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Author 1 Author 2
K.Krishna Suman Rajaneesh
Aurora’s Engg College Aurora’s Engg College

Abstract: Conventional harmonics upon to improve. Passive and active

filtering approaches employ either filtering systems by themselves are,
passive or active systems or the however, unable to solve efficiently the
combination of both. This paper total harmonics problem embracing load
proposes a self-tuning filtering system dependency, poor system efficiency,
(STFS), based on a modified discrete large system size, occurrence of large
Hop field network model, which can magnitude of multiple harmonics, and
adapt a new environment using the complexity of control in
continuous signals from the previous implementation.
data learning in real time dynamic In, an active power line
machine systems. Real data tests on conditioner (APLC) with Neural
the prototype model of the DC Network control has been proposed to
variable speed motor suggest that the reduce source current harmonics. It used
proposed scheme is superior to the a feed forward NN with two supervised
APLC's approach in terms of learning algorithms, the genetic
adaptability in filtering, faster algorithm (GA) and back propagation
training, converging, and simplicity in algorithm. The APLC scheme, though
the hardware implementation with can reduce current harmonics under the
low frequency harmonics almost simulated environment, its programming
completely eliminated. complexity and heavy computational
time pose some difficulties in delivering
Keywords: Modified Hop field neural the desired real-time performance. It is
network, real time current harmonic plausible that the APLC's real time
reduction. performance will be further degraded
due to many switches used and the
1. INTRODUCTION potential failure to satisfy complete
Reduction of load generated robust compensation of the distorted
current harmonics is a challenging task current under severe changes in load
for power system engineers and condition.
academics. Traditional approaches for Continuous Hop field models
harmonics filtering rely on the use of have been widely implemented in real
shunt passive filter because of its simple time signal processing field. In these
circuit design and low cost implementations complex
implementation. Passive filtering has, interconnections between input and
however, low efficacy that active hidden layers give rise to very expensive
filtering techniques have been called computational time, which is undesirable
in many applications. For digital Where E is the Lyapunov function
implementation, discrete time Hop field (energy function), x is the ith neuron's
model is more appropriate. In this paper, i
we propose a discrete Hop field model, status, x is the jth neuron’s status, w is
j ij
which is suitable for real time digital
filtering of load generated current the synaptic weighting value between
harmonics in DC variable speed drive the jth neuron and ith neuron, and φ j is
systems. The proposed system has Self-
Tuning features that can continually the jth neuron's threshold value in Figure
adapt to the random variation of 1.
harmonics amplitudes and frequencies Solving (1) yields the optimal weight
arising from variable speeds of value as following.
operation. Our proposed scheme uses
w = ∑w
p Subject to x = x
fewer solid-state switches and it has opt
been tested to reduce harmonics much
Using Fourier series expansion,
more efficiently.
the periodic and distorted source current
This paper is organized in five main
sections. Section 1 provides the i (t ) can be expressed as a series of
background and motivation of the sinusoidal harmonics; the response to
research. Section 2 describes the current each harmonic can be thus determined
harmonic problem formulation and by the following equation.
presents a solution with the self-tuning ∞

adaptive filtering system. Section 3

is (t ) = I dc + ∑ ( an cos nωt + bn sin nωt )(3)
n =1, 2,3....
introduces the algorithm used in the Usually there is symmetry, so I
proposed scheme. Results of dc =0, i (t ) and can be expressed as
performance tests using real time data s
∞ where
sets are provided in section 4. We i (t ) = ∑ 2i sin(nωt + ϕ )(4)
s sn n
conclude the paper with inferences and n =1, 2,3...
a 1
further research direction in section 5. −1 1 2
ϕ n = tan n
= (a 2 + b 2 )
n n
bn 2
The root-mean-square (rms) value of
source current is

In this section, we formulate i ∆ i 2
= (i 2
+ i 2
+ ....) (5 )
s sn s1 s2
n =1
harmonics filtering problem as the
minimization of distorted current, Which is the rms value of input
subject to current harmonic distortion to harmonic current. Total harmonic
fall below upper limit, specified by the distortion (THD) is
power supply regulation defined by
1 1

2 2
(∑ n = 2 i
1 (i 2
−i ) 2
) i . The
Min ( E ) = Min( ∑∑ x w x + ∑ φ x ) THD∆ s s1
= sn
= h
w 2 i j i ij j i j j is1 is1 is1

Subject to line current signal is periodic with a

w ij = ∑ ( xi . x j ) , w ii = 0 , φ j = 0 random variable under different non-
p p

p linear loads so that we can represent the

distorted source current i (t ) as
∞ With i (t , ζ ) as the input source
is (t , ζ ) = ∑ 2isn (ζ ) sin(nωt + ϕ n (ζ ))(8) s
n =1, 2.. current to the ideal sampler in Figure 1,
. Where i ,ϕ and
sn n
ζ are magnitude, the m sampled output sequence is

phase angle and a random variable of the is (m, ζ ) = ∑ 2isn (m, ζ ) sin(nmθ + ϕ n (ζ ))(9)
distorted source current (expressed in n =1, 2..

Fourier series) respectively. Where θ = ωT .


is (t ) = il (t ) + ih (t ) ≈ I m cos(ωt ) = i f (t ) , where
Figure 2 shows the software process
of the proposed neural network based current i (t ) is the fundamental
algorithm. The load current i (t ) of component of source current
l i (t ) .
variable-speed motor is captured via the Unlike the conventional shunt passive
motor speed and load current interface filter, the simplified injection current
card. With the aid of Fast Fourier circuit of the STFS (Figure 3) provides a
Transform technique, the waveform of high impedance path with respect to the
the distorted current (non-sinusoidal) can current source is mainly constructed
be analyzed. Note that with active components. Upon receipt of
initially, i (t ) = i (t ) , i.e., before the the trigger signals (V (t ) and V (t ) ), the
l s
tp tn
current compensated. In Figure 1, the
Current Injection Circuit generates a
aim of Self -tuning Adaptive Filter's
suitable amount of DC current to
training process is to generate an
compensate for the distorted source
injection current i (t ) to meet the
h current. They are obtained from the
predetermined condition in the neural network at the end of whole
recalling cycles. The injection current There are two stages to process the
begins at a zero crossing point (time neuro-computing. In the first stage, the
axis) of the source current at where it is proposed recurrent associative network
divided into a positive cycle and a is trained to memorize several images,
negative cycle for compensation, which are the divided parts of pure
respectively. During the positive cycle, sinusoidal waveforms. Each image has
SW1 is switched on to inject an u*v processing elements, each of which
appropriate current controlled by trigger receives inputs from all the others.
signal V (t ) , and SW2 switched off However, the input that a processing
element receives from itself is ignored.
simultaneously to ensure no shorted By minimizing the energy function, we
circuit path. Similarly, during the
can obtain the synaptic weighting w .
negative cycle, SW2 is switched on to ij
inject reverse current controlled by The second stage is to input the
trigger signal V (t ) , while SW1 is images of distorted source current to the
switched off. Figure 3(b) shows the state proposed Neural Network for recalling.
of operation for the two switches (SW1 Whenever the processing element
& SW2) at a given point in time. changes state, the energy function
always decreases. Accurate images can
To obtain trigger signals Vtp (t) thus be recalled soon after a fixed
and Vtn (t), output signals (discrete) from number of steps are needed to converge
the Neural Network are converted into and reach a minimum of the energy
analog signals (voltage Vtp (t) and Vtn function. With the non-linear inverse
(t)) via PC output ports, D/A converter, transformation, the recalled images. can
and the amplifier in Figure 1. Using the be transformed (.recovered) into the pure
sampler, the source current i (t ) is firstly sinusoidal waveform without distortion.
The trigger signals (V (t ) and V (t ) ) are
converted into discrete signals (see tp tn
Figure 1), which act as inputs to the then generated to compensate for the
proposed neural network for training and distortion of source current no matter
recalling. After the non-linear what harmonics are wandering along
transformation, all of the processing under different distortions.
element signals are bipolar (-1 or +1).
4. PERFORMANCE TESTS WITH amount of DC currents for the
REAL TIME DATA compensation of distorted line current
To test the performance, a without further training needed. Figure
prototype test rig of DC variable speed 4 shows the distorted current source at
drive is set up in accordance ith Figure 3 400-RPM speed (highly polluted). In
which incorporated the STFS as shown Figure 8, the result can be visually
in Figure 1. We initially input 26 pure inspected on every compensated line
sinusoidal waveform sampled data of a current i (t ) , which is noticeably shaped
half of cycle to the neural network for
toward an almost pure sinusoidal
training because the source current is
waveform less than 2 cycles recalling
symmetrical. Once the training is
after compensation.
completed, the STFS can directly
generate auto-adjusted appropriate
The proposed scheme can remove major neglected since a passive filter can easily
harmonics almost completely over the filter them out. Figure 8 displays all
speed range of 400 – 1000 RPM, which testing results with excellent
is the nominal range of operations for performance before and after
the DC machine drive system under compensation. It is quite clear that THD
testing. Harmonic components at at 400 RPM drops from 22.15% in the
frequencies higher than 500 Hz were uncompensated case to 0.05% when the
proposed scheme is used. This result improves from high pollution to no more
also indicates THD in the line current than 0.5% in every case.

In this study, it has been found that at the can be inferred that the proposed scheme
lower speed the load produces higher can achieve asymptotically ideal
line current source pollution in the sinusoidal waveform (or image). In
power main. We measured 13 line addition, the proposed STFS needs only
source currents under the DC variable- one training process, less than 2 cycles
speed motor from 400 RPM to 1000 recalling, and is thus capable of
RPM. We see that THD is considerably generating a suitable amount of DC
decreased when the drive is running at current for the compensation of different
higher RPM; because this is true higher current distortion whenever the load is
frequency is easily filtered out. This changed within wide ranges (400 RPM
explains why low speeds of operation to 1000 RPM). Further research on the
are of great concern to electrical power implementation of the proposed scheme
system engineers. on multimachine DC or AC drive
systems is required.
Performance test results using a 6. REFERENCES
real data confirm that the proposed STFS
based on a modified discrete Hop field [1] Yaow-Ming Chen, Robert M.
network that is practically feasible after O'Connell, "Active Power Line
discretised the continuous signals Conditioner with a Neural Network
captured for the variable speed DC Control", IEEE Trans. Ind. Applications,
machine drive systems. It has also been vol.33, 1997, pp.1131-1136.
observed that the proposed scheme can
make an accurate image recall at high [2] IEEE Recommended Practices and
level of polluted source power line. Our Requirements for Harmonic Control in
simulation results suggest that the line Electrical Power System, 1992,
current THD is improved to less than ANSI/IEEE Standard 519.
0.5% at all situations with the STFS.
From these performance test results, it

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