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USF Sustainability and Current Efforts

Towards Advertising the Environmental

Changes Implemented for this Cause with
Comparison Between Different USF
Campuses and UCF
By Green Team Number Four a.k.a. Team Green Lantern
Debra Glenfield
John Hyland
Azmina Hashim
Jennifer Wynands
Vincenzo Micciche’ Hinckley
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary 3-10
2. Introduction 11, 12
3. Previous Approaches 13-15
4. New Research Findings 16-18
5. Discussion USF vs UCF 19-31
6. Conclusion 32
7. Sources 33-36
Executive Summary

 What Team number four will be covering mainly focuses around what
current student awareness is present at USF in Tampa. For example, is the
student government or any other organization doing anything to make it
known that there is a big movement present at the university, concerning
the effort of making the campus more green and environment friendly.
What methods of going green and tools or other things are currently being
implemented to make these kinds of changes will also be addressed. Another
important factor that will be discussed in just as good detail as the
problems pertaining to the Tampa campus, will be what changes and efforts
are being put forth by the campus in St. Petersburg to help the
environment. These will be compared to the current efforts of UCF.
Executive Summary (Cntd.)
 Here were some of the questions (and respective answers) asked in a short
survey on student awareness in the going green effort:

 Have you heard about the go Green Project?

 What current efforts are you making towards recycling?

 Do you think USF does enough to aid students in making the campus more
green or environment friendly?
Cindy’s Interview
Executive Summary (Cntd.)
 Cindy’s Interview. She had something interesting to say about
Executive Summary (Cntd.)
 Gabriela’s Interview. She’d like to make it on the New York
times someday:
Executive Summary (Cntd.)
 Stephanie’s Interview. She thinks USF should provide those cute
little blue recycling bins for individual apartments:
 Ms. Norris. Chuck’s unknown younger sister:
 Ms. Nelson. She likes education and hopes to help out one
day as a textbook:
 Here’s a video interview of what one student had to say:
 Sustainability, “going green”, is an effort to keep our biological system
diverse and productive over time. It means how well we maintain our natural
resource and potential for long term maintenance of our well bring. This not
only benefits not only the natural environment but also human but reducing
the financial cost in the long run. To contribute to the efforts of more
sustainable environment for our planet, USF has taken a part by
implementing some necessary changes for its effort to “go green.”
Introduction (Cntd.)
 USF is the ninth largest university (based on enrollment) and the 3rd
largest university in Florida has been working on creating a sustainable
campus environment for all of its campuses. What strategy has USF
adapted in making its campuses a cleaner, greener environment? How the
progress of one campus maybe different than it other campuses; if so what
can be learned or what need to be done to be better. Where USF can
expand in its current efforts and what it can do to improve/get better in
helping the environment; and how it is benefiting the local community as well
as the environment as a whole. What improvements have been made in year
past years and what has been planned for the future to continue its effort

keeping a sustainable environment?

Previous Approaches
 The modern day concept of sustainability dates back to the end of World War II.
Authors such as Carson with his book “Silent Spring” and Eurlich with ”The Population
Bomb” popularized the concept, developing the idea that humans were using up
resources to quickly and would ultimately bring about their own destruction. The 50s
brought about The Clean Air Acts”, and Hippies came with the 60s. In the 70s
sustainability issues finally got incorporated into the government. The 70s marked an
oil crisis that threatened the main energy supply, which drew attention to the issue.
The main focus of the government in that time era was on energy supplies. An example
that came out of this was the development of energy efficient windows. In the
eighties focus switched to global warming and sustainable development, and in the 90s
concern grew in the areas of health, ozone depletion, sustainable design, and
sustainable construction.
Previous Approaches (Cntd.)
 Energy conservation has been part of the University of South Florida
Tampa campus since 1980 with the replacement of light bulbs to energy
efficient ones. These light bulbs have saved the campus $10 million in the
past 10 years. In 1990 recycling was added to the campus. Five years later
in 1995 the University of South Florida integrated sustainability into the
Tampa Campus master plan, and has since been working to integrate and
improve a green environment through sustainable goals and practices. The
master plan is updated every few years, and includes all building designs,
campus layout, and any work done on the campus. The sustainability project
is worked in to ensure that all of this construction includes the most up to
date environmental concepts.
Previous Approaches (Cntd.)
 In 1995 the first ten years of the sustainability project began by the
planting of over 2000 trees. Transportation on the Tampa campus via the
shuttle service which was powered by biofuel technology, as well as a
regional transit service was made free to lower the amount of traffic on
campus and surrounding area. They also built more on-campus residence
halls to reduce the need for automobiles. They improved existing bike
paths, and created new ones across campus.
New Research Findings
 In the recent years USF has really made some drastic changes for environmental
improvements and economic gain. Though there are no public commitments to setting
and achieving goals for campus sustainability, USF houses several research groups
conducting studies into sustainability and green technology. In pursuing their goal USF
is going to implement a Regenerative Strategy, in which USF will follow phases to reach
its goal to be a sustainable campus. When it comes to material management, USF is still
in its phase I, to complete this phase USF would also establish a surplus equipment
exchange, dormitory “move-out” days, and to reduce paper waste, default all printers
to print double-sided. USF would move toward the goals of eliminating toxic cleaning
products and minimizing the use of chemicals in the university. The custodial staff
would be tasked with creating and implementing a plan to replace conventional cleaning
products with “green” cleaners; several companies currently manufacture these
New Research Findings (Cntd.)
As working on its goal toward a more Sustainable campus, USF has set some objective for
recycling. Implementing a waste reduction and recycling policy at USF will have a
positive effect on the environment, the community, and everyone who is involved in
some way at the university. In conducting our analysis and exploring the idea of a new
recycling program at USF, all applicable stakeholders were considered. The primary
stakeholders affected by waste reduction and recycling at USF were student, faculty,
local community and the environment. Transportation has been USF’s high point, we
have reached phase II in providing a more environment friendly options, now USF need
to work on educating students and employees about transportation option, with this
and expansion of mass transit options, USF would move towards the final goal of
reducing SOV trips to and from campus by 75%. As far as energy goes there are no
current policies, though MP has suggested the study of alternatives solar option, in the
future USF needs to develop a plan to purchase green energy through TECO.
New Research Findings (Cntd.)
 There are many other areas in which USF have yet to take a stand on to
make a change such as food supplies, where one strategy is to purchase
more locally grown foods, the USF would also investigate sources for these,
particularly organic items. The Farm to College program is one potential
resource for this effort. To address food waste reduction, USF could
contact Tampa homeless shelters, Hillsborough County after-school
programs and other non-profit centers about accepting excess food from
USF.As reaching its goal of creating a sustainable campus environment, USF
has made tremendous progress in the past but they still have work to do in
some areas, by following the Regenerative Strategy, USF will not stand

behind other universities in reaching a sustainable environment.

 In our discussion we will compare USF Tampa Campus to USF
St. Petersburg campus as well as a sporting competitor, UCF.
Discussion (Cntd.)-Tampa vs. St. Pete

 The St Petersburg campus boasts the first building of USF’s system to earn
the gold LEED (Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design)
certification. According to, USF is among 44% of the
nation’s university systems to have at least one building that meets LEED
standards. In order to earn this certification the building must meet
certain criteria and a national rating system is used to consider the design,

construction and intended operation of the building.

St. Pete’s Science and
Technology Building
Discussion (Cntd.)-Tampa vs. St. Pete

 The building design must incorporate new construction and renovation

standards that require high level energy efficiency. The placement of the
windows must be in the ideal position to utilize the sun’s light efficiently for
lighting and controlling the temperature of the building. In the construction
process, the building materials should be used from local sources, be non-
toxic and minimal waste should be allowed to be sent to the local landfill.
Discussion (Cntd.)-Tampa vs. St. Pete

 The Science and Technology building will be used for a variety of classroom and
research activities that will enhance environmental education opportunities provided at
USF. The two story building is 35,000 square feet, has five research labs for the
marine science college, four teaching labs-one for the Progress Energy Earth Science
lab, two general biology labs and one chemistry lab; and four research labs for USFSP
college of Arts and Science. It will also be used as support for the summer
oceanography camp for girls and the finals for the National Ocean Science Bowl will be
held there on April 23-35. This growth will provide a further positive impact on our
local environment with the launching of the Marine Resource Assessment Program that

plans to monitor and protect the Gulf of Mexico.

Discussion (Cntd.)-Tampa vs. St. Pete

 USF is also proud to be the first in the nation to open a School of Global
Sustainability. The school’s main objective is to prepare students for the
new “Green collar” careers that will find solutions for our planet’s
environmental issues. An estimated 2.5 million new jobs are expected to
become available within the coming years that specifically address

environmental improvement and sustainability.

Discussion (Cntd.)-Tampa vs. St. Pete

 The program will be composed of online classes and the latest in

technological research for efficient completion of a masters degree. The
first masters degree program will focus on water and will develop further
concentrations including climate change, coastal wetlands, and the history
of sustainable megacities. The school will use its local coastal roots and the
challenges faced with climate change, population growth and environmental
protection to address global concerns.The summer class of 2010 will be the
start of enrollment for its graduate students.
Discussion (Cntd.)-USF vs. UCF

 Many Florida universities are on the front line of the fight for
sustainability. The University of South Florida and the University of Central
Florida has taken giant steps to leave a less significant carbon footprint. If
these universities continue to have the mind set that with a rather large
population of students, faculty, and visitors working together they can
significantly make a difference great things are possible. With most
universities having a separate office to oversee sustainability, it is obvious
the importance of leaving a better tomorrow for our next generation.
Discussion (Cntd.)-USF vs. UCF

 At UCF they have built a Thermal Energy Storage Facility which is the
highest profile project developed by UCF’s department of sustainability and
energy management. This 3 million gallon and dollar tank has cut energy
spending $700,000 by storing warmed water in a tank for use during the
hours of the day that electricity prices are higher. Universities pay a
premium for electricity in the afternoon hours and a lower price at night
and UCF has taken advantage of this to offset a portion of the $14 million

spent each year on energy.

Discussion (Cntd.)-USF vs. UCF

 USF has built and is still constructing LEED buildings that are more
efficient and conserve immense amounts of electricity each year. UCF has
LEED building in its future plans that could slash energy expenses by 20 to
40%. While USF has taken a front seat in building more efficient campus
structures, UCF has engineered more unique and technologically advanced
systems to reduce energy consumption. In January 2009 they installed solar
panels called Photovoltaic on an engineering building to offset some the
electricity usage and to use as a teaching tool for engineering students.
They have also installed solar panels to heat the water of 500 residents in
one of their residence halls.
Discussion (Cntd.)-USF vs. UCF

 Both universities hold campus wide competitions to reduce consumption in

campus housing. USF’s ConservaBull has students in residence halls
competing to use less energy. The winning hall will receive custom t-shirts
and a chance to win an iPod. Meanwhile the 4th annual Kill-a-watt competition
is taking place at UCF. This competition has the same principle as USF’s
except with scholarship money up for grabs. UCF has invited students whose
halls reduce their consumption by 20% or more to submit an essay
explaining how they did it for a chance to receive more scholarship money.
Discussion (Cntd.)-USF vs. UCF

 Recycling is a major point of focus for both UCF and USF as well. USF has a
community-recycling center on campus in addition to the 500+ paper
recycling containers and the 100+ aluminum recycling containers on campus
in Tampa. UCF has hopes of recycling 75% of consumed materials by 2020.
To achieve this goal UCF holds Recyclemania, which is a campus wide
recycling competition. They also promote game day recycling drives for the
duration of the football season and students participate in the Student
Move Out Recycling Project recycling thousands of pounds of clothing and
electronics by donating them to local needy families.
Discussion (Cntd.)-USF vs. UCF

 Between these two institutions, 147 courses consist of sustainability

themes and explicitly focus on sustainability. USF offers programs through
the School of Global Sustainability and an M.A. program in Global
Sustainability. UCF also offers sustainability programs including their minor
program Energy and Sustainability. It’s focus is on sustainable energy
generation, conservation, management, and utilization. While USF already
has a Masters program underway, UCF has plans to have a Masters program
in Conservation Biology and Energy Systems Engineering.
 The University of South Florida has been developing its sustainability program
throughout the last 30 years. Through planting of trees, improving transportation
services, using energy efficient technology, and integrating the sustainability project
into the Tampa campus master plan The University of South Florida has begun the
steps to a sustainability campus. Future plans to continue this development include
further development of the transportation systems, and incorporating more
sustainable technology. When compared to The University of Central Florida, The
University of South Florida holds its ground against the other school. The University
of South Florida痴 sustainability efforts are equal to or greater then The University
of Central Florida痴. In the St Petersburg area of USF, the school has gotten some
impressive results, establishing a building with LEED certification, and opening a school
of global sustainability.

 "Green Building Leaders." Sustainable Endowments
Institute, Web. February 18, 2010.
 <
building>.Marquez, Melanie. "Science & Technology Building Earns LEED
Certification." USFSP.ORG. January 22, 2010. Web. February 18, 2010.
Sources (Cntd.)
 <>."USF Launches
Nation's First School of Global Sustainability." USF. Feb. 11,
2010. Web. 2 February 20, 2010.
 <
 ""z=40>.”
USF School of Global Sustainability." USF. February 2010. Web.
February 20. 2010.
 < >.
Sources (Cntd.)
 <>

 <>

 <>

 <>
Sources (Cntd.)-Survey Pics

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