The Red Pill 07 - 06

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he Coming Insurrection is a very
hot book. Not only is it some of the
most poetic revolutionary political NUMBER OF DAYS WE’RE STILL AT WAR
theory to come out in generations, but also the Elliot Free State held NUMBER OF FREE
the logging road: STATE PROTESTERS
it is getting it’s authors into some hot water. 4 arrested in defense of SEPTEMBER 2009 VOL. 7 NO. 6
Written by the anonymous “Invisible our forests:
Committee,” The Coming Insurrection lays MINIMUM NUMBER 27
out its case against the modern western OF DOLLARS
world in seven circles. After blasting work, that the roadblock has NUMBER OF WEEKS
capitalism, politics, consumption, and cost ‘the’ authorities it took HF! NMD! to
civilization, the book transitions into how and so far: out two undercover
93,000 GJPD officers at their
why we can stop this capitalist culture. At meetings:
times the text seems like a surrealist manifesto NUMBER OF YEARS 3
of yesteryear, and at other points like a astute in Prison faced by the
political analysis of the insurrectionary authors of The Coming NUMBER OF TRAINS
potential in our modern atomized world. Insurrection: alledged to be disabled
The fact that the French authors are 25 by the authors of The
facing Terrorism charges for writing the book Coming Inssurection:
really shows how scary these ideas are to the NUMBER OF PEOPLE 160
ruling elite. Self management, self-reliance, who died on the steets of
interrelated communes of resistance, and by Grand Junction in 2008: PERCENT OF LOCAL
16 houseless people that are
passing the state are the way we the people veterans:
can begin to take back control of our lives. NUMBER OF 36
“....A gang is having a meeting on a street MONTHS
corner. Bigger gatherings on the boulevards, Confluence Books was DATE
deep in serious discussions. Attacks flash open at its old location: Confluence Books
from one city to another, from one day to 9 will re-open:
the next. A new barracks has been pillaged
and burnt to the ground. The Inhabitants
of a foreclosed-on house have stopped
playing tug-of-war with the mayor’s office;
they live there in his office now....” from * Sources for the State of Disunion can be found at Undercover police officer “Vic” (left) and his partner pose as houseless people at the
the epilogue of The Coming Insurrection.• first meeting of Housing First! No More Deaths! on July 7th.
You can find an English pdf of this
soon to be counter-culture classic at:
The Red Pill is looking for volunteers: graphic designers,
writers, poets, cartoonists, artists, and photographers are CAUGHT SPYING ON HOMELESS
com/2009/04/thecominsur_booklet.pdf needed. Get your work published now. Help distribute ORGANIZATION
The Red Pill in your community, church, and school:
contact us at You can also do embers of Housing First! No More for a friend who was doing some paperwork
your part to keep us in print by donating time, paper, Deaths!, in July, were able to confirm around noon on Wednesday, July 22nd. When
film, copies, and of course money (it doesn’t print itself). that two undercover Grand Junction she saw the two undercover officers letting
police officers had joined their organization. themselves through a secured door into the
The two undercover officers participated lobby and then out the rear secured door of
in meetings, trainings, and signed the the police station. “I got up to make sure they
membership list joining the organization. were the same guys that were at the meetings,
“I’m honestly not surprised,” said and they both looked back as they were
Connie Murillo, “they stood out since leaving. It was definitely them.” Murillo said.
The Red Pill is collectively produced by Grand Junction the beginning.” Murillo said that she was Minutes before the beginning of the
Alternative Media, with the aim of publishing stories and disappointed that the police would resort first HF! NMD! on July 7th in Whitman
ideas that the mainstream media won’t cover. It is distributed to political surveillance. “Undercover Park, police scanner traffic indicated that
free, collects no advertising, and is completely staffed by policing of public political organizing two officers were on “special assignment at
volunteers. All materials are copyleft, no rights are reserved. destroys community trust of the police.” Whitman Park.” Indicating that the police had
PH O T O C O P Y A N D D I S T R I B U T E AT W I L L ! Murillo was at the police station waiting
UNIVERSITY with the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR). the issue of the institutional racism at ASU
On June 25, 2008 the documents and was in the hands of some powerful people
BY PETE PEARSON affidavits were published for download on in Washington DC to be acted upon, had the

a blog at Guerilla News Network, filed by Gates matter not grabbed national headlines.
rizona State University, home involved knew each other directly; they user “drp2p” titled, “Stop the hate at ASU.” During this period, freelance journalist
of Sparky the Sun Devil, has were from different colleges and disciplines. Interestingly, Senator McCain replied to Jana Bommersbach was working on a
the reputation for partying and What they had in common were names that our inquiry and forwarded a request to related story regarding open and blatant
cheerleader porn above academics, but there reflected an African or Islamic heritage. Governor Napolitano with the hope that racism and sexism at the Tempe campus
is also has a much darker secret. A secret In the course of our interviews, a pattern it would be resolved. However, to date, no coming directly from Mr. Crow. What was
that weaves the trauma of fear, exploitation, emerged; all the professors were recognized one from the Arizona governor’s also discovered during her investigation
suffering, and pain on individuals whose in their respective fields, in fact one of the office or ABOR has acknowledged was the long history of sexism
only offense is being born non-white. That is professor’s has published several books receipt of the information and related issues that Mr. Crow
the act of racial and sexist terrorism coming on African and Black history. All the although all correspondence had while working at Columbia
directly from ASU President, Michael Crow. professors had a stellar academic record and was sent certified mail. University as Vice Provost. Ms.
During the spring 2008 semester, had been recommended for tenure by their September 2008 the ASU-CCS, Bommersbach’s article titled,
there were rumors at ASU West that a respective departments. However, Mr. Crow Rev. Oscar Tillmann with the “ASU’s True Colors” appears in the
number of Black professors and staff were had personally fired each one within a day local chapter of the NAACP and August 2009 Phoenix Magazine.
fi red outright or denied tenure. The ASU or so of going before the tenure committee. Arizona Rep. Cloves Campbell, Jr. Why is this important and is there
– Counsel of Concerned Student, (ASU- There was another Black professor who discussed possibly having a news a solution. Racism is more then the
CCS), an independent student organization was fi red but chose not to be interviewed; conference at the State Capital. infrequent white supremacist who
for equality and justice in academia, began she retired early and gave up the fight. At The idea was to get national commits a hate crimes. Racism in
an investigation into the rumors. What was least two Black staff members were also attention on the issue of blatant the U.S. is the hegemony of power
discovered turned out to be shocking. At the forced to resign at the West campus as a institutional racism at Arizona maintained by the dominant culture.
start of the spring 2008 semester, well before result of oppressive working conditions. State. Rep. Campbell canceled this because This can be seen from the U.S. Congress, to
the economic downturn, the small campus During the investigation, ASU-CCS of the pending presidential election with the CEOs and Executive Boards that makeup
at ASU- West had 11 Black professors. turned up some interesting statistics where the idea to present something to the media the leading global corporation, down to the
By the end of the semester, Mr. Crow had Mr. Crow had effectively eliminated all in 2009. This has not happened. With a local municipalities. The dominant white
effectively removed four Black professors Native American professors from the sense of growing frustration, ASU-CCS culture holds over 98 percent of this power
devastating programs, moral, and confidence West campus. As opposed to contacting compiled the affidavits and subsequent structure. Non-whites, women of color,
in a basic college education. The ASU-CCS mainstream media, ASU-CCS attempted letters that were sent to Arizona official gays and those who identify as “others” pose
began an interview process of the professors to bring the finding to the attention of then and sent these to: Attorney General Eric a direct threat to this hegemony if they are
involved, the obvious question was, what did Arizona Governor, Janet Napolitano, as Holder, Department of Justice; Secretary properly educated. The key to breaking this
you do to get fired? None of the professors Arne Duncan, Department of Education and structure is education of minorities in all
“RACISM” ON PAGE SEVEN Secretary Janet A. Napolitano, Department disciplines and then placing these educated
of Homeland Security and other officials. individuals in a position to teach; however,
Those letters were received March 2009. as long as the dominant culture relegates
“UNDERCOVERS” FROM FIRST PAGE people in the park that they ‘never should of On July 23, 2009 the ASU-CCS received minorities to ethnic studies, sports, or a
had that meeting,’ that they ‘have the wrong a letter from Chief John M. Gadzichowski two-year college for a menial job, the power
planted undercover officers at that meeting. idea,’ and that ‘you don’t know what kind of
One of the officers who called Employment Litigation Section, Department structure remains. The solution is to expand
trouble you’ve started,’ said Jacob Richards. of Justice, acknowledging receipt of our this powerbase to reflect the actual social
himself “Vic” claimed to be an Iraq War Despite all this the group is still
vet who had been houseless since he letter. What is interesting, our letter was sent and cultural make up of the country. The
willing to work with the police department. five days after the arrest of Harvard Professor first step in the revolution of equality is to
discharged from the military. Vic and “Deputy Chief John Zen has made an effort
his fellow officer told members of the Henry Gates leading some to speculate that realize that racism, in any form, is terrorism.•
to establish open lines of communication
organization two different locations of between the police department and our
where they were supposedly camping. organization, and though the discovery of
“This is really just more of the same
police intimidation and harassment that is
undercover police at our meetings sets things CONFLUENCE BOOKS HAS RE-OPENED

back a little bit, we are still willing to work
directed at the the houseless population in with the GJPD. In fact they are vital partners
our city on a regular basis,” said HF! member onfluence Books, which is operated along media, radical perspectives, underground
if our organization wants to achieve our with the Red Pill by Grand Junction comix, hard to find DVDs and used books.
Laurel Ripple. “I don’t see what the city and fi rst goal which is “No More Deaths on the
police find so frightening about the poor Alternative Media, has moved to a new Come visit us at our new location, we
Streets of Grand Junction.” said Richards.• location. Confluence Books which operated at are open now Tuesday—Saturday 12pm-
and the houseless organizing themselves.”
In addition to police survailence Editor’s Note— This press release 600 White Ave. since November. We really had 6pm. Our new address is 742 Rood Ave
homeless individuals involved with a good time in White Hall and we had some of Suite (A), Grand Junction, CO 81501.
was sent to all the local media and the most memerable parties and get togethers. or give us a call at 245-4442.
HF!NMD! have been harassed by the police
after the first HF! NMD! meeting on July state media. The Red Pill and the We are sad that we are having to move, You can still find our self-produced DVDs,
7th. “Three different people all said the Western Slope Watchdog were the but we have found a smaller and cheaper space Books, and Zines online at:
same thing: that officer Cody Kennedy and only papers that published it. Where near the intersection of 8th and Rood.
four other officers told a number of homeless was the mainstream press? Confluence Books is still the only
outlet in Western Colorado for alternative
idealist devoured by the REBEL READING LIST
very machine he seeks
An intense, poetic collection of nine to serve, but charging, ere’s a list of ten books this work lays bare the systemic tragedies
anthropological essays by the 1990 Nobel ceaselessly enthralling every rebel should read. which so often serve as the foundations for
Laureate in Literature, this work, published adventure story that the empires of wealthy white comfort. A
originally in 1950, is an in depth examination is at times heart must read for anyone wishing to combat the
of not only the Mexican character, but the stopping, infuriating, •A People’s History of the United class exploitation that has been ravaging
human character. Stripping away the layers dizzying, and, States of America by Howard Zinn our planet and our psyches for centuries.
of history that have formed the character of ultimately, shattering,
his people, Paz etches from the dark stones This groundbreaking •The Cave by Jose Saramago
of the human heart images of persons masterpiece, originally
who have worn the chains of their culture •The Tin Drum published in 1980, is exactly The Portuguese master of magical realism
since before they were born, yet violently, by Gunther Grass what the title suggests: a and 1998 Nobel Laureate in Literature
and sometimes ecstatically, persist. A history of the United States weaves in his typically incandescent prose
ruminative, ponderous work informed by Published in 1959 by a man who won the told through the stories of a story of commercialism gone rampant and
both Paz’s personal experiences and academic 1999 Nobel Prize in Literature and came out the indigenous peoples and one man’s struggle to keep his soul in a world
knowledge with a visionary scope, this work in 2006, after a lifetime of being hailed as a the workers who are the where simulation has become more real than
will leave you elucidated and breathless. moral authority, as having been a member life blood of this nation. reality. The title refers to Plato’s allegory of
in his teenage years of the Waffen SS, this Omitting the typical hero the cave and the story examines the allegory
•Out of the Night by Jan Valtin seminal novel is considered by most the worship and grandiose as it relates to common people, not just the
first great novel of post WWII Germany. A depictions of politicians and robber barons that people in charge. Gorgeous, incomparable
A forgotten masterpiece that sold over a strange, immense book whose main character, most high school and college texts wallow in, storytelling that illuminates the struggle of
million copies when it was first published Oskar Matzerath, is in many ways the this is an essential read for anyone who wishes the modern world to maintain its humanity.
in 1941 and possibly the greatest political quintessential misfit genius, this tale proves to know what it means to be an “American”
memoir of all time (certainly one of the that in the land where you must sacrifice your and inimitable for those who want to challenge, •Guerrilla Warfare by Che Guevara
most exciting), this is the autobiography of humanity to be accepted only the real freaks destroy or recreate the system to serve us.
a communist deeply engaged in party affairs who will never conform will remain human.• This book will show you not only how to
after the first world war and into the second. • Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire fight a war against the imperialist powers
Not only an incredible insiders account of an now raping our world on every level possible,
The 1968 masterpiece that paved the way but teach you why Che, possibly the best
for a whole new perspective on what exactly known counter culture figure in the world
the word “education” means. A necessary and a man who gave his life in the battle

Activist Calendar
read for anyone seeking to understand how against capitalism, would slap you in your
the systems of “education” the world over fucking face for sporting your phony ass
are merely tools for the elite to control shirt imprinted with his visage. Stop co-
the rest of us. The central text for anyone opting our heroes, you fucking poseurs.
Every Tuesday • 1:30PM February 10th-15th • 2010 who wishes to cooperate in education
Housing First! No More Deaths! meets to devise creative Convergence agiants the Winter Olympics with marginalized and exploited peoples. •Days of War, Nights of Love by CrimethInc.
grassroots solutions to homelessness, and prevent Vancouver, British Columbia
homeless related deaths. •On the Road by Jack Kerouac Now a modern classic, this collectively
Whitman Park
EVERY SATURDAY • 5:00PM composed work of anarchist thought is a
Solidarity Not Charity meets at Whitman Park to serve The book that inspired the rebellion of provocative beginners guide for navigating
Wednesday, October 6th • 5PM
Drinking Liberally gets together to drink and talk free food for free people. the sixties and the central milestone of the the conundrums
politics the first Wednesday of the month. For more info: 257-9520 counterculture Beat and contradictions
Kannah Creek Brewery, Grand Junction literary movement. underlying both the
October 23rd-25th
Though Kerouac was world of everyday
West Rising! A Growing Resistance
Friday, September 25th • 6PM a confrence on radical organizing.
obviously flawed and suburban malaise and
Critical Mass. Bring your bike or skate for a Denver University didn’t consider himself the world of anarchist
community ride. We are traffic. an “anarchist” or an theory and action. The
Lincoln Park, Grand Junction “activist” and hated perfect book for anyone
EVERY SATURDAY • 12:00PM hippies, On the Road, who is interested in
Monday, September 29th • 1pm The Red Pill meets at Confluence Books. first published in 1957, living their own life
Know Your Rights When Dealing With Law Enforcement GET INVOLVED! has and will continue according to their own
training/workshop. For more info: 245-4442 to inspire road trips rules, but needs a little
Whitman Park 743 Rood Ave Suite (A) and social uprising kick start in their ass,
for years to come. and also a wonderful read for those who need
RED PILL LOCATIONS some rejuvenation on the path of resistance.
You can pick up your copy of The Red Pill at the following locations: Planet 9, Planet Earth, The Hot •The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
Tomato, Kleen Sting, Colorado Java, Contemporary Glass Works, Orr’s Trading Post, Coffee Muggers, •The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz
Triple Play Records, Dream Child Entertainment. A description of how colonialism - specifically
Download the Red Pill at: in Africa - operates and how and why many
Become our friend on @ of the revolts against it fail. Published in 1961, “REBEL” FROM PAGE THREE

T he Elliott Free State was an occupation

road block that stopped the clear-cutting
of some of the last native forests in
Cascadia. The blockade forced the logging
companies to sell back the timbersale. More
then 50 people from various EF! groups
from around the country and other local
organizations helped build the blockade.
It took 70+ police armed with “less-than-
leathal” weapons, a bulldozer, a cherry
picker, and other heavy equipment and over
48 hours to dismantle it, resulting in 27 arrests
15 of which were locked down to various
objects from bipod/skypod to sleeping
dragons (the EF! roadshow van on its side.)

For more info on the Elliott

Free St(A)te check out:

Top Left: Clear Cuts in the Elliot Nation Forest. Top Right
EF!ers man the barricade. Bottom Right: Police stand in front of
a tri-pod with a protester in it. Above: Two people lock-down to
a concrete filled barrel blocking the logging road. Bottom Left:
Two more people lock down to save our wild lands. Middle
Left: Two Protesters dangle from a bi-pod and a sky-pod.
Middle: The last protester arrested at the Elliot Free State.

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