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30, 2015

Second Component Assignments


Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Component Part one:

Toddler A Assignment

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Toddler A Assignment

Question 1: Based on what you have learned so far in your training and/or your own
experience, briefly describe how you think working with infants is different from
working with toddlers.
In working with infant, mostly the caregiver has the majority of the activity control,
in addition to the different mobility between the infant and the toddler; the
caregiver sometimes has to assist the infant more than the toddler through the

Question 2: Summarize the advice offered concerning biting in the Montessori
classroom in the following NAMC blog. (2 points) Biting in the Montessori Toddler
Classroom: Causes and Redirecting Behavior
1. Keep the child close to allow intervention and behavior redirection before
the next bite occurs.
2. Use positive language to help the child to learn how to verbalize their
3. By using positive language, help the child learn that biting is not acceptable
and hurts.
4. Using simple language, help the child put their emotions into language, and
allow them to understand their feeling and the source of it.
5. Be patient and positively redirect along the way.

Question3: The use of some sign language in the early child care setting as an other
means of communication is quite commonplace. Thinking about the preceding
article about biting, which two signs would you teach a child who is having difficulty
putting her feelings into words?
Thinking about the situation in the preceding article I would teach the child the
signs for angry and I want.

Question 4: Read the following NAMC blog and choose three general strategies that
you will use in the classroom when working with children struggling with tantrums.
(2 points) Toddlers Who Are Not Yet Peaceful

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

I will choose the strategy in accordance to the child needs and personality, but as a
general approach I will:
1. Give the child control over his/her situation by offering limited choices in a
positive way.
2. Respect and acknowledge the childs feelings.
3. Say something positive before making your request of the child. And I will
make the request sounds like a challenge.

Question 5: Materials such as stacking rings, object permanence box, and shape
puzzles (pictured below) are commonly found in Montessori Infant/Toddler
environments. Although they are not traditional Montessori materials, these
materials are considered complementary to the Montessori curriculum. Provide a
brief description of how each of the three materials incorporates elements of the
Montessori philosophy. (2 points)
Each of the materials provided in the picture are materials that serves the control of
error principle, all are built to be self corrected, if the child didnt do it right; it
doesnt fit. In addition they are all made of real natural materials.

Specific Guidelines for Presenting Activities to Toddlers
Question 6: Read through the Specific Guidelines for Presenting Activities to
Toddlers and summarize each of the following sections: (2 points)
a) Looking for Toddlers Sensitive Periods
To determine toddlers sensitive periods there are few signs the caregiver
needs to look for in order to present the right activity to the toddler. Signs
can be:
The toddler appears on the threshold of developing new skill.
The toddler becomes absorbed in a particular activity or material.
The toddler requests a certain activity.
The toddler shows signs of frustration.
b) Adjusting to Toddlers Changing Needs
Adjusting to Toddlers Changing Needs is one of the most important roles of
Montessori caregiver. To carry it on the caregiver needs to prepare the
environment carefully and tailor their approach to meet the childs needs as
well as to present learning opportunities.

c) Preparing the environment: The eating area
In Montessori school, preparing the environment for eating is an impotent
part of eating, whether in a separate area or in a corner. Young infants

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

usually are fed in a quite part of the center; nevertheless as soon as they can
sit on chair, they eat snakes and meals in the eating area. As children move to
eating area, they learn by modeling the caregiver eating, table and serving
manners. Joined with the caregiver. In addition caregiver speaks only as
required to allow children to focus on the eating experience.

d) Tailoring eating to the toddlers needs and abilities and presenting
opportunities for learning
Eating time for under three are tailored with childrens needs and abilities at
each stage. A variety of experiences needs to be introduced to make the
eating experience more valuable and impactful for the child. From
introducing different food textures and tastes to table manners and eating
utilities, the feeding experience is endless and the role of caregiver is a
crucial part of making it as impactful as possible.

e) Presenting Activities to Toddlers
Following are some points the caregiver needs to keep in mind when presenting
activities to toddlers and working with them:
The caregiver has to be aware of normal toddler development and growth, as
well as to observe the toddler closely and assess his/her sensitive periods
and development. In addition choose the accurate materials that suites those
needs of the child.
The caregiver has to delineate the workspace when presenting activities, and
to always remember the Montessori approach and methods.
Provide toddler with as much independence as possible, and always insure
safely with supervising closely.
Help the infant to see and feel the success in each activity.

Question 7: Do we recommend that you strictly adhere to the activities that are in
these manuals or should you be creative and also develop your own activities?
The caregiver should be creative and develop activities that are related to the child
sensitive periods and always add extensions and activities that the child can relate
to and can impact his/her daily life

Folding Napkins

Question 8: What is the purpose of having the napkins stitched horizontally and
vertically in a cross formation?
To shape a cross shape stitching on the napkin

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 9: When presenting this activity, how should you grasp the corners of the
napkins when making a horizontal fold?
With a pincer grasp

Question 10. Should you correct a toddler if you see him folding the napkin
incorrectly? Explain.
No, I should not correct the child if he/she folded the napkin incorrectly because the
child will self correct wit repetition.

Question 11. What other items could you introduce to a toddler who has experience
and skill at folding napkins?
Other everyday objects can be presented such as; placemats, sheets, pillow cases,
blankets, tea towels, wash cloths, dolls blankets.

Cognitive Activities
Activity 1: Matching a Cut-out Piece and Its Outline
Question 12: What is the purpose of lifting up the square and looking through the
So the child sees that there is an empty space.

Question 13: Which of the following images (A, B, or C) would be the most
appropriate example of a cut-out shape for this activity and why?
(B) The shape of the star is simple for the child to recognize, as well as the solid
color of the paper.

Activity 2: Assembling a Simple Puzzle
Question 14. One of the secondary goals of this activity is to lay the basis for
understanding fractions. How do you think this activity achieves this goal?
By giving the child the insight that group of pieces put together can make one item.

Question 15.Once the toddler has mastered assembling a two-piece puzzle, provide
two ways in which you could make the activity more challenging.
Provide more puzzle for the child, and gradually include three or four pieces
By turning a piece upside down so the child has to turn the piece to make a
full picture.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Activity 3: Matching Geometrical Shapes
Question 16. When you and the toddler trace each shape, why do you think it is
important to move from left to right?
To prepare the child for reading and writing.

Question 17.Once the toddler has begun matching the geometrical shapes on his
own, when is it appropriate for you to intervene?
If the child showed signs of frustration and asked for help

Question 18. Why do you think it is recommended that you regularly vary the
geometrical shapes for this presentation?
To introduce different shapes to the child. And to provide the child with a chance to
further develop logic and concentration as well as fine motor skills. to make the task
more challenging.

Activity 4: Distinguishing Same from Different
Question 19.What should you say as you remove the identical objects from the
I should reputably name each item, and add addition phrases (also, too,

Question 20.At what point in the presentation should you show the toddler the
object that is different?
After allowing the child to lay the identical objects on the mat, I would place the
empty basket on the side. Then, I should reach to the box with a led and reveal the
different object.

Question 21.How could you make this presentation a practical life activity?
By presenting particular life objects such as spoons and a fork

Activity 5: Tracing and Matching Shapes
Question 22.What is the primary goal of this activity?
Developing object-shape recognition and matching skills.

Question 23. Why do you think both the teacher and toddler should trace the outline
with their fingers?
To introduce principles of writing to the child.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 24.What other objects could the toddler trace to extend this activity?
Jar led, wooden blocks or a sturdy objects in simple shapes.

Activity 6: Matching Numbers

Question 25.How many number sheets should be presented first to the toddler?
Two number sheets.

Question 26.How does this activity benefit a toddler?
It helps the child to become familiar with symbols used for numbers, proactive
counting skills, fine motor skills.

Question 27. Extension 3 suggests that the learning environment should include
various materials that give toddlers plenty of opportunity to practice counting, such
as stacking rings. Think of two more materials (objects or toys) that toddlers could
use to practice counting. (2 points)
Simple puzzle
Building blocks

Activity 7: Identifying Objects Belonging to a Specific Group

Question 28.When making the booklets for this activity, why should the left side of
the book remain empty and the pictures be placed ONLY on the right-hand page?
To reinforce left-right orientation

Question 29.How does this activity encourage language development for the
It focuses on names and vocabularies

Question 30. How does Extension 4 provide an additional challenge to the toddler?
By challenging the child to guess the name of the picture by only seeing one parts of

Activity 8: Looking at a Sequence of Events

Question 31.What type of photographs would you use to make the booklet needed
for this activity?
Photographs of the child typical day at the center

Question 32.What is the purpose of this presentation?

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Develop logic and understanding of events sequence, and develop concentration and
expanding language skills.

Question 33.What words should you emphasize throughout this activity?
Words that are related to order like next and first

Question 34.Suggest two ways you can change the activity to maintain the toddlers
Make booklet featuring a favorite animal going through a sequence of evens.

Activity 9: Focusing on a Moving Object

Question 35.How do you encourage the toddler to focus on the containers after you
have placed them on the work mat?
By examining the containers and then placing them back on the tray

Question 36. The primary goals for this activity are to expand
_________________ and to practice _____________ _____________.
The primary goals for this activity are to expand memory and concentration and to
practice object permanence

Question 37. Why is it recommended that you present this activity with very little
verbal explanation?
In order to allow the child to fully focus on the activity and not distract with

Activity 10: Matching Objects and Pictures by Concept

Question 38. Why do you work with the objects before the picture cards?
Presenting the object first will attract the child and allow him/her to concentrate on
the activity.

Question 39. After you have placed the objects on the mat, explain how you lay out
the picture cards.
I shall compare each card with all the objects before placing it next to the correct

Motor Activities

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Activity 1: Sliding Clothespins onto a Rim

Question 40.How can you be sure that the tin you offer the toddler is safe to handle?
By checking the tin especially the edges and making all is smooth and

Question 41. Describe in detail how to remove the clothespins after they have all
been attached to the rim.
The caregiver should remove one clothespin and hold it and then move it next to the
tin and drop it into the tin with a clank.

Activity 2: Placing Objects In and Out

Question 42.What do you show the toddler once all of the tubes have been removed
from the box?
Show the child that the box containers are all empty.

Question 43.At what point in the presentation should the child begin replacing the
After the placing few objects in the box by the caregiver, the caregiver should the
invite the child to participate in the activity.

Question 44.Once the toddler has acquired some experience and skill at putting the
objects in and out of the box, how could you add language to this activity?
Before putting the objects inside the box I would say I will put the tube in and
before taking it out I would say I will take the tube out.

Activity 3: Putting Objects In and Out of a Pocket Booklet

Question 45. What skills does a toddler acquire through this activity?
Motor skills, memory and problem solving skills, finding objects skills.

Question 46.What do you do upon turning to the first page of the booklet?
Touch and tap on the pocket. Examine it so the child can see that there is an object
inside the pocket. Then remove the object and hold it so the child can see it and
examine it.

Question 47.Provide two ways that you could make this activity more challenging.
I could increase the number of the booklet pages.
I could make the pockets more challenging to open.

Activity 4: Putting Lids On and Taking Them Off

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Question 48.Should you correct the toddler if she/he does not work on all parts of
the activity? Why/why not?
No, the caregiver should not correct the child if he/she does not do all parts of the activity
correctly. Most toddlers focus on doing the first two steps of the activity, and in this
activity this is the most important part.

Question 49.How could you make this presentation a transferring activity?
By placing number of objects inside the jar and ask the child to remove several and
put them in a box.

Activity 5: Unwrapping Objects

Question 50.How many wrapped objects should you place in the basket for the
toddler to unwrap?
Three wrapped objects.

Question 51. At what point in the presentation do you invite the toddler to continue
the activity and unwrap the object independently?
After unwrapping one object and showing it to the child. The teacher must invite the
child to continue the activity.

Question 52.Once the toddler has acquired some experience and skill at unwrapping
the objects, how can you make it more challenging?
By adding some complexity to the wrapping. Tying it with a string. Or the teacher
could invite the child to help wrapping the objects.

Activity 6: Picking Up Objects with a Magnet

Question 53.As you remove the objects from the basket, how should you place the
objects on the mat?
I should place them in a raw with enough space between them, in order for the
magnet to only pick one object only.

Question 54.How is left to right orientation reinforced through this activity?
By starting from the left to right when holding the magnet to pick the object.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 55. Aside from the four extensions that correspond with this activity,
please provide one extension of your own that reinforces the same concept. (2
I would add the pocket booklet to the game. I would insert a metal objects inside the
pockets and ask the child to take them out using the magnet.

Activity 7: Putting Pieces In and Out of a Puzzle

Question 56. Describe the types of pictures that are recommended for this activity.
The type of pictures that are interesting for the child.

Question 57.When presenting this activity, what should you do once you have
removed all of the pieces from the puzzle and placed them on the work mat?
Examine the puzzle and the cutout pieces.

Activity 8: Stringing Objects

Question 58.Why do we recommend that you use plastic tubing instead of string or
It is less frustrating and easier to use for toddlers than string or cord.

Question 59. Why is it recommended that you hold up one of the beads prior to
actually stringing it?
So the child can see the hole in the bead before stringing it.

Question 60.What should you do once all of the beads have been strung on the
I would show the string of beads to the child, then would slide each bead of the
tubing onto the work mat to restart the activity.

Activity 9: Transferring Objects Using the Pincer Grasp

Question 61.How should the basket and jar be arranged on the mat?
In a way so that the basket of objects is on the childs left and the jar is on the right.

Question 62.Use the ___________ ___________ to pick up each object from the basket and
transfer it to the jar.
Use the pincer grasp to pick up each object from the basket and transfer it to the jar.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Question 63.How could you extend this activity of using the pincer grasp during
snack time?
By encouraging the child to transfer snakes from and to their plates using a pincer

Activity 10: Transferring from One Container to Another

Question 64.Why is a sponge required for this activity?
To wipe up any spills.

Question 65. The primary goal of this activity is to help a toddler develop
coordination and fine motor skills. Explain how the activity does both. (2 points)
The child is using his/her motel skills to hold the baster and squeeze it to fill it with
water and empty it. And using coordination skills to move the water from one part
to the other.

Question 66.Suggest three utensils that you could use to transfer liquids and three
utensils that you could use to transfer solids.
To transfer liquid: eye drop, sponge, measuring cup.
To transfer objects: tongs, measuring cup, spoon, pincher.

Sensory Activities

Activity 1: Identifying Colors in Color Booklets

Question 67.When making the color booklets, what is important to keep in mind
regarding the types of pictures you choose and how you place the pictures in the
The coordination of color of the booklet and pictures.
The left to right orientation.
The strength and attractiveness of the book.

Question 68.What should you do as you look through the pages of each booklet?
Name the objects on the pictures along with mentioning the color of it.

Question 69. Why do you think it is recommended that red, yellow, and blue be the
first colors taught to the toddler?
Because they are the primary colors and easiest to specify.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Activity 2: Matching Pairs of Objects by Color

Question 70.When presenting this activity, how should you arrange the objects once
they are removed from the basket?
I would start by placing objects from the left and would place matching colored
object on the matching objects. And place the unmatched objects to the right.

Question 71.What should you do once you have paired the socks, put them in two
neat piles, and smiled at the child?
Invite the child to do the activity.

Activity 3: Identifying the Ten Basic Parts of the Body

Question 72.What is the primary goal of this activity?
Increase body awareness.

Question 73.Once you and the toddler are sitting on the floor facing one another,
what should you do?
Start with touching the top of my head with adding language saying I am touching
the top of my head and invite the child to touch his/her head.
Question 74. Ms. Bree has asked Aurora to touch her eye. Instead, as shown in the
image, Aurora shows Ms. Bree her tongue. How should Ms. Bree respond?
I would say now, your showing me your tongue I will show you my tongue too
and would show my tongue. and try later touching the eyes.

Activity 4: Identifying Objects by Feel

Question 75. How are language skills taught and reinforced through this activity?
By naming and briefly descripting the objects.

Question 76. What do you do once all three objects have been placed in the paper
Smile at the child, then close the paper bag and shake it gently. And place it on the
work mat in front of the child.

Question 77. Explain in your own words how a toddler must use his senses to
successfully complete this activity.
This activity is mostly dependent on the touching sense and understanding texture.
First the child touches the texture of the objects and discovers it, and then the child
uses his/her touching abilities to find a certain object from inside the bag.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Question 78. What should you do if the toddler retrieves the object that you
requested? What should you do if she retrieves an object that you did not request?
If the child retrieved the object that I requested I would smile and thank the child.
If the child retrieved an object that I did not request I would also smile and thank
the child and name the object retrieved.

Activity 5: Taking a Theme Walk

Question 79.Why does the toddler need a basket for this activity?
To collect and hold the objects found during the walk.

Question 80. By giving the child a magnifying glass to examine the objects, are you
making the activity more challenging or simply adding variety to the activity?
Making the activity more challenging as the child will need to use his/her motor
skills to hold the magnifying glass and examine the object. In addition the child will
need to use his/her concentration to notice details in the object being examined.

Question 81. Suggest two more themes for a theme walk that are not mentioned in
the activity or extensions. (2 points)
Theme related to shape : round objects theme.
Theme related to animal specie: dog: dog picture, stuffed dog. Etc.

Activity 6: Matching Objects by Pattern and Texture

Question 82.What do the bean bags and the squares on the poster have in common?
Shape and size and matching fabric.

Question 83.When presenting this activity, what do you do once you have picked up
the first bean bag?
Examine it and follow the pattern with fingers, then place it with matching square.

Activity 7: Working with Modeling Dough

Question 84.For safety purposes, what is important to keep in mind regarding the
modeling dough?
Make sure it is non toxic dough.

Question 85.What should you do with the modeling dough, once you have removed
it from the tray, placed it on the work table, and removed the tray?

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Examine the dough closely; smell it and poke it. Squish the molding dough flat on my
flat hand, lift it up and show it to the child.

Question 86.What two shapes do you initially make with the modeling dough?
Ball and cylinder shape.

Question 87. Once the child engages in the activity, should he be encouraged to
make a circle and a cylinder also?
No, the caregiver should let the child explore and shape the dough the way she/he
likes without disturbing.

Question 88. How can you extend this activity so that the toddler is given the
opportunity to practice his pincer grasp?
By offering the child wooden bags and showing him/her how to flatten the dough
and put it inside the wooden bag.

Activity 8: Identifying Loud and Soft Sounds

Question 89. Why is it recommended that the containers you use for this activity be
solid, neutral colors?
In order to help the child to focus on the sound.

Question 90.What should you do when preparing the material to ensure the
toddlers safety during the activity?
By fastening the leds of the containers securely, by taping or gluing it.

Question 91.What words are used when shaking the containers?

Activity 9: Identifying Sources of Sounds

Question 92.Explain how the cassette corresponds to the poster.
The cassette has recorded sounds that corresponds to the pictures of the items in
the posters. For example: dog picture, the cassette has dog barking picture.

Question 93.Why is it recommended that you point to and name each of the pictures
on the poster prior to listening to the tape?
To make sure that the child knows each of the items on the posters.

Question 94. How is this presentation both a concrete and abstract activity for the

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

The picture on the poster and the sound on the tape are from the real-life which is
concrete. But the fact that the picture is printed and the sound is recorded makes it
abstract. Because it not a real life scene where they hear the voice of the car being
produced by the car.

Question 95. If you were able to design your own sound corner, what types of
things would you include to make it an inviting area?
To make the sound corner inviting, the corner will have pictures of different items
familiar for the child and has a unique sounds, for example, animals, ambulance and
birds. The corner will also have a tape player and some music instruments such as,
drums and a guitar.

Question 96. Which one of the five extensions do you feel would give a toddler the
most valuable learning experience? Explain.
Extension 4 has the most valuable learning experience. Because toddlers will go in a
real life experience, and will see the items in the real life and will engage in
developing the activity. In addition, toddlers will use various skills in this activity.

Activity 10: Identifying Smells

Question 97.When presenting this activity, why should you close your eyes when
you smell each object?
To allow myself to only focus on the smell.

Question 98.At what point in the presentation do you invite the toddler to smell the
After I have examined all the objects, smelled them and named them.

Question 99.How could you extend this activity and make it a matching activity?
By making cardboard showing pictures of aromatic objects corresponding with the
ones in the smell basket. Then I would offer the child to smell one object from the
basket, and then place it on the corresponding picture.

Question 100. Review the material section for all of the sensorial activities and list
four different materials that are used to engage the senses. Also indicate the primary
sense being used. For example, in Activity 1: Identifying Colors in Color Booklets, the
material used is the color booklet, and the primary sense is visual. (2 points)
1. Activity 6: Matching Objects by Pattern and Texture, the material used is
fabric squats and fabric square beanbags. Primary sense visual and tactile.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

2. Activity 7: Working with Modeling Dough, the material used is the molding
dough. Primary sense is touch.
3. Activity 8: Identifying Loud and Soft Sounds, the material used is small
containers with objects inside. Primary sense is hearing rhythm
4. Activity 4: Identifying Objects by Feel, the material used is different objects
familiar to the child, example, hairbrush, ball, comp. primary sense is tactile.

Question 101. One of the goals of the Montessori sensorial activities is to help
children develop their ability to discriminate across all the senses. For example, as
they work on Activity 8, children discriminate between loud and soft sounds.
Review the sensorial activities in this manual and suggest two that build on a childs
discrimination. (2 points)
Activity 10: Identifying Smells, helps the child distinguish between different smells
in the same basket.
Activity 4: Identifying Objects by Feel, helps the child distinguish the difference
between the object by touch.

Question 102. Ms. Bree and Aurora are working together by the mat with matching
wooden rings (from a stacking educational toy). Aurora was enjoying herself by
picking up the rings and then knocking them together to create a sound. Ms. Bree
was inviting Aurora to find the matching red ring. One important concept you have
been learning about is that Montessori activities serve multiple
purposes/goals/aims. Consider what you now know about cognitive, motor, and
sensorial activities, and decide in which curriculum area you would place the
matching wooden rings activity and explain your decision. (2 points)
I would place the matching wooden rings activity under the cognitive curriculum.
This because matching relies on several cognition abilities and skills, such as
concentration, correlation and connection skills, observation skills, and memory.

Question 103. Create an activity using the same format and style as in our manuals
(e.g., Primary Goals; Secondary Goals; Material; and Presentation) for the following
photographs of Ava working with the Object Permanence Box. (6 points)
Primary Goals:
Practicing object permanence.

Secondary Goals:
Fine motor skills, practice concentration and memory.


Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Work mat
Object permanence box
Small -golf size- ball for the activity.

This activity appeals toddlers 12-14 months
Choose an area in the child care cinter where the child can work with the
activity undestirpued.
Put the work mat in place and place the object permenance on the workmat
and next to it the ball. Encourage the child to help.
Sit facing the child with the workmat between you.
Touch the box and examin it carefully and then intreduce it to the child
saying this is a box
Then pick up the ball and examin it. Intreduce it it to the child saying here is
a small ball
slowly pick the ball up and place it in the hall. Allow it to roll in the box tray.
Repeate the process few times
Invite the child to place the ball in the hole
If the child took the ball and start working with the activity, slowly remove
yourself from the scene and allow the child to work undestirped.
If the child did it pick up the ball, ask can I help then gently guide the child
hand to place the ball in the hall.
Once the child has finished working with the activity, work with the child to
put the materials back in their propor place, make sure the materials are in a
low shelf where the child can reach when interested.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Component Part Two:

Toddler B Assignment

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Question 1: Dressing Frames are a set of Montessori practical life materials
originally designed for the 36 program. The frames give children the opportunity
to practice working with clothing fasteners, developing the skills they need to dress
independently. The frames allow children to work with buttons, snaps, zippers,
hooks and eyes, bows, buckles, and laces.
You will find an activity for the first three frames (buttons, snaps, and zippers) in
the Twos B manual that uses the same frames as the 36 program. Younger children
who are ready to work on tasks such as buttoning are welcome to do so, but they are
often provided with a different version of the frame. Compare the following images
of the Button Frame and explain why the frame on the right would be more suitable
for a younger child. (2 points)
The frame in the right is easier for the younger children to handle and learn
from for several reasons:
The buttons are bigger and easier for infants to hold and fit on the holes.
The separate straps for each button makes it easier to the infant to figure out
which hole to put the button in and it has a greater control of error than the
other frame.
The solid color helps the infant focus more one the buttons.

Question 2: Read the following NAMC blog. The article says that reading aloud to
children facilitates their readiness for formal reading instruction in four key areas.
What are they? (2 points) Reading Aloud to Children: Part III
1. Oral language
2. Cognitive skills
3. Concepts of printed words
4. And phonemic awareness

Question 3: After reading the NAMC blog noted below, outline a circle time routine
that you will follow. (2 points)
Toddler Circle Time in the Montessori Classroom

Gathering music: a certain music will be played to notify the children that circle time
has approached.
Welcome Song, sing for the children and call their names, ask about how they are
doing and tell them about the happy day we are about to have.
Calendar, sing the week days and year months.
Body parts song, name the body parts.
Close, thank the children and hope them a great day.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 4. The material pictured is an olive-wood nutcracker. Children can use the
material to crack nuts by holding the knob with their whole hand (usually their right
hand) and turning it with a twisting motion. Do you think this material belongs in
the Montessori environment? Provide a brief explanation why or why not. (2 points)
Yes, olive-wood nutcracker is a great material for the Montessori classroom. It helps
children develop their fine motor skills as well as develop coordination skills. it is
made of natural materials which compliments the Montessori approach, in addition
to the control of error it has. Children will enjoy using it to prepare snakes for them,
which praises independency.

Question 5. The material pictured is a cursive writing tracking board. Using a wholehand grasp, children slide the knobs smoothly along the tracks in a motion similar to
cursive writing. Would you add this material to the shelf in your Montessori
environment? Provide a brief explanation why or why not. (2 points)
I would add the cursive writing tracking board to help prepare children for writing
and tracking.


Question 6. Review the section in the manual titled, Summary of Language Activities
for Toddlers (page 3). The information in this section is also on NAMCs Toddlers
Checklist B for Language (copied below and also available on your 03 Checklists
and Forms CD.) To learn more about how the checklists are organized, examine the
following sample checklist and then list the activities in the Toddlers B manual that
are presented to learn about phonetic sounds.
Activity 6: Naming Objects Starting with the Same Phonetic Sounds
Activity 7: Naming Pictures Starting with the Same Phonetic Sound
Activity 10: Practicing Like Phonetic Sounds

Language Activities

Activity 1: Naming Ten Basic Parts of the Body

Question 6: What is the primary goal of this activity?
Developing vocabulary

Question 8: When presenting this activity, how should you react if the toddler
pronounces one of the words incorrectly?
Smile and sound out the word slowly so the child can hear the correct

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Activity 2: Retrieving a Named Object

Question 9. What do you do in advance to prepare for presenting this activity?
Place objects in different parts of the room and make sure all are easily accessed by
the child and visible from where I am presenting the activity.

Question 10.Once the toddler has retrieved all of the objects that you requested, do
you then return the materials to their proper places?
First I put all the objects in the basket and allow the child to examine them.

Question 11.What is it about Extension 2 that is more challenging than the
presentation itself?
Finding the hidden objects.

Activity 3: Naming Pictures in a Book

Question 12.What letters do most toddlers sound out first?
M, p, b, t, d.

Question 13.What is the difference between the first time you look through the
booklet and the second time you look through the booklet?
In the first time I will name the objects on the pictures. In the second time, I will
invite the child to name the words too.

Question 14. In your opinion, which of the four extensions would be most valuable
for a toddler, and why?
Extension 3 is in my opinion the most valuable for the child. Because it gives the
child the idea of the possibility to practice naming and repeating names in practical
life activities.

Activity 4: Naming Colors in a Color Booklet

Question 15.In what order do children perceive the three primary colors?
Red then blue then yellow

Question 16.What should you do if a toddler pauses to talk about one of the pictures
in the booklet?
Listen carefully and respectfully to the child, then I would draw the attention back to
the activity.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 17.How often should you change the pages in the booklets?
Every 30 days.

Question 18.What is meant by the term color trip?
A trip in the center to identify and name all objects with a certain color.

Activity 5: Beginning Basic Counting

Question 19.What should you do once you have removed the dish and basket from
the tray, placed them on the mat, and set the tray aside?
I would pick up the dish and examine it, then invite the child to examine the dish,
then return it to the work mat.

Question 20.When should you increase the number of objects that the child counts?
How will you need to adjust the materials when the child is counting to a higher
When the child acquires experience and skills counting the objects presented.
I will adjust the material by making it a practical life activity, and presenting
practical life objects to count.

Question 21. Extension 4 suggests using presented counting words in conversation
as often as possible and offers the example of counting bananas. Provide two of your
own ideas of ways to incorporate counting in the toddlers daily routine. (2 points)
1. Counting food when placing it in childs plate. For example: one piece of
apple, two, and three.
2. Counting coins when buying from grocery store with the child.

Activity 6: Naming Objects Starting with the Same Phonetic Sounds

Question 22. If you were presenting the sound b, what kinds of objects would you
place in the basket?
Real life Ball, blanket and bottom.

Question 23.Why should you not correct a toddler if she pronounces the
sound/word incorrectly?
The child might not be able to articulate the sounds yet.

Question 24.At what stage in the presentation should the teacher invite the child to
work on his own?
After the teacher has worked with the three objects with the child.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Activity 7: Naming Pictures Starting with the Same Phonetic Sound

Question 25.This activity helps to expand the toddlers vocabulary by ____________
pictures that start with specific phonetic sounds.
This activity helps to expand the toddlers vocabulary by Naming pictures that start
with specific phonetic sounds.

Question 26. If you were making a booklet to introduce words that start with the
sound p, which of the following words would you not include in the book? Choose
at least four that would not be good choices and explain why: pie, pot, play, phone,
pig, puffy, pancake, puppy, pumpkin, print, peace, photograph, Peter. (2 points)
Phone: it does not sound as a p like the rest of the pictures.
Pumpkin: it is difficult for toddlers to pronounce.
Photograph: it does not sound as a p
Peter: it is a personal name, and the child might not recognize.

Question 27. After the child has acquired experience and skill recognizing and
naming the pictures in the p booklet, would you add a picture representing the
word pangolin? Why or why not. (A pangolin is a scaly anteater that lives in
tropical regions of Africa and Asia.)
I would add a suitable picture of a pangolin, the child will be excited to learn about a
new unusual animal and to learn how to use an unusual word.

Activity 8: Naming and Matching Objects and Cards

Question 28.What is the purpose of having two baskets for this activity?
To suite the matching theme.

Question 29.Does presenting the picture cards precede or follow presenting the
Presenting the pictures follows presenting the objects.

Question 30. Extension 2 suggests taking a matching and naming walk with the child
to reinforce the concepts learned in this activity, and provides the example of
exploring the childcare center to find matching examples of ducks. Briefly describe a
matching and naming walk you and a child could take outdoors. (2 points)
When taking a child in a matching outdoor walk I would use many opportunities to
reinforce the concept of matching. For example I would show the child a tree leave

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

and hold it next to the leave pattern on the park chairs, I would match the pigeons in
the park with the pigeons pictures in the book with us.

Activity 9: Adding and Taking Away Identical Objects

Question 31. Explain why this activity is considered a language activity when it
involves adding and taking away, like a math activity.
It focuses so much on the use of language in naming and counting.

Question 32.Is it recommended that you use crayons for this presentation? Please
No, it is not recommended to use crayons, as it might attract the childs attention to
coloring instead of counting.

Activity 10: Practicing Like Phonetic Sounds

Question 33.Define the terms decoding and encoding.
Decoding: is recognizing sounds.
Encoding: is building words.

Question 34.How many real or real-looking objects are needed for this activity?

Question 35.What do you tell the toddler after you remove the object from the
basket and place it on the mat?
I would name the focus of the activity.

Question 36.Do you pronounce the letter b as buh (its sound) or bee (the name
of the letter) when presenting this activity? Explain.
buh the sound has to be pronounced the way it sounds.

Question 37. How does this differ from conventional methods of introducing letters
to young children?
Introducing the letters in this method takes the child into a full experience learning
and understanding the letter.

Social Activities

Activity 1: Exploring Treasure Bags in a Group

Question 38.What are the cloth bags used for in this activity?
The cloth bags are used to place the objects inside.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Question 39.What does the teacher do once the toddlers have engaged themselves in
the activity and are actively exploring the treasure bags?
Remove herself quietly from the scene and join other adults observing and staying
attentive to the children.

Activity 2: Imitating Facial Expressions

Question 40.How should you draw the toddlers attention to the mirror?
By touching my reflection first then the childs and naming what I see.

Question 41.What could you do if the toddler does not try to imitate you?
Try another expression.

Question 42.How could you extend this activity to encourage taking turns and social
I would invite the child to make facial expression, and then I would imitate him/her.

Activity 3: Passing an Object Back and Forth

Question 43.What important social skills does this activity reinforce?

Question 44.What type of object should you choose for this activity and why?
An interesting and new object, so the child has not yet established a sense of
ownership over the object.

Question 45.When examining the object, what can you do to encourage the toddlers
interest in the object?
Use as many senses as possible during examining the object.

Question 46.When would be an appropriate time to introduce a second or third
child to this activity?
Ones the child has acquired experience and skills in the activity.

Activity 4: Watching and Imitating Body Movements

Question 47. How is this activity similar to Social Activity 2?
Both of the activities focus on the principle of imitation and modeling.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 48.How and when should you change your movement that you want the
toddler to imitate?
After the child has imitated my movement, I would stand still for few moments,
holding my position. Then start a new movement.

Question 49. At what point in the presentation would it be appropriate to have the
toddler initiate a movement for you to imitate?
After I have made few movements that the child has imitated, it is appropriate to
have the toddler initiate a movement for you to imitate

Activity 5: Listening To and Following Instructions

Question 50.Is a work mat needed for this activity?
Work mat is optional in this activity because we are not working with materials.

Question 51.What are the primary and secondary goals for this activity?
Primary goal: practice listening skills
Secondary goals: developing ability to follow instructions and develop
Question 52. How does this activity develop concentration skills?
Because the child needs to concentrate with the dialogue going on and follow up
with it.

Activity 6: Identifying and Naming Others

Question 53.Once the first window has been opened and the child has been
identified, who should open the second window?
The child whose picture has been identified in the first window

Question 54.When opening the flaps, you should always move from the toddlers
__________ to __________.
When opening the flaps, you should always move from the toddlers left to right.

Question 55.What would you do if a toddler opened a flap that revealed a picture of
a person that was not present that day?
I would ask the children to name the person in the picture, if no would could, I
would name him/her and move on.

Question 56.How could you alter the poster so that it corresponds with the song
Old MacDonald Had a Farm?
By adding pictures of animals from the song, and allow the children to name the
animal when revealed and interact with each other.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Activity 7: Making Music As a Group

Question 57.Why should you begin singing each song quietly?
Because it is important at the toddlers stage not to associate singing only with
boisterous physical actions.
Question 58. List three important skills that a toddler develops through this activity.
Concentration skills.
Listening skills.
Body awareness.

Question 59. This presentation includes three extensions with suggestions on how
to build on the activity. Describe an extension of your own that builds on the idea of
making music as a group. (2 points)
I would introduce actions that can be done in a group. For example we would sing a
song talking about holding each others hands and turning around, then touching
each others noses.

Activity 8: Matching Photos to People

Question 60.Describe the posters needed for this activity.
Huge posters with paper envelopes, large enough to hold a photo so that the top
part of the photo is showing.

Question 61.Who is responsible for placing the photos on the correct poster?
The child should place the picture in the correct poster and the caregiver should
guide the child.

Question 62. How can you change this activity to make it a cognitive work?
By presenting two identical sets of photo cards than asking the children to name the
pictures and match them in pairs.

Activity 9: Sharing Materials

Question 63.Why is it recommended that you provide a pegboard for each child and
that the pegs be the same color, shape, and size?
To increase the chance of corporation and decrease the chance of competition.

Question 64.What word should be emphasized throughout this presentation?
I should emphasize on the word share

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 65.What should you do if one of the children is ready to end the activity
but the other child would like to continue?
I would help the child return his/her peg board to the tray so that the other children
can continue working.

Activity 10: Recognizing Feelings

Question 66. Describe the types of pictures that you would place in the booklet.
Human pictures, each showing a different facial expressions and feelings.

Question 67.What should you say and do when you turn to the first page in the
I should identify the feeling shown in the facial expression in the pictures.

Question 68.What should you and the toddler do upon completing the activity?
When the activity has finished the child and I should put the booklet in the basket,
then return the work mat and material to their proper place.

Practical Life Activities

Activity 1: Unrolling and Rolling Up a Work Mat

Question 69. The primary goal of this activity is to become familiar with the routines
involved in presentations and activities. Why would this be an important goal for
toddlers? (2 points)
As the toddler is getting older, it is important for him/her to understand the idea of
routine and the importance of routine in the everyday tasks. In addition is it
important to learn how to practice the routine associated with presentation of the
activity for the child to become able to help with starting activities in the future.

Question 70. Explain how unrolling and rolling the work mat gives toddlers the
opportunity to practice motor skills, a secondary goal of this activity.
The child will need to use the coordination abilities of his/her arms in order to roll
and unroll the work mat.

Question 71.Who chooses the work mat for the first presentation of the activity?
Who chooses the work mat after you have presented the activity a few times?
In the first time I should choose the work mat along with the child. After I have
presented the activity few times, I would invite the child to choose a work mat.

Question 72.What other materials could you provide to reinforce the skill of rolling
and unrolling?
Hand towel

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Tea towel

Activity 2: Wiping Up Spills

Question 73.What is the recommendation for the amount of water that the mister
should contain and why?
1-2 ounces. Starting with a small amount of water is important so the mister can be
emptied quickly and will not produce more water than the child and the sponge can
wipe up.

Question 74.What should you do if the toddler wants to continue washing the table
once the mister is empty?
I would take the child to the sink and help him/her to put more water in the mister.

Question 75. Examine the images of 15-month-old Aurora working on wiping up a
spill (below). Based on your powers of observation, what skills do you think Aurora
is developing by working on this activity? (2 points)
Motor skills.
Coordination skills
Observation skills
and concentration.

Question 76. What should be done prior to returning the material and tray to their
proper places?
I should involve the child in wiping any excess water from the table with the sponge.

Question 77. In your own words, explain how Extension 2 would be more
challenging than Extension 1.
In the first extension the child will work with the same material but on a different
surface. In the second extension, the child will learn and need more skills to learn to
work with new cleaning materials that work differently from the sponge.

Activity 3: Sorting and Matching Utensils

Question 78. Why is it important to compare each utensil with the silhouette in both
of the baskets before placing it on the correct silhouette?
It is important because it teaches the child how the to match and how to make
sorting decision.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Question 79. How could you alter this presentation to make it a group activity?
By involving two or three toddlers taking turns placing each utensil in its

Activity 4: Using Cookie Cutters to Cut Bread into Shapes

Question 80.Where should this activity be presented?
In food preparation or eating area.

Question 81.When would be an appropriate time to invite the toddler to use a
cookie cutter with the bread?
After I have used the cookie cutter to cut several shapes in a bread slice.

Activity 5: Sweeping Up

Question 82.What should you do once you have spilled the kernels onto the table?
Spread the kernels widely on the table. And then set the container aside. And then
pick up the brush and use it to sweep the kernels.

Question 83.What could you introduce to a toddler who has mastered sweeping
from a table and what materials would you need for this extension?
I would introduce sweeping from the floor. For this activity I would need,
wastebasket and a child-size broom.

Activity 6: Self Care

Question 84.Provide a list of materials that may accompany a washing station in a
Montessori center.
Soap in a soap dish.
Waterproof aprons
Hand lotion

Question 85.What is the purpose of this activity?
Developing a routine of self-care skills.
Developing independency

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

Developing ability to sequence

Question 86.What should the toddler be offered once he has successfully washed his
After the child has washed his/her hands successfully him/her and me would eat
the prepared snack.

Activity 7: Cutting Soft Food into Pieces

Question 87.What two things precede any activity that involves preparing food?
Washing hands and putting on aprons.

Question 88.How should the materials be positioned in front of the toddler when it
is her turn to cut the banana?
The cutting board should be in the front of the child, the bowl on the left and the
serving plate is on the right.

Question 89.What activity could you introduce to provide a toddler with further
practice in slicing?
I would present to child to the Working with Modeling Dough activity and proactive
cutting in the activity.

Activity 8: Serving Food

Question 90.What should the toddler use to transfer the spaghetti from the bowl to a

Question 91.Should you stop a toddler from eating the spaghetti?
No, I should allow the child to eat the spaghetti if he/she wishes.

Activity 9: Pouring Beverages from One Container to Another

Question 92.Where would be the ideal place to present this activity?
Near a supply of drinking water.

Question 93.When demonstrating how to pour the water, why is it recommended
that you deliberately pour a few drops onto the table?
To model for the child how to react when spillage happen.

Question 94.How many cups are needed for this activity and why?

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani

Student No. 28758
Second Component Assignments

Two cups. One for the caregiver to drink from and one for the child to drink from a
clean cup.

Activity 10: Setting Places for Meals
Question 95.What is meant by the term control of error and how is a control of
error built into this activity? (2 points)
Control of error: is the ability that the children would have to correct their own
The control of error is build by the choice of materials being used in this activity. For
example the caregiver should choose utensils that varies in the shape and size.

Question 96.Which skills must a toddler already have (or be working on) in order to
work on this activity?
Comparison skills.

Question 97.Once the material has been removed from the tray, how should it be
arranged on the table?
Materials should not be placed in any particular order on the table.

Question 98.How could you make this activity more challenging?
Make it a group activity.
Make the placemat from paper.
Introduce extra objects that can be added to the table.

Pulling It All Together

Question 99: At this point, you will have a good understanding of the cognitive,
motor, and sensorial activities for both infants and toddlers. You may have noticed
that some of the activities are very similar between the age groups, but it is
important to remember that a primary principle of Montessori is that a child learns
in small, sequential steps (with hands-on materials) on a path toward
understanding larger concepts. To see this more clearly, study the following two
activities that are very similar in your Infants B and Toddlers B manuals:
Infants B Language Activity 3: Naming Parts of the Body (page 13) Toddlers B
Language Activity 1: Naming Ten Basic Parts of the Body (page 5)
Describe the two activities and then note how the toddlers activity is more
advanced. (2 points)
- In the toddler activity we introduce ten basic body parts, in the infant activity
two body parts are enough for infants.
- In the toddler activity the caregiver relies on the child to imitate the moves
and touches the correct body part as the teacher is doing. In the infant, the
teacher touches the parts for the infant.

Hadeel MuhammedJamal M Alhossani
Student No. 28758
First Component Assignments

The toddler activity encourages the child to repeated the names of body
parts, in the same time the infant activity does not.

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