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Color Temperature

Color temperature is a characteristic of visible light that has important

applications in lighting, photography, manufacturing and other fields. Color
temperature is conventionally stated in the unit of absolute temperature, the
kelvin, having the unit symbol K. Color temperatures over 5,000K are called
cool colors (bluish white), while lower color temperatures (2,7003,000 K) are
called warm colors (yellowish white through red).


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Color Rendering Index

The color rendering index (CRI), sometimes called color rendition index, is
a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reproduce the colors of
various objects faithfully in comparison with an ideal or natural light source. Light
sources with a high CRI are desirable in color-critical applications such as
photography and cinematography.
Numerically, the highest possible CRI is 100, dropping to negative values for
some light sources. Low-pressure sodium lighting has negative CRI.


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Photopic / Scotopic Ratio

The human eye responds differently between daytime light levels and night time
light levels. Vision scientists have given names to the daytime and night time
sensitivity functions, which are referred to as photopic (daytime light levels) and
scotopic (night time light levels) responses. New research findings explain how to
put these together to yield a valid measure of brightness. For any light source
the ratio of scotopic to photopic output is a fixed constant independent of
intensity that can be measured with the proper instruments. Once this ratio is
known, a scotopic value can be obtained by simply multiplying the known ratio
by the measured or given photopic value (i.e. lumens).

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20 lux

20 lux

S/P Ratio for MH


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Luminous efficacy
Luminous efficacy is a measure of how well a light source produces visible
light. It has units of lumens per watt (lm/W). Total lumen is the amount of lumen
produced by the light source. Absolute number of total lumen doesnt explain the
efficiency of the light source.
Low Pressure Sodium

200 lm / W (This is the most efficient light but no color


High Pressure Sodium


100 lm / W
150 lm / W for higher powered light such as 600W


80 90 lm / W
(Standard in the market)
110 140 lm / W (New type and more efficient LED)


100 115 lm / W

Metal Halide (MH)

75 100 lm / W


70 90 lm / W

Mercury (HBO)

35 65 lm / W


10 30 lm / W


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Light source lumen & Luminaire lumen

Light source lumen is the total lumen produced by the light source while
luminaire lumen is the total lumen produced from the light fixture. Light source
lumen is usually higher than luminaire lumen because there are some losses of
lumen in the fixture and ballast.

The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance
measuring luminous flux per unit area. It is equal to one lumen per square meter.

It measures the intensity of luminous per area. 1 lux (lx) = 1 lumen per square meter
1000 lumens per square meter mean the area is lighted up with 1000 lux
1000 lumens per 10 square meters mean that area is light up with 100 lux

Office lighting = 320 500 lux

Sun rise / Sun Set on clear day = 400 lux
Full day light (not direct sun) = 10,000 25,000 lux

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Power related to Current & voltage

The SI unit of power is the watt (W), which is equal to one Joule per second. The
instantaneous electrical power P delivered to a component is given by
P (t) = I (t) . V (t)
Where: P(t) is the instantaneous power, measured in watts (joules per second)
V(t) is the potential difference (or voltage drop) across the component,
measured in volts
I(t) is the current through it, measured in amperes

P (Wattage)

V (Voltage)

I (Ampere)
















Power Factor Vs Ballast Factor

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Power factor
Power factor (pf) is a measure of how efficiently an electrical or electronic
product uses its power. It usually expressed as a percentage from 0% to 100%. In
a more technical format, power factor is the fraction of power actually used by a
customers electrical equipment compared to the total power supplied by the
utility or the ratio between watts (W) and volt-amperes (VA).

Why Important?

A power factor of one or "unity power factor" is the goal of any electric utility
company since if the power factor is less than one, they have to supply more
current to the user for a given amount of power use. In so doing, they incur more
line losses. They also must have larger capacity equipment in place than would
be otherwise necessary. As a result, an industrial facility will be charged a
penalty if its power factor is much different from 1.

Ballast factor
Ballast factor (BF) is the measured ability of particular ballast to produce light
from the lamp(s) it powers. The ballast factor itself is derived by dividing the
lumen output of a particular lamp-ballast combination by the lumen output of the
same lamp(s) on reference ballast. This factor, which usually results in a number
less than one, accounts for the fact that some lumen loss results when operating
lamps on commercially available ballasts.
Any single ballast may have several different ballast factors, depending upon the
number and type of lamp(s) it operates. Same watt ballast with different ballast
factor will produce different total lumen output. Customers who want to have
same watt light bulb (for standardisation purpose) but want to have different
lumen at different location will use same watt light bulb with different ballast
factor ballast.

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Ingress Protection Rating (IP Code)

The IP Code, Ingress Protection Rating, sometimes also interpreted as
International Protection Rating, classifies and rates the degree of protection
provided against the intrusion (including body parts such as hands and fingers),
dust, accidental contact, and water by mechanical casings and electrical
enclosures. It is published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
The IP rating is indicated with 2 digit number. For instance, IP22, IP65, IP66 and
so on

Solid particle protection

The first digit indicates the level of protection that the enclosure provides against
access to hazardous parts (e.g., electrical conductors, moving parts) and the
ingress of solid foreign objects.

Object size

Effective against

No protection against contact and ingress of objects

>50 mm

Any large surface of the body, such as the back of a hand, but no
protection against deliberate contact with a body part

>12.5 mm

Fingers or similar objects

>2.5 mm

Tools, thick wires, etc.

>1 mm

Most wires, screws, etc.


Ingress of dust is not entirely prevented, but it must not enter in

sufficient quantity to interfere with the satisfactory operation of
the equipment; complete protection against contact (dust proof)

Dust tight

No ingress of dust; complete protection against contact (dust


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Liquid ingress protection

The second digit indicates the level of protection that the enclosure provides
against harmful ingress of water.


Testing for


Not protected

Dripping water

Dripping water (vertically falling

drops) shall have no harmful

Test duration: 10 minutes

Water equivalent to 1 mm
rainfall per min

Vertically dripping water shall have

Dripping water
Test duration: 10 minutes
no harmful effect when the
when tilted up to
Water equivalent to 3 mm
enclosure is tilted at an angle up
rainfall per minute
to 15 from its normal position.
Test duration: 5 minutes
Water volume: 0.7 litres per
Pressure: 80100 kPa

Spraying water

Water falling as a spray at any

angle up to 60 from the vertical
shall have no harmful effect.

Splashing of

Water splashing against the

enclosure from any direction shall
have no harmful effect.

Test duration: 5 minutes

Water volume: 10 litres per
Pressure: 80100 kPa

Water jets

Water projected by a nozzle (6.3

mm) against enclosure from any
direction shall have no harmful

Test duration: at least 15

Water volume: 12.5 litres per
Pressure: 30 kPa at distance of

Powerful water

Water projected in powerful jets

(12.5 mm nozzle) against the
enclosure from any direction shall
have no harmful effects.

Test duration: at least 3

Water volume: 100 litres per
Pressure: 100 kPa at distance
of 3 m

Immersion up to

Ingress of water in harmful

quantity shall not be possible
when the enclosure is immersed in
water under defined conditions of
pressure and time (up to 1 m of

Test duration: 30 minutes

Immersion at depth of at least
1 m measured at bottom of
device, and at least 15 cm
measured at top of device

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beyond 1 m

Powerful high
9k temperature
water jets

The equipment is suitable for

continuous immersion in water
under conditions which shall be
specified by the manufacturer.
Normally, this will mean that the
equipment is hermetically sealed.
However, with certain types of
equipment, it can mean that water
can enter but only in such a
manner that it produces no
harmful effects.

Test duration: continuous

immersion in water
Depth specified by
manufacturer, generally up to

Protected against close-range high

pressure, high temperature spray


ROHS Compliance
Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) is a European directive
(2002/95/EC) designed to limit the content of 6 substances [lead, mercury,
cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), and
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)] in electrical and electronic products.

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Low pressure sodium

Low-pressure sodium (LPS) lamps have a borosilicate glass gas discharge tube
(arc tube) containing solid sodium, small amount of neon and argon gas in a
Penning mixture to start the gas discharge. LPS lamps are the most efficient
electrically powered light source when measured for photopic lighting conditions
up to 200 lm/W, primarily because the output is light at a wavelength near the
peak sensitivity of the human eye. As a result they are widely used for outdoor
lighting such as street lights and security lighting where faithful color rendition
was once considered unimportant. Recently, however, it has been found that
under mesopic conditions typical of nighttime driving, whiter light can provide
better results at lower wattages. LPS lamps are more closely related to
fluorescent than high intensity discharge lamps because they have a low
pressure, lowintensity discharge source and a linear lamp shape. Another
unique property of LPS lamps is that, unlike other lamp types, they do not
decline in lumen output with age. As an example, mercury vapor HID lamps
become very dull towards the end of their lives, to the point of being ineffective,
while continuing to consume full rated electrical use. LPS lamps, however, do
increase energy usage slightly (about 10%) towards their end of life, which is
generally around 18,000 hours for modern lamps.

High-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps are smaller and contain additional elements
such as mercury, and produce a dark pink glow when first struck, and a pinkish
orange light when warmed. Some bulbs also briefly produce a pure to bluish
white light in between. This is probably from the mercury glowing before the
sodium is completely warmed. High pressure sodium lamps are quite efficient
about 100 lm/Wwhen measured for photopic lighting conditions. The higher
powered versions of 600 W have an efficacy of even 150lm/W. They have been
widely used for outdoor lighting such as streetlights and security lighting.
Understanding the change in human color vision sensitivity from photopic to
mesopic and scotopic is essential for proper planning when designing lighting for

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A mercury-vapor lamp is a gas discharge lamp that uses an electric arc
through vaporized mercury to produce light. The arc discharge is generally
confined to a small fused quartz arc tube mounted within a larger borosilicate
glass bulb. The outer bulb may be clear or coated with a phosphor; in either
case, the outer bulb provides thermal insulation, protection from the ultraviolet
radiation the light produces, and a convenient mounting for the fused quartz arc
The use of mercury vapor lamps for lighting purposes will be banned in the EU
in 2015. As this ban is designed to phase out less efficient lamps it does not
affect the use of mercury in compact fluorescent lamp nor the use of mercury
lamps for purposes other than lighting. In the USA, ballasts and fixtures were
banned in 2008. Because of this, several manufacturers have begun selling
replacement compact fluorescent lamps for mercury vapor fixtures, which do not
require modifications to the existing fixture.

Metal Halide
Metal Halide Lamp is a member of the high-intensity discharge (HID) family of
lamps. Like most HID lamps, metal halide lamps operate under high pressure and
temperature, and require special fixtures to operate safely.
HID (High Intensity Discharge) lamps are typically used when high levels of light
over large areas are required, and when energy efficiency and/or light intensity
are desired. Most HID lamps produce significant UV radiation, and require UVblocking filters to prevent UV-induced degradation of lamp fixture components
and fading of dyed items illuminated by the lamp. Exposure to HID lamps
operating with faulty or absent UV-blocking filters causes injury to humans and
animals, such as sunburn and arc eye.

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Many HID lamps are designed so as to quickly extinguish if their outer UVshielding glass envelope is broken. Factors of wear come mostly from on/off
cycles versus the total on time. The highest wear occurs when the HID burner is
ignited while still hot and before the metallic salts have recrystallized.
Sometimes the quartz tube containing mercury can explode in UHP lamps,
especially when it is defective; weakened by many on/off cycles, or when
pressure is excessive due to high temperature. When that happens, up to 30 mg
vaporized mercury is released into the atmosphere. It can be potentially toxic
when indoors. A typical scenario is a failure of UHP HID lamp in front of rear LCD
projection TV sets or computer displays. Some vendors recommend use of a
mercury vacuum cleaner or respirator when dealing with bulb rupture due to
risks of mercury vapors. They also require a special waste disposal.

Ceramic Discharge Metal Halide

The ceramic discharge metal-halide (CDM) lamp, mostly referred to as
Ceramic Metal Halide lamp (CMH), is a relatively new source of light that is a
variation of the metal-halide lamp, which itself is a variation of the old (highpressure) mercury-vapor lamp. The discharge is contained in a ceramic tube,
usually made of sintered alumina, similar to what has been used in the high
pressure sodium lamp. During operation, the temperature of this ceramic tube
can exceed 1200 kelvins. The ceramic tube is filled with mercury, argon and
metal-halide salts. Because of the high wall temperature, the metal halide salts
are partly vaporized. Inside the hot plasma, these salts are dissociated into
metallic atoms and iodine.
The metallic atoms are the main source of light in these lamps, creating a bluish
light that is close to daylight with a CRI (color rendering index) of up to 96. The
exact correlated color temperature and CRI depend on the specific mixture of
metal halide salts. There are also warm-white CDM lamps, with somewhat lower
CRI (78-82) which still give a more clear and natural-looking light than the old
mercury-vapour and sodium-vapour lamps when used as street lights, besides
being more economical to use.

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The ceramic tube is an advantage in comparison to earlier fused quartz. During

operation, at high temperature and radiant flux, metal ions tend to penetrate the
silica, depleting the inside of the tube. Alumina is not prone to this effect.
CDM lamps use one fifth of the power of comparable tungsten incandescent light
bulbs for the same light output (80117 lm/W) and retain color stability better
than most other gas discharge lamps. Like other high-intensity discharge lamps,
they require a correctly rated electrical ballast in order to operate.

Light-emitting diode (LED)

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source. LEDs are used as
indicator lamps in many devices and are increasingly used for general lighting.
Appearing as practical electronic components in 1962, early LEDs emitted lowintensity red light, but modern versions are available across the visible,
ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, with very high brightness.
LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light sources including lower
energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical robustness, smaller size,
and faster switching. However, LEDs powerful enough for room lighting are









management than compact fluorescent lamp sources of comparable output.

One of the key advantages of LED-based lighting sources is high luminous
efficacy. Cree's XLamp XM-L LEDs, commercially available in 2011, produce 100
lm/W at their full power of 10 W, and up to 160 lm/W at around 2 W input power.
In 2012, Cree announced a white LED giving 254 lm/W. Note that these
efficiencies are for the LED chip only, held at low temperature in a lab. Lighting
works at higher temperature and with drive circuit losses, so efficiencies are
much lower.
The term "efficiency droop" refers to a decrease (up to 20%) in luminous efficacy
of LEDs as the electrical current increases above tens of milliamps (mA). In
addition to being less efficient, operating LEDs at higher electrical currents
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creates higher heat levels which compromise the lifetime of the LED. Because of
this increased heating at higher currents, high-brightness LEDs have an industry
standard of operating at only 350 mA. 350 mA is a good compromise between
light output, efficiency, and longevity.
Solid-state devices such as LEDs are subject to very limited wear and tear if
operated at low currents and at low temperatures. Many of the LEDs made in the
1970s and 1980s are still in service in the early 21st century. Typical lifetimes
quoted are 25,000 to 100,000 hours, but heat and current settings can extend or
shorten this time significantly. LED performance is temperature dependent. Most
manufacturers' published ratings of LEDs are for an operating temperature of 25
In response to this problem, some LED lighting systems have been designed with
an added heating circuit at the expense of reduced overall electrical efficiency of
the system; additionally, research has been done to develop heat sink
technologies that will transfer heat produced within the junction to appropriate
areas of the light fixture.
Induction (Electrodeless lamp )
The internal electrodeless lamp or induction light is a gas discharge lamp in
which the power required to generate light is transferred from outside the lamp
envelope to the gas inside via an electric or magnetic field, in contrast with a
typical gas discharge lamp that uses internal electrodes connected to the power
supply by conductors that pass through the lamp envelope. There are three
advantages to elimination of the internal electrodes
There are two main types of magnetic induction lamp: external inductor lamps
and internal inductor lamps. The original and still widely used form of induction
lamps are the internal inductor types. A more recent development is the external
inductor types which have a wider range of applications and which are available
in round, rectangular and "olive" shaped form factors
Some models of internal inductor lamps that use high frequency ballasts can
produce radio frequency interference (RFI) which interferes with radio
communications in the area. Newer, external inductor type lamps use low
frequency ballasts that usually have FCC or other certification, thus complying
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with RFI regulations. Moreover, external inductor lamps tend to be quite large,
especially in higher wattage models, thus they are not always suitable for
applications where a compact light source is required.


Fluorescent lamp or fluorescent tube is a gas-discharge lamp that uses electricity to excite
mercury vapor. The excited mercury atoms produce short-wave ultraviolet light that then
causes a phosphor to fluoresce, producing visible light. A fluorescent lamp converts electrical
power into useful light more efficiently than an incandescent lamp. Lower energy cost
typically offsets the higher initial cost of the lamp. The lamp fixture is more costly because it
requires a ballast to regulate the current through the lamp. While larger fluorescent lamps
have been mostly used in commercial or institutional buildings, the compact fluorescent lamp
is now available in the same popular sizes as incandescent and is used as an energy-saving
alternative in homes. The United States Environmental Protection Agency classifies
fluorescent lamps as hazardous waste, and recommends that they be segregated from general
waste for recycling or safe disposal.

A halogen lamp, also known as a tungsten halogen lamp, is an incandescent lamp with a
tungsten filament contained within an inert gas and a small amount of a halogen such as
iodine or bromine. The chemical halogen cycle redeposits evaporated tungsten back on to the
filament, extending the life of the bulb. Because of this, a halogen lamp can be operated at a
higher temperature than a standard gas-filled lamp of similar power and operating life. This
gives it a higher luminous efficacy (1030 lm/W). The lamp gives light of a higher color
temperature. Because of their smaller size, halogen lamps can advantageously be used with
optical systems that are more efficient in how they cast emitted light.

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Comparison between different light sources

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Lumen Depreciation
CDM light source = 95% at 3000 hours
89% at 12,000 hours
70% at 30,000 hours


Electronic Ballast & Magnetic Ballast

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An electronic ballast and a magnetic ballast are the two main types of ballasts
used in certain light sources. There is a big difference in how each ballast works
and how it affects the lighting in your rooms. Also sometimes referred to as the
control gear, light ballasts have a negative electrical resistance, thereby limiting
the current passing through the lamps. If you have ever wondered why some of
your fluorescent lamps either flicker or have a constant buzzing sound, this is
due to the type of light ballast used.
Electronic Ballasts
Electronic ballasts alter the flow of electricity in the light bulb by using a series of
induction coils that are separated from one another. In contrast, magnetic ballast
uses 1 induction coil and not a series.
Another difference is that electronic ballasts change the frequency of the
electrical current without changing the voltage. While magnetic ballasts in
fluorescent lamps work at a frequency of 60 hertz, electronic ballasts greatly
increase that frequency to 20,000 hertz.
Due to such a high frequency, you will not see the lights flickering and will not
hear a buzzing sound with fluorescent lamps using electronic ballasts.
Magnetic Ballasts
Since magnetic ballasts are not as sophisticated as electronic ballasts and can be
problematic, they are being replaced by the electronic versions. Magnetic
ballasts are found in the light socket in between the plug for the light bulb and
the power chord.
In magnetic ballasts, current flows through coils of copper wire before moving on
to the light bulb. Most of the current gets caught in the magnetic field it
generates, with only small increments moving on to the light bulb. The current
that is passed on depends on the thickness and the length of the copper coil.
This inconsistent flow of the current is what causes the lights of the lamp to
flicker and also creates the buzzing sound.

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Electronic Ballasts vs. Magnetic Ballasts

In addition to not flickering and being quieter than magnetic ballasts, electronic
ballasts are preferred because it has many other advantages. They are smaller in
size and weigh less. They are also great for the environment and your bank
account because they are energy efficient and therefore lower your monthly
energy bill.


Read more:

Application of Prism light & Lux requirement at the following location


Sea Port / Terminal

QC (Min 200 lx)
Yard (Ave 20 lx 30 lx)
Workshop (Ave 200 300 lx)
Apron parking bay (Ave 25 lx)
Aero Bridge HM (Ave 25 lx)
Fence (Ave 20 lx)
Hanger (Ave 500 lx)
Workshop (Ave 200 500 lx)
Yard (Ave 30 lx)
Street (Ave 20 lx)
Bus / Train depot
Military camp
Factories (Depend on the type of production)
Warehouse (Ave 200 lx for permanent storage)
Production plant (Depend on the type of production)
Swimming Pool (Ave 200 lx)

The above lux requirement is for reference only and you should always refer to
SS Standard for Singapore market and confirm with end user.
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What is Prism Lighting?

Design of parabolic reflector, light source and its location, design of the lens, and
design of fixture are carefully engineered to achieve maximum lumen output.

How does the system work?

A parabolic reflector reflects the light straight forward. The

light is then spread out with different lens configurations.

The prismatic lens distributes the light over a

rectangular area (ie, 30 x 60)

Each prism projects the same image, each adding one

layer of light. Covering the lamp will not result in a
different light image but the overall amount of light will

Reduce light lost in the fixture

Eliminate stray lights and all light output focus at projected area
Improved uniformity
Precise control of light projection
Lens intensify light output
Better penetration

What make it brighter when comparing with similar wattage lighting?


Eliminate stray lights and all light output focus at projected area (Reduce
Higher lumen per watt
Lens intensify light output

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Can we compare by lumen per watt & total lumen?


Comparing of lumen per watt is to tell customer that CDM light source is an
energy saving light source
If we compare total lumen, we will lose out to conventional lighting with use
very high wattage

Can prism light reduce glare?

Yes. Prism lights are relatively better in control glare. This is because prism
lights projection is more uniform than other type of lights. If brightness is more
uniform, it will reduce glare.

Can client buy only the lens to improve their lighting?

Our Prism Lens will not be able to fit into other light fixture.
Even if prism lens fit into other fixture, the efficiency will not be high due to more
losses of lights.

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Understanding the all different light models available

CDM Range

LED Range

How Prism Light Save Energy?


Eliminate stray lights, reduce wastage

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The design of the lights reduce light losses

High lumen per watt light bulb
Higher power factor
Lower ballast loss factor

Benefits of using Prism lights


Lower energy usage (Similar lux with lower watt light)

Lower maintenance cost

Lower operating cost

Vibration Resistance

Lower heat emission (Cooler environment)

Natural day light. (Improve visibility and it is good for drivers eyes)

Better colour rendering index (Provide true colours)

Precise control over light, very minimum stray light

Better uniformity

Long projection

Lower CO2 emission (Environmentally friendly)

How can they withstand high vibration?



Relatively better vibration resistance base

Dialux Program

3 D light plan simulation software

We can simulate the scenario with Prism lighting
We can tell customer what is the possible lux and uniformity if they use our
prism lights
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What to look out for during site visit for lux measurement

What is the dimension of the area we need to cover

How many lights and how they are mounted
What type of light source and their wattage
Light to light distance, mounting height
Lux directly under lights, lux in between lights, lux at different location if all
are not identical
This measurement will be pre lux measurement

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