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Mach number - the speed of an object moving

through any fluid divided by the speed of sound

as it is in that substance
Speed of Sound- =


ratio specific

Critical Mach number -the Mach number when
the local Mach number on the wings upper
surface reaches 1
Reynolds number-dimensionless parameter
representing ratio of inertial forces to viscous
forces. decreases with alt
Boundary layer-thin layer of slow moving fluid
flow with high viscosity on a body surface
IAS-IAS as shown on airspeed indicator uses
mean sea level density.
CAS-speed of aircraft after IAS is correct for
position errors
EAS-CAS after corrected for high speed flow
effect/compressibility. accurate air speed value
TAS- true air speed is calculated by adjusting an
IAS according to temperature, density, and
Zero lift drag-Cdo-drag when lift =0.
dimensionless parameter that relates 0-lift drag
force to an aircraft's size, speed and flying

Ramjet-air is rammed in at high speed so no

need for compressor. efficient at M>8
Scramjet- a ramjet in which combustion takes
place in a stream of gas moving at supersonic
Turbofan- a jet engine in which a turbine-driven
fan provides additional thrust.
Flight envelope-capabilities and operating
parameters incorporating the range of
combinations of speed, AOA, n of which aircraft
is aerodynamically stable. a plot of Vmin and Vmax
as function of altitude define flight envelope.
Fuel weight fraction-ratio of fuel consumption in
a given mission leg to an aircraft's weight at the
start of the mission leg
Mass ratio-ratio of mass at start to mass at end
Thrust specific fuel consumption-fuel
consumption per thrust produced. lower values
are more efficient
Best range condition-optimum velocity to
produce the maximum range possible with min
fuel burned
Endurance-length of time an aircraft can fly per
a given load of fuel at a given set of flight
Rate of climb-an aircraft's vertical speed minus
change in altitude

Range-distance an aircraft can fly at certain

flight conditions, parameters and load of weight

Max climb angle-the steepest angle or max gain

of alt for a given horizontal distance

Velocity-rate of change of distance over time

Load factor-represents stress of which an

aircraft is subjected to

Ground speed -speed of aircraft relative to

ground calculated between two known
reference points
Position error-obtained when static vents are
located in an area of changing air flow such as
behind control surfaces

Take off-when landing gear leaves the ground,

or when the aircraft reaches 50ft from ground,
or when landing gear and flaps are fully
Specific energy-total energy/ weight

Aspect ratio-ratio of wing span(b) to chord(c) or

wing area(S) - a=(b^2)/S or a=b/c

Specific power-rate of change of specific

energy/ change in time

Angle of attack-angle between the mean chord

line and the relative air flow

Specific excess power-excess power/weight

Pitch angle-angle between the aircrafts

longitudinal axis and horizontal plane
Lift-force acting perpendicular to flow
Drag-force acting parallel to flow
Turboprop-uses gas turbine engine to power
Turbojet-thrust produced by exit velocity

Centre of gravity- The longitudinal and lateral

point in an aircraft where it is stable; the static
balance point.
Aerodynamic centre- the point at which the
pitching moment coefficient for the airfoil does
not vary with lift coefficient (i.e. angle of
Induced drag - Induced drag occurs because of
the distribution of lift across the span of the

parasitic drag- the part of the drag on an

aircraft that is contributed by nonlifting
surfaces, such as fuselage, nacelles

air speed indicator - device that measure the air

speed of aircraft through an air mass, but not its
ground speed

form drag - that part of the drag on an aerofoil

which arises from its shape.

stall- sudden loss of lift when AOA increases to a

point where flow break away from aerofoil

interference drag- Interference Drag is drag that

is generated by the mixing of airflow
streamlines between airframe components such
as the wing and the fuselage

Steady level turn - a turn where IAS and altitude

are constant
buffet- irregular oscillations of aircraft structure
caused by turbulent airflow of conditions of

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