great opportunity to network with pro-life students and
to connect with other pro-life leaders. SFLA can provide highly specialized training for your
group leaders and all pro-life students for everything that you face at school. Our goal is to
bring as many leaders (and future leaders) as possible together for trainings and to strategize
on how to grow the pro-life student movement in your area. For more information, visit http://
Our National and West Coast Conferences are held every year around the time of the
anniversary of Roe v. Wade. If you and your group are traveling to Washington D.C. to attend the
March for Life or San Francisco, CA, to attend the Walk for Life, be sure to include the National
and West Coast Conference in your travel agenda! For more information, visit
Participate in SFLAs Thaddeus Stevens Leadership Fellowship!
The SFLA Thaddeus Stevens Fellowship has been developed to raise up the next generation of
high school pro-life leaders. We want to help high school students become the best leaders and
activists in their school and communities. Simply put, the SFLA Thaddeus Stevens Leadership
Fellowship is the training you need for a future in the pro-life movement. For more information,
E-mail the Students for Life team anytime with your needs!
We are here to serve you!

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