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Key to Establishing World Peace Fulfillment of Request at Fatima

Following is a letter to the editor printed in the Sydney Post in Cape

Breton Island. This is yet another way you can participate in spreading
Our Ladys Urgent Message by writing to your local newspaper.
I have read a book, The Whole Truth About Fatima, by Frere Michel de la Sainte
Trinit. Its about the apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin at Fatima, Portugal.
The Most Holy Virgin appeared to three children, Lucy, Jacinta and Francisco,
every month from May until October, 1917.
On June 13, 1929, She appeared to Lucy, who is now Sister Lucia, a nun, and
told her that "the moment" had "come" for Russia to be consecrated to Her
Immaculate Heart by "the Pope in union with all the bishops of the world" on
one specific day and at the same time.
With the Blessed Virgins request fulfilled in the manner described, Russia would
be converted, there would be peace. If not, Russia would be used by God as a
means of chastisement for sins. "Russia" would "spread her errors throughout
the world." There would be famine, pestilence, wars; the good would be
martyred, the Church persecuted, and "the Holy Father" would have much to
If the Blessed Virgins request had been done, there would not have been World
War II, and the suffering by a lot of the worlds population would not be
occurring at present.
The Blessed Virgin promised in July, 1917, that in October She "would work a
miracle that all may believe." True to Her word, on October 13, between 50,000
and 70,000 people from different walks of life and cultural levels, including the
"fanatical and skeptical unbelievers, all were side by side," witnessed the
miracle of the sun defying all cosmic laws as it wheeled, zig-zagged, moved to
and from the horizon, and shone different colors of the rainbow on everyone.
The people were able to look at the sun without suffering eye damage. It had
been raining before the miracle began; then all of a sudden, the clouds had
cleared away although there was no wind.
Our Holy Mother prophesied in July, 1917, that the war (World War I) would end
soon, but if men did not cease offending God another worse war would begin. A
great sign would be given by God that He was about to punish the world. The
sign would be a "night illuminated by an unknown light."

On January 25, 1938, the prophecy was fulfilled. A light which was described by
some as a "grim reflection of a vast inferno" ("almost the whole sky seemed to
be on fire") was seen in different parts of the world France, Switzerland,
England, Italy, Portugal, Sicily, Gibraltar, North Africa. It was visible from the
evening of January 25 to the following morning. The phenomenon was also
observed in the United States and Canada.
There are some people who are under the erroneous impression that
the consecration has already been done.
News reports tell us of the horrible things going on all over the world; citizens
who are living under communist rule try to break away from it but they are
quickly and often brutally prevented from doing so by their authorities. This is
There are other bad things going on in the open. Men and women who are not
wedded to each other are cohabitating; abortions of the unborn are taking place
daily; other murders are everyday occurrences; there are robberies, violence of
all kinds: most television shows are not decent; a lot of magazines ought to be
censored or thrown in the garbage: there are songs with subliminal messages;
there is even devil worship!
If Russia was consecrated, as some people claim it was, all of these terrible
things would not be occurring.
It is unfortunate that Russia has not been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary by His Holiness "the Pope in union with all the bishops of the world"
at one specific day and at the same time.
I contacted His Excellency Bishop Colin Campbell of the Diocese of Antigonish
on the question of the consecration and he has assured me that he will bring
the matter up at the next meeting of Atlantic Bishops.
Lets all pray hard that Russia will be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary in the manner that She requested over 60 years ago. Let us pray that we
will have peace in our lifetime.
Christina M. AuCoin,
Greenhill Drive, Sydney

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