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Martin 1

Victor Martin
Mrs. Farkas
Honors English I
December 19, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Research Paper

For generations, people all over the world have enjoyed the play, "Romeo and Juliet", by
William Shakespeare. There are many young and talented actors today who suitable to play the
role of Romeo in this play. However, there is one young actor who stands out above the rest.
This actor is well known for his talent, popularity, good looks and ability to draw enormous
crowds to see his movies. His name is Robert Pattinson. Robert Pattinson should be chosen to
play the role of Romeo in Shakespeare's famous play, "Romeo and Juliet".
Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson was born on May 13, 1986 in London, England. He is
the youngest child of three and the only son. His father, Robert Pattinson, ran a car importing
business and his mother, Clare Pattinson, worked for a modeling agency. At a young age,
Pattinson wanted to be a performer. He soon became a musician just like his oldest sister, Lizzy
Pattinson At the age of three; he began learning how to play the piano. Soon at the age of five, he
began to learn how to play the guitar. It was my father who encouraged me to try out acting
(Pattinson). This memorable night when out for dinner with his father, two girls told them about
a renowned and famous theatre program at the Harrodian School, a private school located in

Barnes, England. He soon attended the school as a teenager and the Barnes Theatre Club and
theatre program. Soon his performance drew notice by critics. In 2003, at the age of seventeen,
he got a role in the television movie Ring of the Nibelungs. Soon an unaccredited role in the
movie Vanity Fair came in 2004. After finishing the two projects, Pattinson soon met Mike
Newell, the director of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in 2005. Because of this meeting and
the auditions later on, Pattinson soon got the role as Cedric Diggory, a friend and fellow wizard
to Harry Potter. The movie and his role became extremely successful, boosting his career. He
soon got the role of a World War II veteran in the BBC original film, The Haunted Airman. In
2006, at the age of eighteen, he soon had the main role as a student who had a crush on a teacher
in The Bad Mothers Handbook.
For his accolades, Robert Pattison has received the following acknowledgements. He was
noted as Best Young Actor of 2008 from the Strasbourg Film Festival as the role of Art in How
to Be in 2008. He was also named as the Hottest Actor of 2008 by Rolling Stone Magazine. He
soon was awarded the Most Attractive Man Award by Hello Magazine in 2008. On May 10,
2010, Pattinson was awarded a place in Time Magazines The 100 Most Influential People in
the World in the Artists category. Moviefone gave him the number one spot in the Hottest
Young Stars Under 25 list and called him the Sexiset Male Star of 2009. This shows you that
he is a very professional actor even though he is still young.
During his later years, Robert Pattinson auditioned for the movie Twilight in 2008. I
actually soon got the role to be Edward Cullen out of 3,000 people (Pattinson). When the movie
came to theatres, it showed attention to over 17 million people, mostly being teenage girls. In the
Twilight soundtrack Pattinson wrote the two songs, Let Me Sign and Never Think. He wrote
more songs on the other 2008 film, How To Be. After the success for him in the Twilight films, he

plays as young Salvador Dali in the film, Little Ashes. Right now he is in Louisiana doing his
next film in the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2, which will be in theatres in 2012.
Robert Pattinson has made different emotions while being Edward Cullen in Twilight. He has
showed them in order to protect Isabella.
Not mad, but bound more than a mad-man is;
Shut up in prison, kept without my food,
Whipp'd and tormented and--God-den, good fellow. (Shakespeare 299)
This quote shows how Romeo tells others how he feels. He is not mad, but more than just fine.
He feels depressed since he has no love. Another example of this same type of emotion is from
Robert Pattison, where he played as Edward in Twilight, show emotion when he said, My
family, we're different from others of our kind. We only drink animal blood, but it's your scent.
It's like a drug to me. It's like you're my own personal brand of heroin (Twilight). This quote
explains how Edward showed his emotions to Isabella, telling her that she smells so good. He
just got too attractive to the scent.
Robert Pattinson is known to play characters in a forbidden love relationship very well. This was
seen in his blockbuster hit movie, Twilight, when he plays as the teenage vampire Edward
Cullen. He has a relationship with the human girl, Isabella Swan, but knows that he should not be
with her. An example of him trying to stay away from her is by saying, I only said it'd be better
if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be. Isabella asks Edward, What does that mean?
Edward Cullen soon answers, It means if you were smart, you'd stay away from me. Isabella
then says, Okay well let's say for argument sake that I'm not smart, would you tell me the

truth? Edward finally comes out with a reply, No probably not. (Twilight) This quote explains
that Edward is having a hard time with this situation. However, he soon falls in love with her
anyway. Similar to Edward, Romeos situation is also in a forbidden love situation with Juliet. I
know not how to tell thee who I am. My name, my saint is hateful to myself, because it is an
enemy to thee; had I it written, I would tear the word (Shakespeare 322). This quote shows that
Romeo wants to make Juliet to the same way he does and fell like his last name does not
interfere with their relationship.
When Robert Pattinson played as Edward in Breaking Dawn Part 1 he plans a secret
wedding to Isabella. This has also occurred in Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo goes to Friar
Laurence to make a secret wedding with Juliet. Friar Laurence soon said, In one respect Ill thy
assistant be; for this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households rancor to pure love
(Shakespeare 329). This quote explains how Friar Laurence thinks that if Romeo and Juliet get
married, the their families will go into peace. Like this, Edward and Isabella secretly married on
a Brazilian island, thinking that everything will be all right until Jacob finds out.
Robert Pattinson and Romeo both take their work seriously and make sure that it is
perfect with no mistake.

Love is a smoke raisd with the fume of sighs; being purgd, a fire sparkling in
lovers eyes; being vexd, a sea nourishd with lovers tears. What is it else?
madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet. Farewell, my coz
(Shakespeare 296).

This quote shows how Romeo seriously can show seriousness and determination to find
love. He seems annoyed by Benvolio and wants to walk alone. Also once he is in a relationship
with Juliet, he tries to make it as perfect and happy as possible. Just like this Robert Pattinson
puts his work and career first. He does not like making mistakes and if that ever happened, he
will just work harder. I aspire to be Jack Nicholson. I love his every single mannerism. I used to
try and be him in virtually everything I did, I don't know why. I watched One Flew Over the
Cuckoo's Nest (1975) when I was about 13, and I dressed like him. I tried to do his accent. I did
everything like him. I think it kind of stuck with me (Pattinson). This quote shows how Robert
Pattinson wants to be an unique and very professional actor like Jack Nicholson.
In conclusion, Robert Pattinson is the best choice to play the role of Romeo in
Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. Because he has years of acting experience, he has done
himself a real professional for his age. His musical background will allow him to perform the
musical score for this film as he did in the Twilight movies. Because of his popularity and the
successes of the movies he already played in, the movie has the potential to be the next
blockbuster. The story Romeo and Juliet has captured the hearts of millions of readers of great
literature throughout time. With the superstar Robert Pattinson as the lead role of Romeo, he too
will capture the hearts of millions of film goers and will uplift this story to the next level for the
new generation.

Works Cited Page


Robert Pattinson Biography." Biography. 2010. A+E Television Networks, LLC. 19

December 2011.< >

2. Robert Pattinson Biography. Internet Movie Database. 2010., Inc. 19

December 2011.<>
3. Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Glenview, IL: Scout, Foresman and Company,
1991. 291-395. Print.
4. Robert Pattinson Biography. Robert Pattinson Official Fansite. 2011. 20 December
2011. <>
5. Wenner, Jann. Rolling Stone. New York: Wenner Media LLC, 2008. Print.

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