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01 Introduction

Jurisprudence is a study of fundamental legal principles, thoughts, writings

about lawin its relation with philosophy, psychology, economics, anthropology
and other socialsciences.02Literal Meanings of English JurisprudenceThe word
Jurisprudence is derived from the Latin Term, JURIS which means legaland
PRUDENTIA means Knowledge. Therefore Jurisprudence is Science whichgives
us knowledge about law
03 Definitions of English Jurisprudence
Blacks law Dictionary:- Jurisprudence is a science of law
Salmond:- Jurisprudence is a science of law.
Ulpain:- Jurisprudence is science of just and unjust.
Austin:- Jurisprudence is philosophy of positive law
04 Scope and applications of English Jurisprudence
The Scope of Jurisprudence is very wide and vast and it includes all concepts
of human order and human conduct. Jurisprudence applies on social, moral,
economicand religious values of human beings. Jurisprudence consists of the
study of thenature of law and its related ideas. Austin has distinguished the
laws from moralityand theology. Jurisprudence is about the nature of law and
justice. It embracesstudies and theories from a range of disciplines such as
history, sociology, politicalscience, philosophy, psychology and even
07 Practical value of English Jurisprudence
Jurisprudence is the eye of law and it has very great practical value.
i.Jurisprudence provides the legal terminology to legislature.
ii.It provides skeleton to the constitution.
iii.Jurisprudence fills the gaps of law or removes legal mistakes or fallacies.

iv.It gives detailed interpretation to statue of laws.

v.Jurisprudence helps judges and lawyers in understandings the true
meaningsof laws framed by the legislatures.
vi.Jurisprudence has great educational value in logical conclusion or
analysisof legal concepts.
vii.The study of jurisprudence helps the students in adjusting themselves
insociety without causing injuries to the interests of other citizens.
08 Kinds of EnglishJurisprudence
There are three kinds of jurisprudence
:Historical Jurisprudence:Historical Jurisprudence gives the answers of the questions, origin of law,
thedevelopment of law, evolution of law and philosophy of law.
Analytical Jurisprudence:The branch of jurisprudence gives analysis to basic principles of civil and
their interpretation.The most important questions of analytic jurisprudence
are: "What are laws?";"What is the relationship between law and
power/sociology?"; and, "What is therelationship between law and morality?"
Ethical Jurisprudence:
The branch of jurisprudence deals with basic principles of ethics and moral
values.Ethical jurisprudence is a branch of legal philosophy which approaches
the law fromthe viewpoint of its ethical significance and adequacy. It deals
with the law as itought to be an ideal state. This area of study brings together
moral and legal philosophy.
09 English Jurisprudence inrelation with social sciences
a. Sociology and jurisprudence:
Sociology is the study of society with its relation with human
beings.Jurisprudence and sociology has greater connection with each other.
Sociology helpsthe jurisprudence in solving the social problems and social
wrongs/ civil wrongswithout having the knowledge of society, the
jurisprudence cannot be understood.
b. Jurisprudence and Psychology:Psychology means science of human behaviour, mind and conduct.
Psychology hasclose connection with the jurisprudence. For example in study

of criminal jurisprudence, there is great scope for study of human psychology.

In order tounderstand criminal mind behind the crime. Similarly intention to
commit crime isalso study of psychology as well as study of jurisprudence.
Jurisprudence and Ethics:Ethics means anything relating to moral action or conduct. We can say Ethics
is thescience of moral conduct. Ethics are two types. A. Ideal Moral Code
B.Positive Moral CodeThis cannot be made with the help of any legislature but
itslegislature is God. It is present in the hearts of man. Positive Moral Code
deals withthe rules, regulation formed by legislatures to the human beings of
the society.
Jurisprudence and Economics:Economics means science of wealth. It is universal truth that bad
economicscondition gives birth to many crimes and offences because due to
poverty people break laws. Karl Marx, has shows that there is good relation
between jurisprudence.For example labour laws, factory laws, mercantile
laws, company laws, associationlaws depend upon jurisprudence. As
economics improve standard of life of people,similarly jurisprudence gives
such economics laws which promote social andeconomics just.
Jurisprudence and Politics:Politics is science of government. Its main subject is relation between citizen,
stateand control of the state. There is very close relationship between
jurisprudence and politics. Because government is directly depend upon good
laws to run the statemachinery.
10 Conclusion:It is rightly said that jurisprudence is science of laws. Jurisprudence has very
closerelationship with all social sciences like sociology, history, economics,
ethics, and politics. It has practical educational and legal value with a lot of

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