April Newsletter

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Dyslexia Tutoring of Utah

April Newsletter

Happy Easter and Welcome to Spring!

This letter comes after our short Spring Break, and I hope that all of you enjoyed the time off
with family. Easter is one of my favorite holidays, and I enjoy this time of year. I am not a
WINTER person at all, so Spring brings me HOPE for warmer weather.

The school year will be winding done in the next few months, and many of you have asked
about summer and if we are going to be changing our schedule at all. We will be keeping
everyone on the same tutoring schedule as they are currently, but if you want to increase days,
or participate in any of our summer camps, you will need to let your tutor know as soon as

We would like to offer a PRE-K Phonemic Awareness class and a Writing Workshop during the
summer months. At this time, we have not had enough interest in either one of those classes to
seriously think about offering them. If any of you are interested in either one, please let me
know, and I can give you more details about them.

The PRE-K class, will focus mostly on all 6 phonemic awareness skills, and learning the names of
the letters and sounds. It is geared for children 4-6, but if you have a child that is a little older
and very weak in these areas, they might benefit from this class. We will be limiting the
enrollment to 4 children, and trying to have it last all summer long. It will be held 2 days per
week, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9-10:30. The tuition cost for this class is not yet
been determined, but it will be paid for by the month. If your child is going into Kindergarten
and already knows all their letters and sounds, then this is not going to benefit them at all.

The Writing Workshop will be divided up into three groups. We will have a 1 st-3rd, 4th-6th, and
7th-up. These groups will consist of 3 students that will learn the writing process. They will be
taught better handwriting skills, and the older students will be doing more grammar and basic
writing. I have had a few people show some interest, but not enough to think about hiring a
teacher yet. If you are interested in this at all, let me know. I know that summers are busy, and
it is hard to commit to one more thing, but we thought that we would try it this year and see
how it goes. If the interest is not there, then we won’t be offering it in the future.

I know that I sound like a broken record, but we are still having trouble with tutoring payments.
When you signed the contract, you agreed to pay by the week, or monthly (ahead of time). We
are still having many of you not paying until the end of the month, or every two-three weeks. I
can’t allow this to happen, so please try and get your payments in on time. If you go longer than
4 times without payment, I will have to have you STOP tutoring sessions, until the payment can
be caught up.
We have our Barnes and Noble fundraiser coming up in the month of May. It will be held again
at the South Towne Barnes and Noble on May 7th and 8th. We will have a booth set-up, so
please come and shop either of those days. If you mention our name, part of the proceeds will
go toward Dyslexia Tutoring of Utah. You don’t need to shop that store though. If you are in
another part of the State, or even in another part of the country, you can go to any store and
purchase something, tell them our name, and we will still get the credit. You will need to make
your purchases on one of those two days. Please spread the word, and make this a successful
fundraiser for us. Last year, we made over $1000.00, which helped to provide much needed
scholarship money to families that qualify for discounted services.

We recently had one of our tutors, Angie Cooper; give birth to a baby girl. We would like to
congratulate her on her new arrival, which makes girl Number 4 for her. Unfortunately, she will
not be returning to us, so we wish her much success and happiness.

Don’t forget our FREE Parent workshop to be held on Thursday April 22 nd. It will begin at 7 pm,
and go until 8:30 or 9. I will be focusing on various strategies that will help you, help your child,
with their homework. If you have a particular assignment that you feel is just too hard for your
child, bring it that night, and I can give you ways it can be adapted to meet their needs, but still
be taught using a multi-sensory method. I have about 10 more spaces left, so if you are
interested in this, please let me know. You can go online to our website and copy off a
registration form, or you can get one from me at the office.

Many of you have voiced an interest in some kind of support group. I heeded the call, and we
have a new online support group available. If you go to our website and click on FORUMS, you
will be able to register and begin to chat with other parents about problems you might be
having with your child. I hope this will be a great place for those of you that would like to
network with other parents on various strategies or concerns that you might have with your
child. Our website is www.dyslexiatutoringofutah.com

Well. I hope that this is a great month for all of you. If you have any concerns or items that you
feel need to be addressed, don’t hesitate to call or send me an e-mail at
Have a great month!
Nanci Ross

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