Vehicular Pollution Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network Technique

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Vehicular Pollution Modeling using Artificial neural network technique

III / IV, E.E.E, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru – 521 356.

Ch. Govardhana Reddy M. Suman
03481A0274 03481A0220
E-Mail: E-Mail:

Abstract: Keywords: Air quality management,

Air quality models form one of the most Vehicular pollution model Training data,
important components of an urban air quality Supervised learning
management plan. An effective air quality Introduction
management. System must be able to provide the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
authorities will information on the current and began with the pioneering work of McCulloch &
likely like future trends, enabling them to make Pitts and has its root in rich interdisciplinary
necessary assessments regarding the extent and history from the early 1940s. Hebbs2 proposed a
type or the air pollution control management learning scheme for updating synaptic strength
strategies to be implemented throughout the area. between neurons. His famous 'postulate of
Various statistical modeling techniques learning', which is referred to as 'Hebbian
(regression, multiple regression and lime series learning' rule, stated that the information can be
analysis) have been used to predict air pollution stored in synaptic connections and the strength
concentrations in the urban environment. These of a synapse would increase by the repeated
models calculate pollution concentrations due to activation of neurons by the other ones across
observed traffic, meteorological and pollution that synapse.
data after an appropriate relationship has been Rosenhlatt and Block et al proposed a
obtained empirically between these parameters. neuron like element called 'perceptron' and
Recently, statistical modeling tool such as provided learning procedure for them. They
artificial neural network (ANN) is increasingly further. Developed 'perceptron convergence
used as an alternative tool for modeling the procedure which is advancement over the 'Hebb
pollutants from vehicular traffic particularly in rule' for changing synaptic connection. Minsky
urban areas. In the present paper, a review of the & Peppert demonstrated limitations of the single
applications of ANN in vehicular pollution layer erceptron. Nileson showed that the
modeling under urban condition and basic Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) can be used to
features of ANN and modeling philosophy, separate pattern nonlinearly in a hyperspace and
including performance evaluation’ criteria for the perception convergence theorem applies only
ANN based vehicular emission models have in single layer perception. Ru,elhlrt et al
been described. presented the conceptual basis of back -
propagation, which can be considered as a giant only then it generates the output. signal, which is
slop forward as compared to its predecessor, transmitted through axon to junction referred to
perceptorn. Flood & Kartem reviewed various as 'synapse'. The signals, as they pass through
applications in civil engineering. Dougherty '“ the network, create different levels of activation
reviewed application of ANN in transportation in the neurons. Amount of signals transferred
engineering. Godbole' ‘ reviewed applications of depends upon the synaptic strength of junction.
ANN in wind engineering and reported two Synaptic strength is modified during learning
separate studies in which ANN technique processes of the brain. Therefore, it can be
simulated experimental results obtained during considered as a memory unit of each inter-
wind tunnel studies to determine wind connection. Identification or recognition depends
pressuredistribution in low buildings. Gardner & on the activation levels o neurons
Dorlingl" reviewed applications of ANN in Multilayer Perceptron
atmospheric sciences and concluded that the Multilayer ANN or MLP (Fig. 2)
neural networks generally give as good or better consists of a system of layered interconnected
results than linear methods. 'neurons' or "nodes', which are arranged to form
Basic Features of ANN three layers: an 'input' layer, one or more
Biological Neuron 'hidden' layers, and an 'output' layer, with nodes
A human brain consists of a large in each layer connected to other nodes in
number of computing elements (10") called neighboring layers. The output of a node is
'neurons' which are the fundamental units of the scaled by connecting weights and led forward to
biological nervous system (f'ig. 1). It is a simple as input to the nodes in next layer of the network
'processing unit, which receives and processes implying a direction of information processing.
the signal from other neurons through its path Hence, MLP is also known as a feed-forward
called 'dendrites'. neural network. Input layer passes input vector to
the network. MLP ' can approximate any smooth
measurable action between the input arid output
vectors'. An MLP has the ability to learn through
training, which requires, a set of training data
consisting of a series of input and associated
output vectors.
Transfer Function
The transfer function is the mechanism
of translating input signals to output signals for
each processing element's The three main types
of transfer or activation functions are linear,
An activity of neuron is an all - or - threshold and sigmoid functions. Linear function
none process i.e., it is a binary number type of produces an output signal in the node that is
process. If the combined signal is strong enough,
directly proportional to the activity level of node. the target output. In unsupervised learning
Threshold function produces an output signal (similar to learning by students without
that is constant until a certain level is reached teacher), the desired response is not known, thus
and then output changes to a new constant level explicit error information cannot be used to
until the level of activity drops back below the improve network behavior. Thus, supervised
threshold. Sigmoid function produces an output learning involves providing samples of the input
that varies continually with the activity level but patterns that the network needs to learn and also
it is not a linear variation. Sigmoid transfer the output patterns that the network needs to
function has a graph similar to stretched f and produce when it encounters those patterns.
consists of two functions - Hyperbolic (values Unsupervised learning involves providing «the
between -I to +1); and logistic function (values network with input patterns. but not the desired
between and – 1 to + 1); Superposition of f output patterns.
various iron - linear transfer functions enables MLPs learn in supervised manner21.22
MLP to approximate behavior of non - linear During training of MLP, output corresponding to
functions.. given input vector may not reach the desired
Training a MLP - the Back - Propagation level. During training, magnitude of the error
Algorithm signal, defined as life difference between the
A learning' process or 'training' desired and actual output, is used lo determine to
forms interconnections (correlations) between what degree the weights in the network should
neurons. Learning algorithm in a neural network be adjusted so that the overall error can be
specifics the rules or procedures that tell a node reduced to the desired (acceptable) level.
in ANN as to how a lo modify its weight Hack-propagation is a supervised learning model
distribution in response to input pattern. and is tile most widely used learning method
During the training, MLP is repeatedly in employed by training of MLP"'. Generally,
presented with training data, and weights in back-propagation learning algorithm applies in
network .in are adjusted until desired two basic steps: (i) Feed-forward calculation;
input-output mapping occurs ANN can be and (ii) Error back - propagation calculation.
trained by 'supervised or 'unsupervised learning. The inputs are fed input the input
layer and get multiplied by interconnection
weights as they are passed from the input layer
to the first hidden layer. Within the first hidden
layer, they get summed and then processed by
A nonlinear function. As the processed data
In supervised learning, external
leaves the First hidden layer, again it gets
prototypes are used as target output for specific
multiplied by interconnection weights, then
inputs and network .is given a learning
summed and processed by the second hidden
algorithm lo follow and calculate new
layer. Finally, the data is multiplied by
connection 'weights' that bring output closer to
interconnection weights and then processed one (destination); li = input value of neuron i; Ψj =
last lime within the output layer lo produce bias values for the j"' hidden layer neuron.
ANN output. With each presentation, output to' The output of a hidden unit H, as
ANN is compared to the desired output and an unction or its net input is given by where, g is a
error, measured as mean square- error , is sigmoid function
computed. Tins error is then fed hack (back
propagated) to ANN and used to adjust the
weights such that error decreases with each Net input (NETpk) to the each output
iteration, and neural model gets closer and closer layer unit and the output (Opk) from each output
to producing the desired output (Fig. 3). The layer unit are calculated in analogous manner as
training cycle is continued until the network described above by the following equations:
achieves desired level of tolerance". Properly
trained back-propagation networks tend to give
reasonable answers when presented with inputs
that the network has never seen before. This Where, Wkj = weights from node j to k
way, it is used as an effective prediction model and k = 1,2 ...... and, Ψ, = bias values for kth
for a variety of problems including air output layer neuron. These set of calculations
pollution - related phenomena. provide the output state o the network and
Feed forward computation: carried out in the same way of training as well
Input vector (representing patterns testing phase. The test mode jus involves
to he recognized) is incident on the input presenting input units and calculating this
layer and distributed lo Subsequent hidden resulting output state in a single forward pass.
layers and Finally to output layer via weighted Error Pack-Propagation
connections (Pig. 4). Each neuron in the network A measure of classes of network to an
operates by taking sum of its weighted input and established desired value is network error. Since
passing the result through a non- network deal with supervised training, desired
value is known of the given training set. For
back-propagation learning; algorithm, an error
measure known as the mea' square error is used,
which is defined as:

linear activation function. The net input to

hidden unit is described as:
Where Tpj = target (desired) value of jth
output unit for pattern p; Opj = actual output
obtained from jth output unit for pattern p.
where, i = 1, 2.....'....n &.J- 1,2 .........H, Wji =
Standard back - propagation uses
weight from neuron i (source) to node jth
gradient descent algorithm, in which the network
weights are moved along the negative of the Selection of Initial Weights
gradient of performance function. This rule is Before starting ANN training,
based on the simple idea of continuously initialization of ANN weights and the bias (free
modifying the strengths of the input connections parameters) are required. A good choice for the
to reduce the difference (δ) between the desired initial values of the synaptic weights and bias of
output value and the actual output of a the network can be very helpful in obtaining fast
processing element. This rule changes the convergence of training process. If no proper
synaptic weights in the way that minimizes the information is available, then all free parameters
mean square error of the network. This rule is of the network are set to random numbers that
also referred to as the Least Mean Square (LMS) are uniformly distributed at a small range of
learning rule. values". When the weights associated with a
The back - propagation algorithm can neuron grow sufficiently large, neuron operates
be summarized into following seven steps'": (i) in the region within which tile activation
Initialize network weights; (ii) Present First input function approaches limits (in sigmoid function I
vector, from training data, to obtain an output; or 0). With this, derivative of activation function
(iii) Propagate input vector through network to' (DAF) will be extremely small. When DAF
obtain an output; (iv) approaches zero, the weight adjustment (made
Calculate an error signal by comparing actual through back-propagation) also approaches zero,
output to the desired (target) output; (v) which results in ineffective training.
Propagate error signal back through the network; Normalization of the Training Data Set
(vi) Adjust weights lo minimize overall error; In many ANN softwares, normalization
and (vii) Repeat step (ii) to (vii) with next (rescaling input data between 0 and 1) of training
input vector, until overall error is data set is required before presenting it to the
satisfactorily .small. network for its learning, so that it satisfies the.
There are two ways of pattern Activation function range" Normalization is also
presentation and weight adjustment of the necessary if there is a wide difference, between
network: (i) One way involves propagating the the ranges of input values. Normalization
error back and adjusting weight after each enhances learning speed of network and avoids
training pattern is presented (single pattern possibility of early network saturation.
training); and (ii) Another way is epoch Limitations of ANN Technique
training. One full presentation of all patterns in Some of the limitations of the ANN
the . training set is termed as an epoch. En-or is techniques are as follows long Training Times,
back - propagated based on total network error. Large Amount of Training Data, No Guarantee
Relative merits of each type of training have of Optimal Results, No Guarantee for 100 %
been described". In practice, hundreds of Reliability: Although, this is true for any
training iterations are required before the computational applications, this is particularly
network error reaches to a desired level true for ANNs with limited training data.
Good Set of Input Variable. Selection of meteorological data were used lo predict NO2
input variables that give the proper input – concentrations with reasonable accuracy.
output mapping is often difficult. It is not Yi & Prybutok and Comrie described an
always easy to determine the input variables or MLP model 'that predicted surface ozone
form of those variables, which give the best concentrations. Results from MLP were better
results. Some trial and error is required in than those from regression analysis by using
selecting the input variables. same input data. Several other reported that
Application of ANN in Vehicular Emission ANN technique hadbeen employed to predict
Modeling surface level ozone concentrations as a
Recently, ANN is increasingly used as function of meteorological parameters and
an alternative tool for modeling pollutants various air quality parameters: The development
from vehicular traffic, particularly in urban of ANN based model to predict ozone
areas. Using inputs, neural network model concentrations are based on the realization that
develops its own internal model and their prediction from detailed atmospheric
subsequently predicts the output'". diffusion models is difficult because the
MLP' structure of neural networks seems to lie meteorological variables and photochemical
most suitable for application in atmospheric reactions involved in the ozone formation are
sciences particularly for predicting VEEs. very complex. In contrast, neural networks are
Moseholm et al employed MLP to estimate CO useful for ozone modeling because of their
concentration levels at an urban intersection. ability to be trained using historical data and
Chelani et al used a three layered neural their capability to for modeling highly non –
networks to predict 502 concentrations in Delhi. linear relationship.
The results indicated that the neural networks Performance Evaluation of ANN Based
were able to give better predictions than Vchicular Emission Models
multivariate regression models. Gardner & The evaluation of performance of
Dorling developed MLF model for forecasting vehicular emission model is a matter of great
hourly Nox and NO2; concentrations in London interest and it becomes particularly important in
city. Perez et al showed a three-layer neural all those fields in which air quality modeling is
network, a useful tool lo predict PM2.5 used as a decision making tool. Various
concentrations in the atmosphere of downtown regulatory and Government agencies
Santiago (Chile) several hours in advance when increasingly, but not-exclusively, rely on
hourly concentrations of the previous day are these vehicular emission models to formulate
used as input. In the follow-up study, Perez & effective air pollution management strategies.
Trier employed MLP to estimate NO and Efforts have been made to calibrate and evaluate
NO2 concentrations near a street with heavy lire performance of these models, so that they
traffic in Santiago Chile. Predicted NO can represent the actual field conditions and
concentrations in conjunction with forecasted results obtained from them arc accurate and
realistic. Researchers have used different to which model predictions are error free. it
techniques to evaluate the performance of these varies between 0 and 1, a computed value of 1
air pollution models, sometimes leading to indicates perfect agreement between the
different results and interpretation, creating observed and predicted values, while a value of 0
doubts not only about applicability and reliability denotes complete disagreement.
of these models but also about the performance RMSE has been further divided into
evaluation techniques. A thorough discussion two components - (i) Systematic (RMSEs), also
and universal guidelines on the. applicability of known as the model - oriented error, and (ii)
various air quality models have long been felt. Unsystematic (RMSKu), also known as the data -
However, unfortunately, standard evaluation oriented error. The RMSEs is based on the
procedure as well as performance standards difference between expected predictions and
accented universally, still do not exist. actual observations, while, RMSEu is based on
Statistical Analysis (lie difference between actual and expected
Fox suggested various statistical predictions.
(residual as well as correlation) parameters for Conclusions
evaluating the performance of air quality In recent years, feed - forward ANN trained with
models. These included mean bias error (MBE), the back - propagation have become a popular
time correlation, cross correlation coefficients and useful tool for modeling various
etc. All these parameters can be found out from environmental systems, including its application
observed concentrations (0i) and predicted in the area of air pollution. ANN suitability for
values (Op) argued 'that the modeling complex system has resulted in their
commonly used correlation measures such as r popularity and application in an ever increasing
and r2 and tests of statistical significance, as number of areas'. However, care should be taken
suggested by Fox, in general are often that ANN performs well in cases of interpolation
inappropriate or misleading when used to whereas their reliability and accuracy is highly
compare model predicted (P) and observed (O) questionable, if they are used for extrapolation
variables Willmott further suggested the use of purpose. A careful interpretation of the results
Index of agreement (d) and root mean square may also give an idea of the relative importance
error (RMSE), instead of using statistical of various input variables, which may lead to
parameters recommended by Fox. The d is a better understanding of the problem, if used in
descriptive statistics, which reflects the degree to conjunction with other modeling techniques.
which the observed values are accurately
predicted by the predicted values. Further, d is
not a measure of correlation or association in the
formal sense, but rather a measure of the degree

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