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English SPM Trials

[26-8 8:28 PTG] Umi Syafiqah: Paper 2

Spot question
*Are you still playing your flute
*why the people unemployed and desperate (HOTS)
*Sometime people are unkind to others they can affected others
life . Give evidence.
Paper 1
Section A(DW)
Benefit: new experience , can independent
Section B (CW)
*a memorable school trip-why
*excellent result give you a bright future-discuss
*why friendship important?
*write a story about famous person and ending with ....tears roll
down the cheek and the crowd cheers excitedly
*Idioms or proverb
No man is an island-write story abt cooperation with your friend to
win a competition
[26-8 8:28 PTG] Umi Syafiqah: Paper 1 : essay
question 1 : formal letter
question 2 : essay photostate and holiday.
paper 2:are you still playing your flute?
determination of Rory.

Catch Us If You Can

The character who shows determination in Catch Us If You Can by

Catherine MacPhail is Rory. He is determined to look after his Granda
and to keep him away from the dreaded home. He is an eleven-year
old with a huge responsibility and he does his best w do his duty with
love and care.
Rory shows determination right from the beginning. lie does his best to
look after his aging Granda who has now become forgetful and sick.
He makes sure that he goes for his medical checkups, takes his
medicines, has his meals regularly and is looked after. Rory skips his
games practices so that he
home early to be with his grandfather.
He will not stay back after school for extra lessons for the same reason.
He coaches his Granda on how to behave at school functions. He will
not allow anyone to speak ill of him. His determination to do his best
for Granda is admirable.
He wants to look after his Granda the way he was looked after when he
was small after his father abandoned the family. He cannot forget the
love and care that he received before and feels duty-bound to return
all that now.
Rory cannot bear the idea of being sent to a childrens home while
Granda is sent to Rachnadar. Thus the great escape takes place. During
the escape, Rory does his best to keep Granda safe. Rory deals with
people and various situations in.a responsible way. This reflects his
determination well. He only asks for help when he sees no way out,
otherwise he is determined to do it his way. This strong quality helps
Rory to do what he thinks is right for his grandfather.

Which lines in stanza 1 tell you that the flautist plays the flute beautifully?
Uncovered by .depth of my heart

In the second stanza, what does the word deserted mean?

Empty / abandoned / neglected / vacant


In the second stanza, why are the rice fields deserted?

The farmers have left the fields for the city / better income jobs away from the village.

In your own words, explain the meaning of the last stanza.

The persona is feeling anxious because there are political and economical problems in her city and she
feels the world is changing for the worst.

From stanza 1, what does the persona want to hear?

The flautists song / flute music. / The flautist playing his flute.

In stanza 2, what does the word here refer to?

The city / town / personas place


In stanza 3, why does the persona feel guilty for thinking about her beloved?

She feels guilty because at present people around her are suffering.

Suggest two things you would do to stop the world frombleeding.

Spread the message of peace, tolerance and living in harmony

Learn to appreciate what life has offered and be happy with it.
How is the rice field?
Sick / unhealthy / infertile / neglected

State two activities that I consider luxuries.

Spend time watching the rain / gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops/ Enjoying the fragrance of flowers

Why do you the personas conscience is disturbed? Give reasons for your answer.
Thinking of the flautist while feeling worried about the troubled with the situation around her.
What musical instrument is the poets friend playing?
A flute
Describe the village.
It is empty has people have left for the city.
Who feels guilty?
The persona
While here it has become a luxury!
To spend time watching the rain
Why do you think the persona says it is a luxury to spend time watching rain? Give reasons for your
Life in the city is so busy that one has no time for simple pleasures and there are other problems to worry

Why does the persona ask if the flute player is still playing his flute?
She does not know if he is still in the village enjoying his favourite pastime.
How does she feel about his music?
Nostalgic / desirous / wishful
Write down the line which shows that the persona thinks highly of his music.
To the depth of my heart
In your own words,
What kind of a person do you think is the flute player?
Passionate / Obsessed / An introvert / Asequester

Have you been involved in a similar passion over any interest or hobby? Provide explanation.

Identify two words used to describe the village.
Quiet and deserted
What has happened to the village?
It is deserted as the people have left for better jobs.
In stanza 2, what does the words here refers to?
The city / town / personas place
In your own words,
What do you of the things the persona consider luxuries?
Rain, sunset (evening rays) / dew / fragrance of flowers

What would you enjoy doing for pleasure?

Why does the poet feel guilty?
To be longing for the flautists song

What musical instrument does the poets love play?

How is the situation in the village?
Quite bad as it is empty because the villagers have left the village for better jobs and conditions.
Why do think the poet is surprised that the flautist is still playing his flute? Give reasons for your
She thinks that he is undisturbed with the turmoil in the nation and the world.
Why is the village so quiet and deserted?
The villagers have left the village for better jobs and conditions.
Which phrase in stanza 1 implies how much the music affected the poet?
To the depth of my heart
What does the poet mean by using the words concealedand uncovered to describe the music?
It means that the melody is in the bamboo and will only be heard when the flautist plays the flute.
What could the poem be about?
It is about upholding values, accepting changes in life and appreciating simple pleasures of life.
Describe ONE emotion the poet is feeling in the first stanza.
Guilty / nostalgic

What does the phrase, slim hollow of the bamboo refer to?

The flute
Describe a significant memory that you have. Explain briefly why it is significant to you.
Based on stanza 2, where do you think the persona is?
In the city
Based on stanza 2, what is the contrast between the personas place and the flautists?
The flautists place is empty and deserted whereas the personas place is undergoing a turmoil [ political
and economical crisis].
Based on stanza 2, in the first line, what do you think the persona is feeling?
A sense of doubt / unsure / puzzled
Based on stanza 1, which line reveals the intensity of the personas feelings?
To be longing for your song
Based on stanza1, how does the persona feel about the flautist?
Longing / pining/yearning/passionate / love
Based on stanza 1, which line (s) reveal (s) that the persona is struggling with her feelings?
Where there is hardly time for our love
Based on stanza 1, describe the personas mood.
Sombre / solemn / Sad
What is so distinctive about the melody from the flute?
It touches the depth of her heart
Why is the rice field described as sick?
It has been neglected so it is no longer productive and fertile.
What is the meaning of the metaphor slaughtered mercilessly?
People are no longer tolerant of each other and people are being killed cruelly.
What kind of feeling is expressed by the persona in the poem?
A sense of sadness, hopelessness, despair and misery
Why does the persona feel guilty?
To be longing for the flautists song.
Why is the personas conscience disturbed?
She is worried about the present situation in her nation which is facing a crisis.
In your opinion, does the persona feel depressed about this world? Give your reasons.
Based on stanza 2, how would you describe the person who seems to be very interested in his
Idle / unaffected by the crisis / carefree / in his own world
Write the two words that relate to how a flute is played?
Breath and fingers____________________________________________________________
What do you think the persona feels about the other persons obsession with playing the
flute? Using your own words, give a reason to support your answer.
What is the main theme in the stanza above?
Upholding values, appreciating simple pleasures of life, accepting changes in life

Write two words that are related to the condition of the village.

Quiet and deserted

Where do you think the persona is? Using your own words, give a reason to support your
In the city because .
Who is playing the flute?
The flautist in the village / The personas love
Why does the persona feel guilty?
To be longing for the flautists song
Where does the melody originate from?
The bamboo / The slim hollow of the bamboo
Which two lines best describe how a flute is played?
Uncovered by the breath of an artist & composed by his fingers
Which word would you use to describe the personas village?
Quiet / deserted

Name one.

What does the persona mean by the sick rice field?
The paddy fields are neglected so they are barren and unproductive.
What are the evening rays referred to?
Write two activities that are considered a luxury by the persona.
Spend time watching the rain / gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops/ Enjoying the fragrance of flowers
Why is the person still thinking of her beloved?
She has feelings for him. / She still loves him.
Write two problems faced by the persona as mentioned in the stanza above.
Her brothers are unemployed and desperate / Her people are disunited by politics / Her friend is
slaughtered mercilessly
What is the tone used? Give a reason for your answer.
Sad / Hopelessness / Despair / Anxious
Where do you think the persona is likely to be?
In the city / town
Where is the flautist playing his flute?
In the village
What does the flute represent?
Why is the phrase, Are you still playing your flute?, repeated three times in the poem? Using your
own words, give reasons to support your answer.
To reinforce the emotion (wondering/puzzled) behind the question and create a dramatic effect
In stanza 1, what poetic device does the first line above refer to?
Rhetorical question
In stanza 1, what does line 2 tell us about the relationship between the persona and the flautist?
They loved each other when they were together.

What is the persona guilty about?
To be longing for the flautists song.
The poet used certain words to indicate where the melody is:
What are these words?
Concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Do you think they are suitable? Why?
Yes, because the flute is played by blowing into hollow of the bamboo and melody is created by the
In stanza 1, why does the persona feel guilty listening to music of the flautist?
She is very busy and also her nation is undergoing a crisis.
Why is enjoying the fragrance of flowers regarded as a luxury by the persona in stanza 2?
In the city, one can be very busy in the rat race that they have no time to even appreciate the flowers
growing around them.
Give one problem the nation is undergoing.
Political crisis / Economical crisis / Disharmony
Explain in your own words why the persona feels her worldis too old and bleeding.
The world is changing for the worst and non-renewable resources cannot be replenished.
What do you think the flute represents?
What do you think the phrase, the world is too old and bleeding represents?
The world is changing for the worst and non-renewable resources cannot be replenished.
Suggest a reason why the persona cannot forget the music from the flute?
The music must have been beautiful and special that it has embedded in her heart.
Do you think the persona has made the right decision in leaving the village? Give a reason.
What is it like in the village?
Quiet and empty
What does the word sick imply about the rice field?
Barren / Unproductive / Infertile / Neglected
What are the luxuries mentioned by the poet? State two of them.
Spend time watching the rain / gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops/ Enjoying the fragrance of flowers

Do you like to live in the village? Give reasons to your answer.

In the last stanza, what is the personas feeling when she remembers the flautist?
Guilty / Remorseful /
Why is there disunity among the citizens of the country?
They lack tolerance and understanding.
What happened to the personas friend?
Killed cruelly
What do you think the last line of the stanza mean?
The world is changing for the worst.

As the old saying goes, No man is an island; we all need

companionship to complete us. Moreover, nowadays, we can even profess to have
many friends. The social networking tools that are available to us made it easier for
us to keep in touch and connect to our friends as well as to get to know many new
friends around the world without even the need to meet them face to face in real
life. We socialize with people whom we call friends all the time, but can we say that
friends are the most valuable thing in our lives? In my humble opinion, I dont think
so. Friends are very important, yes, but there are many more important things or
people in our lives, namely our family members, our health and our own personal
Blood is thicker than water. This idiom explains the importance and
significance of our family members; the bond that we share is so much stronger
than the relationships we have with others. Friends may accompany us when
everything is fine but there are very few friends who will stay back and go all out
for us when the going gets tough. Our family, on the other hand, will never leave
us in a lurch; no matter how difficult it is, they will try their level best to see us
through the rough patch in life. In order words, we can always count on them to be
there for us. Moreover, there are some friends who might have bad intentions and
who might do things that can harm us to serve their own interest, but that is
seldom heard of among family members. Family members will not normally turn
against each other to their own advantage, but will normally be at the lookout for
each other. Hence this complete trust, strong bond, and unconditional sacrifices,
love that we have with our family members are uniquely precious and cannot be
really found and experienced with our friends.
On the other hand, our health should be more important than our friends.
Friends may engage in activities that may bring negative effects to our health, for
instance, smoking, taking drugs, partying and hanging out till late at night, or even
engaging in sexual immorality, but we must be wise enough to know that our own
health is far more important than pleasing our friends. If we are sick, most of the
time, our friends who might have encouraged us to join in those activities will not
be the ones who will stay back to nurse us back to health. Thus, we must always
remember, compared to friends, our health is very important because we need it
to enjoy a quality life, to fulfill our goals and to pursue our dreams.
Lastly, our personal development is also more important compared to
friends. We need to always improve ourselves, and in this, our friends play a major
role in influencing and shaping who we are. Hence it is crucial for us to be selective
in our choice of friends. We must surround ourselves with people with positive
qualities and good personalities or attitude that can help us to develop a wellrounded character instead of having bad associates who can tarnish our reputation

or be a bad influence to us, for example in the use of vulgar words or in playing
truants. We need to understand that although they might be exciting and fun to be
with, our personal development is more important, and it is our responsibility to
make sure that no one deters us from what we need to develop ourselves
constantly in life, namely to continue improving our knowledge and skills, to be a
person with praiseworthy qualities and to be a person who can contribute to the
Hence, despite the importance of friends, I cannot agree that friends are
the most important thing in our lives. It is because having a friend can be a boon
or a bane depending on how selective we are. However, this does not mean that
they are unimportant! They are an integral part of our lives, but we need to be
balanced in our view of friends, and make sure we know what is more important
when making decisions in our lives.

Friends are people whom we turn to when our spirits need a lift. They are always by our
side through thick and thin. They stand beside us even when our disposition is not perfectly
right and will fight for us if we are oppressed. Therefore, it is clear that friends play a vital
role in shaping who we are today. But what qualities exactly do we need to look for in a
A friend should always be caring towards you. He or she should take interest in your
problems no matter how big or petty your problem may be. A friend should be able to sit
beside you and encourage you to keep your chin up even when everyone else is against
you. A friends empathy and lovingness will also replenish your worn-out soul and will make
you realize how important a friend really is.
Apart from that, a friend should be an honest person. An honest friend will dissipate any
worries that he or she is lying towards you. A friends honesty will enable you to trust his
or shes opinion when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself. For example, an
honest friend will remand you on your declining grades and will ask you to work harder
while a dishonest friend will see it with a blind eye. Therefore, an overall improvement in
yourself will be noticeable if you have an honest friend.
Moreover, a friend should be generous both emotionally and knowledge wise. A friend who
is generous ought to be able to connect with you and provide emotional support. He or she
should also be generous when it comes to sharing knowledge. A true friend must be everready to help you when you are inept in certain subjects. A friend can easily guide you
towards understanding the subject matter better as he or she is often on the same page as
you. The only difference is that you cant quite grasp the content of the page per se.
Besides that, a friend must also be able to humour you. Humour plays a quintessential role
in making your day more lively and enjoyable. Friends who pull your leg and mess about
will indefinitely make life seem so much better. As they say, laughter is the best medicine
and a little levity on rainy days is always welcomed.
In conclusion, friends are people we spend most of our time with. Thus, we have to be
selective when it comes to choosing our friends.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Datuk Abdullah

73200, Gemencheh Negeri Sembilan
Prime Camping of Uniformed Unit
On May 27, 2011, Sekolah Kebangsaan Datuk Abdullah held a Prime Camp of Uniformed Unit for Year six
students. It was held for three days and two nights starting on Friday and ends on Sunday.
students and 40 teachers involved in this camp.

A total of six year 84

There are five units involved, they were Scouts, Puteri Islam, the

Red Crescent Society, Cadet School and Tunas Puteri teenagers. The aims of the implementation of this camp is to
provide an attractive outdoor education, which can help students improve physical and mental health, foster esprit de
corps, comradeship, disciplined and live independently.

In addition, the camp would also

increase devotion to

The objectives of this camp is an opportunity to separate themselves from the comfort and luxury which is

available in the present life.

In addition, the camps allow students to relax their mind in a refreshing environment

and move actively after a hard and stressful UPSR.

Emphasis on the spiritual aspect will

also be

a main


Various activities designed to suit the purpose and objectives of this camp. The examples of activities
planned are jungle tracking, First Aid training, aerobics, Foot Drill, Cultural Night, sports and cooking competition. All
these activities are conducted in the schools under the supervision and guidance of teachers who work in

Food and drink were fully cooked and prepared by the teachers.

As all students involved are Muslim

students, congregational prayers and religious lectures was made as a compulsory activities as their spiritual

On the last day which was Sunday, the official closing of the activities was conducted. The Headmaster of SK

Datuk Abdullah, Tn. Hj. Zainal bin Yusof gave the closing speech and officialy closed the camp.
the gift and Certificate of Participation

He also


to the camp participant.

The Primary Uniformed Camp Unit was held with great success. No accidents or of unexpected events
occurred during this camp session.

All planned activities had been conducted in a timely manner.

also shown their satisfaction and pleased with the camp.

They participated well in all

Students had

the activities with great

interest. The objectives of outdoor education which thought the participants a sense of belonging, self-reliant, which
emphasized the mental and physical health were successfully met.

In my opinion this should be regularly

conducted as it has given vast advantages towards the participant. I would also like suggest that, if it is possible in
terms of energy and cost, this camp could be held away from schools area as it
students and teachers.

Reported by,
( Noraini bt Mohamad )
Secretary of Ko-kurikulum Unit

will provide a new experience for

DIRECTED: FORMAL LETTER: Letter of Complaint

Raju a/l Lingam,
123 A, Lorong Bahagia,
Taman Sentosa,
07231 Bandar Baru Sentol,
The President,
Bandar Baru Sentol Council,
Kompleks Utama,
07200 Bandar Baru Sentol

16 JUNE 2011

Dear Sir,
Uncollected Rubbish and Clogged Drains
I am writing this letter is to attract your attention to the above title. As the representative of the
community, I am calling to tell you that the 300 odd residents living in Taman Sentosa are
extremely unhappy about the lackadaisical attitude of the local town council towards the
uncollected rubbish and clogged drains in our area.
The rubbish in our area has not been collected for more than a week. The rubbish is
supposed to be collected on alternate days but this has not been the case. The town council
workers collect the rubbish according to their own whims and fancies. The uncollected garbage has
attracted not only flies and mosquitoes but also wild dogs which had attacked the residents on
several occasions. These stray animals also scatter the rubbish and make the roads dirty and
smelly. As a result, residents have to bear the discomfort of stench from the garbage and risk their
We are also disappointed with the town council workers for not clearing the clogged drains
which are filled with rubbish. The drains would usually overflow when there is heavy rain and the
rubbish would then flow into the compounds of our houses. Besides, putting up with the unbearable
stench emitted from them, the residents have to spend hours cleaning their compounds of rotten
vegetables, food leftovers and other rubbish.
Due to dengue outbreak recently, we are really concerned about the residents health
especially the children. Fogging service also was not done accordingly to the schedule. The
fogging authority only did their job whenever a case of dengue aroused. They even fogging the
neighbourhood late at night that caused us to leave the residents. They need to consider the
residents who have babies and also to those who need to wake up early in the morning for work.
The fogging also caused the people to have breathing problem when we were not told the exact
time of fogging.
We have made numerous appeals to the Municipal Council to look into our complaints but
to no avail. We have been putting up with this predicament for more than a week. We hope the
health authorities would do something to check these health hazards.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully,





Mr. Hasnan bin Jalal,

The Principal,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata
Malik bin Abdul
24 March 2011
Report about the School Canteen

I am writing this report is to draw your attention regarding the school canteen. Many of the
students of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata are unhappy about the conditions at the
school canteen. There were lots of complaints regarding this issue.
In the first place, there are insufficient tables and benches. Our school has a
student population of over 1 000. There is only one period of recess time for all forms. More than
80 per cent of the students go to the canteen during recess to buy food and drinks. Unfortunately,
there are only about twenty-five tables and fifty benches which can accommodate less than half the
number of students. As a result, many students have to stand while eating.
The food sold at the canteen not only expensive but lacks of variety. The menu is the same
every day. For the past five years, ever since the present canteen management took over, students
go back to the same food.
The hygiene and preparation of food leave a lot to be desired. The food and drinks are not
covered. They way canteen attendants dress speak volume about hygiene. With their lackadaisical
attitude, the food they sell would one way or the other become contaminated.
My fourth complaint about the canteen pertains to the etiquette of the canteen workers.
They are rude and arrogant. They often shout at students. The students are always on the
receiving end of their bad moods.
We hope that conditions at the canteen will improve. The canteen should provide better
amenities. There should also be a different menu everyday so that students will not have to taste
the same food day in and day out. Cleanliness should be given top priority.
We hope that you will look into our complaints and take steps to remedy the situation. The
students are prepared to boycott the canteen if their complaints go unheeded.
Reported by:
Malik bin. Mohd Jalil
314 words

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