Section 1: Tinge: To Impart A Small Taste or Feel. Inexhaustible: Incapable of Being Depleted

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Section 1

Sycamore: A tree, of the near east, related to the fig tree, bearing an edible fruit.

Sacristy: An apartment or small house which is connected to the church, this is where the priests reside.

Crook: A bent or curved piece of material.

Proprietor: The owner of a business, establishment, or hotel.

Shear: To remove as by cutting or clipping.

Section 2
Vague: not clearly expressed or explained, lacking detail.

Raven: lustrous black.

Section 3
Zenith: The highest point or state; culmination.

Seminary: A place of origin and propagation.

Section 5
Tinge: To impart a small taste or feel.

Inexhaustible: Incapable of being depleted.

Section 6
Recurrent: Recurring or repeating again without end.

Section 8
Omen: A prognostic.

Levanter: A strong easterly wind blowing from the Mediterranean.

To Whet: To sharpen an object by grinding or friction.

Embedded: To become fixed or incorporated.

Objective: Being against ones goals, aspirations or beliefs.

Section 9
Abashed: Ashamed or embarrassed, disconcerted.

Section 10
Infidel: A person who does not accept a particular faith.

Strait: A narrow passage of water connecting two large bodies of water.

Retaliate: To requite to make a return for violence or injury.

Scabbard: A sheath for a sword or the like.

Embossed: To raise or represent surface designs with relief.

Trajectory: the curve projected by a flying projectile or rocket.

Lament: To feel or regret sorrow.

To Teem: To abound or swarm; to be prolific or fertile.

Section 11
Resolved: to firm in purpose or intent.

Section 12
Well-heeled: well off, rich.

Section 13
Profound: Originating in or penetrating to the depths of one’s being.

Section 14
Ruefully: Causing sorrow or pity.

Pilgrimage: A journey, one under taken for a votive quest.

Section 15
Disembark: To go ashore from a ship.

Hookah: A tobacco pipe used in the Middle East with a long flexible tube used to smoke tobacco.

Refrained: To abstain from any impulse to say or do something.

Section 16
Retained: To keep possession of an object.

Section 18
Incessant: Continuing without interruption.

Section 19
Alchemy: A form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the middle-ages and renaissance.

Fruitlessly: Fruitless, unproductive, bearing no success.

Section 20
Divination: The practice of foretelling future events or uncovering unknown knowledge.

Section 21
Capricious: obsolete, Fanciful or witty.

Intuitively: One’s personal responsible decision.

Nostalgia: A wistful desire to return to a pleasant former point in life.

Balk: To stop at an obstacle and refuse to do something specified.

Nocturnal: of or penetrating to the night.

Section 22
Mania: Excessive excitement or enthusiasm.

Incredulous: indicating or showing disbelief.

Obscure: Not expressing the meaning clearly or plainly.

Section 24
Contemplate: To consider thoroughly, with good intent.

Section 26:
Herald: A person or thing that precedes or comes after.
Section 27
Obscure: (see section 22)

Section 28
Sentinels: A person or thing that stands watching or seems to stand and watch.

Oases: A small, green, fertile region in a desert.

Clamor: A loud uproar, as from a fan or crowd.

Exultant: Highly elated, jubilant.

Mirage: something illusory, without substance.

Wary: Being on one’s guard against danger.

Section 29
Bade: To command or order.

Suffuse: To overspread with a liquid or color.

Habituated: To accustom a person with the mind

Imperceptibly: Something not capable of being perceived by the senses.

Prognostication: A forecast of prediction.

Brandish: A flourish or waving of a weapon.

Section 30
Scimitar: A curved or single edged sword of oriental descent.

Section 31:
Reiterate: To say or do again.

Daunting: To overcome with fear, intimidate.

Traitorous: having the character of a traitor.

Section 32:
Steed: A horse, a high spirited one.

Melancholy: A gloomy state of mind.

Section 33
Averting: To turn away or aside.

Section 34
Monotony: Wearisome uniformity or lack of originality.

Section 35
Treasonous: With intent to injure.

Luminous: radiating or reflecting light.

Heed: To give careful attention to.

Section 36
Wearisome: Causing weariness and fatiguing.

Encampment: An act of instance or encamping.

Garbed: A fashion or mode of dress.

Section 37
Convey: To communicate, impart be known.

Section 38
Ravages: To work havoc upon, make ravages.

Despise: To regard with discontent.

Impenetrable: Not penetrable, cannot be perforated.

Section 40
Impassable: Not passable, not allowing passage through, along or by.
Section 41
Sirocco: A hot, dry dust filled wind blowing from Northern Africa.

Simium: (unknown)

Commence: Inaugurate, Begin.

Tethers: A rope, chain which to an animal is fastened to an object.

Beseech: To implore urgently.

Section 42
Recounted: To count again.

Section 43
Coptic Monastery: Building that is reserved for prayer.

Invoked: To call for with earnest desire.

Section 44
Immortal: Not mortal, not liable but subject to death.

Centurion: The commander of a century.

Section 45
Avidly: Enthusiastic, ardent, keen.

Preconceived: To form a conception or opinion about.

Reared: To take care of and support until maturity.

Scarab: A pictorial representation of any beetle.

Abraded: To wear off or down without scraping or rubbing.

Conquistador: Spanish conqueror of Mexico in the 16 th century.

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