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Work instruction step by step in objective to identify the list of piping subject to Corrosion under
insulation temperature range.
CUI is the abbreviation of corrosion Under insulation.
CUI is damage mechanism by corrosion for insulated piping line in Carbon steel or low alloy
operated in temperature from -12 C to 175C.
Work instruction
1. Get a full piping list of the unit in Excel files format. This list can be converted from paper
to excel by manual typing; or the list can be converted from PDF file to Excel file; or it can
be available from original project; or it can be type from P&ID with operation and Process
2. Create or add column A in file the header Seq Nbre. This is for sequential numbering
as a reference starting number.
3. Save a copy of the piping list as master file.
4. Create a working file or copy by saving the file, in the name of the file add revision as rev0
and so on.
5. Create a spec list from the piping list , create this for each piping list uni--t.
6. Verify that all used spec are identified in the piping spec list (in Yanpet L1 or L01).
7. Create a list of the non identified piping spec; this is for further verification and data
8. From the spec list above in step 4, identify spec material category CS, SS, low allow, NiCr ;
9. In Column From Filter and delete the deleted line from list in step 3. To get clean data
10.Count total number of lines as per Column A Seq Number. By renumbering , to compare
lines quantity to step 2. (if appilcable).
11.Identify Insulated list : filter on column Insulation type ; Eliminate the blanc or nil list
from the selection and leave only list with values (as C50 , H25 _).
Report the insulated list number.
12.Create at the end , one new column and name it CUI_range.
13.CUI temperature Range identification: After step 11 above , Filter on Column
Operating Temperature. Select only temperature in the range from -12C to 175C both
included in selection.
Report the insulated list number in CUI temp range.
14.CS and Low alloy in CUI range : Filter Piping class by selecting only CS and low allow
classes and not selecting SS or high alloy as Duplex, NiCr.
piping_list_unit10_area 12_CUI- Rev 01

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OPERATION and PROCESS Input for Fluid and Operation regime

input as in the table Excel file

Process fluid (Gas (vapor); Liquid, Mixed Vapor/Liquid, Critical fluid.

Flammability: Above auto ignition. Below auto ignition. Non flammable.
Flash point: Above or near; Below not near within 8C.
Distance to Ignition source: Above 15meter ; between 6-15m; less than 6m
H2S concentration. ppmv(volume) for Gas. ppmw (weight) for Liquid). ppm Sour Water or
6. Burns Condition: Caustic or Acid Stream which can cause Burns. N/A (Not Applicable).
7. Toxic condition (% and Component if Possible). The Concentration release can exceed
immediate critical Level. The Concentration release can NOT exceed immediate critical
Level. N/A (Not Applicable).
8. People in Area: Average or typical. Near high traffic area.
9. Environmental impact? (yes/No).
10.If Insulation is for Personal Protection Only (PP).
11.If insulation can be removed locally or Totally in service.
12.If vibrating piping line.
13.OPERATION REGIME: Continuous same regime; Sweating service; Intermittent; Many
regimes; Normally no flow (dead Leg).

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Consequence Assessment by USING CAP tolols

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Leak Rate Assessment by table 1- in CAP. This will be input in the Excel
file from Colum BE to BJ.
17.Filter to select only line in CUI range, use Column AA with title CUI_ RANGE; select
18.In column Input leak factor A = 5 by assuming all corrosion Hole. (small rupture with A=50
will be in later stage)
19.Select Operating pressure in Column M to Input Operating pressure factor B :
a. All pressure less 1000 KPag, input B =1 , Input Operating pressure factor B in
Column BG.
b. pressure range inclusive 1000-3500 KPag B =2, Input factor B in Column BG.
c. pressure range inclusive 3500-10000 KPag B=4, Input factor B in Column BG.
d. Pressure above 10000 KPag B=6, Input Operating pressure factor B in Column BG.
20.Select Operating pressure in Column U ;
a. Filter U for numerical value or L/V then input C = 5 in column BH,
b. then select U column V and input C =1 in column BH.
21.Make Filter for CUI_range, and then in Column BJ Leak Rate Classification ,
a. Select by filtering AxBxC <=5 and input Smaller, and ,
b. then Select from 6 to 50 and input Medium ;
c. then Select AxBxC>50 and input Larger.

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1. Lines identification in CUI Temperature range:

2. To identify lines in CUI temperature range, create column AA: CUI Temperature Range.
3. Create filter , and select only lines with insulation values in Column Excel L for
4. Using Excel sheet column L , Select only lines with Operating temperature from including
-12 to +175 degree C.
5. This is the list of line in CUI range and need to be inspected for CUI, So Type CUI_Temp in
column AA. It will allow easy future identification for CUI line list.
6. Record the number of lines found in step6. This the total Number of lines as segmented
by piping list for CUI inspection program.

1. Line counting for Figures and Progress Follow up.

2. From line list in column A titled Serial No , add sequential number to each row with line
input data. Record the number of TOTAL lines.
3. Create the following column in the Excel file From Excel file column AB to AJ.
4. Create line number with Process service type, by typing In column AB the formula
5. Generate the item above for all lines in the excel file, it include lines not in CUI.
6. Filter the list created in item 4 above by using advanced filter , unique record.
7. Record the number of lines. This is the reconsiliated total number of lines for
PROGRESS reporting.
8. After filter result in step5, in Column AC titled Line Unique record input by typing the
value 1. This column will give easy way to filter each time and to be used for lines follow
up and inspection planning.
9. Unfilter all : de-activate all Excel filter.
10.Create normal Filter by Excel
11.Filter on CUI temperature range Column AA.
12.Filter on Unique record then filter Column AC.
13.Input 1 in column AD , titled CUI Temperature Unique record. Record the number of
14.Unfilter all.
15.Create normal Filter by Excel.
16.Filter by column AD , titled CUI Temperature Unique record
17.Filter by Fluid service column D , titled LINE SRV. Eliminate form this selection all non
hydrocarbon service (steam, condensate, water , air). Use Legend of fluid description as
per Yanpet.
18.In column AE , titled CUI Only hydrocarbon : input by typing Yes. Record the number of
lines in hydrocarbon service only.
19.Create normal filter by Excel , Filter AE CUI Hydrocarbon only; And filter by select Yes.
20.Filter Column M title Operating pressure by selecting only pressure more or equal
21.Filter column BJ titled OPERATION REGIME by selecting sweeting only. Record the
22.Input Yes in column AF titled P>3500kpa and Sweeting. This the line list for follow
up and reporting progress.
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23.Unfilter then Create normal filter by Excel , Select Yes in column AF CUI Hydrocarbon only
24.Filter AF by de-selection the value YES in AF titled P>3500kpa and Sweeting
25.. Then Input No in column AF.
26.Create normal filter by Excel , Filter AE CUI Hydrocarbon only And filter by select Yes.
27.Filter Column M title Operating pressure by selecting only pressure more or equal
28.Filter column BJ titled OPERATION REGIME by NOT selecting sweeting. Record the
29.Input Yes in column AG titled P>3500kpa NOT Sweeting. This the line list for follow
up and reporting progress.
30.Unfilter then Create normal filter by Excel , Select Yes in column AF CUI Hydrocarbon only
31.Filter AG by de-selection the value YES in AG titled P>3500kpa NOT Sweeting
32.. Then Input No in column AG.
33.Create normal filter by Excel , Filter AE CUI Hydrocarbon only And filter by select Yes..
34.Filter Column M title Operating pressure by selecting all pressure less 3500KPa.
35.Filter column BJ titled OPERATION REGIME by selecting sweeting. Record the number
36.Input Yes in column AH titled P<3500kpa and Sweeting. This the line list for follow
up and reporting progress.
37.Unfilter then Create normal filter by Excel , Select Yes in column AF CUI Hydrocarbon only
38.Filter AH by de-selection the value YES in AH titled P<3500kpa and Sweeting.
39. Then Input No in column AH.
40.Others Hydrocarbon Not sweeting and P<3500KPa , For this create normal Filter AE CUI
Hydrocarbon only And filter by select Yes.
41.In each column AF , AG, AH , Filter by not selecting YES.
42.Input Yes in Column AI titled Others hydrocarbon P<3500KPa NOT Sweeting. .
43.Record this number of lines, This the line list for follow up and reporting progress.
44.Lines in CUI program but NOT in hydrocarbon service identification , for this unfilter and
recreate Excel Normal filter.
45.Filter Column AD titled CUI Temperature Unique record .
46.De-select the Yes in Column AE titled CUI Only hydrocarbon Unique record
47.Input Yes in Column AJ titled Others CUI not hydrocarbon
48.Record the number of line This the line list for follow up inspection and reporting

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Insulated Fluid for Each AREA in Unit 10 Yanpet.

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1. All the Insulation Materials including sealants, vapor barrier, jacket, fasteners, tie bands / tapes
shall be confirmed to SABIC / YANPET SES.
2. All the material data sheets and test certificates shall be reviewed and accepted by YANPET.
3. Insulation materials selected based on SES N01-E01for the Hot service, dual service and sweating
lines. Materials from N01-S11, N01-S12, N01-S15, N01-S16, N01-S19.
4. Insulation thickness for cold and anti-sweating obtained from Attachment 1of project specification
2N-002 Rev 01 dated 22 May 97.

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Conclusion: All Dual temperature lines will be insulated with Cellular glass with Fiber glass blanket
thickness 40mm + 50mm respectively.

1. All painting system shall be as per SABIC SES T01-S01/ Project specification for painting 2X-001
Rev-03 23rd Oct 97
2. Painting system will be selected from Appendix A. & Appendix B. of project specification 2X-001
Rev-03. 23rd Oct 97.
3. Painting selection in regard to the safety and flaw less application while the substrate at
approximately 110Deg C.
Work instruction continuation:
All the insulation in Hydrocarbon lines sweating service 100% shall be stripped for external inspection.
Further action should be carried out after findings as necessary.
Exon Mobil recommended the use of TSA in all insulated sweating lines as which compatible with wide
temp ranges and long service painting life. However its required thorough cleaning Sa22 surface
preparation for application of TSA painting system. Consideration should be given for blasting the pipes
during the line operation, min thickness of the pipe should be determined to permit sweep blasting on live
pipe surface.
All personal protection insulation should be removed and alternative protection shall be proposed to
mitigate CUI. Operations and process department should provide confirmation and approval for the
Priority 4 lines Insulation should be removed 100% at the Suspected CUI and insulation damaged location.
Suspected locations should be identified from CUI check list (recommended in API 570, 571 & 574). If
localized area corrosion noticed 1mm. 100% insulation should be removed in the line.

Lesson Learn: During inspection for CUI of Unit 10 as per inspection priority 1, 2 & 3, it reveals
priority 1 & 3 was more affected by CUI in compare with priority 3 lines. As the priority 1 & 3
lines operates at sweating (Dew point) temperature and where priority 2 operates at >35Bar in
non-sweating temperature. So during next inspection program should consider the sweating lines
to give priority 1 & 2 for pressure >35Bar and <35Bar respectively.
Correction for piping line list: Operating temp in the Area 15 line list should be corrected for
the lines with piping spec D-321. They are K-15008, K-15009, K-15012, K-15015, K-15021. These
Methanol injection lines connected to piping operates at Negative temp. Insulation cant be strip
at these locations as the pipe surface getting freeze.
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Annexure B
Check list is generated with the reference of API 574 Clause:, API 570 Clause:,, API 571 Clause: All the check points shall be verified during the inspection.

CUI work instruction


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