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Project Report On
Telephone Directory System

Sincere thanks from ADMIRAL to our course facilitator Nagendra Dangal,
who assisted us in development of our mini project Telephone Directory
System. This project is outcome of joint effort of us: Mohit Rijal (Project
Leader), Ujjwal Basnet, Sujan Ghimire, Nirnaya Gupta, Newton Prajapati.
The project is developed through an equal participation of all of the
members. The copyright of poject is reserved on ADMIRAL whose members
are studying BBA third semester (section:B) at Nepal Commerce Campus.

Telephone Directory System provides a platform to record information
about clients in an organization. The organizations could use this system to
record contact number of people/ another organization along with their
address. The program is featured of addition, visualization, modification,
deletion and recall of records.
Addition feature helps to add new records, visualization helps to visualize
existing records, user could modify the existing content by using the feature
of modification, task of deleting existing record can be done using feature of
deletion, along with that recall of deleted record can be carried out by
entering the contact name of person/organization.
This is a small program able of recording unlimited records about the clients.
It is developed only as a part of our study, use of this program by any
organization will not be comprehensive.

As a task is accomplished with certain objective. The major objective of this
project is to develop a program that helps in recording information about
clients by organizations like call centers, telecom offices, banks, academic
institutions and others. The primary motto is to provide a platform for
recording contact number of the clients.
The minor objectives can be outlined as below:

Development of a user friendly system that enables any of the user to

work easily with the system.
system that records name, address, contact
number(landline & mobile) of clients.
Featured system that will add records then list, modify, delete, recall
whenever required.
A feasible system that could be installed easily and maintenance when
Inclusion of user guidelines so that a user with simple knowledge about
programming can use the system.


Overview Of Existing System

The existing system only provides text-based interface, which is not as

user-friendly as Graphical user Interface.

Since the system is implemented in Manual, so the response is very


Hence, there is a need of reformation of the system with more advantages

and flexibility. The Telephone Directory System eliminates most of the
limitations of the existing software. It has the following objectives:
1)Enhancement: The main objective of Telephone Directory System is to
enhance and upgrade the existing system by increasing its efficiency and
effectiveness. The software improves the working methods by replacing the
existing manual system with the computer-based system.
2)Automation: The Telephone Directory System automates each and every
activity of the manual system and increases its throughput. Thus the
response time of the system is very less and it works very fast.
3)Accuracy: The Telephone Directory provides the uses a quick response
with very accurate information regarding the users etc. Any details or system
in an accurate manner, as and when required.
4)User-Friendly: The software Telephone Directory has a very user-friendly
interface. Thus the users will feel very easy to work on it. The software

provides accuracy along with a pleasant interface. Make the present manual
system more interactive, speedy and user friendly.
5)Availability: The reports of the system can be retried as and when
required. Thus, there is no delay in the availability of any information,
whatever needed, can be captured very quickly and easily.
6)Maintance Cost: Reduce the cost of maintenance.
The desired output of this system is to display the interface where user could
meet his requirements of developing this system whenever necessary. For a
user the desired interface consists of following features:
This feature will assist user to enter information about client, the input
required are discussed
later in this chapter.
It is in order to view the existing records in the system.
To modify the existing content individually.
In order to delete a particular record in the system.

Sometimes user might delete an important record mistakenly in such a
case that record deleted by mistake is to be recalled.
The system enables user to record information about clients who come in
contact with organization. In order to make record following are the
constraints that user should meet.
1) Name of the client.
2 ) Address of the client
3) Contact number:

Landline and

4 )Recording date (day/month/year).

After input of data are done they are processed and written in a file. The
input data are to be relevant and consistent then only the system could
function in a comprehensive way.
In order to design our system we use object oriented language feature: class
which will help to input, process and display the records. The class is defined
class Telephone
struct Guys
char flag;
char name[50];
char address[50];
char landline[10];
char mobile[10];
int dd, mm, yy;
fstream file;
void addinfo();
void listinfo();
void modify();
void delinfo();
void recallinfo();
void exit();
Here, in above class Telephone the data members defined in private
section inside the structure Guys are used to store the value. The function
member in public section are used to input, process and display the data
defined in private section. Function addinfo() is for adding new record,
listinfo() is to view the existing records, modify() is in order to modify the
existing contents, delinfo() is to delete a particular record and recallinfo() is
to recall the record deleted mistakenly.


As one runs the program one will encounter the interface as below:

By pressing 1 one can add new records, with the following interface:

In order to add more record one should enter either y or Y from keyboard,
otherwise one could come to initial interface by entering either n or N from
If user presses 2 then one can view the recorded details, with the help of
interface as below:

This interface will provide you the information about clients, whose records
have been made. User could go back to initial interface by pressing enter.

Pressing 3 one could make modification of any one particular record at a

time, with the help of interface as below:

Here, above interface portrays the modification made on a wrongly entered

client name Ramesh. This feature allows one in correction of mistake in
entering the information.
By pressing 4 one could delete the existing record, as user presses 4 one
will encounter the interface as below:

Above interface shows the entry of name existing in the file of the program.
In case if one enters wrong name then one will encounter interface as below:

Sometimes one might delete the record mistakenly in such case one can
recall or copy that deleted record in program file again. One can do so by
pressing 5.
As user presses 5 an interface like below is appeared on screen.

We had deleted name Avi from our file now if we recall Avi the we can view
detail about this client again by using second option in our menu of the


Hardware Requirement:
Minimum 4.36KB memory space

Software Requirement:
Turbo C++ compiler

1.E Balagurusamy.Object-Oriented Programming with C++.Tata
McGraw-Hill, second Edition
2.Robert Lafore.Object-Oriented Programming
+.Galgotia Publications pvt. Ltd, reprint 2001




3.Lecture notes on Computer Programming II[Author Nagendra

4.Internet Project Samples( & other sites)

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